#realising that im not the type for that because when it comes to current crush it's always me who initiates chats & meetings
korusalka · 2 years
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Im always so surprised by how quickly you shoot out these ask aus?? how long do you take to answer because when the anon get going youre just as fast?
This in mind... if you wrote a fic right now what would it be?👀
Ironically I sat on this one Anon lmao
If I'm really in the mood, like when the Shisui anons are in a "feeding frenzy" (😂), then it's as fast as I can type haha but generally these days I sit at least 24hrs on an ask because of timezones, my IRL, and I also like to brood on an idea especially if it's a question I haven't considered before!
Right this moment? Well, it's my current brainrot idea tbh I'm planning on making an actual fic out of it but my hand is stayed by the fact I'm feeling a little... Shisui-predictable again 😅
It's a Shisui crossover, fml
So I've read some genuinely incredible Star Wars fics recently (I will rec some if people ask) and those are some definite inspirations.
(This is the brainchild born from reading Blackkat's fic:
And smilebackwards' series:
-which are beautiful works!)
So.... If Shisui was a Jedi (Master, probably, maybe newly advanced) then he'd 1000% be a Seeker, locating and saving Force-sensitive kids and bringing them back to the Temple. He's either woken up after dying in Narutoverse or he's been reborn, haven't decided yet, but he's got all that military prowess shoved in the back of his head and he's very happily clutching to the Light and the Jedi's teachings on peacefulness, mindfulness, and negotiation. He absolutely knows how to use the Force to Shunshin and stimulate a Genjutsu effect. He also has absolutely created his own Lightsaber Form based on his past life and that's how he became Master.
Then the war starts up.
The Grand Army of the Republic, GAR, is filled with Clone 'meat droid' soldiers who need Jedi to lead them... Shisui is not buying it, he's gonna flip his tits and save these guys. The Jedi council decide that, as they're not the experts here in warfare and it's a kindness of what choices the clones can have, the CC Commanders can pick their own Jedi Generals. The Jedi are called back to the Temple, Shisui rocks up almost late with like five war-torn orphans in his arms, and proceeds (alongside Mace, Obi-wan, Anakin) to be a total fucking BAMF lmao.
(Anakin is on probation after he almost massacred a clan of Sandpeople btw. Master Sharad Hett was in the area and felt the rising Darkness and intervened just in time. Anakin is seriously on thin ice for almost Falling so he's stuck under Obi-wan's direct leadership for the war)
Basically Shisui is picked by Rex (Cody immediately calls dibs on Obi-wan (who speaks Mando'a and has all that diplomacy under his belt) for High General and then the meeting completely goes off the rails as everyone (except Bly lmao) goes ballistic becausethere is a LOT of competition for who gets General Uchiha, holy shit that guy is a fighter) and heads the 501st Battalion! Bonus points if Shisui was the second-to-last Padawan of Dooku so Obi-wan is, like, his lineage-nephew despite being older lmao
(oh maybe shisui is presumed dead, a la Jon Antilles, after a Searcher mission goes tits up so Dooku thinks hes literally lost everyone... And Shisui comes back to find his master has fucked off 🙃)
Now I'm like what colour should his saber be... Like red would be the choice but that's a bleeding Kyber, it can't even be a one off difference like Mace's purple... Maybe gold, I always imagine Shunshin as yellow... Maybe white? Hm... oh it could be just off red, like flame orange, so it scares the shit out of everyone lmao....
Basically I'm shoving Shisui into this situation so that he can 1) be a total fucking BADASS 2) be the designated crush of 90% of the GAR and 3) fix canon without realising it 🤌✨
So, really, just the usual then 😂
Edit: in light of your first question, this answer took me 20 mins lol
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
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life is full of ups and downs downs downs downs dow
loredump under the cut. not kidding when I say its gonna be long!
oh shit you actually clicked keep reading thank you for your interest 😭😭😭
YOU KNOW THE DRILL tw // suggestive dont read ahead if youre uncomfortable with the topic of aphrodisiacs! 
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before anything, I gotta explain he was born to parents who had an infatuation quirk (makes them hardcore fall in love with you) and an infection quirk (transmits a virus via saliva)  
developed his quirk late, since they usually get it by the time kids are four 
most people knew him as quirkless before the first incident 
in middle school, his class was preparing for a school play, he and his classmate got cast as the main lead prince and princess 
coincidentally, they both had a crush on each other and had a scene where they kissed
technically they weren’t supposed to, since its just a play, but one time they were practicing in private and wanted to try kissing “for real”
so they shared a super giggly cute middle school first kiss but well UNFORTUNATELY FOR HIM HIS QUIRK HAD WELL DEVELOPED– 
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the only way for the quirk’s effects to go away is to come at least once or pleasuring yourself until it goes away
rip now that I’m thinking abt it, I don’t even think anybody would even kNOW HOW TO MAKE IT GO AWAY so lets imagine she painfully stays that way until they figure out how to make it stop :^(
there’s a big fight that happens between the teachers, principal, and parents of both parties 
of course the crush’s parents got mad and called their kid a fuckin uhhhhh sexual predator or some shit despite also beING THE SAME AGE AND NOT EVEN KNOWING ABT HIS OWN QUIRK LIKE HELLLO
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obviously an incident like this is going to spread like wildfire but the principal does not want something like this to leak, especially since it was not on purpose and was a total accident 
the other kid’s parents and some teachers did not feel comfortable however, and sato was forced to drop out
but not wanting to spread the gossip about their son’s quirk and the incident, they leave the town and move someplace else
thankfully, the principal gives the sato family his good grades and a recommendation to a decent highschool for the trouble
they’re originally from osaka, but moved to tokyo 
this is where they start taking precautions with sato, basically teaching him to be careful with his saliva 
it was easily taught and learned esp since the mom was already like that around him and others everyday anyway!! she has to take care of her saliva-based infection quirk, after all 
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he got enrolled into a regular highschool in tokyo
no hero course, no support course, no business, just a regular ol’ school
if before, he loved surrounding himself with people, this was where he was forced to develop a lonely disposition to protect himself and others
at least his parents were very protective and supportive of him and they were generally a happy family!
but in school, pretending to be quirkless was just as difficult, getting bullied or pitied for having no special abilities 
his excuse for wearing a mask all the time was because his mother had a virus-related quirk, and had to be careful 
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one day his dad was suddenly got really, really sick
the more he had an excuse to wear a mask because he didnt want to get whatever disease his father started to develop 
sato started thinking it could be his mother (but why?) the results didn’t say anything about an unknown virus killing him (which is his mom’s quirk), and that his father really did contract a strong yet very normal disease 
while on his second year in highschool, his father, yozo sato, died 
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apparently, without him knowing anything about his parents, his mother, oba sato, was actually under the dad’s infatuation quirk this whole time
she realised she wasn’t really in love with him when oba had accidentally allowed a drop of her saliva to fall into the meal she was making him, making him sick, and therefore making him weak enough to deactivate his quirk on her 
oba, back in her college years, wanted to marry someone else but yozo, who had a crush on her wanted her to himself, used his quirk to make him fall in love with her 
so in revenge for making her put up with him all these years to the point of marriage and having a kid, she continued to do this to his food 
her quirk doesn’t make anybody sick enough to die, but it made her husband’s immune system weak enough to the point that it contracted a real, serious disease which he ended up dying from instead 
sato only finds out the real story when he graduates from highschool, days right after his graduation the mom confesses it all 
she does say she truly loves him, but can’t stay around him knowing he was technically “unconsensual love”
sato gets reminded of what his quirk does, and true enough, that’s what him and his quirk turned out to be (a sick combination of his mom and his dad) 
they cant bear to be around each other after that revelation and decide to just not see each other again 
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he enrolls into an education course, inspired by the kind principal who helped him finish his middleschool-highschool education when it all started going downhill 
sato struggles paying for his college fees esp since he doesn’t exactly have his parents supporting him anymore, nor any contact with immediate family 
he has a lot of part time jobs that go all around the clock, he continues pretending to be quirkless so he gets bullied, and has to deal with all that emotional baggage plus being alone so…….clearly my man is TIRED as hell 
his side job hustles include: convenience store cashier, bookstore attendant, bar bouncer, and rookie gym trainer (he went to the local gym long enough for him to get recommended a job as a trainer)
college was that point where he starts developing a hardcore yearning for a companion because oh my god hes so lonELY (but cant)
there’s this bully guy who always picks on him in college (for being “quirkless” and a loner and overall a fuckin weirdo with a mask)
tbh sato doesnt really give a shit he’s so used to it but he doesnt have his mother as an excuse to wear the mask anymore, this is where he starts forming the “I have bad breath” excuse 
“口臭い” (kuchi kusai) translates to “bad breath” or “stinky mouth” so sato unlovingly gets nicknamed “kusato”
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one day he’s walking around the campus at night and finds the bully with his gang cornering another quirkless student, with plans of assaulting her 
sato was never the hero type, and was about to ignore the commotion as to not get involved, but something in him moved on its own and he found himself face to face with the gang 
he confronts them, but the bully mocks both him and the girl for not having powers to stop them anyway 
SIKE BITCH sato’s able to easily strike the other two guys, knock them off their feet enough to be able to tug the to-be victim aside, telling her to report them, before asking her to run away as fast as she can
none of the guys want that (they’re all students) so they have a full on brawl (and this isnt hero academy, its a totally normal university so I wouldn’t assume these guys had very impressive quirks)
except the main bully actually has a pretty decent quirk (he’s like a kinda half human half dragon with sharp claws, scales, and dragon eyes) and gets to injure sato with his sharp claws, seriously injuring his face
a part of his ear is also sort of sliced off, which is how his mask gets accidentally removed in the process 
the dragon bully grabs him by the collar and starts angrily shouting at him for ruining his night, being able to do all this shit without a quirk and all and all other derogatory speech 
“Well? what do you have to say for yourself?!“ 
Sato stays silent before spitting right into the bully’s mouth 
The bully drops him immediately, about to angrily fuck him up for doing something super fucking gross but WHOOP WHOOP YOU KNOW WHATS BOUTTA HAPPEN the quirk works immediately and the bully is a TOTAL MESS on the ground 
Im going to TLDR this part cos its…obviously nsfw but like: sato fully embarrasses him in public (beside the bully’s two colleges nonetheless) 
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sato stays in the hospital for some time to heal from his wounds 
fortunately, afterwards, the bullies all get expelled 
unfortunately for sato, he also gets expelled for engaging in bad behaviour, and the bully did say what happened to him (and the college principal did not want his…dangerous quirk on campus) so as to lower any incident, all four were expelled 
at least without having to pay for college fees anymore, he could fully focus on paying for food, shelter, and clothes 
minus of course the hospital bills needed to pay plus he got a sick ass scar from it anyway HAHAHAHA BSDJHJRHDHF
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he had a lot of jobs here and there, but was more or less doing best as a trainer at a local gym where people weren’t allowed to use their quirks and strengthen their body regularly 
a few years went by and he eventually shrugged off everything that happened in his final college years but one day someone familiar walked into the gym! It was the fellow college student he saved!!!
she became a policewoman who wanted to get stronger in this quirkless friendly gym and hadn’t given up on her dreams of being a “hero,” inspired by how sato saved her that day
sato never really saw himself as some hero, he was left many nights alone thinking about how easily he could become a villain with his quirk, so hearing that really made him happy 
he trains her as her gym coach and she eventually asks him to join her patrol this small part of the city from a gang that was currently going around doing crimes since he’s good at it anyway, saying she could use some extra hands hehe
so yeah!! he does this side gig with her where he patrols alongside her looking for gang crimes and such c:
thank you for reading all the way here!!!
feel free to ask for questions or for any clarifications 😭😭😭!!!!!!
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sunrisefairy · 4 years
Cameras and crushes
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Warning: Alcohol, small mention of death, pure fluffiness 
Summary: Y/N is used to being a background character someone you glaze over but never really notice. But more recently she longed for someone to see her, well she longed for a certain redhead to see her. 
A/N: Wrote this for @theweasleysredhair​​ writing challenge based off the prompt “You remembered?” very proud of this fic so i hope you love it as much as i do. All feedback is welcomed :))))
italics represent a flashback 
Taglist: send me a message if you would like to be added @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​​
Y/N is very content with being a background character, she’s quite used to it actually. Growing up with 3 older and much louder brothers she was pretty happy with sticking to the sidelines, letting them be noisy and crazy while she kept to herself. Y/N grew up with mostly boys around her, her mother passed away when she was young. Y/N would always beg her brothers and her dad for stories of her mother, wanting to feel closer to her. Y/N’s dad would fondly retell memories of his beautiful wife, reminiscing on how witty and charismatic she was. He’d mention all the small, quirky things she would do which made him fall hard and fast for her. Y/N longed for that kind of love, she longed for someone to take notice of her in the way her dad did for her mum. Ever since Y/N was a little girl she yearned to be heard and seen but that proved difficult when you’re as shy and quiet as her.
Judging by most of the people in Y/N’s life she seemed to attract the boisterous types, guessing her quiet nature balanced them out. She loved her friends with her entire heart, even if their personalities were the opposite of hers, Y/N wouldn’t change their qualities if she could.
One of her friends, although still lively and vibrant as the others, also had a calm and tranquil side to him. George Weasley. Y/N had only known George for a few years having met at Lee Jordan’s 18th birthday 3 years ago. Somehow that night she had ended up climbing a tree with the tall redhead whom she had only met 30 minutes prior.
“How the hell did you get up to that branch?” Y/N mumbled, trying to figure out how to reach the higher branch where George Weasley was currently sitting, his long legs swinging back and forth as he chuckled at the girl below him.
“I used that branch sticking out there and then swung my leg up to get here.” George points to the branch to the girls left. 
Y/N grunts as she attempts what George said but huffs and pouts her lip feeling defeated, “you forget that I have little legs, unlike you Mr. giraffe.”
George rolls his eyes and stretches his hand out, “try again, I’ll help pull you up.”
Somehow, George manages to pull Y/N up and they sit comfortably next to one another up high in the tree. “There you go little bunny, don’t go falling off now.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at the nickname wishing she had brought her cider up with her feeling very self-conscious and unsure of what to do her shaking hands.
The pair fall into a comfortable silence, watching the party goers below them gathered around a very intoxicated birthday boy chanting as he chugs another beer, “we love to drink with Lee cause Lee is our mate and when we drink with Lee he gets it down in 8…7…”
Their voices drown out as George gently nudges Y/N’s shoulder pulling her attention back to him, “soo, Y/N I hear you’re not much of the talker?”
Y/N blushes hard grateful for the lack of light outside. “No I guess not. Not many are interested in what I have to say.”
George smiles, his eyes not leaving the girl beside him, “well I am. Tell me something.”
Y/N chews on her bottom lip nervously and looks back at the drunk crowd, “like what?”
George shrugs, he didn’t really mind what the conversation was about, he just wanted to hear the pretty girl speak. “I dunno, anything. Tell me about something that makes you happy.”
Y/N racks her brain for something to talk about, her palms getting sweaty from the long silence. Finally, she settles on something that always fills her with joy, her mother.
“Um okay so,” she starts staring at the leaves swaying in the tree, pushing down the anxiety. “Before my mother died she always had this film camera with her, my dad used to joke around saying that she loved this camera more than him,” Y/N chuckles quietly before continuing “She would take photos of the most random things, we have this big box back home filled with all the photos she ever took with that camera.” Y/N pauses, fumbling with her fingers. “I wish we still had the camera. You see after my mum passed, dad had to look after us 4 kids and with only one income coming in, it was pretty tough. For my 12th birthday I reeeaaally wanted a new bike, I’d complained for years that I couldn’t have my brothers old one because it was a gross boy’s bike. So, my dad sold my mums camera to get me a pink one. Kind of wish he didn’t because I would have loved to still have mum’s camera with us.”
Y/N finished and chewed her lip realising speaking about her dead mother probably wasn’t a great conversation piece, but any story of her mother always made her feel warm inside.
George hadn’t taken his eyes off her throughout the whole story, his heart fluttering when her eyes had lit up as she spoke about her mother.
“I’m sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear, it was the first thing that popped into my head.” Y/N mumbled.
George simply shook his head and replied, “you don’t ever have to apologise to me for saying what’s on your mind Y/N. I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.”
For the first time in a while, Y/N felt seen.
Y/N’s phone dings and she pulls it from her pocket to read the message.
-Hey bunny :) so 4 tonight, we’re aiming to get to urs at like 7. does that work for u?
It was from George. Even if she didn’t have his number saved, she’d be able to tell it was from the redhead simply from his choice of nickname. Y/N hated when he called her bunny but George insisted on using the nickname ever since Lee’s 18th mainly because he thought it was cute not that he would tell her that.
Y/N’s heart thumped harder in her chest purely from the fact that George had texted her. Her crush on George had amplified over the years of knowing the boy, feeling both thankful and uneasy at the fact that he had so effortlessly slotted into their tight friendship group mainly because he was always around making Y/N a stuttering mess.
Y/N’s fingers fumble as she types out a response, it was her birthday today and all her friends we’re persistent in throwing her a party. They had agreed to a small gathering at Y/N’s place, Y/N didn’t want them to make such a fuss over it.
-Hey Georgie, 7 is perfect! Cant wait.
-See u then bunny, hope ur ready to get ur drink on ;)
-IDK, after the other weekend I dont think im ready to face alcohol again
-nope! no excuses from u, u only turn 21 once
Y/N chuckles at George’s message and goes back to tidying her house, ready for tonight.
As soon as it hits 7pm her friends are barging through her front door lugging drinks.
Each of them greet Y/N giving her a hug and wishing her happy birthday.
“We’ll do presents later, first let’s get some drinks into us!” Angelina cheers as she starts to mix some deadly concoction. Alicia connects her phone to the speaker, the living room filling with music.
Y/N jumps as a voice pipes up from behind her, “happy birthday little bunny.”
She turns facing George as he places a brightly coloured wrapped box on the counter with the other presents. He opens his arms, engulfing her into a giant hug. Y/N wraps her arms around his waist, giving him a tight squeeze, “thanks” she mumbles into his chest before pulling away looking up at his warm eyes. They stare at each other for a second before the moment is broken when Fred places something on Y/N’s head.
