#goat (dragon) (dog) (cow)
kaboomthepossum · 4 months
Hey besties! Today I was planning a new TMG drawing and I thought it’d be nice to take a look back at the drawings I’ve made over the past few months and kinda see how I’ve improved! Here they are, in the order in which they were created:
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Thank you so much to everybody for the support on these, it really means a lot to know that my art is appreciated!
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 2 years
if TMC characters as furries
mark Heathcliff:dog
cesar torres:wolf
adam murray:weasel
jonah marshall:ferret
sarah Heathcliff:dog
evelin miller:cat
Thatcher davis:komodo dragon
Ruth weaver:cow (before she could be bull I changed to a cow because I forgot that bull is male of cows)
Dave lee:dog
now the alternates
alt!Gabriel:sheep/goat (well he just a goat in a sheep in disguise)
the preacher:squirrel
alt!cesar:wolf bc yes
it's not an alternate so...
Gabriel (aka:toonbriel):sheep
jude and lynn murray:weasels
that's all ig if I forgot some tmc character pls tell me
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lab-trash · 2 days
So, lately I've been sleeping downstairs bc my room doesn't get air conditioning and my latest medication has been making me overheat a lot easier— point is, my bed is empty.
So I decided to put my stuffed animal collection on it, which consists of Steven the Cow, supporting almost a dozen Bob Evans plushies, and my raccoon Karl.
I'm making a head for one of my plushies, whose head is removable for fandom reasons. And I paused before going to bed because... well, I needed to sleep.
But I couldn't sleep, so I decided to finish making the head. Not the face or anything, just the head. But the polyfill is upstairs, in my room. So before I sewed it up, I ran upstairs to fill it.
Yeah, I sat on my bed, in front of my little group of plushies. And I'm telling you, filling a disembodied head with polyfull in front of a dozen stuffies that almost all look like they're staring at you? That's a weird feeling. I literally said out loud "oh... this is awkward," when I sat down. Because it genuinely felt awkward.
I am left wondering though, is that the equivalent of giving birth, embalming, or something else completely?
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intrawebs · 2 months
Common Hermit Species
for anyone who needs it :]
BdoubleO: Glare, Sun god, Phantom
Cubfan: Vex, Bear
Docm77: Creeper, Amalgamation of many things, Goat, Cyborg
Ethoslab: Arctic Fox, Cat, Enderman, Kitsune, Vampire, Eldritch Horror, Voidwalker
FalseSymmetry: Vampire, Vex, Bird/Eagle
Geminitay: Shark, Fish, Deer, Elf, Butterfly
GoodtimeswithScar: Elf, Vex, Cat, Witch
Grian: Bird/Parrot, Eldritch Horror, Watcher, Void creature
Hypnotizd: Shadow creature
iJevin: Slime
ImpulseSV: Demon/Imp, Dwarf, Dragon
Iskall: Cyborg
Joe Hills: Eldritch Horror, Immortal, Puppet, Ghost, Shapeshifter
Keralis: Eldritch Horror
Mumbo: Vampire, Mysteriously Inhuman, Moth, Enderman, Shapeshifter
Pearl: Salmon, Wolf, Bird, Moth, Alien, God, Watcher, Listener
Rendog: Dog, Werewolf
Skizzleman: Angel, Enderman
Smallishbeans: Tanuki, Tiger, Wolf, God
Stressmonster: Glare, Cat, Druid, Bug/Butterfly
Tangotek: Blaze, Vague Nether creature, Demon
VintageBeef: Cow
Welsknight: Dragon
xBCrafted: Guardian
Xisuma: Android, Voidwalker
Zedaph: Sheep, Eldritch Horror
ZombieCleo: Zombie, Witch, Gorgon
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seraphica · 10 months
Creatures of the Zodiac by Camille André
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Year of the Rat - Jerboa
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Year of the Ox - Alambadi Cow
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Year of the Tiger - Tiger and Cub
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Year of the Rabbit - Black Sleeping Bunny
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Year of the Dragon
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Year of the Snake
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Year of the Horse - Appaloosa Horse
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Year of the Goat - Markhor and Baby Goat
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Year of the Monkey - Japanese Macaque and Baby
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Year of the Rooster - Phoenix Rooster
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Year of the Dog - Shetland Sheepdog
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Year of the Pig - Sow and Piglets
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novy2sirius · 24 days
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vietnamese astro tips
🐓 rooster’s should avoid 🐈 cats and not own one
🐉 dragon’s should avoid 🐕 dogs and not own one
🐈 cat’s shouldn’t consume 🍗 chicken/rooster
🐐 goat’s shouldn’t consume 🐄 cow products
🐂 ox’s shouldn’t consume 🐐 goat products
🐍 snake’s shouldn’t consume any 🐷 pork
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opiopal · 2 months
Are we sure demons are even mammals? Their human forms are for hiding among humans, so they might not have the less obvious functions. We know Lucifer had 12 wings, but his angel form only shows six, implying that that is at least one more "truer" form, which could also be the case with demons. The truest form of a native demon might use an alternate method to feed their young.
