#recess icons
capitan-alfajor · 11 months
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iconic women characters
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my beautiful wonderful smart goofy wife is realizing she’s some flavor of butch + not cis 😈😍
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pryzzm · 1 year
any other recess fans out there who think the season 1 episode “big brother chad” is um. a queer metaphor or is that just me <3
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years
I’m not exactly a Jiang Fengmian fan but his interactions with Jin Guangshan in the scene where JFM politely requests (insists) that they break off the engagement between their children is very funny because JFM clearly hates this man so goddamn much.
At the end of the conversation JGS is like “I hope this will not disrupt the good relationship between our sects :)” and JFM just lets out the most forced laugh with completely dead eyes like “ :| Ha ha ha ha! Nooo god forbid anything (I hope you die) disrupt (I hope you die) the totally awesome relationship between our sects (I really hope you die)”
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nerdyfan1 · 2 years
Bro making good pride icons is so hard 😭😭
(Btw this isn’t head canons for TJ as a character, these are sexualities I identify myself as lol)
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prettybutter-flyy · 1 year
This might be me over thinking but I've just been listening to a lot of popular music these days and I'm primarily talking about rap and hip hop and what that what is passing for those genres right now. Specifically the female artists like Nicki Msnaj and Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B.
Don't get me wrong I love this genre! the lyricism it's oftentimes very eloquent And the beats are fun to dance to! absolutely love hip hop these days! But if you listen to some of the female (well I mean technically I guess it's a problem of the WHOLE genre, but I only listen to female rap) A LOT of the music is "im rich, you're broke, fuck you" " fuck a broke hoe" and like... I'M a broke hoe!
And I am torn Between just listening for the love of the music, and taking their message of "im rich, get like me and we can talk then" seriously. And then if i take it seriously, should i aspire to get like them so we can indeed talk? Or should i take seriously that like i do not like that we give them money and they say fuck us. I get there are haters online dating shitty things but their fans aren't. And the music is for their fans but like... their fans are poor too! So we are just singing about ourselves from the artists pov. Like essentially they're saying fuck us and our opinions bc we are broke.
Idk ive been thinking a lot about money recently bc things are only getting worse and worse in this country. And im in a fairly priveleged position of having family to lean on if times get too rough, I can't imagine being and getting completely alone right now with no support. 😔
And I don't really know if listening to this music is helping or inspiring me or if its just making me angrier and sadder. What do yall think?
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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I stayed an extra hour at work today. There’s a clue in the first layout of this post about what I was doing today.
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boilingrain · 2 years
I think it's kind of funny that Scourge is one of, if not THE, most iconic villains in Warrior Cats.
Especially because of how few appearances he's had in the series
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trendfag · 4 months
who wants to watch a movie for my sociology class with me
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ichverdurstehier · 9 months
Wen qing is a lesbian idc what anyone says. I headcanon her as transphobic too
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capitan-alfajor · 11 months
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lovelyiida · 1 year
mha guys caught stalking your socials.
SUMMARY: while in class you notice a certain person looking through your socials, and I mean every social platform possible. looking at every post down your first, so you decide to confront them.
WARNINGS: implied gender neutral reader, vulgar language
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•his face becomes so pale
• he’s so embarrassed that he becomes angry that you caught him in the act.
It was the middle of your recess before it was time to resume back to regular classes. You were trying to buy something from the vending machine downstairs but forgot your wallet at your desk.
In a hurry, you walk back to classroom 1-A to get your things. Walking in you noticed that Bakugo was the only one in the classroom.
A slight smirk plastered on his lips, watching him scroll relentlessly over and over. Sometimes he would stop and pause, clicking a couple of more times until he scrolled again.
You didn’t want to disturb him, he looked so content with life at the moment. You made sure you quietly got your wallet from your desk.
As you walked towards the back exit of the class, you near Bakugo. You wondered to yourself what’s got him smiling like this until you see it.
He was on Instagram, looking at photos of you.
And he was far down your page…at least a year's worth of posts.
You’d seen a selfie you took in front of a cat cafe with one of your guy friends you haven’t spoken to in a while due to him going to different schools.
“who the hell are you?” He quietly grumbled.
Tapping his phone, your tagged list popped up. Quickly slamming his thumb on his account, he starts to scroll fast through his posts as well.
Letting out a quick snort, bakugo smiles to himself. “Of course, he fuckin’ goes to school there…” he snorts. That was obviously a jab at him, he seemed to be jealous of him and he doesn’t even know the guy.
Before he could fixate on his “competition,” he saw a notification pop up. It was a rather late notification that you updated your story.
he has post notifications on for your account?
Quickly clicking your icon, bakugo paused before he loudly sucks his teeth together.
“What the hell?”
It was a photo of you and your desk neighbor Sero, posing goofily in class. Around 30 minutes before recess began, Sero with his hand on top of your head and a middle finger shown on the other.
He read the caption on your story: “FUCK PHYSICS -sero #eviltwin”
The story flashed quick before Bakugo took a screenshot of it. His breath started to quicken, you could tell he was pissed. Quickly opening his dms, he clicks on Sero’s account.
“What the fuck is evil twin?” He spits.
Sending the photo, bakugo begins to type:
‘I’m gonna beat your ass at lunch’
‘meet me at the bottom of the staircase at B hall NOW’
‘what the hell is even an evil twin? ARE YOU GUYS TOGETHER OR SOMETHING?’
