#recorded it even :DDDDD
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Me? Deciding how my art should look? Pleaseeeee who do you have me for? A sane human being?
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akko-kagori · 1 month
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When I started Rain World I knew all about the scavengers, and desperately wanted to have a good reputation with them, so I did absolutely everything I could to do that
Whenever I saw them I would immediately drop whatever I was doing, freeze, and go on four legs to show I'm not a threat, when I saw them I would immediately give them whatever was on me just to build reputation, whenever they would get attacked I'd fight whatever it was with all my might, even if I didn't have a weapon I'd run towards them and try to grab the scavenger even if it was always a fruitless endeavor, hell, I remember once when I was in the chimney canopy and my shelter was RIGHT next to a scavenger treasury so I spent two hours farming reputation with them, I REALLY wanted to be buds with them, AND I'VE FINALLY DONE IT :DDD
at first I had NO CLUE I was getting a really good reputation with the scavengers, since whenever they'd see me they'd always act terrified, I actually thought I'd really messed up with them since earlier when a vulture came down and grabbed one, I tried to help by throwing my spear and... I accidentally hit the scavenger instead of the vulture
So I thought I'd ruined my reputation with the scavengers until when I when into my shelter I saw this
normally I never record myself playing games, but I decided to make an exception for Rain World since every time I played there would be at least one moment I wanted to capture, and I'm so glad I did
also I'm sorry for the super low resolution and quality, Tumblr is HORRIBLE with uploading videos so I made the video as low quality as possible so it would properly upload onto Tumblr
I know that everyone who doesn't know what Rain World is (aka 99% of my followers) are like "what the fuck are you talking about" and everyone who does know is like "this isn't even that big of a deal shut up" BUT YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S A BIG DEAL TO ME
also yes, I am playing as monk, I'm new to this game so I'm playing as monk to get used to how the game plays before jumping in as survivor
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white-boy-of-the-year · 8 months
WBOTY's Chaotic Grammy's Recap
This is where I'll just compile all my thoughts :DDD. Feel free to rb with yours and what not but I love to hear them!!
Miley's "Flowers" performance was EVERYTHING. I was never a huge fan of the song but DAMN she really told the crowd to go fuck themselves, she knew she was there for a reason.
SZA's Kill Bill performance. That's it.
Trevor Noah was ACTUALLY FUNNY???? Like yes I knew he was a comedian but hosting gigs always seem to fall flat, but he did his homework and made humor out of respect for the artists, and I like that.
Fuck the Grammy's CEO. No elaboration.
Billie getting song of the year, ugh loved it. Genuinely thought she was getting record of the year but a win is a win. Loved seeing Finneas for classic white boy content /hj
I was hoping Olivia would win an award. Kinda sad that she didn't, GUTS really was that bitch and deserves its praise.
Ok maybe a hot take but I don't think boygenius deserved the best rock song award. Not because the song sucked. It was great in fact. It's just not... rock? It's alt, and it should've been nominated as such.
Literally why was Lizzo at the Grammy's, I thought we left her in 2023...
N e ways that's all I've got, lemme know what y'all thought! I was really rooting for SOS to win AOTY but I can't lie, one of my favorite things is to see petty dudebros and chronically online music theorists cry over Midnights even existing so... can't say I'm mad! Congrats to everyone! Except for that Grammy's CEO fuck him again 🍅🍅🍅🍅
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riacte · 7 months
rria . ria dont convert the timestamp of receiving this ask to est but i finished false episodes and i get it i understand the devotion and the homies and the protectiveness hoyljjy fuck save me 🦅🐕save me. beware of dog reapers watch out rendogss about false false false you won💥💥💥😺💥💥💥💥💥💥
When I was watching the first part I was like ohhh she sounds SO soggy when he’s not talking to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this soggy. And then it was slowly building and oh we’re really in it now.
BUT THE REUNION SCENE IS SO!!!!!! They’re so happy for each other 😭😭😭 False saying he deserves the win even though it’s her who won 😭😭 Ren coming in like YOU WON!! YOU WON!! :DDDDD
And I was already screaming and dying. But you can really tell how fond they are of each other. And False being more excited for the cool hat than the Demise prize and he literally promised to give it to her tomorrow when things had calmed down— and she won!! All the dots are connected.
And the end. MAN. “Watch out, Rendog is about” in all caps. Her putting his name and head on her build. And the giggle before the cut. And I’m left sitting here like OKAY THAT JUST HAPPENED. WOW.
I feel slightly insane because it’s like …??? It’s so obvious how core and special their friendship is to both of their contents on HC. Take a quick scroll through their thumbnails and they pop up every now and then. All the collabs. AND STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER IN GROUP RECORDINGS (this always happens). We even have major standout events like Blue9 and BRR and S6 neighbours. And now Demise because DUDE. THAT WAS CRAZY.
And still Tumblr (and both of their Twitch chats) seems to be the only site in which people majorly care about their bond? Does that make sense. Tumblrinas screaming and crying and filling up the main tags. Actually Twitch chat is the mvp here because I feel like every single stream of theirs has a mention of the other and chat is like :DDD we love you and the other person :DD. They’re invisible on blue bird site and THANK GOD and STAY AWAY. Orange app is a bit better bc at least the Mc Championship guys recognise them but you know when there was a post back in HC Reddit then asking for “underrated” duos and we had to post FalseRen because other people weren’t. Are they underrated? Do other people think they’re popular. Like Ren isn’t usually paired with False in fanon but I think most people have the awareness to include bits about their friendship? But still? I would’ve expected more… why aren’t they more popular like some other duos even after the five million obvious / dramatic / cute / wholesome stuff 😭 Ren’s favouritism gets worse every time I check in 😭
(I know. It’s because fandoms tend to like same gender pairs. But it does notttt explain why everyone happily pairs up Stress+Iskall and Joe+Cleo and it’s all recognised and these two are like …? oh yeah they’re friends. Right. They’re friends.)
Anyways this got long. That vid makes me soooo happy and it’s sooo good. I know Ren is probably going to make his next ep thumbnail his really cute hut but if False is also on there or it’s titled after something like “WE DID IT FALSE” I would further explode into millions of pieces. 🥺
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ultraviolet-ink · 6 months
baroryuu 001 👁️👁️
Hell yeah!!!
when I started shipping it if I did: This was mostly due to @hikari-kaitou's love and passion for it in a server we're both in! I started looking for more art so that I could tag her in the server, and then the positivity really just got to me, and that's how I got here!
my thoughts: You know, I'm really surprised that I didn't ship it earlier, because I really love Prosecutor x Attorney, and they have a lot of parallels to Wrightworth! I really am a sucker for Byronic Heroes, and Barok definitely fits the bill! What I really love about the ship is that there is this sort of trust between the characters, even Barok as he starts to slowly learn from his ways. I really like that Barok isn't particularly trying to win for a record or anything like that, solely because that is his job as a prosecutor, to find reasonable doubt-- it's a really refreshing dynamic and I love how Barok's perspective makes Ryuu grow into his own as an attorney! And yes, I am weak for damsels with a dark backstory being saved from the villain and themselves UwU
What makes me happy about them: GOTHIC ROMANCE GO BRRRRR
What makes me sad about them: While I said earlier that it's a good thing Ryuu went back to Japan to forge his own path.... the fact that he left so soon after that trial.... that shit HURTED ToT
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Something that's a bit of a pet peeve of mine is kind of softening Ryuu, sort of taking away his own agency to make him more passive. My man's a fighter, those hips can tell you! He doesn't give up easy XD
things I look for in fanfic: Top and/or Dom Ryuu my beloved <3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Susato!! or maybe both, fuck yeah OT3 we ball
My happily ever after for them: I brought up the OT3, but also having two estates, one in the English countryside where they can grow grapes during the summer and spend lazy days riding horses together and one in Japan near a hotspring. I'm just weak for cozy places
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Ryuu is the big spoon, he will sprawl, and Barok needs many hugs, this is an order
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Holding hands.... WITHOUT gloves!! Oh the scandal!! :DDDDD
Sauce Here!
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amplifyme · 11 months
I'm back with, TPOB Chapter 2, Part 1.
Here's some scattered thoughts for you~
Diana and Vincent swapping compliments while Kanin and Cullen try not to be inconspicuous in the background, heheheh. 
