#randomly choosing asks to answer rn
padfootastic · 2 years
I wanna share a lighthearted headcanon of mine. So, I’ve always imagined that Regulus and Sirius look almost completely identical, just a handful of minor differences and Sirius was just a bit taller, so imagine the Hogwarts students coming up to one Black and desperately hoping it’s the one they’re looking for, only to realize it’s the brother. A good way to tell is to look at their tie, but RIP anyone who sees them out of uniform or from the back. Normally the people they’re with the best indicator, but it sucks when they’re alone so nobody can tell. Sometimes, when they’re on decent, friendly terms, they even switch ties, to the dismay of everyone else. Both Sirius and Regulus have started responding to the other’s name, and they hate this fact.
Remus, approaching from the back: Hey, Sirius, McGonagall is looking for you
Regulus, without looking over: Wrong brother, no clue where Sirius is, good luck and goodbye
ok but i love this!!!
i do think the differences are pretty obvious once u get to know them. like u said, sirius is taller. he’s also a bit more,,,sharp-featured? like reg has some baby fat he absolutely loathes but it never rly disappears. sirius is skinnier overall tho, and he has really bony hips & other joints. they loved playing this to their advantage when they were kids—posing as each other, sirius pretending to be regulus and taking any of his punishments, annoying guests who come to their house etc. bit as they grow older and differences started arising, they tried doing whatever they could to distinguish each other. regulus had longer hair, like their father, and preferred smoothing it back to look older. sirius was more on the shorter, spikier hair end. (he was trying to replicate some muggles he’d seen & also it made him look more similar to james ykno?) but yah, sometimes even that wasn’t enough and u have instances like this.
malfoy: black—
sirius, cutting him off w/o even looking back: not the one u want. he should be on the quidditch pitch.
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banzaitaka · 2 years
Hello ruka
Can i request Kyoya with Haruhi's older brother. So you know when all the boys go to Haruhi's house, i imagined the her brother randomly visited too. He doesn't live with them, has a own apartment and works somewhere far away, but always sends them money. For his personality I imagine him to happy but always tired since he works so much.
So he visits and when kyoya sees him it's like instant love.
I hope it makes sense and you can somehow work with this
I couldn't imagine Kyoya just looking at someone and instantly start simping, so I hope this is close enough
Also sorry, while coming up with the whole thing I forgot the 'randomly' part, so the visit was planned
And bro, no idea how to continue this rn fifkfkdk may do a part 2 - someday
Ouran Highschool Host Club Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Kyoya Ootori x male! reader
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"No, you need to listen-!"
No chance, the hosts didn't listen to Haruhi as they plopped down on the floor around the low table one after another. Their comments about the apartment drowned out any attempt of Haruhi to shoo them out the front door.
She sighed out as she rubbed her temples, there were so many days in a year, why did they have to choose this particular one to barge in unannounced and clearly uninvited.
Haruhi knew there was nothing she could do about it at this point, so she hoped her dad or brother would kick them out once they arrive.
It wasn't often her brother got to visit them and she was not going to let those unruly teens ruin the reunion. She really missed her brother and was looking forward to seeing him again for weeks now.
"Oh, what's this?", Honey had escaped into the kitchen, having Mori pick him up so he could look at what was on the counter more properly, "A cake!", his eyes sparkled.
Eyes widening, Haruhi rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the cake, holding it up and away from the blonde, "No touching! It's for someone!"
The twins' heads appeared from behind the door frame, "Ooooh~ Who could that be?", they asked with cheeky grins on their faces.
"My brother! He's coming to visit today after months, that's why you have to leave now.", she put the cake on the kitchen table, turning around to motion the boys outside with her hands, but they were even more enthusiastic to stay after hearing those words.
The rest of them entered the kitchen. Tamaki wrapped his arm around the brown-haired's shoulder, "Even more reason to stay! I want to meet that brother of yours!"
Haruhi deadpanned and mumbled under her breath, "I don't want you to meet him, though...", but her comment was ignored, or simply not heard over the others agreeing to the king.
"Indeed, it might provide useful data.", Kyoya mentioned as he pushed up his glasses with his fingers, in a mischievous way.
"Don't collect data on my family!"
And then, as if summoning him, the front door opened, "Woo! Hello, my dear fami-", the male stepped in and kicked off his shoes, about to jump into the kitchen as he saw several strangers, "-ly..."
It was like time was standing still, everyone's eyes on the older Fujioka sibling. In return, the male's gaze wandered around between the strange teens before finally settling on his sister.
"Are these your friends?", (Y/N) didn't mean to be rude, so he forced a smile on his face, even though he felt a bit too tired to handle commotion at that moment.
Handsome. Despite the bags under his eyes. Though, maybe they are quite charming as well. All written down.
Tamaki, of course, didn't let the girl answer her brother, instead cutting her off and posing dramatically infront of him, "We are the host club! And Haruhi's best friends and family!", he took the (Y/HC)-haired's hand and gave it a rather gracious shake. "Uh huh?", (Y/N) sweat dropped, still smiling.
"That's right!", Honey exclaimed, jumping down from Mori's arms and latching onto (Y/N)'s torso instead. But Haruhi was quick to pry both of her schoolmates off of him, before the twins could even think of joining them.
"He's working really hard, give him space!"
A hard worker? That would explain that tired face. Noted.
(Y/N) let out a hearty laugh and pulled his sister into a hug.
Haruhi returned the hug and the male smiled fondly at her, "It's fine, it's fine. Thank you, Haruhi."
While they broke the hug, (Y/N) scanned the strangers' faces once more, this time remaining on Kyoya longer as he noticed the calculating eyes. Right when he finished writing down those notes.
Clearly one to care for his family, maybe he sends them money too? What a remarkable young man. Mental note taken.
In return, Kyoya pushed up his glasses, this time to regain his posture he lost for a moment by the sudden eye contact, sending the other a closed-eyed smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, mister Fujioka. My name is Kyoya Ootori, we must apologize to come here unannounced."
(Y/N) waved his hands at him with a chuckle, he didn't want to say it was okay, since it really wasn't, but he didn't want to say that to their faces either. That's why he settled on that vage response.
Not one to say no, hm?
They gathered in the livingroom once again. (Y/N) was way too exhausted to shoo them out, and way too nice as well. So he settled on waiting for his dad to come home to have a reason to kindly ask them to leave so they could have their family reunion.
A sigh of exhaustion escaped the oldest of the whole bunch, he actually had work that morning as well, so not only the trip got him all tuckered out. Kyoya was the first to comment on that, "You seem tired, mister Fujioka." Once more, (Y/N) could practically see numbers and letters flying around in the black-haired's eyes as if analysing him. Odd.
He decided not to point that out, waving his hands at Kyoya instead, "You can just call me (Y/N).", he offered a smile, "And yes, it's been a long day."
A more detailed explaination would put himself to sleep, and he'd honestly rather not talk about it twice since he knew his dad would want to hear it from him as well.
"So you said something about a host club?"
That was Tamaki's cue for a monologue about rich people having too much time on their hands and yada yada yada.
The perfect opportunity for Kyoya to take a few steps back, figuratively, and sort out his feelings. Oh, I mean new information.
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sennqu · 2 years
May i ask you why you think Henry is Mike’s rival?
Oh, yeah, of course! This is probably my most off the wall theory and isn't really something I've thought much about so it'd be good to talk about it. Thanks for asking ^o^
first, here is an excerpt from a post I made a while back where i randomly, terrifyingly stumbled into this "theory":
Henry waited until Mike was just about to leave to start enacting his plan. Why didn't he do it earlier? In my extremely humble, extremely ridiculous bordering on crackfic opinion... it's because Henry knew Mike Wheeler would never let Will go back to Hawkins if Mike knew exactly what was going on. So Henry had to wait. He knew El would try to stop him. And he knew that Mike with Will in tow will try to help and go back to Hawkins. And in the one week it'll take them to get there, Henry will be ready to welcome Will back home.
