#rather than like. a person who goes outside and sees the sky and smells the air and doesn't worry that their thoughts are “evil”
sagechan · 5 months
"timeskip zuk/aang only cuz atla zuk/aang is problematic" take my hand. listen to me. it's not real. they're not real. nothing is problematic in fiction until you make it so. it just Exists. it just is. you can ship whatever you want. you can do anything forever. go frolic in a field and don't worry what an imaginary jury of tiktokers will say about you behind your back. they aren't real either.
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littlefreya · 3 years
Henry's reaction to finding out GF's house is haunted.
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Summary: Henry’s friend invites him over to watch a horror film on Halloween, problem is he is madly in love with her.
Pairings: Henry Cavill x Unamed OFC (3rd person, no description)
Warnings: RPF, fluff, romantic goo, friends to lovers or rather idiots to lovers, brief mentions of alcohol and Henry’s green hoodie p0rn.  
Words: 1.6K
A/N: So I had to take it to the “friends to lovers” lane, also I will need all the fluff after what I am about to post tomorrow :|! Divider by @firefly-graphics. Beta’d by my beautiful @agniavateira​ . Also FYI my house is totally haunted.
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed. 
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Haunted Houses
All Hallow's Eve was Henry’s favourite time of the year. The spicy autumn air was thickly shrouded by magic. Spooky tales and plastic spiders inhabited drapes of thin cotton tendrils and fat pumpkins carved with scary faces would sit on his doorstep to welcome him home or bid him farewell on his way out. 
Per tradition, he would rally close friends at midnight for a horror flick and pineapple-anchovy pizza; often a bottle of rum would be added to the party. However, this Halloween fell on a bittersweet period, as his friends grew too old for said spooky gatherings. Starting new families of their own, they had no time to indulge him.
All save for her, who just like him was still somehow single. 
How bad would it be to spend the evening just the two of them... alone? Ignoring the fact that it was enough to see her name flicker on the screen of his phone for pure warmth to enkindle in his chest. He thought about her often before he fell asleep and when he woke up; and by often, he meant every single day since he met her.
Though she didn’t think much of him as anything other than a friend she loved to banter with - he presumed. And of course she loved Kal, possibly more than she cared for him. Yet, Henry did what he did best: bury his emotions into a little pit he dug in the graveyard of his mind. 
"Heh!” Henry croaked as the door opened. His sapphires ensnared the veils of black that cloaked her, preserving the sight of silk laces tied tightly at her torso in what seemed like a gothic medieval gown. 
“I see you took off your costume for the evening." 
She narrowed her eyes but only to observe his attire carefully: that same green hoodie and a pair of worn jeans that complimented his… asset. 
She wanted to etch her fingers around the thick fabric and have a whiff of this hoodie, or perhaps just steal it and wear it forever and a day.
"First of all, it is called The Witching Hour so I must dress properly. Secondly - where is your costume, Cavill?" she crossed her arms together, looking rather displeased. 
“I’m dressed as a homicidal maniac, we look like everybody else does.” 
Snorting, she tilted her head, unimpressed. “You totally just stole this joke from Wednesday Addams.” 
Henry shrugged and pressed his lips to a thin line. One of his foolish expressive gestures. It made her feel less nervous to which she was thankful. When she suggested they’d hang out despite them being the only two, she didn’t think much of the consequences of being all alone with the man who inhabited her mind and never paid rent. Everything about Henry made her feverish, but it was always easy when others accompanied them. The awkward anxiety of having to entertain him wasn’t her job, not up till now… 
Oh, god! What if they had nothing to talk about? What if their playful chemistry was always influenced by the presence of other people?
Beads of sweat began to form below her breasts when Henry shoved a bottle of rum into her hand and then leaned in to steal a casual kiss from her cheek. She smiled with a friendly huff in return, stifling the shiver that coursed through her muscles while he welcomed himself into her home. 
Striding forward, he peered at the Halloween decorations she hung across the walls and inhaled deeply - the scent of maple and buttery chestnuts filled the cosy little house, a scent that he could easily get intoxicated with. 
It was what she smelled like and here he was, drowning in its excess.
After a quick observation, he turned to look at her, holding his hands clasped behind his back. She smiled awkwardly in return and then averted her gaze, becoming fascinated by the bottle he brought.
‘There it is,’ Henry mused, ‘that embarrassing silence, there is so much to tell her, but she probably… no! She definitely finds me boring.’
This Halloween celebration would probably be the last and it was all sorts of disastrous. 
Trying to overcome the silence, he cleared his throat and reached a hand to scratch his curly mane. “So what movie are we watching?”
“Movie?” she asked confused and then quickly corrected, “Oh yes, umm... The Exorcist.” 
“Good, love me some green vomit.” his eyes followed carefully as she waltzed into the small open kitchen, placing the rum on the counter and then returning with a large bowl that made his nostrils flare.
“Green vomit goes extremely well with caramelised popcorn,” she suggested and popped a golden flake of popcorn into her mouth. 
“Sweet-salty popcorn? I love you!” Henry groaned and snatched the bowl right away. It was only when his mouth was stuffed that he realised what words he just used. 
But she didn’t seem to react, thankfully. Instead, she brushed a hand over her many skirts and pointed toward the living room.
Hugging the bowl, Henry strode behind her, entering the dimly lit living room. The traditional pizza was already laid on the wooden coffee table, along with a few bottles of Guinness. 
Her couch was small, only fit for a couple. And Henry, being a hulking man, took most of the space. Their thighs immediately ground into one another’s, yet they both pretended as if they hadn't noticed the hot tingle running beneath the layers of clothing. 
“I have to warn you about something,” she uttered, hoping that the tremor she suddenly felt in her body was not visible to him. 
Henry crooked his eyebrow, looking at the ominous glare she offered.
“My house is totally haunted.”  
Not waiting for his answer, she grabbed the remote and pressed play. Henry chuckled at her silly joke, waiting for her to break character but she only peered at the screen.
“Nice try, I am not scared of that stuff.” He shifted in his seat slightly, lifting his lengthy arm and spreading it on the headrest right behind her. Immediately, he regretted this semi-possessive masculine gesture, but it was too late to pull it away. 
Her instincts screamed to snuggle into him yet she held back. “Don’t believe me, but I am not making this up,” she insisted, “Every night around 3 am, I hear scratching from within the walls and these thuds from the ceiling, and then one night… I woke up the door creaking.”
Henry glanced at her quietly for a long moment, watching the reflection from the screen gyrating over her glossy irises and then snorted. He leaned toward the coffee table and grabbed two beers, uncorking them with the help of his pinky ring and then offering her one of the bottles. 
“I think you have rats.”
“Rats who make heavy thuds and open bedroom doors?”
“Yup, a big fat randy rat.” he teased. “We’ll take a look at your bedroom later, but I promise you, there are no such things as ghosts.”
‘We’ll take a look in your bedroom? Great…’ He berated himself. At this point, he just wanted to sigh and shake his head. 
She peered at him oddly, her throat clenching a tad before she turned her head back to the movie with a mumble, “It’s not a ghost, it’s a demon.” 
Within a few minutes they grew quiet, deciding to focus on the movie with the occasional dry jokes and bad puns from Henry as an attempt to overcome his anxiety. Outside the window, thunder rumbled in the distance and shy raindrops lightly kissed the glass, tinted with the many vague shades of lights coming from the street. 
Now and then, Henry shifted in his seat, his meaty thigh further grinding into her leg which stirred her blood to the point of electric spasms. She lightly pushed against him, pretending it’s by accident when truthfully, she wanted to exploit every second of being in his proximity. Had she any guts, she would turn to kiss him, but the thought alone made her heart clench in fear.
She threw him a glance, and their eyes met. Henry offered a kind grin, avoiding staring at her lips. She smiled back coyly, her heartbeat accelerating with anticipation when the possessed girl in the movie made a horrifying groan that ruined the moment. 
And then the room suddenly was swallowed in darkness, followed by a strong clap of thunder that tore open the sky.  
In the scant moment of chaos, he heard a scream and then the light came back as if nothing happened, aside from the fact that she was now in his arms, with her legs straddling his waist, and her fingers clutching the collar of his hoodie. 
Henry was unsure how and when his hand found itself latched to the small of her back, only that he didn’t want to let go. They exchanged bemused glances and swallowed the dryness parching their throats.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered hoarsely, “I got scared…”
Embarrassed to the point of tears, she attempted to climb off, wanting nothing more than to run to the bathroom and cry in hiding, when Henry sent a hand to stroke her temple and gently brushed his fingers behind her ear.
“Stay,” he insisted, squeezing into her lower back as if to prevent her from escaping. 
Her lips parted slowly, the same golden hue that suffused the living room split into her eyes, beaming even brighter as he continued to caress her face before bringing her closer to graze her lips with his.
Halloween was, without a doubt, his favourite. 
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Tagging: @the-soot-sprite​ @henrythickcavill​ because they asked to be tagged in these. <3 
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Going on a Boardwalk
   Imagine: You and the Bad Batch go on a boardwalk by the ocean!
(Author’s Note: Happy Bad Batch eve!!!!)
   You arrive at sunset.  The sky is a striking orange which is beginning to fade into dark blue, with the horizon above the ocean painted with all sorts of pastels in between the two shades.  The group sets foot on the creaking boardwalk and looks ahead at the long row of stands and shops that goes for miles.  Omega is “ooh”ing and “aw”ing at all the lights, and she pointed excitedly at the rides down by the pier.
   And so, the Bad Batch begins the trek along the boardwalk.
   Hunter’s first instinct is to watch Omega and smile at her reaction to the location.  There’s a pretty decent crowd, so he makes sure to keep an eye on her.  If you’re his significant other, you may be used to having to share your Sergeant since he was responsible for the squad...but it’s a boardwalk and it’s supposed to be fun, so you encourage him to relax.  Hunter eventually is able to let go and enjoy himself, entwining his fingers with yours and walking with you.  His favorite part of the boardwalk so far is hearing the crash of the waves nearby, hearing the seagulls, and feeling the salty air.  He absolutely loves glancing beside him to see you smiling and appreciating the sights too.
   Tech spends the first few minutes on his datapad gathering whatever intel he could about the shops they have and whatnot.  He rarely goes into a situation without research simply because he likes to be prepared and he likes to have information whenever his brothers ask a question.  After that, he is quite happy to simply savor the scenery.  If you’re his date, he’ll want to hold your hand the whole way as you walk and take in the things to do.  Tech is interested in boardwalk games and arcades, and though he might not say so right away, you can see him staring whenever passing by one.
   Echo is smiling a lot.  His mood is light as his gaze wanders the stands and sees all the happy people walking by.  This was the vacation that was long overdue, and he was going to enjoy it.  Lots of things grab his attention: the food, the games, the rides.  Omega convinces him to go on a ride with her later.  If you’re his significant other, he’d be at your side the whole time, holding your hand.  He’d rather let you pick what you want to do or see first.
   Wrecker is in awe of all the things you can do and see in one place.  He and Omega are chattering about all the rides they want to go on later at the pier.  He is pretty fixated on the food for now.  If you’re his significant other, you may find that he goes from holding your hand to running toward whatever catches his eye, which happens often.  He’s pretty fixated on food and most likely won’t move on until he has something to eat.  Ever the gentleman, he wants to be sure you get something too.
   Crosshair remains at your side as his sharp eyes take everything in.  He likes to follow the rear of the group.  Normally, he isn’t one for public displays of affection, but with all the young men running around in groups and after noticing the other couples walking hand-in-hand, he feels the need to mark you as his.  You’ll feel his hand gently take yours, and when you glance over he is already gazing at you.  He’s content to go wherever you want to go and just enjoys seeing you happy.
   Omega is super excited and spends the first fifteen or so minutes planning to go on rides and trying to get her brothers to volunteer to take her.  Her eyes are aglow from the lights reflecting in them.  There are people who stand in front of the shops playing with whatever toy or fad was in to try and draw in customers, and Omega would definitely be drawn in.  She’d want to play with the bubble machines and robo pets even if for a few minutes before moving on.  
   After walking farther down the boardwalk, the Batch finds themselves drawn to different things, so they agree to separate for a little while.
   Hunter will explore the shops with you, but he is most drawn to the edge of the boardwalk where he can watch the sun go down over the ocean.  If you’re his date, he would take the opportunity of having the others distracted to just shower you with affection.  He doesn’t make a scene or anything, but he smiles warmly at you,  gives your hand a little kiss, and kisses your forehead in between ganders at the ocean.  Eventually, he can’t resist anymore and tilts your chin to meet your lips with his own in a tender kiss just as the sun dips beneath the horizon.
   Tech wants to play some arcade games, if you’re up for it.  He enjoys showing off his intellect and skill, but sometimes he likes a good game of chance where anything can happen.  He can calculate probability for those scenarios, but not much beyond that.  He also really loves watching you.  He’ll stand behind you with his chest pressed to your back and watch you play your favorite game.  His absolute favorite is to go up against you in a two-player game.  He loves the competition and when you playfully talk smack when he gets cocky.  If Tech wins, he’ll want a kiss as his prize.
   Echo will gladly go along with whatever his significant other wants to do first.  If you want to look at the ocean, he is more than happy to do it with you.  If you’d rather get something to eat, he’s in.  One thing he does want to do during your time together is browse the gift shops and pick up a souvenir.  He’d treat you to something like matching oversized hoodies with the boardwalk logo on them or nice mugs to use for caf aboard the Marauder.  If you tried hard enough to convince him, he might even agree to get those matching couple shirts displayed in the windows like “her king” and “his queen” or something customized.  He playfully rolls his eyes as you hold one of the shirts up in front of him, but he can’t help but lean in and capture your lips in a loving kiss.
   Wrecker definitely wants to grab something to eat first.  There are so many different places that he can’t decide which one to commit to for his first boardwalk meal.  He ends up getting a little something from a few different places.  Pizza, hotdogs, fries… He gets enough for both of you to share, and the two of you would find a nice spot at a table near the edge where there’s a lovely view of the ocean.  After the two of you are full, he’d be more attentive and open to whatever you wanted to see next, holding your hand and giving you kisses.
   Crosshair is fine with letting you lead the way to whatever you wanted to do first.  He is enjoying all of the sights with you, and that’s more than enough for him.  However, if you were to ask if there’s anything he’d like to see in particular, he wouldn’t mind stopping in one of the shops with henna tattoos and edgy t-shirts.  He’d get himself an oversized hoodie to wear for a little while before pulling it down over your form when the sun disappeared behind the horizon and it got colder outside.  He’d smile at you as you hugged yourself in the air and sighed in contentment: That new hoodie smell would be mingled with his own scent.  He takes your hand again and the two of you continue on your way.
   Omega tags along with one of her brothers for a while and ends up getting something to eat and a toy from one of the shops to keep tucked under her arm as she explores.  She begs Hunter to let her get a temporary tattoo.   He’s hesitant because she’s young and he doesn’t want her to think she has to impress the group by getting a real tattoo someday, but since it’s only a temporary one just for fun, he decides it’s okay.  Omega gets a little seahorse and starfish on the back of her hand.
   Next up are the rides!  The group reunites and heads over to the pier to buy some tickets.  With the sun down, the rides are all lit up in the dark.
   Hunter won’t pressure you to go on anything if you don’t like rides, and he will probably only go on a couple of rides with Omega to make her happy, but will spend most of the time at your side.  If you do want to go but are a little nervous, he’ll gladly hold your hand and tease you playfully until you go with him.  If you are the kind of person who loves to go on all the rides, he’ll go on a few with you and stand by and hold your things while you go on more.
  Tech will definitely go on some rides if you want to.  Otherwise, he will try one or two on his own and be content with standing back and watching everyone else alongside you.  He might get some recordings of Wrecker’s screams on the really high ones that Omega managed to convince him to go on.  If you do go on crazy rides, Tech will film your reaction to play back and tease you lovingly about with that cute smirk on his face.
   Echo would rather watch the others have their fun.  He gets a little salty and says Tech’s wild flying is more than enough for him.  However, Omega somehow got him to agree  to go with her before, so he’ll keep his word and go on a ride with her.  If you enjoy rides, he will also make an exception for you too.  However, if you’d rather watch the others, the two of you can stand near the ride and wave as they go.
   Wrecker loves fast rides, but still is terrified when it comes to heights.  He’ll tolerate a rollercoaster that goes in a few loops, but if it’s the kind that climbs agonizingly slow to the top and then flies down a steep drop from a few hundred feet up, he’ll be covering his eyes and screaming.  Him and Omega stick to the ones that aren’t too bad.  If you enjoy rides, Wrecker will be happy to go on them with you.  He’ll even accompany you on one of the high coasters if you insist on going by yourself, because he’s worried for you and wants to protect you even if it scares the heck out of him.  If you don’t like rides, he’ll probably still go on a few with Omega.  The two of them will wave at you and grin adorably.
   Crosshair is not scared one bit and will do the craziest ride on the pier, if challenged.  It makes him the perfect person to go on rides with if you’re a little scared.  He’ll go on anything with you, keeping calm and holding your hand even if you’re totally freaking out.  Doesn’t matter if you want to go on thirty rides or just one, he’s down.  If rides aren’t your thing, he’s also fine to stand with you and watch the others.  Better watch out, if he feels the need to show off, he will go on the craziest ride just to make a point.
   Omega wants to go on every ride within reason.  There are height limits to some, so she’ll obviously avoid those.  Her and Wrecker are buddies when it comes to rides since he;s the Bad Batcher who enjoys them the most, although she’ll manage to get Echo and Hunter to go with her on a few.  And if everyone else is done with rides, Tech or even Crosshair will go on one with her.
   The squad will turn and head back toward the exit.  They may stop at a few stands on the way back to see anything they missed on the way up.  Omega is exhausted, so one of the brothers carries her back.
   When you get back to the ship, everyone is tired and heads to their bunks.  You get cozy with your Bad Batch SO and drift off to sleep...
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moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: First Meeting
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Set during X-Men: Age of Apocalypse, you were with Scott, Jean, Jubilee, and Kurt on their fateful mall run, returning home just in time to meet the speedster who saved all but one from the destruction of your home.
Warnings: None really except minor violence with you also being around for the subsequent Stryker mutant-nappings.
Chapters: Next Chapter Here
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
Yes, it’s true you’d been under a decent amount of stress lately. Mostly self inflicted, because you had such high expectations of how you wanted to finish out the semester. But as Jubilee rolled her eyes for the second time, you realized you were now wasting your breath trying to explain the amount of consistent studying it took to maintain the high GPA your teachers had come to expect from you.
“We are going to the mall, (Y/N).” Jubilee breathed, as if reiterating this one more time was about to take all the life from her.
Your younger friend could have a flair for the dramatic. You now looked to Jean as the last voice of reason. But you could see by the smile she was barely holding back, that you had already lost. You suspected rightly that this new student, Scott, had had a lot to do with why Jean was suddenly so eager to skirt the rules and leave the grounds without permission.
You relented, but crossed your arms all the same as you gave your terms. “Fine, if Kurt wants to see a mall, then we’ll take him. But I’m driving.” Scott deflated slightly at that, but you didn’t miss a beat. “At least that way if anything goes wrong, I’ll answer to the Professor, not you all.” Of this group, you were the oldest (though not by much), and there was no sense in them getting in trouble over something like this.
Besides, it wouldn’t kill you to get a couple new outfits. You rarely if ever bought anything nice just for yourself. But it wasn’t like you had anyone around here to impress anyway...right?
You weren’t really sure how long you’d all been gone at the mall. Long enough to grab some lunch at the food court together, and waste a decent amount of time and change in the arcade. You hadn’t bought any clothes after all, nothing had struck that right chord with you. But you just remembered a smile on your face all the same, one hand held confidently on the gearshift and the other loosely on the steering wheel as you’d rounded past the mansion’s tree line, beginning to slow the car.
