#really it's that pose i mentioned the other day where i'm once again going to be pushing him onto the floor before theo
adobe-outdesign · 5 months
in honor of international women’s day, could you review some royal neopets (since all women are queens?)
(Royal has a lot going on with it, as there's not only the usual customized vs UC designs, but also the royal boy vs royal girl designs on top of that. For purposes of this review I picked out royals where both genders look great, but let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing a royal girl/royal boy-specific review.)
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Royal is one of the more complicated Neopets colours, having special art and poses pre-customization and having a gender split on top of that. Normally I'm not big on gender splits as a whole for being overly cis, but I'll forgive it in this case because it is actually possible to get a female royal boy pet and vice versa through lab ray shenanigans. Customization also allows for clothes to be swapped around at will.
One thing that I always found strange about royal as a colour is that it oftentimes doesn't really match up with anything lore-wise. For example, Blumaroos come from Roo Island, and their leader, King Roo, is vaguely dressed like a jester because Roo Island is the happy-go-lucky fun land. Makes sense! But then the royal Blumaroo colour is... space themed, for some reason?
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It's not that the colour literally needs to match up with actual Neopian leaders all the time, of course; it's just that sometimes the choices made feel random and ill-fitting for the species.
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Another instance of this is in the royal pets that are based off a specific country/region. I do like the diversity in not having all pets share that Meridell-esq European look, but sometimes it does make me raise my eyebrow. Like, where in Neopia is "Mongolia", exactly?
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And in terms of customization, royal pets generally got hit pretty hard. Previously, royal pets were bipedal, and many of them had subtle anatomically changes to give that them royal look. It's not even that royal pets just got converted in general, but many of the conversions seem very poorly done—such as the poor Aisha above, which inexplicably lost an entire set of ears. Like I said, I like the ability to trans our Neopets easier, but that's about the only benefit.
Favorite Species:
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Skeith: One common problem with royal pets tends to be that the royal girl and royal boy look completely different, with one of them (usually the male) looking significantly better. Thankfully, the royal Skeith do not have this problem, with both male and female sharing a white base with a subtle accent color and similar-but-distinct sets of clothing. The Alice in Wonderland inspiration is also very fun, and feels supper fitting for the species. Great stuff.
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Kyrii: I already went over these designs in my Kyrii review so I'll keep this short, but the UC/styled royal Kyrii are just fantastic designs all around. The squarer head shapes than normal give them a very elegant look, and the designs make full use of the Kyrii's distinctive long manes (not to mention the old BD poses, which were just delightful). The only drawback is that the converted versions are particularly bad, to the point where I'm not even bothering to show them here to save space.
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Peophin: Something about underwater royals just tend to hit, and the Peophin is no exception. The species already has their distinct head ornamentation, but the royals take it a step further by adding extra jewels and extending it over the ears and head fins, then accenting it with even more additional jewelry. I also really like the robes, which feel surprisingly natural for their body shape. Beautiful all around.
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BONUS: Remember how I was saying that a lot of royal designs feel random and ill-fitting for their species? The royal Koi avoids this completely by basing the royal boy design off of King Kelpbeard, the ruler of Maraqua. Once again, both designs here are well balanced and go well with each other, and I like the degree of underwater elements—coral crowns, seaweed accents, and pearl necklaces.
(Side note: a very honorable shoutout goes to the royal Mynci and Flotsam, which didn't quite make the cut but are still excellent designs.)
Least Favorite Species:
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Moehog: Most royal pets are at least interesting, but I can't say that about the poor royal Moehog, which is mostly forgettable; just the standard clothing that you'd expect from royals. The royal boy is slightly better, at least sporting a nice dark blue base, but the royal girl has a very "cheap" design, like it's wearing a Halloween costume instead of actual royalty. The royal Moehog never got a UC option, but they did have pre-customization designs that were slightly better–but only slightly.
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mamadarama · 4 months
spoilers for the matrix event kind of ?
so i read the translation today of the whole event and it's just unbelievably bad , I'm not sure if you had a chance to look through . and takashi who's basically a little hiiro but actually he's a child of producer rinne once had with god knows if their father or just someone from amagi family ? it feels like a really bad fanservice and I'd like to hear you thoughts if you read this . it's okay if no and you can't really comment on that but i couldn't keep silent so forgive my off topic ramble .
i hope you will have a good day or night
{major matrix spoilers}
i just read the story myself. its alright, not much worse than any of the others, just hard to follow because its all rinne being rinne. its not really that fanservicy imo, i thought id hate it more than i do . my biggest gripe is akiras choice of dialogue for aira . again. i really wish he would stop doing that but thats besides the point.
edit: i also wanted to add that the part where tatsumi and mayoi are worried about hiiro and aira and theyre like "theyll be fine theyre strong capable people" and it immediately cuts to aira screaming bloody murder absolutely sent me
heres a summary of the story from what ive gathered . this is a long one so ill put it under a read more
rinne set up an elaborate scheme to protect the privacy of his hometown. when rinne first went to the city he saw an unnamed idol that inspired him to become one himself. that idol retired and became a teacher at an all girls school (i wanna bet its kimisaki academy. thats unimportant to the story tho.), and his producer , akan, was left struggling until she met rinne and began producing him. unfortunately the job became too much for her and she began to crack under the pressure, and had to retire for her own health. rinne told her about his hometown, where she would be able to live out the rest of her life in peace. to ensure no one would go looking for her , they set up a plan— they pitched a fake mystery program where she would go investigate a phenomenon in the area of the village, and "disappear mysteriously". the footage would never be released because of the "incident", and as long as they didnt find her she would be declared dead after being missing for long enough, therefore closing the resulting missing person case and leaving her to be unbothered and truly leave her past behind and start over. while she was living in the village she met rinnes father, and they eventually got married and had a kid, takashi (its never mentioned that hes their kid, but rinne says his father wishes he could make takashi his heir instead of rinne, implying hes his son) . he looks like hiiro because the amagi family has strong genes (and also likely because the devs could repurpose kid hiiros live2d model). rinne noticed his fans were getting increasingly curious about his hometown and worried that the extra attention would eventually cause trouble for the people in his village, and by extension disrupt the peaceful life akan had built there. his solution was to "reveal" his hometown in a tv program and satisfy his fans curiosity so theyd drop the subject. but he couldnt just make a program for no reason, so he pitched the matrix event , part of which would be hosted at the "amagis village". he didnt want it to be a large scale event, so he contacted the retired idol akan used to produce and asked him to pose as akan to produce the event since he was the only other person to have known her well enough to impersonate her and capitalizing on the fact that no one remembered who akan is or what she looked like. anzu ended up getting involved and as a result it turned into a much bigger event than rinne intended for it to be . the "village" that the event was hosted in was actually the contact point for the actual village, a place that looked convincing enough but was really just used as a meeting point for the village to import resources from the city without exposing their real location. but of course in typical rinne fashion, he only reveals this to the rest of alkakurei at the very end, so everyone was just very confused the whole time. rinne also claims takashi is his and anzus kid at first, but no one believes him of course because that makes no sense.
tldr; rinne is worried that his fans are getting too curious about his hometown and might eventually lead to it being exposed, so he stages a fake reveal to satisfy his fans curiosity.
i sorta like it. its not completely outlandish by enstars standards and it ties up a few loose ends about rinnes backstory (like what happened to his career as a solo idol before his duo unit with niki, why he became an idol, and who produced him before he met anzu) as well as further solidifying his character as someone who genuinely cares about the well being of others and will fight to protect them by any means necessary even if theyre not part of his life anymore .
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iwonderwh0 · 11 months
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@my-name-is-markus-with-a-k YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID
The following text is entirely your fault
"What's in this room?"
"Oh, this one is my studio. I keep my paintings here and-"
"You can draw?" Connor's eyebrows rise, "Can I see?"
"Sure," Markus says before he manages to stop himself. Realisation catches up with him the next instant, and he almost reaches to stop Connor from entering the room to go first and at least try to hide the evidence, but Connor has already stepped inside and is now coaching down carefully examining dried paintings set on top of each-other along the wall. Good. That'll win Markus some time. He quietly steps around him, grabs a towel from one of the tables and moves to the corner of the room, closer to the window and consequently the easel with yet unfinished piece. Connor shouldn't see this one. Markus drapes the cloth over the canvas just in time for Connor to start standing up to take a closer look at those paintings hanging on the wall.
"They're so colourful, and yet your choice of colours confuses me."
"How so?" Markus steps closer, trying to make his voice sound as casual as possible, but it comes out slightly higher pitched than he intends it anyway. Maybe he'll be able to talk Connor into getting bored and deciding to leave on his own before exploring the rest of the room more throughout.
"It looks intentional, like it symbolises or references something specific. But I'm not sure what it is," he turns his head and looks genuinely curious. Given the situation Markus shouldn't be excited about this fact. No, this is bad. He won't get bored that easily, is he?
"Or am I overthinking it?" Connor adds sheepishly as Markus remains silent for way too long.
"Yes." Markus says suddenly, surprising himself with how determined this false claim came out.
Shit. That's not what he meant, he just needs Connor to leave. Now. He is dying to say something else to refute what he just said, but Connor steps aside from the painting startled by the coldness of Markus's voice.
"Oh. I'm sorry," he says.
Markus struggles to stay quiet.
It's working, don't say anything and he'll leave.
