#referenced clint x laura
redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years
Of Dust and Ashes (chapter 10)
Goood morning Lovies. Here we go, this week I don’t bring any pain at all. Just some friendly interaction between our two friends here. Hope you enjoy. 
Chapter warnings: None, Clint x ofc, Rated M
Chapter 10: Teaming up?
“Team up? How’s that going to even work?” Everything in Deanna pulled tight. She had no reason not to trust him but in this world, trust was dangerous.
“I’ve got land in Missouri, a few hours drive from here. You can stay parked there for a bit- as long as you want really.” Clint shrugged.  
“And what would you want in return?” Everyone wanted something in return in this New System. No kindness was ever offered ‘just because’ anymore.  
He was silent for a moment, thinking before answering, “To not be alone, I guess.”
“What does that mean, exactly.” She demanded. “Those men back there could have said the exact same thing without lying.” She was right and he knew it.  
“Just, someone to talk to.” He elaborated with a shrug. “I went from having a wife and kids at home to being alone. Even my damn dogs got dusted.”
“Nothing more?” Deanna pressed, sounding every bit unsure as she should have been. Clint couldn't fault her for the lack of trust.
“Nothing more required.”  
“Okay, turn left onto the dirt road. I’m parked behind some trees.”
“Out of sight, smart.”  
“I learned.”  
“Guess you had to, huh?” He mumbled, more to himself.  
In no time at all, the world had spun into a dangerous place and where were the Avengers during it all? Distributing aid on the east coast and trying to locate politicians? What good was that doing for the rest of the country, for the rest of the world? Clint realized, perhaps for the first time that this wasn’t something they could put a bandage on and wait for it to begin healing in a few weeks.
What was Clint doing other than just that in the last few weeks, really? Hiding in his family home letting the pain of what he lost drag him down while he waited for what? Some word from the Director telling him how they would fix this for those left behind?
There was no fixing this. The Avengers couldn’t fix this. All they could do was try to keep order and maintain some semblance of basic law while they waited for the world to decide who now got to make the laws.
They fell into a silence as the truck rocked with each bump. Each lost in their own thoughts, brooding on what had become of the world. Never in her life had Deanna expected to be sitting in a truck with Clint Barton- Hawkeye but here she was. Could she ask for a better partner while her ankle healed?
“This is it.” She broke the silence as they approached where she had parked tucked between some trees and back off the road.  
“Doesn’t look like anyone’s been around.” Clint commented, scanning the area. It was something she had learned to do after the incident in Saint George but watching him do it, it looked natural.  
“No, it doesn’t. But I still would like to move a bit outside of town as soon as things are loaded.”  
Clint looked at her surprised before smiling. “You’re a smart cookie.”
“I just like not dying.” Deanna offered. “Most of the time, at least.” She added, under her breath, not intending to be heard.  
“You and me both, babe.”  
She smiled at him as she leaned to the side, pulling the keys out of her back pocket, an action that felt insanely normal and out of place in her new life. It didn't seem to matter how many times she had done it in the last few weeks, it still felt too normal. Handing them over to Clint, she watched him.  
He could get out of the car and run for the RV, open it up and drive off without her and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. He could steal it, leave her in the dust with an ankle that prevented her from going anywhere. She would die if he left her.  
All she could do was watch, trust and pray. So that’s what she did. She watched as he walked over, dropping to his knees and looking under after scanning the area. It was something she never thought to check, but someone could hide underneath.
With careful steps, he made his way around the RV while he checked the area. When he came back around the side, he offered her a wide grin that didn’t in any way reflect the seriousness of the life they were all now forced to live.  
But maybe, that was okay. Maybe it was okay to start finding the occasional reason to smile at one another. What was the harm at least, in trying? She was going to be stuck with him for at least a few weeks. And honestly, it would be nice to have someone around. It was always her and Trust.  
“Looks all clear.” Clint said as he opened the passenger door for her. “I’ve got some crutches at home you can have. Probably annoying having to be carried around.”  
“It wont’ be so bad in the RV but yeah, that would be nice.” Deanna admitted as he turned his back and crouched down. He brought his back close to her while still leaving room for her to move her hurt ankle around to his side.  
“Hop on Taxi Barton.” He waited until she had settled against his back before he stood. “You can give me the tour after we get farther from town. Till then, is it okay to take you inside and load things up?”
Deanna agreed, though she wasn’t paying him much attention. She would feel better inside her home where he couldn’t turn into a monster and leave her behind. At the moment however, she was more focused on the warmth of his back, seeping into her as she clung to him. She had her arms wrapped around broad shoulders though if she was honest, she had a feeling she didn’t need to hold onto him at all.  
With his arms hooked behind him, strong hands were gripping the back of her thighs high up and so close to her ass that she couldn’t help but be aware of it. It surprised her that he smelled good, like clean linen and the forest. It was a unexpected mix that worked so well for him. His hair was clean and looked so soft, unlike the so many she had seen since the Decimation.  
The sun played on his dark hair through the gaps of the trees, lighting up the warm highlights and scatterings of almost blonde strands lost within the dark masses. The tips of his hair were a bit lighter and sun bleached than the roots. She could see freckles along the back of his neck and the lines of age beginning to etch themselves into his handsome face. It had been so long since she had thought of a man as handsome outside of a screen but he was beyond doubt a handsome man.
Clint carefully knelt down, back toward the passenger seat of the cab. He let his grip go slack but was careful to not let go until he felt her weight shift off of him and settle onto the seat. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if he dropped her and she was thankful for the care he had taken.  
He made quick work of loading up her supplies and before she knew it, he was hauling himself into the driver’s seat and turning the ignition. The RV roared to life and Trust, still soggy from a hose bath took a spot on the floor when he found that he couldn’t sit in the passenger seat as he normally would.
Clint’s driving was a bit jerky at first and Deanna teased him for it as he pulled them off the back road and onto a paved street. “Once we’re out of the suburbs, we’ll stop and I’ll help you put the stuff away.”
“Thank you.” Deanna’s voice was soft.  
“I would say: ‘That’s what heroes do’ but I’m not sure that this is a world that still has a place for heroes.”  
“You’re my hero at least.”
“I’ll take what I can get, Dee.” Clint laughed and it was a warm sound. It had been so long since she had heard anyone laugh. Until now, she feared no one would laugh again. “Been traveling long?”  
“A bit.” She admitted, unsure of how long she had actually been traveling herself. The days and weeks blurred together. It was hard to care about the passage of time when the children were gone. “You put my backpack in here, right?” She asked in a panic.  
“backpack?” Clint was focused on swerving around some abandoned cars as they made their way outside of the city. Buildings were becoming fewer and fewer and he almost felt safe to stop soon.  
“Yes. We’ve got to go back.” Deanna was struggling to stand without hurting her foot. She needed to go and look. She needed to be sure they had it.  
“Hey, hey. The black one, right?” Clint asked. “Dee, sit down. It’s okay. It’s behind your seat. We’ll stop and I’ll show you, just sit down before you hurt yourself.”  
With great care, he pulled them to a stop on in a rest pullout. It took everything he had to try and keep the RV steady as she struggled to grab the backpack. When they were parked, Clint reached back behind her seat. Making it seem like nothing, he wrapped his hand around the strap of the backpack, partially covered by a bag of dogfood and pulled it around into the cab, accomplishing what Deanna had been struggling to do.
“Here.” He set it in her lap. “What’s so important?” Deanna didn’t answer. Instead, though she knew there was no reason for it logically, she unzipped the bag. Without a second thought, she pulled out the child’s blanket and stuffed animal and clutched them to her chest. Clint was silent for a moment as he watched on, shuddering breaths ripping through her. “Those… they were your kids’?”  
“I’m sorry.” The words were mumbled into cloth and stuffing as she tried to pull herself together.  
“Hey, it’s okay. I get it. I am… was a father too, remember?” Clint’s heavy hand came to rest on her back, rubbing it softly. Comfort was something she never thought she would receive again. “We can stop here, get things put away. I can drive though the night to the farmhouse tonight if you want. Or we can camp out for the night. It’s your rig, up to you.”
“You’re the first person I’ve let in.” Deanna was picking at the ear of the fox, letting the soft fibers of it’s fur slip out of her fingertips. The double meaning wasn’t lost on Clint.  
“I promise, I’m not going to take advantage of you. I’m not going to take anything. I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was low, reassuring and finally she looked up and met his eyes again.  
“Let’s find somewhere off the road to park for the night?”
It took almost half an hour to try and find somewhere that looked secluded enough to park for the night. Once a place was picked, Deanna directed Clint through the process of sliding out the extensions. With great care, he helped her from the cab into the living space and set to work following her directions and putting things away.
“The bedding’s for the bed, through the back.” Deanna offered when it was really all that was left.  
“I’ll make it up for you.” Clint offered, lifting the massive bag up and disappearing down the hall with the ever watchful Trust on his heels.
Deanna sat for a moment on the couch before standing carefully. It was odd, not being alone in the RV. As she hobbled toward the refrigerator, she listened as Clint chattered at Trust. The dog’s wagging tail thumping against a wall. The dog had been keeping a close eye on Clint but seemed to accept his presence.
She opened the door and pulled out a package, one of the few remaining, of chicken breasts she had thawed. Her supply of meat was running lower by the day but with all that Clint had done for her today, the least she could do was make him a meal. There wasn’t a whole lot she could do to thank him beyond that and words.  
Without much thought, she sprinkled seasoning salt over the chicken. When he came out of the room, she had the breasts sizzling in the pan and another pan of sugar snap peas she had picked the day before cooking up. She glanced over at him and felt herself smile as Trust followed him. The dog was clearly taken with the man.  
“I’ve got some juice concentrate we can have. Or we can have coffee or just water?”  
“Coffee.” Clint moaned the word and she laughed. She was doing that more since meeting him a few hours ago and it felt good.
“Coffee it is.” She pulled out the canister and set about making a pot.
“Not instant?!” He cried, perking up eagerly as if a boy on Christmas morning.  
“Not instant.” She laughed again, shaking her head.  
“Dee, you’ve got all the power now. I’ve only had instant for over a week and I’m- I’m dying. It’s killing me. I’m yours.”
It didn’t take long for the small pot to fill. She grabbed a mug down and filled it for him.  
“Food will be done in a minute.” She turned as she spoke, preparing to hobble over to the dinette with the mug where Clint had been sitting.
His warm hand settled on her waist and she found him next to her. “I’ve got it. I don’t want you to burn yourself.” A odd warmth spread through her at the contact, at the way he spoke, low and calmly. All she could do was nod. “When it’s done, I’ll carry the plates over too.”  
It was only a few short minutes later that Deanna was putting the simple dinner on the two plates sitting on the covered sink. The extra oil and fat was poured from the pan onto Trust’s bowl of kibble along with the fatty scraps she had cut off before cooking.  
Clint was at her side before she could call him. The space was small and he would clearly see that the food was done so it didn't surprise her. His hand came to rest on her lower back and he looked down at the food on the counter.
“Looks delish. Smells good too.”
“It’s nothing, honest.” Deanna felt that warmth again, in her chest and face.  
“It isn’t nothing.” Clint insisted, placing the dog’s dish by the door. Trust was eager to eat. When he turned back toward her, he let both hands rest on her hips as she faced him. “It isn’t nothing. A home cooked meal is something I haven’t had in a month, not since my wife…” There was a short silence as he took a deep breath. “They’re gone now and I thought the chance to have a home cooked meal was gone too. At least to me, it isn’t nothing.”
Silence fell over them and Clint’s hand found hers and offered a reassuring squeeze. Deanna wasn’t sure as to what she should say to that and so she finally settled on, “I’ve got a decent set up.”
“Damn right, you do.” Clint offered around a mouthful of chicken, waving his fork. “You’ve got power, a way to cook, coffee, a shower, coffee, a bed- a pretty comfortable bed- mind you, coffee...”
“That coffee really is a big deal for you, isn’t it?” Deanna felt that odd urge to smile again.  
“I love coffee. Live off of it. All I’ve hand in the last few weeks was a few cups and half of those were instant.” Deanna made a face full of mock horror and brought her hand out from under his to rest over her heart.  
“That’s a punishment on par with death!”  
“Right?!” Again, Clint laughed and she felt that warmth in her heart. She found that when he laughed, she wanted to smile.  
When the plates were cleaned of food- and that didn’t take long, Clint leaned back with a sigh and patted his stomach dramatically. It was fascinating to her how in the moment some of the weight he carried on his shoulders seemed to fall off. The lines in his face seemed to be a little less deep.
“I have fed. I may sleep now. Right here.” He slipped down on his side along the dinette bench. “If I look dead, don’t bother me.”  
“Or you can get up and we can turn the dinette into a bed?” Deanna stood to hobble the dishes to the sink, preparing to wash them. Clint was faster, surprising her with his eagerness.  
“You cooked. Dee, let me.”  
“Fine, but I’m getting the bed ready for you.”  
As Clint washed the dishes, she balanced on her knee, protecting her foot as she lowered the tabletop. When the top was secured flush with the solid frame of the benches she arranged the cushions from the bench backs, filling in the space.
“It won’t be as comfortable as the bed.” Deanna leaned back.  
“It’s better than the shed floor.” He sat down on the edge and leaned back, groaning when his back audibly popped. After a moment, he answered her unasked question. “I couldn’t stand going back into the house at first.”
“I don’t think I could go back.” She admitted. “It would hurt too much.”
“Yeah.” He mumbled. “I don’t have a plan. I don’t really… what’s the point?”
“It can’t be undone, can it?”  
“Nope. They tired. It’s too late.” Silence stretched on. There wasn’t anything more that could be said.  