...did or said something to convince them she was just the dumb topsider most of them probably thought she was and Yin and yang, she thought. We're never on the skinny edge at the same time-- I recognize those sentiments from Nan! (or the series or both!) That aspect you were talking about, that Nan was generous with her creations, happy others carried on her legacy. :DDD
"Father should be told what's happened," he said after a few minutes. "I'm real sorry I'm gonna miss that conversation," she replied as contritely as she could manage. He responded with a sidelong look that left no doubt he wasn't buying it. Ohhhhhhhhhh, Diana and Vincent and Father-- never change. And Vincent making sure she couldn’t scuttle away, that was funny. 
Elliot Burch Stosh! Again, very in-character for him to be deep in thought and caught off guard by Diana; and very in-character for Diana to be surprised he wasn’t as in-tune with his surroundings. And Diana having a recorder at the ready-- clever, clever, clever. 
Gotta love technology, she thought absently, mobile phones will be the size of our palms before we know it. And wasn’t she so right about that? ;))
OKAY, I have to include this next bit without (much) comment because this is, by far, one of the best aspects of how you write Vincent: his ability to plan ahead out of consideration, not just as a predictor or means to an end for plot-specific reasons: They didn't fully open again until she smelled coffee under her nose and found Vincent sitting back down at the table, a mug of tea in his hand. She grabbed for the one he'd set in front of her and took a big swallow without thinking about how hot it might be. But Vincent had been ahead of her: she could see just the smallest sliver remaining of the ice cube he'd dropped into it before bringing it to her.
I had to include this section without comment, too, because Diana and Vincent exchanging love in silence is one of my favorite aspects of their dynamic, not to mention yours and Nan’s writing: She was suddenly overcome by an immense wave of love for him and had to shut off the recorder so she could let it pass over and through her without distraction. Diana snatched Vincent's hand where it lay flat on the table, needing him to feel it and know it with her. His hand twisted under hers and held as his eyes slipped shut. When he opened them a few seconds later, they were brimming with something indescribable and focused directly at her. There were no words invented that could even begin to convey what she saw there in his eyes. All she knew was it humbled her down to her very bones and made her realize all over again how lucky she was to have him in her life.
Backstory for Snow! And what a backstory it is.
Listening to the tapes, Vincent bolting for home, and Diana running after him-- I’m hooked. So, so hooked. 
Will be back to update when I read some more! :DDDDD
Not much to add here, just basking in the light. 🥰 I love that you love what you love, and why. I'm sure I'll have actual, coherent thoughts once you finish this chapter.
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lonelyvomit · 3 years
next UMK artists are revealed in couple of days and I’m excited/nervous about them even tho I’ve never watched the competition before in my life
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kiyye · 6 years
Casting Call for Let’s Read The Arcana! (The official post)
Hey everybody! I’ve already made a lil post about this project, but here’s a nicer, more organized one for you all to spread around.
@tokenqueer​ and I are organizing an audio playthrough of The Arcana Game! Right now we’re only casting characters that appear in the prologue, but we plan to eventually record all three routes, so we need a lot of help! If you casually enjoy voice acting, have experience voice acting, or have always wanted to try voice acting but never gotten around to it, this project is for you. We are looking for actors of all different voice ranges, no experience necessary. 
Please check out this google doc for information on how to audition! If the doc doesn’t open for you on mobile, just shoot me a message. You can email auditions to me and my co-coordinator at [email protected] and [email protected] (be sure to include both of us). We are chiefly looking to get a sense of your voice and how it sounds in conjunction with the character's lines, so feel free to use lines from the transcript at the bottom of the google doc in your recording. You can audition for as many characters as you want! We aim to have the lead prologue characters cast by August 5th, so try to get your auditions in before then. After that, we will still always be on the lookout for people to play characters later in the routes (ex. Nadia’s sisters), so you can still send in a voice reel whenever!
Happy auditioning! :DDD
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marsupials-of-mars · 4 years
Hey friends! :DDDDD would any of you possibly maybe sorta kinda be so very kind and generous and cool enough to join in and help me build @fander-audiobooks ? All you gotta do is pick a sanders sides fanfic, yours or somebody else's (preferably with permission unless you're sure they'd appreciate the suprise) and record yourself reading it! Mic quality does not matter as long as the words are clear enough! You can make it a group thing where everyone voices different characters etc! Have a discord to do it! I may even make one... then just post the recording to tumblr with the author tagged, the fic linked, and the audiobook blog tagged! I'll reblog it to that blog! You can also suggest to me short fics in my ask box on that blog and I may voice them! This is not only a great fun thing for the community to bond and learn voices and gain confidence with, it's also great for the vision impared fanders, or the ADHD or busy fanders who cant devote their time to reading themselves!
If you dont feel comfortable contributing yourself, pls reblog around the community! Even just a few readers who are passionate can make this a super fun thing!
Maybe eventually if any regular readers want to they can also accept requests and help get more fics read!
DON'T worry about being cringy or mumbly etc, I promise you dislike your own voice far more than the general fander will, and as a fic author myself I think it would be the greatest honor to have someone dedicate the time to read my fic aloud! Also, you will no doubt become better with practice.
Keep in mind that you are not required to commit, and one time contributors who just want to try it out could make up a large portion of the fics read!
PUT SOME SPICE IN IT! don't worry about embarrassing yourself, that's what we're here for! I'd much rather hear a super overacted fix than a monotone one!
This is great to build confidence in your own voice, to show off your personality, and to improve your voice acting talent!
PLZ don't let this be a bust! I think this would be so good for the community!
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leejungchans · 3 years
— the great debate.
set on december 14, 2020 during ateez’s christmas vlive
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juliet’s masterlist
a/n: (very mediocre and very low quality 💀) gif by me!!
warning: a lot of butt discourse 🤡🤡🤡 also this is all just in good fun so don’t take it too seriously, i’ll still love you even if you think we have two butts 🤩
oh no 🤡🤡🤡🤡
we all know what happened in this vlive
okay but before we get into That™️ 💀
let’s just start with the wholesome shit!! 🥰
baby sat between jongho and san
she watched san break the ornament and went 😳😒🤨🧐😟😕 but he gave her a pleading look so she didn’t say anything
she’s not gonna expose him 😔 at least when they’re not playing a game and there’s no competition/prize involved
but it’s useless bc hongjoong saw too 🤡
yunho and san commented that the ornaments looked like pokéballs/master balls and she literally went 🤩🤩🤩🤩 POKÉMON?????????
“giratina!” “giratina!” “GIRATINA!!!! :DDD”
literally never mention pokémon in front of her bc she’ll go on forever 💀
“i trained mine up to level 100 to sweep the elite four 😎”
seonghwa was big confusion
san: you don’t know this?????
yunho: you don’t know arceus?????????
2young: [very offended]
seonghwa: [didn’t watch pokémon and didn’t have a nintendo]
juliet: .....i’ll educate you when we get home 😩😩
okay let’s stop with the pokémon talk bwhdjhwjs i miss my nds hwjshws those were the good times
san put wreaths on jongho and juliet’s heads 🥺🥺🥺
wooyoung: [does a double take] oh you two look pretty 🥰
juliet: really? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
yes bby u look like an angel 😔
hongjoong: [complaining about how wooyoung wrote his initials as ‘hg’ instead of ‘hj’ on the ornament]
wooyoung: [too busy taking photos of jongliet to care]
wooyoung give us the pics 😠😠😠
meanwhile poor hwa was struggling to put the star on top of the tree :(((
juliet: [finally notices] oppa, u good? 😟😟
seonghwa: [gives up]
juliet: it’s okay we can just put u up there since ur a star 🥰🥰🥰
... okay anywAYS!!
