#rebellion arc
anonymousfoz · 11 months
Crimson Eclipse- Rebellion #1
Taglist: @vite-poh, @theoracleofgiana, @writeblr-of-my-own, @mfpipecat, @the-mindless , @holdmyteaplease , @digital-chance , @eldritchx
I am not linking everything, just go read it on ao3
"All it takes is a small ripple to cause a violent storm...."
It had been 2 years since Luna- Moony's life had changed. She took back her former name and had prepared for what was her destiny. She overlooked the corrupted city, not much had changed since she died before her rebirth as she would have to take the same shit down, but much more was at risk this time. The lives of numerous children lied in her hands and the generations of the future of this town.
"Moony, you ready to go?" The 16-year-old looked over at her older sister. Sunny grabbed her jacket as Moony came down from her spot. Moony went inside the cave to grab her hoodie and to tell Crimson and Viktor goodbye before heading off.
"Be safe out there, please. Don't do anything Viktor would do." Moony rolled her eyes before playfully punching Crimson. The wolf raised his paws as if he was surrendering before laughing while Viktor came into the room.
"Bring me back a skull please." Crimson looked over at the ram before pushing him away from Moony and the two began to argue. Moony ran outside to meet Sunny and then they were off with Taco eventually joining the two on their travel. Today was different as Moony was finally meeting the cult Lilith had. She knew a few former members would be there, and knew there would be a lack of faith in her; either due to previous failure or current age. Either way, Moony was prepared to prove them wrong.
"You know, you don't have to do this."
"I want to do this Sunny. I don't care what they do." Taco let out a meow before rubbing against Moony. "I got it Taco, just don't kill anyone." Sunny began to pet the large feline before footsteps began to approach. A loud rambunctious crowd went silence at the sight of the two sisters, minus one member who ran up to hug Taco.
"I thought we weren't going through with this." One member shouted. They out of the crowd and to Sunny, seemly ignoring Moony all together. "Why should we put our lives at risk for this little teenager?"
"So you don't want to save thousands of children being used as weapons?" Moony interrupted catching the member off guard. "That's what I thought. You can either do that go back to Hell and complain to Lilith, but she put me in charge." The member stared daggers at Moony. "It's very nice to see you again Diablo. Same stubborn asshole as back then." The member grabbed the strings to Moony's hoodie before Taco stood up looking down at Diablo.
"Just move on Diablo, we will do this without you if needed. Moony is leading."
"I don't care, this little pipsqueak can-" the room went dark before the ground began to shake and sparks flew across the room. Diablo stepped back, letting go of Moony but the chaos continued to happen until a large roar was heard.
"Taco, that is enough." Moony pet the feline as the lights flickered back on and the sparks stopped. The feline licked his fangs before sitting behind Moony. The feline wasn't going to let anyone talk like that to his human. Sunny went with the others to another room to clear up anymore conflict, but this wouldn't be the end of it. After all, it was only day one. There was more days ahead, and this wouldn't be the last interaction.
"...and only one small act to change a person."
The next interaction would be their last. It was the next day after, early in the morning. Moony was as the gym as it was a habitat picked up from the brief time in Lucifer's army, Moony quickly rose in the ranks there but grew enemies with her higher ranking officers. To avoid them she just started working out earlier. Diablo had the same idea and the two met while Moony was doing pull-ups.
"What are you doing here kid?" Diablo yelled walking closer. Moony paid him no attention as she kept doing her exercise. "Gym is closed during these hours."
"Then why are you here if it's closed?" Moony did one more pull-up before falling to the ground and looking at the frustrated demon. She began walking towards the exit with the older demon following. "The only issue here is that your authority is being challenged by someone you see who doesn't deserve it."
"What are you my therapist?"
"I have the ability to read and know your deepest and darkest thoughts, such as the fact you only joined this cult because Lucifer banished you from hell." Diablo went quiet. "You want me to tell the others or are you still going to be on my ass?"
"You aren't telling the others anything. Or els-"
"I'm trying to get prepared for a revolution and to go out there to be saving lives. I have no time for you or this. Sorry if you're feelings are hurt that I'm in charge but unless you want to go to Lucifer. I suggest you deal with it."
