#reason to stay. so he could keep giving them profit. and how they have both seen
hiramaris · 1 year
Kiss It Off Me
A story revolving around the newly arrived resident farmer in the eyes of the personified perfection, the sunflower of Pelican Town herself, Haley. Or. When Haley finally met the person that caused ripples in what was once a stagnant town, and she didn’t know how to handle such massive change.
Pairings: Haley x Fem!farmer
Haley's heart events are just soooo wifey, especially after marriage. Her character development is well written off but I just can't help but notice that something is missing, like the heart events are just not that connected in some way. Stardew is an absolute gem don't get me wrong. I'd like to try and connect what I think is missing which is the reason this fic is created. P.S. Second try in making fanfiction. I apologize for any future grammatical errors or whatever. English is not my primary language.
Disclaimer:  I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: None so far? Just Haley being her usual self
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Gif from reddit.com
Winter 25
What words could possibly do justice to describe this sleepy town? Pelican Town had its charms sure. It’s peaceful, the air is fresh, and would never choke you on your sleep plus it gives a really nice tan so Haley wouldn’t really complain. 
But it was just so... boring. Was that the right term?
The people are meh, nosy, and just as bland but they are good neighbors though don't get her wrong. They look after them— her and Emily when their parents can’t. 
Them again. Thinking about them just makes her angry— blood boiling and all that, and well… sad which is infuriating.
How can you just leave your kids just to go follow your own dreams and travel? And then act like you care just by sending some half-hearted letter? Sending a letter now and then was hardly enough to make up for their absence. How low could that be?
Emily doesn’t think so. But what does she know? Her cooking was as bland as the town, and her obsession with crystals and hippie clothes was just plain ridiculous. She knows nothing. 
Her sister is anything but pessimistic. She saw the light in everything whereas Haley ever saw them through the lens of her camera.
Capturing a single moment in a photograph was a thousand times more vivid and alive than the bleak and colorless reality she was currently living in.
She should be in college right now, pursuing her dreams, being the center of attention, and having boys falling over themselves to impress her. Or she would have been running her own photography studio by now in a city that never sleeps, schmoozing with some famous photographers and carving a niche for herself in the cut-throat world of photography.
But no, because here she was, stuck in a six-mile drive from the nearest city, life as directionless as the people in here.
Why am I even staying here? She wonders.
Oh, yeah— grandma.
This house is hers. Her house is the only thing that made her feel that Grandma is still here, with them. Even though Haley is talking big about leaving this town, she knew to herself that she doesn’t have the strength to just leave it just like that. Which is why they both tried to keep it tidy and well... avoiding it from falling apart.
Aside from that, there was nothing to do here. The only things keeping her sane were her camera, her phone, and the clothes she ordered online.
Oh, and of course, her best friend, Alex.
He's the only one— aside from Emily and of course, the Mullner residence, Granny and George are good people even though George is grumpy all the time,  that she's able to have a decent conversation. She and Alex are, after all, not the sharpest tool in the shed, and shared almost the same brain cell.
He’s that typical jock boy, ripped as hell but in terms of brain, well… meh. Not like Haley's any better so who is she to judge?
They went to the same school, belonged to the same clique, and were both popular, of course. He’s here to practice his grid ball or whatever but Haley knew better.
Alex, despite being the dungus that he is, has a lot on his plate already. He needs the peace this town can offer.
And maybe, maybe I need it, too.
Maybe being away from the city has a good cause, despite her constant complaints, this town has been her home for the past six years after all.
But she just really couldn’t help but dwell on this stupid thought of hers of being stagnant and directionless at this time of the year.
Ugh. It’s stupidly cold outside and there’s no way she’s walking in six-inch snow just to get a quality photo, which isn’t much considering the lighting outside does not satisfy her at all. The only, and probably one good thing about winter is peppermint coffee. It's hot, minty, and makes her feel warm while making her mouth worthy of being sucked on— err... that's a want that cannot be sated as of the moment.
The bachelors in this town suck for real. They are not even worthy of a single glance. Apart from Alex, of course, but he's a friend so... no.
And what's made it double suck is that she ran out of peppermint coffee. Pierre is out of stock and there's no way she'll let herself be caught alive inside that creep manager's store that runs Joja or whatever. 
Now she's stuck sitting at the table, devouring a massive pink cake that could feed an entire family, enduring a coffee so bland it makes her want to try and drink tea.
She hates tea.
Oh yeah, she's also holding a note and a sunflower in her other hand. 
She doesn't want to read the letter but considering the gifts she just received, it’s probably just the same lame-ass apology about being unable to be here on her birthday this coming Spring 14th. Not that it mattered anymore; it had been two years of absence, and she had grown used to it by now.
With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the note onto the table, debating whether to toss it into the fireplace or tear it to shreds or whatever.
If it's just another excuse, she doesn’t want to hear it.
"Haaaay!" And there's a familiar voice. 
"If you don't have peppermint coffee with you I swear to Yoba—"
"What's the case, long face?" he quipped. "And no, I don't have anything with me."
She looked up from her cake, finding Alex strolling in their kitchen with one of his shit-eating grins, hair covered with a concerning amount of snow. She grimaced. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you."
He feigned a hurt expression. "I thought you loved me though."
"According to gossip, maybe but really, I don't," she deadpanned. 
He cackled at the mention of that. At the center of the gossip mill passing down from Marnie, Jodi, and Caroline, maybe Robin, too, and probably all the yoga club, is he and Haley dating. Which was absurd, to be honest.
"No, really, Hay." He finally turns serious. "What's up? What's got your face looking like that?" 
"It's just the stupid climate." Haley tried to lie. She didn't want to stir up drama at the moment. Alex frowned, catching up with her lie almost immediately. He caught sight of the letter Haley threw earlier. "Alex don't—"
Too late. He already got it. He sat down next to her as he read the contents of the note, his brows furrowing in what she assumes is annoyance. "Parents, huh? Same old, same old?" He raised an eyebrow.
Haley huffed and snatched the letter away. "Yes, the usual."
"Well." Alex propped his elbow on the backrest, a sly grin returning to his face. "I just got the perfect news that might take your mind off things."
Haley arched a perfect eyebrow, curious. Gossip wasn't his usual forte.
"A new farmer is coming to town."
Haley's fork paused in mid-air. "Uh... I'm not sure how to react to that, and what's so great about it?"
His smile widened. "I heard she's from Zuzu City."
"I'm sorry, what?" 
"Why? Surprised another Zuzu native is coming here?"
"No, you dungus." She slapped his hand attempting to take a slice of her cake. "I heard you correctly, right? You said the farmer's a she? A girl is taking over that farm?"
"Yes," Alex confirmed, finally snagging a bite of cake. Haley makes a scrunched face in mock disgust. "The farmer's a she. Old man Railey's granddaughter actually. What's the problem though?" he asked in mouthfuls.
Haley stood up to grab another spoon. No way she's getting his imaginary cooties. Alex doesn't seem to mind; it only further encourages him to eat some more.
"Because it’s weird," she said as she sat down. "Farming isn't exactly a girl's job, especially for a city girl like her. I bet you she wouldn't last a month."
"Not all girls are like you, Hay— ow! What's that for?!" He rubbed his ribs where Haley just nudged with her boniest elbow of all time.
"As I was saying before being rudely interrupted." She rolled her eyes. "Farming is all dirt and nasty, smelly clothes. That farm was barely run by old man Railey before he died. What could possibly a city girl like his granddaughter could do with that rundown farm? I bet you it’s already smoldering by now."
"Good point," Alex said as he continued eating. Haley swear to Yoba all this idiot does is eat and relax in here.
He has a diet, right? So does she, and they're like eating a fat block of sugar right now.
Whatever. Pink cake has always been an exemption from all her seasonal dietary plans.
"But I guess we'll have to wait and see; don't you think so?" Alex turned to her after a few moments of silence. "I heard she's around our age. If it's true that farming is as difficult as they say, the least we can do is make her feel welcomed."
Haley barely nods in acknowledgment. 
This town is like a pond, where everything that enters stays and everyone already there remains. The city is a raging storm with ocean waves ready to swallow you if you go against the flow. A lot of people there has a sense of direction, one Haley aspires to have, and what Pelican lacks. You can't, at all costs, be still and unmoved and some people just couldn't do that.
And those people who couldn't stand the pressure, come here, like a moth drawn to a flame, seeking the mundanity Pelican Town could offer them. Perhaps they have grown weary of the constant hustle and bustle. Maybe city life has been too much. Maybe modern life has been too much for this farmer.
Who knows?
But one thing Haley doesn't like, and what keeps her unmoved and still, is change. Adapting, and adjusting isn't meant for her. It took years before she could finally settle a lifestyle in this town, and another two years of adjustment when her parents decided it would be a good idea to abandon them and go travel. She knew where to go, where townspeople go just so she could avoid interacting with them, she accustomed herself to their culture, and the perfect spots for taking pictures. She has it all memorized and planned out perfectly.
And this farmer will be an anomaly to her perfectly (not as perfect as she thought) crafted routine. New face, a new attitude, and just an overall new person she might be obligated to talk to for the sake of introduction.
Pelican is a stagnant pond, yet this farmer, this alien to her world, she's not yet even here but she is already starting to cause ripples.
And Haley doesn't know what to think of it.
The title was inspired by Cigarettes After Sex' Kiss it off me. Their songs are such *chef's kiss* and whilst I was listening to this song, it kind of, sorta, reminded me of how my farmer sees her wife. Thus kabooOm this fic is born
Edit: Because I'm procrastinating and I made sure to finish off my other story first, I decided now to transfer this story from Ao3 to Tumblr
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Hi! Would you write Astarion x Rogue!Tav ? I always liked the idea of two rogues together, getting up to a bunch of mischief.
Inspired by my friend @psychicdreamlandpizza whose Tav is Tiefling Rogue
Thanks @rachelle-on-the-run @leomonae @glassphinixfor the ideas! NSWF version is coming later!
Astarion x Rogue!Tav
You are a street urchin, abandoned as a child.
You can only rely on yourself and no one else.
However, such a life didn't make you bitter.
You are a sarcastic rogue with a heart of gold.
You know lockpicking, deception, and many illegal stuff.
Of course, you knew stories of vampires using, the streets as their hunting spot.
You met them twice.
A tiefling woman. who tried to offer you a profitable job.
And an elf. who was selling his body.
You knew who they were and escaped.
Gods, why isn't there a vampire hunter when you need one?
You recognize the said elf at the shipwreck.
Before he manages to jump on you, you knock him down and put a dagger to his throat.
"Just tell me the reason why I shouldn't tell everyone you are a vampire?"
Now it's his dagger against your throat.
"Tell me the reason why I shouldn't tell everyone you are a thief and a criminal?"
Fair enough. It's not like you manage to keep secrets from the party, but you have an arrangement for a while.
You have a lot in common.
Basically, two feral cats, who try to gauge each other's eyes.
You have lockpicking races trying to open a door or a chest.
"I saw it first!", "I got to it first!", "I've been picking locks since before you were born, you little wretch!", "Exactly! Move, old man!"
Sometimes, failing perception checks and having to face a mimic.
You have charisma 20 and can make people love you without putting too much effort.
You can overdrink anyone and anything, but Astarion has to carry you away because you never know when to stop.
You always can get better deals and contracts, but your desire to help people (even for money) often goes sideways.
And it's Astarion's turn to get you out of trouble.
The intimacy of your partner helping you disarm a trap, knowing that a misstep could kill you both but also knowing that you've nothing to worry about because both of you trust the other's skills and steadiness.
And stitching wounds if one of you fucks up.
Sometimes it's you both.
Post-game, you stay together in Baldur's Gate, working as mercenaries and dreaming of earning a fortune.
You have a thing about luxury too, though, you've never had a chance to experience it.
You are two stray cats, finally having home.
The idea of sleeping comfortably in your bed feels weird.
Wearing clothes which are beautiful but not practical, too.
And you know when Astarion brings you something he hasn't bought it.
And you are more than fine with it.
You steal things for him, too.
Mostly, pieces of clothing. Sometimes jewelry. Often - books.
Date nights? How about breaking into someone's mansion whose owner has hoarded pieces of art and hidden them from people?
Goine through private galleries with Astarion giving you a lecture about art?
Or maybe swimming in someone's private pool?
And having sex in the rich people's luxury beds?
There are a lot of ways to have fun if you are two rogues!
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 7 months
SHAMELESS OPINIONS: S7 (cause Mickey's write off hurt and after s5, I watched again from s1 and forced myself to keep watching + no one around me likes Shameless so I need a place to vent)
overall: i actually loved it, had me pretty hooked all throughout
ok, i kind of like s7 Trevor, he's charming, got this lil sassy banter going off, he's cute and nice y'know. I just *HATE* that they so obviously tried to recreate some dynamics he had with Mickey straight away without letting us warmup to him, how can you deepthroat aspects built from 5 seasons into half of one??? No. Sorry. Him settling so quickly into the Gallagher house as if he's spent a decade there, idk. And the patient scene with Ian? foh man, no. 1x09 was special for a reason, and this would've played differently if Ian actually came to Mick if he was still around. They play out so much better as friends or fw/b ig but that deepthroat can't help me see a relationship between them. Not liking s8 Trevor so far, my god. Also his nonchalant attitude towards Monica threw me off. I get it, he's new and doesn't know much, Ian never mentioned her before apparently, but like "she's a lil crazy i can like her" eek, idk. Like almost downplaying his situation with her.
