#refuses to dress up with you. dont bother asking.
the-raindeer-king · 5 months
Simon Riley is your scary dog privilege at conventions. Doesn't matter if you're dressed in a revealing costume or in a full mech suit, you have nothing to worry about. He's following behind you with such intimidating RBF that no one messes with you, besides asking for pictures.
He's also your con "handler" so he's carrying everything: your props, your wallet (not that you need it. He won't let you pay for a single thing), your merch and prints. Simon's got it handled. All you need to worry about is looking pretty.
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prettyboykatsuki · 7 days
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call it quits or call it destiny | h. umemiya.
✮ tags ; afab + fem!reader(she/her pronouns, referred to as a girl, gets dressed up by tsubaki and kotoha), reader gets their hair braided (no desc of texture) and puts on makeup, lore heavy reader backstory + personality, deliquent!reader, gap moe, best friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, themes of insecurity, mutual pining,the use of she/her for tsubaki, jealousy, confessions, loss of virginity, creampies / unprotected sex, oral (f!recieving), fingering, 18+
✮ wc ; 13.9k (dont. don't say anything)
✮ a/n ; me when i completely lose my mind because i have a weekend off. whats wrong with me.
anyways. there's no major triggers for this but be forewarned reader is meant to be very rag-tag deliquent type. she has a strong personality and generally is not feminine. she is like a mangy street cat a bit. also if u want u should listen to easily by bruno major while reading.
✮ synopsis ; you've been quietly pining for umemiya for a little over ten years with no plans of confessing.
you did not have a plan for what you would do if umemiya confessed to you first.
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Once a day, everyday - Umemiya will come into your store, pause, smile, and confess his love to you before going off on his own.  
And once a day, everyday, you reject this confession with a soft huff  telling him to quit being stupid before shooing him away.  
It's become a ritual. A fixture in your daily routine that you're not allowed to ignore despite how hard you're trying.  
He's been doing it for three months, more or less. 
His reason for confessing everyday? Because he’s waiting on the day you confess back, of course. Which you've refused to do for the last few months and will continue to refuse for as long as you’ve got.  
It's not because you don't like him, alright? 
You've known Umemiya since middle school and you've liked him for about the same time. One of the core memories of your childhood is the day you met him, crying while sitting on a  swing-set, after what felt like the worst day of your life. 
( On the day you run away from home, you seriously consider not going back.  
You don’t really know how long you sit there. People walk by but most of them move on quickly. It’s mid-day before anyone bothers to stop and ask you something.  
 "I've never seen you around  before.” A strange looking boy approaches, friendly and unassuming but not entirely cheerful “Did you just move here?"  
You keep quiet, closing your eyes and hoping your lack of response is enough to push him away. Your hope fizzles out when you hear the swing creak as he sits besides you. 
"I'm Umemiya Hajime. I live close by." His voice is airy and causal. "I'm sorry you're having a bad day.”  
"Fuck off," You reply bluntly, frowning. “I don’t need sympathy. Leave me the hell alone.”  
He pauses before pushing himself slightly forward to barely swing.  
“I couldn’t leave you alone while you’re sad,” He voices willfully. "It might make you feel better to talk about it." 
In disbelief at his response, you finally look up and asses him properly. It doesn’t do much to change your initial unfavorable impression. White hair, blue eyes and a little taller than you. You’re definitely about the same age. All of that to say, there’s something weird about him that you can’t quite place.  
Despite his manner and way of speaking though, you don’t actually think he’s that weak which makes his whole aura even more unnerving to you. His attempt at being non-threatening doesn’t work for him. He’s being a real try-hard about trying to make you comfortable… 
Either way, he’s got an air about him that puts you on the defensive.  
 Talking to someone about it had never been much of any option, and somehow it pisses you off that he’s being so brazen about it.  
Maybe if you tell him about, he’ll stop prying into your business. Or maybe you’re just looking for excuses to let off steam. 
You don't care anymore. You wipe your nose with the back of your sleeve.  
"I don't live here and I didn’t move. I ran away." You reply.  
He keeps looking at you, curious, inquisitive and sympathetic.  
"I broke a girls nose." You scowl. The words rise up in your throat like bile. Make you feel cornered. The wounds too fresh. "It—she bullied me for years for one. And I never fought back, it was all petty bullshit anyway and I didn't like getting calls home. I didn't care about that but she—it wasn't for nothing. She was causing trouble for Sensei."  
Umemiya keeps to himself, humming in response to your troubles. Your voice breaks on your next sentence, chest tightening.  
"It doesn't matter what she does to me but—" Your hands ball up at your first. Your throat feels thick, eyes suddenly watering as your chest throbs . "Anyway, I couldn’t let it go like normal."  
He hums. "So you hit her?" 
You shake your head, sniffling. "Not at first. Just told her to shut up. Said that she didn't know what she was talking about. She hit me first..." You screw your eyes shut, sighing. "...said she was gonna spread rumors about him just trying to get under my skin and be malicious,” You lean back slightly and look up towards the gray sky. “I punched her after that."  
You realize he's looking at your bloodied knuckles, but he isn't making an expression that you can read easily. You don’t remember the last time you spoke to someone like this who wasn’t Tsukimori-sensei.  
"Are you crying because you got in trouble?"  
“Who cares about that?” You sigh “Sensei had to put his job on the line and take responsibility for me,” Your brow furrows in frustration. “He’s the one person I don’t want to cause trouble for,” You grip the iron chains of the swing set with a closed fist and finally admit what you’ve been avoiding to say out loud. “I don’t want him to hate me…”  
The kid besides you smiles  absently at your words. Half-way between listening and recalling something else, it seems like. You can’t help but wonder what the hell his deal is. You barely know him but you’re spilling your guts. 
He speaks after a long while. "I don't think he sees it that way. I think you should try to talk to him about it."  
You make a face, rejecting the idea. "What? No way." 
Umemiya shrugs, smiling - though it doesn't quite meet his eyes.  
"He sounds like he cares about you. If he knew your reasons, there's no way he would hold it against you. And it’s important to share your burdens with people who care for you." You look over and see him smiling somberly at the mulch beneath his shoes before returning back to what you’ve grown to know as his usual self. "Anyways, I think we should be friends. Tell me your name."  
You sniffle again. What a weird guy. Well you say that but 
You still give him your name. 
"What a pretty name," 
When you tell him to shut up again, your new friend Umemiya just laughs.  
And you find you feel just a little bit lighter.)  
That night, Umemiya walked with you to take the last train and told you to come see him again  with good news. 
You aren't sure what compelled you to follow his advice. Maybe because he was the first person who sat down and listened to you about it other than Sensei himself. 
Tsukimori-sensei was your school counselor and the only adult in your entire life that seemed to worry about. You didn't have any friends in middle school and you were a scary looking delinquent girl without a mother and a mostly absent father.  
But Sensei was always incredible gentle to you and incredibly kind. And despite what rumors that girl tried to spread  - he was never anything more than an important mentor.  
It was fucking embarrassing crying in front of him but because you were honest - you got to keep in touch with him. He attended your middle school and high school graduation - supporting you as you started to sort your life out. Became the closest thing you ever really got to a parental figure.  
Over time, you got close with Umemiya and developed strong loyalty to him. You attended an all-girls middle and high school the next town over - totaling one other friend in all six years of your remaining education. Lack of socialization meant that Umemiya somewhat became the very center of your existence. 
It was easy to visit him thanks to parental neglect. You sort of melted into his life. Tsubaki once called you his guard dog as a half-joke, but there's some truth to the sentiment. Quick to defend, quick to heel, and always happy to see him.  
You, like many people, owe Umemiya a lot. His meddling over the course of ten years gave you reason to push forward. He even encouraged you to try and attend school and not give up on living a half-decent life. 
You've got a never-ending list of short-comings but being with him didn't make you hate yourself. It made you want to be better because you knew Umemiya would accept you for whoever you decided to be.  
So despite your delinquency, you managed to graduate high school. Post-graduation, you attended a vocational culinary school and became a patisserie before moving to Furin for permanent residency. You opened a bakery and supply bread to Kotoha-chans diner.  
You made something of your life mostly 'cause of Umemiya. He's not your only friend anymore but he's still your best. Even though you never really pictured things like dating or romance - in some way it only makes sense that it'd be that meddling, kind-hearted idiot that you end up falling for it.  
Lovesickness aside, you respect Umemiya more than anyone in your personal life.  
He’s stuck around with someone like you this long after all. That means a lot to you.  
Somehow the two of you mesh well despite being totally opposite.  
You decided as soon as you realized it sometime in high school that you'd keep your feelings a secret for the rest of your life. You had a strong resolve in your beliefs about the whole thing which made it easy. You hid 'em so well even Sakura's stupid accurate romance detector didn't uncover them.  
When you picture Umemiya's future - it was easy to picture the kind of woman he would end up with. Another kind-hearted idiot like him, a social butterfly. Someone a little softer.  
In any case it definitely was not you. You didn't need it to be. You've received so much from him already, you never entertained the idea. Plus, Umemiya has dated other people over the years, so in your head there was never any hope to cling onto.  
For all reasons listed above, a requited romance is at the very bottom of your expectations.  
That's why you've been in this fucking conundrum.  
To say it was a complete shock to you when Umemiya openly confessed to you many months ago would be understatement of the goddamn century.  
He confessed right on the last day of Spring, totally out of the blue. 
(It’s a little unusual for Umemiya to call you at this hour. If it were anyone else, you’d be a little upset since you’ve gotta be up around four-am to get prepared for the day.  
It’s him though so you’re particularly tolerant, yawning as you find Umemiya on a familiar swing-set, still wearing your PJ’s.  
"Why am I out here in the middle of the night with you?"  
Your words lack any real malice as you sit down. Umemiya remains totally quiet. It's unusual for him to not immediately go on a tangent upon seeing you.  
"Oi. Earth to Hajime." You frown at him. "Did ya get beat up before coming here and scramble your brain? Give me the popsicle before it melts."  
He looks over at you and chuckles as he hands you the bag from the convenience store. You ignore his odd behavior and open up said popsicle before it melts  - carefully splitting it down the middle and giving him the bigger side before going to town on your own. He takes it from you but doesn't even bring it up to his mouth.  
"Did something... happen? Like seriously happen?" You take a long lick of your iced treat. It's melon flavored, your favorite. "Seeing you frown doesn't feel right. Gives me the heebie-jeebies."  
He cracks a little smile at that. It makes you feel better. He shakes his head.  
"Mm, nothing happened. I just have something I want to tell you."  
You nod in understanding. "'kay. Take your time."  
He blinks, surprised.  
"Hm? Aren't you gonna scold me for wasting your time?"  
"Nah. Whatever it is must be serious if it's making you all introspective or whatever. 's fine. Bring me coffee tomorrow and I'll forgive ya."  
His lip twitches up. "I l really like that about you."  
You feel yourself flush and wave a hand at him. "Ahh, shut up."  
He pauses for a second then shakes his head. "Mm. It's more like I like everything about you, actually."  
You twist your face in confusion. "What are you on about now?"  
"That's what I came here to tell you." Umemiya says after a deep breath. He says it so casually you wonder if you're mishearing him - leaning back to look up at the stars. "I really, really like you. I just felt like I had to tell you that"  
You stare at him in disbelief.  
He doesn't even flinch as he repeats it.  
"I like you."  
"No the hell you don't."  
He furrows his brow with a light laugh. "I just told you that I do, silly."  
"But that's—" You don't say the word impossible. You really want too, but you know exactly how he would react if you did. You simply shake your head. "No, you don't." 
"I thought you might respond like this so don't worry but how about you?" He shrugs then looks at you intently. "I thought you might like me too."  
Your eyes go wide. Oh fuck.  
You feel like a deer caught in headlights. You know you should be happy about this, deep down. That'd be the normal response.  
But you just feel complicated as shit instead. Fuck does he mean? Umemiya.... likes you? There's just no way that's true. Not after all of this time. And how the fuck does he know you like him back when you've been keeping it in? 
You can't bring yourself to look him in the face and lie. Your heart rises to your throat as you shakily stand to your feet.  
"Stop...thinking whatever you've been thinking. I'm going home." You reply in complete panic. 
 The minute you say it, you turn on your heel so you don't have to look at his face. You don’t even want to know.  
And before Umemiya can catch you and try to talk it out, you bolt. 
What the fuck was that?)  
For the last few months, you've been avoiding the topic of conversation as much as you humanly can.  
The possibility of Umemiya even just accepting your feelings was already far beyond your imagination, but him returning them? Confessing first? That wasn't even in your realm of possibility.  
Ever since then, you've been losing your mind trying to force your life and train of thought to go back to normal. You’ve done all of the math on it.  
Realistically, you can't ignore him. Your lives are so mixed together it'd be impossible unless you went under protection and changed your name which you briefly considered. You thought of turning him down but you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to actually do it despite how good you are at keeping it in. Either way, your best option logistically is feigning ignorance and trying to keep the whole thing out of your mind entirely which should've been easy.  
Tricking yourself into believing the whole thing was a dream? Lightwork.  
Except. Except.  
Umemiya just won't give up.  
He confesses to you again every single day. Worse, he doesn't care whose around to hear him. No one in your friend group seems even the tiniest bit shocked by it which doesn't help the situation. You can't get used to it, can't get used to him being so fucking cheeky as he stops you midway through normal conversation to tell you he loves you.  
He's persistent to a fault and while you've done well feigning immunity - you can't survive like this.  
You've graduated to tell him to go away and treating the whole thing like some big joke.  
But honestly? 
You're avoiding having a proper conversation about it. Umemiya is especially keen in not letting you forget that. And determined to make you confess.  
But you're not going to to let him sway you.  
You've got principles, after all.  
After you close up shop on Friday, you get dressed to attend a kickback with all of your friends.  
It's a barbecue technically - commemorating the end of summer. Togame is really into grilling and in their weird domestic partnership, Chouji really enjoys hosting. They've done this once or twice a year ever since they started living together.  
Once you've finished cleaning up the store, you take the train to Kotoha's place - mistakenly assuming you'd leave as soon as you got there. However you failed to realize that Tsubaki and Kotoha would be getting ready together.  
You got jumped as soon as you walked through the door - so now you're wearing a different pair of clothes that Tsuabki got for you and waiting for them to finish getting you dressed up so you can leave.  
Tsuabkino is inches from your face while Kotoha braids your hair. You feel itchy and exposed but with both of them here there's no way you're going to get out of wearing it. 
"Can we just go?" You grumble, not enjoying the feeling of being poked and prodded.  
"No," Tsubaki insists, frown making her expression pinch. "You have half an eyelash on. Sit still." 
"He'll be happy to see you dressed up," Kotoha adds, trying to encourage you. You frown and look down.  
"Whatever. I don't care about makin' him happy."  
The both of them pause and stare at you until you fold under the pressure - screwing your eyes shut and making you flush.  
“Such a blatant lie.”  
Tsubaki giggles. “Right?”  
Your face feels hot. "Ahhh, alright already. Shut up."  
"Honest girls are much cuter," Tsubaki coos. You give her a half-assed glare.  
"Don't you like Hajime? Why're you trying to set me up with him still?" You mumble. You always think they’d make a perfect pair.  
"Of course I like him. He's my prince." She smiles at you. “But it’s a little different to how a certain someone loves him. And well, if you knew the way he looked at you…"  
You frown, feeling hot all the way up to your ears as you ball your fists up and look down at your lap. "Whatever." 
"You should stop trying to worm your way out of it," Kotoha adds, much less sweetly. "You know how he is. He couldn't give up on you for ten years like some idiot."  
You blink. "Huh? But ten years would mean -"  
Kotoha braids your hair even tighter making you wince. "I know. You're both stupid like that."  
"Don't be mean, Kotoha-chan. And you, be a little more honest, okay?"  
You sigh deeply. 
"Ain't like anything is gonna happen either way. I already told you both I'm not accepting his confession," 
"Cause you're a huge wuss, yeah we know."  
You elbow Kotoha lightly.  
"Maybe nothing will," Tsubaki hums mischievously.  "But it feels nice to dress up for him, right?"  
You pretend the thought doesn't make your hear flutter.  
Tsubaki does you the kindness of laughing lightly before moving on. 
You arrive to the function an hour later than planned and stick mostly with Kotoha and Tsubaki until half way through the evening.  
Loosening up with a few drinks, the three of you part ways to catch-up with different people. It's not rare you see them, but it's not often everyones schedules allow them to be in the same place.  
Lucky for you, Umemiya does you the courtesy of not confessing during the first half of the night before food comes out.  
(Though you do spit beer in his face after he calls you pretty, which he takes on the chin after cleaning up.)  
After dinner, the function simmers down significantly. People quietly break off into groups and chat to each other into the late night. About that time people split whatever desserts they brought among guests.  
You brought cookies and something specifically for Chouji and Togame as thanks for hosting.  
Towards the end of the night, you find yourself sticking sort of close to Umemiya. Though he's having his own one-on-one conversation with Hiragi while sitting next to you , turned the other way.  
You busy yourself catching up to Suo, Sakura and Nirei - all of whom you consider yourself close to.  
Of them, you're the closest to Nirei which always surprises people. 
The kids a total wimp but he helped you years ago study to graduate so you're a little closer to him than everyone else. He's a great guy though and you hang out alone sometimes too.  
The conversations gone far left at this point in the evening.  
Suo leans back against his chair and looks toward Sakura besides him with a lazy smile.  
"Sakura-chan would make a great wife." 
You snort listening to them bicker. Sakura grows beet red, throwing an empty beer can at Suo's head that he catches gracefully.  
"Go die."  
"What? You're good at domestic work and you have a cute side, Isn't that all you need?"  
"Shut up. I'll kill you."  
As Suo breaks out into laughs, Sugishita comes down from the kitchen just in time to catch the argument. He crinkles his nose up.  
"Oh, Sugishita-kun. 'Sup."  
He nods to your greeting as he leans against the wood railing of the outdoor deck.  
"What the hell are you two talking about?" 
'What? You mean about Sakura being a good wife?" Suo asks. Sugishita crinkles his nose. 