this actually got me thinking more about it, so I started to think about their demon forms since that would probably give more answers,
so lucifer and mammon are birds, peacock and crow, so they would tend to eggs, so no need for breast feeding birds
levi is a serpent, yes there is sea life that are mammals, but sea snakes are def not one of them, so fertilizing eggs in bunches doesn't require breasts even after hatching.
asmo is a scorpion, I have NO CLUE how scorpions work when it comes to their young but i know for a fact that anything with an exoskeleton.. most of the time isn't a mammal. so again, eggs.
and beel is a bug, I forget if its fact that hes a cicada? thats just what I remember, and cicadas arent mammals so again, eggs
now i tried to search for what satan is since its really unclear(at least to me), if he was a bird like his dadmom then he would probably have wings, but he IS wing. and when I searched I was told unicorn and wolf(ofc his rebel teen emo ass would be a wolf) and obviously belphie is a goat/cow thing, so technically the anti lucifer league should be mammals just going off of their demon forms,
but again no nipples, belphie makes sense cause again, former angel, popped into existance, no mommy for him, but satan was born from lucifer.. technically organically...? (still cant believe mpreg basically happened) but lucifer probably was never intended to have kids from his own body so no nipples, and again satan came from wings, which yeah would all make sense, but then again I circle back to Dia
he's a dragon, yet was born not from an egg, but as a result of a live birth. which resulted in his mother passing away. so I'm still going strong on my dia's not a full demon theory(maybe royal blood makes him appear to be a pure demon?)
and I can also imagine that demons dont have a big powerful form like a "be not afraid" angel does, so lucifer and the brothers prolly had a down grade in the scary physical form factor. prolly another layer to their punishments. (ofc demons still prolly have a big scary demon form, just not as big as a flaming swords with wings and eyes and a booming voice)
and going onto other demons, I can imagine reproduction is very diverse in the devildom. demons who are more reptilian, demons that are birds, cold blooded creatures, anything that wouldn't give live birth would lay eggs, do silly little dances to attract mates, look pretty to attract mates, ect. and obviously demons that are goats, cows, deer, cat, dog, would give live birth. so maybe nipples with demons are like freckles? some people have them and other people just dont.
BUT, then again, demons could have only 1-2 animals that relate to their sin, demons of Greed could be crows and foxes, envy is snakes and sea creatures, ect. but then again mephisto is a thing, and he's a demon of pride, so that would make him a peacock like lucifer, but with a lack of a canon demon form its hard to say, but mephisto already shares a hairstyle and boyfriend with lucifer so it would just be mean to have him share even more with him. but than again he could also be a lion? but I dont think that would fit that little gay rich boy at all. But I think it would just be more interesting if a demons form isn't always directly related to their sin so they can be any animal.
all in all, the only thing I think I could come to a conclusion with is that angels aren't mammals. and ofc they wouldnt gain nipples after becoming demons cause how odd would that be? "NOO MY SISTERS DEAD AND IVE BEEN CAST DOWN TO HELL- what are those things on my chest." and with demons it could probably vary from being mammals and not being mammals. but I could imagine its like, 80% of the devildom lays eggs and the other 20% doesnt. but all in all I think demons can do either or, it just depends on what they want to do, get freaky and then give birth or lay an egg and sit on it till it hatches, but I'm sure no demon would willingly give birth if they had the option to just pop out an egg.
or maybe its just my crack theory, two demons kiss and get freaky then 9 months later a baby pops out of thin air, magic baby!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Hey pumpkin, what do you think the zoos in ff7's world are like? Do they have behemoths, dragons and malboros or more like our world's zoos? We know they have cats and dogs and chocobos, but do they have cows, goats and other cattles too? WHERE DO THEIR MILK COME FROM
also, what's ASGZC's day at the zoo like? (Sorry if somebody has already asked this before)
I'm going to use the reasoning that if they have chickens, they also have cows and other cattle. Their zoos have regular animals, but also have creatures of their world, but in a controlled environment.
