#ravenclaw thunderbird
ladymary1994 · 2 years
Saiba mais sobre as casas de Ilvermorny!
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O mais novo spin-off de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts se passa em Ilvermorny, e desde que foi revelado o nome e a história da escola de magia americana, os fãs de Harry Potter não pararam de teorizar a respeito da dinâmica das casas, suas características e paralelos com as de Hogwarts. E se você é daqueles que quer saber tudo sobre essa escola e quer mais detalhes das casas de Ilvermorny, continue conosco!
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Inaugurada no século XVII, Ilvermorny se inspirou bastante em Hogwarts, pois seus fundadores foram impedidos de frequentar a escola, por circunstâncias distintas: James Steward era trouxa, jamais iria; Isolt Sayre passou anos trancada pela cruel tia Gormlaith Gaunt, que não permitiu que a jovem frequentasse a escola; e os irmãos Chadwick e Webster Boot eram órfãos e se viajassem para a Inglaterra, poderiam ser usados por Gormlaith para atrair Isolt. O sistema de casas foi uma dessas “cópias”, embora os de Ilvermorny tenham achado melhor batizar as suas em homenagem aos animais nativos em vez de usarem seus próprios nomes (dois deles ainda disseram que era “ridículo”, imagina os criadores de Hogwarts vendo isso). A quantidade é a mesma, quatro, porque as duas escolas foram fundadas pelo mesmo número de pessoas.
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PUKWUDGIE: fundada por James Steward, representa o coração, favorece os curandeiros. Esta casa foi criada por um trouxa (ou, como os americanos chamam, nomaj), o que a torna única no mundo bruxo e extremamente popular entre os alunos descendentes de não-mágicos que ingressam na escola. Os Pukwudgies podem não ser os mais inteligentes e talentosos, mesmo assim, ainda se destacam por serem apaixonados pelo que fazem e se esforçarem ao máximo para conseguir algo. Eles também são amorosos, compassivos, autênticos e irreverentes, ainda que um certo pukwudgie que trabalha na escola se destaque pelo seu mau-humor. Além disso, gostam de ajudar as pessoas e têm a mente aberta.
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HORNED SERPENT (Serpente Chifruda): fundada por Isolt Sayre, representa a mente, favorece os estudiosos. Esta casa é a que mais se aproxima de ter correspondente em Hogwarts, já que Isolt, sua fundadora, sempre admirou a Corvinal e queria pertencer a esta casa se fosse para a escola britânica. Mas o seu animal símbolo é um tipo de serpente mágica, o que a liga à Sonserina, que também é outra casa que valoriza o intelecto. Os Serpents não são apenas estudiosos, eles também são bastante criativos, curiosos, dedicados, observadores e estrategistas.
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WAMPUS (Pumaruna): fundada por Webster Boot, representa o corpo, favorece os guerreiros. Webster foi o único dos fundadores que retornou para a Grã-Bretanha, ele se tornou auror de aluguel e um de seus descendentes, Terry, foi membro da armada de Dumbledore. Mais uma prova de que os Wampus não conseguem ficar parados por muito tempo e estão sempre em busca de ação. Nos tempos atuais, não há tanta necessidade dos Wampus se envolverem em guerras, ainda assim, eles seguem comprando briga, para defender o que acreditam ser o certo. Muitos canalizam seu lado guerreiro para o esporte, onde sempre são bastante competitivos e também são leais, determinados, valentes, ativos e fortes, embora eles valorizem mais o físico do que a mente.
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THUNDERBIRD (Pássaro-Trovão): fundada por Chadwick Boot, representa a alma, favorece os aventureiros. Chadwick é o único fundador que deixou descendência bruxa na América. Ele também se destacou como duelista e escritor. Uma de suas obras ainda é usada pelos alunos de Ilvermorny na atualidade, o Feitiços de Chadwick. Eles são os que mais rivalizam com os Serpents no quesito inteligência, embora gostem mais da vida fora da sala de aula. Isso mostra que os Thunderbirds apreciam muito a liberdade. Eles também são ousados, corajosos, audaciosos, ambiciosos, adoram desafios, descobrir coisas novas e explorar novas possibilidades. Volta e meia, alguns Thunderbirds batem de frente com uns colegas da Wampus, muito por conta dos alunos das duas casas serem meio geniosos e não darem o braço a torcer. De qualquer forma, a rivalidade deles não chega aos pés da que há entre grifinórios e sonserinos.
O processo de seleção é bem diferente de Hogwarts: os alunos entram em uma sala, onde devem se colocar acima de um símbolo do nó górdio desenhado no chão. Lá, eles devem esperar que as estátuas mágicas do pukwudgie, pumaruna, pássaro trovão e serpente chifruda se manifestem. Quando quer o estudante, o pukwudgie levanta sua flecha, a pumaruna ruge, o pássaro trovão bate as asas e o cristal que fica na testa da serpente chifruda se acende. Pode acontecer de mais de uma estátua indicar interesse no aluno, neste caso, é o estudante que decide a casa para onde irá.
Depois, há outra seleção, na qual o aluno recebe sua primeira varinha. Apesar de ser permitido comprar em uma loja, passar por esta cerimônia é uma tradição na vida dos ilvermornianos. Eles podem escolher uma de sua preferência ou se deixar ser escolhido por uma varinha.
Ilvermorny já apareceu na segunda temporada de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts, através de suas representantes no campeonato interescolar de bexigas. O time era formado exclusivamente por garotas, o que não foi intencional, e apesar de serem talentosas no esporte, foram eliminadas na primeira fase, pois o nível do campeonato era bastante elevado. Inclusive, uma das garotas do time tem parentesco próximo com uma das personagens principais de Ilvermorny: a víbora e a vidente.
E o Instituto de Bruxas de Salém? É, ele foi mencionado em Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo, e durante muitos anos, os fãs acreditaram que esta era a escola mágica dos Estados Unidos. No entanto, o Instituto é apenas uma associação feminina, voltada para ensinar boas maneiras às jovens bruxas e prepará-las para a vida na sociedade. Muitas recém-formadas vão para lá logo que concluem os estudos, pois em Salém elas encontram uma boa rede de apoio para se desenvolver, fazer contatos e conseguir melhores empregos.
Atualmente, Ilvermorny é a maior escola mágica da América do Norte, e apesar de já existirem escolas para bruxos no Canadá e no México, muitos estudantes desses países permanecem frequentando Ilvermorny. Os outros colégios ainda são muito recentes, e Ilvermorny tem muito mais prestígio, credibilidade e está consolidada, não só no continente, como também no mundo inteiro. Tanto que no início da sétima temporada, é revelado que Percy e Audrey Weasley decidiram mandar sua filha mais nova, Lucy, para esta escola, ao invés dela concluir sua formação em Hogwarts. Eles fizeram isso por acreditar que seria uma boa chance para a garota rever seus conceitos e dar uma nova guinada em sua vida. Mas será que Lucy saberá aproveitar? Para descobrir, e de quebra, saber ainda mais sobre essa escola, recomendo começar a leitura de Ilvermorny: a víbora e a vidente o quanto antes!
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loganparker · 6 months
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Ilvernmorny School Witchcraft and Wizardry
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I’ve always liked Ravenclaw. I used to think I’d be one if I were a witch until I actually took the official house quiz and got sorted into hufflepuff. Both houses are cool though, they’ve got that sort of an underdog vibe going on.
I know I also took the patronus quiz and the ilvermony house one. I think I got thunderbird for the ilvermony one, and a dolphin patronus.
Oh, I've got some fun stories about House quizzes.
I think I may have told this story before, but when my Mom took a version of the House quiz (it was from another site, but it compiled all of the Pottermore questions) she ended up getting a pretty even split down the middle, 51% Badger, and 49% Eagle. She later admitted that there was one question where she knew, she could tell which answer correlated to which House, and she deliberately chose Hufflepuff over Ravenclaw, because "having to get past that Knocker every time would be a pain in the ass." I told her that was the most Ravenclaw thing I'd ever heard.
Indeed, they are the underdog Houses! It's funny that you say you got Thunderbird, because so did I! At least on my first attempt. I can't remember if I ever went back and redid the Quiz again, but I remember being so surprised. Not complaining, mind you, as Thunderbirds are beautiful. (Love Frank, we stan Frank in this house, end of story) but I was totally expecting to get Pukwudgie. It never even crossed my mind that I'd get anything else, because I've always been a "Healer" by nature.