Anyway, haha. To continue, my "theory" is partly due to my understanding that Henry functions as a character to pit against the other characters (in this case, El, Will, and Mike) in order to address their arcs. Like how I think that Eddie died for Dustin's arc and Max fell into a coma for Lucas and El's arc, I think it's also likely that Henry largely exists for the character arcs of El, Will, and Mike.
Henry is El's nemesis, the supernatural antagonist she "created" and must defeat to get her happy ending. Henry is Will's foil, with the parallels and mirrors between them throughout S4. and Henry is Mike's rival, as in, the guy Mike is fighting with over Will. Basically I am operating under the framework that Mike - Will - Henry are in a subtextual love triangle.
Because what we know about Henry so far is that he has not once tried to kill Will. Will even mentions that "he" wants to kill everyone but Will. And add in the fact that in S2, the Mind Flayer / Henry's biggest obstacle to fully possessing Will was Mike. It was Mike who figured out that Will was being possessed, and it was Mike who figured out the idea for the shed, it was Mike's monologue that largely helped Will break out of his possession enough to send a message in code, etc etc. Reading between the lines, S2 was a battle between these two characters for Will. And of course, Mike proved victorious. However, we end S2 with Mike choosing El over Will. This breaks Will's heart. This makes Henry angry.
S3 largely revolves around El vs. Mind Flayer so I am skipping that for now. but I also have a little bit to talk about this in my Henry theory posts. The links can be found on my pinned!
We resume to S4 with the more overt love triangle of Will - Mike - El. And Henry's introduction to the plot. Now, from our understanding of the narrative, El is going to break up with Mike. which would leave him free to pursue Will. But, this is where our subtextual love triangle comes into play. Mike's biggest fear is losing the people he loves and the one he loves the most and fears losing the most is Will. We spend S4 with Mike and Will rebuilding their bestfriendship. We enter S5 with their emotional bonds at their height (Will's romantic heartache aside) from Mike's side, so what would make Mike fear losing Will again? The threat of the UD and Henry. Like, metaphorically, Mike’s fear is going to be losing Will to Henry.
Sorry it's so longwinded but that's basically the gist of it! Oh and also:
Henry has powers and Mike doesn't (special vs. normal, Mike’s insecurity).
(In my theories I posit that) Henry kept Will alive in the UD while Mike just gave up (see: quarry scene) when he lost El.
Henry and Will have a psychic bond, Mike and Will have "I didn't say anything", "You didn't have to"
Alright I think that's all the ridiculousness and thought I can muster for this theory rn lmao I still have a lot to think about it. Again, some relevant links in my pinned ^o^ you probably didn't expect to get this long of an answer so thank you for reading!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 7 months
Hyper specific complaint here, hi :3
I really don't know if anyone would understand half of what I was saying if it was any other blog but θείτσα μ here have me bear my soul to you I think you'll at least find it entertaining to read?
Maybe I'm biased or was always choosing the wrong genre but as a Greek Kid reading Greek Books in my childhood I was always so disappointed to see the trope "there's no Treasure, the Treasure was the Friends We Made Along The Way :)" because that's just such a cheap cheat on an ending of an adventure genre book
Like as I kid I had personal beef with it. Like, why did authors have to back out on us. Like, "oh yeah y'all went on a three month summer adventure collecting clues and deciphering secret messages but there's no gold at the end of the trail because it's not realistic" FUCK REALISM I WANT TO BE REWARDED FOR MY EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT
And if it was one book it'd be fine BUT THIS TROPE PERSONALLY PLAGUED ME IT WAS EVERYWHERE does anybody have this specific experience or am I losing my mind.
Two titles that come to mind just cause I'm still salty about it are SPOILER ALERT Ο Θησαυρός του Ταϋγέτου and Στο Μυστρά Με Πανσέληνο (has anyone else read those?). Don't get me wrong I don't hate the books. Actually I do love them since I still remember the title and plot since I first read them, it's just... I'd just like to burn them in the τζάκι for leaving me hanging like this. Just mildly salty about it. :/
At some point στο δημοτικό I found a book series (πρέπει να ήταν μεταφρασμένη λογοτεχνία) στην δανειστική βιβλιοθήκη του ΚΔΑΠ που πήγαινα τότε that was the same group of friends (with a few new characters sometimes) going on adventures and unintentionally always falling into life changing adventures. Like I think I vividly remember a dialogue that went like "Oh, this summer let's go somewhere that we won't get involved in a great adventure for a change" and then me laughing because guess what they did. They went in a great adventure (again) and found treasure (again) and holy shit I love this book series. Might be inaccurate because it's been a long time since I last held them but who cares it's the memory that counts.
And it's been haunting me bc I don't remember the title AND I ADORE THESE BOOKS I remembered it randomly and it feels like I've lost part of myself :((((((
Thank god I didn't send the ask off immediately after writing it and my last three braincells came together for a miracle.
(Quick note: Moms remember everything and I made the wise decision Να Ρωτήσω Τη Μαμά.... ΚΑΙ ΞΕΡΕΤΕ ΤΙ)
(This is not a complaint ask anymore as I originally intended it to be but hey sometimes a tiny detail in your life changes while writing something and now you're x100000000 happier this has been a miracle here have it)
Γεια!! Sorry for answering this late, but it's because my inbox is often full.
"there's no Treasure, the Treasure was the Friends We Made Along The Way :)" Oooh my gosh, this is my most behated trope of all time! Just give me the promised treasure, damn it! You can also give me the additional gift of friendship as a surprise but pleaase just give me what you promised in the beginning!
My other issue is that the search for the treasure - which is what attracts you to the book as a kid - is like... 5% of the book, and then it all gets resolved in five minutes in the end. I don't want to hear about the random uncle and the school problems of one's sister. I want the treasure!!! I think such a book for me was Ο θησαυρός της Βαγίας (The Treasure of Vaghia) because I still remember the disappointment.
For some reason I never read Οι πέντε φίλοι but the title was always there, in the Κινητη Βιβλιοθηκη :) Buy them and enjoy them all over again!
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emmyllou · 9 months
I request SOX RN 👏 (for the ask game~)
Okay here are some sox rn🧦:3
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Necessary context: Jim Butcher, author of Dresden Files, is a noted fanboy of novelist/poet Roger Zelazny and in particular the series Chronicles of Amber. In Amber the book series and also Amber the location there is a short stone stairway that, when bathed in moonlight on certain nights, becomes a full staircase made of moonlight that leads to a Shadow (sort of like an imperfect reflection/alternate dimension) of Amber in the sky called Tir-na Nog'th. In Dresden Files, there is a short stone stairway that, when bathed in moonlight on certain nights, becomes a full staircase made of moonlight that leads to a reflection of Chicago in the sky called Chicago-over-Chicago. Headcanon: Dresden Files takes place within the Chronicles of Amber universe, and the stairs to Chicago-over-Chicago are a Shadow of the stairs to Tir-na Nog'th.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I am opening Spotify and looking at my giant playlist of all the songs I like. I am closing my eyes and scrolling randomly. I am opening my eyes and reading the song. It is Breakfast in America by Supertramp. This is useless; this is nothing. I mean it's a good song and all but I don't have any characters or ships whose defining characteristic is wanting to eat kippers for breakfast. I am closing my eyes and scrolling again. The song is Wildflowers by Dolly Parton. Oooh, now this I can work with! There's a few characters I could associate with this song, but I'm going to say that this is a Calamir song =) Growing up in a place where he doesn't feel right, being 'set free' by that place as opposed to just escaping or leaving it because the place is getting rid of him just as much as he is getting rid of the place, the line 'Just a wild rambling rose seeking mysteries untold' - I mean, Rose is in his name!
