#medically vegan
crazytooley · 1 year
Hi, I saw your post mentioning being allergic to protein and got curious. How does that work?
Honestly, not fun. I grew up not being to eat eggs straight up and specifically peanut butter. It's slowly developed to peanut oil, things fried it and dairy, then red meat joined the list. I didn't really like steak to begin with but the chicken, pork and fish started to do the same thing.
What happens to me is a mix between gastrointestinal issues and extreme nausea problems. I'll be constipated for long periods of time, and if not nothing will be in my body bc of diarrhea and throwing up.
I can tend to eat some forms of plant-based protein from what I can gather such as tofu and mushrooms but I've had problems with protein replacement supplements such as certain drinks and granola bars.
But I grew up in a very meat forward family, in a very meat forward area in Texas and then Missouri. I have a hard time living with the fact that I'm now medically vegan. I'm still living with my mother because of medical and psychological disabilities, and it's hard to explain that I have to have a completely separate diet from everybody in the house. That I have to use separate plates, Tupperware, and kitchen ware. At this point I have a separate mini fridge/freezer and microwave with my own kitchenware to store my own food.
But to be honest, do I very much stick to my eating diet? no... Should I? Yes.
Bc in the long run, I know that my body is not going to like extending that much energy just to poop and digest food.
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awesomecooperlove · 11 months
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bootleg-nessie · 5 months
Not enough people know that vegetables are a human construct
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stonedish · 1 year
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that P33V5 so pretty 🤩
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fitzrove · 4 days
former classmate shared several PETAcore instagram posts w their own caption going "here are a few good reasons that your plate should never have meat or milk products on it" SHUT UPPP<333
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anistarrose · 2 years
"there are huge sustainability problems with the meat and dairy industry" and "perpetuating guilt-based appeals to dietary change and/or moralizing people's actual or perceived choice of food is profoundly fucked up and incompatible with social justice" are two statements that can, and in fact, should coexist
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theprayingteacher · 9 months
#Prayer Against #Negativity
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everyveganrecipe · 1 year
Basil Pesto Recipe Basil pesto made oil-free, nut-free, and packed with additional nutrition for a healing sauce or dip. Featuring basil, spinach, sunflower seeds, ginger, and lemon juice. 🌿
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aurorashard · 9 months
Allergy discussion below the cut.
I'm so. Frustrated. Upset. So I called the allergist back to ask my few extra questions. I asked if I needed to avoid things that are made on shared equipment/in a facility that processes/may come into contact with egg, and the nurse said "yeah he says avoid all of it. If you have some contact accidentally, and you find out later, you know, if you have a reaction you know to avoid that." (Paraphrased). So I explained that, I have no idea what my reaction is, and we are assuming it's a GI reaction, which makes it harder to know because I have other GI problems. And she was just like "well if you have a reaction, you'll know you need to avoid that stuff." Like???? Are you listening to me???? I'm so frustrated and so upset. This is going to limit what I can buy even further, and I don't have the energy to cook all my own food from scratch, at the very least not until/if we can medicate my executive functioning again. I'm just so tired and sick of all this health bullshit. I already have so many food issues and stuff and now this and I'm just so tired. So fucking tired.
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The Friday Puzzle #2: Animal-Free Medical Research Crossword
AI generated image Save the above image and complete it in Paint, or download the puzzle below 😀 * AnimalFree_Medical_ResearchDownload * Stuck on some of the questions? You can find all the information needed to complete this puzzle on the Safer Medicines site: go to https://safermedicines.org/resources/ and click Frequently Asked Questions 🙂 * * * Enjoy the puzzle – I’ll give you the…
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Originally, my day was gonna begin with a visit to the farmers market. Unfortunately, last night's seizure made my hearing too sensitive today. My husband went today, and got me thr GF locally made bagels I love, as well as strawberry jam and blueberry jam. On top of that, he went to the grocery store and got a package of vegan burger patties for me because I lived the meatballs this company makes. I'm having a pattimelt with vegan cheese later tonight, and it will he the first time in almost a decade that I've had a burger.
