loganparker · 8 months
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cursedwithwords · 9 months
HP Next Gen Headcanons: Louis
Full Name: Louis John Delacour-Weasley
House: Gryffindor
Wand: alder and unicorn hair
Patronus: robin
Profession: wandcrafter
Sexuality: gay
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Bonus: Bill wanted to name him John in honor of Remus but Fleur ALWAYS won the name game, so instead they made it his middle name. Effortlessly gorgeous to an almost uncomfortable degree (is it the quarter veela in him? who knows). Has the signature Weasley freckles and used to be super self conscious about them. He's always had a lot of anxiety since childhood, suffering from insomnia, nightmares and sleep paralysis. A huge mama's boy. The most reserved out of his siblings as well as between he, Rox and James. He has a good relationship with both his sisters but has more in common with Dominique. Despite his generally quiet personality he has a BRUTAL sense of humor and is just as much of a chaotic figure as Roxanne and James. James' best friend (if you don't count Teddy).
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solomanta · 6 months
On Wand Crafting
I have always found it foolish that the only thing one can find on how to craft a wand says to ask the tree permission and leave a gift after. As if that was somehow the only way.
This method is an oversimplification. Most likely written by a light side witch whom wished to create a wand in harmony and peace with nature and suchlike.
The only thing that is true for all wands is that you must search for just the right tree.
Read up on tree-types and their symbolism, find what suits you and your purpose best. Then go into nature with your mind focused on your purpose, and lay your hands on as many trees you need to, until you find the tree that resonates with you and your work.
Don't be surprised if it deviates from the tree type you researched. Sometimes we find what we need, not what we search for.
After that is when it deviates from the common method.
If you want a wand that can heal and unify with some grand divinity of light and fluffy bunnies, by all means, ask permission from the tree and leave your offerings. The light side magic will not work if it is forced. That is the nature of white magic.
But if you follow the Darkness, and seek a Wand for a Darker purpose, then you must consider what that purpose is, and how you will use the wand.
A Warlock*, like myself, and anyone else whom serves the Darkness, would stand before roughly two choices;
You may seduce it, or choose to take it by force.
Should you choose to seduce the Brance off from the tree, find a brance that is fitting and who's energy feels willing to come with you --then take it from the tree and cut it's ties with it's source. Make your promises, speak of the great Power you will allow it to work with, the loving care you will treat it with, or whatever else that seems fitting. And when the Branch, and the branch alone, seems eager to come with you, cut it from the tree quickly and fully. Remember to cut it's spiritual bond to the tree as well. A few well-placed words will do.
No offerings will be made to the tree, it only birthed the branch, and as such, deserves nothing.
But keep in mind such a wand must always be treasured, and taken great care of, and used for the purpose you spoke of to it, least it becomes spiteful for your failure to deliver what you promised.
The second way to gain the wand is to take it by force. No question of what it wants, no offerings. Simply your Will and Power, taking what you want.
Once home, treat it kindly, lovingly, even as you dominate it compleatly. Brand it, twist it into the shape and color of your choosing. But afterwards, whisper words of love and admiration, and polish it gently.
What you wish for is a reaction not unlike the Stockholme Syndrome. In which the wand becomes attached to you, and learn to love it's Master and tormentor.
Twist it's energies with cruelty and love, until it cannot say where one ends and the other begins.
Done right, this wand will be fanatically loyal to it's owner. And woe to the one whom dares attempt to use it, without their Master's clear and explicit permission. (And even then, it may still reject all but it's owner.)
The Darker and more cruel the acts for which it is used, the better a weapon it will become. A wand such as this makes the greatest and most powerful of weapons.
But keep in mind that if you fail to gain it's loyalty, this type of wand could easily become a hateful item. More of a cursed item that needs a powerful Will to dominate and use it. Those whom fail to dominate this wand it will destroy.
Of course, that could be what one desire when making it in some cases. If only to allow it fall into the hand of an enemy with a weaker will. For it will no longer respond to kindness. Not at this point...
The Path of Darkness is a dangerous one, but also immensely rewarding.
Don't allow fear to stop you from walking this wonderous Path.
As an extra tip: Whenever you study magic, remember to always ask why something is done.
Once you understand why it is done, then you can modify the spell, ritual, and/or your actions to fit your own purpose.
For example; If you want a playful wand, you could treat it like a puppy, and use it to play tricks on people.
For a wand used to seduce and draw in sexual energy, first seduce it, then shape it to suit such a purpose...and I am quite sure you know ways a well-polished wand can be used to further infuse it with such energies...
Remember this lesson when crafting all tools, and all spells; Always learn why it works. Not just how.
(*I use the word Warlock in it's original meaning; As one whom has broken off with g-d to serve the Devil, and works his Dark Arts.)
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talestoldbywands · 2 years
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Those with the Hippogriff Patronus are among the most sincere and loyal characters in the Wizarding World, violently defensive of anyone they care about; and also secretly forgiving, even of enemies, allowing them to grow and change over time.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
I wonder often why Deathly Hallows as a book is so fascinated with wandcraft and wandlore, especially after the series has spent six volumes being more or less disinterested in it (with the exception of the Twin Cores plot in Book 4). A weirdly high % of the plot depends on who owns whose wand and why: the wand mixup with the Snatchers, Harry's wand being broken, Draco's wand, Bellatrix's wand, and of course, the final rigmarole over who's the "rightful master" of the Elder Wand, which ends up being a weird combination of killing/disarming/fist-fight to disarm someone who... wasn't even wielding the Elder Wand at the time he was disarmed, which begs the question of what it counts to "disarm" someone of a weapon they're not technically wielding? Also, are we to assume that Dumbledore was not disarmed once in the N years since his fight with Grindlewald? Or — here's a harder one — that Draco wasn't disarmed once between Dumbledore's death and his fight with Harry? That's plausible, but it's kind of weird that I need to believe it for the rest of the plot to make sense.
And like, I can think of a few Doylist reasons for this to be the case. The first is that JKR wants Voldemort to kill Snape in the boathouse, which allows Harry to get Snape's memories and retroactively justify why Snape's acted this way since PoA (and explain where the sword comes from in the lake in DH, too). I can think of better, more character-driven reasons for him to kill Snape (just... blow Snape's cover? reveal him as a double agent? have him try to kill Nagini? idk), but let's suppose, for subtextual reasons, she wants Voldemort to think Snape was loyal to the end. Having him die by Nagini's hand muddies the already-opaque water of what constitutes "disarming," because Nagini is a living creature. What if I drop someone into a pool of piranhas? Do I get their wand? Yeah, Voldemort commands her, but then — okay, what if I Imperius someone and make them disarm someone else? I get that it's not like DH has time for Harry to sit down with Ollivander and go through all of the tiny procedural rules for wand usage, but also, are these not relevant questions? Is this not the central mechanic of the final battle, this one piece of magic? Am I not supposed to wonder how it works?
The other reason I can imagine is that Harry wins a duel against Voldemort 1v1, which is not terribly believable unless there's some kind of magical advantage working in his favor. We know the Elder Wand's failure to execute the Cruciatus means Harry can't be harmed by spells the Elder casts, because it's his "true master." This is a really weird quirk in wandlore — why does it work this way? Is it the only wand that works this way? By that logic, shouldn't everyone Harry disarms be incapable of casting spells on him? — that emerges in Book 7, apparently for the purpose of giving Harry a buff in the final duel. Functionally, that's weird, because on a technical level it works the same way as Lily's protection — it's a reason that Voldemort can't hurt him. So why get rid of Lily's protection at all? It's not like he duels Voldemort between Book 4 and Book 7. The graveyard scene artificially hikes the stakes for Harry by making him physically vulnerable, pretty much only so he can die at the end of DH... except again, not for real, because Voldemort only ends up killing the piece of Harry that's a horcrux, so it doesn't even count!
And then Harry replaces the wand in Dumbledore's tomb. Which would be a nice moment if the lore hadn't established that anyone who disarms Harry, ever, will become the master of the Elder Wand by default. Harry knows this. He also knows that this knowledge is out there in the world; sure, Grindlewald's dead now, but do we think that Grindlewald never told anyone else about the Elder Wand? And he learned about it from somewhere, didn't he? So Harry might naturally assume that someone else would eventually come looking, in which case Dumbledore's tomb is far from the safest place to put this equivalent of a wizarding nuke. (Not that it seems to be all that powerful anyway; the coolest thing it does is fix Harry's other wand, and we're left wondering why the Elder Wand is considered "unbeatable" when people who own it seem to be getting disarmed all over the fucking place.)
Also, in retrospect, this makes it incredibly odd that Dumbledore allows Draco to disarm him, because he's giving the Wizarding Nuke to a 16-year-old servant of Lord Voldemort. Suppose that he's trying to prevent Snape from getting the wand, because he doesn't want Snape to be a target: okay, fine, but does he know Draco's going to give Snape credit for the kill? What if Draco lies? What if LV just... accepts the fact that the wand recognizes Expelliarmus as a point of transfer, and either disarms or kills Draco? And in any case, no matter what the answers to these questions are, why didn't he just ask Harry to disarm him before he went to the lake?
I'm usually not one to be an asshole about plot holes — mostly because, taken by themselves, I don't find them that interesting — but they become interesting to me when I see several of them in the same vein, because they tell me that the author's trying to do something. And they want to do it so badly they're willing to strain other parts of the story to make it happen.
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sparxyv · 1 month
Mousey Student ID 💙🐭
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NOW 😏 time for Mousey's official introduction.. get ready for another huge infodump! (this one's even longer than Milena's I'm so sorry 😭😭)
Template by @kiwiplaetzchen !!! (Thank you again 😙🫶)
Mousey is the youngest of four brothers. Clyde, Lachlan, and Magnus.
His three big brothers have long since moved out of the McGregor house, going on to become very successful each in their own ways. They were all sorted into Ravenclaw, and were all part of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team at some point in time.
Mousey's mother - Florence McGregor (née Prewett) - is Leander Prewett's father's sister (so Leander's aunt lol). She was sorted into Gryffindor!
