#rare t-rox
obsidiansworld · 1 year
FRIDAY UPDATE!!!: Yeah there's isn't much (again lmao) buuuut I did get a rare t-rox and I sent one of my shugabushes to shugabush island (also I did some redecorating Ig)
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h4zardousch3micals · 2 years
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These guys, love 'em
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azurewishing · 7 months
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Happy valentines day
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hershelwidget · 1 year
Pride Month Week 1
Troupe Bungie! [CLICK FOR QUALITY]
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Wow, the first official look at every Troupe Bungie member, and it’s for Pride Month? and without their canon sizes but sSHSHHH
Yeah, I didn’t expect my first one of these to be of characters from a story that I’m having a hard time enjoying anymore, but I guess I have a Discord server to thank for this choice. While normally I’d have picked the main eight of TBoCI, I figured it was long overdue to show these six instead!
Athena (Bungie) with Bisexual + Transgender! Apollo with Gay (or Vincian)! Janice with Abrosexual! Wilba with Lesbian + Non-Binary! Luke with Genderfluid! Eggnog with Pansexual!
I really hope to get back into TBoCI content... I suppose this is sort of a warmup for that? Hm. I’ve forgotten how much I love these characters.
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subnautica-reviews · 2 years
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insanityislife101 · 2 years
I play my singing monsters on a regular basis. I’m trying to get a ghazt. I lit 10 wishing torches and bred T-rox and entbrat together. The breeding time was always 7 hours, and I always got a T-rox. Now the breeding time is one day and 21 hours. That’s the breeding time for the RARE ghazt. I swear to god, if I get the rare ghazt before the normal one, I’m going to lose my shit.
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I present to you- story time! This is actually relevant to the events of the AU, so do make sure you take a read!! So without further ado:
🍂 Blessings 🍂
It was a crisp autumn afternoon, and Blue was gathering his things. House keys, check. "Topics to Research" list, check. Reading glasses, check. Not a lot of items, but they would be necessary for his outing.
Lily and Dee were playing Memory in the living room. It was one of Lily's recent favorites, and kept her occupied for hours. Literally. Blue taught her how to play only a fortnight ago, and she has been playing it day in and day out. Cozmo was there too, watching the kids while Blue went out.
"I'll be back in a few hours, I think," Blue told Cozmo, who gave a thumbs up in reply. He turned to Lily and Dee.
"Behave," he pointed a finger in emphasis.
"Okay!" The two replied in unison, not looking up from their game (Lily anyway, it was hard to tell where Dee was looking, giving he had no eyes).
Blue put all his items in his satchel, and left the house.
There were a billion thoughts running through his head. None of particular importance, but there were a few worries coursing through his skull. Specifically, his worries about being unemployed.
He gotten pretty used to hopping from job to job. He would get fired or be asked to leave, for one reason or another, and often he'd get another job within a month. This time it was different.
He hadn't found a job in 6 months.
That aside...
He reached the outskirts of town (it wasn't too far of a walk). It was busy, as it always was, with monsters shopping around in stalls or shops, monsters hustling around getting chores done, or monsters making their way to their afternoon shift.
Blue walked into town, dodging around monsters and stalls. He made it to the Square, arguable the busiest part of town. Maybe not so much with foot traffic, but there were many businesses here, and some important buildings too.
West of the Square was the library. This is where Blue was heading to.
He opened one of the double glass doors that led into the building.
The library was quite large, one of the largest buildings in town. It was also quite spacious. The bookshelves were packed with books (obviously) that lined every wall, and were organized in a maze-like manner. The building was two stories tall, and the second floor was visible from the first. The second story was, in essence, a large balcony, with mostly study space and materials. There were also children's books on that floor. A large, round desk was situated in the middle of the library, underneath the glass skylight dome that made up the ceiling.
A lone librarian was working the desk. She was a Rare T-Rox, wearing glasses with thin, bright pink frames. She was reading a thick novel with a navy blue cover, or so it appeared.