“A birthday tiara for the birthday girl” Fred states loudly, Y/N glances at the mirror hanging from the wall on her left sees a plastic silver and pink tiara perched upon her head.
“Oh god,” Y/N mumbles adjusting it slightly.
Lee shouts over the music, drawing everyone’s attention over to him. “Okay everyone, the ever lovely Angie has made us each a questionable looking but delicious drink to start the night. So get your butts over here and let’s get this party started!”
A few hours and many, many drinks later, everyone is huddled in the living room, sitting on the couches watching Y/N open her presents. So far, she had gotten some perfume from Angelina, chocolates and a gorgeous photo frame from Alicia and Fred and Lee had gifted Y/N with a bottle of wine and voucher from the little boutique at the corner of her street. Y/N’s cheeks were hurting from smiling so much and her heart swelled at the sweet gifts her friends had gotten her.
“Okay, only one left,” Alicia says, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Probably the best one,” Fred whispers to Lee.
“Of course it’s going to be the best one you idiot,” Angelina says as a matter of fact, overhearing the two boys.
George, who is sitting to Y/N’s right, hands over the brightly colour box, trying to hide his excitement and nerves. “Here you go Y/N, happy birthday.”
The box feels heavy in Y/N’s grasp as she places it in her lap tearing off the wrapping paper. Y/N glances around, noticing everyone’s eager eyes on her. She sees Angelina nudge Alicia’s side smiling at each other knowingly. Y/N furrow her brows, slightly confused then draws her attention back to the box. She ripped off the paper carefully and uncover a brown box, no hints as to what is inside.
“Oh my god, hurry up and open it the suspense is killing me!” Fred says impatiently, George whacks him across the head telling him to shut up.
Y/N take off the lid and immediately her mouth gapes open finally seeing what’s inside. She shakily lifts the film camera out of the box and hold it so gently as if it’s made of diamonds and gold.
Small tears prick in Y/N’s eyes, shocked and surprised at George’s gift, it looks exactly like the one her mother had.
She manages to squeak out a small, “you remembered?” referring to the first conversation they had 3 years prior.
George has a small smile etched onto his lips. “Of course I did, I remember everything you tell me. I take a lot of pride in knowing everything about you actually.” He says, puffing his chest out proudly.
“Yeah like what?” Y/N cradles the camera in her arms.
“Well,” George starts. “I know that you hate the smell tequila because it reminds you of your 18th when you spent most of the night by the toilet. I know that you can’t sleep if the room is dead quiet. I know that you love buying plants but can never seem to keep them alive. I know you never wear matching socks because you think it’s a fun way to spice up an outfit.” He finishes smugly.
Alicia and Angelina let out a small aww in the background reminding Y/N of the 4 other sets of eyes watching her and George right now.
“Well there’s one thing you don’t know about me.”
“Yeah? What’s that then?” George counters.
Y/N doesn’t know where she musters up the courage from to speak the next words, maybe from the alcohol buzzing through her body or finally being sick of keeping this to herself for the past 3 years. Whatever it may be, she’s rather proud of herself, ignoring the way her stomach churns.
“That I have a huge crush on you.”
She expected George to laugh in her face before rejecting her gently. What Y/N definitely didn’t expect was him to cradle her face in his large hands, pressing a sweet but passionate kiss to her pink lips. She squeaks in surprise before melting into the kiss, gripping onto his shirt tightly, scared he would slip away.
Much to Y/N’s dismay George pulls away from the kiss tucking a strand of her hair back behind her ear, “no I knew that too.”
“Wha-how?” Y/N stutters.
The attention is pulled to Alicia as she begins to speak, “it wasn’t much of a secret babe. Everybody knew you were crushing on George. Can’t believe it took either one of you so long to do something about it.”
“Little Georgie here spent months trying to find that camera for you as a way to confess his undying love for you.” Fred reaches over and ruffles his twin’s hair who shoves him off.
“Yep, we were all so bloody excited for you to open his presents so you two can stop pining over each other.” Lee adds downing the rest of his drink then standing up. “Right, now the two love birds have finally confessed their feelings. Who’s up for a round of beer pong? Reigning champion here has yet to be defeated.”
“You’re on Jordan, that ego of yours has gotten large enough.” Fred challenges, everyone moving over to the table to set up for beer pong. Leaving Y/N and George alone on the couch.
George wraps his lanky arm around Y/N’s shoulder pulling her into his side, “I hope you’re enjoying your birthday bunny.”
Y/N grins widely, playing with her new camera before lifting it up and aiming it at George. “best birthday ever Georgie, thank you.” She squeezes the button down, snapping a picture of George who is staring at her like she’s the only person in the world.
Y/N is very content with being a background character, she’s quite used to it actually. But for once she doesn’t mind being the centre of someone’s undivided attention.
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iscribble · 4 years
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pairing | youtuber!renjun x student!reader genre(s) | fluff, slice of life, strangers to potential lovers, college au word count | 1.8k summary | you’re always the type to be punctual, so it takes you by surprise that you’re willing to give up your time for something else - someone else, rather; a stranger.  author’s note | havent written in so long that i just had to put something out there. im really sorry for being so inactive! :( 
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An extended but lonely crack slithers down the bathroom mirror, grazing your reflection on the glass that is opaque with moisture. Through the corner of your eye you perceive one-fourth of the aged, spreading tree outside your apartment whenever the old creaking door swings open with the wind. The quiet—but prominent—plop of the water that leaks through the apertures on the pipe hits your ears, and it is only after a while that you find it fills the little space between your toe and the tip of your shoe. The leak doesn’t bother you though. Neither does the crack, nor the random wind gusts. A yellow lip balm bounces in your palm, cap greasy from applying too much on your finger. You would exchange a mere lip balm for a heat pack, but you put it on anyway. The harsh cracks on your lips are now tucked away underneath a tacky layer of cream, and you find it amusing how easily it wears away. 
You are late, for the first time in months. Nothing really bothers you as much as glancing at the clock and seeing its hands where you least expect them to be.
In your defense, it was an afternoon class. You don’t usually have afternoon classes unless your professor needs to reschedule, which, inevitably, resets your agenda for the rest of the day. You, on the other hand, are not used to rescheduling. So when you can’t feel the warm shaft of sunlight skim across your eyelids, instead, only the feeling of cold air brushing past your skin and the faint sound of your alarm, you jolt awake, guilty of sleeping in. You try not blame yourself though—this doesn’t happen everyday and you are still not used to it. 
The station is disposed with a boring facade and a duller interior. The giant vintage clock shows 15:18. The three seater bench still holds too many people.  There is that man with the navy-coloured down jacket behind the counter, uninterested in the regulars who flock to their respective platforms. These are the same sequences, the same faces, like people are helpless boats going with the current. You scrunch up your nose, admitting you are one of them too. 
You make your way inside the train, opting to sit near no one else. It takes a while for you to settle down, but when you do, you catch someone looking at you. Harbor gray coat, brown hair, black mask. You don’t recognise him anywhere on campus. You think maybe he attends one of the afternoon classes, but you don’t assume further. 
You leave the train with a spring in your step, but not out of enthusiasm. The familiar crisp white frontage of the building comes into view, your heart skipping a beat as you think of the worst that could happen upon stepping inside the lecture hall. One strap of your tote slides down your shoulder, and just as you are about to pick it up, the other strap goes loose and drags your bag down with it. A couple of coloured pens roll out, you grumble to yourself and crouch down to stop them from rolling any farther. You fail at this, when you turn around to pick up a blue pen and realise that someone else beat you to it. The stranger from the train. 
“Got it,” he chuckles, and you feel embarrassed. He returns your pen, but his eyes don’t stop at your hands. His gaze lowers a short distance, you’re almost sure he’s looking at the brick road beneath you, but you’re not really sure why. When you stand back up he vaguely shakes his head, like he’s been thinking about something else, but you don’t miss it.  
“Thank you,” you say, too fast that it almost sounds insolent. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he returns with a smile behind his mask. “I’m Renjun, by the way.” He extends his hand for you to shake. What’s he doing? Why's he acting like he’s about to proceed with an interview or something?
You learn that he really does want to “interview” you. “I’m a youtuber,” he informs. It is only then that you realise someone else is standing behind him, occupied with a camera. 
“Oh,” you eventually reply, but nothing else. He waits for the typical “that’s cool!” but you are too quiet, Renjun can practically hear someone making a fuss about her peppermint hot chocolate being too hot in the distance. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? It’s for a youtube video.” He speaks up. You say nothing at first. Your fingers that hide underneath the rib-knit cuff curl into a ball. You feel the crack that litters your lower lip flaunt itself, the thick lip balm that conceals it long gone. You seem even more conscious of your worn out shoes that somehow feel damper than they already are. Putting your weight on one leg, you try your best to decline him in the most mannerly way possible. 
“I’m really sorry but I’m actually late to class.”
You can’t see his smile but you know it falters. His glasses droop a little, you see the red marks on the bridge of his nose. “I see.” Is all he says. He looks back at his friend and shrugs. “Thank you, anyways.” Your stomach churns. You don’t want to be the reason he leaves empty handed, yet he is leaving, empty handed and all. Somehow, your concern for punctuality slowly withers away.
“No, wait,” you catch his fingers just before he turns the other way. He winces. Not because of the sudden swell of your voice, but because your hands are a little too cold. You steal a glance at the watch on your wrist. 15:32. Renjun finds your eyes. He doesn’t say it, that your hands are too cold, but he takes them in his own, warming them up. Strangely enough, your whole body heats up at the gesture. 
“Class can wait, whatever. What’d you want to ask me?”
Renjun’s eyes all but light up. He signals for his friend to start filming. “Alright, a few questions about college, I’m going to try and guess your major.”
“Oh, that’s new,” you raise an eyebrow. “Did you come up with the idea?”
“Nah,” Renjun laughs, he brings up a hand to push his hair back. “Just following a trend.”
15:33. You nod. “Alright, go on.”
You notice a few things about Renjun. The way he speaks, like you’ve known each other for a long time. The way his hair isn’t exactly brown, rather russet, a little red. When you look closer into his eyes, you see they match his hair. You wish you could see his lips, see if they’re as cracked as yours, if he puts lip balm on a little too much, but the black mask he wears that almost reaches his eyes tells you it’s too early for that. Perhaps, if he lowers the article just a few inches, you’ll understand that the circles beneath his eyes mean that he’s equally as tired as you. He asks you questions, not rushed, and though you are definitely late to class, you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore.
“Might have an idea,” he looks to the camera tentatively, then back to you. “Chemistry?”
“You’re good,” your compliment reaches his ears. “How’d you guess?”
Renjun punches the air in glee as if he won the lottery. “Honestly, couldn’t get a single clue from what you said. But I saw your Analytical Chemistry book peeking out from your tote when it fell.” 
“Whoops, my bad.” You share a laugh. 
“And as a thank you for the—” he scrutinizes his watch, “—five minutes I just took from your time, this is for you.” A heat pack. You didn’t know how much you needed one until your hands reach for the item almost immediately.
15:38. You squeeze the pad as heat begins to radiate from it. Renjun’s friend lowers the camera as soon as you’re done filming, and it is then that Renjun seems like he has something else on his mind.
“Uhm,” he half-whispers. You look at him, confused. “Your shoes.”
You know what he means. Your shoes leave ambiguous trails of dirt, just slightly. Renjun notices it though. Your shoes are rather soggy, like they were deliberately dipped in water. Traces of soil scatter the outsole, centimetres up and you’ll see a small patch of fabric, sewn on to cover the hole that’s exposing your toes. You tremble slightly, bringing your right foot behind your left in an attempt to hide it from him. No one has ever pointed it out.
“Oh. They’re old, but, they work.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he scoffs lightly. “Let me buy you new ones.”
“No.” You realise that comes out too abruptly. “Please, that’s really unnecessary.”
“You’re late to class,” he reasons with you. “At least let me make it up to you.” The obscure rift on your bottom lip bleeds a little. You like to bite it whenever you feel nervous. Renjun reaches for his phone in the pocket of his ivory trousers and hands it to you. 
“We can go over the details through text,” he subtly looks at his friend, wanting to know if the gesture is okay. “If you don’t mind, of course.”
15:40. You give in. Your fingers are stiff—you realise you’re giving your number to a stranger, so you take some time to secretly ponder over the situation, although you hate to admit Renjun feels more like a new friend. He sends you a message once you give him his phone back just to make sure you get his number. 
“Thank you,” you smile at him. “That’s really kind of you.”
You hesitate before a hand comes up to wave at him and his friend, though the heat pack is still crushed between your fingers. Renjun pulls his mask down for the first time, and it would be weird to say you were waiting for it. For his smile. You can perceive through the white fabric whenever it shifts that he is smiling underneath there, but now it’s irrefutable, the evidence that he actually is smiling, and you’re glad that’s the last thing you see before the customary sight moulds into view, once again. 
If someone had told you this morning that you’d be willing to sacrifice your punctuality for a stranger, you’d knock some sense into them. But as you stand before the doors to the lecture hall, phone in your grip as you stare at the cerulean waters you fancy as your lock screen, no, rather, the notification that overlays it “let me know when you’re in class, i feel responsible lol”, the unusual feeling that blooms inside your chest reminds you that you could live a little less orderly and a little more self-willed.
You’re thirteen minutes late. Though now, nothing really bothers you as much as not being able to concentrate in class because he’s all you can think about. 
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hyxxngwxn · 3 years
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kpop imagines: chaeyoung - stress over school work
requests open
type of image: fluff
currently, yourself and chaeyoung where walking back from college. you had recently been developing a crush on her but felt as if you couldn’t make that your priority as you had to focus all of your energy on revising for you sociology exam at the end of the week.
chaeyoung was in your sociology class and you didn’t know each other before college started. she asked if she could sit next to you and of course you said yes after seeing how beautiful she was. a little over a month later, you realised you liked her.
as of now you where coming up to your street which made you kind of nervous as she had never been to your house before. and that on top of the stress from the sociology exam coming up, you felt like you where being crushed with the pressure.
when you got to your house, you both immediately went to the study room as you needed to recap everything.
“i dont get any of these theories. they are all shit how am i meant to think of a positive for them.” you said, slamming your head onto the desk giving out a little sob as you cried. you often cried when overwhelmed.
seeing your stress, chaeyoung immediately got up and came around to you to give you a comforting hug, you felt so safe in her arms.
“hey its okay, we can take a break and work though it. do you wanna go to the living room for a bit?” chaeyoung said to which you nodded, following her to you living room.
“to be fair, im a bit stressed to, but not because of the sociology. do you mind if i tell you why?” chaeyoung asked and of course you let her speak. “y/n i really like you.like as in more then a friend.”
you couldn’t believe it, she liked you? you had a crush on her but you never thought of a reality where she could like you back. it felt so surreal.
“wait really? i really like you too.” you said, crying again, this time from happiness.
chaeyoung laughed as she wiped your tears and kissed you on the lips. now you were much less stressed.
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dylanxmin · 4 years
painkiller ∣ 5 ∣ j.hs
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breakups are habitual, ordinary maybe even easy for some other people, and maybe it could be easy for you, too, if you haven’t been dumped by your boyfriend after finding out that you were pregnant. no, it wasn’t easy even a bit. and a stranger who wants to be your side doesn’t make this all easy for you, at all.
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pairing; jung hoseok x reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, pregnancy au, strangers to lovers au, single!mom au, slice of life au,,
warnings; little high on angst, swearings, mention of abortion, mention of adoption, mention of miscarriage, unedited(rlly sorry about this)
word count; 5k+
rating; nc17
a/n; heyyy, it’s been a month since i last update this story and i only blame my finals, my sudden lost of muse, and some side effects of my life but there it is, freshly served, angsty episode!! ion know how did this come out but im feeling positive for the next episode! so,,,, hope you all enjoy reading this part, and as always, i do really appreciate a little comment soooo... lol, love y’all  ♡
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taglist; @xxluckydreamsxx​ ,, @parkminhee​
∣ send me an ask if you want to be on the tag list ∣
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‘‘Yes, can we have a brief explanation about the story of our current project?’’ 
‘‘Miss Y/N?’’ 
Light, red and yellow mixes and crushes down when something hard nudges at your shoulder and brings you the reality. Shake of your body startles Namjoon, who was nudging your shoulder to wake you up. Pairs of eyes currently stares at you, wide, curious and surprised, too, as no one expects you to fall asleep in the middle of an important meeting. But, you did anyway. Surprising yourself with such an action, yet you lost control of your sleep schedule way before this meeting, so you weren’t that ashamed as the sleep still lingers around your head. 
Blinking, blinking, blinking for a couple of times before your vision loses its blur, and the faces look way better to your own eyes. Shock still fresh on their faces, a weird sound rises by your throat as you try to clean it before talking. Namjoon holds his laugh back, but you can see it in the redness of his cheeks and the veins that struggle under his skin. 
‘‘I-’’ you clear your throat, once again as it comes hoarse from sleeping. ‘‘I’m sorry, can you say it again?’’ Mr. Lee stares directly into your eyes, he opens his mouth but closes again. And you know you will try to drown yourself in the sink if the corner of his mouth hasn't curled up. 
You sigh, before he asks again, and listens to your explanation. You try to keep it smooth, and once you start to talk about your work, all the sleep leaves your head, enthusiasm fills it place. 
You love your work. Falling asleep doesn’t mean the opposite. 
‘‘I swear to god if you won’t stop laughing, Kim-’’ 
‘‘But..- but you told the story of our new game, drool drying on your chin, with such an enthusiastic manner.’’ Namjoon’s giggles cut himself, palm hangs in the air, other on his knee. A manager who is in his thirties enjoys his coworkers suffer, laughs his lungs off. Such a mature man. You sigh, hand curled around the cup full of water for you to go to the bathroom after. Countless times. 
Fingertips pinching the tip of your brows, you stand on the kitchen side of your office. Shame still red on your face, you barely able to hold yourself back from either crying or smashing the cup on your friend’s head. Which, you like the last option very much. It’s a shame that you possibly couldn’t do that here. Maybe later, on one of your movie nights. 
‘‘I think it was cute, though.’’ the man in his much more formal clothes rather than his usual sweatpants and his shirt enters the kitchen side. Brown hair brushed neatly on the left side, his features look good. ‘‘Don’t pressure yourself anymore. I’m sure they are used to these things.’’ 
