#reference to child abuse
royaltrashkin · 1 year
some parents be like "gender disappointment is real and valid and don't feel guilty about being upset your unborn isn't the gender you want" but will try to strangle that same child fifteen years later for going "same"
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teaboot · 1 year
Adult ProTip, from a security professional: If a kid tells you, "My parents are gonna kill me / kick my ass / kick me out" for something relatively minor, don't respond with shit like "Really? ;) that sounds a little extreme, don't you think sweetie?" because that shit really does happen.
Instead, respond as though whatever threat they are afraid of is fully valid, and offer whatever you can do to help- ask if they believe they are in danger of being hurt in any way, and work accordingly.
If they're overreacting, they'll usually realize and dial it back, self-correct and begin thinking a bit more rationally.
If they're not overreacting, and the danger is real, then they'll need a level-headed adult in their corner, not another condescending authority figure who doesn't believe them.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
DCxDP Fanfic idea: Old Friends
Bruce Wayne is no stranger to losing people. He has lost them to death or to madness within this city he is desperately trying to save. With each person, the void within him grows darker and darkeruntil he feels like he is still trapped back in that alley next to cold bodies and a broken heart.
That is why he tries his best to not overthink about them as they were in their final moments. He tries to remember his loved ones for who they were in the better days before tragedy struck.
Once in a while, even those memories he desperately tries to suppress because he can't handle the pain they bring. Bruce is aware it's not healthy.
He's seen plenty of men who are allowed their passions to become violent obsessions- he thinks of Harvey often- but being Batman was the one time he was actually making a difference instead of just allowing more and more tragedies to continue.
As Batman, he is at least putting up a fight.
Maybe that's why, on the night of his two old friends' deaths, Bruce sees them standing under a light post in Old Gotham as he is swinging by dressed as Batman. The very same one he would meet them at back as a teenager, scrambling to sneak out after Alfred would do his rounds.
He remembers his heart beating a mile a minute as he hurried out of his manor's caves, using the forgotten paths to meet the type of youth Alfred warned him against.
They would greet him with crooked smiles, sharp teasing voices, but soft, kind eyes. Despite how the older generations would wrinkle their noises at their appearance, they weren't bad people. Sometimes Bruce thought of them whenever people asked if Crime Alley was ever worth the effort to reform.
He knew they deserved someone to at least try.
Bruce, had meet them when he was ten and angry. They had both come from bad homes- at the time he hadn't realized just how bad- but they had been willing to help the privlage rich boy find his way home. They invited to linger when he neeed quite nights, listen to his woes and encourage his desire to be more.
The three were the same age, but sometimes Bruce would think he was the youngest one there. He grew up fast after his parent's murders, but not as fast as they had done.
They would rather spend their nights sleeping around the center of a small plaza in front of an old movie theater than going to either of their family houses, told him.
They were his best friends, a comfort that someone his age understood pain even if it wasn't the same one he had.
Maybe that is why he hadn't told them to stay when they told him that one had finally saved enough money for a motorbike, which the two were planning to use to run away. Bruce thought that they needed to get away until they were all adults and the system would no longer hold the power of them.
He had only given them a big hug, and well wishes.
Bruce never saw them again.
The light post hadn't been fixed in all those years, so the flickering light fell on the two figures casually leaning against it just as it did the very last night. They stood side by side, chatting lowly, lips cured around cigarettes.
Even the smoke floating around them is the same, and for a second, Bruce wonders if he is looking at a photograph. The same crooked smiles, taunting body language as if daring anyone to try to make them sad, and the same kind but so lonely eyes.
Even the blasted motocycle that stole them from him is propped up next to the pair just as it did the last night he saw them.
Bruce swings to a stop on the rooftop overlooking the two he had outlived. He remembers when he found out. Alfred had just turned on the TV to watch the daily news, and their pictures were flashing across the screen, the words Deadly motorcycle accident under their image.
Bruce had thrown up the meal Alfred had made him. No one else came to their funeral, fitting as it had been the girl's father that orginized their deaths.
