autisticandroids · 9 months
very much looking forward to your "Dean and Sam as serial killers pursued by the cops" writing project. It's such a delightful perspective on them and i want 300k more fic to read it's so so good. Especially with your delightful take on salmondean!!
Unrelated but watched "Bad Day at Black Rock" yesterday and Kubrick the fanatical Christian and his RV full of guns had me going hmmm. Hendricksen voice white supremacist alert. Juicy.
so there's literally two. the one i have more work on actually heavily involves cas. because they catch dean and [human] cas. in season ten. (cas stayed human after s9 in this au. for fun). and by the time the feds show up, dean is actually in the hospital because he hasn't had a drink in over 48 hours and he's going into delirium tremens. so the feds alternate between updating their theories about the winchesters in discussions among themselves, and trying to interrogate this john doe they can't identify bc he won't give a real full name (perhaps he is a kidnapping victim?). inspirations include the "minimal loss" series by eden22, "when the road is as dark as my fears" by apokteino, and "he ain't heavy he's my brother" by castiel_for_king
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tiktaalic · 11 months
Hello, i'm searching for the blog of that woman that wrote insanely detailed Supernatural reviews for the first few seasons, where she poetically gushes over shot-by-shot details. Could you help me out? <3
my buddy sheila! https://www.sheilaomalley.com/
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breitzbachbea · 3 months
rereading "A Lesson In Team Play" by @randomishnickname as a little comfort treat <3 perhaps my fav fanfic of theirs.
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queeranarchism · 4 years
Your post about the entanglement of guilt and consumption made me ponder a lot! And then today in the supermarket I saw a brand of vegan liquorice legit called "Guilt Free" lmao
Hah yeah! I have seen so many fairtrade and green and vegan foods being marketed at ‘guilt free’. It’s not subtle at all that these are modern day versions of the catholic indulgence sales. ‘Buy this and don’t feel so horribly complicit and unworthy all the time’. 
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crimsonsairina · 4 years
hello there! i see you watch the Witcher series and i'm thinking of giving it a go - would you recommend it to someone who's not a fan of too much violence and grimdark? from what i can tell looking at gifsets it sounds like good cute fun with good character development and fun chemistries and that's what is appealing to me. Do you think i'd like it? (if you have time / spoons to answer obviously ^^) Cheers!
Hello, and thank you for the ask! There’s definitely violence and gore, I would say around GoT level if I was to make a comparison. It’s not majorly censored or prettied up, but it’s also not exaggerated for shock value. If you’re not used to this from GoT, or games like Skyrim and Dragon Age: Origins, it might be a bit off-putting. They do censor it when animals are involved, though.
It definitely feels grim and even hopeless, at times, but I also sensed a subtle undercurrent of “this will be okay”, though in a “lots of bad stuff will happen first” kind of way. Personally, I found much of GoT (the parts based off of the books, not the later seasons) to be more grimdark than the Witcher, but I might also be a bit desensitised after watching Sir Gregor Clegane rip people apart and Cersei Lannister go off on her mad schemes. There’s moments of kindness and mercy that, to me, doesn’t make it feel truly “grimdark”, if that makes sense. Then again, I’m far from an expert on that genre.
You’re absolutely right about the fun parts, character developments and chemistries. To me, that was what truly drew me into the Witcher TV show, and it drove the story beautifully. I say this as someone who’s neither read the books or played the games - everything made sense past the first two-three episodes, and it didn’t at all feel jumbled to me.
Overall I was left with the impression that the good parts balanced out the bad pretty well. If anything, the chemistry between characters seemed more important than the violence, the latter of which is not in any way, shape or form glorified.
In conclusion: It has both violence and grim moments, but with a good dose of emphasis on characters. Overall I’d say it’s more character-driven, which to me makes it a better story by default. I’m no expert, and others might have a completely different experience after watching the first season, but that’s my two cents at least. If others have something to add, then please do!
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festiveferret · 5 years
Dearest Ferret! Happy fanfic writer appreciation day. Love your stories, love your wit and heartfelt romances, and sure as hell love the time and effort you put into writing such gorgeous stories and sharing them with your fellow fans. My best thanks, and may the creativity stay with you!
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radley-writes · 5 years
Dear Write, happy fanfic writer appreciation day! i am forever grateful for the unfathomable amount of passion, skill and effort you have poured into gorgeous, entertaining, hilarious and heartbreaking stories that you've then gifted us with. You are an incredible writer, a very cool person and i'm so fond of you and your stories. (1/2)
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:bites fist: oh my gosh, this message. What an amazing note to find in my inbox after crawling out of bed!
I can’t thank you enough; this has made my entire day. While I feel like I’ve drifted away from the fanfic world somewhat, it was a massive part of my life and the community was a huge emotional support to me over some of my roughest years - really, I should be thanking all of you! It’s so comforting to me, to know I can always slither back onto my old AO3 account and bask in the amount of love I’ve received over the years. 