You’d just pushed in the clutch, and then-
You slammed the brakes, only gasps rather than laughter erupting from your friends beside you then as you all took in the scene at once. Debris and bits of ash still floated down gently from the sky as you’d ripped off your seatbelt, jumping from the car and breaking into a run. Your heartbeat had been in your ears as you’d entered the stunned crowd.
You picked out Hank, the first staff member you’d clearly seen, grabbing his arm as you found your voice again. “What on earth happened!?”
His head turned towards you, but his mouth just started to open and you could see in his eyes that he was trying to answer the same thing in his own mind. You’d never seen the brainy “Beast” at such a loss for words.
“Um...it blew up?” A new voice sounded off so matter of factly, then suddenly beside you as you turned to look at a person you’d never seen before.
A boy? No, a man? He seemed about your own age, that kind of in between really. His silver hair framed the sides of his face as he stared back at you, his hands on his hips. It was a surreal moment, your adrenaline still in full bore as you’d looked down to a weathered RUSH band t-shirt and a cool leather jacket that at any other time you may actually have been jealous of. You looked back up to his dark eyes in astonishment.
The stranger raised an eyebrow as your eyes connected again, him seemingly still waiting for some kind of response from you.
All the while, the X-Mansion that had been your home, your refuge for so many formative years just sat smouldering in rubble behind you.
“Where’s my brother!? Where’s Alex!?” Scott’s cry had finally broken the silence as you’d turned yet again.
“Pretty sure I got everyone,” The guy with the silver hair said almost defensively.
And that’s when it first hit you, the building was in complete ruin, but you knew about how many people were there on any given day. The crowd around you, that would be about everyone. But how could they all be outside? All be alive? An explosion that large would have been instantaneous. The building wasn’t just burning, it was leveled.
Scott ran from you all, and your heart felt heavy, knowing surely not everyone could have survived. But you saw Jean and Kurt run with him, helping him, so you again looked back to the stranger.
“You got them out?” You asked incredulously, unsure what that could even mean for this person’s true abilities as you gestured to the survivors standing in equal confusion all around you.
“Of course.” Again that matter of fact tone from him, now almost bordering on smug. But the surprises just continued as he abruptly outstretched one hand to you. “Peter,” he said, grabbing your own hand before you could even react and shaking it awkwardly.
“What?” Was all you could manage, possibly hearing your own brain seize internally at last as you looked down to this stranger’s hand still clasped warmly around your own.
You were done. Really, it was already too much before the unmistakable pulse of helicopter blades broke over the treetops and the downdraft of several of the craft then circling around you began whipping your hair into your eyes.
A woman screamed in warning somewhere behind you. Her voice sounded familar, but you didn’t look back. You just felt Peter’s hand squeeze tighter around yours, why hadn’t you let go?
But you were falling now. No, not metaphorically you hoped, but maybe you would have laughed about that thought if there’d been any more time before your knees hit the ground.
The paramilitary type men now streaming from the helicopters had launched some kind of pulse over the crowd.
Reflexively your mutation flared, your own energy field trying to shield yourself and Peter, but not well enough. Not fast enough as you only succeeded in keeping him conscious just a few moments longer than your peers.
Peter was still holding onto you, the surprise in his eyes quickly fading as they closed.
But your eyes were still open, fear surely in them though as you realized you could not will yourself back to standing. Whatever weapon these men had used was clearly designed to target those of your kind, taking your energy, blocking your powers.
“Her.” “Him.” You heard distantly, but forcefully as the darkness finally began to overtake the edges of your sight. A man was now walking through the fallen mutants with authority, pointing and calling out to who he wanted his men to collect.
And within moments that man’s boots were then inches from you in the soft grass. Your free hand clung to the earth, the other still holding Peter’s hand as if that grip could somehow hold your consciousness to you.
“Resistant to the pulse? Haven’t seen that in a while.” The man commented coldly from above.
You could still just make out his features as he paused, his boot rising up suddenly to kick you solidly in the ribs. It made a sickening sound, a crack as you collapsed the rest of the way down, the air leaving your lungs with the hit.
You buried your face into Peter’s jacket with the pain, stifling whatever pitiful sounds you didn’t want the man to hear. You could smell cheap cologne against the leather then. You tried your best to focus on that scent as you closed your eyes. This wasn’t over. You were going to get out of this. Somehow, some way you were going to help Peter as he had already helped so many of you. You owed him this.
“Take both of these two.” The military man said, then stepping over you both as if he’d done nothing more than vanquish a couple insects that had crossed his path.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
The Perks of Cold Weather
Hello! This is just a whole lot of fluff because I need some positive vibes this week. Feel free to send some requests my way if you’d like! They can be as specific or as vague as you want and I’ll do my best. None of my ideas are currently working for me.
Summary: Reader and Spencer have some fun in the snow in a small town in Alaska.
Words: 2996
Warnings: none I think
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When you first started at the BAU, you were quick to realize the group was more like a family than coworkers. It was clear in the little things they did for each other on case, like the way JJ and Spencer would comfort each other on particularly difficult cases to the slight bickering that would inevitably start up between Derek and Emily about anything that didn’t really matter.
 You were quick to find your place in the little family as well. Well, not find it so much as fall into it, but you didn’t mind. You were only 28 years old, meaning you were the youngest member of the BAU. Being the youngest meant a lot of teasing from the “older sibling” personalities of everyone except Rossi and Hotch. Their personalities were much more parent-esque. With how much they’d tease you, you were always quick to jump on the chance to tease them for a change. The perfect opportunity arose when a case came up in Alaska.
Penelope walked through the bullpen, calling you all into the roundtable room right before you left for the day. “Hello my wonderful crime fighters. I wish I had better news, but this case is a real whammy. Three women have been found stabbed to death in a small town in Alaska.”
 The collective groans of just about everyone in the room were quiet, but obvious.
 “I know, I know. Another freezing cold case. I wish I could send you to LA all the time, but alas bad guys aren’t deterred by freezing temperatures.” She went on to explain the details of the case before Hotch dismissed everyone with his typical “Wheels up in 30.”
 The team dispersed to collect their go bags- and winter items for the cold weather they would surely be facing in Alaska- before meeting on the jet. When you got there, everyone else was already boarded, and you couldn’t help but feel the low energy of everyone on the plane.
 “Don’t tell me the lot of you are afraid of a little snow?” You can’t stop the smirk from appearing on your face as you sit down across from Spencer and adjacent to Emily, Derek, and JJ.
 “Big words from someone who hasn’t been on a case in Alaska yet.” Derek’s reply comes without hesitation. The grin on your face only grows when you realize that everyone really is feeling low because of the impending winter wonderland.
 “Don’t tell me you’re excited for the cold weather?” JJ shivers just asking the question.
 “Of course I am! I’ve always loved the cold. There’s something so magical about watching snow fall. It feels like Christmas!” The four of them stare at you like you’ve lost your mind. “You are seriously telling me none of you like the snow?” You scan all of their faces in disbelief, eyes landing on Spencer last.
 “Don’t look at me. I’m from Nevada, it’s basically the desert. Winter in Las Vegas is comparable to fall in DC. The last time it snowed with any significance was in 2003 and that was only an inch.” Spencer nearly starts rambling about weather patterns across the US, but cuts himself off.
 “You all are seriously killing my good mood with your bad vibes. I will change at least one of your minds by the end of this case” You say in a huff while putting your headphones on. You try to catch up on some sleep before you all reconvene to discuss the case.
 After the briefing and right before landing, everyone starts bundling up in layers upon layers of sweatshirts, jackets, coats, gloves, scarves, and hats. You pull a sweater on over your long sleeve and zip up your FBI jacket, adding a cute beanie more for aesthetics than warmth. You’ve never been one to get overly cold, so you skip a few layers everyone else put on.
 The rest of the team marches off the jet as if they would rather be anywhere else, but you don’t let it deter you. You exit the jet with a smile on your face, taking a deep breath of the cool Alaskan air.
 “You really are enjoying yourself?” Spencer asks with a small smile. You meet his eye, the look on his face giving you butterflies, before responding.
 “Of course I am. It smells like winter!” The two of you share a laugh as you get in the SUV headed to the police precinct to actually get to work.
 The case only lasted two days. You were glad to have solved it so quickly, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t going to miss the snow. After the case files are all packed away and Hotch goes off to coordinate the jet, you head outside to absorb every last ounce of winter possible.
 “I thought I might find you out here.” Spencer sits next to you on the bench as you stare at the flakes falling from the sky.
 “What can I say, I just really love the cold.” You reply without turning your head. “Maybe it’s weird, but I would pick cold over hot any day.”
 “I don’t think it’s weird at all! I think it’s kind of cute actually.” That gets your attention and you turn to see he’s looking at his hands in his lap, fiddling with his thumbs. “I like how happy you are when you look at the snow.”
 Of course, that makes you smile again. “Thank you, Spence.” You can feel your cheeks heating up, but you’re quickly distracted by the sound of Derek calling the two of you back into the station.
 “Hey lovebirds, Hotch needs us.” You roll your eyes at Derek before standing up, offering your hand to Spencer to help him up. He takes your hand, squeezing it slightly as he rises from the bench. He only drops your hand when he goes to hold the door open for you, leading you back inside. The team gathers in the conference room, Hotch walking in with a grim expression.
 “I’ll cut to the chase. We won’t be able to fly home until this evening. The snow from last night on top of the storm that’s about to pass through is too much to clear right now.” Everyone, including you, sighs before nodding in understanding. As much as you would love to stay longer, you know it sucks that everyone can’t go home to their families. “This case is wrapped up, so feel free to just explore the town or relax in the hotel. We should be able to take off at 9:00 pm, so I expect to see all of you on the jet by 8:45.” Those words were music to your ears. As everyone begins to pack up to head out, you turn to Spencer.
 “I can’t believe this. It’s like a snow day! I’ve always loved snow days! We would always go outside, have a snowball fight, build a snowman, and try to build an igloo but end up giving up when it collapsed for the third time.” He chuckles at your enthusiasm, but nods along as you both walk out of the precinct toward the hotel just down the street. “Then we’d go in for lunch, make hot chocolate and cookies, and watch all our favorite movies.”
 “Is that what you want to do today?” Spencer asks as you both walk into the hotel lobby.
 “I mean, in a perfect world, yeah. That is exactly what I would want to do today.” You smile wistfully as you think back to your childhood snow days with your siblings.
 “Well then, let’s see how perfect we can make the world, just for today.” Spencer’s smiling as he says it, taking in the confusion and shock on your face.
 “You mean… You want to build a snowman? With me?” Your heart is beating so forcefully, you wouldn’t be surprised if it flew right out of your chest.
 “Yeah, and all the other things too.” Spencer’s words are soft and unsure, contrasting the confidence of his previous statement.
 “But you don’t like the cold weather…” You simply can’t fathom why he would volunteer to do these cold weather activities when just two days ago he was talking about how little snow he experienced when he was younger.
 “But you do, and we’re stuck here anyway. So, why not?” Hearing that he would spend his day off playing in the snow simply because you want to does things to you that you chose to ignore for the time being.
 “O- okay… yeah, let’s do it! ” The two of you smile at each other for a few seconds before you each bring your things to you respective rooms with a plan to meet in the lobby in fifteen minutes.
 When you get to your room you pull out the warmest clothes you brought to Alaska. Although it would suffice for walking down the street, it’s not exactly made for playing in the snow. After getting dressed you meet Spencer in the lobby. He is dressed in warmer clothes than you, but still not snow proof.
 “I don’t know if this is a good idea…” Your excitement to start this day with Spencer has dwindled since imaging the cold, wet clothes you’d end up in. “The key to a good snow day is waterproof clothes and we definitely don’t have any. How am I going to make you like snow if you’re freezing and wet at the end of the day?” You would expect the resident genius to agree with you, but instead of a grim expression and a nod in agreement, Spencer’s smile grows.
 “Don’t worry about it. Just come with me.” He leads you outside of the hotel with his hand on the small of your back all the way down to the town store. “What needs to be waterproof? We can find snow pants, jackets, gloves, and boots right here.” He looks so pleased with himself as he leads you around the store to collect all the items you’ll need. He even picks out a sled for the two of you.
 After checking out, he leads you back outside where you pull the waterproof gear on over your warm layers, tossing the tags into a nearby trash can. Before you can say anything, he is again leading you through the town with his hand on the small of your back. He stops when he reaches the park, turning to you once again.
 “Where do you want to build the snowman?” You mirror the grin on his face as you run across the park to a flatter area.
 You begin compressing the snow in your hands to form the ball that would eventually become the bottom layer of your snowman. Spencer copies your actions, forming a lopsided ball for the middle. You leave Spencer to work on the head while you search around the nearby trees for sticks to use as arms and rocks to use for the eyes and buttons.
 After finding the perfect set of sticks, you return to see Spencer adding a carrot nose right in the middle of the head.
 “I didn’t even see you buy carrots!” He laughs at your childlike enthusiasm, moving aside so you can add the sticks to the middle. You also add the rocks you gathered for the eyes and buttons. Spencer surprises you again by pulling out a hat and scarf to add the finish touches.
 After forcing him to take a selfie with you and the snowman, you walk across the park to find a good sledding hill. You find the perfect hill, and offer to go down first since it’s going to take some effort to form the path. Spencer watches you scooching your way through the snow, forcing the sled down the hill, laughing hysterically. You haven’t been able to enjoy snow like this for years.
 Spencer was hesitant to sled down the hill together, but one pout from you and he climbed on right away. The sled picked up pace is you barreled out of control, flipping and rolling down the hill.
 You took the opportunity of a distracted Spencer to form a snow ball, waiting until he was only a few feet away to throw it at him. Of course, as soon as it hits him it’s game on. The two of you are running through the park, hiding behind trees, and dodging each other’s snowballs. Spencer, being uncoordinated, mostly missed you. That is, until the very end of the snowball fight when he hits you right in the face, the surprise causing you to fall to the ground.
 “Y/N! Are you okay! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-” He’s cut off by your laughter.
 “Relax Spence, its fine! It was powdery snow. It’s not like you hit me with a chunk of ice.” You smile at him as he helps you to a standing position. You’re so focused on standing up without slipping on the compressed snow beneath your feet, you don’t realize how close the two of you have become.  When you look up to meet his eyes, your noses are nearly touching.
 Without much thought for the consequences, you lean a few inches forward, ever so slightly brushing your lips against his.
 Spencer is so stunned, it takes him much longer than he’d care to admit to reciprocate your affection. So long in fact, that you’ve pulled away and are frantically trying to think of something to say to save your friendship when he pulls you back in.
 The two of you don’t pull away again until the need for air overpowers your need for each other. You stay close though, foreheads pressed together.
 “Let me take you on a date. A real one where we go into knowing it’s a date.” Spencer says it all in one breath.
 “Oh, Spence. This whole day has been a perfect date, even if we didn’t say it at first. But I would love to go on another with you.”
 The two of you are all smiles as you walk back toward the café near your hotel. You’ve been outside so long it’s nearly dark- granted it gets dark around 4:00 this time of year in Alaska. Upon entering the café, Spencer is quick to order two hot chocolates and cookies to go.
 “I know it’s not the same as baking them ourselves, but we don’t have access to an oven in the hotel.” He says, squeezing your hand before leading you out of the café.
 You would blindly follow Spencer anywhere, but that doesn’t stop you from asking him about it. “Where are we going now? I thought we were going to eat…”
 “Back to the hotel. We have one more thing to check off the list for your perfect snow day.” Of course he would remember your list from earlier in the day. “So tell me, what’s your favorite snow day movie?”
 “That’s actually a tough question. It changes depending on the mood.” You are genuinely trying to think of the perfect movie to end the perfect day as you walk back into the hotel.
 “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you go up to your room and pick out a movie that fits ‘the mood’, and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes?” You simply nod in response, too lost in thought to contemplate where he could be going.
 15 minutes later you have finally picked out a movie to watch when Spencer enters your room, carrying a takeout bag.
 “I finally found a movie!” You smile at him as you show him your computer screen. Anastasia is queued on your Disney+.
 “Perfect. We can now officially start our date.” He smiles, pulling the food out of the bag, he hands you a cup of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Your heart warms at the sight of it. You know Spencer has an eidetic memory, but you still get butterflies at the idea of him remembering your favorite cold weather food.
 The two of you sit against the headboard, setting the computer between you to play the movie. After you’ve finished eating you shuffle around on the bed, moving the laptop so you could cuddle with Spencer.
 “I’ve got another reason for you to like the cold weather.” You state matter-of-factly, eyes still trained on the movie.
 “Yeah? What is it?” Spencer’s eyes are trained on your face.
 “It’s better for cuddling.” A small grin appears on your face at the sound of Spencer’s airy laugh. He pulls you closer, both of you completely content.
 As much as you love the cold and snow, dragging yourself out of Spencer’s arms and into the cold air to get to the jet on time was not an exciting task. In fact, it put you in a slightly sour mood, something Morgan was all too quick to pick up on.
 “What’s the matter L/N? The cold weather got you down?” He laughs at your annoyed expression.
 “Not a chance, Morgan. I quite enjoyed our little snow day actually.” You smile at Spencer as you pull your blanket from your go bag and sit on the couch.
 “You actually played in the snow? It was only 22 degrees today!” You can’t help but shake your head. 22 degrees is cold, but nothing compared to how bad it can get in Alaska.
 “We did indeed. I think I managed to turn Spencer on to the cold weather too.” Spencer sits down next to you encouraging you to share your blanket.
 “How’d you manage that? I’ve been to on enough cases with Pretty Boy here to know he prefers the warmer ones.”
 “It’s actually rather simple.” Spencer replies, shifting his arm around you on the back of the couch. You smile as you close your eyes and lean into his touch. “Colder climates make for better cuddles.”
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hercleverboy · 4 years
the comfort of rain
spencer reid x reader
summary ↠ spencer reid is her soulmate, isn’t he?
category ↠ angst
warnings/includes ↠ heartbreak, unrequited love
word count ↠ 1.6k
“Do not bother holding on to that thing that does not want you. You cannot make it stay.” — Rupi Kaur
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Spencer Reid was her soulmate.
She was sure of it. The pair had been inseparable since she’d started working with the BAU four years prior, practically joined at the hip, never one without the other. 
He’d never fail to bring her breakfast on days filled with paperwork, when he knew she’d barely slept and craved nothing more than a banana muffin from the bakery down the road. He simply placed it on her desk with a warm smile, receiving a thankful one from her in return. 
Such a small gesture, but it meant the world to her. 
He would press little kisses to the crown of her head after they arrested an unsub, a small act of thankfulness that she was ultimately unharmed. An appreciation that she was okay, safe. 
For all intents and purposes, they were only best friends. Though she’d been helplessly in love with him for years, and she had an inkling he felt the same. She didn’t want to make assumptions, but then again she was the only person he ever really got up close and personal with. Sure, he’d hug the other team members too occasionally, but she didn’t see him holding Emily or JJ’s hands on the jet home after a case that ended badly. He didn’t give them countless book recommendations, or spend his evenings watching TV shows that she was in love with just so they’d have something else to talk about.
He always offered her his coat when it was cold, or when the rain began to fall heavily and she was only in her shirt and jeans (despite how he’d commented, as he looked up at the sky, that it was likely going to rain based on the colour of the clouds. She never listened to him.) 
One of his most treasured memories is the time they were hanging out at his place on a rare Saturday that they didn’t have to go into work for a case. They were watching some eight-part crime series on Netflix that she’d finally convinced him to watch with her, after her complaining about needing someone to talk about it with. The loud clap of thunder cracked through the sky, making her jump up from his couch in excitement, looking out the window as rain began to fall heavily from the grey clouds above. She looked out silently as the rain pattered, watching how people on the street below rushed to find shelter from the unexpected downpour. 
Spencer frowned, coming to stand behind her. 
“I love the rain.” She commented, noting his presence behind her. 
His frown deepened. “Why? It’s cold and wet and- gross.” 
She chuckled quietly at his comment. “You’re not wrong there, but I meant more that I love watching the rain. I like the way it sounds. The way it smells. It reminds me that I’m alive. It’s comforting.”