‘oh I’m gonna light your ass up’
Bakugo’s thumbs move so fast, spamming Sero with such ease and vigor. You see that Sero leaves him on seen, and you’d honestly do the same.
Typing out a ‘HELLO?’, bakugo starts to grumble. You start to feel heat bounce off of him, standing back you decide to make an exit.
But before you could even move your feet, bakugo jumps up from his seat and whips around. His eyes stare at the ground dart up to your soft eyes.
Words caught in his throat, Bakugo’s eyes widen.
Bakugo, shoots back in shock. He couldn’t even process your presence before he stumbled back into his seat with a loud slam. Startling you, you try and reach out to help him but he held out his hand and pops a spark making you shriek.
“are you okay?” You asked.
“How long have you been fucking standing there?” He yelled. His cheeks dusted pink as he screamed in your face.
stammering, you start to rub your fists together. Your palms were sweaty as you grew nervous.
“a-about 5 minutes or so!” you yelled.
“are you fuckin�� serious?” He groans, his hands shooting to his eyes as he rubs them in embarrassment.
“I-I’m sorry, okay? I was just coming in here to get my wallet for the vending machine and I saw you on your phone and I was just gonna do a quick little peak and then you just so happen to be stalking my account and-“
“Like hell would I ever stalk you!” He exclaimed, just flat-out lying.
This takes you aback, “so are we gonna sit here and pretend that you didn’t just curse out Sero because you’re jealous of him touching me?” You laughed.
Bakugo grew quiet, crossing your arms you let out a smug smile.
“Y’know, instead of parading around orders and making threats to people about not touching me like I’m your property. Maybe you should try and—I don’t know, make a fucking move?” You say.
A long beat of silence goes by.
You eye Bakugo down, his lips quiver. His chest heaving, as his face was red from embarrassment. Only his blonde spikes of hair were covering up the evidence of that.
You frown at him, maybe you were too harsh.
Shooting up from his seat, he raced towards the door. The bell rang, signaling that recess is finally over.
Your lips were slightly agape, as you were still trying to process what just happened. You couldn’t even revel in the moment before your classmates walked in.
One by one they all get seated, settling in as they place out their textbooks for the next subject to be taught.
You didn’t realize how long you were standing there until you looked around and saw that everyone was seated, except for bakugo and sero.
The bell rang, signaling that it was time to continue classes.
“Is there a problem, “L/n?” Your teacher Aizawa voices.
You open your mouth to speak, but the heavy stomps of shoes cut you off once more. Looking at the doorway, you see Sero. Breathing heavily like he just ran for his life, his necktie untucked and a scuff mark on his cheek.
“Sorry, I’m late sensei!” Breathing heavily, you saw him lock eyes with you for a brief moment before walking past you, almost ignoring your existence.
Frowning to yourself you speak, “no sir.”
Talking quick paces to your seat, you sit down, huffing your breath you face towards Sero.
“Are you okay?” You asked.
Sero ignored you for a moment, cursing under his breath he then turned to you. “All good! Just worry about yourself kay?” He says. A fake smile was plastered all over his face.
Your bottom lip pokes out, you knew he was lying.
Turning towards the board, you gather your things and set up for the lesson. Writing some things down on your paper, your phone buzzes.
Picking it up, you notice that someone requested to talk to you on Instagram. Opening it, you read the account name.
you hesitated for a moment before opening it up.
‘sorry for blowing up on you back there’
‘you don’t have to respond to this, you have every right not to’
‘I fucking like you okay? Like a lot
‘please forgive me…’
letting out a sigh you start to type back:
‘apologize to Sero first, then we can talk’
Bakugo quickly reads your message, a long minute passes by before he responds ‘k.’
still shitty as ever, even in an apology...
around a day or so passes by before the both of you ever talk again. You’d see each other in class or around school, but you wouldn’t give as much as a side glance. Even tho Bakugo would be eyeing you down to where it felt like you thought you were naked.
You talked to Sero about if Bakugo apologized to him, which he said that he did a day ago. So why hasn’t he come to you yet?
It was a new day, and the bell just rang for recess. You decided to stay in your seat for today, scrolling through the nothingness of social media. You paused for a moment, turning slightly, you look back to see that Bakugo wasn’t in his seat.
Turning back you let out a deep exhale. You scrolled some more, growing comfortable in the silent classroom.
Liking a random picture you start to think of Bakugo again. Opening your dms, you mindlessly tap Bakugo’s account.
You wanted to say something, you just didn’t know what to say. Your thumbs hover over the screen, you were too scared to type. You felt that if you typed one single character that the world would crumble and the sky would fall.
Huffing out a breath you turn your screen off, as it fades to black. You notice a pair of amber eyes staring into the screen.
Eyes widening, you lean closer.
“Bakugo?” You whispered.
“Doesn’t feel good being watched does it?” His voice booms through the room. You jump, startled by his deep voice.
You see Bakugo let out a quick chuckle before sitting down in Sero’s seat.
“Bakugo, don’t scare me like that!-“
“After what you did to me? You were beggin’ for it” he jumps in.
A moment of silence goes by…
“I get it if you don’t want to talk to me again…” Bakugo admits.
“It’s just—I’ve never felt this way about someone, okay? I like you a lot, and I want you to be mines. These people out here aren’t right for you, I wanna the only guy! You’re right I am jealous, I mean- who wouldn’t be? look at you!” Bakugo stammers.
You looked into his eyes for a moment, letting out a smirk as you turn toward him.
“After classes” you grin.
“What?” His head slightly turned in confusion.