“I don’t have any extra blankets.” Deanna finally spoke when thunder crashed in the distance. “If it storms it could get a bit cold in here.”  
“I’ll be fine. I’ve slept rougher in worse conditions.” He assured her but still, Deanna got up and turned the heat on and set it low. When she set about closing the blinds and curtains, Clint quickly beat her to it. He checked doors and windows, insuring they were locked.
“Don’t use up fuel on my account.” Clint insisted as he worked.  
“It won’t last forever. I’ll eventually have to learn how to stay warm without it anyway.” Deanna shrugged. “I can’t have my hero catching a cold on my watch.” 
Before Clint could respond, she hobbled down the short hall and closed the door to her small bedroom.  
Tag List: @usedtobegoodfriend96, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @alexakeyloveloki, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @winterisakiller, @tnystrk-exe, @bambamwolf87, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @carissime72, @xoxabs88xox, @queenoftheunderdark, @myoxisbroken, @wegingerangelica
As always, want in on the tag list? Let me know. Want off? Let me know. Want to sing my praises? Let me know. Wanna dance around in a clown costume? I guess you can let me know... But for real, I love to hear what you think of what’s happened, of Dee and Clint, how they’ve dealt with things and even what you think is going to happen or any thing else. <3
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 3 years
You're My Hero
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33o3BSX
by Booklivesmatter
Clint Barton saw something familiar within his new protege. However, until Eleanor Bishop gave him an ultimatum in her dining room, Clint hadn't been able to figure out what it was he was seeing. Now that the secret was out, Hawkeye will do anything to make sure that Kate Bishop makes it out of this mess alive. After all, a father would do anything for his daughter.
Words: 43345, Chapters: 23/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawkeye (TV 2021), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Laura Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Wilson Fisk, Maya Lopez, Yelena Belova, Peter Parker, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Alya Fitz, Kazimierz Kazimierczak, Stephen Strange, Scott Lang, Cassie Lang, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Peter Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr, Raven | Mystique, Hank McCoy, Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Kurt Wagner, Logan (X-Men), Matt Murdock, Tony Stark, Vision (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Skye | Daisy Johnson, Daniel Sousa, Bruce Banner, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Peter Quill, Carol Danvers, Thor (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Happy Hogan
Relationships: Clint Barton & Kate Bishop, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Laura Barton
Additional Tags: Kate Bishop is a Barton, Abduction, Protective Clint Barton, Father-Daughter Relationship, Deaf Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes & Kate Bishop Friendship, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Post-Episode: s01e01 Never Meet Your Heroes (Hawkeye), Post-Episode: s01e02 Hide and Seek (Hawkeye), Post-Episode: s01e04 Partners Am I Right? (Hawkeye), Post-Episode: s01e05 Ronin (Hawkeye), Yelena Belova Needs a Hug, BAMF Yelena Belova, Clint Barton Needs a Hug, Not Spider-Man: No Way Home Compliant, POV Kate Bishop, POV Clint Barton, Post-Episode: s01e03 Echoes (Hawkeye)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33o3BSX
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mdccanon · 3 years
Marvel Ships, 2021
A comprehensive guide of raw data on Marvel ships (MCU, FOX X-Men, and comics) based on AO3 # of romantic fanfics.
I have made this list to clear up misconceptions and improve awareness of the preferences of the Marvel Fanbase. This list is arranged for maximum comparison ability and easy referencing.
Also: the establishment of "canon" couples and friends is based on how often they are referenced as such by both movies and comics on AO3. Therefore, Nat/Bucky and Nat/Bruce are both treated as equally canon couples, as AO3 Nat/Bucky fanfics are often written using comic canon.
Actual canon heterosexual couple
Actual canon queer couple
Deeply hated rival/nemesis
Conflicted feelings ex-friend/rival/enemy
Friends should kiss more often, just sayin’
No canon reason, it just sounds cool
No canon reason, but it fulfills my kink, don’t shame me
Notes on the Legend: Which ships go under which category is entirely based on my criteria of why their audience likes the ship. Instead of having a category for "problematic" ships, I would rather have the categories based on if the characters fulfill a kink for the reader or if they are hated enemies and that conflict excites the reader. What constitutes as "problematic" is entirely subjective conjecture. Some of these kinky ships you may find problematic, but some of these enemy ships you may not find problematic.
1. Cap/Peggy: 5,693
2. Cap/Bucky: 53,142
3. Bucky/Tony: 5,233
4. Cap/Tony: 39,189
5. Pepper/Tony: 18,943
6. JARVIS/Tony: 431
7. Bruce/Tony: 4,696
8. Loki/Tony: 10, 488
9. Loki/Thor: 13,357
10. Thor/Jane: 5,367
11. Thor/Cap: 1,303
12. Cap/Natasha: 5,048
13. Bruce/Natasha: 2,971
14. Bucky/Natasha: 5,014
15. Darcy/Natasha: 454
16. Darcy/Bucky: 2,731
17. Darcy/Cap: 3,054
18. Darcy/Tony: 316
19. Darcy/Thor: 176
20. Darcy/Loki 1,558
21. Darcy/Jane: 215
22. Darcy/Clint: 1,093
23. Clint/Natasha: 11,686
24. Clint/Laura Barton: 2,054
25. Clint/Pietro: 830
26. Clint/Phil Coulson: 10,813
27. Phil Coulson/Melinda May: 3,448
28. Melinda May/Grant Ward: 145
29. Daisy Johnson/Grant Ward: 2,198
30. Jemma/Daisy: 1,751
31. Fitzsimmons: 7,484
32. Fitz/Daisy: 203
33. Daisy Johnson/Phil Coulson: 1,997
34. Phil Coulson/Tony Stark: 268
35. Steven Strange/Tony Stark: 5,404
36. Baron Mordo/Steven Strange: 150
37. Loki/Steven Strange: 451
38. Steven Strange/Everett Ross: 156
39. Everett Ross/T’Challa: 185
40. T’Challa/Nakia: 308
41. T’Challa/Storm: 89
42. M’Baku/T’Challa: 140
43. T’Challa/Killmonger: 552
44. Killmonger/Shuri: 35
45. Peter Parker/Shuri: 161
46. Peter/Harry Osborn: 1,197
47. Peter/Mary Jane Watson 774
48. Peter/Gwen Stacy: 795
49. Peter/Matt Murdock: 290
50. Matt/Foggy: 2,392
51. Matt/Karen: 883
52. Karen/Frank: 1,911
53. Matt & Jessica Jones (as friends): 241
54. Luke Cage/Jessica Jones: 289
55. Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew: 233
56. Jessica Drew/Peter Parker: 21
57. Mysterio/Peter: 723
58. Venom/Peter: 122
59. Peter/Deadpool: 7,678
60. Cable/Deadpool: 752
61. Scott Summers/Jean Grey: 1,117
62. Scott Summers/Logan: 1,022
63. Victor Creed/Logan: 169
64. Victor Creed/Mystique: 13
65. Beast/Mystique: 650
66. Beast/Havoc: 478
67. Havoc/Polaris: 53
68. Magneto/Mystique: 287
69. Rogue/Magneto: 31
70. Rogue/Gambit: 637
71. Erik/Charles: 15,380
72. Erik/Magda: 347
73. Wanda/Vision: 3,607
74. Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau: 878
75. Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan: 1,750
76. America Chavez/Kate Bishop: 491
77. Carol/Yon-Rogg: 250
78. Carol Danvers/Peter Parker: 103
79. Carol Danvers/Peter Quill: 18
80. Quill/Ronan the Accuser: 106
81. Quill/Gamora: 1,665
82. Nebula/Gamora (as lovers): 105
83. Quill/Tony Stark: 309
84. Victor von Doom/Tony Stark: 117
85. Doom/Susan Storm: 24
86. Susan Storm/Johnny Storm: 17
87. Peter Parker/Johnny Storm: 888
88. Johnny/Reed: 42
89. Susan/Reed: 294
90. Doom/Reed: 126
91. Doom/Loki: 141
92. Loki/Wanda: 74
93. Wanda/Agatha: 58
94. Wanda/Pietro: 377
95. Wanda/Natasha: 955
96. Natasha/Carol: 262
97. Carol/Wanda: 87
98. Wanda/Bucky: 449
99. Sam/Bucky: 3,866
100. Zemo/Bucky: 43
This concludes my exhaustive look into the tastes and preferences of the Marvel Fanbase.
Out of 100 ships, how many ships are:
Canon hetero: 26
Canon queer: 1
Enemies: 15
Conflicted: 10
Friends: 23
Just Seem Cool: 17
Kinky: 8
Out of 27canon couples, how many times was there a fan-preferred alternative: 17.
Which canon couples do more fans prefer over ships alternatives:
Susan and Reed Richards
Quill and Gamora
Rogue and Gambit
Frank Castle and Karen
Luke Cage and Jessica Jones
Wanda and Vision
Scott Summers and Jean Grey
Beast and Mystique
Teddy and Billy
How many ships have more than 1,000 fanfics: 37
Out of the Top 37, how many ships are:
Canon hetero: 12 (32%)
Canon queer: 1 (3%)
Enemies: 3 (8%)
Conflicted: 6 (16%)
Friends: 9 (24%)
Just Seem Cool: 5 (14%)
Kinky: 2 (6%)
With bold for categories that increased and italics for decreases from the percentages of the original 100. It seems like the most common ships in Marvel tend to be canon, friends to lovers and conflicted feelings to lovers more often that the spicier enemies to lovers and kinky ships.
It is at this point that I realized that I forgot one important ship, and it is such an egregious error on my part that I almost felt ashamed. I say almost because knowing this ship exists proves I have no shame.
· Peter Parker/Tony Stark (as lovers): 7,168
· Peter Parker & Tony Stark (as mentor/protégé): 20,928
So, I'll make a second post that is just the Top 25, with more friendships added. Friendships are a difficult measure to use, as people will tag romance stories as also friendship stories, as if they can't understand the difference... But, its not so wholly inaccurate that it doesn't give some insight.
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Heist (Loki x Reader) Pt. V
Haven’t read the first part?  Read it here! 
Welcome to the beginning of the end.  This is on track for being a seven-part series.  For those who wish to know, you’re also on track for a happy ending.  It’s all up to you guys now. 
You were grateful to see everyone back.  You looked around the circle, finding all six stones present.  There was one person missing, however.  "Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce asked.
Clint said nothing as he looked down at the stone.  He looked distraught as if he was still trying to figure out what happened.  You felt sick to your stomach.  Bruce slowly kneeled down to the ground before slamming his fist down.
Tony, Steve, and Clint stormed out quickly after that.  Tony took the stones and placed them in the backroom.  You followed Steve and Clint outside, but before you left, you noticed how confused and odd Nebula was acting.  
"Do we know if she had any family?"
"Yeah, us."  Steve was sitting on a bench on the dock on the lake.  You sat on the dock, letting your feet swing out above the water.  Clint, Thor, Bruce, and the others stood around.  You hated how the sunlight glistened on the water.  It was gorgeous.  It felt like mother nature was mocking you all.  
You couldn't pay attention to what they were talking about.  You were still trying to process all that happened.  You couldn't even cry yet.  It didn't seem real.  Nat was fine and alive only ten minutes ago, right?
Bruce took the bench that was near you and threw it off in the distance in frustration.  You watched as it crashed into the lake, causing a huge ripple effect.  The ripples slowly faded out before they could reach back to the dock.  Below your feet, you could see the sand and silt move in the clear water.  
"Enough of this shit!" Thor exclaimed.  "We'll get the stones, snap, and bring everyone back, including her."  
"That's not how it works.  The guy-" Clint stopped when Thor spoke up.
"What, what do you know about how the power of the stones work?"  It was obvious Thor was desperate to find a way to bring her back.  The rest of the Avengers could barely listen to him.
"Maybe it's above my paygrade, but how about you go back there and talk to the red, floating, guy yourself!" Clint yelled.  
You had enough of their bickering and moaning.   You were frustrated enough with seeing Loki one last time.  At this point, you believe it actually made things worse.  You missed him even more, even with closure.  
"Everyone enough!" You stood up quickly from your spot.  Everyone turned to look at you.  "Nat wouldn't want us messing around now.  Not when we're this close.   She'd want us to get it done and over with.  We have trillions of lives in our hands right now, and it's time to bring them back."
Everyone was silent for a single moment.  Steve stood up and Tony walked up next to you before speaking to the group.  "What are we waiting for?"
You worked alongside Tony to bring the stones into a replica of the gauntlet Thanos wore.  This one was the size of a human hand though and was red and silver.  You used the connectors to work three of the stones into place carefully.  As Tony brought the next three in, it was like the gauntlet glowed with power.
"BOO!" Rocket yelled before laughing at everyone's reactions.  Tony glared at him.  
You flipped several switches to open the glass door into the chamber the gauntlet was in.  You carefully held it in fear of what could happen if you touched the stones.   Walking into the meeting room, everyone was situated, and the table was removed.  
"Who's going to snap the frickin' fingers?" Rocket asked.  
"I'll do it, because I'm clearly the strongest Avenger and it only makes sense," Thor started walking up to you, motioning for you to give him the gauntlet.
"Woah, buddy, slow down," Tony pushed him back.
"Thor, you're in no shape to do this." You stated.
"What do you think is flowing in my veins?"
"Cheese whiz," Rhodey spoke out.  You had to stifle your laughter.  Thor rolled his eyes and was about to reply, but Bruce walked up.
"The energy coming from the stones is mostly gamma.  It's like, I was made for this."  Bruce held his arm out.  
"Are you sure about this, Bruce?" You asked him.  He nodded.