everyone minus sangjongliet: [busy decorating the tree]
yeosang: [filming jongliet singing to santa tell me] why aren’t you two helping though 🤨
juliet: we’re working hard to give you a quality performance wtf do u mean we’re not helping >:(
save yeosang
smh not ateez complaining when they were being serenaded by the 4th gen vocal legends 🙄🤚
when seonghwa made the ornament his earring though 🥺🥺
juliet: ur so pretty!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
wooyoung: [exposing hongjoong for ordering him to get his meal ready]
wooyoung: that was the first time someone treated me like this. it was attractive
juliet: 👁👄👁 should you be saying that on live
that’s rich coming from her when she’s literally the same person who tweeted “no feet pics” 🙄🙄
okay let’s get into the ✨great butt debate✨
for the record, juliet is team ‘one butt’
seonghwa: of course it’s two
jongliet were judging him so hard 😭😭😭😭
juliet: is that your way of saying we’re full of shit
yunho: [starts gesturing butt cheeks with his hands] 😭😭😭😭😭
ateez: 😃⁉️ HANDS DOWN WTF
yeosang: i’ll draw and explain :DDDDD
ateez: ⁉️‼️❗️⁉️‼️⁉️NO DON’T PLS NO WE LITERALLY JUST SAID— ⁉️‼️❗️⁉️‼️
meanwhile she was really going at seonghwa
yeosang: we have two nostrils but one nose right? so we have the left and right cheeks but only one butt
juliet, to woosan: why are you two disagreeing??????? he’s literally right?????????????
sangliet intellectuals 😔✨
team ‘one butt’: yeo, joong, yunho, jongho, juliet
team ‘two butts’: hwa, woo, san
juliet: [scoots away from san] the three of you can pack your bags bc i refuse to be in a group with people who think we have two butts 😃🔪
she’s kidding 😔😔 she loves the three of them with her whole being but she absolutely disagrees with them in this situation
hongjoong: does a straw have one or two holes
ateez: [panics]
ah shit here we go again—
jongho: of course two??????
yeah that was the day juliet lost all faith in humanity
she was this 🤏 close to leaving ateez 💀
yeah rip jusan and jongliet <///3
wooyoung: if it’s one hole it wouldn’t be open all the way 😠
yunho: it’s one hole BECAUSE it’s open all the way
“yunho-oppa i love you so much yes king!!!!”
a very offended wooyoung: JULIE YOU THINK THERE’S ONE HOLE????
juliet: people cut holes in mountains to build tunnels going through them right? but people don’t call it cutting two holes through a mountain to build a tunnel, they call it cutting one hole
get it?? bc he’s san aka mountain??? 💀
papa joong to the rescue
hongjoong: yah yah minyoung it’s just a friendly discussion don’t get mad don’t get mad
wooyoung: ur cute when ur frustrated 🥰
“well then i’m about to get really adorable 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀”
is it that serious 😭😭😭😭
hongjoong: here it says that according to the national institute of korean language we have one butt
team one butt: WOOOOOO PARTAYYYYY 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
san: you know why it’s one butt? bc 9 makes 1 team. we’re a butt
hwa: in my heart it’s still two butts 😞
juliet: gtfo 😀😀😀
rip hwaliet </3
san: my father calls me his heart, you know?
so the term he used can refer to either ‘heart’ or ‘chest’ 🤡 so this happened...
yunwoo: DO WE HAVE ONE OR TWO CHESTS ?!^*??¥>^*^
juliet: T W O
so what did we learn today? juliet is team one butt and team one hole 💅🏻 it’s okay if you disagree so don’t worry she’ll still love you :3
different story with her members though 💀
even after the vlive ended she was still debating with the others 💀💀💀💀💀
she probably texted felix, somi, ryujin and the two chans that night asking them “one butt or two butts? one hole or two holes? give the wrong answer to break the friendship ❤️”
them: 😟😟😟😟
don’t worry, she was only half-serious 😔
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a/n: fully on the same train as juliet ahjwhsjw tbh i thought a long time about the straw dilemma but then i thought of the tunnel-mountain analogy and now i’m fully on board with the ‘a straw has one hole’ train 🚂 as always please leave feedback and chat with me!!! 🥺❤️ i’d love to hear about your take on the butt and straw debate hajshajsjak 💀
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susiecarter · 2 years
Hi Susie! I love your writing :D Just thought I would check how you operate in terms of interacting in fandom in discussion about your work? I get the sense you don't answer many asks on here but you do engage enthusiastically in the comments on your Ao3 postings. What personally do you get most excited about when someone wants to reach out somehow?
/o\ :DDDDD That's very kind of you, anon! And rest assured I am very excited about ANY way anyone would like to reach out to me, but I am definitely the best (like, relatively speaking :'D but) at keeping up with comments, for sure—if you'd like a response within a reasonable timeframe, that's your best bet! I love and appreciate asks enormously, but it often takes me a while to round up enough time to really sit down and think through my responses ... and I also have a huge backlog to work through :'D though I'm going to be trying to set up a schedule for myself that will help me answer them more consistently going forward. pray for me
Anyway! If you don't have an AO3 account or would like to remain anon, I always leave anon comments turned on over there, and you definitely shouldn't feel any obligation to comment on the content of a specific story first—if you just want to leave me a note or ask a general question, feel free to pick any fic and go for it! BUT I also do have a Dreamwidth with a pinned post where you can leave anon comments, if you like (I haven't used that account for much except very slowly storing backdated asks and my answers, in case Tumblr ever kicks the bucket! But I'll get an email alert about any comments over there). And if you've got anything you want to talk to me about in a space more private than the comment section on the AO3/a public DW post, by all means send me an email (susie.c.carter (at) gmail.com) or DM me on Discord (susie#1557, and I have friending open over there, so you don't need to share any servers with me or anything to send me a friend request). Whatever works the best for you is great!
But yeah, AO3 comments are the one thing I swore to myself I'd try not to let slide, even when I'm too busy or too tired to message people/chat/get my brain in order to compose an email or write up an answer to an ask, so—I will be equally thrilled to hear from you no matter how you'd like to get in touch, but I'm the most reliable about AO3! (... Which, again, this is on a scale from "none reliable, godawful flake" to "pretty good about sticking to a week or less most of the time", not to "genuinely good and dependable". For the record. /o\)
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
okay so I had a lil plot bunny for wander home I thought id share.
so I know that we don't really know how dean turned up at johns, I think you made a passing comment about him being left there but you said you hadn't really thought about it. I was thinking about wander home (as one is wont to do when ignoring any and all other responsibilities) and i had a little thought. so I'm thinking this is way in the future when sam is like 17/18, he's going through all the teenage angst and hes having thoughts about bio family. obviously, dean and cas are very happy at this point but sam for some reason gets it into his head that since he and dean aren't *actually* biologically related, their relationship means less and he starts obsessing over deans actual family and whether they could give him things sam couldn't (I think this would tie into a lot of guilt im sure sam has about his inaction during their childhood at johns even tho he was a literal child) and it's this whole guilt thing of whether or not dean has a better sam out there and how sam used him and all such guilt. so anyways, 17/18 sam is I imagine still doing his lessons with the pastor, perhaps he's been promoted to apprentice or whatever, and he decides to use his almost adulthood to try and track down deans bio family. I think he does this to get answers, solving the mystery of deans past (bc deans been with him entire life) but also to prove to himself whether he is actually keeping dean from a better life (o the teen angst) and maybe reunite them. so adventure commences, I imagine him searching through any records he can get his hands on (not many) and maybe lying to cas and dean and saying he's been send on an errand by the pastor and he goes back to John's inn to search for information. anyways after that all happens idk if it would be better for him to find out the truth or not, I can picture multiple endings that would work out differently which I can also add on later if you want but the ending point would be sam realising that dean IS his brother and they ARE enough and 'family don't end in blood' and all that jazz and he returns to the inn and maybe he tells them maybe he doesn't but either way he comes back a lot happier and dean and cas are like 🤨🤨 but they're happy he's seemed to come out of his funk and welcome him back with open arms and make a fuss out of him and sams like :]]]]
ohhhh noooooo this is wonderful!!!!!!! poor sammy :( having all the survivors guilt come back and blaming himself for things that were SO totally out of his control (sam: i didn’t lift a finger to help him ;~; ! dean cas bobby eileen pastor murphy literally everyone else they know: you were literally like 7 what the fuck were u supposed to do???) (also he DID lift a finger to help he always tried to help and risked his dad’s wrath for it, from the time he was like 3 years old ;~;)
anyway anyway. Sam goes Searching, maybe he has to confront john again to get the answers he wants (if john is even still alive idk. regardless i dont think he’d have his inn anymore lol not w/o dean and sam to do all the work. hes probably in debtors prison or whatever.) and yeah theres def no record of what happened to get dean into john’s hands. i think i mentioned in the outside that dean has a vague memory of being pulled away from his parents while crying ;~; but yeah they sold him to john. but like its the middle ages it wasnt like formal there was no paperwork. there is no record. but! maybe sam finds out where john is through the records he can access thru pastor murphy. maybe like he sees that john had been arrested and is in some prison, so he knows where to find him. maybe they only let him in because he can be like Look I’m Important I Work With Pastor Murphy or whatever. so they let him in ans he confronts john and gets to cathartically shout at him/punch him in the face/force him to tell him where he got dean and everything he knows about dean’s parents.
so he uses this information and finally tracks down dean’s parents. and! they suck! like theyre not EVIL per say. not like john. but they still sold dean to a creep who didnt make an effort to hide how he was gonna treat dean. and theyre...really not remorseful when sam is like hey i know ur long lost kid. the dude u sold him to turned him into a child prostitute. and theyre like well thats not OUR fault! like theyre really defensive and pissy and dont have any interest in meeting dean or even hearing about him. they just want to be left to their lives.
so for a while sam is super devestated about this. i think he kind of built up this whole thing in his head where he would find dean’s family and they’d be wonderful and better than sam and sam would reunite them, thus finally making dean permanently happy and making up for the imagined guilt he carries around bc of their childhoods.
