#reasons to ship marth
creativesplat · 13 days
for the character ask, how about Alcryst and Alfred?
right so this has been in my drafts for MONTHS so I decided I'd post it (I may not have done Alcryst, really sorry 😅)
sorry for taking so long to get back to you doodles!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
oooh... I think Alfred would be amazing in an 1800s gothic horror book, maybe as the romantic interest. He and his wife Alear go to the Inn of the Blaiddyd family. He's on his deathbed with (insert romantic poet style wasting disease here (eg. consumption)), and as a last desperate attempt to heal him, Alear's sister Veyle has recommended to see a doctor who is treating the heir to the Inn, Dimitri. The doctor has no heart - literally - it was taken out by the one of the fell ones (eldtirch horrors) Bylee and Byleth, both identical twins, have lost their hearts, taken by the Immaculate One (eldritch Rhea, but she doesn't go by that name).
Anyway main points:
Dimitri's haunted (being treated for hallucinations and sickness of the mind, but he is actually for real haunted as well as mentally unwell)
This is because of the Blaiddyd curse, but let's not get into that.
Byleth and his sister, Bylee, came to treat Dimitri. Both came under the curse as a result, and attracted the Immaculate One.
So this would be book three of the series. (book one is Veyle and Alear escape the Fell Serpent (eldritch horror sombron)), book two is Dimitri and Bylee, they fall in love(?) they aren't sure and its never confirmed in book two, and she tells her brother Byleth about the haunted vibes she gets from the inn. Its about the two discovering the origin of the Blaiddyd curse and the Fell Star (eldritch horror that dwells in Bylee, it gets into a creepy what makes us human style thing) After a two year time skip in which we discover the handsome love interest that introduced Alear to the outside world in book one is deadly ill, and Veyle gets information on the Blaiddyd inn. A place which can heal loved ones, at a price...
duh duh duhhhh!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
life's been boring by RYMAN LEON
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
ADHD coded!
also we're both people of faith (he's one of the most religious characters in the game, and I'm a Christian.)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I have a lot... lets see...
Makes flower crowns for any and all reasons, one of them is to keep hands busy when hyperactive (eg fidget toy but flower crown version)
picky eater
insecure about his body (he talks to Marth about it in the bonds)
thick as mince. Like man is not a smart boi
hyperfixates on certain diets and exercise fads on loop. One month it was keto, the next it was about bodily flexibility (like the stay flexi guy), then he went vegan for health reasons, after that it was about meat (as raw as it could get, he got rather sick) all while going to the gym religiously.
he is an AWFUL cook
ADHD brain means he is NOT a very tidy guy
probably autistic, I mean look at his B support with Alear and tell me that man isn't
weighs less than Celiné. He isn't happy about it and tells her its because of his 'sleeper build' but he's actually just slim
Suffers with Chrones, chronic pain, as well as a slew of other genetic ailments. He did not win the genetic lottery
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💪🥰🥺🤣🏋️🌸🌻👟 Idk he probably uses those
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
F!Alear, because it's very sweet, and the character models are really fun to pair together because they look so different!
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? ALCRYST ALL THE WAY like Alfred would be the best big brother to Alcryst it's not even funny how good that would be I just love it! MAKE THEM INTERACT! ITs so good!
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Sokka, in some ways, because he's funny and silly and a little insecure, but honestly Sokka is WAY smarter than Alfred.
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goddessalexissara · 2 years
Romance Will Be In Fire Emblem Engage
I am seeing people say we are not going to be getting romance in Fire Emblem Engage and I wanted to make it clear that those people are like 99% likely to be wrong. I want to talk about the reasons people think their won't be romance, why I am sure there will be, and maybe a little bit extra so hop on.
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First let's talk about why people think romance won't be in the game. It's that there is no S ranks in this game. They believe this includes Alear because a leaked screen shot before the game was revealed from a Chinese playtester showed Vander did not have an S rank with F! Alear. This however, also does not prove that S ranks do not exist within the game. A. It was a playtest build but more importantly B. You couldn't marry the old men in Three Houses. While they had S ranks, it was heavily criticized at the launch of Three Houses that they gay baited with them. So with Cander being the very likely father of Framme and Clanne and therefore likely married or a widower he probably wouldn't be a marriage candidate and they probably learned their lesson with putting an S on these kinds of characters.
Then it is important to remember that an A rank in Three Houses is how most the romance in the game worked. A ranks were for everyone but Byleth even if S ranks are removed totally, it does not actually stop romantic paired endings, it only makes it harder to see at a glance who will end up with who if you do multiple A ranks.
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Why, do I feel so confident that there will be romance in the game, well it's because basically every Fire Emblem game ever made features romance to a decent level. Awakening wasn't the first Fire Emblem game to feature romance, it was the first one to give your player insert the ability to marry a character in the story.
FE1/3/11/12 has Marth and Caeda get married which is followed up in in New Mystery Of The Fire Emblem. They are not even the only non support romance in the game with Est is dating Abel in new Mystery Of The Fire Emblem.
FE2/15 has Alm and Celecia get married at the end no matter what the player does and Mathilda and Clive are married in game. Then there is also paired endings as a well as Leon's unrequited love for Valbar.
FE4 is what gave us the child mechanics that would later be mixed up in Awakening and Fates.
FE5 and 6 I am honestly not as familiar with but they are also two of the least popular games in the series. However, FE6 does in fact include romantic paired endings that you get at the A rank.
FE7 has many paired endings on A rank for characters some of which result in the birth of some characters in FE6. It also has canon married characters recruitable
FE8 also has romantic paired endings on A rank.
FE9 and 10 have romantic paired endings including a pretty much locked in romantic ending. It also has a canon married character be recruitable.
