#also i love ed with antennas
rainbow-wolf120 · 8 months
Guys........ I think I got my canon couples mixed up-
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So like... yes. I am a Rayman X Ed shipper. I'm done hiding. Please spare me <3
But yeah, I threw in some Ly X Suzy as well because..... ummmmm... uhhhh...
I don't think I could justify my thoughts process. I finished this piece at 3 in the morning
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Also these are my hc designs for the sillies. I like patterns :)
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Also Headdy's there too because they're a trio fight me
Ed being a flusted mess and Rayman being wholesome my beloved
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imorphemi · 11 months
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Sketches ive done for the past week, I've got one procreate file that has like all of my sketches from reading fics haha. The first one is some Eds from Aria of Pride and Deceit, plus a couple more Eds with me messing with his bangs. The second one is all from Full of Mettle, and some stuff that I wish would happen in the fic lol
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doubledyke · 1 year
3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22 >:3
hey thanks!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr:
i def don't have a screenshot of anything related to eene. i can't even really think of any on tumblr but the goddamn eene subreddit can be soooo cancerous. i don't follow it but it shows up in my feed bc i visited it once, but then i'll come across some goofy ass shit that compels me to click and the cycle starts again. but generally ONE of the worst takes on any site is that eddy would grow up to be a schlubby bozo in a trench coat selling Stiff Rox behind a middle school or similar takes. he would be very well dressed while peddling his wares, thank you very much.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?:
the only character i really dislike for any reason is jonny. he's so goddamn annoying to me. i know that's the point, so kudos to david avalon lol. if anything, an interesting fandom interpretation could probably change my view of him. but yeah i definitely think he has some really funny lines and gags, but overall he's pretty boring and obnoxious. with basically everyone else, i can see the appeal or at least the potential for something interesting. back in the dark ages (2014) i feel like i had a moment where i got pretty tired of the way edd was made out to be such a mary sue that i might have gotten annoyed by him or that idea of him at the very least. i admittedly take my own liberties when "analyzing" him, but as with all the eds, he's a complex character. the edd fan girls who'd have him pickin' daisies while eddy murders innocents drove me crazy.
9. worst part of canon:
i've never given it much thought, but i'd probably say it would be kanker related. i really love the kankers, even with the limited info we have on them. i just love unhinged girls/women. i would have loved to have seen them get some sort of arc and have a purpose outside of their roles as boy crazy "trailer trash". if there were ever a spin off, i'd hope it would be about them and their insane home life.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time:
i'm a terrible fan; i haven't read a fic in a long time for whatever reason. they're all in my "rainy day" stash since eene related content is a limited resource. i don't know that there's any one thing or a pattern i've noticed in multiple fics from different people. however, one thing i LOVE is seeing people write slapstick into their fics. i think it's so fucking cool and interesting. everyone in this fandom is so damn multi-talented i could scream.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time:
i guess probably giving eddy blue hair, or giving edd long hair, which i love! edd doesn't seem like the type to have long hair, but somehow it's so damn fitting. idk where blue haired eddy started but its fanon at this point and i'm down. but i love his 3 strange antennae as well.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art:
unfortunately again, i'm the worst person to answer this bc i have no idea what all is out there in regards to fics. but i'd love to see some good stories about the eds in high school dealing with their new found and fleeting "acceptance" from the other kids.
i'd also love to see more stories that have all three eds living under one roof as adults and all the insanity that would ensue. i want to write about this one in particular, so hopefully i'll be able to come up with a cohesive plot at some point.
would also love some eddeddy drama like them breaking up 👀 they get back together of course because they're the only two idiots who will deal with each other's bullshit
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores:
edd's giant chin
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perenial · 2 years
you're one of the few i trust in the it fandom so. can you give some of your fav reddie fic recs pretty please??
okay. so,
this wouldn't be a gene perenial neé eurythmix rec list if i didn't hype up my main bitch cait @hyruling and a few of her stunning fics:
footprints in the snow | rated: e, wc: 62k
Eddie meets comedian and rising star Richie Tozier at a comedy club, and his life is promptly turned upside down. His Twitter followers jump from 80 to 80,000 overnight, he's being photographed in the subway, and the dreams that have plagued him his entire life are becoming increasingly specific and haunting. Richie feels strangely like the home he's long forgotten, and falling into friendship with him is the easiest thing he's ever done. But the closer they get, the clearer it becomes that Richie is hiding something.
we've been here before | rated: e, wc: 71k
Richie starts seeing Eddie everywhere after Derry. He's obviously hallucinating, until he isn't.
call my bluff, call you babe | rated: e, wc: 29k
"Why can’t I ask Bill?” 
“Because— he’s basically a celebrity too. That’s just. It’s already weird enough to people that you two even know each other, pretending to be romantically involved is just opening up a whole can of worms. I’m outside.”
“‘Romantically involved’, when did you start writing for The Sun, Eds,” Richie teases with a chuckle, just as Eddie reaches the final turn down Richie’s hallway. “That doesn’t really… I mean, people know we were friends when we were kids, so—”
“Just pretend to be my date,” Eddie says, and—
And nearly throws his phone into the fucking wall.
it also wouldn't be a rec list by me if i didn't talk about the incomparable mars @playedwright​ who totally changed the game with this little number:
let me name the stars for you | rated: m, wc: 58k
“So. To summarize. I’m stranded on Mars, entirely alone. I have absolutely no way to communicate with my crew or with earth, since our communications antennae turned me into a human shish-kabob. If the oxygenator becomes compromised, I’ll suffocate. If the water reclaimer stops working, I’ll dehydrate. Breach in the Hab means I’ll go poof. And if, for some god-forsaken reason none of those things kill me first, I’m gonna run out of food and starve to death. Oh, and we can’t forget that everyone I know thinks I’m dead. So… yup. Totally fucked.”
On Sol 6, an unexpected windstorm cuts the Ares III Mission short and six astronauts retreat back to Earth.
On Sol 7, the astronaut they left behind wakes up gasping for air.
(Or, The Martian au)
[part one of a series that will genuinely change ur life]
i was going to list all my other fave mars fics but im gonna be honest they all blow my dick clean off so just. read everything they’ve written, capiche?
misc fics that make me feel like wailing and screaming and crying etc etc:
in the heat of the summer (you’re so different from the rest) | rated: e, wc: 109k
 There’s a heatwave in L.A., the first time Richie sees Eddie naked.
  One very hot year in the life of two idiots in love, working shit out.
[gene notes: so like. @skinks​ is an icon and i’ve yet to read anything, fic or original work, that captures atmosphere as well as joe does with this absolute behemoth. and i can GUARANTEE u’ll never read a hornier piece of writing. what a legend]
the more light series | rated: t, combined wc: 34k
When Mike calls from Derry, Patty answers the phone instead.
[gene notes: @theparadigmshifts​ my bestie @theparadigmshifts​!! be sure to read their other IT fics too, there’s some fab hanbrough & stanpat in there]
trashmouth for sale, gently used | rated: e, wc: 19k
“Richie is an award winning comedian and voice actor, originally from Derry, Maine. He’s a six-foot-two Pisces, and in case dinner goes very badly- CPR certified,” the auctioneer recites joylessly, while Richie is in stitches at her side. “Richie enjoys long walks on the beach, 1-800 number jingles, and debating the civil rights of robots. You can select any venue in New York for your dinner, but Richie says he especially enjoys Thai food and frozen custard and describes himself as a bottomless pit-”
Richie taps the auctioneer's shoulder and leans into the mic. “That’s a typo. That should say just ‘bottom’.”
While Richie gets roped into a bachelor auction, Eddie struggles with his own worth.
[gene notes: holy shit i just found out this is the same @stitchyblogs​ who wrote a bunch of ofmd fics i love?? and they have more IT stuff i haven’t read??? AND their art is spectacular????]
the stupid deep series | rated: e, combined wc: 66k
Richie has a big dick, and Eddie is into it.
[gene notes: this anon writes p/orn like no one else and their characterisation is spot on to boot, what more could u want]
broken record | rated: e, wc: 55k
The house on Neibolt was standing again.
Bill was talking about going in alone. How?
“So does somebody want to say something?” Eddie asked, still breathing, still fucking breathing and alive and not dripping his Goddamn organs out of his chest.
“Richie said it the b-best when we were here last,” Bill said.
“Holy fuck.”
[gene notes: THEEEE time loop fic of all time. OF ALL TIME. i genuinely cannot overstate how good this fic is – it takes a relatively simple premise and goes places that make u want to start eating drywall. @spunknbite​ is a genius and i’ll be thinking abt this fic for the rest of my life probably]
[bonus spunknbite fic that has nothing to do with broken record but was a gift to me (!!) and i’ll never shut up abt it]
five things to do in derry when you’re dead | rated: t, wc: 3k
When he opens his eyes, there’s darkness out the window and a hand hovering over his chest.
“You know,” Eddie mutters, squinting up at it. “You could at least buy me dinner first.”
The answer he gets is an odd, choked noise. It’s halfway between a laugh and a sob.
Something dies. Something grows. The universe tries to keep itself balanced.
[gene notes: no joke, this is the fic that got me into the fandom]
the quickest way to a man’s heart series | rated: t & e, combined wc: 16k
"Are you... allowed to do that?"
The guy's forehead turns into a mess of wrinkles as he raises his eyebrows and gives a little bark of a laugh.  Richie recognizes him just as the guy says "Dude, it's my fucking restaurant."
slow down, you crazy child | rated: t, wc: 20k
Richie looks down at his own body and like the bed and the bedroom before it, he doesn’t recognize what he sees.
A broken sound escapes his lips and he slaps his hand to his mouth. Then he pulls his hand away, looks at it again, and slaps it back in place before his mouth gets any smart ideas.
“What the fuck,” he says against his not-hand.
(A 13 Going on 30 AU, sort of.)
[gene notes: have i mentioned how much i love time travel stories recently. bc it’s A Lot]
now what i’m gonna say may sound indelicate | rated: e, wc: 374k
Eddie Kaspbrak has lived his whole life being told that he's delicate, and he's not. And nearly bleeding out in an alien fear demon's lair has helped him realize that--as well as what he can live through. It puts his priorities in some perspective.
What he is, is injured. And married. To like, a woman. And gay. And stupidly, stupidly in love with Richie Tozier, after all these years. And he'd like to use his new lease on life to act on many of these things, if only Richie would cooperate.
[gene notes: okay so this one is a wip and i haven’t even finished reading what’s been posted (see: 374k word count) but i HAD to rec it bc it’s one of the best post-chap 2 fics i’ve read – the characterisation is stellar, the story is painfully real, and the writing is just?? so good??? man i’ve gotta read this author’s other stuff im in love]
there are SO many other fics out there that im sure i’ve forgotten (+ i haven’t been actively looking for reddie stuff since like.....mid 2020) so this isn’t the most comprehensive rec list out there but!! these are the ones that have rly stood out to me over the years and i hope u find something in this mess u’ll enjoy 💕
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rott3nc0re · 2 years
The Artist & The Freak
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v. On The Run
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warnings: explicit language
a/n: it’s back! sorry for the extremely long delay from this series. i also added a new chapter so originally there was ten. enjoy!
other chapters: i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x | xi |
The morning after last night felt perfect. But when Cleo turned over to reach over for him, she woke up. She frowned and looked around as she rubbed her eyes. She got dressed and headed to the bathroom to get ready before heading downstairs.
She heard him talking to himself, like he was annoyed or something. She saw him talking to the walkie-talkie and pacing around the kitchen and to the front door. She giggled as she went to the fridge to see what was there to eat. She closed it, didn’t find anything but water to drink. She sat on the counter and just watched him softly yell at the walkie-talkie. He pushed the antenna down and huffed, turning around only to see her.
“Hey, you didn’t hear any of that did you?”
“Hear what?”
He let out a sigh of relief and walked over to her. “Where were you this morning?” she asked as he stood in between her legs. “I was trying to find something for us to eat so I can make it but, nothing” she smiled at him and gave him a peck. “Aww, yeah?” she wrapped her arms his neck, smiling at him. “Yeah, but I promise i’ll stay in bed with you tonight” he held her hips and came closer to her. He pecked her lips but she pulled him by his shirt to kiss him again. “You better, Munson” she said against his lips and going back to kiss him again.
“So uh… you liked last night?” he mumbled against her lips. She pulled away to answer him.
“Yeah, I hope we get to do it again”
“Yeah?” he went in to kiss her neck, kissing that familiar spot from last night. “Cause I hope we can do it again too”.
She lightly moaned at his words and then started giggling when she felt him nibble on her neck. “That tickles!” she laughed, causing him to chuckle.
He pulled away and looked at her with such care in his eyes. Stroking her cheek with his thumb as he stared into her beautiful brown eyes. “Cleo” he said, lacing their fingers together. “Yes, Eds?” she answered back.
“You wanna be mine or somethin’ like that?”
She froze, not really knowing what to say but— “yours? As in being your girlfriend?”
He looked at her with a smile, loving the way she was a little confused. “Yeah, as in you being my girlfriend, sweetheart” he chuckled while stroking her cheek. She really really liked him but she’s never been in a serious relationship with anyone before. She didn’t know how to be someone’s girlfriend and she didn’t wanna mess that up.
“I do but,”
“But what?”
“What if I won’t be good as a girlfriend?” he softly laughed at that, making her frown. “It’s not funny! I’m serious” she whined, putting out a fake pout and crossing her arms.