It was quiet for a little, the sound of the rain pinging harshly against the window. 
She turned back to him, speaking softly. “What?”
“Pluviophile. It refers to a person who loves the sound of the rain. They often find a sense of joy or peace of mind during rainy days.”
She bit her lip to stifle her smile and turned back to the window, giving him a simple nod in return.  She was always somehow surprised by his never-ending plethora of knowledge.
They stood and watched the downpour together in a comfortable silence.
Spencer supposed the rain wasn’t so bad, after that.
In the recent weeks, she found herself wanting so badly to confess her feelings, but as every friends to lovers story goes- she feared rejection. She feared him leaving. And she’d certainly rather love him from afar than confess her feelings and risk losing him.
He’d managed to embed himself so deeply in her heart that she was sure there could never be anyone else for her.
She was mesmerised by him. Compelled by every word that left his mouth, enthralled by all his random knowledge and infinite number of stories he’d committed to his memory. When they sat on his couch watching Doctor Who, she’d gladly listen to any time travel related ranting he wanted to get off of his chest, without any interruptions or eye rolls. (She could listen to him talk forever.)
She’d often fall asleep on his shoulder, and he’d smile down gently at his best friend, a woman he cared so deeply for. 
She stuck by him throughout everything, and she never sugar-coated things. If she thought he was being petty or overreacting slightly in a situation she was the first to bring it up, to call him out. And he’d listen, too, because he trusted her more than anyone and it’s likely she was right about it. She took care of him, in a way that no one ever had before. It was unspoken between them that they’d essentially die for one another, two souls destined to be one another’s everything. 
When he confided in her one night that he was afraid that he should’ve amounted to more, she was quick to soothe his worries. She held him as he sniffled into her shoulder, with hushed reassurances that he was already doing incredible things, and that his work was making the world a safer place, one case at a time.
She was particularly close to JJ, the woman who had become like a sister to her. She told JJ of her feelings for Spencer, and the blonde had just smiled at her in response, as if it had been obvious. 
“You should go for it.”
“Really? You think so?”
“Think so? I know so. We’ve all seen the way he looks at you. You mean everything to him.”
That conversation was the final push she needed to decide that it was time to come clean about her feelings.
With the nervous pit in her stomach being overwhelmed by the excitement she felt, she tried to clear her thoughts. She could only hope this went well. She was meant to meet Spencer at his place for the evening, and so knocked gently on the door when she arrived, taking deep breaths to prepare herself.
The door swung open, Spencer flashing her a smile when he saw her. “Hey! I’m glad you’re here, I have something to tell you.”
She grinned, making her way past him into the apartment. “Oh god, what did you do this time? Did you misplace your phone again?” She joked, sliding off her jacket.
Spencer shook his head, biting his lip to supress his smile. 
“Okay. Then what is it?” 
He smiled then, and it was a smile she’d hadn’t seen him wear before. One that was so much bigger than the rest, one that reached his eyes and made them glimmer with hope and glee.
“I- um. I met someone.”
and just like that, her face dropped. 
“Her name is Maeve, she’s a Geneticist. We’ve been talking over the phone for about a month now. I know what you’re going to say, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I just wanted to see if it was going to go anywhere-“
Her ears stopped tuning in to what he was saying. She could only hear the pounding of her heart filling her ears, tears burning her eyes as she tried her best to keep them at bay. That’s the smile he’d had, the one she couldn’t quite place at first. She recognised it now. The realisation hit her like a train. 
Spencer had stopped talking, looking at her with concern. “Are you okay?”
She snapped her head up to meet his eyes.
No, I’m not okay. I’m in love with you.
Is what she wanted to say. 
“Sorry, Spencer. I think I’m gonna have to take a rain check tonight. I’m feeling a little sick, so I think I’m just going to head home.” 
“Oh, are you sure? You can always stick around here for a bit, I could take care of you. You know, technically I am a doctor.” He grinned, attempting a joke.
She didn’t laugh, but gave him her best fake smile, one she could only hope he didn’t read too much into. She hoped he couldn’t see the tell-tale profiler signs of devastation on her features that she was so desperately trying to hide. 
If he did notice, he said nothing about it. 
She shook her head. It was taking everything in her to hold herself together, but she’d be damned if she ruined his happiness because of her own pitiful feelings.
She remembered the smile, his beautiful, lovesick smile. It was for Maeve, not her. It made her heart ache in a way that felt like it was trying to claw its way out of her chest. 
“It’s okay. I’ll uh- I’ll text you later.” She mumbled, grabbing her coat before leaving the apartment, leaving a confused Spencer behind. 
However, all was forgotten when his phone started buzzing, Maeve’s name flashing across the screen. He smiled.
Outside in the car park, she sat in her car as the thunder cracked above her, the treacherous rain coming down in harsh hits against her windshield.
She found herself grateful for the rain in that moment, as the dam holding her emotions back broke, tears flooding down her cold, pink-tinted cheeks.
She placed her head in her hands and began to sob, her uneven breaths and heartbroken cries being slightly muffled by the patters of the rain hitting the gravel outside.
She felt comforted by the sound.
It was as though the sky was crying with her.
Yes, Spencer Reid was her soulmate.
But she just wasn’t his.
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hanyaksha · 3 years
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「call you mine」 xiao x f!reader 18+
genre: smut
includes: fingering, creampie, top xiao/dom!xiao, wet and messy
summary: it takes a lot to catch the attention of an adepti - especially Xiao. Although still confused by the unfamilliar feeling, he's got his eyes on her around Liyue or Wangshu Inn.
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'There she goes again', Xiao thought as he saw you strutting just outside Wangshu Inn, bowing repeatedly to say your apologies to the person you accidentally bumped into. You were running and seemed to be in a hurry when suddenly this man blocked the road you were speeding in, causing you and him to clash. Xiao doesn't normally care about mortal lives, it just so happened that whenever he decided to rest outside the terrace of Wangshu Inn you would always be somewhere outside catching his attention. You're either running around in a hurry or working your ass off trying to make a living by selling sweets and delicacies that somehow became the favorite place for kids around town to visit.
'how clumsy. human lives really are fragile.' he unconsciously thought to himself as he continues to watch from a distance. He saw how you laughed it off with the man you accidentally bumped, how it was easy for you to smile and radiate a warm aura. In his eyes you looked pure. Xiao compared himself to you and scowled at the thought that he could never be someone like you. He feels his chest tighten as he gets reminded of his own demons, his past and all of those who he slaughtered with his own hands, the bloodbath forever painted in his memory. Frowning, he sighed and decided to shrug the ugly feeling off. His eyes wandered around, unconsciously trying to look for your familiar aura only to find you gone from the last spot he saw you standing. With nothing else to do, he kept searching until he caught a glimpse of you from a distance near Dihua Marsh, gliding around with Venti as he creates wind currents for both of you to fly on.
'ah, the bard' he thought. You two were having fun and he can tell you're enjoying yourself just by the look of how you laughed. Xiao felt calm watching you simply being you. Even if it's from a distance, a part of him craved for that warmth somewhere close to him. He wondered what it would feel if someone like you would share that to someone as tainted as him. Xiao glowered when he realized that he was longing for a human. He stopped himself from thinking any more than that. There was no need for you to be involved with the likes of him, it would only make him feel worse knowing that he would be of no good to you. He didn't want your pure glow and warmth to fade away because of him. Xiao sighed and decided to walk back in the inn where he would rather rest to keep your memory out of his head. He had known you for quite sometime now, despite it being from a distance it was surprising that he felt like he had met you. It wasn't difficult for him to somehow feel comfortable seeing your presence outside the Inn. He loved the way your clothes would flow against your body, how your skin looks soft under the sunlit sky. You looked ethereal, he simply adores that and is unknowingly thirsty to get a taste of your gentle touch. Despite refusing to involve himself to mortals he still grew a liking to you, making you an exception. He convinced himself that he doesn't have any time to meddle with a human's life yet his thoughts and actions contradicts this. He feels like he's about to lose his mind as scenarios of you and him fill it up. Xiao leaned back to his chair, throwing his head back as he massages the bridge of his nose. He looked like he couldn't bear to think more of you or he'll go insane. It wasn't enough to just simply think of you - he wanted your presence, he wanted it near and he wanted it now.
Xiao growled and glared at the wall. Standing up, he went out of the Inn. He decided to just come get you himself. He realized how long he was lost in his thoughts when he noticed the moonlight outside. He didn't mind it and just continued to venture out in search of your familiar scent and aura, hoping he'll catch a glimpse of you somewhere near. It didn't take long until he saw you close on a cliff just outside the parameters of the Inn, desperately trying to reach out to the violetgrass you were trying to harvest. Xiao stayed hidden in the branches of a tall tree, hesitating and rethinking his actions because he was unsure of how to interact with you. He was worried he would just scare you away since he was, after all, a vigilant yaksha adeptus. He noticed you struggling to take a hold of the particular flower so he decided to take matters in his own hands and to just help you with it. Xiao leaped and swiftly took it as he landed beside you to hand it over. Surprised by how fast everything went by, you stared at the man in front of you, his golden honey eyes glimmered from the soft light of the full moon added by the glow of the Wangshu Inn from a distance made everything perfect. He was breathtaking, you felt your heart pounding as you reached out to take the flower from his hand. You knew who he was, mainly because you would often hang out with Venti to ask about him. There was something about this adepti that made you want to learn more about who he was. People in Liyue says that he rarely shows himself, even during the Lantern Rite Festival you find yourself hoping for him to come out. And now lo and behold, he's right in front of you - the man you have always hoped to meet.
"thank you," you gave him a slight bow to show your gratitude for his help. You were also extremely worried that he might hear the loud beating of your heart because of how quiet the night was. "it's dangerous to be out here at this time." He said, his voice as cold as the wind blowing. You smiled and chuckled at him before you replied "my bad, I wanted to help out Baizhu because he needed some Violetgrasses. They ran out of it and I couldn't let Qiqi do it herself" you feel Xiao's gaze piercing at you so you look down and felt a shiver ran down your spine everytime the wind blowed. You didn't know what he was thinking, he's unpredictable. His gaze didn't show a hint of what was on his mind. "you're cold. come." your face immediately flared up when he reached out his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. The butterflies in your stomach went crazy when you felt your bodies touch. Xiao summoned his primordial jade spear as he tightly held you close, you felt a sharp cold all over your skin as you closed your eyes and the next thing you know, both of you are at where it seems to be like the Wangshu Inn. The view was amazing from Xiao's quarters, you can see Mt. Qingce and Jueyun Karst far in the distance under the night sky. He was standing right beside you, an arm still around your waist and as you're busy admiring the view outside, Xiao was preoccupied studying your features. He thought your hair smelled nice, and that the shape of your body fit right in his arms. It was amazing how he made you feel so comfortable despite just meeting each other.
"you feel familiar... and your warmth, I'm drawn to it." he says with a straight yet calm voice. Xiao was doing his best to stop himself from just throwing you on the bed and be one with you. As much as he wants that, he wouldn't want you to feel unsafe around him. He didn't want to hurt you either because he knows what his strength is capable of. Blood rushed to your face as embarrassment seeped in by hearing his words. Maybe it was because he felt the same way as you did that caused an uproar to the butterflies in your stomach. Still quietly standing there, you were unsure of what to do. You were cautious that your actions might come off as rude or disrespectful to an adeptus like him. He studied your expression and slowly turned to look away and fixed his gaze on the painting to his right instead. "are you afraid?... do I scare you?" he calmly asked. It was almost as if he was ashamed of himself in which you immediately denied to. "of course not! It's just that I want to be closer to you but I'm afraid I'll make you feel uncomfortable. I really am happy to be here." you tried to reach out to touch him but decided to stop in your tracks, your hand left hanging in the air. A part of you wanted to comfort him, to close that gap between the two of you but at the same time you didn't want to cross his boundaries. Xiao didn't know what to feel, it has been a while since he felt happy and he thought he almost forgot this type of emotion. He's very new to this kind of thing, he hasn't done this to any other woman besides you so he although he didn't want to admit felt slightly embarrassed about opening himself up to you. Xiao fixed his gaze to meet your eyes, his honey orbs shining in the moonlight leaving you mesmerized by his beauty. He was breahtaking and you could feel his eyes burning holes in your body. It was as if he wanted to say something but just couldn't--just hoping you would get the memo through eye contact. Xiao broke the tension to look at your hand still in the air. You noticed him staring and as you were about to place it back down he caught it with his own and laced his fingers into yours. Embarrassment started to wash all over you. You wanted to yank your hand back but you knew you'll immediately miss his touch if you do so. Unconsciously you bit your lip to stop your face from turning into a complete replica of a tomato. Seeing that sight of you drove Xiao crazy, the eagerness to be closer with you grew faster as every second passes by. Xiao isn't usually the type to be the first to make a move but he yearned for you so much until he could no longer take it. He acted without thinking twice and went in for a kiss, his hands slowly going up to cup the back of your head to pull you closer. You were surprised but you soon didn't have the time to care about it because of how easily you got drunk by his kisses. It was obvious Xiao didn't have much experience in this, his kisses were sloppy but at the same time it was gentle. It was slow and he took the time to explore your mouth as his tongue slipped in. Your knees trembled as the tension around the two of you grew, any further than this might make your legs give in. You clinged on to him as your knees felt jelly, Xiao groaning in the process in response to your sudden shift of movement.
Hearing him groan was the cherry on top for you to go insane. It was too much and you feel your body heating up as both of you grew more needy of each other's touch. With one hand cupping the back of your head, Xiao placed his other on your waist to pull you closer. Your bodies touched as he continues to make out with you, he pulled you in so close that your boobs are all pressed up against him. You groaned when you felt his boner, driving Xiao crazy when he too felt stimulated. "mhm," he moaned, hand gripping tighter on your waist. You were so close that you can't help but grind on his hardened member while both of you moaned in each other's kisses. Xiao held on to your thighs, pulling it up to carry you. You felt his dick graze on your clothed pussy, the friction making you dripping wet. Xiao carried you and laid you on his soft bed, making sure that your head would be supported by a pillow underneath. He was caring despite his hungry kisses and you blushed at the thought of him being thoughtful for your well being. Xiao didn't waste any time after he laid you in bed, he reached out for your clothes and slowly stripped you out of each garment, planting hickeys here and there as his hands traveled on your sensitive body. "mhm... Xiao...more.. please--hngh" you tried to beg only to be cut off by your own moan when Xiao decided to place his lips on your nipple, his free hand groping the other. "be a patient good girl for me." he cooed. Xiao was emitting such lewd sounds as he sucked on your nipple, his other hand slowly making its way down to your already wet cunt, his fingers kneading slow circles on your folds. You squirmed and moaned underneath him, your knees folded and closed due to the sensation. "how sensitive.. so pretty." Xiao nibbled on your lips before using his hand to pull your knees apart to allow him to move his fingers easier. He wanted you wide open for him, all stretched out for him so he can feel you dripping for him. You arched your back when you feel him press his digits on the folds of your pussy, slowly prodding on the entrance while his thumb was kneading on your budding clit. You tightened around his fingers, each move heating you up as you craved for more. Xiao kept planting hickeys around your breasts, occasionally sucking and licking on your nipple while his fingers played with your pretty little cunt.
"hngh... want you.. Xiao--ngh" you begged. Any more of his stimulation might make you cum, especially when he knew exactly where to touch you down there. Xiao ignored your plea, still insisting on teasing you. He liked the idea of being in control and having you weak for him with your mouth open while you moan, eyes shut, hands gripping on his hair and back arched while your pussy is being played. He used slow motions to play with your folds and the insides of you, making sure that he touches the right spots to send shivers down your legs. "no.. ngh.. Xiao.. faster--please" you pleaded breathlessly. But Xiao was strict and stubborn to his actions and instead of obeying to your wishes, he switched from sucking on your nipple to nibbling on your ear. "so needy." he whispered as he curled his fingers inside you and made small circles on the walls of your pussy. You were a moaning mess, he hit your g-spot so good that you tightened around him. You feel it building up inside you, if he keeps going any further you might just come on his hand right then and there. Xiao used his two digits to spread and carress the walls of your pussy, giving you no choice but to just moan harder to the sensation. "Xiao--nnghh I might.. I--" Xiao cut you off, his lips shutting you up as he kissed you torridly.
"Not yet." his voice was stern and strict. It felt more like an order that you had to obey or else you'll face consequences should you wish to disobey him. He pulled out his fingers before you reached your limit. You feel your cunt throbbing, eagerly craving for him to fill you up. Xiao sat back to strip himself, his hands finding its way to grip on your knees to keep it wide open for him. You took a good glimpse of his cock, tip already dripping with precum. You wanted it in so bad. Xiao wasted no time and began to grind the tip of his member on your clit, making sure that his dick is coated by the juices of your wet pussy. Your moans echoed in his room, he was teasing you and he did it nice and slow, making you more and more impatient. You wanted to beg, to make him hear your pleas but you did your best to remain patient and do as he ordered. After a while of more teasing, he loomed over you. His hair was falling on his face as he prompted himself over you and you swore the sight could make any woman in Teyvat lose their sanity.
"good girl." he burrowed his face in the crook of your neck and planted soft kisses on it, his hands carressing your torso and groping your breasts all while at the same time making you feel the tip of his cock enter your pussy. You were so wet and it wasn't even his whole dick inside you yet, the stimulation just drove you insane and knowing that it was Xiao fucking you was enough to turn you into a moaning hot mess. You feel the tip slip in and you arched your back as you moaned. He was all over your body, making sure that his hands and lips were planted on your skin so you don't forget his warmth. He kept teasing, only letting the tip in and grinding it in the entrance of your dripping cunt. "hngnh.. Xiao.. please--ughn, I want it.. in-" It was this familiar feeling again. Any more of his teasing and you might just come. It was just too good and a big part of you just wanted his whole thing stuffed in you. "hmm.. so impatient." he cooed, his lips brushing on your neck and all the way down to your shoulder. He planted one last kiss on you before sitting back up, his hands now gripping on your knees to spread them wide. He took his member out and held it, using the tip to gather the slick dripping from your cunt before shoving his whole dick in. Moans were the only thing escaping from your lips, head filling in with ecstasy as Xiao pounds his cock in you. He was going in so fast and deep, the curve of his cock grinding on the pulsating tight walls of your wet needy pussy.
"ngh..." his moans were a major turn on and you paired it up with your own sets of moans too, making it the only sound being heard in the room other than the sound of skin slapping from being fucked hard by an adeptus. The pounding of his cock inside you was enough to bring you to cloud9. You reached out to his arms and hugged him close, your fingers digging on his back as his thrusts grew faster. The built up orgasm you had from all his teasing earlier was coming back again but you paid no mind to it and continued moaning. "oh! Xiao... there.. deeper---there!" he went in much closer to you, face buried beside your neck while his hands travelled down to grip on your butt, raising it up a little so he could hit the deepest parts of you better. His cock prodded on your walls that was now tightening up more than before. You were so good around his member, your pussy enveloping every part of his throbbing dick inside you.
"Xiao.. coming.. hnngg--" you wrapped your legs around him to pull him closer, wanting every inch of him go deeper as you neared your orgasm. "Go on. Come for me." he said it with his raspy panting voice right in your ear and licked it as he rammed his cock in a slower but deeper pace. Once again you were a moaning mess, helplessly calling out his name in between moans. You spasmed as you came, toes curling in and your fingers drawing lines on his back as you digged them in his skin. He let out the sexiest moan as you feel his load being shot inside you, deliciously filling you up and the rest dripping out at the entrance of your creaming pussy along with your own cum.
You lay there breathlessly under him, your head still high up in the clouds. You feel him panting beside you and he proceeded to hug you as he rolled over to the side, not minding that his cock was still stuffed inside you. You liked the sloppy feeling of your pussy dripping with his cum and his dick coated by the creamy walls of your hot cunt.