(maybe this whole thing started bc while dean has generally become very happy with his life hes still fucked up, maybe he got into a depressive funk and had like a panicked breakdown like he hadn’t in years, and sam was like whoa. this is my fault and dean still isnt actually happy i guess. maybe if i can find his Perfect Other Family he’ll be happy)
so sam makes his way home all :( sad and depressed and feeling like he failed. and then! when he gets home! he comes in and he sees :) dean being happy :) (dean and cas weren’t worried about sam being gone bc they knew he was traveling, tho they didnt know the real reason). and dean is like smiling and laughing while baking bread with cas and sam is like.... :o and then dean sees sam! and hes like :DDDDD SAMMY YOU’RE BACK!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! and he runs over and gives sam a big hug and lifts him into the air even tho sam is giant at this point. and sam is like. oh. OH. he has a good family already. cas is his family. and i am his family. and we do make him happy. even if his parents were good he wouldnt want to go live with them or whatever bc he already has a happy family and home here <3 ;~; ;~; ;~;
and he doesnt tell dean where he really was or what he was doing or about his biological family bc it literally doesnt matter at all <3 <3 <3 ;~; <3 :)
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biscuit-drivels · 4 years
I have been tagged by the dearest @oh-violette ♥ (ahh also, in my drafts there is a song list that is like 8/10 complete... but I have many things in my drafts, so it is deeply buried under drawing references :DDDD maybe in the future I will try to fish it out :DDDD you are my most loyal mutual, always liking my personal rants, so I feel bad :DDDD I didn’t forget :*** :DDDD) and the cutest @nostalgiaiscool ♥ to complete one of these “put your music on shuffle and write down XY songs” tags :DDDDDDD One tag requested 10 songs, the other one had 20, but knowing myself, even a list of 20 songs was hard :DDDDDD 30 would straight up kill me. So I decided to combine the 2 tags into one. 
Thank you, girls, I tried to go with the weird quirky shit so you can have fun listening if you feel like it :DDDDDDDDD I could be even weirder if I wanted (my summer spent listening to German musicals, I am looking at you :DDDDDDDD), but I mercifully decided to spare you of that :**
Aurora - The Seed
Ivy Levan - Biscuit (let’s spice it up kids :DDDDDDDDDD)
Dorothy - Raise Hell
Family of the Year - Hero
Kae Sun - Ship and the Globe
Manu Chao - Me Gustas Tu
Aurora - Running with the Wolves
Gin Wigmore - Kill Of The Night
Bereczki Zoltán - Kerek egész (if someone got to this point, I think they already gave up. So it means I can already start writing weird shit :DDDDDDDDD Here, some Hungarian hit song from 10 years ago because why not :DDDDDDDDD)
Teik Arô - Acid Resurrection Pt 2 (from the nuns smoking weed vid :DDDDDDDDD The funniest thing was the time when I was recording a voicemail while listening to it and my classmate thought I was at some techno party :DDDDDDDDD)
Billie Eilish - No Time To Die
FKA twigs - Cellophane
Ailee - Mind Your Own Business
John Park - U
Kristína - Ta Ne (quite an oldie by now, a Slovak song from 2015, but those leeegs, oh mammaaa :DDDDDDD I could look at her pretty face all day long)
Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex (amazing group namee, fuuck :DDDDDDDDD why didn’t I think of it before them)
Rayelle - Whatcha Waiting For?
The Score - Who I Am 
Lara Fabian - Je T’aime And now the interesting part... who to tag neeext :DDDDD I will probably go for the people I usually reblog my music from. Do a 10 or a 20 songs long list, you can pick ♥! No pressure :DDDD @shyandplump, @forwaard, @clios-purls, @lennuieternel, @ofallingstar, @lamemoirepoetique, @eleusinian-kitten and @theophan-o (kiddo, I know your blog is more of a fan blog, but you can always message me your list privately :DDDD I am curious... what do you listen to while working? :DDDDD and please, I know you are a nostalgic Slavic soul, but for my sake, throw in there something cheerful too, pretty please ♥)
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teatitty · 5 years
i was rereading the hc and you mentioned you could talk more about why the speedforce remembered barry, specifically, so!!! why did the speedforce remember barry, specifically?!??!?!!! :DDDDD
The speedforce is a multidimensional plane of existence that pushes the multiverse forwards (which is why I laugh whenever a villain says they’re gonna kill it off; bro you’ll kill the whole multiverse that way) which also means that it exists in every timeline. Including all the timelines that DC has retconned, even the timeline where Barry snapped Thawne’s neck. 
When a speedster dies, they enter the Speedforce - it’s like their own personal valhalla - and when there, it absorbs all their experiences and memories, storing them like a “cinematic record” which is why Barry could see his own past when he entered the speedforce in Flash 2011. 
But how could it have his memories when he hasn’t died yet?
Simple! Barry may not have died in this timeline but he has done in previous ones, and that’s how the Speedforce remembers him! Because Barry’s origins are practically the same all across the board, with only slight variations, he thought he was seeing “his own” memories when in actuality he was seeing the memories of “other” Barry Allen’s from different timelines!
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Timeline - Post Sochi So Far…
I just repost timeline of @balletfever89-deactivated201902 
********************** 2014 ********************
(Feb. 24) — Moscow Gala
(March 3) —RBC press conference as well
(March 3 ) — RBC Learn to Skate Event (w/ PChiddy and kids)
(March 4 ) — Co hosted Morning Show  — Breakfast Television interview
(March 4) — CP24 Interview with Stephanie
(March 8) —Hockey Game (Leafs) w/ fellow Olympians
(March 12) — Taping Strombo
(March 12? around this time) —Visited a Skating Club
(March 13) — ET Canada
(March 14) —Off the Record
(March 14) — KISS 92.5
(March 20) —Hockey Game Senators
(March 22) —Women’s Lifestyle
(April 5) – Tessa and Scott celebrate medals at his grandparents’ house and attend a Detroit Wings game (Sheri Cara Charlie Sheri’s bf)
** Stars on Ice Japan Tour** (April 11 - 20) but they were there earlier
** Stars on Ice Canada Tour ** (April 25th - May 15th)
(May 16) PWC event on Tessa’s birthday—Scott attends Hockey game (drama)
(May 21st) —Puck Drop — London Knights game
(May 22) —50 Most beautiful Gala (Tessa)
(May 22) —Heroes’ Hockey Challenge in Edmonton (Scott)
(May 25) —Toronto Blue Jays game ( first pitch)
(May 27th) — Office warming (apparently they were guest speakers)
(May 29)—Quebec SC (ACGM) event — Scott stayed for a couple more days after
(June 2) —Post Olympic Excellence Series (just Scott)
(June 4)—Conference / BBQ/ Parliament / St. Gregory Catholic School in Ottawa
(June 6)—Champions Parade in Calgary - Gala + Twitter takeover
**********VACATION BREAK*************************************************
—Scott spotted at hospital (twitter)
(June 23)—Mark Lowry Memorial Drive for the Podium Gold Tournament (Scott with Patrick) —- FIRST OFFICIAL SCOTT APPEARANCE
—Scott attends wedding
(July 5) — Tessa and Scott attend Calgary Stampede — FIRST OFFICIAL TESSA APPEARANCE
(July 11) — Tessa’s FIRST tweet *******
(July 12) — FC London Soccer Game (just Tessa)
(July 13) — Virtue & Moir 2nd Annual Golf Classic
(July 15-16) — Skating Seminar (Scott and Tessa)
**Artistry on Ice China Tour** : Beijing 7/25—Shanghai 7/27 —Guangzhou 8/1—Taipei 8/3
(August 5) — Lucan Skating Club in ilderton (just Scott)
(August 6) — Rogers Cup in Toronto #Lindt (Scott and Tessa)
(August 8) — John Legend Concert in Toronto (just Tessa)
(August 10) — Rogers Cup Men’s Final (Tessa and Mom) - Prairie Jam festival in Winnipeg (just Scott w/ KLawes)
(August 12) — Tessa Virtue ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram Video)
(August 13) — Scott’s FIRST tweet ******* and responds to Tessa’s Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram) in Ilderton
(August 16) — Tessa attends Jeffrey Buttle’s Wedding (Toronto) along with Katelyn and Joannie :)..and Scott??