Mousey's father - Fergus McGregor - was sorted into Slytherin when he attended Hogwarts. Naturally, he is very prideful and ambitious - oftentimes (accidentally) placing pressure on his sons to pursue things that are not in their interest to impact the family legacy in a meaningful way. Fergus genuinely cares for his sons, he's just unaware of the effect his words have on their psyche. 🙁
Fergus McGregor was a keeper for the Montrose Magpies for 3 years before Magnus was born, and after that he decided to settle down for good. Quidditch was his passion, and he was ecstatic when all his sons shared the same love for it.
The McGregors have resided in Irondale for generations! They have a quite small house for a large family - but fret not, it's bigger than it looks on the outside.
Mousey is 5 years younger than the brother closest in age to him - Clyde - while his three older brothers are each only about two years apart from each other. This feeds into Mousey feeling like an outcast in his own family. (Clyde - 20, Lachlan - 22, Magnus - 24)
Life Before Fifth Year
Growing up, Mousey had always been an exceptionally anxious AND impulsively loud child, so he found it was a miracle he made friends with Anne Sallow during his first week at Hogwarts. Anne was always terribly kind to him, helping him out when he needed a shoulder to lean on, giving him lots of encouragement - which he so desperately needed. Anne, being extremely mischievous, self-confident, and empathetic, she made the perfect best friend for Mousey.
Mousey wasn't exactly a permanent addition to the Sallow Twins and Ominis' little group, but they would hang out with Mousey more often than not. Up until fourth year, they were practically his only friends. (We'll get to this in a bit.. 😙)
In order to impress his father - Mousey started training on a broom as soon as he first attended Hogwarts, but his heart was only half in it. Although he was very talented with a broom, it was never a true passion of his.
Speaking of Mousey's true passion - he is deeply fascinated by wandlore/craft. Ever since he recieved his first book on wandcraft at the age of seven, he quickly became entranced by it. Mousey absorbed all the information he possibly could and constantly visited Ollivanders in Hogsmeade in his free time once he was allowed to by the school.
Sometime at the start of fourth-year Sebastian and Mousey got into a HUGE argument that quickly ended their friendship. After this argument occured, Sebastian practically banned Anne and Ominis from speaking or interacting with Mousey in any way out of sheer pettiness 😒. Mousey was heartbroken. While he would swear up and down it did not affect him, he genuinely loved Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis.. losing their friendship was difficult on him. Although, sadness quickly turned to anger and he held a big grudge against Sebastian. After the big fallout, he vowed he didn't need them - immediately going on a quest to make as many friends as possible. And ultimately, he did.. but it never felt the same.
Like Milena, I'm planning on creating a separate series of posts going more in-depth with his relationships w/ characters - so take this list of his closest friends!
Ominis Gaunt
Anne Sallow
Milena Chase
Amit Thakkar
Everett Clopton
Andrew Larson
Samantha Dale
Duncan Hobhouse
Garreth Weasley
Leander Prewett
Eric Northcott
Poppy Sweeting
Arthur Plummly
Unnamed Students
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Mousey is a complicated type of extrovert. He grew up constantly fighting for attention - he learned quickly that he needed to be loud and to stand out to be seen. Mousey is the type of person to only want a few close friends, but a large circle. He loves socializing with everyone, typically coming off as very cheery and playful, yet more snarky + sarcastic with people he's more comfortable with. However, he's also very anxious. He's quite the overthinker - yet never exactly thinks ANYTHING through at the same time. He's the epitome of impulsivity.
In addition to him being anxious - Mousey cares too much of what other people think of him, especially the people he loves/looks up to. He finds himself constantly trying to impress his friends and family because he craves external validation to feel good about himself.
Mousey is very sensitive, but can oftentimes be seen as apathetic when it comes to heated moments. He's very much controlled by his emotions and feelings, which has put a strain in a lot of his relationships. Mousey feels emotions more intensely than most of his peers, his mood also being affected by the people around him. (Although when he's not blinded by his own feelings, he is actually very sweet and caring person. 😞)
If there was one word to describe Mousey - NOSY. As a Ravenclaw, he's obviously inclined to want to know as much as he can about anything. With that being said, he's a NASTY gossip. Mousey knows everything about everyone, always around and listening in the background.. 😊
Just like how it is in other parts of Mousey's life, he feels that he's an outlier in his Hogwarts House. Other than being curious and passionate about learning, he isn't as clever as other Ravenclaws - not great at riddles, oftentimes having trouble even entering the common room. So he tries his best to make the best of it, befriending his housemates, joining the quidditch team, etc.
When it comes to being active, he can make an exception for Quidditch - for his father - but other than that, he HATES physical activity. Unfortunately he's a bit on the cowardly side as well. He could be reckless and get a burst of confidence, but in general Mousey is terrified of dueling, sharp things, large creatures, and especially cats. You wouldn't usually catch him out in the Forbidden Forest, or in any of the hamlets far from Irondale.
Additional Fun Facts!
The only people who don't refer to him as 'Mousey' would be Ominis, Imelda, and Milena - all for different reasons.
Mousey actually likes his nickname, not minding it one bit - although, he doesn't remember how he got it.. but even the teachers have called him Mousey since his first year.
He used to have very prominent buck teeth up until he was 13, having them magically fixed (by Anne Sallow) after his big brother Clyde had made fun of them.
Mousey is the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and Keeper in sixth-year! 💙
Other than Sebastian, his nemesis at Hogwarts is Charlotte Morrison (whom Milena actually made friends with???). She just really irritates him in a way he can't describe. The feeling is mutual.
He is very close with a lot of the teachers, most notably Professor Fig and Professor Garlick.
Mousey makes wood-carving animals representing the people he loves, and keeps them in his dorm. (Some would be: Ominis - Bat, Anne - Fox, Sebastian - Snake, and the newest addition.. Milena - Eagle 💜 I like to imagine Mousey came to terms with his and Milena's friendship at one point and secretly made her little animal to keep 🥹) No one knows the meanings behind the animals but him. They are his to keep and to protect.
Bi icon 💙💜🩷
Had a crush on Adelaide Oakes in third-year. (his type is blondes I guess?)
Was nearly sorted into Slytherin, but the hat changed it's mind at the last second.
Raphael is the only feline that tolerates Mousey. (And vice versa)
Knows about the Undercroft.
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bunnybuttfluff · 5 months
Noita is the best magic-themed roguelike ever because in a game with exponentially increasing difficulty you get to fight back trillion-hp bosses with mechanics that are so absurdly exploitable that the line between "exploit" and "feature" are practically nonexistent -- you're literally ENCOURAGED to break the game.
Like, I could talk about the insane wandcrafting system as a whole but that would be too long, so off the top of my head I will just say two actual exploits that the devs took notice of and intentionally kept in the game as features:
The heartache exploit. In the game, as with many roguelikes, you will find health upgrades that increase your max hp. There is also a specific enemy that will attack you and temporairly half your max hp, and it stacks, so you can go from 100 to 50 to 25 and so on until the effect wears off.
But! Someone figured out that when your hp goes back to normal, from 25, to 50, to 100, if you picked up a heart while under the effect, the extra health will also multiply. So you could get yourself to 1hp max, pick up a health upgrade, and as your health would increase, you'd get yourself up to thousands of maximum extra health.
The devs took notice and what did they do? Slightly rebalanced it and kept it in the game as a feature.
The next one, the infinite lifetime spell, or infiniwisps. The game has several spell modifiers to change the behavior of your projectiles, such as its trajectory or lifetime (that is, how many frames it lasts). Amongst those are the Reduce Lifetime spell and the Boomerang trajectory, which decreases a spell's duration by 42 frames and make the spell to arc towards you respectively.
Now, a spell's default lifetime is slightly randomized, but when you reduce its lifetime to exactly -1 (not 1, not 0, not any negative number, exactly -1) the projectile breaks and lasts forever. So you can combine for example a Healing Bolt with Reduce Lifetime and a Boomerang arc, fire repeatedly and if you get just the right rng you get a projectile that follows you around forever healing you on contact.
The devs know about this, and instead of removing this glitch, they decided it was cool as fuck (because it is) and kept it. So much so that when you perform the trick you get an acheivement and the game acknowledges you with "the gods are very impressed with you."
You're literally rewarded for breaking the game. The game encourages you to abusing its weird mechanics. And in a game in which you play as some kind of power-hungry mage, I wouldn't have it any other way. I fucking love this.
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
Hogsmeade Locations - Part One
Just some shops and restaurants I came up with. Pictures were made with Bing Image Creator.
Part Two
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Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair
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Welcome to "Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair" – your one-stop destination for all your broomstick needs! Step into our sleek and modern showroom, where you'll find the latest models of racing brooms proudly displayed, each designed for speed, agility, and precision.
From the sleek and aerodynamic Nimbus series to the cutting-edge Firebolt models, we offer a wide selection of brooms tailored to suit every wizard and witch's racing preferences. Our knowledgeable staff are on hand to provide expert advice and assistance, ensuring you find the perfect broom to take your flying to new heights.
But we're not just about selling brooms – we're also committed to keeping your trusty steed in top condition. Our skilled team of technicians offers comprehensive maintenance and repair services, from routine tune-ups to emergency fixes. Whether it's a minor adjustment or a major overhaul, you can trust us to get your broom back in the air and performing at its best.
At "Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair," we're passionate about flying and dedicated to helping you achieve your racing dreams. So why wait? Visit us today and experience the thrill of high-speed broomstick racing like never before!
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Diviner's Delight
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Step into the mystical realm of "Diviner's Delight," where the secrets of the future await. As you enter our enchanted shop, you're greeted by shelves adorned with sparkling crystal balls, shimmering scrying mirrors, and an array of other divination tools, each whispering tales of destiny and fate.
Browse our carefully curated collection of divination instruments, each imbued with ancient magic and designed to unlock the mysteries of the universe. From ornate crystal balls that reveal glimpses of the future to intricately carved scrying mirrors that peer into the depths of the soul, we offer a wide range of tools to suit every aspiring seer and mystic.