Caleb can suck my ass along with JW and his hate for bisexuals. My bi ass cannot approve. Cheater McCheater my ass. I can almost walk through Ian's ignorance cause for all he knew, Caleb was just gay, and I feel he said the bisexual thing out of frustration and betrayal towards his actions than actual disdain for the orientation, but yes. He was ignorant in his convo with Lip, and so was him anyway. I guess they just didn't know it is a thing. But thing is, I BET YOU ASSES that Caleb is the type of douche to STILL justify his actions even if JW didn't display his hate towards bisexuality in his writing, he just is *that* douchy. At least he motivated Ian to get his job, I'll give him that.
OH MY GOD THE THROUPLE... AND ITS SLOW BURN. it's hard cause you can understand both sides of the situation and it was just a clear issue of misunderstandings and miscommunication... I just wish they could've handled things better because I was really rooting for them. They fucking worked so well, with their little schedules and organization. I have such a fat crush on Isidora it's actually embarrassing. Anyway... I miss their dynamic. They deserved better.
Lip was a dick to Fiona about the Laundromat, but Fiona also just jumps the gut to these impulsive decisions, and I get that if she does ask for opinions, they probably won't agree with her, and it's not like I can blame lip, I mean look at the Club situation, yeah she made profit, but didn't break even, and that where his worry comes from. But at least, if she still approached him, and did it anyway against his say, he can't rub it in her face that this entails a family meeting and she can't just make those decisions without consultation. Overall, Lip was so arrogant and dickish with her, and for what... he couldn't even bring the money he so desperately wanted her to believe he could.
I love Sue. I just love EMT Ian stuff with all my life, idc what it is, I kick my feet cause he's so happy.
I fucking loved Carl and Mr. Luthers dynamic. Such an epic lil duo tbh.
I loved Frank's storyline here fsr 💀💀 it's so silly and he gets his way like always, but idk, I loved seeing his adventures at the shelter, he still remains a POS that's for sure.
I fucking LOVED seeing Debbie this season, I was a little disappointed last season cause there is so much lost potential on her pregnancy journey last time with where she was staying, but I fucking loved her here and putting her scamming skills to the test. Don't love how she ends up treating Neil in s8 cause... Well, I just feel bad for him, but also, if she really wanted to stay true to her convenience relationship, she probably should've stuck it out more so it lasted more, idk. But enough of that, I loved her setting a goal for herself at the end of the season, and I honestly commend Monica for helping her get Franny out of the house, I understand Derek's family's concern but they were so cunty in how they handled things.
Monica's death hit me like a truck... Idk why, there are so many mixed emotions here, she couldn't dare to tell the kids the real reason she was there, and all she wanted was to be there one last time. My heart goes out to her tbh.
Gallavich. Oh dear God. FERAL, FERAL EVERY TIME. it's like receiving crumbs and eating them up like a vacuum, nothing I can say that hasn't already been said... I just... Wow. Fuck. And to know that, after needing Noel for ratings, that this was gonna be the end for them? No, I could throw up. I couldn't imagine watching shameless as it aired with that knowledge in mind. FUCK ME THOSE TWO EPISODES I ATE THEM UUUP. anyway, I'm normal about Gallavich.
Lord bless Etta... my dear soul. 7x11 was vicious for that, my heart crumbled fr. I can see this was all in Fiona's best interest for Etta and stuff... It was just so sad to see.
Lip and Sierra, I don't really know what people's opinions are about Sierra but I kind of liked her? She was sweet, and had traces of boundaries with Lip even if the fucker attempted to break them every now and then. But she was sweet.
Lips second spiral was even harder than the first one to see. Him crashing at Helene's apartment, and she still doesn't seem to grasp that she essentially groomed him, and he's just so devastated still. Fuck.
That ending montage was truly a piece of cinema I tell you. It was beautiful.
I probably have more to say I don't remember but I really liked s7, not on the priority of a constant rewatch, but it was really good...and truly served as the finale it was meant to be. EXCEPT FOR GALLAVICH, holy fuck that would've pained the whole audience.
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bountyhaunter · 1 month
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TIMING: Current. LOCATION: WR general hospital SUMMARY: Daiyu tries to text her siblings while in the hospital, but decides against it. CONTENT WARNINGS: General hospital descriptions.
Daiyu shared a room with an elderly man called Robert, who she'd started calling Robbie the moment she'd gained enough strength to be a little shit. This had been surprisingly fast, according to all nurses present, who thought her annoying ways a little odd, given the traumatic injuries marring her body. It was impressive to a frustrating degree how quickly the patient used her damage voice box to make bad jokes and come up with bad nicknames, though Daiyu knew very little else to do. Robbie had to be playfully bullied. She had to do something besides lay in the relative silence of the hospital.
Of course, she could invite people. Robbie had visitors, who thought her both pitiful and annoying. It was a fair assessment, considering her bandages and solitude contrasted with her big mouth and lame quips. Daiyu wanted to call out to them in a way that was less provocative, to ask them what it was like to feel the urge to visit hospitalized visitors. To ask them to visit her too. She wanted one of those stupid helium balloons. But she did not ask Robbie's family, nor her own, nor the strange combination of acquaintances she'd made in town.
In stead, she kept her phone battery charged and went online. Snarked to some strangers, tried to cover the fall out of the Keep unsuccessfully, asked for help with her dog. Daiyu did not ask anyone to come, though. It was easier to keep it all online. To speak through text, rather than reveal her raspy voice and her leathery skin. To chat about eating cheeseburgers as if she wasn't nauseated by the medication and the smell of burning flesh that had not yet left her nose. It was easy to show bravado behind that silly profile picture while typing words, even if her arm hurt when she did so.
She heard that Rafael had been given a little wake at the bar and wished she could have been there. Mark Stanson was impossible to keep away from the hospital, but she figured it was only because he wanted to keep her patronage after all that had occurred, and not because he cared.
To be cared for was a notion beyond her understanding. The nurses did a good job of it, but they were paid to. The people who knew about her predicament might want to, but Daiyu kepther them. And her family …
There were a few moments where she opened her text messages with her sister and typed fervently until her broken arm was sore. Inna, she had typed, Do you ever think they should get hunter insurance? Like, I think that's totally something you should get into. Just charge other hunters a fuck ton so in the case they end up in hospital for some reason, they don't have to pay a fuck ton. But ofc most of us are too stubborn to go to hospital, so you'd turn an impressive profit. Been thinking about it lots but I don't feel like becoming an insurance mogul. But like, you can go for it. Take my idea and just give me 10% or something, lol. Oh, right, I was thinking about this because I am in the hospital. In Wicked's Rest, if you feel like coming East. JK, stay where you are. You smell too bad, they'd never let you in. But yeah, got into one of those situations where a first aid box and some staples ain't enough. Sucks ass, man. It's expensive here. And the food's shit, not that I feel like eating it. The guy next to me has people coming by every day. They use a Google calendar and everything to make sure he doesn't go a day without visitors. Would you come if I ask? Not that I'd ask, because again, you smell too bad. It'd be a health risk and I don't want you to embarrass yourself like that. But would you ever do that? A fucking Google calendar? Maybe I would, once you get old and sicky (in like three yrs). Anyway. Some fucking lavagirl jumped me. I didn't even start it! I know you won't believe that, but this time I'm so fr. I was just going to my car and she was killing another hunter who was also just getting to his car? Crazy shit. Anyway. They had to do skin grafts. NASTY! It's fine, though. My scars will look more bad ass than any of yours. You'd cry if you had these kinda burn scars, too. Ummm whatever. I'm fine, though. Just waiting for the right opportunity to make my escape. Don't forget my hunter insurance idea, it's a total get rich quick scheme. How's shit at home? Dad's still not croaked it? Damn huh, I thought
The message had been deleted before she could send it. She'd blocked her sister's number to resist the urge to text her in a moment of weakness and had unblocked her a few days later, just in case of emergency.
Vissarion had been met with a wall of unsent text as well, of course. Vis, you won't believe it. Lavagirl is real. She's probably a fae and also an absolute cunt. I tried to fight her and I lost but if you had tried to fight her, you would have totally died. I'm so bored though. Most boring part of being a hunter, am I right? Waiting for your fucking bones and skin to heal. Anyway, just thought I'd message you. Only because I'm bored to tears. Do you want to come hang out? I want to throw jello at you or whatever. You'd totally hate this town, it's quaint and cute and filled to the brim with weird shit. Have you spoken to dad? Lol who am I kidding you're probably sitting next to him right now and so I'm not going to send this because you'd tattle about me being hurt and that is NOT happening. You suck.
Vissa had received a Blingee gif in stead of the above message, which he left on read and didn't respond to, as was par of the course. Daiyu's finger had hovered over the call button, remembering a long time ago where Vissa had crouched across from her when she'd fallen and messed up her knees. She remembered, too, how he'd carried her from a den of werewolves similarly to how Mark had taken her from that parking lot. She never reached out more besides that one gif.
Her dad was not spared any impulse. She also refused to open her messages with uncle Nik, if only because she knew she'd reach out and that he'd come. That couldn't be.
The solitude was a self imposed consequence of getting hurt. It was how it was meant to be. You only showed people your teeth, never your bleeding gums. She'd put her scars on proud display, proof of having survived where Rafael hadn't, but she would never show the forming of said scars. The period before, where she watched Robbie receive another sister and a drawing from a young niece with a hollowness in her chest, where she longed in the quiet dark for Nugget's snout against her hand, where she heard the whirring and beeping of the hospital and had to wait until she could present herself again as brave and resilient, out in the real world outside that white room where she was alone, again.
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chichiricatsan · 8 months
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More about Eilin under the cut if anyone's interested! :)
Eilin's Origins Tapestry Here!
Pic sources are from Pexels ~ [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ]~ The two quote pics are from Pinterest. The others were all taken/edited by me from the Dragon Age games themselves.
Name Pronunciation: Eilin is pronounced as AYLehn
AY       is pronounced as                     ie         in tie
L          is pronounced as                     l           in let
eh        is pronounced as                     e          in pet
n          is pronounced as                     n          in no
Gender: Genderfluid/Non-Binary ~ AFAB (assigned female at birth, female anatomy) ~ they/them pronouns (will also accept he/she pronouns since they’re fluid).
Orientation: Pansexual.
Age: 24/25 (Origins, 9:30 Dragon) ~ 35/36 (Inquisition, 9:41 Dragon)
Class: Rogue ~ Longsword/dagger combo (preferred) or dual daggers
Specializations: Ranger ~ Duelist ~ Legionnaire Scout
Name of Their Mabari: Samwise. The hound was cheekily named after one of their favorite characters in one of their favorite pieces of human literature. They remain steadfast companions to this day.
Romance: Zevran ~ He tried to kill them…TRIED being the operative word. Even so, Eilin was impressed by how close he came to accomplishing his mission, and quickly grew attached to the Antivan Crow right from their first mouthy meeting. They saw much of themselves in the man and found a kinship with him early on. Their romance is a slow burn as they both must try to heal past scars and allow themselves to fully open up to their growing feelings for one another. After the Fifth Blight is ended, they stay together and travel Thedas in search of a cure for The Calling whilst enjoying the pleasures of each other and the world with their earned freedoms, helping others when and where they can…maybe with a bit of profit as well ;)
Besties: - Alistair ~ Their first companion and Grey Warden ally who became like a little brother to them. Even though Eilin is more mature and straightforward than him, they share similar senses of humor, and Eilin sees the good (and deflections) in him after so much discontent with the hand the world has dealt him, a sentiment they deeply share amongst others. Despite Eilin’s doting on him, they do not coddle him, but instead try to talk him up and show him what a great warrior and person he is and could be, giving Alistair confidence to stand up for himself and push him to possibly become Ferelden’s king—though that path is decided against for several reasons. Alistair and Eilin share a true and lasting friendship to the present day.
- Shale ~ Witty, dry-humored, gemstone-loving bestie! They share a deeper disconnect to their home away from home and instead find connection in each other…through shiny things and crushing Darkspawn heads. Eilin finds Shale (and golems in general) interesting, though their curiosity is stemmed after The Anvil of the Void scenario. Eilin supports Shale’s free will and ability to find purpose in their new life outside the parameters of expectations, as they have done. The one thing they disagree on is the destruction of the pigeon population, Eilin believing that even the most vexing of feathered defecating devils need love, too.
- Oghren ~ A respected warrior of merit and a fun drinking buddy, within reason of course. Eilin tries to keep him on track with his alcoholism and with Felsi and being a good, if absent, father. They are glad to continue their friendship into the Awakening escapades.
- Anders ~ These two share excessive, fun personalities that color the Awakening experience for everyone…or cause a massive amount of scoffs and eyerolls. Anders became another (albeit, more powerful and self-aware) little brother figure for them to watch over and support. Frankly, Anders became the one who watched over Eilin and educated them on the harsher side of things regarding The Circle, a welcomed perspective for the Hero of Ferelden that strengthened their positivity towards mages and distrust & dislike of the Chantry and its oppressive systems. They both dote on Ser Pounce-a-Lot, and when Anders is forced to give him up, he contacts Eilin to keep him at Weisshaupt as the mouser for the fortress’s larders. Aside from that, Eilin takes care of the precious little furball because they love animals and cares about Anders, even after what befell Kirkwall’s chantry.