This all is to say, there is maybe 1 games in which there is not romance in the mainline series of games. Paired endings will make a return because their basically in every single game. since they created paired endings [FE6], this only excludes remakes.
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Now the real question is how much romance will be Engage, will Alear die at the end meaning they don't get an ending, will Alear be able to romance only limited characters or does Alear get to hertosexually pick any character and a hand picked collection of gays, will every character be player sexual and you can romance anyone except for limited characters? We really don't know that but I doubt romance for Alear is gone. Maybe Alear needs to spend an item, maybe Alear has more limited romance choices but they know for a fact shipping is one of the biggest pulls to the franchise and I just genuinely don't believe that feature will be left on the table.
I am honestly hoping for characters to have thought out sexualities and have particular characters they can romance including many queer ones. Or that they go full player sexual including just being able to ship whatever 2 characters that aren't incest or something together and get a paired ending, a full molding the world to your vision. I mean Alear is god in this game if there was gonna be a game where your shipping mattered, it makes most sense here.
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turquoisetuber · 1 year
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: What DLCs Would Survive Galeem??
I always found it a little backwards that only Kirby survived. Even if he was the only one with the ability to live, he would've helped someone else (like Meta Knight or King Dedede), but I just bought it. But with the additions of the DLC Fighters, there's never an explanation as to how they got there or if they were a part of Galeem's army. So that's where I come in. I'm going to decide what DLCs would survive and who wouldn't!!
NOTICE: I am by NO means experienced in all of these games!! A lot of my knowledge is from Smash and Smash only, so if I get facts wrong, feel free to correct me!! I'd love to hear all of your guys' ideas as well!!
So of course, there are rules and limits. If there weren't, almost everyone would live.
Nobody can latch a ride with Kirby/any other potential survivor. As I said earlier, if they were able to do that, Meta Knight and Dedede would be alive.
As said earlier, most of my knowledge is based off of what they can do in SMASH. But that doesn't limit it. I researched several characters' abilities to make sure my claims were as accurate as someone with no idea can.
With that, let's get into it!!
Joker: Not a Survivor
Joker is pretty much a normal teenager, and Arsène doesn't have anything that would help Joker escape?? I'm pretty sure that there are a few things in P5 that might have allowed him to survive? But as far as I know, no, he wouldn't.
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Hero: Not Sure?? Leaning: No
I know nothing about Dragon Quest, but I feel like Hero would be in the same boat as characters like Link and Cloud, where they can try but ultimately they're gonna get captured. The only reasons I'm not sure is because of Hero's reveal where they save Link from Marth and Meta Knight, implying they were alive? But I don't think they actually survived and that that was just a way to advertise them.
Banjo & Kazooie: Not Survivors
Banjo & Kazooie would be in the same boat as Duck Hunt. They don't seem to have anything outstandingly useful to win with, so unfortunately they probably wouldn't live.
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Terry Bogard: Not a Survivor
Terry is the most human out of the bunch for DLC pack one (aside from Joker, but even then, Joker has Arsène). He really doesn't have anything to fight against Galeem with and almost no means of escape. Terry unfortunately wouldn't live.
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Byleth: Not Sure?? Leaning: Yes
Byleth, unlike the other Fire Emblem cast, has Sothis, who I think has been seen helping Byleth escape one place to get to another. Of course, I'm guessing based on the reveal trailer, and have no prior context to what that cutscene actually was. I still think Byleth could survive.
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Min Min: Not a Survivor
Similarly to Terry, Min Min is just a stretchy human. She doesn't have anything all that special other than her arms. Min Min probably wouldn't survive.
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Steve/Alex: Survivors!!
Our first definite survivors of the bunch, and they're the minecraft reps. Any shock? Anyways, this one is situational. But I'm gonna count it since the Star Fox gang AND Captain Falcon conveniently had their ships. So, how would they do it? Nether portals. If Steve and Alex build a Nether portal and go through it, Galleem probably couldn't get them, since I think the light would just break the portal on contact since it acts more like a weapon than an entity. So congrats, Steve and Alex, to be the first of three definite survivors!!
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Sephiroth: Take a guess. (Survivor!)
Listen, Sephiroth can slice Galeem in half. Considering that, I think he could avoid Galeem's attacks. Under the assumption that he doesn't kill Galeem so that World of Light can actually happen.
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Pyra + Mythra: Not Survivors
As far as I'm aware, neither of them have any abilities that could help them escape, since they seem human or equivalent? So they wouldn't make it, most likely.
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Kazuya: Not Sure?? Leaning: No
Kazuya was weird to me. I'm not a huge fighting game person other than SSB, so I knew nothing about Tekken. After some google searches, I leaned to the side he wouldn't survive. He's mostly human, but even with his Devil's Gene, more powerful characters (like Ganondorf) also lost, so he wouldn't survive. I think.
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Sora: Survivor!!
My main!!! Even though I love Sora, I'm not biased! I haven't played Kingdom Hearts. But based off of a few searches, and his Final Smash, I believe he can open portals with his Keyblade. Unlike Steve and Alex, he can open portals under less circumstances. So the place of our third and final survivor goes to no other than Sora!
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To finish it off, the DLC packs brought some very powerful characters that could survive World of Light. I wish we had gotten some explanation as to what happened to the DLCs, but I get it. Cutscenes are hard to make. Again, these are all my ideas, and I might not be right! If you have something to add, feel free! I'd be glad to hear from you! If you got this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!!
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dentos-wife · 2 years
Since you say Chrobin is inferred what else is inferred and canon in FE?