You hugged him back, snuggling in close to him and slowly drifting to sleep. You felt him kiss your forehead after a while and his hand cupped the back of your head to pull you closer to his chest. You had the sweetest dream that night and you couldn't be any more happier than knowing that you were wrapped in his arms during your sleep.
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「hanyaksha © 2021」 all content belongs to me. please do not modify, edit, or repost.
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unreachablevoice · 3 years
Wear Your Heart On Your Wrist And Together, We'll Soar To The Sky
*immediately drops to my knees and bows into a dogeza*
I beg for everyone's forgiveness and I will take it if you would like to give out punishment.
(yes, it's supposed to sound that formal)
*insert ugly crying noises* It's been a really long time, I know, I'm sorry!
I'm really really sorry! I know it doesn't really make any difference because all I do is say and not do but still, I'm really sorry!
It's been like half a year—six months!—since I updated and I know some of you may have dropped this because of how long you've waited for an update and I completely understand that. And for those who stayed, thank you very much! I'll try not to let you down too much (I can't really promise to update more because my brain is just that lazy but I will try!) 😔
So, um, without further ado, please enjoy :')
Warning: Swearing and cuss words may be present. Please read with caution, thank you!
Maribat Master List
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Chapter Six – Chaotic Aura
Marinette's morning started on the right side for a short while… before it turned into utter chaos.
Allow her to elaborate.
Firstly, for some reason, there was a bit of sunlight creeping into Gotham’s cloudy skies (which was a bit weird since she heard that Gotham has typically dark and murky skies all season). The air smelled a bit cleaner than it did when they first arrived, and she and Juleka had even bonded for a while before they joined their classmates down the lobby and waited outside for their bus to arrive.
But, as the saying goes, all good things come to an end. Because Lila freaking started again! She swears it’s like she can't even take a break around here.
She was there—just minding her own business—when Lila decided to bother her. It isn't that her deciding to drag Marinette into her conversation with Alya about Kwami-knows-what is a bother (who was she kidding? It is a bother), it's just that they have this unspoken rule not to spite the other person for no reason or out of the blue unless they were starting one of their unsolicited class fights.
But she guesses that Lila is still going to be a headache no matter where they go.
With a sigh, she focuses back on Kim’s tirade about his newest dare with Alix that strangely involved banana peels, hot pink glitter, a bucket of glue, roller skates, and a yellow jumpsuit... Yeah, she also doesn’t quite understand.
With a smile—albeit a rather confused one—Marinette watches quietly as her friends converse with each other while they all board their bus and sit in their respective places.
She sat between Adrien—who’s in a middle seat—and Chloé—who’s sleeping with an eye mask on, with Max and Kim sitting together behind them while Alix sits by herself on the seats beside because, by her words, she wants to hog all two seats for herself to lay down on like a Queen Bee 2.0 (and Chloé was strangely okay with her using her name like that!).
Really, thank the heavens Alix is on the shorter side of the human spectrum, otherwise, she’d be curling in on herself and cramping her back.
“You good there, Alix?” Marinette calls out to the girl who’s currently lying down with her head resting on her hand that’s propped on her elbow like she’s sitting on a gold-encrusted sofa, smirking as Alix pinches her index finger and thumb together with the three fingers remaining raised to show an “OK” sign as she nods her head in response (add in a pair of sunglasses and her gangster look would’ve been complete).
Shaking her head in amusement, Marinette looks back at Adrien as he shakes her whole arm just to get her attention.
“What?” She chuckles at Adrien’s constant tugging and sees him smirking while signaling her to keep quiet.
Not wanting to miss out on whatever action that’s about to happen, Marinette nods her head sagely and sits properly on her chair, complete with even her legs crossed and her hands intertwined on top of her lap.
She first wonders what Adrien is on about before Mme. Mendeleiev briefly walks past them and it becomes eerily quiet, so much so you could almost hear a pin drop.
A voice so very loud and scandalized (that Marinette almost choked) screamed, all the while Adrien laughs loudly beside her.
She hears a vague, “Sorry, Mme. Mendeleiev!” and a few shuffling and clanging (she swears if this was some weird video, she’d even hear a cat screeching) right after and Marinette promptly loses it.
“What was that?” she says in between laughs as her blond seatmate continues to laugh and wheeze like a dying seal (Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the making of this scenario because Marinette loves animals and will cry if anything happens to animals and nobody likes that).
Adrien smiles like a cat that caught the canary (“Hah! You just punned! I’m so proud!” “No, I did NOT! Shut up!”) and leans back on his seat with his arms over his head. “That, my dear, is what I call, ‘Chaos Coercion’.”
With a small tilt to the side of her head, Marinette wrinkles her eyebrows and stares imploringly at Adrien. “‘Coercion’?”
Sensing her confusion, Adrien smiles and shakes his head. “Yeah, it doesn’t sound as bad as you think it is. What I did was just gently nudging or ‘coercing’ the chaotic particles in the air to be more active, which in turn makes them combine and form a ‘Chaotic Aura’ that increases the chance of creating a situation filled with Chaos,” the blond finishes with a wave of his hands, like he just finished creating a magic trick. “You’d also be surprised to find out that Plagg kind of explained that whole process to me nicely!”
Seeing excitement sparkle in her friend’s eyes, Marinette couldn’t help but be infected by his eagerness. “You mean, Plagg taught you this?” she asks with a hint of incredulity in her voice (she could almost hear the Kwami yell with indignation at her words).
“Yeah, unbelievable, right?” Adrien snickers and rests his head on Marinette’s shoulder. “Controlling the Chaotic Particles in the air was a bit hard since they are ‘chaotic’. That’s why I had to ‘coerce’ them. Hence, the name, Chaos Coercion.”
With a shake of her head, Marinette smiles at Adrien’s naming sense and wonders when she’ll be able to unlock her own “Miracles”.
By the Kwamis’ explanation, Miracles are when the magical entities of a Miraculous become so potent and in-tune with the user—usually even more so because of them being a Héshi—that they develop a sense of being able to use magic outside of their transformation.
The magical entities released then tie themselves to the user’s soul—traveling from the roots of their hair to their fingertips, which in turn makes the user more innate in handling the magical particles in the air.
The binding to one’s soul is a very tedious and delicate process because the magical entities of the Miraculous are quite fragile and requires a sense of equilibrium in the user’s mind and soul. More often than not, the strings of magical entities snap and causes a polarity between the body and soul, leading to broken connections of the user; such as a broken mind (insanity), broken body (organ failures, illnesses, and the likes), and broken bonds (disconnection of a Soulmate Bond—causes extreme pain, more so than an incurable illness—and numbness of emotions and social anxiety), just to name a few.
That’s why, when her friends were able to properly create their own Miracles and were classified as Héshi’s, the Kwamis were astounded since it was not often to see multiple Héshi’s born in the same era, let alone be able to successfully create their own Miracles after training for at least two and a half years.
She looks at Adrien animatedly talking to Max behind him about some quantum physics thing (it wasn’t her thing so she really can’t follow the thought process of their conversation), a smile playing by her lips as she lies back down her seat and closes her eyes—deciding to take a nap, given with the handful of minutes they have before arriving at their destination.
Marinette wakes up with a start as she feels a gentle nudge on her shoulder.
“Wake up, Bugaboo, we’re here,” she hears Adrien say as he tugs at her arm.
Rubbing her eyes and yawning, she lets his hand guide her to wherever as her eyelids still seem to want to keep themselves closed.
“Here, where?” she asks, feeling a bit more confused with her brain muddled with sleep that she almost tripped. Good thing Adrien was there to catch her.
“At Gotham Art Museum.”
The blond’s voice sounded like it was laced with amusement (specifically directed at her) and Marinette might’ve just smacked him if it weren’t for the familiar smell of hot coffee—now placed on her hands by someone she couldn’t see yet with how she still won’t open her eyes.
“Here’s your daily dose of ‘cup of joe’, Bean… They do say that in America, right?” Alix—at least she thinks it was Alix, she was just basing it off of her voice anyway—asks as Marinette hears an almost silent slurping sound. A telltale sign of how the skater must also have a coffee of her own.
“You know, I still don’t get why you call me ‘Bean’. But yeah, they do call cups of coffee a ‘cup of joe’s.” She nods and sips on the heavenly drink while Adrien lets them down the steps and finally navigates them out of the bus.
“It’s ‘cuz you’re my coffee buddy,” the girl replies, making Marinette open just a smidge of her eyes to take a peek at her. “Plus, you know, coffee comes from beans and it’s also short for jelly bean. ‘Cuz you’re small and fruity.”
“...You calling me gay?” The ravenette gasps with a mock scandalized tone in her voice while placing a hand on her chest. It seems that hanging out with Chloé has made her excellent in copying the blonde’s dramatic motions.
With her still-quite-blurry line of sight, Marinette could see Alix sporting a deadpan look on her face—the one that says, “I’m done with y’all” and “I don’t get paid enough for this sh■■”—as she breaks out into giggles.
“Pfft, I mean, I am… kind of… gay—a bi, to be exact—so don’t look at me like that, Alix.”
The pinkette looks at her incredulously and shakes her head. “You know, Bean, sometimes you’re a little sh■■. It’s a good thing that I still love you.”
Just as she was about to retort to Alix’s jab, another scandalized gasp cuts her off.
“Alix!” Kim joins in and places his hands over Marinette's ears. Although it was quite loose that she could still hear them. “Don’t speak like that while in presence of the babie! You’re tainting her!”
“How dare you!” Marinette points a finger at the jock in faux anger—her laughs betraying her and breaking her character. “I am not a ‘babie’!”
“I beg to differ.” Chloé walks to her side while checking out her yellow-and-white striped fingernails.
With a face that holds a betrayed expression as much as she can, Marinette wails, “No!” and turns to Adrien. “Tell them, Adrien! Tell them I’m not a babie!”
The blond looks at his feet, then, back at her, his eyes looking glassy and teary. “I’m sorry, Marinette. I’m sorry,” he chokes back a sob while shaking his head. “But I can’t risk getting my face scratched with Chloé’s newly manicured nails. I can’t. I just can’t lie for you.”
“I—” she tries to cut the blond off but he still continues with his dramatic play.
“Marinette, please. We both hate lying—”
“—so stop lying to yourself.”
Her friends all burst into laughter while she is left puffing her cheeks and pouting (“You, looking like a chipmunk right now, just helps us prove our point you know.”).
“You guys are mean,” the ravenette grumbles and sips at her coffee, imaginary mushrooms growing on her as she draws a circle on the ground using her feet.
Adrian places a hand on her shoulder, patting and consoling her. “Sometimes, the truth hurts. You just gotta live with it,” he says as though he’s an elder giving her a speech about morality.
“And”—Max turns to her, holding a tablet in his hands as his glasses shine a scary glint while he pushes them up his nose bridge— “according to the school survey, 75 percent of the school population agrees to you being small and adorable.”
“So? There’s still 25 percent that disagrees!” Marinette harrumphs while further emptying the cup full of caffeine on her hands.
“Those 25 percent are the ones that wrote how they want to kidnap you and put you into their pockets instead of ticking the yes or no questions,” the bespectacled boy says with an eyebrow raised. “That is just a much more extreme way of saying that they also agree.”
A bewildered expression paints her face as she wonders when the fu■■ did that happened and how come she didn’t know about the school survey?
Chloé must’ve seen her confused face as she links their arms together while laying her head against the ravenette’s shoulder. “That and you just don’t swear or say any curse word, at all. And you give everyone a chance no matter how mean they’ve been to you. I’ve rarely even heard you say anything bad about anyone… Except, of course, those who are belittling to others but that’s beside the point.”
She feels the blonde’s cheeks tug into a smile against her shoulder and Marinette could understand her implication. How she had given Chloé another chance even though they’ve mutually hurt each other so much in the past. But still, not really helping, Chloé.
“The point is”—Kim links his arms to her other side and copies Chloé’s actions— “everybody loves you. Even if you sometimes don’t love yourself.”
Looking down at her feet, Marinette feels her heart grow full with how much love her friends were showing her. She feels gratitude and love—so much love—surge into her whole being that she could almost cry.
“All right, enough with the sappy-ness,” Alix destroys the moment and butts in while waving her hands like that inflatable dancing guy. “We’re here for vaca—I mean, educational purposes, so we should start being edu… cationed…?”
The girl’s words were met with unenthusiastic head shakes and sighs. Except maybe for Kim who was encouraging her with thumbs ups and rambunctious laughter.
“Stop being an idiot, Kim.” Chloé rolls her eyes at the jock’s loud guffaws while snuggling further into Marinette’s shoulder.
As the two bickers while Marinette is in between—which she strangely found comforting even though they were basically screaming in her ear, the ravenette finishes her coffee and finally looks around the place.
Like always, Gotham morning sports a “gothic” and grungy look—the air feeling a bit feisty with a bite of chill and carrying a hint of a sewage smell (which was gross), sunlight barely seeping out of the grey clouds painting over the sun, and dark silhouettes of buildings that stand over meters high.
It was dark, a striking disparity against her classmates’ colorful wardrobe, yet there was something about the contrast that makes the monochromatic landscape of Gotham interesting.
Sure, it paints quite a large target on their backs but the visage still showcases a pretty picture.
With an awed sigh, Marinette’s mind runs miles per second as various of images, designs, and inspiration draw itself into her brain. Her hands quickly snatch her bag from Adrien’s grasp, replacing it with the now-empty paper cup, and pulls out her sketchbook and pencil.
Lines and curves begin to draw onto the previously-blank expanse of white. Her thought processes portraying themselves against the canvas in her hands.
“Those look pretty. Is it going to be a new line?” Chloé asks as she peers over her paper.
The designs weren’t done yet—heck, her drawings were still just simple outlines and notes on the side—but Marinette could see the possibility of it being another collection.
As soon as she heard that they were going to organize a graduation trip, Marinette had hurriedly finished everything on her website and immediately closed her commissions after so that she won’t have work knocking on her door every five seconds while she’s on a different country. She’s pretty much free from tasks that involve using her time and energy to sew.
And it is exactly because of that freeness that she could see herself working on a new collection. A Gotham-inspired collection.
Since she’s already here and is taking inspiration from her surroundings, why not use that chance to create a new line?
Marinette hums in thought at the prospect, immediately jotting down the idea at the side of her sketchbook.
“Ooh, this one looks cool!” Kim taps a finger against a drawing of a dress shirt she’d done earlier. The shirt’s designs were akin to the cracks on the sidewalk she saw this morning.
The design wasn’t anything special, there was just something about the web-like fractures on the pavement that reminded her of the interconnected relationship of existence and extinction. How time is weaved exactly like that of a spider’s web, connected and… confusing.
She wasn’t really sure what she was thinking this morning; it was like she was being philosophical and brooding at the same time. She figured it was just because of the weird air around Gotham that she’s been feeling ever since they arrived yesterday.
“It does look like it’ll appeal more to men.” Marinette nods while noting it down again. “Maybe I’ll focus more on menswear this time,” she adds before pausing. “If I do end up making a new collection, that is.”
Kim smiles and whoops loud enough to make up for the quiet streets of the city. “You’ll let me be the one to model that shirt, right, Arine D?” The jock winks at her while a wide grin spreads in his face.
Four years ago, when Lila did something to the website she and Alya created, Marinette had decided to just make another one because how else will she be able to showcase her designs? So, with the help of Max, the ravenette created a much more secure and stable account.
She decided to create a pseudonym, another name for herself to keep her identity anonymous since, by Child Labor Laws, having a job at 14 isn’t really that appealing in the eyes of the judge.
Her new name for her brand was “Arine Designs”— "Arine D.” or “A. Designs” for short.
The moniker came from her name, Marinette. It hits so close yet so far at the same time because, if you think about Marinette Dupain-Cheng, does the designer, Arine D really come first into your mind?
Plus, she had gained quite a copious amount of clientèle coming from the recognition and affirmation she had gained from the work she did for Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale (although, she did tell them about her wanting to stay out of the spotlight so she would very much like it if they keep her identity a secret), no one would think that little ol’ Marinette would be someone who has such a far reach on the market.
Smiling, she nods at Kim’s request and writes his name down next to the drawing of the shirt.
It wasn’t like she was thinking of getting someone else to model her clothes anyway because she had always had her friends model her designs for her, except they wear masks to also keep their identities hidden (to keep them away from spotlight and being mauled by mobs on the streets because being a model means you’ll immediately be upped to a celebrity status).
Just as she was about to say something to the jock, a loud bang disrupts the otherwise quiet city of Gotham. The bang was quickly followed by loud crashes, booms, and shrill screams. All of it coming from inside the building they were just about to head into.
“What the f■■■?” She looks over to Nino who was standing particularly close to Adrien and she couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment.
What the eff indeed.
…Although she refuses to copy the curse.
“Everyone, get back to the bus!” Mme. Mendeleiev huddles them and they shuffle back inside the said vehicle, the driver frantically beckoning them in.
“What happened? I heard… explosions? Is ever’one okay?” the middle-aged man asks with a pale face, his voice sounding a bit scratchy and sporting a funny accent.
With labored breaths and hearts pumping sporadically inside their ribcages, everybody nods at the question.
“Yes,” Mme. Menedeleiev answers with a heavily accented English, “the sounds came from inside the building so nobody got hurt.”
The man sighs in relief before instructing them, “Must be ‘nother rogue tryna wreck the place. Let’s just get down and hide behind the seats for now, Batman an’ his crew will handle it.”
They follow the man’s orders and duck behind the leathered seats. Accompanied by a particularly enthusiastic “Batman?!” from someone, followed by a hissed “Not now, Alya,” from Mme. Bustier.
Taking his phone out of his pocket, Marinette watches the driver tap the device a few times before looking over to them.
“Take out yer phones and check the news. ‘Parently, Kite Man’s bein’ stupid again.”
“…‘Kite Man’?” Marinette whispers, scandalized, before doing what the man said. Seriously, it sounded suspiciously familiar to Hawkmoth’s abomination of Akuma names.
Jotting down the words on her phone, a masked face immediately pops right after. A face with a ridiculous-looking, yellow goggles that clash with a grass green mask and… what in tarnation is that costume?
The man—or, apparently, “Kite Man”—smiles (she has to admit, though, that was such a sunshiny smile) and waves to the camera like a little child.
“‘Ello, Gotham! Kite Man speaking!”
Maribat Master List
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Hope this, um... okay I'm pretty sure this doesn't suffice the months that I've been away. Simply because, yeah, this chapter is just umm a little gate to some info about things. Next chapter,,, you're going to meet someone special, I promise... I think :/
Oh, and um, if you want to, you can follow me on Twitter (the username's unrchblvoice)
I, uh, have been posting a lot there? Like,,, just some updates on what I am doing currently, or something like that (even tho I have like zero followers there lol,,, there's just something about letting everything out in the open even if there's no one listening that feels very freeing...)
And for some reason, now, I'm more active there than before???? cuz like before I used to never use Twitter so like,,, Shocking, I know.
SO, yeah, if you want to see what's wrong with me currently, go check it out :)
Love y'all lots <3
P.S. Writing contractions with proper punctuation is not fun, I tell you. NOT. FUN.