"Don't phrase it so repugnantly but yeah I guess." 
"We were talking about marriage 'cause I was complaining at work."  
"What's happening at work?" 
Nirei sighs as he lays it out again to Sugishita after having given the spiel to the three of you once.  
"One of my superiors at work is a lot older than me and keeps bringing up marriage," Nirei explains woefully. "It's all he talks about. He thinks I'm seeing someone."  
Sugishita frowns. "Eh? What gave him that impression?"  
A good question you hadn't considered asking.  
You raise your brow at Nirei who laughs awkwardly while he holds your gaze.  
"You know that picture of us from highschool? When he came to the cafe at your school festival?"  
You smile spitefully, crinkling your nose in faux distaste. "The one wear we wearing those stupid maid costumes?"  
"Yup. That's the one. It's a good picture of us so I keep it on my desk and he saw it so..."  
"You keep a picture of just the two of you on your desk? No wonder he got that impression.” Suo adds.  
You sense Umemiya suddenly tense which you find weird. He's still talking to Hiragi though when you glance from the corner of your eye. You brush it off.  
Nirei blushes, elbowing him.  
"Shut up. I've got group pictures and stuff too. But he just singled out that one cause you know,"  
You nod in understanding before it dawns on you. Your eyes widen. "Oh, shit? Does that old man think you're dating me?"  
Nirei closes his eyes and sighs. "He won't even let me correct him." 
You pause before breaking out into genuine laughter.  
"Pfft, that's terrible." You reply sympathetically, taking a sip of your beer before giving a mischievous grin. "Maybe you can make it work for you though, eh? Tell 'em we got hitched forreal and then I'll call you on the phone and nag you to get home for dinner so you can leave earlier."  
Nirei acts like he's touched making you laugh even harder. "You'd do that for me?"  
You give him another toothy grin. "I'll even help you fake some wedding photos. We'll be accomplices." You lean back with a shrug. "You gotta wear the dress though." 
Sugishita laughs at that. "You being a blushing bride is a little..."  
You snort, shooting him a dirty look "Shut up."  
"Deal. Not a bad plan honestly." Nirei says with a sigh. "Whatever gets me out of the office early."  
"Even if that means being married to me?" You joke.  
He smiles at you. "Aw, what do you mean? That's the best part."  
You chuckle at him good-natuedly and the conversation quickly moves on.  
The alcohol is starting to make you dizzy so you eventually tune out as the four of them talk, glancing at Umemiya from the corner of your eye.  
You swear you catch a glimpse of his jaw ticking.  
For the rest of the night, Umemiya is off.  
No one else can tell. You know that because the atmosphere remains light until everyone leaves around two-am. There's no blips or tension, no awkward pauses. 
But you know Umemiya. He's been real weird all night and it's bugging the shit out of you.  
It's a well past two now, and you've just left the late night cab you took with him. Umemiya lives close so he's walking you home.  
He's usually energetic after a get-together like that so his dead silence is weirding you out. You're pretty good at figuring his feelings out but for once you feel totally clueless.  
It feels as if even the cicadas and crickets have gone to sleep. There's nothing bu the streetlights overhead and soft glow of the moon, coupled with the soft click of your shoes on the pavement. Occasionally, a car will pass by.  
At one point, it becomes too much. There's still a few minutes until you're home.  
You stop in the middle of the sidewalk and turn around to look at him. Umemiya pauses, startled as he stops with you, and doesn't smile which only makes your concern worsen.  
"Oi. What's up with you?"  
You cross your arms over your chest.  
"Don't 'hm' me. You've been in a bad mood few for the last few hours. It's gonna bug me all night if I don't ask, so what's up?"  
He stares at you.  
"You noticed?"  
"How could I not notice?"  
"I was hiding it pretty well, I thought." He states more than asks, half-smile on his face.  
"Yeah. But well," You shrug. "I'm always looking at you for better or for worse. So. What's wrong?"  
He stares at you a long time before sighing, running his fingers through his hair. You've never seen him like this. You've seen him pissed off before, seen him mildly irritated - but never this... pouty? It's not like he's pissed.  
He's quiet, taking a deep breath of cool night air before sliding his hands into his pockets and taking a good look at your face. 
"Do you know that I like you?"  
Your eyes widen as you blink wildly.  
This is what he wants to talk about? 
He pins you down with his stare, hands in his pockets and intense as ever.  
"Don't even think about bolting this time, okay? I'm asking you seriously. Do you?" 
Your eyes flicker down the concrete - feeling extremely uncomfortable and suddenly sweaty. You shrug, unsure of what else you could say or do.  
"Hard not to know." You mumble. "You tell me everyday." 
"But do you get it?"  
Your frown deepens.  
"Of course not. How could I possibly get something like that, stupid?"  
He takes a deep breath. "But you like me, don't you?"  
Panic sets in. If you could sink straight into the Earth you would.  
"...Never said that." 
He calls your name quietly. "Look at me, at least. Stop running away from me and just look." 
You know you're being stubborn but you can't help it. You've kept it a secret for ten years and all of a sudden he wants you to tell him you like him? You've held it in for so long already and he's telling you not to run away.What other choice is there?  
One wrong move move and everything will come crashing down inside of you. You can't even lie about it either.  
Damn it.  
"I won't look." Your voice is warbly and it makes you feel so pathetic you could die, tucking your chin petulantly "Don't wanna,"  
Umemiya frowns at you.  
"If you say you don't like me I'll let it go."  
You remain very quiet and close your eyes tighter. He sighs softly, making your chest hurt.  
After a minute, you muster up the courage to be dishonest - determined to drop it at all costs. You're slow as you pick your head up.  
"I don't like you," You repeat slowly, carefully - trying not to stumble the words. "So quit it, alright?"  
He laughs humorlessly and holds your gaze.  
"That's the first time you've ever actually lied to me. You're terrible at it," 
"I'm not lying." You snap. Umemiya smiles somberly when he sees tears on the corners of your eyes. He steps closer to you. You freeze. When his hand reaches cups your cheek, you feel your legs lose all their strength and close your eyes. You're terrified to even look at him, not wanting him to see what you know is obvious on your face.  
He wipes them as he tilts your face towards him slowly. 
"Tell me, at least. If you're going to refuse me, don't I deserve to know why? Do you hate the idea of dating me that much?"  
You shake your head. "Stupid. How would anyone hate that?"  
"So I deserve to know why you're turning me down."  
A long moment of silence draws you out of your feelings. You guess that's fair enough. Maybe this way he'll leave you alone  - as long you're clear about your reasons. He’s the earnest type after all.  
You manage to suck up all your tears and clear your throat enough to give him an explanation. 
You step back a little from him, putting some distance between you as you stare down at the sidewalk. 
"You know... I respect ya more than anyone else. You've always been someone I admire. And I uh, owe you a lot. So I only want the very best for you and all." You scratch your neck, taking a deep sigh. "For me... regardless of my feelings, I want you to be with someone who really fits, you know? Well put-together and everything. Someone that suits you better"  
He pauses before frowning.   
"Regardless of your feelings? Does that mean you were willingly pushing them aside?" He says distraught. "For how long?"  
You shrug, trying to lighten the conversation. It’s too devastating otherwise. "About ten years, give or take." 
The sheer distress in his face makes you want to keep talking, just he doesn’t look so disheartened. Like some explanation will clear things up.  
"It ain't a bad thing, Hajime. You've given me a lot and I'm serious when I say I want the best for you. I love you, if that's what you wanna hear. I'm content just being besides you as your friend." You say with a shrug. "I can be kinda selfish but there's a limit to my greed,yknow."  
He looks like he's in shock. 
"Wanting someone to love you back isn't greedy or selfish."  
You find you don't have anything to say with that, but hope he drops it for the time being. 
Umemiya stares at you seriously. It makes your breath hitch meeting his eyes, blue with all the depth in the world. You feel like you can't pull yourself from his gaze.  
"And there was never a possibility? Not once that I could've liked you? That I wanted to be with you?"  
"It doesn't matter." You say. "And no, it never crossed my mind.."  
"Stop saying it doesn't matter. Of course it matters. Your feelings matter the most so don't toss them aside so easily. Do you really believe that you're not right for me?"  
You aren’t sure how to answer him.  
"You think you're not good enough for me." He says with some realization more than asks.  
It's the first time you see his face change. When you look up, he looks well and truly angry. The whole thing is confusing.  
"I'm sorry," You say. It’s such a timid thing to say but you don’t know how else to fix.  
"It's not—I just don't like hearing you talk about yourself like that. I don't like hearing someone I love get spoken about like that.” 
You ignore the sentiment again and wait in the quiet. You always thought this would be an easier conversation to have but it hurts.  
He sighs a bit, getting closer to you again. He’s less upset than before but there’s something else in his expression.  
"You wanted to know why I was upset earlier right? It's because of you and Nirei-kun." He admits.  
"What about him?"  
"You talked about marrying him so casually. I overheard and it bothered me all night."  
Your eyes go wide.  
"I—it wasn't serious."  
"I know that. I never thought I was that childish either but you being married to someone else as a joke." He laughs humorlessly. "I really hated it. That’s why I asked if you know how much I like you."  
You feel frozen in place by his admission. 
Umemiya steps towards you faster than you can muster up a counter for why he shouldn’t bother.  
His arms around you feel sudden. His grip on you is so tight, like you could slip through his arms all at once if he loosens it. He smells like cologne and beer and summer but it's not unpleasant. He rests his chin on your head and lets out a deep breath.  
Your chest is throbbing for different reasons now. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.  
"If you won't be greedy, then you should at least let me be." He lets out a long, tense breath "At least let me have what I want." 
You're stuck. Your mouth moves faster than your brain.  
"Why me? And why now?"  
Umemiya pulls away to stare down at you. You can't bring yourself to turn away from him. 
"It was always you. I felt guilty... for wanting to you that way when you were a precious friend. Wanting to treat you delicately when you were strong and proud." He admits. Hearing him say that out loud embarrasses you to no end, “But it was those things that made me love you. Strong yet clumsy. Prideful yet honest. Awkward yet trying to be gentle. Loyal. And always considerate of everyone. Of me, when I was taking care of everyone else."  
Your stomach feels like it's going to erupt. You're losing your resolve faster than you know how to mend it.  
"Stop saying stuff like that."  
Umemiya holds you tighter and shakes his head. "No. How else will I get you to change your mind?"  
"I won't change my mind." You say stubbornly.  
"I love you." He repeats.  
You squirm.  
"Stop it,"  
"I want to be with you. I want to kiss you. I want to hold you. I want to stay by your side forever. I want to do things with you and make you feel good. I want to make you smile. I want to grow old with you." 
Your hearts fluttering. Fuck.  
"Idiot. What are you saying? Let me go."  
"It has to be you for me. I won't have anyone else no matter what you think. The person I love is you. I love you."  
"Hajime." Your voice is shaking. 
His drops down to a whisper.  
“I can’t change how you think of yourself overnight but I can tell you that there’s no point in trying to push me away. Whether or not you accept  me, we’ll never stop being side by side - so please stop fighting it.”  
You put your hands on his chest, trying to push him away. “Stop it,” 
"Please tell me it's okay to love you how I want too," He says, soft and doting while he crushes you in his arms. "And please love me in return."  
You put your hands up to your misty eyes wanting to wipe them away as he melts through the rest of your resolve like it's nothing. It's hard not to be moved. You've been pretending for ten long years that you don't love him at all and he's declaring his love for you like it's the easiest, most sensible and sane thing in the world.  
A kind-hearted, willful, meddling idiot. How you are you supposed to push him away when he's holding you this tight?  
"Shit," You voice, huffing as your voice shakes. "Don’t be stupid, alright? If you’re so insistent, I wont let you back out if you meet someone else."  
He laughs wetly.  
"I already tried meeting other people, but it's still you. Always was."  
He smiles above you. 6'2 with watery eyes with the look of pure relief like it's the best news he's ever heard in his life. It's too much for you. Your heart is racing so fast you wonder if you're gonna die.  
"Can I kiss you?" He asks.  
Your eyes go wide as you look away, not wanting to look too eager. "That's..."  
He makes another puppy-dog kinda face. "Please?"  
You're embarrassed by how easy it makes you give in. "...Do whatever you want."  
He laughs bright and warm as his hands slide up to cup your cheeks and kiss you with all the passion he can muster. It's intense, almost suffocating the way he slots his lips against yours and breathes you in. He doesn't let you up from it, doesn't part from you for a second even when he pulls away - noses brushing and stealing the air from your lungs.  
It's your stupid first kiss and it's perfect - so perfect you wonder if you're going to wake up in a dream. He kisses you hard and makes you stand on your toes to chase his lips when he pulls back. Elated. Ecstatic when you grasp the front of his shirt and keep kissing him when he stops. 
He pauses before littering your whole face with pecks even as you weakly protest, unable to stop frowning but feeling the happiest you've ever been.  
There's so much longing in between you, you feel like you could die. You feel helpless.   
"Can I come home with you?" He asks, once he stops - only holding your hand a short distance away. "I want more time together." 
You feel your skin burn hot as you nod, all while trying not to read too much into it. 
You barely get to lock your door behind you before Umemiya crowds you in the door way.  
His arms circle around your waist, chin resting against your shoulder.. Broad chest against your back, you try not to flounder as his warm voice caresses your ear.  
You're going to die young if he keeps this up.   
"I love you,"  
You flush. "Enough already. And let me go so I can wash up."  
"Do you need to sleep early? Thought you were closed tomorrow. Wanted to talk a little longer."  
You pause.  
You both freeze as the miscommunication dawns at the same time. You try to pull away from him as soon as you realize, skin burning hot. You're quick but Umemiya is quicker.  
"Hajime." You say gravely. "If you don't let me go, I'm gonna kill you."  
"No way," He laughs  as you attempt to wriggle out of his grasp. "Is that why you let me in? Were you expecting something?"  
"Shut up! Don't say anything, I swear I'll —"  
"Don't be like that, baby. I'm not making fun of you. Hey, turn around. Look at me."  
You're upset but you think the reason is more embarrassing then the feeling.  
"Don't wanna,"  
Umemiya laughs as he gently turns you around to face him. In your utter mortification, you can barely bring yourself to meet his gaze.  
"Stop staring."  
He doesn't.  
"Do you normally invite guys in just 'cause they ask?"  
"Wha—no! It's because it's you, stupid!"  
He smiles in satisfaction.  
"You shouldn't say yes so easily even if it is me. What if I took advantage of you?"  
You think he's just being smug for the sake of it, which is pissing you off. You grab him by the front of his shirt.  
"Fuck off. Maybe there's a reason I said yes."  
He pauses before his eyes widen. You push your hand against his mouth before he blurt anything else out but he's quick to pry your hand away.  
"Don't say it." You hiss.  
"I was planning on taking my time. I cherish you and I want to make sure you know that. I'm just a little surprised you’re moving so quick when you were telling me not too long ago."  
You can feel the tips of your ears growing hot, feeling even more self-conscious. "Whatever. If we're just going to sleep I still need to wash up."  
He keeps his arms behind your back so you can’t move.  
"Hey. Didn't say that. It's not like I don't want to do it with you. Just don't want you to regret anything."  
You give him an flat look. "I was prepared to give you my virginity and you're worrying about that. Unless you're planning on backing out, there's no way I would."  
"Your—" His jaw drops a little.  
You drop your voice down just a little close as you grab his collar.  
"If you get it, then hurry up and fuck me. Stupid Hajime."  
He gives you the dopiest smile you've ever seen while your face grows increasingly hot, leaning to in to press a kiss to your lips. He brushes his nose with yours. Laughter from deep in his chest.  
"Yes, ma'am."  
Once you give Umemiya permission to have you, you get the feeling that there really is no going back from here.  
You both know it. The tension in your bedroom is so thick you can barely breathe around it.  
Umemiya lands gently onto your bed - sitting up as he holds you by your waist and pulls you over to him. You're so aware of his touch it makes your nerves feel they're on fire. You're not a total virgin - at least not enough to be feeling this worked up over someones hands lingering on your waist.  
But they're Umemiya's hands—Hajime's hands, so you can't rationalize your thoughts of out it. His hands are strong and big, a little calloused and rough from the gardening and fighting. You can feel how much he adores you in a gesture so small it makes you concerned for your own heart thinking about how the rest of the night will go.  
He invites you into his lap gently, so pleased by the way you go to him so willingly. You spread yourself over him with your knees on either side of his thighs. He's big - wide and broad.  
Your barely hovering over his bulge as you lean your weight onto him. His hand barely brushes underneath your top, just barely touching the skin.  
You shiver.  
"Are you really sure this is what you want?" He asks. "I don't mind waiting as long as you need,"  
You give him an bored look. "Not very convincing when you're makin' a face like that,"  
He chuckles nervously. "That bad?"  
You nod before adding a little bashfully. "Dunno if I mind, though."  
He buries his fact against your chest all of a sudden making you jump.  
"The hell?"  
"You're so cute when you're honest like that," He mumbles into your chest, cheek pressed against your tits.  
"Jeez, shut up. What're you talking about?"  
Umemiya pulls back and leans forward - enough to breach the inches of space between you. Nose to nose, your eyes meet. A bated breath, you put your hand on his shoulders and work up the nerve to kiss him.  
It's chaste. Mostly for you to break the ice otherwise you're sure you're gonna pussy out.  
He smiles at you when you pull away.  
"See what I mean? So cute," He hums, and leans in again. "Come on. Kiss me again."  
Something about him is different when he tells you to kiss him. It's not smug or cheeky. But it's not casual either. Softness tinges his words, his touch - his whole demeanor screams like he loves you absolutely. It makes your heart rate pick up again, hands shaky as you try not to lose your nerve.  
He's restraining himself though. How he intense he could be vs how soft and calm he is being. You know Umemiya like the back of your hand so you want him to do what he wants. It's hard to find your voice.  
"You don't have to.." You cast your eyes down in embarrassment. "…hold back with me, either. I'm not some maiden."  
He smiles at you a little. "You really do know me better than anyone, huh? I was keeping it together pretty well."  