Disclaimer this is just my option from the stance of an aromantic asexual who only follows the text and what they do with the characters and what I see pushed in side material. But here's what I see and with just the lords
FE1/3/11/12: Marth and Caeda canon, there's no arguing it, all the side material confirms it it's blatant canon
FE 2/Echoes: Alm and Celica canon same reasoning as Marth and Caeda
FE 4: Sigurd and Deirdre canon, Deirdre and Arvis is canon too but it's never pushed not like the former that's the FE4 ship they want you to remember. Seliph as far as I'm aware doesn't have a pairing, his siblingship with Julia is his important relationship and it's platonic
FE 5: I know nothing about this game except what I see in FEH. I think Leif and Nana canon, could be wrong, would be willing to hear someone out who knows that game, if not canon they are definitely inferred
FE 6: Roy and Lilina implied I think like his dad's game Roy can pick anyone to be his wife, IS seems to favor Lilina the most in side material
FE 7: Eliwood and Ninian highly implied this is the one I'd compare Chrobin to the most, Eliwood can marry Ninian but he doesn't have to he can marry anyone else if he wishes, in side material though and FEH they're pushed a lot to the point when I looked it up I was surprised it wasn't canon
FE 8: I...don't think anything is canon or even inferred here. Open season
FE 9: I'm going to get so much hate for this but here we go. It's heavily implied I don't think it's been stated, Soren has feelings for Ike. And I 100% believe that. However...Ike comes off as very ace to me so I don't think Ike can ever love Soren as much as Soren loves him. That said they could easy have a queerplatonic relationship I don't see the two ever separating it just wouldn't be a traditional relationship
FE 10: Micaiah Sothe canon I personally wish it wasn't and don't like it but you can't argue it's not canon, and the side material continues to agree with the game, just ignore it (I sure do)
FE 13: As I said Chrom Sumia was originally implied, but they dropped it now Chrom Robin is heavily implied Lucina has no one, protecting her dad is her character.
FE 14: Gender split. In the game one could argue for MCorrin Azura was slightly implied due to her having a different support per route. For FCorrin due to popularity Leo got a drama Cd and a manga which slightly implied Leo Corrin. That time has passed, Corrin has no implied pairings anymore Corrin just cares about family, everything is platonic
FEH: Yes this is a mainstream game. Almost everyone loves the summoner (because it's you) Fjorm outright is in love with them, Alfonse and Veronica could be implied due to Lif and Tharsir's relationship. Everything is canon here and nothing is canon here at the same time.
FE16: So this one is interesting because of how hard it splits between MByleth and FByleth
Edelgard is heavily implied not just with Byleth but MByleth in particular. In the game the portrait she's drawing is of MByleth if you look close enough, MByleth is also usually for advertisement purposes put with the Black Eagles, Edelgard's house. Because her crush on Byleth is such a part of her character they didn't write it out for FByleth yes, but it was made in intention to MByleth (aka the male players)
Dimitri is implied with FByleth. Her material has her with Blue Lions the same way MByleth's material has him with Black Eagles. It's not as blatant as Edelgard, nothing would be but it's still there (to cater to female players)
Claude: Ha you think they'd care about the character who is a copy paste route? They don't. Poor Claude, nothing is implied or canon with him
FE17: No one but due to Alfred's circumstances changing if you S support him, I might lean to Alear Alfred implied it will all depend on what the side material tells us
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tngmpersonal · 2 years
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Who Fucks and Who Doesn’t Edition (SPOILERS!)
Spoilers for certain games under the cut. But I’m going over who in the SSBU roster has canonically had sex and who hasn’t.
Olimar, Chrom, and Ken are (or in the latter’s case, was) family men, meaning they canonically fuck.
In Tekken lore, Kazuya also has fucked, as Jin’s existence is proof enough. Though considering Kazuya and Jun Kazama’s relationship, it was likely a one-night stand at best.
Pyra and Mythra are shown to be mothers in a spoiler-heavy image of Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
The Yoshi’s Island series as well as a cutscene in Ms. Pac-Man shows that in the Marioverse (Mario, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Wario) and the Pac-Man universe, reproduction is done by stork delivery. Thus, fucking is not necessary. Bowser and Pac-Man still have kids though.
Depending on whether or not people see Banjo-Kazooie existing in the same universe as Mario considering Banjo’s debut in Diddy Kong Racing, the above rule could also apply to the Banjo-Kazooie series.
All of the playable Pokémon except Mewtwo, Pichu, Battle Bond Greninja, and Pikachu Libre can reproduce in a Day Care or Nursery.
Robin, Lucina, Corrin, Byleth, and Fox of the 64 through Command continuity fuck depending on which choices and routes the player takes. For the former three, their children can be recruited as playable units. Byleth and Command!Fox need to get certain endings in their respective games and the kids are NPCs.
The generations-spanning timeline of the Zelda, Fire Emblem, and Castlevania games means that Zelda (both Downfall and Time/Sheik), Marth, and the Belmonts eventually fuck offscreen in-between games to continue their respective bloodlines.
Erdrick also belongs in the above category, but him revealed to be the ancestor of the Heroes from the first two Dragon Quest games was meant to be a huge twist in his own game.
Ike and the various Links are an ambiguous case. Priam in Awakening is implied to be Ike’s descendent, but could also just be descended from Mist. As for the Links, while the games give lots of ship tease moments between Link and various women, the only reason the Heroes of Hyrule are an ambiguous case is that no game within the timelines outright states that Link had kids.
In Bayonetta 3, Viola is Bayonetta’s kid from another dimension.
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
Now that i think about it the more time pass the less IS is willing to make their ship canon, aside from Marth/Caeda, Alm/Celica, Sigurd/Deidre, Quan/Ethyln and many others, most of the time, ship the player can choose are left fanon or are pushed like Roy/Lilina. I mean, ships the player can choose save Leif/Nanna.