So here's another funny story. Among my friends, I am infamous for my dork powers, and everyone knows I'm the one to ask if you've got a question about Harry Potter, or Shakespeare for that matter. (Among my fellow Thespians, the majority of them dislike or don't get Shakespeare. They are unenlightened but I still love them.) And one night, at like, past midnight, I see that I have a missed call from a friend of mine. I listen to the voicemail, and I can only assume that she had just taken The Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz, because the voicemail went like this: "Blair. I know it's late. But what the fuck is a Pukwudgie??"
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is wampus house the same as gryffindor
All of the Ilvermorny and Hogwarts House have some crossover. For example, many Gryffindors tend to be warriors, since they are suited to bold and courageous (and sometimes reckless) acts.
However, they are not directly parallel. For example, a Wampus can be ambitious and adaptable like a Slytherin, or hardworking and consistent like a Hufflepuff. Likewise, a Gryffindor can have a strong sense of spirituality like many Thunderbirds, or they can be studious and intellectual like Horned Serpents.
It all just depends on the individual!
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alunaloverworld · 1 month
My Hogwart House and Illveromorny House
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I'm a Hufflepuff because I'm patient when it comes to people and myself. I have a strong sense of justice by trying to do things right instead of wrong. I do a lot of hard work by doing things that are hard to do and showing I'm hard work.
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I'm a gryffindor because I'm courageous doing things I'm afraid of and to become a better person by facing my fears. I'm also short tempered as I can easily get angry at things. I can also be reckless like doing things that I don't do or spending things.
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I'm a ravenclaw because I'm imaginative when it comes to storytelling. Can be weird because I have an interest of subject that I watch, read, write and talk about. I like to learn new things and have some wisdom of knowledge based on a particular subject but only the subject that I'm interest and like.
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I'm a thunderbird because I like to travel to places that are new or anything new and do some soul searching of myself knowing my identity. I defy expectations of myself by giving high or low expectations of myself based on how I'm good at things on my pace. I also break boundaries to others by breaking the rules and freedom sometimes I allow space and freedom to others and don't expect to be forced.
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themanirealityshifter · 2 months
• { ¥ First Name: Newt ¥ } • • { ¥ Middle Name: Fynn ¥ } • • { ¥ Last Name: Lupin ¥ } • • { ¥ Nickname(s): None ¥ } • • { ¥ Marauder Name: Rascal ¥ } • • { ¥ Age: 16 ¥ } • • { ¥ Hogwarts House: Slytherin ¥ } •
• { < Pronouns: He/Xe/It/They > } • • { < Gender Identity: GenderFluid GenderFlux Enby TransGuy > } • • { < Romantic Orientation: Gay Demiromantic > } • • { < Sexual Orientation: Fraysexual > } • • { < Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoqueerplatonic > } •
• { ~ Parent(s): Lyall Lupin and Hope Lupin (ńee Howell) ~ } • • { ~ Sibling(s): Remus Lupin (They/He) ~ } • • { ~ Other Family Member(s): Multiple Unnamed People ~ } • • { ~ Partner(s): Darcy Malfoy (He/It) ~ } • • { ~ Best Friend(s): Remus Lupin (They/He); Sirius Black (He/They); Peter Pettigrew (He/Him); Regulus Black (They/He, pref for They/Them); James Potter (He/Him); Lily Evans (She/Her); Marlene Mckinnon (She/Her); Cosmos Lovegood (He/It); and Avery Clayton (They/She) ~ } • • { ~ Friend(s): Celeste Fairwood (She/Flower); Caleb Jackson (He/Him) ~ } • • { ~ Dormmates: Darcy Malfoy; Regulus Black; Baxter Thomas (He/Him); Weston Thorneback (They/Them ~ } •
• { // Animagus Form: Raccoon \\ } • • { // Wand Type: Hawthorn, 11”, and Thunderbird Tail Feather \\ } • • { // Abilities: Expert at Legilimency \\ } •
• { - Description: Golden Brown Hair (natural); Wolfcut (fluffy); Green eyes; Lean, muscular body; Top and bottom surgery scars; Several scars all over body (from nights with Remus); Oval face; Sharper jawline - } • • { - Style: Adrongynous, masculine, and flowy clothes; Usually resort to hoodie and sweat pants; Lots of rings; Tons of piercings - } • • { - Positive Trait(s): Intelligent; Clever; Witty; Sarcastic; Funny; Quiet; Creative - } • • { - Negative Trait(s): Whiny; Tired Always; Easily Overstimulated - } •
• { € Hobbies: Poetry; Chaos-making with the besties; Creating new spells and potion recipes; Searching the school grounds for new rooms and sections; Reading € } • • { € Likes: Sleep; Food (pastries in particular); Working Out; The Library € } • • { € Dislikes: Bullies; Schoolwork; Bedtime; Time Away From Besties and Partner € } • • { € Favorite Class(es): Potions and Transfiguration € } • • { € Least Favorite Class(es): Astronomy
• { # Pet(s): Cat (Shadow) # } • • { # Extra: Schoolwork is easy and I can always get it done quickly (but it’s so tedious); Love my Hufflepuff tagalong; Cannot die; Cannot get significant trauma; There is no Voldemort or Death Eaters, or any alternatives like those; The other Marauders and my friends cannot die # } •
• { ! Schedule ! } •
• { ! 8:00 AM-9:00 AM: Potions ! } • • { ! 9:15 AM-10:15 AM: Charms ! } • • { ! 10:30 AM-11:30 AM: Herbology ! } • • { ! 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Lunch Break ! } • • { ! 12:40 PM-1:40 PM: DADA ! } • • { ! 1:55 PM-2:55 PM: Divination ! } • • { ! 3:30 PM-4:30 PM: Magical Creatures ! } • • { ! 4:30-6:00 PM: Free Time ! } • • { 6:15 PM-7:00 PM: History ! } • • { ! 7:00 PM-8:00/8:30 PM: Dinner Time ! } • • { ! 8:40 PM-9:40 PM: Astronomy ! } • • { ! 9:40 PM-12:00 AM: Free Time ! } • • { ! Curfew: 12:00 AM ! } •
• { ^ Classes ^ } •
• { ^ Potions (Slytherins and Gryffindors): James Potter; Sirius Black; Remus Lupin; Peter Pettigrew; Regulus Black; Darcy Malfoy; Marlene Mckinnon ^ } • • { ^ Charms (Ravenclaws and Slytherins): Avery Clayton; Cosmos Lovegood; Darcy Malfoy; Regulus Black; Celeste Fairwood ^ } • • { ^ Herbology (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Darcy Malfoy; Regulus Black; Caleb Jackson ^ } • • { ^ DADA (Slytherins and Gryffindors): James Potter; Sirius Black; Remus Lupin; Peter Pettigrew; Regulus Black; Darcy Malfoy; Marlene Mckinnon ^ } • • { ^ Divination (Slytherins and Ravenclaws): Avery Clayton; Cosmos Lovegood; Celeste Fairwood; Darcy Malfoy; Regulus Black ^ } • • { ^ Magical Creatures (Slytherins and Gryffindors): James Potter; Sirius Black; Remus Lupin; Peter Pettigrew; Regulus Black; Darcy Malfoy; Marlene Mckinnon ^ } • • { ^ History (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Darcy Malfoy; Regulus Black; Caleb Jackson ^ } • • { ^ Astronomy (Slytherins and Ravenclaws): Avery Clayton; Cosmos Lovegood; Celeste Fairwood; Darcy Malfoy; Regulus Black ^ } •
• { @ Safe Word/Phrase: Back to Hell I go @ } • • { @ Specific Affirmations For This DR: I am at Hogwarts. I am in my dorm room. I am hanging out with the Marauders. I am doing potions/charms/etc. homework. @ } •
• { & Me in this DR (Picrew Form) & } •
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[you peeps have no idea how long this took me to write and plan out 😭 and i might STILL come back to edit this] [also if anybody wants to know more about who is with who, how things work, etc. in this DR, ASK!!!! i would be more than happy to answer]
[edit: changed marauders name and nickname, cuz a sweetheart in the comments let me know about the previous ones i had. THANK YOU AGAIN BTW!]
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ transfer student (Hermione Granger) ☼
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summary; you're a transfer student from ilvermorny, and as soon as you figure out they have quidditch at hogwarts, you know you have to join.
warnings; swearing, death mention.
wc; 3.9k
“Welcome to Hogwarts, (Y/n).” Professor McGonagall says with a smile. 
“Thank you, Professor.”
“We usually sort students at the beginning of the year during the start-of-term banquet, but Headmaster Dumbledore agreed to let you join in the middle of the year. I was told that you’d been sorted into the Thunderbird house at Ilvermorny, however you’ll need to be sorted again for Hogwarts.”
“Sounds good.” You smile.
She nods, “I’m sure you understand the way the sorting works, how you’re only allowed into your own House’s dormitory?”
