#rarity X soarin
frostedsketches · 8 months
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I'm not planning on going into full detail over the rest of the Mane Six like I did for Twilight, despite this, I think the Mane Six ships in the Hopes'nDreamsVerse deserve a bit more light and attention. There are some ships that are a bit unconventional and therefore need a little bit of explaning to be believable. I mean c'mon? When do you ever see Soarin and Rarity shipped, or Applejack and Double Diamond, or even Twilight and Star Tracker? ( I already did a thing on them, so go search it out of you're interested! )
So to curb your curiosity and disbelief, I will be explaining these ships, right here, right now.
Alright, well, Pinkie Pie X Cheese Sandwich and Fluttershy X Discord are pretty self-explanatory and don't have much to explain in terms of how they ended up together. The story of Rainbow X Thunderlane and Rarity X Soarin, is a bit more of a complicated discussion, given that it's more widely known for the husband's in these two ships to be swapped, and so you would probably think they would be. Well, I'm going to tell you why they aren't. . .
( Note: I LOVE Soarin X Rainbow and am partial to Rarity X Thunderlane, however they didn't work with the next gen characters I at the time had ideas for and wanted to design. Also Hopes'nDreamsVerse didn't used to be my main and I had never planned for it to be, but things change. My only regret really is that some of the ships I personally prefer didn't get to be a part of the main Next Gen that I strictly think happened after the show, so I can only save those for alternates, but really I'm fine with in the end )
Being Wonderbolts together, it's natural that ponies within the fleet would form close friendships and sometimes even have romantic feelings bloom. Well that's exactly what happened between Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser.
Rainbow and Soarin became fast friends, and even then, though she'd never admit it, Rainbow had quickly developed a bit of a crush that went slightly beyond her general fascination and hero complex towards the Wonderbolts as a whole, in fact she had always found Soarin to be kind of cute out of the stallions in the fleet.
Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser had already been friends before joining the Wonderbolts, and working together in such close proximity only escaladed their bond into something more. By the time Season 9 ended, in fact the evening after Queen Twilight's Coronation, Thunderlane proposed and the two pegasi got engaged. Only four months later were they married.
Rainbow and Soarin found romance and became in item around the time that Fluttercord and CheesePie were taking off, and though they were together for months and genuinely loved each other, in the end things took a turn for the worse. And that simply was their differing ideas for the future. Rainbow was perfectly content being his girlfriend and working on and rising up in her career, while he had always known that if he were to date he'd want it to be a permanent thing and to escalate, to eventually be something more, be something more to her and have something more WITH her. This is where the argument began, which eventually caused them to break up, though it left them both sore for awhile.
Meanwhile, Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Night Glider often liked to visit Ponyville to see their friend, and in PF's case, sister, Sugarbelle. Them being on the farm so often left room for Applejack to get to know them, and get to know Double Diamond in particular. Party Favor, once he met Miss Cheerilie, often took time to hang out with her in Ponyville while Double Diamond became interested in life on the farm and often snuck away to watch Applejack do her work — though he was genuinely interested in the work itself, he also loved to watch her work in particular, let's just say he has a thing for buff ladies XD.
Friendship and eventually feelings blossomed over the course of months and though they eventually became a couple, they being such good friends and keeping their romance out of topic to others, never really mentioned to anyone else their relationship until someone poking around eventually found out and spilled the beans to everyone.
Eventually when Rainbow decided to move on and stop showing how it still affected her, Rarity, single and by now thinking she'd always be so, took it upon herself to be match maker for her friends instead, and started sending her on blind dates, that is until the day Rainbow finally put her hoof down and told her she wasn't ready yet, that she was still bothered by her breakup and needed a bit more time, when she finally came clean about that, Rarity apologized and ceased. Double Diamond and Applejack are engaged at this point, Pinkie and Cheese are newly married and Fluttershy and Discord have just found out really early on that miraculously they're expecting a foal.
The night of the Grand Galloping Gala came. Rainbow Dash ran into Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser and hung out with them when they weren't performing. Rarity however, after the Wonderbolts show was done, stumbled upon Soarin keeping to himself and conversation struck between them, both getting along well, Soarin opened up about the breakup with Rainbow and Rarity offered some insight on Rainbow's side of the story, they ended up talking until the Gala ended and they both said their goodbyes, walking away strangely with warm, fuzzy feelings in their chests and fond wandering thoughts of each other for the next few days.
Fluttershy and Discord attended the Gala, but were forced to teleport back home when Fluttershy started feeling terribly ill and faint. Later that night Fluttershy miscarries the undeveloped embryo, and though it was so early that it wasn't even living yet, Fluttershy mourned greatly for what had almost been.
Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser's daughter Tornado Racer is born and while Cloud Chaser is on maternity leave, Thunderlane finds himself running into Rainbow more and more at work, and though at first it's all innocent and friendly, both ponies know they've walked into a mess when they start feeling things they shouldn't and Thunderlane's feelings for Cloud Chaser begin to dwindle due to less time with her and more and more arguments and disagreements at home, Cloud Chaser has always had a few red flags that never got resolved and they shine through more than ever these days, so you see it's not only his feelings for Rainbow that are contributing to their falling out.
