#real estate at law?
im-not-a-l0ser · 9 months
Okay, after a conversation, I suppose I can understand Holy Bastard, if only for the fact that I ship Michie and Binary Boyfriends and Kiaz and Kevin/Fred, so I can kind of get it in theory.
I still stick with the opinion that Mark would be better with someone like Bailey or Gary Goldstein (Attourney at Law), but I suppose I get it in concept and theory.
(Here's where I explore the opinion on ships with others if you haven't seen it)
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gent-illmatic · 9 months
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erotetica · 2 months
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Hiii Lewie
Special thanks to @transarmand for making these great GIFs, which were a godsend when drafting that plaid. My other refs r below the cut in case anyone finds them useful:)
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I found it! The entire court document - it's loooonnnnggg, for the house I just posted. (That's the beauty of being a librarian.) I glanced at it, and it's something about land contamination!
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dballzposting · 6 months
What if Gotenks lived with his dad Vegito but on weekends he lived with his other dad Gogeta but this is sort of a recent thing becasue Gogeta didnt secure split custody until recently so Gotenks doesnt really Know Gogeta that well and he goes to his modest and hearthlike apartment and feels disquieted becasue it is VERY DIFFERENT from the sensory-overload distraction-chamber that is Vegito's lavish house. And Gogeta doesnt narcissistically abuse Gotenks so Gotenks doesnt relaly understand him at all and he really doesnt get how an adult could be so calm and not get angry and yell at him over little things and so he thinks that Gogeta is actually just really furious but hiding it and so it takes a long time for Gotenks to trust him and trust that he genuinely isnt mad at him. But at the same time it doesnt take long at all for Gotenks to respond to his genuine calmness by feeling the most secure & safe that hes ever felt but he doesnt really understand that or why that is and he doesnt understand why he feels so yucky when he has to go back to his other home on Monday morning and so he just ignores it and plays iPad and skateboards. And every Friday night he gets so nervous he gets nauseous and Vegito always uses this to say "You dont have to go over there sweetie :) Do you want to? You Do Not Have To Want To" and then he yells at Gogeta over the phone about it. But without fail every time he gets to Gogeta's apartment and adjusts Gotenks does feel better and sometimes just falls asleep on the couch. And Gogeta makes tea every evening and it's sooooo yucky to Gotenks but he still drinks it every time becasue Gogeta made it and he deosnt have the maturity & wherewithal to understand that it's becasue it makes him feel included and cared for.
This isn't dragon ball any more not even close like not even a little bit
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kissedbyyouniverse · 4 months
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Personal Manifestation Win
Hey all, just wanted to share that something I’ve been manifesting since 2020 has finally come to fruition.
The universe has put me in alignment to be able to dip my coin into the real estate market. I’m finally an official investor of a few rental properties (the one pictured is located in ATL), which is earning me daily rental income (i.e passive income)! The income is not enough to replace my daytime job YET but I’m willing to use my asset of youth to do the work for me. 🏡
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
hhhhhhhh Randy seeing Benson shirtless for the first time, can't help but stare......
on the run, sleeping in the same shitty motel room bed, Randy awake before Benson for once, propped up on his side, looking at Benson, gently tracing his hand down Benson's chest... the touch ends up waking him up, Benson groaning, blinking up at Randy, Randy smiling at him all sweet...........
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feeshies · 8 months
what is it that makes real property law so boring while personal property law is the most interesting area of law ever?
"the dispute is over an old house from the 1800s which appears to have been abandoned until the defendants--"
me: yawn. boring.
