#red Steve
thebeingmerf · 23 days
MerMay 2024 Days 22-30
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Sorry for the lack of description, tumblr seems to hate the longer version.
Be ready for tomorrow ;}
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Professor Red: Whelp, we lost Purple Steve.
Professor Red:
Professor Red: Let's go sell his things.
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pawprint2005 · 23 days
Professor Red! He is one of the oldest Steve that are alive from the time of the fall of the first known Red kingdom!
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With the professor being as old as he is, has to show some sign of being older. So the only things I give him was graying hair and some treats that most Red Steve’s now no longer have. One of them being a longer tail and having more fuff on the cheeks.
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If anything, there is nothing to different. He does not show any signs of his age, he is still in shape with all the work he does with his lab and now that Red Steve’s can leave the kingdom. He is moving around more and looking to find new things that he had never seen before! And he can’t wait to see it.
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Even with the time of his madness being oh so long ago. He has calmed down!……. But not by a lot😅. He can still go to far with his experiments going to far and even hurting some Steve’s, he knows how to stop when told by his new king….
He still has a long way to go but he is trying for those that he cares about in his sick little mind
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He is old. We know this and with that he has last a lot of his older friends to death and from being fathers and fading away that way. With the loss of the old Red king he had become more hard to deal with when it comes caring for himself. His base immortality making him look at what he has done and if it really matters. After the loss of the Past Red King, he become loss in his work before he had to pull himself out of it to deal with the new king and get things better and share what they had learn.
He will met his family and friends one day. But that day is not anytime soon…. Right?
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Somethings that have changed from what Steve’s use to be are able to be soon. He has fangs that are more noticeable than others of his kind with at this time. As well as claws and a longer tail. He all so has red line bags too, they do nothing but they just faded from Red Steve kind. Theses are things that most to all Red Steve’s have lost to time.
Anddddd how old is he?
Who knows?
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Anddd here is the drawing of the silly old man😄👍
Still as crazy as the day he find Sabre or the other day around
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alastyr-not-alastair · 5 months
Red Steves aren’t actually stupid like many people have been lead to believe, they just don’t speak the common tongue generally
The way they tend to communicate is mostly non-verbal. It’s a mixture of body language and sign language that they tend to use in their villages
Plenty of Reds don’t actually meet other colours often enough to know the common language, which is why most of them time when they speak it’s choppy and sounds like someone trying to piece together the only words they know to get their point across
Of course there’s still a lot of Reds who learned common, simply because they were either bored or had to speak to a lot of other colours
Prof Red can speak common not because he’s smarter than others, but rather that he learned it in his free time, figuring it would make his research easier
Likewise, Rainbows Red also learned common at some point, to make it easier for him to talk with the other scientists. After all it would be really difficult for all of them to collaborate and create a whole new being if there was such a large language barrier
Because of the fact that Reds don’t learn to talk with their mouths, they’re one of the few races that can effectively communicate with their young before their young learns to form words with their mouths
They’re far more perceptive as a result as well, but because they’re so used to being able to communicate without words they can get easily angered if their words are misunderstood or misconstrued
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Steve Saga AU where this is Nightmare Steve's origin story:
Yellow Steve: Hey.
Red Steve:
Yellow Steve: Have you ever noticed there aren't any Orange Steves?
Red Steve:
Red Steve: Hey, now that you mentioned it, you're right. There are no Orange Steve. Weird.
Yellow Steve: I know, right?
Yellow Steve:
Yellow Steve: Wanna fuse and see if that creates an Orange Steve?