Except he doesn't. He turns around and walks to the other wall.
"Oh, you draw people too," he says as he looks at the portrait of an old man holding a chess piece – white bishop.
"Do you draw them from imagination or are there real-life models?"
"It depends," Markus gets closer, "This one is a portrait of someone I knew in real life – he actually even posed for this. But I have portraits of people that aren't really based on anyone. I can show you, if you want."
Why again is he suggesting something that'll extend Connor's time spent in a studio?
"Or we can do something else?" Markus adds quickly, in an attempt to fix his mistake.
"No, no! Now that you mentioned it, I am curious. Show me."
Great job, Markus.
He gets to the corner of the room where a few old portraits are lying stacked on top of each other and quickly sorts through the stack of them, turning the canvases to the light, searching for the ones not based on real people.
"Why is there two different dates?" Connor asks, and Markus stops to look at the back of the canvas.
"It usually takes me more than a day to finish a piece, so I mark the day I first start it, and then the day It's completely finished. You see, it takes time for this type of paint to dry, and it's important to let every layer dry completely before starting with the next one. It takes a lot of time and patience, so I often work on a couple different paintings at once...Huh, wait, I think it's not here," Markus stands up and looks around the room, thinking where else could he find the portraits he was looking for, then crosses the room to look through the paintings lying along the wall there. Maybe he should just pick one and lie about it – it's not like Connor will now the difference anyway.
"Oh, here!" Markus picks one of the first portraits he's able to find in the stack, "This one wasn't based on anyone," he takes the canvas out of the stack and turns around expecting to see Connor still standing behind him. He could swear he was standing behind him all this time, but now that he turned around Connor wasn't there. Instead, he is standing next to the window, looking at the portrait displayed on the easel.
"How about this one?"
Markus feels as if all the air in the room suddenly disappears, leaving him no oxygen to breathe in. He takes a few steps closer to the window, desperately trying to think of a response. He looks at the towel in human's hand and wonders if there was a single chance for Connor Not to look under it.
"This..erm..," He trails off under the stare of narrowed brown eyes, "It's a little bit of both worlds, I believe."
Connor glances from a portrait back to Markus.
"You 'believe'," he echoes. Markus wishes he could understand what emotion his face is showing, but perhaps Connor himself wouldn't be able to name it if asked.
"Um, I... It's not finished," Markus says, as if this fact drastically changes everything.
"Oh," Connor says, pretending as if it actually does.
He turns the canvas around and stares at the date. He frowns, glances back at Markus, then back at the date. From the expression on his face Markus realises, that he's doing math. Another realisation hits Markus when Connor's eyes widen in silent shock. The date on the back of the canvas precedes what Connor knows to be the first time they've met. What would even be the right time to mention it anyway?
"I can explain," Markus says.
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ealvara7 · 5 months
Watching the Tour Cast for the Very First Time!!! ✨
During a conversation in one of the Discord groups I'm in, one of my good friends shared with me a Beetlejuice Tour boot that included Jackera Davis as Lydia!
I'm still going to see the musical on May 22nd, but I thought this would be a really cool way for me to get better acquainted with how the Tour cast play their roles!
I'll leave my notes under a "read-more", so you can keep scrolling! Thanks for reading, regardless! ✨
Jackera's voice is beautiful... 💖
She doesn't linger on a lot of her notes, which gives off the impression that her Lydia is more angry about the situation she is currently facing. That's a nice take on her character!
Justin jumpscared me the first time I saw him! I've only ever heard his Beetlejuice voice on a couple of YouTube videos, so getting to see his face was such a surreal experience- (The initial silence when he pulls down the paper was depressing...)
I've actually noticed this on a couple of GIFs, but the area where the banjolele was thrown in The Whole "Being Dead" Thing was moved to the back! I'm not sure if this is consistent on all stages, but I imagine this was done in order to adapt to as many of them as they can!
Similarly, Sandy does not appear at the beginning in the Tour version. This I had been aware of for some time now-
In the Tour version, the house is hidden behind a curtain, which is something Beetlejuice mentions just before it opens.
In the boot I'm watching, Justin goes:
"It's a house!!!"
Then he does a little pose, which immediately knocked me out-
Also, I now see what people were talking about with the tongue thing Justin does... and now I can't unsee it-
Another Tour change that I had known for some time is the usage of electrical items for the Maitlands' death. Adam purchases an eletrical adapter, rather than Manchurian tung oil, in order to light up the new mobile connected to the crib. Some of the lyrics in Ready Set, Not Yet have also been changed to reflect this.
Jackera has to have my favorite characterization for Lydia so far!!!
I always imagine Lydia to be rather lively, like her cartoon counterpart, but still carrying the angst that she is going through in the musical, and Jackera does this! The only difference is that Jackera leans more on the angry side of Lydia, which gives her more of a punk teen vibe. I love it so much, and I feel like she plays off the rest of the cast so well!!! 💖
In Fright of their Lives, the chorus simply walk in rather than the set opening to reveal them. It's a little heartbreaking to see that change... but I get the idea at this point-
On a lighter note - Justin interacts with the chorus after they get interrupted and says:
"Sorry guys... I'll pay you for the full day-"
Once again, knocking me out-
Beetlejuice's mood ring hair... is not present in the Tour version. I had been very well aware of this for some time, but out of all the changes made to the Tour version... this one was the one that hurt me the most.
In my heart, Collettejuice most certainly has mood ring hair, even if it's not visually presented on stage.
Speaking of Collettejuice... I've notice a ton of little things that make him distinct from other Beetlejuices. For example, he is very fidgety and fast - he usually apologizes more than once when it comes to a situation that he's in. He also appears to be more disconnected when it comes to his emotions - rather than being sad, he likes to make fun of his own misery. He'll also get really angry when things don't go his way.
During Say My Name, Jackera's Lydia is just absolutely not having it with Beetlejuice. Instead, she is very quick to turn down his offer and simply stands her ground.
Also, when the Maitlands appear, Colletejuice is just visually bitter and upset towards them??? Oh my god???
It makes his "old pals" statement feel more condescending, which is a very nice twist from other Beetlejuices, who usually look happy to see them!
I find it kind of adorable that at the beginning of Act 2, Jackera's Lydia is much happier with Beetlejuice, but still not entirely sure about all the little quirks he does. It's like when you're getting better acquainted with a new friend, which is exactly what is happening here.
I love how Collettejuice is just absolutely embarrassed by his plan to have Lydia marry him. Like, it's the only option he has, but if he had it his way... he absolutely would not be doing that.
"If you wanna save Barbara, I need you... to marry me!"
"It's a green card thing... guys..."
There are a couple of instrumental additions in the Tour version, but easily my most favorite has to be the violin addition in Home.
It's slow... and sad... and somber... It fits with the rest of the song perfectly, and I can no longer imagine the song without it.
Jackera also did a fantastic job with this song! Home requires a ton of strength when it comes to hitting certain notes, and she pulls it off perfectly! I'm so glad I got to hear her sing! 💖
In the Life or Death scene, the wheel has been replaced with stocks. Before Otho dies, he is carried off stage by two skeletons.
Beetlejuice's game show outfit in the Tour has the same yellow blazer. However, the outfit is now green at the top, and blue at the middle and bottom.
I... am personally not a fan of this design choice. I feel like having all blue in contrast with the yellow works wonderfully to create a bold look. Adding green at the top makes the outfit blend in a bit... and that just doesn't work for me.
That being said... I adore the addition of the lapel pin on Beetlejuice's wedding blazer! I'm a huge sucker for Beetlejuice wearing a rose or any other kind of flower on his lapel-
I feel like I've said everything that I have to say for this boot, except for one more thing...
Justin's wonderful addition to the last "This guy knows what I'm talking about!" will never stop making me go crazy whenever I hear it.
"Look, I only joke because I see myself in you... later tonight."
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Magic Means Deception
Dream of the Endless x Magician!Reader
Summary: You were born from a long line of powerful sorcerers whose very lineage is sworn to serve the higher beings. Present day though, after all the witch hunts, there's not much left of your family's prestige, which is why you worked as a magician for kids' birthday parties-- that is, when you're not doing mystic errands that leave you better off dead.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: multiple mentions of physical injuries and blood, gender neutral!reader, one curse word, bullying Matthew kinda, angst, hurt, typos, etc.
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It was nothing short of a miracle that I managed to get to the venue on time. There is no way in seven hells I'm paying for a late fee, not after going through all seven hells for The Fates literally moments ago.
"Lord Almighty, why the hell do you look like that?" the woman whose daughter was having a birthday walked over to me, having received my text of arrival.
Although it was a horrible idea, I let go of my side to raise my hand in a pose and to give her a lopsided smile, "it's a costume, babe. My last party was... hell themed. The kid was really, really goth."
The look of concern that was etched on her face immediately evaporated, and the sight of my tattered clothes and blood oozing side was something suddenly impressive, "how did you do the blood?"
"Ohh, you know," I place my hand back, holding in my whine, "a magician never reveals their secrets."
"Well, I mean I could guess, it's probably a jug--" she steps forward, hand darting to my wound. I dart back quicker, raising my other hand, "ooh, trust me, you don't want to get this on your hands. It's a nightmare to get off," I give her a rather desperate look, "where can I change?"
"Oh," she shakes her head, "right. If the kids see you they'd break down and cry. Yeah, there's a storage room over-" I don't wait for her to finish as I immediately head to the direction she pointed her finger, not forgetting to say a quick thank you.