"Um, excuse me," Blue walked up to the desk, feeling slightly anxious (social anxiety amirite).
"Hmm?" The librarian didn't look up from her book.
"I, uh-"
"Go on, spit it out," She gestured, still reading her book. Her voice had a bit of an accent.
"I was curious," Blue started, finally gathering his thoughts, "if you had any books on-" he took out his list, referred to it, "-interdimensional travel and multiverse theory?"
It was at this the librarian finally looked up from her book.
"What." She gave Blue a look. A look that read "what in the name of the Celestials are you bullshitting about?"
Blue blinked.
"Where would I find books on multiverse theory?" He asked again.
The librarian slowly blinked, thinking.
"I'm not sure if we have books of that nature," the librarian spoke deliberately, opening her eyes. "You can check the science section, it's over there-" she pointed a claw (more of a hand) towards a bookshelf directly west of the front desk "- by the history books."
"Thank you," Blue gave a small nod of gratitude, and headed to the science section.
"Mm-hm," the librarian went back to her book.
The books primarily found here were science books pertaining to the studies of the Monster world. Monster biology, herbology, plant encyclopedias, et cetera. Not a whole lot of interdimensional related stuff.
"C'mon, there HAS to be something," Blue whispered to himself. Nothing was turning up.
An older, slightly tattered book caught Blue's attention. It was leather bound, and smelled of old ink. It was also just out of Blue's reach, to his dismay. After several attempts of tiptoe reaching for it, he got the book out of its place on the bookshelf.
He opened to the front page. The title was written on it, or at least what Blue assumed to be the title. It read:
"The Times and Travels of H.R. Gungstein; A Detailed Account of Arguably the Best Sailor of His Day"
Turns out, it was just an autobiography placed on the wrong shelf. Blues disappointment was immeasurable.
Blue spent the next thirty minutes searching for books. He found a few actually, though they weren't exactly what he was looking for. Nonetheless, they would have to do.
He found a desk and an empty chair, and settled in to study.
Minutes blurred into hours, and Blue's eyes were starting to get sore. In fact, his body was aching from not moving for quite some time. It was as if his bones were made of old cobblestone.
He got up to stretch, and caught a glimpse of the clock. Half past four, post meridian. The sky was starting to turn pink and orange. It wasn't dusk yet, but it was getting close.
Blue figured it was time to head home.
He wasn't finished with his research yet, certainly not. He planned on resuming tomorrow, perhaps in his study.
He packed up his belongings, bringing the three books he had found with him.
The librarian at the desk was still there, reading a different novel this time. She had a somewhat small stack of books off to the side, presumably ones she had finished reading.
"Hi again," Blue said, a little nervously. He put his books on the desk.
"Checking out?" The librarian bookmarked her book, placed it down off to the side.
"Yep," Blue folded his hands awkwardly, nervously. Definitely not a social monster.
The librarian grabbed a stamp- a long one, with adjustable number rings; the kind of stamps where you can adjust the date - and pressed into the red ink pad. She opened the cover of each book, marking inside the date of "12/27"
"I'll be expecting these back in a month," She set the stamp and ink pad aside, pushing the books toward Blue.
"Thank you," Blue grabbed the books and started for the door. He was about halfway there when the librarian called to him
"Wait a minute," She said.
Blue turned, eyebrows raised expectantly.
"You're that one monster who can't keep a job, right?"
His heart stopped.
"How do you know that?" The words came out a little more abrasively than he liked.
The librarian shrugged. "I know a lot of things. Besides, I was in your shoes at one point."
He stood directly facing the librarian, intrigued by the conversation.
"You know," the librarian opened a drawer and produced a thin packet of paper, "we're looking for some more staff for the library."
She walked around the desk towards Blue, continuing. "As you can see, it's just me right now, and half of the other employees don't ever show up."
She was in front of Blue now, offering the packet to him. Blue took it, skimming through the front page's contents.