“After classes…I’ll give you chance for you to show me that you’re the right guy” you bit your bottom lip, nervous for his reply.
Bakugo is still for a moment before showing his signature devilish grin, “shit.”
“It’s a date?” You asked innocently, extending your hand out to shake you smile at him. He looks down at your hand, quickly taking your hand he softly shakes it.
“It’s a date”
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• surprisingly upfront with it
• what’s he got to hide?
At first, you caught him secretly going through your tik tok. Sitting behind him in class you would see your face on the screen as you lip-synced, danced, or talked.
Each video he would save and scroll past another one. Which made you grow uncomfortable.
Then he realized that he didn’t do it just to you but he did it with everyone else’s posts. This made you let down your guard a little.
I mean, who doesn’t stalk their friends from time to time? It’s good to see what your friends are doing within their “inner,” social media lives.
So you let it go.
You continued being friends with Todoroki, as he had no idea you knew he stalked him on social media. You went on and everything went normal.
Until one night you received a notification on Instagram.
‘@shoto has followed you!’
Looking at the notification, you thought nothing of it. Turning into your bed, you began to rest your eyes. Falling deeply into slumber, you were jolted away by the buzz of your photo.
A tired groan passes your lips, turning over you soak your hand down onto the nightstand. Patting around you find the familiar texture of your phone brush against your fingertips.
Letting out a sigh, you flip your phone over. Eyes hooded, closing completely as your screen flashes you. Quickly blinking, you adjust to the lighting of the screen.
“Another notification from Instagram?” You muffled into your pillow. Opening it, you see that Todoroki liked your most recent photo of you.
Another notification pops up on the top of your screen:
@shoto has commented on your post!:
@shoto: beautiful.
Was this a mistake?
You couldn’t believe your eyes, this must be a good dream because no way could this ever be reality.
Then it happened again, another notification on a post from a week ago. Tapping your screen at the speed of light, heat rises to your cheeks.
It was a photo of you holding up your favorite figurine you just bought with your savings. The caption read: ‘I GOT IT YES BITCHES!!’
@shoto: lol
@shoto: so cute
He must be on drugs, or maybe he was hit with a flirtatious quirk? Wide awake, you sit up in your bed. Blankets once covering your body slid off as the cold air of the room hugs your body.
Posture terrible, you bend down eyeing the screen. Neck extended and eyes wide, as you received another notification.
It was a video of you and your friend holding hands, walking at a festival. Laughing like happy idiots.
Another comment from Todoroki appears.
@shoto: should’ve been me holding your hand :(
Your mouth shoots agape, you quickly took a screenshot of the comment.
You genuinely could not process what was happening at the moment. Snapping your head towards your alarm clock it read 10 PM, you let out a sigh.
At least you have time to fall back asleep.
You sent the screenshot to your friends, pleading for advice. But you knew everyone was asleep due to how strenuous the hero drills were this evening.
You quickly place your phone on “do not disturb’” mode. Shutting your phone off you place it back on your nightstand with a “plop”. Smashing your face into the pillow, you let out a much-needed loud sigh.
‘Is he being hacked right now?’
‘He has to be getting hacked.’
‘There’s no way on earth Todorok would be saying this to me!’
It would take about another hour or two of tossing and turning before you were able to fall asleep again.
The room started to feel hotter than usual, stirring in your bed your eyes open. You were too tired for this right now. Slipping out of the covers, you walk over to your fan, turning it onto the highest setting. You huff out a breath and turn back around, only to be stopped dead in your tracks.
“can’t handle the heat?
eyes snapping wide, you whip over to the deep voice you heard.
"Todoroki!" you screamed, your body still from shock. you see him in the bed, under the covers, a smug smirk cast over his lips.
"what are you doing here, you're not allowed in anyone else's dorm past 8pm-"
"why not? you're scared someone will catch us?" he asks, ripping the blankets off your bed as he gets up. his body moving closer towards yours, you still couldn't even move due to the amount of shock.
looking into his multi-colored eyes, your mouth parted, "h-how did you even get in here?" you whispered. feeling a warm hand grip your waist, you jump, startled by the sudden touch of his hand.
"don't touch me there!" you whimpered.
your face looking towards the ground as you cower in embarrassment, this earns a chuckle from todoroki's lips. Leaning in closer, his other hand grabs your face softly.
"look at me," he says. voice stern yet soft, you shyly look up. eyes hooded and breath jagged. you shakily set your arms around his shoulders.
"you're mine" he whispers as he slowly leans in. you gasp at his words, biting your lips to begin to lean in as well.
your eyes close, as soon as you know it. the smoldering warmth you felt faded as you were shaken by the airy coldness of your dorm. eyes shooting open, you turn over to look at your alarm clock.
you're late for class!
once you finished jumping around and getting yourself together, you dashed out of your dorm with a loud slam of the door. running across the courtyard and into the academic side of the school, running up the grand stairs and long halls. you finally make it to the class.
out of breath, you crash into your seat and bang your head against the desk.
"you're late today l/n, especially on count day, marking you down an extra five points." your teacher Aizawa speaks. You couldn't even mutter a complaint because you were so tired.
as the day went on, you couldn't stop staring at the back of todoroki's head. that was the dirtiest dream you ever had...
soon it was time for hero training, today the student just needed to focus on themselves and build their quirk.
you were looking at todoroki the whole time, and when you weren't, he would look at you.
you can't shake what you experienced last night, even if it was just a dream, it felt so real...
you talked to your best friend Jiro, as she was also suspicious of todoroki's new confidence, she was just as shocked as you were when you showed her all of the comments and messages he left you.