After a particularly bad fight leaving both ponies with severely damaged feelings, Thunderlane comes to realize he doesn't feel right with Cloud Chaser and comes to realize his feelings for Rainbow are intensifying as she's been a good listening ear and comforting figure to him after fights with his wife.
Though he loves his daughter and has a bad feeling about what would happen if he were to leave her, he needs to get these feelings into words, soon confessing to Rainbow who feels the same way, but despite her feelings she gets mad at him, telling him firmly that if he really wants to act on these feelings, he has to choose, either forget about her and be a faithful husband to Cloud Chaser or get a divorce to avoid being a cheater.
Thunderlane didn't come to work for a few days after that, but when he finally did, he informed Rainbow he had made up his mind; he had told Cloud Chaser how he had moved on and wanted a divorce. Rainbow felt extremely guilty, thinking it's her fault for ruining Thunderlane's prior relationship, but ultimately knows that things were never really harmonious between them and it might've happened even without her muddying the circumstances.
They were married only a few months after the divorce was finalized, Thunderlane never talked of kids to her so she trusts he won't pressure her to have them instead of focusing on her career. He knows that's not what she wants and he doesn't trust that he'd be a good dad after leaving Tornado, the thought of it hurts too much and makes him feel even more guilty.
Cloud Chaser of course does not take this kindly, though she was half of the reason it ended this way, she refuses to believe that she was part of the problem and harbors feelings of abandonment and resentment, she blames Rainbow primarily, a belief and hatred she passed down to Tornado Racer, who's childhood is destroyed by this, though after a few years Thunderlane hears of his ex's spiral and tries his best to gain custody of his daughter, Tornado wants nothing to do with him, Cloud Chaser won't let him take her and after years he ultimately loses the battle. Tornado does have solace with her Aunt Flitter who takes care of her when Cloud Chaser is unable, but of course it's not enough to make how her life is going completely 'okay' and doesn't stop her from being messed up in adulthood.
By this time Soarin and Rarity have started seeing each other and eventually become a couple. Applejack and Double Diamond are married though ponies still wonder how their so chill and non-romantic in public ( they're very affectionate when it's just them, don't get me wrong here ). Rainbow and Soarin, now both with new partners that they love more than anyone, rekindle their previous friendship which spreads between both couples, so all four become good friends, all hurt feelings healed.
Sometime between the birth of Fluttershy's foal and Pinkie's twins, and the birth of Applejack's foal a year later, Soarin proposes to Rarity and Twilight and Star Tracker become great friends, soon to be married as I will soon explain, and soon couples are married not long after each other.
So there you have the summerized story of how these couples came to be! Hoping to have more out soon, so stay tuned! Now go out and Idk. . . keep being 20% cooler then the poor souls who haven't found joy in MLP :D
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rabbetto · 7 months
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A small raridash comic that I lazily coloured
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masked-kitsune · 12 days
Mlp the next generation
Decided to hop on the trend a while back of making mlp fan kids, the original base and the link will be posted below along with original designs
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In order of appearance we have
Cupcake Pie-Sandwhich the youngest daughter of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Carmela Apple- Daughter of Applejack and Rarity
Static Storm- Son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin
Comet Shard- Son of Twilight Sparkle and Prince Blueblood (was given up for adoption by Twilight an hour after being born, Blueblood doesn't know he has a son, Comet doesn't know he's royalty, is a unicorn)
Dusty Moore- Son of Fluttershy and Discord (Discord turned him into a batpony to revive him from being a still born since he and Fluttershy had been desperately trying for a child)
Star Seer Apple- Son of Applejack and Rarity and Carmela's twin (was found abandoned outside the Ponyville hospital at only an hour old, Applejack and Rarity agreed to foster him until his birth mother was found, she never was, the Apple family decided to adopt the young zebra and consider him Carmella's twin since they share a birthday)
All six ponies share a birthday, they think it's a coincidence, but in reality it's destiny
Old designs:
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I'll post their cutiemarks later
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If anyone wants to give it a read here is the story they star in
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obsidian-paint · 5 months
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So I'm doing a little slice of life thing. In this au fluttershy is living a cozy life with her villain mates. Her harem of villains is ever growing.
Chrysalis is the arrogant and possessive flirt.
Sombra is the teasing and handsome gentleman.
Tirek is the responsible and affectionate giant.
Discord is the unpredictable and charming flirt.
I'm also going to add Ahuizotl and the sirens.
The rest of the main 6 are also going to be dating groups of characters.
*Twilight x Unicorn group(Sunset, Starlight, Sunburst, Trixie, ect)
*Rarity x Royals (Celestia, Luna, Cadence, ect)
*RD x Wonderbolts (Spitfire, Soarin, Thunderlane, ect)
*AJ x Species representatives (Gilda, Skystar, Chief Thunderhooves, ect)
*Pinkie x Musical ponies (Octavia, Vinyl, Coloratura, ect)
This is a au I'll be messing with when I'm bored.