That's not anything modern. There hasn't been a new canon lord romance in FE since FE5!Leif/Nanna. It's as though IS looked at their newly-created support system back in the early 2000s and realized that it was better suited for allowing players to create their own ships - and then argue about them, naturally. Some pairings seem to be more suggested than others based on material outside the support system, like Eliwood/Ninian, Ike/Soren, and Edeleth, but that's only more fuel for shipping wars since not everyone will like those options. I wonder if another reason Echoes didn't stick around long in fandom is that its emotional stakes had to revolve around explicitly romantic Alm/Celica, and in an age of free-for-all (heterosexual) Avatar romances that sort of rigidity isn't appealing anymore.
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writer-of-worlds · 2 years
You can look up the Japanese Hubba tester's comments, but basically he got mad at same sex results, especially male/male. I don't know why, but the Japanese version of Awakening had a fair amount of homophobia for some reason? This is also why people are suspicious about the motivation with the game adding Priam & claiming Ike had a descendant with a random woman.
Wow, damn. And that also explains no same sex marriage in the game too!
And right? I mean, with hints with Ike being gay in the games (no hate towards those who ship Ike with Elincia or a woman! You do you), it's kinda odd. I liked to imagine that Priam was descended from Mist, and from what I'd gathered, with Marth's ancestor Anri, Anri's BROTHER is the one who had kids, not Anri himself.
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arcstral · 2 years
🌠- A time they wished upon a falling star
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     (  🌠  ;  a time they wished upon a falling star,  also asked by @gentlenekomata  )
                A hundred reasons for men to clamor in the daylight and there exists only one terrible, wicked, nigh unthinkable reason to do so in the dead of night. None could blame the Prince of Altea for daring to assume the worst. Ripping fast from his sheets and even faster from the foggy grip of sleep as shouts and hollers sounded outside his cabin. An uproar that implicated danger during the most vulnerable hours of an army floating on foreign waters.
               An oil lantern knocked askew, spilling its rampant flame onto the deck... their lone ship caught in the sights of nocturnal pirates... or... an enemy ambush from traitors unseen? Reasonable as his worries, they are worries that prove for naught. His hurried steps onto the main deck arrive alone and to the sight of other company with surprisingly less perturbed states of mind. A deckhand is the first he sees within reach leaning on the wall outside his door.
     “...Shooting stars, you say?” Marth asks him incredulously.
               The man explains it away as a gathering of the sailors; young men and women who revere the stars and convene to appreciate a rare shower regardless the hour. Marths sighs deeply at that, danger no longer on the mind. With Grust on the horizon and likely to greet their eyes at daybreak, there will be no excusing the lack of wisdom in a sleepless army. But...
               Crossing his arms to keep warm, he tips his head towards the bright-brimming heavens in a moment of silent prayer. Keep them safe, he thinks. Arran. Luke. Rody. Cecil. Ryan. Katarina. Kris. A name and a wish attached to every shooting star swimming just once across the night sky.
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
Luigi : It's weird man. This Bowluigi really happened in the movies. But I never understand why were gay. Look i'm mean you're single and what does Kirby the fighters 2 makes you the sworn partners?
Meta Knight : Oh, look, come on, bro. I had therapy once the same as you did. For once...I am giving you the opportunity of what does pink have to do with being gay for no reason!?
Luigi : This happened everywhere!?
*stomach bubbling*both turn green*
Meta Knight : When I said being gay, I didn't mean by that!
Luigi : That's it! These fan girls gotta stop shipping us between two dudes!
Meta Knight : Agree!
*about to throw up*
Mario : Hey, guys! Who's ready for some--
*both retching*
Marth : Dude! Not in my shoes!
Mario : I told them that gay stuff always happens to us. This is really one of them days isn't it?
Roy : Cleanup on Aisle 6, we just two straight guys, barfing up the gay stuff. Well, it was worth the shot.
Marth : Roy, you're an imbecile.
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story-review · 11 months
"Where Does the Town Go At Night?" The Tale of a Wondrous and Mysterious Town
The story "Where Does the Town Go At Night?" by Tanith Lee starts with the main character, Anton Gregeris, coming across a homeless man, Ercole, who tries to engage him in a conversation. Gregeris tries to pay him to leave him alone, but the man wants Gregeris to buy him a meal so that he can tell him a true story about the city. Gregeris agrees to buy Ercole a meal at a local restaurant. At the restaurant, Ercole begins to tell his tale.
He begins by describing the first special night that he was Awake. During this night, he met a young girl, a rich man, and an elderly couple. The elderly couple help him to realize that the town is moving through the ocean like a ship. He tells about how when he woke up, he thought it was a dream but then he encountered the young girl in an argument with her boyfriend. When he approaches her, she doesn’t remember him and runs away. He talks about another one of these nights where the town is moving underwater, and Ercole comments on the fish that he saw flying around. Finally, he tells of a different night where he saw a mermaid and compared her to an angel.
Ercole informs Gregeris that another one of these nights is happening tonight, and Gregeris then leaves to go see an ex of his, Marthe. His son, Kays, is then introduced and Gregeris thinks of a couple of past events with Marthe and Kays that he loathed. Gregeris then takes Marthe out to dinner to be polite and Kays is sent to Marthe’s friend’s house. That night, Gregeris tries to stay awake but falls asleep and when he wakes, it’s to the whole bottom half of the town being gone. The official reports say an earthquake took it. Gregeris then sees his son and realizes that he was one of the ones who was Awake during the special nights. The story ends with Gregeris being devastated that he was the reason that his son wouldn’t get to experience that incredible place again.
The beginning of this story is a bit slow. It takes a minute for it to pull the reader in. Without having to read this for class, I most likely would’ve stopped after the first page or two because it didn’t hook me in. But once I got into the story, I didn’t want to stop reading. I was invested and interested in the world and the mystery and wonder of what was happening in this town.