"let him come to you," she said.
"no, go after him! guys like it when a woman's in charge!" sero says.
"I think you just need to wait it out, let the future take its course and the universe will work it out..." says hakakure.
you decided to take hakakure's advice.
as the rest of the day went on, the sun falls and the day was still into another dark night. here you were once again, preparing to fall asleep as you wrapped yourself in your blankets. kinda hoping to have the same dream you had the night before.
growing comfortable with the silence, your phone buzzed.
eyes opening you reach out for your phone, turning it on you see that todoroki commented on your story. opening the notification transports you to your dms.
the story was just a photo of half of your face, eyes tired as it was around 30 minutes after you ran late from class today.
you finally start to read the message, word for word your heart falls to the bottom of your feet. the comment sends you into a frenzy.
@shoto: you look so tired but you're still so pretty.
that's it.
jumping out of your bed you read the clock, 10:45. it's well past curfew but you didn't care. if todoroki didn't care in his dreams, neither do you.
putting on your house shoes you race out the door.
after one elevator ride and a long walk down the hall, you arrive at the front of his door. you were about to knock on his door until you realized you were actually there.
what were you even going to say? hey I had a dream we made out in my room and I want you to stay out of my dreams and my dms? Yeah.
hands-on top of your head, you let out a quiet sigh. "shit, here goes nothing." stepping for award, you place three quick knocks on his door, staring at his name plate on the door, you gulp.
hearing some shuffling, you look down and see the lights switch on past the crack of the door. blinking, you wait anxiously. another moment passes by until the door knob starts to jiggle.
biting your lip, the door swings open. appearing a more laid-back todoroki that you've ever seen. his hair is a little messy from laying in the bed and all he has on is pajama shorts and a white t-shirt.
his eyes shift onto you, his eyes widen only a little. as a soft smirk is shown on his face. "l/n...w-what are you doing here?" Todoroki stuttered.
if you didn't mistake yourself, he almost sounded flustered to you.
"um, I just wanted to talk to you about something if that's alright. I know it's past curfew and I really shouldn't be here but I can't wait any longer" you say, a sigh passed by your lips.
Todoroki leans out the door, looking left and right, then to the security camera a door down. Quickly, he grabs you by the arm and gently pulls you into his room.
you close the door with a quiet thud, turning around you look around todoroki's dorm. it's so...empty?
the modern Japanese-style room was very much his style, he didn't really have any posters or figurines you could base any of his interests on. but that conversation is for another day.
kneeling down on the ground, you sit on your feet. hands placed on your lap, your face was unreadable. you were nervous yet so excited.
you were in todoroki's room, alone, after curfew.
"what did you want to talk about" todoroki's voice was soft. looking around you grew nervous, "well...I wanted to talk about you, and how you've been stalking my socials...and stuff? I don't know" every word you spoke grew quieter and quieter.
balling your hands into fists, you look down at the floor.
"stalking? I don't understand" he says, a frown present on his lips.
"but you do!" you blurt, your hands flung in the air which causes todoroki to jump back. you gasp, slapping your hand on your lips, you close your eyes in embarrassment. hands slowly shifting from your mouth rest on top of your eyes. "but you do todoroki," you quietly groaned out.
"the late-night notifications! do you know I get those? I see you flirt with me and compliment me and all that other stuff, I caught you almost halfway down my profile the other day todoroki."
hands still covering your face, if they were uncovered you would see the priceless pink blush dusting across todoroki's face.
"I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't know you could see that...I thought I could like and comment on things anonymously...apologies."
uncovering your eyes, you notice todoroki slightly bows, the blush still on his face. You quietly scoff, "who told you that you can anonymously comment and like things on Instagram?" you asked.
"Denki told me, he helped me set up my account as well-"
a groan escapes your lips as your body slowly sinks to a bow. "I'm going to fucking kill him!" your yell is muffled by the floor. Rising up again you frown at todoroki.
"Just...I know now that it's not your fault and you really don't know any better, but could you please stop?" you say.
"I don't understand why I should, everything that I said about you is true, I meant it l/n. I think you're so beautiful and-"
"please! I can't handle you doing all of this because if this keeps on going I'll have more dreams about you!" you yell.
"you dream about me?" todoroki asks, his voice filled with hope and adoration.
"what!" you grow warm in the face at this. stumbling up from your feet, you race for the door. Quickly opening it, you turn, giving a respective bow you quietly shut the door behind you.
Todoroki hears your quick stomps and the ringing of the elevator.
a moment passes by, smiling to himself he plops himself down into his bed.
staring at the ceiling he lets out a smug smirk.
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• was happily chilling in class looking at your tik tok until denki catches him in the act.
• was very embarrassed, but you fount it absolutely adorable.
It was another regular day inside UA, class 1-A. Everyone talking whilst doing their assignments, slowly reaching the goal of becoming the next generation of top pro heroes.
And within this class, there are the slackers.
And that slacker is Kirishima.
Slouched down in his seat, his phone hidden under his desk as he scrolled relentlessly through your tik tok. Hypnotized by your every act.
Sometimes he would chuckle to himself, seeing how cute you were. Whether that be you should dance with one of your classmates. Or seeing the way you sing your heart out at one of your favorite songs.
You were everything to him.
It was an accidental infatuation, really.
