#read more bc of bodily functions
crazytooley · 1 year
Hi, I saw your post mentioning being allergic to protein and got curious. How does that work?
Honestly, not fun. I grew up not being to eat eggs straight up and specifically peanut butter. It's slowly developed to peanut oil, things fried it and dairy, then red meat joined the list. I didn't really like steak to begin with but the chicken, pork and fish started to do the same thing.
What happens to me is a mix between gastrointestinal issues and extreme nausea problems. I'll be constipated for long periods of time, and if not nothing will be in my body bc of diarrhea and throwing up.
I can tend to eat some forms of plant-based protein from what I can gather such as tofu and mushrooms but I've had problems with protein replacement supplements such as certain drinks and granola bars.
But I grew up in a very meat forward family, in a very meat forward area in Texas and then Missouri. I have a hard time living with the fact that I'm now medically vegan. I'm still living with my mother because of medical and psychological disabilities, and it's hard to explain that I have to have a completely separate diet from everybody in the house. That I have to use separate plates, Tupperware, and kitchen ware. At this point I have a separate mini fridge/freezer and microwave with my own kitchenware to store my own food.
But to be honest, do I very much stick to my eating diet? no... Should I? Yes.
Bc in the long run, I know that my body is not going to like extending that much energy just to poop and digest food.
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toastsnaffler · 11 months
tummy hurts my final message goodbye
#ive had mild pelvic pain for like. half a week now. its a bit like period cramps + in the same area but not as intense. idfk why#I dont think its bowel (<-no other symptoms and pain area is too low down) or bladder related (<- usually more painful + affects peeing)#sometimes I do get cramps a few days before my period but im midway thru my cycle and idk its not usually like this#not ovulation pain either bc thats supposed to only last a few hours. i dont fucking knooooww#im trying not to think abt it or complain abt it bc if i focus on it too much ill imagine its worse than it is. its rly not that bad#just consistent which is annoying. hopefully itll pass in a few more days. adulthood is all abt having mysterious random pains in ur body#sorry for tmi abt my internal bodily functions do u guys still think im cool.#eurghhh. im glad i went out to parkour today but man i rly wasnt feeling like it. another depression weekend :-(#but its ok im a bit tired of complaining abt being depressed. who give a shit. im doing all i can at the moment and thats fine#back to jobhunting tmr hopefully itll be more fruitful. im expecting to hear back from a few ppl. we'll see. rolling my rock back uphill#im gonna go get a hot water bottle i think... my hands are soooo cold and maybe itll soothe tummy pain too#and then read a little more.. finished giovannis room earlier (so fucking good but. devastating) so im back onto deaths end#just another 350 pages to go.. v curious to see where its gonna end up cuz so much crazy shit keeps happening. im just at the fairytales#hope my loyal followers are having a peaceful weekend.... farewell#.diaries
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utopians · 4 months
I don't want to be that guy but that's not pseudoscience? The prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed until around the mid to late twenties bc the synaptic connections between neurons in that part of the brain are the last to develop. Source: https:// doi.org /10.1038/ s41386-021-01137-9
I think there might be a miscommunication happening here -- the pseudoscience isn't the assertion that synaptic development continues into adulthood, it's the assertion that synaptic development defines adulthood.
I have now read this whole article and the only assertion that it makes that's relevant to this discussion is that synaptic development continues "into the 3rd decade of life". this doesn't -- at least in my opinion -- give any meaningful credence to the idea that the brain isn't fully 'mature' until this point, bc this idea relies on the assumption that 'maturity' is a static biochemical state that the brain organically reaches and not a complex interplay of life experience, societal conceptions of 'maturity' and 'adulthood', and individual variations in development/cognition in addition to the broader process of brain development. additionally, 'brain development' is far more complicated than just the synapses of the prefrontal cortex finishing development, and is a process that continues throughout one's life.
CONTINUED below the cut bc I don't want to annihilate everyone's dash with this but I have a lot more to say
continuing the previous thought: if we're measuring maturity strictly by brain development, then things get extremely dicey, because the brain continues changing beyond your twenties and throughout adulthood! consider this study, which finds that the age of peak performance for different cognitive abilities varies widely, with some peaking around 20 and others closer to 50. the brain doesn't reach a state of 'maturity' in its cognitive functions at age 25 that it then maintains consistently through adulthood, it's far more complicated than that.
essentially, while synapses in the prefrontal cortex keep developing into your 20s (curious as to where you got 'mid to late twenties' from as well; the study only references 'the third decade of life', which could mean anything from 20 to 30), the idea that this development means anything particularly concrete about maturity or adulthood is based on (imo) a faulty and oversimplified understanding of both the brain and what 'maturity' actually means in the context of society. if your conception of 'maturity' asserts that adulthood begins in the late twenties, this conception may be due for a serious reevaluation.
and the reason I'm concerned about all this isn't because I'm a pedant -- it's because this matters in our current political climate. conservative politicians in the UK are currently trying to raise the legal age at which one can transition to 25 based on exactly this faulty conception of maturity, which argues that trans people can't make 'adult' decisions about their own bodies until this point. this is wildly infantilizing and patronizing, and I imagine I don't have to explain why it's a problem, but to elaborate: adulthood and maturity aren't apolitical concepts, and the assertion that adults don't have the right to bodily autonomy because they have been deemed medically incompetent by a truly arbitrary metric is an act of political violence.
I highly recommend this slate article: it goes into this topic in a lot more depth than I do, and features commentary from a lot of neuroscientists who know a lot more about this than me.
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somer-writes · 8 months
ugh ok ok ok i am running wild with this gloom infection concept so i wrote a bunch of stuff down before i forget. subject to change bc im kind of just spitballing as of rn
CW for horror/gore/outbreaks of illness/discussion of violence
Comes from Ordon. Ordon was one of the last places for the gloom to reach. Twilight’s not sure if he’s the only one left, but he’s searching for the others despite the village being more or less destroyed.
Was infected with gloom, was “cured” in Faron Spring (read died and resurrected via light spirit shenanigans)
Instead of Twili markings he has gloom scars. He keeps his left arm in wraps where the gloom left his bone exposed at his wrist and upper arm. The wounds are just kind of there and don’t seem to get better but aren’t getting worse. They no longer give him pain and don't bleed. He also has scars on his cheeks/forehead. The whites of his eyes are a little dull
Gloom did weird shit to him! He doesn’t see well but he has sharp smelling and hearing. He’s very slow to bleed so can sustain more damage but is also very slow to heal. Sunlight’s not great for him and he's pyrophobic
Gloom infected people don’t come after him anymore
Around large groups of infected he sort of joins the mob but can be brought out of it with distance
Somewhat forgetful
Brawler - will use improvised weapons or just go fully barehanded against infected
Comes from Hateno
Got trapped in a house fire set by a neighbor, managed to survive through divine intervention
Lost his memory, covered in scars. The scars cause him mobility issues
Selective mute as a trauma response
Long hair :D but more like TotK length and not LU length
Agile - good at climbing, uses a compound bow and hunting arrows (or makes his own in a pinch)
Wanders aimlessly without a home to attach himself to or people to look for
Makes elixirs/good cook
pretty reckless, enjoys looting to find Good Ingredients XD
From Castle Town
Military background - one of the few survivors of the initial outbreaks
Had to put down a lot of his own men and civilians
Very outwardly aloof and avoidant of his trauma
Control issues, compulsive need to be "hygienic" (sometimes to the point of harm)
Adept with firearms and will use improvised weapons to spare ammo
Left Castle Town to go to Outset Island
Outset is mostly untouched by the gloom, but the island is quarantined
Mainlanders tried to flee to the islands and it caused chaos leading to riots
In the chaos of the riots, Aryll was mistakenly taken to the mainland and Wind went after her
Really good at making and setting traps
Terrified of the infected
Outbreak caused by Ganon’s tomb being unsealed and his curse being unleashed
The gloom is spread through bodily fluids like blood or spit. Most commonly it’s spread through biting and scratching
Gloomhands can also spread the infection and expedite it into hours rather than days
Infected wounds can be treated with brightbloom seeds which only grow in the very gloom infested depths under Hyrule which makes the medicine hard to come by
Gloom slowly rots the infected while they’re alive. It also degrades mental capability such as cognitive function and sanity. Progresses very similar to dementia except it causes aggression and violence
Gloomhands are borne from several infected corpses piling in one place
Gloom scars are called “gloom burn” because they resemble burn scars. A lot of times the flesh doesn’t entirely heal with successful treatment
The Chain
They converge at Lon-Lon through coincidence
Tasked by Hylia to beat Ganon and end the curse
The Zelda’s all wield light magic which can cure gloom infection and with enough strength (usually through multiple of them gathered) can reverse the effects of gloom and create safe oases
Aside from needing to mull over the rest of the chain, i'm also considering appearances from Midna, the resistance, ravio & hilda, and phantom ganon
the map will be mostly based on totk with some adjustments. modern contemporary setting with fantasy elements.
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katya45kg · 11 months
Weightloss tips u may not know about or do but don’t know the science behind them 🩷🫶🏻
1. After a 48hr fast your dopamine receptors reset. For example: a mars bar gives u a dopamine hit? Gone. Try eating fruit now, it will taste better, sweeter & its more healthy for u. - source “Fast like a girl by Dr Mindy Peltz”
2. The reasons why people can’t stop themselves from binging is because of sugar and flour. Eating those foods or food containing them MAKE u hungry. The best way to satisfy yourself after a meal is to cut those products out. I eat only fruits and vegetables and i find that after lets say 2 tomatoes or a banana, i feel satisfied. Some days all i eat is a piece of fruit for snack and a salad for dinner & im fine. - source “Bright line eating by Susan Peirce Thompson”
3. After 3 days of fasting, the hunger goes away. Push through it & you’ll notice it gets easier. When u break your fast ALWAYS do it with something healthy like fruits or vegetables. Going back to like ice cream will ruin the dopamine receptors and you will crave unhealthy foods again. - source I can’t remember but ive heard it heaps on YT videos & ive tried it and can vouch for that tip.
4. After 2mins of running or high intensity exercise, your body runs out of energy & begins to fuel you by producing cortisol to keep u going. High amounts of cortisol results in your body storing BELLY FAT. So if u happen to notice that u store belly fat mainly, that could be the reason. Source - Autumn Bates on YT (i forgot which vid but i think maybe it was a tik tok, sorry.)