I'm excited!
Recently, I've had hot portobello sandwiches with all thr fixings of a burger. Except really messy. They are DELICIOUS, but require I use a towel across my lap because they make a mess. Small tip: marinate the mushrooms. You'll need to remove the "skin," then marinate it for at least 36 hours. We used an Italian dressing, and when combined with thr stack of yummy I had on it, it was messy and delicious.
Anyway...I just finished a bagel, and finally have the energy to take a shower. Last might wiped me out. In a couple hours, we're gonna have dinner, and I'm excited!
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iman-92 · 9 months
want to try veganuary again next year but last time i lost 3kg, ended up anaemic and the nhs politely asked me to stop giving blood for 6 months 🙂
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battleangel · 10 months
Hospital Hellhole
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Where are the open windows in hospitals?
Hospitals are exactly like corporate cubicle farms, where you see the windows in your office, but theyre never open.
So, no fresh air ever gets in.
Stuffy, recirculated air with zero outside fresh air + constant either central indoor heating or air conditioning + a bunch of sick ass people stuffed into one building isnt exactly a recipe for holistic health.
Nor is it meant to be.
Its actually a veritable hotbed for communicable diseases, viruses, infections, germs and bacteria to develop, spread and grow.
Idgaf about how "well the hospital is ventilated" -- you need fresh air, jackass!
Good luck ever getting it at a hospital.
They'll just parade you around bare ass in a drab ass drag ass light blue gown that doesnt even close all the way in the back yet have the nerve to talk about how "functional" it is.
They'll parade your literal bare ass through the hospital hallways so you can "walk around" -- but nevah outside.
Yeah okay.
There are windows, why cant I open them?
Because you cant.
The air inside a hospital is endlessly recirculated, stuffy as hell and filled to the brim with germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens given that a hospital is, y'know, a building full of sick ass people.
Who in the hell thinks this is a good idea?
Exactly noone as hospitals are designed to mentally break you, dehumanize you and give you a different illness then the one you checked in with or make whatever your current issue is worse.
Being in a building with no outside fresh air and no open windows full of sick, dying, dead, incapacitated, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, bleeding people isnt supposed to make anyone else sicker?
Yeah okay.
You need fresh air even in the best of circumstances forget about when youre sick.
You need to be in nature as it literally heals us, even their studies confirm that.
You need fresh, unrecirculated air from outside.
You need the sky, the sun, the grass and the trees.
But what do you get?
A dark, drab, sterile, lonely room with a large ass loud ass TV in it, a phone, a bed that you will be stuck in for most of your stay, a bathroom and a window you cant open.
Sounds exactly like prison.
Being stationary -- unless you are a literal invalid or completely physically incapacitated -- is awful for you.
They know this.
They know that being stationary in bed can cause DVT (deep vein thrombosis), blood clots, embolisms, poor blood circulation and bloodflow, swelling, edemas, muscle atrophy, weight gain, bed sores.
Not to mention depression, lack of mental sharpness and acuity, lethargy, anxiety, fatigue, listlessness, hopelessness, dread...
Its almost like its by design, isnt it?
Hospitals should be near parks or be built inside of parks.
All patients that are literally physically capable of going outside for fresh air and natural sunlight should do so, or if possible, should be taken outside in wheelchairs.
Blinding white bright ass unnatural fluorescent lighting has repeatedly been proven to deplete our melatonin levels, disrupt our natural circadian rhythyms, disrupt our sleep, cause insomnia and other sleep disorders -- so why is the lighting in hospitals so fucking bright???
Why do you think?
They dont want you well.
If you happen to get better after being hospitalized, its an unintended side effect.
The goal is to find -- or make up -- other things that are wrong with you so they can feed you further into the many tentacled medical industrial complex.
More diagnoses, more pills, more injections, more shots, more IVs, more surgeries, more specialists, more tests, more false positive results.
Just the way they intend it.