One day you so happened to pop up on his for you page. Surprised, he curiously went through your page.
All 500 hundred posts to be exact. Every. Single. One.
He didn’t mean to really, he just was so amazed by you. Sometimes the people you see on a regular daily basis aren’t who they actually are.
You were more confident in yourself on your page. You were bold, loud, and funny, he never saw this side of you. Maybe in a sparring battle, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Sometimes when he’s hanging out with Sero, he’ll show him a tik tok of you (from a year ago that he saved) and just go off and fawn over you. Which heavily irritated Sero.
“Look at the way they’re dancing, isn’t it cute?”
“Dude, did you know l/n had their hairs died red before they came to this school? We could’ve totally matched!”
“Have you seen l/n’s new post? It’s amazing!”
It was fine at first, Sero gets it. He’s got a crush, but now it was all he’d talk about when they’d hang out.
“Dude, why did l/n make a tik tok about having a crush on a guy in our class!” Kirishima exclaims, a worried expression plastered on his face.
“If you want them, go get 'em instead of blabbering to me about it!” He’d complain.
Kirishima rolls his eyes as he swings back and forth on Sero’s hammock. “Dude, they’d never go for me.”
Sero strummed a couple of notes on his guitar, “if you won’t tell them you like them, at least tell them you look at their tik tok all day~” Sero sarcastically sings, making a little jingle out of his rude statement.
Kirishima’s swinging comes to a halt.
God, you don’t even know he knows you have an account.
Kirishima does follow you, but on a new account, he just made up that kinda looks like a bot you’re too lazy to remove, so you just keep it.
Swallowing his spit he sits up from the hammock, “if l/n ever found out that I have their tik tok, I will off myself.”
And here we bring it back to present day.
You just posted an hour ago on tik tok.
You were doing some random hand dance with Mina at lunch. He’d watch the way you’d laugh when you or Mina would mess up. The multiple takes and the fit of laughter.
He loved the video so much, he found it so organic and personal. Like he was actually there across from the table. He smiles at the screen watching it over again.
His smile faltered only a little when he gets another notification that you posted something.
Quickly pressing the notification, Kirishima’s heart stops.
He didn’t know what song was playing, and what words you were singing. But you looked HOT.
You had an entirely new look. You transitioned from regular pajamas to a whole other cooler outfit. Kirishima bends lower into his desk, making sure that only his eyes get to get to lay on your beauty.
Kirishima likes and saves your post with the quickness. He didn’t care if he was the first ever to interact with your post. At least you know he’s not some bot.
As Kirishima soulfully enjoyed the video you posted, Denki finally walks into class. An hour late.
A scold here and there from Mr. Aizawa, and he reaches his seat. Falling down with a thud he greets his next-door seat buddy.
“What’s up, man! Dude, I couldn’t sleep last night until the early morning and then my alarm didn’t go off! I just said fuck it and took my time today” Denki vents, a defeated smile portrayed on his lips.
Looking at his friend, he noticed how hunched up he is in his seat. “Dude?” Denki says, still no reply.
Kirishima was so deep into thought whilst watching the video of you. He started to think about his deepest fantasies.
What if you sang to him like the way you sang in your tik toks? What if the both of you were a couple?
He’d imagine the dates he would take you on, the way you smile, the way you laughed, it was all worth it at the end of the day.
He’d imagine how he’d kiss you and how you’d kiss him. Arms tightly wrapped around your waist as you sat in his lap, going at it for hours until your lips were swollen and you couldn’t give away anymore more breath.
This makes Kirishima’s breath hitch, what other things would you guys do?
What if you guys were a couple until graduation? He would definitely propose to you. Imagine the wedding the both of you would plan. The reception would be beautiful.
Kirishima really started to melt when he imagines the honeymoon. He wanted to go somewhere warm and tropical, maybe the Bahamas or the Maldives. He thinks you would like the Maldives, as he would too.
A blush castes over his face as he still watches the video of you over and over again. He’d imagine the night of your honeymoon.
Can he give you children? He thought.
If you can’t, he’ll find a way that night–
Kirishima jumps harshly at the loud voice that called his name.
Denki buffs out a breath, Kirishima sees Denki standing from his seat as he surrounded Kirishima.
“I’ve been calling you for the last, like, 3 minutes!” He exclaimed.
“S-sorry man, j-just deep into thought” Kirishima says. A blush was still present on his face.
“Whatever, anyways as I was saying–“ Denki sits in his chair, his eyes so happen to shoot down towards Kirishima’s phone.
Denki paused at this, a devilish grin showing on his face. “No fucking way dude! You were stalking l/n’s page!” Denki exclaims, laughing enough for everyone to hear.
“Kaminari! Detention!” Aizawa barks.
Denki didn’t even care, a smile still on his face he starts to laugh.
“Dude!” Kirishima grows red at the loud announcement Denki makes, sinking into his seat he covers his head.
“What is he doing?” A voice says.
Kirishima’s eyes shoot wide, looking behind him he blinks. Two seats behind him he noticed you, leaving out the aisle in confusion.
“L/n! Get up, get up, get up! Kirishima’s stalking your freakin tik tok!” Denki laughs. Your bottom lips was pursed out, you were still confused as to what was happening as you slowly gained height out of your seat.
You were walking towards him, oh god.
Kirishima was so embarrassed that his hands were on his face the whole time. He didn’t even realize that his phone was on his desk still playing the video you posted over and over again.
