#ramon- crooked
achilleslyre · 2 years
fave thing about having ocs is that i can give as many of them crooked teeth as i want
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x-lavender-dreams-x · 22 days
Fine, I wish Rayman a happy birthday. Remember: Rayman is a wanted criminal. He's wanted for killing Robotoma that have been going missing, he's wanted for ruining a police case (he went after and fought Razorbeard), and terrorism on Eden. Why he has such a large group of groupies is beyond me.
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scramratz · 23 days
Rant abt your Cds I'm curious
(Disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions and if yours differ from mine, fine. It’s not a sin to be wrong)
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Goo-Sonic Youth: Straight bangers all the way through. Girls love it when you show them your Sonic Youth cd. Extra points cuz the pamphlet unfolds into a sick poster
Midnight Vultures-Beck: Good album to clean the house to. Every song a banger. Beck as a person sets off alarms, though 🤔
Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot-Sparklehorse: Genuinely my favorite artist and album of all time. Fall asleep to Homecoming Queen often.
Siamese Dream-Smashing Pumpkins: Fire straight though. Good when you’re in a depressed 20-something mood. Better than Mellon Collie in my humble opinion.
Gorillaz-Gorillaz: The start of one of my favorite bands and objectively one of the best bands in the world don’t fight me on it I’ll kill you.
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Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots-The Flaming Lips: Solid album. Iconic cover art. “Do You Realize??” always got me feeling feelings
Violent Femmes-Violent Femmes: Top 3 favorite band. Every song went platinum in my household. Would have been higher but reminds me of my mom too much.
Dig Me Out- Sleater-Kinney: Got it because the name sounded familiar. Ended up loving them! Doesn’t sound right if it’s not played loud, though, and considering I live in an apartment, I don’t play it often.
Fear Yourself-Daniel Johnston: Got it because I love “Hi, How Are You” but haven’t been able to find it anywhere. Was pleasantly surprised! Hits the same melancholy spot but slightly more upbeat.
Figure 8-Elliot Smith: My favorite sad boy that definitely DIDN’T kill himself. Not my favorite Elliot album but every one of his albums is A tier personally.
The Diary of Alicia Keys-Alicia Keys: WENT QUADRUPLE PLATINUM IN OUR HOUSEHOLD. Prime cleaning the house on Sunday music. Dragon Days is seriously underrated.
Garbage-Garbage: Don’t know how to say this without sounding insane but this album sounds like the color #DC007F and I like that color a lot
2-Mac Demarco: The CHOKEHOLD Mac Demarco had on us artschool bitches in 2016 OMG. Was gonna change my name to Viceroy
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Money for Nothing- Dire Straits: Top tier dad music.
Lumine fever- The Adrenals: Got it cuz the cover looked cool. Was pleasantly surprised! They rock the adequate amount
Rocket to Russia- Ramones: They’re good but I don’t get the hype honestly. They’re the Flavor-Aid of Punk
Starfish- The Church: Only love one song on it, the only song anyone likes tbh. The rest are your standard 80s deal
Crooked Rain-Pavement: I really love Pavement but there is a thing as too much Pavement and I think I’ve reached it
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot-Wilco: Honestly should have been in A tier but all the pretentious music dudes I’ve met has soured this album for me so it goes in B outta spite. Jesus Etc my fave song tho
An Evening with Silk Sonic- Silk Sonic: Nice, short, gets me in a happy mood. Does what it needs to do!
Prolonging the Magic- Cake: John McCrea don’t really be singing, do he? He just fancy talkin
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Gigantic, Fuel, and The Nixons: I got all 3 on sale and they all sound the same and that sound is…ok? Like it’s alright background music
Blind Melon-Blind Melon: What was with 90’s bands putting random kids as their album covers? Decent listen, though.
Summerteeth-Wilco: Good background music. I can’t remember any songs off it.
Los Angeles/Wild Gift-X: I like X but I hate that fucking album art omg it’s so hard to look at. I like their songs individually but as a cohesive album, eh.
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Throwing Copper-Live: bought it on sale with the above 3 but liked this one substantially less. Only redeeming quality to me is the album art.
Ben Folds Five-Ben Folds Five: Misleading considering there’s only 3 of them. He sounds like my ex boyfriend from highschool before I realized I liked girls
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F Tier-
The Ragetones/Fall Apart-The Ragetones: Saw them play at a shitting basement show. Everything sounds better when you can barely hear yourself think.
F Punk-Big Audio Dynamite: Found it at the thrift and rehomed it outta pity. Sounds like the 80s in a bad way.
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cat-mentality · 9 months
It's funny really, how much the children have taken from their adoptive parents.
How looking at them is something akin to looking in a mirror.
Chayenne who is eerily similar to Philza with the same blue hair and blue eyes, the same nose, but whose smile is all Missa's. Who loves deeply, like them both, who likes cooking and avoids larger crowds, who has no time for people's bullshit, who likes stories, farming potatoes and training with his weapons.
Ramon whose tiny smile is a carbon copy of Fit's, something precious to be cherished like the gift it is. Who is clever and resourceful and focused on what really matters, hardworking to a fault.
Leonarda with Vegetta's purple eyes and Foolish's cheekbones and nose. Leo who is creative and protective, who will defend her loved ones with everything she has, who wants pretty things and nice buildings in her name, who enjoys the good things in life.
Dapper who is his father's copy, who proudly display the demonic traits many hide in shame, the midnight skin, the white eyes, the little horns. Dapper who is clever, who likes to play with the obscure, who collects animals, who is fiercely protective of her loved ones.
Tallulah who may as well be Wilbur's copy as well, the same curly brown hair, the same big dark eyes, whose smile is just the tiniest bit crooked, exactly like Phil's. Tallulah who loves music so very deeply, who is passionate and puts her heart into her projects.
It's tragic really, how much the children have taken from their adoptive parents.
How looking at them is something akin to looking in a mirror.
Chayenne who is the oldest. The little warrior, his father’s son in bravery and courage and protectiveness, Chayenne who has taken the role of the protector without having to be told.
Chayenne, who is his fathers’ son. Who hides his insecurity and his fear because he cannot allow himself to appear weak or scared because all the siblings are looking at him for comfort, for guidance. Chayenne who takes every single thing gone wrong as a signal of his failure, of his weakness, who fear every single day that his siblings, that his parents, are going to look at him and see the scared little boy who cannot save his siblings, who failed them so many times and just keeps on failing.
And that they will realize he is not worth their time or their love.
Chayenne who is his father’s son and cannot put those insecurities into words, who cannot talk about them because they are his burden to care, because his parents and siblings have more important things to care about, because he is the oldest and he is not suppose to give them reasons to worry, he is supposed to be strong and reliable.
He has never been taught to be honest about his fears, he has watched as his father takes on the responsibility of taking care of another child by himself without a word of protest, he has watched as he father held his emotions close to his chest and he has learned to do the same. 
Chayenne like his father Missa, who believes he is not worth of their love unless he proves it with his actions, who is scared of failure as much as he is scare of trying, who struggles with what he truly wants to do, with the childish urges to just have fun, to just ask for a hug or to cry in the embrace of a loved one, and the believe of what he thinks he must do, stay strong and brave and keep his siblings safe so that they do not share his pain, so that they know they are loved and appreciated and that they are safe with him.
Leonarda who shares her pa Foolish's loneliness.
Leonarda who has so very few people she feels like she can trust, so very few people she believes would even care to look at her twice, and who has lost, on multiple occasions, those people, who has felt alone and scared too many times to count.
She hides her feelings deep inside even when it hurts, can't bear to expose them to the world because she knows how easily the world will step on them, how easily they will laugh at her or even ignore her pain because they are so very used to not thinking about her at all. Leo who clings to her loved ones with protective fierceness, even with jealousy, because she has so very few of them.
Just a child, a child like the others, yet most of the time people don't seem to take her seriously, just like they don't take her pa seriously, Leonarda who just like her pa Vegetta feels like she must step up as the protector, that she has to take charge into protecting the one person who has always seem and understood her, who will put him above everyone else because she knows that they will never be anyone's else priorities.
Lonely little girl with her lonely silly father, waiting for a ghost, surviving on memories.
Dapper who is the victim of sins that don't belong to her. Dapper, forever burdened by actions they didn't take, a child punished by the sins of the father. A child, who will gladly take the burden of pain if that means his sister and father will remain safe and unharmed.
Dapper who trusts very few people, Dapper who like her father keeps her plans to herself, who wants to fix things with his own hands, who doesn't want others to be sucked into their plans, who doesn't want anyone to ever be hurt for their sake, Dapper who loves so very deeply but who like the man who raises him do not know how to trust, how to let others help.
A child, so familiar with death. A child, so understanding that everything comes to an end, so utterly aware that her time is counted and all the implications of it. A child, like her father, so connected with death, a child who does not fear death, but rather the consequences of his passing will have on the ones he loves the most. A child, who never puts himself as a priority in his plans, a child who always thinks about the bigger picture, who hides her pain and his fears because they are not as important as getting the results.