•°•__/ ★ \__•°•
Designs belong to me
Do Not Use Without Permission
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hollow-prior · 2 months
All MLP Characters
Simply because I'm rewatching and enjoy making lists :)
Angel (Bunny)
Apple Bloom (Earth Pony)
Apple Brown Bake (Earth Pony)
Apple Bumpkin (Earth Pony)
Apple Cinnamon Crisp (Earth Pony)
Apple Frias (Earth Pony)
Apple Fritter (Earth Pony)
Applejack (Earth Pony)
Apple Rose (Earth Pony)
Applesauce (Earth Pony)
Apple Strudel (Earth Pony)
Apple Tart (Earth Pony)
Babs Seed (Earth Pony)
Baked Apples (Earth Pony)
Big Macintosh (Earth Pony)
Blossomforth (Pegasus)
[Prince] Blueblood (Unicorn)
Braeburn (Earth Pony)
Bulk Biceps (Pegasus)
[Princess] Cadence (Alicorn)
Caramel Apple (Earth Pony)
Carrot Cake (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Celestia (Alicorn)
Cerberus (Three-Headed Dog)
Cheerilee (Earth Pony)
Cheese Sandwich (Earth Pony)
Cloud Chaser (Pegasus)
Clover [the Clever] (Unicorn)
Coco Pommel (Earth Pony)
Crackle (Dragon)
Cranky Doodle Donkey (Donkey)
Cup Cake (Earth Pony)
Daisy (Earth Pony)
Daisy Jo (Cow)
Daring Do (Pegasus)
Diamond Tiara (Earth Pony)
Discord (Draconequus)
Ditzy Doo (Pegasus)
[Commander] Easy Glider (Pegasus)
[Admiral] Fairy Flight (Pegasus)
Fancy Pants (Unicorn)
Featherweight (Pegasus)
Filthy Rich (Earth Pony)
[General] Firefly (Pegasus)
Flam (Unicorn)
[General] Flash (Pegasus)
Flash Sentry (Pegasus)
Fleetfoot (Pegasus)
Flim (Unicorn)
Flitter (Pegasus)
Fluttershy (Pegasus)
Garble (Dragon)
Gilda (Griffon)
Golden Delicious (Earth Pony)
Granny Smith (Earth Pony)
Gummy (Alligator)
Gustave le Grand (Griffon)
Harshwhinny (Earth Pony)
Hayseed Turnip Truck (Earth Pony)
Hoity Toity (Earth Pony)
[Commander] Hurricane (Pegasus)
Iron Will (Minotaur)
Jet Set (Unicorn)
Joe (Unicorn)
Junebug (Earth Pony)
Kingpin (Unicorn)
Lickety-Split (Earth Pony)
Lightning Dust (Pegasus)
Little Strongheart (Buffalo)
[Princess] Luna/Nightmare Moon (Alicorn)
Matilda (Donkey)
Maud Pie (Earth Pony)
Moon Dancer (Unknown Pony)
Mooriella (Cow)
Mulia Mild (Mule)
Opalescence (Cat)
Owlowiscious (Owl)
Peachy Pie (Earth Pony)
Peewee (Phoenix)
Pipsqueak (Earth Pony)
Philomena (Phoenix)
Photo Finish (Earth Pony)
Pinkie Pie (Earth Pony)
Prim Hemline (Earth Pony)
[Princess] Platinum (Unicorn)
Pound Cake (Pegasus)
[Chancellor] Pudding Hat (Earth Pony)
Pumpkin Cake (Unicorn)
[Colonel] Purple Dart (Pegasus)
Rainbow Dash (Pegasus)
Randolph (Earth Pony)
Rapidfire (Pegasus)
Rarity (Unicorn)
Red Delicious (Earth Pony)
Red Gala (Earth Pony)
Rose (Earth Pony)
Rumble (Pegasus)
Sapphire Shores (Earth Pony)
Seabreeze (Breezie)
Scootaloo (Pegasus)
Shining Armor (Unicorn)
Silver Shill (Earth Pony)
Silverspeed (Pegasus)
Silver Spoon (Earth Pony)
[Sheriff] Silverstar (Earth Pony)
Smart Cookie (Earth Pony)
Snails (Unicorn)
Snips (Unicorn)
Soarin (Pegasus)
[King] Sombra (Unicorn)
Spike (Dragon)
Spitfire (Pegasus)
Star Swirl the Bearded (Unicorn)
Stinking Rich (Earth Pony)
Sunny Daze (Earth Pony)
Suri Polomare (Earth Pony)
Sunset Shimmer (Unicorn)
Sweetie Belle (Unicorn)
[Chief] Thunderhooves (Buffalo)
Thunderlane (Pegasus)
Trenderhoof (Unicorn)
Trixie (Unicorn)
[Princess] Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn -> Alicorn)
Twist (Earth Pony)
Upper Crust (Unicorn)
[Mr.] Waddle (Earth Pony)
Winona (Dog)
Zecora (Zebra)
Zipporwhill (Pegasus)
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sakurablitz · 2 months
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created: 10/4, 11/8, 12/28/2012
my mlp next gen i made before it was cool B) with basic-ass season 2 ships to boot! all hetero because i didn't think about magical reproduction at all lol, and i also wanted each mane six member to have kids separately and not with each other so the next gen could have 1-1 matches... idfk anyways, we have: applejack x caramel, rainbow dash x soarin, twilight x some constellation pony, pinkie pie x pokey pierce, fluttershy x big mac, and... rarity x spike 🤢🤮 i don't even like half these ships, even back then, so idfk dude the next gen cmc at the bottom don't have names sadly
-> bases used by unknown creators; made with ms paint
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askchevymlp · 1 year
Open Adopts!