"I don't know what you have going on, or if you found a job, but if you're interested..." she nodded over at the desk. "You know where you can find me, yeah?"
Blue was, at this point, eyes wide open. If he thought what was being was being said...
"So I just-"
"Fill it out and bring it to me, yup," the librarian nodded, heading back to the desk.
"I- wow, uh-"
Blue smiled at her.
"Thank you...?"
"Raesa," She looked back at Blue. "And there's no need to thank me."
"Right," he nodded nervously, looking down at the packet of paper in his hand. There is no way this is happening.
"You ought to get home," Raesa looked at the clock. "It's getting late, and we're going to close pretty soon."
"Right, yes," Blue headed to the door.
He opened the door to leave, thanking Raesa one last time ("Don't even," she said, shaking her head. She was smiling a bit, which wad the first time Blue saw her do so).
The Square was a little less busy now, with businesses closing for the day and monsters going home. But it was still teeming with activity as the night life began to trickle in. Blue walked back home the way he came, through the South end of the Square.
The packet he was holding was now safely tucked into his satchel. Blue felt as though he struck gold, though not in the way he expected. Anyone would have felt the same way, Blue thought, if they were handed a job just like that, after months of trying to hold onto one.
He went home in high spirits. And he was definitely counting his blessings tonight.
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punk-bat-distractor · 1 month
Yo! Uh… let’s see… name’s Melissa, uh… Honduran White Bat with melanoma, punk aesthetic, big ol’ boots, sharp claws… pretty quick, can run for a good while, suck at extracting and especially at hiding. I punch or claw the non-reasonable Twisteds t’ stun them and can hear everyone runnin’ around on the floor I’m on… I think that’s everythin’ about me?
Anyway. Bought this phone with ichor up at the surface shop - hell of a rare find. First thing that flower’s done right in a while now… anywho. If anyone needs me, I’m on call. I’ll be wanderin’ around for a while too, might bump into some people. Good luck out there, Toons. Stay safe.
HIIIII so welcome to my funny little askblog about my beloved oc Melissa. While not *technically* a Main, she does have two abilities, so she has the health and star count to match. Her ref will be attached below!
Also (in case it needs to be explicitly said) I don’t support BlushCrunch studio, or their support of Rox. I just think the game is fun and I like the characters in it.
She’s a friendly face, a hoarder of heals, and is more than willing to lend just about anyone a hand. Yes, even Shrimpos. No one left behind. I’m available for basically any sort of ask, although I *would* prefer you keep it SFW and refrain from M!As (unless it’s funny enough. not that the criteria for that will be consistent at all). Other than that… if I’m speaking in a tag or out of character, it’ll be in parenthesis with a dice emoji!
(🎲 Like this!) Otherwise, unless they’re just sorting tags, assume the tags are from Melissa’s perspective. And with all that said, hope to have fun with everyone, and here’s her reference (made for fun, not for balance)! Done by the very, VERY talented @/razzl3ndazzl3!
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roxy4life · 16 days
Hey t-rox a thing that can help people not see suggestive or nsfw drawnings you post sometimes (rarely) you can put a tag so people can block it if they dont want to see em :D
- glorious is the brazilian owl ( glorious owl)
I will I stared doing that to keep my little ones away!
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plantislandpals · 2 years
"Hello, is this thing on?—" "HIHELLOHI!!!!" "Woah, is that what humans look like?" "Um... H-hi?" "Sup!" "Well Howdy!"
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Hello there traveller, it seems you've reached the home of the Plant Island Pals! Ask away! ("If you dare!")
((Plant Island Pals is an AU! Some events may differ from canon or happen in a different order))
★ || Rules
- Just don't be weird m'kay?