Ramon who is so serious, so comically serious, a child who tries to behave so much older than his years. Ramon who doesn't like to be sentimental, who doesn't like to talk about mushy things, who doesn't even call Fit "dad" even if he has loved him since the beginning.
A child forced to grow up so quickly. A child with adult's fears. A child who wants to make plans for his father in case one day he wouldn't be here to take care of Fit anymore, who wants him to have other people.
Ramon who will show his love in little gestures, in short phrases he will pretend he never said after, who like Fit tackles emotions like dangerous mobs, who don't know how to tame the storm that breeds inside his chest, who doesn't know how to express the vulnerability that lays inside him, who would rather kill that part of himself. Ramon who loves, heavens, how much does he love, and he will show it in his actions, he will show it by putting himself in front of his sisters when there is danger close, he will show it by watching their favorite movies without complaining, he will show it by helping his father, he will show it in silent companionship, he will show it in tiny little smiles.
Ramon who loves so much, so deeply, Ramon who doesn't believe he has done anything to earn the same love back, Ramon who thinks he has to give and give and give to deserve the love that he has never realized is freely given. Ramon who is too much like Fit to recognize his own importance, his own worth, Ramon who, like Fit, doesn't think he could be loved simply by who he is.
Tallulah who understands her papi now.
That recognizes she was just a silly little girl when they met for the first time, who dreamed of the impossible. Stupid for ever thinking that her love alone would be enough, that she could love enough for both herself and Wilbur.
She couldn't, of course she couldn't. Wilbur didn't belong to the Island, like herself he was too big for this place, unable to lay down his roots, a leaf in the wind just passing by with no intention of ever building a home, or staying in the same place for too long.
It's not his fault, she tries to tell herself when rage builds a nest inside her heart, it's not his fault his calling is elsewhere, it's not his fault he cannot stand to be locked up, that he has the freedom everyone else dies and kills for. He tried, he warned her, but Tallulah had been alone and afraid, a silly little girl who believed in fairy tales, who believed she could be loved as fiercely as she longed to love another.
(That is something they share as well, not that Tallulah knows it- They love deeply, herself and Wilbur, they cling to love with desperation, trying to fill an unending void that lives inside their hearts, an emptiness that comes from never feeling like you are someone's priority, that comes from never fitting anywhere.)
Her love alone could not hold them together exactly how no one's love can hold her together now.
Tallulah who is her father's daughter, who is shaped not by his presence but rather by the empty spot he left in her heart, one that cannot be filled by anyone else, no matter how much they may love her.
Children, forced to grow up too fast, too quickly. Children who learned so much from their parents.
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tessiex17 · 10 months
It’s a short 800 or so words just a wee one shot for u guys 💗
You snuggle deeper into the covers of the silk bed sheets a feeling of comfort washing over you as you do so. The bed smells like him, which makes sense since it is his bed. You turn over softly to see the sleeping figure or Ramon next to you, the sheets rising and falling rhythmically with his breathing. You cant help but crack a smile at how peaceful he looks cozy in bed his eyes shut and breaths slow. You know he hasn’t been sleeping well for a while the dark shadows under his eyes being more prominent than usually so seeing him rest so soundly brought a warm feeling into you chest.
“Are you gonna stare at me the whole night?”
You hear him mumble with humour in his words. His voice sounds deeper from sleep as he half opens his eyes to look up at you starring down at him. You chuckle in response moving your hand to ruffle his blonde hair
“did I wake you?”
You ask softly seeing how he’s fighting to keep his eyes open closing them for long moments every time he blinks. He makes a hum of disagreement before pulling himself closer to you “I’m just a light sleeper” he whispers out as an explanation.
You feel his hand snake around your waist as he pulls you towards him. He lets out a soft groan closing his eyes from sleepiness. He mumbles something under his breath as he pulls you as close as possible to him. You can tell he enjoys the closeness of you both, he even seems to sleep better when you cuddling up to him. You chuckle as you snuggle your face into his chest his hand holding the back of your head securing you close to him, his other hand decides to explore you, moving from against you back to your waist then gliding further to your hip which he finally rests on. His hand grabs your hip a little tighter and you can see a smug smirk growing on his face.
“So soft”
he mutters to himself while pulling your hip closer towards him forcing your full body to press up against him.
You melt in his touch, his heat, his scent, it’s all so intoxicating and the feeling that you know he’s up to something grows stronger ,though you don’t feel the need or want to ask. His hand lets go of the back of your head freeing you a bit from him and he starts to move deeper into the bed causing him to drop lower. Now your both in a different position, your chin rests above his head as he snuggles his face in between your chest and neck.
His hair smells good, the fragrance of his berry scented conditioner filling your scenes. You can feel his soft breaths against your bare skin as a sleepy groan escapes him. He was always a lot more affectionate when he was tired as if the safety of his bed flipped a switch that allowed him to bring down his barriers. ‘He looks cute like this’ you think to yourself as he cozy’s up closer to you. You can feel him smiling against your neck and can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking about.
He places a gentle kiss on your shoulder leading to more small kisses all over your neck and collar bones. The sensation is pleasant and it almost feels ticklish which causes you to attempt and fail to suppress a giggle
“are you trying to keep me up?”
You whisper to him
“is that a bad thing?”
He retorts back smugly. ‘Touché’ you think to yourself as you chuckle. Your not gonna complain if he wants to be affectionate. You’ve always enjoyed his soft touches.
You hear him chuckle into the crook of your neck before a sharp nip of pain blossoms on the muscle of your shoulder. Your body tenses as you take a sharp inhale of breath out of surprise as you hear him chuckle more. He bit you! His sharp teeth grazing against the sensitive skin of you neck playfully between soft lips as he places small kisses over the teeth marks he indented into your skin.
Your hand rises to the back of his head once more pressing him closer to you as your hand glides through his hair. Ramons smile softens from mischievous to relaxed as your fingers brush through his hair. You feel the tension In his body subside as you play with his hair. His blinks lasting longer between each interval until he doesn’t open his eyes again keeping them closed.
The smile is still resting on his face as you hold him close, it seems like he’s fallen back to sleep again but now he’s pressed up against you his face still resting against your neck. His breathing is slows and you can still feel it against your skin. It’s peaceful. Calming really. Moments like this really make you appreciate his presence as you smile to yourself closing your eyes too. ‘This is nice’ was the last thing you think to yourself before you let sleep take over you.
THANK YOU FOR READING. This is literally the first ever fic I’ve written so I was v nervous to post this 😗
ALSO sorry for any spelling errors I might have not picked up. I have dyslexia so I’m not sure how well my spelling is but if there are any mistakes LET ME KNOW THNX XX
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salty-croissants · 9 months
Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon x pregnant reader : talking to their child
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Thank you @elyn-27 for the request !
This is a really cute concept , always down to write something wholesome for my favorite boys ://)
Hope it turned out okay ! 
Details : use of female reader ( preferred given the premise ) ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Oh yeah … he definitely talks with the baby a lot , mostly when the both of you are someplace safe , just cuddling after a long day . 
Hearing Bullfrog whisper in the coziness of your room , his head gently placed against your belly , never fails to make you smile . 
< Oui , mon petit , that really happened today ! 
If your mother didn’t patch me up , it would’ve all been very troublesome …
She truly is une merveille ~ > 
< Aww , honey … ! ~ > 
You can see his eyes light up every time he hears the baby move even just a little , and it’s honestly the most precious thing : 
this frog is just so excited about your child , but he tries really hard to contain himself to avoid overwhelming you too much … 
Instead , Bullfrog continues on caressing your belly with his strong , gentle hands , a smile of pure delight on his face while he does it . 
Bullfrog does indeed get worried about what kind of life your child will have to live , given he is an assassin who often has to leave for the mission assigned by the Warden , and the thought of not being able to be there for them because of what he does crushes him …
However , as soon as you give him that soft , understanding look and pat on the bed to suggest him to lie down with you , he just feels a wave of peace and most of all love wash over his troubled mind :
resting his head on your belly is something that works like magic for your lover .
< Mm , mercy mon amour … > 
< No need to thank me , sweetie : we are going to be okay , I just know it . > 
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Rayman 🧡
Okay , did I mention that Bullfrog is one who talks to the baby a lot ?
Because Rayman beats him fair and square on that account : 
if he could he would never leave your side , busy to explain your child just how perfect in every way their mother is . 
It’s very cute ;//C//; 
< Oh yes indeed , y/n is very wonderful ! 
She is the light of my life , my beautiful sweetheart , and - > 
< Ray honey , you’re gonna be late for work ~ > 
< Oh - I almost forgot — 
Uh , I’ll be back soon , okay ? Both of you , wait for me ! 
Love you ! > 
< Love you too !
… heh … your Dad is surely something isn’t he ? ~ >
Rayman definitely kisses your belly pretty much every time you’re together , enjoying to hear your adorable flustered giggles …
< Ah , there is that lovely smile … god , I wish we could stay like this forever , I’m in heaven whenever I hear your voice ~ > 
< H-Heyy come on , now you’re just trying to make me blush ! ~ > 
< Hehe , can’t say that’s not true darling ~ > 
Rayman also loves to place his head on the crook of your neck , occasionally giving it a little kiss while his hands gently hold your belly …
It’s a very intimate little moment that really helps him calm down , especially after he’s had a long day at work . 