"Look I know I’m kinda difficult…I'm not real good with stuff like this either," You fidget with the collar of his shirt with your free hand. "But once I say yes I don’t back out. So don't worry about scaring me off or putting too much pressure on me or whatever. ...'s fine to just do what you feel like. I’m scared out of my mind but I wouldn’t do that to you,"  
“Don’t know how long it’ll take but I’ll do my best to make you feel secure. Might take some time but we’ve got our whole lives.” You flush at the implication. He smiles a little. "Whatever I want seems like a lot to give, though."  
"Well...depending on what, I'm might not be good at it,"   
He shakes his head. "I don't want anything like that."  
"What do you want then?"  
"You." He says easily. Your stomach flips. "All of you. I just want to make you feel so good you can't stand it. Want to worship you top to bottom. There's not a single part of you I don't want."  
You flush. "The hell... I meant like a blowjob or some shit."  
He laughs. "I know. And I want that too, another time." He hums, taking a deep breath. "Right now I just want you to feel so good for me. Is that okay?"  
You can't look at him. You can barely stand how bashful you're being, but you can't even play coy. Something in you is bursting at the seams.  
You love him so much you don't recognize yourself, or your voice, or how you're acting. It makes you sick but you can’t do anything but go with it. "Yeah. 's okay, if it's what you want."  
"It is," He says, leaning in. "All I've ever wanted."  
You ignore the latter half of his comment as he finally goes to kiss you again.  
He pulls your body close to him as you do. Until your chest to chest, arms wrapped around the span of his shoulders as you press your lips together soft and slow.  
He slides a hand underneath your top, undoing the clasp of your bra. He lets his palm stay on the center of your back while you keep kissing - straps of your bra falling down your shoulder as he splays his fingers to feel more of your skin and hold you. Hugging you close to him, his other arm wraps around your torso. His forearms feels especially strong they way they hold you by the waist.  
You're so close to him. Kissing him so deep, his tongue sliding against your lips. Something about the kiss is languid but the touch is so hot it makes your skin burn. You feel wrapped up in him, can't even tell whose heartbeat you're hearing. 
More of your weight ends up in his lap as you feel your knees go weak. Something hard presses against your clothed cunt and you gasp a little into his mouth.  
"Oh, shit." You mumble in surprise. Umemiya laughs.  
"You're making me feel good." He hums.  
Your face heats up. "I barely did anything." 
"You just being on my lap is more than enough."  
You make a face at him before rubbing yourself over the zipper of his jeans, slow and deliberate trying to get a feel for it. You hear him moan, nearly jumping out of your skin in surprise.  
The way Umemiya moans is a lot for you to process. Breathy and a little low. It resonates through your whole body like a caress.  
You make a few more tentative passes over his bulge, just to hear him do it again. Driven by your instinct more than anything, you lean into kiss at his jaw - making use of the limited experience you do have to try and draw more sounds from him.  
"What're you thinking about?" He asks, still breathless. Maybe amused.  
"Like the way you sound." You mumble in reply.  
"I thought I told you I wanted to take care of you, hm?"  
You frown. "So what? I can't touch you at all?"  
He thinks on it. "You can touch me everywhere else and you can have your way with me later, if you want it. I don't wanna cum too fast."  
"I'm just..."  
He shakes his head. "You're underestimating me. I'm still a guy, you know? With a woman I love at that. There's no way I would make it through our first time if I didn't focus on you. Don't pout,"  
Hearing him describe you in such an embarrassing way makes you flush. You roll your eyes half-heartedly. "Fine, whatever."  
He smiles.  
"Good girl. C'mere. Lay down."  
You decide not to think about how effected the praise makes you as you comply.  
Umemiya lays you down carefully, making sure you're comfortable before hovering over you. He looks a lot more imposing from this view - the dim lights of your room making his face seem more well-defined. Your nipples harden in arousal, peeking from underneath your shirt as he stares long and hard.  
"You're so beautiful to me."  
He leans down and presses a hot kiss to your jaw, just underneath your ear before slowly kissing down your neck. Open-mouthed kisses along delicate skin, tongue sliding over every patch he scrapes lightly with his teeth. You fidget underneath him, a dull throbbing between your legs. You try to figure out what to do with your hands but you’re too nervous.  
He kisses your throat where it's extra sensitive and you bite back and involuntary noise. 
"Don't hold your voice, please?"  
"It's embarrassing,"  
"It's not," He assures, bumping his forehead to your shoulder lightly. "I want to know what makes you feel good. Let me pay attention to you."  
You frown but nod ultimately.  
Umemiya isn't the first sexual encounter you've had in your life. You've done other things, but you've never really gone all the way with anyone. All of your other partners were mostly strangers - people mutually interested in using someone else to try and get off.  
This is the first time anyone has taken this much time with you. A little kissing and groping, sometimes touching your chest.  
No one's ever touched you like this, though.  
His hands feel like they're all over your body no matter where they actually end up being. Makes your heartbeat rain drumming on a tin roof. Makes your stomach tingle, a heat in your calves and a prickly feeling on your back. Your whole being drowning with pure anticipation.  
"Take this off for me." Umemiya mumbles. You nod, feeling absent as you wiggle yourself out of your tight little tee and toss it somewhere.  
The air shifts again when you're naked. His eyes drink you in, tracing the soft lines and edges of your body. Looking over scars and stretchmarks with pure, blown out wanting that shoots lust straight into your veins.  
You want him to fuck you so bad it's killing you but the very thought makes you feel so shy you could die.  
"You're beautiful," Sounds dirty the way he says, makes it spill from his lips like wine tipping over a glasses edge. "Perfect. Every inch of you is so perfect."  
He proves this to you by kissing you again. Running his hands over your skin. Up against curved sides and down against your arms, brushing the back of your biceps and forearms.  
Infatuation in his touch ruins you. Makes your voice let out. You can't think of anyone whose treated you so preciously in your entire life and you find you don't resent it as much as you should.  
(You find it feels so good to let someone touch you so kindly. A touch like you're being loved.)  
Nonetheless it's embarrassing. Of course it is.  
But it's so hard not to feel pulled in when you feel the way he kisses you. Draws a trail with his lips and tongue from jaw to shoulder blade - kissing down your biceps with his hands on your body, taking  gentle inhales of your scent.  
Anticipation makes your stomach tie in knots but finally he relents. Both hands squeeze the soft weight of your chest, palms brushing your hardened nipples.  
He laughs a little, heavy with want. "Yeah? Do you like being touched here?"  
"Mm." Is the best reply you can get out.  
He brushes against the tips with his fingers in a feather-light gesture, testing the waters before rubbing with a little more pressure. Your body jolts from the stimulation, wetness pooling and dampening your underwear. He leans in and takes one of your nipples into his mouth making another dull wave of lust wash through you.  
And he makes sure to pay attention to both. It's just like him to be so attentive to some shit like that. Your spine arches as he sucks on your sensitive nipples, letting his tongue flick across them and giving into a sweet friction. You buck your hips up against instinctively, gripping onto the sheets as your sense of restlessness grows.  
Your voice is whiny to your own ears but you can't calm down to save your life.  
"You're taking too long," You huff. He laughs lightly, looking up at you from underneath his lashes.  
"Don't be impatient." He tsks.  
"It's enough already," 
He shakes his head. "Nope. Still got a long ways to go. Promise you'll have me when you're ready for it, so just try and focus on feeling good."  
You make a frustrated sound. "It's embarrassing being the only one feeling good,"  
He pauses before standing up on his knees. He takes his black t-shirt off in one swift go until his torso is bare, and undoes the top button of his pants. He gives you a little glance. "Better?"  
There are too many layers of that to process in the moment it happens. You mumble. "A little,"  
He beams. "Good. Now let me take good care of you,"  
Sliding down lower, he kisses you from sternum to navel. Hands gripping at the softness of your sides, smoothing over the bare skin as he his thumb finds the waistband of your skirt. He glances up at you, silently seeking your permission. You nod back at him, watching him slide the short skirt away from your waist.  
The sudden air feels cool against your skin. He presses his cheek against your belly, both hands on your hips..  
"You're gorgeous. Even more gorgeous than I thought. I feel so lucky being able to touch you when you're this perfect.” He praises endlessly.  
You cover your face with your arm.  
"Ugh. Quit it. You're sayin' too much."  
"Seeing you get so shy when I praise you a little is so cute." He trails his lips down further and further - just above your sex before stopping. "You're so cute."  
He sits back, standing up and bending your legs slightly at the knee. You hold the position as you feel him massage your calve. Thumb drawing hard circles in the muscle, slowly working his way up to your knee. He kisses you afterwards trailing the same spot his hands were touching seconds ago before moving onto the other side.  
There's nothing you can call it short of worship. The nagging feeling that it's undeserved is washed away each time Umemiya holds your gaze.  
Devotion colors every touch no matter how small. And it’s so obvious, so prominent - it feels outright wrong to deny the fact it’s there.   
You think the closest thing you can compare it too is the way Umemiya gardens. A patience as his fingers root through earth and soil, a kindness towards delicate things that makes even hours of work under the sun look beautiful and easy. His expression is what's most uncanny - what makes you you feel so hot. 
An expression that says he loves doing it from the very bottom of his heart - not even a hint of apathy or complaint.  
A face that says he loves every long, drawn out motion and actions of repetition all fro the very core of him.  
Having it directed at making love to you so blatantly makes you more aroused than you know what to do with. You don't know how to let yourself be treated like the most cherished flower in Umemiya's garden - and you aren't so sure how you're meant to get used to it no matter how much it makes you feel...nice. You don’t have any other experience.  
Which is why you're trying to be patient. Trying to be at least temporarily secure in whatever he sees in you that makes him worship every inch of you, memorizing all your ins and outs.  
Umemiya places hot, wet kisses on your inner thigh before laying himself between your spread legs - breath barely hovering over your sex.  
By the time he gets there, you feel utterly melted into your sheets. Your mind is hazy, impatient and wanting as strong hands secure your thighs. He's so close.  
"I wanna eat you out. Is that okay?"  
"If you don't do something soon I'm gonna kill you."  
He laughs warmly. "I'll take that as a yes."  
You pause. Umemiya waits.  
"I didn't uh," You clear your throat. "Wasn't planning on getting laid so y'know. Haven't shaved in a while."  
"Were you worried that I'd change my mind? I like it for the record. Feels natural." Umemiya says. "It's your body so there's nothing I would dislike about it."  
"You're too much." You reply back in earnest. You cover your face with your arms. "So cheesy."  
"I'm being serious." He says suddenly solemn with how sincere he is. 
The sudden change is amusing. You pause before breaking into genuine giggles, unable to help yourself.  
"You're really somethin', yknow that?"  
He's quiet for a long time. Long enough for it to catch your attention, turning your gaze more clearly towards his face. Swiftly, he pushes himself up to catch your mouth in another kiss. It stuns you a bit, very different to all the rest. More teeth and tongue than lip.  
"I like you," He murmurs, forehead to yours. "How can someone be so cute?"  
"Would you quit embarrassing me and get on with it?" 
He smiles. "As you wish,"  
Umemiya settles back down between your legs after easing your panties off and putting your feet flat on the bed to give himself more access. You can barely look down at him doing it. His fingers brush the slick hairs back gentle as he uses his thumbs to spread your pussy apart and look at you more intimately.  
You can feel him. Feel his every breath and movement. He stares at you awestruck. "How is all of you so pretty? Even here it's such a beautiful color."  
"Stop looking so much,"  
He takes a breath, taking in your scent one more time before pressing a kiss to your clit. You make an attempt to squirm away from his grip as his finger dig into your thighs and hold you down. The strength of it knocks the wind out of you, forcing you into place. Umemiya pushes his tongue and gives you a long, tentative lick through the seam of your cunt.  
Your whole body breaks out into shivers at the sensation. The warm weight of his tongue on your sex makes feels like an electric current through water - your toes curling as he makes the same few passes over and over. He collects your pooling arousal on the tip as he drags upwards and flicks your clit tentatively. You grind against his face instinctually, hips chasing the pleasure. Amused laughter vibrates against your core as you do, mumbling at you to be patient while he's still face deep in it.  
You let out another pitchy whine before he finally stops teasing. He lays his tongue flat against your clit, cupping it lightly before drawing it around experimentally. He watches carefully as he plays around with pressure and angles - trying to see what makes you react the most. You can feel how closely he's watching you. 
You cover your mouth with your hand when he does find it, your voice breaking off as he licks carefully right where you need. He smiles into your cunt as he toys with your with the sensitive bundle of nerves, pleased by the change in your reactions. The obvious pleasure he's making you feel.  
Something blooms into your chest. You've never— 
"You're—" You close your eyes, hands tangling in the sheets as you break out into a fever. "Ngh, never had someone l-lick me,"  
He must've heard you because he seems to laser in his focus the minute you say it. He's lapping at your clit so deep, licking precisely and holding you with nose against your bush.  
You reach down tentatively, pushing back the hair falling in his face and he gives you a look so lovesick you want to run away. The pressure changes gradually, more intensely.  
It feels better somehow. Makes you feel restless. Your whole body curls in tight with want at the sensation of it, the lower expanse of your belly tensed. You're shaking as you drift closer to the edge, arousal upped by the wet sound of him sucking your clit.  
"Hajime," You warn, spine starting to arch as you helplessly try to pull away from the intense sensation. It's not familiar to your body, so much so your mind can barely make sense of what's happening to it, "Cumming—c-cumming!"  
Something in you goes undone as Umemiya keeps pace during your orgasm. All the tension inside of you suddenly comes loose - specks of white matter behind closed lids as you screw your eyes shut. Your back curves up into arch, your hips trembling, your insides pulsing. It comes running into you, crashing into your body as waves of pleasure drown out the noise in your head. He eats you out until you feel borderline hysterical.  
You feel melted and reshaped by him - yanking him off when he continues to be insistent after you're too oversensitive. He laughs when you pull him away, resting against your thigh as you take worn out heaving breaths.  
He kisses the inside of your knee as you calm down, bright smile on his features - painted pink with a slight flush. "You came. I'm so happy."  
You look at him in shock. "You're a scary guy."  
He pushes up to kiss your temple, voice soft. "Did I scare you?"  
Your stomach flutters, tucking your chin. "You were intense, but I didn't... hate it or anything."  
"Yeah?" He grins, pressing a few kisses to your cheek and face before whispering against your ear. "Then, is it okay to go farther?"  
You nod silently. Umemiya smiles.  
He stands up on his knees, pushing his hair back as your eyes are drawn to his pants. You reach out for the waistband of his pants unthinkingly, hooking your finger into it. "Isn't it stuffy?"  
He blinks, frozen before rubbing a hand across his face. "Ah a bit, but it's fine."  
"Take 'em off. Please?"  
Umemiya looks unusually distressed by the request, but follows through without another word. You watch him undress - revealing the tight black fabric of his boxer briefs snug against his waist. Your eyes go wide as you see the outline of his cock - head still half hazy. You voice your unfiltered reaction.  
"Your dick is so big,"  
He laughs breathlessly. "Are you trying to stir me up? What's with you?" He pauses to lay down besides you. You turn to lay on your side and face him a little better. "You're being cute. I'm not used to seeing you so docile."  
"Shaddup," You reply half-heartedly. Your body is still on fire but it knocked the wind of you to cum once already. "Your fault."  
He grins, a hint of smugness as he laughs. "That's true."  
"You gonna fuck me?"  
"Mm, yeah. Gotta open you up first or it'll hurt."  
"I've put stuff in before. Toys. Should be fine."   
"Still wanna play it safe. It's your precious first time after all."  
You make a face before pulling him into you, hugging him tight as your whole body breaks out in a shameful flush. "Then hurry up and do it already."  
His arms slide underneath where your laying, holding you to him as he hikes one of your legs up. He slides his free hand in over your leg - his forearm holding your thigh. You press your face to his neck and shoulder - hiding your expression. "Guess I should huh? You were always impatient,"  
You can barely tell him to shut up, the way your body waits for it. A warbled little noise leaves your mouth as he slides his middle finger through the sticky folds of your cunt - careful as it catches on your hole. Wet and so aroused, the first finger he puts in goes in completely smoothly with no real effort 
Umemiya speaks low and soft as he holds you. "I don't know if I can get used to seeing you like this. I'm glad no one else but me ever wil You’re really all I think about lately," He catches the lobe of your ear between his teeth gently. Your head spins. "People misunderstand you because you're prickly, you know? For a long time, only I knew what it felt like to be liked by you. I liked that,"  
"Why are you—mmgh," 
He slides another finger in carefully after the first one slides inside of you with no resistance. His voice is so hot against your skin, the low bass of it in your skull as he speaks so close to your ear.  
"Don't get me wrong I'm happy seeing you with so many people surrounding you. But I was a little sad too. And it kept getting worse over the years until I couldn’t ignore it. I couldn’t figure out why for a long time and then it clicked,” Umemiya explains. You realize half way delirious this is his real confession. God, you’re gonna kill him. “Suddenly it was all I thought about. I wanted to be special to you. I wanted to monopolize you. It was my first time having thoughts like that,”  
Another finger slides into you easily. Umemiyas fingers are so much bigger than yours. Thicker than they are long. The stretch is enough to make you gasp.  
He curls them up, careful until he finds the spot he’s looking for. Your body reacts, another sensation of pressure as his middle finger rubs tenderly against your gspot. You weakly try to wiggle away as he holds you firm.  
“I felt a little guilty, too. You’re my very best friend. You’re independent and diligent. Tough. But you know, when I saw you for those few months - all I could think about was how much I wanted to spoil you,” He whispers. Something in your body shifts the way touches you. Pushes in further and further - stretching until it’s easy for him to be inside. “Somehow everything I liked about you became so cute I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t help but want to dote on you over every little thing even though I knew better than anyone you didn’t need something like that.”  
Your eyes well up but not necessarily from emotion. Totally overwhelmed. You don’t feel like you’re gonna cum but there’s something else that’s waiting and each time he thrusts his fingers into you it comes a little closer. Your voice is shaking.  
“It—fuck, quit talking. Somethings gonna—“  
His smile grows a little. It’s the first time it looks so hungry.  