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brainrot-stitch · 4 months
ok this headcanon i mostly associate with rainbow quest but its for the steve saga too i just dont think abt it as much
so like
headcanon time !!
the steves and their individual colors mainly represent a certain thing yk but a headcanon i thought up that i rlly like is that theres different shades of steves for each color (for example a cyan blue vs a deep like royal blue or navy blue) and they can be based off or have powers associating with different things that has to do with that color...
like in the steve saga blue steves were VERY water based and i LOVE LOVE the blue steves representing spirit in rq but where did the water fellas go..
so this obviously isnt limited to this but heres a few ideas for dif powers or things they represent different colored steves could have !
red- wisdom/knowledge, redstone/electronics/machinery, fire/lava, explosions, possibly war and or bloodshed
orange- creativity, fire/lava, the sun,
yellow (theres no yellow color option sigh)- power, electricity, the sun, light, desert/arid landscapes, sand
green- health/healing, plants, earth, life, calm/peace
blue- spirit (also i feel like spirit based blues could connect with souls that havent passed on and maybe connection indigos too, and like they could try to help settle their spirit.. :3) , water, ice, air, ocean, sky
indigo- connection, empathy, the end/endermen/teleportation/the end city (idk how to describe it??)
violet- love, empathy, heart
indigo and violet (and orange) i have the least on so far bc i ran out of ideas :( sighhh
again its not limited to these just these are the main ideas i had and also i feel like these could make the steves a lot more diverse, even though its probably more confusing
and also this would make it easier to make steve ocs!! speaking of this... (starts running)
ALSO how this would fit with the rq part of the headcanon but i love that the tss purple steves can teleport so i feel like some of the indigo or violet (mainly indigo) would have a connection to the end or like live in the end city or sum omgg i should go add that to the list one sec
ok added silly rant finally over i think time to add tags
i need to make characters so bad sos sososososos losing my mind
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looks at yall like this
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alaritheaurora · 3 months
We're passed the og Steve Era, chaos steve has been defeated, time for shadow Steve.
Here are some designs of the silly guys.
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I like to imagine that instead of using his powers to disguise himself, Dark Steve just wore a wig as Elder Blue Steve. And the big reveal was him just pulling it off and then going behind a curtain and changing clothes.
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minecraftentities · 15 days
Recently I created this community about Entities Of Minecraft and Minecraft Creepypasta myths and lore. Thanks for checking this place out. Sorry that it’s not that good or active, I’m still learning.
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cavedweller1st · 5 months
My friend is watching rq and so now I have someone to talk to about it
They've already gotten attached to the red steve in the beginning :,)
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dragonsjouney · 1 year
Redesign for the Red stev's for the AU-
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jumpin-jack-va · 9 months
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Here's a cute drawing of my Rainbow Quest OCs
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thebeingmerf · 1 month
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Beef [SL] - Giant Squid
Sharp [SL] - Green Swordtail
Dream [SL] - GlowSquid (MineCraft)
Genesis [SL] - Barracuda
Memory [TSS] - Orca / Killer Whale
Gerald [RQ] - Mer-Pig (idk lol)
Professor Red [RQ] - Sockeye Salmon
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(Steve Saga)
Professor Red: Pour cold water in mouth. Add uncooked pasta noodles. Heat water to boiling using the power of your Red Steve rage. Strain out boiling water through teeth while making eye contact with your mortal enemies. Add sauce. Snort parmesan. Kill the gods.
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pawprint2005 · 4 days
The Red King Brothers
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The life of the show and only to the show. :)
Red Steve’s should never have that light of a hair and eye color…. Right?
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(Idk you could only put 10 in one post when it comes to using it on the phone, I can see why with how laggy it is but I will post the other part that was originally 20 parts of this sooo 👍)
When I was making this I did not think about how I would explain how they got there butttt I will soon! Or at some point 👍))
And idk how to use that link thing to another post sooo my bad😅))
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stevestark · 27 days
Eddie survives the Upside Down by sheer force of Steve Harrington's will. He, Robin, and Nancy come upon Dustin sobbing over Eddie's very alarmingly still body, and Steve doesn't even hesitate to heave Eddie over his shoulder and carry him to the gate. He refuses to think about whether or not Eddie is dead and this is pointless — he'll be damned if he doesn't try everything. They manage to get Eddie through and escape themselves before the earth starts ripping itself open, and Steve carefully lays Eddie on the bed in the RV, tearing down the road at an ungodly speed, driving straight for the hospital.
