#rayman x ly
msicecreamy · 2 months
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Sorry lol
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hensart · 3 months
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[March 2024] ♥Night together♥
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pepsispook13 · 11 months
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Screen cap redraw from captain laserhawk with ly instead of Anthro cow thanks for coming to my ted talk
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lazylesya · 1 year
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nobleclover · 9 months
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Rayman trying to find his way home and Ly turning up to tell him he's going around in circles. XD
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no1-hatsunemikufan · 2 years
If you're still active in the rayman tumblr fandom, comment on this post so I can follow you please. Bonus if you discuss lore, share headcanons, create art and write Fanfiction.
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josinator47 · 11 months
Ly and Ray kissing together, i really love to ship'em.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 8 months
Guys........ I think I got my canon couples mixed up-
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So like... yes. I am a Rayman X Ed shipper. I'm done hiding. Please spare me <3
But yeah, I threw in some Ly X Suzy as well because..... ummmmm... uhhhh...
I don't think I could justify my thoughts process. I finished this piece at 3 in the morning
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Also these are my hc designs for the sillies. I like patterns :)
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Also Headdy's there too because they're a trio fight me
Ed being a flusted mess and Rayman being wholesome my beloved
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sonicblueartist · 10 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: I know I said I won't write for Rayman until I post all of your Bullfrog requests but I couldn't help myself. This idea suddenly come to my mind.
He is either the Rayman from the games or from Captain Laserhawk but before he was choosen to be Eden's poster boi~ You can choose whichever. You can even think this either romantic or platonic too :)
Summery: Pure fluff no warnings, wholesome moments, a bit cursing, and Rayman worries about something...
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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Stary Night
You somewhat sharply expressed in surprise breaking the short moment of silence, "You are over one hundred?"
The night, beckoned by the stars under the glow of a full moon. As the colours of the day rest, the hillside becomes its monochrome beauty. The moon and stars shine above the passing clouds of ink. The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm black that hugged you no matter what, and give you a nice kind of serenity, within it's safety you could feel your own soul all the more clearly.
You were lying on one of the branches of a giant tree, big enough for both of your bodies to fit, and watching away this peaceful night slowly circle around your bodies.
A short stuffed snort come from him, it sounded forced and mockery. Or maybe it's just your tired mind playing with you.
His hands behind his head, he never once looked anywhere other then the stars. He hissed, "Eh, who knows? I stop counting a long time ago." He chuckled and made a shrugging like effort. After all he had no shoulders to shrug...
You teased with a smirk, never giving him a glance, "Heh, good to know... grandpa~"
He hit your shoulder playfully with an annoyed groan, "I knew telling you this wasn't a good idea..." he grumbled with a pout.
You coad and sit up patting his hand, "Aww, don't worry. I find it really cool. Wait. Are you immortal or just age different? Omg, if you are aging backwards that would be so cool."
He give you a glance causing you to freeze. That wasn't his usual annoyed or playfull stares.
He swallowed and sit up, glancing away.
"...I age slowly..." He simply answered your teasing question.
You pressed your lips. Have you step on a sensitive topic?
You try to ease him up, "Hey... Nothing wrong with aging slowly you know. You will going to stay and look young for quite a while and--"
"It's not as awesome as you think it is. What do you think going to happen after one hundered years later?"
You actually pondered about it, "Well I think you could look young for two thousands years--"
He give you a glare and cut you off, "You will not be there." He scoffed giving an answer to his own question. He shook his head in disbelief and look away.
You frowned. Of course... this was what he have been worrying about. Before you can even open your mouth to speak, he suck a sharp breath and speak up again.
"One hundered years... I lost some people, yeah I did make new ones in the way but... it never stop hurting... and it never will. I thought about just build walls around myself at some point but... I know who I am and I will never stop meeting new ones and help people around." He smiled to himself but it's fade as quick. He heavied a sigh, "I just don't wanna lose anyone I guess." He quickly muttered. He scratched his cheek, seems like ashamed to admit all this, "S-sorry. Didn't mean to lay it all off on you." He chuckled.
You smiled and slide next to him, hitting his side the way he did to you, "Hey, I don't care about age or what the future holds for us. I care about right now. And what's happening right now? We are both sitting together on a giant tree swarmed by the peacfullness of the night." He smiled at that.
You continued, "Age doesn't matter, it does not choose who you are, you do. What makes you you is your experiences and your... pleasures? Wait- No- I fucked it up."
He snorted at that. A real laugh. His fist of laughs caused you to start laughing along with him. He couldn't hold back himself and drop down on his back. He snickered and gasped for breath.
"My pleasures?" He choked out.