The main character himself isn’t the type that I’m used to in fantasy stories. Gregeris is a selfish, rich, and mean guy. He really only cares about what is good for him, what helps his image, or what would harm his image. The biggest example to come to mind is when Marthe shows up at his mother’s birthday party with Kays. It’s said in the text, “That time Gregeris had considered having Marthe, and very likely the boy, murdered.” To get rid of the humiliation he’s feeling, he is briefly willing to kill someone, which can be relatable, but the fact that it’s because of a consequence of his own actions makes it more obnoxious than relatable.  Another big example of this in the story is the fact that he is trying to cover up that he had a child with Marthe because it would hurt his reputation that he would associate in that way with someone of her social class.
Throughout reading this story, I was constantly reminded of how much I don’t like Gregeris. I can’t think of a single thing I liked about his character. This is so jarring because the type of character I’m used to in these kinds of stories are ones that are at least a little bit likeable. The characters or characters may have certain aspects that are unlikable, but these flaws are usually paired with at least one good quality. It may sound like I don’t like that Gregeris is unlikable but it’s a difference from other stories that I actually like. It makes this story more interesting in how it keeps the reader engaged even with an unlikable main character.
What makes this story so fun to read is the sense of wonder that it encapsulates. Most of the town being asleep while the town is traveling the world at night has the feeling of a bedtime story for a child. The story plot is basically a bedtime story but written for adults to make them feel the wonder that they felt in childhood. The way the author is able to capture the sense of wonder is beautiful and awe-inspiring. After childhood, most people don’t get to experience that wonder and I find it nice that this whole story gives that to people who may not have experienced wonder in a long time. That major sense of wonder given in this story is from the town going underwater and Ercole being able to see fish up close and interact with them, as well as from the mermaid that Ercole gets to see and bathe in the glory of.
The way the author highlights social inequality through the story is something I particularly. It’s brings an interesting aspect to the story that I think needed to be there to make it more adult and not a children’s story. The social inequality in the town is directly referenced by how the people who are Awake behave during the special nights. Everyone talks and acknowledges each other, whereas normally they will ignore each other or even look down on certain people. The young girl Ercole befriends who is more high class will dance with and be very close to him during the special nights, but outside of those nights she is scared of him because he’s homeless.  “By the time I got round into the alley, she was starting to walk away, but hearing me, she glanced back … she speeds up and gets out of the alley quick as she can.” The special nights might be a utopian vision of a possible future without social inequality, but the author does make sure we know that the “real world” is still consumed by it. The inequality is referenced through the characters themselves. The main character is a rich, upper-class man and he is directly contrasted with Marthe and Ercole. Marthe is living in a small, messy apartment with Gregeris heavily judging both her appearance and her personality. His attitude towards her reflects the attitude of real-life upper-class people when they are confronted with people who are working class. Ercole is homeless and is a nice, kind person, but Gregeris immediately judges him for being homeless and a beggar by trying to get away from him and not talk to him, which is very much in line with how rich people deal with those in poverty.
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cat-denied · 1 year
8, 18, & 23 for the ask game?
...okay i'm gonna level with you here. this ask is my secret shame. my white whale.
this was sent to me at least a month ago, probably closer to a month and a half. i promptly wrote up a little draft listing each of the questions, and then forgot about it. then, when i looked back over it, it had reloaded the page and i lost the listings of the questions. when i searched back through my archive i could not find the original post - i can only assume it has now been deleted. so, unfortunately, i have no idea what question 8 was.
however, i believe i have found someone else who answered the same ask game, and this gave me the questions for numbers 18 and 23. without further ado here goes nothing. i am, of course, answering both of these for fire emblem.
18. It’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
every game released before 2013!! but also, like, the minor characters. maybe this is a cop-out answer - they're minor for a reason - but like, there's one fic writer i know of who's gone super hard into misha and amalda from thracia 776, two characters with about six lines between them who never interact in canon, and i ADORE that. more of that! go wild with it! all these characters interact with each other theoretically behind the scenes, being part of the same army, and in the pre-support-conversations games no one ever touches on that nearly as much as they should. so uh. more rarepairs i guess!
also, olwen. everyone is sleeping on olwen. come the fuck on. why does reinhardt have like sixteen alts in heroes and olwen has 2 she is more important, cooler, and more compelling as a character. she has TWO PERSONAL WEAPONS and she isn't a lord or primary protagonist. she rules
23. Ship you’ve unwillingly come around to.
a lot of m/f ships. i always default to thinking about things gayly, partially because i'm gay, partially because it feels like literally no more effort was put into the "canon" straight ships in the games than standing a man and woman next to each other (marth and caeda, roy and lilina, leif and nanna, sigurd and deirdre, ALM AND CELICA), and partially because i'm a huge fan of men and women characters being platonically close and having deep relationships that aren't romantic or sexual - but i have come around to some of these relationships, thanks basically entirely to fan works! like, i LIKE marth/caeda now. they're sweeties they're doofuses they're adorable. is any of that in the games? you'd better believe it isn't! so yeah that's my answer i guess, marth and caeda.
thanks so much for the ask! sorry it took me over a month to answer it lmao. send more send more i love these things (they're just hard sometimes) <3
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greatamericansatan · 2 years
MonsterHearts Days Two and Three
Monsterhearts is a 14 day event (named after a pervy RPG) wherein my writing group votes on a monster each day to include in a story concept.  As we march toward Valentine’s Day, the theme is supernatural romance. These two days I went lesbian and gay respectively.
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CONTENT WARNINGS:  Horror Content, it’s a Spoopy Event Yo.
CHARACTERS:  Young Marthe and demonic Dorothea.
PREMISE:  Marthe is invited to an artist’s commune in the Black Forest, and joins for the prospect of relative freedom from a repressive sexist culture.  But freedom was a trap!  The patriarchs were right, libertines are really demons that wanna drown you in devil sauce.  Dorothea seduces her with lust, of course, but also the power of flight.  There’s something about flying naked through the summer night that gets her ronks off.