"FRIDAY, activate barn door protocol,"  Tony stated.  The ceilings, walls, and doorways were suddenly sealed shut by steel.  There was no getting out, obviously a precautionary move.
"If anything happens to you, we're pulling it off immediately.  You hear me?"  You asked him.  
"Understood.  Trust me on this though.  Let me do this."  
He held his hand out, and you slowly gave him the gauntlet.  The stones seemed to glow even brighter as if they knew they'd be used soon.  Thor took your hand when Bruce started to slide on the gauntlet.  You were confused by his actions.  "My brother would want me to ensure your safety, Y/N.  Even after death," He stated.  He then moved you behind him with Rocket.
"Loki would want to make sure you're okay too.  If something happens, maybe you should let me go first.  I was able to keep one infinity stone at bay.  You may be surprised how tough I am," You referenced that time all of those years ago when the Tesseract seemed to explode in front of you.
"Perhaps, but he wouldn't be happy to hear that I wouldn't even try to protect the one he loved." You gave in after that, knowing there was no point in fighting.
Tony lifted up a shield as the others were prepared for anything to go wrong.  "Go for it, Bruce."
Bruce let the gauntlet tighten around his hand.  As the energy started to flow through his body, you could see it light up his veins.  They were an assortment of colors, mostly starting with yellow and white.  He immediately kneeled on the ground, groaning in pain.  
"Bruce, talk to me!  You alright?"  Tony yelled out to him.  Bruce couldn't hear anything anyone was saying.  Thor started to walk up to him, only to be stopped by Clint.  
Banner slowly started to stand up again.  He took his one arm to slowly lift his other one up.  When he snapped his fingers, your vision turned white for a second.  When you could see again, he was already on the ground.  Clint kicked the gauntlet out of the way as everyone ran to him.  
"Don't touch that thing!"  Tony yelled.  
You looked off to the side, where the steel had already been lifted.  You could see outside now.  The sun was bright, but you noticed birds that weren't there before.  You and Scott walked out slowly to watch them.  Clint's phone rang off, and he immediately answered it.  You knew it could only be one person.  Laura.
"Hey, guys," Scott called out.  Off in the distance, you could see a large shadow.  You went to try and get a better look, but you were thrown back before you could do anything.
The floor gave out from underneath you and you heard everyone yell.  The walls were collapsing quickly, and dust already filled your lungs.  You knew you were falling from several stories.  You weren't going to be able to survive unless you got it together.
Your back hit pipes and you hissed in pain.  Your back stung, and it felt like it was on fire.  You couldn't imagine moving anymore.  The good news was that you knew you wouldn't be falling again.  If you struck the pipes, you were on the ground.  The falling debris was a different story.  
Water was starting to spray everywhere, and it looked like a river was cutting through the dirt.  Steel, metal, and glass were everywhere.  You couldn't even feel the cuts on your arms from falling on broken glass because of your back.  You heard a loud groan from above and found a large piece of the compound falling.
"Shit!" You yelled out as you used all the power you had to keep the piece from falling.  It was only a few inches above your head.  Out of pure frustration and pain, you were able to throw it several feet away.  "Is everyone alright?!"  You asked through your communicator.
"We're- stu- we can't-" You heard Rhodey cut in and out.  You panicked, putting the puzzle pieces together.
You couldn't move out of your position.  There was no way with the amount of pain you were in that you'd be able to get up by yourself.  If someone helped you, you could stand and fight, but not now.  
"I'm on my way!" Scott yelled.  You breathed a sigh of relief.  At least he was alright, and he was going to go help James.  
"Scott!  When you've found everyone else, I need you to help me out.  I can't move.  I'm not in any danger right now, but I struck a pipe and I can't move.  I think I may be stuck in between some parts anyway.  I can't see anything past four feet above my head."  You told him.  You looked around, hoping to see anything.  There were fire and water spreading everywhere.
"Alright, I've got you!" He yelled before a static noise filled your ear.
That led you to your thoughts.  What happened?  Surely it wasn't an accident.  That was planned.  But who would do that?  There was no point.  
You heard yelling far out in the distance suddenly.  It sounded like Clint and... a woman?  You tried yelling out to them when they quieted down slightly.  
You thanked whatever god was listening at that point when you could hear Clint running over.  He was carrying the gauntlet in his hands.  "Y/N!  Are you alright?"
"I could be better, you know, it's nice to not have a building collapse on you.  What happened?" You asked him as he moved debris.  You were right about a woman.  She had green skin and dark hair with bright tips.  She didn't look to be hostile against you, but you kept an eye on her.
"Thanos is here, he took down the building.  His ship's right outside."
"What?!  How's that possible?!"  
"My sister," The woman spoke.  "We're from 2014.  She brought our father here."
"Are you with him or against him?" You narrowed your eyes.
"She's with us," Nebula walked up.  Parts of her face were missing, revealing the gears and gadgets below.  There was no doubt that she was the real 2023 version of herself.
"Y/N," Clint addressed you, "Can you get up?" He asked as he pulled the last part off your legs.
"Yeah, I think so.  Give me a hand?  Turns out a metal pipe does some serious damage to your back.  Or maybe I'm just getting old."
"I can understand the latter, trust me."  He muttered.  You smiled slightly as he held his hand out.  You took it and you were able to stand slowly.
"Let's take the prune chin down again."  
"You want to take the gauntlet for a little while?  There's no way I'm letting you fight whatever's on top while you're still recovering."
"I'll take it for a few minutes, but you know I'm going to fight when I'm better."
Clint nodded as the four of you made your way up.  It involved a lot of climbing, but you made it to see the light of day again.  The sky was dark with clouds.  The entire landscape was covered in garbage and parts that were once the compound.  It amazed you that it was brought down in only the past 20 minutes.  
Far off, you could see Thanos standing with his army.  It looked like thousands of the same aliens standing there, preparing for the fight of their lives.  You stood there, clutching the gauntlet tightly against your chest.  You only saw Steve down below you, but Thor and Tony were scattered, trying to pick themselves up.  You crawled down with Clint, Nebula, and the green lady, trying to make your way to him.  
"Cap?  Cap, can you read me?" You froze when you heard his voice.  "On your left."
@angelofasgard16 @it-jinxed-us @dark-night-sky-99 @pyrowolfgirl1408 @heartsxhoney @twhgirl @xavierwoodsxkofikingston @panda-duuu @nonsensicalobsessions @marisayouass
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txnysheart · 5 years
let’s get on with living (while we can) [8]
chapter 8: thoughts are scattered and they’re cloudy
word count: 5977
warnings: chemo side effects, vomiting, anxiety, pretty heavy emotional angst, referenced suicide
summary: clint comes for a visit, and the harsh reality of the situation isn’t lost on anyone
read on ao3: x 
playlist: x
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 - chapter 9
series masterlist | masterlist
“Is that mine or yours?” Tony mumbled, not even opening his eyes. He and Steve were still in bed, as was Peter in his own bedroom, and they’d been woken up by a phone ringing. Steve grunted, leaning over to the headboard on his side of the bed where they’d both left their phones.
“Yours,” he yawned, picking the phone up and placing it in Tony’s outstretched hand, then slumped back down on his pillow. He didn’t know what time it was, but it was too early.
Without looking at the caller ID, Tony answered the phone. “Hello?”
“The hell’s going on, Tony?” He recognized it was Clint’s voice, and if he’d been more alert, he would definitely have caught onto the fact that Clint had called him by his first name instead of the usual ‘Stark’.
“Top o’ the mornin’ to ya,” Tony said in an overdone Irish accent, and wasn’t surprised when Steve lazily slapped his shoulder. “Is that you, Barton?”
“Yeah. It’s me.” He sounded agitated. Impatient.
“What’s so urgent that you had to call me at,” he forced one eye open to check the time, “five thirty in the morning? Damn, that’s four thirty for you.”
“Was hoping you could tell me, actually.”
“Just got off the phone with Nat. The press conference.”
“Oh,” Tony breathed out, realization jolting him awake. Clint didn’t know. “What’d she tell you?”
“That it was about Peter, and I’d have to call you. She wouldn’t say anything more than that.”
“I’m putting you on speaker. It’s just me and Steve.”
“Sure. Just tell me what’s going on, she sounded strange.”
“You should, uh… Are you sitting? You should be sitting down.”
“What- Just get to it before I lose my damn mind!”
“Hey! I’m serious, Barton. It- It’s bad. Really bad.”
“I don’t- Sure. Yeah, okay, I’m sitting down.”
“Okay. Uh… It’s Peter. He, uh… Ah, shit, Steve, how do I say this? Fuck.”
Steve held his hand up to stop Tony before he could spiral. “I’ve got it, honey,” he assured Tony, sitting up in bed. “Want me to tell him?” Tony nodded, hiding his face in his hands. “Okay. Okay, you still there, Clint?”
“Yeah.” He was wary, and he was right to be.
“Peter is… He’s really sick. He’s got cancer.”
It took a couple of seconds for it to register in Clint’s brain before he spoke. “What?”
“It’s… It’s lung cancer. Stage four, spread to his liver and his brain.” Steve’s voice faltered slightly as he delivered the news; the words felt so wrong in his mouth. Tony had sat up, feet on the floor, and his back facing Steve.
“No, that… That can’t be right. Right? Not him. Not- Not Peter. He’s…”
“I know, I- I’m sorry we didn’t tell you before. Everything just…” Steve gestured with his hands even though Clint couldn’t see him.
“No, no, I get it.” Having kids himself, he understood. He wouldn’t have been able to focus right, either. So he got it. “Stage four? That’s… God, that’s bad, isn’t it?”
“It’s really bad.”
“Is he gonna- Can I come visit?”
“‘Course you can. Peter loves you, you know that. We’re at the Compound.”
“Okay. Yeah, okay, I can be there by tonight, the drive’s like 15 hours.” Clint was already throwing clothes into a suitcase, Laura still in bed, slightly confused, but mostly concerned.
“No, I’ll send a jet,” Tony decided, straightening his back.
Clint stopped his frantic packing. “What?”
“I’ll send you a jet, Legolas. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be there in three hours.” Steve cringed at Tony’s forced casual tone.
“Oh. Thanks. See you soon, then.” Clint was surprised, and it was audible even through the phone.
“See you soon, Barton,” Steve said, hanging up. “That was really nice of you,” he smiled at Tony, reaching out a hand to put on his shoulder. Tony let his head drop to the side, rubbing his cheek on Steve’s hand.
“FRI, make sure a jet gets sent to pick up Barton,” Tony told the AI.
“On it, Sir.”
He turned around to face Steve who was sitting cross legged on the bed with a sad, concerned look on his face. He mustered a smile for Tony. And Tony did the same for Steve. Both faltered.
“It hurts to say out loud,” Tony spoke into the silent room.
“So much.”
The early November air was cold. The wind was hitting Steve’s face like thousands of small needles piercing his skin, but he stood steadily as he watched Clint making his way towards him from the jet with a bag slung over his shoulder.
“Good to see you, Cap,” he smiled, half-genuine, when he was stood in front of the taller man.
“You too, Barton.” Steve pulled him in for a short, friendly hug before leading the way inside. Clint had obviously been at the Compound before, but Steve thought it’d be polite to greet him outside. And it’d give him a little more time to brief him about Peter’s condition.
“Have a nice flight?”
Clint just sent him a look that clearly meant cut the bullshit.
“Fair enough,” he chuckled. “Peter’s awake, but he’s pretty tired - worn out, really. And he… He probably looks sicker than what you’re expecting him to. He might just fall asleep, he might throw up, he might be in pain, and he might get a migraine,” Steve warned. “Just don’t get your hopes up.” That makes it even more painful.
Clint didn’t really know how to answer that. “I… This is so fucked up, I can’t even wrap my mind around it.”
“Yeah,” Steve breathed out, and neither of them said anything more until they were in the living room where Peter and Tony were. At least that’s where they’d been when Steve left them.
“Captain, Boss asks if you could come to Peter’s bedroom,” FRIDAY announced.
“Sure,” Steve confirmed, and then addressed Clint. “Uh, you know where your space is. Go ahead and leave your bag there, and then just come back here.”
With a nod, Clint turned around, starting on the familiar walk, while Steve headed for Peter’s bedroom, his steps somewhat rushed.
“Hey, you alright?” he asked upon entering the room, and closed the door behind him. Tony was keeping Peter steady as the boy pulled a pair of sweatpants on.
“I’m good,” the boy said, prompting Steve to look at his husband for more details.
“Had a little accident. Got some vomit on his clothes,” he explained, holding out a beanie for Peter when he’d tied the string on his pants who took it, immediately pulling it on. Tony had wanted to place a kiss on the top of his kid’s head and couldn’t help but look a little defeated when he wasn’t quick enough. He settled for a forehead kiss instead, forgetting his disappointment the second Peter leaned into the touch.
“You feelin’ up to seeing Clint?” Steve asked, wary of the pale, tired look on Peter’s face.
“Mhm,” he answered with a smile, blinking rather slowly.
“Maybe tomorrow we could invite everyone over for dinner,” Tony suggested.
“Sounds good. Would be nice for Pepper,” Steve commented.
“Pepper?” asked the boy, confused as to why it would nice for Pepper specifically.
“Yeah, she has to go back to the city for a while. She’s got a company to run,” Tony explained apologetically.
“Oh.” Peter sounded disappointed. He wasn’t, really, but it just reminded him that the world hadn’t stopped turning just because his life had been put on pause. And he didn’t want her to leave.
“We meant to tell you last night, but I guess we just forgot. Sorry, sweetheart.”
“No, it’s okay,” he assured his dad with a close-mouthed, genuine smile.
