#red neuronal
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Cuando hablamos de “yo” o de “mis pensamientos” nos referimos sólo a la parte consciente, pues no tenemos consciencia de nuestros pensamientos inconscientes. En nuestro cerebro existe una infinita cantidad de redes neuronales de pensamientos, de los cuales somos conscientes de muy pocos.
Estas redes neuronales se fueron construyendo a lo largo de toda nuestra vida. Algunas de estas redes nos funcionan muy bien, de acuerdo con nuestros deseos. Pero otras parecen funcionar en modo ineficiente… no responden a nuestros deseos actuales.
¿Alguna vez has deseado cambiar algo en ti y no puedes lograrlo? Por ejemplo “quiero dejar de procrastinar” o “no quiero seguir enojándome violentamente”. Y lo intentas con todas tus fuerzas, pero no consigues hacerlo.
Conscientemente quieres cambiar… pero inconscientemente no, porque esa acción o emoción tiene un beneficio inconsciente, que activa la red neuronal que mantiene eso que quieres cambiar.
Para descubrir y tomar consciencia de esta red de pensamientos inconscientes, tenemos que ir preguntándonos sobre el beneficio de mantener aquello que queremos cambiar.
EL EJERCICIO DE LA CADENA NEURONAL nos sirve para encontrar el beneficio oculto de mantener aquello que decimos que queremos cambiar. Si hay una actitud que sostenemos y repetimos es porque inconscientemente estamos obteniendo un beneficio. Y aunque conscientemente nos damos cuenta de que dicha actitud nos molesta o perjudica, y aunque sea muy claro el perjuicio de sostenerla, igualmente la mantenemos por el beneficio inconsciente que genera. Entonces, un paso importante para poder cambiarla es detectar el beneficio oculto.
El ejercicio de la cadena neuronal lo puede realizar cualquier persona, sin necesidad de acompañamiento. Por eso es uno de los ejercicios que incluimos en nuestro CURSO GRATUITO DE INTRODUCCIÓN AL COACHING NEUROBIOLÓGICO.
Puedes ver la guía para realizar este ejercicio, junto con el material de estudio del primer módulo de nuestra formación profesional, totalmente gratis, inscribiéndote en https://bit.ly/CNBGratis
#redneuronal #cursogratis #gratis #gratuito #cadenaneuronal #quierocambiar
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finally colored that Eddie scribble <3 rough day p.2!
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pan-perkozeq · 5 months
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[ Delivery ]
Yeah Suns getting a little bit more attention
Some could say I'm letting him shine jcshfjvjkv
Perhaps some 4th wall broken
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voidedjuice · 8 months
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Operators Whisperain and Andreana, returning together from a long mission in Iberia
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tenspontaneite · 5 months
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Sigs make interesting bodies for themselves sometimes 🙏
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myebix · 1 year
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cheese-elite · 4 months
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Neuron activation
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doodle-birdo · 1 year
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RW OSTober
There goes Arti bringing a scav corpse to her beloved robot son.
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whosectype · 1 year
got any ideas for the anatomy of cups since they don't have necks and have open tops/empty heads? or are you just leaving it to magic 👀
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This one made me think so I drew a diagram to accompany it
if you didn’t see the first post explaining Platlet cells, you can look here!
how the heads float? Magic (science we don’t understand)
how the head and the body communicate? Science. I would want to say hormones (chemical signals) because that would allow for each toon to have a unique signal that the body recognizes.
similar to other organisms, they have neurons. But they don’t have a “brain”. But if the neurons are damaged, its the same as brain damage in humans. But another thing that could happen as a cause from injury is that the body/head would be unable to receive/send out signals. So the head could then no longer communicate with the body (or float above it) and the function of body and/or head could potentially be lost.
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snailfen · 2 years
aw man all that hunter practice i did in arena mode this week really paid off. i mauled the first vulture i saw in expedition and backflipped away from so many jaws in story mode. im REALLY good at slug violence now! this expedition is gonna be a piece of ca-
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beast-feast · 2 years
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Please please pelase hear me out I swear to god I'm normal please—
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bpod-bpod · 8 months
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Keeping Neurons Alive
Transcription factor RREB1 is essential for the survival of the brain's neurons and acts by regulating genes associated with the microtubule network of the neuron cytoskeleton
Read the published research article here
Images from work by Emily N. Griffin and colleagues
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Department of Neurobiology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Science Advances, January 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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yourfavoritecascade · 9 months
Happy(ish) end of 2023 ppl!
Tbh a lot of shit happened I didn’t rlly expect this year, for better or for worse, but at least it’s been memorable. I got into rw (and tumblr in the process 👀), and improved my art skills much more than anticipated, which I was not at all expecting :D Unfortunately I don’t have one of those piece-for-each-month things nor do I have enough pieces I deem decent enough to be on for each month over here, so instead I did the next best thing and put together 12 pieces from the past little while I quite enjoy/enjoyed making! Ready? Here we go!
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(I think I got the order right, top left is oldest, down by rows to bottom right is most recent)
Also since this will probably be my last post of 2023, this year involved a lot of ideas and inspiration, much of which came from ppl including @burningtimetraveler(crazy lovable bastard), @sapphicdib(crazy au maker and rlly neat peep), @crypticemerald(wonderful artist who indirectly got me playing Heaven Says on loop for a week), @tanzdoesthings(crazy au maker two electric boogaloo), @toxictoxicities(Rlly neat animator and also Trafficlight propagandist), and @weepinglilvessel(Cheesus and crackers we have a lot of crazy au makers in here don’t we?)
U guys are cool :)
and so is everyone and anyone reading this
stay safe stay hydrated don’t die pls…
Cheers! <3
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bluastro-yellow · 9 months
Harry and Kim are like Annette and Plaisance, like Cuno and Cunoesse, like René/Gaston and Gaston/René, like Steban and Ulixes, like Fuck the World and Pissf%%t, like-
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radiotempest · 1 year
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Ran Orld
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tattoos4mnd · 3 months
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Red kite and roses for my Mum
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