- Oh and also make sure to put who you're asking in the thing because I am big stupid
★ || Main Cast
((Under the cut because there's too many oopsie))
((Also since I didn't make that clear at the start, like in msm canon these guys are all Agender and use they/it pronouns))
★ Minervaa — Clamble, Plant Island
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Easily recognised by their terrifyingly wide eyes and small pupils, Minervaa is notorious on Plant Island for being an absolute menace. They are an impulsive thrill seeker who seems to have no fear even in the most dangerous situations - good thing Bytee is around to make sure that they don't do anything too risky! They have a bit of a short fuse and can say mean things without meaning to but underneath all that they have a heart of gold and care deeply about the monsters in their life.
★ Bytee — Wubbox, Plant Island
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In contrast with their adoptive younger sibling Minervaa, Bytee is cool, calm and collected. Ever since they were awakened by the monsters of Plant Island, they believe they owe them some kind of debt and tries to do everything they possibly can to help, with varying amounts of success. They usually don't like to do anything that would upset anyone, but sometimes they quietly encourage Minervaa's chaos.
★ Hayzel — Oaktapus, Plant Island
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Hayzel and Minervaa might look completely different on paper, but these two best friends are more similar than you think. This laid-back monster is equally fearless, though they're less of a thrill seeker and more blissfully unaware of the danger around them. In fact, it seems the only monster in the entire multiverse who can make them angry is their sibling Morton. Recently, they've been trying to get Flurry to relax.
★ Flurry — Mammot, Plant Island
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Flurry is a bit of a nervous wreck, well, more than a bit. The poor monster's tried every trick in the book to be more confident and assertive but nothing seems to work. If it wasn't for their friend group - consisting of Minervaa, Hayzel and Kat - they probably wouldn't leave the Castle at all. Somehow (probably from Glitch) they managed to get their paws on a book written by humans about ghosts, and now they're obsessed with the idea of finding one.
★ Kat — Rare T-Rox, Plant Island
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Kat is the middle ground and mediator of their friend group: not as impulsive as Minervaa and Hayzel but not as anxious as Flurry. Though they offer advice when asked, it's common for them to just take a step back when the rest of the group starts doing something silly. It's not that they don't like the chaos; they'd just rather watch it than be a part of it. They think Wublins are, like, the coolest ever.
★ Morton — Toe Jammer, Plant Island
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Morton is the annoying, smug, "I'm smarter than you and I know it" type, so it's surprising that Bytee of all monsters would form a friendship with them! Maybe they both like to think they're the only two intelligent monsters on the island. They always wear their sunglasses - even indoors or at night - and have dreams of making a found footage horror one day.
More characters may be added as the story develops!
★ || Secondary Characters
These characters won't appear as frequently, either because they don't interact with the main cast much or they aren't on Plant Island. (Also these guys don't have refs cuz I'm lazy)
★ Rosemariee — Furcorn, Whereabouts Unknown
An almost legendary figure on Plant Island, Rosemariee was a brave and friendly monster who never let their small size and weak body stop them from adventuring through the monster world. They have helped discover many new things, and is even rumoured to have been part of the original group of monsters that freed the Tribal Island Kayna! They haven't been seen in a long time, but Minervaa might have some stories to tell you about them.
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spaceboysnebula · 2 years
What I think all the plant island monsters pronouns are.
Noggin: "what"
Mammot: Man
Toe Jammer: He/Him
Potbelly: Absolutely transphobic
Drumpler: He/Him
Fwog: Doesn't know what pronouns are
Maw: Does not care
Shrubb: He/They
Furcorn: They/Them
Oaktapus: It/He
T-rox: He/Him
Pummel: She/He
Clamble: No pronouns do not refer to Clamble
Bowgart: They/He transmasc
Ghazt: He/She/It/Xey
Wubbox: Doesn't care just wants to dance
Shugabush: "Yeah yeahhhh yeah!" (He/Him but he is insanely conservative and transphobic because of his family. If he could form his own thoughts and opinions he would be a liberal.)
Punkleton: It/Skull
Rare Noggin: He/Him (said in a british accent)
Rare Mammot: They/He!!
Rare Toe Jammer: They/She transfem
Rare Potbelly: "Transsexuals are sinners!"