P.P.S. I thought Condiment King and Calendar Man was already bad, who knew there could be worse—Kite Man. /j
Go become a Patron if you want to have early access to different updates! :)
@mochegato | @kris-pines04 | @myazael | @our-preciousss | @dropdeadj | @pawsitivelymiraculous | @fantasyislive | @i-wanna-go-to-outerspace | @gingerdaile | @whydoexamsexist | @rebecarojas07 | @fertileleaf | @mewwitch | @beautiful-disasters-sunshine | @naimena | @ertyzeta | @mystery-5-5 | @wannajointhecrabcult | @startouchedqueen1318 | @animegirlweeb | @clumsy-owl-4178 | @theg0ddesspersephone | @tomanyfamdomsonmymind | @queenmj | @azrael13 | @marinettepotterandplagg | @iz-bell-saiah | @lilithseraphina | @misslenamooney | @alyssadeliv | @waywardpeachgardenshark | @consumeconstantly | @notmycupoftea26 | @nokia75 | @synnesstra | @ivymala07 | @iamablinkmarvelarmy | @caseoftheblues | @2confused-2doanything | @sassakitty | @certified-queer-disaster | @prudencerika | @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat | @miraculousl4dybug | @justanotherfanficlovinbitch | @maggiecc | @nerdofallgeeks | @enternalempires | @ultimatetornshipper | @ihavehomeworkbutistillhere | @maybe-nonsense | @dawnwave16 | @mymainaccount93 | @blackstarlight-co | @jayjayspixiepop | @prettylittlebutterflie | @timetravelassasin
The taglist is pretty hard to write ngl,,, so umm do tell me if you've changed your username or something because I had to click every single @s in the taglist on the last chapter every time there was a name that I couldn't find when I tried tagging so,,, I was very stressed lol
also,,, umm there are more than 50 people in the taglist but I could still tag people???? like how?????? I thought the maximum capacity of tags only reaches up to 50??? (Update: I checked it again and I can't add anymore people so it's closed now :))
... so yeah apparently I can tag more people! good for you lot :) (although there are some tags that still don't work for some reason????)
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Hello! 😄 Can I request a fluffy oneshot with prompts: “And I love, I love, I love you.” and [a gentle “I love you too” whispered after a soft kiss, followed immediately by a stronger kiss] about Douxie attempts to confess his romantic feelings to shy!female!human! reader and he end up super flustered, but its okay because she thinks it's cute? Hint: She has romantic feelings for Douxie too! I live for flustered Douxie! 💖 Please?? ~🌼
A/n: Special thanks to @itsgabby.2021 for helping!
Confession || One shot
The wind picked up, letting out a quiet whistle. The leaves on the trees had started to change it's colours from the bright green to a warm orange. You wrapped your scarf around your neck and tugged on your jumper, attempting to get warmer.
You continued your way down the path to work.
The smell of coffee instantly hit you as soon as you opened the door of your beloved GDT Arcane Books. You hung your tote bag on one of the hangers next to the entrance.
"Good morning, Y/n!" a chipper voice called from the second floor of the store.
"Good morning, Douxie!" you called back.
You walked over to Douxie's cat, Archie, who was enjoying the morning sun by a window. You pat Archie on his exposed stomach, earning a purr before making your way over to the register.
You had been working at the bookstore for only a month but you felt like that you've been working there forever. Douxie was in urgent need of an employee as his last one had left the state with his wife. He had hung posters all over town, handing any passing person his business card and making calls to his friends to spread the word. Luckily, you had just moved from Europe to the small, quaint town, Arcadia, desperately needing a job.
One day, you were walking around in town, when you noticed a poster saying that GDT Arcane Books was hiring. You rushed over to the store to get interviewed. You were honestly expecting an ageing women/man to be the owner. But it turned out to be your pen pal, Hisirdoux Casperan. He was very happy to meet you in person after years of communicating through letters. He immediately gave you the job, no interview needed, since he knew practically everything about you and vice versa.
After a couple of days of working at the store, you had started to admire Douxie more than just a friend. You had developed a crush on him, which slowly turned into love. But, you knew that Douxie would never feel the same way, so you keep your mouth shut. You were happy with what you had and didn't want to ruin it by blurting out your feelings.
Little did you know, Douxie felt the same way for you.
The offer had been placed to stay at Douxie's place, knowing that you were new in town. But you politely declined, since you were already staying at a pink haired witch's apartment named Zoe Ashildr.
Turns out, Zoe and Douxie knew each other as fellow wizards. Douxie trusted Zoe to keep you safe and kept you company whenever he couldn't.
Back to the present, Douxie came down the stairs with two cups of coffee in each hand, whilst using his telekinesis floated empty boxes behind him.
"Here's a cup of coffee for a lovely lady," Douxie winked as he set a cup on the register as you were counting a new shipment of books.
"Thanks, Doux!" you called, keeping your self distracted as your cheeks had turned a crimson red from his comment.
+ + + + + +
You went to the back, needing to refill a few shelves with new novels.
Almost there…
Your fingers lightly brushed the book you wanted, but you failed to grab it.
You tried again, standing on your tip toes, even though you were on a ladder, you took the risk. This time you successfully got the novel but your foot slipped off of the ladder.
Douxie was walking to the back, wondering why you were taking so long, when he heard his name getting yelled by none other than you.
He rushed into the back room to see you falling from a dangerous height.
"Magna tawna truess!" Douxie incanted.
A sky blue aura surrounded you, saving you from the fall. You slowly got placed on the ground.
"You alright?" Douxie asked, frantically looking over you for any injuries.
"I-I'm alright Douxie," you replied.
He let out a sigh of relief.
"Whenever you need to get something from that height, just ask me, okay?"
You nodded in response.
+ + + + + +
You handed the book to the petit, old lady, who gave you some cash, along with a tip, before she headed out of the store.
“Time to close up shop,” Douxie stated, coming out from the back room.
“Finally! It’s been a long day,” you replied, stretching.
Douxie laughed at your antics.
“Get some rest, Y/n,” he smiled, heading to the front door and holding it open for you.
“Thanks, Doux. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said as you walked past him, “I-- ummm… Bye.”
“Yes. Bye, love. See you tomorrow,” he chuckled.
You made your way to you and Zoe’s shared apartment.
You couldn’t help but fluster yourself as thoughts of Douxie ran through your mind.
Before you knew it, you had arrived at your destination, Zoe ready to greet you.
“Hey, Y/n!” Zoe called, leaning on the doorframe, “How was work?”
“Oh, y’know… same-same,” you answered as you entered the abode.
“I forgot to mention this earlier! Douxie’s coming over for dinner!” she hollered from her spot in the kitchen as if she didn’t expect a reaction out of you.
“W-w-what?!” you sputtered, spitting out the drink that was in your mouth.
“Yeah! He should be here at 7!”
You looked at the time.
“But… that’s… t-that’s in 15 minutes!” you cried as you ran to your room and rummaged through your clothes for something to wear.
“Well, you better hurry!” she snickered, playfully rolling her eyes.
After rummaging through your wardrobe, you finally found (you choose what you want to wear, rather than the usual plain white shirt and black pants.
Abruptly, you heard the door bell rang.
Oh no… Douxie's here.
You scrambled out of your room and into the main room to see Zoe standing in the doorway, greeting Douxie. He walked inside and spotted you.
"Hey, Y/n!" Douxie waved.
"H-Hi Douxie," you said, “W-what a nice surprise…”
“Indeed. I thought dinner was cancelled when you left work, but Zoe reminded me,” he informed.
You all sat down at the dining table, Zoe serving you your meals.
Zoe and Douxie talked over dinner, exchanging quips and banters.
You just sat there with your mouth shut, afraid of saying something embarrassing in front of Douxie.
After dinner, you tidied up the table, carrying the dishes to the sink.
“Hey! We should get some dessert! How does ice cream sound?” Zoe asked.
You and Douxie exchanged excited glances and nodded in agreement.
“Sounds good,” you smiled.
“Great! Let’s go!” Zoe exclaimed, ushering you and Douxie out the door.
+ + + + + +
You all were enjoying your ice cream at the Bluff, as you all had found the ice cream truck there. Douxie and you were sitting on the bench that was provided, while Zoe was sitting crossed-legged on the ground.
You were showing Douxie all the constellations, pointing each one out to him. He was amazed by all of your knowledge on just stars and space. Douxie knew you had an interest in a lot of things, cooking, art, sport, space, and a whole other stuff. Now, he knows you also take an interest in constellations.
Suddenly, someone's phone began ringing. Zoe noticed it was hers and picked it up.
By the way Zoe's expression turned from happy and cheerful from stressed and worried, you could tell, something was wrong.
She hung up and jumped to her feet.
"Sorry, guys. I have to go. There's a problem at Hex Tech," Zoe explained. "Bye!"
She rushed off before either you or Douxie could say anything.
You both looked at each other and shrugged before going back to constellations.
+ + + + +
Now, you two were just gazing at the stars. Douxie was in deep thought.
He had fallen in love with you in the few months he had started to write letters to you. He had only seen you through a photo that you had attached of yourself in the second letter to him, but he also got to know you through the letters. You had poured your heart into those letters, telling him everything and anything. Douxie had done the same.
He wanted to confess to you so badly! Douxie had planned to confess his feelings a few days ago, though it didn't turn out so great.
Douxie had taken you out to lovely restaurant for dinner. Everything was going according to his plan, your hands were in his as he was going to say everything, when the waiter came and interrupted. And for what? The damn bill!
You being you, took out your card to pay. Douxie wouldn't allow that. So, you two started to argue over who was going to pay the bill. Douxie ended up paying, as he planned the dinner for you.
He tried again outside of the restaurant, where there would be no interruptions. Well, that's what he thought.
You had to go to a friend’s house just after the dinner, so they decided to pick you up. Douxie had no idea about this.
Again, he was going to confess, when a car pulled up beside you two, telling you to hop in.
You apologised and headed off.
After you were gone, Douxie kicked the ground and headed to his house.
+ + + + + +
As you were looking up at the night sky, star gazing, Douxie was gazing at you.
He had made up his mind. He was going to tell you. Everything. Right then and there.
"Uh… Y/n? I-- uh… I wanted to tell you something," Douxie spoke up.
You turned your attention to him, "Yeah?"
Douxie took your hands in his, which made you blush a little.
"Okay, here goes nothing. Y/n… ever since I saw you-- I mean… wrote to you… Well, after I got to know you through writing letters-- through the letters, I started to look at you differently. Not in a weird way! Just more than a friend? Then, when I saw you for the first time in Arcadia, before you came to the shop. I was shocked, like I was surprised that you were in Arcadia. It's not a bad thing! I thought you lived in Europe, but turns out you moved. Anyways, I started to admire you than more a friend. I've gotten to know so much about you over the past month. So, all I want to say is that… I love you…" Douxie stammered.
You giggled at his stammering and flustered state.
He is so adorable.
Douxie took a deep breath before he repeated, "I love you." He stared into your eyes before he pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you softly as you kissed back. You both pulled away, keeping your foreheads touching.
"I love you, too," you whispered.
Douxie's eyes lit up like a child before he pulled you into another kiss, though this time, it was more stronger than the first.
You both pulled away for air just as you heard a click.
You turned your head to the source, to see a pink-haired witch standing there with her phone out, clearly taking pictures.
"Aww! You two are so cute!" Zoe cooed.
You furiously blushed and buried your face into Douxie's chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Zoe Ashildr!"
Word Count: 1,900
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scriibble-fics · 3 years
Untitled: Grindelwald Wins Canon Divergence
Excerpt from the Grindelwald Wins Jily canon divergence fic I'm toying with. I always feel like there's more romance and smut than ~world building~ in my fics, so this is an attempt to rectify that with world building and romance and smut.
On an average Friday in October, at eight in the evening, James Potter’s life changes forever.
Further, all that occurs that day, and all that will occur in the future—good and bad—is Sirius Black’s fault.
After all, Sirius had refused to step outside to sign for the packages for delivery to Potters’ Potions Plus. He hadn’t even offered a very good excuse, just some vague muttering of taking inventory in the stockroom, when in reality, James had never seen him attempt so much as a glance at the books in the seven years they’d spend working for his parents. No, even as he’d watched Sirius’ graceful, loping form disappear from behind the store’s polished counter, he’d known that Sirius had avoided answering the door’s buzzer because he hadn’t wanted to fall into conversation with Alexei, the delivery wizard from Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary who always attempted an upsell. He’d left James to it instead, just as he had every week for seven years.
The delivery should have gone just like it had every other week for seven years, and it does, until suddenly it doesn’t.
“Quiet out,” Alexei notes as James skims the thick stack of parchment on the clipboard in front of him. “You ever see the alley this quiet?”
James grunts in return, eyes fixed to the tiny numbers assigned to the prices column. Working alongside his mum, he’s long-since grown used to the way that she can add numbers in her head with the speed of magic. His own mental math comes along slower, and requires more concentration.
Alexei had obviously expected more of a reaction. “Even the shutters are closed most places,” he goes on, bald head tipped back to stare up towards the towering shops that surround them, some surpassing six or seven stories. “And the birds aren’t making a sound. Have you noticed?”
Truly? No. But he’d been stuck inside all day, catering to clientele and doing his best to copy his dad’s easy-going nature and his mum’s head for business, just as he’d spent most days since graduating Hogwarts. A headache had started to form that morning, nestled between his brows, and hadn’t let up since.
“I passed a great mob of people up near the Cauldron.” James hears rather than sees Alexei scratch his beard, his nails scraping across the rough hairs. “Looked like—well, you know how it is, James. Looked like a bit of a rough crowd. Some of it was just Grindel’s Gang, but I’d wager there was a mudblood or two or three mixed up there too, and maybe some others. It’s so hard to say. People go masked just about everywhere these days, so it’s hard to know who fits in where. It’s part of the reason people choose your mum and dad’s shop—people know who they’re doing business with. That’s important.”
“Alexei.” The sharpness in his tone surprises even James, and he lifts a hand to his glasses, pushing them up so he can rub at the corners of his aching eyes. He takes a breath, intent on tempering his tone. Behind him, the tiny shop bell in the doorway of Potters’ Potions Plus tinkles in the faint, cool fall breeze. “Sorry. I’m just trying to concentrate here.”
“Oh, sure, sure. Don’t let me bother you.”
Easier said than done.
“Do you hear that?” Alexei asks a second later, and James’ fingers contract painfully around the clipboard in front of him until his knuckles turn white. “No, seriously, James. Do you hear that?” Only the note of sheer panic in Alexei’s voice inspires James to look up.
He hears it all a moment later.
Screams. Faint, and echoing fainter still, but screams nonetheless. They’d formed a common fixture in Diagon Alley, and an even more common fixture in nearby Knockturn Alley, but had increased even more steadily of late.
“Go,” he tells Alexei immediately, thrusting the clipboard into his arms. “Get the delivery inside and then go, get out of here before—”
Alexei all but throws the clipboard back in return. “I can’t,” he says, his voice cracking. A loud gust of wind bursts through the narrow streets all at once, and the sheets of parchment stand straight up, straining as if to break free. Over Alexei’s head, James watches a huge cloud of smoke join the wind, black as coal and reeking of death. “You have—I need you to sign for it, show that I delivered it—otherwise—”
It’s all almost laughable, Alexei’s insistence and the exchange that follows, those motions of business that they both go through despite the ever-growing closeness of chaos. Truly, James’ mum would have been proud. Or horrified. Or both.
“I don’t have a quill—”
“Here—” Alexei produces a crumpled quill from his pocket—self-inking, praise Godric—one with the feathered tip bent painfully to one side. In several short, jerking strokes, James scrawls his signature to the bottom of the final page. The quill flies through the air as he tries to pass it back to Alexei, in his hand one moment and flickering through the air the next. It vanishes as if Disapparating.
Speaking of Disapparating—
“Shit, shit, shit—” Alexei speaks not for the quill that had fled his grasp, but with a glance towards the sky, as if he feels a change in the air that far surpasses the dark storm clouds that swiftly overtake the promising blue sky. “Shit—do you feel that? It’s—”
“Disapparation wards.” James licks his lips as the cloying smell of smoke drifts ever closer, followed by screams so shrill and piercing that the hair on the back of his neck erupts to stand on end. “Yes, just—go. I’ll get it all inside. You just—”
Alexei doesn’t need more prompting. Lowering his head, he charges off without another word, the clipboard secured under one arm and his face set into a firm grimace.
Although he runs in the opposite direction of the chaos—of the smoke, of the screams, of the wind, of it all—James never sees him again. He isn’t the first person in James’ life to disappear into the night and never return, and he won’t be the last.
Under Grindelwald’s regime, things are just like that.
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Bokuto Kōtarō Boyfriend Head Cannons
All Credits for my inspiration go to @ghoulgirlradio. We were on some serious Bo loving hours, earlier, and it inspired this. Might as well have written half of this with me. They are the best, lemme tell you.
Haikyū!! Masterlist
Pairing: Bokuto Kōtarō x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Bokuto being best boy
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Bokuto loves having you paint his nails.
He usually loves to paint your nails a matching sky blue color — don’t ask him why, he just likes the color it reminds him of how much you calm him down when he needs it.
But, for special occasions, he’ll let you pick the color.
Bokuto dates with the intent to marry one day.
Someone said to him once ‘dating for any reason other than wanting marriage in your future is dating to get your heart broken’ and it stuck with the boy.
You meeting Akaashi is a big deal to him. That’s his best friend and he wants you both to get along.
The day you met Akaashi, Bokuto was internally freaking out, worried that you guys wouldn’t like one another.
You both are always with him and splitting his time between you both wouldn’t be fun at all.
But, you and Akaashi quickly bonded over your care for the owl boy and progressed to becoming good friends from there.
One day, Bokuto found you both waiting for him outside of the gym, talking and laughing. His heart melted, watching the way you both got along. But holy shit, how’d you make Akaashi laugh.
When he went off to the training camp, he went into emo mode for the two days prior, pouting that he wasn’t going to be able to see you.
Second day of training camp, he got an idea and acted on it IMMEDIATELY
His head ass totally pretended to forget something when he went off to the training camp.
So of course, he called you and asked you to bring it to him. He said it was cold at night and you couldnt let your boyfriend freeze. Plus, you missed him.
When you got to the main gym in the middle of the day, everyone just kind of stared at you in confusion. Except for Akaashi, who waved you over, while Bokuto eccentrically celebrated his particularly good spike.
You’re allowed to step up behind him, onto the court and you seize the opportunity to hug your boyfriend, arms wrapping around him from behind.
He freezes at first, before looking down — he’d recognize the feeling of your hug anywhere.
“HEY HEY HEY—” He catches the attention of everyone in the gym, everyone turning to face you both.
Though Bo doesn’t care, picking you up and dancing around with you in his arms.
He’s so excited acting like he didn’t see you, just two days ago
For the rest of the day, he’s dedicating all of his serves to you. Until the managers pull you away to talk and have you help them with dinner.
Cue emo mode
“Yeah, they’re amazing! They’re always doing things for me and making me smile. Akaashi can tell you! They’ve been helping me sit down and study! Y/N made this little game for us, where I get a kiss for every five minutes I spend studying! Oh, hey Y/N — BABY OWL!!! — Did you bring me food?! See, I told you guys! Baby owl, come here so I can brag about you some more.”
Boy had no shame on bragging about you. Until...
His eyes get wide and he pouts at you. “Why are you upset? Y/N... That’s not my name.”
“Bokuto-san, that is your name.”
“No it’s not!.. Y/N, what happened to pretty baby?”
His hair is drooping and his eyes are sad and Akaashi is giving you a look. The ‘Y/N, we talked about this’ look.
“Pretty boy, I’m not mad at you, but if you wanted me here, next time just tell me, rather than lying that you forgot your blanket.”
He looks at you with a sheepish grin, before huffing, “No more of that Ko stuff. I’m your pretty baby.”
Kuroo is laughing, Tsukishima is judging you both hard, Akaashi is just shaking his head in amusement.
“So, introduce me to your friends.”
You hit it off with Kuroo and as much as you could with Tsukishima but he’s an asshole
The next few days, at every opportunity he was showing you off and showing off to you while he was on court.
Dates with Bokuto are always fun and Akaashi always has some part in them, whether that be because he was helping Bokuto with the date, or with you and Bokuto on the date.
Bokuto always wanted Akaashi’s help, with each date, because he wanted each and every date to be the absolute best
He wanted to make you as happy as you made him, to show you how happy you made him by doing all of this for you, as well.
You both also have lots of study dates at his house. You both drag all of his pillows and blankets to the floor and curl up.
You spread everything out on the floor and sit back to back to study.
When either of you notices the other getting tense or stressed out, you’re able to massage their shoulders a bit to help the relax, sometimes also massaging their scalp and leaving kisses on their shoulders
You’re both extremely attentive to the other.
