#redacted nyx
romirola · 1 year
Happy Birthday, PinkSPARKL!
Normally, when I see it’s a Redacted fandom member’s birthday, I send along this headcanon list and invite the recipient to choose any wolfboi celebration(s) you like. @pinksparkl foiled my plan, because she saw and reblogged that post a few days ago, so the surprise would be gone. Instead, I wrote this little headcanon that imagines Vincent cat-sitting Nyx, the cat Angel used to share with their ex, Michael. (Sidenote: SPARKL wrote a wonderful story featuring Nyx and how she makes her way back to Angel and David.)
Vincent was not Angel’s and David’s first choice for a cat-sitter. Not by a longshot. Milo was their typical go-to, but he and Sweetheart had a family member’s wedding to attend that weekend, which also meant Marie was unavailable. Asher was always down to help out, but he was wrapped up with staying at his apartment because a plumber was coming to fix the leaky sink. Thankfully, William Solaire (also a cat owner) was happy to oblige his friends with looking after Nyx so that David and Angel could travel to visit Angel’s family for a few days. Unfortunately, a Solaire clan member had an emergency come up on the day Angel and David left, but he assured Angel and David that Vincent was more than capable of handling the task. 
Nyx warily greeted this stranger with sniffs and stares from the across the room. Vincent made sure to close the door quickly, not wanting to lose David’s cat within a minute of arriving at the house. Vincent wasn’t sure what to expect from Nyx. Bob, William Solaire’s cat, was a bit temperamental and fussy with Vincent, but to be fair, Bob was temperamental and fussy with most everyone, so that wasn’t really much of a gauge. Vincent had very little experience with cats. In his human life,  he had only ever had dogs. Nevertheless, he certainly didn’t want to let his maker or his friends down by refusing to take care of Nyx. Vincent stared right back at Nyx, feeling as though her bottomless green eyes could’ve put him into a trance. “Um, hi,” he said awkwardly, taking a step towards Nyx, who responded by leaping onto the back of the couch. “I’m Vincent.” He stuck his hand out for Nyx to smell him. “Vincent Solaire,” he added. 
“Mew.” Nyx pawed at Vincent’s hand, as if to greet him with a formal handshake. “Mew mew.” 
“Nyx Shaw,” Vincent translated, visibly relaxing when the midnight-colored cat pressed her forehead into his palm, all while softly purring. “Nice to meet you, too,” the vampire proudly breathed. “We’re going to have a fun few days altogether, aren’t we?” 
Four days later, when Angel and David returned to their house, they walked in to find Vincent sprawled out on the couch with Nyx napping on his belly. He waved and smiled, but said nothing, pointing at Nyx’s sleeping form. Angel and David put their bags down, noting that Nyx was apparently now the proud owner of two new scratching posts, three new baskets, four fuzzy blankets, enough jingly balls to fill a ball pit, a stack of gourmet cat treat pouches, and cardboard boxes of every shape and size. 
David thanked Vincent for his help, wondering how in the world all these new items would fit neatly into the house. Angel assured Vincent that he was welcome to visit Nyx whenever he wanted. 
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mayoiayasep · 11 days
i need to find the person who invented calzones and kiss them on the mouth
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bi-hop · 3 months
I think this is just a general fandom phenomenon but I see it a lot more proportionately in dunmeshi spaces for some reason and like
Y’all. If you see a very explicit ship post. Like romantic art, ship tags, what not. Why are you insisting on it being something it isn’t. Why are you reblogging ship posts like “oh actually they’re sibling coded and anyone else who thinks otherwise is a fool” or “actually these characters hate each other” like what use do you get out of that. I keep having that happen on my polycule posts at random and I keep seeing it on this other harmless dunmeshi ship I don’t ship but won’t name, and it’s annoying as hell. Why are you even boosting the post if you’re interpreting it in a way completely antithetical to the original intent??? Like if you don’t like the post, if you don’t agree with it, what’s the point of spreading it further? Why don’t you make your own post, especially when it’s not a post geared towards debate?