5. Starvation mode is a myth. Look at prisoners of war for example. They are so emaciated due to lack of food, if “starvation mode” was true, they wouldn’t end up like that. Maybe u may not loose for a few days but that is your body holding water or possibly gaining muscle, if it prolongs further than this see my next tip. Source - i forgot im so sorry, possibly a podcast?
6. Your body has a natural rhythm known as the circadian rhythm. This in short like an internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle and other bodily functions. It helps us feel awake during the day and sleepy at night. It's influenced by factors like light exposure, hormones, and daily routines. It means that your body doesn’t digest food the same at night, if at all. It isn’t supposed to. If u feed yourself after 6-8pm, the digestion process is slower, much slower. This can cause to hormones being released at the wrong time, storing fat, keeping u awake etc. It is best to not eat after 6pm (if u heard this tip from ur mother growing up, it is actually science backed, its not so u “eat less & that makes u loose weight” its because u stop eating after a certain time. It is actually because your body isn’t designed to digest food late in the night and so u loose fat easier.) Source - “Change your schedule, change your life by Dr Suhas Kshirsagar”
7. Birth-control whacks out your hormones. If u are on BC & find u have all these cravings & can’t seem to restrict, thats most likely the reason why. A lot of doctors will tell u “its just water weight” but thats not the case. The constant stream of synthetic hormones keeps your body in a state that similarly reflects how u feel the week before your period (bloated, craving, tired etc) and u feel this way continuously. Im not saying go off birth-control but if you are puzzled as to why u may feel like this & u are on BC this may be the reason. Source “Your brain on birth control by Sarah Hill”
8. Also on the topic of hormones, if u aren’t loosing weight no matter what u do or its very slow progress, it can be due to a hormonal imbalance. Exactly which one im not sure, it depends on you and your body. U can see which hormones are out of balance via online tests (idk what to google i read it in a book). Completing tests online can give u a rough idea of which hormones may be unbalanced and then u can go to your doctor and request certain tests to medically check. Your dr can then advise you on what to do to balance them. You may also have hyperthyroidism which can make u constantly tired, unable to loose weight and sensitive to stress. Source - “Hormone repair manual by Lara Briden”.
That is all i can think of rn. I have read all books i have sited & many many more. There is definitely a huge science to weight loss and i may make another post in the future stating what i have learnt. Most books are written by drs or people of similar qualifications. I applied all these to my life and loose weight continuously. My mother is also a certified nutritionist, personal trainer and life coach & she also follows all these things & has read the same if not more books. She is almost 50 & bmi 18.3 & has consistently been this way for my whole 21yrs of living even after having 3 kids. She doesn’t loose weight due to her high calorie intake (like 3k cals a day) but she also doesn’t gain weight so if u follow these examples by restricting u will see major weightloss. I also have lost 5kg in 8 days from following these tips this relapse & last relapse i lost 30kg in 4ish months from these tips.
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midnight-omega · 1 year
As an asexual sometimes I read these omegaverse hc about asexual ppl and it makes me so widely uncomfortable like insanely uncomfortable…. Mostly bc they come from people who aren’t on the ace spectrum at all so they don’t.. understand asexuality and end up spreading harmful stereotypes even if they originally meant well. Like I just read a post talking about how asexuals are born without sex drives and therefore ace omegas can’t produce slick like… okay first of all as an ace afab person I can get wet. I’ve been turned on before. I don’t lack the ability it’s just harder to get there. I also don’t lack a sex drive. Some ace ppl do for sure ! And ur valid for that but some of us have sex drives (mine is v tiny and only happens during ovulation ig u can say I do be having heats over here, but other aces have high ones !). Like I just… idk bc saying smth like that is implying that ace people are different in a negative way or broken. And it hurts me bc I’ve felt very very broken over my sexuality before. Just… I wish you guys would talk to an ace person before posting these things or just not post them any let aces handle it bc there’s a ton of us in this community.
Asexuality is, at its core, the lack of sexual attraction. This does not affect bodily functions. This does not affect sex drive. Asexuality is a massive spectrum and is not experienced the same way, each ace is unique in their own asexuality. Throwing headcanons around that throw all aces under one umbrella is harmful and careless. I know 99% of you dont mean harm but just… be careful. I can’t speak for all aces but you’ve at least hurt me at times with some of these posts…
And I should say this isn’t directed at any one person btw just allos in general who want to be inclusive which is great! But just kinda… dont get that they may be acting more harmful than helpful. I also don’t want to discourage people from including aces in their work or saying that allos shouldn’t write aces bc you should if you want to fr ! I just ask that you’re a little bit more careful with your representations or maybe talk to an ace friend about stuff first !
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moonstandardtime · 1 year
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hunter toh in my botw au.....oh i could go on and on abt this au. i think ill do lumity next?
feel free to ask question abt the au. please do actually. to get you started heres some base info under the cut. its VERY ramble-y.
base character matchups are Luz as Zelda, Hunter as Link, and Belos as Ganon. this au doesnt involve much from TotK bc i havent finished it but. given the story it will definitely come into play!
basic story/plot/exposition is that 10,000 years ago, the sheikah Made a Hero for the future. just in case. extra safety measure or whatever. they saw how difficult it was to overcome the calamity and were like, hey, what if we made the ideal hero for future hyrule? make it easier. and so they do. they Make a Guy (caleb is the first hero (yknow the one in the hyrule historia manga bit) so his bones arent available to use for a grimwalker. so idk if hunter is a grimwalker of the 10k hero or if hes made entirely independently bc the sheikah. probably could do that) and stick him in the shrine of resurrection. this is the true purpose of the SoR: its really more of a shrine of stasis, to keep this manmade hero alive till hes needed. think cryogenic stasis or whatever.
so. hunter sleeps in the SoR for 10,000 years. has an awful time. one of the first (maybe The first) fic i read on ao3 was about what the SoR was like for botw link and it. stuck with me. so now i incorporate it into everything i make for botw if possible. anyways he has a miserable time, which is important because he had this miserable time for 10,000 years instead of just 100. Anyways. like botw link, he loses his memories. unlike botw link, they are inaccessible. period. there is no remembering Shit. besides like. vague vibes that he was instilled with. turns out if you make a person and tell them for their entire short existence that theyre made for a thing, then even if they forget everything else they Will still remember that theyre made for a thing. even if they dont really. so yeah all hunter knows is that he is not a person, that he exists for a Reason, and how to breathe. and other basic bodily functions. hes basically a big baby with a hero complex.
the rest of the au takes place "pre-calamity". i have a vague idea on how the actual calamity takes place (and how to make it similar to botw w/out so much death bc i have thought Very Much about this specific time period and not whatever the hell would be going on a century later. lmao.)
so. when the SoR is Discovered by sheikah researchers everyone is Very Surprised at the Whole Human Boy inside. because well. that should not be possible. this thing was difficult as hell to get into and also there was quite a bit of rock in the way! so they assume him to be dead and just miraculously preserved by the SoR fluid. And then he wakes up screaming (imagine being in the most agonizing sensory deprivation tank ever for 10,000 years and then abruptly being exposed to the world again. not fun!) and everyone is like OH SHIT ITS ALIVE.
eventually they get him out and not having the worst overstimulation meltdown in the history of all time and space and get back to hashtag Researching. some ppl focus on him (taking care of him (like i said. big baby with a hero complex), figuring out what the hell is up with him, etc) and others continue examining the SoR. the ppl with hunter make very little progress. because just bc hes not having the worst overstimulation meltdown in the history of all time and space, it doesnt mean he has a clue whats going on at all. or that hes not still having one of the worst overstimulation meltdowns in the history of all time and space. the ppl at the SoR, however, find a plaque with his name and vague purpose for existing, as well as the sheikah slate. yippee!!!
after all this, once hes less. of a big baby with a hero complex ig. we move to more character-focused stuff than exposition. so ill end this here for now. if you read all this you are very invited to talk to me abt this! i would love that! a good place to start i think would be with explaining characters. most of the important characters in the show are in this au. and i do mean most. there is quite a lot going on
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
except I walked out on you when your hair was starlight
I’ve been thinking about this potential theory for a long while now (I mean, like, since last year) and I can’t help but think that it’s one of the wilder things that might come even slightly true because it just aligns perfectly with what we currently know about the Monkey Dads just being very distant fathers who end up pulling the same shit.
9122 words; pure crackfic unless proven otherwise; has anyone else thought of this bc pls where are you I want to talk to you if you have; this is very much not my usual fare when it comes to relationship and family dynamics so don’t expect, like, actual parenting; I very much expect this to be considered null and void within five chapters of canon (very specifically 1084 lol) so pls humor me okay; is it canon compliant? We’ll find out; general warning for timeskips and me just making shit up
except I walked out on you when your hair was starlight; All Dragon wants to do is bring about a more just world by exposing the World Government for what it really is. He doesn’t have the wherewithal to deal with a child’s bounty poster that looks disturbingly like his ex. [9122 words; alternate interpretation as to why the Buster Call at Ohara was the last straw]
“You shouldn’t be here,” Clover said. Dragon shrugged casually at that.
“You’ve never been upset to see me before,” he reasoned. The young man casually leaned on the desk, giving the scholar a smirk. “I’m here to see Olvia. She around?”
“Even if she was, why would I let you see her?” Clover huffed. “Last time you were here you nearly got bodily fluid on priceless tomes of knowledge.”
“I am not the first person to have gotten lucky in this tree, and you’re just jealous it was never you,” the young man smirked. A certain platinum blonde then caught his eye and Dragon made his way around the desk and over to her side, done with pleasantries. “Old Man Clover’s bullying me.”
“Now why would he need to do that?” she wondered idly.
Oh, she knew.
“He’s jealous,” he offered.
“Professor Clover is one of the most renown archaeologists in the entire world; what would you have that he could be jealous of?”
A functioning libido, but they weren’t going to go there with other people nearby.
“Maybe,” she smirked, “I’ll have to study this condition of yours. Make sure it’s not… lethal.”
“Read my mind; pick you up at seven?”
“Seven-thirty—there’s a meeting I can’t skip again.”
“Fair.” He leaned down and pressed a light kiss against her cheek, a giggle getting out of her before walking away. “Seven-thirty!”
“Oh, and Dragon?”
He turned around, only to see the library in flames.
Gasping for air, Dragon sat upright in his bed, his body slick with sweat. He shakily looked around the room in the darkness—Baltigo, not Ohara.
Besides, Ohara burned ten years ago.