But that's not all – at "Diviner's Delight," we also offer personalized fortune-telling services performed by our skilled and experienced diviners. Whether you seek insight into love, career, or destiny, our gifted practitioners are here to guide you on your journey and illuminate the path ahead.
So come, embrace the magic of divination and unlock the secrets of the cosmos at "Diviner's Delight." Your destiny awaits, and we're here to help you uncover it.
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Spellbound Scribbles Stationery
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Step into the enchanting world of "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery," where the ordinary becomes extraordinary with the stroke of a magical quill. Our shop welcomes you with shelves lined with an array of mystical writing supplies, each imbued with spells and charms to enhance your writing experience.
Discover our collection of enchanted quills, crafted from the finest phoenix feathers and dragon scales, designed to glide effortlessly across parchment and imbue your words with magic. From self-inking parchments that record your thoughts as you speak to inkwells that never run dry, we offer a range of innovative writing tools to inspire creativity and wonder.
But that's not all – at "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery," we also specialize in personalized enchantments and bespoke stationery designs. Whether you seek a magical journal to capture your dreams or a spellbook to chronicle your adventures, our skilled artisans are here to bring your visions to life.
So come, explore the possibilities and unleash your imagination at "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery." With our magical writing supplies, every word you write is sure to cast a spell and leave a lasting impression.
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Enchanted Wandcraft Studio
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Welcome to "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio," where the magic of wandmaking comes to life. Step into our boutique and immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where each wand is crafted with care and precision to reflect the unique essence of its owner.
Browse our extensive collection of wand designs, from elegant and traditional styles to bold and whimsical creations. Whether you seek a wand adorned with intricate carvings or one infused with shimmering gemstones, we offer a wide range of options to suit every witch or wizard's taste and personality.
But what truly sets us apart is our customization services. At "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio," we believe that every wand should be as unique as its owner. That's why our skilled artisans work closely with each customer to create a wand that perfectly captures their essence and aligns with their magical abilities.
So come, unleash your creativity and discover the wand of your dreams at "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio." With our personalized service and attention to detail, your wand will be more than just a tool – it will be a reflection of who you are and the magic you possess.
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The Butterbrew Bistro
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Step into the warm and inviting ambiance of "The Butterbrew Bistro," where the golden glow of butterbeer casts a spell of comfort and nostalgia. Nestled in the heart of Hogsmeade Village, our café is dedicated to celebrating the beloved beverage in all its forms.
Indulge your senses with our array of butterbeer variations, from steaming hot mugs of frothy goodness to icy-cold concoctions that refresh like a cool breeze on a summer's day. Craving something sweet? Try our butterbeer-flavored pastries and desserts, each infused with the rich, buttery flavor that has enchanted generations of witches and wizards.
As you sip and savor, take in the cozy atmosphere of our bistro, where the laughter of friends and the aroma of butterbeer mingle in the air. Whether you're seeking a cozy spot to catch up with friends or a quiet corner to enjoy a book, "The Butterbrew Bistro" welcomes you with open arms.
So come, raise a glass to the magic of butterbeer and experience the warmth and charm of "The Butterbrew Bistro." With each sip and bite, you'll be transported to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the simplest pleasures are the most enchanting.
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Sprout & Spell Kitchen
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Welcome to "Sprout & Spell Kitchen," where the magic of food meets the goodness of nature. Step into our cozy and inviting restaurant, where every dish is crafted with care and creativity using the finest magical ingredients.
As you peruse our menu, you'll discover a tantalizing array of vegetarian and vegan-friendly dishes, each bursting with flavor and nourishment. From enchanted salads sprinkled with fairy dust to hearty plant-based entrees infused with mystical herbs and spices, we offer something to delight every palate.
But that's not all – at "Sprout & Spell Kitchen," we're committed to accommodating all dietary needs. Whether you're gluten-free, dairy-free, or have other dietary restrictions, our chefs are happy to customize dishes to suit your needs, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a magical dining experience.
As you dine amidst the charming ambiance of our restaurant, you'll be surrounded by the comforting aromas of herbs and spices, and the laughter of friends and family sharing a meal together. Whether you're a seasoned herbologist or just starting on your magical culinary journey, "Sprout & Spell Kitchen" welcomes you with open arms.
Take a little peek at our menu:
Appetizers: - Enchanted Garden Salad - Fresh greens, edible flowers, and enchanted herbs, drizzled with a magical vinaigrette. - Fairy Cauliflower Wings - Crispy cauliflower florets tossed in a savory fairy dust seasoning, served with a tangy dipping sauce. Main Courses: - Mystic Mushroom Risotto - Creamy Arborio rice cooked with wild mushrooms, enchanted herbs, and a hint of truffle oil. - Cauldron Curry - A hearty blend of seasonal vegetables simmered in a fragrant curry sauce, served with fluffy jasmine rice. - Spellbound Stir-Fry - Crisp vegetables and tofu sautéed in a magical stir-fry sauce, served over a bed of steamed noodles. Desserts: - Enchanted Berry Crumble - Fresh berries baked with a sweet and crunchy oat topping, served warm with a scoop of vegan ice cream. - Chocolate Cauldron Cake - Decadent chocolate cake infused with magical cocoa powder, topped with a rich chocolate ganache and edible gold flakes.
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The Magic Mug Microbrewery
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Welcome to "The Magic Mug Microbrewery," where every sip is a spellbinding experience. Step into our cozy gastropub and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of craft beer and wizarding delights.
At "The Magic Mug," we take pride in brewing a rotating selection of unique and flavorful craft beers right on-site. From hoppy ales to rich stouts, our brewmasters conjure up potions to please every palate. Pair your brew with our delicious pub-style snacks and meals, crafted with care and served with a touch of magic.
But the magic doesn't stop there – join us every week for our legendary trivia nights, where students and wizards alike can put their knowledge of wizarding history, magical creatures, and spells to the test. Compete with friends and fellow enthusiasts for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights, all while enjoying a pint of our finest brews.
Whether you're a seasoned beer connoisseur or just starting your magical journey, "The Magic Mug Microbrewery" invites you to raise a glass and experience the magic of craft beer and camaraderie. Cheers to good times and great brews at "The Magic Mug"!
Take a peek at our menu:
Craft Beers (Rotating Selection): - Wizard's Wit - A refreshing wheat beer with hints of citrus and herbs. - Dragon's Breath IPA - A bold and hoppy India Pale Ale with a fiery kick. - Unicorn's Delight - A mystical and fruity saison brewed with magical herbs and spices. - Phoenix Ale - A rich and malty amber ale with notes of caramel and toast. - Mermaid's Kiss - A light and crisp pilsner with a hint of sea salt and seaweed. Pub-style Snacks: - Potion Poppers - Crispy jalapeno poppers filled with gooey cheese and served with a tangy dipping sauce. - Gillyweed Guacamole - Creamy avocado dip infused with magical herbs and served with crispy tortilla chips. - Dragonfire Wings - Spicy chicken wings tossed in a fiery hot sauce and served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing. - Butterbeer Pretzels - Soft pretzels brushed with butterbeer glaze and sprinkled with sea salt, served with warm cheese sauce for dipping. - Troll Toes - Savory sausage rolls filled with seasoned meat and wrapped in flaky pastry, served with mustard for dipping.
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Bludger's Bites Cafe
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Welcome to "Bludger's Bites Cafe," where the spirit of Quidditch comes alive in every bite. Step into our cozy cafe and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of the wizarding sport, where the passion for Quidditch is as strong as the aroma of our delicious fare.
At "Bludger's Bites," we pay homage to the beloved sport with a menu inspired by Quidditch teams and players. Indulge in savory quiches, crisp salads, and hearty sandwiches, each named after famous teams and players from the Quidditch world cup. From the bold and fiery flavors of the Bulgarian Bonanza sandwich to the fresh and zesty Nimbus salad, we offer something to delight every Quidditch enthusiast's palate.
As you dine amidst the magical ambiance of our cafe, you'll be surrounded by the excitement and camaraderie of Quidditch fans from near and far. Whether you're a seeker, a chaser, or simply a fan of good food, "Bludger's Bites Cafe" invites you to savor the flavors of Quidditch and experience the magic of community and camaraderie.
So come, grab a bite and toast to the thrill of the game at "Bludger's Bites Cafe." With each mouthful, you'll taste the passion and excitement that make Quidditch the most magical sport in the wizarding world.
Take a peek at our menu:
Savory Quiches: - Chudley Cannons Quiche - A hearty blend of sausage, peppers, and cheddar cheese, baked in a flaky pastry crust. - Holyhead Harpies Quiche - A vegetarian delight featuring spinach, feta cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes, baked to perfection. - Wimbourne Wasps Quiche - A spicy combination of chorizo, jalapenos, and Monterey Jack cheese, with a kick of hot sauce. Crisp Salads: - Nimbus Salad - Fresh mixed greens topped with sliced apples, walnuts, and crumbled blue cheese, dressed with a tangy balsamic vinaigrette. - Falmouth Falcons Salad - Grilled chicken breast served over a bed of romaine lettuce with bacon, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and ranch dressing. - Montrose Magpies Salad - A Mediterranean-inspired salad with cucumber, olives, feta cheese, and roasted red peppers, drizzled with a lemon herb dressing. Hearty Sandwiches: - Gryffindor Grinder - Sliced roast beef, caramelized onions, and melted provolone cheese on a toasted hoagie roll, served with au jus for dipping. - Slytherin Sub - Grilled chicken breast with pesto, roasted red peppers, and fresh mozzarella cheese on a toasted ciabatta roll. - Hufflepuff Hero - A classic BLT with crispy bacon, lettuce, and tomato, served on toasted whole wheat bread with mayo. Accompaniments: - Quaffle Fries - Crispy seasoned potato wedges served with a side of spicy ketchup. - Golden Snitch Soup - A hearty soup of the day, served with a warm roll or slice of bread. - Firebolt Chips - Thinly sliced potato chips seasoned with sea salt and rosemary.
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The Lute and Ladle Tavern
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Welcome to "The Lute and Ladle Tavern," where the spirit of medieval feasting and music reigns supreme. Step into our rustic tavern and be transported back in time to an era of hearty meals, lively music, and warm camaraderie.