“I know, look. You don’t have to say yes if you feel like we’re rushing into things-“
“No! I mean I do wanna be your girlfriend, it’s just… this would be my first serious relationship. I’ve never been a girlfriend before”
He just smiled at her, admiring her dark brown skin in the sunlight. But he did actually listen to her. “Like ever?” he asked her. She nodded and groaned as her head landed on his chest. “Just date someone else” she didn’t really mean it but she was a little frustrated with herself right now.
“Absolutely not” she raised her head as he said that.
“Why not?”
“‘Cause, I want you and only you. You’ve been so nice to me, so caring and you put up with this—”
He waved his arms around. “—Bullshit for the last couple of days. And you don’t judge me at all. I could talk to you about Hellfire and those little devils and you’d just listen. I really like that about you. I like everything about you, Cleo” he explained, making her feel all giddy inside.
“You really know how to flatter a girl huh?”
“Well flattery works for me so.. gotta put it to good use”
She kissed him once more before locking eyes with him. “I wanna be your girlfriend but, can we take it slow?” she asked with soft eyes, their fingers still laced together. “Yeah,” he said while raising her hand towards his lips, giving gentle kisses along her knuckles. “Of course” his soft voice and the way he was looking at her just made her melt. “Come on, I was playing a little game earlier” he said as he scooped her up and caring her to the boathouse.
“So trying to throw things in a bucket is a little game you were playing?”
“Yeah” he shrugged, going over to sit in his spot he sat in earlier. “Come try it” he was holding out random rocks he found to give to her. She shrugged and walked over to where he was sitting. He pulled her into his lap, spreading kisses all over her face and neck. “Eddie!” she squealed, causing him to chuckle. He stopped and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Here” he gave her the rocks and waited for her to start. His arms were wrapped around her and watched as she threw the rocks into the bucket and failing miserably. He moved her curly hair to the side to kiss her neck. She bit her lip, slightly losing focus. “Eds, c’mon i’m trying to focus” she giggled, causing him to chuckle. He pulled away and turned her head to look at him with his fingers on her chin.
“You’re kind of doing a bad job, pretty girl”
“Well give me some good luck”
The devilish grin that appeared on his face made her go feral. “Gladly” was all he said before his lips attacked hers. She softly moaned in the kiss, twisting her body to straddle him as they kissed. She pulled away from him frantically, having a look of concern, making him lightly chuckle. “You okay?” he asked softly as she looked towards the window. “I just heard someone’s car pulling up here” and his heart sunk. “Is it Henderson and the others?” he asked, trying not to freak out. “No, they didn’t say anything coming by today” she said as the sounds of car doors slamming. She immediately got off of his lap and went to the front window. She cautiously looked out, seeing Jason and his friends with weapons.
“Oh shit, Eddie, it’s Jason”
His eyes widened and immediately got up and ran over to her bag to grab her walkie-talkie. He pulled up the antenna, “Wheeler? Henderson? You guys remember me, right?!” he quietly yelled into the walkie-talkie only to not get anything back. They looked at each other, scared out of their minds. She took the walkie-talkie and pressed on the button to talk. “Robin! Steve! Please, c’mon someone answer! We’re in trouble” no response. She became frustrated was almost on the verge of tears. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re getting out of this, okay?” she nodded and held his hand. “They have weapons, Eds” she whispered. “Shit, okay, okay let me figure this out” he whispered. They were in the corner on the floor so they could stay out of sight. In the meantime, Cleo kept trying to reach someone on the other end of the walkie-talkie.
“W-What if I talked to them? Convince them that you didn’t kill Chrissy”
“Absolutely not, Sinclair. As soon as they see me, they are going to kill me”
It was true, they could kill him. She started tearing up at that possibility, gripping her hold on his hand. “No, don’t cry. It’s not gonna happen, okay?” he wiped the tears that started coming down with his thumb. “We gotta hide in the boat” she nodded and followed him carefully to the boat. He lifted the tarp for her, allowing her to crawl in and he soon followed her after. He pulled her towards him and held her tightly, calming her down. “Let’s just wait until we hear them leave, okay?” he cooed, hugging her so close to him.
“But what if-“
“No no no, no what if’s. They’re too dumb to find us here, remember?”
She looked up at him and smiled, even though he couldn’t see it, he could tell she was. “I hope you’re right, Munson” she said as she snuggled into him.
She hadn’t realized she fell asleep in his arms until she was being shaken awake gently. “Cleo, gotta get up sweetheart” her eyes fluttered opened.
“How long was I asleep for?”
“Like two hours”
“Two hours?! Please tell me they weren’t searching for us for two fucking hours”
He chuckled, “no, they were searching for like, thirty minutes and they gave up and left”
“Such dumb assholes”
He chuckled and pulled the cover off of them and the boat. “We can’t stay here though” she nodded and got out of the boat. They each got oars and placed it into the boat. Next she got her bag, putting it inside. “Help me take it to the water.”
The sun was setting as they were moving the boat out onto the water. Eddie got in first, making sure everything was okay and set to go. “M’lady” he held out his hand, letting her take it. “Why thank you kind sir” she said back, stepping onto the boat. “I’m gonna take us out a little from shore” he said. He started up the engine and the boat took off.
It was nightfall and they were on the lake, far from the house. “C’mere” he waved his arm over to him. She came over a sat next him, their bodies getting closer to each others. “You okay?” he looked at her, lacing his fingers with hers. “Yeah it’s just, I hope my friends are okay. I still haven’t heard anything back since earlier” they were floating on the lake, the moonlight hitting her melanined skin.
She looked so beautiful in the moonlight to him but he couldn’t say that while she worried about her friends.
Not just yet anyways.
“I’m sure they’re okay, we’ll get ahold of them tomorrow” she nodded in agreement, pecking his nose as an answer. “I know this isn’t on topic but, I think you look so beautiful right now” she smiled at that.
“Stop it”
“It’s true! Like how did I manage to get the prettiest girl in Hawkins?”
“Dunno, maybe it’s cause you’re freak”
He grinned, “using my own words huh? I’m growing too much on you” she giggled and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back of course, bringing her hips closer to him.
The two of them pulled away, she presses a quick kiss to the tip of his nose which causes him to kiss her again.
“You know…” he said, pulling away to look at her. “Hellfire would like you, a lot” meaning his friends in the club. “You think so?” she tilted her head, giving him a lopsided grin. He copied her look, getting her to giggle. “Oh yeah, whenever i’m done being a fugitive, I wanna go back to just playing our fantasy game” he put more emphasis on fantasy, the way he would do anything to just stay in that world was much needed. “And of course i’d want you in that fantasy with me” she smiled, rubbing her shoulder with his. “I’d love to be in that fantasy with you, Eds” he smiled back, kissing her one last time before hearing someone shout.
“Oh shit, it’s Jason” he said, the both of them frantically moving around. He went over to the motor, pulling on the string to get it to work. “Come on!” Eddie groaned, pulling it more but it just wouldn’t budge. “Fuck, they’re swimming towards us!” Cleo shouted while Eddie groaned in frustration. He kicked the motor, swearing and swearing out loud. “Get the oar” he told her, walking over to get one for himself. He went to the edge, swinging around the oar to get Jason to stay back. Cleo did the same to Patrick, fending themselves off. Suddenly Patrick was pulled into the water, everyone stopped their movements. Jason shouted for his friend, only for him to be sent up into the air. Eddie stumbled backwards into the water, tilting the boat just a bit. Cleo held on, trying not to fall into the water. The three of them watched the boy in the air, his bones cracking, limbs going in places they shouldn’t be, jaw detached and eyes being sucked out of this head. Cleo was stunned, witnessing one of her classmates dying. And so was Eddie, the second time witnessing something like that.
He pulled back up into the boat, shaking the boat as he fell onto his back. He immediately went over to her, going in front of her and placing his hand her shoulders. “Hey, hey look at me” she was still looking up, tears welling up in her eyes before looking at the boy in front of her. “I’m gonna get us out of here, okay?” she couldn’t speaking, shaking after witnessing such a horrible and gruesome death. She nodded her head slowly, he nodded too before placing a kiss onto her forehead.
He grabbed an oar and started paddling as fast as her could, getting them away from any more trouble.
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marvellouspinecone · 2 years
Hi :) So I'm coming to your ask box to yell about more spooky songs by Sebastian Krämer that would possibly also make good dw episodes/horror movies.
Firstly, my absolute favourite, the first song of his I listened to which immediately made me fall in love with his music: Zackebuh. There is actually a youtube video for this one so you might want to watch that if only to admire the artwork that is his tie (btw also dw related, because the Doctor would totally wear that).
Zackebuh is something like karma incarnated. They live inside your wardrobe and if you've hurt other people they might come out at night. Giggling they will come to your bed, take your hand, lead you through the wall and then you're just gone.
There is no real description of their appearance, but 'buh' is the German way of writing 'boo' and a 'Zacke' is a spike. And I showed the singer different fanarts I had made of the character and they said it most likely looked like the one that was a raggedy version of my sister's sheep plushie. So...
Secondly, there is Alpo, the forest ghost. Which is very mysterious. Apparently they can shapeshift and time travel? And look human? But sometimes animals or humans will just KNOW who they are. So, basically the Doctor.
I interpret the song a little as if Alpo is just curious, travelling the world by jumping from body to body but eventually getting stuck and being unable to move on. Possibly even forgetting who they are themselves. Because there is a scene at the end where they go to therapy after being depressed for years and the therapist is unable to tell that they are Alpo the forest ghost. So, basically they are chameleon arch-ed. No really, this song is about the Doctor, how did I never notice that before?
Also, please listen to Krämer trying and failing to animate the audience to applaud for several minutes at the end of the video, it is hilarious.
Thirdly, there is 'Der Güterzug' (=The freightliner). Which does not exist on youtube or spotify. It describes a situation where someone drives over one railroad trail and there is a second one in front of them, which is closed. The first one closes, too and both of them are passed by a freightliner that does not end. For hours. They can't move because there is no other way than the road that is closed off by the rail road tracks.
And then they start blinking and looking at the wagons. And the wagons are showing a flipbook movie of a freightliner and a man standing next to it. Then the man in the movie jumps into the train and dies and the movie starts anew. But the person waiting for the train to pass notices that between the runs of the movie there is a little gap in the freightliner, a tiny possibility to pass.
Having been there for an eternity already, they decide to try their luck and run through the train in that instance. Here the song ends.
I mean it is quite clear what is happening but I love the unreality feeling of a freightliner that seems to go around you in circles and you can't escape.
Fourthly, there is 'Idiots from Uranus' (only a spotify link unfortunately) which is not creepy, actually. It is just a description of aliens that have come for a visit in Berlin. They do a bunch of weird seeming stuff, like throwing their trunks around on the street or storing their tails in the fridge and buying way too many Berlin city souvenirs. While the singer is just repeating again and again: 'I'm not xenophobic but those idiots from Uranus are annoying'. Idk this one just gives me cute minisode vibes.
There is also Hell Express (spotify), a song about a supernatural roller coaster that changes you when you ride it because it is so fast. With the line of
Dass uns heut Antennen am Hinterkopf sprießen Und dass unsere Schläfen nachts fluoreszieren Kommt sicher nicht davon das kann bei all diesen Hormonen im Trinkwasser schonmal passiern
That we have antennas at the back of our heads today And that at night our temples fluoresce Is definitely not [the rollercoaster's] fault It just happens with all those hormones in the drinking water
and 'Manchmal höre ich die Stimme noch'(spotify) (Sometimes I am still hearing the voice) a song about a weirdly specific voice inside the singer's head that sounds a lot like a Be more Chill situation.
And lastly, there is 'Die Ballade vom Busfahrer Bodo' (The ballad of Bodo the bus driver). This one describes a bus driver being alone in the bus at night. And suddenly he is notified someone pushed the 'stop' button and he hears a voice asking to get out. He opens the door but then realises that he is alone. So he just laughs, closes the door and continues driving. But again, the stop button is pressed and the voice complains about being stuck in the door. So he stops, opens the door and runs out the bus to shout at the voice to get lost. But then the bus door closes, barring Bodo outside and he hears the voice say that he should hurry and get back in or the voice would run him over like he did to them years ago.
This one is especially cool because of how he makes the voice sound. Also I don't want that to happen to him -obviously- but we do have a bus driver companion with a history with ghosts. Just saying.
...Yeah, I am a little obsessed with Krämer. Not sure you could tell :)
Anyway, I hope this was a little interesting for you as well. If you'd like to know more or have any other lyrics translated I would 100% be up for that. But also I feel like I am already infodumping way too much on you, so there's that.
Have a nice day!
Thank you for yelling about this stuff! It's so cool and i would never just encounter it in the wild so it's super interesting.
First of all, this man's tie is glorious and should be the next fashion trend everywhere (although now that i think about it, making it mainstream would take away much of its charm so i retract my original statement). Second of all, i haven't realized from your first mention of this singer that he does comedic performances (yes, unfortunately i couldn't check it out on spotify, it's currently not available where i live), i expected his art to turn out all dark and edgy and serious, but now that i've seen it i can't imagine it any other way, the twisted darkish humour of it all really adds a lot to the performance, brings it all together. And i think this campiness is a part of what ties it so closely to dw.
These plots are fun! I especially like Alpo der Waldgeist, so much space for imagination and yeah, i can totally see the fobwatch parallel, but also i think it can be interpreted as regeneration: the spirit has been so many people that it doesn't know who it is anymore, and even others don't recognize it as they used to.
Der Güterzug concept is really a gutpunch when you look at it as it was intended (or at least what i think it was intended), but in a literal interpretation absolutely seems like something that would be used to trap a bad guy in, say, audiodramas, i feel like this a bit tacky and heavy-handed timeloop kind of thing would fit right in with all the dw concepts (*cough* Ten trapping the Daughter of Blood in mirrors *cough*).