Placing your hands on the two desks behind Kirishima and Denki, you crouch down. “What’s going on?” You say, you were also quiet. As he would assume no one really knows of your tik tok like that but him and a select few.
“Kirishima stalks your!–“ before he could finish, you slapped your hand on top of his mouth. “Quietly!” You whispered.
Uncovering your hand Denki leans down into your ear, telling you about how Kirishima was watching a tik tok of you over and over again. Looking over you eye Kirishima down.
Kirishima swallows his spit as he uncovers his face, the red blush still painted on his face like red roses sprawled out within a garden.
“H-here” he trembles. Reaching for his phone he extends it to you. With a fierce snatch, you scroll through your tik tok, seeing that he at least liked or saved all of your most recent posts. You didn’t even want to know how far this goes down.
You scrolled some more until you stopped on a particular post. “You’ve seen this one, Kirishima?” You asked. Holding the phone out, he leans in staring at the screen.
“Y-yes” he stuttered.
It was the tik tok of you talking about you having a crush on a guy in your class. Letting out a sigh, you stand back up.
“You wanna know who it is?” You say. Kirishima pursed up at your question, his head shaking with a shy nod.
Smiling you reach down, closing the space between the both of you. You grab the back of his neck, which makes Kirishima let out a jagged breath.
Falling close to his ear, you whispered.
“You really wanna know?” You teased.
You could hear Kirishima swallow his spit hard, and he nods again. “Yes—I do” he whispers.
“It’s you.”
Kirishima’s eyes snap wide open, snapping his neck towards your face, he sees you let out a giggle. He shoots up from his seat. Walking backward he stumbled out of the classroom.
Before you could chase him out, you hear a loud thud.
“Kirishima just passed out!” You hear Momo shout.
If Kirishima died today…
He’d die a happy man.
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Omg, guys, thank you all so much for all the support and new follows!!! I just saw my post show up third on one of the Bakugo hashtags! And some of my posts were recommended under others. I’m so happy right now.
– lovelyiida<3
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holodecks-and-hennins · 2 months
TNG Original Costume Tests: Geordi La Forge
I don’t have the actual documentary, just the Trekcore caps, so forgive me if I miss anything, and feel free to add on if you have more info!
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The VISOR here looks a lot more like a plain old visor to me, what with the smoothness and shininess. Though it still looks rather futuristic. Maybe I’m just attached to the VISOR the way it ended up! Interesting that it still has the silver frame and gold middle color scheme! It just doesn’t have the tines.
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Straight-up ICONIC look right here. Not only does the VISOR look fantastic, the whole outfit combo is just so happy. I usually don’t love the colour yellow. This is a major exception. LeVar Burton made a fantastic choice of clothes and I’m so glad it’s enshrined for posterity. I have an irrational love for this look. I think about it all the time. (Also: this is the source of a fantastic gif by @star-trekster)
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Nice close up on the two different colours for the ocular implants of his VISOR! They ended up going with the red one, but the multicoloured one also looks cool! It looks more like Data’s inner workings.
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There are also a few tests that are obviously not on LeVar Burton (I don't know who this actor is, but I think they also screen tested some general crew uniforms), but are still interesting. This one has a black frame and some sort of sparkly thing going on. To me, the middle looks weirdly recessed to me, because it doesn’t have the tines filling it in.
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The on screen visor designs tend to have the tines more significantly overlapped (season 1, they’re almost all the way across, and in later seasons they’re connected to both the top and bottom of the frame), so the half overlapping tines combined (com-tined?) the slightly taller frame make it look a lot larger. However, it doesn’t reach all the way to the ears like the on screen version does.
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bichens-bitch · 1 year
Nie Huaisang is literally the funniest fucking character to exist. He is so smart and so resourceful and single-handedly created an entire revenge plot, but also was the porn distributor and flunky of the cloud recesses crew. He’s such an icon. 
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yuenieve · 2 years
a friendly exchange [k.ayato]
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feat. single dad! kamisato ayato, elementary school teacher! female reader.
content warning: modern!au, smut with plot lol, more plot than smut tbh, rich CEO ayato, elementary school teacher reader, dilf/teacher, corruption kink, he’s a tease lmao, dacryphilia(?), doggy, unprotected sex, breeding kink, mating press, bulge kink, pet names (angel, love, darling, girl, precious), he says mommy once, praise(?), he’s kinda a mean dom in the end, fem!reader.
word count: too many to count.
notes: i finished this at 4 am rip sorry for any mistakes lol
nsfw content under the cut!
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There wasn’t a pair of ears who haven’t heard of the name Kamisato Ayato. Everyone and their neighbor’s dog have heard some mention of the blue-haired business man. As head of the nation’s leading corporation, Kamisato Ayato was quite the figurative icon.
Figurative more than icon. Because although the well-known CEO has had his name plastered on every nook and cranny of the city, he rarely made a public appearance.
Despite his fame and recognition, you only knew 2 things about him:
1) He is a wealthy and important man. His business, Kamisato Enterprise, oversees many—if not all—work fields in the country, including education. Heck, half his daily income could cover your yearly salary.
2) His son is your student.
Kamisato Akihiko was an intelligent and reserved 1st grader in your class. What he lacked in boisterous banter, he made up in chivalrous charm. You often caught him nose buried in a hardcover book, instead of being with the bustling children on the playground during recess.
Akihiko was a model child, you knew that.
But why were you so nervous to meet his father on parent-teacher day?