At "The Lute and Ladle," we specialize in serving up hearty and satisfying fare fit for knights and wizards alike. Feast on succulent roasted meats, savory pies filled with flavorful fillings, and grilled vegetables cooked to perfection over an open flame in the hearth. Each dish is prepared with care and served with a side of rustic charm, making every bite a taste of history and tradition.
But the magic doesn't stop there – "The Lute and Ladle" is also a hub for live music and entertainment. Enjoy acoustic sets by local wizarding bands and performers as you dine, or take the stage yourself during our open mic nights for aspiring musicians. With the sound of lutes strumming and voices singing, our tavern comes alive with the joy and energy of live music, creating an atmosphere that's as vibrant as it is welcoming.
So come, gather with friends and fellow adventurers, and experience the magic of "The Lute and Ladle Tavern." With hearty meals, lively music, and warm hospitality, we invite you to make memories that will last a lifetime in our medieval-inspired haven of good food, good company, and good times.
Take a peek at our menu:
Main Courses: - Roasted Meats Platter - A hearty selection of roasted meats, served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. - Savory Pie Sampler - A trio of savory pies filled with chicken and mushroom, beef and ale, and vegetable medley, served with a side salad. - Grilled Vegetable Skewers - Seasonal vegetables grilled to perfection and served with a garlic herb butter. Beverages: - Ale of the Realm - A hearty ale brewed in-house and served in tankards. - Elderflower Cordial - A refreshing non-alcoholic beverage made with elderflower syrup and sparkling water. - Mulled Wine - A warm and spiced wine, perfect for sipping by the hearth on a chilly evening.
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The Enchanted World Bistro
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Welcome to "The Enchanted World Bistro," where culinary magic knows no bounds. Step into our enchanting restaurant and embark on a culinary journey across wizarding cultures from around the world.
At "The Enchanted World Bistro," we celebrate the diversity of magical cuisine, offering a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by cultures near and far. From the spicy flavors of Indian curry to the comforting warmth of British shepherd's pie, our menu features a variety of international favorites, each infused with a touch of magic that sets them apart.
But we're not content to simply stick to tradition – at "The Enchanted World Bistro," we love to push the boundaries of culinary creativity. That's why we also offer fusion creations that blend magical and Muggle ingredients in unexpected ways, creating dishes that are as innovative as they are delicious.
So whether you're craving the familiar comforts of home or eager to explore new culinary horizons, "The Enchanted World Bistro" invites you to indulge your senses and experience the magic of food from around the globe. With each bite, you'll taste the richness of wizarding culture and the boundless possibilities of culinary enchantment.
Take a peek at our menu:
Main Courses: - Dragonfire Curry - A spicy Indian curry made with tender chunks of dragon meat and served with basmati rice. - Wizard's Shepherd's Pie - A classic British dish with a magical twist, featuring savory minced beef, vegetables, and creamy mashed potatoes. - Phoenix Pasta - Spaghetti tossed in a rich tomato sauce with roasted garlic, basil, and grilled chicken or vegan meatballs. - Enchanted Sushi Roll - A fusion creation featuring magical ingredients like sea serpent scales and mermaid seaweed, rolled with sushi rice and avocado. Beverages: - Polyjuice Potion - A colorful and refreshing fruit punch served in a goblet. - Butterbeer Float - Creamy butterbeer topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. - Firewhisky Sour - A smoky and tangy cocktail made with firewhisky, lemon juice, and a splash of simple syrup.
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mrsvalbaker · 13 days
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{{{{Emily Halliwell
Emily Serena Halliwell
Mother, Monica Halliwell (nee Chandler) is an American pure-blood witch from Ipswich, Massachusetts. She was born in a matriarchal witch family, the Chandlers are Salem descendants, her mother Hazel Chandler is a pure-blood heiress, an aurologist and owns a luxury crystal business for non-maj and magical community, and a travelling socialite. She is very independent and never desired marriage but children, and chose her lover, a curse-breaker pure-blood, Spellman Goldstein, cousins to Tina and Queenie Goldstein. He is adventurous man who travels all over and loves women and liquor, he's good natured but never desired to be a husband or father, but he's in love with the spirited and independent, Hazel Chandler and agreed to giving her three children. Together they had Monica, Lorelei, and Amanda. He gives them money and gifts and sometimes shows up, but lisn't much of a father, just how Hazel likes it.
Monica was a Thunderbird at Ilvermorny and top of her class, she excelled at every subject.
After graduation she went to no-maj second education, getting a bachelor's in Anthropology at Harvard University, then went to Oxford University to get a bachelor's in Arts and Humanities, she lived with her Great Aunt Zelda who was always busy so she had the townhouse to herself. She took ballet classes as well as acting, she loved the muggle world and had to know everything about everything. Her Humanities professor, the handsome and popular, Dr. Darren Halliwell was intrigued by the mysterious American beauty, he's a viscount of Cotswolds as well, and tried to ignore how he felt about his favorite student, but eventually late nights happened and they couldn't resist each other.
They were serious for years and moved in together after dating for two years, after two years she told him she's a witch and he still loved her, when she was 34 and he was 44 they married despite his family being against it, and she became the Viscountess of Cotswolds.
She became a potioneer, alchemist, and Magical physician. They lived together at his manor in Cotswolds, she opened up a new age shop called The Bell, Booke, and Candle, for muggles, and for the wizarding community, in Diagon Alley, she opened up a sort of an apothecary called The White Cauldron.
They eventually had their daughter Emily.
At their home, Monica has a black goat called Lucifer, her own familiar a black cat named Grimalkin, her screech owl Lilith, a jackalope called Hy-Brasil, Darren has his white bavarian shepherd named Mayerling they all love and protects the home.
Emily has a black and red fox, named Salem, a vampire bat called Pyewacket, and a two white bunnies named, Lancelot and Tristan.
Emily is very good with creatures magical and non magical, same for plants.
She also has a knack for potions and divination is strong with her, she's a very traditional witch.
Emily can speak to animals
She's also good at wandcraft she made her own out of a jackalope horn given to her by her grandfather Spellman Goldstein, from a pet jackalope of his that passed, she used the nail of a werewolf for the core given to her by her Aunt Mandy who had a female werewolf love that gave it to her, and it's twelve inches, carved pagan symbols and vines into the wood and sprinkled crushed dust from Amethyst in it. The wand is best at healing, divination, curses, and jinxes.
She's a Hufflepuff but was almost a ravenclaw
She celebrates the pagan holidays
She worships the goddesses
Emily brings muggle things to school like her phone and airpods and hides them behind her hair
It drives Theo crazy when he calls her name and she can't hear him and he blames the muggles for it
Despite her blood status and house, Emily's friends are mainly in Slytherin.
In third year, Lavender Brown was teasing Pansy for being a lesbian, and Emily told Lavender off, and she snapped and gave her a burning jinx which she got detention for and house points deductions, but she didn't regret it and showed no remorse. She told Pansy that her aunt is a lesbian and told her she has her back, Pansy and her became best friends instantly.
The Slytherin boys shockingly took to Emily quickly learning she defended her quickly, despite everything. They liked that Emily didn't judge them.
Theodore was practically in love with Emily since first year, he doesn't have a good reason just that she intrigues him and she's beautiful, and the more he watched her the more he loved her, and when Cedric Diggory tried to cheat on Cho with Emily in fourth year, he sent him off the Astronomy Tower...he almost died....almost.
Emily always had a crush on Theodore Nott, who wouldn't? He's hot as fuck, she heard he's half Italian and fluent, and when she became apart of the snake pit she found out it was true, he's also brooding and has a hard time to open up like some romantic character from the books she reads. He's like Heathcliff.
He doesn't ever take to anyone new, but he took to her as soon as Pansy introduced her, they found that they could talk about anything together, he listened to her random ramblings about selkies, or new "movies" and "tv shows", she shared her music with him and because he doesn't speak much and she speaks a lot, it was just perfect.
When he started calling her Italian terms of endearment, she was a definite goner and no man could compare, she wanted Theodore Dante Nott more than anyone in the word.
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
break a sweat: chapter two
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Chapter Rating: T [Fic Rating: E]
Word Count: 2.4K
“Just between us,” you ask Anne quietly, “Do you think he’s really got a chance at making the team?” “Oh, he’ll make the team,” Anne says easily. “He’s really a brilliant athlete, but don’t tell him I told you that.” “Really?” you ask, surprised. “I suppose I never thought about him that way. He always seemed so… scholarly.” “He is,” she says fondly. “Just like our parents, really, but… after they passed, he decided he didn’t want to go down that same path. All the books, all the research – it can be stifling. He’d much rather be a hundred feet in the air than stuck in a cellar.”
AO3 permalink: break a sweat
September 10, 1892
As Sebastian had predicted, Imelda Reyes had assumed the captaincy of the Slytherin Quidditch team, along with one of the Chaser positions. The morning after the start-of-term feast, she’d posted a notice in the common room formally announcing tryouts.
Sebastian was practically buzzing as soon as he’d read that the Seeker position was available.
“Will you tell the others I’ll be late to dinner?” he asked you casually as he gathered up his practice robes and his broomstick. “I’m going down to the pitch for a bit.”
(The way he said “the others” made something warm and a bit possessive twist in your stomach, but you’d just nodded without a word.)
Two weeks later, you link arms with Anne and Ominis to walk down to the Quidditch pitch and watch the Slytherin hopefuls face Imelda’s famously brutal tryouts. With the September sun shining down, you’re tempted to shed your cloak before you’ve even settled in the stands.
Ominis looks quite smug as the two of you lead him toward the pitch.
“Now that I’ve got a brilliant witch on each arm, I suppose I won’t be needing my wand to get around,” he teases.
“As it happens, I know a thing or two about that wand of yours,” Anne replies. “Last summer I spent a full month reading books on wandcraft that Sebastian brought me from the library. If I had to guess, I think you can probably ‘see’ more clearly than either of us can. It’s very powerful.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Ominis demurs. “I’m just naturally perceptive.”