“C’mon, I’m sure Clint is excited to see you,” Steve said, walking the few remaining feet to wrap an arm around Peter. He didn’t know how much he’d thrown up, but he knew he usually became a little wobbly after it either way. “Want breakfast?” Steve mumbled on the way.
“Not really,” Peter declined, pretty sure that anything he ate would come right back up again.
“Not even a smoothie?” Tony asked, wringing his hands tensely.
“I could try,” he shrugged, having learned a long time ago how to lessen his dad’s worries.
“I’ll make it, Tony” Steve offered. “You go with him, Barton’s in the living room.”
With a hum of agreement, Tony wrapped an arm around Peter’s frail body. Because he knew exactly how much Peter had thrown up. It’d been a lot. But he happily supported some of his weight, and they made it to the living room in less than a minute.
Despite Steve having warned him, Clint still had to fight against the horrified expression that almost showed on his face. How could he not? Peter looked so sick. So thin. His face was gaunt and nearly gray, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that under that beanie, there was no hair. And the way he was leaning heavily into Tony, as if standing up was too tiring. The change was… jarring.
He smiled at Peter.
“Hey, bud,” he chuckled, walking over to them.
“Hi, Uncle Clint,” the boy beamed, letting go of the back of Tony’s shirt, and reached both arms out for a hug. Clint caught on right away, strategically wrapping his arms around Peter’s middle - he didn’t know how steady Peter was, and this way he could lift him up if he needed to.
He didn’t need to, but he did it anyway. Just to feel how light he’d gotten. Peter laughed when Clint pretended to groan as he lifted him a couple inches above the ground, thinking nothing of it, because Clint often did that to mess with him. Clint, on the other hand, met Tony’s eyes over Peter’s shoulder, nearly disturbed at how little the sixteen year old boy in his arms weighed. He was only met with a look on Tony’s face he couldn’t completely understand, but it wasn’t hard to tell that the man was both heartbroken and exhausted in a way he knew couldn’t compare to anything he’d ever felt himself.
Putting Peter back down again, he wiped the distressed look off of his face, replacing it with the smile from earlier. He let one arm stay wrapped around the boy as he pulled away, mirroring the way Tony had been steadying him.
“Wanna sit down on the couch?” he asked, and Peter nodded, feeling a little embarrassed as Clint helped him over to the couch, but pretty much forgot about it when he’d sat down, relief then taking over.
Well, as much relief as he could ask for, that was. The familiar aching in his bones was back, making it near impossible to completely relax. But he kept it together as well as he could for Clint. He might only be a kid, but he’d seen the look on the archer’s face, and he was well aware of how sick he looked. Biting the inside of his cheek, he refrained from shifting too much or squeezing his hands for some sort of relief.
“Quit it,” Tony whispered subtly to Peter when he’d sat down next to him, casually grabbing one of his hands to massage it. It felt so nice that Peter forgot himself for a second - by extension listening to what his dad had told him - and stretched his legs out, repositioning himself.
“Here you go, sweetie,” Steve said, approaching the couch, handing the freshly made smoothie to Peter before sitting down next to Tony. One glance down on Tony massaging Peter’s hand, and his smile faltered a tiny bit. Seeing Peter in pain would eventually drive him crazy, he was sure of it. There was something about seeing discomfort on that young face he knew so well that went against every instinct in him.
Clint’s mind was working on overdrive, trying to come up with something to say. The room was abnormally quiet; he was used to Tony’s quips and Peter’s rambling. But they were both occupied - Tony with massaging his son’s hand and watching his face, and Peter with trying to stay awake and drink some of his smoothie. “How are those two friends of yours doing?” he finally asked.
“Ned and MJ?” Peter perked up at the mention of them.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Clint encouraged, eager to hear him talk.
“They were here a couple of weeks ago. Was really nice.” He smiled tiredly, sinking further into the couch. Clint noticed, and changed his goal from getting Peter to talk to getting Peter to rest.
“Tell me about it later. I’m feeling up for a movie right now,” Clint decided. He was a dad, so of course he had a few tricks up his sleeve when it came to getting kids to go to sleep.
“Sure! What do you wanna watch?”
“You choose, buddy.”
“Alright. What about… Back to the Future?”
“Good choice, Pete,” Tony chimed in. “FRI, you heard the kid.” The AI only started playing the movie on the TV in front of them, dimming the lights. Peter managed to pay attention for about ten minutes. That was not-so-coincidentally just when Tony caught Clint’s gaze, flicking his eyes down to Peter’s hand in his. More prompting than that wasn’t necessary - Clint took hold of Peter’s other hand, copying what Tony was doing.
Anxiety boiled in Tony’s stomach as he waited for Peter to fall asleep. Just the thought of another bout of insomnia hitting his kid or him simply being uncomfortable to the point where it stole away his sleep was enough to make him feel off - to make his breathing pick up enough for Steve to notice. “He’s okay,” Steve murmured, pressing a kiss to his husband’s temple. Tony knew what Steve meant, but he still almost snapped that Peter was most definitely not okay.
All three men focused on Peter. Steve and Tony were able to pinpoint the moment he fell asleep, and Clint caught on a couple minutes later. “Is he asleep?” he whispered, looking at Tony.
“Mhm, let’s lie him down, and we can go sit in the kitchen,” Tony confirmed, letting go of Peter’s hand. Clint did the same, and stood up slowly. Cupping the back of Peter’s neck, Tony gingerly maneuvered Peter until he was lying down. Normally, he’d pull his beanie off, but with Clint there, he refrained from it. Then the boy was covered by a blanket, and they left him alone to rest.
Between the living room and the kitchen was the dining room, and a pair of sliding doors separated the living and dining room, allowing them to talk without disturbing Peter.
“You hungry, Barton? I think we have some leftover pizza from yesterday,” Steve offered, pulling a box out of the fridge.
“I could eat,” Clint said. “Thanks.” Steve put the box down in front of him, and grabbed glasses for each of them.
“Any requests, honey?” Steve asked Tony. “And don’t say coffee,” he smirked when the man opened his mouth, looking a bit too excited. For a while, Steve had tried helping him cut back on the amounts of caffeine he consumed in a day and they were actually making a little progress.
“Fine,” Tony snickered. “Iced tea? Do we have that?”
“I think so…” He rummaged around in the fridge. “Yeah, here we go. What about you, Clint?”
“Iced tea sounds good,” the archer said, picking up a slice of pizza, looking a little lost in thought.
“You good?” Steve asked him as he filled his glass.
“Hm? Yeah, just… Peter,” he sighed.
“Yeah,” Tony agreed.
“What’s with his hands?” Clint asked.
Tony looked at Steve with exhaustion clear on his face, so Steve decided to carry the burden of the conversation. “It’s not just his hands. His whole body hurts. Sometimes his hands get especially bad.”
A beat of silence. “Why?”
“Chemo side effect. One of many.” Steve sent him a sad smile, taking a sip of his drink.
Leaning his head back, Clint looked for words. “Not all the time, right?”
“No. Just sometimes.”
“I- He’s not even my kid, but seeing him in pain… All I wanna do is to fix it.”
“He’s okay now. He’s sleeping,” Steve assured him. Tony flinched. There it was again. “You alright, Tony?”
“Yep. All good.” His response was clipped, and his focus stayed glued to his apparently very interesting fingernails. It made Steve frown, but he decided to ignore it for now, instead opting to further explain Peter’s condition to Clint.
“Sleep usually helps. Hopefully he feels a little better tomorrow. But we can’t know for sure. The days after chemo are bad.”
“When was chemo?”
“Monday through Wednesday.”
“Jeez, that’s rough.”
“Yeah, it’s a… It’s a harsh treatment. It takes a toll on him.”
“He’s down to 110 pounds,” Tony blurted out, and then followed a sharp, humorless laugh. “But that was four days ago, probably even less now. He’s not okay. He’s not.”
“I’m going to bed.”
“Honey, it’s noon,” Steve attempted.
“And I’m tired.” His voice was much softer, much more vulnerable than it had just been a mere second earlier. That, combined with how completely worn out he looked had Steve let out a somber sigh, concern filling his chest. It was a common sensation these days.
“Okay,” Steve said, too many feelings packed into such a short word.
“He good?” Clint asked when Tony was gone.
“He’s… We’re tired.”
Per Tony’s request, FRIDAY alerted him when Peter began showing signs of waking up. Still groggy from an unexpectedly good nap, he sat up in bed, running his fingers through his hair once. He tugged lightly on it to wake himself up, then headed to the living room. Passing the kitchen, he saw Steve cooking while chatting with Clint.
On the couch he found Peter stirring, just beginning to open his eyes up. “Hey, Peter Pan,” he whispered, kneeling next to the couch despite his knees protesting. He tuned it out, instead fixating on gently rousing his son out of his sleepy state.
“Mmm, Dad?” Peter mumbled, stretching his arms over his head as he yawned.
“That’s me,” Tony confirmed playfully.
“Time is it?” The boy searched for his father’s hand, happily leaning into the touch when he felt it cup his cheek.
“Didn’t check, but it looked like Pops was cooking dinner. Feeling rested? You got a few good hours of sleep in.” He let his fingers gently caress Peter’s cheek even though it looked like all it was doing was coaxing him back to sleep.
“Yeah, it- Oh, no.” Peter tensed, sitting up abruptly with a hand in front of his mouth.
“There’s a- Shit, it’s in your bedroom. Sit tight, just a sec.” Tony bolted to the kitchen to get a trash can after realizing the bucket they’d had next to the couch for instances like this had been moved.
Crashing into Steve, he only yelled out a hurried apology as he pushed him out of the way, grabbing the nearest trash can. Steve closed his mouth that had been open to ask Tony what on earth he was doing - it was rather obvious. Especially when he could hear Peter puking into said trash can just about three seconds later.
“I trust you’re able to look out for the pasta?” Steve asked, pulling his apron off, and abandoned his nearly finished homemade pesto.
“Go ahead. Let me know if you need any help,” Clint told him, and Steve sent him a nod in thanks before going to be with his son.
It was common occurrence by now to see Peter emptying his stomach in a rather miserable way, but that didn’t mean he’d ever get used to it. Peter was sitting on the edge of the couch, clutching the trash can, Tony kneeling on the floor next to him, one hand on the trash can and one on Peter’s back. Steve sat down on the other side of Peter.
There really wasn’t anything else to do than gently encouraging him through it, telling him that it’d be over soon and how brave he was. It made both dads feel powerless. There was nothing to do. They just had to witness it, with no opportunity to make it any better no matter how hard they wished, hoped, wanted, prayed, whatever.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Tony said optimistically when Peter was done, even though they all knew it was only because there wasn’t much in his stomach to begin with.
“What do you want for dinner?” Steve asked, anxious to make sure Peter got a little substance in him. “Anything you want, just as long as it’s something.”
Peter grimaced. “At least let me brush my teeth before you start talking about food.”
“Okay, fair point,” Steve smiled. “You good to stand?”
The sudden flush on Peter’s face told Steve everything he needed to know. “It’s just us, don’t worry about it,” he assured him, wrapping a secure arm around his middle and pulled him up. He supported some of his weight, but Peter was relatively steady as they walked out of the living room to brush his teeth.
Tony couldn’t help but be a little stunned. There was nothing special about what he’d just witnessed, and it was far from the worst thing he’d seen the past few weeks. Still, it stung deep in his chest, a helplessness so all-consuming that he had no idea how to handle it.
Clenching his fists so hard that his nails nearly broke through the skin on his palms, he felt his chest tighten and throat close up. He sat down. His eyes were wide, searching the room as he tried to fill his lungs. “TV, trash can, paintings, chairs, phone,” he whispered to himself, voice shaky and mouth dry.
“Sofa, pants, pillow,” he reached his hand out, “table.”
“Clint in the kitchen, footsteps. Peter laughing.” He calmed down considerably at that one, especially when his husband let out a laugh as well, the noise getting closer to him. Honing in on it, he let himself forgo the rest of his familiar grounding technique.
“There we go, let’s sit you down next to Dad, and I’ll go rescue Clint in the kitchen,” Steve said, sending a smile Tony’s way, a little put off by the look in his eyes he’d seen too many times before, if it were up to him to judge.
“Oh, no, you left Clint in the kitchen by himself?” Peter joked as Steve helped him sit down, still a bit unsteady.
“I know, it’s a miracle if any of the food is salvageable,” Steve jested right back. “Gotta go get rid of this first, though,” he said, picking up the trash can next to Tony. Eyebrows furrowed subtlety in concern, he caught his husbands gaze who nodded reassuringly in response.
“You still haven’t told me what you want, Petey,” he said, holding the trash can in one hand, halfway turned to leave the room to dispose of the bag, and make sure it’s clean.
“I know it’s not a dinner food, but scrambled eggs, please?” Peter requested hopefully.
“Sure, sweetie, I did say anything you want. As long as you’re eating.” With a final smile, he walked off, leaving Tony and Peter alone. The man’s breathing was pretty much under control by now, and there were no tangible traces of him panicking just a couple minutes earlier.
“Feeling better?” Tony asked, hand gently taking hold of the back of Peter’s neck, drawing circles on the smooth skin with his thumb. It was just as much to comfort Peter as it was to help himself get completely grounded.
“Much,” Peter sighed, and leaned into the touch, ever the tactile one.
“Stay awake until you’ve eaten something, okay?” Tony told him when he saw his eyes starting to droop a little.
“Okay,” he agreed, shifting to lean into Tony’s side. Ever since he was little, it’d been his favorite place to be, and it always fit him perfectly, as if it grew with him. With Dad’s arm around him and head resting on his chest, he felt just as secure as ever.