I grip my satchel and step into the storage room, half regretting turning the lights on. The storage room was about, not only as big as my apartment, but just as filthy, which says a lot about the owners of this establishment.
Then again, I drop my bag and sit on a box, catching my breath, it also says a lot about me.
I rip my shirt off without raising my right arm for that was the side of my stab. I then pull out a vial from my bag and down its contents, muttering an incantation under my breath for the pain. It takes a moment, one too long for my taste, but it worked nevertheless.
Once I could move without feeling like I was getting stabbed all over again, I began to stich my wound up.
Suddenly, I hear a squawk and then a raven flies to the shelf beside me.
"Good goly, why aren't you at a hospital?" Matthew croaks just a bit over head. I ignore him, too focused on my task at hand, too much anticipating the voice of his master. It never comes, he never speaks, only Matthew does, "I'm guessing your task was successful?"
My face pinches sourly as I sardonically answer, "funny this looks like success to you."
"Come on, I didn't mean--"
"But then again, you're right," I turn to the bird, "if I were unsuccessful, I would have ended up dead."
Those words glaze the room with cold silence for a long while. It was preferred, as I was trying to sew my bleeding side shut.
For a moment, my thoughts gnaw at me, and so I sneak a look to the side of the room. I nearly scoff but keep it in, feigning ignorance at what I saw. It seems he had been staring at me the whole time since he was, in fact, here.
Good. Let him. It was his fault anyway.
By the time I was almost done with my stitches, the numbing spell began to wear off.
"I still think you should go to the hospital," Matthew croaks as I finish off the last stitch on my wound. I forfeit a response, not wanting to do the, 'hospitals can't treat my wounds' spiel and instead begin to wrap my torso with gauze.
The bird squawks as I let out a pained grunt in my failing attempts to put the bandage on as each second the pain begins to intensify.
Matthew shifts on the shelf and stutters as I proceed with my actions, asking me cautiously, "should you be doing that?"
I raise my brow, not liking the idea of anyone else doing this for me at all, "got any brighter ideas, crow?"
"Hey! Not funny."
I roll my eyes.
"Boss, can you-"
"No." I reply quickly, forcing down the pain of my stitches that tore ever so slightly with every move I made, "heavens be damned if I ask help from-"
"Do not be stubborn," I hear his voice before I see him. In fact, I see his hand taking the gauze in my hand before I see his stupid face.
"Stubborn?" I seethe, as Dream of the Endless sinks down before me, moving too close against me as he quickly begins to trace the cloth around my lower ribcage, "you've been staring at me, offering no help whatsoever the moment you got here and I'm stubborn?"
I don't know why I'm letting him do this, why I allowed him to take the gauze from me. I dont know why I don't just Spartan kick his head off-- well maybe I do, cause if I kick him, I'm basically kicking all my stitches off.
What's possibly worse was he and I felt vastly different in this moment.
He looks at me as his deep voice calmly responds with, "I did not think you wanted my help."
Before I could even think, I move to punch his jaw. But before I could even move, he catches my wrist in his hand and warns, "do not be so foolish to waste your hard work over your anger towards me."
My eye twitches at that. How dare he read my thoughts? I don't know what angers me more, the notion he did that figuratively or literally.
Dream averts his gaze back to my wound, fingers brushing against me in the gentlest possible way, and yet it hurts more than my laceration.
I scoff, feeling tears prick in the corner of my eyes over the sight of his unruly hair, his eyelashes, his lips, his audacity... his nonchalance.
If I could breathe fire, my next words would have burned him, "why are you even here if you don't fucking care about me anyway?"
Right, Matthew thinks, before deciding the best thing for him to do is fly off to the next dimension. His next best option was anywhere immediately out of here.
As the bird flutters off, Dream's expression grows grim, his blue eyes contorting into one that could have been read as hurt, "you dare insult me with such petty lies?"
"and you dare insult me with indifference!" I whine, feeling my entire body tense as my tears begin to rush down my cheek.
Dream presses his hand on my side, "calm yourself."
I rip his hand off me and shove him off, causing him to topple back and nearly lose his balance, but alas that is impossible for a being such as him. And as I rise to stare him down, he rises too, looking down upon me. I feel no intimidation in my state however, especially not when his eyes where practically screaming apologies at me.
"Don't tell me to calm down when I've just nearly joined your sister, Death, without a booking!"
He never apologizes though. I think I never will behold it in my lifetime.
"You are bleeding," he states, hand going back to my side, the other pressing against my back. My heartrate began to rise again, but not because my body was flush against his, but because he was willing his eternal composure onto me. I will not have it. I refuse.
"Allow me to finish tending to your wound," before I could begin to resist him, he quickly adds, "please."
Hearing those words breaks something in me. I heave, beginning to only now realize how exhausted I really am. I push his arms off him with my left arm and sit back down on the box I made a chair of, "be quick about it. I have to go out there in 15 minutes."
"You will not attend to entertaining children in this state," his deep voiced demand echoes.
Yet, I feel my eyes go drowsy, "I will if I want to make rent. The Fates' gratitude over my service is unfortunately worthless to my landlord."
I hadn't realized I even closed my eyes up until I ripped them open after feeling my side sting at Dream's actions to finish up binding my wound. With wide blue eyes, he speaks, "I did not mean to. I apologize."
I scoff, thinking he probably heard my thoughts about his lack of contrition.
And it was unintentional, I knew he wouldn't be petty enough to hurt me, he and I are not the same, and yet I burst out with, "why not kill me now, while you're at it," I sigh, crossing one arm over my chest. I prop my elbow on my hand and rest my head on my fingers.
I'm incredibly exhausted, so much so I feel my emotions spilling.
Dream watches as tears fall from my eyes. He brings his hands to my face, "I would not have allowed my sister to take what is mine."
My eyes flutter open as I feel his thumb brush my tears away.
I take in his sorry expression. I take in the stars in his eyes and the slope of his nose, and I feel abhorred by his beauty, "I belong to no one, Dream."
His brows knit together, only but a fraction, as if it was something he had no control over, "must you lie even to yourself?"
I finally rip my sights off him and grab my shirt from the floor where I threw it, "a magician's life is built on deception." I release a pained groan as I stand up with my clothing in hand, forcing myself to put it on through the pain.
"After all," I stand, "what am I if I cannot do an illusion spell properly?"
Once these words leave my lips, I begin to do a recite a deception enchantment by heart, one that made the spellcaster look like how they wanted to appear no matter how contrary they actually were. So it would be, to untrained, mortal eyes, my hair was fixed, my shirt was clean and tucked, and my face was radiating jovial confidence.
I pull out a mirror out of thin air and look at my reflection, adjusting a few details of my appearance as I saw fit.
Dream moves close enough that his own reflection was seen on the mirror. I ignore him, and yet my whole being shifted around him as he whispered, "your illusions do not work on me."
I knew. I know. It would take a great and powerful magic to deceive the likes of him, and even then, he could comb through it like sand.
I look down on myself, beholding the ragged state of my clothing and the blood on my body, then turn to Dream's face, "it does not matter." I strike my arm to my side, causing the floating mirror to go up in smoke, "this does not concern you."
His brows tighten again. He was not given an opportunity to respond.
I push past him and walk out.
The moment I lock eyes with the host, I am introduced. All the attention is suddenly turned to me and my heart begins to race. I give a soft smile.
I conjure up a top hat, making the kids go wild, "are you all ready to be amazed?"
The high pitched squeals are enough to make me forget about my pain for the time being.
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rileys-battlecats · 2 years
What’s your best advice on translating the image in your head on paper? Like when you imagine what you want a character to look like then draw it. Sorry for the weird wording and question, I was just trying to draw a character of mine the other day and they ended up looking… horrifying. Had such an uncanny valley feel to them. I ended up going with it and it sort of worked but when I was drawing I thought of that super cool sketch of Gullytuft you posted the other day. And how even without colour and if the caption wasn’t there we would be able to look at that cat and go “wow, that’s Gullytuft!”
Not sure if I'm reading this question wrong but I'll give this answer in two parts, just in case!
First, getting images out the brain and on the paper; What I normally end up doing is sketching and resketching whatever I'm trying to draw over and over again until it really captures what I'm going for. Oddly enough I'm not an especially visual thinker? I tend to think in concepts/motions rather than images which is kinda wack, so having a specific image in mind when I go about drawing is pretty rare for me. So! It's drawing over and over again til I get it right. Sorry if this isn't helpful ^^;;
Next, getting your characters to look like themselves; there's a few things that can help you with this! One thing is to make sure your characters have recognizable shapes/silhouettes.
Here's some characters of mine as only silhouettes, and if I did my job right in designing them, they should (hopefully) still be recognizable!
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Even with them all being in the exact same pose, their shapes are distinct enough to where they still look like them, you know? Or at the very least, are different enough to be distinguished from one another.
(Cheat sheet for who they are; Mudpaw, Gullytuft, and Owlpounce)
When you design a cat character, don't just think about the markings and color; think about the body type and the shapes you incorporate into their design! Try to make each character unique enough that they are still recognizable without color!
We'll take Gullytuft as an example, since you mentioned that sketch of her from the other day: Gullytuft's shapes that make her her in my mind are her sharp eyes, a triangular face with her distinct cheek fur, and inner ear fur that extends out past her ears
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I try to always include all these aspects of her design when I draw her, and that consistency makes her more recognizable!