“Yes, I was a fifth year.”
“Of course. The four Houses here are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rulebreaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor.” She pauses for a moment, allowing the information to sink in. “The Sorting Ceremony will take place in front of the whole school.”
You nod, smoothing out the skirt you were instructed to wear. She holds up her hand, turning away to go inside of the Great Hall. You catch a glimpse of two rows of tables inside, full of students of all ages. Your stomach flutters, remembering that you’ll have to make all new friends.
The ones you made back home in Ilvermorny were nice. You begged your mom not to move you from the school, because you didn’t want to feel like a first year again. She told you that the choice isn’t even left up to her, or your dad. Her job needed her relocated, and she couldn’t say no. If she could’ve let you stay, she would’ve, but you would be too far away from her in an emergency.
You know she feels guilty, so you’ve been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt ever since you brought it up. The last thing she wants is to move to a country she doesn’t know very well, either. She thinks that moving will do you all some good, though. She said it opens up a lot of possibilities for vacation spots. You didn’t laugh.
While you have a minute to yourself, you smooth out your hair, straighten the black leggings, roll up the sleeves of your turtleneck sweater. The weather here so far is horribly cold, and as much as it reminds you of home, you were hoping there’d be some warmth to Hogwarts.
Your mom told you that you should receive a robe and matching outfits with the rest of your house as soon as you’re sorted. If not, you need to send an owl to her so she can figure it out for you. The last thing she wants is for you to look and feel out of place. You love her to death.
The door opens again, and this time, there are a few heads turned your way. You step out of view, feeling the heat creeping into your face. You’re not sure why it matters to you, considering you’ll be walking through the middle of the rows in any minute, but letting them see you early feels wrong somehow.
Professor McGonagall gives you a smile, “You may follow me, Miss (L/n).”
She holds the door open for you to step inside of the Great Hall. You fight the embarrassed expression that wants to take over your face, now that you see just how many students are in here. And most—no, all of them are looking at you right now. Including the teachers at the other end of the Hall.
You avoid any eye contact, letting her come in front of you to lead you to the front of the room. While you walk, you take in your surroundings, where you’ll be spending some of your time. There are thousands of candles floating in the air over the entire room. You can see four long tables, with gold plates and cutlery. When you look up further, you can see that the ceiling is bewitched to be a starry night sky.
From what you can tell, the House colors are green, yellow, red and blue. The tables are occupied by hundreds of students, and yet, none of them are allowed to intermix and sit with one another. That’s new. In Ilvermorny, you’re encouraged to make friends outside of your House to make sure that there’s unity among the students.
You have a similar game to the House points, but something’s telling you that it’s healthier than what they might be playing. You wonder how you’ll know how many points are in your house at any given time. Are you told the amount taken and what’s leftover? Or is there a specific area dedicated to this?
What you do know for sure, is that you shouldn’t have been told about this. You love winning a good game of anything. You’ll kiss ass to get points, if that’s what it takes. Hogwarts will never have a better contender than you.
Professor McGonagall brings you to the stage at the top of the hall, where there’s another long table, just for the teachers. They’re an interesting variety, you’ll say that for sure. You can’t imagine they can be any worse than half the professors back home. In all honesty, they might be bad, but you never dreaded going to their classes like you did in muggle primary school.
You’re instructed to turn around and face your peers. Your eyes widen slightly, not wanting to do this part. You don’t know any of these people, and they’re likely staring at you as if you’re an animal out of the zoo. You don’t want to face their judgement while you get sorted. Usually the older students aren’t even in sight when you get sorted in Ilvermorny.
Your eyes pan around the teacher area while you can before you turn around, trying to find the statues, or where they’ll come from at least. You don’t find anything of significance, so you try and find the seal on the ground, afraid that you’ve overstepped where you’re supposed to be. The floor is just hardwood, though.
How are you supposed to get sorted without the statues? 
You take a deep breath and turn around to face the students of Hogwarts. There’s a lot of faces, boys and girls, with different emotions on their faces. Excitement and confusion are the most prominent. You think you see a few people lean over, going to whisper to their friends.
Then, a stool is placed in front of you. You look at McGonagall, even more confused on how this works. Will the students choose you? What about House ambition? You watch her place a pointed wizard hat on the stool in front of you. Your mouth falls open, and you quickly shut it. It’s a disgusting hat, really. It’s patched, frayed and quite frankly, dirty. Are you expected to put that on your head?
No one speaks for a long couple of seconds. You turn your head to look at Professor McGonagall, unsure about this. Out of the corner of your eye, the hat twitches. You return your attention to it, waiting for what’s next to come. A rip near the brim opens wide like a mouth, and the hat begins to sing.
“Oh, you may not think I’m pretty, But don’t judge on what you see, I’ll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, And I can cap them all. There’s nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can’t see. So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where  dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindor apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you’re a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don’t be afraid! And don’t get in a flap! You’re in safe hands (though I have none) For I’m a Thinking Cap!”
You have no chance to react to the hat before the whole Great Hall breaks into applause. You stare at it as it bows to each of the house tables before returning to stillness. If you’re being honest, you don’t understand.
In Ilvermorny, you’re told to stand in the middle of a Gordian Knot on the floor in the center of the entrance hall. There’s four wooden statues that represent each of the houses on the outside facing in. There’s the Horned Serpent, Pukwedgie, Thunderbird, and Wampus. And if a house wants you, then it’ll react. For you, it was the Thunderbird, and the statue had beat its wings. Rarely, a student will get selected by several statues, never all four. In that case, you get to choose which House you want to join. 
The other difference is the fact that you’re standing in front of your peers. When you were sorted, the older students watched quietly on a balcony from above to not disturb those who were having an important moment. And then when you entered the other Hall, a wand would choose you. It’s a good thing that you get to keep yours from Ilvermorny, you can’t imagine how they figure it out here.
Professor McGonagall clears her throat, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Miss (Y/n) (L/n), she’s in her fifth year. She’s a transfer student from the North American Wizardry Academy, Ilvermorny. She’s going to be sorted.”
You smile meekly, still avoiding eyes.
“Miss (L/n), please put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted.” She says.
You hate this, actually. You would prefer to get sorted again and again back home if it meant that you wouldn’t have to do this. There’s more students at Ilvermorny than at Hogwarts, you did the research, but the entire population wasn’t staring at you as you got sorted.
You pick up the dingy hat from the stool, carefully taking a seat on the stool. You close your eyes when you put the hat on, crinkling your nose slightly. You quickly straighten your face.
You almost jump three feet in the air when the voice speaks in your ear, “Thunderbird, eh? That’s a noble house to be from.”
“It’s for adventurers.” You think.
“Adventurers.” The hat echos, “Interesting. Thunderbirds are typically Slytherin, however…” The voice trails off, maybe it’s thinking. “You’re different. Let’s put you in Gryffindor!”
You can hear a table explode into applause and excitement. You pull the hat off of your head, and set it on the stool. When you look at Professor McGonagall, she’s got her hand out in the direction of the red table, on the far left. You smooth out your skirt in the back before heading toward the table.
A few students are standing up in the middle, motioning for you to join them. They’re all smiling faces, friendly from what you can tell. If they aren’t, you’ll handle it. The students at Ilvermorny can be cruel too, and a lot worse than Hogwarts, you can imagine.
A girl with brown hair and hazel brown eyes greets you with a wide grin. “I’m Hermione Granger, welcome to Gryffindor.”
“I’m Ron Weasley.” A red haired boy with freckles says. He pats you on the shoulder, and your eyes slide past him to a pair of twins that are remarkably similar to Ron Weasley. You’re about to say something stupid like, “Triplets?” When it dawns on you that they’re older. They have to be brothers.
And finally, a boy with lots of dark hair and green eyes gives you a wince of a smile, “Harry Potter.”
You let out a laugh, realizing why he winced like that. You vaguely recognize his name, something about his parents being killed by a certain dark wizard here, but he survived somehow. He must be insanely popular in the wizarding world here, if he’s reacting like that. As if you’re going to have a sudden outburst of excitement.
“Oh, don’t worry, we have plenty of celebrities at Ilvermorny.” You smile, tucking your skirt beneath you as you go to sit down next to him. “I won’t scream and jump up and down—unless you want me to?”
“Please, don’t.” He breathes, sitting too.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Hermione, please tell me that this won’t take long.” You watch her face carefully, she makes a face, holding up her book.
“Why do you think I have my study book?”
You stop where you’re walking in the grass to stare at her. She doesn’t care, she continues heading forward, going toward the large stand dawned in a red flag.
“(Y/n), we’re already late, can you yell at me when we’re up there?” She asks, disappearing through the doorway.