Message me for payment and details
$10 USD each for a fullbody ref and a cutie mark ref
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Twilight Sparkle x Princess Luna -- Open  Rarity x Princess Luna -- Open  Rainbow Dash x Princess Luna -- Open Pinkie Pie x Princess Luna -- Open
Twilight Sparkle x Soarin -- Open  Rarity x Soarin -- Open  Rainbow Dash x Soarin -- Open Pinkie Pie x Soarin -- Open 
Twilight Sparkle x Fluttershy -- Open Rarity x Fluttershy -- Open Rainbow Dash x Fluttershy -- Open Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy -- Open 
Twilight Sparkle x Cheerilee -- Open Rarity x Cheerilee -- Open  Rainbow Dash x Cheerilee -- Open  Pinkie Pie x Cheerilee -- Open 
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canonrpfinder · 6 months
I've been doing a rewatch of my little pony and now I'm dying to do an RP of it, either equestria girls or the ponies I don't mind. 💜
I'm 21 so I would prefer my partner to be 18+, I'm completely okay with smut being in the RP, I just need to know before hand if you want it or not. Please keep in mind this isn't me trying to replace anyone.
I can play a lot of characters but I'll still list them off.
Pinkie pie
Rainbow dash
Sonata Dusk
As for ships
Pinkie x Twilight
Pinkie x Applejack
Rainbow x Daring Do
Rainbow x Soarin
Rainbow x Indigo Zap
Sonata x Sunset Shimmer
I would love to brainstorm a plot together
Please feel free to reach out to me on discord
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badgerverse · 4 months
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Almost everyone uploaded now! Here's my Spike x Gabby next gens.
Descriptions under the cut!
Alright next up we got Spike and Gabby's adopted kids! Birds are uuuuuh very hard for me to draw, so I apologize in advance for any wonky looking or samey griffins laksdjfal
Name: Silver Age: Child Pronouns: He/him Parents: Spike and Gabby Siblings: Ruby (younger sister) Bio: Spike and Gabby's older child, Silver has lived his whole life in Equestria. He is gentle, kind, and artistic; very daydreamy and often lost in thought. He tends to get targeted by pony bullies a lot, being an easier mark then Snow Belle or Ruby. Silver's gentle nature keeps him from earnestly fighting back, and honestly he'd prefer if they went after him then his sister and friends so he tends to just lie there and take it. Ruby has no such qualms and will fight extremely dirty anytime she catches the bullies beating on her brother. The two of them are very close and are friends with Snow Belle (Rarity and Capper's daughter) and Clover (Soarin and Applejack's daughter). Silver and Snow Belle have pretty big crushes on each other, though Silver hasn't had the guts yet to admit it to her.
Name: Ruby Age: Child Pronouns: She/they Parents: Spike and Gabby (tentatively playing with the idea that Garble is her bio dad) Siblings: Silver (older brother) Bio: The younger of the siblings, but clearly the boss around the house. Ruby is tough and extremely protective of not just her fluff brained brother, but also her dopey kind-hearted parents. Someone around here CLEARLY needs to be in charge and Ruby's the one to do it! Seeing just how bad the bullying of her brother could get is what gave her that intense protective streak, to the point that she's very distrusting anyone she doesn't know well. By some miracle she managed to make friends with Snow Belle and Clover, and the four are often seen spending time with each other at Cheerilee's school and planning what classes they'll all take once they're old enough for Twilight's magic academy. Ruby and Clover get on especially well, probably sensing kindred pain in the ass spirits in each other.
Relationships with their parents: They all get along quite well, though both Spike and Gabby can be a bit bemused by Ruby's bullheadedness. Spike can better handle Ruby when she's in one of her moods (he's long since gotten used to Twilight's meltdowns after all) while Gabby can get a bit flustered by her daughter's bluntness. Silver is a huuuuuge mama's boy and also spends hours with Spike baking in the kitchen. He begged Ruby not to tell their parents how bad the bully situation is, convinced that it'll stop once they're old enough for Twilight's school; Ruby's not so sure, but Silver so rarely begs for anything she reluctantly agreed.
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My Little Pony: The Journey to Old Ponyville
(What if Twilight Sparkle never be able to be crowned Ruler of Equestria? What if the alicorn magic had been taken away from the four powerful ponies who ruled day, night, love and friendship? And what if the friendship had been broken between all six who were once the Elements of Harmony?)
Info: As Twilight Sparkle about to be crowned ruler of Equestria, the Dark Knight called Blazing Rage arrives invited and attacked the ponies. Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight tried to stop him, but he able to drain all their alicorn powers and tear Twilight’s wings in front of everypony.
A week later after her recovery, Twilight had been drifting away from Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Leaving Capper Dapperpaws, who witnessed what happened at the coronation, to look after her.
Celestia asked Discord to unleash the three villains out of their stones, so Starswirl the Bearded could asked Lord Tirek to make contact with his younger brother to help and find Blazing Rage. They were all surprised that the Dark Knight was living outside of Equestria called Old Ponyvile and decided who will go to the unknown place.