“I was happy in general when I realized you liked me too. Even when you were being stubborn, I liked the way you couldn’t turn me away. I liked how happy you looked talking to me as usual as if that alone was something so precious,” He hums, so focused and precise as he stretches you open on a third finger but never once losing his train of thought. Like saying all of these comes to him so easily it doesn’t matter. “I didn’t want to corner you. But it felt like I couldn’t rest until you were mine completely. Which is why I’m being so unfair to you. Why I’m so persistent. ” 
Your voice breaks on a whine. “It’s gonna come out—“  
“You make a pretty face when your heads filled with nothing but me. I don’t think it’s bad to wanna stay that way,” He hums, almost conversational as he presses a kiss to your skin. “Go on. Let go,”  
Something hot sprays between your legs as Umemiya fucks you open on all three of his fingers.  
A rush of warm liquid squirts onto your sheets as your legs shake wearily. Umemiya marvels at the mess. Your hands curl into fists, nails digging in your palms as he finally pulls them out - leaving you stretched, almost gaping.  
You lay limp in soaked sheets as you pull away from Umemiya with a very weak glare.  
He’s smiling at you, dopey and lovesick.  
“Too much?”  
Angrily, you smack at his bare chest over and over, trying to recover your pride.  
“You’re insane. What’s,” You swallow thickly. “What’s with you.”  
He shrugs. Wordless, he flips you onto your back again before hovering over top of you. Pressing his forehead to yours, he brushes your noses together and plants a tentative peck on your lips as if trying to gauge whether or not you’re upset. He melts when you kiss him back, smiling happily.  
“Were you like this with your other girlfriends? No wonder they broke up with you,”  
He laughs. “Mm, no? I was more of a gentleman.”  
You break out into another exhausted fit of laughter.  
“Pfft, yeah? Guess I’m pretty special,” 
“Yeah. You are.” He kisses you again. “Wanna keep going or are you too tired? I don’t mind if we sleep.”  
“Stupid. I said it already didn’t I? Hurry up and fuck me.”  
“Okay, okay. Let me go get the condom from my wallet,”  
You wrap your legs around his waist and stare up at him plainly as he tries to move, keeping him pinned in place. You’re frowning, brows furrowed with a hard glare. He stares at you.  
“Did you want something else? Water?”  
“Want you to fuck me,” You restate, arms reaching up to circle around his neck. “Just do it already.” 
He pulls back to look at you seriously.  
“Do you know what you’re asking?”  
You flush. “Of course I do. Stupid. Are you trying to get me to say it out loud?”  
“I might think I’m deluding myself otherwise.”  
You sigh, looking at him flatly as you try to tamp down the part of you that’s screaming to be more tactful.  
“Don’t bother with the condom, a-alright? Or pulling out,”  
He looks like he’s experiencing the shock of his life. “But…” 
“Stop being dumb or I’m never gonna have sex with you again.”  
He nods suddenly solemn. “Fine. But,”  
You give him another look that silences him. He sighs again, getting the message before kissing your cheek and pull back to sit up on his knees between your legs. Pulling his briefs down, his cock springs free. It looks a lot bigger than you saw underneath the fabric, weighed down from it’s own weight even though it stands up stiff. He opened you up with three but you wonder if it’ll be enough not to stretch you open.  
You reach your hand out to touch it tentatively, feeling it’s weight and heft. He clears his throat but seems content to let you. The palms of your hands cup the shaft, feeling all the veins pulse. The tip is sticky with precum. You pull your hand away, another sudden wave of self consciousness overwhelming you.  
Umemiya hovers over you again, placing he length of his cock against your pussy. You shift a little feeling it slide against you, hard and hot.  
“Gonna put it in now, okay?”  
Nodding, you put your legs up. You take a deep breath when the head pushes in, letting out an involuntary noise. You feel well-stretched but the thickness of his cock is still enough to make you feel it in your legs. Umemiya is focused above you, barely sliding the tip through your folds as you open up around him. The air feels punched out of your lungs on just the first inch.  
His face is strained is he holds his hips steady, leaning down to tap your foreheads together. “Feeling okay?”  
“Mm,” You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Fine. Feels different.”  
“Yours is bigger than all the stuff I own,” You explain. “Feels hotter. Harder, too.”  
You feel his cock twitch inside of you suddenly, shocking you. He smiles sheepishly.  
“Gonna push in a little more, okay?”  
You nod, watching as Umemiya so slowly presses his cock into you further. Enough that it doesn’t hurt when you take him, as much as it just feels like something is inside of you. You feel a warm sense of satisfaction at how full you feel. You feel like him like he’s in your stomach, taking up so much space. After a while of pushing, stopping, and going again  - he finally bottoms out.  
“You feel incredible,” He murmurs, half-smile on his face. Your stomach flutters. “It’s hard not to cum right away. Feels so good inside of you. I love you.”  
You feel yourself twitch, frowning at the expression of delight Umemiya has. You put your hand against his fact to keep him away but he kisses your palm and moves it. Bottomed out, he grasps both hands and holds them  - pinning them to the bed as you watch him wide-eyed.  
“Think you’re used to it?” He hums, clasping your fingers together. “Is it okay if I move?”  
You feel so damn bashful. “It’s okay.” 
He kisses your forehead. “I’ll go slow.” 
As promised, Umemiya pulls out carefully before pushing back into you. You’re so wet that it slides in without any real friction. It takes a few thrusts of him going slowly for your body to get adjusted to the sensation. After a few motions, though - it starts to feel different.  
Starts to feel good. Really, really good.  
“Oh,” Your eyes flutter open. “Shit. You c-can go faster.”   
You nod, trying not to seem too eager. 
When Umemiya picks up pace, you feel your  the whole lower half of your body weaken all over again. Something in your legs, your spine go soft against the bed underneath, a sudden unusual arousal swelling. Somewhere in deeper as he cocks thrusts against your gspot, knocking against it with more force than before. The change in pace coupled with the visual of Umemiya over you, face drawn together in focus as he fucks you is too much. Split open on his cock, you can hear how wet you are each time he moves.  
“Feels…” Your words come up empty. “’s so much.” 
“Yeah? Is it too much for you, baby?”  
You shake your head as your thoughts get increasingly cloudy. It’s like there’s nothing else your body can focus on. The way his cock drags against your sensitive, silken walls. The feeling of being full to empty and then full all over again. The way your pussy gets so much wetter each time he moves, sloppy and sucking him in so tight. You can feel your body want for him.  
Umemiya lets go of your hands, sliding one between your bodies. Palm resting on your sex, he lets his brush against your clit. The difference it makes is significant, makes your eyes go wide. He smiles a little, hair falling in his face as he pushes it up with his free hand.  
“That’s it,” He hums, contented to keep at it like this. “Feels good, right? Your holding onto me so tightly it’s hard for me to pull out even though you’re so wet.”  
You make a whiny noise and wonder if other peoples first times feel this good or if you’re just outrageously lucky. You decide on the latter he fucks you faster and matches his thrusts with the movement of his fingers. You’re warm all over - skin scorching as your hands find his biceps and shoulders to cling onto.  
Your voice is so whiny when you call out for him “You’re so deep, ngh.”  
He laughs, deep and raspy. “Yeah? Tell me what you’re feeling,”  
“It feels good when you’re in me.” You reply drunkenly. “Want it faster. Please,”  
He complies with your request almost immediately. You cry out loud, physically incapable of holding the sound in as he gets to fucking you faster and harder. Your pussy is throbbing. Senselessly horny, you pull Umemiya closer to you as he fucks you and smash your lips together. You feel so good, so thoroughly fucked and completely out of it. He’s in you but you want him even closer, want the scent of his skin to mark you.  
A second time your body builds up to that familiar feeling but it’s so much farther inside. An orgasm pulled right from your core. Stomach tied in knots as Umemiya fucks you hard, you wrap your legs around his waist and take him. 
“That’s it. You’re so good. Cum on my cock, sweet girl. Let me feel it” He murmurs against your skin, holding you close. “You’re making me feel so good. So cute. Go ahead, it’s okay. Let me see how good I’m making you feel.”  
Pliant to his request, you hold onto Umemiya for dear life as your body gives into second orgasm. Your nails dig into his biceps as the built up arousal gives way pleasure - and you cum hard with his cock sheathed all the way inside of you. All the wind gets stolen from your lungs as you press forward with another kiss, your whole body trembling violently as you let go.  
Umemiya sweet talks you through without letting go once, only stopping to take a pause when you’ve fully ridden out your high.  
You stare up at him in a daze as he takes a breather to kiss you, still hard as he’s bottomed out inside of you.  
“You gonna cum soon?”  
“Mm,” He nods. “Yeah I’m close. If I move, I will.”  
“’s okay to cum in me,”  
Umemiya laughs warmly. “I’m already about too. You’re not helping,”  
You smile a bit as you hug him close to you and tell him again that it’s fine. Before long, he holds you too, whispering the same three words into your neck as he finally lets it out. It’s a weird feeling, thick white ropes of seed spilling into the deepest parts of you.  
You don’t really hate it, though.  
“I love you,” Umemiya repeats. Tired you don’t try to fight yourself.  
“Love you too,”  
The next morning, you’re stirred away by the sound of your front door unlocking and the sound of Kotoha’s voice echoing through your apartment.  
You’re still half-way asleep, so it barely dawns on you that anything is off. Not cognizant enough to think twice, your body tries to go back to sleep.  
Or it does until you hear a very loud shout coming from your kitchen that wakes you up with a start.  
“No fucking way,”  
You sit up suddenly, hearing faint conversation before the sound of steps barreling towards your door. You just barely manage to pull the sheets up over your chest before she comes storming through the door of your bedroom.  
You watch her eyes scan your entire room, mentally collecting data before she finally lands on you. As your brain starts to load back in, your eyes go wide with horror at the look of pure scandal on her face.  
Fuck. You were supposed to be having dinner with her and Tsubaki tonight. Usually you confirm with them in the mornings since your up. It’s not uncommon for her to drop in when you don’t reply to check in since you live close by. 
“You—Oh, I have to text Tsubaki-chan, I can’t believe—“  
Before she gets to finish her sentence, Umemiya appears behind her in your door way. The sight of him only adds fuel to the flame of your embarrassment. You went another round or two before bed last night and it looks like it too. Shirtless in sweats he left over a while ago, his biceps are covered in scratch and with a few hickies, he’s wearing his hair down with a cup of tea and a very apologetic smile.  
You cover your face with your hands unsure of how to deal with the feeling of pure mortification.  
Kotoha snaps a picture of your room that causes even more distress.  
“If you don’t delete that right now, I’m gonna kill us both.”  
“In your dreams.”  
Umemiya laughs warmly. “Please don’t kill each other.”  
He slides past Kotoha coming over to you. Bending down to kiss your forehead, he pulls the blanket up over you so you’re more well-covered. You give him an incredulous but Umemiya is unfazed - smiling as bright as ever. 
“Good morning,”  
“I can’t believe my eyes,” Kotoha says. She points at Umemiya. “You, go put on a shirt.”  
“Fine, fine. Stay for breakfast,” Umemiya says with a smile. “It’ll be nice having it with my two favorite people.”  
You make another face as Umemiya gives you a long, affectionate look before disappearing. She sighs as she looks at you, pinching the bridge of her nose.  
“I would ask if you’re gonna meet us for dinner but you don’t have a choice anymore so show up at seven. I’m gonna leave before that tactless idiot comes back. We’ll talk later.”  
You nod in understanding. She turns to leave but then turns back with a genuine smile.  
“And, well - congrats. He’s a tactless idiot but he does love you or whatever. Cherish each other,”  
You flush, nodding your head. “Yeah…thanks.”  
With that Kotoha leaves quickly. Umemiya returns still shirtless, pouting a little when he notices she’s gone.  
“She left already?”  
“Of course she did. I can’t believe you would invite her for breakfast.”   
Umemiya shrugs. “No point being coy about it. I thought it’d be nice. I was looking for a shirt but I guess I don’t need one now,” He sits besides you on the bed, turning to face with a goofy smile. “Anyways, good morning.”  
“You already said that.”  
“You didn’t say it back,”  
You frown. “G’morning,”  
He smiles suddenly  before grabbing you from underneath the blankets and sheets - pulling your naked body ontop of him as he grins. Sunlight pours through the window as he holds you to his chest, kissing the crown of your head before pressing his cheek into your hair.  
“Mm, yeah. It’s a really good morning after all.”  
“You’re stupid.”  
“And you love me,”  
You fail trying not to smile.  Damn him. You're so happy it hurts. You roll your eyes.
“I guess so.”  
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firemenenthusiast · 5 months
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—“like earth orbiting the sun”
farleigh start x fem!reader
summary: farleigh start! who makes his girlfriend his entire personality.
content warning: sfw, sweet fluff all the wayyy, farleigh being down bad for reader. farleigh being sweet (rare), suggestive themes at the end but just a little bit
a/n: giggling, kicking my feet, rolling on the bed while writing this. farleigh just one chance pls
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farleigh had always told himself and people around him that love’s a scam. he was taught that family are supposed to love each other. but after learning about what happened between his family and his mom, why should he believe in such thing ? after they hurt his mom in the name of love ? he refused to believe in such thing. until he felt it himself.
-ever since he’s fallen for you he’s willing to use all of the love he has on you. ever since you show up into his life its like his earth stopped orbiting the sun and started orbiting you instead. you’re his new-found love. but farleigh’s still the same old farleigh who’s too proud to say it. so he shows it instead. you understood long ago that his love language is act of service that he only does for you. anyone else that wants him to do something out of his will can fuck off. so he said.
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“you’re going out again ?” you swiftly turn to face your roommate sitting on her bed, folding her clothes rather messily. she couldnt care less if theyre not stacked symmetrically, just wanted to have the mountain of unfolded clothes out of her chair. “of course, its friday night! aren’t you ?” you cheerfully say as your hands busy putting on the earrings you’d picked out earlier. “is that new ?” she asks, eyes squinting in an attempt to have a closer look before getting up to actually take a look. “-and no, i’d rather stay in. wow these are pretty- if they ever go missing best bet that’s me”. you hold still as she examines the newly bought earrings before chuckling at her joke. “yeah, farleigh saw them when he was walking around town” you hear her groan before plopping herself down onto her bed. you giggle at her response. “im sorry! i promise to not mention his name anymore” you raise both your hands to surrender before letting out a laugh.
you couldn’t blame her, you’d be annoyed too. its always farleigh this, farleigh that. farleigh bought me this, farleigh bought me that- and you love him for that. always letting you in on stuff. he tells you everything too. thanks to him, you can atleast watch out for those people he’d gossip about, so you dont get into their mess. if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t know anything. you’re not the type to hop around searching for gossips but you love hearing about them, then fueling his gossips with your insults. in that sense you’re fit for each other, and you’re happy to have your own personal source of campus gossip. “do i look okay ?” you take one last look at your reflection in the bodysized mirror hung on the wall, smoothing out your casual dress. nothing too sexy or uncomfortable, you just wanted to chill and have some drink. “you look absolutely gorgeous like always m’darling” your roommate teases you before giggles erupt between the two of you. “where are you going anyways? need your location” she asks, not bothered to look as she’s more focused on folding a tshirt.
“the pub- like always. farle-“ his name almost slip your tongue as you receive a warning look from your roommate. you widen your eyes as you mouth an ‘okay’ before saying, “well he, who shall not be named- invited me. wants me there, he said” she rolls her eyes. “he always wants you EVERYWHERE” “bet you’re there when he goes shopping for new underwear”. she jokes. you look at her with your head cocked to the side, confused. her jaw drops as she points at you “oh my gosh, you’ve totally done that !” she gives you the most dramatic mind blown look ever “is that not normal ?” “fucks sake its not !” you shrug at her, not caring for her going ballistic. it’s not like you’re always there with him anywhere. shit, are you ?. you cant help but give it a quick thought. well you sometimes have classes buildings away from each other, so no, you think. a normal response for someone in denial. making sure you’ve put everything you need in your purse, you blow your roommate a kiss before waving her bye bye to which she jokingly shoos you away
the pub’s busier than other nights with it being the weekend and all but mostly because you and farleigh’s friendgroup members are all bunched up together tonight. courtesy of felix offering to cover every round of drinks. who would pass up on an offer like that ? you’re approaching the bar, lips letting out singsongs as your fingers play with the new earring on your right earlobe. farleigh had offered to walk you from your dorm but you declined, telling him to save you a seat instead. so he did just that. also because its just a 5-minute walk or so. the atmosphere in the pub getting thick as he’s getting antsy waiting, almost barking at his friends who tried to sit in the seat designated for you by him. “that’s for my girlfriend you dumb” he told them. as felix walks towards the table at which they’re all circled around, farleigh’s head cocks seeing the pub’s door being pushed from outside. he almost jumped out his seat seeing that it’s you. “there she is !” he exclaims, he’s quick to get you at the door. everyone else cheers seeing you walk with your hand in farleigh’s, fingers intertwined.
as soon as you’re both seated he has his hand around your waist, resting at your thigh. “how was the walk ?” he asks, his nose almost nudging yours. you lean in to give him a quick kiss before nodding, “it was nice, a little breezy” you told him without giving it a second thought. he quickly took off his knitted cardigan-like sweater to drape it over your shoulders. you giggle at his reaction, you didn’t think he’d react that way as you weren’t trying to imply that you were cold. as he is admiring your pretty face, he notices the shiny thing on your earlobe. “is that—“ his hand reach up to touch the earrings, a huge smile appears on your face before nodding. “wanted to show you. you pick the prettiest things for me. maybe i should bring you when i shop for jewelries” its been long since you last went jewelry shopping. probably since you started dating him cuz he always buy you shiny things that he’d stumble upon. he spends a lot of time looking to pick the prettiest among them. he would buy them all but he thinks that it would only show that he’s lazy. he wants you to know how much he loves you and the time he spends picking them out shows it.
farleigh would go absolutely feral whenever there’s like a bazaar on campus where students set up their businesses’ booths cuz that means there will be girls selling their handmade jewelries. he thinks they’re so pretty that it would be a waste if they’re not being worn by you. bazaars happen maybe a couple times a year and the girls already know him cuz he spends the longest time looking at their rings, necklaces and earrings trying to pick out something for you. the first time he came by the booth they thought he was gonna insult them, maybe say things like ‘aren’t you too old to be making bracelets?’ or call their handmade pieces ugly. they tried to avoid him until he picks one of them up without saying anything, taking a closer look before handing them one that caught his eyes the most. one of the girls gathered all her courage to ask him who was he thinking of buying the stuff for and he proudly said “its for my girlfriend, she loves handmade jewelries” as they nod at his answer he started going on and on talking about you, stuffs you’re interested in so they can help pick out what would suit you best. “—yeah she’s in class right now, wouldn’t want her to know im here. want to suprise her with these. she’ll go wild” a grin plastered across his face imagining your reaction. sometimes its tmi for the girls but they dont care, they think its the sweetest.
farleigh doesn’t necessarily think buying you the most expensive things is the best way to show his love, its just as long as he’s poured much thought into his gifts. he fixates on thinking whether or not you’ll love the gifts he thinks of buying you and if you probably won’t, he’ll find something else.