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I have answered this here! (sorry this is already getting a bit long)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Don't do this to me. Don't make me choose. Okay fine. In terms of "how many words have I written about them", John Segundus/John Childermass and John Segundus/Tom Levy (from Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell) are neck and neck. Right now though I'm not so into Segundus/Childermass, meanwhile Segundus/Levy is a continuous delight. In terms of our d&d games: AUGH I'm still devastated we didn't get to play more of Tiril and Vivendel's sibling relationship! I think we were starting to get into a really interesting rapport and I had a lot of fun playing that character <3
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Oh no this is so difficult.
I'd love to see more wild and wacky crossovers. This applies to Every Fandom. Maybe it's because I love Spelljammer as a concept, or maybe I just love putting Characters in Situations. I really like weird AUs and I'd love to read more of them.
I want more John Segundus/Tom Levy fics. This is a purely selfish instinct (because I love them) and I'm doing my part to create the content I crave.
I don't have a third thing. I'm sorry. I love everyone in the JS&MN fandom and I love all your art and fics! <3
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goldenhypen · 2 years
OMGG YOU'RE SEEING SEVENTEEN?? this is the same anon that complained about no groups coming to canada LOL im planning on seeing them on the other side :O WHOS YOUR BIAS?? also can i ask what you're taking in your bag/what size it is ? 😭😭 JSHSJS OTHER THAN THAT STAY SAFE LOVE AND HAVE TONS OF FUN 😍🤞
AHAHA HI AGAIN ANONNIE !! YES IM SEEING SVT T O D A Y AHHHSJSJSJJS IM FREAKING OUT svt is my ult ult group, while enha is like my ult/fav group atm ???? idk if that makes sense but hopefully you get what i mean 😭 so you can probably imagine just how excited and hyped i am. my heart is pounding and i’m feeling all giddy eeksjjdjd
but omggg you’re gonna be seeing them too !?? THATS AMAZING OMG YAS i didn’t know there were so many carats on my blog that’s actually so cool and makes me so happy for some reason 😭 i hope you have a good time seeing them whenever you do !! it’s gonna be awesome !!
my bias ?? hehehe it’s dokyeom 🥰 ugh ever since i first tried to choose a bias (i actually chose it v randomly, i didn’t know their names, faces, personality or anything jsjsjdjsj) i chose dk. it’s funny, i was trying to learn the don’t wanna cry choreo, and i was following dk so i just chose him to be my bias skdjsjdj super weird ik sksjdjdj but then i got to know him, and he stuck as my bias ever since ^_^ ugh i love him sm just everything about him, his vocals, personality, visuals, everything ,,,,, sorry 😭 i could go on and on about him, imagine how i’d be talking about svt as a whole 😭 but yeah they’re my ults, i love them sm 🥺 sorry i’m getting way too excited rn cuz it’s concert day skdjdjd
but to answer your question about the bag, for my arena specifically, we’re not allowed to bring bags over a certain size (it was like 14” x 14” x smth else djdjdjd) so i’m just bringing a small purse with things like my keys, hand sanitizer, my phone ofc, chapstick and lipstick, a pen that i always keep in my bag skdjd, an extra mask, tissues, oh yEAH AND MY WALLET SJDJDJ ,, and yk just the basics and essentials. no outside food or drinks are allowed in our arena so i’m just gonna be bringing a plastic water bottle so i don’t get dehydrated since i’m going early and i could just recycle it before i get in. but your arena/venue or whatever could have different rules, so i recommend looking it up before concert day. hope this helps !! ^_^
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adpiratecore · 2 years
Got sent a ton of numbers from the ask game post by the ever lovely @rovah17 via pm!
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So here we go!
4. What are you looking forward to?
My camping trip! My birthday is next week, so me and the Boys are driving all the way to Utah (22 hrs) to camp and hopefully dig for crystals!
5. Is there anyone that can always make you smile?
My lovely fiance and partner :)
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Absolutely. Still not over the girl i dated freshman year of highschool, genuinely thought she was an ethereal being and had full plans to marry her.
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Sure! If you dont know me. Once uget to know me my shit is obvious lol
11. Are you listening to music rn?
Nah im listening to asmr lol
12. What is something you want right now?
I want a giant minecraft creeper plush. Like. Body pillow size. (Oh my god what if there was one of those overly sexual body pillow covers but with a creeper--- i would buy that ngl. As long as it wasnt super sexual lol)
13. How do you feel right now?
Honestly? Kinda depressed. Ive been in a weird funkrecently.
15. Personality description
I dont ever post about it, but I've actually got DID (dissociative identity disorder) so that one's hard to pinpoint? But i guess the "singletsona" or the mask we put on for basically everyone we're not close with is "chaotic nerdy punk"
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone but you didnt?
Well, my partner (as mentioned above) is a fairly new relationship. Not even a month yet new. And we went to this convention together! Anime midwest! And we were sitting out by the fountain in the area where cars pull in for drop offs and deliveries. And all i could think about was "this would be a perfect area for a first kiss" but i chickened out and thoughtit was too soon and what if they get weirded out and--- they still dont know.
17. Opinion on insecurities.
So honestly? I think its good to have some insecurities. Like i think if everyone walked around thinking they were perfect all the time, there would be no growth as human beings, emotionally i mean. I have plenty of insecurities myself, BUT this reminds me of how many people ask me for fashion advice! I dress very alternatively and really adore my fashion style and ive yet to get a negative reaction from someone. Besides the point though, i once answered that question with "Wear what makes you want. If it makes you happy it looks good, and if someone's staring it means your hot." That just kinda randomly spewed out of my mouth and the person was like "wow thats kind of inspiring"
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Oh gosh good question!! Kind of depends on the vibe really, but the one i get most excited for and always sing along to is Flight Of The Crows by Jhariah
21. Age and birthday?
21!! 22 on july 26th :D
23. Fear(s)
That everyone secretly hates/dislikes me and is only keeping up relationships bc they want something out of me :)
25. Role model
Honestly i dont think i have a role model atm! I try not to compare myself with people, so my brain has turned that into dont try to be like anyone. If i reeeeeally had to choose though, my elementary school (?) Art teacher. He not only helped me with the first art project i was ever proud of, he also would be playing guitar as we walked into class and when he stopped and we thought he was done and started clapping, hed start playing again. He even played behind his head if i recall correctly!
27. Things i hate
I hate cringe culture. I also hate fast fashion. I also hate anything that makes fun of children for their interests.
28. I'll love you if...
My love language is touch, and i have chronic pain, THEREFORE, if you give me a massage im legally required to marry you. Before we started dating, i was making waffles for my partner and complained about my shoulders. They randomly came up and gave me a massage! They're stuck with me forever now (sorry babe i dont make the rules)
31. 3 random facts
AAAA I TELL THIS ONE TO EVERYONE! Any bees you see outside the hive (aka worker bees) are female! All the males are drones and only serve as reproduction matter. Had a (female) boss tell me "thats not true, they're called "worker" bees" n i looked at her, at her job, and was like "what are you doing right now"
Link, from legend of zelda, is canonically androgynous! He was designed to be able to connect with on a personal level, and therefore whatever gender the player wanted him to be
My initials are MEM and i have a friend who wanted me to marry someone whos last name started with E so we could hyphenate the last names and make my initials MEME
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Mainly girls and nonbinary folk!
33. Something you want to learn
34. Most embarrassing moment
Idk if this is the MOST embarrassing bc memory bad but i was on my first date with my last ex, we were bowling and it was a double date with two of their friends. They get up to bowl and as theyre trying to head to the ball dispenser, i move to touch their butt as a joke (they didnt mind we were both v touchy) and they moved away right as i did so i missed and fell off the bench. They didnt even notice lol!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I want a farm. Not any sort of big thing, just enough acres for a few animals, a nice garden, and some bees. And maybe a blacksmith workshop.
On that farm, i want a divination shop! Just a little building with a front room for supplies and such, but the main attraction are the two back rooms. Decked out with tapestries and blankets and pretty fabric decorating the walls and ceilings, super comy couches or chairs around a beautiful table where we host readings of all sorts. Tarot, rune, bone throws, ect.
