#rambles babes
takemyhand-justice · 1 year
I’m on such a late Sandman kick, loving the show right now, that I completely forgotten I had walked past the London premiere. I was out with my brother, it was at the BFI Southbank (basically by the Thames), and it was right there, you could clearly see everyone on the carpet - Gwendoline Christie looking amazing, I feel like we saw Sienna Miller too? we were like cba to watch and walk off after like 5 minutes. The point being now I’m months later completely feral and obsessed with the show and potentially Tom Sturridge I could have just spied the little red carpet and seen the beautiful man in the flesh/his fruity little emo outfit and I chose not to. London is such an absurd city 
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
hey idk which anxious pre-t babe needs to hear this but i didn't get to when i was younger so. testosterone will not make you ugly. it won't make you a horrible person. it won't 'mutilate' or ruin your body. if you want to go on testosterone then literally all that happens is it makes you really fucking hot and REALLY fucking happy.
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ericacherrys-blog · 16 days
Ready to submit? I’ve got the keys to your chastity🔐 how long do you think you’d last being cum💦 denied?
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charlieism · 8 months
throwback to the guy at the mcr concert who confessed to us before mcr came out that he was only a casual fan and didnt actually know much abt them beyond a couple of songs, so when gerard stopped singing and opened his mouth to actually talk for the first time and this guy heard him he stopped dead, turned around to look at us utterly bewildered and just uttered "no he does not....."
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baileyjayy1 · 2 months
If I unveil this present 🎁 will you suck it?🍆
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hollowboobtheory · 2 months
chappel roan is gonna singlehandedly revive new wave pop with the power of gay bitterness
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yeah sorry jean vicquemare apologists and likers me personally im never forgiving him for lying about kim’s condition post tribunal. like you can headcanon harry forced him to do all the work (which is proven false by canon but thats another post) you can say harry deserved everything that happened to him because he was a piece of shit to jean but you cant deny that telling harry his partner is dying (who he is clearly shown to care a lot about) when he’s okay is incredibly scummy and manipulative.
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the game makes sure to point it out that jean is full of shit. it makes sure that you know that kim is safe and in no danger of dying (the yellow sign which in medical terms means its serious but not immediately life-threatening, the fact he can sit up and talk and drink water). he straight up lies to your face about something as serious as your partner being in danger just so he can make you feel bad. fuck you jean vicquemare i hope you step on a landmine and explode
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aingeal98 · 10 days
Part of me is really glad Kon was Cass's chosen male "love interest" in her batgirl series because pre black and red T-shirt Kon was just. Impossible to take seriously more than half the time. Like his solo series had some interesting stuff to say but when it came to everything else it's like the writers thought "OK how do we write the most stereotypical goofy and obnoxious teen boy" and they turned the dial so far up it became camp. I simply cannot take his and Cass's romance seriously because I can't take Kon seriously. He's trying to perform heterosexuality so hard and Cass having just discovered this as a thing is probably the only girl on the planet who could buy it. There's not a single moment where I'm like "Oh yeah she's definitely into him." but there are so many moments where I'm like "They're both trying SO hard and it's so funny because neither of them are normal in anyway and also she's clearly a lesbian."
Like if they'd gotten an actual male love interest for Cass that felt like someone she was actually into then I'd very easily see her as bisexual but the fact that she chose to "date" Kon-El, most over the top straight boy parody 8 years running, AND they decided to stay friends at the end because she realized she wasn't into the romance she was just lonely after her very intense "friend break up" with Steph? She's a lesbian your honour.
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allgremlinart · 3 months
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[ Do NOT be deceived. Zuko's guards ARE on orders to let him in for booty calls. ]
post-canon jetko. Zuko isn't a rail-thin angry refugee anymore. Jet isn't hurting as bad as he did. He even finds himself new purpose after the war - hunting down still-rogue Fire Nation mercenaries and war criminals, housing orphans, and being occasional bounty hunter for hire (he's not as good as June, but he has his ways). And, of course, hitching a ride on the ship taking the Earth King's diplomatic embassy to the Fire Nation. The Avatar may have refused to kill the new Firelord if he steps out of line, but that doesn't mean Jet wouldn't. It's his job to go over there from time to time and remind certain people of this. If he so happens to have almost-civil discussions and intercourse with a head of state when he does so, that's purely incidental, and does not distract him in the slightest.
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full pic ;]
[ Jet really DID visit Zuko's chambers with the intention of debriefing with and analyzing him, this time. To see if he could manipulate some more aid out of him, maybe, (Jet could play him like a fiddle, it wasn't hard,) or to wheedle him for lodgings and food for himself, or to see someone that he knew was just as restless as he was, regardless of peacetime, regardless that he shouldn't still feel like that. However, he caught Zuko right after he had a... meeting. With an Earth Kingdom noble. And, well... when you grow up deprived you learn you don't turn down leftovers. Or sloppy seconds, as it were. ]
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gaym3bo1 · 5 months
this show is so funny bc in every other bl people are like "wow that's a lot of gay people" and in this show that's kinda irrelevant and it's more like "wow that's a lot of children adopted by the same special-alpha-trafficking mafia daddy"
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bluerose5 · 4 months
Love how Gale's romance dialogue when discovering the truth about the Absolute being an elder brain is just...
Gale: Alright, here's my moment! The time has come for me to sacrifice myself and—
Tav: No, you won't. >:c
Gale: You're right. I won't.
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neverevan · 1 month
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I just realised that Chim really doesn't know that Tommy's gonna be Buck's date for the wedding 😭
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mooninagust · 6 months
being into dramas where romance is one of the main points of the story is so fun... *cries in single*
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blueberry-ovaries · 5 months
a collection of tweets and text posts i found that i thought BoB characters related to :)
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takami-takami · 11 days
"Babe" is such an underused petname in Hawks fanfic, like he is the exact archetype of guy to absentmindedly give you a little "thanks, babe" when you hand him something, or a "hey, babe?" when he needs to ask you a question. Even a whiny "baaaaaabe" when you're teasing him.
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solarwoniii · 1 year
LYNN??? MA’AM?? hold on… do you know some rlly rlly good links by any chance 👀 i lowkey need more hee and won links.. BUT I DEF DON’T MIND WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS TOO! ngl but its lowkey hard to find jay and hoon ones for some reason 😶
OH BABE I GOT YOU nsfw links !! minors do not click
heeseung bxb (the guy looks just like him im going insane)
heeseung+ fingering
jay fucking a doll
those are the only labelled ones i know BUT i have some that i believe fit the members very well which i will share for u ♡
how i think sunghoon wld suck ur tits
uhmm no words just bf jungwon
uhmm no words just bf jay
jake fucking you as rough as he wants 😨
hee touching you for the first time :((( so cute
fluffy subby sex w/ sunoo :((
jungwon trying to be rough (hes trying his best pretend for him babe)
sunghoon. thats it thats the sentence
heeseung forcing a vibrator onto you when you've misbehaved
(ugh i cant find like anything for sunoo istg pls help with the sunoo drought people)
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