Hell express sounds a bit like a torchwood discarded-episode-turned-novel lmao
Honestly, i feel there's a lot more to say, but the songs speak too well for themselves, it's just a lot of fun to marinate them in my head and maybe they'll spark some more interesting thoughts later on
Thank you for this infodump, as a wikipedia addict i don't mind it one bit! Krämer's vibes are a huge inspiration, and he also is a great performer (and thank you for the links and descriptions as well, it was really interesting to be able to understand some of the lines because i knew what a song was about)
Does that mean i get to pop into your ask box to ramble about music with dw vibes from my culture?👀
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dreamsinfiction · 2 months
May 2024 recap (aka the month I finally took a breather)
Looking back, I think this was the month where I told myself to breathe, chill and pace myself a little bit. Cos at the rate that I was going, I was definitely going to hit burnout stage pretty soon.
This was also the month that I went back on dating apps and also realising that maybe they aren't for me because of a slew of reasons which I will get into in another post. Wait, scratch that, I'll get to it now because boy do I have a lot of grievances.
My Gripes with Online Dating
a) The guys on there are usually quite creepy? - I mean I already have my antenna up because nowadays you can't be sure what is a scam and what isn't (those with blurry, resolution 140p photos are definitely trying to scam). But scams aside, sometime the people on there are pretty weird.
b) Very passive men - I don't know if this is Muzzmatch thing or just dating apps in general, but what is the point of you clicking match with someone when you don't do anything after that?? And it's not just a oh-maybe-this-person-is-not-on-the-app-anymore kind of thing, they've actually seen that we've matched, that I've tried saying hi but leaving me ghosted without saying anything 🙄 As a classic introvert, I do need someone to lead the convo or at least participate in it -.-
c) Men who I can't click with - I don't know if this is a specific M/M issue (I think it is) but I feel like I can't click with about 90% of them mainly because of education background. Not trying to be elitist but a lot of them don't have a degree so naturally the way we think would be very different. I don't think I'm that assertive/liberal in my thinking but wow some of them are super, super conservative. Oof.
Anyway, enough about men. One thing I'll say is that they make for very funny banter stories between me and my colleagues hahahaha.
On to the main programming,
Highlights of May:
I really think I treated myself quite kindly this month (even though work was intense as per usual) hehe.
a) Went on a little cafe date with Jac and Sya (and discovered a new place to study/hang out!). The coffee here was so gooooood. I have since gone back here a few times to study/chill heh. It's also nestled in BookXcess which finally has an outlet here! Books were priced pretty cheaply too.
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b) Continuing on with the book theme, I also went for my first ever book event/sharing! Went with Chinyi, who I've been talking to on my bookstagram (definitely being more social with my reading this year and on my IG heh) and she jio-ed me to go for one at Wardah Books! Picked up "When You Think You're Falling" because of her recommendation too. Ameera Aslam's sharing on her thoughts when writing the book and how it reflects her life journey with faith is so real. I felt very seen in that moment - to know that others are also having their ups and downs with faith, how the lows may be really low but what's most important is not to be perfect (and give up when you inevitably can't acheive that) but to pick yourself up and try again. Love that ❤️
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Truly an inspiration - I love discovering local authors!
We then went to Penny Uni to have brunch and coffee and wow, it's been a long time since I clicked with a new friend that we spent 1.5 hours there and the time just flew by~ I don't even know what we talked about but love it when the conversation is so easy and effortless heh.
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Can never go wrong with Penny Uni's french toast.
c) Went for Hamilton with Fatin! Huge fan of the show since watching the Disney+ version so knowing how big a theatre nerd Fatin is, of course I asked her if she wants to come along too heh. We both loved the show even though it's put on by the Aussie cast (Lafayette was played by a pretty cute Korean-Australian). Fatin even said it was way better than the West End one she watched while she was studying her Master's in London hahaha.
Our friendship is now, what, easily 17/18 years? But it still feels like we're back in secondary school just that now we're talking about adulting, having back pains and bonding over family problems instead of prepping for band SYF, Limau/Linau, and the Kerbaus HAHAHA.
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d) Went driving again for the first time! Have to say, Tommy is a very patient and nurturing teacher (tho Sya may say otherwise? 😜). I felt more confident of being behind the wheel again after a long time even though we started with baby steps like turning, parking and changing signals heh. Hopefully driving in Jeju will be less stressful than in Singapore!
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e) Started watching Lovely Runner after seeing all the hype online - GAISE THE HYPE IS DESERVED. This show will easily be one of my favourites this year (could possibly be the top show of the year?) and it is just so cute with a dash of heartwrenching pain after all the plot twists it takes. It's about idol culture but not really, quite a bit of time-travelling and second chances, and cute lovey dovey moments between the two leads. It's coming out in August on Netflix so pls watch it and share my joy/pain in watching it too heh. If the first 10 minutes of the first ep doesn't make you tear, I think you may actually have no heart muahahaha.
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And lastly, definitely the highlight of the highlights....
f) Going on a short cruise trip with the family to Phuket! I always feel relaxed on cruises cos there's limited activities anyway and you have a lot of time on your hands to just step out onto the balcony, enjoy the sea breeze while reading the hours away. There was many a sunset that I fully enjoyed. Of course it being a family trip it was a bit rocky here and there (which family trip isn't hahaha) but overall, I'll choose to remember the moments that made me zen and help me recenter myself before stepping on Singapore soil again.
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Gotta love a Kobo - I can fit so many books of different genres and read them according to my mood haha.
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Truly peaceful.
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I imagined how the story would have gone if someone else had sacrificed themselves instead of Nya.
Lloyd: would say goodbye to Kai and Nya, scattered throughout Ninjago, since any part of this world has energy.
With green lights, he helped people who got lost in the forest the way home, and also protected them from predators with their glow.
In memory of him, green lanterns would be launched with stories of saving people, through which Lloyd remembered his father, Kai, Nya.
Would return in the form of a green light.
Pixal would place him in a flask where, using the laws of physics, she could maintain his physical form.
A fight would have happened between Kai and Sensei Wu. Kai would blame Wu for mentally pressuring Lloyd into sacrificing himself while Wu said it was Lloyd's doing.
Nya and Zane would try to separate.
Jay: Say goodbye to Nya and fly away into the storm clouds.
During the year he tried to control lightning that could hit people or create problems with electricity.
In memory of him, people would launch flashlights and holograms with stories of their rescue by Jay, through which he would remember Nya, Ed, Edna.
Launching lightning into the antenna at the temple of Wu would have ended up on Pixal's computer, where he made a model of himself on the screen, like Pixal in Zane's head.
The fight would have been between Nya and Cole. Nya shared her feelings and thoughts about Jay while Cole tried not to calm him down.
Kai and Zane tried to stop the fight.
Zane: would say goodbye to Pixal and disappear in the form of snowflakes or a blizzard.
During the year, he tried not to make the winter so cold and gave coolness in the summer.
In memory of him, people put letters with their stories at his monument in the city park, and also launched birds.
Pixal launched an old falcon, which, once in the snowy mountains, met Zane. Upon seeing the bird, Zane would remember his falcon, Pixal, Dr. Julien, and return to the ninja by freezing the water in the pipes.
Pixal talked to him to keep Zane's ice form from cracking.
The fight would have been between Kai and Lloyd. Lloyd would say he's tired of losing people and doesn't believe they can get Zane back, and Kai called him an egoistical who thinks he's the only one who gets hurt. (season 4 moment: hi!)
Cole: would say goodbye to all the ninja and leave, moving underground.
During the year, he tried to prevent natural earthquakes and landslides.
In memory of him, people would begin to sing stories of their salvation, and Lou would play the tune that Lily and Cole loved. The same melody was sung by the townspeople of Shintaro.
Cole would have remembered Lily, Lou, Sensei Wu. Would return by breaking the floor of the base and imitate his body with the rocks that Zane froze to prevent the body from collapsing.
The fight would be between Kai and Jay. Kai would yell that they forgot Cole, and Jay would refute his thoughts.
Nya and Zane would try to stop the fight.
Kai: would say goodbye to Nya and Lloyd and dissolve into the lava that began to emerge from the holes in the roads of Ninjago.
During the year, he reduced the number of fires by controlling the fire.
In memory of him, people set off fireworks that formed into words or drawings. So Kai remembered Nya, Lloyd, Ray and Maya.
Returned to the temple in the form of a fireball that Pixal caught in the temple. Having made a wooden skeleton of a person, she threw it into the fire of Kai, so that it would be easier for him to maintain his shape and simply not go out.
The fight would have been between Lloyd and Nya. The loss of the closest person who has played the role of a parent all your life has affected them a lot. Zane would try to stop the fight.
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RNM Season Episode 13 - Rave
There were lots of things I liked about the finale.  And a couple things I really didn’t.  In this case, I am going to split my hate list from my loved.  This post is about the things I loved.
Rosa using her powers to get out of Clyde’s trap and smashing him over the head. 10/10 Can someone gif that for me?  It was brilliant.
Allie was great.  A few easter eggs in there I couldn’t help but love - including “You shaped this mind” and the antenna at the end.  I appreciate that it wasn’t so much that Allie came in and saved the day, as much as she was just there to help fill in the knowledge Liz was missing.  Kyle and Liz were actually who came up with the actual leaps of what was needed, which is fitting as the alien experts.
The final showdown with Clyde was pretty good, despite my bleh feelings for him.  I think because they almost didn’t make it that big of a deal.  Because, honestly, he just didn’t live up to the past villains, so the almost ease of his defeat was pretty gratifying. Liz saying they’d learned to bring more than one and pulling out another syringe was a great line in the midst of it all.
What little crumbs of Isobel and Kyle we got I will hold onto pathetically and dearly.  This is the only version of Roswell Isobel got to end the series with her romantic partner.  And there was just… them by the fire was special.  Because it did hark a bit back to a certain scene with Isobel and Noah in season one, only this time it was real.  This time Kyle’s love for her is real, and she is there with him because he is her person - and I still wish we’d gotten her saying that, but I wll take the crumbs.
Gosh, where do I start with Michael and Alex’s wedding?  I kind of loved a lot of it.  Michael shaking things as he freaks out pre-wedding.  Sanders and his moment.  Michael playing Alex a song on his guitar.  Their dance, and Michael saying I married my high school sweetheart. Them finally getting to just interact with the group as a couple these last few episodes was really nice because it's something they pretty much didn’t get most of the series.
Bonnie is alive and gets to stay and live out her life on Earth.  Bonnie is basically one of the best parts of the season for me, and I am so happy she didn’t get Adam-ed.
Absolutely approve of Liz planning to propose.  Also, approve of the interruption, but Max then saying at the portal that his answer is Hell yes.  I have always been pro-Liz proposing for Echo.
The final answer to why Max was the savior, why - as Noah had said in season one - someone would come for him regardless of who won, was mostly fitting.  I still feel there’s a lot of the story of the past left unanswered and unexplored and a bit jumbled.  Overall, though, there was some sense of finally tying up that loose end.
Where Max and Michael end the finale is an interesting place - because it’s almost the opposite of where you expected them to be when the series began.  You start with “I’m just a guy from Roswell” Max, and “I think it’s my only way out.” Michael.  We end on Michael is the one married and off on his honeymoon, Max is the one taking the portal to Oasis.  And that’s something I rather do approve of.  It seems kind of fitting with both their character arcs.  Because in the end what Michael really wanted was to find a home, and what Max needed was to come to terms with the weight of his powers. Completing the Pod Squad’s journey is Isobel “I’m married to a man who can’t ever know who I am”, completely free of the masks she has always worn and with someone who knows and loves all of her.
As far as series finale go, I have a fair amount of satisfaction in this ending.
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wenttworth · 3 years
yes i am aware that the little red cabin is a fake diner but i wanted a fuckign frasier reference in here (this is nsfw)
yes this is the spotify playlist love confession fic
secrets stolen
The unconscionable secret that Richie hid (other than the being attracted to men thing) was that he was a morning person.
Eddie understood why he hid that particular secret. It didn't fit the frat boy image, it didn't fit the more recent joking about depression image, and Eddie had been violently against Richie waking him up early since they were pre-teens, before sharing a bed became weird.
The door banged open violently, waking Eddie from a deep and dreamless sleep, and he yelled as Richie competed with the volume to also yell, “Up and at 'em, baby!” and the entire situation was confusing and vaguely threatening until they both quieted down, whereupon Richie let out an ungainly snort.
“Ok, now I understand why you shellac your hair to your head,” Richie said, and Eddie shot a look at the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to his bed. It was a fair observation; the curls on the left side of his head were flattened to his skull and on the right were sticking up as if he'd put his finger in a plug.
“Urgh,” Eddie complained, falling back against his pillows.
“Oh no you don't. We need to hit the road, daddy-o,” he quipped in some vaguely 50s hipster voice.
Eddie lifted his head just to carefully enunciate “Urgh,” as clearly as he could, and pulled the cover over his head as if that would do anything.
He could almost hear Richie's brain clicking through the options, and heard him take in an exaggerated breath, before shouting, “EddieEddieEddieEddie,” over and over in a high, trilling, and disturbing voice.
Unbelievable. His methods hadn't changed one iota since they were teenagers. “Oh my god, Richie, my neighbours are going to kill me,” he insisted, but Richie just grabbed his legs and shook them. “I. Hate. You,” Eddie countered, kicking out at him, feeling vaguely guilty when he caught him in the stomach, and the guilt immediately washing away when Richie called him a little turd.
The worst part was that Eddie couldn't have kept the laugh down or held back the grin if he'd even tried, so there was no way Richie was going to let up. “Fine!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. “I'm up, I'm up, remind me why I let you have a key again?”