Sometimes, the childish side of him missed the arc reactor. He was always fascinated and soothed by the blue light it emitted. After Afghanistan, the boy had been plagued with nightmares of Tony disappearing again. All the times he’d timidly made his way to his father’s room because he was scared and couldn’t sleep, the blue light never failed to steal his focus away from the bad as he traced over it with his fingers. Whenever anyone else, including Rhodey, and sometimes even Steve, got close to touching the reactor - be it by accident or not - he couldn’t help but flinch away.
But, oh, Peter; he could touch it as much as he wanted because Tony knew how gentle he was, fingers barely there as he studied it as if every time were his first time seeing it. Though, above all, it was because Peter was his kid, and he’d do anything to make him feel better. He grew to be quite fond of it, marveled at how the piece of metal in his chest not only kept him alive, but was important to Peter as well.
The sensible side of Peter, however, knew to be relieved that Tony didn’t need the arc reactor anymore. There were no pieces of shrapnel threatening to stop his heart, and Peter was eternally grateful.
One thing the boy didn’t seem to notice was the way his fingers would sometimes move on their own accord in the same way they did back when the arc reactor was still in place, drawing small, light figures on his father’s chest even though there was nothing there.
Tony had noticed and it was something that never failed to make his heart swell with contentedness. He looked down to watch Peter’s fingers move around as if tracing the design of the arc reactor, patterns stored somewhere deep in the boy’s mind.
“Hey, no sleeping, squirt,” Tony reminded him, squeezing his shoulder to wake him up a little.
“I know. Just closing my eyes for a minute,” Peter mumbled, not sounding very convincing. Tony could only laugh lightly at him, holding him a little tighter as they waited for dinner to be ready. It couldn’t be much longer; he could hear either Steve or Clint getting plates and utensils ready to set the table.
His suspicions were confirmed when Steve stuck his head into the room. “Dinner in five,” he spoke softly.
“Are his eggs ready?” Tony asked, Steve giving a confirming hum. “Maybe give it here? I’ll make sure he eats some, but he’s so tired. I don’t want him to have to get up. I’ll join you guys as soon as he’s asleep, okay?”
While Steve knew Clint wanted to spend time with the boy, it wasn’t hard to give in, especially when he watched Peter bury his face in Tony’s chest.
“Alright,” Steve smiled, and went to get Peter’s food and a bottle of water.
“Chow time,” Tony announced moving his hand to Peter’s ribs, tickling him.
“Dad, stop,” Peter laughed, trying to squirm away from him.
“What? I’m not doing anything.” Tony feigned innocence, barely able to hold back his grin.
“Yes, you are!” With a huge smile on his face, Peter grabbed Tony’s hand and pulled it away from his side.
“Oof, busted,” Tony chuckled, and wasn’t surprised at Peter settling close to him again, despite his tickling attack.
Steve came back with food and water for Peter. “Eat up, and then have a nice nap, okay?” he said when he’d put it down in front of him, and leaned down to press a kiss to the boy’s forehead.
“Thanks, Pops.”
“How old is he again? Two?” Steve asked after Clint told them about how Nathaniel had managed to lock Laura in the bathroom and that’s why keys are now banned in their house.
They’d finished dinner about an hour ago and had just cleaned the table, but stayed in the dining room to let Peter sleep.
“Yeah, just turned two, the little jackass,” Clint confirmed with a chuckle.
“Well, I wouldn’t call him a jackass; kid managed to lock a door all by himself. I’d say he’s bordering on child protegee,” Tony quipped with a deliberate straight face, but amusement was glinting in his eyes.
“Hm, you might reconsider when I tell you about how he tried to eat a pine cone five minutes later because ‘chocolate’s the same color.’ Swear to god, I’ve got three kids and they just keep getting weirder,” Clint laughed fondly, managing to get Tony and Steve to laugh pretty hard as well.
Hearing about Clint’s kids made something in Tony ache to check on Peter, so he asked his AI. “Hey, FRI, how’s Peter doing? Sleeping beauty still going strong?”
“He’s still deeply sleeping and seems to be comfortable,” she assured him.
“Honey, he’s just sleeping in the other room. FRIDAY would’ve told us if something was wrong. He’s okay,” Steve said, aiming to reduce some of Tony’s worries. Had he avoided those two final words, he might’ve succeeded, but it just backfired.
In bone-deep frustration, Tony slammed his fist down on the dining table. “Jesus, Steve, he’s not okay. Why do you keep saying that when he’s anything but?” he snapped, staring into Steve’s eyes.
“You know what I mean by it,” Steve sighed, his eyes softening while Tony’s stayed harsh, unrelenting, but the quiver of his lips didn’t escape Steve’s attention.
“Of course I do, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s miles away from okay. He’ll never be okay.”
Clint awkwardly excused himself, feeling very much like he was intruding, none of the other two men looking his way when he left the room.
“What do you want me to say then, Tony? That he’s not? That he’s dying?”
“It kills me when you say it because you look like you believe it.”
“I do that for you.”
“I never asked you to.”
“I know that! Don’t you think this is fucking killing me? You think I’m walking around here waiting for it to get better? You’re my husband, I’m just trying to carry as much as I can.”
“Carry as much as you want, it doesn’t change the fact that this time next year, he’ll be dead!” His voice was raised, echoing the turmoil inside of him.
Steve physically took a step back upon hearing him say those words with such bluntness. “Tony-”
“That’s how this is gonna go, I don’t know what else to tell you.” Tony was biting back tears, but couldn’t help the shakiness in his voice.
“Tony, don’t,” Steve whispered.
“In a year, we’ll have nothing. We won’t be parents anymore. Our son’s gonna be gone.” He gave up, letting the tears fall down his cheeks, but he ignored them.
“I know.” Clenching his jaw, Steve tried to stay calm despite how much everything hurt, because he knew. He knew Tony was in just as much pain as him.
“I know that you know. You know what’s gonna happen to him and you know what’s gonna happen to me.”
“Not that- no, Tony, not that again. You can’t-”
“I can. There’ll be nothing.”
Steve didn’t bother holding back the sob that climbed up his throat. “Well, I can’t. I won’t let that happen.”
“It’s my choice. It’s not your business.”
“Not my business? You’re the love of my life, Tony, of course it’s my business!”
“This is about Peter. You know damn well that I love you, so don’t pull that card,” Tony seethed, so angry, but no amount of anger could make him forget how much he loved Steve.
“I’ll pull any card if it keeps you alive. I don’t care if it’s not fair, we’re well past that!”
“What the fuck do you expect me to do without Peter?” Tony exploded, raising his voice in a manner Steve hadn’t witnessed before.
Taking a shaky breath, Steve tried ignoring how that meant that even he wasn’t enough. “What do you expect me to do with both of you gone?” he yelled right back.
Tony was interrupted before he could even think of how to respond to that.
“I’m still here. You know that, right? I’m still here.” Peter was standing at the edge of the room, leaning on the doorframe for support, having opened the sliding doors with no one noticing. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were wet with tears, but his voice was steady; somehow both cold and vulnerable at the same time.
“Peter,” Tony breathed out, everything about him softening.
“Of course you are,” Steve said, realizing how defensive his body language had become, and relaxed his muscles.
“That’s not what it sounds like.”
“Peter, we’re sorry,” Tony nearly whispered, unable to find his voice.
“Next time you have a fight like that, make sure I’m out of earshot because I know-” he hesitated for a second before walking further into the room, unsteady on his feet, and inhaled deeply. “I know I’m gonna die. But I don’t need to hear you screaming about it. Because I’m still here. And I definitely don’t need to hear you screaming about what’s gonna happen after I’m gone.” His eyes met Tony’s, and the man felt ashamed.
“Sorry,” Steve echoed his husband, both adults stunned by the words that had just left their son’s mouth.
Hearing Peter say it hurt more than they could’ve imagined.
He rejected it in a heartbeat, but Tony couldn’t help but feel jealous of Peter because he’d never have to live in a world without Peter. He thought he knew guilt, but nothing could even come close to the shame washing over him in that second.
“If you wanna talk-” Steve attempted.
“I don’t. I’m getting my pills and I’m going to my room and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Peter decided, walking past his dads to get to the kitchen where his medicine was.
“Okay. But let us help you,” Steve said, going for a combination between firm and loving, but it only came across as desperate.
“You might be surprised to hear that that’s not what I want right now,” Peter snarked, sarcasm cutting through the air. Tony flinched, his son’s hostile front unfamiliar to him, and he didn’t like it at all. But he didn’t say anything. He knew that whatever clever thing he might come up with, it’d just make it worse.
“I’m fine,” Peter continued. Medicine and a water bottle gathered in his arms, he intended to storm off to his room, but the adrenaline that’d been pumping through his body ever since he realized what Tony would do once he’s gone was wearing off. Quickly. His knees buckled slightly, making him stumble towards his dads. Two choked gasps sounded, and four arms caught him. “I can walk by myself,” he protested, but there wasn’t much truth to that statement.
“We’re gonna help you, and then we’ll let you be alone for a while if that’s what you want.” Steve didn’t leave room for any arguments, and Tony wrapped an arm around the boy to steady him, feeling the tension in his body match the one in the room. Steve picked up the medicine and the water bottle, following them to Peter’s bedroom.
Once safely settled on his bed, Peter curled up into a ball, facing away from the door; away from his dads.
“FRIDAY’s gonna remind you to take your pills. Let us know if you need anything,” Steve told him.
“We love you,” the smaller man added.
“More than anything.”
Peter didn’t answer.
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DROWNING ▹marvel crossover[2]
by fandomlover727
𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 i feel like i'm drowning.
  [ the originals x avengers x legacies ]
Words: 535, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Hope Mikaelson as an Avenger Series
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Legacies (TV 2018), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Hope Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, Original Mikaelson Character(s), Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Kol Mikaelson, Freya Mikaelson, Davina Claire, Alaric Saltzman, Caroline Forbes, Stefanie Salvatore, Josette "Jo" Laughlin, Marcel Gerard, Keelin Malraux, Finn Mikaelson, Vincent Griffith, Jackson Kenner, Mary Dumas, Mikaelson Family, Tony Stark, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Dummy (Iron Man movies), Butterfingers (Iron Man movies), Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Alexander Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Helen Cho (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Scott Lang, Helmut Zemo, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Hydra Agents, SHIELD Agents & Staff
Relationships: Hayley Marshall/Elijah Mikaelson, Jackson Kenner/Hayley Marshall, Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Keelin Malraux/Freya Mikaelson, Davina Claire/Kol Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard/Rebekah Mikaelson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Kol Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Tony Stark, Hope Mikaelson & Steve Rogers, Hope Mikaelson & Alaric Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hope Mikaelson & Thor (Marvel), Hope Mikaelson & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Freya Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson, Bruce Banner & Hope Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Mikaelson Family, Peter Parker & Hope Mikaelson
Additional Tags: Avengers Family, Avengers Tower, Protective Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Team as Family, Team Bonding, Avengers Feels, Family Feels, Action, Superheroes, BAMF Hope Mikaelson, Canon Universe, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossover, Family Drama, Feels, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Female Protagonist, tribrid, Hybrids, Supernatural Elements, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Explicit Language, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Pain, Fights, Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Post-Canon, Protectiveness, Platonic Relationships, Reunions, Secrets, Betrayal, Spoilers, Parent Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson Has A Heart, Protective Klaus Mikaelson, Parent Hayley Marshall, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Parent Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Protective Tony Stark, Awesome Pepper Potts, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Protective Steve Rogers, Hurt Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Clint Barton's Farm, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Protective Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Friendship, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Bruce Banner Needs a Hug, Past Jane Foster/Thor, Hurt Thor (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a Good Bro, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Protective Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, BAMF Davina Claire, BAMF Kol Mikaelson, Protective Rebekah Mikaelson, Nick Fury Knows All, Parent Caroline Forbes, Precious Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Minor Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Dead Stefan Salvatore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/300KJXL
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All is Fair (An Avengers Request)
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Requested: Anonymous
Pairing: Platonic!Avengers X Fem!Reader, Natasha X Fem!Reader
Word Count:2078
Warnings: Sam and Bucky being little shits, other than that, I don’t think so :)
Request: Howdy! I love your writing would you be willing to write an avengers x reader where everyone is fighting for reader’s attention/affection but reader is either oblivious or ignores it and one day nat just sweeps the board completely on accident somehow?
a/n: I had so much fun writing this! for this fic to work, Wanda and Vision are not together, neither are Tony and pepper or Clint and Laura. Hope you guys enjoy this! Super fluffy!
You were humming a song that you had heard on the radio recently as you walked into the common kitchen in the tower.
“Hey Steve, Bucky, Sam!” You greeted the three men as they were gathered around the island, fruit and water bottles scattered between them clueing you in that they had just returned from their jog.
Steve blushed a light pink and turned his face to the counter as Bucky and Sam smirked at you. Bucky spoke up first as you reached up into the cupboard for your special cereal, “So Doll. What’s on your roster for today? Maybe you and I could go get ice cream later?”
Sam glared at Bucky, but you didn't notice as you poured your cereal and replied, “Well, Wanda promised a relaxing movie night, you guys are welcome to join. Ohhh! We could all go get ice cream and have a movie night! Team bonding!”
Sam laughed and smacked a flabbergasted Bucky on the back before turning to you as you shoveled the cereal into your mouth, “So [Y/n], I noticed on the last mission you lost your necklace, what would you say if I could get you a new one?”
You scrunched your eyes as you thought about it. Swallowing your cereal and throwing your bowl in the sink you chirped, “Naw, I don’t really like wearing jewelry. But, we could all get friendship bracelets!”
And with that, you skipped out of the kitchen to go get dressed.