- Sigrun ~ A respected Legionnaire scout with a heart of gold that bonded with them over their time in Awakening. As someone who’s always held The Legion in high regard, Eilin appreciates Sigrun’s goals and learns some of Sigrun’s tricks of the trade in Awakening.
Frenemies: - Morrigan ~ While gaining a better understanding of her and mages through their journey, The Dark Ritual’s revelation had their trust for the woman plummeting. Still, Eilin could see and understand Morrigan’s proposition held more than what she was outright revealing, especially with the two’s overall friendship they’d formed and Morrigan’s feelings about Flemeth and her ways. Eilin decided to kill the old woman to gain Morrigan’s favor and rid the world of a powerful maleficar…for now. It was having the former topic’s discussion with Alistair that really threw things into a spiral, but they were all in agreement in the end. Alistair and Eilin’s bonds of friendship carried them through the decision to take Morrigan’s offer. Eilin pursued Morrigan later on to try and check on her and gain some kind of answers, but the woman continued to successfully elude them.
- Wynne ~ While Eilin respects the woman and appreciates her skill and experience, they find her air of superiority hard to tolerate and often feel that Wynne speaks down to them and lectures far too often on things that aren’t her business…specifically on their relationship status with Zevran.
- Velanna ~ The Dalish mage was too hotheaded and closeminded for them to fully get along, but Eilin tried to understand where she was coming from nonetheless, sharing a mutual feeling of wanting to protect/save their sibling(s) no matter the cost.
Enemies: - Loghain & Rendon Howe ~ For the man who helped free Ferelden from Orlesian rule and was held in such high regard, Eilin expected more from him, especially with what went down at Ostagar. And for Loghain to allow a cave tick like Howe to run around behind the scenes and make things all the worse threw their opinion of them both over the edge into revenge territory, almost feeling as strongly as Alistair on the whole matter. In the end, Eilin ended Howe’s life, and they allowed Alistair to challenge and deliver the final blow to the man who they believe deserved a punishment befitting of him. What could be more fitting than decapitation at the hands of his best friend’s bastard son? Poetic justice, they’d call it.
- Isolde & Eamon ~ Teagan rides a fine line being listed here as well, being Eamon’s brother and sharing his sibling’s sentiments, but Isolde is on a whole other level of insufferable to Eilin. Not only was she irresponsible with her own son and refused to acknowledge his budding mage powers that put the entire village of Redcliffe under siege to the undead, but her purposeful mistreatment of Alistair—all rooted around a rumor—and Eamon’s conscious negligence of him and the situation also solidified their hatred of these two. They never said so aloud to Alistair who seemed conditioned/content to be grateful to his abusers in one way or another, but Eilin was good at being subtle.
- Sten ~ Eilin tried to understand and be patient with the Qunari and the concepts of the Qun, but felt Sten’s creed to be too akin to that of the unforgiving casteless system in Orzammar. Later, they butt heads over the whole “you look like a woman” conversation, which left Eilin in a foul, murderous mood. Then, Sten’s constant scrutiny toward them and their ability to lead finally resulted in a confrontation in the village of Haven leaving the qunari at the business end of their blades. Sten surrendered, but Eilin “kindly” asked Sten to leave the team for good. They’d had enough.
- Leske ~ Sadly, this was one person Eilin was not expecting to be their enemy. Ever. Perhaps they were in love with him and always had been. Perhaps they were to remain only friends with (past) benefits who could tell each other anything. Perhaps they were only Carta thugs united under the stresses of everyday life in Dust Town, watching each other’s backs on principle alone. Perhaps Leske only really wanted to get close to Rica, as more than his jokes would imply. Perhaps Leske truly, finally gave in to the Carta’s whims, being sucked back into its seedy underbelly all because of monetary gain. Or, perhaps, it was all of the above…along with a helping of jealousy on Leske’s end. Whatever the case, this loss for Eilin changed them significantly, and is an ever-present bruise on their heart. They have moved on, but if pressed upon, it aches.
Do They Follow A Religion? The Stone ~ Though most dwarves do not believe casteless to be favored or even acknowledged by The Stone, Eilin still believes and keeps their faith in mind, not outwardly expressing it unless it’s brought up. It was something they held onto those long and lonely days in Orzammar under the Carta’s thumb, for themselves and their family.
Strengths: - Adaptable. - Confident, even if they “fake it ‘til they make it.” - Able to think on their feet and keep their cool when necessary. Subtlety can be the key to victory. - Great leadership and enforcer skills, uses a mix of persuasive and intimidating tactics. - Though logical and pragmatic at their core, they can and will tap into their emotional reserves to be a better leader/friend (this is a progressive trait gained through their DA:Origins journey).
Weaknesses: - Their sharp & droll tongue can get them into trouble/offend others. - Masking to fit in, leading to varying sorts of discontent. - Sometimes they're a bit too lethargic, but a personal side effect of The Joining for them is heavy fatigue. - Blunt without tact, their Carta life rearing its ugly head at times. This also can result in a lack of giving second chances with some people. - Flirty and wanton, but truly emotionally distant, craving a real chance at romance and love, but fearing it at the same time, not wanting to be hurt or left behind. This is especially true after dealing with Leske and the Carta in Orzammar.
Personal Issues: - Letting go of the past and betrayal(s). - Allowing themselves to make mistakes without fear of cruel/unusual punishment (mainly to their family who are now safe with a net of nobility with Bhelen). - Aligning themselves with true love and relationships, romantic or otherwise. - Changing and growing out of their Carta (and other) personas to find themselves and their true values.
Hobbies/Talents: - Stone/gem carving - Weapon care, and blade engraving for extra flair. - Reading human literature/fiction. - Collecting a variety of bits and baubles. - Drinking anyone up to the challenge under the table with their high alcohol tolerance.
Likes: - Colors: Purples, slivers/ice blues, golds, oranges, and greens – cooler/cold and nature-esque shades.
- Layers of clothing. It lets them feel safer and more guarded. Plus, they like cooler weather, so it stands to reason they’d need more layers.
- The changing seasons. Winter and spring and the petrichor smell that comes with the snow and rains, autumn and the colors, and the familiar dryness and heat of summer keep them from feeling too homesick.
- The surface world in general and the freedom and opportunities that come with it. The adventure of it all keeps them going, as does the elf they share their journeys with. 💖
- Animals! They become a ranger class for a reason, not only seeing animals as opportunistic companions for battles, but also because Eilin gains an affinity for them. Still, they’ll always love giant spiders the most and summons one (christened “Nid”) to ride as their preferred steed.
- Gemstones, trinkets, and human literature. More often than not, the books, bits, and baubles they collected were spoils of Carta shakedowns gone south, some regrettably so. Some were trophies of success, others a kind of “memento mori.” They kept them all, nonetheless. (Think of them as a somewhat morbid Ariel from Disney’s The Little Mermaid lol).
- Passionate artisans of their crafts/pursuits, whatever that may be as long as it isn’t hurting/impeding others. This stems from their observations of the better side of the pride of the caste system. Even casteless, Eilin can see and appreciate the efforts their fellow kin put into their lifelong works. This is a big reason why she helps Dagna out of Orzammar to pursue her dream of working with The Circle of Magi. Zevran being passionate about being an assassin is also a good example, as is Wade’s need of perfection with his armor making in Denerim.
Dislikes: - Animal abuse of any kind. - Petty political/noble affairs. - Willful ignorance. - Lack of flexibility in and around rigid systems. - People unwilling to have a little fun/laugh at themselves
Scars/Blemishes: - Their brand tattoo on the right cheek (the design extends upward over the right eye, but cannot be seen in original Origins screenshots and was not available in Inquisition’s tattoo selections, sadly. I’ll have to draw them sometime to show off my personal vision of them lol). - Scars on right side of face, ear, and neck (Inquisition screens) that they received from skirmishes with the werewolves from the “Nature of the Beast” quest and other various fights. - Various moles/beauty marks. - Dryer skin patches from exposure to Dust Town and Orzammar’s environment in general.
Their Origins/Awakening Journey: - The Broken Circle: Sided with the mages and Irving survived the final fight with Uldred.
- The Arl of Redcliffe: Redcliffe was fully saved and Connor & Isolde lived with the help of the mages.
- A Paragon of Her Kind: Sided with Caridin, destroyed the Anvil of the Void, and Bhelen rules Orzammar.
- Nature of the Beast: Brokered peace between the elves and the werewolves.
- The Urn of Sacred Ashes: The Urn was protected.
- The Landsmeet: Loghain was defeated and executed by Alistair, Anora rules Ferelden.
- Was The Dark Ritual Performed?: Yes, (sadly for Eilin) by Alistair. It took a long talk and trust for these two friends to allow Morrigan's ritual to take place. 😞
- Warden’s Keep DLC: Sophie was killed and Avernus is alive with permission to continue his research, but it must be kept ethical. Eilin drank the strange concoction and unlocked the power of blood.
- Dragon Age Awakening: Vigil’s Keep and Amaranthine were saved, Nathaniel is alive and well, Oghren and Felsi reconciled, but are separated, and The Architect is dead.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Hi, So Misha mentioned yesterday that he can't do another show until GK is greenlit to go for another season or else. Would this effect any chance of him appearing in TW in the near future?
Or maybe there's an exception since both shows are in WB hands?
Trick wording. What's Another Show. Why can't he beyond time/schedule when he already wanted time off? Hell I mentioned that the structure of The Winchesters, while being partially a gift to him as much as Jackles, was built to give him, jensen and us what we all needed and wanted while keeping the labor load as minimal on misha as possible, because he'd been going through a LOT. He seems to be doing better now but I know that place. Once you crawl out of That Place, it takes a while to tolerate the world's bullshit to avoid getting dragged right back into That Place.
In context of this as an argument considering Misha's set of situations--while it COULD be a DC holding contract (very possible)--it could also just boil down to how much he wants to commit to beyond Bridgewater, the Daryl Davis Project, Gotham Knights and what spots he gets as Cas on The Winchesters. It doesn't look like it on the surface, but the dude is accidentally competing with Jensen for staying busy--not quite on the same tier but he's getting there--and he didn't even intend to.
Reminder he didn't intend to take 2-Face, Jensen had to personally encourage him to. He wanted this period down, maybe poking at small projects like Daryl Davis, or thinking Bridgewater would be smaller at the time, but at least he can do that from anywhere.
At the time The Winchesters was pitched, Misha had a relatively clear slate and future ahead, and was like, yeah, sure, I'll show up as Cas a few times to set my haters on fire with the power of gay love thank you so much jensen I love you too buddy
But now all of a sudden there's just STUFF. EVERYWHERE. SO MUCH STUFF.
DC *could* have a holding contract on Misha, but being DC, they could negotiate him to show up on another property as long as it helps rather than hurts. As long as it doesn't seem like Supernatural is going to snipe Misha out from GK, WB will happily share around that contract as negotiated with DC, who I've mentioned we're running in close leagues with these days anyway. But that's showing up for a banger episode, not coming back for all or most of the season like old days, because he's supposed to be over on GK for that. That's what the contracts are to prevent, though they can be shuffled internally at the contract bearers' preference. Because, why WOULDN'T they allow exceptions in their contract, for themselves, for their own profit? Long as it doesn't fuck up the show he was signed for.
Same reason CBS signed Jared to holding, but CBS isn't WB and isn't DC, they're separate entirely, unlike who owns DC. They knew the SECOND Supernatural dropped its next project that boy would disappear on them in a dust cloud to the audience that actually gives him attention, so they locked him in. Now they've cycled that twice and it looks like his exposure clause is in full effect for the end of a contract/refusal of holding renewal. It's them cutting ties and letting go, with or without a final season.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
New Family Status
Hello, my dear friends!
I know I have disappeared a little bit and haven't been very active when it comes to Tumblr recently. I haven't even done much tarot in the past 2-3 weeks.
The reason is simply - I have become a mommy of two!
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Okay... No kids. If you have been around here for a longer time, you probably know I don't like children. I just don't. I don't have a motherly instinct when it comes to human cubs.
I do have caring instincts towards dogs (and animals in general).
These two cuties are Easy (girl more on the left) and Dacheong (boy, called Dachi for short and more on the right, closer to camera).
Easy and Dachi are mixed breed. They have a blood of South Korean dog breed Jindo in their veins. Feel free to check the info about the breed as Easy and Dachi inherited many (not all) of the typical characteristics. Easy and Dachi truly came from South Korea. They were kept in dog meat farm there, tortured and planned to be killed and eaten eventually. While I like Korean music, this is just barbaric and the fact that dog meat farms were only made illegal recently is a disgrace, same as the way Koreans actually treat animals. It's cultural thing for them. It's a torture and inhuman behaviour for me. I'm not here to judge, though. Easy and Dachi were saved from the dog meat farm by local South Korean volunteers. They logically can't take care of all dogs saved like this and so it's very common for non-profit organizations from other countries to transport the dogs and give them for adoption elsewhere. And so Easy and Dachi flew over here to Czech where I found their profile online and fell in love with them.