Like fuck man if I was like “yoooo guys let’s all sit in a circle and discuss how we feel about Lamari all opinions are welcome ^^ yippee” and then got people going “oh well I don’t ship it” and got mad and bit their heads off, I’d be in the wrong, right? That would be something we would all agree on. But when I’m just sitting and minding my own business and you’re like “ooo this is sooooo impossible and soooo silly of you to think of” and you put that on my post in my face, like, how do you think that makes me feel? This is what I’ve been dealing with. And I see other people dealing with it and it’s absurd. It is literally just a rarepair. It has done nothing against you. Chillax. Please. I beg. I’m so exhausted
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spacestationstorybook · 4 months
found a little choose your own adventure story on‏‏‎ ‎fimfiction‏‏‎ ‎where you control‏‏‎ ‎rainbow‏‏‎ ‎and i was like omg...it's like we are going on the adventure together...it's like we're on a date <3 and then while i was trying to test out special endings and stuff i found a dumb "secret ending" that kind of ruined that for me in a way that left me slightly depressed. the universe fucking hates it when i have fun </3
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thejacketscloset · 11 months
Son of nyx just rips my heart out and stomps on ot repeatedly. It's so beautiful but literally all it takes is for those first few notes to play and I'm FLOORED with the sense of grief and finality it gives me. To me the song feels like something that would play after a massively altering event happens before your eyes, one that you fought so hard to prevent and now you're just hit with the helplessness of "Oh god, it's happened, I'm too late. There's nothing that can be done now"
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radioromantic-moved · 2 years
realizing my self inserts are mostly just me taking one of my favorite character archetypes and going "like if i was THAT!" and actually that's awesome i'm so real for that.
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me [face down on the sofa in headspace]: AUGHGG i miss ctommy SO MUCH-
tom [staring me down arms crossed]: i am Right Here Btw
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potatotalksculture · 2 years
Potato Tweet:
Eventually I got to the surface, where you meet Demeter. The entire landscape is covered in snow I didn’t get past REDACTED yet, so I don’t know how it looks like past it. But here’s my current theory for the story development:
If the surface is covered in snow, then it’s winter aka the season that is about the ground not bearing anything to harvest aka the time when Demeter is hurting because of the loss of her daughter, Persephone, to Hades. So at the time when Zagreus reaches the surface, Persephone is down below in Hades [Town].
Zagreus looking for his birth mother, Persephone, is one of the plot points the game tells us as we proceed through its story.
So if one of the low key goals of Zagreus is to meet Persephone and she is not on the surface when he arrives there, nor can she be higher up - at Mount Olympus and I assume the game actually follows the mythological tropes as close as it can, then
a) the game is either a story about coming to terms with disappointment, as Zagreus will not meet Persephone but get to leave Hades and meet other members of his family in Olympus,
b) maybe the game even forces you to make a choice between returning to Hades to meet your mother or choosing you extended family on the Mount Olympus over motherly reunion,
c) or there is some plot twist that forces you to go back to Hades, maybe even fighting your way back. Although in this case it would make more sense to have Charon collect you with his boat and let you admire the graphics while you descend deeper into the Underworld.
Guess I’m gonna keep playing the game for a while… I find all those side stories and plot points scattered in between the short conversations you have with the NPCs. To me finding those nuggets of information feels the same as finding some coin in a broken vase or unlocking new skills in Nyxs Mirror. It’s fun.
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tempestforged · 2 years
Tag DROP 2/x
BC apparently I love to jinx myself
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xakumi · 1 month
Doot fast
A doot from the past
A plague doots upon thee
The cure, a doot upon all free
are you someone from the tumblr sides friend group ???
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writing very historically accurate fanfiction in a google doc that will never see the light of day. my "mary sue" oc's scandalously ungloved hand holding with her betrothed (she can fix him) is for my eyes to read only.
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mayoiayasep · 4 months
bleach 🫱🏾‍🫲🏾 one piece
i enjoyed the pretimeskip more than post timeskip
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bi-hop · 29 days
white people when it's time to tell you they don't think microaggressions are a big deal even when they're clearly written intentionally:
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developed a crush that is sort of a. well it's not exactly a new low because the character and the source aren't like Bad but it's a new Something. this wouldn't even be my most obscure f/o but in terms of source material it'd be the most likely to make someone do a double take.
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highlordofkrypton · 4 days
Because I can't keep it together, and I flopped on my favourite week. I can't do it again, I just can't. Please help me, either cheer me on or call my ass out -- or, or let me know what you guys are hype for and maybe that will motivate me to be ✨organized✨
Feel free to ask me any questions bc that will definitely hype me up. No promises I'll answer everything if it's a suprise, hehe.