"You're not going to do anything. Why trust you when you failed the first time?" Diablo looked down at the 16-year-old. "Saving lives when you couldn't even save your own. What's the difference this time? Part time in the army and some more magic training? You should go back to you're fucking grave."
"Real rich coming from the person who didn't do shit the first time. You didn't even go on a singular mission you asshole."
"Time's were different."
"Time's were different." Moony mocked. "They only threat to you was that fucking wizard and I did all the work. You had every chance to help even after my death but you hid like the coward you were and still are."
"I am not a coward."
"Only a coward let's others suffer because you're scared of dying. You had every chance to end things and you never took the initiative and until you do, I don't want to hear a word about my leadership from you."
"Because you can-"
"There are children sitting in crates getting sold for weapons in gang warfare. You had nearly 4 thousand years to step in and all you did was sit in this hideout and training people to do what you were meant to do. You were my right hand, when I went down it was your job to pick up where I left off. And you failed me and every person who suffered because you couldn't kill one old bastard." Diablo was quiet again. "Not going to say anything? You know I'm right. Either do something or sit in the background and keep your mouth shut." Moony walked out leaving Diablo alone in the gym. She was too frustrated to keep working out and she didn't need to be around Diablo at the moment. She opened the door and slammed it closed with her telekinetic powers before stopping as she shattered the glass. She used a repair spell on the glass and door and then she was gone till morning when everyone went to the dining halls for breakfast.
Diablo was talking about Moony when she walked in. Moony walked past to get her breakfast, avoiding eye contact with everyone. It wasn't until Diablo mentioned Sunny that Moony finally snapped and the demon was thrown across the room and slammed against walls appearing out from the ground. Moony only stopped once Sunny came into the room minutes later. It didn't matter to Moony what anyone thought of her, she cared about Sunny and wasn't going to let anyone talk about Sunny behind her back.
"You can't just do that Moony."
"I don't care, I'm fed up with him." Sunny let out a sigh which caused Moony to stop and rethink. "Look, I will hurt him if he talks about you like that. Or anyone for that matter. That cowards don't deserve a place to talk like that."
"I was just saying you can't traumatize people, like that. Do that to him in private." Moony could see a smile creep onto Sunny's face before she responded. "Besides, we all are getting sick of him. But I can get used to this side of you more."
"What? Was the old side boring?"
"No. Just this side is a lot bolder."
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desmoonl · 1 year
Just rewatched that scene of Süleyman scolding Ibrahim for hiding Hürrem's letter from him and Ibrahim somehow turns it around and says that if Ayşe Hafsa is involved it goes way over his head. Like okay?? What does that have to do with him hiding her letter? so that Valide sultan doesn't punish him? as if Süleyman wouldn't find out that his wife has literal burn injuries on her face anyway
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*Echo’s comm goes off in the middle of a mission*
Rex: I thought I told you to turn that off
Echo: This is the ‘emergencies only’ comm code
Rex: Okay just make it quick
Echo: Omega, are you okay? What’s the emergency?
Omega: I can’t find my soccer shoes!
Echo: Did you check the-
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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redbean-nom · 7 months
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Designs for adult versions of the clone cadets in bad batch as Rebellion leaders
The first weird thing I noticed was that they kept specifying that tbb are "defective CTs", whereas iirc most other clones leave out the "ct" part. additionally, "special training" must have been a reasonably expected occurrence for them, since it was used as the Hemlock-jungle-lab excuse. they're also, oddly enough, the only three survivors from a base full of both cadets and adult clones. and finally, all three of them have noticeably different face shapes.
so my guess for their origins is that they're the results of the kaminoans trying to replicate tbb's mutations in a commando template, making them all specialized CC command cadets. From what we've seen of them, they don't seem to have quite as prominent abilities as say, wrecker or hunter, but are definitely above average to have survived that long.
Anyways the mini-backstory for them here is that they end up joining the rebellion around 5 years later (assuming that they're 6/12 and 8/16 in tbb s3, they would be 11/22 and 13/26 here) as the lead squad for the clone rebel cell after rex, wolffe, and gregor retire (and echo and cody are presumably dead).