When you arrive at the pitch, the three of you take seats in the back row of the spectator stands alongside some of your housemates. The crowd begins to whisper excitedly when the aspiring Slytherins begin to take the field, brooms in hand.
You spot Sebastian quickly, even among nearly two dozen others in green and silver practice uniforms circling for warmups on their brooms. Compared to how strong he’d looked at the start of term in just his school robes, he looks powerful now – equipped with pads across his shoulders, forearms, and shins that only accentuate his muscular form.
Being Sebastian, of course, he’d declined a helmet. (Despite his newfound bulk, he’s still the same exasperatingly headstrong boy for whom you’ve held a candle for nearly your entire school career.)
“Just between us,” you ask Anne quietly, “Do you think he’s really got a chance at making the team?”
“Oh, he’ll make the team,” Anne says easily. “He’s really a brilliant athlete, but don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Really?” you ask, surprised. “I suppose I never thought about him that way. He always seemed so… scholarly.”
“He is,” she says fondly. “Just like our parents, really, but… after they passed, he decided he didn’t want to go down that same path. All the books, all the research – it can be stifling. He’d much rather be a hundred feet in the air than stuck in a cellar.”
You watch Sebastian take laps high above the grassy pitch with a joyous smile on his face, and you think you understand exactly what Anne means. He’s free here.
“In that case,” you sigh. “What position, do we reckon?”
Anne smirks. “Truthfully I think he’ll have his pick, unless Imelda wants to humble him on purpose.”
“Which one would be humbling?” you ask, bemused.
“Probably Chaser,” she muses. “He’d be an excellent Chaser, of course, but it’s his least favorite.”
“I’d like to see him become a Beater,” Ominis chimes in. “It would serve him well to have some sort of outlet for his intensity.”
“Fine, then I’ll say… Keeper,” you say, smiling to yourself. “That way he’ll get to stay in one place the whole game and know that everyone’s eyes are on him.”
Anne snickers and extends her hand for you to shake, sealing your first wager of the day.
After tryouts conclude, the hopefuls and spectators return en masse to the Slytherin common room to await the captain’s decision. Imelda immediately sequesters herself in the seventh-year girls’ dormitory to put together her official roster, and the majority of Slytherin’s upperclassmen start passing around Butterbeers while they settle in wait.
Sebastian is inarguably the center of attention, casually leaning against a table in the corner with Anne seated at his side. A flock of fifth-year girls crowds around him to listen intently as he talks about the impressive diving save he’d made during a Seeker drill, capturing the Snitch just feet from the ground.
“He’s going to be insufferable now,” Ominis groans while the two of you observe from across the room. “There’s barely enough room for his ego in this friendship as it is.”
“Come now, we’ve had plenty of practice keeping him in line,” you laugh. “And now we’ve got Anne as well.”
“It really is good to have her back,” Ominis agrees softly, smiling to himself when he hears Anne’s voice through the noise as she starts to loudly tell Sebastian’s lovesick fan club how he’d attempted a similar save over the summer and ended up crash-landing in an abandoned poacher camp.
You glance sidelong at Ominis’ private smile, noticing that his pale cheeks have gone a bit pink.
However, before you can spend too much more time thinking about Ominis and Anne, you hear the noise in the room reach a crescendo as Imelda saunters down the stairs with a rolled-up piece of parchment in her hand.
“Who’s ready to meet the new Slytherin Quidditch team?” she calls out, and the entire room bursts into excited cheers.
You and Ominis weave through the crowded common room to stand by Sebastian. On the outside, he seems to be perfectly calm, but by now you can recognize that telltale tension that lingers in his jaw when he’s nervous. Anne holds one of his hands to reassure him, looking a bit anxious herself.
You discreetly take his other hand and gently squeeze it; he squeezes back without a word.
Imelda starts to read off from her list, allowing brief pauses for applause after each name. While she works her way down, the four of you learn that Sebastian has not been named Slytherin’s Keeper. He’s not a Beater either, nor is he ultimately a Chaser.
“Lastly, your newest Seeker…” Imelda teases as she reaches the end of the list. “Congratulations, Sebastian Sallow!”
Sebastian beams brilliantly while Anne leaps to her feet and pulls him into a tight hug. Ominis smiles and murmurs his congratulations to his friend, assuring him he always knew he’d make the team.
There are several other girls who are eager to offer their congratulations as well, so you wait for the crowd around him to subside and for Anne to escort Ominis to get more Butterbeers before you sidle up next to Sebastian and nudge your shoulder against his.
“Excellent work, Bash,” you murmur. “I have to say, that was quite a show you put on earlier.”
“It was only because you were watching,” he flirts back, and you roll your eyes fondly.
Since the start of term, he’s been relentless with his play-flirting. You’ve tried to resist it as much as you can, but it always makes your heart race when he calls you “love,” or offers to carry your books for you, or even charms little notes poking fun at your classmates into tiny birds that gracefully land on top of your desk.
(You haven’t had the heart to ask him to stop, because even though you know he doesn’t mean it the way you would, it still feels nice to be the center of his attention.)
“Then I’ll have to come to see you start in next week’s match,” you offer. “Especially if you only play that well when I’m watching.”
“You can be my good luck charm,” he jokes. “Felix Felicis is prohibited, but you are not.”
“Merlin, that was awful,” you laugh, but Sebastian just grins proudly.
“I have a brilliant idea,” he says after a moment. “We should make a bet.”
“A bet?” you ask. “What, that you’ll win?”
He shakes his head. “That’s too easy. We’re playing Hufflepuff, we’ll obviously win. I meant something more challenging.”
“You’re very confident,” you laugh. “Fine, what are your terms?”
He considers his offer for a moment and then says, “I’ll bet that I can catch the Snitch in under thirty minutes. I’ll even let you be the official timekeeper, since I’ll be a bit preoccupied.”
“Under thirty?” you ask skeptically. “That’s nearly professional, Sebastian. Ominis told me most games last at least an hour.”
“I’ve been practicing all summer,” he insists. “Anne would release a Snitch and I’d even let it have a five-minute head start, but I never let one get further than the far side of Marunweem Lake.”
“Careful, Sebastian, you sound a bit cocky,” you murmur, and you think you see Sebastian’s gaze dip down to your mouth for a split second.
“I am,” he agrees. “In fact, I’ll even let you pick your prize first, for if you win.”
“Alright,” you laugh. After taking a beat to consider, you suggest, “When I win, I want… for you to write my History of Magic assignments for the next month.
“That’s it?” he says with a scoff. “You could have anything you desire from me, and you want me to write your essays?”
“I didn’t start studying magic with the rest of you lot, and I don’t know a lot of the foundational things that Binns wants us to reference,” you remind him. “You know your history much better than I do, and I need to bump my ‘Acceptable’ up to ‘Exceeds Expectations’ by the time N.E.W.T.s roll around.”
“Love, I would’ve done them for you anyway,” Sebastian says dismissively, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning at the nickname. “Why don’t you pick something fun?”
“Fine,” you reply. “I want…”
You mull over your options for a moment, trying to think of something that isn’t obscene or pathetic. Finally, you have an idea.
“There is one thing I’ve been thinking about,” you tell him, a secret smile on your lips.
Sebastian perks up, leaning in closer. “Go on, then.”
“I want you to help me convince Anne and Ominis that they should be a couple,” you say carefully, watching him for any signs that he’s about to throw a fit.
He just blinks at you, bewildered. “...What.”
“I think they would make a lovely pair,” you croon. “And I know that she’s your sister and you’re rather, er...”
“I’m what?” he demands.
“You’re very protective of her,” you say tactfully. “But we’re all adults now, or at least we’re close enough, and I think they really understand each other. I want you to help me convince them that they should give it a chance.”
Sebastian is quiet for several long moments.
“Well,” he finally murmurs. “I would prefer if Anne never dated anyone so I wouldn’t have any more reasons to worry about her, but I suppose if she must, Ominis is a good man.”
You shout excitedly and wrap your arms around his impossibly broad shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. He easily allows it, fondly pressing his nose to your hair.
“I suppose it doesn’t really matter though,” he murmurs against your temple. “Seeing as you won’t win and I’ll never have to aid you in your scheming.”
You lean out of the hug just enough to see Sebastian’s face, not yet ready to pull away entirely. “Speaking of which, what prize will you not be winning?”
Sebastian lets his hands drop down to your hips as he murmurs, “I actually have something in mind.”
You force yourself not to get distracted. “Do tell.”
“When I win, I’d like to take you to the Room of Requirement after the game,” he says, and the way he grips your sides through your skirt ensures you have no way of misunderstanding what he’s suggesting.
“O-oh?” you ask softly, squirming a little in his grasp. “Just me?”
“Just you,” he confirms.
His eyes are dark, and despite the cacophony of the room, he’s focused solely on you.
“And what exactly would we be doing in the Room of Requirement?” you ask softly.
He doesn’t dignify your question with a response. Instead, he deliberately drags his thumbs across your hips, raking his gaze down your body and back up with a pointed look.
Countless generations have come of age at Hogwarts, and much like those who came before you, students in your year are beginning to discover that the castle’s myriad of secret rooms and hidden corridors can be useful in exciting new ways.
You know precisely what it means to be asked to join Sebastian somewhere private – and on top of that, somewhere so entirely yours that you can be sure he’s never asked another girl to join him there.
“Do you mean it?” you ask him quietly. “You aren’t just teasing like earlier?”
“When was I teasing?” Sebastian asks, amused.
“This whole time, since the start of term,” you insist, fidgeting nervously with the laces at the front of his Quidditch robes he’s still proudly wearing. “All the flirting, all this back-and-forth. You’re just winding me up, aren’t you?”
“I’m not,” he says quietly. “I thought about you all summer, love. Nearly drove Anne mad with how pathetic I was over you, and I… I sincerely want you, if you’ll have me.”
Some bold, sensual part of you encourages you to crowd in a little closer so you can lean up to his ear and ask, “Are you sure we shouldn’t simply go to the Room of Requirement right now?”
You hear Sebastian swallow and sharply exhale.
“N-not now,” he answers. “After the match. I just…”
He doesn’t have the words to articulate it, but he wants to earn your affection. He has to prove he’s worthy first – that you aren’t making a mistake by letting him turn your close friendship into something more.