‘‘Thank you for helping my self-reliance to gather itself, but I don’t think it’s that simple, Damien.’’ imitating his smile, even though it’s more faint then he has, you sigh once again. Taking a spot on the table, you let your head fall on it. ‘‘I was literally drooling all over myself. Ugh… such a mess.’’ 
Another laugh escapes by Namjoon’s lips, but he pats your head also. ‘‘Damien is right. You know Jihoon and Yeona will be cool about this.’’ 
You scoff. ‘‘Yeah, but I don’t refer to them by their first names as they are the Ceo’s of this company. Like you,’’ 
‘‘Then you shouldn’t refer to me with my name, too, as I’m your boss.’’ an annoying smirk alive on his mouth, he swipes his body on the table. Gulping down his coffee, his stares never leaves you. Something hot, almost burning coils in your chest. Reminding you red, as you stare at him back. Mouth wrinkled, your breath felt heavy. 
It was anger and you didn’t know how to pressure it back where it came from. Even before your pregnancy, you weren’t good with handling your emotions, but now. With so many hormones not knowing what to do, you were even worse. Sudden crying sessions, constant fury always ready to burst out, and the sneaky, dark anxiety getting you at the worst moment, where you were alone and in the dark. It was hard, and too much. Even before being pregnant, and while being pregnant. You weren’t good with them. 
‘‘You know what, I decide not to cook for you anymore.’’ heartbreak flashes in Namjoon eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest. ‘‘You can buy your own chicken breast from somewhere and eat that shitty sauce.’’ 
‘‘Ouch..’’ Damien who is currently watching the cold vibrations coming from you, stays silent after your gaze lands on him. He is scared, and not ready to be the next target of your stinging tongue. Though, it doesn’t last that long. 
Once you see the tremble of Namjoon’s lips, and his hug follows his sorry’s, your coldness melts away. Shame creeps back, sits heavy as you lower your head on the table. But before you can dive in your bad scenarios in your head, brutal yet familiar bickering starts when Nara enters the kitchen, after she takes her place on the table. Her nose crinkled with disgust while waiting for Namjoon to end his insults, only to throw another to him. Damien tries to cut them off, but it’s useless as he gives up and rests his back on his chair. Hesitant stares gather on you, only to tear them apart while you pretend like you didn’t notice. 
Yet, you don’t want to suffocate yourself with your thoughts, you raise your head, eyes meeting with the brown haired man. Because you don’t and probably can’t break that cold war between your friend and Nara, you find your escape on Damien. 
‘‘So, we have to prepare a meeting for you to put a suit on?’’ cocking your brow high, you ask. His surprise fades after a moment of waiting. Maybe because you aren’t the warmest person or because of the effect of your friends that filled your head with the idea of him having some feelings for you, you never attempt to talk with him first. Not that he isn’t a decent man, but more likely, you weren’t into him and did not want to make a wrong move. For him to get the wrong idea. 
But maybe you are being stupid for believing your delusinal friends about his feelings, and he just wants to be friendly. Though, it’s good to not risk anything, right?
‘‘Suits just not my type, and also, who is wearing these other than him?’’ Damien points Namjoon, who is in a deep, hurtful conversation with your other coworker. You tear your eyes from him to land on Damien once again, his smiling this time. Wide, eyes imitating it. ‘‘Also, doesn’t it hurt your feet? You weren’t wearing heels for a long time.’’ 
After he mentions it, your feet start to pulse with pain. Embarrassment clouded all over your other senses, but his words bring them back. And you wrinkle your face in pain. Of course, it hurts. How it won’t hurt while your feet try to set themselves free by growing bigger inside of its cage and the process isn’t an easy one. Though, these whining are the last thing for your coworker to hear so you simply go with a soft smile. 
‘‘Yeah, a bit but nothing I can’t handle.’’ 
‘‘Oh okay then. Good to hear.’’ he leans closer, eyes gleaming like a child in his pre-mischievous stage. ‘‘Just in case, I have a pair of nice sneakers waiting in my closet. All comfy and less deadly.’’ 
Mirroring the act, you also get close to him. Palm covering the side of your curled mouth, ‘‘I will consider it, but why are you acting like you were selling drugs?’’ whispering the half of your words, you cocked your head aside, watching his face wrinkle due to his growing smile. And seeing him from this side, you realise how good looking he is. Radiant smile adds more point to his charisma as he does, eyes narrow but curls cutely on the ends, and for a second you just stare at his side profile. His spotless skin dips on the cheek as his dimple wants to show off. Thankfully, when he starts to talk the silvery sheet goes away, to your luck. 
‘‘Well, we won’t want other heel wearers to come at my desk for my fancy shoes, right?’’ 
Nodding, you point your finger at him as if he made a good point. ‘‘I see… Of course we wouldn’t want that, of course.’’ 
After the short break, everyone turned in their work the same as you. And you find yourself so tired after talking about the details of the story of your current game with Heejin. Trying to find reliable reasons and motives is hard for some time, as you continue to work on the specific character’s choices in the game, and why and exactly how they should do is sometimes irksome even when you have someone who tries really hard to help you. Yet, you know you can’t put all the weight on Heejin’s shoulders as the poor woman barely had some sleep because of the pre-cold effect. 
When she sneezed for the fourth time in the last five minutes, you had to stop and be sure of her well being. Putting your palm on her clothed arm, you mimicked a smile to look sympathetic rather than annoyed. Even though you were a little bit. Thankfully, she doesn’t have to know that. 
‘‘I know I asked this before but are you sure you are okay? Maybe you should take a rest for the rest of the day. Obviously, you need some.’’ 
She looks hesitant at first, eyes widens at your words but she covers it with a faint smile and nods. ‘‘Oh, I’m okay, I’m okay. You don’t have to worry about me.’’ Heejin bites down her lip before continuing again. ‘‘Did I annoy you? I’m sorry, I just took a pill, so I think that will make me better in a couple of minutes.’’ 
‘‘No, no…’’ pulling your hands in the air, you shake your head in denial. It did bother you but not much for her to apologize for being sick. ‘‘I just wanted to check on you, I’m not… disturbed. It’s okay.’’ 
Your half reassurance works barely, as she tries to lower the voice of her sneezes after that. And everytime, a drip adds to your growing guilt. As Heejin is younger than you for three years, and you have been working here longer than her, it puts some stairs between you two and now with that, you fix the ice between you two. The ice that you have been trying to melt from the first day she was here, and now, thanks to your pregnancy hormones, it started to build once again. Not just with Heejin, but everyone around you was walking on eggshells around you as your rage came out of nowhere, so sudden that sometimes it even shocks you. But for a stupid reason - well, it’s not stupid as you are pregnant and that played with your emotions -, you couldn’t control the sudden change of your feelings. 
One second being calm and the other being tense did tire you for sure as senses flow through every nerve you have. Breathing exercises merely helped, and that led you to staying away from the people around you. As sometimes words come out rude before you can realise. And nobody deserves that kind of attitude, even the ones you know from your childhood. 
For that reason, you turned down Taehyung’s offer to come with you as you know that owing to his nature, he will do something silly to make you angry or stressed even when he does it with all his good intentions. Some days, even when you are in your usual state you can’t stop being bothered by him, and you had no intentions to taste it today. Which, nothing was normal in your current mental state, so that’s for the best. 
Driving past the now familiar streets, you learned a new thing: Driving with a jean without opening its button can be hard, as you have to undo the button while your stomach growls in need. While your stomach become visible, looking like you ate too much for your stomach to handle, sudden thirst for stupid cravings increased day by day. Sadly, it affected your friends as much as you. 
In the middle of night, you woke Yoongi up for him to get you apples, pickles for Taehyung and last but not least, ice cream for Namjoon. As your cravings decide to choose the oddest times, three of them find the solution to fill your fridge until there is no space left. Well, after you sat on your kitchen floor and cried they had to eat some of them with you, as they basically called you fat by doing that, and paid for it. For them, they just wanted to make sure you get what you want but at this point, what they thought barely mattered. 
‘‘Okay, that was tiring.’’ you whispered through your exhale, while parking the car. For the records, parking turned into a hell show for you as going further and back, further and back, further, further and back has your nerves strain like a string. Though, you never liked it anyway. You were ready to leave your car, but the ringtone of your phone cut the act. 
‘‘Hey, mom.’’ 
‘‘Nope. Your voice sounds the same, rather than I thought so.’’ sighing, you brushed your face by your palm. Words like a needle on the skin, your mother always knew how to use them. ‘‘Well don’t ‘ahhh’ at me. As we barely speak, I obviously expect to forget your voice, tell me if I’m wrong.’’ 
Nodding as if she is able to see you through the phone, you put your head on the wheel. She was annoyed as it was very clear by her high and thin tone. 
‘‘Yes, Ma’am.’’ your reply earned another high pitched warning from her so you had to calm her between your giggles. ‘‘Okay, okay… You’re right, Mama. I should call you more but you know work and everything keeps me busy. But I will try my best, promise.’’ 
‘‘Apology accepted. But even though I know you prefer to talk about work, and the video thing you adore talking about, I’m most likely interested in my baby’s baby. So, how’s the pregnancy going?’’ 
This is the exact reason why you didn’t call her more than you did. As she is very interested in your life and interior with it, of course pregnancy will be the same. And you couldn’t ignore the things you can as she will talk about them, will want to know about them and give some advice from her past experiences. Not that you will need any of them, but of course as you postponed everything, you did the same thing to this topic, too, and left your mother in the dark. You will run as far as you can. 
‘‘They called games, not video thing but it’s your choice.’’ while thinking of it itched your tongue, you swallowed all the tensing thoughts down, and ready yourself to talk. ‘‘And the… pregnancy is going good if we don’t count the constant eating, peeing, crying, being tired twenty-four-seven, not fitting in my favorite clothes and all the pain it put me through.’’ 
She laughs as if you just told the funniest joke she heard. Cocking your brows, you run through what you said to make her laugh this much to fail. 
‘‘Ohhh, my baby. Stop talking about this as the things are all bad. You have a baby in your belly, your baby. They will become your everything, and mostly good things because you will love them more than anything you can. Believe me, I could die in return for your laugh. A bubbly, vivid laugh. Ahh… remembering it made me soft, right now.’’ 
‘‘Trying to be unbiased about gender, I see?’’ 
‘‘Well, I don’t want to affect the baby.’’ 
Though you want so bad to ask how that could actually affect the baby, you stay silent. All the baby talk is already pulling you down, it is better if you can stay out of the gender topic as much as you can. Not that it mattered, you thought. 
‘‘What do you mean? Why it wouldn’t matter darling?’’ 
Clearly, you weren’t thinking, but murmuring under your breath as your mom heard it. When you hit your head on the wheel, the horn startles you both. Fixing your posture, you answered your mother’s hurried question. 
‘‘It was horn, I’m in the car. Yes, yes I’m okay, don’t worry. I’m at the hospital- No, no- Mom, for the appointment. Yes… yes, for the baby. I will talk to you later, okay? I will call, I promise- Yes, I promise. Okay, love you, too.’’ 
You sigh once again. A loud one. 
You do hate lying to the woman who would do anything you want, but you know she is not ready to lose her grandchild, yet. You are not ready for the speech you will receive, also. Not that it will be harsh or critical, you just are not ready to accept the whole thing. Yes, you still had problems with the whole pregnancy thing even though you made your mind with adoption. You still had thirty weeks to go, and that won’t go fast. Not in a normal time, or in the pregnancy. 
Head full of blurring thoughts, you missed the man who shakes his hand from afar. The black haired man’s smile faded as you passed by his side without sparing a glance. Too busy with thinking how to calm your mother after you give her the news. The news that she won’t have a grandchild anytime soon. Fuck… that’s gonna be hard. 
Well, maybe not hard as much as the door you decide to welcome it with your face rather than opening. A loud thud, and muffled curse under your breath, instinctively you checked your nose if there is more than the pain you feel, as there is no blood you calm down, shoulders drop their usual place. Apparently, you were conscious enough to lead yourself to the floor where your doctor’s office, past the stairs, and find his door but when it comes to open the door you fail. Tears sit on your eyelids at once as you close them due to the pain that crushes your sight. Trying to massage your nose bridge barely helps but giving it a try won’t hurt, you think. 
‘‘Oh my, are you okay?’’ from your closed and blurred eyesight, you can’t choose who is the one talking but his voice lets you know that he is your doctor, Seokjin. ‘‘I heard a loud thug but couldn’t understand it was a human until you groaned. Are you okay, you bumped your nose? Let me get a look at that.’’ 
Not forgetting to thank him while he guides you inside his office, now you are able to open your eyes and set the tears free as they go down. Seokjin sits you on the white sheeted chair, handles your head to go right and left as he scans your face and nose behind creased eyes. He looks really concerned, more than you, and somehow it puts you on a stage where you feel like you have to make him sure that you were okay and nothing was wrong. It still feels weird when someone gets concerned over you more than yourself, as who would care for someone more than one’s self so it’s still vague. 
‘‘I-I’m actually okay. I didn’t hit that hard as it sounds, it doesn’t even bleed so…’’ wry smile is all you offer him as your voice trails down when his eyes meet with yours, a bit keen rather than you thought they will. 
Seokjin sighs with a line between his brows but he lets go, and when he puts a decent distance between you and himself, professionalism settles in his features as he adjusts his tie. 
‘‘It does look okay, but make sure you put some ice when you can as it could leave a bruise behind.’’ he smiles, both sweet and very technically. As he practiced it for every client he had and now performing it without any difficulties. It looks natural. ‘‘So, tell me how are you feeling? You should still have the early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, sleep issues, and more likely they will hang around for a few more weeks. But it’s more important if you have a symptom that comes unnatural or unbearably painful for you?’’ 
After taking two deep breaths, you feel ready to give him a reply. Nose still throbs by the hit but it’s faint now. 
‘‘Uhm…- yeah, other than the ‘expected’ symptoms, I don’t feel like something is wrong, or not supposed to happen. No more painful urination, though I still need it frequently.’’ you grimace lightly as you share, shifting a bit. ‘‘But yeah, I’m okay.’’ you try to wipe the fresh embarrassment with the non glowing smile you had in your storage. Probably he should but you still don’t know if he needs to know that you choose adoption. As he is your doctor, and the one who is taking care of you and the baby, you know that he must know about it, but unpleasant eerie stops you from doing what you should.  
Old habits die hard, that’s for sure. 
‘‘Excellent. It’s good to hear that everything is going on it’s way, and today, as now you are in the tenth week of your pregnancy, I’m recommending you a genetic test in case there is any birth defect.’’ 
‘‘What is that?’’ even though Seokjin was done with talking, you utter so fast that it feels like you interrupted him, as you shut your mouth with wrinkled brows. It was just getting tiring day by day with all of these tests, things to do and not to do, being extra careful because you have another living creature in you to take care, more than yourself. No more selfish, damaging, stupid choices can be done as your body no longer belonged to you. At least not only to you and this was really, really tiresome. 
As he was expecting this, Seokjin comes up with some papers as you can understand them. ‘‘As I said before, it’s a test to acknowledge any kind of defect in the baby. These tests take two forms: screening tests and diagnostic tests. And a screening test tells you the likelihood that your baby could have a birth defect; a diagnostic test tells you with more than ninety nine percent certainty whether the baby has the disorder.’’ He explains more as you take the papers from him, scanning the words but they are almost identical as Seokjin continues with his further explanation. The blank eerie gets heavier and heavier the further he talks, and when he comes to the risks, it feels like your pulse palpitates on your throat. Tearing your eyes from the papers that sit on your lap, you stare at the man who is still talking. 
‘‘There is small risk of miscarriage, that’s why you need to carefully consider tha advantages and the disadvantages of these test before you make any decision, even it’s small.’’ 
A slap to the face, a weight falls on your stomach after Seokjin is done with his statement. Mouth hangs open, you stay still, silent as the Doctor waits patiently, now he is behind his desk, sitting his hands intertwined. As if he knows the new information would put a heavy dullness in you as he searches your every movement, yet you gave him hardly any. 
‘‘Do I… have to?’’ 
The idea of taking these tests would be tiring is there but the cause of your nausea is not just that. More likely, it’s the idea of losing something. Even though that something doesn’t belong to you because you never wanted it, and nothing has changed since then. Whether it's the guilt of knowing everything caused because of your recklessness, or it’s because you feel obligated to give the baby a good life due to your current maternal instincts - you hardly say you had one -, whether it’s beside you or far away from you, you feel the suffocating necessity. Even if the risk has one percent chance, you can’t take it. Maybe it’s odd to push your one percent chance to become free with the back of a hand, but that would be running away, and both of you already had one runner in your lives, and the baby wouldn’t need another. 
‘‘I know it sounds scary but you can take your time, you don’t have to do it now. You can search it a bit more about the cons and pros but I never had any problems with my former clients if you need any consolation. And you can always ask for me more.’’ 
Chewing your bottom lip, you still look at him in the eye like you need to give him an answer. You do trust your doctor but that doesn’t mean that you purposely rejected the idea of getting abortion while you deal with an unwanted pregnancy only to come across with a risk of miscarriage. Of course it is always there whether you do the test or not, but that's nearly a consolation. 
Nodding, you put all the papers in your bag before leaving the doctor’s office. Biding your goodbyes after ending with this week control. 
You come to the hospital with a dazed head, and you were going to leave it even more wrecked. But you just needed some air, somewhere to ease the wave of emotions that is going through your head. To catch your breath, you adjust your route to the cafeteria in the outdoors. Maybe, that could help you somehow. 
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Not temporarily, but taking fresh air in your lungs somehow helped you. The phone call you had with Taehyung while you were at the verge of tears, too, and you sit in the cafeteria during all of these. Mimicking the doctor's words to your friend and Taehyung had listened to you, hang on your every word as much as he can on the other side of the line. Tried to console you, said that things will be alright and nothing bad will happen as if he was as sure as his name. And momentarily, you believed him. Both because you needed it, and he was being a good friend and you didn’t want him to feel useless. 
For good or ill, now, your heart is resting in ease. 