• Zack is so excited to see the tigers that he's wearing his tiger-print hoodie, and a baseball cap with I <3 tigers on it. He's SO HAPPY when a tiger runs up to the glass and starts scratching and jumping on it.
Zack: Look! Look! He likes me!
Sephiroth: Actually, the tiger might perceive you as a rival and is trying to engage in a confrontation to assert dominance within its territory.
Zack: .....
Sephiroth: Either that, or it's exhibiting predatory behavior with the intention of attacking and consuming you.
Zack: .....
Sephiroth: Or it could just be insulted by your hoodie.
Zack: Aww man.
• Cloud brought his camera with the intention to take as many pictures as possible to send back to his mom. Somehow he has the worst luck possible today.
Cloud, taking pictures: Look, these Nibel dragons are wrestling! That's so cool, I can't wait to show my mom. We've never seen them do that before.
Angeal: ......I don't think they're wrestling.
Cloud: ......dang it *lowers his camera sadly*
• Sephiroth is growing more and more concerned. Sure, he's killed a good portion of these animals in the wild before, but that was monster extermination and self defense. This is inhumane. These poor animals are locked in cages, stripped of their freedom, taken from their natural habitats, forced to perform and be a source of entertainment for a bunch of greedy onlookers.
• Genesis spends a good 30 minutes at the monkey exhibit trying to teach a flock of them (who were attracted by his red coat) how to put up their middle finger. He's pleased when one of the monkeys learn.
*The monkey sticks up his middle finger*
Genesis: Excellent!
*The flock of monkeys show their middle fingers to Genesis*
• Overall they had a pretty good time! Time to get in the car and go home now. Angeal is in charge of driving, so he does a head count—There's Genesis with his ice pack after he infuriated a peacock who attacked him, Zack with his giant komodo dragon plushie that he plans on gifting Lazard, Cloud having a mental breakdown as he realizes that in all of his pictures, his finger is in front of the lens, and.....
Angeal: H-How—when did you—WHY?
*Sephiroth has a meerkat in his lap*
Sephiroth: I couldn't leave her there to suffer. I plan on taking her home and preparing her for reintegration into her natural habitat.
Angeal: I'm actually surprised you took just one.
Sephiroth: Don't be ridiculous, Angeal.
*Sephiroth takes a baby meerkat from his pocket*
Sephiroth: She's a mother.
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Do you have a concrete idea of the animals/creatures everyone(who doesn't already have an animal connection) is based on in the beastly/inhuman au? Or are some characters in a nebulous void of "idk, we'll see"? Cuz id love a list(if it's not a bother?)
Eh, even for the guys I have main thoughts about being a certain animal, I'm fine with them doing stuff about them being something else.
But usually for certain boys, they are-
Malleus obvi being a dragon/reptile fae beast.
Leona obvi a lion beast.
Riddle as a hedgehog, bunny, weasel or some kind of rodent beast.
Idia is a drider.
Lilia is obvi a bat fae beast.
Vil is fancy harpy.
Azul obvi octopuss.
Kalim could be a sea otter or type of dessert fox beast.
Ace as a fox beast.
Cater a red panda beast.
Deuce as a badger or type of dog beast.
Ortho can be whatever he wants thanks to Idia giving him different bodies, but I like him being a Bee Bot Boy.
Epel is usually talked about as being a harpy but I like him being a cow. Others are fond of him being a bunny beast.
Jade and Floyd are obvi eels.
Rook is an owl harpy.
Jack is obvi a wolf.
Jamil is a naga.
Trey is a bear beast.
Sebek is obvi a crocodile/reptile fae beast.
Silver is a horse or unicorn beast.
Rollo is a Geep (Goat sheep mix) beast.
Ashton is perhaps an elk beast.
Trein is perhaps a bobcat or snow leopard beast.
Crowly is obvi a corvid.
Crewel is a fancy dog breed perhaps.