“Because, and I quote, 'You'll have to get me up early, Richie, because I'm a pissy little freak in the morning'.”
Eddie glowered. “My voice is not that high.”
He sighed when Richie grinned, left eye squinting a little more than the right in that way that was effortlessly charming. “Come on, Eds, we gotta go.” He reached over and tugged a curl that was probably sticking up like an antenna. “You have five minutes to sort out whatever it is your hair is doing.”
“Fine. Take my bags down to the car.”
Richie batted his eyelashes. “Yes, princess.”
“Fuck off.”
Eddie still made Richie wait longer, there was no way he was getting into a car for that long without showering beforehand, and Richie had retaliated by moving most of the furniture in his living room a few inches towards the kitchen. He insisted he hadn't, but Eddie had heard the scraping of furniture against the hardwood when he was getting dressed, and had walked right into the coffee table, plus Richie had been lightly out of breath whilst trying very hard to appear casual lounging on the sofa. He finally followed Richie out to where his car was parked.
“Bill made me promise not to murder you,” he said once he'd settled into the passenger seat.
“Uh-huh,” Richie said non-committally.
“He said Stan's missed you a lot.”
“Sure, sure,” he continued vaguely, looking at his blindspot before pulling out.
“So I'm thinking I'll murder you once you've driven me home? Could we do it in the bathroom? I think it'll be easier to clean the blood in there.”
“Nuh-uh,” Richie said. “If you're gonna murder me, I want something tender and intimate.”
“Strangulation,” he said decisively. “There's something very romantic about someone being strangled to death.”
“You brought it up!”
“I was thinking straight up murder not...homoerotic strangulation,” Eddie said, before cackling loudly.
“Is this what they mean when they talk about the gays being more theatrical? I think so,” Richie said to himself, which just made Eddie laugh harder.
“Fine. Even if I just stab you—”
“Fucking basic, Eds.”
“Don't call me that. I'll try to make it romantic.”
“That's all I ask.”
Eddie let the giggles die down, watching the city bustle past. It was a far cry from the drives to Allentown to visit Myra's sister, becoming tense and twitchy in preparation a week in advance as Myra started reminding him of all the car crash statistics she'd pulled out of her own ass. They would usually split the drive too, but he couldn't rest when Myra was driving, sitting ramrod straight, eyes darting everywhere for all the imagined dangers.
He eyed Richie where he was slouched against the back of the seat, one hand on the steering wheel. His arms were bare, and Eddie stared hard at the tendons in his wrist, oddly delicate compared to his square hands and the thick hair on his forearms. The hair was dark, except where the light hit it at the right angle and the individual hairs turned golden where they haloed his arms.
Eddie swallowed the saliva that had filled his mouth, turning to face the window again. Best not to think about it.
“You checked the hygiene rating for the hotel, right?” he asked for, to be fair to Richie, the dozenth time when the road offered no genuine distraction.
To be even more fair to Richie, he didn't needle Eddie for asking again. “Yeah, Eds. Top marks,” and smiled gently when he caught Eddie's eye. Which didn't help with the whole. Uh. Situation Eddie was going through. Eddie smiled back, before burrowing deeper into his jumper and closing his eyes.
He woke with a start over Goethals Bridge to Richie humming under his breath, tapping lightly on his thigh, and somehow keeping his cool through New York traffic. “You know you still talk in your sleep?” he said when Eddie stretched his back, waiting for the pop in his spine and sighing when he got it.
“No,” Eddie said, and Richie grinned.
“I mean, I wouldn't worry about spilling your secrets. It's always complete nonsense. It's just. Weird, you know? How some things are exactly the same.”
When Richie had left Derry at sixteen he'd been all limbs, gangly and uncoordinated and stretched like a beanpole. Pretty far from the wide shoulders and chest and thick thighs that Eddie had a hard time looking away from. But that left eye that squinted a little more than the right, his honking laugh when Eddie caught him off-guard, every third word out of his mouth being specially curated to drive Eddie insane in all manner of ways...that was Richie through and through.
“It would have sucked if we were unrecognisable,” Eddie said. He bit his tongue against the next words.
The fact was, Eddie didn't see much of himself in the child that he had been. He'd been wild and loud, sure, but he'd also had a streak of kindness that Eddie as an adult found difficult to achieve even when he tried. He'd seen the ways Richie had eyed him when he was sharp to service workers, or even in the way he'd talk about Myra sometimes. It didn't bear imagining what was running through Richie's head, unswervingly kind as he was. There was only so much Eddie could pin to trauma, much less when comparing to someone who had been through the same shit he had.
“I'm, like, dying of boredom right now,” Richie finally said. “Could you put some music on? My phone is in the glove compartment.”
Eddie hummed, digging through the compartment—“Jesus, do you ever empty this thing? Why do you have five notebooks in here?”—until he found the phone. The lock screen was a picture of the two of them with Bev, her fire-red head tucked under Richie's chin. Eddie was staring at Richie with a grin and eyes that were far too soft.
Eddie cleared his throat, checking that Richie wasn't looking at him and therefore seeing just how hard Eddie was blushing. “What's your code?”
“Uh...” Richie's face went blank. “Huh. 1102.”
Eddie blinked. “Really? My birthday?”
“Yeah. It's uh...it's been my go to for years. Only just realised why.”
Now Richie was blushing, and it was all too much, so Eddie just punched in the code and connected the phone to bluetooth, finding Spotify in the mess of apps that was Richie's home screen. At least the home screen was a picture of Stan with the baby, so no more reasons for silently freaking out.
“What do you want to listen to? I've been listening to a medical history podcast—”
Richie burst out laughing, and loudly complained when Eddie swiped at his arm. “Music, please, Eddie. I'd rather not fall asleep at the wheel.”
“Fine,” Eddie grumbled, tapping on the playlists in the hope of finding something 70s in his collection.
He shuffled a playlist that looked promising, before swiping back again, and pausing.
Pretty innocently, sat underneath a Fleetwood Mac mix, was a playlist titled 'eds <3'.
Probably nothing. Probably. Richie had spent most of their teenage years together throwing mixtapes at his head, even gave him his walkman. He loved helping Eddie rebel, and Sonia would have shit puppies if she knew that Eddie was listening to popular music. From admitting at eleven that he had no idea who this 'Blondie' person was to five years later when Richie left Derry and didn't look back, Richie was making Eddie mixtapes. Not just him, Stan was a frequent recipient. Ben got a few comedic ones that had only NKOTB—as if he didn't already own all their music—Bill got some when he admitted missing his mother playing the piano. Things like that were how Richie showed his very platonic, very friendly love for them all.
Still. That heart.
He tapped on the playlist. Time After Time. Lovesong. Friday I'm in Love. Hopelessly Devoted to You. Songbird.
Okay. A little more damning.
In all, almost 4 hours of love songs. He swiped back, forcing himself to breathe as slowly and carefully as he could.
It could be a coincidence. It really could. Richie was charming, handsome, and steadfastly good. Nothing like Eddie.
“You better not be texting Taylor Swift,” Richie said lightly.
Eddie blinked, locked the phone and put it back in the glove compartment. “You have Taylor Swift's number?”
Richie shrugged. “Yeah?”
Eddie frowned. “I didn't think you were quite that level of famous.”
By the time they got to the hotel, Eddie was cramped from being sat in the car all day with only the brief lunch break they had taken, and bored because Richie had passed out as soon as he got into the passenger seat for the second half of the drive. Eddie shook him awake when they entered Richmond so he could direct Eddie to the hotel, but he could feel just how short he was being with Richie. Which wasn't fair in the slightest, Richie had been almost perfect as a road trip companion, and right now he was living teenage Eddie's dream.
Teenage Eddie, however, definitely hadn't been aware that the vague longing for Richie's attention to be on him and only him was a symptom of his crush. And he definitely didn't think anything about the scattering of love songs that were on every mixtape Richie made him. People always sang about love. It was one of the easiest things to write about. He'd also put the Spiderman theme on one.
No. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't bear the short, surprised laugh as Richie said, “No, it was just a random collection of letters,” or “Actually I'm dating someone who I also call Eds because their name is Edmund/Edith or WHATEVER,” or the most damning, “Sure, Eddie, I loved you when we were kids, but I also saw you mutter 'about fucking time' when the waitress brought our drinks to us a few minutes late and frankly, you're no longer the boy I fell in love with.”
He was relieved to collapse in his room, knowing that Richie was a couple of floors away, do those stupid deep breathing exercises that his therapist tried to get him to do rather than spiral, and when that didn't work, stepped into the shower and systematically scrubbed every part of his body until it was pink and tingling from the abuse.
The worst part was, who could he talk to? If it was anything else, he would be barging into Richie's room with a loud, “You won't fucking believe this,” and go through the whole sordid tale, guiltily taking the chance to brace himself against Richie's shoulder and feel the laugh shake it, talk shit about it until he managed to convince himself that there was no point driving home or going back to his own hotel room.
Eddie pressed his pillow against his face when he made it back to the bed, and loudly yelled “Fuck!” into it.
Richie got him up just as early the next day, though Eddie didn't subject him to the same theatrics. He let Richie flop heavily onto his bed when Eddie got up to shower. He had only thrown on some sweatpants for the night, and surreptitiously watched to see if Richie would ogle him, but he just looked down at his phone with a furrow between his brows.
No, look at me, he thought inexplicably. Well. Alright, he'd had that thought a lot, both when they were kids and now. Just never specifically in such a context, never specifically look at my body.
Eddie had worked hard for the body he had, and he was proud of that work. Sure, the scar was a bit grim, but Richie had been the one in the hospital that had insisted the scar couldn't be ugly, because it was proof that Eddie had survived something that would have killed anyone else. He'd been so sincere, watching Eddie carefully with a hand on his shoulder that had only dropped when Eddie had looked away and said...something. He couldn't quite remember, the morphine had been pretty constant at that time.
He put the music back on when they were in the car again, steadfastly ignoring The Playlist, and settled in to nap the few hours Richie was driving.
He woke up a couple of hours later, better rested and switched the playlist to something more upbeat to wake up properly before eyeing Richie, who was still as relaxed as the day before. There was a curl falling over his temple, caught under the arm of his glasses. Eddie's fingers twitched.
“Did I talk any more shit?” he asked to distract himself.
Richie let out a surprised laugh. “No, Eds. Not whilst you were unconscious, at least.”
Fuck it. He reached over and pulled at the curl so it wasn't trapped. Richie jolted but didn't react otherwise. After a second he gave a small, self-conscious chuckle. “Yeah, I know it's too long.”
Eddie paused. “Who said that? Your hair's fine as it is.”
His teeth worried at his bottom lip and Eddie saw him look over from the corner of his eye. The relaxation was slowly sapping away, and he put both hands on the steering wheel in what must be an unprecedented first.
Fuck. Maybe he should have thought that through. He wracked his brain desperately for something to talk about, but it was filled only with variations of 'eds' and '<3' and '????'. He couldn't wait to finally have Stan and Patty and the baby as a buffer.
“Didn't we plan a roadtrip when we were kids?” Eddie finally blurted out in sheer desperation.
“Yeah.” Richie was quiet for a minute. “We were gonna drive to LA for college.”
And then Richie's parents had moved them out to Chicago and Eddie had waited with a sinking heart for the promised call and letters that never came. Fuck. Wrong topic to choose.
Traitorously, his mouth continued without him. “Where do you think we'd be now if we'd managed it?”
Richie looked at him warily before turning back to the road. “What do you want me to say, Eddie?” he asked, almost too quiet for Eddie to hear him over the hum of the engine.
“What? I don't want you to say anything.”
Richie just hummed, but his lips were pressed tightly together.
“What do you want to say?” Eddie continued, in that oh-so-charming way he had of barging into people's sharp edges only to cut himself.
Richie was silent for a whole song, before he muttered, “I need a piss,” and Eddie crossed his arms over his chest. He wasn't completely sure what he'd stumbled onto, but whatever it was was dangerous ground.
He tucked his legs up when Richie had parked and left the car, pressing his forehead to his knees. He'd spent most of his childhood in a similar position, blocking out his mother and the leftover fear from the clown and the interminable belief that there was something deeply and fundamentally wrong with him whenever his stomach squirmed when he saw Bill or Richie do something brave, or reckless, respectively. It got to the point that the others barely reacted when he curled up in that way. God knew they all had weird coping methods. Richie would take the opportunity to be more obnoxious to make Eddie laugh, but other than that...
The door opened, and Richie sighed. “Come on, Eds. Stop spiralling.”
Eddie just whined into the space between his chest and thighs, but jolted when a hand pinched his cheek, just hard enough to sting a little. Richie was grinning when Eddie batted at him furiously, though he did hold on for a second longer than he had to once he'd finally grabbed Richie's hand to pull it away from his face. He lowered his legs back to the floor and shoved Richie's hand in the direction of the steering wheel.
“I guess now isn't the time to say that I didn't wash my hands?”
“What the fuck?” Eddie screeched, pawing in his bag for gel disinfectant as Richie honked his ridiculous laugh and insisted that he was kidding.
Eddie managed to chill out by the time they stopped for lunch at a Little Red Cabin, just in time physically block Richie from sitting at the table until he'd thoroughly cleaned it with a disinfecting wipe and hand gel. He took the oven baked chips, the same as he had last time and nibbled at them, uninspired, almost coveting the burger Richie had ordered.
But, no. Who fucking knew how they cooked the meat here. He'd already asked Stan to make something delicious for tonight to make up for clearly defrosted oven chips twice in two days, he only had to last another four hours of driving before he could finally try the dishes he so proudly displayed in the Losers' group chat.