At that time I still had my German Spitz girl Spock and I couldn't possibly adopt two dogs. Easy and Dachi were adopted in the meantime, seperately.
By the time my girl passed away (she was nearly 13 years old and had tumour on her liver for the past 3 years), Easy and Dachi were back from adoption, the people simply returned them.
I needed a little time to recover from losing Spock but on the other hand, having this apartment for myself only and not hearing clicking of dog nails on the floor was a tornment for me. I missed Spock so much it was killing me and so I contacted the non-profit where Easy and Dachi were staying again. They were together there and so I prioritized the option of adopting them both togethe, despite being worried how much work it will be.
You see, with the kind of history these two had and the breed they are mixed with... They are not easy dogs to handle. Jindo breed is untrainable. They will never be able to obey orders 100% so they can never run freely, only on a leash. Easy is often scared of loud noises or unusual things, she dislikes other dogs (apart from Dachi) and so she can't be allowed to come close to them as she could potentially attack. Dachi has strong hunter instinct and can't be trusted with any other animals but dogs.
And that's it for their negatives. Yes. That's all. Now to the positives. They are both utterly sweet and cuddly like no dog I have known. They come all the time to cuddle and smooch, Easy likes to lick my face and hands, Dachi keeps putting his head into my hands and would love to be rubbed and cuddled 24/7. They don't really bark, very rarely. They eat whatever is given to them so I feed them with prime dog granules which is really easy method compared to cooking meals for my Spock (she was spoiled, yes). They don't destroy anything at home, I can leave and go about my business which Easy and Dachi calmly wait at home. Dachi have been to the vet already and he's a complete angel about it, makes no scenes and withstands any examination calmly.
Yes, the walks are a bit more challenging with two dogs on leashes. But we are successfully managing. They are not as nervous as advertised.
It was said they are cautious around strangers... well... they love my sister and they also love one of my friends who came around to see them, no problems at all.
It was said Easy dislikes being touched on her belly... well... she drops on her back in front of me and my sister and wants to be rubbed on her belly.
It was said Easy will never ever learn any command. I have already taught her to sit on command.
Both Easy and Dachi sleep with me in bed. They are total sweethearts. Honestly, I couldn't figure out why they were returned from their adoption before, so far. They look up to me as if I was their goddess (very different from Spock who was pretty sure she was the goddess worshiped by all of us).
Maybe they were nervous from being seperated in the previous adoptions? I don't know. For me, they are my babies.
People stop us on the street to say how beautiful they are. And they are beautiful. But they also can't be treated as plushies and keep warning people not to touch them unless the dog comes to them on their own. And kids are completely out of question with Easy and Dachi and I keep them at distance from them.
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So yeah... these two look problematic and like killers, right? 😂
Anyway! This is the reason why you haven't seen me much here recently. I have adopted two doggies and they were keeping me pretty occupied.
To make things even worse for me, my allergy season is at it's peak now. I'm allergic to grass pollen and you can imagine it's everywhere. The weather is only making things worse for me as it's dry and windy. At this point my medicine for allergy is not working at all and the symptoms feel as if I had a flu. I feel pretty sick. I had to sleep on positioning armchair for two nights in a row as I couldn't possibly lie down in bed, I was suffocating there.
So yeah! Me and my little family are already developing a certain routine now and weather forecast promises some rain next week (rain will wash the pollen down to ground). I should be able to resume my tarot activities. 😊
Thank you so much for being patient with me. 💖
Be blessed!
Kleo 🦄
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colorcodedbeanies · 2 years
S1E2-"The Cat's in the Bag"
That's right two in one day I'm in a hormones induced fugue. If i focus might knock out a third tonight. This one shorter
TW: Violence, racism, gore description
also note: I use Native American and Indigenous as the general term because they're what I've been led to believe is acceptable but let me know if there's something else I could be using/some grammar hink going on here.
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Indigenous people in Breaking Bad are a background element I'm hoping to also make clearer to myself in this watchthrough, especially since it's a throughline that gets picked up again with Better Call Saul and the Kettlemans. There are no major Native American characters in the series, and yet they keep popping up in a way that reads as both prop-like and intended as thematic. This episode in particular opens with a Native American man towing Walt and Jesse's RV out of the ditch, and ends with two Indigenous children playing in the wreckage left behind by their cook. The ABQ area is home to a couple of different tribes. The only reservation that I believe is named in the show is To’Hajiilee, which is occupied by the Cañoncito Band of Navajos. Until provided with other information I'll assume that's the nation to which these unnamed characters belong. Again, I do want to drill in on how badly these characters are props. None of them even have speaking lines. Additionally, its part of the running theme where most brown characters are positioned in opposition to law enforcement. The man who tows them out accepts their bribe to keep silent about anything he's seen. However, given the work the previous episode has done to establish law enforcement as a. deeply racist and b. wildly destructive. There's an argument to be made that this is one of the most human things these characters could do. Rather than concern themselves with something that's not their problem to begin with, they instead keep their mouths shut and profit where they can. I don't want to go too far down this as a overarching read, both because it risks extending the show too much credit and because I think there's a tendency to sanitize the legacy of colonialism into just. White people being corny and Indigenous people giving knowing eyerolls, rather than a system of routine violence. But still, given that this is an analysis focused on race and law enforcement, its worthwhile to me to bring up instances where this is even glanced on.
There's an entitlement to Jesse's space which Walt perpetually demonstrates that really starts to rear its head here. Jesse's just going to have to be ok with Walt storing two dead bodies and a wrecked meth lab in his driveway, because after all, he can't very well bring it back to his nice normal house with his nice normal family can he? Jesse is also expected to take responsibility for whatever happens to the bodies, despite them both being Walt's kills This is played for a joke (resulting in at least one Tiktok audio) but it does have lasting impact on Jesse as he navigates dealing with Emilio's body and Domingo as a hostage. It makes him so uncomfortable that he feels the need to get high just to stay in his own house. All of this is something that either doesn't occur to Walt, or that he just doesn't care about. This is an entitlement that's reflected in Skyler later when she goes to confront Jesse. She barges in his front gate before yelling at him about having the audacity to touch her. The Whites don't understand themselves as criminals. Again, they're nice normal people, not like this "druggie burnout". He isn't protected by things like legality and decency, and anything they say or do to him should be considered reasonable frustration or concern. This culminates in Skyler's line "not that it's any of my business, but you might want to consider a new line of work". This line isn't just ironic, but deeply telling about how the American middle class views drug dealing. A choice, and perhaps even a waste of talent that needs to be scolded back into the fold, or locked away where decent people don't have to see it.
In general Walt's not great at predicting human behavior. He's admittedly having to learn as he goes, but it doesn't even occur to him that his wife might check the call history. Or that she might even notice when he's scream whispering at the phone in the middle of their living room.
This is drilled down on further in the "chiral" scene. Two chemical compounds, seemingly identical, that yet behave very differently. This I believe is meant to be understood as Walt attempting to pitch his joint identity as both druglord and loving father. Can't I be both? And yet the bleedthrough is evident. "Is this going to be on the murder/midterm?" This is also a duality Walt struggles to grant anyone else. After blustering a bit about drug dealers having any kind of administrative structure he asks Jesse if Domingo's "capable" of listening to reason. As a distributor, a "business man", "he should be capable of mutual self-interest". There's a lot you can say here about how white suburbia conceptualizes capitalism, how it should be a system that prevents rash acts of temper, because after all, doesn't trade serve everyone better? Suffice to say this is going to come up again when Domingo talks about majoring in business, and yet again with Tuco.
Final note on the classroom scene, Walt blurting out knowledge is power is a funny little whimper to tack onto his floundering, but its also emblematic of how he attempts to hold onto control of his reality. I think its notable Walt's dialogue becomes more jargon heavy when he's stressed, not less.
No natural transition in or out of this so I'm just going to reproduce this line from Jesse's website in its entirety. "Ethnicity: I'm totally cool with ethnics-Black, Mexican, whatever...as long as you're SMOKIN' HOT, YO!" 0_0. I guess. earmark race as a commodity and move on.
Despite the inherent goofiness of the scene where Walt recaptures Domingo I think its important to remember what a horror show this is from Domingo's perspective. Nearly died in a chemical attack, woke up next to the body of his cousin, dragged himself out, only to be recaptured and locked in a basement for days, barely able to breath the whole time. On some level Walt seems cognizant of that, and it only becomes more apparent the longer he spends with him. Domingo may be a drug dealer who will bring down vengeance on them if he gets away...but he also likes the crusts off his sandwich and asks after his cousin. Again, Walt can't cope with the duality. It doesn't match his image of what a criminal should be.
Enough so that he does exactly what he told Jesse not to do last episode and smokes up. Granted, he uses weed, not meth, but to a post war on drugs America this was pretty similar severity. Walt wastes a good chunk of Jesse's weed attempting to roll the WORST joint I've seen in my life, flaunts his partaking in Skyler's face as a sign of his independence, and then sneers and scowls at Jesse for indulging to cope with melting a childhood friend into meaty chunks. After all, Walt's not a junkie. Walt can be trusted to keep his head even if he loosens up from time to time. Jesse, on the other hand, has an unmanly dependence, and needs to grow up. After all, this kind of thing should be routine for him, right. He's a Criminal.
Walt has a habit of setting Jesse up to fail and then scolding him for it. When Jesse's uncertain if plastic can stand up to acid, Walt refuses to explain. Just barks at him later for not following instructions unthinkingly. When Walt expresses doubt, Jesse attempts empathy, attempts to come up with a paradigm where Walt can make himself ok witih it. I struggle to call it a MORAL impulse but its definitely a kind one.
Skyler asks Walt about Jesse at the doctor's office, a place he where he can't leave and also can't sex her quiet. She's learning to anticipate his resistance to openness. She also frames the information as transactional, "don't you think you OWE me this", in a way I can't help but see in connection to the baby. I'm your homemaker ergo you owe me honesty. Walt responds with a veiled threat. "I love you, and that won't change, so back off". To his mind the only thing his family should concern themselves with is his emotional state. Anything beyond that is outside their purview.
Nice wet meat effect.
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dojae-huh · 1 year
i saw the ask where anon talked about how woo is taking a lot of potential from a better dojae unit and i couldn't help but agree. its kinda of a hard pill to swallow but there are some reasons that i could think of.
jungwoo is there as doyoung's support systems. its unspoken how doyoung seems to be awkward and uncomfortable acting around jaehyun esp in front of the camera where he needs to restrain himself. maybe he'a avoiding to do anything that could cause a stir amongst shippers (inevitable, we live off crumbs) or from him being self cautious. but with woo, he's more comfortable to act like a close brother and hugs him (will there be a day where we get a proper hug this era), and it seems that doyoung relies on jungwoo alot and vice versa. so maybe that's why jungwoo was chosen to be in the unit.
jungwoo's image. he's refreshing, youthful, boyish and very lovable that i think would be a loss if the company won't profit off such idol. jungwoo has decent singing and better dancing skills. he performs so excellent in perfume and kiss so far, his parts were my favourite. there's something about how his expressions showed his enthusiasm and excitement to be onstage got me. this image was a special add on to dojae. of course we know how well jaehyun and doyoung complement each other but if i were to make an analogy:
jaehyun's the base note that acts like a foundation for the combination. without him, the group will fall. he's the most popular member in nct, and lets agree we all had a crush on him at one point. he's perfect visual, vocals, dance and performance wise.
doyoung's the middle note that brings the group together. with jaehyun they would be enough to become one group. doyoung's smart (jae's words) and he's considered as the group's manager. so i'm guessing doyoung did more than an idol's job for this unit, he was the one working behind the scenes. his vocals, visuals and popularity amongst his loyal fans guarantees success. dance/performance wise he's decent, but damn he did outperformed himself this time - esp in kiss. i might be biased but who can control themselves when doyoung's bare waist and chest was out like that? hehe
lastly jungwoo. the sweet cherry on top. he's the top note. it's like how we can have ice cream on its own (jaedo), but we can make it better with toppings on top - that's jungwoo to me in this unit. as a jaedo shipper myself, i really wanted a jaedo only unit but that's just wishful thinking. sm knows, they all know how jaedo will bring more than profit to the table. its risky, and they're playing the safe card. but hey, i'm happy for both of them. back to jungwoo, he fits in surprisingly with the two and i'm very interested to see more of their performances. i'm rooting for woo all the way.
You described dojaejung. Dojae alone would have a different concept and image, that would work around their strengths as two. It's like TaeMarkYY vs TaeMark.
Doyoung really put effort into practice of the two choreos we saw. He is quick, sharp and even has good hand gestures in places. His stiffness in torso is barely in the way because the choreo is adapted to his kind of motions.
I really hope Jungwoo will stay the way he was during the countdown live. He was charged and enthusiastic, but didn't try to stirr things his way, disrupt Do's set manner of presenting things, didn't attack Jae. Because he worked as support, followed the same vector as the two others, he felt in place, fitting. Vacance type of push and pull although is fun as variety, is also an exhausting way to function as a group as someone has to give in, to sacrifice to keep the peace.
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cloudbattrolls · 2 years
Deeper, Yet Deeper
Jikiro Takami | Present Night | East Alternia/??????
This drabble is preceded by In All I Am, Retrace Me.
The tealblood stumbled back, eyes wide with shock.