He's so singularly focused on not letting Eddie die that he doesn't remember about Erica, Lucas, and Max until he watches in horror as a gurney carrying Max comes flying through the doors of the emergency room, Lucas and Erica running behind it. The nurses stop the Sinclairs from following her through to the surgical wing, and Steve hurriedly vacates his seat, pulling the two kids into a hug, apologies pouring from his lips. Eventually, he stops babbling, and everyone takes a seat, Steve wincing as he does so.
The bites on his sides still smart, but he can — and will — wait to get seen himself until he hears something about Eddie. When they'd shown up, Steve carrying Eddie bridal style and screaming for help, everyone around them had thought Eddie was dead; after getting him on a gurney, a nurse yelled at everyone to shut up as she pressed a stethoscope to Eddie's chest, and the next thing Steve knew, Eddie was being wheeled away from them to surgery. Dustin had fallen to his knees, appearing to be praying to anything listening, and Steve nearly joined him. Somehow, Eddie was still alive. Steve refused to be seen until he knew that was still the case.
Hours pass before they're allowed in to see Eddie; when they are, it's somehow more horrifying than the moment Steve had found him cradled in Dustin's lap. Eddie is still motionless, but now he's paler, there's what looks like a hundred wires coming out of his body, and a tube is breathing for him. Steve hazily registers the doctors explaining that the blood loss was significant, as were the wounds littering Eddie's body, and that it's going to be a waiting game to see what happens next. He startles when he hears the gentle comment that if Eddie doesn't wake within a week, it's unlikely he ever will; Steve refuses to even consider that as a possibility.
Nancy manages to talk Steve into getting his own bites cleaned and stitched, which turns into taking him home for a shower and a change of clothes; they're still driving the stolen RV, and when Steve pulls back into the hospital parking lot, he hesitates before climbing out. Eddie's denim vest is still sitting on the sofa, bloodstained and ripped all over. Steve digs through the cabinets of the RV until he finds a sewing kit, and brings the vest inside with him.
He carefully washes out as much of the blood as he can in the bathroom sink, and plops into a chair at Eddie's bedside, pulling out red thread and a needle from the sewing kit. Nancy, Robin, and Dustin all exchange looks before simply sitting in silence, watching Steve carefully begin to repair every tear in the fabric.
Eventually, Nancy gets a hold of Wayne Munson, who enters the room, sees Steve hard at work on his project, and doesn't say a word — he just pulls a chair up next to Steve's, claps him on the shoulder, and reaches out to pat Eddie's leg through the hospital blankets. Neither Steve nor Wayne leave their spots other than to use the bathroom, and nobody tries to make them.
Three days into Eddie's hospital stay, the door opens, and Eleven, Jonathan, Will, Mike, and someone Steve doesn't recognize enter the room. Steve looks up, unblinking and on the verge of unseeing, before turning his attention back to the vest; two small hands reach out and cover his, and it's only then that he registers who's standing in front of him. Eleven is looking at him sadly, and hesitates only briefly before she leans forward to hug him.
He grips her tightly, and takes a shaky breath before holding a hand out toward the Byers brothers and Mike, and sooner than anyone can blink, there's a massive huddle of arms enveloping Steve. For the first time since leaving the Upside Down, Steve lets himself cry; nobody comments at it, nobody even acknowledges it — other than Eleven, who gently wipes his face with her sleeves when they finally separate.
More chairs are dragged into the room, and suddenly Eddie is the most popular patient in the hospital — tied with Max, of course, as the group takes shifts between the two rooms. Steve and Wayne are the only permanent fixtures in Eddie's room, just as Lucas and Erica are the only permanent residents with Max.
Steve finishes patching the tears in the vest, but Eddie hasn't woken up yet, so his fingers itch to keep going. He pulls out a spool of white thread, and outlines the jagged stitches he made before, carefully working his way over the entire vest once more. When he finishes that, he grabs black thread, and repeats the process.