Well at least it was until you see a glimpse of dark uniform in the corner of the wall, and then a familiar face you haven’t seen in a while. A smile that softly shaped as heart, causing your heart to palpitate fast but in a much different way than the news you learned today, or the idea of your mother's future disappointment. It’s more thrilling and in a way even scarier than the other two options. As the opposite of how familiar the face is, the reason for your heart going this insane was abrupt. Even odd when you think the very less time you spent with the owner of the familiar face, yet it was there, forcing you to gulp down, consume every emotion he forced you to feel. 
Contrary to what you expect - and you didn’t know why you were expecting him to be happy after seeing you - his face falls, the shape of heart shutters around his mouth. And to your shock, it put needles somewhere near to your chest. 
The last time you saw him, the atmosphere was intense as you shared things that normally you wouldn’t do with a partially stranger but with him even though feelings were gloomy, you weren’t uneasy. And to you, when he was consoling you, internalizing what you were telling him, he wasn’t disturbed. At least he didn't look like that. But, the more you size him up, the more you get sure of his strange disturbance. And it did burn. Smoke choked you down, and put tears on your eyes. Fucking pregnancy hormones…
Not aware of your action, you caught your hand in the air, in the middle of a shake as Hoseok greeted you by the tiny bow of his head. And expecting more cutted harsly, as a knife in the gut. 
Whether it’s because of your blind act, or whether he feels obligated, Hoseok comes closer to the table you were sitting, leaving the person behind he was talking to before he saw you. With every step, you breathe another air to gather your confidence a bit high, but it’s useless as your hands start to tremble under the table, fortunately away from his sight. 
‘‘H-hi,’’ no matter how much Hoseok tries to sound friendly, it’s not, and you can hear in his voice as it comes out broken. His eyes are still deep and candid but not glowing the way it fascinated you when you first saw him. Still, you greeted him with a tight smile, wave of your hand small. 
‘‘Take a seat-’’ pointing the available chair, you cut yourself to say something else. To correct your words. ‘‘I mean if you want… of course,’’ 
To your surprise, he holds the chair to adjust for him to sit on. But everything feels so forced and awkward that you can’t stop wondering if you said something to him and cause him to feel uncomfortable around you. Your brain works so hard to scan the memories of that day, but you fail to find something so disturbing to make Hoseok shift in his seat, a line between his brows and a noticeably insincere smile. 
It takes minutes for someone to talk first and scare the clouds away only for a moment. 
‘‘Are you waiting for your appointment or has it already finished?’’ 
‘‘Ah, yeah, it’s done. I just needed to take a moment and fresh air because…’’ your voice eventually trailed off as you realised he just asked to look friendly and probably doesn’t want to hear your whelming emotions anymore. ‘‘of stuffs, you know.’’ 
Hoseok nods, his mouth thin as a line, and even though it shouldn’t, it breaks your heart. Yes, this man owes you nothing, and of course he doesn’t have to sit there and listen to how sorry and depressed you feel over the things doctor Seokjin have told you, but it still hurts to see him this… joyless. The curiosity burns deep and wild as you desperately want to know what the hell you did to make him this anxious, but your mind barely helps as you wander in the empty field. 
‘‘I should probably get going-’’ 
‘‘It’s been a while-’’
Words clashing and drowning one another, silence takes over and Hoseok abruptly stops above his chair as he was about to leave before you parted him. And now he looks at you with wide eyes, fear in his chest growing big as your bottom lip trembles for only a second but he catches it. 
He sits back on his seat with hands on the air. ‘‘Oh, yeah, it’s been a while since we last saw each other.’’ he says but you know it’s out of pity, and you would rather die than crumbling under his gaze. So you shake your head with a false smile, though hammers work in your chest. 
‘‘Ah, don’t mind me. Go ahead, you are probably busy and have so much to do. So, you can leave, seriously.’’ 
‘‘No-, no, no, Y/N. I’m sorry, I want to stay and talk to you, really. I really am sorry for acting rude.’’ 
Maybe because the look on his face, or the warm tone of his voice, you decide not to pressure him to leave after you ask if he really wants it for a second time. But he nods and smiles, and this time it reaches his eyes, a hot pink blossoms in you. 
Though, before either of you can say anything, a touch at your back stops you. You hear the breathy voice before you turn your head. ‘‘Ahh, finally I found... you. Care to explain why you are-...not picking your phone?’’ 
And when you turn over, you see a panthing Yoongi. His hand on his knee and looks at you with concerned gaze. Then, they leave you only to land on the man on the other side of the table, and Yoongi’s eyes go wide. 
He extends his hand in a non-moving shake to the air. ‘‘Oh, hi. Sorry to butt in.’’ he stretches his hand towards him, the ghost of a smile appears on his lips. ‘‘It’s Yoongi,’’ 
Voice deep, and it takes long to draw out when the man in dark uniform mirrors the act. ‘‘Hoseok.’’ 
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liujinhee · 3 years
[ Kyuhyun/Reader ]
plotting an us (working title)
Word Count: 2,622
Summary: Art student y/n, theatre student Kyuhyun one shot
Uh, so this was supposed to be a y/n fic, but I think I gave the character so much personality that they qualify better as an OC? Haha... im sorry guys :')
There was little use in trying to reason with yourself why you travel two hours every weekend to the Penguin Ice cafe. Cafe menus were unreasonably expensive, and Penguin Ice was located in the heart of the city, where the population was far too saturated for your liking.
Then you hear the familiar voice saying the words Welcome to Penguin Ice cafe, and you know you'll be coming back next weekend regardless.
You walk straight up to the counter—even if you had a crush on one of the part timers, it didn't mean your judgement was clouded enough that you'd drop by during rush hour just to see him. At 4pm, the cafe was quiet, a few patrons scattered in different corners.
When Kyuhyun's gaze falls on you, his professional smile softens into one you now recognize as warm. “Single scoop of matcha and vanilla with sprinkled topping, having here?”
“Got it in one.” You return the smile, hoping it isn't too wide. The way your feelings tend to write themselves on your facial features has never done more good than harm thus far. Digging into your pocket, you hand him the bill; never the exact amount, if only for the selfish reason of wanting him to drop the change onto your open palm.
And he does. “Here's your change,” Kyuhyun sings in that merry tune you know by heart.
“Someone's in a good mood.”
He makes a show of scanning the bar, which currently only has him manning it, before leaning forward. He's not close enough that you feel his breath, but still close enough that your heart rate picks up as he tells you in a hushed whisper that fails to contain his glee, “It's payday.”
You snort at that, even though you already had your suspicions. Kyuhyun simply gives you a cheeky grin and wags his brows, seemingly pleased to have shared that little tidbit. Your hand twitches with the instinct to reach out and ruffle his hair, something you're not quite able to do to someone you can barely call an acquaintance. So you settle for a Congratulations, to which he bows dramatically, My heartfelt thanks, before twirling away to prepare your order.
He may be majoring in theatre, you think. Or at the very least, hold an interest in it. It's not the first time the two of you have exchanged words in such a manner, nor do you believe it'd be the last. As you watch him drop a generous scoop of ice cream into a cup, you wonder if you should ask him today. Something like, What school are you from? What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Do you want to catch the next musical that comes?
But they all feel like questions that'd make your existing dynamic awkward. In a way, you already consider Kyuhyun a friend, despite not knowing anything about him other than his name, which you got from his name tag, and that he only works on weekends, which is written on their blackboard under the Shifts section. 
Once again, you spend too much time overthinking, and your order is ready before you come to a decision, Kyuhyun extending the cup to you with a gentle hum. Your mumble of thanks matches the tone of his hum, and your feet bring you to your usual seat, empty as it always is. Customers aren't the biggest fans of seats by the entrance, after all; the constant opening and closing of the door can get annoying. It doesn't bother you, however. As much as you dislike crowds, you find comfort in the buzzing of human activity.
And, well, if the seat provides you a good view of the bar where Kyuhyun busies himself with cleaning up, that's just a really big bonus. Once you're satisfied with the angle of your chair, you bring out your pencil and sketchbook, flip to a fresh page, and begin sketching.
It's not always Kyuhyun. Scenery fascinates you, and you've long since lost count of the cityscape, the parks, the rivers that you've drawn from memory and imagination. But it's always when the imagination starts that Kyuhyun joins, somehow making his way into the scenery.
This time, you’ve sketched him barefoot by the beach, laughing as he splashes seawater up a silhouette with his foot. It’s an imagery that comes easily to you; Kyuhyun with his friends out having fun together. He seems like the type of person who is able to get along with everyone, and you're near certain he is.
You scribble down the date and your signature like you do on every piece of art, leaving out your name. The ripping of the page is quiet, barely audible over the music; the edges of the paper imperfect, but they always are. 
As you rest the paper under the now empty cup, you can't help but imagine how Kyuhyun would react to the sketch this week. He hasn't shared his thoughts on your sketches since that first time nearly three months ago, when you'd come to Penguin Ice with your friends for a birthday celebration.
I like the way you sketch, Kyuhyun had told you as he served the tray of sundaes ordered by your table. Art student?
Yeah, you'd answered after a moment of shock, watching how the man's eye was trained on the lines of your sketch. Understanding that it was genuine praise. Your eyes had fallen to his askewed name tag, committing his name to memory. And, um, thanks. He'd tipped his head in acknowledgement, set down your orders, and returned to his post.
Looking back, it might've seemed like nothing. But to the you back then who had been dealing with self doubt, the words of a stranger had been everything you needed to hear and more. While your friends chit chatted and ate, you'd done up a quick sketch of the cafe, and left it on the table with a short thank you note addressed to Cho Kyuhyun.
The next time you'd come, it had been because another friend was curious after seeing your post about the cafe before. Even then it had been Kyuhyun who took one look at you and went, Ah, the art student! Right? The memory of that moment still makes you chuckle now. It's in his recognition that Kyuhyun started becoming more than a part timer at a cafe in the city for you.
Now, as you wait for Kyuhyun to turn away and busy himself with cleaning before sneaking out of the cafe like a protagonist in a cliche romance drama, you wonder if this plot will ever advance, or if this is but a draft that will not live to see a happy ending.
It doesn't really serve as a surprise when you come across Kyuhyun at a local arts festival you are a participant of. You've thought about it, the what if. What does surprise you, is how you come across him.
There's an event pamphlet, of course, but you're also not the type of person who focuses on details like the musical cast names. It's not like any of them would ring a bell, since they're students. Except one of them does. You don't connect the dots at first, too tired from hours of live sketch after live sketch for customers. Then you hear it, his My heartfelt thanks, and the thought is formed.
Can it be? You reach into your back pocket for the pamphlet and flip to the musical lineup for today. Sure enough, printed in bold is the name Cho Kyuhyun along with a photo of him. Gods, does he look cute in casual wear. You're staring hard at his photo when he rips your attention back to him with his vocals.
While you wouldn't go as far as to call yourself a theatre enthusiast, it's not like you haven't been to musicals. You have, and you enjoy them when you do. Paid hundreds of bucks for a good three straight hour sitting of a show that'd live in your memories for decades to come. And when Kyuhyun sings, goosebumps rising along your arm midway through the first line, you know that's the kind of level he'd belong on in the near future. That's how good he is.
You're in awe, then you're in wonder, and then maybe, just maybe, you're falling in love with the theatre student and part time ice cream man Cho Kyuhyun. The sudden realisation startles you, but you accept it just as quickly. Little as you may know, it's enough for you to have developed feelings for him, and you feel it growing stronger every passing second in your mind. Your fingers itch with the need to capture this moment forever in the form of a painting.
Then the musical comes to an end, the cast coming together, hands joined as they bow their thanks while the audience reciprocates with thundering applause. Your eyes are still on Kyuhyun as the curtain falls, but you're certain he hasn't seen you in the dark. Nor would he know or have reason to be looking out for you.
You're out the moment you're able, zigzagging through the night crowd back to your post in a rush. It's not that you're late to return, nor will your neighbor mind even if you were. You simply need to pick up a pencil right now and bring to life the visuals buzzing in your head. It's been a while since you've felt this adrenaline rush under your skin. 
This is going to be a masterpiece.
You drown yourself in the canvas, skipping your weekly visit to the Penguin Ice cafe for the first time. There's only one reason for it: you don't want to override the memory of seeing Kyuhyun on the stage. A side you've never seen before, a temporary skin he wears so well one may be fooled into thinking it is his own.
There's a moment when you wonder if you'll ever finish the painting—each time you think you're quite about done, the paint setting for the last time, there's something new to add or to revise. You want to make it perfect, but in art, nothing ever is. Still, it is through willpower that you drop the brush for good, stepping back to take a good look at your painting.
It's… well, there’s no other way to say it: it's the man you saw on stage that night. It’s as close to what you wanted to express as you think it can get. The desire, the urge to convey your admiration for Kyuhyun grows overwhelming, and you rush to hold down on the power button of your phone. It’s 7:12pm on a Sunday. Which means there’s a good chance Kyuhyun will be there. They close at 10pm on weekends… can you make it?
It's worth the risk, you decide. You've got to be stupid at least once in your life (or many, but that's not how the saying goes, see). You wrap up the canvas carefully, yelling to your parents that they don't need to buy your share for dinner later, and rush out the second you feel presentable enough for public appearances.
Kyuhyun stares at you unblinking, and you do the same. It's easy to get lost in the reflection you see in them—and he blinks, light returning to his eyes.
“Hey,” he greets, but behind it you sense the question.
“Hey,” you return between pants.
“We're closing,” he says slowly, as if you can't tell from the flipped chairs and cluttering of washed utensils, “But if you're okay with on the go, I can bring out the tubs.”
You shake your head wildly before Kyuhyun can go grab said tubs. “That's not why I'm here.”
When you don't elaborate, he nods once and prompts, “Okay… So you're here to…”
“Pass you something. I can wait till you're off work. If you don't mind, I mean.” You're babbling, and you just know your face is a deep shade of red from nerves and embarrassment. To his credit, Kyuhyun doesn't judge despite his wrinkled brows, and gestures in the direction of your usual seat. So that's where you head. And you wait, your mind too crowded and thoughts so jumbled that you blank out until someone taps you on the shoulder.
“I'm done here,” he says, but now your brain short-circuits for a different reason. Kyuhyun in a plain t-shirt and shorts with a bag slinging across one shoulder shouldn't be anything worth ogling over, but it is. Even more so than the photo you'd seen on the pamphlet. You struggle to remember how to string words together and give him an answer, digging into your backpack for the thing you're here to hand him but can't quite remember what.
Then your fingers brush against the cloth holding your canvas, and you're reminded of your purpose. Right. With your heart slamming against your chest, you carefully pull out the painting you spent a week on, all while watching for any changes in Kyuhyun's expression. He has that cute frown that suggests he's confused, and you bite back a smile as you extend the canvas in an offering.
“For me?” 
The laugh breaks free from you as he accepts it with a cautiousness you've never seen. “
“Is there… something here?” He wonders aloud, gesturing between the two of you. His question is innocent enough, but then you see the way he's nibbling on his lower lip, the way he's peeking at you from under his long lashes—why are they so long anyway, you briefly wonder.
“An empty space,” you quirk, still somewhat afraid to take the leap, but unwilling to leave his question hanging in the air. 
Kyuhyun is instantly right by your side, the sleeves of your t-shirts brushing against each other, his body heat radiating off him this close. You feel yourself stiffen before you relax, easily growing used to this new lack of distance.
“So that's fixed,” Kyuhyun says after four beats of silence. “Anything else?”
“Hmm,” you hum to stall time as you think of other quirky answers to give, but it seems that isn't something Kyuhyun is willing to take a second time. His steps grow wider as he makes to stand in your way, forcing you to look up at him. He isn't exactly tall per say, perhaps a 1.8, but you're simply leaning toward the other end of the spectrum. 
He smiles, small and shy and hopeful. “It'd be really embarrassing if I'm reading this wrong, but are you interested in me the same way I'm interested in you?”
And now it's you who's worrying your lower lip, question after question clogging up your mind about all the things you can say that will ruin any possibility of the two of you—Then you look at Kyuhyun again, and realise the man’s likely feeling the same, to some extent.
Licking your dry lips, you decide to go for it. “If by that you mean—” you swallow before you're sent into a coughing fit because of your salivary glands, “—The I want to hold your hand on a date kind of interested… then yes.”
“Who said anything about dating?” he teases, and before your brain even registers the words for you to feel disappointed, he continues, “I think we should start with self introductions first, shouldn't we? After all, I still don't know your name.”
“Okay then.” Kyuhyun clears his throat, his posture tall and grand before he gives a graceful bow, hand extended. “Would you do me the honor of exploring the potentials in this budding relationship?”
It seems like the plot is moving forward, after all.
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randomsevans · 4 years
Pain of being in love part 3
Original apart of @jtargaryen18 #30daysofchris2020
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Two weeks had dragged by as you felt like an empty shell going day by day . You hadn't spoken to anyone apart form Scott ,you haven't left the house unless it was for a good reason. You would constantly forget to eat so Scott became like your own personal chief.
And all this because the time had finally arrived where your love for chris was outshone by his own love for someone else .
Scott had told you that Lisa and Minka have been planning a engagement party much to chris dislike as he sees the announcement as an engagement party .
Chris had tried to call you but you always let it go to voice mail as it was probably an invitation to the party next Saturday. You really didnt want to go . The pain in your heart was begaing you not to as it cant take anymore hurt . But you knew as being the brothers best friend and a family friend you need to go . Because as much as it hurt you . You know that this will make Chris happy and you need to be happy for him even tho you are dying inside .
It was the day before the party so the Friday and some how Scott had managed to get you out of your bed and house only to be in his house on his couch . Currently eating too much mint chocolate chip ice cream along with this stuiped movie Scott forced you to watch
Love Rosie .
"How fuckin ironic "
You knew that Scott put picked this movie on purpose . Whether it was for the both of you to make fun or the movie like you usual do or let you watch it because it was so fuckin relatable. Either way you too had ended up watching the movie in silence with a few mumbles about food or if one was getting up or not and even a giggle or two when Rosie was struggling with a new born .
It had got to the part of the wedding and oh by god how you related to it . Rosie speech on how she loves him no matter where he is or who hes with .. your heart was yelling someone gets it . You were stuck in your own your head focusing on Rosie words until Scott spoke up.
"How ?" He ask
"What ? " you were confused and faced him as he faced you turning his body as the movie played in the back ground .