All because his daughter would not follow her mother's footsteps and thus he would be out of a worker. Not that anyone belived him, even though Bruce had orginized thier funerals and been one of the four attendees.
Even though she had told them both with a shaking voice that her father wanted her to start wearing the clothes she was in to attract customers.
It was one of the first few cold cases he solved as Batman. He owed them that much.
"B?" Nightwing calls, noticing that his father had stopped following. He comes to stand next to him looking down to where Batman is staring. He sees nothing. "What is it?"
"Just some old friends," He mutters, turning away from Johnny and Kitty. He swears he can almost hear Johnny calling his name but Bruce can't bring himself to look back. If he does he'll fall into the void instead of staring. He aims his grabbling hook and swinings away.
Down below, the pair of ghosts watch the heroes go with wishful smiles.
"He's grown."
"He has." Johnny takes a long puff of his cigarette "I think the idiot can see us. He's had too many close calls if he can spot ghosts without the crazy levels of ectoplasm Amity Park has."
"He better not die. His kids need him." Kitty scoffs, but she leans on Johnny all the same, staring at the city they had tried so desperately to escape in life. They had passed by the street corner her father had controlled the working girls in, and she had burst into tears to see that Bruce had turned it into a women's shelter named after her. "This city needs him."
Johnny, for all his faults, and his flirtatious nature had allways been her rock. That's why when she had been sixteen and scared, she had gone to him to try to run away with.
He had gone with her to their deaths. Sometimes, she wonders if her boys ever blamed her for the end of their stories. She certainly did.
Johnny glances to the sky, spitting a swear. "Come babe, the glowing brat is back. We should try to split before he shoves us back to the Zone."
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omgellendean · 11 days
In this report, evidence and documentation collected by DCIP indicate that Israeli forces are deliberately targeting Palestinian children with the intent to unleash cruel and degrading treatment up until the moment of the child’s death. Israeli authorities, which have the ability to hold Israeli soldiers and military officials accountable, are unwilling to take action to stop the killing of Palestinian children.
This report is based on evidence collected by DCIP’s field researchers documenting 141 Palestinian child fatalities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023, and July 31, 2024.
Full report here
20 percent of the Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2000 have been killed after October 7, 2023 at a rate of one child every two days.
Israeli forces deliberately target and shoot unarmed children with live ammunition and trained snipers. Israeli forces and settlers shot and killed 116 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024.
Israeli forces have killed 25 Palestinian children in aerial attacks in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024. Some children were directly targeted while others were collateral damage as Israeli forces deployed aerial attacks in densely populated civilian areas.
Israeli forces and authorities systematically deny Palestinian children their right to medical care when preventing ambulances, paramedics, or bystanders from providing medical care to a child shot with live ammunition or struck in an Israeli airstrike. In 43 percent of cases in this report, Israeli forces deliberately prevented injured Palestinian children from receiving medical care by detaining and firing live ammunition toward ambulances, paramedics, and civilians attempting to provide aid.
Israeli authorities and forces systematically, deliberately, and specifically embolden Israeli settler violence towards Palestinian children. Israeli forces present during armed Israeli settler attacks fail to prevent the aggression, fail to help the Palestinian victims, and often collaborate with the settlers in inflicting lethal harm. In two cases, Israeli forces and settlers fired toward Palestinian children simultaneously, and DCIP was unable to determine which perpetrator fired the fatal bullet.
Israeli forces killed at least 49 Palestinian children during the intensified large-scale and deadly incursions into Palestinian refugee camps in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024. 
The fatal shootings of child protesters in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and the use of expanding bullets during the crackdowns constitute war crimes prosecutable at the ICC. In October 2023, Israeli forces shot and killed four Palestinian children with expanding bullets designed to increase in size upon impact, inflicting fatal internal injuries.
Israeli authorities’ practice of confiscating and withholding Palestinian bodies is a violation of international humanitarian law and international criminal law, which include absolute prohibitions on cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. Israeli authorities have confiscated 18 Palestinian children’s bodies in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024.