Sam is possibly a snake, fox, or owl type of beast.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Saturnians Who Love Animals 🦆🦀🐟🐂🐒🐼🐱🦊🦁🙀
In my first post about Saturnians, I had included examples of several Saturnian individuals who were known for abusing animals. It is a very sensitive topic and I did not intend to say that it is the nature of Saturn to abuse animals, only that it's one of the violent, brutal "dark" or "negative" manifestations of the planet. Claire's research had shown that Ketu ruled naks were most prominent among serial killers but that does not mean every Ketuvian is a potential criminal. Every planet and nakshatra has good and bad manifestations. The same qualities can be projected differently by different individuals. Saturn causes delay and obstructions, some pay turn to devotion and discipline in the face of it and others may turn cold, cruel and bitter. How you manifest your chart depends on what is in your heart as a human being.
All that said, I thought I'd include examples of some Saturnians who are complete animal lovers<333
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Lisa from Blackpink, UBP Sun & stellium (Venus, Saturn, Ketu)
She has 5 cats (Leo, Luca, Lily, Louis, and Lego) and one dog (Love)
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Salma Hayek, UBP Moon
Hayek loves animals and has over 30 pets, including dogs, cats, alpacas, parrots, chickens, fishes, horses, geese, rabbits, hamsters, one owl, and more.
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Mariah Carey, UBP Sun at one point had 8 dogs. I am not sure how many she has right now but she def has at least 2 dogs
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Jin from BTS, UBP Moon and his iconic dog, Jjangu
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Miley Cyrus, Anuradha Sun & Mercury
She currently has eight dogs named Angel, Barbie, Happy, Bean, Emu, Kate Moss, Tani and Daisy, a pig named Puddles, two Horses named Pumpkin & Dumplin and three Cats named Lilo, Kiki and Harlem.
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Angelina Jolie, Venus & Rising in Pushya
In my last post I had cited an interview of hers from the 90s where she openly admitted to hurting animals when she was younger but things seem different now that she has kids of her own.
She and her kids have a bunny, snake, and lizard. As of 2020, the family had an English bulldog, two pugs, and a Rottweiler.
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Jane Goodall, Anuradha Moon & Rising
she is an iconic primatologist and anthropologist
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Chrissy Teigen, Anuradha Moon & Mercury
 She has four dogs and a bearded dragon
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Selena Gomez, Pushya Sun & Rising
She has 2 dogs, Daisy & Winnie
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Kaley Cuoco, Anuradha Sun & Stellium (Mercury & Saturn)
At Cuoco's ranch in Thousand Oaks, northwest of Los Angeles, there are horses, donkeys, chickens, goats, cows and pigs. she also has 4 rescue dogs.
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delightingintragedy · 2 years
Hekate Correspondences According to Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorite d'Este
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Goddess of: Crossroads, thresholds, boundaries, transitions, dreams and nightmares, oracles and divination, life and death, the restless dead, witchcraft and herbalism/poisons, protection, childbirth, the heavens, sea and earth.
Epithets: Chthonia (earthly one), Dadouchos (torch-bearer), Enodia ('of the wayside' or 'of the crossroad'), Kleidouchos (key-bearer), Kourotrophos (child's nurse), Phosphorus (light-bearer), Propolos (companion), Propylaia (the one before the gate), Soteira (savior), Triformis (three bodied), Trioditis (of the three ways), Brimo (angry/terrifying), Nexichthon (she who breaks open the earth), Prytania (invincible queen).
Symbols: Keys, torches, the moon, lunar crescent diadem, bronze/brass (her sacred metal), iron (particularly nails), bronze or golden sandals, virgin, garland/wreath, scorge, whips, sickles, swords, knives, wands, things done in threes, the strophalos, white, black, red, and saffron yellow.
Animal Associations: Lions, (black) dogs, horses, cows/bulls, hydras, snakes, bats, and dragons.
Plant Associations: Rue, laurel, cumin, sesame seeds, cornels, asphodel, maidenhair, rushes, galangal, verbena, sage, hedge-mustard, purple honeysuckle, cassidony, field basil. mandrake, hulwort, dittany, saffron, nose-smart, lion-foot, greenbriar, camomile, black poppy, alcua, all-heal, white hellebore, aconite, oak, ebony, garlic, and cypress.
Deities She's Worshiped With: Demeter and Kore (Eleusinian mysteries), Poseidon, and Hermes.
Deities She Absorbed: Brimo, Despoina, Enodia, Genetyllis, Kotys, Kratais, and Kourotrophos.
Deities She's Syncretised With: Artemis, Selene, Mene, Persephone, Physis, Bendis, Bona Dea, Diana, Ereschigal, and Isis.