THE HOOK:  Like Leánnan last year, there’s the romance of the succubus.  Is this sinister creature capable of genuine affection?  Marthe doesn’t know, but it feels like it.  It’s so passionate.  But then, it has to be a ruse, to drag her soul into hell.  When she lets herself be taken into the night sky by Dorothea, who knows if she will disappear into the darkness forever?
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CONTENT WARNINGS:  Colonizers Depicted Romantically, at Least Not Actively Colonizing as of Moment in Story.  Also War, and the Usual Horror Content.  Body Horror?  Sure, why not?
CHARACTERS:  João and António, young Portuguese sailors who are star-crossed lovers.
PREMISE:  The characters are separated for most of the story, which won’t do for a romance.  Probably this could be accommodated with past / present intercutting.  In the past, the poor boys join a Portuguese merchant ship out of economic desperation.  They fall in love.  Classic sailor goof.  Then a Spanish ship attacks, killing everybody onboard.
João survives drifting on a hunk of wood until rescued.  Heralded for surviving those bastardy Spaniards, he goes to work in an admiral’s office.  He finds out Spanish ships are mysteriously having their crews wiped out by an unknown malefactor.  The admiral is cool with Spaniards dying, but wants to know why, for strategic reasons.  João volunteers to investigate by going undercover in the Spanish navy.
Meanwhile António survived by being mysteriously resurrected by an aquatic hive mind, a massively overdeveloped physaliid cnidarian.  He is incorporated into the hive mind, but empowered with lethal stinging tentacles, he crawls aboard Spanish ships in the night to kill everybody.
THE HOOK:  João’s Spanish ship is attacked by António and the lovers are reunited.  It’s cool, but it seems António is suffering more than just his monstrous condition.  They discover his vengeance is harming the hive mind, and he must return to sea.  Can João convince him to give up his vengeance?  If he does, will they be forever parted?
Cover art by me, ballpoint pen and Photopea.
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themasterofcider · 6 years
Reasons to Ship Markus & North (Marth/Norkus) 4.2
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Markus Reawakened North's Fire (CONT)
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The start of the freedom march sees some interesting characterization for North. In this moment it is as if she has swapped roles with Simon. This was clearly not her idea, and she's terrified. She pleads with Markus to not do things this way and drops her head when she understands that he's going to go through with the plan regardless. At first this baffled me. North rarely shows this level of cowardice. Initially it felt out of character, but it actually may not be. I mentioned her just now becoming actualized and owning her feelings. It makes perfect sense that she would be nervous about not only dying herself and losing touch with those emotions, but having her people die too. If we come at the scene from this perspective, then her caution makes a lot of sense. There's logic behind it from the way she wants to handle the situation. She wants to fight, because she saw how effectively it worked (or how ineffective peace was) at Capitol Park. In her mind a peaceful march makes little sense, as it's not a language humans understand. It could lead to everyone getting slaughtered for no reason. We then have God Droid summoning his fellow androids with something as small as a glance, and none of them question him. North and the other advisors witness this firsthand. Suddenly the police show up to assault unarmed, peaceful protestors. Markus is faced with a choice. To either fight, flee, or stand his ground. North urges him to fight. She knows they have greater numbers and can win if they choose to face them. She is quite forward about this. There's an eager, nervous confidence to her as she speaks. She believes this is the best choice. It would mean less death for her people and would teach the humans a vital lesson. Should Markus go through with the more aggressive option there's a huge battle, in which North is a skilled, eager participant. She's kicking the hell out of their rivals, beating them with nightsticks, and firing rifles as well as pistols. She even  has a powerful moment where she fights directly alongside Markus. She also helps him up, should he take a bullet for her. I don't believe North needs Markus to be successful in combat (we see her picking up the slack numerous times should you as a player screw up), but I do think she feels much more energized doing so. They're fighting back to back, surrounded by three or four enemies, and together they still win. The odds are against them, but through sheer morale and determination they pull through. Briefly looking back at the situation in Capitol Park we know North loves fighting back, and she loves the validation Markus gives her when he chooses to do the same. Getting the chance to fight directly beside the person who understands you and inspires you would make anyone feel like they could take on the world. This is no doubt what North is experiencing. We can see this after she helps him to his feet. They hold each other's gazes for a moment. From her expression (and relationship meter) she's both touched and surprised that he would risk injury for her. She's in the middle of battle with the opportunity to get back at the humans but stops for several seconds to admire Markus. For someone so focused to do this, one can tell how impactful this man is. When the police flee there's an option to shoot or spare them. If you shoot, North jumps in, following Markus' example. Seeing the humans defeated everyone drops their weapons to examine the battlefield. The androids lost several, but they won. It's just as North predicted. They could take the humans, and they did. Her fiery, soldier spirit has once again been vindicated. As such, she has no reason or desire to back down from her position.