You snickered, "I said what I said." You shrugged proudly, "Now, tell me, What gives you pleasure in this world?"
His hands slipped back behind his head as he closed his eyes with a thoughtfull expression, "Hmm... I guess... adventures. Without them I would probably go insane by now." He chuckled.
You lay back aslo, "Yeah, adventures are fun."
"What about you?" He glanced at you.
You grinned at that and poked his nose, "You will never know."
He quickly sit up with the the most arrogant, playfull grin you ever saw him wearing, "Ahhh, I know. I get it. It's me isn't it?"
You burst into laughing, "Holy shit what?! You?! No way!"
He nudges your sides, "Come oooon, come on, come on, admit it!"
You try to push his floating hands away, and to stop your laughing but his tickling making it much worse, "S-stop it! Hahaha Y-you're gonna kill meee!!" You wheezed out.
He pouted playfully, "Fineee. You are no fun." He drop down on his back again, a peacfull smile on his lips.
You gasp for air and sighed, "God, I'm exhusted." You groaned and send a playfull glear in his way which he grinned at.
You two continued to lay down on the branch observing the stars. Your tired mind and body wouldn't let you even move an inch, your eyelids get heaver and heavier. It was so hard for you to try to make them stay open. After your little war with him made you even more exhausted than you were already is. Your mind felt heavy and sturggle to graps reality.
"Hey... uh... before you fall asleep or something... I want to say... thank you... for being here." He sounded content.
You smiled with his soft voice.
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kaylaz-world-00 · 10 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: I know I said I won't write for Rayman until I post all of your Bullfrog requests but I couldn't help myself. This idea suddenly come to my mind.
He is either the Rayman from the games or from Captain Laserhawk but before he was choosen to be Eden's poster boi~ You can choose whichever. You can even think this either romantic or platonic too :)
Summery: Pure fluff no warnings, wholesome moments, a bit cursing, and Rayman worries about something...
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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The night, beckoned by the stars under the glow of a full moon. As the colours of the day rest, the hillside becomes its monochrome beauty. The moon and stars shine above the passing clouds of ink. The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm black that hugged you no matter what, and give you a nice kind of serenity, within it's safety you could feel your own soul all the more clearly.
You somewhat sharply expressed in surprise breaking the short moment of silence, "You are over one hundred?"
You were lying on one of the branches of a giant tree, big enough for both of your bodies to fit, and watching away this peaceful night slowly circle around your bodies.
A short stuffed snort come from him, it sounded forced and mockery. Or maybe it's just your tired mind playing with you.
His hands behind his head, he never once looked anywhere other then the stars. He hissed, "Eh, who knows? I stop counting a long time ago." He chuckled and made a shrugging like effort. After all he had no shoulders to shrug...
You teased with a smirk, never giving him a glance, "Heh, good to know... grandpa~"
He hit your shoulder playfully with an annoyed groan, "I knew telling you this wasn't a good idea..." he grumbled with a pout.
You coad and sit up patting his hand, "Aww, don't worry. I find it really cool. Wait. Are you immortal or just age different? Omg, if you are aging backwards that would be so cool."
He give you a glance causing you to freeze. That wasn't his usual annoyed or playfull stares.
He swallowed and sit up, glancing away.
"...I age slowly..." He simply answered your teasing question.
You pressed your lips. Have you step on a sensitive topic?
You try to ease him up, "Hey... Nothing wrong with aging slowly you know. You will going to stay and look young for quite a while and--"
"It's not as awesome as you think it is. What do you think going to happen after one hundered years later?"
You actually pondered about it, "Well I think you could look young for two thousands years--"
He give you a glare and cut you off, "You will not be there." He scoffed giving an answer to his own question. He shook his head in disbelief and look away.
You frowned. Of course... this was what he have been worrying about. Before you can even open your mouth to speak, he suck a sharp breath and speak up again.
"One hundered years... I lost some people, yeah I did make new ones in the way but... it never stop hurting... and it never will. I thought about just build walls around myself at some point but... I know who I am and I will never stop meeting new ones and help people around." He smiled to himself but it's fade as quick. He heavied a sigh, "I just don't wanna lose anyone I guess." He quickly muttered. He scratched his cheek, seems like ashamed to admit all this, "S-sorry. Didn't mean to lay it all off on you." He chuckled.
You smiled and slide next to him, hitting his side the way he did to you, "Hey, I don't care about age or what the future holds for us. I care about right now. And what's happening right now? We are both sitting together on a giant tree swarmed by the peacfullness of the night." He smiled at that.
You continued, "Age doesn't matter, it does not choose who you are, you do. What makes you you is your experiences and your... pleasures? Wait- No- I fucked it up."