You chew the inside of your cheek, but continue after her. You follow her through the doorway, and up the endless amount of stairs. You think she’s trying to torture you, because you didn’t want to study with her yesterday. That’s all she does though, it’s a wonder why she wasn’t placed in Ravenclaw.
It didn’t take long for you to blend in with the rest of the students. Well, the Gryffindor ones at least. They’re not too different from the Thunderbird House back home, so you feel right at home. Sometimes, though, you find yourself in the mean blonde haired boy in Slytherin, named Draco.
You can see why the hat was so torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin, because you could belong there, but you’d never last. 
At the top of the stairs, you’re gasping for air through your nose and your mouth, trying to restore the oxygen that was stolen from you. There’s entirely way too many stairs here. You’re used to a large campus at Ilvermorny, not quite the whole up and down thing at Hogwarts, like the damn moving stairs. Those are straight out of one of your nightmares.
And apparently, they’re not even an acceptable reason for being late. You learned that one the hard way.
Hermione’s already sitting at one of the benches by the time you’ve caught your breath and decided that you’ll join her after all. She’s got her book across her lap, feather in hand, ink next to her on the bench. This means that it’s not her first time coming here… to do what exactly?
“Alright, will I get an explanation from you before I start yelling?”
“No, you’ll have to wait.” She says, patting the seat next to her.
You purse your lips, squinting at her. You still go over to sit down, but cross your arms and stare ahead. It’s a field of some sort, and there’s three large hoops on either end of the field, but they’re so far up in the air that it’d be impossible to reach from the ground unless the object is bewitched. The stands are positioned at this height for a reason. They kind of remind you of football posts, with how open it is. 
You open your mouth, tired of several minutes of silence, with the exception of her feather scratching along the paper. Suddenly, a gush of air blows your hair clear into your face, and surely into Hermione. You can hear her papers try to rip right off the book.
“What the—” You begin, flinging the hair out of your face.
You’re met with the sight of what you think are students on brooms, but you can’t tell because they’re blurred. You can make out red, for Gryffindor, and yellow, for Hufflepuff. As for who are on the brooms, is a completely new story.
“Is this some sort of sport?” You ask, getting up and beginning to walk down the benches to the first row.
“It’s called quidditch. They don’t have it in America?”
“Uh—no.” You mutter, leaning over the side to see who’s flying in the air. “Not that I know of.”
You squint, searching to find Harry’s dark hair, and three redheads. One of which is grinning at you cheekily, who looks strikingly like Ron. You tell yourself that he’s going to get it later in the common room. You’ll strangle him to death for messing up your hair after spending so long on it.
The game has started, it seems. The smile disappears from Ron’s face, suddenly serious and focused on what’s going on. You can’t make it out, they’re all whizzing around, until you see a ball, and then another. They’re moving erratically, and the students are ducking out of the way, another one of them hits the ball, sending it to the other side of the field.
You can’t help the smile that comes over your face. You stand there for fifteen minutes, unmoving, studying the way they hit the balls, chase after them, and earn points. One of them gets knocked in the head, and all they do is straighten their helmet and return to the game.
“Are you going to sit down?” Hermione asks with a laugh.
“What if I miss something?”
“We could be here for hours, (Y/n). The game ends when they catch the snitch.”
You turn to her, “What’s a snitch?”
“It’s a small golden ball, it’s like a hummingbird. It’s nearly impossible to catch, that’s why they need talented seekers.”
“Seekers.” You echo, “Well, who are the seekers out there?”
“Harry’s the Gryffindor seeker.” 
“And Ron?”
“Ron’s the keeper, he keeps the balls from going through the hoops.”
Now that you’re thinking about it, you’re sure that America has a team. They just don’t have quidditch at Ilvermorny, probably because that defies the whole unity thing and it’ll create issues between Houses. Here, though, it doesn’t matter, because everyone loathes each other, anyway.
It’s cool, and a sure way to get yourself hurt. That’s why there’s a hospital here, so they can heal you here instead of shipping you back home. You’re not sure how your parents will feel about something so dangerous, but you’ll just tell them it makes you happy, and they’ll shut up.
“Do they have a girls team?” You ask.
“Professionally? Of course they do.” Hermione smiles.
You shake your head, “No, here, at Hogwarts. Is there a separate girls team? I’m not seeing any girls out there.”
“Oh, no.” She says, setting her feather down, “They normally just play together. Angelina Jognson is out there, she’s the Gryffindor captain.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” You ask, excitement bubbling in your throat, “How do I get in?”
“Well, it’s too late to get in this year, I think. Tryouts were around October, and the first game was against Slytherin in November. This is our second game, and our third will be in May with Ravenclaw.”
“You only have three official games?” Your face twists, “What do they do for the rest of the year?”
“Practice.” She shrugs.
“Practice.” You mock, turning around to face the game again. “You said the captain was Angelina Johnson?”
“(Y/n), I don’t think they’re going to let you tryout this late.”
“The worst she can say is no.” You tell Hermione, “But I can be pretty convincing.”
“No.” Angelina tells you. She’s turned away, polishing the leather of her quidditch uniform. “It’s too late for you to join.”
“I’m not saying I want to join in the middle of the season, but I would like to try out to see what it’s like.” You sit on the bench. Their version of a locker room is a tent with a few lockers and a chalkboard. You’d hate to see the inside after it’s rained.
“Tryouts will be in October next year.”
“Yeah, but everyone will have an advantage. I’m just a transfer student.”
She pauses for a second, and then turns to you with a twisted face. “Doesn’t Ilvermorny have quidditch?”
“No, we don’t. I don’t even know how we have teams.”
She makes a face, thinking about it. She wipes some of the polish with a rag, before hanging the uniform in her locker. You can see a piece of red tape at the top of the inside of the door, with her name written on in neat handwriting. You guess it makes for an easy clean up when she graduates and they elect a new captain.
She lets out a sigh, “You’re lucky I told the team to stick around because we need to have a meeting.”
You sit up, “Is that a yes?”
“It’s only for an hour.” She holds up her finger. “Find a uniform that fits, take a spare broom, and meet me out on the field. We’ll see what you can do, and if I think we can shape you up, I’ll give you a chance during the Ravenclaw game.”
“Yes!” You cheer, getting to your feet, “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
“I hope not.” She mutters, “You have fifteen minutes.”
From the second she steps out of the tent, you’re scurrying around to find a uniform that fits. It’s fairly easy, you pull it on, tighten the straps, put on knee pads, and the shin covers. You fix the boots to make them more comfortable. There’s an extra broom along the wall that you take. 
You take a deep breath, calming yourself, before you leave the tent, a smirk on your face. Hermione thought you had no chance against Angelina. Mainly because she can be strict, especially when it comes to quidditch. Fortunately, you figured out a long time ago that people have soft spots, and you just need to target them.
“(Y/n)?” You hear Ron shout. You give him a wave. “What are you doing?”
“Trying quidditch.” You wiggle your eyebrows, “I was curious.”
Angelina quickly cuts off your conversation by launching into rules and explanations. What you can and can’t do on the field. What each position means. What the balls are meant for, and how many points they can score. You let her explain all of this, taking in as much information as you can. 
After that, you find yourself on the broom, hundreds of feet in the air, practicing with your friends. Angelina wants you to do a number of tasks so she can properly assess your skill level, where you can improve, and your potential in the future. You dodge, hit and catch. You communicate with your friends, and people you’ve just met. 
You can tell by the look on her face that she wants to accept you. She’s already pulled the twins aside three times to talk to them. And each time, she’s got her eyes on you while she speaks. In the meantime, you fly over to Hermione, where she sits without her study set.
“No longer studying?” You tease.
Her face turns a gentle shade of red, “I couldn’t focus.”
“Why?” You raise your eyebrows, already knowing what she’s going to say.
“You.” She admits. “You’re fun to watch. Harry and Ron are different.”
“That’s not the only reason.” You smile.
“You don’t know that.” 
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sallownights · 1 year
miss americana and the heartbreak prince
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word count: 3.2k
CW: fluff, pining, leander prewett, sexual scenes?, ilvermorny mention lol
A/N: sorry i literally disappeared LMAO, i had the worst writer's block ever. made me want to cry. lol. anyways, hope im back. i hope my brain works. lol. plz send requests so i don't have to think about what to write next. ily. kisses <3. my girlfriend proofread this 😐
pairing: sebastian sallow x female!Y/N
The move from America to London wasn’t entirely awful. Moving my portkey wasn’t entirely what Y/N had in mind when she found out she was going to Hogwarts. 