"How , when, why ?" He stared directly into your eyes with the soft blue shade he shares with his brother
"What ? " you asked again
"When did you begin to have feeling for my brother and why ... and how much because not to be mean but iv never seen you like this not ever so his engagement clear has affected you " he said softly
You hadn't yet actually spoken the words I love your brother to Scott or I'm in love with him to be more exact but Scott had guest it never asked about it until now .
You were silent for a moment thinking ... well more like your head was empty of thoughts you just liked the silence.
"Who said I have feeling.... "
"Y/n " Scott cut you off
You shift in your seat turning to face Scott legs cross over each other and hands in your lap looking down .
"I .. I had always had a crush on him you know ... who didnt " scott hummed in agreement
"But do you remember that day when I...was ment to have my first date but he never showed up "
Once again Scott hummed
"Well Chris picked me up... and he tried cheering me up .. and it worked "
You glanced up a Scott who looked softly at you as your eyes hot glassy . You looked back down to your hands as there stared nervously fiddling with the ends of the blanket that was wrapped around you.
"Well we were at a dinner ... and do you know in movies it like you have loved someone and you always new . Well it wasnt like that ... "
You took a deep breath.
"I hit me .. like a truck ... he was sitting at the other side of the table... and it hit me everything flooded I... love him but not just that . Because I love you ."
That caused Scott to scoffed as if ' I know you do who doesnt '
"It was more ... well more like a different type of love ... or more like . I was in love in love with him ."
You glance up at the ceiling letting the tears sink back into your eyes as you shake your head .
"I AM in love with him "
You looked at Scott who now had tears in his eyes ..and red showing he was trying to hold them back .
"And I think I always will . "
You were both silent for a seconde
"No matter where he is ... or who hes with a will always love him "
That caused you both to giggle as you made your way into Scotts open arms
"Quoting are we " he chuckled as your head landed on his chest as his arms wrapped around you .
"Well you know me "
You heard him sniff as you felt a tear drop into your hair .
"Oh .. god ... how have you kept it in for so long... that was like ... .... we were 14 or 15 fuck how ? Why ?" He said softly as tears clouded his voice .
"I didnt say anything or do anything because he will never and has never felt the same I'm... im like a sister to him ...in a weird way... and I'd never deserve him ....."
You left your head and looked at Scott .
"And at the same time I realised iam in love with him I also knew nothing would become of it because... " tears bow fell down your eyes .
"Because it was better to have both of you in my life then not to have neither of you ... and I wasnt willing to risk it ..... and I knew ... I knew this time would come .... but it dosnt stop .... it doesn't stop it hurting " you couldn't help but let it all out as you tucked your self back into Scott
He placed a kiss in your hair
"Your a silly one ain't ya ..... I will always be here you know that " he said softly
"You do know that right ?"
You just nodded as your tears drained his shirt .
You stood at Lisa front door with Scott by your side much like that dreaded day three weeks ago . You were in a blue floral dress in small pumps waiting patiently as you heard the party already up and ready with in .
"Its not late to turn back " Scott whisper in your ear just before the door swang open. To reveal Minka at the door with a giant smile and an even bigger diamond on her left hand . That had somehow made your heat beat pain through out your veins.
"It is now " you whisper back before putting a wide fake smile on
"Minka .... contagralations " you tired your best not to sound bitter you really did .
"Y/n right ? " she asked looking you up and down . You just nodded your head
She was about to speak again when Chris practically ripped the door hinges off as he opened the door wider . As his eyes landed on you there grew and his month hung open as he let out a deep sigh . Making your heat beat fast instead of the numb feeling it has had over the last three weeks .
"Y/n " was all he said a small whisper .
You and Chris eyes were locked missing the fallen smile of Minka as she looked between the two of you here eyebrows knitting . While Scott had a small smirked placed on his lips due to Minka reaction
"Chris I thought we agreed I'd do the door " Minka snapped at chris . Breaking his eye contact with you . To glance at Minka for a split seconde
"Um yeah sorry " he said quickly and looked back deep into your eyes , with the softest blue shade "I... I just heard her name ..." he sighed and he said it slowly and softly . He tilted his head almost like a child went there feelings are hurt . "I haven't..... I havnt see you ... heard form you ... I tried calling but ..I always ... "
"I was busy " you cut him off
Before chris could answer or even process what you said , Lisa pops her head at the other side of the door
"What are you all doing out here ! ... come on come in "she took at step back with a wide smile , as you stepped in .
She pulled you in to a tight high as she always does "isn't this amazing.... finally get to celebrate my boy with hes wife to be "
You closed your eyes as your rested your chin on her shoulder and sighed "it sure is "
You took a step back and put on the widest smile .
What you didnt know was as you were facing momma Evan's. Two blue eyed boys looked at you with soften eyes but both for different reasons .
"Come on let's join the others " lisa said to all of us.
"I couldn't agree more Mrs Evan's " minka replied
"How many times Lisa or even better mom " lisa laught her and Minka walked side by side to the garden
"Ma! " chris said .
"What she will be my daughter in law soon so she better get use it " both lisa and Minka laught and diserperared into the garden . Leaving you , Scott and Chris still in the hall way of the front door .
"How soon exactly ?" Scott asked the fill the uneasy silence .
"Um its gonna be a fall wedding " chris replied
"Oh " was all you said as you felt the pit in your stomach grow and your heart beating fast
"Like .... next year or two ?" Scott said slowly shrugging with his hands in his pockets .
"Uh no " Chris paused and took at quick glance at you and looked at the floor . "This year .... in 3 months " he sighed.
And as if it wasnt possible you felt your heart crack more .
Scott only let out a deep sigh and grab your arm " come on y/n let's get a drink " you nod you head and began to walk to the garden . But you turned your head over your should and with a deep sigh , you dry throat and stinging eyes .
"Contraglation Chris " you sighted, eys watery " I'm... happy for yo... you ... sh ...Minka is a lucky girl " you choked out as Scott pulled you futher away as he tried to save you from futher heart break or for you to continue lying .
"I'm...not " Chris mumbled silently as you were out of earshot .. and took a deep sigh and then finally followed your direction and headed for the back yard.
The never ending growing pit in your soul and tears in your heart was growing more painful as you chuged down your first of many drinks of the night. But what do you expect it's the pain of being in love
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Ps I didnt realise that the actress (lily colin)that play Rosie in the movie love Rosie actual dated chris
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writers-hes · 5 years
five years.
hello! here is the first part of a five part series called “five years”. it’s inspired by an article i read in the new york times. i really recommend/suggest you read it here. 
five years -- year 0. 
in which harry and you meet for the first time.
WARNING: unedited. 
contains: fluff !   
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“Danny!” Harry yelled as he saw one of his mates from his English classes. Harry was currently a psychology student, set to graduate in a few months. He was well known around the campus for being loud and kind to everyone. He was a part of humanitarian orgs and liked coffee a lot. He was usually hanging out at The Bean, a small coffee shop near uni. To him, The Bean was his second home. In fact, Angela, the pretty barista already knew his usual order. Harry tried to ask her out on a date and they went out for one date only to realise that it was weird, seeing as they treated each other like how siblings do. 
“Hey, Harry! Nice to see you,” Danny greeted back. Danny was Harry’s classmate in a couple of his Psychology classes. He was tall and lanky. He had shiny black hair that he dyes every other month. He wore thick-rimmed glasses because of his bad vision. He was also Harry’s best friend in uni. He and Harry liked to study together because Danny always had the complete notes and Harry always had something else to say that would make the subject easier to understand fro Danny. 
“I already ordered myself some coffee, by the way.” Harry said as he motioned to his glass tumbler. “You can go ahead and order something that you like I’ll wait out here,” he added. Danny nodded and walked towards Angela. He ordered two cups of coffee—one caramel latte and one homemade milk tea. He paid and waited for his orders and went back to his table with Harry. 
“Uh, is someone else coming?” Harry asked as soon as he saw two reusable glasses of caffeine. 
“Oh, yeah. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, H. My friend is coming over. She’s a Lit major and she’s picking up some of the books she lent Zo,” Danny said. He laid the milk tea down and took out three books from his backpack, all collections of poetry from Charles Bukowksi, Oscar Wilde, and Ocean Vuong.  
“So you buy her a drink, huh?” Harry teased, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Nah, not really. It was Zo who told me to buy her a drink,” Danny rolled his eyes. “He didn’t even give me some money for it,” he grumbled.
“Don’t worry, Dan. I’m sure you’ll get something else later!” Harry joked and laughed. Zo was Danny’s boyfriend for two years. He was also taking up Lit and met Danny through one of their English classes.
“Shut up, Harry!” 
“Say, what time is Zo’s friend coming over?” Harry asked. It’s been forty-seven minutes since Danny arrived. The ice from the tea Danny got her condensed. Harry stared at the layer of water separated from the layer of milk and tea.
“Uh, not sure,” Danny said, looking up from his notes. “I told her that I’ll be here for the whole day and she said that she’ll be here after she’s done with her classes.” Harry nodded and went back to reading his notes. He wondered who could it be. Zo and Danny never really mentioned that friend…perhaps they were new? It’s not like Harry loved to be nosey—it’s because the milk tea was starting to deteriorate and it’s so damn annoying. 
“So, are you letting her drink that?” he said, pointing at perfectly good drink forty five minutes ago. 
“Don’t know. Might drink it myself. You can have it if you like, I’ll get her a new drink.” Just then, Danny’s phone let out a ‘ping’. “Ah, she’s outside. I’ll just text her to come in here,” Danny said, typing for a few seconds on his phone. The door opened seconds later and there was you. 
You jogged on to where Danny was sat. “I’m sorry I made you wait, Dan! I had to stop by one of my professors to submit my classmates’ papers,” you breathed.
“It’s alright, misery,” Danny chuckled. “Oh, by the way! This is Harry,” he said, motioning Harry who was already looking at you. You smiled uncomfortably. “Harry, this is y/n, but Zo calls her ‘misery’,” 
“Why did you submit your classmates’ papers?” Harry asked.
“Oh, I’m the beadle for my creative writing class,” you replied. 
“Where are you going to next?” Danny asked. 
“Oh, I’m going to Kismet to study,” you tell him. 
“Kismet is closed, didn’t you hear? They’ve been doing some renovations. You should study here instead,” Harry interjected. “Besides, Danny got you a drink from Zo,” 
“Oh, uh—is that okay?” 
“Yeah. Don’t worry about him,” Danny replied. You take a seat beside Danny and in front of Harry. 
“Thanks for the drink, by the way. I’m sorry I’m late,” you whispered to Danny while leaning on his shoulder. You took the cold glass of tea and mixed the water with what Danny really paid for. You took a sip and finished it in seconds, to avoid the tea getting more watery.
You loved to wear sweaters even on summers. You loved to have your hair tied up so your hair wouldn’t get in the way of your clear-rimmed glasses. You had poor eyesight and a bad back. You liked tea and coffee but loved hot cocoa the best. You’re the sweet day on a hot summer. You were welcoming and warm.
“By the way, it was nice meeting you, y/n.” Harry said from across the table. 
Harry never really saw you after your encounter even though you saw him all the time. You just knew when he was near. He never left your mind ever since you met him at The Bean more than a week ago. You were always watching out for him and the possibility of him bumping into you and saying “hi” made you more alive than caffeine. What was with that curly haired boy? 
“So, I heard Kismet is finally open…” Zo said. You just finished one of your classes together and had a four hour vacant. 
“Ah, can we go there please? I miss my rose latte,” you pouted. 
“It’s not even that good. You just order it because it makes you feel like a Tumblr girl,” Zo chuckled. 
“Hey! Not true. I really like the taste! It’s not that sweet and not that strong either,” you retorted while bumping your sides with him. 
“You know who would like it? Harry. You met him, yeah?” 
“Yeah. I still feel a guilty for making him and Danny wait. Please tell them I’m sorry,” you pouted. Zo smiled at your sincerity. He knew that Harry and Danny didn’t mind—they were literally the most patient people he ever met. Well, not so much for Harry but he’s good enough. 
Meanwhile, on the other side of the campus, Harry was rushing to get to one of his majors. He had his textbooks and iPad in hand while speed walking to the designated room. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he mumbled repeatedly. He couldn’t believe he didn’t notice the time. He was too busy catching up with some of his friends from high school who visited. He was zooming past the corridor when he heard a loud ‘hey’. He turned around and saw you with one of his dear friends, Zo, behind him. He lost balance and fell on his butt, his iPad and books lading on the floor. 
“Harry!” Zo gasped as he jogged to Harry. “What happened?” 
“Was rushing to my psych class and lost balance,” he huffed. You jogged towards the scene and started picking up what fell down. 
“Here you go,” you smiled as you waited for Harry to get back up on his feet. He took his stuff from you. He was so red and you couldn’t help but chuckle a little. 
“What are you laughing at?” he asked. 
“You’re so red! Are you sure you’re alright?” you asked. 
“Yeah…happens to me all the time,” he mutters. He looks at his wrist watch and sighed. “gotta go! Say hi to Danny for me, Zo! And it was nice seeing you again, y/n!” he said as he shuffled and power-walked to his next room.
Harry couldn’t believe it. Before he could even ask for your number, you saw him falling down like a wuss. How will you think he’s cool now? It’s not like he fell in a cool way. He groaned and slowly treaded in front of the class room. He entered and thanked the universe because the professor wasn’t there yet. He sat in his usual seat and opened his iPad and got his Pencil when he received a text from one of his mates, Louis. 
Louis Tomlindaughter: oi! u wanna go down to niall’s for the viewing party?????
harry: Can’t. I have to study for a major exam tomorrow. 
Louis Tomlindaughter: nerd! next time if you say no im gonna go there my fuckin self and drag u smh !
harry: Sorry. Maybe next time. 
Louis Tomlindaughter: alright then but if u dont get a good grade in ur exam im gonna tell y/n how dumb u are ! hehehe 🤭 
Louis knew that Harry had a crush on you. Right after he met you, he met up with Louis and Zayn for some burgers. He couldn’t stop gushing about how warm and nice you were. He didn’t stop talking about how you offered him half of your chocolate chip cookie. He also didn’t stop talking about how pretty you looked that time in your baggy sweater and clear-rimmed glasses. Louis never really knew you or bothered to. Zayn and you knew each other because you would aways see each other at Kismet. It seemed like you and Harry ran in the same social circle but you just never really met. He didn’t even wanna go to class anymore. He just wanted to go to you so you can finally talk to him without the interruption of academics. When you were at The Bean, you barely looked at each other, too busy studying and highlighting notes. He sighed. 
Danny: hey are you going 2 niall’s viewing party l8r??? 
hairstyles: No. I have a major exam tomorrow. 
Danny: u can study w zo! im leaving him alone tonight and u know how he is. he loves study dates because it makes him focus 
hairstyles: Oh? Alright. I’ll text him. 
cimmamom roll harry: Hey, Zo. I heard you’re studying tonight. Can I come? 
cimmamom roll harry: Cool. What time and where? 
cimmamom roll harry: Okay. See you then! x
Harry really wanted to go to Niall’s viewing party. It was the premier of Stranger Things 3 and he wanted nothing more that to watch it with his friends. However, time didn’t permit him because he had to study. He was so tired, only functioning when there’s caffeine around. The Bean was basically his second home and although he never tried it at Kismet because he was too afraid to try something new, he was looking forward to it. 
7 p.m. came quickly and he was outside Kismet, a brown and white coffee place. The decorations were mostly made up of different wood and burlap. The accents were black and the paint was white. There were also little succulents and cactuses littering the shop from the windowsills to the high tables. He opened the door and heard the bells chime. He looked for Zo only to find you sitting at a brown solo couch. Harry decided to go to you first. 
“Hey, y/n, right?” 
You looked up from your textbook to find the curly haired boy that never seemed to leave your mind. 
“Yeah. Hi, Harry,” you smile at him. It seemed like butterflies erupted in Harry’s stomach when you said his name. Your accent made his name sound better.
“Uh, are you going to study with Zo?” he asked. You noticed how slow he talked. He mumbled his words and his accent was thick.
“Well, I was supposed to. But he said he wouldn’t be able to go in the last minute,” you tell him. 
“Is it alright if I study with you, then? Was supposed to study with Zo too but I suppose that’s not gonna happen tonight,” He was really hoping that you would say yes. 
“Sure! No problem. Just lay your stuff on the table and I’ll watch you stuff while you order,” you tell him, motioning on the empty chair in front of you. Harry nodded and did what you told him too. he said thanks before leaving to get his order. 
Zo: thnx me l8er harry ;) 
Meanwhile, Harry was freaking out when he saw Zo’s text. He didn’t know he would be alone with you. Sure, Zo and Danny was doing him a favour and all that but—wait. How did Zo and Danny knew he was crushing on you? 
“Hello! What may I get for you today?” a blue-haired girl asked Harry once he was in front of the cashier. 
“Hi,” he looked at the girl’s name tag, “Rue. What are your crowd favourites here?” 
“Well, we got a lot! We have rose latte, apricot tea with aloe vera, grape cheezo tea, brown sugar milk, condensed milk coffee, and ca phe sua. I personally like the brown sugar milk and rose latte. The rose latte is our signature drink,” Rue informed. 
“I’ll have that, yeah. Large. I’ll also get two herb and and tomato linguine, please. With buttered bread and extra cheese, yeah?” 
“That will be…5.50 for the latte and then…25 flat for the pasta.” Rue said. Harry handed his credit card to Rue and told her to take something for a tip. Rue declined, telling him that it was fine—he was also a student and he didn’t have to. He opted for some loose cash from his pockets instead and put it into the tip jar. Rue thanked him repeatedly before he left the station to go back to where you sat and wait for his orders. 
“I hope you haven’t had dinner yet,” he said as soon as he settled himself on the comfy couch. 
“Oh, no. Not yet, why?” you asked. 
“Because I got you some pasta. It would be foolish of me to get two pastas of the same kind, yeah?”
“Well, maybe you really like the pasta. Who am I to judge?” you teased. 
“Not really a pasta man. More of a steak man myself,” he mentioned. 
“Ugh. I would kill for a steak right after the exams,” you told him. The past week, you have’t been eating full meals because of how busy you were. Caffeine and instant ramen was your go-to. if you were lucky, you would be able to make a quick stop to McDonald’s and get some nuggets. 