As soon as the farm starts up this one will likely be done, but to fill the time between now and then (bc farm is end goal) id love to be a theatre costume designer! Head honcho would be best, but honestly I'll take any position sewing :)
40. Favorite memory
Again, memory bad, but a good one is taking pictures of the highschool ex i thought i was gonna marry. I was in a photography class, and at the time planned on being a photographer professionally, so we ran around her neighborhood (she lived in a really nice area) and took pictures! Theres one of here where the sun speckles in and makes a bunch of "orbs" and it looks like shes surrounded by faeries.
51. Starsign
Leo sun, gemini moon, libra rising
52. Something you're talented at
I dont really think im talented at anything, but if i didnt say singing i think my friends would have me on a stake lol
53. 5 things that make me happy
Bees, stuffed animals, finishing costumes, my partners, and puppets!
55. Tumblr friends
Honestly i rlly dont have people i talk to consistently here, but id definitely say @rovah17 is one of em!! Thanks for being sweet bro :)
59. Why i joined tumblr
I was 14 and my friend i roleplayed with every single day told me i had to check this site out. Idr her reasoning, probably smth about fandoms, but ive been stuck ever since. I wish i could remember my first url lol!
That was long and i talked far too much but that was really fun to write!!!
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finalshaper · 4 months
11 for the OC ask game, OC of your choosing!
Send me some asks and I'll answer about my boys (only doing Samael and Nebula rn, will do this again once I actually make a list of ocs lmao)
11: Does your OC have a pet peeve?
Nebby is bothered by few things, which he mostly does out of sheer will for the sake of being as compatible with as many people as possible when he's out doing Guardian things -- after all, you can't guess what your randomly-assigned fireteam mates are gonna be like, and if it's tedious work you'd rather make sure everything is in as smooth working order as possible!
Outside of a teamworking professional context, Nebula is very bothered by, very specifically, people getting in his way while he's in the kitchen. When he's cooking, it's best to stay out of his way -- he gets over the annoyance relatively quickly, unless you're hovering around like you don't know what you want. He'd stop, and probably ask you outright what you want or comment that you look lost like you've taken a wrong turn. If he's in the way of, say, the cupboard where he keeps his cups, he'd be glad to grab one for you if you just ask.
Or, if he's at the fridge and you're after a cup of yogurt, he'd be glad to toss one to you. But standing there and doing nothing, pacing around, or gods forbid trying to help him when he's in the zone, is a massive faux-pas and he'd rather you not. There's the living room to pace around in, and he'll reassure you that whatever he's making is either just starting or almost done, and to have some patience, please -- and stay out of his way.
Thank you for the ask!!
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witchboyjimin · 1 year
Confidently waving at you below a mountain of tissues and heart medicine bc of your last ask :D
Also my prayer better work the fuck or else imma throw hands 😤 it does make me go shifty eyes over my sent asks tho haha. Until you answer, I'm always like you better not have lost this my dude @ Tumblr
ALSO NOT YOU SAYING YOU WANNA INVITE ME TO DINNER OMG NAV LMFAO. Smooth. Did make me giggle ngl. Also we have the option of me cooking because i am pretty decent I'd say. And all I have to watch out for are things that give me problems randomly in no pattern so we're good rip 💀 however, ordering in is also awesome so I'm game for anything. What do you usually love to order in or rather, if you could choose anything, what would it be?
I'm wrecking my brain over what part of ILHDYS I enjoy the most but hm. Maybe not choosing is the more elegant way out haha. Ngl the scene just before Jungkook leaves for the human town, their fight... That one's a good one. I love when a character sorta fucks up and hurts the other character's feelings jn the heat of the moment because it feels quite real and raw.
And omg Nav, i genuinely all jokes aside had my heart warm up upon your words of gratitude ♥️ i love that i could contribute to you getting more comfortable with your writing again and that you gained confidence back. I love love love to see it ♥️ and i will shamelessly continue to do so haha.
And i am so torn (sounds too harsh but can't think of a better word rn lol) over coming off anon, not necessarily bc I'm shy but writing messages on anon like this has a certain kind of magic to it. I have such a hard time putting into words what I'm trying to say here hahaha. But i will definitely consider 😊
Question(s): what fic trope do you enjoy reading the most? And what's your favourite pet name if you do have one? Seeing as there are different ones throughout your fics.
I'm sending you hugs upon love upon hugs (if you want ofc) back and hope you take care of yourself too. I was very happy to read on your main blog that you feel better ❤️❤️❤️ and if you're ever feeling down or like you'd want to talk to someone, I'm never far ☺️
.... also forehead kiss Nav- that is lethal hahaha
- cabin anon ✨
omg yeah keeping my fingers crossed your asks come through!!! >:0 be nice tumblr!
keke ofc i was going to invite you to dinner! oooh! do you have like a signature dish? or a fan favourite that friends/family request you make? but also rip to random foods that give you allergies >:( that's truly the worst when it is hard enough trying to eat. my fav thing to eat out is....[shame spiral] mcdonald's spicy chicken nuggets. no im joking (im not), my go to take out food is actually korean fried chicken. i think i eat it like...at least twice a month fkndk what about you!!! we gotta decide what we're gonna eat at out dinner.
I ALSO LOVE WHEN A CHARACTER FUCKS UP AND THEN THE OTHER PERSON'S FEELINGS ARE HURT!!!!!!!! it's DELICIOUS! and then you just get to sit there and nibble on the anguish. it's especially nice if you, as the reader, know character who got their feelings hurt likes/loves character who hurt their feelings. good shit.
i mean it! i've been writing down my feelings more these days so i can process them/figure out mental blocks and i legit wrote "cabin anon enjoys your fic and that's enough" because i can really get in my head about being good enough which is also so dumb because i'm very lucky that so many kind people enjoy my fic. but it really means a lot to have someone like support me in this way so i really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate it and how much it's helped! i make a much more active effort to write these days. and it's 100% okay if you don't want to come off anon! whatever makes you happiest and most comfortable -3- no pressure from me. i am happy to talk to you like this and if you did come off anon, i would love to talk to you that way too!
my fav fic trope is definitely hurt/comfort. i think i love reading it because....i love getting my feelings hurt and then receiving the comfort fgjfndk but honestly when a fic hurts just right, i can like feel it in my chest and the ache will travel all the way down to my hands and it's just SO GOOD! if we get more specific, i love (as we discussed) when person a goes feral when person b gets hurt and also...guy who is insane and evil and mean but not to his love interest.
fav pet name for jimin is 100% kitten >:) i don't get to use it enough but i will change that! also love it when jk calls jimin princess. but i think in general for fic, i'm a sucker for baby/babe. you can never go wrong with a classic. i do love endearments/pet names a LOT tho! so i also love little bird/dove, love, darling, etc etc.
please tell me what you like for both questions too THANK-YOU!
keke well you were being so kind and wonderful and physical touch is my love language -3- i hope you have a great day cabin anonie ✨!! and that things are going well. i'm also here if you ever need to get anything off your mind! cheering for you!!! 💛💛💛
0 notes
you-son-of-apollo · 2 years
Hey there 😎 I just go and steal Lena's idea because I really like it. So, can you please choose one or two songs from the ask game and answer them for me? You could go with your favorite ones, choose two randomly, or one random and one favorite.🖤
Hi, I really like this concept! Two random ones and one which I wanted to answer just because (I just wanted to say who's my celeb crush rn okay 😅)
Sharks Love Blood: Who's your celebrity crush? - Tom Glynn-Carney, I saw him in The House of The Dragon where ge played Aegon and I fell hard 💕
Like a Brother: Do you have siblings? - I have a younger brother, he's 17
Alone Against All: What is your fight motto? (=Something to push yourself when you are in fighting mode?) -  I really like to go with the lyrics of the chores of the song "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor "Oh no, not I, I will survive. Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive. I've got all my life to live, and I've got all my love to give. And I'll survive, I will survive, I will survive" 
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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azucanela · 4 years
Dating korra would include
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SUMMARY: life with korra from confession to marriage
WARNINGS: no major spoilers 
A/N: SOMEONE WITH T A S T E, i hope you don’t mind but i kinda just did the same thing i did for my zuko headcannons so feel free to scroll straight to the during the relationship bit if you just want dating korra h/c :D 
also i have 300 followers now what, i literally had 200 like yesterday hi everyone <3 um i really need to start pulling out all the stops
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she’s a simp.