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Jericho squad is in the captain's quarters discussing the effects of the march. There are serious repercussions for fighting, and everyone is fearing for their people's lives. Josh is understandably furious with Markus, and once again Simon mediates. North agrees with him, and doesn't want to dwell on the past. She's ready to move forward. In order to do this she encourages Markus to guide them. This is a pivotal moment in the game for North's character. If the player has messed up too many times, North takes control and the three kick Markus out. If the player has done well, you have her support, and everyone has no issues leaving you in charge. North is a fully fledged warrior at this point. She's acknowledged her past, is motivated, and isn't afraid to fight for what she wants. The narrative has told you not to make too many errors, or she will show you what she can do when inspired. All this is due to Markus. Good or bad. If he hadn't have shown up, she wouldn't have been moved to action. Thankfully this strong soldier still more than approves of Markus' leadership and allows him to make the choice. He has done so much good, and made everyone more spirited. She has no reason to doubt him even when things look bleak. If your next move is to talk to the humans North does her old avert gaze maneuver and pleads with Markus not to do this, because she feels that he will get killed. He's her inspiration and everyone's hero. Of course she doesn't want anything to happen to him. He means a lot to her. When Simon and Josh dismiss themselves  North affirms this. "Since you've been here you've given us hope. You've given me hope." That quote encompasses this entire post. It's so sweet, open, and loving. Those words hit me right in the heart. It also proves the effect he had on her. Becoming a bit more serious North hands Markus a bomb. She could have kept it for herself, since her judgment is second best in Jericho. She doesn't, however. She gives the detonator to Markus and lets him decide if such measures are necessary. Some people may read this as her being unnecessarily cruel, but it's not. This is a worst case scenario usage only. It is also in order to protect her people. This is a war now, and in order to win a war you have to do what you must to win. Meaning I take the detonator just in case. After that North bears her heart to him. She tells him she's glad they met, and the two share their memories as well as a kiss. Shortly after North also departs . She pauses to let him know she doesn't want to lose him then is gone. Her body language and tone of voice in this scene are so telling. We know emotions have been something that she's kept deep within her. The fact that she steps closer to him before speaking emphasizes how much she trusts him and how much she's changed. She looks down again but not out of fear or in an attempt to close herself off. She's preparing to talk, to open herself up about not just how she feels but what her fears are as well. She doesn't want to lose this man. It would tear her apart to witness the death of the one who gave her the courage to be who she truly is. She lets him share memories with her once more, knowing the heavy impact it had on her the last time. What made her run away before now keeps her there. She has accepted the strength of feelings he brings out in her, and is willing to let him know her in the most intimate manner. When she's leaving she does it in such a slow, almost pained way. She stops to look at him once more. She doesn't want to be apart from him. She knows this could be one of the last times they're together, and the thought is killing her. If Markus dies she loses a friend, a supporter, a source of hope, and a lover. She's not ready to let go of someone who motivated her so intensely.
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Jericho is attacked, and while fleeing Marth/Norkus run into each other. North is understandably panicked. From the way she speaks, it's clear she has her own plan, but she puts her trust in Markus by letting him make the choice. She doesn't like the idea of him risking his life to blow up the ship. From the alarmed tone of voice as well as the look in her eyes, she wants him to reconsider. Her ideal is to have him flee with her and Connor. We have to remember this is a chance to save some of the other androids from being killed. North knows this, but doesn't think it's worth it for Markus to risk his life. This means she could potentially end up losing Simon and Josh as well. I wouldn't say this is an honorable moment for her, but it is one that shows how deeply she cares for Markus. He's done a lot for her and everyone else that the thought of him dying is more painful than the thought of losing some of her people. The team regroups, and North is the first to notice Markus' return. She gives him a small, relieved smile before turning and running with the others. For some reason North pauses then gets shot. North doesn’t cry or plead for her life even with Simon encouraging Markus to leave her behind. She may not want to die, but she knows that if nothing else Markus needs to be protected. If she has to lose her life for him to continue helping others so be it. Luckily for her I don’t believe the android leader is the type to ever abandon a friend, so he rushes in to save her. They fight in tandem once again, harkening back to the freedom march and Capitol Park. Injured or not, North still gives it all she has. She is feeling well supported by Markus, and the extra assistance enables her to keep up the battle until their enemies are defeated. Connor covers them, and the five manage to escape safely. This is another one of those scenes that had me scratching my head in regards to North’s characterization. I’m not surprised that she would value Markus over everyone else. He is the soul of the revolution after all, but fact that she wouldn’t insist to go with him when this was a chance to save their people and provide him backup is just odd. It’s not like her her. Based on everything we’ve seen it doesn’t make sense. We know she’s more than capable of a fighter and puts her people’s safety way over hers. Then for some reason she stops running when bullets are flying. I could try to logic it out and say she was waiting for Markus, but I don’t really think that’s the case. Aside from the writers wanting an excuse to have North be rescued by Markus I can’t see why they’d have her behave this way. She’s not a damsel in distress, and it’s too far along in the story for her to be a coward due to emotional sensitivity based on how they’ve developed her so far. This was character regression for the sake of drama, and I’m disappointed with it.