Maybe it’s because you knew nothing about his personal life, or because you’ve never seen the mysterious man. Your colleagues at the front office told you his wife showed up for all school events related to Akihiko, but never him. However, by some stroke of luck, Ayato himself RSVP’d for the parent-teacher meeting today.
Swallowing down a nervous gulp, you stood by your classroom door and called out Akihiko’s name. You walked back to your desk, arranging the stack of papers for the nth time.
You heard a knock, “Excuse me?”
His voice was handsomely husky, you noted. Turning around, you came face to face with what you would have assumed to be a relic of a Greek god.
His tall stature and broad shoulders had your eyes wandering. His defined arms looked so incredibly attractive despite being hidden under his suit jacket. He ran a hand through his lilac locks and smiled politely.
“Mr Kamisato…welcome,” You greeted, finally meeting his eyes.
Get a grip, he’s a married man!! I shouldn’t have thought of that, please forgive me…
“Thank you for having me, miss L/n.”
You exchanged the friendly smile and gestured towards one of the desks, “Please, have a seat.”
He sat down and took his expensive black gloves off, you mentally cursed yourself for finding the action effortlessly enticing. You cleared your throat and handed him the papers.
“Akihiko is a wonderful student, these are his assignments and tests.” Ayato went through them and nodded along,
“He’s performing exceptionally well, as you can see. Some of our head teachers are even recommending he skip a few grades.”
Ayato hummed and held his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, “I see…but what do you think?”
“Huh?” You stuttered, not expecting the question.
“What those head teachers say do not concern me. You are Akihiko’s teacher, so you know him best. What do you think? Should he skip a few grades?”
You leaned back against your desk and contemplated the matter. Albeit the little boy truly was clever, you felt hesitant about the decision.
“In all honesty, Mr Kamisato…I don’t think he should,” you answered.
Ayato gave you a knowing look to go on.
“I don’t mean to say your son is incapable of undergoing a higher level workload, but…he’s still a child. The beginning years of elementary school are not meant for academic woes. Akihiko should spend these years exploring his interests, making friends and having fun. He should…be a kid.”
The corner of Ayato’s lips tugged upwards and he nodded, “I wholly agree with you.”
You smiled and turned around to fetch the attendance sheet. Unbeknownst to you, Ayato was gazing at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
“If you could just sign here, and if you have any further questions about your son’s performance, I am more than happy to oblige.” You told him.
He sighed and signed the paper, “No, that’s all.” He paused to look into your eyes, “I’m happy you’re Akihiko’s teacher.”
You shyly looked down and smiled as you received the papers back from him.
“I—uhh wasn’t expecting you here, Mr Kamisato. I’ve been told your wife comes to all school events.”
He arched a brow in confusion, “Wife?”
You blinked, “Y-yeah, I believe her name was Kamisato Ayaka…?”
“Ah,” the realization dawned on him, “I think you’ve misunderstood; that’s my sister.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry—!“
“No, no, it’s quite alright.” He assured with a gentle smile. “I don’t have a wife.”
“My ex wife left when Akihiko was 3.”
You opened your mouth then closed it, unsure of what to respond with. Ayato noticed your predicament and simply waved his hands dismissively, “It’s fine, it happened a long time ago. I’m sure she’s more than fine with my ex business partner now.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You murmured, sympathetically.
Ayato stared at you. Despite discussing the misfortunate matter at hand, he seemed to focus on you alone. You looked absolutely iridescent in his eyes, he couldn’t help but take a fleeting glance at your lips.
He shook his head and peered at the clock, “My apologies, but I must be going now.”
You nodded as he rose from his seat, “Of course, thank you for coming today.”
He put his gloves back on and extended his hand out, “It was a pleasure meeting you, miss L/n.”
“Likewise, Mr Kamisato.”
He gave you a soft smile before departing from the classroom. Once he was gone, you sighed and walked back to your desk. You stared at his name on the sheet, your mind wandering.
3) He is very handsome.
“Excuse me, miss L/n?”
You peeked down from your desk and spotted Akihiko standing with a bouquet of flowers clearly too big for his 6-year-old hands to carry.
You quickly ushered him to come around the desk and held onto the flower arrangement for him, “What’s this, Akihiko?”
“My dad told me to give it to you, it’s for Mother’s Day.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks and you feigned a cough to hide your flustered face.
“Th-that’s so kind of you two, thank you very much, Akihiko.” You patted the boy’s hair and smiled.
Just then, the last bell rang and the erupt sound of children filled the hallways.
You looked down at Akihiko, “You should be heading out now, I’ll see you on Monday. Please thank your father for the flowers.”
He nodded and began to make his way out the classroom, before abruptly stopping by the door.
You tilted your head, “What’s the matter?”
He slowly turned around, his eyes downcast on his shoes. “Miss L/n? Can you do something for me?”
“Of course, Akihiko. What is it?”
He bashfully played with the hem of his shirt, “Well, my dad always says you’re like a mother to me. He says teachers are our second parents.”
You made a sound of amusement, “Your father is correct.”
“If he is, then…can you participate with me in today’s Mother’s Day card contest?”
Your lips parted, that was the last thing you were expecting him to ask. You felt touched to be in this position, and it warmed your heart to know Akihiko felt comfortable enough with you to ask.
“I’d love to help you make a Mother’s Day card.”
Ayato had been standing by the school entrance for what felt like half an hour now. Usually, he’d send one of his assistants to pick Akihiko up. But since his schedule spontaneously cleared up for the day, he decided to come himself.