“Alright,” you acquiesce, gently brushing your lips against his cheekbone before taking a step out of his embrace. “Just don’t get too distracted and fall off your broom, because I really want you to win.”
“The match or our bet?” he asks in a low voice.
Before you disappear into the crowd to rejoin your friends, you murmur, “Wouldn’t you like to know, Bash?”
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loganparker · 1 year
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Thinking about who Ollivander saw die that he can see and work with thestral hair as a wand core and the implications of it.
Is it a deliberate thing, do wandmakers apprentices work a shift at St. Mungo’s or something to ensure exposure to death? Is there a rite of passage revolving around gaining the ability to use the material?
Is there a way to ensure a correct amount of inventory is kept/tracked for those who can’t see thestrals?
Is a wandcrafters first thestral hair wand a major milestone, showing that they as a craftsman have been irrevocably changed? Like how art historians break artists’ work into groups chronologically based on events they’ve lived through?
Is it rare to find a wand maker who even uses the material?
Is it indicative that the craftsman lived through war that they use thestral cores?
So many thoughts about it.
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FSF- Not all members of the Resourceful and Most Ancient House of Ollivander become wandmakers, surely. One Ollivander finds their passion in something else.
Lord Oliver, of the Resourceful and Most Ancient House of Ollivander, fifth in line to inherit the Lordship, wonders on occasion if the reason he's entirely uninterested in wandcrafting is a silent rebellion against his parents for naming him something so uncreative.
"I'll not be apprenticing with Uncle Garrick," Oliver states, more than a little amused by the sheer bafflement on his parents' faces.
"Then what do you intend to pursue?"
"I want to create a Philosopher's Stone," Oliver says because he's been fascinated by the subject since he first heard of Nicholas Flamel, "so that I can live however long I want and spend all that time studying whatever should catch my interest."
His mother smiles, hugs him, and says, "As long as you succeed in your endeavors, we'll be proud of you, Ollie."
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cursedwithwords · 9 months
HP Next Gen Headcanons: Albus
Full Name: Albus Severus Potter
House: Slytherin
Wand: larch and thestral tail hair
Patronus: thestral
Boggart: Scorpius being tortured/screaming
Profession: magizoologist
Sexuality: demisexual
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Bonus: he has nightmares about delphini torturing and even killing scorpius which has made him very, very protective. He gets along with Lily the best of his siblings but still really loves his brother (even if he's annoying af sometimes). His worst subject is Potions but after his fourth year he buckles and asks James to tutor him (since it's Jamie’s best subject). After that, even though it's still his least favorite subject, he tries extremely hard to get good marks solely to make James proud. Can't balance on a broomstick or fly to save his life and Quidditch bores him to death. His favorite and best subject is Care of Magical Creatures, and his favorite Beasts are the aviary ones. He gained the ability to see thestrals after the incident with Delphini, learning quickly that they weren't nearly as frightening as he always believed. He acquires a strand of tail hair while visiting the herd of thestral near Hogwarts, and later brought it to Olivander to ask if he'd fashion a wand around it. The old wandcrafter was cautious to use it but was stunned to find how well the wand actually fit Albus (it remains the only wand he's ever made utilizing thestral tail hair). Having that wand made him more confident and reminded him that even great fear can become one of your greatest strengths. Gets along famously well with Draco which Harry fuuuuuckin hates.
Wand Wood — larch
"Strong, durable, and warm in color, larch has long been valued as an attractive and powerful wand wood. Its reputation for instilling courage and confidence in the user has ensured that demand has always outstripped supply. This much sought-after wand is, however, hard to please in the matter of ideal owners and trickier to handle than many imagine. I find that it always creates wands of hidden talents and unexpected effects, which likewise describes the master who deserves it. It is often the case that the witch or wizard who belongs to the larch wand may never realise the full extent of their considerable talents until paired with it, but that they will then make an exceptional match."
Similar to Scorpius, Albus' previous wand (cherry wood and dragon heartstring) was broken in half by Delphini, which led him to receive his larch wand over the summer. Olivander warned Albus that it may be a bit difficult to master due to the properties of the wood. It was no secret that Albus wasn't considered the most talented of wizards: he had difficulty performing simple spells, struggled with potions, and the like. This was greatly due to the self-imposed expectations, as well as the abysmal lack of confidence he suffered from. Though his cherry wand did choose him, it never felt right in his hand. It isn't until after he faced Delphini that he began to trust himself a bit more, likely due to spite more than anything else. Olivander was stunned to see just how well the larch wand fit in Albus' hand. As if he was born to hold that wand. Olivander considers it to be one of his most impressive wands, as well as one of his more tempermental, because it doesn't like to perform for wizards who are not Albus. It will, however, work well in Scorpius' hand. Olivander theorizes this is due to the fact Albus cares deeply for Scorpius, and unconsciously instills that same care into his wand — an extension of his emotions. The larch wand will try to protect Scorpius in Albus' stead if the need arose. It's quite an interesting phenomenon.
Wand Core — thestral tail hair
"Thestral wands generally produce strong magic, but only when the wielder understands themselves. If the wielder does not know themselves or loses themselves, then their spells will suffer. When the wielder knows themselves, then this wand can create very strong spells. The Thestral wands are very tempermental and rare to find with Wizards and Witches of today."
Albus realizes that he can see the thestrals on the Hogwarts grounds soon after Christmas break his fourth year. Initially, he's cautious and avoids them to the best of his ability, but his curiosity eventually sees him visiting the herd in his spare time. During these visits, he quickly comes to realize that in spite of their startling appearance, Thestral are extremely docile and gentle. He becomes good friends with the herd and deeply enjoys being around them. During one of his visits, while giving one a good pet, a few strands of tail hair get caught around his fingers. He doesn't have an explanation of why he keeps it, but he feels compelled to bring them to Olivander himself, asking him to form a wand around them. Olivander is hesitant at first — he doesn't normally craft wands with such an unusual, unstable core — but eventually gives in. Albus is persistent, after all. It's just as well that he chooses to use larch, a wand wood known for instilling confidence, as a way to naturally counter any hesitancy that may still be lingering in Albus. His magic seems more powerful now that it's directed through a wand made so entirely for him, and it seems to grow even more powerful as time passes and Albus grows even more confident in himself. It's truly a symbiotic relationship, and Olivander swells with pride whenever he sees it in action.
Patronus — thestral (very rare)
"Since only people who have witnessed death can see thestrals, many associate them with loss of life; however, those with this Patronus are genuinely gentle and kind. People with the Thestral Patronus are empathetic and realistic and have the ability to look at the bigger picture, making them deeply powerful. They're often misunderstood by others and are way ahead of their years, having contemplated ideas that most only think about on their deathbeds."
James used to tease Albus using thestrals as a device of fear. Albus always knew he was just joking, but as a child, he couldn't help how scared he got when hearing the creatures description. Even following Craig's death when he was able to see the thestrals, he still felt nervous; but it offered an alarming sense of relief when he finally chose to approach the beasts and realized just how benign they were. They looked a certain way, so were perception as being malicious. A great majority of people with little to no understanding of them assumed the worst of them — just like they did with Albus. A creature that Albus once feared becoming a source of enormous strength and confidence, to the point where it becomes the core of his magic — is there anything more poetic than that? He loves thestrals now, and he bursts in joy when he casts a corporeal patronus the first time. While his classmates take a cautious step away, he would hold his hand out and smile, because he isn't afraid anymore.
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dropsofnightshade · 1 year
Recapping Chapters 76 - 80
Day Six of the DAYS Gathering: 
Harry attends his second Quidditch workshop in the morning, and then after lunch he has the second half of his Wandcraft workshop. The students go outside to conduct the ritual to attempt to bond their chosen core to the wood they have prepared. They encounter one of their hosts, Juliette Vayssière, who is there to guide them on where to conduct the ritual and also to witness it. 
Harry is able to successfully complete the ritual, creating a yew wand with a thestral hair core. He is left exhausted from the process. Madam Alarie pulls him aside to talk — she tells him he has a gift for ritual magic. She offers him an apprenticeship with her, to commence when he turns seventeen. Wandmaking apprenticeships last for five years, which is a big commitment. Harry is not sure what he wants to do, but Madam Alarie encourages him to think on it — he has plenty of time to consider his options. 
Harry is tempted to keep the wand he has created; he feels attached to it. However, he knows instinctively it will not work as well for him as his holly wand. He knows it is destined for someone else, and so he agrees to sell it to Madam Alarie. 
That evening is the ball to wrap up the end of the DAYS gathering. Harry and his friends end up arriving later than planned, and they have to split up onto seperate tables. Harry and Daphne have no choice but to sit on a table with Finn Vogel, and some of his friends. 
Finn behaviour continues to be frustrating, but Harry doesn’t actually mind the other boy’s friends. One of them, Jan, is a Durmstrang boy sponsored by the Sowa family. When Harry asks if he knows Kasia and Malina, he confirms he does. He mentions Kasia’s uncle Piotr Sowa is famous for being the youngest duellist to ever win the European tournament. 
Harry and his friends have a wonderful night on the dance floor, and at the end of the evening Harry and Daphne take their time walking back. Mischa offered to take them to the after party, before realising they are probably a bit young. 
Harry parts ways with Daphne, and heads to the boy’s section of the dormitories. 
He encounters a shocking scene — Blaise has another Altomare-sponsored boy pinned up against the wall, wand in hand. When they become aware of Harry’s presence, Blaise is horrified. 
After the other Altomare sponsored boy has left, Blaise letting him go, Harry presses his friend for answers. Blaise refuses to say anything, begging Harry not to ask him. Harry realises Blaise is scared. 
They are interrupted by Liam coming out of the dormitory, having heard noises. Blaise leaves soon after — Liam checks in on Harry to ask what happened, but Harry doesn’t answer truthfully he doesn’t even know what happened. 