Rare Fwog: She/Party/He
Rare Drumpler: "..."
Rare Maw: He/Him
Rare Shrubb: Any
Rare Oaktapus: She/They/He
Rare Furcorn: She/Her
Rare T-Rox: He/Him
Rare Pummel: They/Xe
Rare Clamble: Again, do not refer to it, but It/Its are okay
Rare Bowgart: They/Them transfem
Rare Entbrat: It/He :)
Rare Ghazt: Any
Rare Wubbox: He/They/It
Rare Punkleton: It/Its
Rare G'joob: Doesn't say a word just stares
Dipsters: They/Them
Epic Noggin: THEY/HE
Epic Mammot: She/Her
Epic Toe Jammer: She/Pink transfem
Epic Potbelly: They/Them
Epic Furcorn: He/She
Epic Maw: He/Him transmasc
Epic Fwog: He/Him trans but dresses feminine
Epic Oaktapus: Nor/Mal
Epic Shrubb: Shrubb.
Epic Drumpler: HE/HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Epic T-Rox: It/Space/Boom
Epic Bowgart: They/Them
Epic Pummel: She/It
Epic Clamble: He/Him
Epic Entbrat: It/Ghost
Epic Ghazt: They/She/He
Epic Wubbox: He/Him
Epic Punkleton: It/Bones
Twakerr: He/Him
Parlsona: She/Her transfem
Thank you for reading I am off now.
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hacksawboy · 2 years
chainsaw man characters as my singing monsters monsters except im hyperfixating on both so im 100% correct (main characters)
denji is giving loodvigg. no clue why he just gives loodvigg
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power is very obviously epic potbelly . its just her . she is this plant
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i love aki so much and i am being invaded by rare t rox so i feel so bad for doin this to this man considering how much i do not like rare t rox. but this is the only monster i thought fit so rare t rox
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hate this bitch so much so i hate to do this. but makima would be withur. makima is the bitch btw. not withur. live laugh withur.
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primetimesnow · 3 months
How to Breed Ghazt in My Singing Monsters: A Comprehensive Guide
"My Singing Monsters" is a popular mobile game where players can collect and breed a variety of adorable and musical monsters. Among these, Ghazt is one of the most sought-after monsters due to its unique appearance and captivating melody. Breeding Ghazt, however, can be quite challenging. This guide will provide you with the necessary steps and tips to successfully breed Ghazt in "My Singing Monsters."
What is Ghazt?
Ghazt is an Ethereal Monster in "My Singing Monsters." It is known for its ghostly appearance, with a translucent body and vibrant colors. Ghazt plays a hauntingly beautiful tune that adds a distinct sound to your monster orchestra. Due to its rarity and the difficulty involved in breeding it, obtaining a Ghazt is considered a significant achievement in the game.
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Requirements for Breeding Ghazt
To breed Ghazt, you need to have access to Plant Island and have the following:
Level 9: Your game level must be at least level 9 to start breeding Ethereal Monsters.
Breeding Structure: A fully upgraded Breeding Structure increases your chances of successfully breeding rare monsters like Ghazt.
Time and Patience: Breeding Ghazt is based on luck, and it might take several attempts before you are successful.
Best Breeding Combinations
The best way to breed Ghazt is by using specific combinations of four-element monsters. Here are the most recommended pairs:
Entbrat + T-Rox
Entbrat + Bowgart
Entbrat + Clamble
Entbrat + Pummel
These combinations are suggested because they provide a higher chance of breeding Ghazt compared to other pairs. Entbrat is a four-element monster, which is essential in the process of breeding Ethereal Monsters like Ghazt.
Step-by-Step Breeding Process
Select Your Monsters: Place Entbrat and one of the other recommended monsters (T-Rox, Bowgart, Clamble, or Pummel) in the Breeding Structure.
Initiate Breeding: Tap on the Breeding Structure and select "Breed." The breeding process will start.