Bonus: I originally had Deke's hair as dyed blond, but then he started looking too much like Rex (esp with the jaig eyes and partial arc armor) so I changed it back
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edit: sorry i forgot to tag spoilers at first! it has since been fixed
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flambo19 · 8 months
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The Stellaron Hunters
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archivistofnerddom · 2 months
How long do you it took Rex and Omega (and possibly Echo) to get an “To be fair and in our defense, we were left unsupervised, so this one’s on you really” reputation in the Rebellion? (Often said immediately following yet another Imperial base or ship got raided for supplies and/or key intel before being subsequently destroyed in increasingly impressive ways.)
‘Cause yeah, that team-up is pure chaos and shenanigans and unconventional paths to success.
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
"I hail from another land, where lore does not exist and we play by the rule book."
~ Grian, 2022, who has been spontaneously spawning lore and gleefully setting fire to rule books on the server since season 6
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lmanburgseulogy · 4 months
c!niki was so much louder than people gave her credit for. She wasn’t quiet. People just weren’t listening. Niki in Manburg was so outright with how she felt, she didn’t tolerate crap. But schlatt didn’t care, he focused more on Pogtopia’s rebellion than the personal one happening right within his land. He would just straight up ignore her, she was killed for no reason but being “annoying.” That’s why you think she’s quieter than she really was. Because that’s how she was treated !!!!!
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chocomars · 5 months
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My pieces for Rex quondam, Rex futurus (The Once and Future Rex) for @swbigbang! I teamed up with Zarz, who wrote the fic, and Shadowsong26, who beta’d said fic, and I had a blast working with them! Check out the fic to see what’s happening here.
Once upon a time, on a faraway planetoid (or maybe moon, or possibly asteroid – the tales disagreed), there was a man. Some versions of the story said “soldier,” others “leader,” and one or two went as far as “king.” Regardless, this leader, and some of (a few of, many of, hundreds of) his followers were there, asleep. Waiting. In the galaxy’s darkest hour, when all hope was lost, they would wake from their slumber and return, defeating all evil that threatened the galaxy.
Rex never intended to become part of a fairy tale. But with Order 66 happening around them and all the troopers of the 332nd about to kill them, Rex and Ahsoka are willing to do whatever it takes to keep everyone alive. A slightly different trajectory through space leads to a very different landing for the 332nd, and a very different trajectory for Ahsoka, Rex, and the galaxy.
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rexsterss · 5 months
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Success! Both of your husbands now love each other.
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 month
not exactly disappointed by the news that opla s2 will cap at drum island bc while im obviously terrified of the show getting cancelled before getting to alabasta it's like. that is the arc that made me (and a lot of other people i think) fall in love with the series as a whole it's one of the best shounen arcs (or tbh in all anime) ive ever seen and it needs to get it's due. like you need time to define the stakes....alabasta took the time to unpeel layer after layer of different kinds of suffering that was going on in the country like the pain of the citizens and vivi's utter desperation were so so so crazy that by the time you got to the end and they play ANTONIN DVORAK'S SYMPHONY NO 9 as crocodile is defeated and the rain starts to fall and vivi can finally stop screaming her lungs out and say "the nightmare is over" and you the viewer is like haha holy shit. the nightmare is over. so yeah im good with alabasta being an entire season 😃👍
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qsmp-yaoi-island · 5 months
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We could have had it all
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acesammy · 1 year
The thing about how sam’s arc in season 4 is often discussed is that people simultaneously acknowledge that the angels are bad, while claiming Sam is an idiot for rebelling against them.
like I have listened through three (3) rewatch podcasts and they always seem to fall into this loop of going ‘hey the angels are Obviously up to no good’ while also going ‘Sam is really stupid. Why would he trust a demon when literal angels are telling him to stop’
idk man. Maybe bc the angels are Obviously up to no good????
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clegfly · 4 days
Just finished rebellion!!! Hahahahahaha I’m SO normal right now!!!
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itzshrike · 5 months
So tales of the empire comes out soon! And here’s what I’m hoping will be addressed; echo, Wolffe, howzer, the whole clone rebellion Rex has going on, and not to be too hopeful Cody. Realistically it will probably only show Wolffes defection but it will still be better than nothing.
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