(August 18) — CP Women’s Golf Open — Tessa and Mr. Moir as “caddie” extraordinaire ;)
(August 19) — Scott and Tessa spotted in Saskatoon
(August 20) — Mike Babcock Fore Prostrate Golf event (Scott and Tessa)
(August 23) — Tessa attends a Bachelorette party while Scott is spotted with Patrick golfing.
(Aug. 28 - Sept. 1-2) — Tessa vacations in Alberta, Canada while Scott is spotted in Niagara with KLawes
(September 2) SCOTT’s 27th BIRTHDAY!!! 
(September 3 -4) — Tessa attends TIFF along with Ryan Semple and Elisha Cuthbert
(September 4) — Scott attends Skate Canada High performance camp and Tessa attends Wicked performance in Toronto
(September 5) — Tessa attends Skate Canada High performance camp (with Scott??) and then has a girls’ night with Elisha Cuthbert
(September 6) — Scott and Tessa spotted at a wedding in Toronto
(September 8) — Tessa “back to school” tweet
(September 9) — Tessa attends Bill Volk Golf tournament (right to play)
(September 11) — Tessa attends Lorde concert at Folkfest in Ottawa (with Ryan Semple)
(September 17) — Tessa and Scott film CanSkate video for Skate Canada in London, Ontario sportscenter
(September 22-23) — Radio interviews (Scott & Tessa ) announcing their plans for the 2014-15 season
(September 26) — Tessa attends Yoga class
(September 26-28) — Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair
(October 1) — Scott and Tessa — attend TWIINS event concussion research — Toronto Rehab Center
(October 3) — Tessa attends LetsBond event in Montreal
(October 6) — Scott — 2nd Annual Evening of Great Canadian Conversations
(October 10) — Tessa — photo shoot Real Style fashion
(October 15) — Scott TWEETS AGAIN!!! :DDDDD
(October 16) — Scott — Celebrity Men’s Fashion Show
(October 17) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Ottawa, Ontario
(October 22) — Tessa — Fashion Blows (Toronto)
(October 27) — Scott and Tessa — IVEY business school speech
(October 30) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Victoria) they are the MCs for the event
(October 31 - Nov 2) — Scott and Tessa — Skate Canada 2014 (commentators)
(November 8) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Cookstown,Ontario
(November 12) Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Toronto) they are the MCs for the event
(November 15) — Scott and Tessa — TEDxYouth talk
(November 17) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Ottawa)
(November 18-21) — Scott and Tessa — Training with Sam (Montreal)
(November 21) — Scott and Tessa — LIMITLESS2014 Gala (Toronto)
(November 24) — Scott and Tessa — Acura West photo shoot (London)
(November 25) — Scott and Tessa —IIderton Skating club (morning) + Raonic Race for Kids (evening - Toronto)
(December 5 & 7) — *** Holiday on Ice Festival ***
(December 8 — 9) — Scott & Tessa in Montreal (with Marie France and Patrice) and friends
(December 17 - 19) — Scott & Tessa — Training with Sean Chessman for Art on Ice (Calgary, Alberta)
(December 28) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(Dec 30 - Jan 2) — Tessa spotted in Vancouver for New Years
********************** 2015 ********************
(January 3) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 4) — Scott & Tessa - *late night* Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 10 - 18) — SOI Japan
(January 22 - 23) —- Scott & Tessa — Cdn. Nationals (Kingston, ON)
(January 24) — Scott is groomsman at wedding
(January 27) — Scott & Tessa — FFWD Advertising Week (Toronto)
(January 30) — Skate Niagara Ice Show
(February 1 - 14) — Art On Ice
(February 19) – Tessa at beach and Scott at Scotties
(February 25) – Tessa in Toronto
(Feb 26-March 6) – Tessa in L.A. for SOI costume fitting
(March 8) – Tessa attends Western University Rowing Gala as a guest speaker
(March 11) – Scott visits special olympics athletes :)
(March 18) – Scott and Tessa (separate cities) radio interview with 570 News
(March 18-22) – Scott attends the curling Worlds Championships (Sapporo, Japan)
(March 20) – Tessa spotted with her girlies at her friend’s chalet (Ontario)
(March 23) – Tessa attends Pink Tartan Fashion Show (Toronto)
(March 24) – Tessa in a photo shoot (Toronto)
(March 25) — OWL Dinner in Waterloo (keynote speech for the Lauriel Golden Hawks)
(March 26) – Tessa attends Hilary McMilan Fashion Show with Elisha Cuthbert and sister (Toronto)
(March 28) – Scott attends heroes hockey game with Kaitlyn and Tessa attends fashion show (Toronto)
(April 7-8) – Tessa in Ottawa // Scott seen with KLawes in St. Marys
(April 9) – Tessa & Scott rink practice
(sometime in this month of April) – Tessa skates at Canadian Ice Academy (Missisauga, Ontario)
(April 18) — Silver Blades Skating Club Ice Show (Corner Brook, NL)
(April 19) — Sparkling Blades Skating Club Ice Skating Gala (Windsor)
(April 21-25) — Stars on Ice cast train (Minden Hills)
(May 1 — May 21) — SOI Canada : Halifax / Ottawa / Montreal / Toronto / Hamilton / London / Winnipeg / Regina / Edmonton / Calgary / Victoria / Vancouver
********** (May 6) – MANIFESTO SPORT announces Tessa ************
(May 17) – Tessa’s 26th Birthday
(May 20) – Lindt Master Class (Richmond, B.C.)
(May 25) – Tessa attends a close friend’s wedding :)
(May 30) – Tessa on shopping network (Hillberg and Berk)
(June 1) – Tessa photo shoot for H&B (Toronto)
(June 8 - 22) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates — Scotland Trip
(June 23 - July 3 ) – Tessa vacations with family (London, England)
(July 7) – Lindt Master Class (London, ON)
(July 9) – Lindt Master Class (Toronto, ON)
(July 11) – Scott at Lucan Memorial Golf Tournament (Hamilton)
(July 14) – Lindt Master Class  (Halifax, N.S.)
(July 15) – Lindt Master Class (Ottawa, ON)
(July 17) – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Event (Sault St. Marie)
(July 20) –Tessa hangs out during PanAm games (Toronto)
(July 21) – Tessa and Scott attend at beach volleyball game PanAm (Toronto)
(July 23) – Lindt Master Class (Edmonton, AB)
(July 24) – Tessa and Scott – Mike Babcock One Voice Fundraiser Dinner and Dance (Saskatoon)
(July 31) – Ice Show (Beijing, China) (went to see Wall of China)
(August 16) – Tessa attends Rogers Cup in Toronto
(August 21 - September 7) – CNE Skating Show
(August 22) – Tessa and Scott – CP24 Breakfast Interview
(August 24) – Tessa and Scott (Ms Miku and Kaitlyn) – Soul in the City (Casa Loma, Toronto)
(August 25) – Tessa and Scott – dinner with Mike Babcock
(August 26) – Scott attends Chris Mabee’s bday celebration with Kaitlyn
(August 28) – Tessa and Scott – attend a Blue Jays game
(August 29) – Tessa and Scott – Spirit of the West concert (Jackson Triggs Winery, Niagara)
(August 31) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game
(September 1) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game and Tessa celebrates Jeff’s birthday
(September 2) – Scott’s 28th Birthday
(September 4) – Tessa attends Zac Brown Band concert
///Sept. 7th//// END OF CNE
(Sept. 9) – Tessa attends TIFF Soiree (Toronto)
(September 13) – Virtue & Moir 3rd Annual Golf Classic
(September 15) – Tessa attends Bill Volk Celebration Golf Classic (Caledon Village, Ontario)
(September 16/17/18) – Tessa takes over H&B Instagram takeover
(September 18) – Tessa SnapChat takeover for Hillberg and Berk and LIVE on the Shopping Channel (Toronto)
(September 19) – Scott attends family wedding (Ilderton, Ontario)
(September 21) – Tessa and Scott – Lindt Masters Golf tournament (Halton Hills, Ontario)
(October 2) – Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair (judges an event?)