that’s it. thats the headcannon. she has literally liked you since she met you and has said nothing, but you probably know since she’s so damn OBVIOUS ABOUT IT
korra is very in tuned with her emotions so when she realizes she likes you she’s pretty okay with it, a little more flustered during your interactions, but after a while her goal is to make you feel how she feel which is flustered.
she has no shame though, she knows she is hot and she wants you to know she thinks you are hot
lots of flirting on her end, so naturally you kinda begin to think she is joking and think nothing of it
this was not her intent, and now that you are desensitized to her flirting and not reacting flustered like you did when she first started she is frustrated™
you were not understanding that she very much likes you
she hasn’t said anything outright to you about it though, which is the main reason you are like lol this is a joke, my crush fake flirts with me i am okay
spoiler alert: you are not okay with this it hurts ow
so now shes getting ridiculously affectionate with you, which, tbh, she always was, but not its RIDICULOUS, korra is out here throwing an arm around your shoulder, randomly grabbing your hand, kissing your cheek
shes trying really hard to get her point across like really really hard
like painfully hard
if she likes you its probably because your fun, like you really spice up her life and introduce her to new things and go on really dumb adventures and really important missions with her and you put up with her and wow now korra is simping oops
you’re also probably forcing her to stay healthy, since i honestly think that despite having such an appetite, korra will forget to eat and take care of herself sometimes.
she is so bad at drinking water i swear to goD
there are two situations here
situation one is where korra finally realizes that you CANNOT READ SIGNALS AT ALL and decides she going to be upfront with you about her feelings
she’s either going to just flat out kiss you next time she sees you or spill all her emotions, of both in no particular order
you’re like reading in your room in the air temple, just vibing, and you see her coming towards you with a determined look on her face and you’re like ??? lol okay
you go back to reading only to have her hand reach under you jaw and she brings you into a kiss and now you’re like LOL OKAY
you honestly think that this is just another one of her stunts to get you flustered and means nothing
and then she pulls apart and just starts spilling her feelings and you’re like :O omg me too 
and she’s like, “great, we’re dating now.” and suddenly she’s kissing you again, and between kisses you’re like, “im sorry what?”
“you heard me. do you have a problem with that?”
you just kiss her again
situation two is where you get sick of her and realize woah she may or may not be in love with you and so you confront her, and now there is a lot of yelling because you are frustrated™ and like screw you korra
you honestly think she is either madly in love with you and just doing this as a joke, and you genuinely think the latter is more like so you lowkey start crying and korra immediately begins to panic
she’s like, “why would i ever joke about that! i’ve literally been trying to get that through your thick skull this whole time!”
this time you kiss her first and korra is throwing a party in her head but she also feels really bad for making you cry oops
okay so korra happens to be very much a simp
and you happen to be very much the mom friend™ it doesn’t matter if you are a boy girl or none of the above, that is your trademark my friend
she’s very affectionate and now that the two of you are dating she is at a whole new level.
important meeting? you are in her lap she does not care. war meeting? she is cuddling you as you explain the plans of attack and DAMN DO YOU LOOK GOOD DOING it
since being the avatar is MUCH more a political position now though, she does try to keep your relationship slightly on the down low, even before you were dating, you both had reporters constantly asking about your relationship and she doesn’t really like that
they are nosy and she does not approve. korra understands wanting to know about her avatar duties, but anything outside of that in regards to her personal life annoys her
loves kissing you, and when she does it tends to be intense and passionate. after a particularly tough day though, her kisses can either be slow and sensual because she just wants to have a nice soft and domestic day with you
they can be harsh and almost brutish, she will get rough with you because she is highkey pissed at everything that day and making out you with is her stress reliever
really likes cuddling and anything domestic in general. she’s really happy with you, and she kinda has all the love languages
she seeks validation when the press is particularly harsh since being the avatar is HARD and as much as she wants to, she cannot please anyone, so please tell her she is doing amazing
so many acts of service up in here, she will randomly do stuff for you, spontaneity is kinda her vibe ya know
very vocal and expressive about her feelings, communication is key with her
arguments aren’t a rarity tbh, but when they do happen they tend to be more of debates over little things like what’s better, pineapple pizza or no?
major fights tend to end poorly since she can be a little stubborn when it comes to such things, but she will admit she was wrong and apologize IF she was wrong
if she wasn’t wrong but the argument got out of hand, she’ll apologize for that but will affirm her correctness
kiss her scars, she has them, and she is proud of them but 
support her at her pro bending matches and she will DIE, so happy, literally sososososososo happy, hugs you, loves you, yes
treats you as an equal no matter what, even if people think that as the avatar she should see herself as something more than
very protective of you.
like if someone flirts with you, she is clingy x10. if someone hits on you despite your protests, she HITS them. if someone threatens to hurt you, she promises to end them. 
she’s gonna realize she wants to propose when she almost loses you, or in the middle of a battle. when the reality of potentially losing you hits her she is gonna realize she wants to live out the rest of her life by your side, protecting you
situation one is where she literally, in the MIDDLE OF BATTLE, without a ring, just proposes. you are being a baddie, bending if you are a bender, fighting the opposing enemy, looking MIGHTY FINE while doing it
“marry me.”
you falter, nearly getting hit as your head whips over to her and you’re like, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?”
and she throws a giant rock at the opposition, temporarily indisposing them, “yes?? why wouldn’t i be.”
Someone comes up behind you and you elbow them in the face and ram your foot into their knee, knocking them down, “RIGHT NOW?” 
she throws a whip of water in your direction and you dodge it, allowing her to take out the enemy behind you, and you throw a whole dagger at her to do the same. “that was close.” she narrows her eyes at you bc you lowkey look like you wanna kill her rn as you two hide behind a barricade for cover and an explosion washes over it, “you could’ve killed me.”
“you just about gave me a heart attack when you PROPOSED two minutes ago, need i remind you.”
korra raised a brow at you, “is that a no...?”
“do you even have a ring?”
korra gives you a look that gives you the answer and you groan, “i cannot believe you.”
“you really should’ve expected this.”
“i know.”
“i get to pick the ring then?”
“you’re probably going to plan the whole wedding.”
theres a boom from beyond the barricade you two have hidden behind as korra looks to you, “alright?”