Wait for the Breeding Time: The standard breeding time for Ghazt is 36 hours. If you see this time, it indicates that you have successfully bred a Ghazt. If not, you will get one of the parent monsters, and you will need to try again.
Speed Up (Optional): If you are impatient, you can use diamonds to speed up the breeding process. However, this is optional and can be costly.
Place the Egg in the Nursery: Once the breeding is complete, you will receive an egg. Place the egg in the Nursery and wait for it to hatch.
Hatching Time: The hatching time for Ghazt is also 36 hours. After this period, your Ghazt will be ready to be placed on Plant Island.
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magazineswire · 3 months
In the colorful and musical world of the popular mobile game "My Singing Monsters," Ghazt stands out as one of the most sought-after creatures. This ethereal monster is known for its hauntingly beautiful melodies and elusive nature, making it a prized possession for players. This article delves into the origins, characteristics, and strategies for breeding and caring for a Ghazt in the game.
Origins and Lore
"My Singing Monsters" is a simulation game developed by Big Blue Bubble, where players collect and breed various monsters that produce unique sounds and songs. Each monster belongs to a specific element or combination of elements, contributing to the harmony of the island. Ghazt is part of the Ethereal Monsters, a group known for their ghostly and otherworldly appearances.
Ghazt’s lore within the game portrays it as a spectral being, existing between the realms of the living and the dead. Its presence is rare and mysterious, adding an element of excitement and challenge for players aiming to add it to their collection. The Ghazt’s ethereal glow and transparent form underscore its ghostly nature, captivating players with its eerie yet enchanting aesthetic.
Characteristics and Abilities
Ghazt is an Ethereal Monster, identified by its transparent, purple, ghost-like appearance. It has four floating arms and a distinct, glowing aura that sets it apart from other monsters. The Ghazt's unique design and animation are complemented by its hauntingly melodic voice, which adds a supernatural harmony to the island's symphony.
In terms of gameplay, Ghazt is known for its distinctive sound, which is a blend of ethereal tones and melodies. When placed on the player’s island, it significantly enhances the overall musical composition, making it a valuable addition to the ensemble. The Ghazt’s melody is often described as both haunting and beautiful, providing a unique auditory experience that enhances the game’s immersive environment.
Breeding and Obtaining Ghazt
One of the reasons Ghazt is highly coveted in "My Singing Monsters" is due to its challenging breeding process. Breeding a Ghazt requires a specific combination of monsters and a considerable amount of patience. The process can be summarized as follows:
1. Breeding Combinations:
Ghazt can be bred by pairing certain four-element monsters on the Plant Island. The most common combination includes the Entbrat (a four-element monster) and any three-element monster such as T-Rox, Bowgart, Pummel, or Clamble.
2. Breeding Time:
Breeding a Ghazt has a low success rate, meaning it may take multiple attempts before successfully obtaining one. The breeding time for a Ghazt is 36 hours, and the same duration applies for the hatching process.
3. Persistence and Patience:
Players often need to be persistent, as the likelihood of breeding a Ghazt is low. Using in-game currency, such as diamonds, can speed up the process, but many players prefer to achieve it through patience and perseverance.
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hritipuri9 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Breeding Ghazt in My Singing Monsters
Big Blue Bubbles has created a captivating universe filled with entertaining and intriguing elements in their casual simulation game, My Singing Monsters. This game engages players for hours on end as they breed various monsters to expand their collection and create unique musical compositions. One of the most thrilling aspects of the game is breeding rare monsters, such as the Ghazt, an ethereal creature that adds a unique sound to the player's Monster band. This article provides an in-depth guide on how to breed Ghazt, enhancing your gameplay experience.
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Understanding Ghazt
What is Ghazt?
Ghazt is an ethereal monster native to Plant Island. It possesses a unique plasma element created from an ethereal substance, making it one of the most extraordinary monsters in the game. Once Ghazt reaches level 15, it can be transferred to Ethereal Island, where it was originally bred on Plant Island.
