#rb this or DIE INSTANTLY !!!!!
neodotexe · 1 year
I've been seeing a lot of those "guess which event isn't canon" polls so I'm doing one for my current hyperfixation
feel free to rb for a bigger sample size
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
The other 99 beans are 100% normal btw, just jelly beans. The poison didn't rub off on any of them. You are certain of this.
Rb for sample size
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walnutcookie · 8 months
can i ask what cheddar's curse is :333333333 3 33333 :333 :#3333333333333333333333333333 :3:#3333
HI I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKEDDD. :33 THANK U SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK /GEN. you have unleashed hell i am about to write so many paragraphs /silly /pos
ok to rb!
I need to draw a picture of them without the shadow sometime but. basically that glint in the shadow over cheddars face?
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thats not their eye. they dont have an eye there anymore. instead it is a jewel :]c a cheddarstone to be exact. And it is very cursed!
still need to figure out exactly how it goes but when the blue cheese manor burned down they reached for the cursed jewel that their family had and They survived! They technically cannot die! but living isnt exactly easy
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inside of them is a ton of Dark almost ink-like goop,, its like. Anti-life force. It seeps through their skin slowly and if it seeps out too much cheddar has to fight for control. if it gets really bad they lose control entirely. the only way to keep it from seeping out is by absorbing pure life force. they can obtain it through being around someone as they die, but more effectively they can kill people themself. Which is pretty easy since!! touching anti-life force kills a person IMMEDIATELY literally all cheddar needs to do is touch someone and theyre dead.
of course, if people knew that she was doing this, theyd be arrested immediately so theyve found ways to be sneaky about it :]c
for one, they cover themself up as best as possible. Literally from the head down its completely covered - giant coat, gloves, boots, etc. plus the hat covers not only the jewel in their eye but the anti-life force goop growing on his face!!! They avoid being in crowds or tightly packed spaces and theyre careful not to ever touch someone - while the clothing helps, it doesnt completely negate the curse, so while a brush of the shoulder may not kill the person itll at least drain them which will look suspicious.
obviously this quote wasnt related but shh its about Universe A. to me
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cheddar has basically made themself untouchable (both metaphorically and literally).
say, theoretically, they need to take another victim. theyre travelling with macaroni on oh, say, a train, and they find a random cookie isolated in a train car with nobody around to witness anything. they peel off their glove and put their hand on the victims mouth, muffling their scream and killing the person instantly, and then they gently lower the body down so it doesnt make a noise as it hits the floor. next they use a knife to stab the person a few times - theyre already dead, but since touching them wouldnt give any indicators toward the cause of death, they have the perfect opportunity to create a false story behind the murder of this cookie and frame someone else for it. all they need to do after that is call macaroni to come see and he'll practically do the work for them!!!
ive mentioned this on one of my posts before but i headcanon that macaroni. cannot. stand. mysteries. he has to have them solved ASAP otherwise he CANNOT rest easy. he wont be able to eat or sleep very well at all. it makes him so anxious as much as he loves mysteries
Cheddar uses this to their advantage! theyve created a person in macaroni's head - someone whos lazy, who doesnt put much effort into their work, someone who doesnt rely on real evidence very much. How would someone like cheddar manage to frame someone else for a murder theyve committed and get away with it? especially since cheddar is around macaroni 24/7 and hed never expect them to do something in like the five minutes that they sneak away. not to mention cheddar has been working for the cbi even longer than mac and why on earth would a cbi agent kill someone for (seemingly) no reason??? In reality cheddar is actually much smarter and observant than they make themself seem but mac is in HEAVY denial about it because he doesnt want to have to think about his work partner being a murderer. Better to come up with other solutions (which cheddar so generously offers to him by framing people) than to point the finger at cheddar and raise dozens more questions that may be left unanswered. Plus the thought that all of the deaths cheddar caused would technically partially be macs fault. And as much as cheddar annoys him, mac has grown pretty attached to them.
someone could literally yell at mac and say LOOK!!! CHEDDAR HAS BLOOD STAINS ON THEIR COAT OH MY GOD!!!!!!! and mac will just laugh and say Haha that must be from lunch yesterday :) LIKE. cheddar has just made the perfect alibi for themself. they can never be accused of any crime because mac will defend them no matter what just to keep his own sanity
all of the killing and murder and crime aside cheddar is. Fucking miserable. shes so insanely touch starved bro they havent had a hug since like 1806 (except for like one person CCOUXGGHT COUCGHE GOUCGH ROUCYEO CAPPUCCINO COUGH COUCGH SPUTTER COUGH thats another post entirely though if anyone sends an ask abt it ill talk about it) and they try to make themself seem unlikable towards macaroni and try to distance themself from people and avoid relationships because even just a high five or a brush of the shoulder could be fatal. its too much of a risk, and its not one theyre willing to take.