After turning off his alarm—it was fuck-all ‘o clock—Dragon decided it was good a time as any to get a head start on his work for the day. A full day of work would make him sleep solidly, and solid sleep meant no dreams, and no dreams meant no ghosts. He put his feet on the floor and shivered—there was nothing that could be done about the chill that seeped into the base, no matter what they did to prevent it.
The base was usually quiet around this time, thankfully, allowing Dragon to slip down the corridors relatively unnoticed. There was always the skeleton crew that kept an eye on things at night, but even they knew better than to bother their commander with anything more than a polite nod unless it was a real emergency. He was able to get to the showers and stood under the spray for a whole ten minutes before actually doing anything.
Did he feel guilty? Of course he did, but Ohara wasn’t coming back, even if its knowledge was all saved.
Then again, that’s why they were there, he reminded himself as he scrubbed his face. Ohara had been the last straw and now someone was fighting back. He’d told Vegapunk those years ago that it was because of Clover… because of the severe loss of knowledge and human life… but really… how many wars over the course of history had been waged for a woman?
In the end, an ex was just an ex, weren’t they? They both moved on. He had moved on.
So why was it getting to him?
Clothes, a shave, some coffee; before long, Dragon was sitting down at his desk, the dawn twilight not yet creeping across the sky. He looked at the pile of papers that had been placed in a very important pile since he’d last been in his office and grimaced—something told him he would have given the top spot to that organizational freak Bart had he known there was this much fucking paperwork involved with running a revolution. Taking the top one off the pile, he slowly started to clear out the backlog that admittedly had been growing for a few days at this point. Getting lost in work was usually fairly easy for him, and yet, he couldn’t help thinking about the real reason why he founded this seas-forsaken venture…
“They said you didn’t eat breakfast!”
Dragon snapped out of his daze as a tray was placed on his desk, culprit tilting his head in curiosity. Fuck the kid could move quieter than a cat.
“Oh, thank you, Sabo,” he said, blinking heavily. The kid’s bandages had recently been taken off and he could see the fresh burn scars, pink and shiny and raw; it pissed him off every time he saw it, and not because he hated the kid. It was almost impossible to hate someone who brought him coffee and a sandwich at… ah, shit, the sun was well past being up. “Iva hunting me yet?”
“Nah; they said they were gonna let you relax today,” the boy replied. He looked at the pile of papers that barely had a dent in it and frowned. “That’s a lot of bounty posters.”
“Yeah—I haven’t seen a lot of them either, which is really saying something,” Dragon frowned.
“Why’s that?”
“These are reissues; every so often, the World Government will reissue bounty posters of those whom they consider dangerous, even if they haven’t heard of them in a while.” He took the top one off the stack and handed it to the boy. “That one’s been circulating since I was younger than you.”
“Humming Brook… he’d be an old man by now, wouldn’t he?”
“He would.” He watched the kid’s expression—he was sharp for being only ten years old. “Does this… help at all…?”
“Not really,” Sabo admitted, handing back the poster. “I still can’t really remember that much from before.”
“It’ll come in time,” Dragon said, unsure if he was lying to the boy. The kid stood there awkwardly; neither of them knew what to do with him. If only dumping him with his dad wouldn’t mean putting him within arm’s reach of the Marines… “Say, go through these and rank them by potential for recruitment. Let me know what you think.” He took a chunk of the bounty posters and handed them to Sabo. “Just… rank them.”
“Yes, sir!” Sabo left the room and Dragon instantly felt exhausted. He hated to think what it would have been like had he been able to take his son along like planned… it was tiresome just thinking about it.
Maybe if he just closed his eyes for a little bit… yeah. That would be good.
It was ironic how if someone would ask Dragon what his dreams were, he could easily say any number of things. Toppling the World Government? True peace? An unveiling of all the dirty laundry that was the Void Century’s secrets? A society designed to lift up and support everyone and not the select few? Having the ability to tell his father off to his face? He had a veritable list ready and waiting.
Except, sometimes, dreams weren’t goals and ambitions. They were places one’s brain went when they were at their most vulnerable, gripping them at their core and forcing someone to relive the impossible time and time again.
What truly were Dragon’s dreams?
He didn’t like to think about it.
“What are you thinking about?”
Dragon looked over at Olvia and saw her face remained calm in thought as she stared up at the night sky. All he could think about was how gorgeous she looked in the starlight, the galaxies reflected in her eyes as they laid on the deck of his boat.
“There’s an expedition that Clover wants me to co-chair.” Ah. “It would be about a year.”
“Don’t say you’re breaking up with me, because you know I’ll just follow you.”
“Actually, I petitioned the professor to let you come along.”
“You did?! And…?!” He waited for a response. “Olvia…? What did Old Man Clover say…?”
She finally turned her head and looked at him, her expression sharp and steady as ever. “Wake up.”
“…that was rude of him.”
“No, sir, wake up.”
For the second time that day, Dragon shuddered awake, this time being jostled by Sabo. The boy jumped back as he flung himself forward towards his desk, the present world grabbing hold of him in a vice grip. Dragon quickly caught his breath and rubbed his face with both hands—fuck, this was getting bad. He looked at Sabo and saw that the kid’s eyes were wide and confused.
“I… uh… sorry…” he squeaked.
“No, no; it’s alright,” Dragon replied. He tried to shake the sleep from his body, only making it more of a shiver instead. “Does someone need me?”
“No, sir. I have what you asked of me.” The boy held aloft the stack of bounty posters and their prior conversation came flooding back to the man. That’s right—the bounty re-issues from around the time he was too busy founding an army to pay attention to who was up next for his father’s bosses’ chopping block. “I triple-checked; there’s only three good ones out of the entire lot.”
“Are there now?”
“Yeah—most of the people this stack are either really old or already spoken-for in a pirate organization.” Sabo put most of the stack on the desk face-down, holding back three papers.
“How do you know that?”
“I cross-referenced everything with our database; some of the duds are officers in the Big Mom Pirates, or with someone called Doflamingo in the North; I doubt they’d change alliances too swiftly based on their established levels of loyalty.”
“Keep this up kid and you might be gunning for Iva’s spot,” Dragon frowned. He took a sip of his coffee—ice cold—and watched the boy’s face brighten.
“Oh, I don’t want to be the G Army Commander,” Sabo beamed. “I want to be the Chief of Staff!”
Dragon was neither awake nor drunk enough for this. “…and what does that entail?”
“Doing important things for you!”
“Sabo… you won’t even officially be a member until you’re sixteen,” he chided. “Just… show me the candidates.”
“Okay!” The kid put the first page down. “This one is called Karasu. He’s from the North and got his bounty by beating up Marines that were bullying some civilians. I think he’d be a good match.” Dragon nodded with a grunt; okay. “This one is Waters Lila. She’s Southern and is known for breaking up slaver ships en route to Sabaody. If we get her, we’d likely get her whole crew as well—forty-strong at last estimate, many former slaves themselves.” He then hesitated, staring at the last poster.
“Yes…?” Yeah… definitely not drunk enough.
“I don’t know about her, but I think it’s a good chance if we can find her,” Sabo nodded.
Dragon raised an eyebrow. “If we can find her?”
“She was younger than me when she got her bounty, so I don’t know if she still looks the same.”
“Younger than you…? Those were the ten-year re-releases.”
“Well, she apparently wants to destroy the world according to the rumors, so there is that. I would too if I sank six ships to survive a Buster Call.”
“She what…?”
“Yeah,” Sabo exclaimed, placing the poster down. “Apparently she’s from the West Blue, from this island of people who were…” Dragon stared at the photo on the page in horror, Sabo’s voice fading into nothing.
Before him was the image of a small child, just a little older than his son was if he remembered correctly. His brow furrowed as he studied her face—there was no way she was anything other than Olvia’s blood. Her brother’s daughter, perhaps? It made him nauseous to think someone this small was listed for so much, so young.
“Yes, sir?”
“How old would she be now? If she walked in through the door?”
“Eighteen!” the boy chirped. “I really think that she’s the best bet out of the lot—she has a pedigree.”
“I’m going to pretend you did not use that word,” he grimaced. Yeah, the kid was former nobility alright whether he hated it or not.
“Oh… well… her mom was pretty famous too! I found her bounty in the archives.” He took the top poster off the upside-down stack and held it out, making Dragon want to vomit.
It wasn’t her niece.
Oh, fuck, no…
Olvia’s daughter.
The only survivor of Ohara was Nico Olvia’s daughter.
A daughter who had her face, yet his coloring.
Seas almighty.
“What the hell is your problem?!” he hissed at her. She had been sitting at her desk in the ship, a lantern illuminating the papers that were scattered everywhere. The rest of the expedition party had either long-since retired for the evening, or were on the shore around the bonfire—it was just them.
“I’m only doing my job. You knew that’s what this entire trip was about.” She hadn’t even looked away from the book and that seemed to just depress him more.
“Those have been here for hundreds of years; they’ll still be there in the morning.”
“I need to get this done before we ship out—there’s only two more days.”
“Two more days here, a week there, some hours elsewhere; it doesn’t end! It’s been three years of this!”
She put down her pen at that, closing her eyes to steel herself. “You knew what this was before we left Ohara.”
“I didn’t leave Ohara thinking I’d be ignored… that I’d go to bed alone most nights… that on the rare nights we are together, you’re too distracted to even fake it.” She stood, furious. “Oh, hey, an emotion—nice to see them again.”
“How dare you…”
“I think it’s the other way around, Olvia—we should have called it off while you were out on this stupid thing…”
“I thought you were behind what we were doing!”
“…when it didn’t mean I was being ignored by the woman I love!” He hunched his shoulders as he held hers, looking into her eyes. They were so fierce… so determined then that he had nearly lost himself in them. “I’m here now, Olvia. I…” He swallowed. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this, playing second-fiddle to whispers and rocks.”
“We’re almost done. Just a few months and…”
“No.” His voice was quiet then—defeated, even—as realization settled on him. “We’re done.”
Tears ran down both their faces as he kissed her one final time.
When she went to bed that night, she went alone.
He was gone.
All Ivankov knew was that Dragon was having a crisis.
He’d have those every once in a while in private, threatening to crack under the pressure of leadership. It was generally nothing, where he’d just do frantic laps of his office while attempting to talk himself out of whatever corner his assorted demons had shoved him into. If they were being particularly honest with themselves, it would have been a more troubling thing had Dragon not had a crisis now and then, given the sheer amount of pressure and obstacles that came from raising a revolution. All they, or Kuma, or both, had to do was simply stay with him until he calmed down and things would eventually be better again.