“i’ll marry you.” you elaborate, giving her a bright smile.
situation two is more depressing lol
you have been SHOT oops, don’t die pls because korra CANNOT handle it after everything that has happened to her, so if you die she’s done
she’s kinda just sitting at your bed side and it hits her that you could die basically any day now, and she would have so many regrets
she wished she kissed you more, told you she loved you more, held you longer, spent more mornings with you and your bedhead, she wished she learnt to cook so that she could surprise you with a meal when you get home from a long day of work, she wishes she did a lot of things
she wishes you two were married.
korra is now having an existential crisis, and everyone is telling her that she has to go home, get some rest, you’ll wake up eventually, you’ll get better, but you don’t wanna wake up to korra being a mess
she knew they were right, you always scolded her for not taking care of herself, so she decided to follow some of their wishes
Korra cannot bring herself to go home, there are so many reminders of you that it hurts, and she kinda just decides she’ll stay in a hotel and wash up and such.
besides, you are her home.
after leaving the hotel, she ends up going the jeweler and buying the ring she believes screams you
when korra returns to the hospital, she contemplated proposing right then and there, before realizing that you’d probably yell at her for choosing such a ridiculous time and you already had a lot on your plate
once the two of you return home and you are in the midst of recovery, she did learn to cook, so you wouldn’t feel the need to do so, and given your situation she fears you’ll injure yourself further in the process.
you two are eating dinner and you’re babbling on about something you’d read, and she suddenly decides to get up and walk over to you, leaving you like ???
then she gets down on one knee and you are like :O
she’s like, “marry me.”
naturally, you start crying and nodding because wow this is such an intimate moment and just happiness
kissinggggg after that 
the wedding is, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE public, the most private and intimate wedding ever. korra hates reporters after her life as the avatar, she doesnt want strangers at her wedding.
any and everyone she has ever fought beside is there though, its wholesome and nice
definitely cries when she sees you at the altar
its a pretty basic wedding though, unless you prefer something over the top, the food is nice a mix of both your cultures and favorite things and there’s beautiful lighting
definitely done on air temple island, and tbh tenzin would probably walk you down the aisle because i said so
married life with her is even better, she lives for he domesticity of it all, especially lazy sunday mornings with the light filtering in and you just looking all pretty and having a lil fun
honeymoon in the spirit word lads
bolin is your number one supporter
life with korra is a 10/10 i do recommend it
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A/N: im kinda in love with korra lol this requests made me happy
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sk-lumen · 3 years
Need serious advice about setting boundaries or communicating when dealing with a person who:
Is a parent
Has unhealthy communication methods -- it takes very little for them to start full-blown screaming, shouting out all your 'negative' things/mistakes/past, can continue to scream-criticise you even after you've gone silent, for WHOLE MINUTES even if you've shut up, will not accept anything that even hints at them making a mistake
You can't trust since childhood coz u made the mistake of confiding in them with a serious issue as a young teen --- mental related --- and they belittled and invalidated you, and since then pretended you never confided in them and have NO IDEA how you've been coping without them or ANYone else for years... Yeah thanks, parent, what u said back then made me think I was the one at fault and so I stopped trusting even friends coz yeah, when ur own parent doesn't give a damn, why would anyone else?
Is a master at silent treatments without explaining what EXACTLY they're punishing you for, then when theyre in the mood, will start talking to you as if they hadn't ignored you for days. Lol I'd rather be water boarded I think. Especially for all the damage this caused when I was a child
Won't openly talk about what they want, yet expects ALL FHE TIME others (in the family) to know what they want, then will complain/scream/angry for AGES about how no one cares, no one gives a damn... And when someone asks them what they want, they either say: nothing, or "you should know! Can't u see?"
Upon asking them to please talk normally, will blow a fuse, and lose it --- happened multiple times today
Literally will use me as a scape goat to unleash their frustrations upon. Even when I leave the room, I can hear them b*tch about how much of a failure I am etc. The trigger being anything that bothers them, from a phone call to something other siblings did, bla bla. I limit my time with them... But it's like, it feels impossible to have them treat me normally, without ridiculing or criticising me. I'm already a very low self esteem person... This doesn't help AT ALL
In short, refuse to tell/ask/discuss important stuff, and getting mad randomly that no one read their mind, bcoz everyone's 'old enough to have enough sense' to know what they 'should' do... Eg will not pikc up the phone when we call them from the store to ask when what the needed isn't available, so what other alternative can we get... And then when we get home, will instead blame us for being fussy and not getting the alternative, completelt skirting around the issue they didn't deign to pick up the phone... I mean, I don't get it. In the past I HAVE in fact asked them to just openly tell me what they want/expect from me to make them happy... Got passive aggressive answers like "don't you know? Are you dumb?" Bla bla
Passive aggressive to the max when they've lost it
Expect me to drop anything I'm doing and immediately cater to them, and expect me to help them in their hobbies (while simultaneously, as I learned many years ago to much heartache, not being interested or even pretending to be interested in my hobbies. The disinterest taught me very quickly how much what I wanted meant, leading to years of self-invalidation. Luckily I've learned it really is them, not me. My hobbies are valid)
Will not talk about why they're feeling angry, what causes it. Instead will blame me, who's like the golden scapegoat in our amazing family, by saying :YOU made me negative. They've said it many times now... It hurts a lot, when I'm also struggling with my own issues which I ofc can't confide in them about :)
Today I manned up -- the outburst of hatred happened again! Over a simple thing. It was NIGHTMARE and made me angry/sad/frustrated/triggered---, and so I told them to stop talking like that... Boy was that the wrong thing to say... I don't think I can accurately tell u what happened afterwards...
Usually children learn communication skills from the parents... I at least learned to recognize the unhealthy ones, and what NOT to communicate like lol. Like, other parent is even worse, believe it or not. But that's another complex situation
I'm not bashing on the parent. Lord knows I even have that much of a right huh? I hate myself eveb more when they invalidate me if I try to show how MUCH THEY HURT me after a 'communication session'. As in, heaven forbid me if I BE SILENT afterwards and DON'T wanna listen to their retardation. Nope. Even then they provoke me, rage at me, you know how sometimes enraged people hiss vitriol thru gritted teeth? Yeah, that's what they did today after I stayed silent and tried to ignore them an hour later after the 'session' when they wabted something. It's like they don't even need me to say a word and will carry on and on for minutes 🤢
I feel alone, helpless and at a loss what to do
I want to move out. Due to severe mental issues I can't even move out rn coz it scares me even more. But this has to stop. Things are only okay if I'm absolutely passive, say yes to whatever they want, kill my wants and needs, and become a perfect robot bred to cater to them (parent)
I hope you can help me out, dear
Hi darling,
It sounds like you’re in a considerably toxic environment. I'm sorry you're going through this. Know that this is not normal, nor is it how a parent/child relationship should be. In case there's any doubt, let me start by saying you deserve to be supported, respected, listened to, to have your needs met. You deserve to live in an environment that offers you all of these things.
With that being said, from the many scenarios you’ve mentioned you’ve already tried reasoning and setting boundaries, to no avail. There is only so much you can do on your own, if the other person in the equation is not meeting halfway or at all. After all, a healthy conversation involves two people, not just one.
Here's my advice, in this order:
Calmly and maturely asking the respective parent to have a serious discussion with you and to listen to what you have to say. Share how their actions and behaviour is making you feel, let them know you care, and make sure to mention several solutions for the issue as well. If this doesn’t work…
Bring up the subject of needing help from outside, such as the assistance of a specialist/therapist. Family counselling can shed a lot of light on toxic behaviours that are ingrained from childhood (both in their case and yours), on fears your parent may have, stress from their work, whatever is causing their outbursts and anger - because there is always a reason. Behind anger is sadness, and behind sadness is some need not being met, or an underlying fear, trauma, etc. This is not a justification for their behaviour, they are responsible for it; this is simply the fact of how energy dynamics work. People bottle up their frustrations, fears, etc, and let them out on those closest to them, to whom they feel superior. It’s not fair, and it’s not healthy, but it is frequently how this pattern works. If this solution doesn’t work either…
Then unfortunately, all you can do is focus on yourself. If they refuse to meet you anywhere along the road, you have to pack up your things and go your own way. Literally or metaphorically. They may be your parent and you may love them even in spite of their behaviour, but you cannot hold yourself responsible for anything they say or do; that is on them. In those cases, you have to prioritize your own mental health and wellbeing, and focus on moving out. If your (home) environment is toxic, you have to focus on first changing it. That’s vital. Only afterwards can you start healing, refinding yourself, reclaiming your self-esteem and confidence, your sense of worth. As long as you stay stuck in a toxic environment, you cannot really heal; if there is abuse of any kind (physical, mental, emotional), the causes are still there, leading to re-traumatizing.
If for whatever reason moving out is not (yet) an option, I would emphasize seeking some sort of counselling for yourself, if nothing else. You need an anchor, some sort of support that will help you along your path until you do get out.