“What the fuck - what the fuck -“
He cursed in worse ways as well as the teal eyes regarded him, and he felt something looking through them. 
Then a voice came, though the mouth didn’t move. A deep, smooth voice that carried a hint of amusement.
“Welcome, Jikiro Takami. I was promised you would come.”
The ink maker blinked.
“You want a cure for your kismesis, don’t you? His poisoner promised you to me, confident you would make a deal for his life.”
Jikiro couldn’t move. Couldn’t speak.
It had all been a trick.
Izanam hadn’t been sloppy. She’d planned all of this. The lesser demons...no wonder they were gone. She must have destroyed them herself so he’d unwittingly walk into her trap.
What was going to happen to him?
“Yet she did not make a true bargain with me.” Continued the demon lazily. “She only asked that I consume your power. She thought your magic would be enough to tempt me, as if I were a beast so easily satisfied.”
Jikiro blinked, then scowled. 
“Wait. So. You don’t have to do what she said?”
“Not at all.” Replied the creature, very amused.
Despite the danger he was still in, the tanuki troll primarily felt annoyed. Izanam had put him and Jamie through all this shit and she couldn’t even finish her own plan properly? How could she be so clever and yet so dumb? It’d make his kismesis ballistic.
He smiled grimly at the thought.
“Izanam Takami thinks herself too good to offer me anything.” Said the demon offhandedly. “She resents me for the existence I grant…but she refuses to try and change the bargain Tsuaki made. A wonderful contradiction of a woman.”
“Speaking of.” Jikiro raised a finger. “Why the fuck are you using her body?”
“As she was old and dying, she came back to me, so I could have her as my vessel. She did this to keep you inscribed from having to be full hosts. There is great power in the first of a bloodline, so the terms were accepted.”
Jikiro marveled. Tsuaki had offered herself up instead of them, as her final act. 
He felt humbled by how the Inkblade had provided for them all. Angry that Izanam hated him for something he couldn’t control. 
He set his jaw and looked at the demon.
“Okay. So. You know what I’m here for. I, Jikiro Takami, offer my kismesis Jameth Abnale’s business Starsight Industries in exchange for the permanent removal of Izanam Takami’s poison from his body in a way that causes him no pain and ensures he stays alive both during and after the process.”
“Not the name you were hatched with, but the one that suits you best.” Observed the supernatural entity. 
Jikiro snorted. “Why do you get that and Izanam doesn’t?”
“What do silly troll genders mean to me?” Answered the demon, amused. “In any case, I cannot accept that bargain.” 
Jikiro stared blankly.
“A life you value so highly for the loss of his business, which I cannot profit from? It isn’t a fair trade. Nor is Jameth offering it himself.”
Jikiro gritted his teeth. Hanabi had warned him this might happen, but it was still frustrating. How the Inkblade had had the patience to bargain with this creature so extensively, he didn’t have a clue. He wished Viltau was here to help him.
He thought, and realized there was something he should’ve asked before.
“So, even though Izanam didn’t give you anything for it, why aren’t you taking my magic anyway?” He challenged. “Is that something you can do, or do you need permission?”
“Your magic is in part my magic, Jikiro. I sustain you, and you feed me in return. Taking your power would remove a longer-term source of energy for me. Unless I had a compelling offer, there is little reason to reabsorb it so soon.”
Huh. Surprisingly straightforward. Now he had a better idea of the demon’s priorities.
“All right.” He said, thinking. “So. I need to offer something of my own. Or I need to figure out…wait. Couldn’t I just bargain for how to make the cure to whatever Jamie’s got?”
The demon laughed. 
“You could.” It said, still amused.
Jikiro thought. It could be a trick; maybe there was no cure, or maybe it required something he couldn’t get ahold of, so the information would be useless. 
Think, Jikiro, think. What would Viltau do?
Viltau wouldn’t play by the rules at all. He made his own. 
“Okay.” He said, slow, still thinking. “You say you can’t profit from that deal. But I know damn well you feed on more than just the creative potential of ink. Jamie’s a designer. He creates as much as I do. Taking his business…you’d take his ability to see those designs realized. If it’s a connection to it you need, I have his business card.”
Jikiro took it out of his sylladex, the small dark rectangle a deep blue with stars, the text a beautiful gold. 
Hanabi had told him how ancient this demon was; enough that even she knew little of it, for she’d been young in the Inkblade’s time. It had been present when the first troll writing had appeared, she’d said. Fascinated by the potential of trolls to remember, to learn, to use accumulated knowledge to change the world around them. 
The corpse’s body turned to match the direction of the head. Nauseating to watch and listen to as the ancient bones and muscles ground together and stretched, but Jikiro knew he had the creature’s full attention. 
“Interesting.” It mused, and extended a hand to take the card. Its eyebrows raised and its mouth widened in a grin Jikiro recognized as uncomfortably familiar to his own when he was riled - teeth sharp and dripping with ink.
“Ah…such a price. More than you know.” It murmured, as ink enveloped the card and it vanished.
Jikiro did not like the sound of that, but he knew this was still the best option he had. Jamie wouldn’t like it, to put it mildly. At least it was better than the alternatives. 
“Do we have a deal?” He asked. 
“Yes, Jikiro Takami, we have a deal. Are you using your already spoken terms?”
“Yes.” He said, staring directly into the dead eyes of his ancestor.
He didn’t know if he’d missed something, if he’d been fooled somehow. The Inkblade could’ve done it better. But damn it, he’d tried. At least he’d saved Jamie.
The eyes closed and ink streamed out of the corpse, forming out into floating East Alternian characters the size of a troll’s head, gathering around Jikiro and the demon in a shifting mass. More and more formed as the tealblood watched, wide-eyed. 
They turned from black to glowing teal and cobalt, spinning in the air so fast he was almost dizzy from watching them, and the demon whispered words in a language he didn’t understand.
Finally they stopped, the characters still. 
There was a moment’s pause.
Then the demon laughed, and the words turned back into pure ink, flowing into the corpse again.
Except for a tiny amount that flew directly at Jikiro, hitting the spot just above his bloodpusher and disappearing through his clothes without a trace, leaving him gasping.
“Wonderful! The deal is complete!”
“The fuck was that?” Jikiro coughed, putting a hand to his chest. He couldn’t feel anything under his shirt, but who knew with this shit. 
“A sign of our bargain.”
“Great.” He muttered. “Can I leave now?”
“Yes.” It said, amused. 
He turned and walked back, making his cautious way to the point he’d come in. The warped trees seemed to be getting a little healthier, patches of dark moss appearing on the rocks that dotted the landscape. 
Had his deal caused that? 
He made it to the entrypoint, and returned to the tree archway.
Immediately the crackle of magic sizzled through the air, tingling on his skin - the tell-tale sensation of a ward being tripped.
Jikiro’s eyes narrowed. He hadn’t been affected…was this the demon’s doing? Or had Izanam left something else to try and trap him? A final fuck you if the demon didn’t take him?
A burst of psiionic sparks that knocked him to the ground answered that question. Jikiro saw one of the trolls from before standing a few dozen feet away, eyes dazed - clearly controlled, unaware of their actions.
He swore as he quickly drew on himself, making a psiionic shield - just in time, for another troll jumped at him with a dagger, going for his throat. They stabbed him in the shoulder instead as he struggled to move away and he screamed in pain, his dark blood gushing out. 
The deer lusus leapt in, planting its front hooves on his chest, crushing his bones as it went to bite him. 
He screamed again.
The troll went for another stab.
The tealblood’s eyes went inky, his teeth sharp, and he used his spilled blood to rise and choke the dagger wielder, to wrap around and break the legs of the deer. The troll slumped over, unconscious, and the deer wailed and fell over, kicking frantically. 
Jikiro had no choice. He hated it. He hated what Izanam was making him do. 
He lay there, panting, wracked with agony. 
The psiionic lowblood came in closer, taking out a wrench. Jikiro gritted his teeth. He’d used all the blood he’d shed. 
He took the dagger from the unconscious troll, and cut himself again in the chest with a shaking hand as the psiionic swung for his head.
A surge of ink-blood pushed them over, knocking them unconscious as well.
Jikiro closed his eyes. He was just going to…rest. 
When he opened his eyes, he was somewhere else entirely. 
A dark gray expanse of rock. No moons. Things that looked like stars, but he didn’t think they were. Otherwise, it was terribly dark - darker than the demons’ land, which is how he knew this must be a different place. A horrific stench filled the air. 
Something loomed over him, and he felt dread in the pit of his stomach.
It was a mannequin. 
It had no eyes.
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zaddybutter · 1 month
So I open the store April 1st and I wasn’t sure I was even gonna be ready for a soft opening by then but I figured it would be a nice little personal goal for me because my last two April 1sts were traumatic. Last year was the day we had a threesome with Sage and then he ended up never leaving my house and then the year before that my mom called while I was cooking at The Cure Cafe and said that she just seen on Facebook how my father died. Ironically because I never really got to know him but I was probably just about to meet him for the first time at my uncles funeral. Well he wouldn’t be making it now. He died riding my uncle’s motorcycle back home to Florida.
April 1st sounded like a good day to open and I figured if it didn’t work I would just tell people “just kidding”, I think I’ve only opened like 3 1/2 days since then, like full days and I’ve already almost made rent in my credit card sales which is really nice. I’ve definitely spent a lot more on stuff in the store so I wouldn’t call it profit yet but if it goes like that all summer, it looks like I could actually sustain this lifestyle. I was really nervous to go into the store and I was planning on keeping at least my bar shifts at Bovino’s. I figured if I worked every Tuesday/Wednesday I could do the store the rest of the week and I’ve been telling everybody that and then the very first day I open the store I went to work that week and my boss Brea texted me that she was gonna take me off Tuesday/Wednesdays cuz “what are your store hours gonna be?” I was like well I based them around working Tuesday/Wednesdays I told you that. She asks if I want to just focus on the store for now and she’ll take me off and I was pissed. I was scared to lose that and I felt like I just got out of the kitchen and that bar wasn’t gonna be a lot but it was a good way to stay in the loop. I felt like I don’t really fit their vibe especially now that I wasn’t doing the kitchen for them. They were just looking to get me out and I got real spicy with her. Also I said if I was gonna keep either day that I wanted to keep Wednesday cause we were gonna start doing karaoke on Wednesdays and then me and the karaoke DJ were both shocked to hear her respond with “well that’s just gonna be once a month now I don’t think I wanna do them weekly” and then she’s saying she never agreed weekly but for some reason we both thought weekly and then half the staff thought monthly. Whatever, her family backed her up and the DJ had to be professional about it but he called me really upset, and I was already feeling like I was on my way out, so I went off on her about it, like “they’re flaky and I can’t advertise some thing once a month” and that I had been telling everybody weekly cause events like that in Stroudsburg don’t really take off once a month and that you’re kind of dooming it to fail like you don’t believe in it. I basically begged to stay.
The next 48 hours were brutal. I went to work that night after that and there was just more petty bullshit. I’m standing right there and I had offered some samples from a beer tank that I thought was done. Apparently everybody loved it but it wasn’t carbonated and I didn’t realize. Instead of just telling me, they texted their dad and then he shot me a message so I apologized to him but I even said like “hey sorry but why are they texting you? She’s standing right next to me” so I had beef with that. He didn’t answer again and then my coworker heard them saying that they needed to get rid of me over like a free beer or something when i just provide really great service. I know when I can upsell somebody like crazy by giving them a little bit of something else. It worked out great for all involved, but my “bosses” don’t really have customer service skills.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Oh? I'm always happy when I don't have things to do at the moment. I usually just have some 'me' time or hang out with friends lol. sloth darling, so sweet <33,, /t
(RIGHT?! I tried to convince them yesterday that it was stupid. One guy in our group is at the top of the class, and he's the one who suggested it originally, saying we could try to do an avant garde thing with what we have or change it all together [both which are BAD IDEAS WITH WHAT WE HAVE SO FAR] and because he's at the top of the class, some other group members were like 'oh, okay then, if he can do it so can we' as if completely forgetting that this one guy has years of experience compared to us?? The others decided to just go along with it. Its just– I– AHH i'm a little stressed hahA)
By the end of this, I'm going to have to listen either way, I'm going to crash and I'll happily enjoy it lol
...you think so?? ..mwah??
fertangerine?? what's that?? oh, so you are trying to kill me???