Bucky snorted at Sam, “Sorry buddy. Seems you got friend-zoned.”
Sam glared back, “And what you would know about friend-zone grandpa? Why do you even try? She will never go out with a 100 year old fossil.”
Bucky stood up and his metal arm whispered as the plates shifted, “Want to say that again Birdbrain?”
Steve slowly got in between his friends, hands raised, “Hey now. WHy are you guys even fighting over her? She hasn't shown any interest in dating any team member.”
Sam sighed, falling back into his chair, “Yeah, but she’s just so…”
Bucky finished the sentence, “ ...Beautiful.”
Sam glared but relented, turning to Steve, “She can take down two men without breaking a sweat, and still look gorgeous.”
Bucky added on, staring dreamily into space, “And she doesn’t shy away from my arm, or my past. She’s so sweet and innocent.”
At that moment, Tony and Bruce walked into the kitchen, “What we talking about boys?” Tony quipped.
Bruce, bleary eyed, starting making a cup of coffee as Steve sighed and rubbed his head, “Sam and Bucky are trying to flirt with [Y/n], but she doesn't appear interested.”
Tony laughed, “Of course not, She obviously wouldn't go for either of them when I’m the clear choice. Me and her are going to get doughnuts tomorrow morning.”
Sam stared down Tony, “Did you specifically call it a date? Or did you make it sound like friends going to get doughnuts?” Tony squirmed, “Well, I’m sure she knew I meant it as a date…”
Bruce piped up, looking fresher after sipping some coffee, “When he asked her, she got excited and talked about getting doughnuts for the whole team. So no. she did not take it to mean a date.”
Tony glared at Bruce who shrugged his shoulders innocently.
Bucky flexed his arms, “I knew it. I know what impresses the ladies, and she is totally crushing on me.”
Steve sighed, “Bucky. She calls you her precious cinnamon roll and pats your head like a puppy...I doubt she thinks of you romantically.”
Sam burst out into laughter, clutching his stomach as Bucky turned bright red and directed an ice cold glare to Steve.
Sam turned to Bruce, “What about you? You trying to get [Y/n] out on a date?”
Bruce nervously sipped on his coffee before tugging on the collar of his shirt, avoiding everyone’s eyes, “Well… She is quite the woman. And that’s even without her pyrokinesis…”
Sam rolled his eyes, “yes yes, she’s a marvelous Avenger. But do you have a crush on her? I need to know how many people I’m competing against for her affection.”
Bruce turned a slight green color as his eyes flashed before calling back down to his usual brown color, “Both Hulk and I care very much for [Y/n] and only want what's best for her. If that so happens to be me, I would not complain.”
Sam rolled his eyes again. But got distracted from replying when Clint, Wanda and Vision entered the kitchen. The room was now almost completely crowded.
Wanda startled when she saw everyone standing around the kitchen island counter, “What is this?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bucky ran up to her and poked her in her chest, causing her eyes to flash warningly, “What is this about a movie night with [Y/n]? Now she wants to make my ice cream date into a social event for the whole team before a team movie night!” Wanda frowned, “A team movie night? No, it's just me and [Y/n], a date.”
Sam snorted, “Yeah, apparently we all think its a date whenever we suggest something, but she takes it as a friendly team suggestion. She turned Bucky’s ice cream date and your movie date into a team bonding event, she rejected my gift of jewelry in favor of wanting friendship bracelets for everyone and she turned Tony’s doughnut date into a doughnut errand run. We are so pathetic! Fighting for her affections. We should settle this so that only one of us can ask her out.”
Steve spoke up, his voice commanding and condescending, “You mean even if she doesn't want to date you? Your going to limit her options to one person?” Sam groaned, “Not what I meant Cap. Besides what do you care, you haven't asked her out, obviously you aren’t interested.”
Steve blushed, and Sam gaped at him, “Wait...have you asked her out?”
Steve mumbled, “She thought I was inviting the whole team to dinner.”
At that Tony started laughing, but was shut up when Clint jumped up onto the counter, standing over them all, “Excuse me. But I believe I would be the best suitor for [Y/n]. After all, I can make her laugh, and we’ll have fun together.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, using her magic to bring Clint back to the ground, “Right, cause that’s all someone wants in a relationship. Not anything like loyalty, or romance.”
Clint defended himself, “Well yeah of course those would be involved!”
Vision walked into the fray, “I can calculate the best odds to make [Y/n] fall in love, and I would be so bold as to suggest that I would be the best partner for her.”
Bucky and Sam both stared, open mouthed at the android before bursting out laughing, holding on to each other so they wouldn't fall onto the ground.
Vision squinted at them, “I fail to see the humor in my statement.”
Tony patted Vision on the shoulder, “Well Vision, see [Y/n] deserves someone of the flesh and bone variety...Not someone so...clinical.”
Vision frowned and moved out from under Tony’s hand, “I fail to see how what components we are made up off make a difference in the emotions that can be referenced from out actions.”
Tony sighed, “That, right there, is why you should not date anyone.”
Bruce spoke up, clearing his throat to get everyone’s attention. Once everyone was looking at him, he pointed down the hall, “Maybe we should ask [Y/n] who she wants to date rather than make assumptions for her. You guys have been hounding her for weeks and she doesn’t seem to understand that you all like her, so why not clear the air.”
Steve, Sam, Bucky, Tony, Vision, Clint and Wanda all seemed to consider his words. They all shared a look with each other, and then in the next second, were clambering and fighting each other to be the first out of the kitchen.
“Shove it Iron Stank!” Sam yelled as he elbowed Tony in the chest.
“Hey, No magic allowed!” Clint yelled as he grabbed onto Wanda’s foot as she tried to float over everyone.
“Watch yourself Captain or you might regret it.” Vision stated calmly as he blocked a kick from Steve as he launched himself over Bucky.
Eventually all of them were running down the halls, looking in doorways, trying to find where you were.
Finally, they ran past the gym. “Wait!” Sam yelled out, backpedaling. Everyone else gathered around to look through the giant window and they all shared shocked looks at what they were seeing. You were standing in front of Natasha, holding one of her hands and laughing.
“Oh hell no!” Sam screamed, opening the door to the gym and running inside. Everyone else following.
You turned, shocked as you saw your team running towards you in a stampede, “Guys? What’s up?” You asked. Letting go of Natasha’s hand to look at all of them concerned as they panted.
“We need to ask you something. You need to settle an argument.” Steve spoke up, straightening out his shirt as he stood up.
You smiled at them, “Okay, but I have something to share first!”
You turned to Natasha, who was watching everyone with a knowing glint in her eyes.
“Can you guys believe it! Natasha had an extra set of tickets to La Boheme tonight in the Opera house and she asked me out! We’re going on our first date!” You squealed, hanging onto Natasha’s arm as you leaned over and kissed her cheek.
Everyone’s jaw dropped.
You turned back to them, not seeming to see the shock, “So what did you guys need me to settle?”
Tony was the first to compose himself, “Ahh well, It's simple really.”
Bruce mumbled, “We could have handled it.”
Sam groaned, as Bucky and Steve both turned to punch him in the arm.
Wanda shook her head and with a small smile spoke, “So sorry. Happy for you two. But I think it was just settled.”
You shook your head, smile turning into a bemused smirk as you ran your eyes over your team, “What are you guys on? Did you not get enough coffee this morning?”
Visionspoke up, despite Tony and Steve scrambling to grab ahold of him and pull him out of the room as everyone else left, “We all shared a crush on you, and were fighting for you affection, but it seems that Miss Romanoff has won.”
You quirked your head to the side, “Aww you guys all had a crush on me?” Your eyes shot wide and your mouth made an O as realization dawned on you, “Is that why everyone was asking me to go with them to different places and offering to buy me stuff? I thought you guys were just wanting to Bond with the team!”
Natasha chuckled next to you, “Wow, you guys were all fighting for [Y/n]?” You turned to Natasha with a shy smile, “You weren’t?”
Natasha shook her head, her Green eyes softening as she gazed into yours, “I honestly had no clue. I asked you out because you seem to be a really cool, beautiful person and I just want to get to know you better. And if it grows and becomes romantic, then that's just a bonus.”
Your smile grew ten times and your heart flipped as you listened to her. Unaware that everyone else had left the gym.
“I’m so happy to hear that. I have had a crush on you since you fought me on the train tracks two years ago in Berlin.”
Natasha threw her head back as she laughed freely, recalling the day you got recruited to the Avengers.
“I think this might become a wonderful thing.” She stated, smiling warmly at you.
You  smiled back before frowning, “Do you think this will affect my friendship with the rest of the team? I think of them all as family and I would hate for it to become awkward between us.”
Natasha’s lips lifted into a smirk. She leaned over and pecked a quick kiss on your lips, leaving you looking at her in a daze as she replied, “If it does, they are idiots. Well, bigger idiots than they normally are.” She mused.
You laughed softly, “I’m going to have so much fun teasing them all for crushing on me.”
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t @littlestfangirl @rainydaysrnevergrey @not-jk-rowling @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @ayyidkeither
Natasha Taglist:
@ludwigvonbaethoven @hanjiscience-slut @kitten-q-p @morbid-gaymer @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare @sunnyandtwisty @zoeyknight @kurlyafro @thewomanofwonder @5aftermidnight
Avengers Taglist:
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ao3feed-buckyxtony · 6 years
This Fragile War Of Hearts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
by Lil_Red_Riding_Hoodie
In the Aftermath of the Battle with Thanos, Everyone is in shambles, but thanks to joint efforts of everyone and Doctor Strange's predictions and the Infinity Stones having an Affinity to Tony, everyone who was lost returns, not without side effects though of course, this is a crazy rollercoaster of life after, with admissions of love, blossoming friendships and relationships, and awkward adorableness.
Seriously though, buckle up this is gonna be a bumpy ride!
Words: 2379, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Home Is A Mansion Of Panic Rooms, Heavy Minds, And Love
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Black Panther (2018), Doctor Strange (2016), Captain America (Movies), Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics), The Punisher (TV 2017), X-Men - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, White, Yellow - Character, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, Venom, Eddie Brock, Michelle Jones(MJ), Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, F.R.I.D.A.Y.(AI), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Captain Marvel (Marvel Character), Logan (X-Men), Death (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Thomas Annex(OC), Marius Annex(OC), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Peggy Carter, T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Shuri (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Original Character(s), Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton/Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov/Phil Coulson, Gamora/Peter Quill, Happy Hogan/Pepper Potts, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: BLAME IT ON MY A.D.D., let my ship sail, Spoilers, Idiots in Love, Complex relationships, Mama Widow, Doll Shop, Shopping, An OC is a Dollmaker, Steve Rogers Is A Virgin, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Civil War Fix-It, infinity war fix-it, Age of Ultron Fix-It, The Return of Cockblock Peter Parker, Everyone Has Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, I'm bad at tagging so if i missed anything please don't kill me, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Music, music references, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Aunt May Is Very Open Minded, Science Bros, Bucky Bear - Freeform, Aged-Up Character(s), In Peter's case later in the fic, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, OTP Feels, Team Feels, Crossdressing, Crossdressing Kink, Peter Parker in Panties, Thong under Spiderman's suit, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Bright References, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Kissing, Awkwardness, Awkward Boners, Okay Seriously Steve & Peter are awkward and adorable, Supernatural Anchors, Supernatural Elements, Trans Character, Old School Talk, Awkward Sex Talk, Peter Parker is a virgin, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, They Find Out later though, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, Coming Out, I made some changes to certain characters, I Made Myself Cry, In the Name of Love, Broken Minds and Crazy Times, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Prank Wars, Old movie references, Curtisy of Peter, Loss of Virginity, Loss of Control, Memory Loss, Loss of Limbs, The Winter Soldier is A Seperate Personality, So Is Yasha, Bucky Sees Natasha As A Daughter, Even If She Treats Him Like A Child, Natasha Is Older Than Everyone But Thor And Loki, The Red Room, Hydra (Marvel), Human Experimentation, The OCs May Or May Not Be Older Than Natasha, I'm thinking older than Steve and Bucky but younger than Natasha, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Switch Tony Stark, Bottom Peter Parker/Top Wade Wilson, Top Thor (Marvel), Bottom Loki (Marvel), T'Challa is Bisexual, Clint is bisexual, Protective Natasha Romanov, Genderfluid Character, Pansexual Character, The OCs Are Celtic And Native American, So Many More Tags To Add, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
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ao3feed-fratt · 6 years
This Fragile War Of Hearts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
by Lil_Red_Riding_Hoodie
In the Aftermath of the Battle with Thanos, Everyone is in shambles, but thanks to joint efforts of everyone and Doctor Strange's predictions and the Infinity Stones having an Affinity to Tony, everyone who was lost returns, not without side effects though of course, this is a crazy rollercoaster of life after, with admissions of love, blossoming friendships and relationships, and awkward adorableness.
Seriously though, buckle up this is gonna be a bumpy ride!