Israeli authorities work to ensure Israeli forces continue enjoying impunity and face no consequence for the extrajudicial killing of Palestinian children. There are no known accounts of accountability during this reporting period.
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Draw your character getting the chancla 🩴
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furiousgoldfish · 4 months
The other day, I accidentally witnessed an exchange within a family, that keeps replaying in my mind. It was a short moment; the child of about 7 years old, woke up and came to the living room to sleepily lounge on the couch, his mother was in the bathroom. When she came back, she saw him, and said with the greatest content you could imagine "All of mine are awake!" and then she came over to him, hugged him and affectionately placed a kiss on his forehead. There was such warmth and delight in her voice, like she couldn't imagine anything better than having all of her family members awake and well, and her morning greeting was a hug and a kiss.
I felt like I intruded into something private, so I excused myself away, but the feeling I got seeing it was something foreign to me, I couldn't imagine how it felt to be inside of that family. It was like the feeling of love and togetherness was instinctual to them, something they didn't have to think about.
I think about where I would be if I had that, if positive attention and love was given to me freely, without a second thought, just on instinct. If I was given affection like this just for waking up and entering a shared space. It would have made me feel like it's natural, and normal to be loved, like it isn't impossible, or too much to ask for. Like I was meaningful to someone, if that person expressed delight just from seeing me awake.
It also came to my mind, that my parents would immediately proclaim that this kind of thing would just make me 'spoiled', and I know now, that knowing you're worthy of love is not spoiled, it's supposed to be normal, and it was taken away from me. But then I realized, wait, this is what 'spoiled' meant to them. 'Spoiled' doesn't mean obnoxious, selfish, loud and annoying behavior to an abusive parent, to them a child even thinking for a second they're worthy of attention and love is 'spoiled', because they don't want that. They want a child who retreats in shame and feels unworthy and unlovable, so they can exploit those feelings endlessly. If you know you're worthy of love, and attention, and basic respect, then you would ask for those things, or expect them, or protest when you're not getting them, and they don't want to provide that basic attention, they want to provide nothing. Having any needs at all will be called spoiled because it's an inconvenience for them. They used the wrong terms on purpose, because if they admitted they wanted a traumatized child, that would make them look bad. But saying 'I don't want to spoil my child' makes them look like they're parenting responsibly, all while inflicting trauma with absolutely no thought on how it will affect the kid. "We want a broken child, and we don't care what we have to say to get away with it." is what they meant.
I'm glad I was able to get a glimpse into how it looks when it's not abusive, and how basic attention is given without a second thought, because it is natural, it is normal to want to shower your loved ones with affection just because they woke up, just because you haven't seen them for a few hours. To normal people this is instinctual, they don't have to think twice about it, it comes out in their tone of voice, the delighted look in their eyes when they see you. The fact that it feels like a whole different world to me, is the proof that my parents didn't think twice about taking this away from me, and what it would do to me. I can't even imagine where I would be today if I had that.
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House of The Dragon episode 7/Mother Wound Healing: Why It’s Crucial For Women By Bethany Webster.