You really make this man feel like home , and he will never be able to thank you enough .
< I love you … mm … I love you so much , y/n … I can’t wait for our little angel to arrive … ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
Ramon’s nights are often tormented by nightmares and understandable worries for you and your child’s futures , so most of the time he ends up resting his head on your belly , the comfort of your warmth being the only thing that can put him at ease …
< Bad dream … ? > 
< … yeah . 
Is it okay if I … ? > 
< Of course Ram , you can stay there as long as you want .
We are both here for you … don’t forget that , okay … ? > 
< I could never … > 
And it’s mostly at night , while he is trying his best to fall asleep , that you’re able to hear Ramon talk to your child with a very quiet voice to avoid waking you up : 
it’s something that he does fairly often , it’s just very soothing for him .
< … it’s not gonna be easy when you’ll get here , I won’t lie to you … but I promise that no matter what happens I’m going to keep you safe … I will keep all of us safe . 
I owe this to you … I owe this to my beautiful y/n … > 
< Mmm … are you talking about me back there , Ram ? ~ > 
< Oh - 
I … heh , thought you couldn’t hear me … 
I still one hundred percent mean what I said , though ~ > 
Whenever he has to leave your place ( something that almost never occurs since he wants to be there for you as much as possible ) , Ramon makes sure to say goodbye to both of you before heading out , it’s something that he never forgets .
< Be careful out there , my love … mm … we will be waiting for you . > 
< I’ll be careful darling , don’t worry … take care of yourself while I’m gone , okay ? 
And the same goes for you . >
After one last kiss on your belly he steps out in the dangers of the street , with only one thing in mind : 
going back home to you and your child , no matter what . 
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messylxve · 1 year
ghost spider | cisco ramon x Gn!reader
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part one
It was a just another day for Team Flash. One more meta-human captured and one step closer to a safe city. So when the alarm went off for a robbery, they all thought it was nothing more.
“He’s making a run for it Barry,” Cisco warned through the comms system. “You’ll catch him if you cut through the alley on 24th and Charles.”
Doing as Cisco said, he made his way on the street, skidding to a stop when he saw a panicked man rushing down the road. But Barry’s grin was quickly wiped off of his face when the robber was yanked off the street and into the air.
“Oh you robbers make it so easy,” a voice sighed.
Looking up, Barry’s eyes landed on you, hanging upside down so you were eye to eye with the cursing man.
“Who are you,” Barry shouted from his place on the ground.
You looked around the crook, smiling under the mask at the sight of the Flash. “No one of consequence.”
You suddenly flipped in the air, landing on a fire escape above the Flash and leaving the robber hanging. “But you can call me Ghost Spider.”
“Ghost Spider?” He couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the name, but before he could make another comment the sound of a gun firing stopped the both of them.
Barry was quick to rush to your side to stop the bullet, but you too moved fast—dodging the speeding weapon like it was nothing more than a football.
“Hey,” you shouted, turning to the man. “Didn’t anyone teach you fire safety?”
You flung a web out, snatching the firearm from the man, leaving both him and Barry shocked. “You could have killed me,” you pouted.
“W-w,” Barry stammered out, now more intrigued than ever. “What was that?!”
“Nothing of consequence,” you smirked.
“I swear to god,” the robber grumbled. “I’ll kill you both.”
“Blah blah blah,” you mocked, shooting another web to cover his mouth. “No one likes a blabber mouth.”
You turned back to Flash. “I’ll leave him to you. Catch you around Flash.”
Flinging a web at the nearest building, you swung away out of sight, leaving Barry watching you practically fly over Central City in awe.
“Did you see that,” he exclaimed to the very angry robber.
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“So are they a meta-human,”Caitlyn asked once Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs.
“I think so. I mean they dodged a bullet that they didn’t even see get fired.”
“Wow,” Cisco mused. “And they shot spider-webs from their wrists?”
“Yeah, apparently it’s strong enough that they can hang from it and swing from buildings with it.”
“Woah…it’s a Spider-Man.”
“How do you even know if they’re a man,” Caitlyn questioned.
“Actually,” Barry cut in. “Ghost Spider.”
“No,” Cisco exclaimed. “I name things, not you.”
Barry threw up his hands in mock defense. “I didn’t name them, they told me their name. Ghost Spider.”
Cisco frowned. “Hmm, it’s okay. I guess.” In truth he loved it, but he’d never admit it out loud.
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That next time you made an appearance with the Flash, it was less than ideal. You had shown up right in time to meet the man in yellow.
To put it lightly, he didn’t appreciate you butting in on his meet with the Flash. You could hold your ground for only so long, but when he dragged you across the wall with his speed and threw you to the concrete ground, you looked worse than battered.
When Barry found you, you were knocked out, covered in blood, and mask in shreds, revealing your face.
His own instincts kicking in, he rushed you to S.T.A.R. Labs.
“Help me,” he panted after speeding into The Cortex with you in his arms.
It was action first and questions later as Caitlyn and Cisco rushed you to their makeshift hospital bed.
Hours later, your condition was finally stabilized, leaving the three to talk in the room over.
“They had 4 broken ribs, major fractures in their skull and will have extreme scarring all over their face.” She shook her head in disbelief. “There was no way they could have come back from that but…they did.”
“I guess that answers our meta-human question,” Cisco whispered.
“Do you know exactly how they were able to survive that, much less stabilize so quickly?”
Caitlyn shook her head. “No. I could run tests, but I wouldn’t want to do that while they’re in such a fragile condition and without them knowing.”
“Extreme cell regeneration.”
Everyone whipped around in shock to see you leaning on the door way; the only sign of damage on you being the discoloration from your scars and the tired expression in your eyes.
“Woah,” Cisco exclaimed. “You should not be up much less even awake.
A tired chuckle left you. “I’m fine.”
“Cisco’s right,” Caitlyn entered. “You shouldn’t be up, it’s extremely dangerous.”
“I promise you, I’m fine. You can check if you’d like.”
Caitlyn gave Cisco and Barry a glance, begging for them to back her up, but sighed when she saw it was fruitless.
Not too long after the group found themselves looking over your X-rays and brain scans.
“Extreme cell regeneration.”
“But on this level,” Cisco asked in amazement, coming in close and touching your cheek, examining your face. “It’s nearly impossible.”
Heat spread up your neck, burning your cheeks and ears as you felt how close he was.
“Shoot sorry, got too excited,” he laughed off, embarrassment settling in on him.
“It’s okay,” you laughed before clearing your throat. “It started a few months ago when your particle accelerator blew up. You see, I’m a biochemist for Mercury Labs and I was studying spiders and their healing capabilities—did you know the silk in a spider could repair human ligaments or—or that sea spiders can regrow entire body parts instead of just limbs.”
“Umm…no,” Barry chuckled lightly.
“Right sorry, besides the point,” you coughed. “I was at the lab late that night, looking over my work and when the incident happened, everything kind of exploded all over me. I woke up feeling normal at first, but everything felt dialed up to 20. I could hear see, and feel everything, a million times better than before. I was stronger, all of my injuries would heal overnight or even in hours. I stuck to walls and I had what I call a 6th sense. It helps me sense danger before it’s there.”
“Like a spidey sense,” Cisco whispered in amazement.
“Yeah,” you smiled, your stomach doing weird flips. “Like a spidey sense.”
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Did any of the writers, mains, producers, directors, camera operators or anyone tell TM that season 7 was NOT good?
The first three episodes were ok (and even those had too much attention given to the guest stars who played Lola and Norm) but the more they kept changing the mains' storylines, the worse the season got and it ended horrifically horribly.
I'm so frustrated with the way they TOOK EVERYTHING FROM EDDIE! He ended the season ALONE and they let his trifling mom, Helena (NO, I'M NOT INCLUDING RAMON BECAUSE THEY RECONCILED) swoop in and take Chris even though Eddie said in 4x14 he didn't want his parents to get Chris if something happened to him. It was one of the main reasons why he put Buck in his will so the man who loves Chris just as much as he does would take care of his son. They literally took Chris away from him when Eddie's admitted before that Chris was the only good thing in his life (3x9 while he was in therapy with Frank). Then they actually added a doppelgänger to Eddie's storyline but if I didn't know it happened and I hadn't watched season 7 and someone told me that's what Eddie got as a main character, I wouldn't have believed them. But the fact is it's true and it happened. That Vertigo BS was not it and it shouldn't have been included for him. Hello? What happened to Eddie's therapy sessions? I'm so sick of them giving Eddie crappy storylines or no storylines at all. Can they PLEASE DO BETTER FOR HIM IN SEASON 8?
Maddie and Chimney didn't even have another storyline after their wedding except for them applying to get Mara from the group home.
What happened to Hen and Chim being best friends? After 7x2, we barely saw them talking or hanging out. I don't mind Hen and Maddie being friends but Josh is Maddie's best friend and Hen is Chimney's but based on the way season 7 played out, new viewers wouldn't know that Hen and Chim ride or die for each other.