Bokuto knows you forget to eat most morning. He got used to carrying sports drinks and granola bars for after his morning practice
Now, he carries extra so you both can have breakfast together every morning
He likes to be wearing something of yours all of the time. Whether that be a jacket, hair tie, necklace, bracelet, ring, just anything really.
But, as with most sports, volleyball doesn’t alloy jewelry or clothing items but a uniform on a player’s persons
So, he likes for you to draw on his arm before every game
He always wants to have you there for every game and practice.
“You’re my lucky charm, baby owl!”
You missed a practice once
The boy went through the worst emo phase he has in a while. You got a call from Akaashi.
When you showed up, your poor owl boy was sulking bad
Even when you walked to him and opened your arms to him, he was sulking.
“Why didn’t you come? Are you made at me?”
“No, pretty boy, I just had something to do.”
It took about fifteen minutes, but the boy finally calmed and played as well as always after your reassurances.
Bokuto loves to see you cheering for him in the stands. It makes his heart grow so full.
And he swears he plays better because of it.
Before every game, he demands a mandatory hug.
Hugs with Bokuto are the best
He’s always so warm
And whenever he hugs you, no matter how tall or short you are, he will tuck his head in your neck.
And with every hug, comes some type of sweet affirmation
“You smell good.”
“Hugging your always makes me so happy.”
“Your smile lights up my world.”
You both don’t know who started the affirmations but neither of you goes a day without hearing them.
The team knows that Bokuto firmly believes that you are a major part of his success
And so, every celebratory dinner, ever game, every training week or weekend, you’re there and no one says anything about it, because they know that you can get him out of every emo phase, every slump, every time.
One day, Akaashi and you were standing outside of the gym and waiting on Bokuto, when Akaashi speaks to you.
“You know, you’ve make Bokuto-san very happy... Thank you for loving him. He can be a bit of a mess, sometimes, but he does love you. He’s been doing better in school and he’s been having less emo modes... He’s been a lot happier, because of you. So thank you.”
“He’s made me a lot happier. I’m really proud of him, to be with him.”
Neither of you noticed Bokuto standing in the doorway listening
Bokuto = 🥺
His two favorite people in the world were getting along and he couldn’t be happier to see it.
Bokuto loves you more than life itself and wouldn’t ever let you forget it.
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moonbeamsung · 4 years
Sink or Swim
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You plunged deep into an ocean of love for Huang Renjun, the boy who had already fallen for the sea itself.
member: renjun
au: sailor!renjun x gn!reader
word count: 2.7k
genre: angst, fluff, slightly dystopian
warnings: character death/drowning, mentions of water (one passing mention of a typhoon and a very heavy focus on the ocean), light profanity
recommended song: when i was older by billie eilish
author’s note: Not only did the lyrics to the above song inspire this fic, but so did the general mood and sound of it :) I would recommend listening while you read, since I think it really adds to the atmosphere. My creativity took quite a while to cooperate on this one but I like how it turned out and hope you do as well, feedback is highly appreciated as always. Thanks to @astroboy-lele for her help beta-reading this (like 2 hours ago), and enjoy!
taglist: @astroboy-lele @kyuwoyo @rvse-hvvck @nakamotocore @kisshim @hunjins​
network tags: @kpopscape @neo-constellations @culture-cafe @dreamlab-nct @k-dinernet 
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The sleepy little fishing village you call home seems to sigh with the tides, waves lapping at the shore in a rhythm not unlike that of steady breaths. It’s the world’s way of inhaling the salty air, sometimes laced with the pungent scent of a fresh catch.
The sport itself is a life force here, the key to any sort of contact with the rest of civilization. Without it, the hill that the small town is nestled into might just swallow up the dozens of small brick buildings, reducing them to nothing but a memory. The murky waters would carry minuscule traces of its existence far and wide, but not even a name could break the surface.
Unfortunately, the village’s dependence on exporting fish leaves little room for the personal aspirations of its residents. At some point in your life, you’ll be called to assist with a certain aspect of the product’s distribution. The elders in charge find ways for even the most unskilled of hand and mind to participate, but they always save the hardest work for those who were born into it: the sailing families.
Quite literally, a love of the sea is in Huang Renjun’s blood.
His great-grandfather was around to see the beginnings of the seaside community, and he became the most famous fisherman known to the village by returning to the docks with large nets in tow, just bursting with sharp fins and thrashing tails. Those were the glory days, and generations later, the Huangs want their young son to follow in his footsteps, to become just as well-known for legendary angling expeditions.
But... he’s not really interested.
He would much rather take to the waves in a boat and chase the horizon, not bothering with casting a net or even a rod. To him, the ocean air is beyond suffocating, like a poison meant to expel any wanderlust from his lungs, to rip it from his soul. Renjun is a fiery spirit, and not even the crashing, slate-colored waters can dampen the adventurous spark burning bright and warm inside of him. It would take more than a typhoon to do so.
You admire that about him, too. How he holds a strong but steady resistance to the traditions of the village, the limited and meager expanse of the world that you’ve both lived in—no, been confined to—all your life.
Just think of the endless possibilities that await, beyond the hazy fog obscuring the fine line between land and sea. The faint shapes that loom in the distance, perhaps a trick of the eye but perhaps another sign of life besides you, seem so close but are still just out of your reach, teasing you both with what could lie outside this languid, ashen realm. Your heart races at the mere notion of such a thing.
The waves are impossibly blue when their image is reflected in Renjun’s dark eyes; you notice this one dreary afternoon as you let your feet dangle above the gentle ripples, sitting at the edge of one of the many docks that tangle through a mess of sailboats and fishing gear. The burnt orange of his threaded sweater stands out against the rest of the scenery, so monochromatic you sometimes swear the world is black and white.
He’s a splash of color, a splash of adventure and determination among a colorless mass of villagers who wouldn’t trade the way things are right now for anything. The dull, scuffed toes of his boots drag along the wooden planks as he trudges towards you, settling down at your side with a small gust of wind. Both anticipating and dreading the impending day when his father would teach him how to take to the seas and steer the boat that’s run in his family for generations, Renjun finds himself at the humble and rickety marina often. Anticipating because that knowledge would enable him to change the course of his own life on his own terms, and dreading because he knew of the harsh disapproval those actions would receive.
But still, Renjun stays right there on the dock next to you, diving past the shallows of his conscious mind and into the darkest, deepest abyss of his own thoughts, letting them bubble and sputter up and puff into the air like sea spray. If both your hearts are oceans of their own, they collide in this moment, as his ambitions and aspirations spill over into yours and settle on the seabed below. He’s chosen you to entrust these secrets with. You, the only other resident of the village with a familiar restlessness in your eyes when the sun disappears below the distant horizon, gaze wistful and longing to do the same.
And as if they’re the precious riches of a mythical swashbuckling pirate, you keep them there, each word a golden coin or sparkling gem hidden away in a long-lost treasure chest. The twilight sky that evening is the most vivid you’ve ever seen it, and daylight is fading fast by the time Renjun finishes telling you everything.
“I never knew there was someone who felt the same way I did about all this.”
The realization sets in late, just as the weathered surface you’re both perched on sways in the wind. You fear for a second that you might slip forward into the icy water; that’s how strong the breeze whipping through the air around you feels. That, or it’s due to the sheer force from your heart as it swells at finally meeting someone you’ve admired from afar for what feels like an eternity, ever since you understood what life was like and what it meant for you here.
Sure, Renjun’s grandfather may have been well-known in the past for one reason, but to you, Renjun is creating a legacy of his own for another, one of more than just adolescent rebellion and defiance. It’s one of undoubtable self-awareness, of an adamant refusal to conform to an existence he hadn’t chosen, and he’s finding a way to alter what he’s been seemingly destined for all his life.
“Me neither,” you shake your head, still in a small fraction of euphoric disbelief. “All that’s left to do now is stow away on a ship together in the dead of night, I suppose.” The comment is joking, but he takes it more seriously than you anticipated. The cloudy sky above brightens with his eyes.
You convene in shadowy alleys when no one’s looking, wasting away the hours as you mutually yearn for just a sliver of knowledge of the unknown, enthralled by the waves in the distance and what lies below and above and beside. Renjun sometimes whisks you away to a steep overlook that provides a panoramic view of the beach, the powdery sand so far beneath your bare feet gray enough to pass for finely packed pebbles. You find yourself melting into his embrace like the sea melts into the sky, blurring the already thin lines between air and water and between friendship and love. The way his fingers encircle your wrist with a curl like that of a cresting wave is telling enough on its own. His heart belongs to two bodies now.
You can’t help but notice all the similarities he bears to the element you’ve never lived a day of your life without seeing, without hearing the undulations of, without smelling or tasting the salty tang it brings to the air. Always moving, a force to be reckoned with, and evidently a possessor of the ability to travel far and wide on even the most fleeting of whims.
He’s utterly himself around the water, too. You’re almost positive he could effortlessly duck beneath the surface, take a breath, and his lungs would drink it in as if it was air. The only place he doesn’t feel like drowning is below the waves.
“Look!” Renjun points out an unfamiliar vessel tied down at the far end of the pier one day, sails torn in jagged lines as if they had been slashed by a larger-than-life creature. Upon closer examination, you find that the wooden bow of the sailboat is splintering and the windows into the cabin are shattered. The name carved into the hull is simply too faded for you to decipher the letters.
“This boat must’ve gone through hell and back,” you comment, your response delayed like an echo. “Who do you think it belongs to, anyway?”
He’s lost within a symphony of thoughts before he answers, “No one.”
Both incredulous and doubtful, you whip around to meet Renjun’s assured gaze. “No one ever comes and no one ever goes, it’s that simple. These same boats have been docked for years. They’ve belonged to the same families one decade after another.” The boy sighs, scanning the horizon for anything that might appear the slightest bit unusual. “The real question is where it came from.”
You have no answer for him.
“Regardless,” he speaks up again, quite matter of factly, “It’s ours now.”
“Yes, ours. You said you’d sail away with me, right?”
It certainly isn’t the aspiration you would have envisioned yourself pursuing. You could have chosen to quietly obey, to live and work exactly as you were told by a community so rigid that you felt frozen to the bone. Not like the pleasant chill of the ocean, rather a restrictive pair of icy shackles, ever-tightening around your limbs and subduing your mutinous thoughts. But here you are, longing for a little something more both in life and with the only person that understands your heart’s deepest desires like they’re his own. And at their core, they are.
Without fear, Renjun takes a confident stride onto the boat’s deck, turning back to you and offering his hand as you mimic the action. “What are you waiting for?” He asks, eyes twinkling.
A warm thrill courses through your veins, growing hotter with each small preparation you make towards your inevitable departure. It’s an affair of many weeks, but at last you’ve gathered all of the necessary supplies and courage to carry out your plan.
The day finally comes, the day you’ll spring into action and take hold of your futures by the ropes, no one but yourselves telling you how or where to steer.
On the most moonlit night you’ve ever been alive to witness, you and Renjun both slip out from underneath your fraying comforters, unbeknownst to the rest of your households. Save for your two restless souls, the entire village is sound asleep, the unceasing lullaby of the tides casting its steadfast spell on bodies and minds like clockwork. Wooden floors so hollow and dusty that they barely creak under your weight, you successfully glide out your respective front doors in silence like translucent spirits.
No one else in the village had even acknowledged the foreign ship’s presence, but this shouldn’t surprise you, not in the slightest. The thick, colorless fog of life had long since settled around the shoulders of anyone and everyone who allowed it to, ensnaring them in a mind-numbing, monotonous routine. It blocks out the sun and the rain, the light and the darkness. It’s all so sickeningly the same. Empty eyes can’t pay any mind to their surroundings. Meanwhile, yours are full of hope, the brightest in the land.
In the distance, Renjun appears as vibrant and sprightly as ever. His form cascades down a flight of stone steps, leading from the sheer hills clustered with homes onto sea-level ground, and glides over the small dunes of sand separating you. He reaches the edge of the beach and your side a minute later, the thump of his heart keeping time with the tides. A nod, and you’re sprinting towards the docks, fingers trembling in excited anticipation.
It isn’t until after you’ve clumsily set sail that you see the ominous shadows of dark clouds laid out ahead, directly in your path. Even in the dead of night, a flash of distant lightning illuminates the world in a harshly jagged blaze for as far as the eye can see, as it strikes some unknown location out in front of the sailboat.
You’re certain the repairs you’ve spent days and nights working on with Renjun will be enough to keep the ship intact, despite the weather you’re sure to endure if you continue on this route. So you press on, missing the apprehension furrowing his eyebrows.
But because every force of nature has decided to convene against you both for reasons eternally unknown, the harsh winds weave their way in between the threads your careful hands had stitched on the canvas, meant to catch the breeze but being torn apart by it instead. Suddenly you’re struggling to hold on to your balance and you feel as flimsy as a leaf in a blustering current of cold, crisp wind.
Perhaps you should have practiced first. Renjun had not yet received a single ounce of training from his experienced father, and it was far from wise to leave the only life you’ve ever known without any knowledge of how to get to your next one. He’s trying to hide his panic now, wavering between the steering controls and warily glancing up at the gloomy midnight sky. One more flash of lightning, and all goes awry, all at once.
The water around you surges, as if physically drawn to the heavens, and more falls from above. Raindrops pelt down onto your arms and soak your hair, drenching the sails and filling the shallow hull almost instantly. Wave after towering wave crashes down, hard, and you’re no longer certain which way is up. About to lose your footing, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle like the snug hold of a life preserver.
Before all vitality can be lost and smothered by the raging ocean, a desperate Renjun holds fast to you, your thin clothes clinging to the damp skin of his hands. The storm is just too much, and there’s no way you’ll see the journey through like you had hoped. It’s difficult, excruciating even, to accept, and even more difficult for Renjun to let go of you like this. He’ll fight until the end, fight the fates and the invisible forces that life entails to hold you for just a few more seconds.
He won’t be able to live with himself, even in whatever afterlife may or may not come after the darkness he already sees, feels closing in on him, if he doesn’t sacrifice his last breath for a final moment of bliss, of you.
The sensation of Renjun’s wan lips pressing into yours overwhelms and surpasses all others, his palms tracing the edges of your figure like the tides trace the sandy shore. Urgently he draws you close up against him, trying his best to shield you from the inescapable terror of the sea. A lifetime’s worth of energy and emotion and passion is expended, making up for all the time in the world he wouldn’t and couldn’t have. The tang of saltwater meets your tongue, and you’re not sure if it’s the taste of him or of the ocean.
A weak tug on your palpitating heart, an internal scream in your ringing ears tells you that you should resent him for this, for propelling you forward in your apparently unachievable fantasies of living the life you wanted for yourself. But you don’t, you can’t. It’s no one’s fault, really. With this thought, a peaceful stillness washes over you amidst the chaos, and your awareness of the boy in your embrace fades steadily, slowly, then rapidly. Reality is getting paler, more black and white than ever, and you’re sinking further and further down towards the ocean floor miles below. The faint light of the moon becomes distorted from underneath the water, blurring with your failing vision. It all slips away, and then there’s nothing.
It’s a shame no one in the village takes notice of the two extra stars that blink into existence on that moonlit night, but yours and Renjun’s souls take their place among the rest, both a warning and a calling to anyone who dared attempt what you did. Two guiding lights pointing any other dreamers towards the hope of a better, brighter future.
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
I Want To Hear You Say It
Chapter 3: Claw Marks
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: Listening to the FNAF timeline and thinking about that tiktok
He dreads going to the hideout. He doesn’t want to think about what he's going to say, what excuse he’s going to make up that will keep everyone satisfied with his answer. The correct thing to have done on the journey home would have been to make up a believable lie but without the safety of numbers and the area that he was in- he had to focus on not getting caught- his mind too preoccupied with his surroundings to actually have time to think. 
His steps are heavy, short breaths that fill his lungs and leave in puffs, bones aching and he finds himself nearing the building. Dark in color, weeds sprouting from the edges, the color of the building, once something deep and polished, is now faded and dirtied with random tagging symbols that have long been washed out by the weather. He stands at the door, sky clouded overhead and a light mist that falls onto him and makes him uncomfortably wet. His stomach is full with chicken that you bought and shared with him. The hideout is dark, the windows boarded up and he can’t hear a sound coming from inside. No screaming, arguing, music, or singing. Tomura stands outside a hidden door and he takes in a deep breath, cold air chilling at his throat and making his mouth dry.
He walks inside; the door creaking as it announces his arrival to anyone who is willing to listen. His eyes scan around the old room, the floor solid underneath as he takes careful steps, hands poised and a deep unsettlement that settles in his bones as the stillness seems to place everything inside on pause. His mouth opens, his tongue coming out to lap at his lips, a passing thought flashes by that he should call someone’s name but as quick as it came, he denounces it just as quickly. He won’t risk calling someone’s name- someone could be listening in, the hideout could be abandoned and still wiretapped in case any wandering heroes had gotten lucky- no, he’ll walk around and assess.
He takes a careful step forward and then the room is bathed in a yellow light. His shadow stretches and distorts, elongating and he feels bare, his face naked and cold, immediately, placing his hand over himself in a mock attempt to mimic Father. His eyes snap up, hand already reaching forward with every intent to rid the possible threat until he lands on sun colored eyes. 
“Tomura-kun!” Toga says especially, her smile wide and a slight skip to her step as she walks towards him. “You are alive!” The way she says it makes it sound as if there were doubts. “Took you long enough to get back, huh?”  Her smile is almost teasing as she rocks back and forth on her heels. 
He gives her a disgruntled look, eyes narrowed and wants to snap a response towards her. His eyes meet hers where she does not falter, smiling sweetly at him with a certain glint in her eyes. “Where are the others?” 
Her smile falters, a hand at her side fisting at the loose material of her joggers. The hem of an oversized sweater spilling past the waistband of the joggers. “Sleeping,” she says with a tight voice and under the light he realizes that her arm is dusted in a purple bruise, dark in color as it spills to blue with a hint of sickly yellow. “Where were you?” 
He eyes the bruise, a scowl on his lips as he meets her gaze yet again. “Nowhere important.” Words get stuck in his throat, the bruise dancing in his peripherals, filling his mind with other unseen possible injuries. Her face is clean, free of any marks as she stands in front of him. She can stand; Toga is still standing in front of him. “The mission?” His nails dig into his skin, pulling at the old scars that have long closed up.
Her smile falls and he finds annoyance lapping at him. She shrugs, her hands spreading wide as she looks at him and her shadow dances along with her. “Went as planned. We were able to find a new location in case this one goes south but we did run into trouble while transporting the items.” 
“Trouble?” He takes a step towards her, eyes glancing behind her trying to find wandering movement that lies in the shadows.
“Spinner hit his head pretty hard so for now he’s resting. Twice went to find Giran so he can bring in some type of aid or something-” she waves her hand in a tired circle- “I didn’t really pay attention,” she finishes, her smile returning. “Anyways, now that you’re here, I’m going back to bed.” She turns on her heels, her hand coming up to cover her yawning mouth. She pauses as she steps to the other side of the entrance to the hallway. “Oh, by the way,” amusement has left her face, a thin smile on her lips that doesn’t reach her eyes, “your hands on your bed. You must have dropped them when we split.” 
He stands in the empty room, eyes growing heavy and anxiety grabbing at his insides. His collar is too close to his neck, wrapping around the base in a tight hold that makes it impossible to swallow, acid riising and leaving a tart taste on his tongue, heavy and sickening. “Thank you,” he whispers to an empty room with eyes glued where Toga stood just a minute ago. His hand spills from his face and falls beside him in a limp.
The doors that line the hallway and spill onto different ends are all closed, subtle chipped marks carved into the wood to indicate which rooms are occupied. His hair still smells of your shampoo, light and sweet. His clothes reek of what you used to wash them. His hand forms into a fist as he thinks about you. It’s a fleeting thought that he latches onto and soon enough he isn’t able to escape you from entering his mind. His hand wraps around the doorknob with a pinky raised as it twists under his palm. He enters his room as you enter his mind. True to her word, his hands are displayed on his bed, laid in an orderly fashion.