They decided that they have to go separate ways to get to the place:
1) Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, Starswirl the Bearded, Capper Dapperpaws, Lord Tirek, and Shining Armor
2) Applejack, Apple Bloom, the Flim Flam Brothers, Radiant Hope, Princess Cadance and Trenderhoof
3) Fluttershy, Discord, Spike, Scorpan, Big Macintosh, Derpy and Cozy Glow
4) Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, Flurry Heart, Maud Pie, Rockhoof and Somnambula
5) Rarity, Fancypants, Queen Chrysalis, Sweetie Belle, Mage Meadowbrook and Mistmane
6) Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Spitfire, Scootaloo, Lightning Dust and Flash Magnus
Together, they’re off to the journey to restore the alicorn powers and maybe finds love along the way!
(I know this isn’t Puss in Boots, but I can’t help myself watching back those favourite movie and episode clips from my little pony which I thought that I still had some ideas for my little pony when I used to have some time about it. So, I decided to put all that here. Even though, it needs some working progress but that’s what happens when you’re an author of those things, right?)
The ships I’ll have for this story:
Twilight Sparkle x Capper Dapperpaws
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Fluttershy x Discord
Rainbow Dash x Soarin
Applejack x Trenderhoof
Rarity x Fancypants
Sunset Shimmer x Chummer
Starlight Glimmer x Sunburst
Starswirl the Bearded x (oc Princess Deamland Bliss) aka Sky Catcher
Flam x Radiant Hope
Princess Luna x Scorpan
Flim x Braeburn
Derpy Hooves x Dr. Hooves
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equestriaqueerz2024 · 2 years
You have any sexuality and shipping headcanons for the mane 7 + Flash and Timber?
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Sci Twi in my headcanons is a Biromantic Grey Ace, like Adagio! I simply see her going both ways, is fine with either gender as long as she’s able to connect with them or share some of her interest. Though I do see her as part of the Ace spectrum, I personally see her more as a Grey Ace (someone who experiences attraction sometimes, but not often).
My favourite Twi ship currently is tied between SciFlash & SciSet. My favorite OTP3 Twi ship is SciSetPie. I have considered SciFlashSet in the past, but I’m not sure if I’m completely sold yet. Because even though I do like SciSet and SciFlash, I’m neutral on FlashShimmer (Sunset x Flash).
Sunset Shimmer is confirmed Bi (despite it not being confirmed in show), but before she was confirmed to be so, I headcanoned her as a Lesbian. Now, I just see her as Bi with more of a preference for girls. She prefers females, being able to connect with them a lot more, but still shows attraction to males also.
My favorite Sunset ship at the moment is currently tied with 4; Sundagio, SunAria, SunPie, and SciSet (a lot I know lol). I also have 2 Sunset OTP3s that I’m currently interested in; SciPieSet & (possibly) SunPieDagio.
Even I understand the appeal of her being a Lesbian (rainbow/gay flag, tomboyish/butch etc.), Rainbow Dash to me is Bi Trans Girl! However, I’m also starting to headcanon her as genderfluid who uses both he/him and she/her pronouns, but it’s still in thought. Rainbow to me is the kind of gal who doesn’t mind who it is as long as they can catch up to her. Sure she’ll have her occasional exceptions (like Fluttershy), but as long as she can meet someone compatible to her, she’s a happy camper.
FlutterDash (Fluttershy x Rainbow) is my OTP Rainbow ship at the moment. Even though I don’t love it as much as I used to, I still ship Human! SoarinDash, even though Human Soarin only appears in the comics.
Applejack is Bi with more of a preference for females. I’m also starting to see her as Non-Binary (with She/Her being her main pronouns), Genderfluid, or Bigender. Still deciding regardless. I just simply see her going both ways, but she just prefers females more. I don’t really have no other reason other than that to be honest.
Rarijack is my favorite Applejack ship, and TimDagioJack (Timber x Adagio x Applejack) used to peak my interest I blame my friend lol, but I’m starting to fall out of love with it. I’ve also thought about Rarity x Applejack x Rainbow as an OTP3 in the past, but IDK since I’m neutral on RariDash.
Rarity no doubt is Bi with more of a preference for males. From subtext from the show (both mlp and eqg), it would seem like that she’s the most traditional straight female out of all the Mane 7, but I see her being fine with either or. Of course she just prefer males a lot more.
Rarijack is my favorite Rarity ship, but I also like ones like RariMaud (Rarity x Maud Pie), Scity (SciTwi x Rarity), RariMac (Rarity x Big Mac), and Rarishy (Rarity x Fluttershy). I’m getting a little bit into Rarity x Raggmuffin, but I’m still not sure. It’s just a m/f Rarijack obviously 🙄
Fluttershy is a Panromantic Demi! She has no particular preference and would only fall in love/get intimate with one who she forms a deep connection with. Also, in the past, I did consider headcanoning her as Trans because it’s a very popular headcanon amongst the fandom, but tbh? I don’t see it as much as others do lol I’ve also had thoughts of making her poly, but I’m not sure yet.
FlutterDash is my OTP currently, but I also like ones like TimberShy (Fluttershy x Timber) and SandalShy (Fluttershy x Sandalwood). I’ve also thought about Fluttershy x Timber x Sandalwood as a OTP3 ship, but eh. Not really sure yet.
Pinkie Pie is both Pan & Poly! She’s the kind of girl that likes to have fun and doesn’t care who it is as long as she can make them happy! She also doesn’t mind being in a poly relationship as long as everyone is happy and understanding in said relationship.