It had been nearly a whole day—he was not getting better.
“This is awful,” the man muttered for the fifty-second time that day. Ivankov poured themselves some tea from the service and raised a perfectly-manicured eyebrow.
“Are you havingk problems zat my Hormones vould fix?”
“No… just… fuck!” Dragon stopped his pacing long enough to take a swing at thin air before grabbing at his hair again. “I can’t believe I did that—fuck—how could I have done that?!”
Ivankov sipped their tea.
“Fucking hell, Iva! I’m having a mental breakdown here!”
“I can see,” they replied flatly. “You’re ze one vho seems to be very mum on details.” Dragon stopped moving and stared at his friend and comrade, nearly at his breaking point.
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“You know I keep your secrets.”
“No, Iva… this isn’t a normal secret. This is a something that, should you ‘learn’ about it in the future, you need to pretend that this conversation never, ever happened.”
“Vhat is so drastick that I need to play ze fool?”
“I think… I think I have a daughter,” he said, his tongue feeling thick as he spoke. “I think I walked out on my daughter.”
“You don’t have a daughter.”
“…but I walked out on this woman nineteen years ago.” Dragon took the bounty posters from his desk and showed it to Ivankov, who took put down their tea before taking the papers. “That child—her child—is now eighteen.”
“Her fazer could have been a rebound and ve vould not blame zis Olvia one bit.”
“Iva, I walked because she was too busy with those damned Poneglyphs to give me the time of day—any time we did…” Dragon exhaled heavily. “She was always too out of it to concentrate on us, so I left. I can almost guarantee there was no rebound.”
“Zis is vhy you people are exhaustingk,” Ivankov sighed. “How did you know eachozer?”
“She… was from Ohara… was one of Old Man Clover’s top researchers…”
“…and so, vhen you vent to investigate Clover’s knowledge assets—drawn in by the pursuit of zingks your fazer kept you from—you fell in love viz a girl instead…? How cliché, candy.” They put the papers down on the low table and went back to their tea. “You know for a fact she is yours?”
“I had Sabo research a stack of re-issued bounties—if her registry information’s correct, she was born six months after I last saw her mother. Olvia was distant, but she didn’t sleep around.” He rubbed the back of his neck and groaned. “Fuck…”
“Vhat does her registry information say about her fazer?”
“Dead.” They had to hand it to themselves—Ivankov didn’t think that finally getting information about Dragon’s past meant that he was going to spill it all… or if he was spilling this now, it was titillating to think of what else the man might have been hiding. “She made it look like she got married, never changed her name, and quickly became a widow. I’m sure that’s why… she has her family name instead of mine.”
“I’d imagine it’d be rough on a child, carrying a name zey had no connection to,” Ivankov shrugged. “Besides, if she had your name, that fazer of yours vould have kidnapped her longk ago.”
“Bad enough what he does have,” Dragon grumbled. Ivankov waited for an explanation and never got one—it was folly to think they were getting any more out of their friend than this very specific and embarrassing tidbit. They watched as he stopped moving, instead putting his hands on his waist. “So… what do we do…?”
“Not vhat ve do… but vhat you do.” They regarded him carefully. “You alvays know vhat to do. Vill you admit to everyone zat zis is revenge for a former lover? Zat zis child is more zan ze last of her kind? Or vill you do somezingk else? Somezingk interestingk?”
“Olvia wasn’t my lover, Iva—I would have married her if I could.”
“Zat is not here nor zere. Now: vhat vill you do?”
“What will you do?”
It was a simple enough question—the royal brat and his footman were due back in the sandpit soon, so he didn’t blame her for wondering. It was just him and Olvia in his room, the pair having snuck up there while Clover was regaling the students with drunkenly-told tales of his adventures. They were sharing a bottle of cheap wine at the table by his window—no other activities until they heard their heavy-sleepers of charges snoring the next room over.
“Not sure,” he shrugged. He looked out the window at the night sky, knowing that soon the view would change. “This place… it fits, you know?”
“For technically being here as a bodyguard, you sure are quite the pacifist,” she replied. Olvia took a sip of her drink and let out a low huff. “It’s honestly more interesting with you here.”
“Then maybe… I can come back…?”
“…to do what?” He turned his gaze to her and saw that her expression was now completely deadpan. “You’re smart, yes, but you’re no scholar. The Professor does not take too kindly to lightweights.”
“Is that what he refers to people who’ve had sex as?” he asked. She nearly choked on her drink. “I just want to be with you.”
“I know.” She saw a flicker of something cross his face, with it leaving as quickly as it came. “What…?”
“If I could just stay here, I would. Let the kids find their own way back home. It’s peaceful here… serene… like nothing bad will happen here.”
“Oh, it shall eventually,” she shrugged. “Things always happen.”
“Not like…” he paused, “not like what I’m used to with my father. There’s a certain unease in the air in a lot of places he’s sent me to, and none of it shows up here. Yeah, there’s people being petty and bad storms and the occasional drought of traders, but it’s not…” he sighed, “this place is calming, Olvia. There’s no real hostility.”
“Then maybe it would do you some good to return here,” she agreed. “Though I have to warn you: I get buried in my work when I’m not tutoring.”
“I think I can handle that; that might be when you’re the most gorgeous.”
“You don’t need to flatter me—you know what we’re doing later.”
“Doesn’t hurt to have a little extra insurance on the matter,” he winked. She giggled and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “How much time do we have again?”
“Not enough.”
“Hmm… I think it’s enough.”
It’s easy to leave someone when you realize that you can’t stand one another. Sure, actually doing it might not be easy, but once you’re gone, the effort to purge them from your life is cathartic in its own way. It’s a refusal to give them power, as they never should have had any to begin with.
Conversely, it’s difficult to leave someone you’re still in love with, mostly because it is that much of a challenge to forget. It’s still wanting them there, despite their deep, deep flaws, and yet remembering the pain of why that is simply not possible. It hurts and claws at the heart, burning and stabbing until there is nothing that doesn’t make you think of them.
What’s worse yet is when you’re both still in love, and yet they don’t stop you.
Revolutionary Army Dispatch
Official Memo from the Desk of Founder and Supreme Commander Monkey D. Dragon
The following Legacy Bounty Individuals (LBI) are to be actively recruited into the ranks. Any contact with such Legacy Bounty Individuals needs to be reported to the appropriate level of hierarchy.
Age at Bounty: 25
Current Age: 35
Origin: North Blue
Current Location: North Blue (confirmed)
Devil Fruit: unknown type – appears corvid-centric – proceed with caution until confirmation
Crimes: contempt of law; resisting arrest; repeated destruction of Marine bases; torture of varying Marine officers; coordinating largest mass-release of inmates in the North Blue in 200 years
Waters Lila
Age at Bounty: 47
Current Age: 57
Origin: South Blue
Current Location: Grand Line, Paradise (confirmed)
Devil Fruit: none known
Crimes: grand theft; destruction of slaver ships; being impossible to arrest; harboring runaway slaves; cussing out Celestial Dragons; repeated escape from Celestial Dragon “owners”
Nico Robin
Age at Bounty: 8
Current Age: 18
Origin: West Blue
Current Location: unknown; potentially West Blue or Grand Line
Devil Fruit: Paramecia – can replicate limbs elsewhere
Crimes: only surviving member of the Archaeological Scholarly Association of Ohara; can read Poneglyphs; evading arrest; varying smaller crimes related to survival
HIGH PRIORITY – report directly to Supreme Commander if contact is made – capable of becoming the Light of the Revolution
May we stay strong in the face of our uncertain times.
Ten years.
It took ten years before Dragon heard any more solid news of Nico Robin. He had to hand it to her—she was a difficult woman to catch. Most of what he’d heard were whispers. A few people even saw her, but no one was able to get in a conversation long enough to convince her to join their ranks.
She was still alive, however. No matter what, Olvia’s daughter was still alive, and some days it was all he could do to be proud.
“I have to say, sir, you sure do know how to pick them.”
Dragon was laying down on a camping cot, the tent he was currently occupying in the far-reaching backwaters of the East, the backdrop of a civilian uprising in the distance. Sabo and Belo Betty had insisted on helming this charge, which left him sulking back at camp with a cold compress over his eyes as he fought off an impending headache in the command tent.
“What do you mean, Ahiru?” He heard the young woman’s mechanical arm click and whir as it handled papers at the table.
“One of your High Priority LBIs just had war declared on the Government for her.”
“You know Sabo has been making over half that list for years now.”
“She’s been on the list for a long while,” she replied.
“Oh yeah? Who?”
“Nico Robin.”
Dragon sat up immediately, the compress falling to the ground. “What…? Who declared war for her?”
“The crew she’s with now,” the young woman said. She held out the newspaper as her boss stood and crossed the room. “A rookie crew from these waters, it seems.”
A small gasp left Dragon without him even realizing it: the Straw Hat Pirates.
Robin found Luffy.
His children found one another.
“…sir…?” He looked at her and saw the concern on her face. “Are you alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just…” Ahiru gave a nod, avoiding eye contact. “It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.” Good—he did always appreciate her discretion.
He looked back at the newspaper in his hand and allowed himself a breath of relief. After everything, his children were still finding their family—finding each other—despite his own failings.
Maybe… maybe this was how things were supposed to go.
The kids he was supposed to be babysitting were off with the old man on the first of many “field trips” to the bar when he first made his move. She was in his room going over their academic progress when he allowed his hand to reach across the table and rest atop hers. One of her eyebrows arched, curious.
“Bold,” she noted with a smirk, “but is it bold enough?”
In retrospect, it had been a miracle in of itself that they had gotten themselves put back together in time for her skunk-drunk boss to bring back his equally-drunk charges. The trio were so drunk, they found, that they completely ignored the fact they still smelled of sex and her blouse was on inside-out.
What they didn’t know wasn’t going to hurt them, right? Besides, all it took was twenty minutes and they smelled like the kids’ vomit instead.
None of this was going into the report.
There were times where Emporio Ivankov, Ruler of Kamabakka Queendom, Founder of the Revolutionary Army, Establishing Force behind New Kama Land, really did not enjoy dealing with their varying colleagues. Out of them all, the best—also the worst—was Monkey D. Dragon. He wasn’t even all that easy on the eyes, and yet his drama was nothing they wanted to ever touch.
Except, it kept finding them.
“You. Office. Now.”