He stands at the edge of the bed, eyes lidded as he stares at the hands. Slowly, he grabs each hand, one by one, each placed back at their respective spots, a heavy weight that falls on him with each addition, a tight grasp that holds onto him with a promise to pull him down and suffocate him, the promise of false love and a mock hug as hands encase him. The last hand that goes on his face is held tenderly, the palm facing towards his face, an open strike that is welcomed and makes him feel calm, settling his nerves for just a moment. The hand is cold and heavy against his warm skin. The thick cartilage is tough- sturdy and unwavering- his fingertips flutter against the raised bridges, lowering until it reaches the metal end. 
His hands are nothing like your hands. 
He can almost feel your touch. It was light and fluttery, soft against his face. You held him with care, trying to calm him down when the first thing he had done to you was pin you down. You were nice to him. You told him that you had done it because you wanted to believe that you were a good person. His hand tremors, sliding past the metallic end, a light brush against his chest that stills as it reaches his stomach, clenching at the shirt with a careful grip, twisting the fabric in his hand. You quite literally picked him off the streets and gave him a temporary home. You gave him kindness that he hasn’t witnessed or felt in so long. You were kind to him- doting over him and making sure that he was fed. You washed his clothes and had calmed him down when he feared that he had lost his hands. Your hands held him together, grabbing at him and pulling him close to you. He sucks in his bottom lip, remembering the pull of your thumbs against his chin, the touch that you gave him that didn’t fill him with sickness.
He misses your touch. There’s a deep tug in his body. It pulls at him, tugging against his very essence and making him feel stretched out. His chest stutters, rising and dipping with lungs that expand and a heavy flush that warms his body. His eyes go wide, pupils dilating as he leans over, hand leaving his stomach and resting on the bed in a closed fist, the pads of the fingers dig on the top of his head, clenching as they squeeze his head with a painful grip.
He doesn’t need this right now. He doesn’t need you invading his mind. He can’t handle the thoughts and feelings that come with you. The need to see you. The need to have your hands replace the ones on his neck. He’s breathing heavy, wheezing over the bed, mouth gaping under the palm of Father, his heart erratic and mind wandering. He’s never felt like this before. He’s never had emotions this strong. The desire to see you is stronger than anything he’s ever faced- stronger than anything he remembers. He’s gasping for air, eyes watering and he stands straight, a hand placed along his neck as his nails etch themselves against him, sin bleeding out, hot and thick against his skin. 
The sun is setting, casting a soft orange glow across the city as you walk home. It’s quiet, your phone buzzing in your hand and merely swipe at the notification for the Discord chat that you’re part of but never engage in. The time reads back to you and you come to a slow, walking towards the edge of the building, standing against the corner with eyes trained on the time. 
You wouldn't call yourself overly paranoid. Sure, you've heard things that go bump in the night and hid yourself under the covers rather than go and investigate, you've slept with rather odd, sharp objects under your pillow and have practiced time and time again how quickly and quietly you can reach into your bedside drawer and pull out a pair of scissors. But that was in the past. You've grown past the need to hone your skills and now all you have for protection is an old stuffed bear with stuffing that has gone limp and dull. 
You stand at the edge of the alleyway, taking a few steps into the dampen area, clicking your tongue as you step into a puddle. There’s a deep feeling that washes over you, making you chew on your bottom lip and edge deeper into the growing dark area. You take a small step to the side, your head tilting as you search for any shapes that are too humanlike, looking for anything with soft, blue hair or a hint at it and with a final step, your phone buzzes your hand. It’s stronger- a phone call, you realize. Snapped out of whatever trance you had, you turn around and make your way out of the alley, frowning as the words “Scam Likely” is written on your phone. You click and pull at the red phone symbol, the call ceasing immediately and you walk in a crowded street.
Perhaps you should have given Tomura your phone number. Or had offered him a ride or insisted that he stay for another night. He didn’t seem well enough to leave- much leave the way that he did. You purse your lips, your pace increasing as you walk home, your bag patting lightly against your back. If you had at least given him your number then he could have called you or sent you a message indicating that he was home or at least safe. You let out a sigh, your lips pulling into a thin line. 
The trek to your apartment is short, your hands resting along the rail as you climb the steps, unable to stray from the memories of when you had to help carry him up the steps. He had only rested for a day- if you wanted to be generous- and had eaten only two meals and slept on a couch. He couldn’t have possibly been comfortable. Maybe if you had insisted that he stay another night then you could tell if he had been lying about any hidden injuries. But there was no dried blood when you checked the shower, no stain that had caught against the porcelain or carpet- it was clean. You fret over a stranger- the only facts that you know of are that his name is Tomura, he works in a bar, and he’s socially inept. You check the time on your phone- there could be a possibility that you can pass by the same area and see if he’s there or any trace of him- but no. You grimace at thought- it sounds too stalkerish, as if you’re waiting for him to arrive and if he is there by any chance, you don’t want him to feel bothered or- You gasp as you bump shoulders with someone, stumbling a bit and you're grateful you’re on a flat surface rather than the stairs. 
“Oh my goodness!” You raise your shoulders, pulling them close to you. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking-”
“Hey, hey,” the person says in a calming voice and you close your mouth, stepping away as your neighbor comes into view. “It’s cool, don’t worry about it.” He stands tall in front of you, a soft purple hue of skin that darkens slightly at the tip of his ears. Spiky hair that jets out in multiple directions, a dark blue that almost shines blue and purple under the light covers his forehead in wispy bangs with two curled, ram-like horns that protrude from the side of his head, dark in color with silver highlights. “I wasn’t looking either-” they laugh, sending you a friendly grin that is quickly overwritten with concern- “Are you okay?”
“Oh, er, yeah. No, I'm fine. Sorry about bumping into you again-” you step to the side, already waving a goodbye- “I’ll-”
“Wait!” He says in a rushed tone, spinning on his heels to look at you, a nervous chuckle spilling past his lips. “I, uh- Ha, sorry. So uh, did your friend go home?” He jerks his head to your door, eyes shifting nervously.
You blink at him, the moments with Tomura briefly forgotten as you strike conversation with your neighbor. “Oh, yeah. He went home last night,” you trail, the word “home” not feeling correct on your tongue. 
“Oh, really?” I uh- didn’t see him.” His smile is tense and his eyes widen. “Not that I was spying or anything. I had to pick something up from the pharmacy late last night and I noticed-”
“No, yeah. He left.” You give him a tight smile and edge backwards. “Listen, I have to go and put... something away.” You give him a final grin, toothy and forced. “Bye!” You wave a goodbye at him and promptly hurry to your door where you- thankfully- have no trouble opening it.
You shut the door, your back against the wooden frame, your eyes drooping and you slide slowly to the floor, bringing your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around your legs and resting your head on the spot that you have created. Your bag presses uncomfortably into your back, the items inside pressing into the faux leather and into your soft back.
You close your eyes, trying to hear the sounds of wandering steps, mouth pulling into a thin line, and brows knitting together. “Maybe I should have asked him if he saw him anywhere,” you mumble under your breath. You let out a bitter laugh, raising your head and resting it against the door with a faint thud. “Great,” you whisper to yourself, “now I’m thinking about him.” You exhale, letting your eyes close with a weak smile stretching across your lips. “Well,” you trail, slowly opening your eyes, “it’s out of my hands now. Best I can hope for is that he’s home safe.” You push yourself off the floor, wincing slightly at the movement. 
You flutter around the apartment, changing out of your uniform into something more comfortable, your hands aching and body accepting the weariness that it possesses. Your sock clad feet walk around the apartment, phone in hand, as you walk into the kitchen.
It’s a decent size, enough for things to be ordered in a way that makes it feel both cluttered and homely. The fridge is decorated in an assortment of magnets- new with vibrant colors and cute designs, old and faded, simple in design but something from long ago- pictures and various numbers and business cards placed on the surface. You open the fridge, food and ingredients inside but it’s too much work to actually prepare the food itself and wait for things to defrost. You close the fridge with a huff and make your way to the living room. 
You stand at the edge of your couch, the blanket that Tomura used is folded at the end of the couch. Your brows knit, a frown tugging on the corner of your lips. You sigh sadly and there’s a bitter taste on your tongue, thick and heavy, and you scrunch your face. In your hand, your phone gives a curt buzz- a message from your friends. Your mood brightens and you sit on the opposite end of the couch, away from the blanket, and curl up at the end, eagerly responding to your friends' plethora of messages that you had missed- and partly purposely ignored due to heavy thoughts- on your walk home.
You sleep on the couch, covered by a throw blanket, a deep blue color that covers your frame as you curl under, a stuffed animal in your grip with shiny black eyes that reflect the television, an assortment of colors played against the room, and reflecting in the eyes of your comfort object. You sleep soundly, undisturbed and protected by glass, watched and protected by a pair of crimson eyes, between the blinds. Tomura Shigaraki sits with his knees pulled up to his chest, thin scratches around his neck and a burning desire in his chest to reach forward and accept your generosity that you had given him. 
He’s confused on why he’s here. He's out in the open, Father on his face which would surely give away his identity- could that be why you didn’t recognize him, he wonders- and he’s outside like a stray animal, waiting by your door and watching you sleep. Maybe that’s why he’s back. You didn’t fear him and while fear is something that he really does long for, something that so undeniably means you have the upperhand in something, it was different this time. You sat near him, did his laundry for him and cared for him on the pretense that you wanted to be a good person. That’s almost laughable, really. You treated a literal villain as some wounded puppy and practically saved his life. Heck, if it was anyone else or maybe if you had decided to watch the news more often, he would’ve been found out and captured. You wanted to be a good person and because of that, you are good to him. 
It’s fascination more than anything. This odd sense of longing towards you, the way that your hands felt on him and how you fretted over him as he panicked- he places his hand over Father and lets out a breath. The air cool, nipping at him with a slight shiver, and he looks inside with blank eyes, remembering how it felt to be inside, the candy scented candle that filled the room and how overtly sweet it was when he woke up. You were nice to him, there didn’t seem to be a hero in sight, so the probability of you being watched over is fairly low- you were nice to him and you trusted him enough to know where you lived. His leg tremors, eyes narrowing through the gaps of the fingers on his face as he stares at your unmoving frame. His hand flutters against the glass, index resting followed by the other three, and his prints are left.
Your blinds are left open and he snorts at your lack of self-preservation. He can let it slide since your little home isn’t somewhere where people can easily see. But here you are, covered by a blanket that he hadn’t used- the one he touched remains folded at the end, untouched and your legs pulled away from it. He watches you for a long time, his phone buzzing with either notifications from his mobile games or those from the League. If he were to be frank, he finds it all so difficult. He’ll complete and fulfill his vision, he’ll lead his comrades into victory, But for now, he'll rest against your balcony, and watch you sleep.
@dillybuggg @gladiatorandroid
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alyssaallyrion · 3 years
Title: the course of true love (never did run smooth)
Rating: M
Summary: A soulmate AU in which Itachi and Shisui aren’t soulmates, but love, as usual, finds a way. 
Written for ShisuIta Week 2021 Day 4 Prompt: Soulmate AU
ao3 link 
Chapter 1
Itachi feels the ground under his back – a sudden pain of fall resonating through his body, knocking the air out of his lungs. Wincing, he opens his eyes and draws in a sharp breath. Shisui is over him, the red of his eyes slowly fading to black.
“Looks like I win again,” Shisui says, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Itachi lies – he’s still a little dizzy from the fall, “One more match?”
“I don’t know about you,” Shisui smiles brightly, “But I most certainly need a break. Not all of us can be as relentless as you.”
Shisui leans forward, offering Itachi a hand to help him up. With a sigh, Itachi grips Shisui’s forearm firmly, letting Shisui heave him to his feet.
“Let’s get some water,” Shisui offers.
Itachi hums absent-mindedly, distracted by the way Shisui’s hot skin feels under his palm. Suddenly coming to his senses, Itachi realizes that his hand has lingered longer than it should and instantly releases his grip on Shisui’s arm, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks.
In truth, Itachi too could use a break – they’ve been sparring for hours now, since the early morning – but Itachi has always felt an almost painful need to show Shisui that he can keep up with him.
Itachi wipes his forehead with the backside of his hand, wicking away the sweat. Summer has finally come to Konoha, filling the air with warmth and light. Training on the hot days was harder but necessary – years of serving in the ANBU have taught Itachi that being prepared for any conditions is essential to the survival and the success of the mission.
Itachi and Shisui walk to the posts on the edge of the training fields, where they left their belongings. Picking up his water flask, Itachi takes a large sip. The water is warm, having sat out in the sun all day, but it still feels refreshing.
“Your last move was excellent,” Shisui smiles, wiping his mouth with his hand, “I barely dodged it. Who knows, maybe with a little more practice, you’ll be able to get me one of these days.”
“Are you afraid?” Itachi chuckles, taking another sip of water.
“I should be, shouldn’t I?” Shisui laughs softly, “You are a genius after all.”
Itachi rolls his eyes and brings the flask to his lips again.
“Itachi, hold still for a moment,” Shisui says suddenly, “You have leaves in your hair.”
Itachi hardly needs Shisui’s help, but he likes Shisui’s touch, so he does as he’s told. Shisui runs his fingers deftly through Itachi’s hair, making a quick work of the offending leaves. Itachi almost regrets that there aren’t more of them so that he could feel Shisui’s touch for longer.
“There you go,” Shisui smiles, pulling his hand away.
“Thank you,” Itachi murmurs softly.
“Oh, I’ve almost forgotten,” Shisui says, closing his water flask. Reaching into his bag that rests on the ground, Shisui produces a small, rectangular box, “I’ve got you these.”
A smile blooms on Itachi’s lips as he realizes that Shisui has gotten him sweets from his favorite dessert shop in the village.
“Why did you get me sweets?” Itachi frowns, accepting the gift.
“It’s almost your birthday,” Shisui grins widely.
“My birthday isn’t for another week,” Itachi protests as he unwraps the ribbon.
“That’s true,” Shisui shrugs, then meets Itachi’s gaze, “Maybe I just like to see you smile.”
Itachi hopes that the color brought to his face by hours of sparring is bright enough to hide the blush rising in his cheeks. As he opens the box, he’s almost overwhelmed with the lovely smell. He wants to try the sweets so bad, but he knows he can’t just yet – the hour’s getting late, and Itachi had promised his mother that he and Shisui will be home in time for dinner.
“It’s too bad it’s almost dinner time,” Itachi sighs, looking wistfully at the sweets.
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” Shisui smiles mischievously.
Itachi glances between his best friend and the sweets in the box. The temptation is too much to resist.
“You’ll have to eat some too then,” Itachi says, “Just so you’re also implicated.”
“You really thought this through,” Shisui laughs as Itachi offers him the sweets.
Itachi cannot help but smile as he tries the candies – they are delicious and taste of sweet cherry and vanilla. Itachi has always had quite the sweet tooth – if it were up to him, he could likely eat his weight in sweets. Itachi wants to thank Shisui for getting him the candies, but when he glances up at him, the words die on his lips as his breath hitches in his throat.
Shisui’s mouth is sticky sweet from the sugary glaze coating the candies. Itachi watches, mesmerized, as his tongue darts out to collect the sweetness, unfamiliar yearning rising in his chest.
Then Shisui shifts and the spell is broken. Itachi shakes his head, chasing away the strange feeling. <em>What has come over him?</em>
The sun is setting slowly over the village, painting the sky red and orange. Itachi doesn’t want to walk home – the exhaustion from having spent the day sparring finally catching up with him – but he knows that his mother will be cross with them if they are late.
“We should go,” Itachi says, “It’s almost time for dinner.”
Shisui doesn’t argue.
They collect their belongings, then take the short way to Itachi’s house. The Uchiha compound is quiet in the early evening hours – most people are at home having dinner with their families before bursting back out onto the streets to enjoy a warm summer night.
They walk side by side through the streets of the compound, and Itachi feels at ease – as he usually does when Shisui is by his side. When Shisui looks at him, he doesn’t see the clan heir or the ANBU captain or a genius shinobi – he only sees him, Itachi.  
“I wonder what your mother has made,” Shisui says, distracting Itachi from his thoughts, “But then again, all her cooking is amazing.”
“You know,” Itachi looks over to Shisui, “You might be my mother’s favorite dinner guest – I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as enthusiastic about her food.”
“Well then they must not understand anything about good food,” Shisui replies easily, “Homemade meals prepared with love are always the best!”
There is a wistful expression on Shisui’s face, and Itachi’s heart clenches. Shisui is an orphan – both his parents died when he was really young. <em>He must miss them so…</em> For all Itachi’s issues with his father, he is really grateful to have a family.
To distract Shisui from his thoughts, Itachi nudges him lightly.
“Maybe you should get married then,” he says, teasingly, “If you pick right, you could get all the homecooked meals you want.”
“And devastate half of Konoha?” Shisui laughs, glancing at him, “Such a cruel suggestion, Itachi.”
He knows that Shisui’s joking, and, yet, Itachi’s heart drops at his words – with Shisui’s good looks and charming personality, it was little wonder that so many were smitten with him. He knows he has no right to feel this way, and still, he cannot help it – he hates the thought of Shisui with someone else.
They turn the corner and find themselves outside of Itachi’s home.
“Itachi, is that you?” his mother calls from the kitchen as soon as they enter the house.
“Yes, mother,” Itachi responds as he and Shisui take off their shoes and head to the kitchen.
Mikoto’s standing by the stove, somehow tending to three different pots at the same time.
“Hello Shisui,” his mother smiles, glancing over her shoulder, “You two came just in time – the dinner is almost ready. You better be hungry – I’ve made way too much food or three people.”
“Very are famished and very excited for the food,” Shisui replies easily, earning an even brighter smile from Mikoto.
While Itachi’s father has always been somewhat apprehensive around Shisui, realizing, perhaps, that his primary loyalty was to the village rather than to the clan, his mother has always adored him.
“Is Sasuke not here tonight?” Itachi asks, frowning.
“He’s over at Kushina’s house,” Mikoto shrugs, “With Naruto.”
Itachi smiles – it’s good that Sasuke has friends his age.
“Do you need help with anything?” Shisui asks Mikoto.
“Just carry these to the table,” Mikoto nods at the few platters resting on the counter next to her.
They do as they are told.
The dinner goes well, and, as his mother recounts a story from her days as a kunoichi in response to Shisui’s amusing tale from the recent mission, Itachi finds himself wishing they’d have evenings like this more often.
“Itachi,” his mother says softly, distracting him from his thoughts, “You are unusually quiet today.”
“I’m just a little tired,” Itachi shrugs.
“I can only imagine,” Mikoto frowns, “You have been out training since the early morning without any rest. Training is important – but you two should take better care of yourself!”
Shisui shoots him a glance that can only mean, “I tell you that all the time.” Itachi rolls his eyes at him, saying without words, “Look who’s talking.”
They help Mikoto clear the table after dinner. Itachi lingers in the kitchen with his mother for a moment as Shisui heads back to the dining room to get more plates. Once Itachi puts cups into the cupboard, he turns around and notices his mother look at him intently.
“Mother, is something wrong?” Itachi asks, confused.
“No,” Mikoto shakes her head, “Not at all. It’s just that time flies so fast. I feel like only yesterday you were a tiny child in my arms, but not you are almost a man grown. To think that you are turning sixteen in a week – old enough to get your soulmate mark…”
“Mother,” Itachi interrupts her instantly.
Smile leaves Mikoto’s features, replaced by a concerned expression.
“Right,” she says, “I’m sorry.”
Itachi doesn’t want to talk about soulmates – especially not around Shisui. Everyone in the village had their soulmate mark appear on their sixteenth birthday, but, somehow, in a cruel twist of fate, Shisui never got one. Itachi always thought this unfair – Shisui was an incredible person and deserved to be loved.