Now, I don’t know how old you are. I am going to assume you are over 18 and of age, so only mind my advice if that is the case. (As disclaimer, I don't provide advice to minors as it's not the scope of my blog nor am I specialized/focused on that area.)
I understand moving out seems scary because it is unknown, but with that line of thought you may wait another 10 years in the same situation. Wouldn’t you wake up 10 years later already having done the hard work on moving out, finding your independence, claiming your sense of individuality and moving on from this sort of environment, this phase in your life?
Sooner is better than later, but do so with mindfulness and care over your mental health, of course. I know it’s scary. But being an adult requires some difficult decisions at times, and setting boundaries begins with choosing your wellbeing and doing what needs to be done, even if it is something uncomfortable short-term, but highly rewarding and beneficial long-term.
Hope this helps... and wishing you much luck, clarity, gentle guidance and comfort.✨
PS: Lately I've been receiving longer and longer letters in my inbox. As solution, I was thinking of having longer asks/letters redirected to my blog where there isn't any length limit, and readers can more comfortably browse both my tumblr and blog - and those requesting advice can share and receive a more in-depth response.
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flying-elliska · 3 years
thank you @sinterblackwell for tagging me in this bookish ask game! these questions were really interesting !
how many books are too many books in a series ? i'm honestly pretty tolerant for long book series, i love seeing a world develop over lots of books - started the bone season series recently which has 4 books so far and is slated to have seven, it's going to be a bitch waiting but at the same time there is something so thrilling about having this sort of returning event year after year (i grew up with the HP books so that really marked me i guess). that said i think that only really works when the authors have solid plans because when an author gets stuck and you have to wait ten years for the next one that really sucks (lol GoT). and i think beyond 7-8 it's definitely getting excessive.
how do you feel about cliffhangers ? hmmm...depends if they're well done or if they feel like shock value. i think every book needs to feel like a cohesive unit and some cliffhangers happen too soon, without enough resolution - that said, i love it when books open up a new (but related) mystery in the last few lines
hardback or paperback ? i used to buy paperbacks only but over time those really get damaged super easily (i've moved a lot) and it feels like a waste of space and paper. so now i'm doing this thing where i mostly buy ebooks and whenever i really like a book and want it in my permanent library - or when a new book is coming out that i know i am going to love - i buy hardbacks ; at least when the covers are aesthetically satisfying. i just really love the idea of starting to build my 'forever library'
least favorite book ? it's tied between Manon Lescaut, which i was forced to read in high school and is the most irritating story ever about an old timey dude falling in 'love' with a prostitute and blaming her for it and everything else that goes wrong in his life until she dies and he can 'be free' ; and The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi which made me so uncomfortable i had to stop like one third of the way in and is a torture p*rn, fetishistic, racist mess about a Japanese cyborg girl who gets exploited and abused by everyone she meets. It's possible that these two books were trying to make a point about how the things they're depicting were bad, but there is a level of misogyny and violence that feels too illustrative, exploitative and graphic to ever serve that purpose properly in my mind.
love triangles, yes or no ? i'm not against a love triangle when it's well done, i.e it has a real impact on the plot and is tied into the themes of the story. For example, I think the triangle in the Hunger Games is a good one, because Peeta represents (to simplify it massively) peace whereas Gale represents violence, the escalation of war and never ending conflict, so Katniss choosing between them is not just about moody teenager feelings. That said, the trope has definitely been overused in YA ; I really hate love triangles when it's just an excuse to stall the plot and throw in artificial delays because the characters are being wishy-washy and indecisive and non-communicative assholes. also i wish more of them got solved by polyamory or something.
the most recent book you just couldn't finish ? last year, If I loved you less by Tamsen Parker, a modern wlw retelling of Emma which I expected to love but the overly casual-quirky writing and the excessively immature MC just irritated the hell out of me
a book you're currently reading ? rereading The Raven Cycle right now, I'm on the Raven King and I'll reread Call Down the Hawk after, I want to get to Mister Impossible
last book you recommended to someone ? Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed
oldest book you've read ? hmmmmmm not sure but the thing that comes to mind rn is the Tao Te Ching by Laozi, 6th century BC
newest book you've read ? ehhh probably Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell
favorite author ? lol i absolutely cannot answer that question no matter what i say it feels like a betrayal
buying books or borrowing books ? buying, i'm a shitty borrower tbh because i like having books sit in my TBR pile and just randomly decide to read them out of the blue
a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love ? the night circus by erin morgenstern - it's so popular everywhere and I wasn't even able to finish it ; it's the epitome of style over substance for me ; sure the descriptions are beautiful but they feel so empty and void of any meaning or character development ; it drags for chapters and chapters and then boom ! instalove, which is when i dropped it because that's one of the things i hate the most. i checked the rest of the plot on wikipedia to be sure and yeah it annoyed me too so.
bookmarks or dog ears ? bookmarks. i only ever dog ear my study books
a book you can always reread ? letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke
can you read while listening to music ? nooo it's way too much input when i get into a book it's Intense i can't deal with anything else
one pov or multiple povs ? i absolutely love a well done multiple POVs when the switching allows you to compare the perspective of different characters and how it shapes the narrative and how they think of each other and how it slowly all merges together ! Especially when it's dumbasses in love pining over each other !!! chef's kiss !!!
do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days ? depends, i binge when i have the time and it's gripping but not always and that's fine
who do you tag ? @beeexx @all-the-wr0ng-places @smblmn @peoniesandsmiles @bremmommye @dorkdumplings @petitspaceling @hellswolfie @iamshannonmcfarland if you want to no pressure !!!
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pepperminttegan · 3 years
tumblr tag game
thank you the tag @rachelmclacey - @a24thegreenknight - @friendofspidermannedleeds <3
1. Why did you choose your url?
i like puns, peppermint tea (literally drinking some rn), and my name is tegan. voilà.
2. Any side blogs?
nope. i barely have the attention span for one.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
like, originally? probably 2010-2011. i’ve deleted and rejoined tumblr times as i abandoned my previous cringe pile.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no and i hardly ever use the queue.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i read some really good spideychelle fics and wanted to join the fandom! i’m really glad i took the leap. the spideychelle peeps are lovely and a half <3
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it’s a picrew of me bc i have a horde of them like any self-respecting trans person.
7. Why did you choose your header?
i... don’t think i have a header. do i? suggest me one.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
i have no idea how to find the answer to this
9. How many mutuals do you have?
twenty! and i cherish every one of them.
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
that would require me making a self-post that isn’t a tag game or an ao3 post. so no.
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
ten, maybe twenty minutes? a bit less than i did a few weeks ago. it’s just healthy to take a step back every once in a while.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
not on this blog i haven’t
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i ignore that bit and reblog it if i want. no pressure.
16. Do you like tag games?
i love them! learning about my mutuals interests and intricacies is the best part of tumblr.
17. Do you like ask games?
i do, and feel free to send me asks just randomly too! you don’t have to wait for a game.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
lmao all of them but me it feels like. they’re all stars in my eyes.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes :)
20. Tags!
i am so late to this party i even missed the clean up so i’m not gonna tag anyone. but if you wanna do it, tag me and i’ll edit you in here <3
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authenticcadence18 · 3 years
30 Questions About Me
THANKS FOR THE TAG @bugaboo-n-bananoir ILY!!!!
(Nick)name: Cadence
gender: cis female
Star sign: Pisces
Height: uhhhhh I am not sure, it’s taller than 5ft at least
Time: night! (Well I wrote most of this last night, but now it’s the evening of the next day!)
Birthday: well I’m a Pisces, so my birthday is between Feb 19th and march 20th!