I won't even get started on the hamster wheel Buck's been on since season 1. He's still on it even though during the preseason interviews it was stated he was finally going to get off of it. I'm not blaming OS so don't get this twisted. My issue is Buck's still on the hamster wheel because he's still going with the flow in relationships instead of him actively choosing the person (EDDIE) he wants to be with. And that $hitshow TM wrote for him to be with T.K. WAS NOT A ROMCOM. It was a cluster f~ck.
Bobby was suicidal, Athena knew it, their house burned down to the ground and Bobby died for 14 minutes but he just went back to work after 2 weeks like he didn't put in for his retirement 👀.
Hen and Karen's storyline was a repeat of season 4 but instead of Nia it was Mara. Also, instead of doing a storyline centered around a crooked city councilwoman for Hen, TM should have written something better. Hen was in medical school and she followed protocol so what was this nonsense?
WTF was Gerard doing back at the 118? I don't want to see him and I won't watch him be an asshat to Chimney, Hen, Eddie, Buck and Ravi. They can keep that $hit because it's not necessary and WTF is Bobby supposed to be doing while Gerard's 100-year-old ass is running the 118?
I have a lot more to say about season 7 because it's been weeks and I'm still pissed about the way it ended.
To the person who tried it (I won't include your username because you're irrelevant), you've been blocked which means the reblog you did won't show up in this post anymore.
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Ramon Antonio Vargas at The Guardian:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania as the “subject involved” in the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, it said in a statement on Sunday. The shooting took place during a campaign rally at the Butler Park Showgrounds in Pennsylvania on Saturday evening.
In a social media post, Trump said he was “fine” after he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.” The former president was quickly whisked from the stage by Secret Service agents, his ear covered in blood. One attendee was killed and two others critically injured. The political leanings of Crooks, who was shot dead by the Secret Service after the attempted assassination, were not immediately clear. Records show Crooks was registered as a Republican voter in Pennsylvania, but federal campaign finance reports also show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on 20 January 2021, the day President Joe Biden was sworn in to office. Officials have not publicly disclosed a possible motive. The Federal Aviation Administration said on Sunday that the airspace over the Bethel Park was closed “effective immediately” for special security reasons. The US Secret Service has said its agents shot the suspected attacker after he fired toward Trump – who was speaking on stage at the time – “from an elevated position outside of the rally venue” in Butler county. He thanked law enforcement officials for their “rapid response”. Writing on Truth Social he said: “Mostly importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed and also to the family of [those] badly injured,” said Trump, who was taken to a hospital for evaluation and then reportedly discharged about 10.20pm local time. “It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country.”
The FBI has named the perpetrator who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump at a rally just outside Butler, PA yesterday: 20-year old man Thomas Matthew Crooks.
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angelina2913 · 21 days
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Ugh... school🙄... I congratulate those who have their first day of school/college/university today. Good luck to you to survive at least this year✊🏻 Well, I wanted to draw skeletons in class, this is my first time drawing and even though it's crooked, I like it.
Oh well, and in the cafe we ​​decided to draw Ramon and Evil Peppino💕💕
Уэээ… учёба🙄…
Поздравляю тех у кого сегодня первый учебный день в школе/колледже/универе. Удачи вам выжить хотя бы этот год✊🏻
Ну а я захотела порисовать скелетов на уроке первый раз рисую и хоть криво, мне нравится.
А ну и в кафе решила порисовать Рамона и Злого Пеппино💕💕
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
Bad didnt realize he feel asleep until he heard the blasting horns of his alarm from his watch. He picked his head up off the marble, flinching at the burning morning sun. His eyes adjusted as they settled on the photos above him.
Beautiful art Max found of Ramon and his dads.
Bad felt his heart ache as the last 24 hours replayed in his head. He couldnt save Ramón. The boy he promised to protect and treated like a son. His son’s best friend.
“Fudge.” Bad mumbled, checking his watch. By now, Dapper should be awake. His son wanted to wake up early so he could show the voices something he was working on.
The demon shakily stood up, grabbing the backpack he was resting on. His mind was scrambling as he tried to think of what to do. He didnt want Dapper to be on the farm alone anymore. Not after last night.
Bad gave one last look at the art before turning away. The small green and gold confetti that littered the marble went unnoticed as he went down the small steps.
He walked to Ramón’s house, trying to ignore the way his hands shook as he passed the place where the bed should have been. Everything felt like muscle memory as he went into the basement and through the teleporter.
Sounds of animals and machinery greeted him as he walked up the stairs. Bad checked his watch, seeing that Dapper was awake. His eyes danced around the farm, seeing for his son or any unwanted guests.
Most of the time, Dapper would be up before him and they would make breakfast together. His son would tell him all the things he worked on that night. Usually then, he would go see if Ramón was on so they could work on projects together.
Bad shook his head as he walked towards the hillside. He sat down, watching the waves splash against the rocks. The image of Ramón’s body was engraved in his mind. The starfruit he gave him an hour before, clutched in the boys hands.
Ramón died alone in his own garden. Fit wasnt even on to say goodbye to him. Bad could have saved him.
Bad put his head in his shaking hands. He couldn’t understand how everything happened. The Code Monster shouldnt have went into Ramóns house. He was safe there.
One of his ears turned at the soft sound of a cape fluttering. The phantom cloak makes Dapper and his footsteps silent, but Bad trained his ears to recognize the way it moved in the wind.
“Morning, Dapper.” Bad whispered as his son sat next to him. The boy already had some avocado, toast, and a small butter knife in his hands. Bad gently took the items out of his hands and put them on the ground. Then he wrapped his arm around Dapper, giving him a small hug.
Dapper paused for a moment before pulling out his chalkboard. Bad tightened his grip as he watched his son write. A lump in his throat formed when Dapper put down his chalk and turned the board towards him.
“What happened? Did someone die?”
Sometimes Dapper’s ability to read people too well was a curse. Bad stared at the board, his head feeling like static.
How do you tell your son his best friend died alone because you couldnt find him in time?
The demon sighed and pulled away from his son, keeping a hand on his back. Bad looked at Dapper, his vision starting to blur.
“Dapper, Im sorry. Last night, the c-“
Bad stopped as he heard a teleporter go off and frantic footsteps behind him. His hands grabbed the sword at his hip as he stood up. He turned around, his eyes frantically searching for the source.
Bad thought he was hallucinating as a small boy with goggles and a mustache burst from the opening in the ground.
Ramón had tears in his eyes as he ran up to Bad and Dapper. Bad sheathed his sword before he ran to the boy. He fell to his knees as he captured Ramón in a hug.
Bad could feel the boy’s heart pounding as Ramón shook in his arms. The boy nuzzled his face into the crook of the demons neck as he cried.
“Oh my goodness. Youre safe, Ramón. Its okay. Youre okay now.” Bad whispered as he rubbed the boys back. Ramón quickly pulled away, only to launch himself into Dapper’s arms.
Dapper had a confused look on his face as he hugged his best friend. He looked to his dad, hoping to get some context. Instead, he was enveloped in another hug.
It was when he felt the dip of a fresh scar on Ramón’s back when everything clicked in his head.
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catsofcalifornia · 1 year
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Lancelot from Safe Cat Foundation in San Ramon, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Safe Cat Foundation’s main website.
Dear Lancelot, I write this as you lay beside me.  I remember when I first learned about you.  It was an urgent plea on Next Door from the shelter, saying your time was running out.  I didn't really know much about cats, having cared mostly for dogs in the past, but I offered to foster you the moment I saw that post. I remember when I picked you up from the shelter.  How you sat in your crate looking at me.  How your mouth made meowing motions but no sound came out.  My heart melted a little at your silent meows. I remember bringing you home, opening your crate as I sat beside you on the bed.  I know some cats take time to adjust to new surroundings so I was prepared to give you space.  But you immediately crawled onto my lap and purred the loudest purrs I'd ever heard as I petted you.  We went through a lot together in the months that followed.  And I bet it was nothing compared to what you went through the months you stayed at the shelter.  You were so listless those first months, barely moving every day, and just skin and bones.  Although I could tell you were hungry, eating caused you pain so you were scared to even approach food.  And you were a master hider.  I had to put a loud bell on you because you found hiding spots I never knew existed.  Looking back, now that I know the real you, I understand just how much pain you must've been in all that time.  That you suffered so greatly and for so long hurts my heart.  But what an astounding trooper you were throughout it all.  Despite how awful you must've felt, you remained so gentle and sweet.  It's been 4 weeks now as I write this that your health started to improve.  8 vet visits, an ultrasound, biopsy, several blood tests, and surgery to have all of your teeth extracted.  You've been through so much in such a short time, but finally I've gotten to see the real Lancelot. And what a delight you are. I love how you sometimes jump on the bed and sleep beside us.  How you curl up in the crook of an arm, or rest your body next to ours. I love how silly you are when you swat at dangling string or rub up against catnip toys. I love how you follow me around the house, from room to room, often running up ahead of me a little as if to say, "I'm gonna get there before you!", and then running the other way as soon as I turn around. I love how you sit in the yard with me as I'm typing away on my laptop or gardening.  How mellow you are and content to watch the passersby. I love how you let me put a harness on you and attempt to take you on a walk because I think all cats have a little bit of dog in them. I love how, when I'm in the other room with the dog, who we keep separated from you, you wait right in front of the door until I come out so that you can be by my side again.  My little shadow, my sidekick. I love YOU, you funny, sweet cat, with the silent meows that every once in a while turn into the littlest squeaks.  I can't believe the changes I've witnessed in you these past few weeks.  Every day has been a gift. I almost can't bear to watch the old video of you at the shelter now because it reminds me of your pain.  I hope your new family never has to see you like that.  But if they do, I hope they will do all they can to take care of you and help to make you feel better.  You may have special needs, but I hope they realize that you're worth it, that you deserve the best. You're now ready for adoption.  This was my end goal from day one, my purpose in your life.  I'm thrilled you've gotten to this point, and that I had the privilege of getting you there.  I'm going to miss you so much.  But the Lancelot-shaped hole you'll leave in my heart will be fair exchange for knowing that you'll fill somebody else's heart. I am filled with gratitude for having known you, Your Foster Mum (Lancelot has FIV and stomatitis, both of which are under control with the help of medication, given with high quality wet food.)    