-panna cotta
nope, it won't work on me, honhon /t /j
... I'm just lying under a blanket in an embrace with plush,,,, my socializing and my "my" time is classified as "working" time</3 I am too intraspersonal intellectual not to consider "let's deal with ourselves :333" as another processing for which, moreover, I am not paid (which is also a huge omission) oh shush,,, don't make me blush; you've been too smooth lately, even more than usual,,,,,, (⸝⸝⸝╸▵╺⸝⸝⸝)
(I just hope that the score from this project doesn't affect yours too much, because it sounds like you decided to bet everything on zero in the casino, since the luckier guy is sure that you will be lucky. it's okay to take risks when you know it won't get any worse, but what's the point of increasing the risk if it's not entirely clear if it's not a high risk with a low reward,,, in the book "the art of war" it was said that it is not worth moving when it is not profitable, and here your case fits perfectly with this phrase sjgdhdgdhhd<///3 in the end, the guy in any case has a low chance of risk, since he is already good and one project will not affect anything, but I don't quite understand why the others agreed. it's a little too selfish for a group project when you all depend on each other, while for some it can seriously affect the assessment, but just make sure you don't get too nervous in the process, okay? I'm sure everything will be fine, but in any situation, try to stay confident and relaxed, control your face and speak loudly — even if something goes wrong, don't think that it's your loss; you should always keep your line to the end and perform solo, regardless of how others performed~ in any case, you are a smart little thing and worked great, don't give your resources too much, it's not your responsibility that they decided to radically change and that they obliged you — this is not exactly how teamwork should work<3 try to relax and have fun when you can neither destroy nor lead~)
hehehe~ then I'm looking forward to this moment so that you finally start taking care of yourself, even if the reason wasn't very good~ /t /hj
I can't. you don't even keep our memories together; surely you only remember about our babies when I speak, don't you? terrible, terrible. how can I forgive you?... only if you tell me that you agree to the terms of that list >:33333 /hj /ht THESE ARE YOUR OWN WORDS I just changed them a little<3
I mean, birds and an earthy shade? why not snails then? or blue? why so uncertain?... are you there kissing someone else??? /hj /t
oh! have you never eaten this? it's very tasty; to do this, you need to take handsome little Ferris, who hasn't grown too much yet due to lack of sleep, and put him on tangerine slices!!! very delicious😋❤︎ especially good if he is nervous about some things at this moment or tired!!! of course, embarrassed is best, but then he makes you want to just squeeze him, so I prefer scared :/// /t /j 🤨🤨🤨of course, otherwise why wouldn't I let the project do it? if you die, then only crushed in my pocket or in my arms, NOTHING else can do it🫤🫤🫤 /hj /ht
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laplacemail · 2 years
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by azu_u_u__ @ skeb
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eelhound · 2 years
"Elites of both parties have a deeply vested interest in preventing mobility for working people. Homeownership and childbirth are prioritized because both serve big business. None of it is about supporting a cultural desire for family. It’s about keeping people in debt and maintaining an economic status quo. Once you’ve bought a house, once you have kids, once you have student debt, your options to leave your job, start a business, move, or become free are limited. That’s why the government will tell you — or even force you — to have a child but won’t help with childcare.
They don’t want you to be able to work from home. They don’t want you to be free from the yoke of employer-based healthcare (which is hardly a handout as policies are becoming increasingly unaffordable). No. They want you in the office, with less free time than anyone in the free world. Because when people have time to think, to innovate, to start a business of their own without fear that they’ll get sick and go bankrupt from medical bills, they are no longer under corporate control. Without the threat of student debt and medical debt, how could they get you to join the military and fight in their wars? As Sparky Abraham of the Debt Collective puts it: 'Debt is a form of social control.'
Sound conspiratorial? Look at the evidence. Liberal lion Malcolm Gladwell, who has waxed poetic about how he loves to write his bestselling books from cafes, lectured normal folks to get back to work. 'What have you reduced your life to?' he asked the commuting masses. Democrats bragged about halving child poverty with the child tax credits, but despite being overwhelmingly popular, these policies quickly went back on the chopping block. We can’t let parents have enough money so that one can stay at home, or work one fewer job. The market demands a desperate labor force, not a happy one.
Recently, Ken Klippenstein and Jon Schwarz at the Intercept broke news that on an earnings call, the president of Douglas Emmett Inc., a real estate corporation worth over $3 billion and based in Santa Monica, California, said a recession could be 'good' 'if it comes with a level of unemployment that puts employers back in the driver seat and allows them to get all their employees back into the office.'
A recession could be good? Employers back in the driver’s seat? That’s code for 'able to exploit their employees without their employees having any recourse.'
That’s the whole game. The reason so many elites hated the stimulus checks is not because they drove inflation. You see, they don’t tie the PPP checks for billionaires to inflation in the same way. Or Trump’s tax cuts for the rich, which added more to the deficit for absolutely no reason than anything that’s happened before or sense. And they aren’t talking about the supply chain crisis or the war in Ukraine, two key causes of inflation. 
No, they talk about spending because they don’t want working people to have options.
When working people have options, they can demand higher salaries. When workers have options, they can bargain for a bigger piece of a pie. This is why union organizing is so important. It gives workers, who individually have very little power, the power of collective bargaining, the power to withhold their labor together and force employers to share profits more equitably. In the golden age of labor, the 1950s and ‘60s, CEOs earned about 30 times more than their employees. Wanna guess what that ratio is now? It’s over 300 to 1. And this is while workers are working more hours with less to show for it.
COVID relief unexpectedly empowered labor, and now elites are trying to put a lid on it in whatever way they can: restarting student loan payments, canceling support for families with children, and intentionally driving up unemployment. 
We need to recognize this and use [the recent] student debt victory to continue to pull together as a community of working people and keep demanding more. In the richest country in the history of the world, education should be free. Yes, even for rich kids. Just like public high school is free for the rich should they choose to attend. Just like libraries. And the services of firefighters. 
It’s our country, and we get to make it work for us."
- Briahna Joy Gray, from "Debt is a Form of Social Control." Current Affairs, 15 September 2022.
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diamond-coral · 3 years
Play by the Rules
Steve x Reader, Tony x Reader, Implied Steve x Reader x Tony
Summary: Working for the powerful CEO, Tony Stark, was a nightmare. Especially when you have to deal with his new, and equally as powerful, partner; the CEO of S.H.I.E.L.D. Inc., Steve Rogers. You have a plan to leave it all behind, but Tony has his own plans for you.
This is my first writing for @ darkficsyouneveraskedfor and @ harper-emory-writes Dark Bingo challenge: crossing off the squares Blackmail and CEO AU. I’m nowhere near a bingo but I’m super excited that I’ve started !!
Warnings: 18+ only! NON-CON/DUB-CON(ORAL (M RECEIVING), INTERCOURSE, MENTION OF ANAL), BLACKMAIL, VOYEURISM, sexism in the workplace, swearing.
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 “We’ll review the new contract with S.H.I.E.L.D. today during the meeting. I’ll need two printed copies of it as well as a printed copy of our current one with Asgard Corp.” Tony snaps his fingers in front of your face. “Y/n, are you even listening to me?”
You look up from your notepad. “Of course, Mr. Stark. Just taking notes.”
Tony scoffs. “Wasn’t half the reason I hired you your ability to retain information without wasting time by writing things down?Since when did you start taking notes?”
Since I became willing to do anything to not have to look at you and remember that you were balls deep in me just last week.
“I’d just like everything to go smoothly for this meeting. I understand it’s a big deal for the company and for you, sir.”
Tony studies your face. “Well in the spirit of dedication, I’ll need you to stay a couple hours extra.”
You try to avoid scrunching up your features at that. Although you had been looking forward to curling up on your couch when you got home, you would never dare counter your employer, so you just nod.
“Rogers will be here in an hour,” he continues. “I’m expecting you to greet him, so I’ll have an intern go out and get you an outfit.” 
“With all due respect, Mr. Stark, I believe the attire I’m currently wearing is satisfactory, is it not?”
Tony eyes your black blazer and pants paired with flats. “It’s not,” he states as he gets up from his chair across from you at your desk and fixes his tie. After pausing to consider your confused look, he elaborates. “You gotta show some more skin, sweetheart. It’s the only way a woman like you will be able to make it out here.”
Your mouth falls open as he turns and leaves you to process his offensive comment.
“Bastard,” you mumble.
You could run Stark Industries in your sleep. In fact, Tony had already appointed you head of three separate divisions as well as let you bring a few of your own original projects and ideas to life in the years you had been here. You saw your own potential and Tony had been generous enough to help you expand and experiment with it. A couple more years and you could leave Stark Industries behind to start your own company with the connections you’d already made.
Which is why you remained compliant with Tony’s every demand. No matter how much it hurt your pride (especially when a drunk hookup with him practically destroyed your pride), nothing would compare to the sweet victory of running Tony’s company into the dirt when you started your own. You did your own projections. Tony wasn’t short of enemies, and with their help and your own skill set, you’d make double the profits Tony did in half the time.
So you put up with the touches, grabs, and comments from Tony. He had such a large company to run that he barely noticed that the three divisions he absentmindedly handed to you were the most successful. You’d giggle and bat your eyelashes as long as Tony didn’t notice you practically undermining his company.
Play by the rules,
But be ferocious.
Twenty minutes later you’re interrupted from your pile of paperwork by a soft knock.
“Come in!” you call out.
A boy with short brown hair lets himself in. You’d seen him around as Tony’s shadow.  
‘What was his name again? Patrick? Pietro? Pierre?’
“Oh, Peter! How can I help you”
“Hey, Ms. L/n, Tony asked me to bring this up to you.”
Peter holds up the clear dry-cleaning bag, and it takes all your effort not to grimace at the short black pencil skirt inside. Instead, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“You can just leave it on that chair, thank you,” you say.
As Peter leaves you get up to inspect the clothing Tony so graciously provided for you, and you notice a note attached.
leave a couple buttons undone ;)  -TS
Scoffing, you throw the note in the trash as you pick up the clothes and lock your door.
You’d begrudgingly play a little eye candy knowing you’d get your revenge in a couple years.
But how much could this escalate in a couple of years? 
“Stop it,” you mutter to yourself while pulling on the black blazer.
Once you're finished changing, you receive an alert that Steve Rogers had checked into the building. 15 minutes early.
You hadn’t even met the fucker and you already hated him.
“Mr. Rogers!” you greet the blonde in a painfully cheery voice. “You’re early!”
“Well, this is an important meeting, sweetheart,” he replies, and you cringe at the pet name, handing him a clipboard and pen.
“This is just a quick confidentiality contract, Mr. Stark would like you to sign,” you inform. “Basically just saying you agree not to share any contents of the meeting or contract to any outside parties until you and Mr Stark have solidified and confirmed all aspects of your partnership.”
“Ah so Stark is already confident he’ll get a partnership with my company?” Steve muses and scribbles his signature. He looks up, handing the clipboard and pen back to you, and you motion for him to follow you down the hall.
“So what’s your role here exactly?” Steve asks, following behind you. “Are you an intern, receptionist...maybe a call-girl?”
You don’t bother turning at his teasing remark, instead answering calmly. “I run the three most successful divisions here, Mr. Rogers.”
“Impressive,” he remarks, but it sounds more of a mock from him. “And Stark still keeps you as an assistant.”
Your brows furrow at that comment. “How do you know I’m an assistant? And why would you ask what I did here if you already knew?”
“Women like you are just so fun to rile up. Stark and I had a meeting earlier in the month, and he talked of you very fondly.”
Well that didn’t sit right with you. You coordinated all of Tony’s meetings and practically created his everyday work schedule. “Mr. Stark didn’t mention meeting you already.”
“We decided to go over all possibilities of this transaction. It wasn’t much.” Steve brushes your comment off as he enters the elevator with you.
The doors close and you feel trapped. Through the short conversation you’ve had with this man, you can already tell how calculating he is. Every word, every movement, has been intricately steered by him for his benefit. And you couldn’t even begin to explain how belittled his stature made you feel; sheer power barely contained by an expensive three piece suit. The dark blue made his blue eyes more piercing in comparison. Everything about him radiated dominance. And for a woman like you who was practically clawing her way up the corporate ladder, that was a problem.
“You coming?” Steve’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He stood by the open elevator doors, arm gesturing out for you to lead. “Time is money.”
“Well then you have plenty of it, don’t rush me,” you snap.
“Feisty,” he muses, lips turning upwards.
Steve follows behind you, and you can feel his gaze burning on your ass. You’re more than grateful when you reach Tony’s door, having to refrain from frantically knocking, trying to escape the stare of the man behind you.
“Enter,” a voice calls from behind the doors.
You push open the large door and stand to the side, allowing Steve to enter the room before you.
“Mr. Stark,” Steve greets, crossing the room to give Tony a firm handshake.
The men begin to talk business and you take that as your cue to leave, turning back towards the door.
“Y/n, have a seat,” Tony calls out to you. You glance back at him and beckons you over with two fingers.
“Um, Mr. Stark, there are no other chairs,” you stammer.
“Don’t worry, doll, I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t offer a lady a place to sit,” Steve declares. You expect him to get up, but he just spreads his legs a little wider and gestures to his lap.
Eyes flitting to Tony in panic, your employer just nods and gives you look of warning as if saying ‘don’t mess this up’.
You let out a breath and hesitantly make your way to Steve.
‘How much could this escalate?’
The words from earlier rang in your head, but you brush them away and tentatively place yourself on one of his muscular thighs, angling yourself inward. You can’t hide how your face twists into a look of disdain as Steve’s arm snakes around, pulling you further up his leg so you’re back right up against his torso.
“Mr. Rogers I-” Your voice is nothing but a squeak before Tony interrupts you.
“As I was saying,” Tony interjected. “Your profits will grow exponentially if you add Stark Tech to your security services. Which is why I get 60%. I’m already doing you a favor by growing your profits.”
“I want 50/50. Stark Industries will gain consumers from S.H.I.E.L.D. We both get more buyers from the partnership, so I say it should be an even split.”
“Well we both know you’re not just getting the consumers, Rogers,” Tony spat. 
That has your attention fully invested in the conversation. What could Rogers possibly get from the company that Tony would be so mad about parting from? You look down at the contract on the desk in front of you and your heart stops cold.