(October 6) – Scott spotted at Starbucks (London, Ontario) - TV x HB breakfast “sneak peek” (Distillery District, Toronto) - Tessa attends Madonna concert
(October 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto and attend the Maple Leafs’ first game of the season (Toronto, Ontario) (+) flashmob
(October 8) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Blue Jays game (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 9) – Tessa says that her and Scott also took part in a flash mob this week (she posted on the 10th a sneak peek of a collab project with The Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. which she worked on the 9th)
(October 11 - 12) celebrating Thanksgiving
(October 14) – TV x HB Launch at Cornwall Center (Regina, Saskatoon)
(October 15) – Scott night out at bar (London, Ontario)
(October 16) – TV x HB Launch at Kingsway Mall with meet and greet (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 17) – TV x HB Launch (skating & meet and greet) at West Edmonton Mall  (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 19) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in the dance studio (Montreal, Quebec)
(October 20) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in ice rink arena (Arena Sylvio Mantha, Montreal)
(October 22) – Scott attends Celebrity Men Fashion Show (London, Ontario)
Tessa attends The Great Jewelry Heist and Rudsak Premiere (Toronto Fashion Week)
(October 23) Tessa does photo shoot (Adidas?) (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 26) Late Night Tessa styling at Saffron Road (London, Ontario)
(October 27) – BBB Wes.Ont. Business Integrity Awards (London, Ontario) (+) and Taste of Gold - GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
(October 28) – Tessa and Scott spotted at rink (Exeter, Ontario)
(October 29) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating at a community center (London, Ontario) – Halloween themed photo shoot series released from the Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. collaboration
(November 3) – Tessa films for Ice Girls Movie (Sudbury, Ontario)
(November 5) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Toronto, Ontario)  -Scott attends concert at bar in London
(November 7) – Tessa shoots stuff for Paper Crown
(November 9) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Ottawa)
(November 11) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Ilderton Skating Club (+) travel to St. John’s
(November 12) – Tessa and Scott visit a school for Kid Sport (+) Tessa and Scott MCs at Gold Medal Plates (St. John’s, NF)
(November 17) – Tessa goes to gym and decorates the house (London, Ontario)
(November 20) – Tessa and Scott Gold Medal Plates (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
(November 21) – Tessa and Scott Road to the Olympics CBC Sports (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 22) – Tessa and Scott shoot for CBC Sports at the Toronto Cricket Club (Toronto, Ontario)  -  Tessa shot stuff for Gaming Show IMPG
(November 23) – Tessa photo shoot at home for GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
Tessa and Scott midnight practice for Holiday Festival on Ice (Ilderton, Ontario)
(November 24) – Tessa attends AnaGolja collab with DDMCosmetics launch party (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 25) – Tessa is spotted at Union Square Train Station in Toronto (dance party on the train)
(November 27) – Tessa picked out new car at Acura West (London, Ontario)
(November 28) – Tessa attends the National Ballet’s “Romeo and Juliet”  (Toronto, Ontario)
(December 1) – Tessa  and Scott have dinner with couple from GMP Scotland (St. John’s, NF)
(December 2) – Holiday Festival on Ice (St. John’s, NF)
(December 4) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Summerside, Prince Edward Island)
(December 5) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Kingston, Ontario)
(December 6) – First Dub Mash videos!!!
(December 9) – Tessa attends Olympic Excellence talk (Toronto)
(December 10) – Tessa attends dinner/art show with friends (Toronto)
(December 11) – Tessa attends dinner with friends (Toronto)
(December 12) – Tessa and Scott – CBC Road to the Olympics GPF coverage (+) GMP wrap party (Toronto)
(December 14) – Tessa and Scott begin to create new programs
(December 15) – Tessa and Scott with D/L and David Wilson (The Sports Village, Vaughn) (+) Toronto Maple Leafs Game
(December 16) – Tessa and Scott – Night Out with MF//Miss Miku and Husband
(December 17-18) – Last Day in Toronto
(December 18) – behind the scenes video released of their new Ex
(December 19) – Scott at Wedding (Paris, Ontario)
(December 21) – Tessa hangs out with friends (London, Ontario)
(December 22) – Scott spotted at Joe Kool’s (London, Ontario)
(December 24 – 25) – Holidays with Family
(December 26) – Off to Japan
(December 28) – Medalists on Ice (Sapporo, Japan)
(December 29) – Tessa hangs out with her girlfriends (will be a bridesmaid) (London, Ontario)
********************** 2016 ********************
(January 2) – Tessa plays a canon doll for the Nutcracker (Toronto, On)
(January 6) – Tessa and Scott team bonding play hockey (Komoka, On)
(January 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating (YMCA in Komoka,On)
(January 13) – Tessa at Sorry Coffee Co. (Toronto, On)
(January 14) – Tessa and Scott spotted at a restaurant coming back from skating (Cambridge, On)
(January 16) – Tessa goes bride’s dress shopping with friend (+) dinner with family   -  Scott tweets again and is spotted at Junior Canadians hockey game in Lucan
(January 20) – Tessa and Scott travel to Halifax
(January 21) – filmed bits for TSN
(January 22) – CTV Morning Show
(January 23 - 24) – Canadian Nationals
(January 27) – Tessa and Scott support BellLetsTalk on Twitter
(January 30) – Tessa and Scott at a see-saw (Montreal)
(January 31) – Tessa at a spa (Montreal)
(February 2) – Tessa and Scott hip hop workshop
(February 3) – Tessa and Scott creating new Ex with Sam Chouinard
Tessa and Scott Habs game (Montreal)
(February 7) – Tessa at home (London)
(February 10) – Tessa and Scott at a rink (Toronto)
Scott out to dinner with Brian Orser and Marie France
(February 11) – Tessa out to dinner with the Hair Gypsy and friends
(February 14) – Tessa and Scott eat at Evviva Restaurant (Vaughn/Toronto)
(February 15) – Tessa and Scott filming/photo-shoot (The Sports Village, Vaughn)
(February 19) – Video shoot with Natalie Robinson and OPC Productions (Toronto)
98 notes · View notes
virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-Sochi Timeline #01
********************** 2014 ********************
(Feb. 24) — Moscow Gala
(March 3) —RBC press conference as well
(March 3 ) — RBC Learn to Skate Event (w/ PChiddy and kids)
(March 4 ) — Co hosted Morning Show  — Breakfast Television interview
(March 4) — CP24 Interview with Stephanie
(March 8) —Hockey Game (Leafs) w/ fellow Olympians
(March 12) — Taping Strombo
(March 12? around this time) —Visited a Skating Club
(March 13) — ET Canada
(March 14) —Off the Record
(March 14) — KISS 92.5
(March 20) —Hockey Game Senators
(March 22) —Women’s Lifestyle
(April 5) – Tessa and Scott celebrate medals at his grandparents’ house and attend a Detroit Wings game (Sheri Cara Charlie Sheri’s bf)
** Stars on Ice Japan Tour** (April 11 - 20) but they were there earlier
** Stars on Ice Canada Tour ** (April 25th - May 15th)
(May 16) PWC event on Tessa’s birthday—Scott attends Hockey game (drama)
(May 21st) —Puck Drop — London Knights game
(May 22) —50 Most beautiful Gala (Tessa)
(May 22) —Heroes’ Hockey Challenge in Edmonton (Scott)
(May 25) —Toronto Blue Jays game ( first pitch)
(May 27th) — Office warming (apparently they were guest speakers)
(May 29)—Quebec SC (ACGM) event — Scott stayed for a couple more days after
(June 2) —Post Olympic Excellence Series (just Scott)
(June 4)—Conference / BBQ/ Parliament / St. Gregory Catholic School in Ottawa
(June 6)—Champions Parade in Calgary - Gala + Twitter takeover
**********VACATION BREAK*************************************************
—Scott spotted at hospital (twitter)
(June 23)—Mark Lowry Memorial Drive for the Podium Gold Tournament (Scott with Patrick) —- FIRST OFFICIAL SCOTT APPEARANCE
—Scott attends wedding
(July 5) — Tessa and Scott attend Calgary Stampede — FIRST OFFICIAL TESSA APPEARANCE
(July 11) — Tessa’s FIRST tweet *******
(July 12) — FC London Soccer Game (just Tessa)
(July 13) — Virtue & Moir 2nd Annual Golf Classic
(July 15-16) — Skating Seminar (Scott and Tessa)
**Artistry on Ice China Tour** : Beijing 7/25—Shanghai 7/27 —Guangzhou 8/1—Taipei 8/3
(August 5) — Lucan Skating Club in ilderton (just Scott)
(August 6) — Rogers Cup in Toronto #Lindt (Scott and Tessa)
(August 8) — John Legend Concert in Toronto (just Tessa)
(August 10) — Rogers Cup Men’s Final (Tessa and Mom) - Prairie Jam festival in Winnipeg (just Scott w/ KLawes)
(August 12) — Tessa Virtue ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram Video)
(August 13) — Scott’s FIRST tweet ******* and responds to Tessa’s Ice Bucket Challenge (Instagram) in Ilderton
(August 16) — Tessa attends Jeffrey Buttle’s Wedding (Toronto) along with Katelyn and Joannie :)..and Scott??