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handholding is common with the stan twins
when they were kids, it was something that was started by stan. well, kind of. caryn took care to hold ford’s hand whenever she took him places, an assertion that she cared for him, extra fingers and all, and a comfort, as her hands hid his own. stan took up the role himself when caryn couldn’t, having noticed how ford seemed more comfortable when his hands were being held
when they were teens, it was an act of rebellion. stan knew it still comforted ford, but they both seethed whenever filbrick told them that men don’t hold hands, that they need to pick one, that they can’t be doing ‘girl things’ when they’re ‘pretending to be men’
stan held ford’s hand at the dinner table and took care to sit by caryn so filbrick wouldn’t do anything. not right away, anyway. ford would hold his hand from the top bunk as he bit back sobs
ford hated the feel of skin on skin, he told fiddleford. so they didn’t hold hands, as much as fiddleford would have loved to. in truth, it just didn’t feel right. his hand felt wrong in ford’s, it lacked the familiarity and the firm but careful way fingers curled around his own, making perfect space for them
stan hated the feeling, too. not that anyone wanted to hold his hand, of course- it was the lack of anything. it felt like something was missing. his hands never seem as warm as they used to
ford holds his own hands as he hides from the latest group of bounty hunters
stan wakes up more times than he can count to find his hand laid atop the front of his brother’s journal
stan is pissed at his brother. but he notices how clammy and cold ford’s hand is, and how it’s trembling and can’t seem to grip stan’s quite right. stan tightens his grip, steadying ford’s shaking. he lets go again not too long after and they both slip and fall
ford clutches stan’s hands desperately as he fights with reality. he can feel chains, but he can’t see them…stan’s hands both feel and look real, though. stan holds just as tightly as he struggles to piece together who he is. the fog is impossible to get through, but ford clears a path
stan holds ford’s hand as he leads him out onto the first beach they come across- a port swarmed with a bustling crowd. they laugh together at the morons that call them sissies and they both get a chance to do something they never could when they were kids. ford gives ‘em the bird. stan gets to punch someone in the face. they stop at a diner and stan grasps ford’s hand under the table so he feels safer in the noisy busy environment. ford holds stan’s hand from the top bunk later that night as he assures him he’s fine and it was just a nightmare and he’s fine, he promises, all with a waver in his voice
they visit glass shard beach. they hold hands as they sit on the sand under what remains of the swings and reminiscence and watch the sun dip under the horizon. they hold hands as they walk and spit on filbrick’s grave and stan actually buys flowers to lay on caryn’s. they hold hands as shermie opens his front door and sees them as they really are for the first time in over thirty years. they hold hands as they properly meet the nibling’s parents
they hold hands as they wait at the bus stop the next summer and watch soos and melody get married and catch up on all the time they missed
(this is all headcanon ae’m unleashing unto the world)
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bartholomew-junior · 7 months
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flowey and sleep deprived clover
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goemon-fan · 6 months
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This was easily one of the best Lupin episodes
#there will be a rant in the tags that you can ignore#but it is so upsetting how modern/current lupin took away the depths of these characters and flimsily tries to restore their earlier depth#i'm one of those people who craves depth in what i watch and it's so difficult to like this franchise because it will be so close to doing#something interesting only to abandon it#this episode and part one as a whole was peak lupin in my opinion with each character having emotional depth yet flaws to overcome#yet modern lupin would have you believe that these characters don't desire to improve in any capacity#if we were to just focus on Goemon for example right here he shows depth with revealing hidden emotional maturity and empathy for Lupin by#comforting him and admitting he himself is afraid (which is a big deal for a character like him who is supposed to be unflinching)#but in modern lupin goemon will literally say that he's not afraid of anything and this is written without any hint of irony or depth#i'm okay with mindless entertainment and i understand that this is a series simply about stealing but the character assassination is so#disappointing#and when this series does try to be “deep” they pick the most triggering subject matter possible to depict to the point where it's#practically unwatchable (this is in reference to Part 4 and its constant SA plots as well as the rampant gratuitous child abuse plots#throughout the entire series)#i want so badly to love lupin the 3rd but it's a huge problem when fanfiction understands the characters better than the source material#lupin iii#lupin the third#lupin the 3rd#goemon ishikawa xiii#goemon#arsene lupin iii#jigen daisuke#daisuke jigen#fujiko mine#part 1
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autismmydearwatson · 2 months
Rip Grand Admiral Thrawn you would have loved warrior cats except for the misogyny
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thechaoticscenejester · 5 months
New tadc au soon!!
The au:
⚠Trigger warning: Alcohol use, drugs, abuse⚠
Okay, I have no idea if this is already made or something but I had this idea that Caine was actually a human in the past.
This isn't a theory so there's like no evidence but in the au Caine was the father of Pomni, age 13, and, with his brother Able, was one of the CEO's of Caine & Able industries and they were working on tadc, a new vr game.
With all this work, he left Pomni (I have no name ideas) alone at home a lot. She was alone almost all the time and her mother couldn't even stand up unless it was to get another bottle.