He snorted at that. A real laugh. His fist of laughs caused you to start laughing along with him. He couldn't hold back himself and drop down on his back. He snickered and gasped for breath.
"My pleasures?" He choked out.
You snickered, "I said what I said." You shrugged proudly, "Now, tell me, What gives you pleasure in this world?"
His hands slipped back behind his head as he closed his eyes with a thoughtfull expression, "Hmm... I guess... adventures. Without them I would probably go insane by now." He chuckled.
You lay back aslo, "Yeah, adventures are fun."
"What about you?" He glanced at you.
You grinned at that and poked his nose, "You will never know."
He quickly sit up with the the most arrogant, playfull grin you ever saw him wearing, "Ahhh, I know. I get it. It's me isn't it?"
You burst into laughing, "Holy shit what?! You?! No way!"
He nudges your sides, "Come oooon, come on, come on, admit it!"
You try to push his floating hands away, and to stop your laughing but his tickling making it much worse, "S-stop it! Hahaha Y-you're gonna kill meee!!" You wheezed out.
He pouted playfully, "Fineee. You are no fun." He drop down on his back again, a peacfull smile on his lips.
You gasp for air and sighed, "God, I'm exhusted." You groaned and send a playfull glear in his way which he grinned at.
You two continued to lay down on the branch observing the stars. Your tired mind and body wouldn't let you even move an inch, your eyelids get heaver and heavier. It was so hard for you to try to make them stay open. After your little war with him made you even more exhausted than you were already is. Your mind felt heavy and sturggle to graps reality.
"Hey... uh... before you fall asleep or something... I want to say... thank you... for being here." He sounded content.
You smiled with his soft voice.
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flamigoat · 6 months
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I have a bunch of shipping doodles lying around, so enjoy! 💖
Contains Rayeach (Rayman x Rabbid Peach), Peachmesis (Rabbid Peach x Raymesis), and EdgePeach (Edge x Rabbid Peach)!
I love shipping Rabbid Peach with pretty much everyone! Can you guys tell she’s my favorite yet bahahaha 🤣
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captaincrumbz · 2 months
HII!! Im always trying to make new friends, :3 especially those with the same interests as me so if you wanna be friends dont be scared to reach out!!
I go by MANYY names, heres some of them:
Arlene Felix, Raymesis, Ly, Flapjack, Harvie, Gumi, Harley, Morty
IM A MINOR. (14, almost 15)
Me real: 🇲🇽🇵🇭🇩🇪🇮🇪
Uh pronouns: He/She/Nor/Er, Also im okay with being referred as they/them but i dont reallyyy prefer it (Also i dont think anyone has referred to me as she/her ☹️)
Im bigender, Panromantic, Bisexual(?) Demiromantic, and Aroflux!!
Im a 8+ year Rayman fan, AND A SELFSHIPPER BTW (This goes for every version of Rayman.)
Im a fictionkin and otherkin! and I have a ridiculous amount of fictionkins BUT heres some of the only ones that matter:
Raymesis and Ly (From Rayman), Bullfrog (CLH), Flapjack (From the marvelous misadventures of flapjack), BENNY (TLM!!!!) Michael afton (fnaf), Shelly Marsh and Clyde Donovan (sp), Maya (cotc), 2d/Stuart Pot (gorillaz), Jevil (Deltarune), Spinel (Steven Universe), Crimson (Tdi), Jim (Jim's Computer), Venus and Frankie (Mh), Playtime (bbieal), Gf (FNF), Amy (Sonic Adventure Dreamcast version, ++ some others), and MANY other characters.
(Fictionkin is believing you were a fictional character in a past life or believe you will be them in your next, fictionhearted is like a connection along with relatablity i guess)
Also im a otherkin, Of a lot of things
Im also a IRL of a few characters
(Such as, Gumball Watterson, Felix the Cat, and Orel Puppington)
sometimes i get confused if a character is a irl or fictionkin of mine
Im currently looking for media and sourcemates
FANDOMS IM IN: Rayman, CLH, Deadpool and Wolverine, Athf, Smiling friends, Felix The Cat, Impractical Jokers, sonic, tawog, thats it right now i guess.
Current Hyperfixiations: Rayman, Deadpool, Smiling Friends, Felix the Cat, Sonic
(Also i was reallyy hyperfixiated on lost media)
I have a Rayman board on pinterest with over 1,020
Im a Punk, Goth (Deathrocker, A REAL ONE TOO.) Rudy, Psychobilly AND Juggalo.