Day Seven
On the final morning of the DAYS gathering, everyone gets up to pack and spend some final moments together before parting ways. Harry spends time with Daphne, her roommates, and his own roommates. They chat about birthdays, and Harry realises he never RSVPd to Draco’s birthday invitation. He could not attend due to being in France, and he had mentioned it in the last week of school to Draco. But he had not responded to the actual invitation. Harry feels terrible, and resolves to apologise to Draco when he gets home. 
Harry also learns who sponsored each of his new friends. 
There is a farewell lunch, and then everyone is saying their goodbyes to head home. Harry and Daphne need to find Karin Battenberg in the courtyard to be escorted back to their families, but Harry is on a mission to find Blaise before he goes. He tells Daphne he needs to use the bathroom and slips away. 
He tracks Blaise down, finding him standing a short distance away from the crowd. He confronts Blaise, but the other boy implores him it is not a good time, and he needs to go. Harry is hurt, but he agrees to leave. However, before he can do so, a man and woman arrive. 
Harry’s magic reaches out to both of them, and the closest he had felt such a feeling was around Blaise. He notices how scared Blaise is at their arrival, which raises his hackles. 
He learns the woman is Amara Zabini, Blaise’s mother, and the man is Dante Altomare, Blaise’s sponsor. 
Amara Zabini reveals herself to have the same ability as Harry; she has wandless magic like him. She also uses Legilimency on him to inform him telepathically, ‘I see you’. 
Blaise insists Harry needs to go, and the adults allow him to leave. Before he goes, Blaise hugs him and whispers in his ear to stay away. 
As Harry leaves, he feels Amara’s magic reach out to him and touch him. Her magical touch hurts, and as he flees through the crowd it’s almost as though he can still feel it touching him. 
Harry arrives back to Karin, who takes he and Daphne back to the hotel in Paris their families are staying at. 
Harry confesses to Sirius, Arcturus and the Greengrass family what happened, and they are furious on his behalf. Harry theorises Blaise and his mother might be related to the Altomare family, based on the fact their magic felt the same way to him as Dante Altomare’s did. 
Sirius makes Harry promise him that he will stay away from Blaise. Daphne is expected to not see him outside of school. 
Harry meets with Nikolai Drozdov, and sees Mischa again. Nikolai affirms he is happy to teach Harry, and Dora too for that matter. They eventually agree that Harry and his guardians will travel to Russia over the Yuletide school holidays  that year for a couple of days, to allow Harry to begin his Metamorphmagi training. If all goes well, he might be staying with the family for a longer visit over the summer holidays next year. 
Meanwhile back in Britain, Draco is aware his parents are fighting. He is also upset at Harry for forgetting to RSVP to his birthday invitation, and has been talking with Theo and Pansy who are encouraging his anger and resentment. 
Narcissa and Lucius have a tense confrontation, where Narcissa is demanding an answer out of Lucius for an ultimatum she gave him. He had until Harry returned from overseas to decide. She is demanding he make an Unbreakable Vow, to do everything in his power to advocate for Harry, and to protect him. After her sister Bellatrix implied the Dark Lord might have returned, or be returning, Narcissa has been on high alert. She wants Lucius nowhere near Harry without assurances. 
After a tense stand off, Narcissa agrees to compromise. She will not ask for the Unbreakable Vow, but she does ask that he sign a binding contract. If he harms Harry, aids another to do so, or stands aside knowing harm is coming to Harry, Lucius will surrender custody of Draco. He will also forfeit all assets to Narcissa. She threatens to walk out on him if he does not agree to her terms. Lucius, backed into a corner, agrees. 
Once Narcissa has left, Lucius reflects on the diary on his study bookshelf, the strange item the Dark Lord gave him years ago. For a moment he considers moving it somewhere, but he quickly dismisses the thought. 
It is revealed that the diary is attempting to influence Lucius, using his moments of emotional vulnerability to breach his Occlumency shields. The diary is aware it needs an easier target though. 
Harry is back in England and aware Draco is upset with him. He focuses on his Runecraft intensive course with Rosie, and visits Neville too. Neville has decided to have a birthday party, and mentions inviting Blaise. He notices Harry’s strange reaction to the mention of the boy, and asks Harry what is wrong. Harry can’t tell Neville the truth, but he explains things are weird between he and Blaise right now, and he can’t see him. Neville is worried but understanding, and confirms he will let Harry know whether Blaise plans on coming. 
A week after returning to England, Aunt Cass comes to visit Harry and his guardians. They inform her about the incident with Amara Zabini, and she agrees to share what she knows about the woman. However, because Harry has not yet learned Occlumency, he will not be allowed access to hear anything. He does though get confirmation from Aunt Cass that she believes Amara Zabini is part of the Altomare family. 
A few days later, Harry wakes in the middle of the night to noise downstairs at Grimmauld Place. Narcissa and Draco have arrived seeking shelter for the night — the Ministry have raided Malfoy Manor. Sirius insists on travelling to the manor to assist Lucius, and Narcissa is extremely grateful for her cousin’s support.
Narcissa is convinced the raid has something to do with the Battenberg family. Arthur Weasley signed off on the raid, and his sister-in-law is Karin Weasley née Battenberg. The following morning the Tonks family arrives and Pollux Black too. They are all there to support Narcissa and Draco, and to wait for news from Lucius. 
Harry and Draco are able to make amends, with a little help from Dora mediating. 
Sirius arrives, and informs everyone that he, Lucius and Gareth Greengrass met with Amelia Bones to report the incident and lodge a formal complaint. Madam Bones was furious, however Arthur Weasley’s actions were technically legal. It is unlikely he will suffer worse than a reprimand. 
Narcissa decides it is time to return to the manor, but Draco is reluctant to go. Narcissa lets him stay at Grimmauld Place, and goes home alone. She and Lucius discuss the situation, and Narcissa asks if Lucius does not still have some sway with the Minister. Lucius reveals any goodwill he had with Fudge was torn to shreds when the Battenbergs took aim at their family. Lucius has been trying, unsuccessfully, to meet with Fudge for some time. His attempts have always been rebuffed, and the latest excuse provided by his office is that the Minister is busy entertaining the chairperson of the Berlin Trading Board. That same organisation has all but blacklisted Lucius, on orders of the Battenberg family. 
Lucius has realised how important it is to surround themselves with people they can trust and rely on. He agrees to sign the contract Narcissa has prepared for him, and Narcissa is relieved. However, Lucius thinks privately that Narcissa is naive to think the existence of the contract, and repercussions if Lucius breaches it, will satisfy the Blacks. If the Blacks find out they kept the return of the Dark Lord from them, they will not be forgiven. 
Harry has an appointment with Specialist Healer Evelyn Byrne, to check if there was any damage from his encounter with Amara Zabini. At first, they try to keep the real purpose of the appointment vague, but when Evelyn pushes back about not continuing the appointment without good cause, Arcturus makes the call to tell her the truth. 
He does not give her the name, but he confirms someone entered Harry’s mind without his consent recently. Evelyn presses for more information, and the identity of the perpetrator, but the Blacks refuse to say who it is. They insist the person is dangerous, and they do not know how far their influence reaches. 
Evelyn lets it rest for now, but warns the Blacks if she has any doubts in the future that Sirius and Arcturus are not acting in Harry’s best interests, she will report them. The examination reveals no damage or lingering influences on Harry’s mind. 
Harry enjoys Neville’s twelfth birthday party, as Blaise had replied to say he was still in Europe and unable to attend. On his own birthday, he does not have anything planned, but he enjoys opening his letters and presents from friends both near and far, including his new friends from the DAYS gathering. 
Arcturus and Sirius were taking him to dinner and then a Quidditch match, and Harry arrives at the restaurant to find a surprise waiting for him; the Greengrass family, Ezra, Neville and Draco are present. He is touched, and excited to have dinner with everyone. Daphne, Astoria, Neville and Draco come with Harry and his guardians to the Quidditch match. 
Shortly after his birthday, Harry has a sleepover with Draco at Malfoy Manor. Draco tells Harry that his parents have been fighting over the holidays, but they are doing a lot better now. He also tells Harry that his father has been struggling to maintain business connections around Europe, because he has upset a powerful German family. 
Harry knew the Battenbergs had been displeased with the Malfoys and Notts for the ways their Heads had voted, but his guardians had kept him in the dark about the extent of the difficulty for either family.
That night, Harry struggled to get to sleep. He decided to get up and ask a house elf for either a Dreamless Sleep potion or some tea to encourage sleep. When he calls for a house elf, he encounters one that is familiar to him — Dobby. 
Dobby appears to have some sort of meltdown around Harry at the simplest expression of kindness, and another house elf appears to send Dobby away and assist Harry instead. Harry asks the new house elf, Jaffa, if Dobby is normally like that. Jaffa admits Dobby is different, but that does not mean he is unable to serve the Malfoys. Jaffa does not seem to want to talk about it any further, and so Harry drops the topic. He asks for some tea, and Jaffa prepares it for him and leaves him. 
As Harry drinks his tea, he becomes aware of his magic humming underneath his skin, acting in the way he had only experienced on sacred dats when near ritual magic. He pays proper attention, realising the restlessness tonight had something to do with the reaction of his magic to something in Malfoy Manor. He felt called, in the same way he had felt around Slytherin’s Locket. 
Before he could explore it further, Draco and Narcissa come bursting out of Draco’s bedroom — another Ministry raid is about to happen and they have to leave now. Harry, Draco and Narcissa manage to leave without encountering any officials, Jaffa getting them out to Grimmauld Place safely. 
Word arrived a day or so later that the Notts had been raided too that same night. There was an emergency meeting of Morgana’s Court called to discuss the matter. The debate had revolved around the Nott and Malfoy families’ belief that the Battenbergs were influencing Ministry politics, and the rest of the members of the Court evaluating whether there was any concrete evidence. Even if there had been something more than a suspicion based on Arthur Weasley’s involvement, there was arguably not a lot anyone could do if it was true.
Harry wondered though if his guardians and the Greengrass family too, might be able to persuade the Battenbergs to leave the Malfoys and Notts alone. It would have to be handled delicately though. 