Speaking of...he dug out his phone to go to the group chat, scrolling through the pictures of Laika that Ben had posted, Bev's rambling messages about every thought she had, Mike's overexposed beach photos. Stan had posted a message the day before about how excited he was that Eddie and Richie were on their way, and Eddie reacted with a heart. He finished by snapping a picture of Richie leaning back and looking out of the window next to their booth, a small smile hovering over his lips that made him look almost painfully handsome. He sent the picture with a short message, 'he's still alive for now'. They didn't have to know that Eddie had immediately hooked his ankle around Richie's as soon as they'd sat down. That was just for him and Richie.
“Do you want a coffee, Eds?” Richie asked.
“Yeah, please,” Eddie said. He took in the general dilapidated state of the diner and pulled a face. “No milk. I don't trust it.” Richie nudged his ankle under the table and got up to order the coffee, and Eddie did his best to ignore the swoop in his stomach.
Back on the road, Eddie found himself relaxing into the drive. He was good at driving, he was confident. It was the kind of freedom that he had longed for as a child as Sonia found excuse after excuse to not allow him to practise or take lessons or find a job which would allow for him to fund it himself. Myra meanwhile, relied on him to drive his fair share, but filled his every thought with statistics to make him scared to deviate even by the smallest amount. Richie was chilled out, choosing more and more obnoxious music and watching with a delighted grin as Eddie good naturedly fought back, yelling at him through laughter and chopping at the air to really hammer home his arguments. Most importantly, it was fun. This was the reason they decided to drive instead of fly down to see Stan, they enjoyed spending time together.
God, at least, Eddie hoped so. It had been his idea to add a road trip to the beginning and the end of visiting Stan. Fuck, Eddie really hoped Richie hadn't just accepted because he felt like he had to humour the guy who had asked him to stay in New York until he was healed up and just...never told him when he was well enough to not need help.
Eddie had no self control. Within seconds, he blurted out, “Are you having fun?”
Richie blinked at him. “What? Yes, you fucking weirdo.”
He winced at the same time Eddie did. “Fuck, sorry, Eddie. Yeah, I am. This was kind of the dream when we were kids, right? I mean, west instead of south, but you know what I mean.”
“You wanted to go to the mustard museum,” Eddie suddenly recalled with a snort.
“I think I found a hole called,” he started laughing before he could finish, but Eddie just about made out the garbled 'the Devil's asshole' through his cackles.
Eddie wrinkled his nose, trying to pretend that he wasn't starting to laugh too. “Not in a million years, Richie, we've met a devil, I don't want to think about—” he broke off when Richie pressed his hands to his face to muffle his laughter, his eyes off the road for way too long as he watched his shoulders shake under a hideous green and orange shirt, the sun lighting his curls. He'd started to go grey at the temples before Eddie had met him again, and Eddie didn't want to miss a single additional hair go grey. Oh, he thought. I'm in love with him, aren't I?
He just hadn't expected love to feel so easy. With Myra, it had evidently been non-existent, but she had loved watching stories with dramatic declarations. All I burn, I pine, I perish. Well, maybe he burned and pined enough, but there was no perishing to be found. In fact, he felt deliriously alive.
He turned back to the road, jerkily righted the course of the car.
“Well, no more worrying about Pennywise's asshole!” Richie said gleefully.
“Oh my God,” Eddie complained.
“We killed that bitch dead,” he continued smugly.
The scar gave a phantom ache, from the part of his lung that was missing, or the reconstructed part of his ribcage, or maybe just from the memory of Richie's desperate, pleading expression when Pennywise had skewered him.
Eddie took a deep breath, feeling as wild and reckless as a child. He lowered all the windows so the wind whipped through the car deafeningly. He accelerated, until he was well past the speed limit, memorising Richie's surprised bark of laughter. “We killed that bitch dead!” he yelled, and Richie only laughed harder and joined in Eddie's whooping and hollering, every cry a confession of I love you, I love you, I love you.
As with any reunion between the Losers, it was loud and excitable and filled Eddie with so much love he could burst. Richie had immediately leapt out of the car to gather Stan in his arms and spin him round, and Stan clutched at his shoulders, trying to keep stern but a smile breaking out when Richie smacked a loud kiss on his cheek. Though not quite as exuberant, Eddie more than made up for it with just how tightly he hugged him. Stan was only an inch or so taller than him, the perfect height for hugging.
By the time Eddie and Stan let go of each other, Richie had already taken his and Eddie's bags out of the car, and followed Stan up the driveway to the pretty house set far back from the road. He refused to let Eddie take any of the bags even as Eddie squabbled with him.
“Patty will be back with Rebecca in a couple of hours,” Stan said, the same dopey smile on his face that was always there when he spoke of his family. “Eddie, did you want the guest bedroom with the en suite?” he continued, gesturing up the stairs.
“Please,” Eddie said, finally managing to wrestle one of his bags from Richie. He followed Stan up the stairs.
“Fresh towels are on the bed. It's not too warm, so Richie and I will probably be on the porch if you want to take a shower now.”
“Thanks, Stan,” he sighed. Stan left the room, and Eddie washed the rest of the journey off his skin, feeling both calmer and more awake when he finished. He changed into a soft t-shirt that he had absolutely stolen from Richie at some point and shorts to beat the heat which, although Stan had talked about as if it were mild, was stifling compared to New York.
Stan and Richie were on the porch, thankfully enclosed with mosquito netting so it still caught a light breeze but wouldn't result in Eddie being eaten alive by insects, and stopped talking when Eddie approached. Richie took a large gulp of beer, his cheeks a little pink, and Eddie considered him for a moment. Surely, he wasn't getting sunburn? They were in the shade, and they hadn't left the windows open that long in the car. He chewed on his bottom lip as he accepted the beer that Richie offered him. “Make sure you put sunscreen on tomorrow,” he finally said, nudging him gently with an elbow. He turned back to Stan, folded his legs up next to him and leant against Richie's arm, before effortlessly falling into conversation with them both.
As Stan had said, Patty and Rebecca were back soon, and Richie jostled Eddie as he jumped up to help Patty with her bags, easily chatting with her and finally taking Rebecca from her to jostle her in his arms and make her giggle at him. Eddie couldn't look away. He was so radiant his eyes almost ached looking at him.
“So what's new with you, Eddie?” Stan asked wryly.
Eddie blinked, tearing his gaze from Richie and frowning at Stan. “I said. Divorce got finalised. PT is torture. Uh. Considering what the next steps are for the company.”
“Yeah?” he said mildly. “That all?”
Eddie opened his mouth, shut it, shook his head, and took another beer.
Being a particular lightweight, he was just that pleasant hint of tipsy where physical touch felt like heaven, so when Richie approached, placing Rebecca in Stan's arms with a final kiss on her cheek, he pressed against Richie's side again, his legs on the seat so his knees were tucked against Richie's thigh. Stan was staring at Richie, but Eddie refused to acknowledge their obvious silent conversation. Thankfully, Rebecca started garbling at Richie, and his attention switched to her, answering her as if she were actually talking to him.
“Finally met someone who can keep up with you?” Eddie said, riding another wave of bravery by tracing the tips of his fingers against Richie's bicep.
Richie smiled, but didn't look at him, instead asking Patty, sat next to Stan, about work.
Fuck. He always had to push it too far, didn't he? He took his hand away, balling it into a fist and trying his best to ignore the hot pit of shame in the pit of his stomach and burning his throat. He kept his eyes fixed on Stan's shin rather than anywhere near his eyes as he surreptitiously shifted away from Richie, missing the touch already for a couple of seconds before Richie shifted too so they were once again sat pressed against one another.
Eddie furrowed his brow and did his best to join the conversation again.
They stayed up late, though Eddie was careful not to drink any more. Richie was the same, only having one more beer before switching to water for their meal, and Eddie was sure he spent much of the night observing Eddie, though every time Eddie tried to catch his eye he resolutely kept his eye on Stan or Rebecca or Patty.
Why Eddie had wanted the buffer of the Urises only 12 hours previously he couldn't understand, because right now all he wanted was for Richie to be alone with him, so he had no choice but to look at him.
At least not really talking to each other meant that he didn't have to remember not to shout or yell at Richie and wake up Rebecca once she'd been put down for the night. Stan had given them several threats over the past few weeks about what exactly he would do to them if they woke up his baby, and Eddie had no doubt he would follow through.
Finally, Richie stretched, sending Eddie into a wild tailspin of vaguely horny thoughts at the sight of his shirt riding up and revealing the trail of hair that lead to his dick. “Okay, I think I'll turn in,” he said. He finally looked at Eddie full on for what felt like the first time in months. Eddie waited for him to do something, but he just blinked and went pink. “Uh. Night.”
“Night, Richie,” Stan said mildly. Patty echoed him. Eddie quietly fumed.
“I think I'll head up too,” Patty said.
“Okay, babylove,” Stan said with hopeless affection.
Eddie stuck his tongue out at the floor and wished Richie was there so he could do it at him instead. Babylove. Really.
He eyed Stan, and Stan smiled. “Don't look at me like that, I've heard the kind of shit Richie calls you.”
“Not the same,” he grunted.
“I guess. You want another beer?”
Smug bastard. “No,” Eddie grumbled, glowering in the general direction of Stan's knees.
Stan snorted. “Alright. Well. I love you, Eds, but I'm going to join my wife.”
Eddie gave a heavy sigh, accepted the kiss Stan dropped on the top of his head, and let him go upstairs to be stupid happy and heterosexual with his wife. Well. Maybe not heterosexual, he'd seen the way he used to look at Mike when they were kids. But still.
He stood up, hands on his hips, and paced from one end of the porch to the other. It was fifteen steps from one side to the other, and it was not enough to calm the jittering energy running through his limbs, the bone deep need to be touched.
“Fuck,” he finally said. Quietly, but with feeling. Definitely with feeling.
He grabbed his phone from where he'd discarded it on the low table, went onto Spotify, and searched through the catalogue. Only four songs, enough for what he wanted to say. He only recognised one of them, but whatever. That wasn't the important part.
He named the playlist, and with his heart pounding in his throat, hard enough that he could see his breast jolting with the beat, he sent the link to Richie.
The read receipt popped up within seconds, and the ellipsis popped up and disappeared several times as Eddie ran through every possible scenario. He was a good runner. He could probably make it to New York if he really tried.
A message finally came through, and Eddie narrowly avoided pitching his phone to the other side of the porch. He sank to the floor on wobbly knees.
'What the fuck?'
Oh. Well, that was that. He wondered if Richie would let him get a change of clothes from the room without trying to talk to him. Or at least his running shoes.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, the worst part was that Richie was still his best friend outside of all of that. He didn't want to lose him.
'Eddie, seriously, you can't just drop that and not say anything else'
Eddie took a second to yell into a sofa cushion.
'I heard that'
“Oh goddammit,” he said, before taking a breath.
'I saw the playlist on your spotify'
'what playlist?'
'eds <3 ?'
'oh. fuck.ok?'
'? you can read the name of my playlist right. And the songs?'
He tapped through to the playlist again to check. Title: richie <3, song list: I'm In Love; With You; Too; Dipshit. All what he'd planned.
'yes?it's not subtle eds'
'I didn't want it to be subtle!'
'for fucks sake eddie just come up here'
“Oh fuck that,” Eddie said loudly.
“Whatever it is, will you two please keep it down?” Stan called out.
There was nothing more from Richie, and Eddie was either getting tunnel vision or passing out, before a Spotify link popped up on the chat. He tapped it in trepidation and blinked at the three songs: Get Up; Here; NOW and barked out a laugh that he immediately tried to smother lest Stan decide he'd had enough.
Okay. That was fair. He slowly crept into the house, shut the door as quietly as possible, went up the stairs at a snail's pace, and almost gave in and hid downstairs again when he saw Richie leaning against the door of his room, his face lit up by his phone screen.
Why did he think this was a good idea. This was a terrible idea.
“Hi,” he said breathlessly. Richie raised an eyebrow, and from behind the master bedroom door, Stan cackled loudly.
“They are entertaining, aren't they?” he heard Patty say, and Richie's mouth twitched into a grin as Eddie pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, and gathered the strength to push into Richie's room.
“Listen, if you're going to tell me that the playlist was for someone else or that you don't actually feel that way about me, or whatever, just do it quickly and let me get my running shoes so I can leave with some dignity,” Eddie said in a single breath. Richie stared at him with his mouth open. “Richie, I'm kind of in agony right now,” Eddie begged.
“I...” Richie paused and swallowed, and Eddie did his best to ignore that his eyes were burning, that there was no way he would leave this room without crying. Probably sobbing.
“Fuck. Okay, I'm sorry, I just...thought...but, listen, Richie, we can still be friends, right? That's the most important thing.”
“Eddie, just. Give me a minute, okay?”
The burn in his eyes finally overflowed, and he turned away rather than let Richie see him.
“Eds, I...I didn't think you felt that way?”
“What?” Eddie barked, still facing the wall. He could maintain at least some anger if he didn't have to look at Richie.
“In the hospital you...you pushed me away. You told me to stop, I...” he trailed off. “I thought you didn't feel the same way.”
Eddie frowned, trying to remember. He remembered parts, being prodded and poked and Richie always there. “Richie,” he turned back to him. Oh. Richie's eyes were wet. “I barely remember anything about the hospital. I just know that I was so fucking out of it on morphine, plus all the withdrawal symptoms from the bullshit medicine Myra had me on. Whenever anyone touched me, it just. Burned. I could barely handle the hospital gown I was so uncomfortable. It was never about you touching me.”
Richie stared at him. “I. Oh.”