Moving from Massachusetts to London was certainly different. It certainly wasn’t something that Y/N minded. She missed her friends back at Ilvermorny but she was excited to start school at Hogwarts. Especially since her uncle was a professor there. 
“Uncle Eleazar,” Y/N walked into her uncle’s office. His classroom was beautiful with trinkets around the place, his office the same way. It was full of different things Miriam and him had bought together or collected. 
“Y/N,” Professor Fig smiled, he stood and hugged his niece. His embrace was as warm as a summer day. “How have you been settling in? Are you excited to be sorted tonight?”
“Yeah, but we both know where I’m going to be sorted.” They both nodded and said,
“Slytherin.” The pair laughed softly. 
“Thunderbirds are just too similar. There’s no way that’s not what I’m getting sorted into.” Y/N smiles. She was wearing her old Thunderbird robes that looked fairly similar to Ravenclaw if someone wasn’t paying attention. Fig nodded. 
“Nothing wrong with Slytherin. There’s some talented wizards in there. Did you have a chance to explore the castle yet or were you just talking with Professor Weasley this whole time?” Y/N smiles brightly at the mention of Professor Weasley. 
“Her and I had some tea and discussed what I would be learning here this year and the difference in curriculum. I haven’t had much chance to explore yet.” Fig nods and walks out his office. 
“C’mon, I can show you around before the ceremony tonight.” Y/N followed behind her uncle. Walking around the school was like walking into a fantasy book for Y/N. It wasn’t too different from Ilvermorny but the history was clear. It was palpable. 
“So did you decide if you were to be sorted in front of everyone or in private?” Fig broke the silence as they walk through the Viaduct Courtyard. 
“I was thinking private. I’m not wanting to take away from the first years. The sorting ceremony from my understanding is different than the Ilvermorny one, yes? You get sorted by… a hat?" Y/N's voice was certainly confused. Fig chuckles softly. 
“Yes, the sorting hat. You were sorted by crests?” Y/N nods. 
“Well, that’s one way to do it, I suppose.”
Y/N was right. Slytherin. Her uncle was prepared and put some Slytherin robes in her trunk before she moved in earlier. Fig walks Y/N to the Slytherin common room. She hugs her uncle before saying the password and entering the newly revealed doorway. 
She steps in and walks downstairs. The dungeon was cool compared to the heat outside from the summer air. She took a deep breath as she reached the bottom. 
‘This is my year. It’ll be fine.’ Y/N nodded to herself before walking to her dorm room to go to sleep. 
“Hey!” A voice rang out. Y/N whipped her head around to the voice. It was a taller boy, freckles, nice build. He was holding a large tome and was walking over to her. 
“Uh… hello," Y/N said awkwardly. 
“Is there a reason you’re here?” Y/N tilted her head at the boy. 
“I was going to bed.” Her voice was confused but her American accent was clear as day. The boy’s eyes widen. 
“Oh, Merlin. You’re the new transfer. Apologies. I thought you were a Ravenclaw,” the boy stuck his hand out, “Sebastian Sallow.” Y/N shook his hand. 
“Y/N Fig.” She smiles at the boy. His freckled face was blushing, no doubt from the embarrassment of almost harassing a new student. 
“Fig, eh?” Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “You’re related to the professor?” Y/N nodded.
“Uncle.” Sebastian nods. 
“Ah…" There’s an awkward silence between the two before Sebastian speaks up again. 
“Well, let me know if you need help with anything.” Y/N nods. 
“Goodnight, Sebastian.” Y/N turned on her heel, her face heating up from the awkward interaction. 
“Night, Y/N.”
Sebastian dropped his head and walked to his dorm where his best friend is. 
“Ominis, I’m a fool.”
“Well, I’m surprised it took you this long to notice. 
The next morning, I woke up with a start. ‘New school, new friends, same… same me.’ I go through my new trunk to find where my uncle put Slytherin robes for me. 
I walk out into the common room, seeing my roommates who wave to me and… Sebastian Sallow. He was reading a tome. I was planning on slipping out, but I heard the common room quiet as I walked in. Loud voices turned to whispers and I felt my face burn. I’m not used to this attention. I’m not used to any of this. 
“You alright?” A sudden voice says behind me. I jump at the sound and turn around.
“I’m… yeah, I’m okay.” Sebastian was so tall. Merlin, he had to be at least 6’ 2… and he’s fit. Wait, isn’t that a term for hot? Oh my gods, am I staring at him? What do I say, I’m just looking at him. My face burns. 
“H-How are you?” I try to not make a face at the stuttering words that leave my mouth. Sebastian smirks slightly. God, now he just looks like an asshole… but… but so fine. 
“I’m good. I… wanted to apologize again. For yesterday.” Was he blushing? Oh, I think he is. He has really nice freckles. Oh, Jesus, I’m staring again. 
“It’s okay! It’s alright. I can understand the confusion.” I smile at him. God, I hope I don’t look foolish right now. “Thunderbirds… and… all.” Yep. Foolish. 
“Was that your house at… Ilvermorny?” Sebastian’s voice was so rich. It’s really nice actually. 
“It was! We have different houses based on Native American folklore.” I love my old school. I don’t think I’ll ever stop, but being here now is good. It’s new. I need new. Sebastian has a smirk on his face… did I say too much?
“That’s interesting… is ‘Thunderbird’ like Slytherin then? Cunning, ambitious, and all those other bits?” He took a step closer to me and I felt my face heat up again. I must look like a fucking tomato. So, I just nod.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll fit in great.” Sebastian smiles broadly. It was infectious. No, more than infectious. What’s more than infectious? Viral? Contagious? No, those are just synonyms. 
“Thank you,” I smile back at him. Someone appears from behind him. His eyes were like pearls. They were the most beautiful foggy eyes I’d ever seen. 
“Hello, my apologies for interrupting. I’m Ominis, Ominis Gaunt.”
Potions class. Not exactly a dreadful subject, but certainly not my favorite. The new transfer was seated next to Garreth, For what reason? Garreth is rather annoying. With his… red hair… stupid jokes… and affinity for explosives, she would be better off sitting next to anyone else. Maybe even me. 
She’s rather stunning. She tucks her hair back behind her ears whenever she was focused. Her lips were slightly parted. I bet her lips are so soft. She constantly has chapstick on her. I wonder what flavor she’s using today. Maybe pineapple…
After class, I walk with her to herbology. 
“So, how did your Wiggenweld turn out?” I try to exude confidence when I feel like my heart is thundering out of my chest. I felt like my ribs were cracking under the pressure of the pulse.
“Oh, I think it turned out well. It was something we made back at Ilvermorny, so I had a bit of an edge.” She smiles. God that smile could kill me. Her teeth were perfect. Is that a weird thing to notice?
We walk in silence to herbology. God, she smells so good. Orange? Tangerine? I have no idea. Some kind of citrus. She’s like sunshine. She’s like my sunshine. And my moon. Maybe my stars too. 
Oh Merlín, I sound like a lovesick puppy. She’s just my friend. She’s a pretty cool friend too. Like… sure, she’s really pretty, funny, smart, stunning, talented, and just positively radiant. She’s just a friend though. Yeah. 
“Did you want to go to Tomes & Scrolls?” I looked over at Sebastian. 
“Ha! Like you need to ask.” Sebastian offered his hand to me. He… mmm… he offered his hand. I took it. They were calloused, big… warm. The soft smile that graced my lips was involuntary but not unwelcome. 
Sebastian smiled down at me and squeezed my hand. God, I hate him. These stupid butterflies that fill my stomach. The way his idiotic smile makes his eyes crinkle. His dumb laugh that makes my heart beat faster
Watching his fingers trace the spines of the books. I wonder what it feels like. The soft touch. Am I getting turned on in a bookstore? What the fuck is wrong with me? 
Oh Merlin, am I sweating? I feel like I’m sweating. Can he feel my hand sweating? My hands are so fucking clammy.
“You okay?” Sebastian’s voice broke my thoughts. He could break so much more- what… the fuck am i thinking about.
“O-Of course!” I smiled brightly, in hopes he doesn’t notice the red on my face and ears. He put his hand to my forehead and frowned slightly.
“You sure? You’re a bit flush.” I nodded weakly. His touch sent sparks to every nerve in my body. It always did. Merlin, I hate him so fucking much. Why is he so pretty? why?
“I’m sure! Just a little warm,” I felt my face flare up with embarrassment. Sebastian just nods. I’m glad he doesn’t press, but I know he wants to. 
We continue to shop and walk around Hogsmeade. Every bag I’ve gotten Sebastian has taken from me. He hasn’t let me carry any. 