Once you have a solid design to work with, make a reference for yourself! I nearly always have a character's reference up when I'm drawing them, even if I draw them often, because I want to make sure I'm getting all their details right. The more often you draw a character with those details that make them them, the more you'll be able to do so consistently! (Sorry if this isn't worded very well I'm Sleepy haha)
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daz4i · 9 months
suicide tw. graphic
officially reached a point where i'm considering some methods again tonight (it's not that special, i do it every few days. bc. my mental state is shit and i literally always want to die)
someone i vaguely know talked abt their own recent attempts via pills. as well as that friend of a friend i mentioned earlier who talked abt someone he knew trying to jump off the 8th floor. and like i know neither of these will work
it's the 9th floor in my case, i look down and can tell it's not high enough, i'll have to get incredibly lucky to NOT survive this
pills i already tried when i was a teen, and it literally just. gave me a headache for a few days. that's it. 30 pills at once and it didn't do anything. didn't even need to go to a hospital
cutting doesn't work. idk if my knife's not sharp enough or if my methods aren't right or if i simply have a thick skin but i can barely even make myself bleed at all really, let alone enough to pose myself any danger. only managed to properly bleed one time a few months ago. it didn't even leave any mark tho
jumping in front of moving vehicles didn't work. they just stop lol. also at this point (bc all of these attempts were in my teens too) ik like jumping off the 9th floor i'll be lucky to not survive it unless i get hit and run in some remote place and bleed out before someone gets me help. which. as you can tell. isn't really an option
guns aren't an option. rockets being shot down are more likely to injure than kill me if i get hit by their pieces by any chance. fire scares me (also it's probably the most painful way to die AND worst aftermath if i do survive it). drowning is incredibly hard to do without something helping you by weighing or holding you down. inhaling carbon monoxide or some other lethal but not too painful gas sounds most chill but idk where or how I'd do that. can you tell i researched this shit lol
so what's left!!!!!!! can someone come kill me!!!!!!! we can make it homoerotic to spice up the experience if you wanna as long as you finish the job!!!!!! h i'm so tired
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bellafragolina · 1 year
PhD anon with more mushroom info (keep in mind, as I mentioned, this is all very theoretical as more research needs to be done to understand exactly how Cordyceps function):
Think of the mycelium as the fungal arms that grab onto the insides of the insect, and using the chemicals released, cause the mycelium to contract and expand in a way that moves the body. Furthermore, the chemicals the fungi releases disorient the insect and may also be the cause of their erratic movement and behavior. We are pretty sure it's the role of the chemicals to cause the insects to go into what's called a 'death pose', where they latch their mandibles onto a branch or a stalk of grass to keep their body in place when the spores are ready to fruit. Research is still ongoing, though, since for a really long time scientists thought it was just neurological interference, but now we think it could be a combination of both neurological and physical influences (ie, the chemicals plus the help of the mycelium). If you go on YouTube and search Cordyceps, David Attenborough did a segment on Cordyceps about fourteen years ago that was really informative.
As for what I do, I actually focus on a certain compound produced by Cordyceps fungi called cordycepin. Cordycepin is nearly identical to the molecule adenosine (specifically, cordycepin has one hydroxyl group attached to a ring structure, while adenosine has one) and a lot of cells have receptors for adenosine, and therefore cannot distinguish between the two. What I'm involved with is using cordycepin as a cancer treatment, since cancer cells have adenosine receptors and bind cordycepin instead if that is present. Once bound, cordycepin causes apoptosis (in simpler terms, it causes the cancer cell to shut down and triggers cell death). My research is super early stage, and unfortunately not taken seriously by a lot of scientists since Cordyceps are a traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine and, as such, means people think of it as pseudoscience even though my lab and several others have proof that this is a treatment that can work lol.
Again, this is all early stage research and we still don't know a lot about this mysterious species of fungi, but I hope you and anyone else feels inspired to do a YouTube dive and learn more! It is a truly fascinating subject and I'm over the moon you're interested in it. :)
i will be doing a youtube dive don't you worry about me!
also that so sucks about how it's not taken seriously tho! stuff like acupuncture and cupping and such aren't taken seriously but they do work! so it's sad they're disregard
but you're so cool! godddd i wanna do research like you one day! maybe with rabies. until then i'd love to hear more and more and more! because this is so so so interesting!!!!
thank you for being willing to share!! i love stuff like this so so much. science is my passion, and i snatch at any chance i have to indulge in it, so always feel free to share! whether it's about cordyceps or something else! i love it all
you're so amazing!!!!
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twinsloveco · 4 months
Yeah he acts like he's giving me the world said I have. World of my own but we always had to be the givers and payers and do all the cooking cleaning driving planning etc so I fawned when I seen him do his share in 21..
He uses it for evil and when in guilt ...
Do you know he show3red me in gifts to help me look Sexier? Rather than reaffirm me the right way because he always whatbfelt like tried to detrans demasc me .
Yeah I told him don't argue or invalidate me but still he never once said words to me that showed affirming me and my masculine my lucifer he always wanted me in lower
Feral delta is literally a creature ..
And Kisco is a fucking child ... gross 🤢
I didn't realize he infantilized me as my friend put it.. cus I'd never been so endeared before
We had a romance in my Michale life well he got inside a part of my light twins soul i feel ?.. and he cheated with all these girls because "gabriel" told him so... sometimes it wasn't gabe but Adam or tye witch posinh.. maybe he used a scapegoat?? He knows what he did
It broke michael.. I revenge dated some girls .. I was ashamed and stopped it said it wasn't me.. I fucked dommed him to hell as Michael through my reborn lucifer soul / other body in the garden in his ass [he denied being gay so it was supposed to be a punishment for raping my Lilith soul .. among other things] he wasn't supposed to like it!! I didn't know so I was like gross and ran guess I was soooo good he went mad and came after me in every life since ooof... Michale was collared an driven crazy Michael is also lucifer and started the Johnathans Jerome line chain cycle ... I was gonna tell u I was Michale but then right when I went to..yeah .. so I stfu. Now notice he's always locking up John posing as John force fuse mind controlling John.. making him go Jerome dog form ... yeah ...
You mentioned him being fucked up and I didn't like that .. my head hurt and I shook it and said nope away memories ... sighs 😒
I honestly was having shit taken from me and I also locked sonmuch up behind the Golden doors I told you about ..it's where my memories as Seraph Divi Samael were ...
The eclipse opened them well really that day you were holding me at ur dad's triggered it i got light speed brief flash backs but panicked and slept it away and would forget
Nooo he can't be gabriel who I'd run from ..
Nooo I can't be seraph then that means ima not have my selves in other body and be alone noooooo heart races what do I do..
I tried to slowly hint out but felt knocked back and silenced they taped over your mouth scribbled out the truth with their lies.
Michael was loyal tho and never cheated..
You dumped me Enoch/Adam/Eagle the moment u ran and abandoned me and cheated with all these girls ... no explanation .. after fucking me ! Me fuxked u.. you made me feel alone and single when I was with you in 2021.. and again in parts of march.. because I was waking tf up asshole
Was told I'm not me So I'm like okay someone else can deal with that I'm free 🫠
Fuck!!!! Redditor said lucifer/The devil was easy to trick and I thought I wasn't I used tobbe w bad Ass they broke me to break myself that's how you do a Demon lord in..
I am easy to trick now ...but not long anymore mybfriends opened my eyes !!
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500days-of-autumn · 2 years
28th of august ‘22
I was browsing over one of my favorite artists’ newly released album and I stumbled upon this. It has been a week and I am still as obsessed as ever with her song ‘Backburner’.
To be honest, I never really knew about the word backburner until I encountered it in her album. I searched it on Google, and it said:
“If something is on the back burner, it is temporarily not being dealt with or considered, especially because it is not urgent or important: We've all had to put our plans on the back burner for a while.”
I couldn’t imagine being on someone’s backburner, or their second (or maybe even third) choice, or being put to last because you’re not the priority. But actually, it’s not being someone’s least priority that made the song devastating to me.
For me, it’s how we still feel joy and settle for the less despite them treating us like that.
I can't lie, it feels nice that you're calling
You sound sad and alone, and you're stalling
And for once, I don't care about what you want
As long as we keep talking (as long as we're talking)
If the old version of myself learned about this song then, I know she would bawl her eyes out for a night. And then, after that night, I know she would still choose to go back to someone.
Actually, if someone were to read this, especially when they knew me before, they would think that I’m being too cheesy about a moment in my life that happened 5 years ago. I don’t know, I feel that people won’t actually get where you’re coming from because they didn’t experience it themselves. I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) blame them though. It’s my choice and my experience to begin with.
It's pathetic, but at least you are, too
I don't know what to do
I don't like anyone except sometimes you
Oh how I love to be self-aware (that we’re pathetic.) Yet, despite knowing, we still make ugly decisions, right? Is this in our nature as humans or what.
After everything you put me through
I somehow still believe in you
Just why are we settling for less… really.
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Someone Great (2019)
I watched Someone Great for the third time 3 days ago. I was crying at 2 AM as Jenny read her letter-slash-monologue directed to her boyfriend of nine years.
Nine years.