Eddie stared at him.
“I'm...?” he paused, and Eddie continued watching him. He squared his broad shoulders. “I'm in love with you, Eds.”
Eddie let out a breath. “I'm in love with you,” he said.
“Finally,” came muffled through the wall, and Eddie stared in the direction of the noise.
“Jesus, how thin are these walls?” Richie complained.
“My room's a bit further away from them,” Eddie said, and immediately blushed deep red. Goddammit. He was suddenly acting like a virgin.
Richie nodded, eyes as wide as saucers, and followed when Eddie took his hand and led him down the hall to his room. Once the door was closed he leaned against it. “Say it again,” he said.
Richie grinned, and oh, that stupidly charming, beautiful squint to his left eye, all he got out was 'I'm in...' before Eddie had taken his face in his hands and surged up to kiss him. Richie made a small noise in his throat, something plaintive and sweet that had Eddie shivering. He wanted nothing more than to hear that noise over and over.
He made a similar noise when Eddie traced his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, again when he opened his mouth and let Eddie lick behind his teeth, again when their tongues slid against each other, slick and hot, again when Eddie dug his fingers into his hair. He almost expected it to be less thrilling with each noise, but each one was as electrifying as the first. Richie broke away from the kiss, a hitch in his breath when Eddie compensated by sucking and licking under his jaw, against the scrape of stubble from not having shaved whilst on the road. The feel of it, rough against his tongue and lips, was addictive.
“Eddie, baby, what do you want, what do you need,” Richie gasped against his cheek, and Eddie captured his mouth again, dropping his hands from his hair to slip under his shirt. The hair against his palms was just as addicting and electrifying as the stubble on his jaw. Eddie felt wilder than he had his entire life, with barely more than a kiss, and the only thing that made it okay was that Richie was exactly the same way, just as strongly affected.
“Anything, Richie, just want you,” Eddie said, his voice wrecked, and Richie gently urged him to the bed. The couple of seconds that Eddie wasn't pressed against Richie as much as he could be were torture, but his mouth went dry when Richie pulled his shirt off. He was so broad compared to Eddie, his shoulders and chest wide enough that Eddie could spend as long as he wanted pressing kisses to every centimetre of skin. There was obvious muscle, Richie was a lot stronger than he had been as a kid, had carried Eddie out of the cistern easily enough, but with a layer of softness over it that Eddie wanted to burrow into.
Richie stayed half-propped on one hand, pupils blown wide and trembling as Eddie stared at him. After a while he tentatively hooked a finger in Eddie's shirt, and Eddie complied, pulling the top off and throwing it to the side, in the vague direction of his suitcase, leaning back on his elbows and watching the way Richie's eyes darkened with a smirk. “I think I can see why you wouldn't look at me this morning,” Eddie said in a low voice. “Wouldn't have been able to mistake the way you're looking at me.”
Richie just...made him feel so confident and comfortable in his own skin. He had tried, with Myra, after Derry, but she'd been so obviously disgusted by his scar, and there had been very little apparent attraction even before. This was what it was meant to feel like, having someone look at you as if no one was more worthy of praise.
“I've never let myself really look, Eds,” he said, slowly reaching to place his hand on the starburst scar on the right side. It had caught the bottom two ribs, Richie only a fraction of a second too late to roll him entirely out of the way. In response, Eddie touched the small scar on Richie's side where Pennywise had just scraped him. It had only needed a few stitches, but it was still proof, that he had saved Eddie, that now their whole lives were both in front of and behind them. Richie leaned in and pressed his forehead to Eddie's.
“Thank you for saving me, Richie.”
Richie kissed him chastely this time, slowly and sweetly, before letting Eddie roll them over, straddling Richie's waist and savouring the stretch in his thighs as he did so. He broke away to nuzzle at his jaw, licked the sweat from the hollow of his throat, followed Richie's body down to the waistband of his sweatpants. He hooked his fingers into the fabric and shot him a look, waiting for Richie to nod before pulling it down his legs. “Are you clean?” he asked as he hovered above Richie's waist, and he nodded again, the blue of his eyes almost entirely obscured by pupil.
“Eddie...” he started, but he trailed off with a low groan when Eddie dipped his head to lick the hair low on his stomach. “Fuck, Eddie,” he said with a quiet laugh. Eddie settled more comfortably between his legs, pressing a light kiss against the inside of his knee which had him jerking. Eddie grinned against the skin—he always had been particularly ticklish there. Another few chaste kisses, moving up the inside of his thigh and memorising the texture as the skin got more delicate, memorising how Richie's reactions because sharper and his whines more desperate as Eddie slowly kissed higher. He pushed Richie's thigh aside to scrape his teeth high near the crease, waited until Richie's breath was shaky and short before he kissed the root of his dick.
He was so hard it looked painful, precome dripping down the length, and Eddie pressed open mouth, wet kisses up the side of it, training his eyes on where Richie was covering his face and muffling his whimpers against his palms.
“Maybe we should have waited to be home,” Eddie mumbled against his dick, he pulled away and Richie let out a shuddering breath.
“Huh?” he breathed.
“Don't really want to be so loud that Stan and Patty can hear us,” he mused.
Richie blinked and looked around. “Oh, yeah, we're at Stan and Patty's, aren't we?” he said, breaking into giggles that had Eddie's heart aching.
He pressed his face against Richie's crotch—little weird, maybe, but there was nowhere else he wanted to be—and muffled his own laugh against the hot skin.
“Did you...did you want to hit pause, then?” Richie asked, still breathless.
Eddie squinted up at him. “No? Do you?”
“You're the one who—” He broke off, hissing a sharp breath through his teeth when Eddie took the head of his cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. “Fuck,” he said slowly, his head dropping back, and Eddie hummed around his cock.
The taste really wasn't as bad as Myra always made it out to be. Salty, but other than that just...Richie. He sucked, slowly moving down to take more, but not even trying to test his limits. There would be time for that in the future, time to hold Richie's cock in his mouth for as long as he wanted. For now, Eddie focussed on the head and rubbed small circles with his thumb on the underside where he couldn't reach. He pointed the tip of his tongue against the slit, chasing more precome and Richie almost sobbed, a hand flying to Eddie's hair and fisting it.
It sent shivering tingles all the way down his spine, putting into sharp relief just how hard he was, and he moaned around Richie's dick as he worked his shorts down and took himself in hand. He'd always been particularly, well, wet, in a way that had always mildly horrified Myra, but right now he was only relieved, because right now there would be nothing worse than taking his mouth off Richie's dick to find lube to make the slide sweeter.
Richie's hips were moving in tiny, aborted thrusts, and the thought that he was barely able to control himself from moving was so mind-meltingly hot that Eddie let him set the pace, moving his head to meet the thrusts and having to squeeze the base of his own dick to stave off his orgasm.
“Eddie, Eddie,” Richie warned, breaking off with a cry when Eddie pulled away to kiss him, to swallow the whimpers and grab his wrist so he'd wrap his hand around them both. “Eddie, you're so wet, so beautiful—”
“Come for me, Richie, I want to see—” and he did, with a low sound against Eddie's mouth, his back arching off the bed before falling back, and only faltering for a moment before bringing Eddie with him. He'd been hovering at the precipice for so long, only holding on through sheer stubbornness wanting Richie to come first, and he buried his face in Richie's chest, biting his pec to muffle the cry. Richie hissed, and as soon as Eddie had come down enough he licked the bite to soothe it. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
“It's...that's fine. I didn't think I liked biting but uh. Apparently you're an exception.”
“I didn't think I liked sex,” Eddie said dryly, before peeking up at Richie from his vantage point on his chest, and grinning as Richie urged him up closer to kiss him again. Without the urgency, Eddie melted against his mouth, letting Richie take the lead and sucking on his tongue. Finally he pulled away, wincing at the jizz very quickly drying against his skin. “Don't let any of it fall on the sheets,” he ordered. “I told you, we should have waited to be home.”
“I'll put the sheets through a wash tomorrow, don't worry.”
Eddie, worrying, rushed to the bathroom to dampen a cloth and rushed back to wipe off Richie's chest. “Shower,” he said, pulling Richie to his feet to drag him to the bathroom. Richie languidly followed, immediately tucking himself against Eddie and letting Eddie scrub at him under the shower, not doing much more than pressing kisses against whatever part of him was easiest to reach.
Finally Eddie got him back to bed, pulling the top sheet off and bundling it on the floor at the foot of the bed, thrumming with tension as he settled against Richie. “People usually chill out after sex, Eds,” Richie said, his voice a low rumble.
“I feel guilty about doing it here,” Eddie admitted, and Richie smiled against his forehead. He gently scratched over his scalp, a soothing rhythm that Eddie could match his breaths to. Tension finally melted, and he slept.
He woke up before Richie, for once, plastered against his back with an arm and a leg wrapped tight around him. They hadn't closed the curtains the night before, so the sun was blazing through into the light, airy room, revealing the bite marks Eddie had left on him the night before. He pressed against one of the bruises, fascinated by the change in colour, and Richie gave a little huff, turning so he could wrap his arms around Eddie.
“Good morning, honey,” Eddie said, his voice rough with sleep, and Richie shivered, a dawn coloured blush rising to his face.
“Oh. I like that,” Richie said in a small voice. Eddie hummed and snuggled closer.
He should have known that Richie's mind worked too quickly in the morning.
“Good morning, spaghetti,” he said cheerfully, cackling when Eddie loudly complained and kicked out at him.
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Please feed me MothMan!Luz lore.
Mothman! There’s no need to feel down I said MOTHMAN-
I’ve said it before but I’m obsessed w the idea that half-mothman Luz can retract her mothman attributes like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch. She just. retracts her wings & antennae into her body. Her floof gets Smaller. its so crackheaded I love it. Willow is just “how did you hide your literally mothman” and Luz said “watch this” and her mothman things just Grew Out Of Her and Gus is Awed & Horrified.
She buries her face in her chest & neck fluff and makes little cheepy squeak noises bc yes moths actually make noises. Also she can talk to moths and after revealing herself, every time the gang goes to an old dusty place she Gravitates towards the moths and talks to them and learns the weirdest gossip. Ed is Enthralled.
Gus, with a fake microphone: As one of the mothman species, what is your thoughts on the mothman statue? Luz, Very Serious: I cannot speak for my fellow mothmans as I have never met any but frankly I find it Hilarious and I’ve perched on the statue multiple times before just to freak people out Gus: Oh my god--
Every time someone brings up a Sighting or Attack of mothman, even if it was from back in 1966, they all turn to Luz and every single time she either says “yeah that was me lmao” or “either they are a very good liar or I need to meet this other mothman......unless hes my dad then I hope he slams into a lamppost” and you can always hear the twins cracking up in the background
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Boo York, Boo York – Gala Ghoulfriends Luna Mothews Diary
My Boo York Adventure-logue
9/30 08:23:52
There were butterflies tickling my belly when I watched the bus pull into the terminal, but now that I’m on my way, I’m flittery with excitement! I think Pops was more nervous than I was. But that’s my Pops for ya: thinking I’m his little caterpillar while totes understanding that I have to spread my wings! Mom kept him from chewing on his collar by reminding him that it’s not like it’s on the other side of the moon - it’s an easy flight for them from my hometown in Boo Jersey. If I didn’t have my luggage weighed down with all my dance shoes and theatre makeup, I’d have flapped over myself. But I’m strangely looking forward to seeing the frights through this grimy bus window the way a wingless monster would; speeding down the Tombpike, going through the Lurkin’ Tunnel, and then hopping a subway train to Times Scare... that’s a real adventure! 
Boo York, Boo York! I can hardly believe it! I’m on my way! The lights of Bloodway are luring me. I’m gonna be a star!
9/30 10:37:13
Road travel takes some getting used to - for one thing, it takes for-EVER! Not literally, but I’m still on this bus and I could have flown to the city and back many times by now. And for a second thing, the monsters on this bus are way booring! I think they think they should just sit in their seats and keep to themselves and be polite and stuff. Some of them actually scowled at me when I started convos with them, so I pulled out my guitar and started playing. That really horrified them. It was like they didn’t even want to sing along when I started giving them their assignments! The ogre in the front punctuated his lyrics with growls, but he wasn’t half bad; however, the werecat across the aisle from him was surprisingly high-pitched and breathy. I had to pull her out of her fur, but I got her harmonizing pretty well after a few verses. And once I got half-a-dozen singing, a few others joined in. Plus, a few other monsters pulled out their own instruments. Before long, I had a whole chorus going and everyone started enjoying themselves. Well, everyone except that one ghost, but he was just mad because everyone was treating him like he was invisible. 
9/30 11:56:33
I made it to the city and I’m not in the subway waiting for the train. Almost there! Just a few more trains and buses to go. I’m thriller-ed by how many of my bus-mates followed me to my train platform just so we could keep jammin’, but some of them freaked when they realized they were missing their own trains and ran off/flew off/slithered off/evaporated. But that’s ok, because there are already a lot of performers down here singing and dancing and making balloon monsters. It’s spooktacular, and I haven’t even made it up to street level yet!
9/30 15:12:12
Oh, my Pod! 42nd Screech is everything I ever dreamed of! The marquees of all the shows make my antennae tingle with excitement. When I’m a singer on Bloodway, I will go from moth-ghoul to moth-greatness! I’m already having so much fun. As soon as I got off the last bus, I met some fangtastic monsters from Monster High: Draculaura, Frankie, Cleo, Deuce, Clawdeen and Operetta. Oh, and also, Nefera and Toralei. I’m very good at remembering names - I’m sure that’s a sign I’ll be good at remembering my lines too - and I love making new friends wherever I go. I think it’s called networking. Now, to find a job or three. 
