#like picking chits
padfootastic · 2 years
I wanna share a lighthearted headcanon of mine. So, I’ve always imagined that Regulus and Sirius look almost completely identical, just a handful of minor differences and Sirius was just a bit taller, so imagine the Hogwarts students coming up to one Black and desperately hoping it’s the one they’re looking for, only to realize it’s the brother. A good way to tell is to look at their tie, but RIP anyone who sees them out of uniform or from the back. Normally the people they’re with the best indicator, but it sucks when they’re alone so nobody can tell. Sometimes, when they’re on decent, friendly terms, they even switch ties, to the dismay of everyone else. Both Sirius and Regulus have started responding to the other’s name, and they hate this fact.
Remus, approaching from the back: Hey, Sirius, McGonagall is looking for you
Regulus, without looking over: Wrong brother, no clue where Sirius is, good luck and goodbye
ok but i love this!!!
i do think the differences are pretty obvious once u get to know them. like u said, sirius is taller. he’s also a bit more,,,sharp-featured? like reg has some baby fat he absolutely loathes but it never rly disappears. sirius is skinnier overall tho, and he has really bony hips & other joints. they loved playing this to their advantage when they were kids—posing as each other, sirius pretending to be regulus and taking any of his punishments, annoying guests who come to their house etc. bit as they grow older and differences started arising, they tried doing whatever they could to distinguish each other. regulus had longer hair, like their father, and preferred smoothing it back to look older. sirius was more on the shorter, spikier hair end. (he was trying to replicate some muggles he’d seen & also it made him look more similar to james ykno?) but yah, sometimes even that wasn’t enough and u have instances like this.
malfoy: black—
sirius, cutting him off w/o even looking back: not the one u want. he should be on the quidditch pitch.
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sully-s · 4 months
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Space And Earth Chat
Bruce: Will you watch when the sun swallows the earth? Clark: Bruce, that's in five billion years Bruce: ... Clark: No Bruce: I would Clark: Morbid Bruce. Bruce: I understand why you wouldn't- Clark: I wouldn't becuase I won't let it happen. Bruce: It's physics Clark, you can't stop it. Clark: I can. Bruce: How? You're going to feed it more hydrogen? Clark: Sure, why not. I am a farmer's son.
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oatbugs · 2 months
procrastination is starting to have its consequences finally
#on my friends living room floor they love together but one of them has been london for weeks or maybe months#to be with her love. im on a foam mattress from one of their beds next to a glass bottle of water opened by one of them#in a mug given to me by another. the weather felt like my childhood today and it also felt like 2 years ago.#(put space in the heavens Einstein's idea and hes your friend too so nothing to fear) around the table they drank and laughed and i thought#i hope you keep growing so full with the love you receive . i hope your appetite becomes insatiable from how used to it you are#and i know youre all leaving soon but i hope one day you miss this and that youll be happy you miss it#its worth missing i think#i thought he didnt care but he said after exams hes going walk around this area over and over#(this is near where he lived and where we visited almost daily for a year)#(hed come across the bridge on a lake)#we went where she used to live and at the entrance a fox sat calmly. it just yawned and stared.#it felt important somehow. i think maybe their impressions of me will never be close to how i feel inside but i think#i love them enough for that not to matter. i dont think theyll ever know this. i dont think if they did it would change much.#and seeing them smile makes my heart glow anyway. today i tried their malaysian tea the ginger burned my throat#they warmed my heart. hes going to canada soon and hes going to the US soon and shes going everywhere soon ill never understand#how were supposed to live with memories and with seperation and with the past but we do it anyway so i think it doesnt matter much#i wanted to write a poem for the lab rats with the fibre optic wires lit with blue forcing them to turn around and around#something about how im sorry that the two photon arrays burned the inside of your brain. im sorry about the sharp points of multielectrode#arrayes. im sorry about everything we do to you. she asked to see me tomorrow. im trying to have self control but i miss her so awfully#last night my friend talked to me and i updated on everything that happened with love and the lack of it and she just started laughing#and she told me about the same thing from her side. and she told me about how she loved london because she would walk the streets#and she felt like the people were her. and her eyes would go over the people and the bag of bagels and the construction men they probably#have a kid at home maybe shes a daughter. this kid is crying for her mother and the building you just walked past caused#blisters and pain and people died in it and very likely people were born in it. we talked for hours and i felt like#i was holding her hand just like that time she held mine watching a horror film. i love her so much#my friend is a genius and i remember her picking up the charms of my phone and staring at the leaf hanging from them. shes side stepping to#music drinking dangerous cider and cocktails from a movie and chit chatting with billionaires and undergrads#i love her dearly. his head covered in electrodes. she tells me about a syrian guy shes in love with and she says#what you feel and what i feel is like cocaine. ive tried a lot of fucking cocaine.#she says ive reminded her of what living actually feels like and to never put energy into someone who doesnt see me this way.
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GASP wait, you have a cat????? And I randomly learn this from the tags one fine morning???
Can we see the kitty 🥺🥺🥺🫶
YES i have a cat and you may ABSOLUTELY SEE HER :D
this is Tigger she is old and bossy and opinionated but she is mine and i love her
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she used to be my grandparents' and is small and has a very gravelly meow. she likes sitting on top of people and sleeping under blankets but hates being brushed
oh and she also eats vaseline (but it's in very small doses and completely fine for her to eat)
here is another photo of her having a nap :)
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crybaby-bkg · 5 months
I had a seggsy dream about toji last night and I keep getting flashbacks like it really happened and I am. feeling Tortured. this is Pain.