One day, Caine left to work and never returned. Pomni was soon informed that he went missing at work. Even with an investigation, Caine was nowhere to be found. Soon, Pomni went to live with Able and her mother was arrested for child abvse.
Pomni, now age 15, was happy for a short while. Able was starting to act weird and it worried Pomni. Able was seemingly getting angry and more irritable. Pomni, having delt with her mother, knew not to bother him. With this ignorance, Pomni was able to do drvgs and Able never knew.
After years of neglectance, Pomni, now 20, moved out and took notice that Able seemed upset that she left. She shrugged it off and got a small apartment for herself. She soon got her life back on track but struggled to find a job.
She lived alone for 5 years until she got a call from Able. He asked her to come visit his job for opportunities and Pomni, needing a job, agreed and drove to C&A industries.
Able dazzled her and got her to come with him to the basement room to try the new vr set model. She had a bad feeling but didn't think he would do anything to her... why would he anyways?
When they went down and Able suddenly hit her on the side of the head with a metal bar, knocking her out. When she woke up, Able had tied her down and forced the headset onto her head.
When Pomni woke up, she woke up in the circus...
After math:
Eventually, Pomni finds out that Caine is her father and this sends her off. She remembers how he left her with an abvsive mother and then disappeared and snapped in front of everyone, Shocking them.
It basically went like this:
Caine feels bad and tries to make it up to Pomni and be a better father to her in the circus. He even tries to help her find the exit or a glitch in the code.
With this, chaos unfolds as Able enters the circus and Caine disappears again. This makes Pomni think that he's abandoning her again and it makes her stomach curl. Soon, the circus members find out what really happened to Caine. Pomni couldn't be more angry.
(Want more? Don't forget to leave a like or reblog! That will give me more motivation to continue)
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maybebabyplease · 2 years
a little remus and sirius rescue harry from the dursleys for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt:
hang out space
Remus and Sirius are frantic when Harry disappears. When they find him, sadness and guilt cut through their relief. He’s curled up in his closet on a pile of pillows and blankets, holding a flashlight and a picture book, his fingers and mouth moving as he reads the words. Harry, startled to see them, tries to hide his book under a pillow.
Remus shoots Sirius a look. Sirius crouches down, puts a hand out like you might for a scared puppy. Harry shrinks away, at first, but after a minute, he puts his tiny hand in Sirius’. 
“Come on, Harry,” says Sirius, holding their hands tightly together. “Let’s make a blanket fort, yeah? Moony will help.” 
Harry smiles, small, and starts gathering up pillows. The three of them transform Harry’s bedroom into a giant blanket fort, and Remus spells little lights to float throughout. 
Harry plops down, tired but happy. “I can play here?” he asks, looking up at Remus.
Remus’ heart squeezes. “Yes, Harry. This is your space.”
Tilting his head, Harry thinks for a minute. “My hang out space?” he asks, worrying at the skin on his thumb.
“All yours,” says Sirius. He sits down next to Harry and wraps an arm around him. “But we’ll stay here with you as long as you like.”
Harry looks up at him, eyes wide. “Forever?”
“Yeah, peanut,” says Remus, messing up Harry’s hair. “All three of us, forever.”
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wisteriasymphony · 9 months
awww ☺️ mother son bonding... so normal and not traumatizing for a seven year old...
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darcyolsson · 4 months
honestly an under-discussed aspect of the notorious mortal instruments incest plotline is that in a way, jace and clary DO in fact have the same man as their father. like even after finding out they arent siblings they explicitly refer to the same man as their father and they're both correct. however it is still inarguable that they're not actually siblings in any way. impressive
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asmo-cosmetics · 5 months
unironically when y'all equate calling lucio montag to calling julian ilya it does genuinely piss me off
julian and portia's given names represent their closest loved ones, family or people they consider family. they like being ilya and pasha equally to their chosen names.
to lucio, "montag/monty" represents the "family" that never loved or accepted him or let him be himself. he chose a new name that fit the person he actually wanted to be instead of the one he'd been forced to be.
if you call julian "ilya" he'll be surprised but happy. if you call lucio "montag" you will break his fucking heart.
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