"the dispute is over the plaintiff's dvd box set of dawson's creek"
me: oh hell yeah! this is why i want to practice law. the machine of the justice system working as intended
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My wills and trusts professor: “So here’s this really long tangent about how you need to add this in your will because of subsection (a)(b)(c)(d)…”
My real estates professor: “Before buying a house, you gotta take out the covenant 103.4 document, which you can get if you first file a Mortgage A31.4…”
My entertainment law professor: “Spawn, the superhero created by Todd MacFarlane, was once a man named Al Simmons who made a deal with Satan after he was assassinated and his soul sent to hell. Fun fact, Neil Gaiman was brought in by MacFarlane to write for Spawn, which led to the creation of Medieval Spawn…” (no joke, this was part of his lesson to explain work-for-hire contracts)
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brynnamonroll · 20 days
I think it’s very sweet when people make those positivity posts about smile lines marking your face as one of a happy person but can we get some positivity for those of us with a permanently furrowed brow at 25. Been here for a quarter century and barely any of it has made sense.
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lambert reacting to stilted affection from vesemir who recognizes his failures in raising this boy and is trying to do better without talking about it because he doesn't believe an apology would do any good in light of the inevitable extinction of witchers which will likely result in lambert being left the last Wolf witcher alive when he hates being one more than anyone else and the Choice was a fucking lie to begin with:
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older lambert with his own adopted family of black sun girls and freaks who are each prophesized to end the world through no fault of their own:
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masgwi · 7 days
Fired for going to work
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heavencasteel420 · 29 days
I had a dream where the show took the form of a sitcom centered around the Hopper-Byers family, and I was watching an episode where Jonathan, Will, and El all go to the mall (Jonathan has a job at one of the stores, Will and El are at the skating rink) but end up at the police station. Joyce gets the call about Jonathan’s thing first and takes off, leaving Hopper to deal with the younger kids at the skating rink.
El has been arrested for roller-skating Angela, possibly for canon-like reasons and possibly in defense of Will, who has assaulted no one but came to the station with his sister. Hopper initially assumes that Will was in the fight and not El, due to gender roles. This causes hurt feelings but everyone learns a lesson Norman-Lear-style.
Meanwhile, Joyce assumes that Jonathan has also been brought in for some stupid teenage mayhem and is sort of pissed off as well as concerned, but it turns out that either there was a robbery or the manager/owner was busted for doing something shady. At this point, in a clever nod to the real show, I was forced to write the rest of the Joyce and Jonathan plot myself. I was asking myself questions such as “is the theme of this episode not knowing your children’s whole deal, or is it gender roles?” and “is this like a Malcolm in the Middle show or is it more like 7th Heaven?”
(Also, if I may critique my dream characterization: Hopper has deficits as a parent, sure, but I think he’s evolved enough and familiar enough with Will/El/trauma not to react in such a manner. I’d probably make Callahan say shit if I were really writing the episode.)
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charmac · 1 year
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starlightkun · 1 month
Hiii what does the title for your new jisung fic mean ?? I can’t wait to read it :3
hi!! "pur autre vie" is actually a real estate term! it means "for the life of another," and describes when a person (in this case, the reader) has ownership of a property only for the duration of another person's life (i.e., the reader's mom)
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
“Few places in Jerusalem speak of the larger conflict being waged over the city more than the apartment of 68-year-old Nora Ghaith-Sub Laban,” avers the Associated Press’ Isabel DeBre today (“As a lengthy legal battle ends, a Palestinian family braces for eviction from Jerusalem home“).
Whether or not that is true, what is plainly apparent is that the Associated Press’ repeated failure to accurately cover the Sub Laban story speaks of a larger problem plaguing media coverage of Israeli-Palestinian affairs.
In 2015, the leading news service depicted the Sub Laban’s real estate saga as a story of Israeli dispossession and displacement of Palestinians. “They (Israelis) are trying to uproot us from Jerusalem, they are stealing the houses, the trees and the stones of the city,” AP’s Karin Laub and Mohammed Daraghmeh quoted Nora Sub Laban at the time.
Initially, the 2015 article did not contain a single word about the family’s failure to return to the rented home following lengthy renovations completed in 2001, an absence which jeopardized their status as “protected tenants.” Only after CAMERA contacted editors did AP add a paragraph about the court’s critical finding that the family did not reside in the home for years after 2001, which was the determining factor in the court’s ruling against the Sub Labans’ claim.