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“they’re only pretty when you wear them. you make them look pretty” he whispers into your ear before taking your hand into his. he lean in to kiss you before pulling away just to kiss you again. and again. he rubs circles on the back of your hand with his thumb before looking back up at you. you’re getting all giddy from the attention he’s giving, your cheeks heating up. “yo guys— if you want to do romance maybe get a room” you hear one of his friends yell from across the pub. he flips him off before saying, “why were you looking at us anyways, loser ?” farleigh’s quick to rebut as the others’ reactions fill the room. he gives the guy a disgusted look before looking back at you, who is smiling. “sorry baby, would you like your usual ?” you nod before he gets up to go get your signature drink that you always have everytime you’re here. you’re not really into the heavy stuffs so he doesn’t force you to do them. he only does that to oliver.
apart from saving your seat, picking out jewelries for you and always getting you your drink to make sure it’s safe in his hands, he always want you with him everywhere he goes. just like your roommate had told you. he doesn’t care if he has to walk all the way across a field or a hallway to get to your classes, he’ll make sure he’s waiting outside for you by the time you’re finished so he could have you beside him everywhere he goes. and you dont care following him around. sometimes its just meaningless walks around campus but you’re happy as long as he’s with you. you’re his bestest friend. his home. he’d be telling you jokes as he walks, getting in front of you to make big movements to accompany his storytelling like he’d never run out of energy. like you’re his source of energy. you would give him the best reactions to his stories and gossips and he‘d fall even more in love with you if that’s even possible
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he was already quite famous on campus before dating you, but now almost literally everyone knows the both of you as THE couple. he would casually mention you everywhere he goes when you’re not with him, which is probably only the times when you have different classes. and you’re always with him too. the cafeteria, the pub, the field (he loves picnics with you), his homeroom, your homeroom, the random benches along the building, the hallways. its always the two of you. somehow you never got sick of each other probably cuz he’s nice to you. sure, there are times he’d accidentally lash out on you about something that got to him but he’s quick to make it up to you. he couldn’t imagine not having you everywhere with him. his buddies have all grown accustomed to you now, unlike the first few weeks when he started dating you. they got soo annoyed everytime farleigh brought you to hang out with them. he’s always out and about telling them like, “my girlfriends coming later” or “gotta wait for my girlfriend first” before actually hanging out with them. they were irritated cuz you weren’t as fun before, back when you were just being introduced to them. bros before hoes they’d told him. farleigh made sure to let them know you’re not just some ‘hoe’ and after that they’re basically pretty chill with you as soon as they realised you’re just like farleigh, but in female form. you get along with them and their convos just as well as farleigh. so they dont mind you tagging along anymore
its becoming his whole personality, dating you. its always you before all else. sentences like, ‘cant, gotta go get my girlfriend’ or ‘my girlfriend would love this’ or ‘the other day my girlfriend-‘ and ‘did you know ? my girlfriend-‘ are converging into his daily dictionary. you, are just the same. always mentioning him in everything because you do everything with him. like it or not the story’s gonna involve him cuz he was there. or it happened to him. or he was the one who told you. the two of you set the dating standards so high that the girls only want what the both of you have when it comes to relationships. cuz the both of you made it possible, you’d become the couple everyone put their trust in love in.
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you let out a laugh joining the others at something farleigh had said before taking a sip of the drink he brought you earlier. he has his one hand around your waist, grabbing your hand and the other on the table, near your drink, holding a lit ciggie in between his index and middle finger. he offers you a smoke to which you lean in. he holds the cig for you, watching you pull a puff before taking a puff himself. he closes the distance between you, leaning in to blow the smoke into your mouth, shotgunning.
the swirls of smoke mixing yours before he kisses you, deep. one of his favourite things to do with you. his hand that was holding your hand reaches into the hem of your dress, teasingly playing with it. he grins as his eyes bore into yours, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. you giggle at his fingers dragging along your thigh, tickling you. he nudges his nose against yours before getting up, gently pulling at your hand. you follow him as you giggle, already knowing where this is going. he pulls your hand, walking towards the door before saying, “ciao everyone, and you-“ he’s pointing at the dude yelling at you guys earlier,
“-thank you for your suggestion” he chuckles as the whole room roar in mixed reactions. safe to say your poor roommate slept alone that night.
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taglist: @june-ebgert @radioloom @themoonchildwhofell @love-me-pls @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @fuckshitslover @szapizzapanda @khxna
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amphitriteswife · 6 months
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Qin shin huang:
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🪭 never listens to the teacher. Like ever. He just does a lot of shit and the teacher is fed up with him so they let it slide
🪭 He’s the type of student to never study or show up and still pass with ease. No one knows how, not even the teachers.
🪭’ Qin you have had like 43 periods of missed lesson and it’s not even the second semester. How the hell did u even pass my test’ ‘Sir, i am literally God’s chosen emperor’
🪭 If you’re partnered up with him, prepare to take the lead cause bro either doesn’t know shit or he aint even present to begin with
🪭Even though he doesn’t do much for projects, he still buts whatever you need for it as a way to repay you. Including if he gets food or drinks, he’s paying for them too.
🪭Has very random subjects. Mainly cause they have China in them, including Chinese.
🪭 ‘Alright, what subjects do you wish to choose to take exams from?’ ‘China’
🪭 Violates dress codes. You need to dress in uniform? He’ll wear the most lavish suit you have ever laid your eyes upon. The school has a gala and you need to dress fancy? He’ll pull up w the most casual and basic outfit ever.
🪭 If he’s actually present, which is a rare sight, he’s usually loud. Mainly cause he has lots of friends and basically knows everyone since you can get along with him greatly.
🪭 complains about a lot of subjects. Math? He hates it. Biology? It gives him big brain moment and he doesn’t get it. Literature? Not Chinese? He don’t want anything to do with it.
🪭 ‘Ma’am i’m innocent, why does thou must bestows such suffering upon me?’ ‘Qin i just asked you if you could read page 34 out loud’
🪭 popular with girls. U know how bro rizzed up Alvitr? Yeah he does that with other girls too. He’s one of the popular dudes so it’s not like it’s hard either💀
🪭He’s a kpop stan. You can’t prove me otherwise. He listens to BTS, Straykidz, Ateez, KAI, EXO, Tri.be, Itzy and a lot more.
🪭 has lots of friends to the point he almost knows the whole school. Even the new comers.
🪭He a player actually. You know how bro had like idk 39291819101 concubines? Yeah that doesn’t change here either. ‘Hannah? She was In February. Mao mao? She’s so last week’
🪭Throws house parties. The extravagant ones too. Big house, a pool, big garden, many floors. You name it. Funny thing is: it aint even the main house.
🪭won the vote for: ‘Who will most likely become a stripper at the end of the school year?’ In the year books. Most think it’s not even cause he needs money but because he’ll do it for fun
🪭 passed out during the School Gala cause he heard someone say that Sushi is Japanese.
🪭doesn’t eat cafeterias food. ‘I, Qin Shi Huang, refuse to eat this….stuff…I have my own glorious food. You’ll never catch him eat anything that isn’t Asian food.
🪭Bothers ppl during lectures. As in he turns and just stares. He’ll either smile or just keep staring to annoy you.
🪭 always goes to school functions, yet ends up being the one yall wait for to go back. He just disappears when yall arrive and spawns back 34 min late.
🪭Has started a campaign for trips to China
🪭 Had a lot of baby momma’s. He a cool dad and rich enough for it. Lowkey knows how to be a dad too
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🔱 he’s in the school’s swimming team and even won awards for it.
🔱 straight A+ student. He a boring one okay. He dont party, doesn’t even hang out after school. Straight home and learning.
🔱 You’ll only catch him drinking water during breaks and eating nutritious. He actually enjoys salad’s. Especially when it’s middle eastern ones. Does he know what’s in it? He thinks. But he dont care. If it healthy and it bussing it works for him.
🔱 ‘My body is a temple’ ahh student. It wouldn’t be surprising if his ass did Yoga or some meditation.
🔱 only goes to school trips if it’s on the beach or it’s for a grade. He the type of person that actually does the assignment instead of having fun.
🔱 he doesn’t have many friends and usually sticks to his brothers or has his earphones in. He’s the one that’s usually silent during that time too
🔱 He’s the honor graduate. Didn’t give a speech tho. He just grabbed the diploma and dipped. He did grab some food that was prepared
🔱 actually has a gf??🤨 like legit, and she’s the captain of the swimming team. He lowkey simps but he’s Poseidon so you probably will never notice.
🔱 was at a house party once. ONCE. Bro got wasted. He didn’t know punch contained alcohol, bro thought it was lemonade. Ate too much with alcohol in his system. I think yall can guess that it didn’t end well for em😭
🔱 He wears casual clothes, sometimes blazers. He doesn’t like yoga pants cause they look ‘lanky’ not even during Yoga
🔱 He takes notes during classes. Like every class. Every moment. He either writes them or types it on his laptop. Only shared with ppl likes. It’s always organized too.
🔱 if you’re partnered up with him, it can go two ways. He’s either doing only his part and leaves you to fend for yourself. Or he helps (rare sight) with the difficult parts.
🔱 he prefers communicating in the chat document. That way he can be home and still communicate if he needs to, he doesn’t like calling cause his brothers are loud asf, and he wouldn’t talk until necessary.
🔱 supports the school library. Mostly because it’s quiet and he likes quiet, but also because he wants to read a lot and it’s an excuse to not go home. He usually studies there too.
🔱 goes to waterparks during school breaks and posts pics on insta. Insta only too. No snap, no facebook, no bereal, no nothing. Even if he does have it, he doesn’t want others to know.
🔱 surprisingly has discord. But it’s only to play games. He curses ppl out in voice chat.
🔱 would either never have kids or ends up being a teenage dad. Dw tho, his gf can support him if he ends up being a stay at home husband.
🔱 models for extra money. Mostly tight clothes cause they gotta use that body for good advertisement.
🔱 he also hits the gym regularly, so he posts pics about him at the gym too.
🔱 has an onlyfans?????
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🎭 probably sees the school therapist. Every month too. They give him candy.
🎭 Actually likes literature, art, music and surprisingly p.e🤨 he likes p.e cause he can get his mind off things and look good
🎭 probably has or is in an emo phase. He has his ear pierced and wears black cargo pants. Might even have some tattoo’s.
🎭 He either annoys ppl or is very quiet. Although ppl are mostly scared when he’s quiet cause he unpredictable.
🎭 He probably goes out for walks with his earphones in after school. Like y’know when it’s raining a lil and you can smell the grass n all while you listen to music? Yeah that’s his nostalgic experience.
🎭 He writes poems in his free times or spents a lot of time in the atelier.
🎭 Had a very messy break up with sigyn and it was the hot topic in the school. It was in the school’s newspaper and everything. Even the teachers knew
🎭 he listens to a lot of music. Mostly during making art or writing. He mostly listens to: Mitsuki, Chase Atlantic, Beach Weather, The Weekend, Tylor the Creator and The Neighborhood.
🎭He either hates or loves school trips. Even if he hates the school trip he still goes, mainly because Sigyn goes. But he won’t talk to her though. Cause he too scared.
🎭 He takes aesthetically pleasing pictures of different things. He has a nature page, a dark royal one and a school one. All of em are on insta though.
🎭 he does sometimes go to parties, but he either spends a lot of time with his friends and gets wasted or goes home early.
🎭He’s friends with Hercules and Ares. Who are mostly concerned for his well being.
🎭 he also might have gotten into heavy metal and vkei. His ass might may have since it cause Sigyn likes it.
🎭 if you pared with him you, he either does stuff ir leaves it and does it on the last moment before tge deadline. His ass likes working alone. Secretly prays to be put w Sigyn
🎭 Legit had a mental breakdown in class once. I think bro is used to having em.
🎭 Got voted to be one of those pissy teachers later on in life in the year book.
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That’s all for now💀 might make a part two w more characters.
⭐️tag list⭐️ @miss-seanymph-pani @tinyy-tea-cup @heldril @nicasdreamer @monstertreden @riseofamoonycake @imperfectbloodmoon @salmonpoki @snowmantita @rukia-writes @swallowtail-lotus @brokensenseofhumor @bromeliae
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rinstaro · 2 years
Reader living their best life wearing a lil skirt n some thigh highs and sky cant take how cute they look and can’t resist making a creamy mess all over them while the reader begs him to hurry up and make them squirt but he js wants to take his time telling them how pretty they look in that lil Lacey top
Hella overstim
sky can rut into me like a dog
man can hit me with a bus and I’d thank him
that’s all thanks for coming to my Ted talk 🫡
this is so much good god 😭 first the time anon being in heat and now this akjjfcnjajns
how are the stans of the sweetest boy the absolute horniest. WHO ARE U HORNY SKY STAN
also sorry ive been taking so long with these! i havent been in a writing mood lately haha
cw: reader wears feminine clothes, clothed sex, coochie eating, overstim, fingering, he asks for explicit verbal consent, squirting, a little praise, he's pussy drunk!!! yay!!! not proofread, reader has a vagina no pronouns
minors do not react.
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to say you looked good enough to eat was an understatement.
sky couldn’t get enough of staring at your lace trim cami and short little skirt. not to mention the thigh high socks you had on. so instead of just staring at them, he put himself in between them.
“f-fuuuuck! gonna cuuuuum!” and not even a few minutes after he’d been on you, you’d already creamed on his fingers and his face once, the milky substance coating his tongue and making him crave more. he hadn’t bothered to remove any of your clothes, your skirt hiding his face from view.
your legs began to tremble when he refused to stop moving his fingers. you pushed at his head as he bullied your cunt, needy moans turning into weak sobs. "l-lemme go, quit it! 's too much!"
your boyfriend only moaned into your cunt, relishing in the feeling of your clit throbbing against his tongue. moments later he rose to press his lips to yours. sky's fingers crooked upwards and he broke away to laugh at how your legs tried to close in on him.
"'m sorry, sweetheart. you're just so pretty. dressed so fuckin' cute, look at you." sky swears he could drool at how you looked. his favorite place to be was between your thighs. he's had to look at how your thigh high socks complimented your figure perfectly, hugging the soft flesh. he wasn't sure if he wanted to rip them off you or just keep staring at them. while he ended up going for the latter, he couldn't just stare at you.
no, he needed to feel you or he was gonna go crazy. his dick was throbbing, only getting worse when you clenched around him and called his name. sky let out a shaky moan as you came again. "you feel so good around my fingers, sweetheart," he sighed. he finally stopped his movements, staring at you as you tried to catch your breath. your tiny shirt was pushed up your chest, pebbled nipples on display for him. all that sky bothered to get rid of was your underwear.
"can i fuck you, sweetheart? please, i need to feel you," he murmured, never breaking eye contact. you shuddered at his request. his voice sounded so raw and you hadn't even touched him. you could only nod, wrapping your arms around his neck. "need you to say it, (name)."
"yes, i want you to, link. please."
he wasted no time in pushing your thighs back, forcing your knees to your chest. it happened so fast you dont even know when he got his dick out, but in the next moment he slipped into you with ease. sky groaned loudly when he bottomed out, arms trembling in an effort to hold himself up. you felt so fucking good, he felt like he could cum already.
well, why not, he thought. he'd have you to himself all night.
sky slammed his hips into yours with no remorse, the sound of both your gushing cunt and your hips meeting his filling the room. your back arched, body still sensitive from the first couple orgasms. you whimpered weakly as he growled into your ear.
"so good, so good- fuck, gonna cum already-" he panted, his thrusts only becoming rougher. your toes curled as grabbed your hips, angling himself to where he knew he'd hit that spongy spot inside you every time. you keened when he did just that, determined to make you cum with him.
a few more thrusts and he was gone, throwing his head back as he filled your needy cunt. his thrusts wouldn't stop, sky hissing at the overstimulation. you felt so good it hurt, but he couldn't stop, not now. he was gorgeous above you, and you felt your own orgasm approaching fast.
"c-come on, cum," he demanded, somehow picking up his pace. you yelped at the sudden increase in speed. both of your moans increased in volume. "w-wait, mmm, slow down, i'll-"
"do it."
your body seized up, almost unable to handle the force of your orgasm. you sprayed all over the both of you, every thrust forcing more out of you. you cried out, tears falling down your cheeks at the overwhelming pleasure. sky was still going, letting his moans fall freely out of his mouth. "s-so good, pretty pussy's so good, cant stop," he groaned.
"link, too much! slow- fuck! please!" you begged, the overstimulation becoming too much for you to handle. your lover couldn't leave you like this. no, he needed you stuffed to the brim. only then could he be satisfied.
"if i can- fuck, fuck- if i can do it, you can too, sweetheart. don't give up on me now. dressed up so pretty for me, let me reward you for it, yeah?"
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october-nightt · 1 year
spoiled (x black reader)
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warnings: cussing, mentions of sex at the end, angst but then fluff, hatin' ass ex.
you and jack have been together for almost 6 months now, but it only took him 6 seconds to realize how high maintenance you were.
you loved designer brands and you always kept you hair and nails done so when it was time for you to walk down the red carpet with jack next to you, he knew you wanted to show off.
he was ready to announce yall's relationship and tonight was the big night.