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razor-ramons-thighs · 2 years
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Jealousy Cuts Deep; Why Diesel’s Success Eats Razor Ramon Alive
Transcript below
( Three page article in four images with the first one being the title featuring Razor and Diesel)
(Page 1)
By Bryan Ethier
THERE ARE NIGHTS when he can’t bear to hear the deafening blare of the diesel truck’s horn. There are nights when the ring announcer’s echoing introduction of “Big Daddy Cool” nearly sends him running from the wrestling arena, and away from the sport that once made him an icon.
Today, he is a man on the razor’s edge.
(A year ago, Razor Ramon was Intercontinental champ and the most popular man in the WWF. Now the “Bad Guy” isn’t such a hot commodity. And it burns him to see that Diesel is.)
[BOLD, SMALL TEXT] One reason Ramon seethes as soon as he sees Diesel is Jeff Jarrett. Diesel manhandled “Double-J” in a series of bouts (top left), while Razor, although he pinned Jarrett several times (above), ultimately came up short in their feud.
A year ago, Razor Ramon towered over the rest of the WWF community. He was the street-smart, 6′8“ Intercontinental champ, the “Bad Guy” with the devilish, crooked grin. He walked around with a toothpick jutting [...] [CONTINUED ON PAGE 2] [...] out of one corner of his mouth, the slick hair, and the 48-hour beard. He looked every bit the cool, entertaining Miami socialite.
Then a funny thing happened, only Ramon found nothing humorous in it. On his way to taking over as the best wrestler in the WWF, an ostentatious bleached-blond with dreams of ruling the billboard country singles chart beat him and took away his Intercontinental title. And when Jeff Jarrett beat Razor Ramon for the I-C crown, he stripped the “Bad Guy” of his gold, and in the process, much of his heart, his drive, ... and his power over the souls of his fans.
Although tall enough to pick up Michael Jordon, Razor Ramon today looks small. Perhaps that’s because every time he sees Diesel wearing the WWF World belt, he feels like he stands about 4′10“. These days, the “Bad Guy” is the “Jealous Guy.” He knows that he should be the one serenading fair maidens, as Diesel has done. He recognises that he is as talented as Diesel, as powerful as Diesel, as intimidating as Diesel, and almost as big as Diesel.
But why can’t Ramon come to grips with the fact that Diesel today is the WWF personified?
“It’s more than jealousy,” confided one WWF fan favorite. “Razor once beat Diesel for the I-C title. He is as physically dominating a wrestler as is Diesel. But he lacks these things: He lacks the friends, he lacks Diesel’s confidence and steely glare, and he lacks the mettle to consistently win big matches. It’s killing him, and his wrestling has suffered for it.”
The demographics prove Diesel is today’s true superstar. He is popular with fans of all ages. Ramon’s popularity is somewhat limited to women who love a man [...] [CONTINUED ON PAGE 3]
[BOLD, SMALL TEXT] Tatanka is just one of many, many men Diesel has pinned this year. On the other hand, Razor has had trouble putting together even modest winning streaks after fully expected 1995 to be his year.
[...] who oozes machismo. More important, no wrestler today has an entourage as charismatic and influential as Diesel. Consider that his unofficial list of cornermen includes news I-C champ Shawn Michaels and Bam Bam Bigelow, two of wrestling’s most popular wrestlers. These three effuse so much energy that it’s impossible to dislike them.
Conversely, Razor’s closest ally is Savio Vega, a friend and capable wrestler. But this duo has yet to distinguish itself in the tag team division. And Vega, unlike Michaels, doesn’t have movie-star looks and attitude.
Then there is the Diesel stare, which is as formidable as Waylon’s Mercy’s sleeperhold. Ramon’s peckish grin works well ... If he has a belt around his [...] [CONTINUED IN NEXT ROW]
[BOLD, SMALL TEXT] Ramon probably feels like exploding when he sees pictures like this. We’re not saying WWF head Vince McMahon shows favoritism towards “Big Daddy Cool,” but it’s no secret he thinks he makes a terrific champion.
[BOLD, SMALL TEXT] You can only expect Ramon to let this jealousy eat at him for a little while longer. He’ll have to act on his feelings sooner or later. When he does, expect more Diesel-Ramon wars.
[...] waist. Therein lies Ramon’s problem. He is a champion stripped of his badge of greatness. And Diesel seems reluctant to offer his nemesis a shot at the World belt.
So just how jealous is Ramon, and will it affect his future in the WWF? People are already beginning to talk about the possibility of him turning rule breaker.
It seems hard to believe that a man as upbeat as the “Bad Guy” could turn had just because he is jealous. Furthermore, Ramon has yet to publicly denounce “Big Daddy Cool.”
Maybe he should. Perhaps he should just have a man-to-man chat with Diesel and open up to him. Be a little vulnerable. Cry a bit. Talk about his emotions. Who are we kidding? That will never happen. What could occur is this: Razor Ramon will continue to struggle in the ring, continue to lose tag team matches with Savio Vega, and his popularity will continue to wane. Depression will set in, but just briefly.
Then the true “Bad Guy” part of him will emerge, awaken with a scream like a three-month old with gas. Then Ramon will be back and and making some noise. He will do something about his jealousy and forget about friendships he made with the WWF’s fan favorites. Remember, he did have a brief stint as a rule breaker in the USWA this spring, and he won the heavyweight title in his first match there. Soon he will be ready to face Diesel in the squared circle. By that time, Razor Ramon the rulebreaker might be back for the long haul .
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novacorpsrecruit · 1 year
Eddie is a music snob. It was one of the first things that the party learned about him when he took them under his wing.
“Weird Al?” Eddie had said as he took Dustin and lead him and the two other boys to their table. “That’s very … brave of you.”
Dustin took it as a compliment that day. Later, he found out that Eddie was making fun of him, but Gareth promised he does it to everyone.
And sure enough he did.
“It’s not music, Wheeler,” Eddie sneered. “Twisted Sister is glam metal. Hardly the same thing. It’s an insult.”
“Ramones, Sinclair?” Eddie put a hand over his heart, acting like Lucas had wounded him. “I thought I taught you better.”
“Jeff for the love of god, turn off the disco! It’s 1986! Get with the times!”
“Gareth I’m going to have to be three drinks in to listen to Mötley Crüe, and maybe at least five to play them at the Hideout. Either start buying my drinks or drop the subject.”
So the day that Eddie’s van broke down and Steve offered to drive them all home, the boys itched, knowing that Eddie was going to tear into Steve’s music. Steve listens to the top 40. He has ABBA and Beach Boys tapes in the console. They knew as soon as Steve turned up the music, Eddie was going to dig into him, and they know Steve was going to bitch back. And any sight of friendship between the two will be extinguished and Mike, Dustin and Lucas will be children of divorced dads. Passed back and forth with snide comments and back talking on the way to their destination.
So when Steve turns the engine and turns the volume up on the radio, the boys tensed in the back seat —
For nothing to happen.
Billy Joel’s Glass Houses came through the speakers with the sound of glass shattering. Dustin thought it was ironic, as if Billy Joel was breaking the thin glass that kept Eddie from being an absolute douche — except Eddie kept his cool.
He leaned back in his seat and hummed.
Mike, Dustin and Lucas shared a look.
“Who is this, Stevie?” Eddie asked.
“Billy Joel,” Steve said between lyrics.
“Billy Joel,” Eddie sang. “Like Uptown Girl, Billy Joel?”
“Same man,” Steve confirmed.
Eddie opened his mouth, words forming on his tongue when Dustin interrupted.
“I think im gonna change classes,” he nearly shouted. Eddie turned around in his seat to glare at Dustin.
“What?” Eddie snapped. “We in the middle of a campaign. You had your chance weeks ago.”