“Mr. Stark, why is my name on this contract?” It was there. Under ‘assets acquired’, it was the last thing, as if added as a last moment bargain.
Tony just ignores you. “Steve, you’re taking the head of Stark-Touch Smartphones, my most profitable branch, you can’t just expect things to run as efficiently when she’s gone.”
“I’m taking her twice a week, I highly doubt that’ll make much of a dent in your operations,” Steve scoffs, and you tense up. “How about this. I get her for two weeks- straight- a month, and I’ll split it 45-55.”
“Mr. Stark, what’s going on?” Your voice quivers.
“Your boss here just agreed to sell you to me, as my...assistant,” he explains, hot breath fanning your ear. His free hand that’s not on your waist moves to grip your bare thigh up your skirt. “Two weeks a month, for every month, for as long as you work for him.”
“No!” you suddenly shout, wrenching your body from his grip to stand up. “I will take the comments, I will take the stares and the touches, but I will not be whored out like this. Mr. Stark, I quit.”
Stark just tsks and rises from his chair to stand in front of you. While shorter than Steve, it still feels like he towers over you with the demeanor he holds. “That’s just it, y/n...you see, you’re not gonna be quitting to start that new company of yours.”
Your eyes practically bulge out of your head as he mentions your future plans.
“Yeah, I know, you’re not as good at hiding as you thought. At least from Peter that is. Kid’s a whiz at the computer. Had him plant a bug on your home laptop and do a little sweep of your personal account. And I gotta hand it to you, the numbers you ran? Almost perfect. Every single projection and hypothesis you had would’ve gone through. You factored in almost everything. Almost. But you forgot one thing, sweetheart.” Tony’s hand flies up to grip your jaw and uses the momentum to throw you into the wall a few feet behind you. He’s back on you in an instant, seething, as the grip on your chin is bruising. “You forgot me, bitch. You forgot what would happen if you cross Tony fucking Stark. I’m the most powerful man in America. I can ruin your life with a snap of my fingers.”  Just as quickly as he was on you, Tony’s anger switches to calm, and in the blink of an eye, he’s off of you, casually smoothing his suit down. “Well more of a push of a button.”
Smirking, Tony reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone while you remain frozen in fear, glancing at Steve who just looks amused at the show in front of him. At the sound of Tony coughing to get your attention, you look back in front of you at the phone he’s now holding out. Black and white security footage is displayed on the screen, and the moment Tony presses play, you know what it is.
Your voice rings through the speaker, the moans, expletives, and begging coming out of your throat are clear as day as Tony fucks you over your desk.
“Harder, daddy!”
“Please, please, let me cum!”
Your eyes water. “Stop it,” you murmur, but the video keeps playing. “I said stop it! Please!”
Tony chuckles. “So now you understand what’s at stake here? One push of a button, one phone call to Peter, and this video will be up all over Time Square. Forget starting a company, you’ll be blackballed all over America from even being a receptionist.”
You’re defeated, your entire future crumbling before your eyes.
 “What do you want from me.”
“Well I think leaving me or the company is now obviously out of the picture, so for now, I want you to give Steve here a little trial of what he just bought from me.”
“Please...please no,” you croak, but Tony just holds up his phone and raises an eyebrow.
As you start to make your way toward the other man, Tony grabs your jaw once more. “Don’t half-ass it,” he grows in your ear before shoving you to Steve.
Eyes lowered, you stand in front of Steve and shrug your blazer off. “What would you like me to do...sir?”
“Suck me off.”
You’re barely able to breathe, sinking down to your nears, as tears begin to flow freely from your eyes.
“You’re so pretty when you cry doll,” Steve murmurs under his breath.
There is no dignity left in you as you unbuckle his belt and open his fly. The soft zip is deafening to your ears, and you reach in and pull out his hardening cock.
Shit. He wasn’t even fully hard and he was big. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t send a pang down to your core.
Giving him a few shy strokes, you then place your mouth over him, hollowing your cheeks as you lightly suckle at the tip. You pull back and take a deep breath. 
‘Don’t half-ass it’
You dive back in with renewed vigor, taking as much of him as you can and running your tongue across the underside of him. He’s hot and heavy in your mouth, and you find yourself pretending you were somewhere else with someone else, enjoying it. You let out a moan at his taste and Steve responds with his own groan, hand caressing your hair as you slightly speed up. His hand winds itself into your hair, and he begins thrusting his hips up into your mouth, extracting a whimper from you. Each buck of his hips turns harsher as his hand pushes down on your head to force his entire length down your throat, and at this point, you’re drooling onto his expensive slacks. He’s about to cum and you feel it; his thrusts becoming erratic and his entire body tensing, but before you can speed up and get this nightmare over with, he wrenches you off his dick and pulls you into a heated kiss, hands coming up to grope you all over.
You let out a startled squeal as both hands grasp your blouse and rip it down the middle, buttons flying everywhere, before he proceeds to do the same to the black lacy bra you're wearing.
“Ride me,” he commands.
All shame has left you at this point as you proceed to straddle him, your skirt now bunched up at your waist, and sink down on his length. The mewl that comes out of you is from how his girth is stretching you, and after what seems like eternity, you’re bottomed out and unable to move.
“Move,” he orders.
“I can’t,” you whine. “It-it’s too much.”
You let out another whimper as you slowly raise yourself a couple inches and sink back down, feeling every single vein on his cock brush against your walls. A few more attempts later, Steve grows impatient. A low growl is torn from his lips while he grabs your hips tight and slams you back down on his impossibly hard length.
You can barely hear the string of strangled screams and moans as he brutally thrusts into you, moving your body up and down and using you for his own pleasure. Every punishing plunge into your cunt punches the air from your lungs, and Steve’s groans are animalistic.
You glance over to the side to see Tony fisting his own dick, and the only thing that tears you away from staring at him is a particularly hard thrust from the man in the chair below you.
“Fuck, doll, your gripping me so tight,” Steve grunts.
The sound of skin slapping and the squelching of your now wet pussy is so overwhelming you don’t even register another set of hands on your waist.
“Bend her over more, Rogers. I wanna fuck her ass.”
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Grade A Business//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Brief semi-nudity, slight language, two suggestive comments, y/n drools on fred but like in a cute way
Summary: As one businessman makes a trip across the ocean to talk to new investors, he meets his new partner, someone a lot more familiar than he was expecting. 
Prompts: Only One Bed with dialogue prompts “if we get caught, I’m blaming you” and “I don't want to be alone”
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Day 2 of @theweasleyslut‘s 2k writing challenge
  Fred had never gotten used to traveling on Muggle airplanes. He never had a need to before, not with everything being a train ride, floo network, or apparition away. But as he and George progressed into adulthood, and the businessman life no less, they found themselves constantly on the move and needing a fast and easy way to travel without drawing suspicion. Except for the one time that Fred’s magical briefcase set off every airport security system imaginable, but he’d learned from that mistake. 
He was relieved to be exiting the JFK airport in New York City, clutching his luggage and thanking Merlin that his feet could now touch solid ground. Being in one of those huge steel contraptions was nothing like flying in a broom. He had no control over anything and it drove him absolutely insane. Luckily, he was safe now, and one step closer to being done with this awful business trip. 
At the beginning of their business endeavors, Fred and George would travel together, trying to pick up business at other locations for Weasleys’ Wizards Wheezes. But as the shop grew and the locations became more and more foreign (so far having shops in Paris, Cairo, and Madrid) the brothers realized that the operations would have to be solo missions to allow for the other to run the shop for longer periods of time. Usually Fred didn’t mind taking the trips by himself. In fact, he rather enjoyed the alone time and flexibility in schedule. But this meeting was supposed to be a big one, and he was feeling quite nervous about having to tackle it himself. 
Big investors located in the states were meeting with him to discuss opening a joint operation in New York City, combining his shop with another renowned wizard business that they deemed would be most profitable. Fred groaned internally just thinking about it. He didn’t want to have to share this new shop with anyone, no matter what the new investors thought. What if the other co-owner was a horrible person? Or worse, what if they had no sense of humor? They’d ruin the Weasley reputation and make it some boring book store. Or puzzle shop? Honestly Fred didn’t know much about the other business, just that he already didn’t like it. 
Hailing a cab, a trick his sister-in-law Hermione had shown him years ago, Fred lugged all of his prototypes--skillfully hidden from Muggle eyes and detection systems by layers of spells--into the trunk before hopping in, giving the address of the hotel the investors had booked for him. He was about to shut the door when a panting scream startled him enough to make him stop. 
“Wait! Hold the cab!”
Doing as he was told, Fred kept the door open and allowed the stranger to climb in, suitcase and all. 
“Thanks,” you said, Fred noting your distinct British accent and strikingly familiar features. “I really need to get to my hotel, I appreciate it--”
Shocked, you finally looked at your ride partner’s face for the first time. Soft brown eyes. Freckled face. Bright ginger hair. 
“Fred?! Fred Weasley?” You knew for a fact you weren’t mistaken, this was definitely the Fred you remembered. Or maybe it could have been George? It had been so long since you had seen either of them. Since Hogwarts, in fact. 
Luckily, Fred nodded, confirming your belief that this was the older Weasley twin and saving yourself from heaps of embarrassment. “Y/N L/N, what are you doing here?”
Fred and you both wore matching grins, stretching from ear to ear. What an insane coincidence. What were the chances that you two would be in the same cab, in the same city, in the same foreign country?
“I’m actually here for business,” you said. “After Hogwarts I opened my own shop--”
“Excuse me,” the cab driver interrupted, wasting no time with politeness nor formalities. “But I have cars lined up behind me and I don’t know where you wanna go little lady. So let’s get on with it, if you will.”
“Oh, yeah of course. It’s, umm, oh shit which hotel was it? It’s on 53rd and 10th, I know that…” You trailed off, trying to remember what your hotel was called. You dug around in your purse, hoping to find a piece of paper with the name on it. “I think it was called--”
“Lotus Hotel.”
It was Fred who had interrupted you, once again, and once again you were just as bewildered as before.
“That’s right,” you said after a few seconds of confused silence. “Yes, yes the Lotus Hotel please,” you told the driver with confidence. Turning back to Fred you tried in earnest to understand what was happening. 
“So same location?” the driver asked, to which Fred confirmed before you were speeding off down the crowded streets of the city. 
“Oh, I get it,” you said in understanding. “Same hotel as me?”
“That is correct, love. What are the odds?” He wiggled his eyebrows in a half suggestive half just plain goofy manner, awkwardly shuffling so that his long legs had room amongst your many bags. 
“That is quite a coincidence,” you agreed. “Funny thing is, I didn’t even choose the location. I have a business meeting in the morning with possible investors and they set everything up for the stay.”
Fred’s mouth practically dropped open at what you had said. “You’re kidding. These investors don’t happen to be Robbie Goldstein and Rachel McMillan, do they?”
“Ok, you need to stop doing that,” you said, officially freaked. “That’s the third time you’ve predicted something and it’s starting to creep me out. You never were very good at legilimency.”
He hushed you quickly, hoping the cab driver hadn’t caught onto the magical term you just used. Thankfully, he was too focused on the roads to notice. 
“Ok, Y/N, one last question.”
“And then you’ll explain how you know all this?”
Fred ignored your question and continued with his own. “You said you opened a business. Are you perhaps meeting with another business owner to discuss a collaboration on a new store opening in the city?”
“Yes!” you said, eager to know how Fred could have known that. Was this another one of his pranks? Did he have hidden cameras in the cab somewhere? “How do you know all this?”
He only laughed, a joyous and very relieved grin overtaking his face. Sticking out his right hand, he grabbed yours and shook it eagerly. “Well, Miss L/N, it’s a pleasure to be reacquainted. I’m Frederick Weasley, your new potential partner.”
“You know, you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Oh thank Godric, I was worried you’d think I was grown up and mature now.”
You laughed heartily as you dragged your bags out of the cab, thanking the driver before he grunted annoyedly and drove off. Your drive from the airport had gone faster than expected, mostly due to the fact that you and Fred had so much to catch up on. 
After he and George had left Hogwarts in their grand exit, they’d created the shop they’d always dreamed of, parking it right in the middle of Diagon Alley. You, on the other hand, went about creating your success in a much more conventional way. After finishing your last year of school, you started working full time at Zonko’s at Hogsmeade, trying to save up enough money to start your own business. 
Many long hours and tiring days later, you opened up your little place, a toy store and puzzle shop. It was a similar setup to what the Weasleys did, but as you described it, “my toys don’t blow up in the user's face.”
You were now very excited for tomorrow’s meeting, the one you had been dreading beforehand. Your business was much smaller than Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and this would be your first international location. You were afraid that the owner you would be forced to work with would be some stuck up rich big whig who wouldn’t allow you to keep any of your small business charm in the new location. But learning that you would be working with Fred, well that was a relief for many reasons. 
Fred rang the hotel desk bell, chatting happily about ideas for the shared shop and new products that fit with what both of you wanted to do. 
“Hello there,” said the hotel receptionist, coming around the corner. “What can I do for you today?”
“Two night stay for Frederick Weasley,” said Fred. “Should’ve been booked by Robbie Goldstein.”
The young man typed quickly into his computer before offering Fred a hotel key card. “Here you are Mr. Weasley, room 504. We serve complimentary breakfast from 6 to 9 every morning down in our west hall. If you need anything don’t be afraid to call down and we’ll assist you in any way we can.”