They didn’t even break stride as they entered headquarters for the first time in years, simply walking by Dragon as he was discussing something with Lindbergh and Hack. Inazuma seamlessly inserted herself into the situation instead, allowing Dragon to grouchily follow Ivankov to their office looking extremely cowed. Newer recruits could only gawk—so this was the power of the legendary Okama Commander?
“Any ozer spawn you have running around I should know about?!” Ivankov hissed. Fuck… the door was barely closed…
“Don’t you Iva me,” they scolded. “I should not learn you have a son because I am savingk his life in Impel Down! Vhat is viz you?!”
“Thank you, by the way,” Dragon said. “You did an excellent job keeping Luffy alive.”
“You tell me to not pry into your past, and yet your past keeps poppingk up in ze oddest places. Vhy are you like zis?!”
“We all agreed to bring as little of our baggage into this job as possible,” he claimed.
“Havingk people ve care about is not baggage!” they argued. “Sharingk stories about our lives is not baggage!”
“If anyone knew about my family, that’d put a target on their backs they might not want!”
“Even from your friends and comrades?!”
“Yes, Iva! Everyone!”
“Tch… no vonder you vere never told about the girl…”
“Zese are your secrets, Dragon! First, you have a daughter from an old flame, now zis boy one of my candies finds in Impel Down is your son?! Vhat more is zere?!”
“You know I can’t tell you that!”
“Then vhat can you tell me?!”
“That as the figurehead of this entire operation, I can’t be seen as having any potential weaknesses! I come in with nothing so I can leave nothing behind! There is nothing to complicate things! A venture was never compromised because they kidnapped my son and held him at ransom! By him remaining far away, we all were safe.”
Ivankov huffed, their scowl pointed and accusatory. “I believe in zis, and I believe in you, so you better not make me regret anyzingk from here on out. Ve cannot afford to be fightingk.”
“I’m trying, Iva,” Dragon assured. “You know that’s all any of us can do.”
“Sir…? The Tequila Wolf contingent has returned.”
Dragon glanced up from his coffee to see the fresh recruit standing there in the doorway of his office, absolutely quaking in his boots. It was almost adorable how the newbies were so easily categorized into either Hilariously Overzealous or Scared Shitless, with this one solidly in the latter category.
“Usually the leaders of such an expedition report to me themselves that they’re back,” Dragon noted. “Why did they send you?”
“There’s a bit of a commotion, sir,” the recruit admitted. “They were able to find a High Priority LBI while freeing the slaves.”
“Now who would that be?”
“Uh… Nico Robin of the Straw Hat Pirates, sir.”
Dragon’s stomach found his throat as he paused, taking the information in. After vanishing into nothingness on Sabaody, she was now there, in Baltigo. Ten long years and she was finally there, in the same building as him; it was terrifying to think of.
“Send her up once she’s been given the orientation,” he requested, keeping his stoic mask. “High Priorities always need a briefing from me personally as to discuss what they might bring to our cause.” It was the truth and the recruit saluted before leaving.
The wait was honestly one of the worst stretches of time in his life. Dragon wasn’t entirely certain whether was pacing for a few minutes or a few hours, but eventually there was a knock at the door and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He breathed deeply and collected himself.
“Come in.”
Olvia’s ghost walked in, almost as though no time had passed at all.
“Please close the door; I’d prefer this conversation to be private.”
“Since you asked nicely,” she nodded. Robin gently shut the door and took a few steps into the room, unsure if she should sit or remain standing like Dragon. “I hear you often debrief new additions and allies yourself. It’s commendable to be so active in the base of your organization.”
“I cannot do it on my own,” he claimed. She watched him as he walked over to the window, using it as an excuse to not look at her directly. “Does this mean you are going to join my ranks?”
“Consider me a loan of sorts,” she chuckled. “I have some time to burn while waiting to reunite with my crew and I might as well do something worth while in the meantime.” He could see her reflection in the glass; it was scary how much she looked like her mother. “Your son is something of a tricky individual to follow; it’s just a matter of chance that I’m keeping my alliances in the family.”
Oh, how little she knew despite how well she was informed.
“Has… anyone ever told you why we founded the Revolutionary Army?”
“…to rise up against the tyranny of the World Government,” she replied. He was silent. “Then again, something tells me that there’s more to it than that. There always is.” She watched him, pensive. “What was the final straw that drove you? A scuffle with the Marine Hero?”
“He barely cares about what he does on a daily basis, let alone care what I do enough to get into that big of a fight… no.” He did not turn around, instead preferring to look out the window. “It was Ohara.”
It was slight, but he heard her inhale slightly.
“What was your connection to Ohara?” Robin asked, her voice wavering slightly.
“I spent a lot of time there when I was younger than you are now,” he admitted. He sighed, then opened his mouth to talk again, only for Robin to grab his arm and turn him around to face her, eyes wild in shock.
“Did you know my mother?!”
“I… I fell in love with your mother.”
She let go of his arm and took a step back. “…oh. That must have been difficult.”
“It was,” he agreed. “Olvia was a wonderful woman. Sharp-witted, dedicated, kind, insurmountably intelligent…” He smiled to himself, letting his gaze slip out of focus towards a bit of wall. “She had hair like starlight and eyes that would reflect the galaxies.”
“Did she ever…?” Her question trailed off, unsure if she wanted to give life to the words herself.
“Your mother’s true love was knowledge, and by extension, her research. She had no room for me, so I left.”
She scoffed at that, almost relieved. “What do you have to be sorry about? It happened a long time ago.”
“Summer 1493, if you want to be precise about it.”
The only sound was the steady ticking of the clock on the mantle. Dragon focused his eyes again and looked at Robin, seeing the careful, calculating face he’d last seen over twenty-five years ago. She eventually nodded—everything fit.
“You didn’t know, did you?”
“I didn’t, though I don’t know how much good I would have been had I known and stayed.”
“You would have been there.”
“You’ve met my father—do you think I would have let him raise Luffy if I didn’t think it was the better choice?”
“That is true…” She looked him in the eyes, as though she was trying to see where the crack in the lie was. “What brought you to Ohara in the first place?”
“Initially? Babysitting. When all was said and done, it pissed off my father that I was in love, so I went back.”
“Then it is not just him that Luffy gets his defiance streak from,” she noted.
“I’m the one running a Revolution and you thought he got that from my father?”
“Merely an observation.” She smiled lightly at him, an expression so her mother that it nearly made him hug her. “Now, I think we have some negotiating involving the terms of my stay?”
Babysitting was a drag.
According to Aunt Tsuru, his dad owed the Queen of Alabasta a favor or eight and now it was Dragon’s turn to fulfill a request, as it involved the prince and his footman and not the old broad herself.
“We’re almost there!” the fifteen-year-old prince beamed. He turned towards his servant with a wide grin across his face. “Can you imagine?! That tree is thousands of years old! It doesn’t even have the Alabastian climate to help preserve it! Something that old! Still alive!”
“It truly is something, milord,” the young servant agreed. Igaram…? Yeah, Igaram and Prince Cobra. They were almost the exact same age and yet the difference between them was vast. Even though the princeling wasn’t an asshole about it, there was still that chasm Dragon knew was there… even if it was the footman that kept it there.
“Go pack up your shit,” Dragon said. “We’re going to be living on the island while we’re here, so you can’t leave shit onboard where it can be stolen.”
“Gotcha!” Cobra dashed below deck of the small clinker-built cog, Igaram close behind him insisting on doing it for him. Dragon rolled his eyes—this was honestly the last thing he wanted to be doing, but his father was… persuasive.
With his fists. The Hero of the Marines beat his son in a fistfight. Fuck.
It took another half an hour to get into the harbor at Ohara. It was a lively town, with the Tree of Knowledge dominating the landscape. Since he was contracted to be the teens’ bodyguard, Dragon went with Prince Cobra and Igaram as they went to the massive library that was carved into the tree itself, the entire building a living testament to knowledge.
“Ah, there you are.” Dragon saw a middle-aged man approach them as they entered the trunk. “Prince Cobra, I presume?”
“Yes; you must be Professor Clover?”
“That I am!” Dragon fought back rolling his eyes—everyone here was a nerd. “Queen Ouraeus told me you are almost as thirsty for knowledge as myself.”
“Indeed,” Cobra confirmed. “I have to be knowledgeable to become a great king one day, and Mother said you were one of the cleverest and learned men she’s ever met. It will be an honor to learn under you.”
“In that regard, I have to apologize,” Clover said. “Most of your tutoring will be conducted by one of my top pupils, who shall report to me on your progress. I’ve already written your mother and she has given her permission.”
“It must be difficult running this place,” Igaram noted, still staring at the interworkings of the library as they milled about.
“It is, unfortunately,” Clover sighed. “My apologies; you must be young Mister Igaram, which makes you…”
“Dragon—their babysitter.”
“Bodyguard,” the prince corrected. “He comes highly recommended from several high-ranking Marines as trustworthy.”
“Do you now…?”
“The Marine’s my old man, who can fuck off for all I care.” There was something about this Clover man that made him seem guarded… something wasn’t entirely legit. “I think he’s hoping his wayward son straightens himself out on this mission or some shit like that.”
“Then I’m sure we’ll get on splendidly,” Clover nodded. He then waved someone over, who gathered her books from the desk and approached them. “This is the one who is going to teach you lads.”
“Oh… I can’t…!” Igaram panicked. “I’m just here so His Highness…!”
“Nonsense—the Queen requested both of you be tutored,” Clover insisted. “This is Olvia-san. She is one of the most brilliant minds on this island and a native of Ohara. I leave your education in her care.”
Dragon swallowed hard—the young woman who walked up to them was one of the most gorgeous people he’d ever seen. Her brown eyes were the color of warm, lacquered wood and her platinum-blonde hair almost seemed to shimmer against her sun-bronzed skin.
“It is a pleasure to welcome the Alabastian delegation to our humble halls,” she said sweetly. Clover noticed that all three newcomers seemed overcome by her presence, which gave him an idea.
“How about if I take our newest young scholars on a tour of the library?” he offered. “Olvia, you can discuss the accommodations with their bodyguard. We can do the initial assessment after lunch.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea,” she agreed. Clover took the two teens with him and went off into the library, while Dragon stood awkwardly next to Olvia. “Would you like to see where you and your prince shall be staying?”
“He’s not my prince,” Dragon blurted out. “I mean… uh… my dad owes his mom some favors. It’s… complicated.”
“That must be awkward.”
“A little, but…” he shrugged, “you know.”