You’re honestly amazing, and while a rich 18th century diamond-and-chocolate-tosser would be appreciated, this message is valued just as highly. Thank you so much, you luscious lemon.
I hope you enjoy Empire of Ants!!!
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gears-of-bloodlust · 5 years
23, 33, 37, 54, 70
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Oh fuck this question in particular. 
I’ve had close to thirty (probably? I lost count) children in the fuckin’ 800+ years I’ve been forced to live on this shithole of a planet.
I’m... kinda over the whole “lets raise a family” thing.
33: Do you have trust issues?
Yeah. I do. I’ll be the first to admit that.
Arachne was a big fan of the humiliation tactic of making our followers wear masks... Me? I hated it.
Don’t get me wrong. They’re not important enough to remember their faces-- but I didn’t trust any of them as far as I could throw them. So they all knew that if they entered my room they had to take the mask off.
Unfortunately... the precautions I took didn’t prevent what happened.
But it burned a few faces into my memory.
Faces that I would soon make my LIFES FUCKING MISSION TO RIP OFF AND PISS ON.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
54: Is cheating ever okay?
Fuck no. There’s millions-- no--- billions of people in this goddamn world. If someone chooses you outta those billions of people, and they trust you enough to let you choose em back... AND THEN YOU TURN AROUND AND SHIT ON THAT TRUST?? 
Well then I’d say you’re the worst kind of scum.
70: Is there anyone you would die for? 
Arachne and Justin.
Without hesitation. 
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old-long-john · 6 years
Hey, i'm badly tempted to start Vikings, would you rec it to Black but i've been so spoiled by Black Sails in regards to historical series that i don't know if it's worth it. Would you rec it?
Ooooof, this is difficult, honestly. I loved early Vikings. I wouldn’t say the writing is generally as good as Black Sails, but it had plenty of brilliant moments and episodes and so many characters who are absolutely fantastic. Ragnar is really up there with Flint when it comes to iconic characters, I think. I still love S1 and S2 a lot, and there are parts of S3 and S4 that were great too, but I stopped watching at the end of S4 and I have no regrets about that. Every once in a while I see something new about it that looks intriguing, but overwhelmingly the stuff I see now doesn’t tempt me back at all. 
Soooo, I guess I’d say it’s worth giving it a go if you start the series knowing that the writing will never be as good overall as Black Sails (partly because it just. keeps. going. with no real feeling of coherence after a while), and that eventually there’s a good chance you’ll want to quit watching it. But it really might be worth it to enjoy the early stuff and characters like Ragnar and Athelstan. 
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autisticandroids · 11 months
Hello, i'm searching for the blog of that woman that wrote insanely detailed Supernatural reviews for the first few seasons, where she poetically gushes over shot-by-shot details. Could you help me out? <3
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tiktaalic · 1 year
i (gently) curse Thee for getting me to reread Beat Sheet. Binged it in less than 48 hours and lost an entire day bc i couldn't put it down. Forgot how damn good it is. Winking and saying "thank you sweetheart" at his Playboy poster after jerking it to thoughts of Cas? Dean of all times
I’m rationing it out I’m allowing myself one chapter a day it’s so. Good. I knew he was crazy in it because it’s beat sheet I know what’s in there but as soon as I started rereading it hits FULL! Force. Opening scene. Okay yeah this man is NUTS I knew this. But I forgot there is not an ebb to it he stays pedal to the metal My name is PussycrusherSupreme69 while openly ogling men mode and everyone around him makes pained faces. For every word. Dean from my shows would do this I watched him do this for 15 years. God damn. dean winchester beat sheet. Sound of the summer.
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jerk-bending · 6 years
For the ask meme: Jet! and Ty Lee if u wanna ;)
@randomishnicknameSorry this took so long, holidays and such :)
Jet! (bold of you to assume i think about Jet a whole lot)Favorite thing about him:  his whole team, I mean their methods were sketch, but he mobilized orphans like himself into this guerrilla group against an army.  he’s charismatic and persuasive and obviously loved and trusted by his team.  (also he’s got that Rufio vibe)Least favorite thing about him:  his willingness to hurt innocent people to drive the Fire Nation back (talking about his introductory episode in general, i didn’t really understand how aang was just cool with him making eyes at katara.  aang didn’t make sense to me in that episode.)Favorite line:  “Don’t worry, Katara.  I’ll be fine.”  Brotp:  Uhhh idk really.  I feel like he and sokka could have been friends if the circumstances were different.Otp:  Jetara sorry not sorry.  Or Jetkotara.  I wasn’t into Jetko when I first got into ATLA, but it’s growing on me I guess.  Is Jetkokka a thing?  Notp:  Jetokka I guess.  Random headcanon:  He lives?  No I know he doesn’t.  But I like the AU where he does live and becomes Fire Lord Zuko’s bodyguard and he’s hot.  (Will link that artist when I am at home.)Unpopular opinion:  I really hated his Ba Sing Se story, but that was less about Jet and more about me hating Ba Sing Se.Song I associate with him:  Uh…I don’t think about Jet that much.  I guess ‘Rebel’ by Teesa?Favorite picture of him:  I fav’d this on deviantart back in the day, “He’s Our Leader” by FoxySquid.  I believe they’re on tumblr as Foxaloxa.
