#rebellion verse
live-laugh-ukotoa · 1 month
i've hit writers block so methinks I'm gonna write something about castercy in the rebellion verse. or maybe about how Nico brought Castor back to life. or maybe- (i'm just gonna write a collection of side-stories/stories that aren't in the actual fic lol)
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hvbris · 9 months
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“What is it you would have me do?” Coriolanus & Lucy Gray . rebellion verse → with @multipleoccupancy
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Into The Homu-verse!
Not my best work, but that's okay 👌 Mainly did this to practice drawing Homura
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"It's too dope! I can't cope!!"
Uzi, after ascending into her new form after taking Code Stringer down.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Blood ~Closed RP~
The Krimzon Guard was a stable place to work if you only wanted to make a living and have a home. There were battles sometimes, yes, and people died to the ever encroaching metal head threat, but you could keep yourself fed, and a family member as well if that's all you were looking to do. Unfortunately, that wasn't all he wanted.
Israel had morals, standards to what he was willing and unwilling to put up with. The horrid acts that the Baron was willing to do to further ensure his rule made him sick. A shaky deal with the enemy to make himself and his guard look like they were putting up a good fight was pathetic, and he'd had enough of it. Hannah was off working and making her own money, and most of his money went to keeping them in a home, so she'd be fine if he left. Today he was going to incite one large act of rebellion.
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Making his way into the prisons late at night, he moved with a purpose. Walking into the cells with his armor still on, looking to each of the cells and the individuals inside.
"Back up." He said to the woman in the first cell. Typical procedure for the time being. He looked down at the control panel and opened it, standing before the woman now, staring her down for a moment before slowly reaching down to a pistol attached to his hip and pulling it free.
"I hear you're pretty handy with these." He said softly, spinning the pistol in his hand for a second before tossing it onto the ground in front of her. "Release the others, we're leaving." He instructed, turning and taking his rifle off his back now, going to the next cell over.
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murmel-malt · 6 months
Would viserys cheat on daera? Could there be a bastard usurptation plot?
Given that there are five years between Hedaera and Viserys' wedding and Rhaenyra's birth where Daera simply wasn't capabale of bearing children yet and then Alysanne and Baelon buying a few more years after her flowering, there certainly was opportunity for Vizzy to outsource the meeting of particular need and maybe be a little careless.
And with the right support a bastard son could definitely become an issue 🤔
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anime-manga-polls · 8 months
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bluesmuses · 3 months
anyway all my beloved mutuals including the ones i never write with anymore should talk to me about interacting with the robot who has my sole focus 99% of the time regardless of whether or not you know anything about trans.formers i guarantee you i can put him in your universe or make an au with you
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raehs · 5 months
i think in some of rey’s verses she ends up traveling A LOT. rey is someone who has such a need and thirst for knowledge. not necessarily crazy adventures but to travel without a war going on. to sightsee. experience life, food, love nature. she’s not this social person but she wants to see what she can and learn.
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jessicas-pi · 6 months
it's a rich man's world, time heals old hate
glllll :DDDD
Some people would be shocked that Youngest Brother knew how to dance. It wasn’t exactly the kind of thing you’d expect a junior Inquisitor to know.
“WOULD EVERYBODY PLEASE SHUT UP?!” Sabine hollered, and thank the Force, they did. Even Orn Free Taa stopped his semi-hysterical blubbering.
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thinking about how Les Mis is historical fiction that was written so soon after the historical event that inspired it in this Chili's tonight ladies
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
There was a momentary thought which crossed his mind.
It was curiosity as to what fate had befallen his personal stolas back at Rosalith Castle. Of course, the obvious answer was, "nothing good"; the owl was of no use to anyone except him, and all attempts to wrest free the last message he had entrusted within the creature's third eye would be met with failure. In fact, he was more than content that he had taken the intended recipient of that message's identity along with him to the grave, as well -- leaving that message to fade as a forgotten relic of Rosaria's past.