he is fucking Smitten for macaroni theyre so head over heels for that girl but they just! CANT!!!! they cant get close to him because then he might DIE and not only would they lose the person they love but that would mean that their precious alibi is gone and theyd have to be extra extra sneaky about things to make sure that nobody catches them committing crimes. not to mention because of the way they act macaroni fucking HATES HIM. one sided yuri my beloved
anyways yaay ill stop there before this post gets too long X] theres more stuff about these two (including actual yuriful fluff NO WAAY) if youre curuois or have any other questions just shoot me an ask id love to answer!!!!
as always i dont think this is canon by any means it is all just my silly headcanon au because i think cheddar should be fucked up As a treat👍have a nice day If you read all of this i loveyiu so much /p
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cleromancy · 11 months
ok just. some... a little. context for my last rb for youse bc i have to assume most of you either have not read countdown to final crisis or only really remember what happened as kind of a fever dream?
but trickster and piper like. god. theyre like handcuffed with cuffs that will explode them if they're taken off. For reasons. and trickster gets killed by Deadshot, also for reasons (but also he didn't die instantly and. well it was a little bit fucked up actually). and then for the next like ten issues piper is like. carting his dead body around the desert like hallucinating and shit? he winds up sawing off tricksters hand at the wrist bc he physically didn't have the energy to drag the corpse along any further?
*pointing* now thats what i call a ship
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pokeology · 1 year
//Whats your opinion on using fakemon in pokéblogging?? I just got into the pokéblogging part of Tumblr and haven't seen fakemon used
//firstly sorry for inactivity its officially FINALS WEEK (and i work tomorrow
i dont care what people do. i have no opinion.
HOWEVER when it comes to me answering anons or rbs i cant work with them just because theres no data to go off- they have no pokedex entries or game appearances that i can use for this blog, so theres not much i can do in terms of interaction. i cant know what i dont have access to yknow
(this includes hybrids- no ingame content means idk how various pokemon would interact genetically or if any of them are even genetically similar enough to combine traits like that. im lost....)
also the autism if im not exact ill die instantly like an insect
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callsignbaphomet · 10 months
Saw some gifs of season 2 of Loki and my brain quickly went "Oh, it's Loke time!"
I have a confession to make about my Loke lol
When I first came up with him I hadn't bothered naming him, hell, he didn't even have a backstory. He was just Jelani's older brother. Like I've mentioned before, he was so bare bones because he was just a plot device and was just gonna die bloody and ugly just to emphasize how evil and a piece of shit Iain is.
Buuuuuuuut I decided to name him and give him a backstory and then I fell completely in love with him and decided to not kill him and make him part of the main roster. I really love this character, he is such a darling of a person.
So I was coming up with this character's background, story and details but I didn't know what he looked like or what his name would be. This is where C comes in lmfao.
During the height of the MCU Loki craze C absolutely hated the character. He has since he was little but when the character got popular his hate for him just tripled and honestly it was amusing. I still like the character ngl. Got a soft spot for the bitch.
So I didn't wanna be totally obvious and outright name him Loki (due to the popularity of the MCU character) but while searching names I came across Loke which is pretty much just another way of spelling/saying Loki.
One of his nicknames is Lo but sometimes other characters will use Loki when referring to him. So in a way I snuck that version of the name in anyway.
I went with it. Plus it just rolls off the tongue so nicely. So now we have a name and a backstory. He just needed to have an appearance.
The Marvel look was not gonna go at all. I already had Jelani with long raven black hair and pale blue eyes. It isn't the same as raven black hair with green eyes but to me it felt similar. So I looked to depictions of the real Loki. Most of the ones I saw were of a pale white male with long wavy/curly red hair with different variations of eye colors. Loved it! Like I constantly say one of my major weaknesses is pale men with long red hair 🧑🏻‍🍳💋
Eyeball color tho was a choice based on a high school memory. There was this one girl in my English class pale, long curly red hair and the palest green eyes I have ever seen. She was gorgeous!