My favorite Pinkie ship at the moment is SunPie, with two OTP3 in mind: SciPieSet & SunPieDagio. I also have a guilty pleasure OTP4, Sci Twi x Flash x Sunset x Pinkie lol I also tend to like Pinata (Pinkie x Sonata too) too! And even though Cheese hasn’t appeared in EQG, I ship them too.
Bonus (Extra Characters) Under the Cut!
Flash Sentry is Bi with more of a preference for women. My favorite Flash ship is SciFlash. I also like Flash x Timber, Flash x Adagio, Flash x Fluttershy and Flash x Derpy.
Timber Spruce used to be Bi with more of a preference for men to me, but now he’s Pan. Like with Pinkie, he doesn’t really care who it is, he just wants to have a good time and be happy with them.
My favorite Timber ship is tied between TimberShy (Timber x Fluttershy) and FlashTimber (Flash x Timber), despite barely interacting with him (in which I hate that idea btw). I used to ship Timber x Juniper, but now I see them as cousins. I also shipped Timber x Wallflower in the past, but I now headcanon Wallflower as a Lesbian.
I know a common headcanon for Trixie is that she’s a Trans Lesbian, but even though I’m starting to see Trans Trixie in someways, I see Trixie as Bi with more of a preference for females. I do like SunTrix, StarTrix, Trixie x Blueblood, but I guess if I had to pick a OTP3, it would be StarTrixBurst (Starlight x Trixie x Sunburst).
Juniper Montage is Bi in my headcanons. JuniperFlower is my main ship while I also like ones like JuniperShy and SciMontage. Like I’ve said above, I used to like Timber x Juniper, but now I see them as cousins.
Like I’ve said above, Wallflower is a Non-Binary Lesbian who uses She/They pronouns. Like I said, JuniperFlower is my OTP while I do like Sunset x Wallflower too.
Sour Sweet is Bi with a preference for males. I don’t really ship her with anyone other than Sunset.
Sugarcoat is a Ace Lesbian. I like her with Indigo Zap and somewhat ship her with Sci Twi.
Believe it or not, I used to see Sunny Flare as a straight gal, but now she’s a straight up Lesbian lol 😝 I ship her with Fluttershy sometimes, reasons here.
Indigo Zap is a Non-Binary Lesbian who uses she/they pronouns. I can’t really think of anyone else that I pair her with other than Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest.
Lemon Zest is a Lesbian. I used to ship Lemonata (Lemon x Sonata), but I grew out of love with it. However, Lemon x Vinyl is literally prefect for each other?
And for anybody that actually cares about her, I imagine Principal Cinch as the traditional straight woman. Though lately, I’m starting to see her as bi-curious. I don’t really ship her with anyone, but a lot of people thinks that a human Neighsay would be a prefect match for her. Basically I do see her as a female Neighsay, so I guess I do see them as a perfect match, even though he never appeared in EQG.
Vignette is Bi to me. I ship her with Gloriossa and and Rarity.
Gloriossa is more or less or the traditional Lesbian to me. The only person that I ship her with currently is Vignette.
Kiwi Lollipop is a Bi Trans female, and Supernova Zap is Pan! And their dating, nuff said.
If anyone wants to know my preference headcanons for any other character, feel free to ask!
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frostedsketches · 2 months
Astronomical Cuddles
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This is Meteorite Star, Twilight and Star Tracker's son, and Diamond Crest, Rarity and Soarin's daughter. I believe I've posted about them as characters before but it's been awhile so I thought I'd introduce them again, and this time reveal their alliance with each other. So yeah, they get together in the future, big surprise or whatever.
You can see they have a big space theme going on, and are both cat crazy for their rescue felines. I imagine this is a midday nap, and they are both restless sleepers that end up in the oddest positions; and when they sleep together, that usually ends them up tangled into a messy love knot.
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If these are next-gen characters, who is who's parents? (like who is Stellar's parents, who is Kunzite's parents, etc etc)
I'mma answer this one in text this time, this is a next gen AU. Not all of the characters are next gens. Stellar is just an OC (Who's parents will be revealed in time but if I say who now it will be very spoilery) Then some of the next gens ended up in this universe from another universe because they were either adopted or I just wanted to create them.