Imagine knowing someone head-to-toe to the point that you’re able to recognize their side burns, the length of their legs, or their nape. Created memories with them that every street and sidewalk you’ll pass by has a corresponding moment of you and them together. Nine years was a lot for two people.
I was reminded of Backburner as I was watching Someone Great. The odd thing about it is that they’re not actually related to each other at all. Jenny was not on Nate’s backburner, neither is Nate was on Jenny’s. They were always each other’s priority. Again, for nine years.
But I guess what makes this heartbreaking is that despite picking each other and being their own first choices in those years, they still aren’t made to be together.
Now the question is: Would you choose to be someone’s then-priority or to be on their backburner?
Maybe I'm just not better than this, I haven't tried
'Cause maybe you'll finally choose me after you've had more time
I thought I was a fast learner
But guess I won't ever mind, guess I won't ever mind
The common thing about the two is we are all being faced with possible choices, right? But honestly, what’s the better choice between the two—or better yet, what’s the less devastating decision?
Maybe I blame my mother bleeding into my stride
Maybe it was my father and his wandering eyes
(It's their fault that) I'll always be in your corner
'Cause I don't feel alive 'til I'm burnin' on your backburner
Niki’s Backburner also mentioned something related to her (although I don’t want to assume) parents’ relationship. For me, it posed how her settling for the bare minimum is related to how her mother did. And yes, this is why some people stay with someone who gives them the least amount of effort; because even if we are not the priority, this is, by far, the most amount of love we have ever gotten. It reminded me of a quote from a movie that I love:
We accept the love we think we deserve.
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Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
The song ends with the word backburner being repeatedly said. Like it’s haunting us… backburner, backburner.
I hope one day we’ll all realize how we all deserve the better things in life. Even if we think we don’t deserve it, but honestly, we do.
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sjhanny2000 · 2 years
Hair Care Frustrations
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I have an answer to the ask from @summerofsleep here:
Hello, it's me again. Thank you so much for responding!
Since you write for Naruto, could you do Naruto boys with an s/o that has really long hair (Kushinas hair length for example), and what they would do if their hair was stressing them out (getting in the way during training, during jobs, hot nights in summer, etc)
For now, I'm just going to do the Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, and Shikamaru but I definitely want to delve into other male characters as well when I have more time!
Warning(s): fluff, implied/mentioned past trauma, hurt/comfort
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First of all, it important to establish that Naruto is an absolute simp for you. Mans would do anything you ask without a shred of hesitation (golden retriever personality all the way)
However, Naruto, due to his rough upbringing and personality, isn't always the most observant individual
It'll take him some time to notice how much your hair has been stressing you out lately. You also don't want to bother him something that shouldn't be a problem but is because he's already busy with training, etc.
With that said, he does notice eventually and when he does realize what's going on, Naruto will not let the issue go until he's fixed it!
He instantly is stumped on what to do however and quickly seeks out help from Sakura, who just happens to hanging out with the other girls at the time.
Before he knows it, he's going through the ringer, being taught how to braid and all kinds of things. Is he good at it though? No, not in the slightest.
Still, Naruto doesn't give up and for weeks practices whenever he can, with Konohamaru often joining in for the "important training exercise"
Finally, after days of failures and practicing, Naruto approaches you as you once again flick your (h/c) locks from your face and demands to fix it for you
You were honestly dumbfounded by his demand but let him do his thing, only to be shocked when the man pulled out a hair tie out of his pocket!
You continued to be shocked when, after a few minutes and endless chatter from the blonde, your hair was placed in a perfect braid, one better than you could have ever managed.
In the end, Naruto would be beaming with pride and you couldn't help but fall deeper in love with the goofball.
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Sasuke, our emo boy, does not and will not care about your hair struggles. At least, not at first or outwardly.
Our emo boy is far quicker than his blonde counterpart in noticing the issues you have with your hair and has no problem in bluntly telling you the truth.
"If it bothers you so much, cut it."
"Deal with it or I'll chop it off myself."
Now this is the point where two different scenarios take form: (1) you do as he says and cut it OR (2) you don't cut it and either beat his ass or simply ignore him
Now if we're dealing with situation one, it honestly fixes nothing. Your hair is still posing to be a problem and nothing gets solved.
Also, let's be honest, Sasuke definitely comes across as a guy that likes to play or at least pull (my kinky folks) your hair as a warning or punishment
He's gonna sulk a bit about that excess hair being gone. If you shave your head completely, the man might even yell at you!
For scenario 2, Sasuke will not tolerate your hair problems impeding his goals. This means that something has got to be done.
Queue Sasuke looking back to his childhood and remembering how his mother tended to her hair, or how Itachi would style his when they were children.
He won't take the effort to learn any techniques or styles like Naruto, it's a waste of his time.
With what he knows, Sasuke will either put your hair in a bun or a braid (he likes the feeling)
If that doesn't work, his patience has run thin and he'll berate you until you figure out what to do with it.
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Out of the four guys in this post, Kiba will probably be the most knowledgeable and best at helping with your hair.
He grew up in a house full of girls, that being his mom and sister, and he found himself watching Tsume braid Hana's hair before bed or watching Tsume do the bare minimum with her own but still something.
With Akamaru having long fur as well, Kiba's learned the best way to take care of hair, both human and dog
So, when he notices how you've been struggling with your own hair, dog boy wastes no time in helping you out.
Whenever you're together, his hands are in your hair, either playing with it or styling it with his own preferences.
"Leave it in the buns or else!"
Hella loves putting your hair up cause it means he can smush his face in your neck and chest better. And to show off the hickies he left there the other day
But sometimes he likes it down so he can hide in the curtain of (h/c) and take a quick snooze
I think Kiba would also be pretty open about asking his mom, Hana, or Hinata for ideas from time to time.
He just wants to make sure his pretty little mate is happy and comfortable, even if it means he's gotta put in some extra work
Also, man will also use your hair as an excuse to come over and spend time with you, for training sessions to go longer, the works. Kiba just loves spending time with you!
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Instant realization. Instant headache.
Shikamaru notices your hair struggles right away and all he could think at first was "what a drag"
You typically were fine about taking care of your hair but all long haired folks know that there are days of struggles too
He doesn't do anything at first, it's not his responsibility after all, but as the problem persists, so does his want to fix it. He barely wants to put his own hair up, let alone someone else's.
But, the person struggling is you.
Our resident smart boy quickly becomes annoyed with himself as he grows more and more frustrated at seeing the person he loves struggle.
His solution? Nap-.
No, our man, reluctantly mind you, goes to Yoshino and the Nara clan matriarch is far too delighted that Shikamaru feels inclined in any way to help you out
Yoshino quickly, much to Shikamaru's utter dismay, recruits not only Ino but Choji and Ino's moms as well!
Ino, being the teasing brat that she is, invites Hinata, TenTen and Sakura and all Shikamaru wants to do is die
Hours of mindless advice and examples go by and by the time the group of women appear to be satisfied with themselves, Shikamaru is brain dead and wants to bash his head against the wall.
The next time he sees you and before your hair problems can arise, cloud boy orders you to sit down and whips out the hair tie he's been carrying around in his pocket.
Shikamaru lazily yet expertly (just because it was boring didn't mean that he didn't pay attention to the girls' advice) put it up in not only a braid but curls it into a burn at the nape of your neck.
If doing your hair stops you from complaining (and it makes you happy), Shika will do it.
But wake him up from a nap or during cloud watching to do? He'll still do it, all the while mentioning how this is such a drag
Hopefully more to come!
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min-hoax · 2 years
castaway - myg
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Chapter 11
Pairing: Yandere! Idol Yoongi x F! Singer Reader
Warning(s): Mentions of growing up inside a toxic environment, absentee parents, mentions of cheating, alcohol and drug consumption.
A/N: not charles being king smh 😟
- This is complete fiction. I do not believe any of the members would do or act as written.
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How is it possible that so many vow to one? A one who’s simply human and has nothing special to them. I never understood the loyalty people have towards us, maybe because I never really had it.
I grew up lonely, inside a broken home with parents who fought like it was the only thing they knew what to do, absent because they were engrossed in their own career and never with their only daughter.
When I met my first love, Niko, it was a dream I couldn’t comprehend. I felt I could’ve changed things - that we wouldn’t be like my mother and father. We’d get married, have a baby or two and live happily ever after, but it seems that luck is never on my side.
Now, I don’t know if I’ll ever have that optimism again.
After he cheated I felt I could fix things, but it never got to be the same again. He messed with the wrong crowd and dragged me down with him. I wanted peace, but the only small piece of dignity I had with me vanished the second I decided to try what he loved the most.
It seemed that fighting was the only thing we knew what to do, too. We’d get high, drunk and be happy in each other’s arms - the only way we could stand to be in each other's presence.
I miss him.
I miss the way things used to be.
Missing him feels like a betrayal to Alex. They’re kind, sweet, and patient, knowing what I’m going through. Others would see and run if they saw the state that I'm in, but not Alex. And I don’t know how to feel.
I love them, but it’s suffocating. Knowing that somebody loves you at your worst. It makes me feel undeserving of something so special, like I wasn’t made for it.
Things between us happened suddenly, too soon. I was desperately craving for something, and I thought I found it. Maybe I did, and I just don’t know it, maybe it’s just that my mind is everywhere and I don’t know what to think.
They visit from time to time, giving me the space I asked for even though all I want was to be in their warm embrace, for them to hug me as I cry and tell me it’s all going to be okay as they did once.