He's in a sort of trance as he stitches away, conversations happening around him but sounding like they're miles away. It's not until someone physically stops his hands moving again that he realizes the words are being directed towards him; confused, he looks up and jolts so strongly he nearly tips his chair backwards. The person who stopped him working this time is Jim Hopper, and for the first time since the doctor gave them the stupid timeline, Steve feels hope. If Hopper can come back, Eddie can too. Eddie can too.
On day 6 of Eddie's coma, Steve speaks for the first time, tired eyes looking at Eleven beseechingly. "Can you... will you see if he's still in there?"
Eleven takes the bandana Wayne passes her and ties it over her eyes, one hand gripping Eddie's, the other intertwined with Steve's. She focuses on the steady beeping of the heart monitor and the wheezing of the oxygen pump, the sounds allowing her to drift into the in-between. She finds Eddie curled in a ball, hands clutching his sides, tears silently streaming down his face.
As she did with Steve, she gently reaches out and wipes his face clean, and waits for him to acknowledge her; he eventually looks up at her and his eyebrows furrow. "Who are you?" he asks, voice scratchy with disuse.
"Eleven," she says, holding out her hand to you.
"Henderson's friend?"
Eleven nods. "Come. Time to leave here. They're waiting for you."
She pulls Eddie to his feet and starts walking forward, focusing her hearing until she can isolate Steve's breathing pattern under the din of the hospital machinery. Her eyes fly open under the bandana, and she rips it off, turning to look at Eddie expectantly. For a moment, there's nothing and then —
Eddie starts choking on the breathing tube, Wayne starts yelling for a doctor, Steve breaks down in fresh tears, and the kids are cheering.
It's hours of examinations later that Steve is finally able to return to his seat at Eddie's side, everyone, Wayne included, giving him a minute alone with Eddie. When he enters, he notices Eddie is holding the vest, tracing his fingers over Steve's haphazard stitching.
Sheepishly, Steve raises a hand to rub the back of his neck. "Sorry," he mumbles. "I did the best I could."
The stitches zigzag across all the places the fabric had been slashed, both by demobat talons and sharp bushes in the Upside Down forest, and Steve's work has it looking like branches of lightning working their way across the vest. Eddie shakes his head and looks up at Steve, eyes wide and shining. "You fixed it."
Steve shrugs and Eddie shakes his head again. "Harrington.... Steve. You... you fixed it. For me."
Steve inches forward in his seat, and reaches out to grab one of Eddie's hands. "I dunno, I kinda think I fucked it up. But I could tell when you threw it at me that this was something that was important to you. I didn't let that place take you away, why would I let it take your things?"
Eddie laughs, head thrown back against his pillows, hand squeezing the absolute life out of Steve's. When he finally settles, he looks at Steve bashfully, head dipped down just enough that he's looking up at him through his eyelashes. "Talk about a declaration of unambiguous true love," he whispers.
Steve doesn't seem surprised or put off by Eddie's assessment; in fact, all he does is beam at him before lifting Eddie's hand to his face, pressing a featherlight kiss to his bruised knuckles.
"Take me out on a date first, Munson. Then we can start throwing words like love around."
As the room fills with the sound of Eddie and Steve's laughter, the rest of the group filters back in, including Lucas pushing a wheelchair-bound Max; Steve looks around at all of them and sighs around a soft smile.
They won.
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Do you think, back when Nightmare was evil but not yet controlled by Elemental, there were moments he encountered/spotted a Yellow and Red steve duo and couldn't bring himself to attack them?
I've never thought of this before. That's a cool thing to imagine!
Here's another thing to imagine: that Yellow and Red Steve duo defied him and told him he was wrong. This challenges Nightmare. Nightmare believed that he had to be evil. But these Steves who are like him tell him off, which showed that he didn't have to go down this evil path.
Thank you for the ask!
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