Offerings: Dogs, goats, lizards (this can be something in their shape), incense and fragrances, resins like frankincense, myrrh, and storax, wafers and cakes, barley cakes, honey, vegetables, first fruits, flowers, fish like sprat and mullet, wine, milk, blood, oil, water, raw eggs, bread, cheese, and cheesecakes.
Types of Magic Historically Attributed to Her: Rejuvenation of the old, control over weather, necromancy/raising the dead, purification, love/binding/relationship destroying magic, invisibility/to move unseen, shapeshifting, control over animals, herbal/poison magic, and divination.
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kari-go · 1 month
I think the "miraculous the most fun to swap" list could be fun
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self-explanatory I think, I haven't really had an issue with these (except for a few, I'm looking at you tiger!Blanche)
snake, tiger, fox, ladybug
they're fun, there's an issue sometimes, but they're pretty easy to think of
dragon, hellhound, cat, lion, raccoon, dove, owl, dog, crab, goat, monkey, swan, mouse, thunderbird
ok/hit or miss
not that many feels for this or they're really fun but also a pain in the ass depending on the character
bee, seal, bull, frog, rabbit, deer, bat, penguin
so much struggle
are they fun sometimes? yes, but it's a small amount
griffin (only here because I changed the color recently lol), peacock, butterfly, horse, spider, turtle, orca
I hate you
it's horrible, multiple people have died, even more are injured
parrot, opossum, phoenix
needs more swaps
self-explanatory, I needed at least 2 swaps to rate them because then I would have just gone off that one character, would some of them still be rate-able even with one swap? yes, but I didn't wanna risk it
moth, koi, axolotl, snow leopard, koala, red panda, skunk, stork, vulture, cow, snail, sloth, scorpion, wolf, crow, pigeon, llama, ant
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so-many-kwamis · 5 months
The kwamis
First layer
Tikki the ladybug
Plagg the cat
Luxx the lion
Grimm the hellhound
Eggo the stork
Niic the vulture
Second layer
Pollen the bee
Bloom the deer
Remm the koala
Arra the parrot
Duusu the peacock
Gentoo the penguin
Pyrro the phoenix
Lavoo the raccoon
Cloverr the red panda 
Raii the seal
Voltt the thunderbird
Wayzz the turtle
Third layer
Unii the ant
Reddo the axolotl
Terro the bat
Iraa the bull
Nooroo the butterfly
Moo the cow
Cann the crab
Miraii the crow
Barkk the dog
Bliss the dove
Longg the dragon
Trixx the fox
Anurr the frog
Ziggy the goat
Gripp the griffin
Kaalki the horse
Viis the koi
Borre the leopard
Drool the llama
Xuppu the monkey
Luuna the moth
Mullo the mouse
Lymm the opossum
Inn the orca
Allba the owl
Snoop the pigeon
Fluff the rabbit
Oriio the scorpion
Perfuu the skunk
Folli the sloth
Sabbi the snail
Sass the snake
Borre the snow leopard
Kummo the spider
Atta the swan
Roaar the tiger
Luppu the wolf
Huge thanks to @melissak2802 and @hades-999 for the help!
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piosplayhouse · 4 months
besides horses what is your favorite animal? I've seen you talk a lot about horses, sometimes dogs, but what is other animals you enjoy?
I like pretty much any animal, but in terms of animals that I had a "phase" of, I was a huge dragon kid. Since dragons are unfortunately probably not real this manifested in a dinosaur obsession (tho probably not as big of one as I would've had if I was actually into like dinosaurs and not dragons). But my favorite dinosaur is protoceratops (or any ceratopsid really, usually only triceratops is represented and I really like them too!)
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It shows in my theme but my favorite primate is the tarsier, these deeply fucked up little guys that are around the size of your hand and have eyeballs bigger than their brains. In that thread I also like aye-ayes, tho not quite as much as tarsiers
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Umm my favorite bird is the Luzon bleeding heart dove because it's metal as fuck! I got to see one in person a few weeks ago and I was so excited they're absolutely beautiful
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Also a fan of mostly anything that has hooves-- antelopes, deer, cows, goats, etc are all very precious to me
: )
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abstractednotebook · 7 months
Slavic Spring Deities (Post no.1)
Vesna and Kresnik (Vesnik)
(VEES-nah) “Lady Spring”, “Lady of Spring Resurrection”, or “The White Maiden of May”
There are about 15 other names for this deity, the ones that I will focus on in this post in particular are:
Name that means Spring
Derived from the Proto-Indo-European “wésr” meaning Spring.