But how are things going to be okay? They never are.
I will officially be coming back to the public eye in a few weeks. When I was told, I couldn’t help but to cry. Wasn’t this what I wanted? To be free from the shackles that is my home?
No, what I wanted was to be free on MY terms, to go out and enjoy a day with my friends and my love, and not to an award ceremony where there'll be incessant flashes of lights and the screams of excitement that make my ears ring.
And what I hate the most in the world is posing as a happy, healthy, and beautiful woman when I’m truly a miserable little girl who cannot do something without someone’s supervision.
Can’t wait to come back and write how wonderful it’s going to be.
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minty-malfoy · 4 years
“would you still love me if I turned into a worm?” | blurbs
🌱 pairings: reader x blaise zabini, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, neville longbottom (sorted in alphabetical order)
🌱 warning tags: language, probably
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Blaise Zabini
“A what, now?” your boyfriend asks, halting the movements of his quill to look up at you; brows furrowed as if it’s the most absurd thing he has ever heard in his entire life.
“You know, those wiggly things that—”
“I know what worms are, (y/n). But what the hell?”
“Dunno,” you shrug. “I’m bored.”
“So you thought about what it’d be like to turn into a worm?” his eyes narrow out of pure bewilderment, blinking once, twice, as he finally turns back to his unfinished essay. “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours.”
“Not my fault you’re taking so long with that assignment,” you grumble as you begin to shift on the puffy couch, feeling somewhat annoyed by how cold and empty it is without the other boy in it. “And besides, you love me.”
An amused chuckle escapes his lips. “Can’t say that I don’t.”
“Even as a worm?”
“Will you stop asking if I said yes?”
You nod happily, giving him the answer he needs— or well, wants, really. Even though Blaise couldn’t quite understand the pointless question, he knows it’s significant to an extent.
“Yeah, alright. I would. Now give me five minutes and we can get out of here. Deal?”
A glint of satisfaction flashes through your eyes as you give him a hum in return, thinking to yourself that maybe the silly questions could be more useful than you thought.
Cedric Diggory
The moment the words leave your mouth, Cedric's first reaction is to laugh. He didn't mean for it to come out in a condescending way. He hadn't even meant to laugh, to begin with. But judging by the way you pout with both arms crossed, that might just have been how it came accross.
"I'm sorry," he offers sheepishly. "you were saying?"
"You heard me. I said what I've said," you grumble, despite not being genuinely upset at the hufflepuff boy you've grown to love.
"Wait, I need to get this straight," he takes another breath of air. "You're serious?"
"What do you think?" you pout once again, turning away slightly from your boyfriend. This only seems to ignite his amusement as much as it does his guilt. A second or two later, his arm finds its way around your shoulder, the other brushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.
"You really haven't figured it out yet?" he asks with a genuine grin on his face. You begin to eye him curiously, appreciating the charm of his pearly white teeth as you wait for the boy to go on. Soon, he pulls you into his lap where his arms craddle you lovingly.
"Sunshine," he begins. "I'm surprised you still have to ask. But if that's one way of putting my love for you, then yes. You'd be my favorite worm in the entire world."
"Promise?" you present your pinkie finger as a final means to seal the deal.
With one last chuckle, he wraps his fingers around yours. "Promise."
Everything that happens next is a flurry of innocent pecks and kisses planted along your skin, coupled with the security of two warm arms holding you in place.
Draco Malfoy
"And what exactly do you expect me to say to that?" comes his first response after a long moment of trying to figure out just how in Merlin's name your mind came up with that question.
You, on the other hand, can't help but giggle at the slytherin boy's confusion. "Whatever's on your mind right now will do."
"Well, to be honest with you, I can't quite stomach the idea of my own girlfriend turning into a bloody worm." he nearly spits the words out, softening his edge only when your eyes meet once again. "If you were expecting a different answer, I suggest moving on to the next bloke."
Draco wasn't lying about that first bit. Worms have always been an insignificant, unseen creature in his world; wiggling in the muckiest of places where they could easily be stepped on. Hence, he doesn't like to imagine you—someone so perfectly ethereal and quintessential in every single way; the only source of light shining into his pathetic excuse of a life—to be compared to a dirty worm, of all things.
"That doesn't mean I don't love you, though," he adds in a bit of a guilty tone; voice much, much softer this time. He brings your hand to his lips, dropping a few kisses on its skin. "I just much prefer having you as you already are."
You snuggle deeper into him, indicating that you already know exactly what he means.
Fred Weasley
“A worm!” Fred exclaims, nearly forgetting the food on his plate altogether. "What a brilliant idea!"
A few seats away, you can already see Ginny clamping her mouth shut as to not burst into fireworks of laughter. You mirror her gesture, eyes now on Fred once again, watching him announce this idea of yours to your entire group of friends.
Ron, who's not that thrilled to see his brother's public displays of affection, lets out a groan. "Wouldn't have asked him that if I were you."
"You think so?" comes your reply. "He seems to be having a lot of fun with this." you both glance at Fred, who is indeed already coming up with some sort of thrilling plot.
"Did you hear that, George?"
"Sure did, Fred."
"I reckon we could come up with a potion for that," he muses, turning back to look at you. "Give me a week or two and we can start living out that worm dream of yours, love."
"Wait, Freddie, you're getting it all wrong," you begin explaining, tugging on the boy's sleeve slightly to keep his attention on you, "It was just a silly little question. I don't actually plan on turning into a worm or anything like that."
At this point, you half expect his enthusiasm to die down from the grounding effect of your words. In reality, it doesn't.
"S'that so?" he replies, earning a nod from you. "Looks like you're missing the bigger picture to me, (y/n). Isn't that right, George?"
"Right you are, Fred." the said boy affirms. "Sorry, (y/n). I'm with him on this one."
With a sigh, you turn back to Ron, who's busily stuffing his mouth with a look on his face that says I told you so. You shake your head with a small smile at your boyfriend's shenanigans. You're not sure how you can both dread and anticipate the day of his worm adventures.
George Weasley
"That's a new one," he asserts with an amused laugh. The boy rests his head against one of his palms, feeling instantly intrigued by your proposition. "Now tell me more about this worm business of yours."
"That's about it, actually." you admit sadly.
George frowns at this, wishing he could hear more worm stories and whatnot. Mostly he's just happy to see the way you talk about things passionately. Makes him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside in a way he can't ever get enough of.
"That's quite alright. I'll do the talking, then." he offers, rubbing his chin to think of what to say next. You light up in your seat, eyes wide in anticipation. Now it's your turn to eagerly wait for his response once again.
"I've got an idea. We could run off and start a new life— as worms!" he beams all of a sudden. You raise a brow for him to go on, not exactly complaining about your boyfriend's excitement towards the topic. "I'm only turning into a worm to make sure I can properly take care of you, of course. Wouldn't want to—er—squash you between my big human fingers, now do we?"
You both erupt into a chorus of laughter at the conjectured image, melting into one another like two fitting puzzle pieces. When you finally catch your breath again, you pose the main question once more, "So I'm concluding you're still going to love me, then?"
"Love you?" he repeats. "Oh darling, I'll be marrying you in a grand worm wedding!"
You can't hold back the gasp that escapes your lips, more than thrilled to have the first mention of marriage between you. Not too long after, you transform into a complete fit of giggles when George continues. "Then we'll happily live our worm lives, 'till death do us apart. Or when, you know, some bloke accidentally steps on us. Whichever comes first."
You lean into him lovingly to steady yourself after all the laughing. Taking a deep breath in, you mumble a soft, "You always know how to make me laugh, Georgie."
And the truth is, he wouldn't have it any other way. Worms or not.
Hermione Granger
"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand the point of this question."
"Which part, exactly?" you inquire, watching your girlfriend pull out another book from the wooden library shelves.
A few seconds pass before you get your answer. "You're not a worm," she states simply, eyeing you up and down as if to prove her point.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out, 'Mione," you follow her to the next section. "Which is why I said if I turned into a worm."
The girl looks at you again, analyzing your words and expression briefly before coming to another conclusion. "I still don't understand." she pauses to think. "Unless you might be interested in becoming an Animagus? Even then, opting for a worm wouldn't be very... effective."
You roll your eyes, speeding up to block the girl's way. She lets out a non-committal "Hey!", only for you to quickly muffle it with a warm kiss. A moment or two later, you pull away with a smirk that makes her heart melt. "Just answer the question, would you?"
Still slightly caught off guard from the contact, Hermione finally caves in. "Alright, you cheeky flirt. I love you. Even as a notional worm."
Satisfied with her answer, you plant another peck— this time on her cheek, before announcing a gentle "I love you, too."
Harry Potter
The way his lips purse into a straight line tells you that Harry doesn't exactly understand the question. Not really, at first. Aside from being an entirely foreign concept to his ears, it also seems like an odd thing to ask someone, unless— "Oh! You're an Animagus!"
The smile on your face instantly drops at this. "What? No—"
"Why didn't you just say so, (y/n)?" he begins what—at the time—you don't know is going to be a nearly endless ramble. "I was planning on telling you this for a while now, but I know someone who's an Animagus, actually. In fact, I think you two would get along fantastically!" he lights up at the sudden idea, flailing his arms in the air out of excitement. "Yes, maybe I can try getting the both of you to meet up. No promises, of course, but what do you think?"