“Yeah but I think our party is off balanced,” Dustin said. He looked over at Mike and Lucas who supplemented soft, ‘yeah’s in agreement. “I think I should be playing —“ he looked over at Lucas for help, none was provided. “A monk.”
“You —“ Eddie let out a deep belly laugh. “You want to be a Monk? Henderson — you’re shitting me.”
“Nope,” Dustin deadpanned. “I want to be a Monk.”
The only thing that stopped Eddie from fully climbing in the back seat was the seatbelt that Steve made him wear. Eddie went off on a rant on how a Monk doesn’t fit Dustin nor his character’s personalities, followed by “you can’t just decide mid campaign to switch classes. You can’t one day wake up and decide to switch personalities! It’s gradual! And doesn’t make sense for your character!”
It was a long rant, but at least it kept Eddie from digging into Steve’s music taste.
The next time Steve’s music taste is brought up, they were in Steve’s backyard. Steve told the freshman that if they had passing grades, he would throw them a pool party. It also doubled as Eddie’s belated graduation party. Dustin was the first freshman to arrive. His mom followed him in, saying her pleasantries to Steve and Wayne on the deck. Wayne grilling lunch while Steve was setting up a boombox.
Dustin sat on the edge of the pool when something ran by him, jumping in the water.
“Shit!” Dustin said, leaning back from the splash.
Eddie laughed. “You afraid of water, Henderson?”
It was something else to see Eddie happy, carefree, alive. The scar on his jaw made his smile slightly crooked. Dustin sometimes still has memories of Eddie covered in blood, struggling to breathe. But here he was, alive and happy in Steve Harrington’s pool.
Dustin’s mom wished them goodbye and Steve went back to setting up the boombox. Dustin’s heart stopped when he heard Beach Boys’ Surfin’ USA through the speakers.
“Steve!” Eddie called. “Steve!”
Eddie was going to stir shit with Steve.
Dustin leaped at Eddie, pulling him underwater. Eddie stood up, moving his hair out of his face. He was pissed. Dustin regretted jumping in after him. Honestly? After all the trauma they have with the upside down, that was probably the worst thing he could’ve done to any one of them. He opened his mouth, an apology on his lips.
Eddie grabbed Dustin in his arms and pulled him under water. It wasn’t until they resurfaced that he realized he was still in Eddie’s arms, almost held like a baby.
“What the hell, Eddie!” Dustin spat. He could hear Steve laugh.
“You ever heard of the color game?” Eddie grinned.
“No,” Dustin said. “Don’t you drop me.”
“I won’t drop you,” Eddie said. “Guess what color I’m thinking of.”
“I don’t know,” Dustin huffed. “Red —“
Eddie dunked Dustin.
“What the hell!”
“Wrong,” Eddie laughed. “Try again.”
They cycled through several colors until Dustin gave up. The color was emerald, which Dustin argued is a gem not a color. It wasn’t until later that Dustin realized the music had changed, and Ozzy played throughout the speakers. Someone else must have told him to change the music.
Mike accompanied his mom and Holly to the Family Video. She told him he could get a horror movie in exchange for babysitting Holly on Friday night, but only if she was present when he picked it out. And lucky for Mike, Eddie was working today. He could help Mike find the best horror movie and convince his mom that he could watch it.
Eddie was stocking the movies, humming along to the stores radio.
“Eddie, I need a recommendation,” Mike said.
“Of what kind, Wheeler,” Eddie snorted. “You have to be more specific.”
“Horror movie — were you humming along to Bruce Springsteen?” Mike wrinkled his nose.
“Gremlins,” Eddie supplied the first answer, but not the second.
“No, my mom is here I can get a rated R — why were you humming along Springsteen?” Mike asked.
“The Evil Dead,” Eddie said, taking it off the shelf and shoving it against Mike’s chest. “It will knock your socks off. You’ll be scared shitless for at least a week.”
“You told Lucas last year that Bruce Springsteen was an industry plant that sings about the American struggle while playing on guitars that cost hundreds of dollars,” Mike said. “You said he can’t hold a note to save his life and sounds drunk when he sings. You hate Springsteen.”
“Well things change, Wheeler,” Eddie snapped. “Sometimes you think someone being rich and popular means they don’t struggle, but then you learn about them and you understand the have hardships and struggles. People change.” Eddie cleared his throat, his tone gentler. “Uh, read an article in the Rolling Stone. Seems like an alright guy. Go check out with your mom.”
Eddie gestured over to his mom and Holly at the service desk, waiting on Mike to pick out a movie. Steve scanned the tapes, picking up Mike’s copy of the Evil Dead and snorted. “As if Wheeler. Go get Gremlins.”
Mike groaned as Steve put the copy of the Evil Dead behind the counter.
Lucas and Steve were at the park playing basketball. Steve brought the boombox from Eddie’s graduation party to the park for them to listen as they practiced. Lucas was pretty sure this was the same tape in it as the party, because Dustin mentioned Steve playing The Beach Boys before everyone showing up and how he had to interviene before Eddie talked shit.
After a couple of rounds, they stopped to take a water break. And that’s when it hit Lucas. This wasn’t a Beach Boys’ album. It was a mixtape.
Lucas recognized this song. It took him a second but that voice was almost unforgettable.
“Steve? Is this Ozzy Osbourne?”
“Uh, yeah,” Steve nodded his head. “Yeah, it is.”
“You listen to Ozzy?” Lucas asked. “Since when?”
Steve squatted down to stretch, moving his weight from side to side. “I don’t know, this year I guess. Why?”
“He just — doesn’t seem like your type.”
“My type?” Steve said, standing up, almost tense. “What do you mean?”
“I mean — you had Beach Boys at the start of this tape and it goes to Ozzy?” Lucas said, arms extended like a big show of how different the two music genres are. “It’s a big difference. Practically complete opposites!”
“Yeah,” Steve said with a snort. “Sometimes opposites attract. You can have a wide taste of music, you know.”
“Not according to Eddie,” Lucas said. “He’s practically a music critic. Talks shit on everyone’s music.”
“Does he?” Steve said, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah,” Lucas said. “I’m surprised he hasn’t done it to you yet.”
“Maybe my music is good music,” Steve suggested. “And your’s suck. Check the ball, Sinclair.”
“Eddie?” Steve called, as he slowly entered the trailer with a box of pizza and a sack of movies. “You up? Dressed?”
“Hey, Stevie!” Eddie called from the opposite end of the home. He opened up his bedroom door, wearing boxers and pulling a shirt over his wet hair. Music blasting from his bedroom stereo. “Sorry. I didn’t hear you knock. I just got out of the shower.”
“No worries,” Steve said, setting the pizza on the kitchen counter. He pulled the movies out from the bag, setting the Evil Dead on top of the stack. “I got us pizza for the movie night.”
“Aren’t you the sweetest?” Eddie said, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and pulling him in for a gentle kiss.
Steve hummed, catching the tune of the song. He broke out into a grin. “Al Green?”
“The one and only,” Eddie grinned. “I made another mixtape. One for your house, one for mine.”
“I hear you’re something of a music critic,” Steve laughed, leaning his head on Eddie’s shoulder. They started to sway to the music. “Surprised you don’t complain about listening to my music.”
“That’s because I love — your taste in music,” Eddie corrected himself a little too fast. “It — uh — reminds me of you. When you’re not here. If you love it, I love it too.”
“I love you, too, Eddie,” Steve said, leaning in to catch Eddie’s lips with his own in a gentle kiss. “Music taste and all.”
Oh baby
Let's, let's stay together
Lovin' you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
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goldenponcho · 1 year
You Can Lead a Castellan to Water…
This took WAY too long to get out. Partially because I got sick and also because I spent some time on the outline for the rest of the story. I just really hope I can finish this fic, because it’s gonna be LONG! But I’m excited about what I’ve come up with!
Chapter 6: New Friends
Gail hadn’t felt this within her element in years. She had found the hidden compartment on the wall that powered the entire tram system, and now she was a kid in a candy shop.
She took a bite of the sandwich one of the servants had brought her about two hours ago. Oh, YES! Ramon Salazar would have the smoothest running rail system in all of Spain when she was finished.
She jotted down her finishing notes with an exhale. There WAS one thing missing, though. She REALLY could have used a little background music. Some Metallica would have been PERFECT. Iron Maiden maybe.
Before she could continue the thought, she heard the door in the next room open. Strange…
Ever since she had found herself able to sense Lord Saddler’s presence, she had found herself more and more aware of nearby beings in the castle. Namely, their plagas. Especially prominent was Ramon’s; she had learned his signal quickly. It wasn’t as heavy a feeling as Saddler’s, but it commanded respect just as intensely, and it felt massive in contrast to its tiny host. The Verdugos’ were also easy to pick out; incredibly powerful, extremely intelligent, and intensely loyal. They were never far from Ramon’s side.
Other servants all read very much the same; fierce but clearly subservient, a clear hierarchy between them. She would occasionally feel other creatures MUCH different than the average cultists. Less human, more aggressive.
But she felt nothing as the clink of boots against the polished stone floors neared the threshold of the tunnel. She squinted, but showed no sign of apprehension as a man with black hair wearing some rather fancy leather duds came into view.