Fred nodded at the man. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” He turned to leave before you grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him back. 
“Wait for me,” you said. “I’m not finished talking to you yet.”
Fred smiled and waited behind you as you took your turn at the desk. 
“Y/N L/N, also booked by Robbie Goldstein.” 
He clicked away again but paused for a few seconds, seemingly confused. “You said Y/N L/N?”
Starting to get nervous, you nodded. “Yes, that’s me. Is the reservation not there?” You didn’t want to think about having to find somewhere else to stay, especially because it was getting so late. 
“Oh no,” the man replied. “It’s here all right.” Ignoring the confused looks you and Fred were giving each other, the receptionist handed you a hotel key card and gestured to the elevator. “Thank you for choosing to stay with us. You’ll be staying for two nights in room 504. Don’t forget to enjoy our complimentary breakfast from 6--”
“I’m sorry,” Fred interrupted. “But that’s my room. You did say 504, right?”
“Yes sir,” he replied, not bothering to try to understand the predicament. “Mr. Goldstein booked one room for the both of you.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Fred, silently asking him to help you figure this out. But instead, Fred just broke out laughing, having to brace himself on the front desk. 
“I guess that’s what you expect when you let two investors who specialize in pranking shops make the room accommodations.”
“This isn’t funny Fred,” you said, although you had to give Robbie and Rachel credit for this joke. Turning to the receptionist, you sighed and ran your hands through your hair. “There’s at least two separate beds, right?”
He glanced down at his computer screen before looking back up at you with a guilty smile. “Well, about that…”
“Alright, I’ll take the couch, I’m sure it’s a pullout, it has to be.”
Fred stood in the doorway watching you mumble mostly to yourself. As tired as he was and as much as he wanted to just lie down and sleep, somehow watching you freak out about the sleeping arrangements was a much better use of his time. 
He watched as you threw the pillows and cushions off of the couch and felt around for a lever, something, anything that would allow you a place to rest. Your face lit up as you felt a small impression and yanked with all your might, only causing you to thump backwards onto your butt on the hotel room floor. 
Kicking off his shoes, Fred jumped onto the bed, sighing as he let his body relax. “Come on in darling, there’s plenty of room for the both of us.”
He opened one eye slightly, just enough to see your reaction. You were trying again to make the couch open, although you both knew that it wasn’t a pullout. Nevertheless, you kept pulling at every spot you thought could make a difference. 
It reminded Fred of the good old days, back at Hogwarts when you two were so close. You were always so stubborn, and he didn’t realize just how much he had missed having you in his life. He always wondered what happened to you after he and George left, but with the shop opening up and the war around the corner, he never had the thought to write you or track you down. He hoped this time after you two parted ways you would still remain in touch. 
You groaned loudly, slapping the couch with one of the pillows you had thrown earlier. Nothing was going as planned and you couldn’t be more annoyed. 
“Fine,” you huffed. “I’ll just sleep on the couch, no need for a pullout.” You stomped over to the bed and angrily pulled the blanket from off of him. 
“Hey!” he shouted, trying to grab it back but you were too quick. “That’s not fair, it’s cold!”
“If you get the bed,” you said, wrapping yourself up, “then I get to stay warm. Now go to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He couldn’t help but giggle at the small bundle of you wrapped up in the hotel quilt, looking like an angry little burrito. Standing, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the corner, followed next by his undershirt before he unbuckled his belt. He turned to face you slowly, feeling your eyes on him as they peeked out of your wrapping. 
You quickly turned your gaze and glared at the floor. “What are you doing?” you said, hoping Fred didn’t see the blush rising to your cheeks. He did. 
He continued to undress, leaving him only in a pair of red boxers that left little to the imagination. “Going to bed, as you said,” he replied nonchalantly. He grabbed a toothbrush from his suitcase and made his way to the bathroom, making sure to walk extra slowly and give you a longer show. 
“This is so unprofessional!” you yelled after him. 
“We’re not business partners until tomorrow, love,” Fred said with a mouthful of toothpaste. “As far as I see it we can do anything we want tonight.”
Rolling your eyes, you shed the large blanket and grabbed an oversized t-shirt from your bag, hoping you’d be able to change before Fred finished in the bathroom. As he emerged, he saw the tail end of you throwing the shirt on, flashing your thighs and part of your panties for half a second. He averted his eyes out of respect, but that didn’t stop his imagination from running away with what he just saw. 
You shuffled past him, taking your turn in the bathroom. How in the world had this happened? How had a nice catch-up with a friend turned into an awkward back and forth the night before the most important business meeting of your life?
All you wanted to do was fall asleep, go through with whatever tomorrow brought you, and pretend like this never happened. But as you came out of the bathroom, you saw that Fred had taken the blanket back, leaving you with nothing except your t-shirt and an uncomfortable couch. 
“Fred, let me have it,” you said, trying to yank it from his grip. 
“No,” he mumbled, voice muffled by one of the many pillows he was cuddled with. 
“Frederick Gideon Weasley, give me the blanket now or so help me…”
Instead of responding, he just reached out and patted you on the top of your head before rolling over and pretending to snore. He was infuriating. 
You sulked back to the couch, accepting your defeat. You pulled out all of the clothes in your bag, hoping they could form as some sort of makeshift blanket. But after a few minutes of shivering and curling into the smallest ball possible, you realized that you’d never manage to sleep like this. Fred was staring at you, partially amused and partially concerned. You looked away. 
“You can always share with me, you know,” he said, patting the bed next to him. 
You scoffed and turned away. “Like I said, Fred, we’re soon-to-be business partners. Imagine how that would look! I’m fine right here, thank you.”
After a few seconds of silence you snuck another look at him. He hadn’t moved an inch, and was instead looking more concerned than before. “You’re going to freeze to death over there.”
“Well maybe that’s because someone stole my blanket.”
“The blanket comes with the bed, and the bed comes with me. Take it or leave it.”
It took everything in you not to scream. You wanted that warm, soft, comfortable bed more than anything at the moment. You needed it. Oh but it would send such a bad message if anyone ever found out…
“If we get caught I’m blaming you,” you relented, trudging over to the bed and crawling underneath the covers, ripping the blanket from a very amused Fred. 
“Who’s gonna catch us, Robbie and Rachel? They’re the ones that set this up! Trust me, nothing’s going to happen.” 
“It better not,” you said. “And make sure you stay on your side of the bed, I mean it! No touching.”
“Oh come on, Y/N,” Fred said, rolling slightly closer to you. “You act as if we’ve never done this before. We’ve slept with each other dozens of times.”
Your face went red at his words, wishing he would have phrased it a different way. 
“You know what I mean,” he said quickly, hearing how his words came across. “But the amount of times we’ve cuddled up in the Gryffindor common room or up stargazing in the astronomy tower. It’s just me, there’s nothing to be scared of.”
“We were also 17 and a lot closer back then,” you retorted, remembering the fond memories you had from your high school days. 
Fred huffed and returned to his side. “I’m not saying we weren’t. I just wish you weren’t acting so different now. It’s like we’re barely friends anymore…” His voice drifted off, wishing that he could go back and change the past. It had been 8 years since he last saw you. 8 whole years. Maybe things would’ve been different if he had tried to stay in touch. You’d never even visited his shop in those 8 years, never seen everything he was so proud of. He was stupid to think that one reunion was going to bring back a friendship that was practically already dead. He was even more stupid to think that maybe, just maybe, fate was giving him one last chance to shoot his shot, close to a decade later. What a right idiot he was. 
On the other side of the bed, less than a meter away, similar thoughts raced through your mind. 8 years. Why hadn’t you, in 8 years, made one trip to visit their shop. Sure, there was a war going on and you were busy starting your own shop, but things had been fairly calm the last few years. Why had you never reached out? Almost subconsciously, you reached out physically for Fred. Your hand brushed up against his back before you tensed and drew back. You both stilled for a few moments, before Fred rolled over, facing you. 
The two of you just stared at each other, both playing mental images of what your lives could have looked like the last 8 years if just one of you had done something. 
“You’re not seeing anyone, are you?” Fred asked, breaking the silence. You shook your head. He moved closer. 
“Are you?” you asked. He shook his head. You moved closer. 
Your faces were now about a foot apart. You moved your hand to rest it between your face and the pillow. Fred copied your actions. You laughed softly, the movement causing a strand of hair to fall into your face. 
Fred reached his hand out to move it before hesitating. “Can I?” His voice was so soft, so full of care. His hand hesitated in the air for a second before you nodded. He brushed the strands behind your ear, fingertips so gentle that you got chills up and down your spine. He let his hand linger before it moved to cup your face. “I’ve missed you.”
You smiled and leaned into his touch. “I’ve missed you too, Freddie.”
His hand left your face and moved down to your waist, eyes not leaving yours in case you ever grew uncomfortable. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him just like you used to do all those years ago. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and hummed contently, before both of you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“Freddie, Y/N! How are ya!”
Robbie Goldstein, a plump man with fading hair ran up to greet you and Fred in the lobby of his and his partner’s office, shaking both of your hands fervently. 
“Hey Robbie,” said Fred, slapping the man on the back. “I’m glad to be here.”
“Same with me,” you said, glad you could finally meet the man with whom you’d been discussing business through letters in person. 
Robbie looked between the two of you, sly grin on his face. “Ah, so I see you’ve already met them. Wouldn’t happen to be because of a little mishap at the hotel last night, would it?”
You groaned internally, hating that someone else knew about the previous night, but Fred only laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
“A great prank, I must admit, but Y/N and I actually go way back. I’ve known her since I was 11 years old, so nice try. I couldn’t imagine how that would’ve gone if we were complete strangers.”
Robbie’s face fell a little before he shrugged and nodded his head in defeat. “Well, what are the odds of that?”
“Astronomical,” you said, giving Fred a subtle tap with your foot. 
Robbie gestured for the two of you to follow him into the conference room where discussions about the new business would commence. “Well, I’m glad that you two seem to get along then, this is going to make things a lot easier. Oh, and don’t worry about arrangements tonight, I’ve decided not to let my joke stretch on and I booked another room for one of you for your last night in town.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Fred, and stepped into the conference room. “Thanks Robbie, that makes things a lot easier.”
“Yeah,” said Fred hesitantly, “thanks for that.”
He shut the door behind you and straightened up. There was no place for personal feelings in this business negotiation. He needed to do what was best for his company and yours, no distractions. No thoughts of crushed hope that suddenly plagued his mind. 
Fred hated the bed he was sleeping on. Granted, it was the same bed as the night before, but this time it felt different. It felt like it was mocking him. You had been the one to offer to change rooms and it seemed like you couldn’t wait to get out of there and to your own bedroom, free of any Weasleys. It made Fred sick to think about. 
He had just gotten used to the idea of something happening between the two of you. Last night, it all seemed perfect. You had cuddled the same way you had before, talked like nothing had changed. Hell, he even woke up with you lying sprawled out on top of him, a little trickle of drool falling onto his chest. He didn’t mind. 
But now, everything that happened the night before seemed like a dream. 
Fred knew he’d at least get to see you sporadically from now on. Your business negotiations with Robbie and Rachel went great, and the two of you, three counting George, were going to be combining forces and opening a joke and toy shop in the city sometime within the next year. It went exactly how Fred had wanted it to go, and yet so horribly wrong at the same time. 
He didn’t want to only interact with you as a business partner and casual friend. He wanted so much more than you were willing to give him, and having to see you and write you and work with you was going to be torture for him. He buried his face in the pillows, gripping the large blanket to his chest, wishing it was you instead. Stupid Robbie and his stupid pranks and stupid business and--
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Fred lifted his head to check the clock. It was 2 in the morning. Who in the world would be knocking this late at night? Fred slowly got out of bed, too tired to bother putting anything more decent on. He looked through the peephole of the door but his eyes were too blurry to make anything out. Groaning, he unlocked the door and pulled it open. 
Standing in front of him, clothed in the oversized t-shirt from last night and a pair of booty shorts, was you, looking nervous and embarrassed. Fred hadn’t noticed the previous day, but the shirt you had been wearing was one of his old Quidditch practice jerseys, all beat up and way too huge on you. He remembered the day he gave that to you, or rather when you stole it from him because you complained about it being too cold. Fred had to hold back a laugh at the irony. 
“I, umm,” you started, not knowing what to say to him. How were you supposed to explain that you missed him so much that spending one night away from him was too much for you to bear? How last night had been the best sleep you had in years because of how content and at peace he made you feel. How could you convey all of your feelings to him at this very moment?
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Fred wasted no time in picking you up, laughing as you screamed and kicked your legs around. “Fred Weasley, you put me down!”
He did as he was told and threw you onto the bed before jumping, arms and legs spread out, and landing straight on top of you. “I’m so glad you're here,” he said, peppering your cheeks with kisses. He pushed himself up, scanning your face to make sure what he did was ok, but you grabbed his face in your cheeks and pulled him down into a long kiss. Fred smiled through the kiss, almost laughing at how everything was working out. Maybe fate did have something to do with it after all. 
Fred pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. “So,” he said, mischief glinting in his eyes, “how about we put this bed to good use?”
Tag List: @famdomhideout​ @amourtentiaa​
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