9/30 17:26:47
Nailed my first audition! So what if it was for a pizza place? Pizza is very popular in Boo York, and a ghoul’s gotta start somewhere. I’ve got a costume and everything - just call me Luna Motheroni. Hah! No, don’t. It pays me in *dough*! Get it? That cracked Pops up when I called him on my iCoffin to tell him his little gypsy moth is settling in nicely. I think I’ll try out some of these lines as I pass out the flyers for the Comet-special combo. Maybe if I get some laughs, I’ll try my wing at stand up too. It’s not Bloodway, but it’d still be on a stage, right? 
9/30 20:14:33
Lovin’ all this “cometness.” Monsters are shooting by me like zany stars in a sparkling universe! All the food joints have crazy, comet-fied specials going on. Being a moth, I’m a huge cotton candy fan. Make it wormhole-themed, and it’s like a flame that I can’t resist. I’m also diggin’ the street music. There’s a clawesine DJ across the way. I can only catch glimpses through the crowd, but I think she’s a robot with some kind of holographic keyboard or whatever. However, I can hear her load and clear, and she’s certainly making passing out flyers more of a toe-tapper than an energy-zapper. Although, no one’s ever accused me of lacking ene......
(oh, zap! got totes distracted by a laser light beaming off the DJ ghoul)
lacking energy. Now that it’s getting dark, all of the lights are getting kinda intense. They’re so bootiful, I’m attracted to all of them. I’m fearly going to have to concentrate and maintain focus. It’s good pract..... practice for when I’m in the spotlight on Bloodway.  
10/1 14:42:59
Day of the Comet, Beasties! Got a gig selling boovineers. I project my lines to the frightseers passing by and try to gain an audience, then my co-seller does the rest and rings up their order. I’ve tried singing my lines, making up rhymes, doing a little improv with the customers. I think I have a knack for this. And later I’m going to be working the fancy Comet Gala at the Museum of Unnatural History! I’ll be passing out gore d’oeuvres to some of the city’s most powerful monsters. Maybe I’ll even make some connections to theatre producers, but, if not, i’m sure I’ll have a good time. Just seeing all the different characters who have been invited will be fangtastic. Pops called to check in and when I told him everything I’ve done already and that I’ll be catering tonight, he laughed and said he thinks there must have been a mix-up at the hospital because, instead of a moth-ghoul, he seems to have raised a busy-bee. He’s kind of a moth-ball, but I love him.
10/1 19:02:40
This gala is “ah-maze-ing”! That Mouscedes’ fave word. She’s a rat-ghoul I met here. She’s some kind of princess and she’s way Upper Beast Side, but she’s so nice. I never knew there was so much to learn about cheese! I had a variety of die-lish cheese puffs on my loaded down tray - gore-gonzola, aged ghoulda, fetid - I tried them all before my shift started and they were yum! But when I offered them to Mouscedes, she asked me if they were cheeseless cheese puffs, and I told her they weren’t even puffless cheese puffs, so then we started chatting and I learned she doesn’t do cheese. I told her to stay away from my Pops then, because his sense of humor was pretty cheesy! That’s when she told me her Pops was the Rat King of Boo York! I’m not sure what that means but it sounds impressive! I had to get back to work, but Mouscedes said maybe we could get a coffincino some time. I told her I already bounce off the walls without drinking those, but I’d love to just fang out and she agreed.  
10/2 00:13:17
I guess you could say things took an otherworldly turn tonight! The lights of Bloodway drew me to exactly where I needed to be, just in time to help my new friends... AND I got to be on stage with Catty Noir, one of my fave singers! It doesn’t get more fangtastic than that! I think it’s ok to say my future of stardom shows promise! Speaking of promise, we all made it back to the Museum of Unnatural History in time for the comet to arrive in Boo York, and that brought some surprises of its own. Well, one surprise anyway. And she was stellar! I’m not saying I won’t ever get homesick, but I think coming to Boo York was a bright move. I’ve only been here for 2 days and I’ve already had a few fun jobs, performed on stage, and, beast of all, made new friends. Look out world, I’m ready to fly! 
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Private - Nov 18
Question: why the heck are Sir Pentious and Alastor posting a weird drawing of a pink cube?
Short answer: two dorky old men griping about Kids These Days resulting in an experimental attempt to replicate modern shitposting habits.
Long answer:
🎶 My deepest apologies, my friend, I didn't see it! Let me make up for it, let's see... good night, good morning, good night, good morning, good night, and another good morning! I think we're caught up now.
🐍 ㅁ]:3~
🎶 I'd already said good morning, I couldn't say it a second time!
🎶 I wouldn't! Which is why I OwwO-ed instead.
🐍 ㅋ    ㅋ
🐍 ㅇl w l
🐍 ㅋ    ㅋ
🐍 ㅇl w l 🍖
🎶 Ha! Wouldn't that be something, a few characters that break machines. But I'm just fine with the one I made—it has my smile with a surplus of teeth, that's the most important part!
🐍 ㅋ                  ㅋ
🐍 ㅇl wwwwww l
🎶 Ha!
ψ          ψ o̗̟̘̝̯̝OwwwO
🐍 ㅁ]:3=~
ψ                ψ o̗̟̘̝̯̝OwwwwwwwO
🎶 How's that? Just about enough this time?
🎶 My antlers don't seem to want to line up properly when I send them!
🐍 📻
🐍 🦌
🐍 🍖
🐍 👄???
🎶📻🦌🍖👄 Arrange all five in a pentagram to summon the Radio Demon! How's That for modernizing?
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((There is now a Radio Demon in Sir Pentious's room. Poof.))
(( and sends a text anyway,
((He just sorta reads it over Sir Pentious's shoulder.))
🎶 Doesn't taste half as good, though!
((And Sir Pentious gets to witness in person that Alastor just, talks out loud, no evidence of a phone, and a moment later a message with the same text in it arrives.))
(( O     O..............
(( Pentious LOOKS at him like. What the Fuck! I wanna do that!!!
(("Only a speech machine!" He Grins. Look at him, so mysterious. He's got a secret and he's smug about it.))
🎶 You mean my antennae?
((He says and sends it at the same time. And he's grinning Even Wider, he's obviously still hiding something.))
(( Pentious also texts out loud sometimes, but this time, he is just doing that Cobra Breathing Thing as he looks more like an accordion than a Snake
((He is OwwOing))
((He goes OwwwwO. And then he takes mercy, holds a finger over his mouth and winks—shh, we're being secretive—and pulls a phone out of his pocket. It's already on and set to microphone, so it's just. Already listening.))
🎶 But pay no mind to the man behind the curtain!
((And the text appears as he speaks. It somehow apparently presses "send" itself a moment later.))
(( Sir Pentious whips an eggboi at Alastor
((Well now there's a mess on him! òwó))
((With GREAT dignity he magically peels the mess off his clothes.))
🎶 I'm going to make an omelet and I'm not going to share.
(( HE'S LAUGHING, can't type, laughing too hard.... Doubled over..... Goodbye
((He patiently endures it. And tries to pretend the laughter doesn't wipe out his irritation.))
(( weakly typing,
🎶 Most people who lob projectiles at me are a lot farther away and like me a lot less! I had my guard down.
(( oh god everything hurts from laughing so hard, he's wheezing
((He pats Sir Pentious's back. There there.))
🎶 Keep this between us, would you? I've got an image to keep up, and it doesn't involve cellular phones! That, and I don't want to attract telemarketers.
(( "WHICH PART................" he is hastily deleting a post from his blog
🎶 The part where I have a phone.
🎶 There's a good portion of Hell that thinks I'm completely incapable of handling new technology! Me, a man who was on the radio before most people had radios. Insulting, but sooner or later I think it'll be useful to me for the general public to think I'm far more bumbling about all this than I really am.
🎶 Really? You, of all people? Ha!
🎶 Why is it that people assume that the kind of person who was on the cutting edge in his own time is somehow the kind of person least likely to keep up with later cutting edges? As if a man who spent the 1880s farming instead of building airships is somehow going to be better at using a computer just because the public doesn't automatically associate him with "airships"!
🎶 I believe it's not just that we're old, Sir Pent, it's that we're associated with old innovations! Most people, I've noticed, can't advance onward to technology that post dates what they grew up with. But they make the mistake of thinking that the innovators are the most calcified instead of the least!
🎶 And a cube-labeled cube is hilarious. It should be a smash hit.
(( he is pulling out his laptop and sitting on himself so that he can use it. It's like a jet taking off when it starts up
((He's been sorta leaning around Sir Pentious to try to read as he types so he doesn't have to pull out his Secret Phone, so it's nice to be able to just bend over to look at the laptop screen over Sir Pentious's shoulder.))
(( it turns on with the turn of a key, and he's holding a pen in his mouth--it's not REALLY pen, just looks like one. There's a cobra head at the end of it with sharp teeth bared--looks like they fit in two holes at the corner of the keyboard itself. There's a holder for the pen, but Pentious appears to like having it in his mouth instead. Enrichment. He's grinning as he starts making something incredibly dumb
((Just two old dorks grinning together while they make a shitpost))
(( It's done. "EUREKA!" he shouts,
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((What the fuck does that say. What the FUCK does that say. He's genuinely shaking from trying not to laugh as he processes Le Kjub))
((He SQUINTS. "... So it does!" This is KILLING HIM it's so deliberately terrible.))
(( Just idly polishing his talons on his suit coat, "AND NOW TO POST IT!"
((Alastor braces himself.))
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(("... You made it blurrier? Are you trying to protect its identity??"))
((He vaguely knows what a cryptid is by virtue of having been called one. "... Pfff—!" This is it, this is what kills him. He can't handle the thought of a hot pink cube being a cryptid. He's gotta sit on the floor and laugh.))
(( His head swivels around to watch Alastor laugh on the floor. His hood floops up, but he's grinning so wide!!!! He made the Radio Demon laugh!!!! But it was on his terms, and he's happy about that. Cobra Prrrrrr.
(("Yes! Put it up! René Magritte couldn't do better."
(( Click click, type type. No caption, no anything just. Cube.
(( And POST!
((PULLS OUT HIS PHONE to reblog it.))
((He taps the screen with his pinky claw tip. Sophisticated.))
(( GASP. Support. He's beaming so much his entire head is smiling.
((BEAMS BACK. Chums support chums' shitpost art.))
(( It's literally the worst shitpost, too much work went into this.... but they are happy. And he takes the pen from his mouth in order to sink the pen's fangs into those previously mentioned holes... and with that, the laptop shuts down.
((Oh now that's a neat trick! "What did those fangs do, did you poison that poor machine?" He's Delighted.))
(("How clever!" Admires it. "And far better looking than the trash currently on the market. Most modern machines look like they've been carved out of panels of public restroom stalls."
(("Well, stylish it certainly is!" He gets up! He's probably messed around enough in here for the time being, hasn't he?
(("Thank you for the brief entertainment!" A bow. "And to you, Sir... Good morning!" Grin grin.))
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Spoiler Review: Chat Blanc
(Spoilers below)
Okay, on to the review.
-Gabriel talking to his comatose wife again. Blah blah blah
-Alix betting Marinette didn't give Adrien the gift.
-Rose betting she did.
-Marinette failed.]
-Rose! Damn girl!
-Rose just straight up Mental b**** slapped confidence into Marinette. Nice.
-Supportive girls ftw
-Marinette using Ladybug powers to get into them windows.
-Tikki is like “Don't be stupid”
-Marinette is having too much fun
-Adrien dealing with Gabriel being a s***y parent again.
-Adrien KNOWS!!!! 
-He looks so happy. Damn it look at that smile.
-Plagg is trying to fix this, but Adrien is convinced.
-”Marinette is Marinette! Ladybug is...”
-”Marinette <3″
-Plagg telling this boy  to stop thinking like usual. But NOPE. He is on a mission
-”Everything will be fine. I promise.”
-Bunnyx appears. Apparently timeline shenanigans.
-Okay the time world is cool. But I have questions for later.
-The bowl on the head to prevent spoilers. If only Zag knew about this revolutionary technology.
-Seems like Alix Knows Marinette and Adrien are ladybug and Chat noir. So that figures. I had a feeling, but now I know.
-Chat Blanc. oh damn. He is CRAZY. Why is he crazy?
-The moon is broken.
-Chat blanc is... OH DAMN
-Chat blanc admitting to have made mistakes. SEE PEOPLE HE DOES IT.
-He is crying! omg my son no.
-oh damn!
-Marinette knows he knows! OH FUCK!!!
-oh so Bunnyx and rewind time and see what caused things. neat. She is a time DVR.
-Marinette’s hair is down, for some reason. YAY!!!!
- Alix lost the bet. AND TIME IS F***ED
-Adrien is wearing the beret. He wants to talk with Marinette.
-Oh my... is he.
-”It means that I love you Marinette.” 
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(Jokes aside, I legit slid out of my chair holding my chest wondering if I got shot)
-Oh damn are they gonna.
- They held hands, she is on her tippy toes! FUCK THAT IS GOOD S***
-Chat noir hydoken-ed a building.
-Oh gosh, the slide show of their relationship is so adorable. Chloé is pissed. GOOD. Sabrina ships it.
-I wish I can see Lila being salty. But its best she isn't in this episode.
-Oh Luka, you right there. Playing a song, as the girl you love is dancing with another man. OOOFFFF. Well, at least you are happy for her. Good on you my dude. I respect that.  (10 OUT OF 10 BEST LUKA APPEARANCE)
-They are having ice-cream together!
-Paris is talking about how f***ing cute they are. GOOD.