She gave a slight chuckle at that, the corner of her mouth tugging up in a smile. “Let me show you to the dorms.”
He nodded—what else could he do?
It was difficult having Robin around, all things considered. Although she fit in amongst the other Revolutionaries with wonderful ease, there was still the fact that Dragon could not look at her without feeling a pang of regret. He hated the feeling, but did not avoid her. It was difficult, yet he knew that bringing her into the organization after such a long effort only to ignore her would be suspicious… too suspicious for him to counter. He instead kept on, as though the woman was not the mirror image of his long-lost love. Hers was not the face he waged this war over, nor was it the one that would lob the final volley.
Their venture had grown much larger than Olvia’s memory, and yet to have her daughter in their midst? However temporary? It was priceless.
The rest of the day went by in a whirl. Cobra and Igaram were going to share a room during their yearlong academic retreat, with Dragon getting an adjoining one to himself. He followed along as Olvia showed him around the tree’s internal chambers—where she would be tutoring the teens to where the kitchens were—and it was extremely difficult to keep his mind on her words and not drift off into a daydream.
Seas, she was pretty.
“It looks like Professor Clover is only partway done with his tour,” she noted as they stopped on a staircase. They could see the academic with the teens as they scoured some shelves, looking for a specific book. “They’re good kids, it seems.”
“Yeah, they are as good as fifteen-year-olds are going to be, anyhow,” he shrugged. “It’s still going to be a pain in the ass.”
“So your contract is to stay here for the duration of their tutoring?”
“Yeah, I’ve got to bring them back to Alabasta myself, so I can’t just ditch them here and be done with it. That’s not going to be fun.”
“Well,” Olvia chuckled, “if you ever need anything, let me know. I’m sure I can help out.”
He hesitated before deciding to fuck it.
“Actually, I’d, erm, like to get to know you better, please. Outside of the kids.”
“…and why’s that?”
“…because one day, someone is going to ask me who that woman is teaching my charges, and I’d like to be able to say more than the pretty one with the books.”
She smiled knowingly. “Nico Olvia; nice to meet you.”
“Monkey D. Dragon; the pleasure is mine.”
“Her name is Nico Robin, sire.”
“Nico…? That is a name from the past, indeed.” Cobra frowned as he looked at the photograph of the woman who was reportedly conducting business on the behalf of Baroque Works. It was late at night after everyone else was in bed as he sat up in his chambers, one of the few times he could truly talk freely with his captain of the guard. “She looks enough like her, if my memory serves me right.”
“I’m surprised I remember anything about that trip at all,” Igaram groused. “Even the smell of beer is ruined.”
Cobra chuckled at that; few things made him laugh these days, and much of it involved the past. Seas… that had been before he had even met Titi…
“Possibly,” Igaram continued, “if we appeal to her on the shared admiration of her mother, we might be able to get her to cooperate.”
“No,” the king said firmly. “If she goes by her mother’s family name, then she is likely a sensitive subject. We cannot let it be suggested that we ever knew her.” He placed the photo down on his writing desk and exhaled heavily. “That was thirty years ago… and where were we when she was thrown to the wolves as a child?”
“Burying your lady mother and readying for your marriage, not to mention the chaos that a monarch change involves.”
“…which is why I wish to slowly abdicate, to give Vivi a better transition than what I had… if we even make it that long.”
“It is a fine goal, sire,” Igaram agreed. He watched his monarch—his life-long friend—stare into the middle distance, clearly wrapped up in thought. “Is there anything else you require tonight, milord?”
“No, thank you. You may go now, Igaram.”
“As you wish, milord.” He bowed deeply. “For the good of Alabasta.”
Igaram quietly left the king’s chambers, finding that the young princess was waiting for him out in the corridor. She was such a haunting image of the late queen that it was terrifying…
…but this was a child, even if some would mistake her for being grown.
“Is she the same one that you remember?” she asked, voice quiet. He shook his head.
“Even if she was, we would have no basis on which to build a parley. We are to function as though the name is a coincidence.”
Vivi nodded slowly, considering her options. “Then I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to infiltrate Baroque Works.”
“…but Princess…”
“I can’t sit by and do nothing, Igaram. That’s not what a monarch is supposed to do. I’m here to serve the people, right? That’s not always about fancy trips to the Levely and hosting other nobles.”
“You are correct way too often for my blood pressure’s liking, milady,” he sighed, accepting their fates. “When do you wish to leave?”
“Dragon-san…?” He glanced over from the map and saw Cobra standing there, the kid only growing into something more awkward by the day. “How did you know you were in love with Nico-sensei?”
“I just kind of did,” he grunted. They were a full day out from Ohara, sailing back towards the entrance to the Grand Line. “Why? Someone there catch your fancy?”
“No… it’s just…” the teen worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “I’ve been taught plenty this past year, but watching you and Nico-sensei reminded me that I still don’t know what it will be like when I love someone. I imagine it’s… difficult.”
“It is,” Dragon admitted, “but sometimes it just finds you. At first it’s a like—or maybe they’re just smoking hot—and eventually you just find yourself realizing that the world isn’t quite the same without them in it.”
“…but that’s how I feel about my friends… my mother… my people…”
“Love comes in a lot of versions, kid,” Dragon shrugged. “You’re pretty observant to be a noble and understand that you should love your people—something tells me you won’t have a problem figuring out the romantic part when it comes.”
“You sure…?”
“Yeah.” He then jerked his head towards the rigging. “Get your asses up there and secure the topsail; we’re going through a real windy area soon.”
At least as the kids were up in the rigging, he’d have some quiet.
“Are you sure that going back is what you wish?” Dragon asked. Robin was chuckling softly as Koala sobbed in her arms, not wanting the other woman to leave. “You could do a lot of good here…”
“I will do a lot of good anywhere I go,” she claimed… and rightfully so. “My place is with Luffy. He’s my captain and we’re not done yet.”
“Just don’t tell him that I’m still around; I’d rather do that myself,” Sabo chuckled.
“So the kids… they’re doing well…?”
Olvia shrugged as she tied Cobra’s hair back as the teen slept—last thing they wanted was for the kid to wake up and get drunken vomit in his hair. She wasn’t entirely sure that getting a sovereign prince blackout-wasted-drunk every weekend was setting a good example, but Professor Clover was not one to be argued with when several pints were on the table.
“Well enough,” she replied. She glanced over at Dragon, who was peeling an ale-soaked jacket off Igaram, and shrugged. He would know if he had the ability to sit in place while the teens were at their studies, yet school hours were often when he went wandering around Ohara, taking in the local sights. “Unless there’s a sudden breakthrough, I think there’s one thing that they won’t be able to do, but it won’t be horrible in the long-run.”
“So not something Her Highness requested?”
“Oh, she requested it, but it’s notoriously difficult. People of all ages attempt to learn and some never get it, no matter how long they try.”
“What’s that? Some sort of arcane science?”
He paused, watching her as she finished putting Cobra to bed. “You’re talking about a prince and his nursemaid’s son—they’ve long been able to read.”
“Do you promise?” she asked.
“Promise what…?”
“Do you promise?” Olvia went to his side and held out her hand. Dragon looked at it, then up into her eyes, before placing his hand in hers.
“I promise,” he replied. “Better yet: I trust you.”
With a nod, Olvia helped Dragon finish with Igaram before taking his hand again and leading him out into the corridor. They went through the labyrinthine maze of staircases until they reached one that had no light down it, only darkness.
“The fragile manuscript storage room?” he wondered. She shook her head before taking the handrail and carefully stepping down into the dark.
“You know how we here in Ohara strive to uncover the secrets of the world through our research,” she explained, not waiting for him to follow. He did, which made her smile in the dark. “If your father came here and asked what sort of research we were doing, we could honestly tell him that much of it involves ruins and old tomes, surviving fragments from over the centuries. It is different from Vegapunk’s research, yet it is no different in our dedication or the danger that follows.”
“Vegapunk is being courted by the Government,” he reminded her.
“True, yet this… this is something we’re been hiding for much, much longer, and the knowledge from which we glean from this will benefit everyone, from us to Vegapunk to the young prince and everyone who wishes for the truth.”
“Olvia, what are you…?” He felt her stop in front of him and heard a heavy latch open.
“Welcome, Dragon, to the Poneglyph Chamber.”
The light from inside the room was bright as Olvia opened the door and ushered Dragon in. Once his eyes adjusted, he gasped at the sight of the giant stone in front of him, scholars all around as they went about their duties. Some stared at them as they made their way across the room, but most remained unfazed.
“You… you are teaching them to read this…?”
“Attempting; there is one in Alabasta, a rubbing of which Queen Ouraeus provided us in her youth. The secret history lies in these markings, and if we are to understand the Void Century, then we must first understand these Poneglyphs.”
“…but he’s not getting it.”
“No; I would be impressed if he ever did, if we’re being honest. His language skills lie where he’s able to understand the practical applications. Although this limits him to things such as Alabastian and Celestial and sailors’ creoles, it means that academic languages are unfortunately beyond his grasp.” She watched as he placed his hand on the Poneglyph, taking it all in. “There is nothing else in the world like it, is there?”
“Dad’s bosses would have a field day with this,” Dragon marveled. He looked at Olvia, seeing that her face was concerned and distant. “That’s your true goal here, isn’t it?”
“It is.”
“That’s wonderful,” he replied. “It’s never sat well with me that there’s so much we don’t know, and the fact you’re doing it here? Sticking it to Dad and his bosses and their bosses? It’s like a military brat’s dream come true.”
Olvia nodded at that, too choked up to respond properly. Something deep inside her said she was doing the right thing by showing him their biggest secret, and the sparkle in his eyes made her heart swell.
He was going to be the one to do it.
He was going to be the one to make all their research worth it.
All they needed to do now was wait.
It was a beautiful day as the Thousand Sunny sailed towards their next destination. With Fish-man Island the the Ryugyu Kingdom behind them, the crew’s spirits were high as they enjoyed their time together.
“Hey, Robin, do you want to play with us?” Luffy asked. She glanced up from her book and saw her captain standing rather close, with Usopp in the background attempting to ride on Chopper’s full-reindeer form as though his back was a furry surfboard. “It’s a lot of fun!”
“I’ll pass for now, but thank you,” she replied. Luffy didn’t go away, the teen instead tilting his head at her. “Yes…?”
“Something’s different about you,” he noted. “It’s not bad. Just… different.”
“We’re all different than how we were before,” she reminded him.
“I know.”
“…but there’s something else…?”