Fave band/group: Pentatonix! Or For King and Country. Or the piano guys, the vitamin string quartet, Voctave.....also Phineas and the Ferbtones👌
Fave solo artists: I really like Lauren Daigle, and Jackie Evancho used to be my FAVE. Aaand idk if this counts but Michael Giacchino! love his scores, especially the score for Inside Out. There’s also this guy called Clay Kramer on YouTube who makes KK Slider covers of popular music, his stuff gives me so much seratonin😅
Song Stuck in my Head: Well I’m listening to music rn and “I’m Me” from Phineas and Ferb is on so I’ll say that! (I’ll revisit this one when I finish the list and update it with whatever song i’m listening to/is stuck in my head then) (ok the music has since been turned off and now I have “Status Quo” from High School Musical stuck in my head so! There ya go!) (now it is the next day, and I’ve got “when the party’s over” stuck in my head...i think these three songs are an accurate reflection of my taste in music🤣)
Last Movie: uhhhhh oh yeah, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice! It was SO GREAT because Jay Baruchel plays the main character (and the main character is super awkward), so I felt like I was watching Hiccup from the How To Train Your Dragon franchise learn magic and it was GLORIOUS. And also Nicholas Cage is great. And I liked the love interest in the movie as well!! She had a role to play in the story and felt authentic and genuine, which I appreciated!
Last Show: ok well the last show I watched by myself was Phineas and Ferb! Specifically, the episode with the Mardi Gras block party and then the one where Candace and Stacy compete in an obstacle course against Isabella and Ginger (omg wAIT ginger and Stacy are sisters and Isabella and Candace are GOING to be sisters mY HEART I—AH🥺). I hadn’t watched those episodes in forever, so they were really fun to revisit! I think the last actual show I watched was Kids Baking Championship or something, lol. (Those kids are AMAZING. So skilled!)
When i created this blog: November 2019! It was riiiight after the season 3 finale of miraculous aired and absolutely wrecked my emotions. I had some fanfic written that I’d never posted and had been thinking about making a tumblr/ao3 for awhile, and seeing the finale made me finally go, “.....you know what, yeah. The finale is aired, no more spoilers.....it’s time to make a blog.” So I did! And I posted my first fic! And I’m so happy i did :)
What Do I Post: a bunch of multi fandom stuff XD. This blog started off as 90% Miraculous, 10% other fandoms I like...but now it’s just kind of a hodgepoge of my favorite fandoms (with a focus on Phineas and Ferb, lol). I reblog a lot of posts, and then I post original stuff too! I write fanfic, nowadays for Phineas and Ferb but for Miraculous in the past (and probably in the future!), I draw art (mostly Phinabella art because I’ve been drawing them since i was 11 and it feels good to return to my roots), and OCCASIONALLY I will write an analysis post (I’ve got one in the works rn actually 👀), attempt to make a meme, or dip my toe into salt just SLIGHTLY before quickly backing away, lol. If I were to list the fandoms I post about in the order of how frequently I post about them, I’d probably say: Phineas and Ferb, Miraculous....and thennnnn everything else is pretty random and depends on the day, lol.
Last thing i googled: Jay Baruchel 😂. Couldn’t remember how to spell his last name!
Other blogs: this is my only blog! Sometimes I think about making a separate blog for my art and writing, but I am not sure if I should or not....maybe I will someday, but idk. I also have an AO3 for fanfic and an Instagram for art! All are under the name “authenticcadence18.”
Do I get asks: sometimes, yeah!! Sometimes I reblog ask games/prompts and get some asks for those (I’ve got so many prompts in my inbox I want to write/draw things for...ah it’s fine, I’ll get to it eventually😅), and sometimes lovely people will leave thoughts or nice messages in my inbox🥺💕. I’ve got a specific tag for all those nice messages so I can read back over them whenever I need a boost!
Why this url: it’s a music pun! When a song/section of a piece of music ends with a dominant chord resolving to a tonic chord (if you’ve read a certain fic of mine you should know allll about dominant and tonic chords👀🤣), it’s called an authentic cadence! There are different kinds of cadences, and authentic ones are my favorite. One example of this is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I also use this blog to be my authentic, fandom-loving self! So I like authentic cadences, and also, I’m Cadence and using this blog to be authentic! Woo! (And 18 is just my favorite number, lol) I’m glad I ended up choosing a name that doesn’t tie to a specific fandom becaaaaaause this ended up being a multi fandom blog!
Following: 232!!
Followers: 292!!! (THANKS SO MUCH Y’ALL ILY 💕)
Average amount of sleep: wellllll for the past week and a half I was sick so I was probably getting 9ish hours a night (because I would sleep in really late, lol). but NOW? In my immediate future? I suspect my average amount of sleep is going to go down because I’m really bad about staying up late even when I have to get up early😅. Hoping to be good about getting at least 7ish hours a night!
Lucky number: 18! But y’all probably already guessed that, lol.
Instruments: my voice, piano, ukulele, viola (but it’s been a HOT minute), aaaand i used to be able to play guitar but then I got a ukulele and forgot all the guitar chords. (I also dabble in songwriting! I primarily use voice and piano when writing music.)
What I’m wearing: my favorite sweatshirt (that was last night, rn I have on a tanktop), some leggings, and socks!
Dream job: I’m currently learning to be a teacher, and I LOVE teaching and working with kids so that is definitely a job I’m really excited about!!! I would also love to portray characters at Disney or something (well, maybe not at Disney because I hear they’re strict, but like....I want to be Rapunzel or Anna or something, that would be so fun). OR, I would LOVE to work in tv animation somehow, be it voice acting, writing scripts/music, and/or story boarding. basically if I could do what Dan and Swampy did for Phineas and Ferb/Milo Murphy’s Law, I would LOVE THAT. (Especially the writing music part. Getting to write music for established characters and get PAID for it would be SO COOL.!.!.!) Also I think it would be so fun to write Disney storybooks! Like, those books that are about Cinderella baking a cake or Ariel befriending a seahorse, stuff like that. Those brought me a ton of joy as a child!
Dream trip: I want to visit alllll the Disney parks someday😅. (Not right now because, ya know, Covid...but someday!)
Fave food: uhhh i really like pizza. And popcorn. Also hummus and guacamole!
nationality: American
Fave songs: “Times” by Tenth Avenue North; “Can’t Help Falling in Love” (I made an entire playlist of just this song when I first started writing my fic of the same name, so I like the original and a ton of covers of it!), “Show Yourself” from Frozen II, “What Might Have Been” from Phineas and Ferb (and lots of other songs from that show, i made a whole post about that once but I can’t find it, oof); “Rescue” by Lauren Daigle; “Thank You” by Pentatonix; “I See the Light” from Tangled; “Your Hands” by JJ Heller; “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran.....i like a loooot of songs so this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think that’s good for now, LOL! (As soon as I post this I’m going to remember another song I love, lol)
last book: I got the book Unbirthday for Christmas! It’s basically Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, but if she’d never gone to wonderland and things went horribly wrong there. (I think, I’m not that far into it yet, lol)
Top 3 fictional universes I’d love to live in: 1. DANVILLE, PLS. Especially as a kid, I SO would’ve loved to hang out with Isabella and Phineas and the rest of the gang! Danville is so vibrant and unique and people are always randomly breaking into song there, that’s my kind of place! 2. Fairytopia (from the Barbie movies!) because I could be a fairy OR a mermaid OR BOTH and eat seeweed to breathe underwater even if I wasn’t a mermaid. Like, that’s the dream right there. (I’ve always loved mermaids and fairies, lol!) 3. Maybe San Fransokyo from Big Hero 6? All of the technology in that universe is really cool! And I would love to eat a noodle burger, lol .
Oh! That’s the last one! Wow! This was so FUN!!!!!!! Thanks again for the tag, Maddy!!!! :)
I’ll taaaag @sketchy-panda @macaronsforchat @simplynewyorkbound @inkjackets and anyone else who’d like to do this! (And pls don’t feel pressured to play at all, or answer all of the questions! I was definitely vague with a few of my answers, lol)
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