“Ah! At last we meet, Señorita.”
“Helloo…” she cocked her head, tucking the large wrench she had been holding under her elbow and grabbing an oil stained rag to wipe her hands off on, “Who are you?”
He chuckled, a crooked smirk on his dark, handsome features, “Oh! Of course! I’ve been following your whereabouts for so long, I had almost forgotten that you weren’t aware of ME! Luis Serra,” he extended a hand.
With a brief glance, she went to shake it, but instead, he lifted hers to kiss the backs of her fingers, to which she gave a crooked, half amused smile. She rested the large wrench over her shoulder, “A stalker! Well, I’m much obliged!”
Luis snickered, “I would prefer…sentinel, perhaps. No doubt, you’ve noticed that this castle is a dangerous place.”
“I had noticed,” she tapped a finger against the handle in her fist, “I noticed ESPECIALLY hard when I was nearly strangled to death by a mutant priest yesterday.”
He gave a sheepish look, “Well, there are, unfortunately, limitations to the aid I am able to provide. BUT…luckily, it seems you’re capable of removing yourself from tricky situations.”
“Pretty capable…” she rested her hip against the railing separating the entrance to the tunnel from the track, “…but I actually owe that particular escape to Ramon.”
Luis arched a dark brow, “Ramon SALAZAR? Blue hat, mean little yellow eyes, about four feet tall?” He held a hand out just under chest height for emphasis.
She gave a short chuckle, “That’s the guy.”
“Well,” he came to half sit on the rail next to her, “Your friend, Ramon, is exactly the man I had intended to assist you in escaping.”
Gail shrugged, forehead wrinkling, “Ya probably should have gotten to me earlier. Ramon’s landed me a pretty sweet gig here, and I think I’d like to stay for awhile longer.”
Luis grinned with a shake of his head, “Ambitious! I suppose I can admire that. But you risk a lot staying here. Osmund Saddler is powerful and unpredictable, and Ramon Salazar is well known for his cruel nature. And neither are normally too fond of Americans.”
“Hm! I mean, we got off to a shaky start, but believe it or not, he’s been a decent host so far. Maybe I’m an exception!” She gave a sideways glance and purse of her lips, “I think some people just need a little kindness…don’t think he’s used to that.”
He crossed his arms over his chest with a friendly but warning glance, “No. Ramon Salazar has never been well liked, and I won’t deny that much of that began as nothing more than superstitious prejudice, even within his own family. The Castellan was perhaps once an innocent victim of Saddler’s predation upon his vulnerabilities, but he is FIERCELY loyal to him now,” he retrieved a metal lighter from his pocket, flipping the cap of it in his fingers, “Perhaps you should ask him how he became appointed Castellan at such a young age. It’s a brutal story.”
Gail fixed Luis with a curious look, crossing her arms across her chest, “Maybe YOU should tell me that one.”
He gave a dark, sideways glance, “The little mocoso murdered his own father.”
She tilted her head, “Really?” There was more surprise in her voice than horror.
“Papi Salazar was a shrewd man. In fact , he was known as Diego the Severe. Though most of Valdelobos adored him, I’m certain all that severity did not take well to dear Ramon.”
“Hmm…sounds like a complex situation. Could be a good dinner discussion sometime in-“ Gail suddenly paused for a few seconds before standing up straight, eyeing the door to the adjacent room before turning swiftly to Luis, “Ramon’s coming! You need to go!”
He gave a confused look, “How do you know-“
“No time to explain!” She swung her head toward the next room again at the familiar sound of the door to said room opening, “Go! Get outta here!” she whispered, shoving him to run down the curved tunnel and out of sight.
Quickly, Gail assumed the look of taking notes at the open panel on the wall as Ramon and his Verdugos entered the tunnel.
Ramon cocked an eyebrow, eyes shifting to scan the visible area, luckily, unable to see Luis retreating down the tunnel around the corner.
“Gail? Were you…speaking with someone?” His tone was only half accusatory.
“Just m’self!” She turned on her heel to greet her employer with a smile, “Now!” she tapped her wrench to rest in her palm, “Let’s talk about these renovations!”
“Renovations?” His brows knitted, “I believe I merely requested repairs.”
“Oh, come on!” She planted a fist at her hip, “Don’t you want a rail system to put the Chattanooga Choo Choo to shame?”
He stepped closer, nearing the bend to where he might have been able to spot Luis in the dark were he looking for him, “What in the hells bells is…Chattanooga Choo Choo?”
She giggled, placing an arm around Ramon’s narrow shoulders, not noticing him visibly stiffen as she led him to the open panel facing away from a just nearly escaped Luis, “Well, I can tell you all about it! I live very near there, ya know! Well…I DID live very near there…”
Gail gave a mental sigh of relief as she had successfully distracted Ramon for long enough to let Luis disappear completely into the darkness. Another set of complications… Though she was loath to end her new accommodations anytime soon, she would need to stay alert. But it wasn’t time to leave quite yet. The money was a definite draw, but she had to admit, she was looking forward to digging a little deeper into this place. Namely, her new employer.
She had given Ramon a basic rundown of her plans, not hiding her excitement at the thought of polishing this castle to an absolute spectacle one project at a time.
“See, factory produced cogs will be MUCH more uniform, and steel will hold out for WAY longer than iron,” Gail wrapped up her spiel, turning with hopeful eyes to Ramon, who was clearly mulling over the suggestion.
He fixed her with a thoughtful look, before shrugging with a purse of his dark lips, “Very well. If you feel it will be a marked improvement…”
“Sweet!” She gave a fist pump, “And yes, it will!”
He clasped his hands together, “Now. I would like for you to take a break from your tinkering to run an important errand for me.”
She nodded, not looking up from the sheet of diagrams and notes she had sketched for herself, “Sure thing!”
“I’m sending Pesanta with you into the village to leave an order with the merchant,” he unrolled a sheet of parchment, turning so she could look over it as well. It was fairly uninteresting. Food, resources, all very basic. He rolled the parchment and handed it off to her along with a feather quill, “Add any necessary parts or tools you may need.”
The black cloaked Verdugo gave a low trill, it’s mandibles clicking gently as it stepped forward to join Gail.
“Sure, no problem,” she did a double take, “Wait…these guys have names?” She gazed a little apprehensively up at Pesanta, “I had been calling them Thing One and Thing Two in my head… Who’s the other one?”
“Isidro,” the other Verdugo clicked quietly, “They have been my most loyal confidants since childhood, and that is why they remain my right and left hands.”
Gail didn’t miss the implication. These creatures had once been human. Is this what she would have become if Ramon’s plaga had worked on her?
“And make no mistake, they are the most powerful and cunning creatures in this castle,” he ran a thumb over what looked to be freshly painted nails.
“I could tell,” Gail pocketed the parchment, turning to Pesanta, “Well…shall we, then?”
“No unnecessary purchases, either, mi querida,” Ramon called after her, “Pesanta is especially privy to deception; she will find if you try and slip anything past her.”
“She won’t have anything to worry about,” Gail assured with a wave, “And neither will you.”
Ramon smirked with a light bow, “Perhaps one day I may come to trust such words.”
Gail chuckled, walking backwards to follow Pesanta and bowing back showily, “You will.”
The hike through the castle alone was every bit as lengthy as the one they had made on her first day there. She had scribbled her own list at the bottom of Ramon’s before they were even halfway to the gates. But as they finally came to the portcullis, which raised for them as they approached, Gail was happy to get outside, if only for a few moments. She was gonna have to ask Ramon to better acquaint her with his wolves so she could at least take walks through the courtyard.
She looked to Pesanta as the creature continued on, completely undistracted by any outside stimuli. “I suppose it’s a good thing you seem to know where you’re going, ‘cause I sure as hell don’t…” Pesanta didn’t react, pressing forward, clearly on a mission.
Gail found herself wondering how much was still human under that exoskeleton. The way her plaga felt suggested there was something more there than the average castle zealot. After all, she did feel very subtle differences between Pesanta and Isidro, she realized. And their loyalty to Ramon did have something…deeper…something the zealots didn’t have.
At the bottom of the hill, they came to a large set of stone doors, which Pesanta pushed open easily. On the other side, it became apparent that the castle actually sat atop an entire mountain, the sheer cliff faces roped off from the trail that went in three directions. One went to their right where a rickety lift system extended down to the cliffs on the other side. She was admittedly relieved that they apparently weren’t going that way. She didn’t want to risk attempting that with a creature that probably weighed at LEAST a good two-fifty to three-hundred pounds, especially when she herself was no lightweight either.
They also passed by an unrailed bridge that extended in front of them to another gate, which certainly didn’t break her heart either. Things around here were definitely not held to OSHA standards. Instead, they continued around to the left side trail.
On a covered platform, just feet from where the middle bridge ended at a door into the cliff face, was a cloaked figure illuminated on one side by a torch burning with blue flame. The figure seemed to have more of themselves covered than Pesanta did, everything below his curiously orange eyes covered with a bandanna.
Gail jogged to keep up as Pesanta approached the cloaked person’s covered platform and stepped aside to let her ascend stairs.