At the time, research by CAMERA’s Gideon Shaviv revealed:
The magistrate court (34656-11-10) in a decision upheld by the district court (28083-12-14) found that the family had not returned to the apartment in 2001. According to the court from 2001-2010 (when the property was transferred to the trust) the family did not live in the apartment. From 2010 until 2014, they had only “pretended” to live in the apartment. This decision was based on the following evidence: Additionally, a private investigator testified that he had interviewed neighbors and none of them knew the Sub-Labans. The court found in 2014 that the Sub-Labans have been living with their extended family in another apartment for 30 years, since 1984. The article references the period of 1984 to 2001, stating “Throughout this period, the family rented an apartment elsewhere in the city.” But it does not mention that the family continued to live elsewhere for more than a dozen additional years.
A significant CAMERA-prompted 2016 New York Times editor’s note addressing, in part, the Sub Laban case, stated:
In response to 2015 communication from CAMERA, AP added the following information, buried deep in the 22nd and 23rd paragraphs:
Last year, a magistrate court approved the eviction order. The court’s decision was based on a finding that the apartment had remained empty between 2001 and 2010, saying there was little to no use of water or electricity during that time. The family says the ruling relied heavily on settler testimony, and that it lived in the building throughout the period. Sub-Laban said the home was empty at times because he and his siblings went to university in Jordan and their parents would come to visit, but that otherwise the house was in constant use and the family paid rent. He said there were problems with utilities and that they sometimes had to rely on a neighbor to get water.
Yet even this moderate improvement ignores the fact that the court’s finding about the empty apartment applied not only from 2001 to 2010, but also to the period of 2010 to 2014, when the family was found to have fraudulently staged their residence. The family’s response that the court “relied heavily on settler testimony” does not address the fact that they failed to bring any witnesses to testify on their behalf.
Fast forward to today’s coverage, which completely ignores even the incomplete information about the court’s findings regarding the more limited 2001 to 2010 absence. Signaling deteriorating coverage, DeBre now maintains: “As Muslims of the same Muslim Quarter apartment for seven decades, Nora’s family gained the status of protected tenants, putting Israeli law on their side.”
Ignoring the already underreported absence of 2001 to 2010 which AP belatedly cited in 2015, today AP now notes only trips abroad in 2019, stating: 
Most recently, the Kollel Galicia endowment argued in 2019 that Nora’s absence form her house that year could clear the way for their eviction. Nor said the house was empty at times in 2019 because she was hospitalized with a back injury and later recovered in the houses of her adult children, whom Israeli authorities had previously expelled from the Old City apartment.
In a separate reprise of AP’s substantive shortcomings in 2015 coverage, DeBre’s article errs:
“It’s Jewish property and they want it back,” [Arieh King] said. “The (Ghaith-Sub Labans) don’t have any right to this property.” There is no equivalent right in Israel for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who fled or were forced from their homes during the war surrounding Israel’s establishment to return to lost properties.
First, DeBre is falsely invoking the Israeli Property Law. Since the Sub Labans did not own the property in question, even by their own admission, the Israeli Property Law, which is relevant only in cases of ownership, is completely irrelevant to the Sub Labans’ case.
Second, the claim about disparity in reclaiming property rights is completely disingenuous. Jews who, in 1948, lost their land now under Palestinian control equally have no right to return to their lost properties. For instance, as CAMERA’s colleague Alex Safian has noted, the Dheisheh refugee camp is built on Jewish-owned land and the original Jewish owners have no hope of returning to their lost property.
Moreover, if AP is interested in probing disparity in property rights, it should examine how Palestinian Arabs who lost land in Israel’s establishment in 1948 are entitled to compensation, while no such consideration was ever extended to the 850,000 Jews who fled or were forced out of Arab lands, leaving behind all of their property, businesses and assets.
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