Zlata Maja
Name means “Golden Mother of Life”
Name means “Golden Hill”
Name means “Daisy”
Fun fact! The daisy is also a sacred flower of the Norse goddess Freya!
She is a glowing radiant goddess, often described as having long golden hair. Vesna is also associated with the day that the Swallows return on approximately March 9th called Strinenija. At this point in the year, another goddess named Striga(Mora, or Morana) would be reborn as this Spring Goddess. The dates however, will vary depending on the climatic differences in the various Slavic countries.
She loves music, dance and song; as well as sensual pleasures (intercourse). She bedecks herself with a flower crown, and the land itself with beautiful flowers. She may be found naked dancing in a meadow, happily surrounded by birds and butterflies.
Like all the tales of Slavic Deities, she too can change her form to the animals she most connects with. These animals happen to be white birds, rabbits, or singing larks. These are also her messengers!
Quick Facts!
Does she have a sacred day? Time? Holiday?: Yes! They are Fridays, the entire month of May, and especially May Day!
Sacred Space(s): Literally; any flowery meadow, garden, or hill!
Sacred Animals: Rooks, Robins, Cranes, Mice, Shrews, Cuckoos, Fire-flies and Glow worms.
Sacred Plants: Maple, hawthorn blossoms, and wild roses.
Offering ideas: Honey cakes, flowers, apples, goat’s milk, flower crowns, bird sculptures (especially of her sacred birds).
(kre-ES-nik) “Living Fire”, “Lord of Spring Resurrection”, “The Lord of Life-Giving Light”.
There’s about 11 names for this Deity!
In folktales, Kresnik can transform into a bird, or really any shape he pleases; or become invisible! He rides in a golden carriage across the sky on a winged horse. We see him in Slovene folk tales wielding a “golden axe” and causing lightning.
Like his female counterpart (or in some tales she is his partner or twin), he too has golden hair (and mustache), he is bright and radiantly handsome; however he is sometimes described to have golden hands (sometimes going as far as to have golden wings).
Oh! And, he lives on a golden mountain where there grows an apple tree; but it’s not just any old run of the mill apple tree—it holds the golden apples of immortality! (Are you sick of the word “GOLDEN” yet?)
The firefly is a sacred animal to him, and I’ll let you guess why.
Quick Facts!
Sacred day, time, or holiday: Spring Equinox, May 6th, Summer Solstice (June 21 or 22), and oddly enough, December 6th and the Winter Solstice. In short, the Winter Solstice was considered his “birthday,” and then he was celebrated at the Summer Solstice with bonfires!
Sacred spaces: Hills.
Sacred Animals: Roosters, goats, red cows, bulls, bears, wolves, boars, oxen, dragons, horses, flying horses, dogs with white spots (specifically over their eyes, but any white spots will do just fine), woodpeckers, and lynxes.
Sacred Plants: Apples, yellow “corn marigolds,” grapevines, buckwheat, blackberries, red cranberries, asparagus, wheat, hay, and various other fruits.
Sacred Objects: Spoked “sun wheels”, flutes, fiddle, a golden hand (think Thanos), a winged white horse, a candelabrum, golden axe, or a club.
Offering ideas: Yellow apples, wine, cooked buckwheat, grapes, candles, incense, Frankincense, wheat sheaves, cranberries.
P.S: If you have any questions, always remember to ask them!! If I personally cannot answer it, I'll find sources that could help you out!
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Into Another World - Table of Contents
Crossover non-canon fic! Enjoy at your leisure!
Start Here! ->-> Crossroads
Ladybugs || Black Cats || Bees || Spiders || Mice || Pigs || Foxes || Lynxes || Dogs || Roosters || Bats || Tigers || Ants || Goats || Monkeys || Ravens || Wolves/Deers || Owls || Oxen || Koalas || Horses/Cats/Wolves/Eagle || Rabbits || Peacocks || Butterflies || Snakes || Dragons || Turtles || Chameleons || Cicadas || Swans || Cows || Robins || Doves || Dolphins || Seals || Bears || Sharks || Bakus
Marinette || Adrien || Alya || Nino || Rose || Juleka || Mylene || Alix || Kagami || Felix || Chloe || Sabrina || Lila || Kim || Max || Ivan || Luka || Bridgette || Socqueline || Zoe || Ondine || Marc || Nathaniel || Nathalie || Gabriel || Colt || Amelie || Emilie
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