I can show a list of the current next gens though, fair warning, the list is long: Pixel Note: Button Mash x Sweetie Belle Apple Slice: Caramel Chance-A-Lot x Applejack Appleseed: Caramel Chance-A-Lot x Applejack Sharp Gleam: Diamond Tiara x Snips Gem Shine: Discord x Rarity (another universe transfer) Sunrise Illusion: Discord x Celestia Muffin: Doctor Whooves x Derpy Hooves Time Bubble: Doctor Whooves x Derpy Hooves Rose Seed: Feather Weight x Babs Seed Blue Ribbon: Flam x Cherry Jubilee Constellation Sparkle: Flash Sentry x Twilight Sparkle Apple Cider: Flim x Apple Fritter Apple Crisp: Big Macintosh x Fluttershy Crass: Grogar x Everest(OC) Star Tricks: Luna x Trixie Lulamoon (another universe transfer) Dream Walker: Sombra x Luna Mint Swirl: Lyra x Bonbon Pop Rocks: Lyra x Bonbon Shooting Star: Mordecai x Twilight Sparkle (another universe transfer) Midnight Aurora: Nightmare Moon x Everlight Everlasting (another universe transfer) Record Label: Octavia Melody x Vinyl Scratch Play Wright: Pink Tom x Trailblazer (another universe transfer, parents are from the @projectfimily universe) Honeycrisp Apple: Pip Squeak x Apple Bloom Surprise Pop: Pokey Pierce x Pinkie Pie Quick Dash: Rumble x Scootaloo Luminia: Sassy Saddles x Thorax (another universe transfer) Gem Gleam: Snails X Silver Spoon Cumulus: Sky Stinger x Vapor Trail Spectra: Soarin x Rainbow Dash Thunder Cloud: Soarin x Rainbow Dash Molto Vivace: Songbird Serenade x Rainbow Dash (another universe transfer) Crystal Fire: Spike x Rarity Kunzite: Spike x Rarity Opal: Spike x Rarity Bright Idea: Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer Sunset Sparkle: Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer Luster Dawn (Yes, I know she's from the show but I wanted to incorporate her in the next gens): Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer Dawn Delight: Sunset Shimmer x Trixie Lulamoon Royal Blue: Blue Blood x Twilight Sparkle (another universe transfer) Spring Breeze: Vapor Trail x Tree Hugger Evermore: Zecora x Gizmo Lightning Strike: Master x Marble Pie (He is not sure where/when he came from anymore)
Non next gens: Spell Caster - Currently a statue Alicorn Poupée - Living Doll Stellar Cables - Alicorn Flicker - Changeling Mimic - Reformed Changeling Chambers - Currently a ghost Draconequus Everest - Draconequus Berry Blue - Earth Pony Film Reel - Earth Pony Flora Fauna - Earth Pony Harvest - Dead Earth Pony (Can appear as a ghost) Herbal Remedy - Earth Pony Light Heart - Earth Pony Melody Fever (DJ Fever Beats) - Earth Pony Music Rush - Earth Pony Paint Point - Earth Pony Phantom Ink - Possessed Earth Pony Quill Pen - Assumed Earth Pony Rapid Gear - Earth Pony Sun Dial - Currently a ghost Earth Pony Swift Apple - Earth Pony Wave Breaker - Earth Pony Bursting Flame - Pegasus/Color Drinker (Subset of Vamponies) Cross Stitch - Unicorn Fast Catch - Pegasus Fire Forge - Earth Pony Kiwi Tart - Unicorn Sweet Note - Earth Pony Twirling Ribbon - Earth Pony Gray Claw - Griffon Crescent - Hippogriff Fallon - Hippogriff Amphy - Fenec Fox Earth Pony Hybrid Draco - ??? Pony Hybrid Forest Jewel - Deer Unicorn Hybrid Mizu - Ray Pony Hybrid Night Shade - Deer Changeling Hybrid Willow - Deer Pegasus Hybrid King Variant - Dead Kirin King (Can appear as a ghost) Spring Leaf - Kirin Charlie and Dave - Two headed lamb Granite - Diamond Dog Maple Tree - Dikdik Oak Tree - Dikdik Droplet - Pegasus Dusk Light - Pegasus/Color Drinker (Subset of Vamponies) Gale Force - Currently a ghost Pegasus Vampony Happy Sales - Pegasus Popcorn - Pegasus Shady Deal - Pegasus Starlight Flight - Pegasus/Color Drinker (Subset of Vamponies) Sweet Smile - Pegasus Sweet Treat - Pegasus Violet - Pegasus (another universe transfer) Tango - Siren (Looks younger than actually is) Autumn Leaf - Unicorn Chai Tea - Unicorn Cuddle Bug - Unicorn Ink Blot - Unicorn Lily Pad - Unicorn Peppercorn - Unicorn Professor Spark - Unicorn Red Shine - Unicorn Silver Star - Unicorn Song Note - Unicorn Stardew Valley - Unicorn Symphony - Currently a ghost Unicorn Winter Breeze - Unicorn Moon Mist - Vampony If you want to ask any of the characters a random question, just be sure to put who you want to ask. Hope this helps!
~ GPG Mod
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Hello!! Is it alright to ask for inbox checks? With Tumblr being Tumblr I'm curious if my request was sent! No rush of course!
Of course! I understand Tumblr can get really stupid sometimes, so here are the requests in the inbox!
Millie x Moxxie (Helluva Boss) x Amy Rose (Sonic Series) with Amy Rose being a 25 y/o hell-born hedgehog demon.