(August 18) — CP Women’s Golf Open — Tessa and Mr. Moir as “caddie” extraordinaire ;)
(August 19) — Scott and Tessa spotted in Saskatoon
(August 20) — Mike Babcock Fore Prostrate Golf event (Scott and Tessa)
(August 23) — Tessa attends a Bachelorette party while Scott is spotted with Patrick golfing.
(Aug. 28 - Sept. 1-2) — Tessa vacations in Alberta, Canada while Scott is spotted in Niagara with KLawes
(September 2) SCOTT’s 27th BIRTHDAY!!!
(September 3 -4) — Tessa attends TIFF along with Ryan Semple and Elisha Cuthbert
(September 4) — Scott attends Skate Canada High performance camp and Tessa attends Wicked performance in Toronto
(September 5) — Tessa attends Skate Canada High performance camp (with Scott??) and then has a girls’ night with Elisha Cuthbert
(September 6) — Scott and Tessa spotted at a wedding in Toronto
(September 8) — Tessa “back to school” tweet
(September 9) — Tessa attends Bill Volk Golf tournament (right to play)
(September 11) — Tessa attends Lorde concert at Folkfest in Ottawa (with Ryan Semple)
(September 17) — Tessa and Scott film CanSkate video for Skate Canada in London, Ontario sportscenter
(September 22-23) — Radio interviews (Scott & Tessa ) announcing their plans for the 2014-15 season
(September 26) — Tessa attends Yoga class
(September 26-28) — Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair
(October 1) — Scott and Tessa — attend TWIINS event concussion research — Toronto Rehab Center
(October 3) — Tessa attends LetsBond event in Montreal
(October 6) — Scott — 2nd Annual Evening of Great Canadian Conversations
(October 10) — Tessa — photo shoot Real Style fashion
(October 15) — Scott TWEETS AGAIN!!! :DDDDD
(October 16) — Scott — Celebrity Men’s Fashion Show
(October 17) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Ottawa, Ontario
(October 22) — Tessa — Fashion Blows (Toronto)
(October 27) — Scott and Tessa — IVEY business school speech
(October 30) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Victoria) they are the MCs for the event
(October 31 - Nov 2) — Scott and Tessa — Skate Canada 2014 (commentators)
(November 8) — Scott and Tessa — Tanger Outlets Opening — Cookstown,Ontario
(November 12) Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Toronto) they are the MCs for the event
(November 15) — Scott and Tessa — TEDxYouth talk
(November 17) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates Dinner (Ottawa)
(November 18-21) — Scott and Tessa — Training with Sam (Montreal)
(November 21) — Scott and Tessa — LIMITLESS2014 Gala (Toronto)
(November 24) — Scott and Tessa — Acura West photo shoot (London)
(November 25) — Scott and Tessa —IIderton Skating club (morning) + Raonic Race for Kids (evening - Toronto)
(December 5 & 7) — *** Holiday on Ice Festival ***
(December 8 — 9) — Scott & Tessa in Montreal (with Marie France and Patrice) and friends
(December 17 - 19) — Scott & Tessa — Training with Sean Chessman for Art on Ice (Calgary, Alberta)
(December 28) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(Dec 30 - Jan 2) — Tessa spotted in Vancouver for New Years
********************** 2015 ********************
(January 3) — Scott & Tessa — Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 4) — Scott & Tessa - *late night* Ilderton Skating Club (practice)
(January 10 - 18) — SOI Japan
(January 22 - 23) —- Scott & Tessa — Cdn. Nationals (Kingston, ON)
(January 24) — Scott is groomsman at wedding
(January 27) — Scott & Tessa — FFWD Advertising Week (Toronto)
(January 30) — Skate Niagara Ice Show
(February 1 - 14) — Art On Ice
(February 19) – Tessa at beach and Scott at Scotties
(February 25) – Tessa in Toronto
(Feb 26-March 6) – Tessa in L.A. for SOI costume fitting
(March 8) – Tessa attends Western University Rowing Gala as a guest speaker
(March 11) – Scott visits special olympics athletes :)
(March 18) – Scott and Tessa (separate cities) radio interview with 570 News
(March 18-22) – Scott attends the curling Worlds Championships (Sapporo, Japan)
(March 20) – Tessa spotted with her girlies at her friend’s chalet (Ontario)
(March 23) – Tessa attends Pink Tartan Fashion Show (Toronto)
(March 24) – Tessa in a photo shoot (Toronto)
(March 25) — OWL Dinner in Waterloo (keynote speech for the Lauriel Golden Hawks)
(March 26) – Tessa attends Hilary McMilan Fashion Show with Elisha Cuthbert and sister (Toronto)
(March 28) – Scott attends heroes hockey game with Kaitlyn and Tessa attends fashion show (Toronto)
(April 7-8) – Tessa in Ottawa // Scott seen with KLawes in St. Marys
(April 9) – Tessa & Scott rink practice
(sometime in this month of April) – Tessa skates at Canadian Ice Academy (Missisauga, Ontario)
(April 18) — Silver Blades Skating Club Ice Show (Corner Brook, NL)
(April 19) — Sparkling Blades Skating Club Ice Skating Gala (Windsor)
(April 21-25) — Stars on Ice cast train (Minden Hills)
(May 1 — May 21) — SOI Canada : Halifax / Ottawa / Montreal / Toronto / Hamilton / London / Winnipeg / Regina / Edmonton / Calgary / Victoria / Vancouver
********** (May 6) – MANIFESTO SPORT announces Tessa ************
(May 17) – Tessa’s 26th Birthday
(May 20) – Lindt Master Class (Richmond, B.C.)
(May 25) – Tessa attends a close friend’s wedding :)
(May 30) – Tessa on shopping network (Hillberg and Berk)
(June 1) – Tessa photo shoot for H&B (Toronto)
(June 8 - 22) — Scott and Tessa — Gold Medal Plates — Scotland Trip
(June 23 - July 3 ) – Tessa vacations with family (London, England)
(July 7) – Lindt Master Class (London, ON)
(July 9) – Lindt Master Class (Toronto, ON)
(July 11) – Scott at Lucan Memorial Golf Tournament (Hamilton)
(July 14) – Lindt Master Class  (Halifax, N.S.)