-Hawkmoth finds out. Their love destroys Paris? WTF
-Gabriel was smart not to be there in person, TOM would have rekt him. OR sabine. Or both. Marinette is hurting oh no. The macrons are on the floor. NO!
-She is at the mansion. Oh the umbrella.
-She had to break up with him. Adrien looks hurt too. oh fuck they are both crying
-Gorilla is the only adult I respect. Best dad. Adrien’s true father.
-That hug
-You know, I realized. Adrien Knowing Marinette was Ladybug actually saved Paris from Hawkmoth winning.
-If Marinette got akumatized, he gets the ladybug miraculous. Which is like an Insta win.  (Well at least winning earlier)
-Nathalie is a snitch
-Hawkmoth was weirdly excited for the fact that Adrien was chat noir.
-Time portal signal is static, gotta change the antenna.
-Bunnyx in fear, Marinette gotta save the day
-Chat Blanc is crazy strong. But also CRAZY
- a lucky charm eraser.... I know where this is going.
-We will never know the name of that hamster they want to have.
-Ladybug has got some insane Judo moves.
-Why do I have the feeling Chat blanc is holding back? Probably doesn't want to destroy the miraculous.
-Damn, thats a big fall.
-oh damn, Chat blanc’s ladybug is dead and so is hawkmoth. Guess Akuma can out live their master. OOOF
-So NO ONE wins.
-Okay, time shift. HOW DID THEY GET TO HAWKMOTH’S LAYER WITHOUT KNOWING HE WAS Gabriel? That is a literal plot hole.
-Hawkmoth activated his facedown trap. Dead mom in a glass casket. Adrien takes mental damage because Hawkmoth is a fucking piece of human garbage
-Adrien is in pain.
-Gabriel can use the force to call back his cane.
-Knocked him from the mansion to the Eiffel Tower. HOW HARD ARE YOU HITTING HIM.
-Gabriel... you are giving an emotionally unstable 14 year old the power of INFINITE DESTRUCTION. You are an idiot.
-Chat is trying to fight it.
-Oh s***. Well Hawkmoth, you f***ed up.
- okay back to blanc.
-OKAY DAMN CHAT! F***er was about to pull a destroyer god and erase the universe. Or at least the earth. Chat Blanc = Beerus confirmed. Yea, he was holding back.
-He flicked the bell, was he giving her a hint?
-Ladybug got it. She saved him. Oh this hurt.
-Wait, so Ladybug remembers the fight with Chat blanc and thinks that falling in love with Chat noir will destroy the world.
-Okay so she fixes the letter.
-Bit of Ladrien.
- The lady noir scene hurts at the end, cause ouch
This episode... I knew how it would end. But f*** does it hurt so much more. It hurts infinitely more.
Oblivio gave a tiny sample of what their lives would have been. Chat blanc gave us a meal The love square fully realized, it was beautiful.
I think the episode fails in what it was trying to achieve. That the identity reveal is dangerous. 
No, the answer is as long as Gabriel breathes, Adrien will never be happy no matter what.
Aside from that. I think it was an amazing episode and I think it beats Oblivo as the most self indulgent episode for me. I watched it like 7 times already.
9 / 10
There are a few minor things with the episode that stop it from being perfect, but I do think its my favorite episode this season. right with Oblivio and Star train.
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an1malcannibal · 4 years
Tbh if you're willing to talk more ab moomin I'd love to hear 👀 BUT ALSO THIS IS ME BULLYING YOU INTO SHARING YOUR AMAZING IDEAS
nooooooo I don’t wanna be bullied this is a no place for hate campus noooooo 😭😭😭😭
LDJSSKDJSJAKSKS but seriously thank u exi!! Okay here’s my lil half-baked moomin au
BASICALLY everyone is just a species from the moomin series.... they’re not ninja, there’s no big bad evil, they just truly vibe as all Moominvalley creatures do..
Kai- joxter through and through. Everything fits so perfectly! Dubious feral cat man lays around wherever he pleases... instead of stealing signs and simply breaking the law, he burns the signs and commits petty arson... as a treat. Just 4 fun... he still raised nya tho cause parents in Moominvalley be like “we r out lol 🤪✌️”... maybe he was invisible at one point as a child... hmmmmm...
Nya- a mymble with joxter characteristics (tail.. nose.. funky eyes..) and those cool mymble snail antennae’s! She lives near the sea and perhaps is a bathhouse caretake... finding invisible children and bringing them back to health like she wished someone had done for her brother back when they were young.. hmm.. maybe spends a lot of time with mermaids.. conversing with them, telling grand tales... maybe enlists the mermaids to help bring the newly able-to-be-seen children to safer, warmer locations where they can live out their lives without fear that they will be unseen yet again! :)
Zane- okay since magic is very much a real thing in the moomin universe, I’m thinking that Zane was built as an automaton! And he was enchanted with magic from the lady of the cold! And that ice magic was used to bring him to life! He knows what it is like to be so cold, so he travels around in winter with a warm lantern with him always... offering sanctuary to all who need it.. even grokes! He is cold to the touch but he has a warm heart inside :)
Lloyd- I am thinking.... forgive me... Lloyd is a troll! A soft, warm fuzzy little blond ball with bright green eyes! Maybe he is part Snork so he can turn shades of green depending on his emotions? Perhaps they all come together to raise him... baby baby. He’s a little mischievous boy tho. Gets into trouble, plays pranks, steals candy and sweets. They always have to take turns keeping an eye on him. 🥺
Cole- okay so for Cole I am thinking just a regular troll, no color changing snork genes. BUT he is HUGE with long black fur! Takes after his mom, so he cannot dance like his father. He doesn’t want to be tied down and forced to dance! He wants to go to the far off mountains and live his life among the jagged peaks, climbing and running and doing whatever he pleases.
Jay- idk I’m just rlly feeling a muddler for him... it just fits.. he tinkers a lot a lot and collects a ton of things to make a sorts of contraptions. Maybe he tried to make a flying hang glider type thing like snork always does! He studies the weather and keeps charts of it all. Ed and Edna still adopt him but they are kindly old moomintrolls, not muddlers, so he kinda figured it out much earlier tho lol.
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Project AI0.043 (Part 4)
lA/N: Sorry it took me this long! 
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Story Summary: On the 12th Hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. He got seven of them but never found the last one.
Chapter Summary: We get a closer look at The Reader and The Handler’s relationship.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,525
Tag List: @featuringcone9​ @lesbianismybitchname​ @fiveisadorable​ @here-in-never-land sweetingcas @whatawildone
PROLOGUE | PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 5.5 | PART 6 | PART 6.5 | PART 7  
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“So you're going to help me, Miss ?” You questioned as you tried to keep your balance on the edge of the sidewalk, The Handler followed beside you, watching you, knowing you were going to fall any moment. They were in a large garden, filled with trees and flowers of all kinds. The air smells sweet, and you could hear the birds chirping accompanied by the buzzing of the bees, and the sky was clear blue. It looked like you were in one of your fairy tale books, that your mom would read to you before going to sleep. 
“I wouldn’t say help, my dear, more like ...” She cut herself off as she quickly caught you by the arm. You noticed the annoyance in her face and just looked down. “Rectify.” She finished, with a harsh tone. 
“Rectify ?” You questioned still looking down, as you fidgeted your fingers.“You don’t know what that word means ?” You only shook your head. Kneeling herself down she held your chin up, making you look at her. “It means I gotta correct you in some things ... Anya.” 
“For example, what do you think you did wrong right now?” She asked as she folded her arms, looking down at you with a quirked eyebrow. “I didn’t keep my balance ...” You said with a rather questioning tone. “And also didn’t keep your focus.” The slender woman turned and began to walk away, leaving you behind while you stared at her blankly. “Anya ...”
“Coming !” You yelped as you quickly ran to her side. “It’s almost lunchtime ... What would you like to eat?” She asked, looking down at you. “I dunno ...” She took a deep breath and stopped walking. “It’s okay, if you’re afraid, I would be too.” She said chuckling. “But ... we’re all you got now, Anya. Come on, let’s get you something to eat.” Offering her hand, she waited for you to take it. “My mom used to make me Pelmeni, I would like to have some.” You smiled, taking her hand. “Then let’s get you some Pelmeni.” She smiled back and both of you began to walk. “Where are we, Miss?” You asked curiously as you looked around the large garden. “In the garden of The Commission, of course.”
“No, I mean, where exactly are we?” You turned to see the slender woman frown at the question. “We’re very far from danger if that’s what worries you, dear.”
“No ... I-um” You insisted, only making her gain her annoyed look again. “Why do you want to know? If I may ask?” 
“I-just ... Just want-ed to know in case-I get lost an-need to come back.” You mumbled with fear, making her chuckle. “Oh my dear Anya, I don’t see why that would be necessary. You’re only going to go out when we ask you to, for now, you’re going to play here in the garden and live and learn everything inside headquarters, that large building that’s over there.” She pointed making you gulp. “Okay ...”
“Okay then, let’s get you that Pelmeni we talked about.” She said excitedly while both of you walked through large doors that took you inside the headquarters.
You waited anxiously in a large dining room, the slender woman sat across from you, right at the end of the table. Were there other kids? 
“Something bothering you Anya?” She asked, catching you off guard. “Is there any other kids?” 
“I’m afraid not, you’re the only child in here.” Frowning at the answer, you insisted again. “How come?” She looked away, scanning around the room for something, but quickly landed back in your small figure. “I’m afraid that we haven’t found other gifted kids like you, and if they were, they’re all gone.”
“Gone as in ...” You stopped, quickly recognizing the smell. “Ah! Pelmeni.” You jump excitedly on your seat, making The Handler chuckle. “You must be starving, eh.”
“A little ...” 
After eating, The Handler gave you a tour of everywhere you needed to go to and where you shouldn’t go to. 
Here’s where you’re going to study ...
Here’s where you’re going to train ...
Here’s where you’re going to meet me ...
Etc ...
As time passed, you began to feel tired, quickly noticing, The Handler decided it was time to sleep. She took you to the top floor of headquarters, it looked empty and it was very cold. “Here’s where you’re going to stay ...” The clicking of her heels echoed through the halls. “We made it just for you ...” She said while unlocking a large wooden door. Inside the room, the size was neither small or big, it was just like your last one. The bed was enourmous, and right across from it there was a fireplace, next of the bed the wall was filled with books of all kinds, a couple of toys were scattered around the floor and there was a small balcony right ahead of the door with two large windows on the sides.  
“Well, What do you think?” She asked while you stood right in the middle, admiring your new room. “I love it!” You smiled back at her, making her grin with pride. ”Well, so you know, I picked everything on the room ...” She admitted while rocking back on her heels. “I love it, thank you ...” You quickly ran to her and tried to hug her but she stopped you. “I’m sorry Anya, but I’m afraid we can’t have that type of relationship.”
“I’m sorry ...” You apologized to her while looking down, and turning away from her. You began to walk towards the balcony, getting a small cold breeze from outside, and then, out of the blue, you noticed something flying directly at you. It was a small blue butterfly, landing just in front of you, at the edge of the stone rail. “Wow ...” You carefully pulled your hand closer to the small insect and surprisingly, actually getting it to walk directly to your small right hand.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it ...” She leaned over your shoulder watching the blue butterfly on your hand. “Some say that butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life, like Hope.” You turned smiling at her. “Especially Blue Butterflies, they symbolize joy and happiness ... but also transformation and change.”
“I touched one once... but my mommy said that I shouldn’t touch them, because they’re very special and I could hurt them.” 
“Well, she was right, they’re very fragile ... but I’m guessing they’re your favorite.”
“Yes ... I like their colors, especially blue ones, it’s like they glow in the night.” You admitted before the Handler snatched it from your hand with a glass bottle. You gasped, seeing the small butterfly flapping her wings inside her new cage. “Here dear ...” She said as she handed you the bottle. “Hope you understand that ... everything that’s fragile, needs to be protected ...” Running a hand across your cheek she got up and began to walk away. “I want you asleep within five minutes because tomorrow is going to be a big day for you Anya ... Goodnight.” She smiled and turned the lights out, leaving you in the cold darkness, only having the moonlight as your comfort. 
You looked down at your new blue bottled friend, whose flapping were now merely visible. “Don’t worry Ms. Butterfly, you can leave.”Quickly setting it free, you watched as it began to fly out of the bottle and around the room, but then landing on your index finger. Her antennas slightly moving. “You can go ... She won’t hurt you, I promise.” 
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And with that, the blue butterfly began to flap her wings, and fly away through the big open window. “Bye-bye Ms. Butterfly.” You watched as it disappeared through the dark night. 
Click ...
Click ...
Click ...
“Oh no ...” Quickly hurrying into your bed, pulling the covers and leaving the glass bottle on your side table. Closing your eyes, you began to remember the blue butterfly, a slightly blurry version of the butterfly started to appear inside the bottle, giving you a small headache. The door creaked open, and there was a pause, you could see the light from the hallway. Thought I heard something. You heard The Handler’s voice echoed through the room, and the door creaked again, taking the light and The Handler away with her. 
Click ...
Click ...
Click ...
The clicking began to fade. Sighing in relief you stopped thinking about the butterfly, making it disappear instantly. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and began to focus on The Handler; instantly starting to hear distant voices, and then hers: 
“Tomorrow we’re going to start Project AI0.043, so I’m going to need everybody ready. I’m a make sure she doesn’t suspect anything, so this doesn’t fail. We’re going to do this right, so there should be no mistakes, Okay? ... Dr. Mierzwiak, this machine you have, will it guarantee what it promised?” 
“Absolutely, with no doubt, Ms. Handler. It will erase any part of her memory you’ll like.”
“Good ...” 
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