✅ This list, good job, Mathi! ✅ Lucien Week, Day 5: Home ft. Nyx & [REDACTED]
▶️ Jurian x Johan
Villains Week
☑️ Day 1-7: Amarantha Things
Gentle reminder that all smut without plot will be posted on @superfaeriebutts which is my smut focused alt account. Please sense asks related to these fics on that account 😊
☑️ Beron x Rhysand's Dad x Tamlin's Dad ☑️ Calanmai - Free use Azriel ☑️ Jurian x Cauldron shitpost ☑️ Tamlin vs. Prythian (multi-chapter - each court) ☑️ Tamcien + Jurian + Johan ☑️ Reader x Johan
Tamlin Week
☑️ Surpise 1 ☑️ Surprise 2 ☑️ Surprise 3 ☑️ Surprise 4
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theoperativeif · 1 year
The First Generation
The First Generation of Operatives... (Would love to hear your thoughts on this list ;) )
001 "The First"
002 "The Second"
003 "Hex"
Cheerful and hyper-violent 003, or Hex, as her siblings have named her is a master of deception. Utilizing a mix of traps, holograms, and stealth armor, she has already shown herself as a dangerous foe, even against her siblings. One of the oldest Operatives, she has also adopted a big sister role to some of her more outcast kin. She displays affection by utilizing ambush hugs and gift-giving.
004 "Shrike"
Unlike most of his siblings, 004 was nicknamed Shrike by the staff here at the lab for his propensity to impale his opponents on premade hooks and left to die or decompose slowly. Competitive and energetic, he has developed a friendly rivalry with 003, whom he always seeks to upstage and harass at every opportunity.
005 "Ari"
006 "Mamba"
Smaller and much shyer, similar to his younger sister 013, "Mamba" earned his name from his siblings much later than the others. Weaker and less adept at combat than his siblings, 006 was assigned to frontline duty, hoping to become a good soldier. On the frontlines, sporting light operative combat armor Mamba began using various poisons along with his weapons, earning him a reputation similar to his more prominent and more adept kin.
007 "Stalker"
A hunter, first and foremost, 007 is an expert tracker, often paired with the Heartbreaker Agency and assigned to hunt down their targets. Cautious and slow to trust, he mostly keeps to himself, though he has often been seen spending time with 008. He was last seen nine months after the disaster at Paradise, attempting to track down an unknown target in Commonwealth space...
008 "Nightingale"
Loyal to a fault, 008 has shown herself to be as talented at saving lives as taking them. Always carrying around a medical kit, 008 is constantly on the alert to help her fellow soldiers. Her dedication to those around her has come at a cost, as she will throw herself between those she cares about and danger. She is littered with old scars, including a robotic leg and metal plating in her back. Devastated at the loss she experienced on Paradise, Nightingale or Gale has become a shallow husk of her former self, shutting herself off from others, including her close friend 007.
Currently under observation at the lab.
009 "Mad Dog/ Maximillian"
One would not expect the words of a gentleman to fit the large and equally terrifying Operative. But 009, despite being an expert in messy close-quarters combat, is similarly interested in reading and studying the arts. Assigned as Prince Vasily's guard, the two are unusually close.
010 "Nyx"
011 "Ceto"
011 or Ceto, is an expert in aquatic warfare, sporting a unique bright blue combat suit capable of diving into the depths of the galaxy's most dangerous water environments. Relatively friendly and calm, Ceto is loyal to the people of the Empire, above all else. She always professionally presents herself, making it easy for her to integrate with military personnel.
012 "Griffin"
Charismatic and manipulative, Griffin is as power-hungry as he is cruel. Appearing as an average human, 012 has shown themselves capable of manipulating those around him. A smooth voice and innocent smile have earned him many allies in the military, with most viewing him as a grand hero of the Empire. His siblings and those at the lab know the true face hidden behind his hero façade.
013 "The Doll/Little sister"
One of the smaller Operatives, 013, is a proficient hunter and tracker, preferring to let the enemy come to her. She sets traps and carefully scouts positions to fight in. Sporting an oddly flashy personality despite being one of few words she does like to show off when her older brothers and sisters are around, as well as collecting pieces of armor to add to her own, giving off a strange mix of color and armor types. Her armor possesses a form of audio mimicry, allowing her to mimic the voices of her opponents.
014 "The General"
Towering over most on the battlefield, 014 appears as a large shining knight with bulky, heavy armor and a large sword. Charismatic and friendly, this honorable knight has been given the rare honor of receiving an official rank within the army. He has an odd friendship with 015.
015 "Wendigo"
Seeking to finally create a true equal to 001 and 002, the Emperor forced 'Mother' to recreate the original recipe used on the first two. The result was 015. Sporting advanced close-quarter combat armor, this Operative was given the callsign Wendigo by the military and deployed to areas devoid of friendly forces. 015 has exhibited concerning tendencies. When first deployed, they modified their armors mask to have a sort of robotic jaw, which they use to 'consume' their victims ritualistically.
015 is affectionate to those they deem as worthy while mostly ignoring others as if they don't even exist.
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