If youve ever visited someone in the hospital or ever been hospitalized yourself, youve probably experienced a general feeling of feeling run down, fatigued, sore, tired, like you were coming down with a cold, feeling out of sorts and out of it if you were inside a hospital for a few hours or more (days, weeks or even months).
Thats by design.
Patients should be outside every day, breathing fresh air, getting natural sunlight, touching fresh grass, hugging and sitting by trees, looking up at the clear blue sky, soaking up the sun, picking flowers and soaking up natures natural healing properties.
Nope, you get to walk up and down a ridiculously overilluminated bright ass fluorescent hallway with drab muted colors surrounding you, machines beeping, nurses having bored conversations at lunch, doctors being self-important and your bare ass cheeks on full display in your gown that doesnt "quite fully close all the way in the back."
You should be letting butterflies land on your hand, picking sunflowers, laying against trees, walking barefoot in grass, staring up at the sun and soaking up the individual rays, taking deep breaths of the fresh air all around you, looking at the clear blue sky, observing some of the cloud formations, lying on your back on the grass and staring up at the big blue sky supervised by hospital staff for about an hour a day.
That should be happening every day in every hospital.
It could be done in shifts.
Even a small park or garden even on hospital grounds or property would suffice.
In your everyday life, dont you walk outside once a day?
Even just to check the mail? Run errands? Pick up groceries? Go to work? Get takeout? Go shopping? Go to work? Meet up with friends and family? Go out to eat? See a movie? Take a walk? Go jogging?
Why is this simple freedom denied to you in a hospital?
When you need nature the most, they wont even open a window for you.
Antiseptic sterility, vomiting bleeding dying patients, coughing sneezing wheezing patients, patients with viruses, bacterial infections, open wounds, bodily fluids and emissions, mucus, phlegm, stitches, sutures, transfusions, transplants.
How would you NOT need fresh air even after one day in a hospital?
Why is hospital food so comically bad?
Youre literally back to the slop you were being force fed in elementary school but as an adult.
Since youre sick, shouldnt there be an interest in providing you with nourishing, holistic, healthy, fresh organic foods that will help heal you and aid in your recovery?
If youve ever been hospitalized, it took you back to your school days with rubbery chicken, mystery lunch meat, dry bread, nothing is seasoned, everything is out of a box, warmed over and bland as hell.
It doesnt have to be expensive!
Fresh spinach for salad is cheap, quinoa is cheap, tofu is inexpensive, steel cut oats are inexpensive, chickpeas are cheap, hummus is inexpensive, lentil beans are cheap, kale is inexpensive, kidney and black beans are cheap - these are all chock full of protein, cheap, healthy, good for you and can be prepared with fresh or cookied veggies, rice, noodles.
It doesnt have to be like this.
They want you sick and defeated.
Hospitals are literal hellholes.
Its not you.
Youre right to think they are creepy depressing prisons and incubators for all kinds of diseases and infections.
Because they are. By design.
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hontou-baka · 6 months
god damn i love the food i make. chickpea 'tuna' melt w/ a beet and potato soup... ya cant beat a good soup and sandwich combo!!!
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weirdstrangeandawful · 4 months
TW: food and eating habits
Can we stop judging people for not being vegan/vegetarian? I don't owe you my medical information. When I tell you I can't be vegan/vegetarian, you should be taking me at my word without my having to explain. And if I choose to explain, you should be accepting that I've thought it through a hell of a lot more than you.
Oh, you'll get enough protein, just eat more tofu and beans! Oh you won't have a problem with iron, just eat some lentils and molasses! You won't have low B12, just eat a shit tonne of seaweed!
What might be a little more for you is not that for me. What might be a small change in your routine can devastate me.
I am lucky if I can stomach a single meal a day. I am lucky if I can make it back from the grocery store without being house-bound for the next several days. I can't just eat more when I can barely eat anything. Every time I've tried to make a dietary change, my bloodwork has gone haywire. I have to deal with so much so you can shut the fuck up about whether it's ethical toward the animal and start thinking about whether it's ethical to devastate my life for a political statement.
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theprayingteacher · 9 months
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