“Yeah.” Luffy went and threw his arms around Robin’s neck in a hug. “I’m glad you’re back.”
“I’m glad too,” she replied, patting his back. “I think you might want to get back to the others—Usopp seems like he’s getting rather good at that.”
“Oh! Hey! Usopp! Let me have a go!” Luffy was sufficiently distracted enough to run off and tackle the sniper right off the doctor’s back, all three of the teens laughing.
‘Maybe, we both always had an idea as to the truth,’ she thought as she watched her youngest crewmates roughhouse. They ran around silly until Sanji came out of the kitchen with snacks and drinks, snatching their attention. ‘The little brother I always wanted was right here after all.’
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night-dark-woods · 9 months
2023 Book Recap!
i really figured out this year what i like and don't like in a book i think, at least for scifi/fantasy books.
that ursula le guin quote about genre: "Ignoring all this, our novice is just about to reinvent the wheel, the space ship, the space alien, and the mad scientist, with cries of innocent wonder. The cries will not be echoed by the readers. Readers familiar with that genre have met the space ship, the alien, and the mad scientist before. They know more about them than the writer does."
& something one of the boys on the stephen king podcast said, where he described being familiar with a genre or medium as seeing the seams, and then a bit later as being like an erector set, where you can see all the pieces.
and that's really it, like bc i have read so much scifi and fantasy, every novel is an erector set. i know what the pieces of the kit are, and what they're supposed to build, so i can recognize when its built well and when its built poorly, and i can recognize when someone does something really cool and different with those kit pieces. but if someone doesnt do anything good or interesting with them, its just a pile of pieces, and that's not enough for me.
so, in descending rating order, books i read this year:
The Broken Earth Trilogy by N K Jemison: spectacularly original worldbuilding, heartwrenching story, delightful narrative devices. getting added to the favorites shelf with Baru.
The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin: very fun hard scifi book. if i don't have to google a math concept while reading your scifi book im not interested. i have not yet read the sequels but will.
Machineries of Empire Trilogy by Yoon Ha Lee: great military space opera with REALLY cool novel worldbuilding (the technology of the empire functions because of a high calendar maintained by ritual sacrifice!!!) and very neatly executed plots.
How The Light Gets In by Louise Penney: perfectly enjoyable mystery novel i read to bond with my mother. old ladies who saw it sitting next to my register at work were at first delighted i was reading it and then aghast that i was reading one from the middle of the series out of order.
Dead Silence by S A Barnes: fast-paced scifi psychological horror, delivered exactly what i was expecting.
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner: doctor mechanic fic with the serial numbers scrubbed. also exactly what it says on the tin.
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M Danforth: fun gay story that jumps around in time and has several cool narrative styles including whatever it is where there are in-universe texts included with the story narrative.
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling: scifi cave-diving survival horror with a homoerotic relationship between the caver and her handler. loses a star for an underwhelming ending but overall it ruled i love survival books.
Blindsight by Peter Watts: this book made me the maddest a book has made me since i read The Word for World is Forest in high school and got so upset at one of the characters that i made myself nauseous. on the one hand the worldbuilding was very intricate and interesting and its a truly fascinating first contact story, and on the other hand i want to fight the author in a parking lot for how eco-fascist and misanthropic the thesis statement is. this book pissed me off but its also going to be something i will reread and also think about for a long time, and for that it can get a 4.
The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon: cool far-future post-apocalypse with ai gods, about bodily horror and autonomy when youre dealing with high tech divine possession. good book but not for me.
This Is How You Lose The Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar: fine, underwhelming. novel equivalent of a montage and the prose didn't wow me.
Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer: made me realize what i want from him is an actual ecology book i would love that but i hate his fiction.
The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd: would have been higher if it had a stronger conclusion, fun concept though and it was fun to see the ways it referenced Hill House. speaking of:
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson: alright, i havent read enough horror to know what i like but this wasn't it, im glad i read it though.
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang: fine, none of the story concepts were compelling to me so it was hard to like any of them, though the Tower of Babylon was fun.
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers: no stakes, boring, no thought put into the politics of the setting or the plot.
Authority by Jeff Vandermeer: absolute fucking slog of a book with a boring protag.
She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan: i dont like historical figures rewritten to be lgbt, i think the pacing and tone was inconsistent, and if youre going to write a book about a military campaign you need to actually care about writing military engagments and logistics. also as my friend Jake said. for a novel trying to do something with gender, there sure arent very many women.
none apparently!
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ancient-reverie · 1 year
As long as you're not hurting anyone and/or it's consensual between human adults irl then you're welcome here. (the thought police are not here you're fine)
Bodily autonomy. Full send. Self harm and addiction isn't judged here.
Clearly NOT a space for terfs, bigots and exclusionists get fucked, or get schooled somewhere else I don't have the energy for you
This blog is the unfiltered and really hodgepodge content that our brain enjoys. Semi-serious. Important posts are reblogged here.
This is not a minor safe blog for multiple reasons, but it's not an 18+ only blog. We're not your parents, and DNI's don't work when they actually need to.
all images on main and side blogs are ours and are not for use ty
{Main influencers: (Siruss) <Cory> -Mat- #Danny# -<Sam>- {Misc} }
👇 list of side blogs and about below 👇
We have multiple and different genders and sexualities and romantic attractions.
Most of us are bi/pan sexual and romantic. The mains present as masc non-binary most of the time but don't care about pronouns. The default main identifies as genderfluid, and describes it as being all genders and no genders at once. Gender isn't real but I'm tryina paint u a picture of our vibe and don't currently have the vocab to use anything besides fem and masc even though those barely fit bc enbie is the main state of being. but if u kno u kno.
One of the mains (Pyro/Cory) is grey-aromantic.
One of the not-quite-main-but-always-around is on the ace spectrum and sometimes that affects all of us. (Grey-ace, sex enjoying, masturbation enjoying, not sexually attracted to anyone or anything, it's a situation thing)
Severe nicotine addiction across the board. Also we need our weed. It helps our physical disabilities and some of the mental ones.
feral-reverie is for otherkin/therian, weird aesthetics, and inhuman related activities
{Main users: (Siruss) )Grey( {Misc} ~{Tallia}~ &Hartley& -mat- }
mostfuckablecorpse is the spicy nsfw content with some fashion and pretty aesthetics
{Main users: (Siruss) #Danny# ~{Tallia}~ <Cory> -mat- }
clueless-wizard a meta rp blog from the pov of an old hermit who has no idea how to be a functional wizard
{Main users: (Siruss) {Misc} -mat- }
cannothelpmyselves vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, old web, strictly aesthetics and ~vibes~
{Main users: (Siruss) -mat- {Misc} <Cory>}
ritualis Sy's artsy and aesthetic blog bc he always ends up making his own lol
{Only user: (Siruss) }
canwesmokeinhere mat's side and aesthetic twin to suckfaggot but less venting and more funny hahas no content warnings here. mainly memes tbh
{Only user: -mat-}
dragonbile Cory's side. the not funny haha aesthetic twin of suckfaggot. it's tasteful and artsy at least, but gore warning for sure
{Only user: <Cory> }
give a like if you read ❤️
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rotisseries · 1 year
EXPLAIN BOOK YENNEFER because I'd like to know her before I say anything krmsksms I watched the show but like. quit immediately after her transformation for some Reasons
she's so interesting like. ok so you got the basic bit of her backstory she wanted the power of being a sorceress but they make sorceresses look beautiful and what they don't tell them is that they'll get a forced hysterectomy. right so they didn't ask she wasn't told and she's like. pissed about it. unfortunately sort of ends up as the "woman can't have children and is so upset about it trope" but she's not too much "I'm a monster because I can't have kids" she's just like. angry about her bodily functions being taken away without her consent. so most of the series is either geralt or ciri's pov so you don't really get much with yennefer's backstory other than some hints but eventually geralt decides to have yen help teach ciri magic and overtime she becomes ciri's surrogate mother but she doesn't become super nurturing and out of character all of a sudden or anything they just love each other very much. ciri and yen is actually very much the "grumpy adult becomes the begrudging parental figure to a young child" trope (if you're thinking "shouldn't that be geralt?" the answer is no. geralt is such a nice person in the books. the show got it so wrong. like he still has emotional issues and shit but they manifest differently. yen is the one more closed off) anyway idk she is just everything 2 me like she's a woman who was mistreated horribly so she obviously went for power and she doesn't regret the power but she is still angry that something was taken from her and then she gets to be the surrogate mother to this young girl and teach her magic and she's so emotionally closed off but UGHHHGJ. and with geralt too like there's a scene where geralt is thinking about how he loves her and she reads his mind (she can read minds) and tells him (indirectly I think, I can't remember) that she loves him too and it's a rare moment of vulnerability for BOTH of them bc even though geralt is nice he isn't really vulnerable and they're both people who've been through some strange bodily transformations without full consent and it's left them unhappy with themselves for various reasons and they don't know how to love right but they're trying to love anyway and they're learning to love people again through the girl they're parenting it's just so UAGDJFJSKNDKSKAS. I CAN'T EXPLAIN IT. YENNEFER OF VENGERBERG MY BELOVED
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sunsetsnz · 2 years
OC snzcanons reveal pllss!! You have a ton of wonderful OCs and I'd love to read more about them 🧡
ahh thank you so much ahri 🥺❤️ i’m so happy u like them! ok snzcanons let’s go:
- always sneezes in doubles. he doesn’t ever really have fits, but whenever he sneezes there will always be two, and the second sneeze follows either immediately or a couple seconds after the first
- photic af. light is usually the cause of a sneeze for him. it’s often sunlight when he’s training outside or when he opens his curtains first thing in the morning. when he gets a stuck sneeze (which is not often but does happen rarely) looking at the light always helps it along.
- has honeymoon rhinitis for sure. like, he’ll sneeze when he gets suddenly turned on or is having Horny Thoughts. he doesn’t usually sneeze during the *act* itself, but he will have a stuffy nose throughout. sometimes he sneezes right after climax. jonathan thinks it’s cute and always comments on it or gives his nose a lil kiss
- pretty good at holding back. if he sneezes in public it’s because he wanted to let it out. chances are he’ll still be quiet and stifle it though, because it feels too intimate/awkward and he isn’t comfortable fully letting go in front of anyone, except jonathan.
- the beads in his braids make lil clicky noises when he sneezes
- this guy sneeze. a LOT. i’m talking long extended fits, of varying intensity depending on the season or cause of the sneezing. it’s never one and done with him either. buildups are very hitchy and breathy, he can’t help it. his nose gets real runny too and he always needs to blow it several times during fits.