It had taken a hefty chunk of time, and considerable care while not only finding multiple stolases for purchase, but also selling Rosfield family trinkets and jewelry that Elwin had on hand to pay for the expensive birds -- but the day had finally arrived where Hanna returned to the Murdoch Estate in Eastpool with birdcages in hand.
The process of attuning to the owls was simple enough, and the creatures were quite amenable to bonding with their new owners afterwards. Elwin's seemed particularly keen on watching him as he worked late into the nights -- pouring over maps, jotting down notes, placing markers to indicate when a route had been blocked, and other markers to highlight alternative paths that they could take, in accordance with the nigh-constant changes within Rosaria's territory. The tides of power were constantly in flux under Imperial -- and Anabella's -- rule, and it was imperative that the trio remain vigilant regarding every last detail.
Especially once whispered rumors of rebels to the west made their way to their peaceful village on the east.
After much deliberation, a decision was made: Elwin would reach out to his younger brother in Port Isolde. Of course he was seeking information, but there was something more important -- and personal -- to the former Archduke, and that was a deep yearning to see Byron again after all these years. To know that his brother was unharmed... To speak, if only briefly, with the only family he had left, and beg forgiveness for not having reached out sooner.
And so in the latest hours of the night, the man was sat on the floor of his room with the stolas perched on his forearm, contemplating what words to convey in his offered message. It was not fear that the message would fall into the wrong hands that made him hesitate -- stolases were, after all, the most secure means of delivering important news, especially during military matters. No, it was something else; it was uncertainty of his own thoughts, of what to say after so long of silence, after so long of being dead.
A breath was inhaled sharply. The ever-present furrow of his brow deepened, and he closed his eyes briefly. When they reopened, he gazed into the owl's vibrant blue eyes, murmuring that ancient incantation while his free hand hovered over its forehead: "O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe."
The reaction was immediate. The bird's eyes glowed, and its crystal "third eye" shone brilliantly in likewise manner, taking its master's thoughts into that gem upon its head and locking them there, with only Byron Rosfield able to open them with his innate key. Elwin stood with great care and moved towards the open window, then with a small nudge, the creature took flight and set off for the western port city.
The message to be delivered to Byron was as follows:
Dearest brother, Forgive me my silence, and that I cannot meet you under happier circumstances, as we oft had done in our younger years. Thus do I humbly request an audience with you, Lord Byron Rosfield -- should formality please you more than sentiment. You need but share your answer with my feathered friend here and send it on its way. It will find me and, Flames willing that your reply is a favorable one, I in turn will find you.
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thewomanwholaughed · 3 months
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It all went wrong when Batman left Gotham. Everyone knew, it wasn't exactly a secret when you saw the Big Heroes fighting off some major threat on the tube.
And thus the mice came out to play...
You were thinking about the Rogues, weren't you? Those nasty villains, those vile criminals, crooks and scum, the lot of them!
But you're wrong... It wasn't them. Most of them were locked in Arkham during this period. Like Batman knew what was going to happen. He cleaned house.
If not them, then who?
And while good and evil are subjective when the Rogues are involved; these people were horrible.
All Joker could do was watch. Watch as Riddler was dragged from his cage to receive a beating in the middle of the hallway. What did he do to be treated as such? Said one too many riddles in the presence of one of the new guards.
And let's not even talk about what they did to poor Hatter... That mask looked more painful than uncomfortable.
And there went Croc. Dragged across the floors after being injected with enough medicine to kill a rhinoceros.
They didn't complain at first. Just your usual Arkham behavior. But it was worse, and it was getting worse by the day. The more news of Batman still being away came in, the worse the inmates were treated.
Rights were taken away by the minute. No more walks in the gardens, no more yard time, no more hobbies. Materials and enrichment taken away. Ivy was thrown in a cell that didn't let in any light and barely any air.
And the quietly observing Joker had her arm broken for grabbing her cane, and was thrown in solitary without medical treatment.