I grew up with a lot Ska and punk music. Dni if you're a poser or you think punk, goth, ect, is the same as emo or smth😭😭, also shout out to my dad who is cool AS FUCK and has the best music taste ever.
Some bands I grew up with: The Toasters, THE ADICTS!!!!!, The Misfits, The Specials, The Selecter, The Reverend Horton Heat, The Slackers, Thee midniters, The Frightnrs
OTHER stuff i like (most which i grew up with)
Spongebob, RAYMAN (again, im 8+ year fan of it, used to hallucinate seeing him in class when i was in kindergarten) A BUNCH of gamecube and wii games, Monster high, spiderman, batman, teen titans, Happy Tree friends (Watched it when i was like a toddler), DHMIS, UNDERTALE, BALDI'S BASICS IN EDUCATION AND LEARNING), Hello neighbor, fnaf, batim, cuphead, Yokai Watch, Sonic, ed edd n eddy, tawog, uncle grandpa, Bob's Burgers, Beavis and Butthead, gravity falls, PLUS A LOTTT OF OTHER STUFF. (I still love all of these!!!)
I get REALLY excited wheb talking about my hyperfixationsb
Socials n stuff: Discord (ASK FIRST!!!!!), Tiktok, Pinterest, Spotify, Twitter (I forgot my user on there) (All the same users, except for tiktok which is captain_crumbz)
Also I have roblox and animal jam :P IM NOT REALLY ACTIVE ON ROBLOX A LOT THO
I have crude humor and i cuss a lot, if cussing makes you uncomfortable PLEASE tell me, ill stop when talking to you.
I(f you dont cuss while talking to me (or in general) i will most likely not cuss much around you)
Leave me alone about past drama.
=================================== DNI: Proshippers, P3dophiles, N3crophiles, Zoophiles, stuff like that.
Homophobes, transphobes, ect.
Ablelists, Racists (🤮),
People who make s/a jokes or say stuff like "Im gonna touch you." ect.... (Or just like, dont say that to me, That makes me uncomfortable.)
People In the tcc.
Those who are on my account just to stalk me (GO GET A LIFE JESUS CHRIST, IM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU, GO AWAY!!!!! SHOO!!!!!!
Also heres the best post I've ever made ever
ALSO TY IF YOU READ ALL OF THIS ITS A LOT😭, it also needs to be updated
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loveydoveylex · 8 months
hey, i’m actually very curious abt ur interpretation of raymans sexuality, and was wondering if u could share the reasoning behind it (no pressure to answer, just itching 2 know lol)
of course! for starters - gay, gay, homosexual, gay. I think there's something to be said about the fact that there have been multiple attempts at giving rayman a girlfriend, and yet not a single one of them has worked out. x)
ly was shown with rayman in a romantic light in one single rayman 2 wallpaper and their relationship was never even hinted at anywhere else. simonhe was completely scrapped, along with the entire raving rabbids prototype - and, y'know, maybe that was for the better, considering how racist the whole "the only black character in the cast gets enslaved" thing would've been... yikes. raynette was only present in a mural that was exclusive to the ps vita version of rayman origins and never got referenced in any other version of the game, nor has it ever been mentioned again since (and honestly, you're a terrible partner anyways if you chase your boyfriend/husband off a cliff just because he got a haircut you didn't like... 😆)
rayman with a girlfriend... just doesn't really work. it doesn't stick! and a large part of it is because romance doesn't have much of a place in the rayman games. however, I choose the path of ✨self indulgence✨ because I Can.
and for the record, since this conclusion can also be drawn from everything I've mentioned - aroace rayman is also a headcanon I love and support! I'm aroace too, after all - fictosexuality/romanticism is on the aroace spectrum. outside of Videogame Men, I am as romance-repulsed as can be. so it makes me happy to see that represented in others' interpretations of his character. :) I just personally see him as a gay man! I think he's a lil fruity.
either way, rayman is QUEER in one way or another and that is something I stand by. 🫡
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dirtyhandslolo · 1 year
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• Ly in UbiArt (Rayman Origins) art style •
Yeesh, I didn't post anything since January, sorry.
I had some reasons for it x"d
Anyway, here is Ly the Fairy in UbiArt style, it was more like experiment with this art style.
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lazylesya · 1 year
Hey there, how are you? I just wanted to ask if you could draw some Rayly kisses (just if you want to, of course). I love your drawings, they’re really cute! Hugs from Brazil 🇧🇷 😊
Aww, thank you, you're so sweet!! 🥺💖💖💖 I'm fine btw! I hope you're doing fine as well owo
I brought you some sketchy chibi-kisses!! uwu
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nobleclover · 9 months
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I love this ship so much, omg ❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
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