Checking his watch for the hundredth time that afternoon, Ayato decided to go inside and assess the situation. The hallways were scarce until he saw children accompanied by their parents in the courtyard.
He saw dozens of tables and chairs folded out, occupied by little kids and mainly their mothers. The scattered piles of paper and other arts and crafts supplies on the ground was enough to tell him what was going on.
Eventually, he spotted his son with you at one of the tables. He made his way over, a smile crossing his face at the sight of both your joyful expressions.
Before Ayato knew it, he felt the force of his son’s hug. His short arms trying to go around his father’s hips. You smiled at the display, admiring the little family.
“Someone forgot to come back to the car,” Ayato teased, picking his son up easily and holding him against his shoulder.
“Sorry, dad. I asked miss L/n to be my mom for the contest!” Akihiko said. You felt your face heat up at the given title, but Ayato found your reaction adorable.
Ah, he really wanted to ruin you.
“I see. Well, I’m happy you asked her. She makes quite the mom, don’t you agree?” At this point, Ayato was purposely saying it to fluster you.
“Akihiko, I think they’re starting now. You can go over there,” you mentioned, diverting the topic.
Ayato lowered Akihiko down, letting him run towards the center with the other kids.
“Thank you for the flowers, by the way.” You brought up, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Ayato smiled, “You’re most welcome, miss L/n.”
He started clapping as they began to announce the winners of the card contest. But your gaze remained on him, did he always have that pretty mole? It was so close to his lips…if only you could…
“Hm?” He turned to you.
“Y/n. You can call me Y/n,” you said.
His smile only grew wider, having to bite down on his lip to contain himself. “In that case, you may call me Ayato.”
You hummed, repeating it, “Ayato…”
“Ayato!! Fuck—!!”
You can’t recall exactly how you ended up with your ass in the air and your face pressed against Ayato’s bed.
After a couple weeks spent chatting during pick up duty, and consequently, after exchanging numbers, Ayato and you grew closer. Until tonight, where he had invited you over for dinner.
One thing lead to another, the same way he lead you to his bedroom, and now you found yourself whining his name as you writhed against the sheets.
“Well isn’t this a surprise? I didn’t expect you to have such a dirty mouth.” He remarked, slamming into your tight cunt even harder.
You moaned loudly, you were grateful that Akihiko was away at his aunt’s house for the weekend.
“Ayato…please…” You squirmed, pathetically. He pulled out and you keened at the sudden empty feeling.
He flipped you over so that you were laying on your back and he could have a good look at your pretty, tear-stricken face. His hands were placed on either side of your head, his strong arms supporting his weight.
“Please what? I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.” He said, leaning in closer. His breath tickled your skin as he left feather light kisses on your chest.
“Please…fuck me,” you whined.
He chuckled, “Aren’t I fucking you right now, angel? Are you saying I’m doing a bad job?”
You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him down against you. You felt his tip nudging against your folds and you whimpered at the slight friction.
“Please, breed me. ‘Want you inside, wanna feel it inside.”
His dick throbbed at your words. If he had no self control, he would have ruined you right this second. He won’t deny, he was hoping you’d say that, hoping you felt the same way he did.
He raised himself up, “Is that it, angel? You want me to knock you up?”
You nodded, feverishly. He smirked and slowly lowered his head to your pussy. He placed a long, wet kiss against your clit, making you buck your hips up sporadically.
He chuckled again, pulling away. “Don’t worry, love,” he said, finally pushing himself in you, “I’ll make you a mommy.”
Your hands instinctively reached out to his shoulders, grabbing onto them to steady yourself as he bottomed out.
Slowly, he began pumping himself in and out of your sloppy cunt. Your past round making it easier for him to slip between your folds.
The sound of skin slapping skin began to fill the room, his thrusts growing harsher and faster. He took one of your hands that were hooked on his shoulder and held onto it as he leaned down.
“Do you feel that?” He whispered, deeply into your ear, guiding your hand towards the noticeable bulge in your abdomen. “Do you feel me inside you?”
“Ayato,” you cried out, he felt you tighten around his length.
“Oh? Does my naughty girl enjoy these lewd things?” He smiled and hoisted your legs up to rest on his shoulders, allowing him to reach even deeper within you.
“Ah! Ayato, r-right there!” You moaned, feeling the knot inside your stomach begin to form.
He practically folded you in half by now, his pelvis hitting your clit with every rut of his hips. He groaned, “You feel so good, precious.”
“A-ayato, ‘m close!!”
His hand met your clit and he started to rub it fervently, “Cum for me, cum all over my cock. Don’t you want to give Akihiko a sibling?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you continued to babble nonsensically, feeling your sweet high approaching.
By the way Ayato’s thrusts were getting sloppier and out of rhythm, you could tell he was close too. The sound of his choked grunts also pushed you further off the edge.
With a cry of his name, your climax finally crashed as you came all over him. A white ring of your slick painted on the base of his cock.
Ayato threw his head back, panting heavily, “I’m—fuck—‘gonna cum.”
You were prepared to feel his warm seed fill your pussy up, but instead, he pulled out and stroked his length once, twice and came all over your stomach.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, you were clearly unsatisfied. You whined and squirmed beneath him, “Ayato, why’d you—“
He held your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up to face him.
“You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?”
You sniffled and he wiped your stray tears away. He repositioned himself at your entrance, steadily rocking his hips again, making you hiss from how sensitive you were.
“If you want me to fill you up, you’ll have to work a lot harder than that, darling.”
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written by yuenieve.
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