"jack! I need help with my hair, I don't know what to choose" you whined.
jack leaned over your shoulder to look at the options you selected.
" baby you know I love you with your braids, or shit a 30 inch buss down would look good too" she smiled wide.
you frowned.
"fuck you know 'bout a 30 inch buss down?? that wasn't one of the options."
jack laughed and kissed you on your forehead.
"don't get fucked up jack" you said jokingly before booking an appointment to get the wig installed.
"you know I'm fucking with you baby, but it would look great. even tho yo natural hair is my favorite"
he said as he looked in the full body mirror sitting in the corner of the room you and jack shared.
after booking your appointment you slowly walked over to jack and put on your best begging face.
"you know what would go good with my hair?" you asked
'a new dress and nails, maybe some jewelry and shoes and new makeup!!"
jack turned to look at you.
" you was gon get that anyways mama" he responded.
you hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
"thank you baby"
after that yall finished getting ready in silence.
once you both were ready jack took you shopping. he wasn't worried about the price, he just wanted you to be happy.
but he also secretly wanted everyone to know how fucking fine his girl was.
you starting looking for shoes first, then your dress, and make up, and jewelry.
after shopping it was time for your appointment. jack didn't stay because he had to take care of something but you knew it would take a little while for your hair to get done so you didn't mind.
that was until his ex-girlfriend walked in.
she didn't see you at first but you damn sure seen her.
jack had told you stories about his ex. about how she only cared for herself and money.
you loved nice things but you weren't money hungry.
you decided to mind your business but she finally noticed you and had to start some bs.
" oh my god Y/N. you look beautiful" she leaned in for a hug but you moved away
"aww dont be like that, what? mad because jack was with me last night?"
you didn't believe her, you knew she would lie about anything to start some drama
"bitch please, my man left yo nasty ass long ago" you rolled your eyes.
you didn't have time for this hoe and her bullshit.
but then she pulled out her phone and showed you a picture of jack sitting at her house, and sure enough the time stamp proved it was from yesterday night.
you heart dropped
"just thought you should know" that bitch.. his ex said before walking away.
after your hair was done you immediately called jack
"hey baby, I'm right around the corner ill be there soo-"
"what the fuck were you doing with your ex last night?" you cut him off.
you heard his sigh
"y/n listen I was just over there because she needed me to help move her furniture into her new house"
you let out a spiteful laugh
"oh so when she calls, you go running huh? she's not your girlfriend jackman. I don't give a damn if she needed help she should've called someone else! and the fact that you answered when she calle-..."
you took a deep breath
"I don't wanna talk to you right now, ill find a ride. don't bother picking me up."
and with that you hung up. you felt like jack had you looking dumb. your own boyfriend was with his ex and now she's bragging in your face.
you called your best friend to pick you up and take you back to her house, you didn't wanna see jack.
you get ready at her house. even though you were mad at jack, you refused to let him show up to the red carpet alone.
you took an uber which arrived at the same time as jacks.
"Y/N?" he called out to you.
"can we talk?"
you simply nodded and you both walked somewhere more private.
"look I'm so sorry y/n. you're right, she's not my girlfriend and I shouldn't have picked up her call..shit I should've blocked her the day we got together but baby I cant be without you. she's blocked now and I know that doesn't mean much but I'm begging you to forgive me baby."
you looked up at jack.
"I forgive you jackman."
jack pulled you into a kiss and smiled as his arms wrap tightly around your waist
"now lets go mama, cus you look good as hell and once this is over I'm ripping that expensive ass dress off."
authors note: this is my firs time writing so please be nice! also feel free to leave suggestions on how I can write better or request for what I should write next. I'm not on here all day but I will eventually get back to yall. I will post everyone that I write for soon thank you so much for reading!! <3
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
SafeHouse || Seven
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"Looks like Potter's definitely over his crush on you then" Theo teased.
Theo, Blaise and I were sat in the boys dorm room after being kicked out the common room for being "friends with Draco", waiting for him to get back from his detention after what he pulled at the match today.
Dressing up as dementors to scare Harry into losing was seriously the best they could come up with, really? pathetic.
"What do you mean?" I asked him, I didn't know if i was feeling offended or Jealous to be completely honest.
"Well didn't you see the way he kept looking at Cho Chang, and How he was about to give up the Snitch until Wood shouted at him" Blaise laughed
"I dont blame him" Theo Smirked
"Well I see Harry as a good friend, so It doesn't bother me in the slightest, in fact, I'm actually very relieved." I rolled my eyes and kept a straight face.
"Really? well then, how come your clenching your fist pretty hard and your cheeks look really red for someone who doesn't care" Blaise teased, from his bed
"They are not!" I unclenched my fists to cover my cheeks
"Oh my god, do you like Potter?!" Theo slapped my shoulder, laughing his head off
"What? No I dont, shut up" I slapped him back
"Yes you do! Keira likes Potter, Keira likes Potter, Keira likes Potter!" He sang
"Will y- Shut up Theo!" I lunged at him, Jumping at him so he fell backwards on his bed causing me to fall forwards on him, then I continued to attempt to shut him up as he still sang, Blaise was wheezing
"Oh really, If you dont like him then Kiss me" He grinned, making me freeze
"what?" my eyes went wide
"Well if you wanna prove that you dont like him, then the only logical thing to do is kiss me"
"oh is it really" Blaise deadpanned
"Shut up Blaise" Theo reached for a pillow and tossed it at Blaises head who had easily dodged "I only missed because your on me by the way"
"Mhm, suuure" I rolled my eyes
"Anyway, Weasley, Kiss me if you wanna prove you dont like Potter" he said, A smirk plastered to his face
"I am not doing that" I crossed my arms, looking down at him, my eyebrows furrowed
"Keira likes Potter, Keira likes Potter, Keira likes Potter" He continued to sing, I had enough so I did the only thing I thought of and Pecked his lips to shut him up, the kiss only lasted for zero point three seconds but I was blushing furiously, both of our eyes were wide and the smirk fell off his face
"Oh shit" Blaise laughed from behind us
It took a minute for the shock to wear off, and when I realised what I had just done I jumped off Theo and sprinted for the door, almost knocking Draco over on my way out
"Whats wrong with her?" I heard him ask them, I could hear Blaise desperately trying to explain but cutting himself off by laughing.
A few days had passed since what happened in the dorm, both Theo and I refused to speak to each other, out of embarrassment, I resorted to hanging out with Ron, Harry and Hermione whenever I could.
Every time we had made eye contact by accident suddenly the cracks in the table had become the most interesting thing i had ever seen.
The downfall to being around Ron again was of his recent attack by Sirius Black, when I had first heard about it, obviously I was very worried and concerned for the safety of my brother, but it was the thousandth time he had said it when I starting growing angry at Black for not following through, it was the only thing he had to talk about, making sure everyone in the castle was aware, three times over.
"Yes, hi, yep, apparently he did nearly get attacked by Black, uh huh biig knife, traumatising, nearly died, But Ron scared him off, bye bye lovely to see you, ta ta now" I waved off to the two Hufflepuff girls, who had approached the Gryffindor table, before they could say anything
"Keira! what the bloody hell, its my story!" He said, looking annoyed I ruined his moment
"Yes, I am aware of that, I've only heard it so much its drilled into my brain" I snapped
"Whats wrong with you, you've been moody ever since you started hanging out with- why have you started hanging around us again, what happened to your little Slytherin group?" He asked me
"Nothing! I have to go" I rushed before speed walking out to my class, that unluckily, wasn't with Gryffindor.
The four of us were in Herbology, on the same table, thanks to Draco and Blaise inviting themselves to it after I had got there first, and Theo not wanting to be sat with the other Slytherin's reluctantly joined.
Draco tried to make conversation, Theo and I refusing to speak and Blaise not being that talkative, I could tell Draco was getting frustrated.
"For Salazars sake, can you two put this pathetic thing behind you, its stupid!" Draco pointed at Theo and I
Neither of us spoke
"Look, Keira, do you have feelings for Theo?" He asked me
"Wha- I, No, No I do not!" I rushed out
"Gee thanks" Theo muttered, rolling his eyes
"Theo, do you have feelings for Keira?"
"No! Definitely not!"
"Exactly! so the kiss was meaningless and you can put it behind you" Blaise reasoned
"Or, if it makes you feel better, you can kiss the both of us to show you dont have feelings for any of us and it was just a kiss between people" Draco said
"What? how does that make any sense?!" I dropped my arms from holding them across my chest, staring at Draco as if he grew three heads
"Or..." Blaise thought for a second before he grabbed Draco's face in his palms, planting a kiss on his lips "See, just a meaningless kiss, nothing else" He shrugged.
But Draco was stood frozen to the spot, his eyes wide and in shock until Blaise elbowed him in the ribs "See! Drac, meaningless and we're still cool"
"Ri- right, y-yeah definitely, so can you two just make up already"
"Fine, but only because im sick of hearing Ron talk about his stupid attack" I pointed my index finger at them. "Theo, are we good?" I leaned over the table to see Theo past Draco and Blaise
"Yeah, we're good." He nodded
"Thank Merlin" Sighed Draco
"But no more singing that thing, and stop saying it" I said sternly, furrowing my eyebrows at Theo.
"Deal" He rolled his eyes.
"what thing?" Draco asked
"Nothing!" Theo and I rushed out in unison.
"So does that mean you're going to hang out with us again?" Blaise asked me
"Awe, did you guys miss me?" I said in the most sweet sugary voice I could manage
The three of them all exchanged looks before becoming certainly interested in the plants we working on, ignoring me completely.
"Did you know that this is the most haunted place in Britain!" I recited what Hermione had told me about the shrieking shack to the boys who were eager to check it out.
We were In Hogsmeade, without Draco, and Theo and Blaise were making me go to the Shrieking shack with them.
"Even more reason to check it out!" Theo laughed
"I'm serious, lets go"
"Awe, are you scared" Blaise laughed
"Yes, actually, I am, and I think its a bad idea to go there, so we should be turning around and going to Hogwarts!"
"Wait Is that Draco? with Crabbe and Goyle?" Theo asked, pointing to a side of the hill that they were walking up
"But, he said he was too busy to come to Hogsmeade with us, that rat!"
"And is that your brother, on his own?" Blaise Pointed to Ron
"Oh no, this can't be good" I whined and we went to run over
"Suppose you'd love to live here, wouldn't you, Weasley? Dreaming about having your own bedroom? I heard your family all sleep in one room- is that true?" Draco Drawled, in that cold mean voice that I hated
"I swear he forgets we're related" I sighed, annoyed.
Ron looked like he was about to leap on him and I was close to doing the same.
Theo grabbed a hold of me to stop running down there to beat Malfoy for my own benefit apparently, but I was too mad to see what that was.
Suddenly Ron relaxed.
"We were just discussing your friend, Hagrid" Malfoy said to him, I had completely forgot about the hearing and buckbeak until now, guilt rushing over me like icy water.
"Just trying to imagine what he's saying to the committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. D'you think he'll cry when they cut off his Hippogriffs-"
Draco was cut off as a chunk of mud had hit him out of nowhere, his hair was dripping with it. I didn't feel sorry or sympathetic for him.
It was the earths way of showing him what he is. Muck. I can't believe I had forgotten about Malfoys plans to have Buckbeak executed.
"What the -?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Malfoy's scream, Theo and Blaise pissing themselves laughing and Ron leaning on the fence for support.
"What was that? Who did that?"
"Very haunted up here, isn't it?" Ron said, so casually
Crabbe and Goyle had been hit too. Theo wheezing more, using my shoulder to support himself
"It came from over there!" Draco wiped some of the mud off his face and pointing
Crabbe and Goyle went about jumping and twirling around the air, trying to catch whoever had thrown the mud, Crabbe then went to ram my brother before tripping on air, his foot catching on something and next thing I knew, Harry Potter was stood there
"What do you know, Potters got an invisibility cloak" Theo whistled
"AAARGH!" Draco yelled before running the other way, back down the hill
Harry had disappeared again, Ron then walking up to the place he was just stood, muttering something to him before turning around to spot the three of us, panic washing over his face.
I nodded at Ron in understanding, and to tell him we wouldn't tell.
"You mention this to anyone and i will kill you both" I threatened Blaise and Theo, Them nodding quickly, then I stormed back the way we had came from.
"come on! I wanted to see that Shack!" Theo moaned, stomping his feet before following me.
"Ugh! I am so mad, at myself and him and the situation, how could I have forgot what he was planning for that poor defenceless creature, It was Malfoys fault Buckbeak attacked him! He is such a tosser! They must all think I am a disgusting creature hater for being seen with that filthy piece of shit!" I screamed in frustration.
Theo and Blaise were sat on the Slytherin Common room sofa's watching me pace up and down them.
"K, I'm sure no one thinks that of you" Theo sighed, boredom obvious in his tone
"I hate him, I hate him! He is having poor innocent Buckbeak sent to- He insulted my brother, my family, me! I hate him so much, That spoilt prick!" I seethed
"Maybe you should think about something else, like your fourteen now, whats it like being a teenager for another year?" Blaise said
"I Dont know, ask Theo, he's been one longer than me! I want to break his face! I hope he falls off his broom, might knock some humanity into him!"
"Keira, seriously you need to calm down" Theo said, using his hands to demonstrate calming down.
"You need to calm down!"
"Hey, the weirdest thing happened today, did you know Pot-
"YOU!" I cut Draco off as he walked into the common room.
"Woah, whats gotten into you? Anyways as I was sa-
"How could you be so cruel, you piece of shit, you crumb, you snivelling stick insect, troll!" I cussed at him, most of them not making sense but I got my point across
"Guys? what is she going on about?" He looked at the two boys alarmed
"I could beat the shit out of you!" I went to lunge at him but Theo had caught me, holding me around the waist, my back to his chest and easily lifting me off the ground
"Get Off Me! Let me hit him!" I thrashed, trying to get out of Theo's grip
"Chill, before you hurt yourself" He muttered in my ear
"But I want to hurt him!" I had rage tears flowing down my cheeks, but I was too pissed off to care, why did I have to cry when I was upset! It made me feel weak and pathetic.
"I'm going to take her ... else where" Theo told them "Knock some sense in to him" Theo said to Blaise, nodding at Draco, then continuing to carry me out of the Slytherin Common room.
It wasn't until we passed the corner in the hallway when he had put me down, but not letting go of me.
"Breathe!" He ordered "Your going to send yourself into a frenzy"
I tried to steady my breathing. Eventually the tears stopped and I was breathing normally. He turned me around in his arms.
"You good?"
"Y-yeah, I'm okay I nodded, staring at the ground, embarrassed.
He lifted my chin with his finger so he could see my eyes and examine my face, I blushed scarlet as I kept his eye contact.
Cupping my face he then used his thumb to wipe away my tears, then ran his thumb across my bottom lip.
I had this weird feeling in my stomach, I didn't know what to do, I felt conflicted.
I must of imagined it but I swear I noticed how he moved his face closer to mine.
"Guys" Blaise had said, interrupting our moment, I jumped away from Theo instantly.
"Y-yeah?" I tried to stop my racing heartbeat, scared Blaise would be able to hear it thudding against my chest.
"He wants to talk to you, he said its not what you think" Blaise rolled his eyes
"I dont care about what he has to say, he's probably lying, I wouldn't put it past him, he did lie to us earlier" I pointed out
"Maybe it might be useful just to hear him out" Theo suggested
"I dont want to hear anything out of his mouth, I'm going for a walk" I told them before disappearing around the corner and to walk around the castle, due to Blacks break ins, we weren't really allowed out of the castle with out permission, so exploring this old castle would have to do.
I didn't return until a few minutes till curfew, wishing that the common room was empty to make it easier to get to my dorm.
But of course not, obviously wishes don't come true.
"Keira" Blaise called for me when I tried to ignore the three of them sat on the sofa, Draco looked sheepish, Theo looked pissed off, it was unnerving seeing him like that, He normally being the immature laid back one, cracking inappropriate jokes and always having a witty one liner. Blaise looked neutral.
"I cant talk, I am going to bed" I told him
"Keira, please, you don't even have all the details" Draco said
"And you insulted my family, and By the way, No, we do not all share a room, just to answer your question" I looked at him now, glaring at him, the mere sight of him made me feel sick.
Then I left to go to my bed.
"You screwed up, seriously" I heard Theo say to him
"Shut up, Nott".
"Hagrid, I am so sorry about Buckbeak, I am so sorry for being selfish, I should've helped, I am so sorry, He doesn't deserve this" I said to Hagrid after our Care of Magical creatures lesson
"Don't beat yourself up Keira" Hermione told me
"S'all my fault. Got all tongue-tied. They were all sittin' there in black robes an' I kep' droppin' me notes and forgettin' all them dates yeh looked up fer me, Hermione. An' then Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the committee jus' did exac'ly what he told 'em..."
"There's still the appeal!" Ron had said fiercely. "Don't give up yet, We're working on it!"
"Yeah!" I said "And we will all help, I promise, and all the Malfoys can do one, the lot of them!" I barked, we were walking up to the castle, Theo, Blaise and Malfoy were walking in front of us, all three of them kept looking back at me.
I saw Malfoy flinch when I said his name. I don't care. Doesn't matter to me.
"S'no good, That Commitee's in Lucius Malfoy's pocket. I'm jus' gonna make sure the rest o' Beaky's time is the happiest he's ever had. I owe him that..." Hagrid had then turned and hurried back to his cabin. My heart hurt for him and Buckbeak.
"We have to do something, we cant let this happen" I said
"We will" Harry had said, the first time he had said anything since the class finished
"Look at him blubber!" I turned to see Malfoy stood close to us, Theo and Blaise by his side, but they looked shocked that Malfoy said that.
It was as if he didn't care I wasn't speaking to him, purposely trying to make it worse, or maybe he didn't care about me.
"Have you ever seen anything quite as Pathetic?" he said "and he's supposed to be our teacher!"
"Drac, what the hell are you doing?" Blaise asked him
Ron and Harry were about to go for him but Hermione had got there first- SMACK!