"I think you've got it all wrong," you frown; knowing you would have to disappoint your boyfriend and how you're not very fond of the idea.
"What do you mean?" he asks, albeit barely giving you a second to reply. "(y/n), it's alright, really. You know you don't have to hide yourself from me. Besides, I think it's brilliant!— what you can do, I mean."
The smile he gives you is the epitome of love itself, and now you're not quite sure how to handle the messy situation without pulling out the rug underneath Harry's feet. All you can do is squeeze his shoulder with a guilty smile, promising to talk about it again after dinner.
Luna Lovegood
"Of course. Worms are lovely, don't you think?" she says with a dreamy smile. You gape at how easily the answer could be pried from your girlfriend; no questions asked. But then again, it's not like you hadn't expected this exact outcome already.
"Mhm," comes her gentle hum as she begins to stir her honeyed chamomile tea. A soft smile stays glued on her features, as if she's enjoying the conversation. "What kind of worm would you like to be, (y/n)?"
"I haven't really thought about it that far," You admit. "Are you sure, though? We won't be able to hold hands or anything like that."
You can't tell if you had just imagined the almost-frown tugging on her lips, because when she looks back up at you again, her sweet signature Luna smile is back in its place. "I suppose you're right. But I could carry you around everywhere with me. Wouldn't that be lovely?"
"It would be," you nod. "but can a worm even fit into that pocket of yours?" you question, noticing how hers are stuffed with unknown items; blades of grass sticking out ever so slightly. Flowers, perhaps.
"Oh, there's nothing to worry about. See?" she pulls out a couple of daisies and fairy foxgloves to reveal a now empty pocket. "Now, would you like some tea?"
You eagerly join her on the table, snuggling against your girlfriend ever so slightly as you both begin to talk about your day. The entire worm ordeal is slowly slipping out of your mind already.
Neville Longbottom
Neville stops in his tracks at your question, taking a moment to toss the idea back and forth in his mind before he can give you a proper answer. You nearly giggle when his face scrunches up, brows knit and lips parted as he innocently asks, “But why would you turn into a worm?”
"Neville, love, no. It's a hypothetical question."
His entire body relaxes at this, releasing what you assume is a breath of relief. "Oh. I thought you were being serious for a moment there."
You shake your head with a giggle, taking a step closer to adjust the scarf around your boyfriend's neck. "I'm just curious is all. Would you still love me, then?" you ponder.
"Yes! Of course!" comes his instant reply, hands balled up into fists that match the determination on his face. "I would get you a nice worm house with all your favorite flowers in it," he bends one of his gloved finger inwards, beginning to keep count of this hypothetical to-do list. "Would you still be able to have human food? Well, either way, I promise to feed you every single day!"
He pauses, only for a second or two. "Oh! And I'll sing you worm songs! Or maybe we can sing them together? I don't know if you would still be able to talk as a worm though."
You swiftly pull him into an affectionate hug, effectively bringing his rambling—as well as the entire worm topic—to an end. His hands sheepishly find their home around your waist, where he places them softly as if it's his first time hugging you. After all the months of being together, it certainly isn't.
"What was that for?" he dares himself to ask, avoiding your eye contact shyly.
"For being the most loving and adorable boyfriend I could ever ask for," you lean in to plant a soft, gentle kiss on his cheek. You don't miss the way he pulls up his scarf to hide the blossoming blush afterwards.
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I have no idea why I wrote this either lol <3
🌷 draco taglist: @arossebyanyothername @kawaii-angelanne @thefandomplace @yuosmi @bbeauttyybbx @mywellspringoflife @slytherinsunrise @avatarbeeb @scarlet-says-hi @lunars @coldlilheart @beiahadid @justmimithings @soundsquid27 @youknowiloveyou-so @n3ssm0nique @ochrythum @explxsion @yaanasluv @autumnpleaves @booksmione @drxcomvlfx @the–queen-of-hell @aspiringsloth20 @runninglownad @snitches-at-dawn @badfvith
🌷 harry taglist: @teheharrypotter @badfvith
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princess-fuckrosa · 4 years
Hi. I hope you don't hate sk8 adam. If you one of the unique and awesome people whole love/like Adam can you perhaps wrote a SMUT of him? I'm sad that i can't find and SMUT about him cause everyone hating on him. You can write anything tho i don't have any particular request.
Thank you and sorry for the bad English. English is not my first language
Ahw, don't worry Anon, this blog is a safe place for loving on anyone!
And well, let's be completely honest, everyone who hates on this moron, is actually right about it, the latest episode left me a 3 minute complete silence as I tried to recover from what he did to our dear Cherry.......
But, to be fair, I have a soft spot for all the motherfuckers like Adam, so all of you who love the Matador of Love, don't be afraid to send in your requests, I adore him too! 💖
And don't worry about your English anon, it's perfectly fine! Send me a request anytime I'm open! ❤
*EDIT: Yesterday I forgot to include some stuff, so I added them~
HEAVY smut under the cut, general TW for the innocent vanillas~
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Ainosuke Shindo (Adam) SMUT headcanons
We already have some clues about how the Matador of Love would be like in a relationship, and let me tell you, and I don't think it's a surprise but...
It's not nice. At all.
or it depends on what you call nice I think haha
Ainosuke definitely has a big turn on for tears and fear.
He's a sadist, and I don't think he would be completely against being on the other end of the line, but he would be the top dom most of the time.
He's into both physical and mental abuse, but before we completely bookmark him under the 'heartless psycho' category, he won't do anything non-consensual.
I imagine he would search for his 'Eve' in this way too, and if someone wouldn't willingly submit to him, they are just not the right ones.
So unless you let him do whatever he wants, he wouldn't take you seriously. He might have a one night stand, as he does sometimes, but to be his Eve, that's not enough.
He would expect you to be 100% submissive towards him, but only in the bedroom, and not on the casual side. He would love the contrast between the two: you being bold and confident during the day, but a sobbing, needy mess at night - perfect.
Master/Pet play is a big kink for him.
At first, he would give you a taste - he wouldn't be half as rough as he usually is, but would make you cry during the act, just to show off his style a little
"Do you still want to be my pet?", he asked, his index finger lifting up your head to make your teary eyes meet his seemingly empty, red ones. If you managed to whimper out a yes, his fingers would brush your lips as he leans a little closer. "I'm gonna abuse you, y/n."
You saying yes to him again would make his blood boil in excitement again.
He would absolutely cherish the idea of having a s/o as a pet, someone who would adore and worship him, and he could play with them as much as he would like to. Wouldn't go as far as caging (well, if you really insist, he wouldn't be against it either), but would give you a collar with "Adam" written on the tag.
Ainosuke is the kind that would be gentle and caressing at the start, and as the play session goes he would get more rough and vicious.
He does a lot of foreplay. It's mostly anything that implies that he is in control, and usually it starts rather innocently.
He walks over to you, caressing your cheeks with a brief smile, giving you soft kisses on your neck, hands traveling on your body with gentle touches...
...only until you get completely relaxed. He would lean back a little, his fingers tracing your lips, and for the first time in the last few minutes, he would smile at you.
And the fun begins.
You quickly learn that specific smile, the innocent, kind one that only appears on his lips when he came up with something truly dirty and terrific.
Would totally manhandle and take advantage of you. Grabbing you by the hair or your collar to get you to the bedroom, but sometimes when he feels like it, he could be able to just pick you up in bridal style and carry you to his bed - which is gigantic, by the way.
With Ainosuke, expect a lot of messy blowjobs. He would let you start and show your appreciation for the first few minutes. But after that, he would cup your cheeks, tug into your hair and face fuck you with vigorous speed. Plus points if you wear any makeup, he would ruin it, and almost get off only on the sight of seeing you crying off your eyeshadow. It would be hard to stop him after he starts, and wouldn't really care about your discomfort, the only thing he would avoid is making you vomit, he doesn't like that
He would call you the dirtiest, filthiest names ever, but would praise you and call you sweet, loving names just as much, especially during said face fucks.  
He is not THAT into bondage, Ainosuke prefers using his hand and body only to get you under full control, but if he is in the right mood, he would totally tie you up and abuse the hell out of you.
Doesn't matter if you are a female or a male, he would absolutely torture your nipples. Flicking them roughly, pinching them, tugging on them so hard that your back arches, slapping and biting them.
Getting to the main act with Ainosuke takes a long time, he would make sure to make you come one way or another, at least once.
Sometimes, when he is in a more affectionate mood, or you earned a reward, he would overstimulate you until you're so dizzy and disoriented that you don't even remember your own name, because you screamed his name so many times during your climaxes. He would leave you no rest, once you get your first one, he wouldn't stop, aiming for the next one, and the next one, and the next one...
Finally, when he gets between your legs with his crotch, you're so wet or lubricated that it wouldn't be much of a struggle to slam into you without a warning.
Through the whole foreplay, he is just so aloof and cold, or somewhat loving yet collected, but now that he is in you - he would completely switch into an animalistic, rough beast. Grabbing and bending you, completely getting lost in your moans, whimpers, and screams.
Would enjoy a lot of poses, his favorites are mating press, spreader, v, all variations of doggy, and basically everything where he is in full control over you.
But when he gets close, he would prefer to switch into missionary, leaving no space between your bodies, looking into your eyes as he reaches his high.
Depending on his mood, he would be either very affectionate with aftercare, or just completely ignorant of it, leaving you in the room alone as he goes to clean up himself and return to his day.