Barbatos (Obey Me!) x Yuri (DDLC)
Beast Boy (Teen Titans) x Steven Universe (SU) Soulmate au headcanons
Alphys (Undertale) x Vector (Sonic Series) NSFW
Stolas (Helluva Boss) x Rarity (MLP) with Rarity being an Arctic Owl demon
Oh, there're also these two requests from ao3, just in case you requested there and forgot about it! /gen /lh
Yuri (DDLC) x Noelle Holiday (Deltarune)
Soarin' (MLP) x Drago (Animal Crossing) short fic
Hope that helps anon! - Mod Apathetic
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Descendantsverse Guide
Heroes (Equestria)
*"+" indicates that a couple is no longer together
Queen Celestia x King Sombra
- Soleil Rouge
Princess Luna x Consort Fluttershy
- River Styx
- Elara Nightsong
Princess Luna + The Storm King (One night stand)
- Whispering Brambles
Empress Cadence (Deceased) x Emperor Shining Armour (Deceased)
- Flurry Heart (Deceased)
- Apollo's Gift
Princess Twilight Sparkle x Consort Tempest Shadow x Consort Rainbow Dash
- Astral Twister
- Aquila Nocte
- Thundering Abyss
Pinkie Pie
- Boston Creme Pie (Adopted)
- Osiris Torte (Adopted)
- Rocky Road (Adopted)
Rarity Belle x Thunderlane
- Kyanite Cumulus
Applejack x Coloratura
- Honeybee Rome
Starlight Glimmer x Sunset Shimmer
- Eventide Reverie
- Orion Rise
Sweetie Belle x Star Tracker x Tender Taps
- Violet Serenade
Moondancer x Flash Sentry x Sunburst
- Nessarose Eridanus (Adopted)
Capper Dapperpaws + Cosmos (One night stand)
- Zenith Zeal
Discord + Cheese Sandwich (Fling)
- Dionysus Rumcake
Zecora + Tirek (...It’s complicated)
- Maangamizi Malaika
Soarin x Gloriosa Daisy
- Baby's Breath
Villains (Isle of the Lost)
*"+" indicates that a couple is no longer together
Chrysalis + Storm King
- Malignant Meimuna
Abacus Cinch + Neighsay
- Elegant Virtue
Tirek + Discord
- Tyrannical Vesper
Maniac + Lightning Dust
- Sonic Spark
Adagio Dazzle + Flim/Flam
- Andante Ripple
Captain Celaeno x Dr Cabellaron
- Percy Perch
Sonata Dusk x Wallflower Blush
- Rainflower Muse
- Cordelia Forte
- Hazelblossom Crescendo
Svengallop x Gladmane
- Jar of Hearts
- Casino Night
Silver Spoon x Cozy Glow
- Lucy Bee
Silver Spoon x Diamond Tiara (affair)
- Green Tea
Ahuizotl +(?) Timber Spruce
- Tlaloc
Ahuizotl + The Storm King (Fling)
- Derecho Storm
- Andromeda Visage
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thattechygirl · 1 year
About Me
Fandoms (and Ships)
Phinbella (Phineas x Isabella)
Ferbnessa (Ferb x Vanessa)
Starco (Star x Marco)
TomStar (Tom x Star)
Dipcifica (Dipper x Pacifica)
Violet Parr x Tony Rydinger
Luberto (Luca x Alberto)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Harry Potter
Harry x Ginny
Ronmione (Ron x Hermione)
Luna x Neville
WolfStar (Sirius x Remus)
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrienette (Adrien x Marinette)
DJWiFi (Nino x Alya)
Lukanette (Luka x Marinette)
NathMarc (Nathaniel x Marc)
JuleRose (Juleka x Rose)
Lukagami (Luka x Kagami)
CheeseCake (Tikki x Plagg)
Marigami (Marinette x Kagami)
My Little Pony
AppleDash (Applejack x Rainbow Dash)
SoarinDash (Soarin x Rainbow Dash)
CheesePie (Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie)
Fluttercord (Fluttershy x Discord)
Flashlight (Flash Century x Twilight Sparkle)
Starburst (Starlight Glimmer x Sunburst)
Starlight Glimmer x Trixie Lulamoon
RariPie (Rarity x Pinkie Pie)
Sonic the Hedgehog
SonAmy (Sonic x Amy)
Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow)
Knuxouge (Knuckles x Rouge)
TailsCream (Tails x Cream)
Silvaze (Silver x Blaze)
ShadAmy (Shadow x Amy)
SonShadAmy (Sonic x Shadow x Amy)
BlazeAmy (Blaze x Amy)
SilvazeAmy (Silver x Blaze x Amy)
Tangle x Whisper
Vanilla x Vector
Super Mario Bros
Mario x Peach
Luigi x Daisy
JereMike (Jeremy Fitzgerald x Michael Afton)
Glamrock Fronnie (Glamrock Freddy x Glamrock Bonnie)
Roxica (Roxanne Wolf x Glamrock Chica)
DaveSport (Dave Miller x Jack Kennedy)
Polyphone (Harry Fitzgerald x Jake Wilson x Roger Jones)
Matthew Virginia x Oscar Lewinsky
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doki Doki Squad (Monika x Sayori x Natsuki x Yuri)
Natsuri (Natsuki x Yuri)
Sayosuki (Sayori x Natsuki)
Hello Neighbor
Hamilton: An American Musical
Lams (John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton)
Mullette (Hercules Mulligan x Lafayette)
JeffMads (Thomas Jefferson x James Madison)
Phildosia (Philip Hamilton x Theodosia Burr Jr.)
Hamliza (Alexander Hamilton x Eliza Hamilton)
Elams (Eliza Hamilton x John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton)
SIX the Musical
Sanders Sides
Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil)
Logicality (Logan x Patton)
Dukeceit (Remus x Janus)
Remile (Remy x Emile) (Yes, I know that's technically not Sanders Sides)
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
Sebastian x Abigail
Haley x Alex
Elliot x Leah
My Farmer x Shane (Yes, I am counting that, lol)
Spyro the Dragon
Dan and Phil/The Phandom
Listening to music
Playing video games
Watching movies
Watching YouTube
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