She had slapped the righteous prick around the face, and by the red mark on his face, I would say it was hard.
A bubble of amusement came flowing out my mouth, smirking at the look of shock on his stupid face.
All the boys were stood like statues, just staring at them.
"Gowan 'Mione!" I cheered, everyone stared at me as I laughed.
"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul- you evil-"
"Hermione!" Ron warned, trying to grab her hand as she swung it back.
"Get off, Ron!"
"Wow, Malfoy, you really do have a talent for nearly getting beat up by girls" I said, talking to him for the first time. "really impressive, I must say"
Ron and Harry shot me a confused look.
Malfoy had disappeared down the corridor. Theo and Blaise didn't follow
"Nice one, Granger" Theo smirked, looking her up and down, admiring her.
"We better go, you coming, K?" Blaise asked me, nodding down the corridor
I let out a huff "Fine, Merlin, I hope he's in so much pain" I growled and stomped over to them.
I turned and nodded at my brother, Harry and Hermione
"K?" Ron mouthed and I just shrugged
"Thanks again 'Mione, His face!" I roared with laughter before turning back around and following the two boys to the dungeons.
"Bloody hell, I hope he's crying" I grinned
"Remind me to never fall out with her, she's scary" Theo said to Blaise
"This is the best birthday present ever, even though my birthdays been and gone, I am so happy" I ran into the Slytherin Common room but it was empty, so I ran all the way up to the boys dorms, barging my way in, to see him sat on his bed, his hand supporting his head, he looked miserable.
I hesitated slightly before remembering how much I hated him.
"Y'know, this is the best day of my life, Seeing The, Draco Malfoy finally get what he's deserved for bloody ages" I said, still grinning from ear to ear
"Piss off, Weasley" He grumbled
"Nah, I'm good, so what now Malfoy? are you going to have her trialled as well? Because you decided to poke the sleeping dragon and then got upset when it had enough?" I asked him.
I stepped towards his bed "Because that's what you do, isn't it, You think everyone owes you something, when you give nothing in return, but hurt them, even if they thought you were friends, Merlin, you sure are a Slytherin, well especially the house animal that is"
"I gave you that necklace didn't I?" He pointed at the snake pendent
"If its that much of a deal that you think it buys my silence when you insult my family, then you can have it back" I spat, unlatching the chain and throwing it at him, He caught it in his hands, looking disappointed. "If you will excuse me, I've got to see what I can do to save a Hippogriff from being wrongly executed" I spun around and started to walk out before he called my name, but I just rolled my eyes and carried on.
He then grabbed my arm, to stop me from leaving
"Will you just wait!" He snapped, but then said the next thing softer "Please, will you please at least here what I have to say" I could see the desperation deep in his silver orbs. This was a new low for him.
"I don't care, Malfoy, Go cry to your Father about it" I glared at him
"That's not fair! You can't scream and insult me and then not even hear my side!"
"OH HO, when have you! Ever acted fair once in your life? Let go of me, Now!"
"No. Not until you listen to me" he tightened his grip on my arm, his nails pinching into my skin
"Malfoy! Stop, your hurting me!" I whined, trying to get him off my arm
"Bro, what the fuck?" Theo barged in the room, and Draco dropped my arm like I had burned him
"What?! No, Keira, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to"
"Leave me alone" I glared at him, storming out the room to my own. I hate him so much.
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vacantgodling · 11 months
Trick or Treat? 🦇
thank you!! you received a treat :3c
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have the first 3 chapters of NAD’s outline cuz why not 🤪
nyseah wakes up in an unfamiliar room, her memories of the night before hazy. as she stumbles out of the bed to search for her cigarettes, she opens her left eye and is struck with a wave of pain so fierce that she can barely move. it feels like burning and stabbing and crushing all at the same time. unable to find her phone, she stumbles out into the street (a motel is where she was at) and no one around stops to help her (bc this is a norm in new mananza esp when in this part of town). she makes it to an alley when she finally collapses, and passes out right as the legs of two people appear before her.
don is ready to close up his p.i. services for the evening; another day with zero business. but he’s not too bothered by it. describing the run down office and its purposeful location outside of the public eye, you can sense that there’s something not quite right about the law here. right as he’s lighting up a cigar after putting up the closed sign, there’s a knock on the door. donte tells himself to leave it alone, but curiosity gets the better of him, and he opens the door. a tall, elegant, and expensively dressed man is standing before him and while don doesn’t recognize him he recognizes that the man must be someone rich, famous or important. after being bullied to allow the man inside, it’s discovered the man is a famous actor; mononymously known as leonine. leo presents him with a case, the recently deceased rising star and close friend of his, roxanne davis, and this is when you begin to learn about the tom foolery of the new mananza justice system. leo insists that he doesn’t want to pursue the culprit or take anything to trial he just wants to understand why all of this happened. after presenting don with an offer he can’t refuse (clearing all his debts and paying for him to get out of the city for good so he can retire in peace), don shakes on it. one final case.
on her way from class, alona stops back at her cushy dorm room to drop off textbooks and change into her uniform for work; a sexy but business casual secretary uniform. she remarks to herself that she’s never seen herself so adult like and despite having the job for near a month now it still feels like a dream to her to be working at the company; the largest and most extravagant conglomerate in the city. at work, we follow alona’s day to day and get a feel of how far removed this world is from the squalor that don and nyseah deal with. when alona is packing up for the night, her supervisor approaches her and asks if she can take over the night shift for a coworker who called out sick, with triple time for short notice. alona agrees readily, and settles in for the night; though why she, a secretary, should be working overnight is unusual to her. as the night carries on you begin to notice slightly weird things happening and alona thinks about odd things and rules of the job. after another worker buzzes in, alona hears a noise coming from a separate hallway that sounds like a loud thud. it startles her, and she tries to ignore it but after an hour her curiosity gets the better of her. she closes down the desk momentarily to take a short bathroom break, but instead wanders the halls for a bit (in her allotted 15 minutes) to try and locate where the thud may have come from. coming from one of the back rooms alona was told she didn’t have authorization to enter, a trail of what appears to be blood oozes on the floor leading to the door. she hurries back to the desk.
tbh i feel like these do a good job of introducing the main conflicts of what’s happening in the story and showcasing how this is a triad pov story. every chapter is gonna always rotate from nyssie, to donte, to alona but nda sounds horrible versus nad so 💀 this isn’t even the real title anyway. unless i did straight up call it “non disclosure agreement” …. which actually i might think on that….
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bugwolfsstuff · 3 months
"I'm never mean to you!"
Mom, you interrupted me while I was excitedly telling you about something I drew to insult me about my body hair (i stupidly dared wore a vest top at home) and then proceeded to defend yourself by saying that you 'couldn't help but notice it' and then got pissy when I cried and refused to show you the picture afterwards and apparently couldn't understand why id be upset.
Mom, when I was trying to tell you about my special interest (Greek myth at the time) you leaned your head back, making stupid snoring noises and pretended to be asleep and then got upset at me because I got upset and now when I bring it up you deny it ever happening.
Mom, when I tried to tell you about a guy in school in first year that kept asking that I get with his friends and laughing at me when I said I was lesbian, you laughed and told me that 'maybe he just likes you' before going on to talk about how a guy in work is 'stalking' you because he works at the same building, takes the same bus and knew your name
Now i'm not telling you that this year he joked about how much he wanted to see his friends scissor me.
"i'm just trying to toughen you up"
Dad, when I cut my foot open on a nail and was leaving bloody foot prints around the house as I limped you told me I 'wasnt dying so I was fine'.
I was ten. So now I dont even bother mention when i'm injured and learned to suck it up and fix it myself.
Dad, after lockdown when I got my report card and you saw I got above average for English you said it wasnt good enough for someone like me, as both mom and me said that all grades were marked down due to the lockdown
Dad, when a girl shoved me into a wall while her sister yelled insults at me and i ran home crying you told me to just go back out and not let her ruin my day.
I was 11.
Dad, during our trip to spain last year you got mad at me because I was overstimulated at a pub i was begging for you to not bring everyone to because i hated it last time and then guilt tripped me about how id ruin everything for my siblings if we had to leave and that i should just learn to deal with it because 'i'm like you'
Dad, I got jealous of the dog when I hear you talk to it so softly because I dont remember the last time you said you loved me.
Dad on the day of my confirmation you said you couldnt go to the city with me to our favorite bookshop like you promised because you had work but I heard you tell my younger brother that you and him could watch Venom through the door.
Dad, i went to my room and cried in my comfirmation dress that i dont remember the color of because of that.
Dad, whenever I mess up, I call myself a Retard and hear it in your voice.
Mom and dad i feel more at home with the people I roleplay with than i do with you.
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kewltie · 1 year
princess ochako is thrown into emperor katsuki's harem in an effort to win his heart & claim the seat of empress in order to gain favor for her kingdom except her plan got derails when she meets the emperor's secret guard & childhood friend izuku who makes her question everything.
ochako expects infighting and rivalries among the harem and it's kinda? they still fight with each other thru thinly veil compliments and mindgames but hilariously it's not over the emperor but IZUKU the emperor's personal guard who remember their names, theirs likes & dislikes. katsuki rarely visits his harem but when he does izuku is there who smiles at them and compliments their change of hairstyle or make up, or this drew dress or jewelry they have on and he does it so sincerely. he always ask them about their day and curious about their homeland!!! they're deeply fond of izuku who makes them feel an actual person not at all like objects to be traded for favor and ochako starts to see why as she interacts with him and sees how kind and sweet he is; he's clumsy and awkward and not at all suave or charismatic but thats part of his charm.
katsuki and ochako doesnt get along that well but she's determine to win his favor and wants izuku to help and izuku seems hesitant but is willing to do it so they start to spend more time together and rumors come out that ochako is in love triangle with the emperor and his guard. SCANDALOUS!!! so she's not surprised when the ladies of the harem cornered and demands she quit bothering izuku. she thinks bc they're mad that she seducing izuku and trying to win katsuki's heart too but they just frown AND like NO, you fool dont get b/t katsuki and izuku's LOVE
it's an open secret that bkdk grew up together and they have this deep bond where katsuki almost died saving izuku's life once which is ? bc IZUKU IS HIS GUARD why did he go to that far for a lowly servant yet he keeps izuku close and treat him w more care than his own harem.
at this point the ladies accepted they're never going to gain any mileage with katsuki bc he's focusing on ruling, doesnt care about anything but the kingdom & izuku, and he's an asshole so why try to win favor with him when it's better to win izuku who has katsuki's affection?? izuku is MUCH NICER!! and easier to get along with so as smart as these ladies are they know that as long as they have a good relationship with izuku, katsuki will tolerate them and wont do anything bad to them bc izuku will get mad at him and katsuki is fucking whipped.
the funniest thing is that bkdk arent even remotely together in the romantic sense, they been dancing awkwardly and cautiously around e/o, afraid of ruining their delicate relationship that the harem ladies, watching this shit go down are like, how are you two such a DISASTER?? katsuki is fucking smart, he manages to overhauled this country to make it into a flourishing empire. won several wars and are talented in many ways and izuku is a tactical mind and martial elite, hailed as general toshinori's most promising student, yet they're so bad at ROMANCE
the ladies sigh and cant help getting emotionally invested in the theatrical of the bkdk's show where whenever katsuki add more ppl to his harem thru alliances, izuku will be sad but endured on bc it's for THE EMPIRE and katsuki will turn to izuku hoping he'll speak up against it. but izuku is self sacrificing so he'll never tell katsuki to jeopardized his rule/empire, but katsuki wishes izuku to be was more selfish and tell him to only favor him, to abolish the harem, etc so it's this dumb song and dance where bkdk refuse to COMMUNICATE W/ EACH OTHER.
katsuki has never lay a hand on his harem but he visits them when his advisors harassed him to do his due diligent of producing babies and izuku will put on a smile as he escorts him to one of the ladies' room but all katsuki does is like sleeping on the floor the entire time. katsuki glared at them and threatened the ladies to NEVER speak of it esp to izuku. they find themselves dont mind it bc they arent force to have sex with SOME ASSHOLE like katsuki anyway lol. the next morning katsuki pretends he did his 'job' and izuku will look longingly at him.
so yea these ladies are protective of bkdk's complicated relationship bc thanks them they get to live a pretty cushy life even to they cant go home again. they want bkdk to get together not bc they care about katsuki in anyway but when they see izuku sad it's BREAKING THEIR HEART. they tell ochako to not interfere w bkdk's relationship and ochako has her world completely turned upside down bc bkdk together?? but it's not like ewe 2 men or izuku is inferior but it's more like OMFG izuku you can do so much BETTER which is the first thing everything think lol. katsuki may sits in the highest seat and wields all these power/influence but to his own fucking harem and apparently ochako now he's just some ass their friend loves even though izuku can do so much better than him but izuku is in love so here they are supportive but reluctantly
so ochako is smart and ambitious, she wants her ppl and kingdom to succeeded so she ends up harassing katsuki with this knowledge that she can help him get with izuku if HE HELPS her first. she can be his inside person to izuku's heart bc izuku at least tells her things. on the outside it looks like ochako and katsuki are finally getting on. she's his favorite concubine but in reality they're partner in crime in an effort for katsuki to woo his guard and that she as no problem playing the shield to their secret affair bc they're both winning here.
this is how ochako finds out that she's not the main protag of this story where the emperor and his loyal soldier are fighting OVER HER but the supporting char all along but it's not so bad after all bc at least she's not bkdk tying the kingdom into knots in their dumb love story.
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Chapter 24 ~ Getting out
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Hidden Depths
Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next
Also on ao3
Genre: Fantasy whump
CW’s: despite Carr having a knife again, she doesn’t really do much with it besides some threatening actions, and I don’t think that needs a tw, do you? No? Cool lol 
WC: 3019
Taglist: @dont-touch-my-soup, @kixngiggles
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AN: I need to get to a point where I start writing again instead of spending all week editing the chapter I'm about to post so uh, yeah, I'm practicing that on this one XD
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It was the first time he’d been outside in days, and he couldn’t have cared less. 
His fever had broken sometime during the night, to the relief of his captors, who may or may not be keeping him alive to use him for his magic. He still halfway expected the prince to show up and drag him back to the torture chamber. He couldn’t keep anything straight in his mind. 
The summer sun’s heat beating down on his head and bare shoulders felt real enough, as did the weakness in his legs, which barely supported him. Without Lox under his arm, they wouldn’t have supported him at all. Rowan followed as he was all but dragged out of the cabin, clucking at Lox like a mother hen until the man snarled at them. 
Resh blinked against the brightness of the day, wondering why they even bothered. Half-lidded eyes scanned the encampment, not really taking anything in as he allowed himself to be maneuvered about. He didn’t pay attention to whatever Lox was trying to explain to him; why should he care? He wouldn’t have left his bed if it hadn’t been more effort to stay than to leave it. 
But his gaze focused when a head of reddish-blond hair popped up, the contrast vivid against the stark white of the linens hanging on the line behind them. Lox caught the movement too, but when the woman turned and began adjusting one of the sheets, he turned back to respond to a question Rowan had just asked. 
Resh couldn’t look away, though. The dress was wrong, but the profile, that choppy hair, the way she stood, glancing at them out of the corner of her eye… could it be… 
It couldn’t be. Carr was dead. His vision wavered through tears he refused to blink away. He couldn’t break his line of sight or her spirit would disappear, just as it had however many days ago it had been now. 
The spirit met his eyes then, and he had to blink because he couldn’t see and he had to see but then she’d be gone…
His eyes twitched, shuttering his gaze for a split second. His heart plummeted. Fuck, shit! He almost didn’t want to look again, to see that she was gone, but he also couldn’t not look. A tear slipped free as he reluctantly refocused on where she’d been, his pulse pounding–
She wasn’t. Wasn’t gone. Her gaze was filled with frustration and a longing he could read from here as her fingers moved clothespins with no purpose he could discern. Could spirits do that? Move things in the real world? Or was this the real world… could be a dream… could be a nightmare, could be… 
Resh lifted his free hand to run his fingers over his throat, ignoring the sharp pangs shooting through his chest at the movement.  There, the little indentations, the scars from the thorn collar, they were there. Real? Was she real, too? Gods, he wanted her to be real. More than anything. 
He had to check, had to see… 
Lox tightened his grip on Resh’s waist. “Woah there, take it slow, now.” 
“Oh, look! He’s actually looking around,” Rowan said. “I think that’s the first sign of interest he’s shown in, well, anything.” 
Their words faded into the background. Resh kept his gaze locked on the woman who looked like Carr. She didn’t look away from him either.
Just as he was getting ready to let himself believe it might actually be her, another man walked up and draped an arm over her shoulder. She broke their eye contact, looking up at the man. Talking to him. Not pulling away, not pulling a knife, not putting him on his ass. 
The man started walking, pulling her away with him. Still, he couldn’t look away. Couldn’t let go of the idea… was he imagining things, or was her back a little too stiff, her gait reluctant? 
Another person had come up to speak to Lox while Resh’s attention had been elsewhere. Lox’s grip was loose, and Resh was feeling a little stronger now. He could pull away. He could punch that other man in the face and make sure the woman who reminded him of Carr was okay. 
They were about to disappear behind one of the cabins, the man’s hand now in the center of the woman’s back, guiding her along. Pushing her along. He ground his teeth, hoping he wasn’t about to fall on his face chasing after someone who probably wouldn’t appreciate it. 
But before he could move, the woman’s fingers flashed behind her back, right as they turned the corner. 
Resh blinked. That… that was sign. 
Stay. The way is clear. 
Thieves cant sign. 
What the fuck. He shook his head, even more confused. He’d never understood ‘the way is clear’, and he understood it even less now. He was standing here only under the assistance of the man who’d shot him and killed… killed the women he loved… His breath caught in his throat and he forcibly redirected his thoughts. 
How the fuck was the way clear? How the fuck was a dead woman signing at him from under the arm of some guy? It was, it couldn’t be, it–
Lox pulled away from him, and Resh lurched, knees almost buckling until Rowan ducked under his arm, taking Lox’s place. 