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In the aftermath of the destruction the remaining androids take shelter in an abandoned church. North is sitting alone. Silently pondering the events that have transpired over the past few hours. She's pensive but not defeated. She's alive, Markus is alive, and not everyone is dead. This woman has every reason to feel confident. More so when you consider that what her leader did was not in line with a pacifist regime. When we examine their discussion we get several, very telling verbal and non-verbal cues that confirm North's state of mind. From the moment Markus decides to sit beside her, North's eyes are on him. She's no longer deep in thought. In fact, North appears almost relieved that he asked how she was. She gives him a little smile as she affirms that she's fine overall. She gently scolds him about going back for her. She's happy to be alive, but he very well could have died. In an ironic twist, he actually breaks eye contact with her. This alone tells me how deeply North's words resonated with him. This is a serious, impactful thing to mention, but North doesn't turn away. She's now okay with facing the risks that having deep, emotional conversations entail. It's a little extra special that she gets to share this development with Markus as he's the one that gave her the strength to fight in the first place. Maybe him being beside her is affording her the confidence to have this discussion as well. This is supported by her telling him to prioritize the many over her. North truly is okay dying for the greater good, because at least her death would've helped change something. It's slightly different to how she was in earlier chapters. She has always been a proponent of her people, but facing her own death was slightly harder. Now we know she's absolutely unafraid of passing on. She also attributes the survival of the remaining androids to Markus' quick thinking with the explosives. To her the cause is still alive and well. Markus' actions have given her not only the numbers but the morale to keep their fight for equality going. This is very late in the game, but he can still be an inspiration to his actualized girlfriend. They mention the androids being rounded up in camps. North looks down for a moment, seemingly sad for those who were captured. She doesn't even flinch as she talks about the potential of every android dying. Her head is high and, she's staring her leader directly in the eye. She's okay with meeting her end, so long as she goes down trying to make a change. She tells Markus that he has to make a choice, and that she will support him regardless. For someone who also has the qualities of being a leader to allow someone else to make the decision on her fate - and the fate of everyone else like her - requires trust, respect, and humility. Markus has yet to steer them wrong, and she believes he won't anytime soon. With him at her side she is ready and willing to do whatever she must. He just needs to give the order. In a very tender moment she tells him she loves him, they do their precious hand connection, and Markus gets up to rally his people. This whole time North is watching him. She's waiting for his words as much as everyone else. The other androids may have survived, but they need guidance now. What happened was no doubt frightening. At this point only Markus' words can give them the comfort and motivation they need to carry on. Markus is truly something special. When I first watched this scene I wondered my Markus didn't tell North he loved her back, but I thought about it more as time passed. He doesn't need to say words to do this. He reaches for her hand to express his emotion in a physical way that only androids can. The other reason, is to make this moment bigger for North. We've seen her run from such intimacy in the past and suppress her feelings. The fact that she is able to admit this so calmly and with such certainty emphasizes the Markus affect even more. He really helped bring out so much of this woman. It's incredible.
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Long live the revolution! Our heroes charge the camp, taking out all who stand in their way. Markus slams their flag into a barrier. As the four Jericho leaders step forward they stare down the opposition. With guns drawn and an unwavering gaze North speaks first. "Freedom or death." She’s ready to fight until the very last android is dead. Or until her people are freed. There is no hesitance or fear in her now. Only raw determination. When Markus echoes her words it is as if he is seeking assurance from her now. This is a small but important role reversal. Markus not only confirms that her stance is right, but it’s a sign that North has elevated to the point of being able to uplift the one who gave her the inspiration to be standing there now. When Markus gives the command they rush into battle under a barrage of gunfire and explosions. The Jericho quartet goes for cover immediately. North is reasonably shaken. She is aware of the odds, but Markus' plan of overwhelming their rivals gives her the push she needs to keep believing. "We're gonna do this. We're gonna get to that fucking camp, and free our people." She's assuring herself as much as Markus is. It’s very nice how they seem to be feeding off each other and keeping the morale up. If someone feels unconfident the other says or does something to erase the doubts. They are very much on even terms now. With his orders promising a success North jumps back into the fray. Simon and Josh eat lead, but she continues on bravely. Her group takes out the people operating the machine gun, and she announces that they're nearly there. She's much calmer than she was before. Clearly with each, little step her confidence grows. Justice is only a few feet away. Markus does some cool stunt with a rocket launcher, destroys a tank, and sends the humans fleeing. With their enemies in retreat, North turns to Markus in awe and announces that they won. She may have had hopes, but the reality causes her to simply stare in admiration.
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They did it. What remains of team Jericho have liberated their people from an extermination camp, and Connor has summoned an army. With such a victory  the humans must accept the changing times or perish for their defiance. The era of android equality has just begun. North is flanking Markus as he examines his new charges. She breathes and utters a line that embodies everything she is as a character. "We're free." Then she looks at him, wanting Markus to encourage the newly rescued androids. She wants him to speak to them in the same way he spoke to those broken, defeated souls inside Jericho. She wants him to ignite their spirits as well. He will, and she knows this. First, however he wants to take North in his arms, kiss her, share memories, and never let go. He has a job to do and professionalism to uphold as a leader, but he seeks solace and relief in her instead. A gesture North more than appreciates. She's looking deeply into his eyes, grinning almost the entirety of this scene, and basks in his love. When Markus does make his final, grand speech, North doesn't just smile. She beams. It's the happiest she's been in the whole game, and probably in her entire existence. Yes indeed, she's free. Free to fight, free to feel, free to love, and free to live. She is a person in every sense of the word. This woman opened her heart, confronted her past, fought hard for her rights, and is ready to begin her life. North would never have become actualized, never have become inspired, never have become human if this stranger with a wild imagination hadn't fallen into her life. If he hadn't spoken with charismatic, uplifting words that ignited the once quelled fire inside her. If he didn't take actions that shook her to her very soul. Without Markus she would still be sitting stone-faced on a crate, throwing a tennis ball between scavenging for spare parts. He gave her the motivation to be the dedicated, noble, courageous warrior that she kept buried deep within her.
If you’re interested in seeing 1-4.1 of my Marth/Norkus analyses click the link below:
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monadocyclone · 4 years
So I discovered that there was a bunch of AU Marth roleplayers on this website in 2014 who interacted with eachother and had a bit of shipping going on, and this somehow went under the radar of most people on this website???
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joldier · 7 years
Questions for the mods. How did yall meet and what gave you the idea to turn this crack ship into a week?
We all met in the discord I (mod Marth) made for the Texts from FEA blog. The idea to turn this crack ship into a week came during the same stream (I was streaming New Mystery of the Emblem) in which this crack ship was created today. I said some dumb stuff, the others encouraged it, and then it went out of control into this mess.
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confession: for some time during middle school I shipped marth x meta knight but didn't actually know who marth was, and then I googled him (cannontically straight + taken) and imediately regretted my existence. still kinda like the idea of meta knight gay awakening via hot swordfighter crush, and him violenty repressing everything because he's meta knight. this may or may not be me projecting lmao
I mean, you do you. That's the great thing about fandom, you can do anything you want! Within the bonds of reason and morality, that is.
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