Harry’s orders arrived soon after and you thanked him as he handed the red sauced pasta to you. 
“So, what are you studying?” he asked you. 
“Not really studying but our final project is to compare two complete different poets together,” you told him. 
“Oh? Who did you pick?”
“Bukowski and Wilde. I really love Bukowski and he was my major influence in all of my poems,” you told him. 
“I don’t really know him that much but I stumbled upon one of his works before. I think it was Into the Arms of Another? It had those words but I remembered liking it a lot,” 
“Out of the Arm of One Love, you mean?” you corrected. “It’s actually one of his more famous works if I’m not mistaken but yeah, I love that poem too,” 
“Who’s your favourite poet?” he asked you. 
“I really love Virginia Wolfe, Maya Angelou, Ocean Vuong…but for me, Bukowski would always take the cake. The way he writes his poetry is so direct and sad. The emotions are very violent and I just really love him,” you gushed. 
He smiled at you. What was with you that pulled him? Is it your intellect? Or is it because you were so damn beautiful? 
“If it’s okay with you…can you show me more of his works?” he asked you. Harry surprised himself. He never really liked reading but he was suddenly so interested in what you were interested in. For you, the stranger he met two weeks ago, he was willing to read some poetry so he wouldn’t look like such a dummy. He never really liked changing for other people but what was with you?
“Yeah, of course! You can have my number. We can talk to each other there,” you told him. You wrote your number on a scrap paper and gave it to Harry. You surprised yourself. You never did this to other guys so what was with this lanky boy with good fashion taste? He took the paper from your hands and the soft touch of your skin to his was a shot of electricity between the both of you. You both immediately pulled away, shocked. 
“Erm, yeah, thanks,” he muttered. you immediately go back to the books you were reading and he opening his psychology textbook. He fished for his pencil case inside his bag. He took his pink highlighter and started to highlight terms. You sat in awkward silence for a little bit but it soon turned into a peaceful silence. You may have talked less but you were enjoying each others’ company. 
The cafe soon announced its last call. It was nearing midnight so you both packed up your things. You walked outside the cafe with him in silence. 
“Hey, y/n?”
“Where do you live? I’ll take you,” he told you. 
“Oh, it’s fine. You don’t need to do anything,” you told him. 
“I insist.” 
You informed him your address and just like in the cafe, you walked in peaceful silence until you reach your building.
“Here I am,” you announced. “Thanks for the pasta, bye the way.” 
“It’s nothing. Hey, you said you would kill for a steak after finals, right? Why don’t I take you out then?” he asked. You smiled at him and nodded. You hugged him and ran to your flat. What was with that curly haired boy with perfect posture?
Harry arrived at his soon after, wondering what the hell was with the girl with bad posture? You wore a pink sweater on your ‘study date’ so Harry painted his nails pink.
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faelune-home · 4 years
Thank you for the ask~ ^3^
❤  - miqo!Fufu is definitely the romantic type. She gets so easily caught up in fairy tales and love stories and sweet songs. She likes the sweeter details with affectionate interactions.
ღ  - She tends to flip flop between finding it adorable but then also getting mildly embarrassed about it, like she’s encroaching in on something she shouldn’t be if its other people. With herself, she’s probably be too wrapped up in the moment to even realise its in public unless someone pointed it out or got her attention.
💘 - More often she doesn’t even realise she is until someone else starts teasing (then she gets defensive because oh no she is crushing hard but uuuh you didn’t see anything, what crush, shush - its this very reason why she’s still very insistent that no one else knows about her crush on Aymeric...even tho everyone does know lol). But when she does realise these things its either a very flustered affair or a  very comforting feeling - like being with a friend she trusts but a bit warmer.
💚 - Love is nice. It’s a lot of different things and she has a lot of love for even her closest friends. The kind of feelings so strong that she swears she would break if she ever lost them.
Romantic love and falling in love...she’s quite eager and excited for that day to come. But she’s also trying to be reasonable. Although she has had crushes and moments, she’s aware that she has an important job right now with being the Warrior of Light and a member of the Scions, and current events - dealing with the Empire and the Ascians and trying to keep the people of Eorzea and the rest of the world safe - means she just doesn’t have the time to commit to a relationship. Both to give whatever the other person would want, to take what they’d give, or even to promise her own safety. So she’s committed to waiting until everything if settled and the world doesn’t need a warrior to save it before doing anything romantic. Just for now. :’)
aka whoops writing myself into a corner for no wolshipping right now...im dedicated to having my girl being dedicated to her cause and protecting others before focusing on herself ahaha
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Not her type.
Summary: While hanging around on the set of the BoRhap movie, the four boys compete to try and get your attention...not knowing they aren't exactly your type.
Warnings: A few swears nothing major
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"Y/N! I picked you up a coffee!" Gwilym grinned and handed you the takeaway cup before being pushed out the way by Rami.
"Yeah, well, I got you a triple chocolate muffin, Y/N," he smugly smirked and he handed you the little brown paper bag.
You smiled, a little overwhelmed "Oh wow! Thanks! You really didn't have to do that."
"Hey Y/N!" Gwilym and Rami lowly growled hearing Joe's voice. "Oh!" He paused with a hand behind his back and pulled out some flowers like he was performing a magic trick. "What's this?" He handed them to you and you suddenly realised how full your hands were so held them close to you with your arm.
"Joe! They're gorgeous! Thank you!" You grinned. "I need to go and find my dad, 'scuse me!" You lightly bowed your head to and headed off.
The three boys watched you walk away before glaring at each other. "What do you think you're doing?" Gwilym snapped at the both of them. They were currently on set, about six months into filming Bohemian Rhapsody and the four boys were all competing for your attention and affection. They all had developed a crush on you.
"I'm just being the kind and generous self I am," Joe replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "I mean...flowers beats coffee and muffins any day," he smugly smirked, giving Rami the side eye.
Rami gasped "I think you'll find that flowers only bring short term delight- oh wait," he placed his finger on his chin in feigned thought "It makes so much sense now why you bought them." He teased and Joe huffed, crossing his arms. "Whereas a muffin satisfies lots of cravings."
"You're really weird, Malek..." Gwilym uttered.
"Coming from the guy that's trying to get with her while dressing like her dad?" Joe retorted. Gwilym rolled his eyes- flirting with you dressed as Brian probably wasn't the best idea he had.
"She prefers blondes," the three groaned hearing a cocky voice come out of nowhere. Ben tapped Joe's shoulder while joining the group. "Watch and learn boys- there isn't many that can resist my charm."
You arrived back on set after putting the stuff the boys got you in your dressing room and began chatting with your dad, he was discussing how much he was enjoying the whole experience. You grinned and gave him a side hug. "I'm happy you're happy, dad. I'm sure uncle Fred would have loved this too."
Brian shook his head with a small smirk "He'd be up there on that podium showing everyone up," he chuckled and then sadly smiled "I wish he could have been here to see it."
You tightly smiled and squeezed his arm "I'm sure he is," you softly whispered. "Anyway, I'll let you see the producer and catch up with you in a bit!" He nodded and you both went your separate ways. You felt someone tap you arm and you turned seeing Ben there. "Ben! Hey!"
He opened his arms and you have him a hug and a peck on the cheek, Ben stuck his tongue out at the three boys who flipped him off behind your back. "How are you?" Ben asked as he pulled back, still holding your arms with his hands.
"Good! How are you?" You asked with a grin. All the boys were so friendly and kind to you, hugging and pecking them all on the cheeks was a normal thing to do.
"I'm great," he licked his lips slightly- he knew it would be hard to resist that. "I was wondering...are you busy tonight? We could get some drinks after filming?" He suggested.
"Ah! I can't!" Ben's small, flirty smile fell. "Dad's invited me over to his for dinner!" He nodded understandingly "Hey! Why don't you come along?" His face instantly lit up. He was back in the game. "Dad won't mind!" You turned around "You all want to come around at say...seven?" Ben's smile dropped- that was not the way it was supposed to go.
Ben awkwardly chuckled "Uh...Y/N-"
"Sounds perfect!" Joe cut him off with a tight grin, pissing Ben off at how smug he was being.
"Great! See you boys then!" You chirped and left them to get organised for their scene.
Ben loudly groaned and took the boys teasing laughter on the chin. "I was so close! I'm telling you- it's me she likes the most!" He told them, full of confidence.
"In your dreams, Ben," Rami chortled. "Let's see what happens at dinner tonight, shall we?" The four boys were called to the makeup trailer while you spent most of the day hovering beside your dad.
"I invited the boys to dinner tonight- is that alright?" You asked him.
Brian blinked from behind his glasses "Course! Did you invite Lucy too?"
You laughed "Yes! That's the whole reason why we where having dinner in the first place!" You nudged his arm "Don't embarrass me in front of them all tonight."
"Hmm..." he pretended to think about it.
"No!" You laughed. "Don't!"
"I'm a dad- it's my job to embarrass you!" Brian chuckled.
You loudly groaned "Uncle Roger!" You whined, knowing he'd stick up for you. "Dad's going to embarrass me...again!"
Roger placed his arm around your shoulder "It's not too late for me to adopt you and become a Taylor!" He laughed and Brian rolled his eyes at the pair of you. "Don't you embarrass the poor girl, Bri." You smirked, victorious. "I'll come to dinner and help you out."
The two men loudly laughed as you groaned "You're both doing it right now! God! I'm going to get another coffee!" You couldn't help but smile. You spotted the four boys and sent them a small wave- they all waved back and then debated between themselves.
"She was waving at me." Gwilym said.
Rami shook his head "Nope- she waved at me!"
Joe blew a raspberry "Oh please, she was looking at me and waved."
Ben rolled his eyes "Sure thing- keep telling yourselves that. You all know she was waving at me."
Gwilym knocked on the door, he was a bit early but he wanted to get to Brian's house for dinner before the rest of the boys. He had a bunch of flowers and wine in his hand and just about managed to hit his knuckles off the door, disregarding the bell. You opened it and Gwilym's face was taken over by a huge smile. "Hi, Y/N!"
"Hey, Gwil!" He bent down slightly and kissed your cheeks "Come on through!" He handed you the flowers and wine "Thank you! They're gorgeous! I'll put these with Rami's!"
Gwilym blinked "H-He-Rami is here? Already?" He asked, wondering if he had picked that up right.
"Yeah! Only arrived about ten minutes before you- Ben has been here for about twenty." 'Bastards' Gwilym thought to himself but didn't let his smile falter.
"Oh that's great," it was a good job he was an actor- he would have received an Oscar for that fake enthusiastic line alone. Gwilym walked through to the sitting room where Rami and Ben were already there chatting with Brian- they were trying to avoid eye contact with Gwil when he walked in. "Hello, boys..." he gritted out before genuinely smiling at Brian. "Hey, Brian," they shook hands before Gwil sat down.
"Gwil, darling," you placed a hand on his shoulder and looked up to you with a smile "Can I get you a drink? Beer? Wine?"
"Wine is great thanks," he tapped your hand before you went to the kitchen. Gwilym looked to the other two who were glaring at him. That didn't happen to them.
The doorbell rang just as you handed Gwilym his glass "I'll get it!" You grinned and answered it. "Hey Joe! Love the flowers!" The three boys sighed and subtly rolled their eyes. Of course he'd being you more. "I'll put them with everyone else's." Joe walked through to sitting room and just as you fetched him a drink, the door went again. The boys all furrowed their brows, they didn't know anyone else was coming.
"Hi!" They could hear Lucy's distinctive voice float into the sitting room and they all let out a collective sigh of relief- she wasn't a threat to them. "How's things?"
"Good! I love your dress! I'm so glad you could make it!" You grinned and hugged her before she took off her jacket and scarf. "I'll fix you up your favourite!" You winked "Go on through- dad's in the sitting room with the boys." You squeezed her arm and she walked into where everyone was while you went to the kitchen to make her a gin and tonic and check on dinner.
"Hi Lucy!" The five of them all greeted at the same time when she walked in.
"Hi everyone! So good to see you all!" She didn't get the chance to sit down as you called everyone to the table. The four boys pushed and nudged each other as they tried to get a seat either side of you. Brian was at the top of the table and Lucy, Joe and Gwil sat on one side while you sat on the other with Ben and Rami. You and Lucy were in the middle of the two boys which also meant that you were directly across from her. You bumped your foot against hers and she sent you a shy smile across the table. It was reassuring to her knowing you were right there if she needed you.
"So Y/N," Joe shifted in his seat "I've gotta get you to the bar for karaoke sometime!"
You laughed and so did your dad. "There's a reason why she's a writer and not a singer, Joe." Brian chortled and you shot your dad a small glare. "Nails down a chalkboard sound better than she sings..."
"Thanks, dad..." you shook your head with a small smile on your face. "But he has a point, Joey." Joe shot the boys a cocky grin as if to say 'She gave me a nickname- ha ha!' "I'm an awful singer!"
Ben cleared his throat a little "We should check out that exhibition at the," he clicked his fingers trying to think on the spot "The Shard!" He said a little too loud when he remembered. "It's really great! Gets smashing reviews and I hear the restaurant is fantastic- views over London, apparently very romantic!" The three boys rolled their eyes at Ben's blatant attempt at trying to flirt.
You grinned and nodded before turning back to Lucy and softly smiling finding her already looking at you with rosy cheeks. Her fingers were playing with the stem of her glass and her lips parted ever so slightly and then shut before she spoke- you loved watching her think about what she was trying to say. It was like watching a renowned artist paint something in front of your eyes it was such a masterpiece. All her little quirks were. "I was thinking we could see that play you've been talking about? What do you think, Y/N?"
"Sounds amazing! We should go this weekend!" You suggested and she nodded, taking a sip of her drink.
"If you want to see a show, I have a friend that's in a sold out run of 'Hamlet', Y/N. I can ask them for tickets and we could go together next week?" He felt Joe's, Rami's and Ben's eyes burn into him.
"Sure! Sounds good, I'd love to see it." You took a sip of your wine, lightly choking on it when you felt Lucy's leg brush against yours. She sent you a playful smirk from behind her glass and you couldn't help but blush- of course one of the four boys thought they had done that to you. After dinner they all had to head home, filming was starting early tomorrow and they needed their rest. You brushed your fingers up Lucy's arms giving her goosebumps- no one thought anything of it. It was a small sign of affection but it meant so much more to her. "Still up for the cinema tomorrow night?" You asked.
"Course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" She looked over and found the boys staring at you. "They're looking again...I told you! This is the billionth time I've caught them doing it."
Your heart skipped a beat at her jealous tone, it made you slyly grin. "You have nothing to worry about." You whispered so only she heard you. "You're cute when you're jealous."
"Oh be quiet you!" She giggled and nudged you. "Can I see that top you were telling me about before we leave?" She suggestively raised her brows a little to try and make you understand what she was trying to say. She wanted a moment alone with you.
You nodded, catching on and grabbed her hand "Just showing Lucy something! She won't be a minute!" You smiled and dragged her up the stairs.
Brian quirked a brow at the four boys when they all turned to him after following you with their eyes as you hurried upstairs. "Can you be honest with us, Brian?" Rami asked and Brian gingerly nodded. "What one of us has a better chance with Y/N? I'd personally say me but-"
"Course you would," Ben cut him off "Brian, sir, I would take such good care of your daughter she were to date me."
Gwilym scoffed "Sure thing, drummer boy..."
"You all don't have a chance- we all know she likes me best. Even gave me a nickname..." Joe proudly grinned.
They all groaned "I knew you were going to bring that up!" Ben uttered.
The boys then got into a bit of a spat and it was up to Brian to break it up. "In all fairness boys...I don't think any of you are her type." They all stopped bickering and furrowed their eyebrows at the guitarist.
"Wait!" You softly giggled and pulled Lucy back towards you again by the wrist. "Lipstick..." you wiped some of your lipstick off her bottom lip with your thumb. "You suit that shade..." you grinned and stroked her face with your fingertips.
Lucy kissed your palm "Give me more then," she purred and pressed her lips to yours before slowly pulling back and then winking "I'm glad I saw that top..." she cheekily grinned and squeezed your hip slightly, you began blushing furiously. "See you tomorrow," she pecked your lips again "I'll text you when I get home." You nodded and then headed back downstairs. "You boys ready to go?"
They all hummed and flung on their coats, still wondering what Brian meant. You and your dad bid your goodbyes and you shut the door over behind them. "Oh no!" You gasped "Lucy left her scarf!"
"If you're quick you might catch them before they leave the street," Brian motioned for you to go and you hurried out the door and down the front steps.
"Guys!" You yelled out and jogged to catch up with them. They all turned around with hopeful smiles on their faces thinking one of them was in luck. "Lucy- your scarf!" Her hands went up to her bare neck and she gasped suddenly feeling the cold biting away at it. "Good job I caught you!" You smiled and wrapped it around her "Wouldn't want you getting a cold!"
"Thank you!" She sweetly smiled, lovingly gazing into your eyes. You were so taken aback by her beauty and facial features in the fluorescent orange streetlights that you forgot the boys were there. Her eyes were twinkling just as much- if not more than- the stars above. Her lips were curved just enough that her smile reached those sparkling eyes of hers. You used her scarf to pull those lips to yours- she gasped feeling the sudden contact of your warm lips on her cold ones.
She wasn't the only one that gasped. The four boys stared at the pair of you with eyes as wide as saucers and gaping mouths. "Get home safe, I love you." You murmured and then pulled back. "Bye guys! Take care! Tell me when you get home!"
You gave Lucy another peck and she hummed in delight "Bye, I love you too." She kept her eyes on you- making sure you were safely in the house before she turned and made her journey home with the four boys who were still frozen on the spot with shock. When she was a few yards ahead she turned around and raised a brow with a sly smirk on her face. "Are you guys coming or what?" They dumbly nodded and managed to utter out a 'yes' each.
Joe was then suddenly hit with a wave of realisation after they walked Lucy back home. "'Not her type'," he hit his head "I get it now!" The three others shared a glance and then laughed between themselves.
"I was right though," Ben spoke up and the three looked at him with a raised brow. "She prefers blondes."
Tags- (Tag list is open! Just let me know if you want to be tagged or not or if I've forgotten to tag you!)