Itachi remembers the day of Shisui’s sixteenth birthday all too well. Shisui was supposed to return from the mission late that night, but Itachi’s heart was fluttering with nervous anticipation, and he realized that he could not wait till the morning to see him. Instead, he got Shisui’s favorite cake and went to his apartment to wait for him there.
Time stretched slowly, and it was well past midnight when he’d finally heard the front door open. When he saw Shisui, Itachi felt a lump in his throat – his friend looked utterly exhausted, and there was a strange sadness in his gaze. Itachi’s never seen him look like that.
The instant Shisui’s eyes fell upon Itachi, his face lit up.
“Itachi!” he exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to be the first one to wish you happy birthday,” Itachi smiled at him.
It wasn’t technically Shisui’s birthday anymore since it was well past midnight, but Itachi thought it was close enough.
“Thank you,” Shisui breathed out, walking over to Itachi and pulling him in for a hug. Itachi’s heart fluttered in his throat as he buried his face in Shisui’s chest. Only one question was burning in his mind, but somehow, Itachi couldn’t find the courage to ask.
The thought of Shisui having someone else’s name on his skin burned his heart. Back then, he thought it was because they were close friends – after all, it was not uncommon for people who have just found their soulmates to spend time with them and neglect other people in their lives, at least for a while. Itachi always loved spending time with Shisui, so the thought of being apart from him was painful. It took too long for Itachi to realize that this wasn’t mere jealousy of a friend – that he’d been in love with Shisui all those years.
Once he had let Itachi go, Shisui headed to the shower, as he usually did after the mission. Afterward, they settled at his kitchen table and ate the cake Itachi brought. Itachi noticed a deep, fresh scar running up Shisui’s forearm, and his breath hitched in his throat – so close to the artery, it’s good that they had a medic on their team.
Itachi looked Shisui in the face, the question burning on the tip of his tongue. Finally, he could not handle the uncertainty any longer.
“So…” Itachi started slowly, “Have you…?”
Shisui met his gaze calmly, then smiled.
“No,” he shrugged, “I didn’t. Looks like I don’t have one.”
Itachi looked at him in stunned silence. Shisui’s tone was so casual that it seemed he was talking about the weather and not about not having a soulmate. Itachi felt conflicted – a part of him was overcome with sadness for his friend, but another, selfish part, was almost relieved. There was another feeling niggling at Itachi’s heart that he could not yet– now he knows it was the anguish of not being Shisui’s soulmate.  
The next few days passed in a strange haze – Itachi was both terrified and hopeful that the mark could still appear. But days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, then years, and Shisui still never got a soulmate mark.
People were, of course, surprised and sympathetic – it was almost unheard of for someone to never receive their soulmate mark. Shisui was the pride and joy of their clan, and everyone was waiting with bated breath to find out who his soulmate was, and, when it turned out he didn’t have one…People haven’t looked at him the same.
It always angered Itachi – to him, Shisui was the most incredible person. What did it matter if there was no soulmate mark on his skin?
Dread rises in Itachi’s chest at the thought of his own fast-approaching birthday. Ever since he learned that Shisui didn’t have a soulmate, he has hoped that he, too, won’t get a soulmate mark. He didn’t need a soulmate mark to tell him who to love – for so many years, he’s only loved Shisui, only wanted Shisui. And Itachi would never let some stupid mark change the way he feels.
The thought of someone else’s name on his skin makes bile rise in Itachi’s throat. He wants to be with Shisui - or no one at all. He knows that Shisui – his selfless Shisui – will never be with him if he got someone else’s name, all in a misguided attempt to make Itachi happy. But what if being with Shisui is all Itachi ever wanted?
Itachi pushes the thoughts away – there is nothing he can do now, with his birthday still a week away. His exhaustion finally catches up with him, making him dizzy. His mother notices immediately and shoos Shisui and him upstairs to sleep.
They part at the top of the stairs – Itachi heads to his own room and Shisui to the guest quarters. When they were younger, they used to sleep in the same room whenever Shisui stayed over, but with time Itachi’s parents thought it more proper that each had their own space.
In his room, Itachi switches into his sleeping clothes and crawls into his bed. He’s exhausted, yet somehow, sleep doesn’t come. Despite the warm day, his bed feels cold, and he keeps twisting and turning, trying to find a comfortable position. Itachi gives up with a sigh, then gets out of bed and heads out of his room.
He knows he shouldn’t do this – not now that he’s realized that he has feelings for Shisui, but he cannot stop himself. Not when sleeping in Shisui’s arms always felt so safe and comfortable. He wonders briefly if it’s improper but pushes the thoughts away – when he and Shisui are together, nothing ever feels wrong.
Itachi finally reaches the guestroom and opens the door quietly. Shisui is lying on the futon, fast asleep, his curls strewn across the pillow, his mouth slightly open.
“Shisui,” Itachi murmurs, stepping into the room.
Shisui shifts slightly then opens his eyes.
“Itachi,” he whispers, voice hoarse, “Can’t sleep?”
“Yeah,” Itachi nods, then gestures at the futon, “Can I…?”
“Of course,” Shisui smiles, moving to the side, “Just don’t poke me with your elbow again.”
Itachi scoffs, crawling into the bed next to Shisui. They’ve grown quite a bit in the recent years – once upon a time, this futon was big enough for both of them to sprawl out without touching, but now they end up pressed close together. The warmth radiating from Shisui makes Itachi’s skin tingle as he shifts closer, leaning against Shisui’s side.
As soon as Itachi’s head touches the pillow, he starts to drift off.
“Comfortable?” he hears Shisui whisper against the crown of his head.
“Yes,” Itachi mumbles sleepily, “I wish it was always just the two of us.”
“Well, I’m not going anywhere,” Shisui replies softly.
With that, Itachi finally falls asleep.
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jtrokujo · 4 years
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔑𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔚𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔱
✩。: * • .───── ❁ ❁ ─────. • * :。 ✩
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word count: 1.6k
It is evening.
But even though it's the spring season it is still fresh, but still cool.
However, it goes without saying that spring has just started.
There's a prom today, or better said now, and of course I don't have a partner.
But I don't care, why do I need someone for a dance?
In general, I haven't been a big fan of it since the beginning of the school year, I don't know why myself.
With my (color) dress and a mug with a full drink, I made my way outside.
I immediately sat down on the stairs that were in my perspective, even if it is cool I prefer to stay there instead of being lonely with my classmates again.
Out of nowhere, I was an outsider, I was never mean, I was respectful of everyone, things that a nice person does.
Or rather jujuzist.
There was still someone in my class who is a jujucist, because of my sense of smell I was able to find out, otherwise I would probably never have found out.
Although I still have 2 skills, I rarely use them because they can do more harm than the opposite.
Thought manipulation and manipulation of reality.
It's actually pretty cool and I would be lying if I said changing reality would be boring, but I'm sure a lot of people think of one thing or the other.
For example, I cannot erase the existence of someone or an animal.
Does that mean I can neither revoke extinct animals nor let animals become extinct, again should I?
I had a little hamster when I was little, she was cute and quite fluffy because of her weight.
After that day from school, I came home with joy.
Everything was good, I got a good grade, played hide and seek with some of my old friends and happened to have enough money to buy sweets on the way home.
I still remembered the tearing of my heart that no one could hear.
Because my hamster passed away.
Like I've been pushed into nowhere, into nothing.
I was lonely, even though I had family and friends, she was different, I didn't know exactly what, but I think it would be better not to know anything like that.
Grinning sadly, I drank the strange drink from my mug and looked up at the moon until someone broke the pleasant silence "Yo!"
I turn around, jerking in shock, the jujuzist, what's his name again?
Yes, I, (Y / N) (L / N), have forgotten the names of the most popular boys from my school, but I don't care that I would marry him.
The funny thing was that he always wore this blindfold, I seriously wonder if he's blind.
"May I keep you company?" he asked immediately, but he did not wait for my answer but sat right next to me.
The only thing I know right now is that he's a little weird, I don't know why, he's pretty big and a little close, too close.
I can even feel his breathing.
As uncomfortable as I feel, I just try to ignore him, because apparently he doesn't feel like having a little chat, which is why I just sit down until tonight comes to an end.
"What's your name?" the white-haired asked me, shattering all my hopes, sighing softly, I answered him "My name is (Y / N) and yours?" "Gojo."
Immediately the silence returned.
Gojo sat down in a more comfortable pose, through this pose there was finally a distance between us, but our legs touched.
I'm not that kind of girl who'd go mad about little things like that.
I'd rather go back inside instead of spending my last day of school sitting down with a classmate in silence and looking at the sky.
After a few minutes I got up and was already on my way when the voice of Gojo rang out behind me "(Y / N), wait!"
I turned around in amazement and saw that he was coming towards me and I automatically looked up because of his size.
"Yes?" I asked immediately and looked at him in amazement, only where should I look?
I can't see his eyes through his blindfold, and besides, what for?
However, this is not my business.
"Would you like to dance with me?" he asked out of nowhere.
"I beg your pardon?" surprised by this sudden question, I was glad to be able to answer normally.
"If you want to dance with me." giggled my counterpart and immediately reached out his hand with slightly pink cheeks - which luckily he could hardly see due to his blindfold - I took his hand.
Due to the loud volume that could play in the sports hall as well as hear the music, it was a bit slow, but still suitable for the mood.
He quickly put my empty cup down a little far away from us and began to guide me.
After a certain point, he turned me around so that my back was touching his abdominal muscles.
Either he just dances a little differently from the others or he does it on purpose.
Now my cheeks turned red like a tomato.
His soft lips found their way to my ear and whispered, "You're not a bad dancer, (Y / N)."
The tall man fastened both of his classmate's hands with one hand and pulled down his black blindfold with the other.
Immediately afterwards he turned her back into a normal pose so that she can move around while dancing.
That was interrupted by his eyes.
While (Y / N) tends to dance with his mouth open, Gojo prefers to grin and continues to lead (Y / N).
When the song was over, the two youngsters had stopped dancing and looked at each other rather lovingly.
A few seconds later he put his blindfold back on where they were before and the conversation continued. "What do you want to do after graduation?"
"I have no idea what about you?"
The white-haired man proudly said, "I'm going to be a teacher at a school where I teach jujuzists."
The joy is clearly written on his lips and it makes me happy to see him happy even though I have known him for about 10 minutes.
"Why are you not coming?"
"I am-“
Out of shock, which was more of an irony, he took a deep breath and acted like a drama queen. "But I guess I know you're a Jujuzist."
"But how?" I asked puzzled, still stay normal.
Gojo told me that it didn't matter and offered me one more time if I would like to work with him at a school.
I mean, I have no particular career aspirations, I am a Jujuzist, I like to help everyone as best I can and I can probably improve and improve my skills.
"Yes, of course." I answered him dearly, you the silence came back again, but this was a little different from the previous one.
Gojo sat down where he was sitting before and knocked his hand next to him, hoping that I would keep him company, but I mean why not?
I sat down next to him in silence and immediately laid my head on his shoulder and looked at the moon.
Today is a special day at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.
Rather said for the students, because today the classes compete against classes.
I just hope no one would overdo it, but since I found out that someone was eating Sukuna's fingers, I've given up.
Luckily it hadn't eaten such a psycho, well, this person would probably have died by like Itadori had luck by his side.
However, I kept an eye on Gakuganji's students.
Because one of them had languished one of my students, but if I should find out that one of his students, or even all of them, one of my students is only a hair too crumbly I break every bone of Gakuganji.
But back to reality right now, all the teachers are in the room looking at the monitor.
While Gojo now and then tries to be in a conversation with someone from this room, the others prefer to ignore him.
But I can't hold it against them and even though I'm his girlfriend, I love heart, right?
Almost an hour has passed, but I can feel an uneasy feeling, I appreciated a look out of the window.
Immediately I turned around and said "We have to get out quickly, our students will probably be attacked!"
Gojo got up amusingly, of course with his comments, but it was Gakuganji, not Iori, who got the stupid comments.
We ran out as fast as we could, the so-called 'shield' leaned on the ground, but as much as I accelerated my pace I was apparently not fast enough.
Surprised, Gojo touched the 'sign', but immediately let go.
There was a small bruise on the palm of his hand, but as well as I know him and his abilities it will go as quickly as possible.
But in contrast to Gojo, Iori can go through half her arm right away.
"Is that an 'Anti-Gojo Satoru Shield'? Gojo asked us, to which I replied," Would be possible. "
The two teachers decided to watch the spectacle inside.
Gojo held my wrist, just like he did at prom, "Gojo, I have to go." "I know, but please take care of yourself."
I tiptoed a kiss on his cheek and walked away.
"You're not either, Gojo Satoru!" Suddenly a stranger yelled at me out of nowhere, well that could be something.
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elen-aranel · 3 years
Stars Above the Desert
The Engineer’s Adventures
1-1 • 1-2 • 2 • 3 • 4
For: @autumnleaves1991-blog Writer Wednesday. Thank you so much for these prompts, Autumn, because without them the Engineer wouldn’t exist. Pairing: Captain Christopher Pike x F!Reader (no Y/N) Warnings: fluff WC: 1600 words Tag list: @jusvibbbin A/N: I didn’t think I had inspiration for today’s image and yet...
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Alnath III is a desert planet, just on the borderline of Class L and Class M. The briefings you had read did go some way to explaining why the colonists had chosen this planet to settle: some were agriculturalists who wanted to develop drought resistant strains of crops; some were scientists who wanted a world they called ‘pristine’ for some biological experiments to do with the formation of life; and one or two were geologists who thought the planet might have resources they could exploit. Not the most obvious basis for a community but they seemed to be getting along, making it work.
The little town they have built is charming in its way; they have made an effort to make it feel like a home, with a little town square, and adobe-style buildings rather than prefabs. Still, you think, as you lie sweating in the sand under an empty water tank just outside town, powering down your phase compensator, you’d have chosen different a planet to colonise. One where the ground water wasn’t so deep you needed mechanical assistance just to get to it, or so laden with minerals and inorganic compounds that it was poisonous until purified.
At least this time it was Louvier rather than Chris who had ordered you to join the away mission, so Number One couldn’t complain.
“Try it again, Ensign Devrin,” you yell to your Tellarite colleague who is some twenty metres away at the control terminal for the well and purification plant you’re trying to fix.
“Aye, Lieutenant,” he shouts back. Everything is silent for a moment, then you hear the sound of water in the pipes below. But just as you’re about to get your hopes up there is an ugly metal grating sound and everything grinds to a halt.
“Sounds like the gears got stripped as well,” you mutter, entering your findings into a PADD.
You check the time. It’s more than half way through beta shift – 21:00 ship’s time but only 16:00 local time.
“Ensign, you might as well return to the ship. Take this to Louvier – he can add these to the fabrication list, though I’m guessing they won’t be ready until the end of gamma. We can get them installed tomorrow.” You stand and stretch, before handing the PADD to Devrin who has come closer to see what you’re working on.
“Aren’t you coming too?” Devrin looks at you, concern in his expression.
“Nah, there are still some things for me to do before the installation, and I want to check on the solar plant while we’re here – make sure all the batteries are nominal, that kind of thing. We don’t want to get called back next month for something else that’s gone wrong.”
“Well, if you’re sure...”
“I’m sure. Have a good evening, Devrin.” You smile at him as he calls for a beam out. You’ve sent the rest of your engineering team back to the ship because you want them fresh for tomorrow, and the things you have left to do don’t take more than one person.
You finish up installing new software to the water plant to accommodate the new components going in tomorrow, then take a walk over to the solar plant.
You’re glad you checked it – while the hardware is all okay – batteries all full at the end of the day, solar panels operating within tolerance – there’s a slight memory leak in the software. You’ve seen this issue on this type of controller before – it’s the kind of thing where it will be fine for ages then suddenly fail, plunging the colony into the dark and causing a lot of heartache. It’s an easy fix, but you make a note to suggest the colonists recruit an engineer on your report. You will not be volunteering.
It’s around 01:00 ship’s time when you finish everything, but only 20:00 local time. The colony is in the planet’s northern hemisphere, and it’s summer, so the sun is only just going down. Part of you considers returning to the ship, but really you had always planned to stay over. By the time you have some food, get back to your quarters, shower and lie down, it’ll be time to get up again. And much as you wouldn’t want to live here, it is nice to breathe fresh air for a while.
You call the bridge to let them know you’re staying. You’re not going to be the only one planetside overnight; almost the entire exobiology department beamed down, wanting to make the most of the Enterprise’s stay – it’s a change for them from endlessly cataloguing species on new planets and they don’t want to pass it up. The Ensigns at least are having a sleepover at one of the scientists’ houses, but you would rather not hear any more about drought resistant triticale variants. You had brought a sleeping bag, your own water and some protein bars.
You walk through the square, nodding to the couple of colonists who are about, and stop a bit away from the edge of town. You find a large flat rock to sit on, and eat a couple of protein bars as you watch the sun set peacefully below the horizon.
You drink some water, then set up your sleeping bag, hoping to get some rest. You’re usually okay at sleeping in uncomfortable places, but it’s cold. You force yourself to shut your eyes, and you keep your breathing slow and steady even as you shiver slightly. You go to pull your sleeping bag around you tighter, but as you do you feel a gentle weight settle over you. You frown and open your eyes.
“Chris?” You lean up on your elbows. “What are you doing here? You should be asleep.” You soften your chiding tone with a smile as he sits beside you, pulling the blanket he settled over you over himself as well.
“And miss the chance to spend time in the desert?” He presses a kiss to your temple and you move to sit up, leaning against him. “I’ve been looking for an excuse to beam down, and when I heard you were staying over I thought I’d come check on you. I thought you might be cold.”
“For somewhere that’s been so hot during the day the temperature sure does drop at night,” you say, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours. You unzip your sleeping bag to make it into a blanket for both of you. Chris helps, and with the two of you together with the sleeping bag and blanket over you, you feel yourself warming quickly. “But even so, it’s nice to have solid ground beneath me, and—not be running away from anything.” You look up at him sidelong.
He huffs a laugh. “Yeah, that’s a good feeling,” he says, slipping his arm around your shoulders. “Is this your first time in a desert at night?”
“First time in a desert at all. Well,” you pause to consider. “Technically second time, because we had a family holiday to Monument Valley when I was eighteen months old. I don’t remember it though.”
“You never visited when you were at the academy?” You hear the surprise in his voice.
“No – my survival training was in the Alps, and then the Amazon. And my friends and I would take a shuttle to Mars or New Berlin when we had time off.” You look around at the dunes, stretching into the distance to mountains on the horizon, then back to him. “How does this compare to the desert where you grew up?”
“Less alive,” he answers instantly. “There were lots of plants growing – grasses, mesquite. I miss the smell. And animals, too – I found a burrowing owl nest as a kid, once. And there were sheep, tortoises, jackrabbits...” his eyes go a little faraway as he remembers. “But there are some similarities.”
He tips you both back, gently, pulling the covers over you. You’re looking at him, so you don’t understand what he’s doing at first, but you follow his gaze upwards, and gasp.
Above you is the Milky Way, almost like a sparkling splash of paint across the sky. You have never seen so many stars; the constellations are unfamiliar but you almost feel like you’re looking down on them. Like you could reach out and touch a star. “I can’t believe the colours,” you say, as you try to take it all in.
He squeezes you a little and you rest your head against his shoulder, still looking up. “This is why I joined up, really. I would sneak out at night and lie there, looking at the stars. It took Admiral Marcus to help me see that command track was the right path, but...” he lapses into silence for a while.
“There’s something magical about seeing them like this, isn’t there? Even though we get to call space home.” You feel him nod, and you can’t resist anymore.
You turn, reaching out, touching his jaw and tilting his face toward you. You kiss him, gently at first, but he turns, pulling you flush against him as he nips at your lower lip. You open your mouth into the kiss and press your body against him, and for long moments it’s just the two of you and the stars wheeling overhead.
There will be plenty of time for you to worry about getting the well fixed, for him to worry about everything that goes into running a starship...
But for a short while you can let everything go.
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