“Well, then! I can’t say you’re a familiar face…” the deep cockney accent was surprisingly cheerful, “…but you come with some very infamous company!”
Gail smiled, happy to find another friendly residence, “Who, Pesanta?! Naah! She’s a sweetheart!” She gave a wink toward the Verdugo at the bottom of the stairs and was certain that if she could have, the creature would have rolled her eyes. “I’m guessing you’re the merchant?”
“Aye! Nothing but the finest wares!” He opened his cloak with a clanking of metal to reveal the inside lined with various guns and parts and healing salves. “Upgrades on weapons as well! None more skilled in the region!”
Gail sighed, “Unfortunately, we’re not in the market for weapons,” she unrolled the parchment, “No, I’ve been sent with a list of orders. Maybe you can get ahold of some things for us?”
“Sent by the Castellan, eh?!” He took the offered list from her, “Always a pleasure doin’ business with the wee chap. Count Salazar spares no expense!”
Count…so that was his title. Seemed appropriate…
“I’ve also added some pretty specific parts and tools. Think you can manage getting ahold of them? Let me know if you can’t read my chicken scratch…”
“A nice hefty list, stranger!” He glanced back toward her, “I’m guessing the lad’s gettin’ on with some repairs.”
She rested a palm at her waist, “Yep! That would be MY area of expertise.”
The man scanned the list once more before nodding, “Well, ya came to the right bloke! It’ll be nine ‘undred forty thousand pesetas, an’ I can ‘ave it all ready for ya in the next forty-eight hours. Of course, I do take cash upfront.” He rubbed together a thumb and forefinger.
“No problem!” Gail went to reach for her pockets before giving a start as she realized she hadn’t been given any money, “…uh…”
There was a raspy trill from Pesanta at the bottom of the stairs as she produced a sack of what sounded like rolled coins and bills from her robe, wrapping long, clawed fingers around it and handing it with an impossibly long arm to Gail.
“Heh! Thanks!” She took the heavy sack in her arms and turned back to the merchant with a sheepish chuckle, “See?! If Pesanta weren’t here, I’d lose my own head!”
The merchant laughed back, “You’re lucky, stranger! I don’t doubt she’s been RESPONSIBLE for a few lost ‘eads!”
Gail laughed as she counted out the cash. She liked this guy! Pesanta, however, gave a raspy grumble of annoyance.
“Anything else I can get ya? You got the cash, I got the goods!”
“Maybe another time. Hopefully, I’ll have my first paycheck next time we meet. I’d like to get my hands on a radio or a boombox. Some cds or even cassettes if you can get ahold of ‘em.”
“Oh, certainly! Plenty of…unclaimed items what’s left behind by the occasional tourist available. Come back and see us again, then, ‘ay?”
“Definitely! Thanks!”
Gail trotted down the steps, meeting Pesanta at the bottom, “Why didn’t you tell me the merchant was such a CARD, Pesanta?”
The creature’s eyes narrowed with a spitting hiss.
Gail scoffed, “Come on, that was just a joke…” she jogged to keep up the pace with Pesanta’s long strides, “Ya know, you put up a tough exterior, but we’re gonna be BEST friends before too long, you just wait!”
Pesanta released a barely audible grunt.
Once they had returned from their errand, Ramon was there to meet them in the Audience Hall.
“Nice guy, that merchant!” Gail grinned toward Pesanta, who quickly took her place back at Ramon’s side, “Pesanta just LOVED his jokes…”
There was a low grumble from the Verdugo.
“Pesanta has never been one for jokes,” Ramon chortled, “And still, she tolerated my own mischievous nature as a child.”
Gail laughed, “You still have a mischievous nature…”
“Do I?” Ramon feigned surprise, his usually high voice even higher with sarcasm, “I truly hadn’t thought about it before.”
Her nose crinkled with a sideways smirk, and she flicked the tip of his hat. A hand shot to keep it in place, and he glared from beneath it to Gail’s look of satisfaction. The corners of his lips twitched as he couldn’t hide his smile.
“Well, now that that’s all taken care of…shall we find you something appropriate to wear to dinner?”
“Oh, right. I had forgotten about that…” She followed Ramon for the long walk she was rapidly beginning to become quite familiar with, “Hope you’ve got something that fits me; dresses on me tend to be a little tight in the arms and shoulders.”
“Not to worry! We have an expansive selection to choose from. And should you be uncomfortable in a dress, I have no qualms with a lady in a waistcoat and trousers.”
“Hm!” Gail’s eyes brightened with amusement, “Glad to hear you’re a feminist!”
“Whatever you would like to call it…” Ramon shrugged, “I may have been born a man of high standing, but manmade social structures mean very little to me.”
The irony that there was a very prominent social structure within this castle, though perhaps not entirely manmade, was not lost on Gail, but she certainly didn’t feel the need to point that out just now.
Their trip did seem shorter this time when they finally rounded the corner to the garden and came to Ramon’s room. As they walked in, there were three large chests decorated in gold and jewels set at the foot of the bed, and a bath had already been drawn for her on the other side of the room.
“Feel free to try whatever you’d like. They get very little use these days, so they won’t be missed for the time being.”
“Thanks!” She knelt to open the middle box and was astounded at diverse selection. There was a whole rainbow of colors and fabrics, and though she would never have called herself a fashionista, she was excited to see what she could pull together.
“Whoa!” She fished out a fitted, wine colored tailcoat trimmed in elaborate silver. “Now, THAT is a LOOK!”
Ramon grinned, stepping closer to where she now sat on her knees, “Quite the coincidence you should take a liking to this one. This coat has been passed down five generations. Pobre de mí, I would wear it myself if it fit.” He reached to trace his fingers over the brilliant silver embroidery. “Believe it or not, it was last worn by the sixth Castellan. My grandmother, Countess María Isabell.”
She cocked her head toward him, “No kiddin’?!”
“It’s true! It was supposedly my grandfather’s favorite before his untimely passing. I never knew him, but I do have very early but vivid memories of my grandmother wearing this over her dresses. Father thought it unseemly, but I found it quite befitting.”
Gail didn’t miss the hint of venom injected into the word “father”.
“Well, it’s definitely got room for my shoulders,” she glanced to him with furrowed brows, “You sure you don’t mind me wearing it?”
“Not at all.” They locked their gazes for a moment, and Ramon smiled despite himself at the joy in her dark eyes.
Gail stood to lay the coat neatly on the bed, then went back to rummage through another chest. “That’s definitely a statement piece! I’ll have to build the whole ensemble around it.”
Ramon watched as she happily pulled out piece after piece and realized just how good it made him feel to see her happy. To MAKE her happy. Nearly as soon as he had realized this he felt a sinking in his gut. His affection must be kept in check. She was an outsider, and unfortunately, it was all she could truly be.
“Oh, yeah! I think that’s it!” She laid out the full outfit, “Whatta ya think?”
Ramon shook himself from his morose thoughts, scanning her carefully curated outfit, and nodded, “It will be lovely on you.”
She tapped a finger against her lips, “I hope I’ll have room to eat squeezed into that corset, though…”
“Oh, certainly!” Ramon answered quickly, as if the problem had been considered and addressed before, “Pesanta knows the trick for lacing corsets correctly and comfortably. She did my mother’s every morning.”
Gail gasped, “Pesanta! A lady of many talents!” She smiled toward the Verdugo, who again gave the aura of an eye roll, “Is there anything you can’t do?!”
“Nothing that I have ever come across,” Ramon gave his Verdugo a proud look, and if Gail wasn’t mistaken, she could almost have characterized her as bashful.
“You may bathe and dress while we wait on the veranda. Knock when you are ready to have your corset laced.”
Gail nodded, untying the sleeves of her boiler suit to undress. After removing her dirty clothes, she made quick work of getting in and scrubbing herself, then drying off and going to pick up the set of underclothes to figure her way into them. With a bit of wrestling with the bulky fabric, she managed to work her way into each layer, happy to get to play a little dress-up but also relieved she would only have to wear it for a couple of hours.
She was soon to a point where she was ready for Pesanta, and as the massive creature entered, she found herself a little concerned for her own safety. She really hoped Pesanta knew her own strength and didn’t squeeze her guts out like a tube of toothpaste.
But as the Verdugo took the laces in what seemed like large, clumsy claws, she was surprised by how effortlessly and how gently Pesanta laced her up.
“Wow! You ARE good at this!” She ran fingers over the boning, before turning to add the coat to the whole thing. And as she fixed the lapels in place at her chest, she nodded to the door, “Alright! Tell me what you think!”
The stone door slid open, and as Ramon stepped back inside, his golden eyes grew wide, “Gail, you look…incredible!”
She felt a heat rise in her cheeks, “Aw! …thanks!” She ran a hand a bit awkwardly through thick, damp hair, before clapping her hands together with a sigh, “So…let’s eat!”
Ramon gave a swift nod, offering an arm to her, which she took without hesitation, “Do let’s.”
Spanish translation:
mocoso - brat
mi querida - my dear
pobre de mí - alas (literally “poor me”)
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