Inmates who spoke up were put down harshly. Those who fought back weren't seen for days and came back in states worse than Batman left them in.
So, it wasn't surprising when a Riot broke out. That was also a common occurrence in Arkham. But usually it starts with someone, who may or may not let out their fellow inmates for some payback. But this time, no one knew who started it.
Someone had gotten a key card. Who made a mad dash to let out someone else, who then fought the guards and took another key card and opened another cell. And so forth and so on. And within the span of one hour all the inmates were running loose.
And they weren't looking to escape. Oh no!
They wanted payback. And it definitely started with payback.
Those who still could put up a fight absolutely did. Many people got killed. But in the end, no one was in a fit enough state for prolonged engagements and thus in a move that surprised everyone; and without active co-ordination: The inmates banded together.
They ripped the steel panels off walls, broke apart furniture, gathered everything they could find on their side of the Asylum and barricaded themselves in. Destroying cameras, gathering anything worthy of being named as supplies, and created what they would later refer to as their HQ.
They made their demands clear: they wanted a seat at the table and discuss their treatment. This was supposed to be an institute of healing. And while there was a lot to be said about Arkham and its inmates; there were some who were making progress.
But even those had been significantly set back by the severe abuse they faced.
Their demands were answered with threats and nothing but.
From here on out, all Rogues began licking their wounds. Sending out groups with different goals each time.
To take back ground. To steal supplies. And to free any inmates that were caught during raids.
These criminals had never worked together so flawlessly. Without arguing with one another, without complaining about who should be the leader. Everyone had a place in HQ.
And to make their point clear, to anyone who would see reason, they changed their usual actions. Guns were destroyed after being taken from Guards and Police. Explosives were neutralizing rather than lethal. Those caught in their traps were knocked unconscious and left to be found rather than outright killed.
This stalemate lasted for over two months. With the Asylum staff trying various things to get the inmates to surrender. From cutting off access to water and electricity, to ensuring that supplies would never go too far into the facility, and so much more.
While hired help by the various inmates, started smuggling in goods and helping fortify their side of the Asylum through numerous alternative entrances made by HQ.
The Rogues and their HQ persisted. Till Batman returned.
And when Batman spoke up for the Rogues, the door to the HQ was opened and a group of inmates stepped forth as designated spokespersons for the others.
It was the most terrifying cooperative act Gotham criminals had ever done. And it only further fueled those of the Asylum to put them down; hard. But thanks to Batman and the group of inmates, made up of the most knowledgeable of HQ when it came to law and rights, the case was pushed. And severe punishments were dealt out to the Arkham staff and Warden, who allowed this all to get this far.
The inmates were returned to their cells, and properly treated by new staff; staff that would not cross any lines. It was over...
There would be another Riot, and another. And eventually the Rogues would find their ways back on the streets. But the workers would not be hurt as often or as extremely as it used to be. And more often than not, break-outs were entirely without violence of any sort.
But the Rogues didn't forget those two months. And neither did Gotham.
Because If they wanted to; not even Batman could stop them...
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"Just bonk 'em over the head, it's nature's snooze button~!"
Eda, as she teaches her kids how to properly knock someone out for both the war and everyday life occurrences.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Continued from X @annytinthenomad
A sign? Perhaps. He wasn't exactly superstitious, but he couldn't deny a spark he had felt. Maybe he was imagining it, or perhaps it was the dark eco sparking off of her lips onto his. No, that was too literal a spark. He was just amazed that they had even gotten to a point where a kiss was possible. He was a guard, or had been. She had been a prisoner. They didn't exactly start off seeing eye to eye.
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"And you think it's something worth looking into? Despite it all?" He asked, keeping his hands to himself for the time being. He wanted to touch her, cup her face, show some sign of affection in that regard and yet he wasn't exactly sure if she was serious, or if she was waiting for an opportunity to finally rid herself of another individual she may perceive as an enemy. He could never tell if she saw him as an ally, or simply an asset.
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edgebled · 10 months
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