Ghazt’s Musical Contribution
On Plant Island, Ghazt produces sounds akin to an electronic keyboard with its five hanging orbs, adding a plasmatic feel to the island song. On Ethereal Island, the sound transforms into a dampening synth with descending arpeggios and protracted notes, giving the composition an additional intriguing depth.
Breeding Ghazt
Breeding a Ghazt is a complex process with a very low probability of success. However, with persistence and the right combinations, players can add this rare monster to their collection.
How to Breed Ghazt
The Breeding Process
To breed a Ghazt, players need to use an Entbrat and another monster with three elements. The best combinations are:
Entbrat + T-Rox
Entbrat + Bowgart
Entbrat + Clamble
These combinations have an incubation period of approximately 36 hours on Plant Island and 10 hours on Ethereal Island. Using enchanters can expedite the process.
Tips for Breeding Success
Patience is Key: The probability of successfully breeding a Ghazt is around 1%. Players might need to attempt multiple times, sometimes up to 70 attempts to have a 50% chance of success.
Optimal Combinations: Using Entbrat with T-Rox is preferred because it has a shorter incubation period compared to other combinations.
Use Enchanters: Enchanters can significantly reduce the waiting time, making the breeding process more efficient.
Marketplace Monsters: If breeding attempts are unsuccessful, players can purchase necessary monsters from the marketplace to continue their efforts.
Epic Ghazt
Breeding Epic Ghazt
Breeding an Epic Ghazt is only possible during time-limited events. During these events, specific breeding combinations are required, and players must act quickly to take advantage of these opportunities.
Epic Ghazt can also be purchased during certain times of the year. Players should keep an eye on announcements and special events to know when Epic Ghazt is available for breeding or purchase.
Enhancing Monster Happiness
Items and Unity Trees
Each monster in My Singing Monsters has a unique set of items that bring them joy. Placing these items near the monster increases its happiness by 5%. However, having multiples of the same item does not stack this effect. A Unity Tree can negate the need for placing items near monsters.
Impact on Income
The rate of income from monsters, expressed in coins per minute or shards per hour, is directly related to their happiness level and monster level. Increasing a monster's level allows it to hold more income at a given time.
Feeding and Leveling Up
Feeding Monsters
To level up a monster, players must feed it four times. The monster's level is directly correlated with its maximum income and the rate at which it earns coins or shards.
Income Limits
Each monster has a cap on how much income it can hold at any given time. This limit increases with the monster’s level, encouraging players to consistently feed and level up their monsters for optimal income generation.
Exploring Plant Island
Introduction to Plant Island
Plant Island is the starting point in My Singing Monsters, featuring the Plant Element. It hosts a wide variety of monsters and costumes, contributing to a vibrant and dynamic environment.
Musical Characteristics
The island's song is played in the key of C Harmonic Minor at 140 beats per minute. The melody is generally slow and simple, with influences from birdsong and wind power.
Seasonal Events
Every year, Plant Island undergoes a transformation during the Halloween season, becoming a spooky wonderland with special seasonal challenges and diamond-encrusted Spooktacular costumes available for a limited time.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the probability of breeding a Ghazt?
The probability of any breeding combination producing a Ghazt is approximately 1%. Players may need to attempt breeding up to 70 times for a 50% chance of success, and up to 690 attempts for a 99.9% chance.
What is the best way to breed Ghazt in 2024?
The best combination remains breeding an Entbrat with T-Rox due to the shorter incubation period. This combination is also ideal for breeding Rare Ghazt.
Why breed Ghazt frequently?
Breeding Ghazt is beneficial as it is comparable to Rare Entbrat in terms of coin production on Plant Island. Adding more Ghazt to your collection enhances your overall income generation.
Breeding Ghazt in My Singing Monsters is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. With patience, the right combinations, and strategic use of resources, players can successfully breed this ethereal monster and enrich their musical compositions. Keep experimenting, stay persistent, and enjoy the magical world of My Singing Monsters.
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insanityislife101 · 2 years
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