@rrrogah-tayluhh @rogerofmylife @phantom-fangirl-stuff @pyrotechnic789 @deacytits @mercurys-bike @happy-at-home @mhftrs @dannydelay @queenismylifenow @whitequeen-blackqueen @stateofloveandvedder @blondyfel @mespetitestortues @trickster-may @xtrashmammalstefx @the-garnet-rain @makapaka11 @killerqueenbucky @hodgepodge-of-rog @fredthelegend @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine @bowiequeen @princessleiaqueen @asgardpapi @mizzallfandomz @fangirlofeverythingme @ellee677 @the-killer-queenie
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Love, Thomas - Hamilton Oneshot
Ship: Jeffmads 
Based off Love, Simon
High School AU (obviously)
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Dearest, Grey
July 18th, 2019, 00:03 am
The emails we share never fail to make me smile. I don’t know what it is, but there’s an air of mystery around our conversations. I crave something, more, a deeper connection than Wifi. But, I can settle for now. I speculate a lot, probably to much. I wonder day and night about who you are. Do you attend the very same school as me? Perhaps we happen to share a class, but I just don’t know it...
Sorry, I’m rambling. 
What I’m trying to say, Grey, is I think I want to know who you are. I’m intrigued by this other gay kid in my school. Or maybe you’re not even in the same state as me. I don’t know, you never specified. You’re a lot more closed in these emails than me. Maybe I share to much, I do tend to go off in tangents. But I have lots to speak about! With endless possibilities, why stop talking?
Anyways, I eagerly await your reply,
Yours, Magenta 
- - -
July 19th, 2019, 6:55 am
I can see where you’re coming from, but I don’t feel particularly comfortable disclosing my identity just yet. Maybe in the foreseeable future, we will be able to meet for real. Who knows?
However, I can say, that I’m in the grand state of West Virginia. Which just so happens to be the exact state that you live in. You told me that information, I promise, I’m not internet stalking you. I just have a good memory. I shall not say more than that at this point in time.
I apologise, I keep going back to the same point. haha...
How was your day? Have you “”came out”” yet?
I hate the term coming out. I don’t think I should have to come out. I should be able to go home and say to my dad, “I got a date.” And he be fine with me going off with a guy. Not that i’ll ever get a date of course.
What’s your opinion on this?
- Grey x
- - -
For Grey,
July 19th, 2019, 7:41 am
Oooooh, and x at the end! I do feel special!
I’m glad you remembered I told you, because I forgot I did. I probably would’ve told you 10,000 times before I finally noticed I’ve told you before.
Coming out? Yeah, haven’t done that. My parents are super conservative and would most likely not be overjoyed to have their son come out as a “gay”. I don’t know if I eve will “come out.” I like your point, but society is heteronormative. Everyone just assumes who we are, and it’s not fair.
You know what we should do? We should come out together! Both of us, come out to our parents. Rip the bandaid off, ya know?
Sincerely, Magenta x
- - -
My Dear, Magenta,
July 19th, 2019, 4:06 pm
Maybe... how and when do you propose we do this?
- Grey x
- - -
Dearest, Grey-Senpai,
July 19th, 2019, 5:28 pm
Tomorrow, as soon as we get home. Walk in the door, turn around, shout up the stairs, “IM GAY AND NOW IVE CAME OUT IM GOING OUT!” Then go hang with some buds or whatever.
Yours, Magenta xx
- - -
Darling, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 4:21 am
1, kindly never refer to me as “Grey-Senpai” ever again.
2, that’s a very... forward way of coming out... but I like it! It’s a deal!
3, today marks seven months of emails! Happy seven months haha :)
Forever, Grey x
- - -
To, Grey-pai
July 20th, 2019, 4:29 am
1, suggestion noted and changed.
2, today is an important day then... scared? Cause I sure am... I’m fucking terrified... I can feel my heart in my throat.
3, Happy seven months is a very “coupley” thing to say, don’t you think? But despite that! Happy 7 months!
4, why are you up at 4 am?
Sincerely, Magenta xx
- - -
For my dear, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 5:09 am
1. That’s not really any better, but I shall deal with it.
2. It really is, I’ll keep you updated.
3. I’m sorry, I apologise if I made you feel uncomfortable. I’m very sorry, just don’t be mad ha ha... 
4. You were up too, little hypocritical. But if you must know, I was doing Biology homework. My teacher is very strict and she expects homework to be done in a day. I had sport practice so I had to do it at 3 am.
Are you ready? You said you had conservative parents, do you think they’ll be mad? I know my father is rather accepting, but I don’t really know...
Much love, Grey-pai x
- - -
July 20th, 2019, 12:47 pm
I’m glad you’ve decided to accept the nicknames. Don’t try to fight it, as you really won’t win. 
My parents are kinda shitty, but I don’t think they’ll be mad. Most likely shocked into silence, to which I will storm upstairs, lay face down on my bed until my sister comes upstairs and says my mom wants to talk to me. They’ll be unsure, but accepting. 
You play sports? What ones? I play too, but I’m intrigued by what you do. Sorry that I’m prying.
Homework at 3 am has been proven bad for the mind. And if your biology teacher is like mine, I can relate. She’s, quite frankly, and excuse my French, a bitch.
Good luck today!
Yours, Magenta x
- - -
My dearest, Magenta,
July 20th, 2019, 1:39 pm
At least your family will respect you! I’m 99.99% sure that you’ll be perfectly fine!
I’m on the athletics team, but I’m honestly terrible at it. It’s not prying. I’ve realised that I don’t share much about myself. I don’t know why I was hiding so much, I want it to feel like you know my personality. Maybe not my face. I don’t want our relationship to change drastically. Over time... I don’t know... I’m horrifyingly bad at making decisions.
What do you play? I’m curious how sporty “Magenta” is. I don’t believe I’ve ever mentioned how much I like that both our names just so happen to be our favourite colours. Well, I assume magenta is your favourite colour. I know grey is the colour I love. 
I realise its a horrible idea to try and learn in the middle of the night, but I don’t have any other choice. I don’t want to ruin my perfect score by receiving a detention.
Good luck to you too, Magenta!
Love, Grey xx
- - -
Darling, Grey-pai,
July 20th, 2019, 4:34 pm
I’m currently standing outside my house, and typing this email to distract myself from the bile rising in my stomach. I don’t know why I’m terrified. I’m not so sure why. I know they’ll be fine with it. Perhaps it’s the terror of sharing such a long kept secret. I don’t really know.
Looking in through the window, they’re all watching TV. This feels too... normal. I’ve been taught by society that this should be a big thing! A huge announcement. But no. It’s too... boring. I don’t know.
I’m going inside. Wish me luck, 
- Magenta xx
- - -
July 20th, 2019, 4:41 pm
Good luck.
I’ve told my dad. He’s cool with it! And I’m so happy!
PS: What sports do you play?
Love, Grey xx
- - -
Dearest, Grey,
July 21st, 2019, 1:34 am
I needed it. My exact prediction came true. They were silent then my ma hugged me and pops patted my back. He said he was proud. They’re accepting! 
Congrats to you too!
Love, Magenta x
- - -
Lovely, Magenta,
July 21st, 2019, 1:54 am
I’m so happy they’ve accepted you!
Much love, Grey xx
- - -
Darling, Grey-pai,
July 21st, 2019, 8:33 pm
I’m so happy too!
Love, Magenta xx
- - -
My Dearest, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:33 am
I’m so proud of you! I’m so impressed that both our families accepted us. I really wasn’t expecting it from the South to be perfectly honest. 
All my love, Grey x
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 00:34 am
Also, would it be weird if I said I think I know who you are?
- Grey xx
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 00:41 am
Yours, Magenta x
- - -
Dearest, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:47 am
You’re on the running team and the volleyball, right? You won gold in the last sports event for both. Friends with that John Adams guy?
Love, Grey x
- - -
For, Grey,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:52 am
what if you’re wrong? what if you’re right? then i’d want to know who you are. but you’re not wanting me to know. that’s not fair, grey. it’s not fair.
- Magenta
- - -
Dear, Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 00:58 am
I’m sorry. If I’m right, we can set up a time and place to meet. If I’m wrong, I apologise. 
Lots of love, Grey xx
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 1:01 am
When and where?
Love, Thomas x
- - -
Thomas slammed his laptop shut and pushed it down to the edge of his bed. He ran a hand through his matted, mop of curly hair and exhaled slowly. He thought about if he’d made a horrible decision, but tried to shake it off. The light from his screen peaked through the cracks. He slowly dragged it up to him, the covers crumpling as he did. He pulled the top open.
- - -
Dearest, Thomas/Magenta,
July 22nd, 2019, 1:12 am
Carnival, 9 pm. Tonight. See you there.
- Grey x
- - -
July 22nd, 2019, 1:14 am
See you there.
Love, Magenta xx
- - -
He wiped the sleep from his eyes and turned his computer off. He placed it on his bedside table and flicked the bed sheets up to his chin. Thomas laid down, letting his hair fall over his face. He sunk into it, treating it like an ocean of emotion that he could drown in. A place where, once he reached the sea bed, he could lie in peace, without worries or feelings. And eventually, he lulled off to sleep.
Thomas woke up before his alarm and shut it off. It was a Saturday, and he still had 15 hours until he met his long term... lover? Crush? Love? What were they? Hell, he didn’t even know Grey’s name. What if he was some crazy, 50 year old stalker? Then again, he was fast and could either run away or fight. 
No matter. He had 15 hours. 15 hours.
14 hours.
Sitting inside.
13 hours.
Going outside.
12 hours.
Running practise.
11 hours.
Still running.
10 hours.
9 hours.
Panic starts.
8 hours.
Panic intensifies.
7 hours.
Panic calms.
6 hours.
5 hours.
And a phone call with John Adams.
4 hours. 
Phone call ends.
3 hours.
Argument with Alexander through Twitter.
2 hours.
Quick toast dinner. And then start changing.
1 hour.
More panic.
0 hours.
And he made it. Thomas looked down at his phone discreetly, sticking his hands in his pockets. The browned up grass pressed beneath his feet as he stepped. Someone tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Thomas! What’s up!” John Adams grinned and leaned on his shoulder.
“Nothing. Just... waiting for someone.” Thomas smiled at his feet.
“Ooooh! Is it that Grey guy you told us about?” John nudged him with a cheeky wink, wriggling his eyebrows like caterpillars.
Thomas shoved him playfully. “Shut up. But yes, you’re right...” He sighed lovingly. “I’m scared.”
“That’s normal, dude.” John assured him, looking over. “When’s he supposed to be here?”
Thomas looked down at his phone again. “Ten minutes ago.”
“Huh.” John clicked his tongue with uncertainty, stepping forward so three girls could scatter past him. “Well, he doesn’t know where you are, for a start. Just give it a bit. He’ll turn up.”
And so they waited.
And they waited.
And then they waited some more.
In fact, it was around 10 pm when Thomas ushered into the big wheel. He hesitantly took a seat, weary of the fact that they were simple wooden benches with a metal bar to clutch onto.
He looked over at the two people that made him do this. Shortly after John had arrived, Maria had too. And she knew something. “Why are you making me do this?”
“Trust me, babe!” Maria yelled, rubbing her hands together with excitement.
“I swear to god...” Thomas mumbled. He was at his wits end, and very close to just giving up and going home.
“Ticket for one, please.” A voice called out of the silence, and the sound of change clanging against the ticket booth echoed.
A weight slid in next to him, and Thomas looked over as the bar was secured. “Grey?” Thomas questioned softly.
“Hi, Magenta.” He smiled graciously, looking straight on as the wheel started turning.
Thomas looked down, then at the boy. “James, isn’t it?”
“That’s right, Thomas.” James smiled, gingerly letting his arms hang by his sides. Thomas’ gaze fell to them, and he reached out, taking James’ hand in his own.
“So, it’s really you?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, but it’s a good thing I always thought you were cute.” Thomas confessed as the ride got higher, eventually stopping at the top, letting them see the view. The moon was rising in the dark sky, which was glowing with street laps and stars. Fireflies buzzed below them and James turned to glance at Thomas.
“I’m glad.” He said happily.
Thomas shifted in his seat to face James properly. “Hey, can I...” Thomas moved a little closer, giving James a chance to say no, or pull away.
James’ face broke out into a grin. “You may.”
He closed the gap, and let his hand cup one of Thomas’ cheeks, the other curving around his waist. Jefferson moved his hands to the same comfortable position, keeping his eyes fluttered closed.
And after ten seconds or so, they pulled back, the distant whooping of Maria, John, Peggy and Aaron rising up to meet them. It became clear that James had dragged his friends along for emotional support too.
“So, how does a movie sound, Grey?” Thomas asked with a beaming grin.
“That sounds wonderful, Magenta.”
- - -
Whoops I got carried away.
Oneshot requests are open too, drabbles are short and dumb, Oneshot take longer. Please please please, when requesting, specify if you want a drabble or oneshot! Thank you and I hope y’all enjoyed!
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enccrypted · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME:  my name is something else, but I actually do more commonly go by jun nowadays in my day-to-day life!
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:  as a child i rode a bicycle into my aunt’s pool because I have no sense of foresight even though avoiding diving into the pool was the EASIEST thing to figure out in that moment. And riding a bike in a pool is illegal in California, so :( Please don’t call the cops on me
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:  A lot of my partners I’ve dated on sheer basis of their personality, but... lean? not necessarily super slender but I personally tend towards slimmer builds, I think? And I also really like nice eyes and hands... and I love voices I find soothing and nice to listen to!! Sound is a hate or love thing for me, so if I hear a certain sound or string of sounds I like, I can get stuck on it. And likewise if a sound is just unbearable to me, it sends my brain into fucky spirals. So that’s why I have certain songs on loop for weeks on end, because when I like a certain type of sound, I want it in my ears constantly.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:  these spicy noodles 🍜 they’re called buldak bokkeum myeon, hot chicken ramyeon 😋
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:  I’m actually five years old, so vegetables can get the fuck off my plate. Most of the time they just have some weird textures that I cannot handle in my mouth. I feel like it’d be better if I owned a blender and could make smoothies out of some of them, but that’s a plan for the future when I can actually have full control over my own diet
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  I love... to eat out... and to eat in general, but it’s hard to eat out a lot because it’s very expensive :( but then my opposite guilty pleasure is packaged ramen that’s cheap as shit... I’m a very inconsistent personality lmao
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:  my pants and nothing else
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:  only serious relationships!! I mentally cannot make myself date a person if I haven’t been friends with them for at least a few months, optimally one or two years. I like to know the people I end up dating and feel comfortable around them, really know them before I even think about taking it a step further. Being good friends with a person, talking a lot with them, and feeling that I can speak to them as a partner AND a friend with whom I would trust my secrets (and therefore be honest with them about anything!) is so wildly important to me. And also I just don’t trust like that.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:  so many things. I think about it constantly. My most common daydreams and things I imagine as I lie in bed at night is somehow waking up with my current day mind in the body of my younger self and just living life differently. But I’m sure a lot of us would tweak a thing or two, regardless of whether they’re subtle or hugely impacting, and in reality it’s just not going to happen. So while I’m not “happy” with where I am, I’m at least happy with my efforts and where I’m trying to go from here on out!
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON:  It’s tough to get me to that point, as in I’m really picky with whom I choose to get closer to just based on compatibility, how much I initially feel I’ll be comfortable around a certain person, etc. But once I get to a status of friendship, I’m very free with affection :’) maybe too much? I drop a lot of “I love you”s and I occasionally make a fuss over the people I care about, but only to make sure they’re okay or something. Not overbearing!! I think... sometimes i accidentally say “babe/baby” to my friends and I realise two seconds later that it’s fucking weird but . can’t cry over spilt milk lmao
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN:  I’m not a “watch a movie again” type of person because it takes me actually wanting to watch a movie, then making the conscious decision to invest the time in sitting down and watching it... so a song I like! because I can multitask while listening to music and it doesn’t take any huge commitment for 2-7 minute songs: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. I could listen to most of Billy Joel’s songs on repeat for days, though.
12. FAVORITE BOOK:  My favourite books switch around because I always discover something new, then turn around and go straight back to an old book I used to love after rereading it... over the years I most strongly remember loving: Crime and Punishment, The Great Gatsby, and Howl’s Moving Castle! 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE:  I want a cat really badly! I do have a stray cat that I hang out with at my school, but that just isn’t the same as having one of my own! And I’ve always wanted a snake since I was a wee bab so, someday, when I’m moved out and financially stable 🐍
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  TWO OF MY FAVOURITES ARE WITH JAY: his higgs (death stranding, goldenmasked) and his revenant (iidolum)... I didn’t start off writing with either of them with huge shipping intentions in mind, but I’ve got some plots with him that are my favourite... 😭😭 other than that, cryptane, cryptage, and gibraltar/crypto! That’s five right there.
15. PIE OR CAKE:  it’s illegal to make me make decisions like this. I don’t even like cake and pie that much but when I’m in the mood for either one, they’re equally good. I can choose flavours though: apple pie and chocolate cake.
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Gasoline? Cigarette smoke? Those are bad for me especially since I’m asthmatic, but they’re really the only thing that come to mind. AND also this oil because it smells vividly of childhood. I still have a bottle I use from time to time.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:  I’m not really feeling any right now... but George Michael was always such a cutie :’) 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO:  I want to go home to Australia for a bit, and visit Vietnam again (don’t remember when I last went because I was too small...). Canada, maybe?
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:  a mix of the two, but currently feeling very introvert.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:  it depends on my mood. I’m either really finicky and easily scared by anything if I’m on edge, or my brain just shuts off and blocks out the whole function of terror so when something happens, I’m just like. yeah??
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:  android and not interesting in ever switching off.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES:  this is a blog for a video game character!!
23. DREAM JOB:  I’m chasing a career in psychiatry and I might someday return to mechanical engineering.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:  buy a nice small place somewhere!! fund the rest of my education on my own! give some of the money to my friends!!! fill my savings account to the brim!