Words: 2379, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Home Is A Mansion Of Panic Rooms, Heavy Minds, And Love
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Black Panther (2018), Doctor Strange (2016), Captain America (Movies), Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics), The Punisher (TV 2017), X-Men - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, White, Yellow - Character, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, Venom, Eddie Brock, Michelle Jones(MJ), Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, F.R.I.D.A.Y.(AI), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Captain Marvel (Marvel Character), Logan (X-Men), Death (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Thomas Annex(OC), Marius Annex(OC), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Peggy Carter, T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Shuri (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Original Character(s), Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton/Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov/Phil Coulson, Gamora/Peter Quill, Happy Hogan/Pepper Potts, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: BLAME IT ON MY A.D.D., let my ship sail, Spoilers, Idiots in Love, Complex relationships, Mama Widow, Doll Shop, Shopping, An OC is a Dollmaker, Steve Rogers Is A Virgin, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Civil War Fix-It, infinity war fix-it, Age of Ultron Fix-It, The Return of Cockblock Peter Parker, Everyone Has Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, I'm bad at tagging so if i missed anything please don't kill me, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Music, music references, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Aunt May Is Very Open Minded, Science Bros, Bucky Bear - Freeform, Aged-Up Character(s), In Peter's case later in the fic, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, OTP Feels, Team Feels, Crossdressing, Crossdressing Kink, Peter Parker in Panties, Thong under Spiderman's suit, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Bright References, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Kissing, Awkwardness, Awkward Boners, Okay Seriously Steve & Peter are awkward and adorable, Supernatural Anchors, Supernatural Elements, Trans Character, Old School Talk, Awkward Sex Talk, Peter Parker is a virgin, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, They Find Out later though, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, Coming Out, I made some changes to certain characters, I Made Myself Cry, In the Name of Love, Broken Minds and Crazy Times, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Prank Wars, Old movie references, Curtisy of Peter, Loss of Virginity, Loss of Control, Memory Loss, Loss of Limbs, The Winter Soldier is A Seperate Personality, So Is Yasha, Bucky Sees Natasha As A Daughter, Even If She Treats Him Like A Child, Natasha Is Older Than Everyone But Thor And Loki, The Red Room, Hydra (Marvel), Human Experimentation, The OCs May Or May Not Be Older Than Natasha, I'm thinking older than Steve and Bucky but younger than Natasha, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Switch Tony Stark, Bottom Peter Parker/Top Wade Wilson, Top Thor (Marvel), Bottom Loki (Marvel), T'Challa is Bisexual, Clint is bisexual, Protective Natasha Romanov, Genderfluid Character, Pansexual Character, The OCs Are Celtic And Native American, So Many More Tags To Add, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
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ao3feedstuckony · 6 years
This Fragile War Of Hearts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
by Lil_Red_Riding_Hoodie
In the Aftermath of the Battle with Thanos, Everyone is in shambles, but thanks to joint efforts of everyone and Doctor Strange's predictions and the Infinity Stones having an Affinity to Tony, everyone who was lost returns, not without side effects though of course, this is a crazy rollercoaster of life after, with admissions of love, blossoming friendships and relationships, and awkward adorableness.
Seriously though, buckle up this is gonna be a bumpy ride!
Words: 2379, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Home Is A Mansion Of Panic Rooms, Heavy Minds, And Love
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Black Panther (2018), Doctor Strange (2016), Captain America (Movies), Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics), The Punisher (TV 2017), X-Men - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, White, Yellow - Character, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, Venom, Eddie Brock, Michelle Jones(MJ), Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, F.R.I.D.A.Y.(AI), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Captain Marvel (Marvel Character), Logan (X-Men), Death (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Thomas Annex(OC), Marius Annex(OC), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Peggy Carter, T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Shuri (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Original Character(s), Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton/Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov/Phil Coulson, Gamora/Peter Quill, Happy Hogan/Pepper Potts, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: BLAME IT ON MY A.D.D., let my ship sail, Spoilers, Idiots in Love, Complex relationships, Mama Widow, Doll Shop, Shopping, An OC is a Dollmaker, Steve Rogers Is A Virgin, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Civil War Fix-It, infinity war fix-it, Age of Ultron Fix-It, The Return of Cockblock Peter Parker, Everyone Has Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, I'm bad at tagging so if i missed anything please don't kill me, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Music, music references, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Aunt May Is Very Open Minded, Science Bros, Bucky Bear - Freeform, Aged-Up Character(s), In Peter's case later in the fic, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, OTP Feels, Team Feels, Crossdressing, Crossdressing Kink, Peter Parker in Panties, Thong under Spiderman's suit, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Bright References, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Kissing, Awkwardness, Awkward Boners, Okay Seriously Steve & Peter are awkward and adorable, Supernatural Anchors, Supernatural Elements, Trans Character, Old School Talk, Awkward Sex Talk, Peter Parker is a virgin, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, They Find Out later though, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, Coming Out, I made some changes to certain characters, I Made Myself Cry, In the Name of Love, Broken Minds and Crazy Times, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Prank Wars, Old movie references, Curtisy of Peter, Loss of Virginity, Loss of Control, Memory Loss, Loss of Limbs, The Winter Soldier is A Seperate Personality, So Is Yasha, Bucky Sees Natasha As A Daughter, Even If She Treats Him Like A Child, Natasha Is Older Than Everyone But Thor And Loki, The Red Room, Hydra (Marvel), Human Experimentation, The OCs May Or May Not Be Older Than Natasha, I'm thinking older than Steve and Bucky but younger than Natasha, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Switch Tony Stark, Bottom Peter Parker/Top Wade Wilson, Top Thor (Marvel), Bottom Loki (Marvel), T'Challa is Bisexual, Clint is bisexual, Protective Natasha Romanov, Genderfluid Character, Pansexual Character, The OCs Are Celtic And Native American, So Many More Tags To Add, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
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ao3feed-trc · 7 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FhpClv
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FhpClv
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ao3feed-timdrake · 7 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
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petertheparkers · 7 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Prompt: Reader is the child of Tony Stark. While talking to Peter one day you discover that Flash is bullying him, and decide to take matters into your own hands by showing up to Liz Allen’s party to put an end to it. 
Requested by: n/a
Warnings: slight spoilers for Homecoming, mild swearing, bullying
Word count: 2,805
Notes: I know this isn’t the exact dialogue as in the movie but I’m just working off my memory so bare with me folks. Also this took me several day to write but I love it, even though the ending is kinda shaky but this is very long and I would enjoy you guys sent in requests! My masterlist is in my bio (it’s almost empty but that’ll change) along with a prompt list you can request off of if you want!
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If asked, most high school students would say that math is their least favorite subject. But for teenage genius Peter Parker, gym was the one class he truly loathed. Of course, it all got easier once he got bitten by the spider and gained super abilities, but he had to keep it in check as a way to avoid suspicion. 
But as he laid on the sweaty mat talking with Ned about how he just could not believe that he was Spider-Man, he did the exact opposite of avoiding suspicion. 
“Peter knows Spider-Man!” Ned blurted as a result of overhearing Liz Allen talk about how cool she thought the masked super-hero was. All eyes turned to Peter and he wanted nothing more than to shrivel up into a ball and die. He glared momentarily at Ned, before jumping to his feet and taking a few steps towards Liz and her group of friends sitting on the bottom rows of the bleachers. 
“You know Spider-Man?” Liz asked before Peter could even think about stuttering out a response. Peter knew all eyes were on him without even looking around. 
Damn it, Ned. He cursed in his head. Why did you have to yell so loud?
“I mean, kinda?” It came out more as a question. It made sense that he sounded so confused, he didn’t know what to say. Technically, he did know Spider-Man. But telling everyone that he did felt like he was abusing the privilege of being Spider-Man. A battle between his two options waged inside his head until his next sentence just tumbled out of his lips. “Yeah, I’ve actually met him a few times during the Stark Internship.”
“Right, and I’m sure you know (Y/n) Stark, too.” Flash teased sarcastically as he sauntered his way over. Peter rolled his eyes, Flash was the last person he wanted in the room. His arrogant demeanor made him want to say that yeah, he did know (Y/n). And yeah, they were on a first name basis, friends even. But he elected to keep his mouth tightly shut. Besides, Ned was doing enough talking for the both of them. 
“Yeah, Peter is friends with Spider-Man. (Y/n), too.” Ned announced and all heads shot to him once again. Flash laughed sarcastically and Peter visibly grimaced. 
“If you’re such good friends with them, invite them to Liz’s party.” Flash grinned as he taunted him. Peter’s eyes darted to Liz, who had until this point watched the conversation with a small frown on her face. 
“I’m having a party at my house this weekend. You and Ned are welcome to come, if you want.” Liz spoke up. Peter nodded his head, disbelief that he was actually being invited to Liz Allen’s party. Suddenly, the bell rang and ended Peter’s torment. 
You sat alone on the couch in the Avengers Facility while a movie you’d seen a thousand times droned on in the background. Things had definitely changed since the Civil War between the Avengers. Your dad was rarely around, Natasha had moved to the Barton farm to help out with Laura and Clint’s kids, Rhodey spent almost all his time in physical therapy, and all Vision did was mope around about Wanda. You couldn’t even bare to think about what happened to the other half of the Avengers. The other half of your family. 
As if a switch had been flicked inside you, your blank stare on the television broke. 
“FRIDAY, who’s currently in the building?” You asked. You wouldn’t let yourself sit in sadness any longer, and bothering whoever was in the building seemed like the best distraction.
“I believe Mr. Parker is in training room three.” FRIDAY responded, the automated voice seemingly coming from thin air. You thanked the AI as you climbed off the couch, desperate to entertain yourself somehow. Besides, watching Peter Parker workout seemed like a perfect way to busy yourself. 
As you padded barefoot down the halls, you let your mind wander to thoughts about Peter. You met him a few days after the events of Civil War—which was just over two months ago—and you swore you never met anyone more adorable. Not only was he the perfect gentleman, but you were left awestruck by how smart he was. Since then, the two of you hung out occasionally when he stopped by the facility from time to time. You didn’t spend enough time with him to know him really well, but just enough to develop feelings for him. 
Yes. You had a tiny crush on Peter.
“Parker—” You began as you threw open the door to the training room. But, you cut your declaration of boredom off as your gaze trained on the glorious sight before you. Peter Parker was lifting weights, shirtless. You couldn’t believe your luck. You knew the boy had muscles, but damn.
“(Y/n)?” Peter questioned your slack-jawed expression as you stood speechless in the doorway. You didn’t know what had come over you, but you soon recovered and made your way over and sat on one of the benches. 
“Parker, I’m really bored.” You acted as if you hadn’t been openly checking him out moments before. He gave you a confused look, setting the weights down before taking a seat on the bench next to you. 
“I really need a favor from you.” Peter blurted, changing the subject to something that would start a conversation. You shifted slightly in your seat to get a better look a him, an expectant look resided on your face that urged him to continue. “Ned told some people at my school that I know Spider-Man and you, but this guy named Flash doesn’t believe me so he said I should invite you to Liz’s party so I can prove that I know you.” Peter explained in one, very long, sentence. “So I would really appreciate it if you showed up at the party tomorrow and told him we’re friends.” After moment of trying to understand what he said, a small frown formed from confusion etched its way onto your face. 
“Why doesn’t he believe you? I mean, the Spider-Man part, sure, but he knows you ‘intern’ here, right?” You questioned as you turned your body slightly to face him. Peter stared straight ahead and shrugged his shoulders.
“He’s just kind of a dick, y’know?” He mumbled out after a moment. Your brows tugged together in confusion as you realized why he wanted you to go to the party. 
“If you wanted me to show up and prove him wrong, you’re gonna have to explain to me why you want me to shut him up so bad.” You stated as you turned fully in your spot, crossing your legs up on the bench in order to give him your full attention. Peter shrugged again, bringing a hand up to run through his hair which had become a mess of unruly curls from his earlier workout. You reached out your hand to place it on his forearm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You can tell me, Peter. We’re friends. Besides, who am I going to tell? Dum-E?” You joked, referencing your dad’s robot that had good intentions, but sometimes went awry. Peter seemed to loosen up after you said that, and he sighed deeply with a hint of a smile on his face. 
“Flash thinks I’m a loser who is lying about the Stark Internship—”
“You kinda are.” You cut him off with a smile on your face before you could help it. “Sorry, continue.” You urged him on sheepishly. 
“Flash is just this arrogant jerk who thinks he’s better than me—he’s not, but he never shuts up about it.” Peter continued, mumbling something after that you didn’t catch at the end. 
“What’d you say? That last part, I couldn’t hear you.” You asked him to clarify. By the red tint on his cheeks and the fact that his gaze wouldn’t leave his hands sitting in his lap, you could tell it was embarrassing. 
“He calls me Penis Parker.” He mumbled again with his head hung low, but this time you caught what he said. You would’ve laughed at the nickname, but since it was coming from a guy Peter did not like, it only made you upset. Anger started to course through you, and Peter, who finally met your stare, noticed. “Hey, it doesn’t really matter. I know he’s just and idiot and—”
“I’ll be there, and I’ll make sure Flash gets what’s coming to him.” You didn’t know what came over you, but a sudden urge to defend Peter—the boy who routinely risked his life to stop muggers and help the people of Queens—overcame you. A smile overtook Peter’s features, and you knew in the deepest part of your heart, you had it bad for Peter Parker.
“Hey, dad.” You spoke into your phone as you updated him on your plans for the evening. You sat in the backseat of one of your dad’s self-driven cars moments away from arriving at Liz Allen’s house. Peter had texted you saying he and Ned had just walked into the party and already people had questioned him as to where you and Spider-Man were. “I’m going to a party tonight, Peter invited me.”
“Parker? Tell him to keep his hands to himself.” Your dad scoffed and a blush began to find its way onto your face.
“It’s not like that. It’s not a date—” 
“You mean Parker hasn’t asked you out yet?” Your dad cut you off, his tone laced with confusion. 
“Yeah, and—” You paused, recognizing something off with his word choice. “What do you mean, yet?” You questioned, earning a sigh as a response from your dad. 
“Wow, my child is oblivious. Watch the link I sent you and don’t stay out too late but don’t come home too early like a wuss.” And with that, your dad hung up.
“Anthony Edward Stark—!” You huffed out in annoyance as you lost connection with your father. You rolled your eyes, tapping on your messages to watch the video your dad sent you.