“Seb, cmon, I can take them. I feel like you’re struggling.” His arms were straining a bit in his jacket. My eyes shoot over to look before going back to his face. I will not be caught staring. Not if it’s the last thing I do. 
“I’m fine, love,” My eyes widened at the pet name. My face got immensely hotter. Is… is he blushing too? No… oh my god, Y/N… say something. 
“O-Okay.” We begin walking back to the castle. The sun was setting, the sky was a beautiful mix of pinks, oranges and yellows. I took a moment to look out. I could feel Sebastian behind me. His cologne was so… stupidly attractive. 
The silence was so comfortable. The night was beginning to cool down and I moved my hands to my arms to warm them. Sebastian was rustling behind me and I felt his jacket get draped over my shoulders. Merlin, if he makes me blush one more time… I will… do something. Sebastian’s arms wrap around my waist and his head moves to my shoulder. Against my better judgment, I lean against him.
“There’s something just so peaceful about sunsets. Sure, the sun goes away, but it always comes back the next day. Even if we can’t see it. It’s there.” His voice was low and husky in my ear. I couldn’t do anything else but nod. Staring out at the sky, I felt myself getting lost in it. Felt myself get lost in Sebastian. I hold myself in his arms. 
What I would give to freeze this moment. To just… be here with him. Is this foolish? I’ve only known him for three months and I’m already putty in his arms. I feel more helpless than I have in years. 
I feel his hands slide across my stomach to my waist and I turn around before he pulls back fully. 
“Sebastian…” My voice came out quieter than I wanted it to. His eyes were so beautiful, especially in this light. His freckles danced across his face and gave him the boyish charm I’ve grown to adore. 
“Y/N…” I felt him move closer. Our bodies were pressed against one another’s. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Can he feel it? I lean in and shut my eyes. Oh Merlin, his lips look so soft. 
“Y/N!” Sebastian and I jump back from each other. Amit was waving from a bit away. I put my head in my hands and look back up.
“Amit, hello,” My heart was pounding. I felt like my nerve endings were on fire. I took a small step toward him. 
“Hello! I’m headed to an astronomy table, are either of you wanting to join?” I closed my eyes. I wasn’t upset with Amit. It’s probably a good thing that he stopped us from… kissing. 
“Oh, uhm… no, I’m alright…” I look over at Sebastian. Sebastian shakes his head. “Yeah…. We’re uhm… we’re alight, Amit. Thank you, though.”
Amit nods and walks off. Sebastian and I don’t look at each other as we get my bags and walk back to the castle.
I was outside watching Y/N and Natty play summoner’s court. Things had been a bit awkward for a while after… uh… you know. 
Leander kept walking by and talking to the girls. Something about him just made my blood boil. I don’t know if it was his bad hair or his even worse personality. Natty and Y/N had parted ways after they finished playing again. I began to stand off the grass, collecting my things. I saw Leander walk up to Y/N. 
‘Mmmm. Interesting.’ My thoughts were already running wild. What if she liked him? What if she liked his shitty hair? Or his bad dueling skills? What if she didn’t want to be around me anymore because she dates him? I shake my head, trying to clear these thoughts from me. 
I try to keep my distance as they talk. I try not to look at them. Y/N is her own person. She can do what she wants… and I’ll be there. I’ll be whatever she needs me to be. Friend, dueling partner… something more. Gods above, I wish to be something more. 
I was snapped out of my thoughts as Leander put his hand on her arm. She moves away from him and Leander steps closer to her. I try to keep my cool, I feel myself moving toward the two.
“There a problem?” I heard my voice. I felt like I wasn’t controlling myself anymore. Y/N is a perfectly capable witch. She’s strong. She’s smart. She’s… stunning. Y/N  can take care of herself, but everything in me was screaming to protect her.
“Nah, Sallow, just having a chat with Y/N.” Leander stepped closer to her and she stepped back again.
“Doesn’t look like she wants to talk.” My voice was low and a bit strained. 
“This doesn’t concern you, Sallow. Her and I are fine.” Leander takes another step toward Y/N before I put myself between them. My hand goes to Leander’s chest, pushing him away.
“Back off, she obviously doesn’t want to talk.” My heart was pounding, I was too nervous about her being hurt. About what he would do to her. 
“Oh? Playing protector? Never took you to stoop so low just to get laid-” Before Prewett can finish his sentence, I throw a punch against his jaw. I watch him stumble backwards and onto his back.
“Leave her alone. She’ll talk to you when she wants.” I was towering over him. There was something almost satisfying about protecting Y/N. She’s capable, sure, but… I want her to feel safe. I turn back to her and check to make sure she’s alright. I know he didn’t do much but… who knows. 
“Are… are you alright, love? Mentally, physically… emotionally?” She nods softly and I hold her face to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Maybe to feel her skin against mine. Maybe both. 
“Seb, I’m okay. Are you?” Her hands moved to mine. I held onto her face softly. I couldn’t bear to think of her being hurt. I nod. 
“I thought… I just… I don’t know. I… I got worried.” She nods. 
“I know, but I can handle myself.” I close my eyes and breathe deeply.
“I know, I just… want to… protect you sometimes.” She nods again and moves my hands from her face. She intertwines our fingers and leads me to the Undercroft. When we get there, she holds my hand softly, examining my knuckle.
“I’m okay, Y/N. Promise.” She sighs softly and stands up straight. Her fingers brush back and forth on my skin. I could feel heat rising through me. She moves closer to me and wraps her arms around me into a hug. I hug her back gently. She’s too precious to me to hurt. 
“Seb?” Her voice was quiet. I could listen to her all day. I don’t care about what, but I would just listen. 
“Yes?” My voice matched her’s. I moved my hands back to her face softly. I ran my thumb softly over her cheek. Her skin was so perfect, so smooth. 
“Why do you want to protect me?” Her voice gets quieter, almost to the point where I can’t hear it. 
“I- well- uhm…” I stutter, the familiar heat rising through me again. “Can I… show you something?” Y/N tilts her head before nodding. I take a deep breath. 
My lips meet hers. Her lips were covered in some kind of chapstick but I didn’t care. I wanted more. Needed more. I held her face softly as we deepened the kiss, my hands moving toward the back of her head. I felt her arms wrap around me as her body gets closer to mine. I moved my hands down her body, savoring every moment. This is all I’ve wanted for so long. For six agonizing months. I hear her gasp softly as my tongue finds hers. 
I don’t know how long we stay there for, in all honesty, I don’t care. I was with her. She was with me. That’s all that mattered. We pull back after what seems like hours. Our breathing heavy from the lack of oxygen. 
“Y/N… I like you. I’ve liked you for so long.” I kiss her cheek gently before moving to her jawline and down her neck. I hear her sigh softly and her hand moves to my hair.
“Seb- I-I like you too.” I smile against her skin before kissing the nape of her neck. I move back to look in her eyes. I kiss her gently.
“So beautiful. You’re mine, yeah?” I murmur against her lips in between kisses. I feel her nod and whisper. 
“All yours. Always been yours.” I smile and kiss her sweetly again. I pull her down onto the lounge and kiss her deeper. I move her hands above her head as I get on top of her. I kiss down her neck and bite softly, eliciting moans from her. 
“I’m… going to go.” Y/N and I flinch as a voice calls out from the gate. 
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studyate · 1 year
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Welcome to my cozy little corner of the internet, where I indulge in my love for all things study-related. Come say hi, I love to make new friends :)
About Me:
Hi! I'm Vaidehi (she/her), a 22 year old, final year medicine student from India!
Fun Facts:
I'm that techy girl who's going to come and help the teacher with the smartboard
There are only 6 months remaining for my final year exams, so this is definitely not an attempt at procrastination, I swear! I'm just strategically postponing my stress and anxiety until the last possible moment.