(We come in all shades. Tbh we're kind of a melting pot of rainbows. We range from freakishly white looking to rich and vibrant dark and I love that for us)
So I went with most depictions of the Norse god Loki with the pale white skin, freckles, long wavy/curly ginger hair and a set of pale green eyes. That's how I ended up with a 6'6" teddy bear of a man who's crazy overprotective of his 6'6" baby brother.
So every time I see either Marvel Loki or the real Loki I instantly think of my Loke.
Now excuse me I gotta rb some Loke doodles to satisfy my need to look at my adorable little Nordic teddy bear.
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aro-ortega · 1 year
i dont know what i originally followed you for but idc. i would love to know who/what sidestep and fh are. it seems super cool and you really like it so i'd love to know!!! the art you rb and tag it with are always bangers so i'm def interested
fallen hero is so so fucking good. i convinced one of my work/housemates from my archaeo field school to play it and she instantly became obsessed, it is amazing
sidestep is the main/playable character in fallen hero (rebirth & retribution) which is a video game choice of games interactive fiction smart choose your own adventure book. sidestep was a hero/vigilante 7 years ago, but then an incident caused their "death" - only they didn't die, and now they are back with a vengeance, this time as a villain
the first game follows sidestep finishing their preparations for their villain debut, and the second game follows the first year or so post villain debut
oh also, when they were working as a hero they were working with the Los diablos rangers - most noticeable charge, aka ortega. ortega has believed sidestep to be dead for the last seven years and sidestep has made no efforts to contact them - but their paths happen to cross so sidestep is also dealing with this ghost from their past, and being dragged back into the rangers circle, just as they are getting ready for their villain debut
also also. this is a relationship game - friendship, romance, or rivalry, your choice. there are two romance options in the first game (and ortega is one of them) which carry over into the second game that adds three more romance options
these games are so so good, literally everyone who plays them becomes obsessed you have got to try them out
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acidic--citrus · 5 months
i didnt want to BLAST op in my last rb with an absolute Wall of tags on like, a two digit note post ,
so im just gonna.... hurl them here
CW: personal vent post, really negative thoughts look away ^^ i just have to get this written down somewhere or else ill Explode, Actually.
its been almost a year since the unfair firing incident at pr//oject moon, and for the last few, like... Months, at this point, ive just been reeeeeeaaaaaally thinking hard about the entire thing, processing overtime how bad it really was, what its a symptom of, and, looking towards the future, how i want to move on from it
coincidentally its also now a little over the 1 year mark of my getting into the p//jm games, and what used to bring me out of my depressive catatonic states has now thrown me Ass First into a Series of them
what i thought was a unique world and a lovely, hopeful narrative, i now realize was just a house-of-mirrors-esque distorted reflection of the world and society we live in
i thought they had a heartfelt and sincere underlying message in their works about humanity and connection, but with how pjm handled the real life situation and INSTANTLY bent its knees and prioritized its money-making incel fanbase over the safety and wellbeing of a Real Human Employee who had NOTHING to do with the situation, its obvious that all of it was hollow to begin with, and now just comes across as "what if capitalism.... but with cool people fighting in cool ways,.. AND monsters!!!" and i just can Not take anything the story tries to meaningfully say (if it ever was in the first place) seriously now
its all showy fireworks that fizzle out fast with nothing substantial behind them: eye candy, fanservice
and that entire ordeal, or rather reviewing the entire ordeal in my head and thinking about it agonizingly over the course of many months, really hammered it in for me that theres no way any form of entertainment out there is worth the livelihood of a real life human being
(and this is where pjm stops being as relevant, but is definitely where all of the next stuff stemmed from)
which got me thinking even further; if no happiness built off of the unhappiness of another is worth it, why does the world at large look the way it is now? call it disillusionment or waking up from my naivety, but i, keeping in mind the worlds other issues at large, like how everyone is fully and wholly documenting how a genocide is going down and the world just merely watches it unfold, realized that Ah. Truly we are So Fucked
i began spiraling further, thinking more and more and began buckling under the weight of problems too unfathomably large for anyone to tackle by themselves—could any of these even be solved within my lifetime as we are now?
to wrap things up, basically its become so so so incredibly hard to want to keep living
(that doesnt necessarily mean i want to die though; i personally make a distinction between the two)
its so hard to wake up feeling like theres something worth doing anymore
create art and make things? its hard to do that when your wrist hurts and youre so slow at everything and it feels like time passes by at x2 speed for you but everyone else seems fine and able to function and you cant help but wish you could hard reset your brain </3 its getting hard to think and articulate and imagine and process and its so discouraging for me.. i find myself wishing there were 36 hours in the day to compensate.....