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Ty Lee! (sweet sweet bubblegum child)Favorite thing about her:  her positive attitude, cheerfulness, and all around just…cute disney princess-ness.  she’s just so doggone pleasant.  i would like to hang out with her.Least favorite thing about her:  hmm I guess…how azula manipulated and controlled her.  legitimate chills every time i watch the boiling rock scene where she turns on azula to protect mai.Favorite line:  “Clumps!  They’re clumps!”Brotp:  Mai Lee, Ty Suki, I really think she could be best buds with anybody.OTP:  Ty Zula, full stop.  (Ty Lokka is cute too tho)Notp:  Mai Lee Random headcanon:  (i’m ignoring the comics for this)  when azula is remanded to an earth kingdom asylum, ty lee moves to the closest city because she still loves her princess and wants to help.Unpopular opinion:  I get why she joined the Kyoshi warriors, but I don’t really get why she joined the Kyoshi warriors.Song I associate with her:  ‘This Love’ by Taylor SwiftFavorite picture of her:  Poof.
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saltoftheao3 · 7 years
Golden Rules for Fanfiction Readers:
if the fic already has a thousand comments, comment still. Your comment will still matter and delight the author.
if a fic is a decade old and the author hasn’t been active in the last five years, comment still. There will come a time when the author will read and cherish your comment, or maybe it will motivate them enough to start writing again. You never know!
if the author never responds to comments, comment still. Interaction with the author is a very nice bonus, but you can be sure that even if the author doesn’t answer, they will read it and enjoy it at some point
there’s no such thing as a too long comment.
there’s no such thing as a too incoherent comment.
the author will give no flying fuck about any gramatical errors, typo or other misspellings. If you’re a non-native speaker struggling to express themselves, you can be sure the author will be all the more pleased that you surmounted the language barrier to let them know you appreciated their work. Don’t be afraid!
there’s no such thing as commenting too often.
you will never, ever come across as creepy by obsessing over a fic or an author to the point where you worry the author might think you’re a stalker. On the contrary, the author will be delighted by your investment in their work.
say thank you. It’s always appreciated to see readers acknowledge the work and commitment that is put into writing.
the floaty review box (ao3 add-on) is your friend
be positive and encouraging. Positive reviews make writers all warm and glowy from the inside, bashing plunge their soul into icy darkness. You want the first, not the second!
whoever you are, if you read their fic, YOU are IMPORTANT to the author. Let them know you’re there!
(if any author wants to contradict one of those rules, please let me know!)
(Submitted by @randomishnickname)
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crimsonsairina · 4 years
Helloooo i have started watching Witcher!! 3 eps in it's very trashy and very entertaining. The violence and gore has the vibe of a stressed exec desperately trying to crank up the rating to E, the stories are rushed and often so OTT that it's cheesy, but Geralt is a delight, Jaskier is ??? wonderful, Yennefer is fascinating, and all in all it's just wonderful fun that reminds me of the heroic fantasy books that i devoured as a teen. Yum yum. Cheers!
My exact feelings, too! I’m glad you’re having fun. :D
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universalfanfic · 6 years
Peter Quill for the ask game!
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with:  Gamora, of-freaking-course! Power Couple™
friendship them with:  I really enjoy watching him and Kraglin, just because I love the glimpses of a brotherly bond we get to see  
general opinions: Peter is one of those guys you can’t help but like even though he’s annoying and a smart-aleck. You get to see those pieces of sincerity and then he goes and opens his mouth and basically ruins it. 
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festiveferret · 5 years
and what about Ults!Stony vs 616? Still not figured out that iteration
Uh yeah. So sadly, there’s not much canon stony in Ults, actually. A lot of the parallels with 616 Stony are actually Tony and Thor, who are pretty close in Ults and have a complicated but important relationship. Ults Steve is a big ol grump, a total asshole, has lost everything he cared about, and is replete with -isms as all of Ults is. Ults!Tony is a flamboyant lush with brain cancer, who falls in love absolutely every chance he gets, and flirts when he breathes, so they get along GREAT lmao. In 616, the stony relationship is intense, strong, and important - even if you don’t ship them, it really drives whole arcs of the comics. Not so much with Ults. Doesn’t mean you can’t read it with shipper goggles on, though! They still have some moments. And Ults, as dark and horrible as it is, is a fun read. Kinda like watching reality TV. You get to wallow in the awful :D
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