- his preferred choice is handkerchief > tissues bc it’s softer on his nose. if he can’t get one out in time or has none left (that are usable), he will sneeze into his own shirt.
- gets pretty embarrassed and apologetic about his fits. he’s polite and doesn’t like disturbing other ppl. he tries to stifle in public but it honestly just makes him sneeze more. over time he’s gotten very comfortable with sneezing around seph though, for obvious reasons 👀
- allergic to like, everything lol. his nose is super sensitive. anything with a strong scent will probably make him sneeze. but his worst irritants are pollen and mold and stuff, so being around flowers, trees, grass, just generally outside always gets him bad. leaving the window open overnight is a killer. his allergies tend to be the worst in spring and autumn, i think.
- frequently sneezes his glasses off lol. when seph is there during his fits, he will gently remove them for him
- his sneeze is strong and LOUD AF. it’s 50/50 on whether he covers or not, when he does it’s hastily into his elbow at the last second. and he NEVER stifles. refuses to even try bc he knows it’s dangerous. also, why should he have to restrain his sneeze? fuck it, if he’s gotta sneeze, he’s gotta sneeze. it’s a normal bodily function. you don’t like it? too bad sweetheart
- he likes the feeling of relief and release from a sneeze. he gets mildly annoyed if the sneeze gets stuck or goes away. he’d induce the little fucker out if not for the fact that he never has anything on hand to induce with
- normally sneezes an average amount, but he gets a lot sneezier when he’s drunk. he’ll be at a house party or in the club just spraying mist left right and centre. he does use tissues to blow his nose if he happens to have them or is offered them but like i said, covering is not his strong suit, especially not when he’s drunk. (i find this irresponsible irl, but he’s allowed to do it bc he’s fictional and hot LOL)
- if he announces a sneeze it’s not rly out of courtesy but out of desperation, bc once he feels a tickle, all other thoughts go out the window
- as in everything quinn does, he is a somewhat elegant sneezer. his sneeze is fairly quiet and contained, always covered, and usually one and done. he doesn’t make a big deal of it, but immediately afterwards he will clear his throat and excuse himself before moving on.
- scarily good at holding back. this man has a LOT of self control. may or may not be related to how into tease and denial he is
- he tends to bless others in his mother tongue, which is spanish (latin american)
- has a kittenish sneeze. but ur catching a death glare if you dare mention that he has a cute sneeze or anything like that
- sensitive to the cold weather, it makes him sneezy and sniffly. his cute lil nose gets all red too
- also has a slight dust allergy so he gets a little set off when he’s cleaning at home and tidying stuff. which he likes to do bc he’s neat by nature. he also works in a bookstore currently and mannn it gets dusty in there sometimes. he sometimes ends up having a mini fit in the back room
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I swear I'm a dude
Boundaries bc you and I deserve them
Nobody over 35 interact!! You will be blocked!
:read more:
Fandoms I will write for
Danganronpa(Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair and Killing Harmony)
Saiki k(iffy)
Ace attorney (I barely know any personalities, I just like the cases)
Genshin Impact (I don't know much about this one, I get info from ASMR at this point)
Detroit Become Human(iffy)
Omori. Give me the stinky rat fandom.
Demon slayer
The promised Neverland
Your turn to die/YTTD
This list WILL be updated!! I advise you check here every so often!!
Female readers, sorry ladies, but there's alot of content for you out there
I won't use she/her pronouns for readers. Again, sorry, but this is a gn/male/anything other than girls and stuff
Smut, I will write implied smut but not the actual thing, this MAY be changed later.
DNI list
Cishet men
Men with a fish as their PFP. Get out. Now. John I'm talking to you. I know your here John. Out.
John Gunner.
Again, John Gunner. This is personal.
My name on Tumblr is Katoki/Zion!
I use he/they but I don't care that much about what you use for me.
I'm gay. And also homiesexual/hj
I am 19 years old!
I write one shots, headcannons and maybe more stuff once I find stuff I'm comfy with!
Me mildly telling you to give me shun Kaidou and zenitsu requests right now/nf
I WILL write for feminine reader, but not for female reader, two different things!!
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usmsgutterson · 2 months
ssaboygenius' writing guidelines
me, redoing my writing guidelines six months after the first time? well, I no longer write for six of crows or shadow and bone, sooooo I'd say yes it's time to redo them again! I also changed my username and despite what my prompt lists will tell you, my reaction time isn't always what it needs to be in terms of fixing links and I have to go and do that a little more to rescue the masterlists of old, and I figured I'd just retype some stuff, think about some other stuff, and then get rid of like. one step in a two or three step process as a treat.
Per usual, they're below the cut!
Okay!! Just like I've been for the past three and a half years since I joined this silly little site, I'm like--I'm so lenient that I'm surprised I have to make these guidelines at all, almost?? but also not because I am just a silly little guy and I do, in fact, have limits and boundaries lmao.
starting off with one of the only areas wherein I have boundaries where I'm like "ABSOLUTELY NOT" instead of "okay, maybe if we tweak this req a little bit or find a compromise, I can cook something up and have it ready to go within the week?" we have my guidelines for smut!!
I do write it and I will write the most toe curling shit a person has ever read if you give me like, four days to marinate in the request and get the creative part of my brain amped up and ready to work. Just a warning though, if you send me a smut request and then it doesn't come out for like, a week, that's because smut takes me ages to write unless I get motivation to do it randomly.
I don't know why it takes me a little longer than other genres do but it does! I can usually get a smut req from inbox to drafts in a day, then I work on it for a few days. Depending on what time of day I finish it I love it and leave it alone either overnight or for an entire day. I edit it in like, 1-3 hours depending on length and then I queue it and leave it to its own devices til it goes up for posting.
That itself is less of a boundary and more like "okay yes, please be mindful that smut takes time but I'll do everything in my power to write and post it within a week of when I see it in my inbox", but. it counts to me, so yeah.
serious boundaries for smut writing can and will be summed up in a few sentences below because hoo boy, I can ramble like it's my fucking job (it's not. I wish tho):
absolutely will not no question, do not send asks with these involved:
watersports or anything involving bodily functions in a sexual context (unless we're talking like,, creampie or kinky stuff not involving feces or urine)
Anything involving ddlg--not trying to yuck anyones yum, honestly, I just don't understand the appeal for a mommy or a daddy kink and I am not willing to write for that kind of bdsm dynamic or nsfw content
Rape!! This is a big one for me--and it should be for everyone else ever??--because I am a huge fan of consent!! HOWEVER, that said, rape and consentual non consent (cnc) are two separate things!! I'll write cnc if I get a req for it, and might be willing to write dubcon (might is a very loose word bc I doubt I ever would, but it's not something I think about too often) but rape wherein there is explicitly no consent (like there would be with cnc) is an absolute hard line for me and I will not write it if you send a req with a rape scene.
guidelines for fluff, angst and other genres are like,, nonexistent almost??
I mean that as in like--send what you want!! I'm partial to angst (I do not cry often but love crying and need to do it more so I will always jump for joy at an angst req) but I also am a whore for fluff and domestic shit. I'll write literally anything ever with regards to genres outside of smut, but if you ask me to write about stuff I haven't experienced, the req will probably take a few days to start because I'd have to research to get an accurate depiction of whatever it is you're asking me to write (like, say you ask me to write a character with a disability, I'd research the disability before I started because not doing proper research before writing something involving something I've never experienced is just not how I roll)
all in all, with everything except for smut I am a veeeeery laid back kind of writer!!
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impeccablebackside · 5 months
it does feel quite weird to ask this but f*ck it.... did the queens ever involve farting in their sexual matters? bc i had this phantasy about any of them accidentally letting one out while getting off, and ending up being aroused by it.
Please never feel like any question about anything or anyone is too weird to ask anon. If you are willing to share, then I am willing to read it at the very least. That is the best part about the anon system, you could share whatever you wanted in anonymity.
Regardless, I will be honest with you, I do not think any farting plays into sex with the queens. That may simply be my own personal preferences being projected, but even then I would still think it is a no without 'outside bias'.
That being said, if you or anyone is into it or have had fantasies, even better then anon. I could reasonably never judge or kinkshame someone for what gets them off. Everyone has something that appeals to them and makes them feel some sort of way, and that is beautiful in its own way.
Any sort of flatulence (and scat if we are going to rope that in) is not a kink anyone in the junkyard has in my opinion. Even those with the most focused ass / anal fixations would be disinterested about it.
It is not that anyone would be sheepish or embarrassed either if it did happen while they were solo or getting fucked. Bodily functions happen, and there is never shame in that. In fact, due to how our muscles in the pelvis sit and work during sex and orgasms, it would not be all that unusual.
Anyway, I could see it inadvertently happening with Mungo and Rumple, and both of them would just laugh it off because they would think it was funny. With others, I do not see it being taken as well, with reactions differing from embarrassment, relative indifference, or even potential turn-offs.
If a queen or tom ends up becoming aroused, then that is a whole new thing for them to explore down the road if they chose to. It may just be lack of exposure that deters certain queens or toms in the end.
Interestingly (maybe), an anon sent an uniquely written thought a while ago that included some farting, so read this over. That would be the only thing I can add to this anon, so if you have more detail to provide let me know.
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lunatic-fandom-space · 8 months
Ive read a lot of vampire fanfics before going to bed yesterday and one of them was this very short one about this old vampire guy who had a son right before he got turned and then he waited until his son was a young adult to turn him as well, and it was very distressing for him because a bunch of his bodily functions stopped working and he got a bunch of new instincts, its like if puberty sucked even more ass basically. And one of the things that he was particularly hung up about was the fact that he couldnt cum anymore, like he could have an orgasm but nothing would come out bc vampires dont have a lot of bodily fluids, and his dad didnt tell him about it bc he just kinda forgot, and the young adult vampire was so worried about it and he felt so awkward talking about it and idk, i just really liked that. I think we need more vampire stories about gross bodily stuff like that
also, part of the reason the young vampire was upset was because hes a bit of a manwhore and he thought he couldnt have sex with people (read humans) anymore because they would know somethings wrong with him, and his dad comforted him by being like "listen, at this point you cant control yourself enough to take someone to bed without killing them so you dont need to worry about that for a while anyway, and also, now that youre immortal you have all the time in the world to get good enough at sex that no one will even notice you cant cum" and i really liked that as well
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