A letter arrived from Dion Lykaios, the boy writing to Harry as he had promised he would at the DAYS gathering. He asked how Harry had settled back home, what he had been doing on his holidays, and if he was looking forward to starting at Durmstrang. It was all very nice but generic, with the exception of the final lines of the letter, where Dion reminded Harry that if he ever visited Greece, he was welcome to visit Dion and be shown around by the other boy.
Harry arranged to meet up with Hermione and her parents to accompany the girl doing her Hogwarts shopping and catch up. No one could escort him though in his own family, and he agreed to go with the Malfoys, although he was hesitant at the idea of Narcissa and Lucius meeting Derek and Jean Granger. 
On the day, Harry notices Lucius has the item on him that was calling to Harry the other night. Harry disguises himself with his Metamorphmagus ability, to avoid being recognised. 
They get to Diagon Alley, and see the Grangers waiting on the steps to Gringotts. Harry has a bad feeling about introducing the Malfoys to the Grangers, and suggests they part ways so the Malfoys can get on with their shopping. Narcissa and Lucius readily agree, and Harry meets with Hermione and her parents alone. 
Hermione’s parents are disappointed to not meet the Malfoys. Derek Granger in particular expresses his desire to meet Narcissa — they are distantly related of course. Harry offers to make introductions later today if that is something they want, realising it is not his responsibility how either couple might react. 
Inside Gringotts, they spot the Weasley family arriving, and there is a tense moment when Arthur Weasley notices Derek Granger exchanging Muggle money, and draws attention to it. He is reigned in by Molly though, and Harry and the Grangers make their escape. 
At Flourish and Blotts there is a sign out front declaring author Gilderoy Lockhart will be signing copies of his book that day. Hermione is eager to go, and so they decide to come back later. 
When they return, they find a huge line outside. Harry can also sense the presence inside the shop of the item Lucius bought with him, and figures Lucius must be at the bookstore. While they are waiting there is an incident inside the shop, and Lucius storms out with Draco in tow. Neither notices Harry in disguise, with the Grangers. 
Strangely, Harry feels like the item is still within the shop, and not with Lucius. 
As he leaves with the Grangers, he becomes aware of the presence moving closer to him. He spots the Weasley family nearby, and his attention zeroes in on the cauldron the Weasley daughter is holding. He realises the item is, inexplicably, in her cauldron. 
Without much time to think about his actions other than the strong feeling he needed to seperate her from it, Harry’s magic instinctively heated the handle of the cauldron to force the girl to drop it. It rolled, books spilling out. 
Harry moved over under the guise of helping her, attention on one book in particular. He noticed she seemed confused by the book, and it convinced him that the item was not meant to be with her. 
He picks it up, and it is like a homecoming to him. 
Harry tells the girl that he dropped it earlier in the crowd, and thanks her for finding it. She is very shy, and eager to know if Harry is attending Hogwarts. She is disappointed when he tells her he is not. 
Harry gets away with the book, lying to Hermione too that he dropped it earlier. The Grangers escort him to meet the Malfoys, and seeing how upset Lucius was earlier Derek suggests they meet the Malfoys another time. Harry agrees. 
Fortunately that decision was made, because Harry overhears Lucius speaking in a derisive tone, mentioning Muggles. He learns Arthur Weasley and Lucius had a physical altercation in the bookstore. 
Narcissa and Lucius speak cruelly about the Weasley family, and Harry is uncomfortable.  
As soon as he gets back to Malfoy Manor, he gets Narcissa to take him home to Grimmauld Place. Once he alone in his room, he investigates the book he picked up. He learns it is a diary, and despite trying numerous spells on it, it remains blank. 
The magic coming from the diary was unmistakably dark, and it hummed strongly with ritual magic. The dark magic coming off of it also reminded him of the way Blaise, his mother Amara, and Dante Altomare’s magic felt to his senses.
Harry realises there is a sentient presence within the diary, and although he knows he should tell his guardians, he hesitates. He feels the diary could be connected to the Slytherin family in some way, as the locket was, and that could be the nature of the draw to both items for Harry. 
He uses runecraft on the first page of the diary to see if he can uncover any more information, and is surprised when it disappears. Words appear, asking him if he is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. 
Harry feels vindicated about his suspicion that the diary is linked to the Slytherin family, and starts writing back.
He learns the presence within the diary is called Tom, and the real Tom created the diary to preserve memory and knowledge for the heir of Slytherin. Harry is curious about there being a possible claimant, but also wary it could well be Voldemort himself, if the theory is right that he is a Gaunt. 
Tom meanwhile is troubled by Harry. He knows Harry is capable of wandless magic, like himself. He suspects Harry might be a relative of his, based on the other boy’s magical strength and his Parseltongue ability. He realises he needs a far more subtle approach than attempting to seize control of the mind of the person holding the diary. In this form, he had the ability to manipulate other’s emotions as well as the ability to skim the surface thoughts of anyone holding the diary, assuming they were not an Occlumens.
Tom learns much in his early days with Harry through these means, in particular about his future self. He learns about Slytherin’s Locket, apparently stolen from his future self and hidden now with the Black family. He learns his future self attempted to kill Harry as a baby, and did succeed in killing his parents. He learns Harry survived that night because his mother used blood magic to sacrifice her own life for Harry’s. He learns there is some sort of prophecy between he and Harry, but he is not sure of the specifics. 
Tom offers to teach Harry about the Slytherin family, which Harry is eager to learn about. He tells Harry there is a portrait of Salazar Slytherin hidden at Hogwarts, but Harry is dismayed to admit he is attending Durmstrang. Tom is frustrated by this. 
Tom also shares that Salazar Slytherin had an aptitude for blood magic. He offers to teach Harry how to practice blood magic, as a means of cementing his usefulness to Harry and keep the boy coming back to the diary. 
With each passing day that Harry writes in the diary, Tom’s strength grows. 
Meanwhile, Gareth meets with Lord Shafiq to discuss what happened with the intermediary who was meant to establish communication between the Drozdov family and the Blacks. He learns there was an administrative failure on the Ministry’s part, which resulted in the intermediary closing their file. 
Gareth also learns that Fudge’s office has ben interfering in the work of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. The two men speak candidly about the need for the families of the Sacred Twenty-Eight to set aside old differences to unite against a common enemy. They both agree to endeavour to persuade their seperate camps to come to the negotiating table. 
Sirius takes Harry to Berlin to be fitted for his Durmstrang uniform. There, Harry encounters Finn Vogel and an adult with him. There is no opportunity to properly speak, but Finn tells Harry he will see him at school soon. His attitude is just as challenging as it was at the DAYS gathering. 
Harry says his farewells to all his friends and loved ones as he prepares to leave for Durmstrang. He is taking an International Portkey to Bergen in Norway with Arcturus and Sirius on August 30th. The ship for Durmstrang departs on the 31st.
It is hard to say goodbye to Daphne in particular, who he feels he has always had by his side. 
The night before Harry leaves for Norway, Tom contemplates his plans for the future. He intends on building rapport with Harry, and continuing to glean as much information as possible from the younger boy. For now, he is content to watch and wait, his strength building with each passing day. 
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sparxyv · 2 months
About oc ask!
For Mousey 8, 10, 17
For Milena 1, 14, 20
Can you also add to them one random silly fact? Something no one expecting 🤭
YESS this is so fun, TY FOR THE ASK 🫶🫶
8. What does he like to eat?
Despite his cautious nature, Mousey will almost always eat anything at least slightly 'edible'.
(This landed him in the hospital wing in 3rd year after the Sallow twins convinced him Lacewing Flies were edible and tasted something of candy.)
BUT Mousey's favorite food would be cheese, any type of cheese. 😋🧀
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10. What is his fashion sense?
Outside of school uniforms, Mousey doesn't exactly have much of a choice but to wear any hand-me-down jumpers or patchy old trousers he can get his hands on.
The McGregors, despite being a long line of pureblood wizards, fall quite short in terms of income. Much like the Weasley's, the McGregors have a big family and lots of things like clothes are just reused.
It definitely wouldn't be until later in his adult life til Mousey gains any semblance of fashion sense.. and the experimental phase would be... interesting.
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17. What are his ambitions?
As a Ravenclaw, Mousey obviously has a love for learning and a general curiosity for just about anything. But above all else, he is very fascinated by wandcraft.
Mousey wants to learn everything he can about how wands work, which is a big part of why he hangs around Ominis so much! (He wants to know how Ominis' wand works SO BAD)
Mousey strives to be one of the most well-known wandmakers in Scotland.
Fun Facts about Mousey 😼
Cats/Kneazles hate him.
Best friends with Anne Sallow, but not Sebastian Sallow.
Fluent in Scottish Gaelic.
What does her voice sound like?
Despite French being Milena's native language, and growing up in France, Milena chooses to cover up her French accent when at Hogwarts because she feels like it's polite.
She's spoken English for about her whole life, and she has a strange ability to speak in different accents with comfort and ease, so she doesn't mind the little front she puts up with the British accent.
The only time she really lets her French accent come out is with close friends!
(Game clip for example 😽)
14. How does she react to burning her tongue on food?
Milena most likely would have zero outwardly reactions, even if it DID hurt. After so many battles and duels, you definitely harden up.
However, perhaps her high pain tolerance ceases when it comes to a burnt tongue..
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20. How would she react to a mystery love letter?
Milena would find it absolutely adorable - most likely read it multiple times just because..
Although, while finding it adorable, she'd also be VERY amused by it, because anonymous love letters are quite childish to her.
Milena would be much more curious as to why it was sent anonymously rather than up front, why they were interested in her in the first place, confused all around.. rather than wanting to know WHO sent it. But - she'd most likely forget about it completely after a few days.
Samantha Dale would be the first person to know.. and she'd be SO invested in it. Someone's smitten with her best friend? You best bet she's otw to crack the case.
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(I'm sorry this made me giggle it's so stupid)
Fun Facts About Milena 😋
LOVES birds of all kinds. She knows everything there is about any type of bird, even magical ones. (Because of her love for birds, she was very pleasantly surprised when sorted into Ravenclaw 🥰)
Grew up as a Muggle, despite her mother being a witch.
Most things don't scare Milena, but Mooncalves.. 🙁
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