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE:  im trying so hard to think of a character that i hate, but I’ve mostly enjoyed the character cast of everything I’ve watched/read/played lately. life’s too short, and so is my memory, for me to remember anything that hasn’t occurred in the past few months. at the least, it makes me a much happier man so, win for me ;)
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER:  hate to admit it, but I used to be a Hetalia fan. Lmao. Some of the worst people I met there, but I also met my ex-girlfriend in the fandom, and we made fangames for it together :’) one of my favourite memories of younger years.
TAGGED BY:  i stole it from one of jay’s blogs... my big brain can’t remember which but go follow him on both higgs and revenant anyway
TAGGING:  @deathchasing, @mircoy
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
hi dx! im really nervous but what on earth do you talk about while on a date? its on tuesday, and i dont want to seem like an airhead to them 😟
Hey, friend! That’s an excellent question! Fortunately, it’s something I’ve had a bit of experience with recently, so I and medblr can try to help. Is it a first date? I’ll assume so.  
Before the date, you’ve usually already clarified what you both do, how old you are, and a little about yourselves like our hobbies and interests, but there’s still a lot you don’t know about each other. So I find that the best thing is to gain an idea of what you have in common before the date. This is partly why I like to message people for a little while before meeting; partly due to my timetable, but also so that when I meet a guy, I already have a good idea that we have lots in common, and there’s more to talk about. Most dating advice tends to tell people to meet quite soon after establishing contact, to avoid wasting too long if it turns out that you lack chemistry.  But for me it really paid off to get to know people a bit first. Because that way I just didn’t meet people I felt I had little in common with, or couldn’t keep up a conversation with. This means that even the dates with no chemistry were still fun, even if I didn’t want to date those people again. But don’t worry if you haven’t! You can still get to ask those kinds of question on the date. Things like:
What do you do for a living? What do you love about it? What excites you most about your job right now? If you weren’t doing your current job, what would you have picked? Would you ever change jobs? Anything bothering you? (Try to focus on positives; they might not feel comfortable complaining to a cute stranger). There’s something attractive about someone who asks about your life, and just listens to what you have to say, so don’t underestimate the power of just listening on a date. 
They’ll probably in turn ask you about your work or studies, which lets you share things that make you passionate; this could be ranting (I’m guilty as charged) or speaking positively, but it helps if you speak about things you feel strongly, but not bitterly about. People want to have fun on a first date, so gross work stories or ‘yeah, the NHS is busy’ are fine, but spending the entire date speaking negatively are less so.
What hobby are you into right now? What do you like most about it? How would you explain it to someone who’s never done it? People love talking about their interests. Not only is it a little hot to see them do so, but it also makes them feel fuzzy inside. Plus you might get to learn about some interesting hobbies, and it’ll tell you a lot about that person.
Don’t be afraid to share your hobbies or volunteer which interests you have; anyone who dates you needs to respect what you enjoy, so the first date is a perfect time to get that out of the way. They should be keen to find out more about the things you like, but also to accept them. Steer clear of anyone who appears judgemental or scoffs about your interests; they are not the one for you.
What do you both do to unwind or relax?
Favourite foods.
Favourite places; museums, cafes, etc. I even asked for suggestions for these kinds of things in my profile, because I love discovering new places, and I think where somoene loves to hang out can say a lot about them. Plus it gives you an idea of what you can do together.
Sharing memories of interesting places each person has been on holiday, particularly if recent. It gives you an idea of how they like to spend their holiday time, and how they take their fun. Talking about your dream holiday can also teach people a lot about what you like.
Cool things you’ve seen/done/read/watched recently. There’s something really exciting about listening to someone talk about things that interest them.
What you were like as a kid. Surprisingly funny to talk about, under the right circumstances.
Music and films are always a good topic, though having similar tastes doesn’t necessarily translate to similar in other arenas.
Sport, if you like sport. If like me, it’s not a big thing, then you don’t need to dwell on it, though it’s nice to get an idea of whether you have stuff like that in common.
Hopes and dreams for the future; not in a ‘kids and marriage’ way, but things like goals, or stuff that you’d like to do. Talking about things that make you happy, or things you hope to do can bring out the best in you, which is attractive on dates. 
Show a sense of humor. Take those chances to make jokes.
Some people say avoid politics or religion, but actually if you’ve already got an idea of their political leanings or religious views (say from a dating site or previous convos), then I say go for it. There’s a high chance that you might both be disappointed, but it’s better to find out now that they are an anti-choice republican fundamentalist Christian sooner rather than later. That said, I often don’t raise these on first dates, though I usually throw in serious hints in my messages (and profile) that I’m very left leaning and not particularly religious. This won’t make it a ‘good’ date, but it can be a chance to cut your losses if you realise they feel very differently about the world.
Topics to avoid:
marriage, kids etc. Most people just aren’t certain about these initially, and certainly don’t have a clue if they want them any time soon with you.  And frankly I feel it’s more appropriate to talk about later on, even if it’s explicitly on dating profiles to begin with. Even if my profile says I want both, I would run screaming in the other direction if a guy mentioned these on a first date or really early on in a relationship.
Your usual type. This comes up all the time on programmes like Dinner Date, but really? There’s no good answer. If you’re their type, you feel stereotyped. And if you’re not, you would worry that they don’t normally like people like you. Personally, I don’t really believe in having a type, but even if you do, it can so easily backfire if you talk about it.
How long they have been single. Avoid. Again, no good answer; too long and people are judgemental. Too short and you worry about being a rebound. I’ve had several guys tell me they’ve not dated in ages, or not had much luck on online dating, or just got out of a longterm relationship, and whilst I appreciated the honesty and they weren’t heavyhanded, it always worked better if it was at the end of a first date or after, once you’ve already got to know them a bit. It’s something that’s useful to know so you can tackle problems that arise if you start dating, but at first both of you want to focus on just seeing what you have in common and if there’s a spark.
Exes and previous relationships. No no no no no. When a person talks about his ex on a date, it’s a clear sign they are still processing things and probably need more time alone to get over it. I would not date a person (and have turned them down) for talking about recent exes in such a way that makes it feel that there’s still a lot to work through.
Nightmare online dating experiences. Uh, you don’t really want to imagine your crush seeing other people. And it’s not nice to dwell on negative experiences or each other seeing other people. Save these anecdotes for your friends. I personally find people who complain a lot about the dating process a real turn off. I was out there just trying to be optimistic and meet fun people, and it was always such a buzzkill when men were like ‘women never reply, online dating sucks, I have no luck with women!’. Save that for your friends, and for much later.
Sex. Unless you’re about to have sex, please leave it for when it’s an option. There’s something uncomfortable about people who bring it up really early on without any warning, or write about sex in their dating profile. Make sure that the other person is comfortably reciprocating and as flirty as you before you escalate the flirtation.
Generally being very negative. Life is hard, but you also owe it to anyone you date not to dump all your stuff on them, particularly when you are just starting out. Share a bit of your life, gradually, but leave discussing your major issues with friends or therapists for now.
I like to ask people about their work; what they enjoy, and what they do; I’ve learned a lot of interesting things about people’s jobs on first dates! It’s also quite attractive when you see someone fired up about things they care about. I also like to be honest about my work and my life, too; so much so that I subjected the poor guy I’m currently seeing to talk about death on not only the first date but also a few subsequent ones! It made sense in context, but it just goes to show that topics can be pretty varied. I’m sure you won’t come across as an airhead, but I think sharing the things you enjoy (or find challenging, or interesting anectotes) from work or school are a great way of showing that you’re passionate and switched on and have a rich and exciting life outside of dating. I also carefully introduce the realities of my work - not in my profile, but during the initial messages and/or first few dates (the odd shifts and being busy on weekends/evenings/nights, the exams, the moving around etc) early on; before I meet people, in fact. I didn’t take an apologetic tone; the key is to state it neutrally as a fact of your life and not something terrible, because dating you is a gift, not a terrible thing. It is then up to the other person as to whether they are OK with those things. The person who ends up with you will have to accept your life for what it is, just like you’ll have to decide if their idiosyncrasies and quirks are something you like, can accept, or are straight out dealbreakers for you. Hobbies are also a great topic; if you have any in common then that’s a surefire winner. Maybe most people don’t talk about museums, anime, Terry Pratchett and D&D on a first date, but I do and that worked out great because I’d already established with the guy that we had those interests in common, so we both ended up talking relaxedly about stuff we liked. I find that these topics usually made up the bulk of what I’ve discussed on first dates with people.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself; you’re not meant to be carrying the conversation on your own; the other person also has a responsibility to ask lots of fun questions, too! As long as you talk about things that make you passionate, and that you know stuff about, like your interests and what you do, I’m sure you won’t look like an airhead, because your interest and knowledge will shine through, whatever the topic under discussion. There’s this expectation that a first date is bad if there’s no chemistry, but that really isn’t necessarily true. I’ve had really interesting first dates with zero chemistry, just because the topics were entertaining in themselves and the people were smart and interesting. As long as you’re polite and make an effort to ask considerate and engaging quesitons, you’ll do great! Hope it goes well; let me know how you get on! :DI’m more than happy for others to add dating tips, since it’s always a useful topic for anyone looking to get into it, or back into it
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sybvrites · 5 years
hi angels! im bee, 20, a general mess... u get the picture. this is hugo and he’s... idk what he is but he’s my baby :))) this is really long so you the best if you read it in full && as always my discord is the uk's weird farmer cousin#1697 if y’all want speedy replies for plotting !
tw: death & drug use.
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( xavier serrano, cismale, he/him, twenty-two ) — have you seen hugo talbot, the history and politics student around oxford yet ? i hear they can be acerbic and meticulous, but those who know them insist they’re reminded of driving too fast on an empty road, the whipping wind in a thunderstorm, cashmere turtlenecks & worn poetry books when they’re around. rumour has it that his parents died during the execution of an insurance scam. is it true ? only time will tell…
FULL NAME: hugo byron talbot DATE OF BIRTH: november 3rd, 1996 PARENTS: gregory talbot & marianne cunard-talbot  NATIONALITY: english  IMPORTANT LINKS: statistics & pinterest.
hugo was born on november 3rd, ironically the same day as his mother’s birthday, born twenty-six years apart. marianne cunard-talbot was, to put it bluntly, not the motherly type. her own mother left her and her father when she was one, and since kenneth cunard had no other possible heir to the family business ( and fortune, mind ) the proverbial crown was laid on her brow. with no mother figure in her life, it seemed the capabilities escaped her, as they escaped her husband too. gregory talbot, as a second son to a wealthy family, had little to inherit but a mind for business. when they met at cambridge, both studying literature, in the eighties it wasn’t a match made in heaven, it wasn’t love at first sight, but they made a good team — it was enough.  two more children followed after hugo, and while they lacked a significant amount of guidance from their own parents ( or any sort of guidance at all, really ), they made do with themselves. while hugo and his siblings stayed in london, his parents continued to live in southampton where the headquarters for cunard corporation was, and let the nannies that they’d hired handle the raising of their kids. the lack of supervision and general parenting only served to create an air of entitlement around hugo. he knew from a young age that he was going to be an important man when he grew up, that he would be a powerful man. it was only enforced by the fact that when marianne and gregory would visit it was mainly to nitpick at their children, enquire after their grades and ensure that nobody was stepping out of line.  at thirteen hugo had to leave his siblings behind to attend eton. despite the fact he would return every weekend he still felt the separation from his siblings keenly, they had after all barely been apart for their whole lives. on his first day at eton, he tripped over someone else’s suitcase as he exited his car, and when he turned to angrily confront the owner of the case, he came face to face with thomas. they became fast friends despite the fact that hugo couldn’t help but remember, and wish to rebel against, his parents wish for him to befriend the heir to the throne. the tom he knew wasn’t the crown prince, but rather the boy who had never been allowed his own freedom, a boy who was only just beginning to discover who he was without his parents telling him who he had to be.  by the time hugo was sixteen, and tom seventeen, both had begun to dabble in illicit substances. their reasons were different of course, but it wasn’t as if they necessarily needed reasons to get high and pretend they weren’t going to have the weight of the world on their respective shoulders in ten years. but while hugo usually kept sober unless there was a party, tom seemed to want to spend his time being perpetually high. it was easy to ignore it, his best mate seemed happier after he’d done a few lines, but he also seemed flirtier. tom had come out almost immediately after they’d met, and it was like all the weight had lifted off of his shoulders, sharing his secret with another person seemed to help him immensely. hugo couldn’t say when he began to realise that tom had a crush on him, maybe it was from the very moment they’d met, but throughout the years it started to become abundantly clear. at a friend’s twenty-first birthday party he still felt completely blindsided when tom got high and wasted, and then tried to convince hugo to sleep with him. 
he was eighteen when his parents passed away, it was strange to him because despite their lack of presence it always felt like they were hovering nearby, just waiting for him to mess up, or for his brother or sister to, so they could blame him. it was an accident they said, something went wrong on one of the ships and unfortunately, it took his parents with him when it sunk. his grandfather pulled him aside at the funeral to tell him what happened, he claimed it was hugo's right now, considering once he left university, it was all his. he told hugo about how the cunard fleet was losing more money that it was making, how there was a plan to sink the least valuable to bring in more money, to supplement the loss of money. he told hugo how the plan went awry and the ship didn't sink when it was meant to on its return from australia, and when they went to inspect the ship and why it didn't go down, it sank with them on it. the money was still going to be beneficial to the company, and now the insurance company would be hard pressed to believe that the ship was tampered with, considering who was aboard. the secret had to be kept, he was going to have to keep it for his whole life if he valued his handle on the company and their resulting wealth. it was hard, losing his parents and being burdened with such a secret. his only solace was tom, who didn't know what it was to lose family, but understood what it was like to feel so disconnected.
he would never admit it to his best friend, hell, he’d never admit it out loud, period, but while his mate had been harbouring feelings for him, hugo had a crush of his own. tom’s sister eleanor was quiet around him, he wasn’t sure they’d ever really had a proper conversation and yet every time he caught sight of her when he’d visit tom his heart would kick up and his palms would sweat. it all came to a head when, at tom’s cousin’s twenty-first birthday, he rescued nora from a handsy party-goer and began seeing her in secret, namely so tom wouldn’t find out. their relationship was easy enough to hide, he would stay with tom and sneak off to eleanor’s room once he’d passed out, she would arrive at his door with a hermès scarf to shield her face and hair from those who might recognise her. by the time it had become abundantly clear to the both of them that it was a completely serious relationship and decided that it was time to go public and share their news with tom, and scheduled a press conference ( because an instagram debut was awfully uncouth ), they’d been together for almost a year and a half. 
with the press conference scheduled for the monday after their respective birthdays, and having resolved to sit down to dinner on sunday with eleanor’s family to tell them the truth, both hugo and eleanor went into the weekend confident and happy. tragedy was never far away though, it always seemed to loom on the horizon. after a wild saturday night, tom and hugo found themselves back at buckingham palace, hugo drunk and tom exceptionally high. a quick slip of the tongue ( “ god i’m going to regret this in the morning, nora’s going to kick my ass if i go back to her in this state. ” ), had him thinking he’d ruined everything before nora could present her arguments to her family. instead, tom gave his blessing and sent hugo off to his sister to enjoy the rest of his birthday. he’d thought it was the best weekend of his life, he went home to get ready for dinner and was interrupted by his phone ringing — it was the phone call that he felt turning his life upside down. his girlfriend told him how the maid came to wake him, he was late for breakfast, she shook him and he didn’t wake up. a heart attack, nora told him. the press conference planned for them was used to announce his best friend’s death, the best weekend of his life so quickly turned into the worst.
hugo is still trying to work through losing tom, he’s not about to admit to anyone that losing someone who he’d just assumed would be there for… well, forever, was taken so quickly. it also impeded the announcement for his and eleanor’s relationship and forced them back into the dark when they’d been preparing to be able to not sneak around, and now they’re back to where they were before. 
POSITIVE TRAITS: astute, meticulous, loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: acerbic, calculating, imperious  hugo is, above all else, extremely sharp. when it comes to people it usually takes approximately a sentence to leave their mouth before he's made his judgement on them. this also applies to his schoolwork and actual work ( on the occasion that his grandfather requires another set of trusted eyes ). in all things he does he is exceptionally precise, mostly a result of the scrutiny he faced with his parents expecting every move to be absolutely perfect. above all else, and probably the trait he would tell a person he possesses, he is extremely loyal, mostly to his family. there are few people he would go to the ends of the earth for and without a doubt his siblings are the first two ( and eleanor ). he was never raised to be soft, he was raised to run a multi-billion dollar corporation, and as such he never learnt to edge his words with honey, his words always tend to sound as if they have an edge to them, almost confrontational. if a person knows him well enough, they would understand that he usually means nothing by it, he doesn't care enough about most people for it to mean anything. when approaching any situation, his cunning is one thing he has no problem in using, it's often little more than a means to an end as long as it benefits him or someone he cares about. he also has a habit of coming across as quite pompous, he's lived a life where he hasn't ever wanted for anything, everything is served up on a silver platter. as such his view of the world is also quite skewed and his knowledge of simple things like grocery shopping is nonexistent. it makes him come off as conceited and haughty, once the layers are peeled back he is definitely a different person, alas he's hard pressed to let anyone close enough to see him.
okay, i'm definitely spitballing because connections for him are genuinely hard, i can almost guarantee that while i don't think he makes enemies, he's certainly not making friends with many people. he's probably friendly with most people in the riot club, but nowhere close to someone he actually considers a close friend. in saying that, here are a list of connections i can see, but i'm so happy to brainstorm some fun things up ! 
close friends ( 0/2 ) — would have also been close to tom, and i imagine each of them brought a different dynamic/layer to the group ( for instance i definitely think tom was hooking up with one of their mates ). past hookups ( 0/? ) — obviously he isn't hooking up with anyone right about now but i definitely think he was a bit of a fuccboi before eleanor.  childhood friends ( 0/1 ) — hugo never really got out much as a child, but when he did it was usually with this character, their parents were likely friends of his own parents and thus, this character would have been ' approved '. party friends ( 0/2 ) — i imagine that these two were the ones who helped him get through tom's death where eleanor couldn't, he had, and still has, a lot of frustration regarding his friend's passing and i can see him just wanting to go out, drink far too much and forget about things for a little while. riot friends ( 0/? ) — he's not very... chummy with many people, but considering everyone in the riot club are of a similar calibre, he definitely feels more comfortable calling most people in riot more than acquaintances. 
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