I spend my time with video games or romance, adventure and mystery novels
I'm learning Italian on Duolingo
I'm a Ravenclaw/Thunderbird
I play Chess on Chess.com and also King's Choice if you wanna be friends there
I paint sometimes
I'm trying to be a Gym regular
I'm a Swiftie and Directioner
If you're looking for a study buddy or just someone to chat with about school, feel free to send me a message! I'm always happy to make new friends and support each other through our academic journeys. 😊
I'll just tag my original stuff with #studyate I guess
People who inspired me to make this studyblr:
A huge thank you to @studyquill for her post on how to make a studyblr <3
@featheredstudies @a-cloak @studyblr @studyblr-perhaps @emmastudies @ibycaceres @stargazerbibi @medstudentblues @glimmry @faerieicetea @caramelcapuccino @darkacademicreads @ben-learns-smth @frenchiepal @diaryofastemstudent @academia-lucifer
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loganparker · 4 months
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gaygryffindorgal · 9 months
the volta family
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erebus volta | january 14th, 1886 | capricorn | thunderbird | @potionboy3
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gretta volta, née byrn | march 14th, 1905 | pisces | slytherin | @gaygryffindorgal
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idalia volta, née selwyn | march 20th, 1898 | pisces | ravenclaw | @potionboy3
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marlon volta | october 2nd, 1916 | libra | pukwudgie | @gaygryffindorgal
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melinoe volta | april 8th, 1923 | aries | slytherin | @gaygryffindorgal
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jason volta | july 27th, 1924 | leo | gryffindor | @potionboy3
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skylla volta | september 21st, 1926 | virgo | slytherin | @potionboy3
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illias volta | september 21st, 1926 | virgo | hufflepuff | @gaygryffindorgal
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theonesillywitchgal · 6 months
lil background and information for my fanfic
Reader character: I don’t wanna refer to you as y/n, so you’ll have a nickname like Lemon (cause you’re probably fruity as fuck). You went to Hogwarts and was basically modern Hermione, except a Ravenclaw. Graduated with several N.E.W.T.S, and ended up going to the uni that they had for Europeans and Americans.
Hazel: Hazel was sorted into Pukwudgie, and thrived under that house in Ilvermorny. All events in Bottoms happened in her seventh year, except it was Thunderbird vs. Horned Serpent in Quidditch. loser!Hazel has my heart, and I will be incorporating her into this story.
the uni they’re going to: Basically, Isolt got together with one of her fellow relatives who went to Hogwarts around mid-1700s, and they both agreed higher education should be provided for witches, warlocks, and wizards. They built a magical building similar to Hogwarts in the Netherlands, and divided it into five parts by language: English, German, Dutch, French, and Italian. Classes were the same among all languages, and some majors you could take included: Magical Creatures, Dead and What’s Beyond, History, Polictical Science for the Ministry, and many more. This is where said protagonists meet, and everyone falls in love and such. Blegh.
So yeah. That’s it.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Lost Boys House:
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He went to Ilvermony, homeboy doesn’t believe in the UK. He belongs to Thunderbird.
Is anyone surprised he’s a Slytherin?
He’s a Ravenclaw and would have been house boy. That’s where he gets his motherly instincts from.
I think he’d be a Hufflepuff. There’s a reason we’re rumoured to be the foodie and stoner house, lol. Paul’s love language is food, and he shares it with everyone! (Also because I’m a Paul kinnie and I’m a Hufflepuff 🥺)
Sad to say, homie is a Gryffindor! He does everything with as much stupidity as the best Gryffindor’s. No thoughts, just do!
I think she’s a Ravenclaw, maybe it’s her style swaying me. But she seems really intelligent and elegant.
A Hufflepuff, and no not just because he’s small. He’s a loyal little fucker and he’s adorable when he’s clingy!
She’d be a Hufflepuff for sure, but since the otehr older members have been banished to America, she would also have been a Pukwudgie.
He’s Harry Potter levels of Gryffindor… might as well be Godrick’s son, but we forgive him for it. Little shit!
A Hufflepuff just like his mama 🥺
Believe it or not, homie is a Ravenclaw. I fully believe he always had a book in his hand when he’s not plotting a slay. Comic or not, he likes learning things.
I don’t even know how this is possible but he’s a Slytherdor. Edgar knows how to play both sides, and he’s smarter than we give him credit for.
Grandpa Emerson:
He too went to Ilvermony and tottaly has a feud with Max! He would have been a Wumpus!
An: I’m totally not simping imagining the boys being young British lads or anything… I mean imagine it 🥺
@auntvamp @patient1666074 @oceansrose2002 @tohuntafreak @queer-and-utter-chaos
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dreamerofasgard · 7 months
Hopes for The Thunderbird & The Dragon
Chapter 1 - House of Ambition
Year 1 Part 1/4 I will try to keep each year to 3-5 parts. Once again if you wish to be tagged leave me a comment or DM me.🐍
Warnings: First-year prick attitude Draco. (self-explanatory) First-year Pansy Parkison (I know some people don't like her) Blood status.
Word count: 1.8k
After the grand tour of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall, and Headmaster Dumbledore took your family and the four students to his office for a private sorting hat ceremony. You remembered that the first years normally got sorted on the first night in front of the entire school but due to you being a transfer, you got a private one.
“Now if Ms. Whitlock, if you would kindly take a seat we can get you sorted into your house,” Dumbledore said as he pulled up a chair for you to sit down. As you sit on the dark brown chair you see your mother take hold of your father's hand in excitement which makes you smile a bit as Professor McGonagall puts the Sorting Hat on your head.
" Ah, a transfer from our friends at Ilvermorny eh?" the sorting hat said as it took a moment to think, "You could be like your mother and make Ravenclaw proud you surely have the thirst for knowledge," it said as your mother smiled brightly at you along with Robert Hilliard the prefect for Ravenclaw "Or perhaps you would do best in Slytherin. Their cunning ambition to achieve great things knows no bounds." As the Sorting hat said this you thought it over, you were always an ambitious child and did help your cousins make a band despite their reluctance.
"Ah, I see. Slytherin!" the hat said as Professor McGonagall took the hat offer waving her wand to have your plain Hogwarts uniform transfigured into Slytherin robes. "Congratulations Ms. Whitlock," she said as Gemma Farley and your parents approached you as you stood up.
"I shall show you to our common room and help you get settled, that is if you'll allow Professors," she said looking at Dumbledore and McGonagall.
"I think that's a good idea, Ms. Farley. I believe we will have Ms. Whitlock rooming with Ms. Parkison and Ms. Greengrass" Dumbledore said as he dismissed the three boys from the other houses.
"I'm so proud of you sweetie," your parents said as they brought you in for a group hug before handing back your wand to you before following Gemma to the Slytherin Common room.
Your wand, thirteen inches, maple wood, phoenix feather core, slightly springy. Despite living most of your life in America your mother insisted on getting your wand from Ollivander's in Diagon Alley. When you first picked your wand from the box it made the room almost shake. Mr. Ollivander said that it was a sign of great potential and one's power that goes beyond the wand, whatever that meant you had no idea.
As you made your way to your common room Lux walked next to you careful not to bump into other students who were staring at you, the new kid. You weren't bothered that much by their stares after all you had just arrived during the second week of classes. As you continued onward on the Grand Staircase, Gemma came to a stop allowing other students to make their way to different classes when a girl your age wearing Slytherin robes walked up to her.
"Gemma, I was told by the Bloody Barron that Daph and I would be getting our third roommate today, do you know what time that will happen?" said the girl with a short brown haircut.
"Word does travel fast when you have ghosts in Hogwarts," said Gemma as she motioned for you to step forward, "This Is Y/n Whitlock a transfer student from Ivermorny. She just arrived a few hours ago and got sorted into our house. Please show her to your room while I fill in her parents on a few matters," she said before walking over to your parents.
"So you are the new girl," Pansy said as her eyes lit up, "my name is Pansy Parkison one of your roommates, a pleasure to meet you," she said as she reached out her hand to shake. After shaking hands Pansy led you down the last set of many stairs to the dungeons just outside the Slytherin common room.
"Has McGonagall or Gemma told you the password to get in?" Pansy asked curiously. "I don't think they did," you said trying to remember if McGonagall, Dumbledore, or Gemma said anything about a password.
"I thought so," said a disappointed Pansy as she before walking up to the wall and said "Thestral" Once the word was spoken a snake for the floor curved up and made an archway that revealed a door. "Welcome to your new home," Pansy said as she took your hand and walked carefully down the spiral staircase that oddly enough had a small water fountain at the bottom of it.
"Oh wow" was all you could manage to say as you looked at the Slytherin common room. The stonework was incredible and the windows looking out into the bottom of the Black Lake were gorgeous. The rugs all over the stone floor gave the cool interior a home feel as the fireplace and couches looked so welcoming. You walked further in and saw the skylights of stained glass on the ceiling before looking around more and seeing all the display cases, tapestries, and living portraits. The common room was full of greens and grays giving it a cold look but you didn't mind much. You were under the Black Lake so the structural integrity was more important than if the common room was extremely homie.
Pansy chuckled as she walked up beside you. "It's quite amazing isn't it?" she looks around the room with you as your eyes land on the statue of Salazar Slytherin. "That's one of the founders Sal-"
"Salazar Slytherin, known for his determination and ambitious nature. Valued keeping magic to pureblooded families and left Hogwarts after a disagreement with the other founders about muggle-borns" you said as you looked up at the statue as you recount the history McGonagall told you during the tour. "Sorry that I cut you off Pansy."