(July 15) – Lindt Master Class (Ottawa, ON)
(July 17) – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Event (Sault St. Marie)
(July 20) –Tessa hangs out during PanAm games (Toronto)
(July 21) – Tessa and Scott attend at beach volleyball game PanAm (Toronto)
(July 23) – Lindt Master Class (Edmonton, AB)
(July 24) – Tessa and Scott – Mike Babcock One Voice Fundraiser Dinner and Dance (Saskatoon)
(July 31) – Ice Show (Beijing, China) (went to see Wall of China)
(August 16) – Tessa attends Rogers Cup in Toronto
(August 21 - September 7) – CNE Skating Show
(August 22) – Tessa and Scott – CP24 Breakfast Interview
(August 24) – Tessa and Scott (Ms Miku and Kaitlyn) – Soul in the City (Casa Loma, Toronto)
(August 25) – Tessa and Scott – dinner with Mike Babcock
(August 26) – Scott attends Chris Mabee’s bday celebration with Kaitlyn
(August 28) – Tessa and Scott – attend a Blue Jays game
(August 29) – Tessa and Scott – Spirit of the West concert (Jackson Triggs Winery, Niagara)
(August 31) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game
(September 1) – Scott spotted at Blue Jays game and Tessa celebrates Jeff’s birthday
(September 2) – Scott’s 28th Birthday
(September 4) – Tessa attends Zac Brown Band concert
///Sept. 7th//// END OF CNE
(Sept. 9) – Tessa attends TIFF Soiree (Toronto)
(September 13) – Virtue & Moir 3rd Annual Golf Classic
(September 15) – Tessa attends Bill Volk Celebration Golf Classic (Caledon Village, Ontario)
(September 16/17/18) – Tessa takes over H&B Instagram takeover
(September 18) – Tessa SnapChat takeover for Hillberg and Berk and LIVE on the Shopping Channel (Toronto)
(September 19) – Scott attends family wedding (Ilderton, Ontario)
(September 21) – Tessa and Scott – Lindt Masters Golf tournament (Halton Hills, Ontario)
(October 2) – Scott attends Ilderton Fall Fair (judges an event?)
(October 6) – Scott spotted at Starbucks (London, Ontario) - TV x HB breakfast “sneak peek” (Distillery District, Toronto) - Tessa attends Madonna concert
(October 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto and attend the Maple Leafs’ first game of the season (Toronto, Ontario) (+) flashmob
(October 8) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Blue Jays game (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 9) – Tessa says that her and Scott also took part in a flash mob this week (she posted on the 10th a sneak peek of a collab project with The Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. which she worked on the 9th)
(October 11 - 12) celebrating Thanksgiving
(October 14) – TV x HB Launch at Cornwall Center (Regina, Saskatoon)
(October 15) – Scott night out at bar (London, Ontario)
(October 16) – TV x HB Launch at Kingsway Mall with meet and greet (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 17) – TV x HB Launch (skating & meet and greet) at West Edmonton Mall  (Edmonton, Alberta)
(October 19) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in the dance studio (Montreal, Quebec)
(October 20) – Tessa and Scott with Sam Chouinard in ice rink arena (Arena Sylvio Mantha, Montreal)
(October 22) – Scott attends Celebrity Men Fashion Show (London, Ontario)
Tessa attends The Great Jewelry Heist and Rudsak Premiere (Toronto Fashion Week)
(October 23) Tessa does photo shoot (Adidas?) (Toronto, Ontario)
(October 26) Late Night Tessa styling at Saffron Road (London, Ontario)
(October 27) – BBB Wes.Ont. Business Integrity Awards (London, Ontario) (+) and Taste of Gold - GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
(October 28) – Tessa and Scott spotted at rink (Exeter, Ontario)
(October 29) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating at a community center (London, Ontario) – Halloween themed photo shoot series released from the Hair Gypsy and Medulla Co. collaboration
(November 3) – Tessa films for Ice Girls Movie (Sudbury, Ontario)
(November 5) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Toronto, Ontario)  -Scott attends concert at bar in London
(November 7) – Tessa shoots stuff for Paper Crown
(November 9) – Tessa attends Gold Medal Plates (Ottawa)
(November 11) – Tessa and Scott spotted at Ilderton Skating Club (+) travel to St. John’s
(November 12) – Tessa and Scott visit a school for Kid Sport (+) Tessa and Scott MCs at Gold Medal Plates (St. John’s, NF)
(November 17) – Tessa goes to gym and decorates the house (London, Ontario)
(November 20) – Tessa and Scott Gold Medal Plates (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
(November 21) – Tessa and Scott Road to the Olympics CBC Sports (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 22) – Tessa and Scott shoot for CBC Sports at the Toronto Cricket Club (Toronto, Ontario)  -  Tessa shot stuff for Gaming Show IMPG
(November 23) – Tessa photo shoot at home for GCW Kitchens (London, Ontario)
Tessa and Scott midnight practice for Holiday Festival on Ice (Ilderton, Ontario)
(November 24) – Tessa attends AnaGolja collab with DDMCosmetics launch party (Toronto, Ontario)
(November 25) – Tessa is spotted at Union Square Train Station in Toronto (dance party on the train)
(November 27) – Tessa picked out new car at Acura West (London, Ontario)
(November 28) – Tessa attends the National Ballet’s “Romeo and Juliet”  (Toronto, Ontario)
(December 1) – Tessa  and Scott have dinner with couple from GMP Scotland (St. John’s, NF)
(December 2) – Holiday Festival on Ice (St. John’s, NF)
(December 4) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Summerside, Prince Edward Island)
(December 5) – Holiday Festival on Ice (Kingston, Ontario)
(December 6) – First Dub Mash videos!!!
(December 9) – Tessa attends Olympic Excellence talk (Toronto)
(December 10) – Tessa attends dinner/art show with friends (Toronto)
(December 11) – Tessa attends dinner with friends (Toronto)
(December 12) – Tessa and Scott – CBC Road to the Olympics GPF coverage (+) GMP wrap party (Toronto)
(December 14) – Tessa and Scott begin to create new programs
(December 15) – Tessa and Scott with D/L and David Wilson (The Sports Village, Vaughn) (+) Toronto Maple Leafs Game
(December 16) – Tessa and Scott – Night Out with MF//Miss Miku and Husband
(December 17-18) – Last Day in Toronto
(December 18) – behind the scenes video released of their new Ex
(December 19) – Scott at Wedding (Paris, Ontario)
(December 21) – Tessa hangs out with friends (London, Ontario)
(December 22) – Scott spotted at Joe Kool’s (London, Ontario)
(December 24 – 25) – Holidays with Family
(December 26) – Off to Japan
(December 28) – Medalists on Ice (Sapporo, Japan)
(December 29) – Tessa hangs out with her girlfriends (will be a bridesmaid) (London, Ontario)
********************** 2016 ********************
(January 2) – Tessa plays a canon doll for the Nutcracker (Toronto, On)
(January 6) – Tessa and Scott team bonding play hockey (Komoka, On)
(January 7) – Tessa and Scott spotted skating (YMCA in Komoka,On)
(January 13) – Tessa at Sorry Coffee Co. (Toronto, On)
(January 14) – Tessa and Scott spotted at a restaurant coming back from skating (Cambridge, On)
(January 16) – Tessa goes bride’s dress shopping with friend (+) dinner with family   -  Scott tweets again and is spotted at Junior Canadians hockey game in Lucan
(January 20) – Tessa and Scott travel to Halifax
(January 21) – filmed bits for TSN
(January 22) – CTV Morning Show
(January 23 - 24) – Canadian Nationals
(January 27) – Tessa and Scott support BellLetsTalk on Twitter
(January 30) – Tessa and Scott at a see-saw (Montreal)
(January 31) – Tessa at a spa (Montreal)
(February 2) – Tessa and Scott hip hop workshop
(February 3) – Tessa and Scott creating new Ex with Sam Chouinard
Tessa and Scott Habs game (Montreal)
(February 7) – Tessa at home (London)
(February 10) – Tessa and Scott at a rink (Toronto)
Scott out to dinner with Brian Orser and Marie France
(February 11) – Tessa out to dinner with the Hair Gypsy and friends
(February 14) – Tessa and Scott eat at Evviva Restaurant (Vaughn/Toronto)
(February 15) – Tessa and Scott filming/photo-shoot (The Sports Village, Vaughn)
(February 19) – Video shoot with Natalie Robinson and OPC Productions (Toronto)
24 notes · View notes