enjoy a game or novel? its hard when every flicker of happiness feels so frivolous n trivial and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. like okay so i was reading like. last night, right? and everytime like something idk funny or cute happened i was instantly hit with a reality check and became insantly depressed. like what is that. thats so unfair. pit felt like i was going through moodswings in x18 speed. i could Feel the mania brain chemical get to me and then id be Ass Blasted with cortisol and brain numbness not a goddamn second later. what the fuck do you do then ?
i know ill live and all, as when i imagine myself dead or dying it doesnt feel quite right
but being comfortable and living comfortably like this, in my room, safe from the outside, that doesnt sit right with me either
eating is hard. sleeping is hard. i dont want a body. i dont want to have to take care of it. i think i want to disperse into bubbles
maybe ill start writing or something, as words seem to be what im running to for solace nowadays (<- balls deep in webnovel) since HHHHOIAUUURRGGGHHHHH...... WHY must i be an artist why must i be afflicted with the maddening urge to create at all times. i think a lobotomy would fix me
hhhaaaaaahhhh on the topic of creating and art, drawn art specifically, uuuugggghhhhhhhhh drags hand down face FUCK.... SOMETIMES I SEE A REALLY GOOD PIECE OF ART AND IM STRUCK WITH INSPIRATION AND AWE AND RESPECT AND IM LIKE ugghhhhh fuckkkk not AGAIN..... if i dont get something out of these hands right tf now...... and then i beat myself up mentally over not acting on that urge and letting it pass over me because uhm.... WRIST PROBLEMS!!!!! ^^ !!!!! + BRAIN SLOW (and i dont want to be reminded of that fact)!!!!!! ^^
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sofi52 · 1 year
If you have rb > likes on your post I'm not even going to like it. You have instantly destroyed my enjoyment of whatever you made and I'm not going to give you your meaningless internet points you crave. Tumblr isn't going to die cus I didn't find it rb worthy, go follow a tag if your dash is empty.
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applescabs · 2 years
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Ik heb in 2022 26.390 keer iets geplaatst
Dat zijn 8.568 berichten meer dan 2021!
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#gifs - 1.019 berichten
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#whats really funny to me is the dude in the rbs saying that theyre out of plotlines even though this vid clearly has older eps in it as well
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Following me is fun. You get a barrage of shitposts and then I occasionally flood your feed with some anime only 3 ppl have watched.
5 notities - Geplaatst 7 april 2022
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5 notities - Geplaatst 8 juli 2022
​callout post for @phoenixfangs
refusing to accept that peter griffin is the perfect kin for them BECAUSE of their similarly toxic behaviour, idk why they’re even trying to deny it but :/ yikes
5 notities - Geplaatst 6 januari 2022
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has anyone seen this. or.
[ Image id from a dhmis interview; There’s even something to find in real life. On my visit, I witnessed a life-size red felt car sitting on stilts. Sloan later revealed that the crew dumped the car in the hope that the show’s supersleuths might one day discover its location. “Fans can find the car where we left it,” says Sloan. “They’ll have to swim through a swamp to get there, but they can find it.” ]
14 notities - Geplaatst 28 september 2022
Mijn #1-bericht van 2022
Love how my brother was all "uhm 🤨 why would you save before doing a roll that's cheating. Defeats the whole purpose" and then when he started playing he immediately did the exact same thing. Like he instantly went "no. I get it now."