"No no, it's fine. I'm just surprised you know some of the history" she said as she took your hand again and started walking towards one of the dorms on the girls' side. "Well, Professor McGonagall did give a detailed history of the castle during the tour with my parents. This place is full of so much history and stories of past adventures, it would be a shame not to explore and learn its secrets" you said as you picked up Lux as Pansy opened the dorm to your dorm room.
"You do have a point, " Pansy says as she walks into the dorm room "Welcome to our room!" she says happily as a girl with Blonde hair looks up from her desk surprised. "Daphne say hello to our new roommate."
"You must be Y/n Whitlock. The Bloody Baron told us that you were most likely going to be rooming with us." Daphne said as she walked over to you. "I'm Daphne Greengrass, we will be in most of the same classes along with Pansy," she says as she shakes your free hand. "And who is this sweet one?"
"This is Lux, my mom gave me her before we left," you say as Lux mews cutely as all three of you smile at the kneazle.
"I believe we should help get you unpacked," said Gemma from the doorway with your trunks and owl as she smiled at the sight of the three girls getting along.
*about 15-30 minutes later*
"I believe that's all of it," you say as you take your owl Ripley out of her cage to let her walk around the room a bit before dinner.
"So what is all this muggle stuff, I thought you were a pureblood," Pansy asked as she went through your stack of records both confused and curious.
"Well, my family has a deep love of music and that extends to the no-mugis aka muggles' music. We are a pureblood family though in America we try to see the no-magis or muggles as just people. My family does know the inherent "value" of blood purity but when it comes to certain things like music" you say as you get up and start flipping through your vinyls.
"I guess when you come from America the stance on muggles is different. My parents, however," Pansy says as she picks up an album by The Rolling Stones, "Don't care for anything Muggle-related, Can we put this one on?" she says holding the record out to you.
"Oh this is a good one and one of my father's favorites," you say putting the record on and adjusting the volume so it's not too loud. Daphne smiled softly as the room was filled with music she never heard before.
After an hour or two of sharing your favorite albums with the girls, it was just about time for dinner. As the three of you made your way to the Great Hall you let Ripley find her way to the Owlery by following the other owls flying overhead. As you made your way into the Great Hall you followed Pansy and Daphne and sat down with four other boys.
“And who are you I don’t remember you from the sorting ceremony,” said the blonde boy with grey eyes as he looked at you confused why you were sitting with his friends.
“I’m Y/n Whitlock, I just transferred from Ilvermorny and got sorted this morning. And you are,” you say as you look at the blonde as well as the three other boys.
“Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. These two are Crabbe and Goyle,” the two boys boys across from him nodded as Draco continued, “The quite one is Blaise Zabini” as Blaise looked up and smiled softly at you. “So Whitlock are you by chance related to Frederick Whitlock the new Chief Auror?” He said as he sounded a little excited. Everyone looked at you waiting for your response as being a pureblood meant that your family had wealth and some sway in the ministry but having your parents in important positions meant if anyone messed with you there would be consequences.
“That’s my dad yeah, he just got the promotion last week as well as my mum becoming the Head of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures,” you said as you started to put some food on your plate as you smiled proudly at your parents’ achievements.
“My father was telling me about you folks, apparently your father is one of the best Aurors since Aesop Sharp and Theseus Scamander. Your father will be giving Mad Eye Moody some competition,” Draco said as the tone shifted from slightly uncomfortable to welcoming, “And your mum is practically set up to be the next Newt Scamander my father heard.”
“That’s my parents for ya. Always dreaming big and aiming for the stars,” you smiled before you started eating as the rest of dinner the group filled you in on what you missed the first week of classes as well as telling you about the Gryffindor trio that was the bane of Draco’s existence.
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✨🌟💫Golden Trio DR💫🌟✨
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<{ • First Name: Mars • }> <{ • Middle Name: Fynn • }> <{ • Last Name: Black • }> <{ • Nickname(s): None • }> <{ • Age: 16 • }>
<{ • Pronouns: He/Him • }> <{ • Gender Identity: Genderfluid TransGuy • }> <{ • Romantic Orientation: Gay Demiromantic • }> <{ • Sexual Orientation: Gay Fraysexual • }> <{ • Other Orientations: Ambiamorous; Homoqueerplatonic • }>
<{ • Parent(s): Sirius Black and Remus Lupin • }> <{ • Sibling(s): None • }> <{ • Other Family Member(s): Harry Potter (god-brother)(cousin); Draco Malfoy (cousin); Other Unnamed Family Members • }> <{ • GodParent(s): James Potter and Peter Pettigrew • }> <{ • Partner(s): Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Best Friend(s): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Fred Weasley; George Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • Friend(s): None • }> <{ • Dormmates: Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy; Blaise Zabini; Freddie Lilac • }>
<{ • Hogwarts House: Slytherin • }> <{ • Wand Type: Hawthorn, 11”, and Thunderbird Tail Feather • }> <{ • Abilities: Expert at Legilimency • }>
<{ • Description: Wavy Black Hair (wolfcut, i use it sm i know, but i love it); Black eyes; Lean, muscular body; Top and Bottom surgery scars; Several scars all over body; Oval face; Sharper jawline • }> <{ �� Style: sweatshirts and sweatpants; baggy jeans; converse sneakers; flowy black and white shirts; lots of jewelry (rings in particular); tons of piercings • }> <{ • Positive Trait(s): Intelligent; Sarcastic; Good memory; Witty; Funny; Quiet; Book-ish; Creative • }> <{ • Negative Trait(s): Whiny; Anxious and Depressed; Tired always; Easily Overstimulated • }>
<{ • Hobbies: Chaos-making with the Twins; Potion and Spell-making with the Twins; Poetry; Painting; Searching the Hogwarts Grounds to add more sections and rooms to the Map; Reading • }> <{ • Likes: Food; Sleep; Spending time with cousin; Working out; The Library • }> <{ • Dislikes: Bullies; Schoolwork; Bedtime; Boredom; Time away from partner and besties • }> <{ • Favorite Class(es): Potions and Divination • }> <{ • Least Favorite Class(es): Astronomy • }>
<{ • Pet(s): Ferret (GreenBean) • }> <{ • Extra: Schoolwork is easy and I can always get it done quickly; Voldemort and the Death Eaters (or any alternatives of those) do not exist; Sirius, Remus, James, Regulus, Peter, they all live and they’re all good; Cannot die; Cannot get significant trauma there; None of my family or friends can die • }>
<{ • Schedule • }>
<{ • 6:00 AM-7:00 AM: Breakfast Time • }> <{ • 8:00 AM-9:00 AM: Potions • }> <{ • 9:00 AM-9:30 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • 9:45 AM-10:45 AM: Charms • }> <{ • 10:45 AM-11:15 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Herbology • }> <{ • 12:30 PM-1:30 PM: Lunch Break • }> <{ • 1:40 PM-2:40 PM: DADA • }> <{ • 2:40 PM-3:10 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 3:20 PM-4:20 PM: Divination • }> <{ • 4:20 PM-4:50 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 5:00 PM-6:00 PM: Magical Creatures • }> <{ • 6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Dinner Time • }> <{ • 7:10 PM-8:10 PM: History • }> <{ • 8:10 PM-9:00 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 9:10 PM-9:40 PM: Astronomy • }> <{ • 9:40 PM-12:00 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • Curfew: 12:00 AM • }>
<{ • Classes • }>
<{ • Potions (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Charms (Ravenclaws and Slytherins): Luna Lovegood; Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • Herbology (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • DADA (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Divination (Slytherins and Ravenclaws): Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Magical Creatures (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • History (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Astronomy (Slytherin and Ravenclaws): Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }>
<{ • Me In This DR (Picrew Form) • }>
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mementio-mori · 2 months
🥏🐙🎃🌕 for the ask game? (and a new follower!)
Oh my, hello! I bid thee welcome to my abode~ 🥏: Favorite romance trope? I don't really follow romance in media, I'm more inclined for the ones I tend to explore when I write. 😉 Slow burn, soulmates, opposites and intentional equals, all depends on the dynamic of the pairing but nevertheless entertaining to see. 🐙: Your favorite thing you’ve said? Literally anything out of context I've said in my Discord servers. If I took the time to scroll for the perfect example, we'd be here all night. 🎃: Hogwarts House? (not a transphobe supporter, promise!) (Lmaos in only watching the movies so I don't have much weight in the discussion except Rowling fuckin' sucks.) That being said, I did take the Pottermore tests, I'm in the Ravenclaw and Thunderbird houses. 🌕: Your weirdest nickname? Probably Mayjay, derived from my usual alias of Majora. I dunno how it stuck for years but it did. Runner up goes to me being called Alice and/or Laurence.
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