He took this video yesterday, kid.
As you tapped on the video attached to your dad’s text, the image of Peter wearing the Spider-Man mask and his pajamas standing in front of his mirror appeared. You stifled a laugh at his outfit, but even seeing him in a video made your heart race. And that was before he started talking. 
“Hey, (Y/n), I was wondering if you maybe—no, come on Peter that’s lame.” In the mirror, Peter straightened his posture before the eyes narrowed on the mask. “(Y/n). Hello. You. Me. Friday. No, the day of the week, not the AI.” At the start, Peter had lowered his voice a few octaves to what you assumed to be his ‘sexy’ tone, but it went back up to his slightly pitched voice as he tried to fix his mistake. You couldn’t tell if your cheeks were red because of how hard you were laughing or that he was practicing talking to you in the mirror. “Forget it. (Y/n), do you wanna go see the movies with me—I-I mean a movie. Unless you want to have a movie marathon with me, that’d be cool.” He groaned slapping his palm against his forehead in frustration. “C’mon, Spider-Man, it can’t be that hard to ask her on a date.” After that, the video cut out as Peter ripped the mask off. 
You felt the car stop, and when you looked out the window you barely noticed the beautiful suburban house as your thoughts ran wild with the new information the video gave you. Peter liked you, that was for sure. And he tried to find a way to ask you out, which sent a jolt of excitement down your spine. 
As you stepped out of the car, dozens of people stopped to gape at your presence. You didn’t go to Midtown and since no one believe Peter actually knew you, no one had expected you to show up. You stepped into the large house, admiring the nice interior. Once you got across the threshold, you asked the closest person where Peter was. 
“Over there. I hate your dad, by the way. M’name’s Michelle.” The girl offered, gesturing with the toast in her hand towards the living room.
“Oh... kay?” You responded, utter confusion written across your face. You follow the direction of her toast, noticing Peter soon after. Apparently, he had noticed you earlier as he watched you walk towards him with a large, goofy grin on his face. His expression made your heart speed up and you wonder how anyone could ever be mean to him. 
Next to him, another boy in a hat stared between you and Peter, grinning like a madman. You assumed him to be Ned, Peter’s best friend that he often talked about—and the only person outside of you and the Avengers who knew about his alter-ego.
“Hey Peter! What’s up, Ned?” You called, knowing everyone’s attention was on you. When you got closer to the boys, you lowered your voice so no one could hear you besides Ned and Peter. “Where’s Flash? I want to punch him.” You half-joked, earning nervous laughs from both of them.
“I cannot believe you know my name!” Ned gushed and you laughed, elbowing Peter in the side to gesture to him. Now that you knew he had feelings for you, you knew you had to make a move. And you knew exactly what you were going to do—you just needed to find one stupidly named bully first.
“I should, this guy talks about you enough.” You laugh, but cut yourself off when the smiles disappeared off of Ned and Peter’s faces.
“(Y/n)! Glad you could make it, what’re you doing with Penis Parker when the real party is over there.” A voice butted into the conversation. Your eyes landed on  boy wearing two shirts, both with a popped collar as he jutted his thumb in the direction of the DJ’s booth. You forced a smile on your face, but anyone with eyes could tell it was fake.
“You must be Eugene!” You called sarcastically, using his real name. Once Peter had left the tower the day before, you had used your dad’s software to do a little research on him. A shock looked registered on everyone’s face, but a laugh erupted from Ned. You turned slightly, watching Peter not even try to hid the grin on his face. 
“Wha—?” Flash began but you held up a finger, gesturing for him to shut up. By now, people from other rooms had come in to watch once word had spread through the house that you were confronting Midtown’s most arrogant.
“I’d like to start off by saying, you’re an ass. Peter is—by far—the greatest guy I’ve ever met. Calling him ‘Penis Parker’ makes you seem five years old. So, while you’re out there driving daddy’s car, Peter is working his ass off trying to better himself and his future. Which is why I would never hang out with someone like you. So here I am, proof that Peter actually knows me and is a better person than you.” You finished your rant and, before you lost all your worked up courage, you turned around and planted your lips onto Peter’s.
Gasps were heard around the room, followed by people calling out, ‘Get it, Parker!’. All of which, though, fell deaf on your ears as Peter unfroze and returned the kiss. 
In a word, kissing Peter was spectacular. Both of you had no idea what you were really doing, but there were so many pent up emotions behind the kiss that it was a little overwhelming. His hands went to your waist to steady you close to him and you clasped your hands at the back of his neck. You pulled away slightly, leaving only centimeters between the two of you. You smiled at the large and giddy grin spread across Peter’s face as he looked down at you.
“Since you practiced so much in the mirror, I was wondering if you would ask me on a date sometime.” You whispered, relishing in the moment as his minty breath fanned across your face. Embarrassment registered on his face and he opened his mouth to question how you knew but you quickly pecked his lips before he could.
“Uhm... would you wanna... go to the movies with me... sometime?” Peter muttered out, his eyes darting around the room. You laughed, nodding your head.
“Peter, I just kissed you in front of this entire party. I like you, a lot, so you don’t have to be nervous with me.” You chuckled at his stiff and awkward demeanor, taking a step back and grabbed his hand. “Now, come dance with me.”
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ao3-spideypool · 6 years
This Fragile War Of Hearts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
by Lil_Red_Riding_Hoodie
In the Aftermath of the Battle with Thanos, Everyone is in shambles, but thanks to joint efforts of everyone and Doctor Strange's predictions and the Infinity Stones having an Affinity to Tony, everyone who was lost returns, not without side effects though of course, this is a crazy rollercoaster of life after, with admissions of love, blossoming friendships and relationships, and awkward adorableness.
Seriously though, buckle up this is gonna be a bumpy ride!
Words: 2379, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Home Is A Mansion Of Panic Rooms, Heavy Minds, And Love
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Black Panther (2018), Doctor Strange (2016), Captain America (Movies), Daredevil (TV), Daredevil (Comics), The Punisher (TV 2017), X-Men - All Media Types, Deadpool - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, White, Yellow - Character, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, Venom, Eddie Brock, Michelle Jones(MJ), Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Quill, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, F.R.I.D.A.Y.(AI), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Captain Marvel (Marvel Character), Logan (X-Men), Death (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Thomas Annex(OC), Marius Annex(OC), Sharon Carter (Marvel), Peggy Carter, T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Nakia (Black Panther), Shuri (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Original Character(s), Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton/Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov/Phil Coulson, Gamora/Peter Quill, Happy Hogan/Pepper Potts, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: BLAME IT ON MY A.D.D., let my ship sail, Spoilers, Idiots in Love, Complex relationships, Mama Widow, Doll Shop, Shopping, An OC is a Dollmaker, Steve Rogers Is A Virgin, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Civil War Fix-It, infinity war fix-it, Age of Ultron Fix-It, The Return of Cockblock Peter Parker, Everyone Has Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety Disorder, I'm bad at tagging so if i missed anything please don't kill me, Polyamory Negotiations, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Music, music references, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Aunt May Is Very Open Minded, Science Bros, Bucky Bear - Freeform, Aged-Up Character(s), In Peter's case later in the fic, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, OTP Feels, Team Feels, Crossdressing, Crossdressing Kink, Peter Parker in Panties, Thong under Spiderman's suit, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Bright References, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Kissing, Awkwardness, Awkward Boners, Okay Seriously Steve & Peter are awkward and adorable, Supernatural Anchors, Supernatural Elements, Trans Character, Old School Talk, Awkward Sex Talk, Peter Parker is a virgin, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, They Find Out later though, Working Out My Feelings Through Fic, Coming Out, I made some changes to certain characters, I Made Myself Cry, In the Name of Love, Broken Minds and Crazy Times, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Prank Wars, Old movie references, Curtisy of Peter, Loss of Virginity, Loss of Control, Memory Loss, Loss of Limbs, The Winter Soldier is A Seperate Personality, So Is Yasha, Bucky Sees Natasha As A Daughter, Even If She Treats Him Like A Child, Natasha Is Older Than Everyone But Thor And Loki, The Red Room, Hydra (Marvel), Human Experimentation, The OCs May Or May Not Be Older Than Natasha, I'm thinking older than Steve and Bucky but younger than Natasha, Top Bucky Barnes, Bottom Steve Rogers, Switch Tony Stark, Bottom Peter Parker/Top Wade Wilson, Top Thor (Marvel), Bottom Loki (Marvel), T'Challa is Bisexual, Clint is bisexual, Protective Natasha Romanov, Genderfluid Character, Pansexual Character, The OCs Are Celtic And Native American, So Many More Tags To Add, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KDjaap
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DROWNING ▹marvel crossover[2]
by fandomlover727
𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 i feel like i'm drowning.
  [ the originals x avengers x legacies ]
Words: 535, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Hope Mikaelson as an Avenger Series
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Legacies (TV 2018), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Hope Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, Original Mikaelson Character(s), Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Kol Mikaelson, Freya Mikaelson, Davina Claire, Alaric Saltzman, Caroline Forbes, Stefanie Salvatore, Josette "Jo" Laughlin, Marcel Gerard, Keelin Malraux, Finn Mikaelson, Vincent Griffith, Jackson Kenner, Mary Dumas, Mikaelson Family, Tony Stark, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Dummy (Iron Man movies), Butterfingers (Iron Man movies), Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Alexander Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Helen Cho (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Scott Lang, Helmut Zemo, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Hydra Agents, SHIELD Agents & Staff
Relationships: Hayley Marshall/Elijah Mikaelson, Jackson Kenner/Hayley Marshall, Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Keelin Malraux/Freya Mikaelson, Davina Claire/Kol Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard/Rebekah Mikaelson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Kol Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Tony Stark, Hope Mikaelson & Steve Rogers, Hope Mikaelson & Alaric Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hope Mikaelson & Thor (Marvel), Hope Mikaelson & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Freya Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson, Bruce Banner & Hope Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Mikaelson Family, Peter Parker & Hope Mikaelson
Additional Tags: Avengers Family, Avengers Tower, Protective Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Team as Family, Team Bonding, Avengers Feels, Family Feels, Action, Superheroes, BAMF Hope Mikaelson, Canon Universe, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossover, Family Drama, Feels, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Female Protagonist, tribrid, Hybrids, Supernatural Elements, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Explicit Language, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Pain, Fights, Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Post-Canon, Protectiveness, Platonic Relationships, Reunions, Secrets, Betrayal, Spoilers, Parent Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson Has A Heart, Protective Klaus Mikaelson, Parent Hayley Marshall, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Parent Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Protective Tony Stark, Awesome Pepper Potts, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Protective Steve Rogers, Hurt Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Clint Barton's Farm, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Protective Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Friendship, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Bruce Banner Needs a Hug, Past Jane Foster/Thor, Hurt Thor (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a Good Bro, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Protective Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, BAMF Davina Claire, BAMF Kol Mikaelson, Protective Rebekah Mikaelson, Nick Fury Knows All, Parent Caroline Forbes, Precious Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Minor Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Dead Stefan Salvatore
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/300KJXL via IFTTT
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ao3feed-klaroline · 5 years
DROWNING ▹marvel crossover[2]
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/300KJXL
by fandomlover727
𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 i feel like i'm drowning.
  [ the originals x avengers x legacies ]
Words: 535, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Hope Mikaelson as an Avenger Series
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV), Legacies (TV 2018), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Hope Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, Original Mikaelson Character(s), Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Kol Mikaelson, Freya Mikaelson, Davina Claire, Alaric Saltzman, Caroline Forbes, Stefanie Salvatore, Josette "Jo" Laughlin, Marcel Gerard, Keelin Malraux, Finn Mikaelson, Vincent Griffith, Jackson Kenner, Mary Dumas, Mikaelson Family, Tony Stark, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Dummy (Iron Man movies), Butterfingers (Iron Man movies), Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Alexander Pierce, Brock Rumlow, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Helen Cho (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Scott Lang, Helmut Zemo, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Hydra Agents, SHIELD Agents & Staff
Relationships: Hayley Marshall/Elijah Mikaelson, Jackson Kenner/Hayley Marshall, Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Keelin Malraux/Freya Mikaelson, Davina Claire/Kol Mikaelson, Marcel Gerard/Rebekah Mikaelson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Kol Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Tony Stark, Hope Mikaelson & Steve Rogers, Hope Mikaelson & Alaric Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hope Mikaelson & Thor (Marvel), Hope Mikaelson & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Freya Mikaelson & Hope Mikaelson, Bruce Banner & Hope Mikaelson, Hope Mikaelson & Mikaelson Family, Peter Parker & Hope Mikaelson
Additional Tags: Avengers Family, Avengers Tower, Protective Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Team as Family, Team Bonding, Avengers Feels, Family Feels, Action, Superheroes, BAMF Hope Mikaelson, Canon Universe, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossover, Family Drama, Feels, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Female Protagonist, tribrid, Hybrids, Supernatural Elements, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Explicit Language, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Pain, Fights, Loss, Loss of Parent(s), Post-Canon, Protectiveness, Platonic Relationships, Reunions, Secrets, Betrayal, Spoilers, Parent Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson Has A Heart, Protective Klaus Mikaelson, Parent Hayley Marshall, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Parent Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Protective Tony Stark, Awesome Pepper Potts, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Protective Steve Rogers, Hurt Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Clint Barton's Farm, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Protective Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Friendship, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Bruce Banner Needs a Hug, Past Jane Foster/Thor, Hurt Thor (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a Good Bro, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Protective Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, BAMF Davina Claire, BAMF Kol Mikaelson, Protective Rebekah Mikaelson, Nick Fury Knows All, Parent Caroline Forbes, Precious Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Minor Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Dead Stefan Salvatore
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