15 notities - Geplaatst 7 november 2022
Bekijk je jaaroverzicht van 2022 →
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tonkiagro · 2 years
Gta san andreas cheats xbox one
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Rt, Rb, Lt, Rb, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Weapons, tier 1 ( Brass Knuckles, Baseball Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Micro SMG, AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktails & Spray Paint) CJ will also die from being in a vehicle that explodes.ĭown, A, Right, Left, Right, Rt, Right, Down, Up, Y Note: Explosions, drowning, falling, and gunshots from police-controlled helicopters still hurt the player. Lt, Rt, X, Rt, Left, Rb, Rt, Left, X, Down, Lt, Lt, Lt Note: Using this cheat may glitch the game's sounds. However, if the Unlimited Health cheat is activated, super punches do not affect CJ. If a pedestrian punches CJ, he will be instantly killed. Note: Pedestrians can also make a super punch attack. Left, Right, Lt, Lb, Rt, Rb, Rb, Up, Down, Right, Lt Left, Right, Lt, Lb, Rt, Rb, Up, Down, Left, Right X, Lb A, Rt, Lb, Lb, Left, Rt, Right, Lt, Lt, Lt Maximum vehicle skills (Driving, flying, bike, cycling) Lt, Rt, Y, Down, Rb, A, Lt, Up, Lb, Lb, Lb, Lt, Ltī, Y, Y, Up, B, Rt, Lb, Up, Y, Lt, Lt, Lt Rt, Rt, B, Rb, Up, Dow, Up, Down, Up, Downĭow, Left, Lt, Down, Down, Rb, Down, Lb, Down Note: If the Lock wanted level cheat is on it will not attain. Lock wanted level ( Facilitates exploration of islands/cities and restricted areas before they're unlocked) Right, Lb, Dow, Rt, Left, Left, Rt, Lt, Lb, Ltĭow, X, A, Left, Rt, Rb, Left, Down, Dow, Lt, Lt, Lt Note: CJ will not die if the unlimited health cheat is activated. Up, Up, Y, Y, Up Up, Left, Right, X, Rb, Rb RT, RB, Lt, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Note: Enabling the "Health and Armor" cheat during the bike chase of Just Business and during shooting from the car in End of the Line will fail the mission, destroying the bike/ Feltzer ( End of the Line), and CJ will eventually be Wasted. Īrmor, health and $250,000 in money (also repairs vehicles occupied by the player and increases the Criminal Rating to 40)
The * denotes the intended cheat code found on the Android port of the game – other alternative cheat code combinations (such as HESOYAM and AEZAKMI) – were simply found by using a dictionary and were later widely accepted as the prime cheat code (as cheat codes were not explicitly given by Rockstar Games themselves in any guide nor the game executable contained them). On PC, due to the nature of the cheats requiring a hash code rather than just simply the input itself, it may result in hash collisions, thereby making the cheats enterable using a number of combinations, even by simply pressing the movement keys (WASD). These pedestrian-related cheats can hinder progress during missions. The pedestrian hate and riot cheats are permanent and cannot be reversed if the game is saved while the cheat is active.
would be the correct input for the PS3 port of the game of the "Unlimited Ammo" cheat.) For example, where one would normally press / in a cheat, they must press /. For the PlayStation 3 port of the game, the triggers that need to be pressed must be pressed in the opposite way. Note that the PlayStation 2 and Xbox require the use of the D-Pad (up, down, left, right), (NOTE: this is not the analog stick) for directional input. Entering cheat codes on the pause menu will not activate the cheat unlike its predecessors. The following cheat codes must be entered during gameplay. When a cheat code is successfully entered, a "Cheat Activated" message will appear on the upper left corner of the screen to confirm the cheat has been entered.
Be warned that using cheats may cause unintended side effects, disable achievements and/or hinder game progress.Ĭheats in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas are similar to those of its predecessors, requiring input of a series of controller button commands or a keyboard.
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sucrate · 2 years
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GOAT ! [Audience Cheers And Claps]
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caligeno · 3 years
A mousetrap snapped a mouse last night just as I was drifting off into sleep and it scared me and snapped me awake, so I go to turn on the light and the bulb dies immediately. So in sleep shorts and a teeshirt at 2am I gotta go to the basement n get a lightbulb so I can SEE the trap and then I had to come back up and replace the bulb and then get the trap and go back downstairs and figure out how to temporarily dispose of the mouse so I wouldn’t have to go outside at 2am in my pajamas
And then I reset the trap and washed my hands and went back to bed
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teeth-kid · 3 years
i had a dream i kissed a robot but it was just like a large metal disc but it saved my life so i hugged and kissed it and it was kinda like "ok but can you get out of here so i didnt just save you for nothing"
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smitherscreens · 3 years
sometimes i’ll rewatch a performance or an interview twenty one pilots did or even just see a picture of them and im like.  oh my god. this is the band. this is the band that im never going to get over.
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 4 years
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look it’s me. i went for a long walk and read a book and got stood up but it’s fine i listened to if you’re feeling sinister so im better now
this is me interrupting my usual ‘dressing like someone’s gay grandpa’ theme and also the only way I can get the full outfit in is by pulling a weird-ass pose so just imagine im abt to stomp on a fascist or smth idk
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