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you are not gonna be able to guess what lucky circumstances I managed to accidentally get myself into this time lmao I secured myself a spot at a nude drawing class without even knowing it was a nude drawing class. it’s absolutely fantastic tho! the class is usually super popular and spots are hard to get so I was really lucky
#I’m just gonna pop by every few weeks spam reblog a bunch of posts and then yell about my personal life#without responding to any messages or anything else#and that’s gonna be my blog for a while ig#sorry!#but yeah it was rly funny when we entered the room and my friend and I set up our supplies and just chit chatted with them#and some other students#and I suddenly was like#wait so this is completely a nude drawing class?#and everyone was like#classic Gigi move#in my defence:#I assumed it was a general drawing class#cause the course description had mentioned it being a basic class#'from nude drawings based on models to portraits’#so I was aware it would be a part of it but not the entire class#so yeah#I’m facing my demons this semester#in a really mild way#cuz I actually do not enjoy drawing and painting that much#it’s why I rly struggled in all of my drawing classes#so when I picked classes for this semester I was like well#the description explicitly said everyone even absolute beginners were welcome#and it was about personal skill development rather than already having skills and being graded on them#which is why I thought hm I should do this and stick to it#if I stick to it I will definitely build my skills and if I don’t do that at uni I certainly wont do that at home#sorry for thw long ramblings#I am trying to be healthy and also responsible this semester and stick to actually going to classes#and not chickening out in them and staying home because I have weird compulsive thoughts that keep me from leaving the house ✨#and I also want to be diligent and hard working this semester#gigi babbles
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merakiui · 1 year
Omg that doctor!Riddle fic crumb!
Is it hinting to the fact that Riddle is gonna do a two-in-one with reader?? After he hits them with his car, he brings them to his home to keep it a secret. But it takes a long time for so much damage to heal and he’s starting to get attached and his mother said she wanted grandkids didn’t she-
She is rather insistent about how he ought to seriously consider marriage and family because of his age, isn't she? Although for this fic there won't be any baby-trapping or pregnancy or nsfw! Just Riddle navigating two sides: successful, well-respected magic doctor and criminal who hit and nearly killed an innocent person. May he find strength in this fic because I certainly won't give it to him. >:D
I will share another tiny snippet from the fic! This time Riddle is doing some fun mental gymnastics to reach a very crooked rationale.
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etoiile · 5 months
me: i want a bf
also me: *terrified of the male species*
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baffledapple · 5 months
Thinking Abt the preview for ep 7 and how Charlie was so surprised that Alastor was in the bed with her.
Which means that either she has the best bed in the world and didn't feel the bed shift when he got on it
OR he's light that his added weight was negligible and he didn't even move the bed enough to alert Charlie
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androxys · 1 year
I know this question gets asked ad nauseum in the Batman fandoms but if you had a friend come up to you and say “I want to read Batman,” with no other Batman experience or knowledge… what do you give them to read?
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thetwelfthcrow · 5 months
https://x.com/thecasualfanf1/status/1749034289646477507 these idiots are writing their own fanfictions 😭😭 “there's definitely tension” yeah, sexual tension xx
lmaaoo i find tweets like these so fucking hilarious. ya really think ya sayin somethin here??
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i, a random self-proclaimed casual fan who has zero ties with the guys in question meaning i don't know them personally nor will i ever, am gonna say it's more than what the guy who it's about says.
i'm so sorry but i cannot take people like this seriously lmao. you use comic sans in your youtube thumbnails. writing fanfics or girlblogging on tumblr is a whole lot more fun than throwing random statements like this out there. at least we know the difference between fact and fiction (and we emphasize fiction for funsieesss)
BUT ANON TO YOU: yes babe i agree there's soooo much tension and it's all sexual. they should fuck nasty about it and then the tension will be even higher bc they'll want to do it again and again and again and again and ag-
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joeyclaire · 7 months
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giving bad idea right today
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 month
I have no concept of normal hours after being in retail for three years. I get up at three in the morning. My coworkers text me at 1130 at night when they get off work. "When is a good appointment time for you?" well what do you consider normal human hours. I'll pick something in that range.
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Stargazing with Legacy >>>>>>>>>>
you're right. you're so right
setting up little nighttime dates, climbing the mountains around Liyue just before sunset so you can spread out an old blanket over the grass and munch on some fruit as you wait. fireflies come out as the sun begins to dip beneath the horizon, blinking on and off in little shining globes, Foul Legacy batting and attempting to catch them with delight. a few of the insects are even brave enough to rest in his fluff and hair, twinkling like jewels and earning several happy trills from the Abyssal monster and a soft smile from you. when the sky begins to darken, Legacy hurries over to sit beside you, pulling you back against his chest and onto his lap, his arms around your waist
slowly, the stars come out, glittering in the night sky in a tapestry of midnight and diamonds. it looks like Legacy's cape-like wings, splashed with galaxies and constellations, and you begin listing off the different ones that you know, smiling when you reach his, Monoceros Caeli. he chitters, wings fluttering as he points at another cluster of stars, one you don't recognize. you raise a brow and he simple nudges you, snuggling his face against yours- you don't have a constellation due to your lack of a Vision, so that pocket of stars can be your constellation instead! and you get to pick whatever shape you want, right next to Foul Legacy's narwhal <33
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crybaby-bkg · 17 hours
picked up my youngest niece today when I shouldn’t have and I’m now paying the price for it 😔😔😔😔 (stitches are burning and aching when they were healing so well at first) 😔😔😔😔😔
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abombihoney · 1 year
What if Eetl was able to take Maki in a fight, 1-on-1?
What makes you think he can't?
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