If there's no risk of knocking you up, he would usually release his seed into you, as a way of marking you as his, but would love to just cum anywhere on your body for the same reason.
That being said, he is not an abusing asshole all the time. From time to time, he would be more gentle, focusing more on holding your body like it was the most precious thing in the world, keeping it close to him, shower it with kisses, lovebites, and loving gropes.
He would sense your mood often, and if you feel down for some reason, he would cuddle you, placing you into his lap and wrapping his arm around you, and he would offer you some distraction from your problems. If you accept it, he would pay attention to your needs. Sure, if you just want his usual self, he will order you around and give you a rough treatment.
But if you need lovemaking, how would the Matador of Love turn you down? It's just something he won't really go for on a regular basis, so savor these moments every time, but don't be afraid to mention it when you need it, he's bossy and narcissistic but up for negotiations.
The latter is rather rare, he would usually just cuddle up with your messy, hot body for a few minutes before helping with the cleaning up.
Either way, sex is hardly ever predictable with him, he would be able to surprise you every time even after a long, long time of being together.
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ritualslaughter · 4 years
so I mentioned seeing a terrible take saying shigaraki was beyond saving because he willingly murdered his father, and I was gonna leave it be but actually I'm still pissed off about it so here goes nothing:
Shigaraki Tomura, Unreliable Narrator or: Why Shimura Tenko Did Not Intentionally Kill His Father
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tw for talks of child abuse - physical, emotional, and psychological - below the cut
okay, so - the aforementioned flaming bad take is obviously based on these caps:
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these are taken from 236, when we learn about tomura's (or rather, tenko's, because I think there needs to be a distinction between the two in this case) childhood. from the outset, this seems cut and dry - if you don't read anything other than this, I would excuse you for thinking this is just another case of "crazy kid seeks bloodlust, kills family."
I'm here to tell you why that's a load of bullshit.
okay, let's cover some bases, and talk a little bit about child psychology:
During their development between the age of two to five, children do not understand that death is irreversible. [x]
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as we learn in 235, tenko is five when his quirk begins to manifest - his skin starts to dry around his eyes, he develops an itch, and we can assume shortly afterwards is when the actual decay quirk forms.
as stated above, preschool aged children do not have the same concept of death as adults; they think of death as temporary, even fixable. this is how you get children saying things like "but how can grandma breathe all the way down there?" and "did it hurt when they burned daddy?"; to a preschool aged child, death is akin to taking a trip - it is something that can be returned from. [x]
to say that tenko - a child of five years old who has already gone through abuse (a common effect - even in cases where the abuse is not physical - of which being stunted emotional growth/development, and in particular difficulty understanding the consequences of their actions [x] [x] [x]) understands the finality of death enough to comprehend the consequences of a quirk that has only just developed, immediately after the trauma of physical abuse from his father and then unwillingly causing the death of the rest of his family, is absolutely absurd.
"but he said he knew what he was doing!" you say.
now we're really getting into the meat of this, let's talk about a couple reasons as to why shigaraki tomura is an unreliable narrator.
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tomura - not tenko, because it's important to remember this is shigaraki that is recounting these events to us - does say that he believes that in some way he did this on purpose.
however, I am once again going to bring our friend context back into the equation.
shigaraki tomura has undergone serious indoctrination by all for one for the majority of his life, the majority of which being in his formative years, and especially regarding this particular event. the entirety of afo's introduction in regards to tomura's origin story literally revolves around the death of his family and his "itch to kill," so let's talk about some ways in which afo might have affected tomura's perception of that day:
1. forgotten memories
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this is the most out there, and the most tinhat-ty of the theories, so I'm getting it out of the way first. I think it's worth it to put in here anyway, because it does still touch on afo's overwhelming influence, but this is pretty much all speculation.
in 237, tomura mentions the memories of "that day" being repressed up until his fight with re destro when they come back to him. the theory is that these memories - and by proxy, the feelings that came with them - were placed into his head by afo as a child, and are not reflective of his actual actions/feelings.
like I said, I think this is the weakest argument in this particular context, but it would explain some of the convenient events (i.e. the grandson of shimura nana, the one person afo wants on his side, just so happening to kill his family) that lead to tenko meeting afo. it's an interesting idea, and one I like, but it's not the one we're gonna focus on for this argument.
2. a helping hand
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sit back and watch me girlboss and gatekeep this shit, cause this is where we really start to talk about gaslighting.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. [x]
regardless of whether afo orchestrated the death of tenko's family as posed in the above theory or not, it's irrefutable that he is the first and only person to to offer tenko support following the incident. this puts afo in a position of power and worship over tenko, which is the perfect breeding ground for this type of psychological abuse.
afo praises tenko, tells him he's powerful, and that he's proud of him, gives him his name, and assures him that it's okay to want to hurt the people who have hurt him, and not only that, but that they deserve it when he does.
afo creates an environment where tenko/tomura worships the ground he walks on, then builds the narrative that the ones who hurt us deserve to be punished. so why would tomura, who blatantly in the text says he felt immense guilt for killing his family, not try to lessen that guilt by saying they deserved it?
3. scratching the itch
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"but what about the itchiness? he said it went away when he killed his father, it's obviously tied to his need to decay, he can't be saved if his instinct is to destroy!"
I'm going to pose a little theory here: tomura's itchiness is not a symptom of his quirk. it's a psychosomatic disorder caused by the abuse from his father, and then later heightened by the abuse he received at the hands of afo.
Psychosomatic disorder [is a] condition in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological (somatic) functioning to the point of distress. [x]
tenko's itching starts near enough to the development of his quirk that it's pretty easy to see why the two might be related, it's also shown to be in DIRECT correlation with any time his father verbally or physically abuses him. the first time we see him itching, it's after his father drags him across the house. he also says in the text that it (his face) "gets itchy when I'm at home," meaning it mainly manifests in environments his father is in.
afo abuses this knowledge, and turns it into a weapon used to create the "symbol of fear" he's always wanted - he tells tomura that holding back will only intensify the itch; he has to let go if he wants it to ever truly go away. the itching stopped when he killed his father (because finally, his abuser - the stressor for this reaction - was gone), so it must be natural! it must be natural for him to want to destroy, so he should follow his heart, and that will make afo proud.
and the only thing tomura has ever wanted to do was make afo proud.
let it be known, I'm not arguing any of this to take away tomura's agency or absolve him of his crimes - he absolutely has killed people knowingly, and with full consciousness. but the idea that tomura - or any child - was "born evil" or can never be saved because of actions done under extreme stress, and tainted by further psychological abuse, is fucked up, and it just straight up is not backed up by the text.
tomura's whole character is based on the fact that if someone had been there to save him, he would not have grown up to be the way he is today. to put the blame of his character on his quirk, or his personality, or just the fact he was born fucked up shows a blatant disregard for the themes of his character, and the themes of bnha as a whole.
no one is too far gone that they can't be saved. especially not a scared little kid looking for comfort when they never had any.
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Hello, @witchcraft-of-obsession! I couldn't help but notice your intriguing work regarding yandere characters. You give lots of details about how each character would act, according to their personality. On top of that, you include dark, but necessary concepts such as "noncon" when talking about such unstable characters. I find your work refreshing when I'm not really up for the cutesy side of the slasher fandom. That being said, I love your work and I hope you're feeling well!
Also, would now be an appropriate time for a request? I was wondering about your headcannons about a Yandere!Vincent Sinclair. I know that the slasher fandom recognizes Vincent to be the "less loud" one out of the brothers, but I feel as though people also forget that Vincent is also a killer who kills for a sick sense of art. Who's to say he won't kidnap, or do something worse for a sick sense of love?
Thank you so much Anon, this just makes me so happy that you enjoy my work and notice the detail I put in it; I honestly try to think how would they act if they were a Yandere and try to change it up from the stereotypical Yandere/slasher.
It's always an appropriate time for a request, and if you or anyone don't know if my request is open, just looking into my bio to see. Since I already made the Vincent Heaconan, I'll give you some more Vincent headcanon. I also believe that Yan! Vincent isn't that "shy and soft" person people make him out to be.
Once again sorry for not actively writing I've been busy with IRL stuff at the moment.
Extra Vincent Sinclair Headcanon
House of Wax
Warning: Yandere behavior, Murder, Mentions of Manhandling, Murder, Mentions of Poly relationship
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Vincent Sinclair can be just as rough as his brother, Bo. Yes, Vincent is much more thoughtful of his darling, but that doesn't stop him from dragging them like a rag doll everywhere he goes, even if his darling doesn't want to go. There will be times where Vincent is even manhandling his darling to either do a certain pose for him, to go somewhere certain, or maybe even in the bed.
Vincent does try to distance his darling way from when he kills victims but for what everyone thinks. He doesn't do it in fear of his darling watching him kill, but he does it in fear of his darling taking their time to escape while he's concentrated on his victim; he could care less if they saw him kill.
Vincent has to be the only one willing enough to consider sharing his darling with his brothers, though that does have some consequences to it. It would have to be planned out with either Lester or Bo before his future darling knew about it, but this would lead to extreme greediness, roughness, and horrible sibling rivalry from both parties; especially, If Vincent shared his darling with Bo or the other way around. At the end of the day, it would be hell for his darling to not only have to be obsessive Vincent and a possessive Bo.
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