“Can you manage him?” Lox asked them, and Rowan gave a sharp nod in answer. “Good. You know the priorities.” With that, he grabbed Rowan’s face between large, callused hands that Resh had an all too close view of, and kissed Rowan, hard. Quickly, but thoroughly. 
Resh tried not to gag. 
Rowan turned to him, their lips swollen and cheeks slightly flushed, and said, “C’mon.” 
They started moving, and Resh had no choice but to hobble along with them, trying not to wince as the movement stretched the skin in his shoulder and jarred his sore ribs. He’d expected to be deposited back in that room, but they set off across the field, passing the clothesline and going the opposite direction from where the woman who might be Carr had disappeared. He wanted to ask what was happening, but, of course, he couldn’t. 
At least, Rowan had never looked less like the prince with those kiss-swollen lips. And the clearing was definitely not in the capital, not with those huge trees looming all around. For that, he was grateful. 
They were coming. So soon and not soon enough and fucking shit, she needed the rest of her blades. 
Carr twisted the one she’d stolen from Demex in her hand, running her thumb along familiar grooves. Gods, it felt good to have it back, like she’d been missing an extension of herself. She felt more complete with a weapon on her person. 
With the blade pressed against the inside of her left wrist, Carr pushed away from the cabin and moved towards the gathering cabin, fully intending to veer off to the gates before she got there. She’d find her stash, and if she had time she’d change out of this motherfucking dress–
A flash of movement caught in the corner of her eye, and she ducked behind the sheets. 
Fuck, that was Rowan. She hadn’t moved fast enough. Carr switched the blade to her right hand, then put what she hoped was a convincingly frightened expression on her face and stepped back out. “Demex said we’re bein’ attacked…” She trailed off as she came face to face with Resh, who was leaning on the healer’s shoulder. 
She couldn’t act like she knew him. Or did it really matter at this point? “Uhhh…” 
“You’re heading to the gathering cabin?” 
Carr nodded mutely, unable to look away from Resh, whose mouth kept opening and closing but not forming anything that looked like words. 
“Well then, I could use some help, if you don’t mind,” Rowan said a bit acerbically. 
She did mind, actually, but it wasn’t like she could really refuse. “Who–” 
“A new one,” Rowan said as Carr slipped under Resh’s left arm. Their tone invited no further questions, and they started moving as soon as Carr was in place. 
Carr hoped Resh didn’t mind the feel of cold steel against the bare skin of his lower back. 
The gathering cabin was all the way at the rear of the valley, giving her plenty of time to notice things like how heavily Resh leaned on Rowan but not her, and whether slipping the knife pressed against Resh’s back into Rowan’s waist was a good move or not. 
For once, she’d really prefer not to harm someone to get what she wanted. Which was Resh, who kept giving her sidelong glances, looking like he’d seen a spirit, and damnit, she wasn’t dead and could he just get that through his head already? 
They passed several people heading down, some of whom offered their help, which Rowan refused. Carr seethed a little more each time it happened. The man who tended the animals passed them by without comment, herding a group of goats. Where the fuck he’d put them in the gathering hall was a question she’d prefer to have unanswered, because she really couldn’t get stuck in there. 
“Rowan, I can take him if there’re things you need t’ do,” she said, only for her offer to be declined. 
Fuck. Was she gonna have to stab them after all? 
While she wrestled with a conscience she didn’t much like having acquired, it occurred to her that it was much too quiet. Aside from the activity of a few stragglers, there was no noise coming from the forest around them. Carr’s eyes flicked up to the ridge, where she’d spent some time watching the camp herself. Light glinted off something metal as someone stepped out from the treeline, a bow raised–
“Get down!” she shouted, shoving Resh into Rowan and sending them all staggering sideways. The arrow whizzed over her shoulder as she fell, positioning herself over Resh. Someone released a pained cry in the distance, and Rowan started cursing. Resh shuddered beneath her. 
Rage coursed through Carr, and she lifted her head towards the cliff. “Stop shootin’ at the people you came to rescue, you dumb fucking shits!” She thought she saw the bowman startle, then they shifted back, became indistinguishable from the treeline. 
“Useless as fuckin’ tits on a turtle,” she grumbled under her breath. 
Something shook beneath her, and she looked down to find Resh staring up at her, his eyes wide. And filled with… tears. Fuck.  
Carr? he mouthed, disbelief transforming to radiant hope. 
“You fucking bitch,” Rowan hissed, and Carr wrenched her gaze away to find the healer staring at her right hand, clenched around the dagger on the ground. 
Carr jerked up and away as they lunged for it. Shit, guess she should’ve stabbed them after all. She slashed at the healer when they attempted to disarm her, and they reared back, holding a bleeding hand to their chest. 
“Resh, get up,” she urged, positioning herself in front of him. “Don’t want t’ hurt you, Rowan, but I will if you make any more moves towards me or him, understand?” 
The look Rowan gave her could’ve peeled the skin from her bones, but they backed away. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” 
“Do you?” Carr retorted. “Your crazy fuckin’ leader almost killed us for some fucking gold, and then kidnapped my friend! Only reason I didn’t slit every one of you spineless cunting fark’s throats is because you seemed like decent people. Don’t fuckin’ prove me wrong now.” 
She glanced behind her to find Resh still struggling to push himself up. His bandages, fresh and white before, now were splotched with blood. 
Carr knelt to help him without taking her eyes off Rowan. “If you’ve got what I think you’ve got in that cabin, go. Get outta here before the rest of the soldiers get here.” 
Shouts and clangs of metal replaced the unnatural quiet in the valley, growing closer and closer. Thankfully, no further shots had come from above, but Carr didn’t trust that to last. Although it was fucking ironic they’d shot at the ones they’d come to save. 
Rowan’s face fell. As they backed away, Carr felt a twinge of guilt for the likely fates of the ones outside the camp’s walls, fighting for their community’s chance of escape. An escape they’d never get to take part in. Demex, who’d been kind to her, that nasty kiss aside, would die fighting for them, and if she could, she’d make sure he didn’t die in vain. 
But first, she needed to make sure she and Resh didn’t get accidentally offed in this rescue attempt. She switched her blade to her left hand, then ducked under his right arm, the blood seeping through the bandages reminding her which side he’d been shot on. “I got you, Resh, c’mon.” 
She staggered under his weight, but they both managed to get to their feet. Where his face promptly lost what little color it’d had to begin with. Shit. “Resh, you good?” 
He nodded, but she could see it was a lie. His breathing was too fast, too shallow. Beads of sweat had popped up on his forehead, curling the limp strands of his hair. 
“What is it, what’s wrong?” 
His mouth moved, but she couldn’t make out what he was trying to say before his legs gave out. Carr lowered him to the ground as gently as she could. Which wasn’t that gently, not with his dead weight bearing down on her. 
“Rowan!” Carr shouted, her hands fluttering over Resh’s bandages, wondering if she should rip them off to find the problem or if that would make things worse. Gods, what if they didn’t come back? 
She waited a few seconds, but they didn’t come, so she decided the bandages needed to come off so she could see what she was dealing with. Instead of unwrapping them, she placed the tip of the blade under the strips of linen, ready to slice through, but then someone caught her arm. 
They almost lost the hand they’d laid on her before Carr realized it was Rowan. “Oh thank fuck, you came back. What’s wrong with him, can you help?” 
“I might be able to if you let me past,” Rowan said carefully, glancing at the knife Carr had shifted to their sternum, angled to stab up under their ribcage into their heart. 
Carr hadn’t even realized she’d moved. She dropped her arm but paused before moving aside. “Nothin’ funny, yeah?”
“Kid, I’ve been tending to him night and day for almost a week, I’m not gonna off him now. But I don’t have much time–” 
Carr tilted her head, listening to the sounds of the fighting. 
“–so if you don’t mind…” 
She moved. Her hands trembled as she kneeled on Resh’s other side, knife at the ready. Just in case. But the healer paid her no heed, instead feeling around on Resh’s chest. 
Ribs, Carr thought. Fuck. If he had broken ribs, and she’d shoved him to the ground, one of them could’ve snapped, stabbed through a lung… had he been gasping for air before he’d passed out? But there was no blood at his mouth… her mind raced through the scenarios. She’d seen such injuries before. Every one had been fatal. 
It was her breath coming too fast now, waiting for the damning verdict, that after everything, she’d ended up killing him herself. 
“I think,” Rowan began, then paused to feel around some more. “I–”
“I think you should back away from this man before I slit your throat,” a male voice rumbled. 
Rowan raised their hands, a resigned look on their face. “Waited too fucking long,” they muttered. 
Carr glared at the man holding Resh’s life at knifepoint. “Brant, you dumbfuck, can’t you see they’re trying t’ help?” When he didn’t move, she hissed, “Let. Them. Go.” 
He did, grumbling about the thanks he got for coming to save her life. 
“Well?” she asked Rowan. 
“I think his ribs are still intact,” the healer said before pulling up the bandage over Resh’s left shoulder. “He pulled the stitches again, though. Fucking pits, it’s impossible to keep them in this kid.” 
Carr let out a shuddering breath, ignoring the look Brant shot her way. “Well, why’s he like this then?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe overextended himself. But he’s not about to die, and I am, so if you don’t mind, I’ll be going now.” 
Brant moved to block them. “The pits you will. We’re rounding up the whole lot of you thieving bastards.” 
Carr bit back a scoff; those were rich words coming from him, and from the humor dancing in his gaze, he knew it. 
When she regained some control over herself, she said, “Let Rowan go, Brant. This place isn’t what we thought it was, and these people inside the walls have done nothing wrong.” 
He raised a brow. “I can’t. We found the exit to the valley before we attacked from the front. There’s no escaping this place.” 
Rowan’s breath caught, and Carr watched their face crumple. 
Oh gods. If Resh wasn’t in immediate danger, she needed to fix this. “Who’s in charge? Did the Elder come with you? There are women and children here, people like… people like us, Brant.” She watched the meaning of her words sink in. 
“Fuck,” he muttered. “Fine. You two stay here, I’ll go pass the info along. And get someone to come help with Resh.” 
Carr nodded, thankful she didn’t need to leave Resh after all. It would be okay. Once he was safe, she’d make sure to speak to the Elder, back up Brant’s words. 
She placed her hand against his cheek, the feel of several days’ stubble harsh against her palm. “It’s gonna be alright, Resh, promise.” She’d make sure of it. 
The slightest bit of pressure registered against her fingers, as if he’d turned his head into her palm in response.
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milkolya · 1 year
accidentally got so angry i started crying while yelling abt the pride flag / bathroom rights / pronouns/ etc etc issues in various places across canada it just makes me insane to just think about. this got long oops so read more
if a school REFUSES to raise a pride flag on pride month what the fuck do you think that means in the case of, say, assault? a hate crime?? how are gay kids supposed to feel?? i was lucky i grew up in a relatively progressive area. my school hung up a pride flag when i was in grade 9 or 10 for june and then never bothered to take it down, it was just there year round. and u know what? it made me feel safer. bc when i came to the school with my parents they had things to say about that flag. and the fact that no one had bothered to take it down means that not one teacher cared enough about it - not the way my parents did. therefore, i could trust them to a certain degree. school was my SAFE SPACE. all these parents, school boards, ministries of education.... anyone STILL talking about their kids being ~influenced~ at school, referring to how we gays live as a "lifestyle" in the year 2023.... i have news for you. you cannot control your child. if your kid is gay, they will figure it out sooner or later. and the fact that youre pushing for it to be LATER... that means u dont care about your kid at all! why would you wish a decade of suffering on someone to figure out something that couldve come to light in their child/teenagehood? thats not love, and your child deserves better.
it just makes me want to scream. its people Just Like my parents who are pushing for reviews of policies surrounding the rights of gay/trans children. i want to grab them all and shake them. i personally have an incredible amount of patience. ten years. ten years i waited for my parents to change and they didnt even a little bit. now they dont get to know me at all. how long will your kid last? also 10 years? 5? will they leave straight out of high school? how do you not foresee this? how do you not understand this? how can you not care?
it is so frustrating because they do foresee it. and they would still rather have their kid leave them behind than even consider changing. the night i decided to stay away, my mother (drunkenly) asked me, "when are you finally going to decide you dont need us?"
she thought about it. she dreaded it for years, sounds like. by asking me that, she made it clear that she knew what would happen if she didnt change and still chose to be stubborn and bigoted.
i guess what really is making me angry is that all of this bullshit is dressed up to be about protecting your kids, your loved ones, when it fucking isnt, if you wanted to protect your child you wouldnt drive them away. fuck. none of this is new, i know. homophobes never cared about children, thats not news. its just very personal to me. and every headline i see drives me further up the wall
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hi Franky!!! :D
I’m very new to tumblr but I’m so happy I have found your account, I absolutely love all of your writing!!💕💕This week has been absolutely awful for me. I have severe insomnia and my sleep deprivation has been outrageously awful and is very frustrating and upsetting to deal with
Could I possibly ask for a request of how Marco or any character of your choice would confront and help a sleep deprived crew mate who is struggling with keeping it together but doesn’t want to disappoint their crew?
Very much feeling that way right now, and this would really mean a lot. I love reading your work whenever I can’t sleep, it truly makes me feel so safe.
-Also I dont know if I did this right, this is my first request ever 😬
Comforting S/O Who is overworked [Marco] Comforting his S/O who is suicidal [warnings in place] [Marco] With an S/O who overthinks/O who is crying [Marco] Comforting headcannons [Marco] Helping a stressed S/O [Marco] "When was the last time you've slept?"
I also have these Marco's that might help you <3
And thank you for the compliments <3 I am glad you like my work and having been enjoying! I hope these help you, I know what this is like, I often only get 3 to 4 hours a day sleep and end up pretty ooof the next day.
Marco x GN Reader SFW Word Count: 337 Ace x GN Reader SFW Word Count: 333
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Marco knew about your insomnia, he had it down on paper and he was close to you, he knew you didn’t like to talk about it and as someone who barely got the sleep he should have been getting he didn’t feel like he had much right to bother you with his concerns.
Unlike the phoenix though, you really needed your sleep and the cracks had been starting to show, you got sloppy with certain things, accidents happened more often which was why you were in his office now, his hands on your knee as cooling flames licked across the cuts, helping with the pain, and closing the wounds so he could dress them.
“I know this is hypocritical of me chick” He started, and you blinked your eyes, you’d been far too transfixed on his flames, how they shimmered and glowed in the dim light of his office. “But you are struggling, and you need help, please let me yoi”
“I’m fine Marco, I don’t wanna be treated any differently, I don’t want to let people down and I don’t want to be seen as a weak link” You explained and refused to make eye contact.
His flames vanished but his hands remained on our knee for a moment, you managed to glance up and see the worried expression on his face, half lidded eyes focused on you as he listened. He sighed and took your hand.
“No one thinks that and no one will judge you for needing a ‘weak’ moment, just let me help you, I might have something that can ease your sleeping issues” You shook your head about to make more excused and he squeezed your hand gently “For me yoi?”
“I promise you aren’t letting anyone down, especially not me” He brought your hand to his face and kissed it.
His gentle words and touch made you breath easy, he was right, you knew he was, you just needed to be reminded sometimes. You nodded your head smiling at the contact.
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Ace watched as you helped with supplies, picking up boxes and crates, taking them up the long ramp to store away for the next part of the voyage. He cocked his head to the side when you seemed a little wonky on your feet, you started to sway, you would have fallen off the wooden ramp if Ace hadn’t been there to catch you and the box you were holding.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked and looked at you, his arm around your waist.
“Do we need to go see Marco?” the freckled man asked as he helped you walk the rest of the way, setting down the box you were holding with a worried expression.
“It’s just my insomnia, it’s nothing to worry him about, really” You sigh as Ace carries on helping you to where there was a crate to sit on, hoping up with you.
“I just can’t keep it together anymore and I am so worried that I will keep fucking up and letting everyone down, like just then” You rubbed your face with your hands letting out a long-pained sigh.
Ace bit his lip and watched you, how you seemed so close to a breakdown, he felt bad, putting an arm around you, and pulling you closer to him, he kissed the top of your head and sighed, he’d had thoughts like this about himself more than once.
“We all struggle at times, you’re not letting anyone down we get it, we are a family here no one is going to judge you or look down on you for not being able to keep it together, you need a rest” Ace said softly, still holding you.
“Wanna go have a nap?” He asked “I’ll nap too.. let’s be sneaky”
You couldn’t help but smile as you nodded, letting him jump down first, he helped you down and you both snuck off for a nap, his presence was calming, and you managed to get a little shut eye.
@undercoverweeeb @acesmarigold @slut4animedilfs @kaizokuwritings @thatsprettycoolbro @sanjithesimp @sugxrslushy @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @angeltani @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu
@iloveportgasdace @useless-potatho @strawhat-bast @gonuclear @smoleeveewrites @secretsnailor @dxvilmanlev @saisei-no-hano @rae-vynn @my-muses-in-op
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princeanxious · 3 years
:) so. No one ordered it, but, I have an Logan Angst(w/ hurt/comfort to balance it out a little) au idea to deliver!
So you know those AU fics w/ Virgil where he hides smth unusual abt himself( Like wings, Spider limbs, Being unusually tall, ect.) Bc he’s afraid of what the others will think/do if they find out?
Take that and apply it to Logan, But he’s actually been hiding it ever since (AU)!Thomas became Obsessed with Marine Biology as a kid!(i genuinely cant remember what Thomas's real life degree was gonna be b4 he switched to YouTube but for the au's sake im going with marine biologist)
What’s he hiding, you ask? Fish scales, of course!
(Continued under the cut)
Logan used to wear long sleeves all the time, and Sherlock bit with the scarf was a cover up for when he used to wear it constantly when they were younger, not that Virgil(who has spider traits in this but never thought to hide them b4 he was accepted, and by that point there was no reason to) nor any of the other dark sides with animal traits knew about it either, but his body, especially his legs and hips, were covered in shimmery sapphire blue scales, and in patches around the gills on his neck and ribs.
Why doesn't Logan wear long sleeves now? Because the scales suddenly stopped reappearing (coincidentally right around the time Thomas gave up on marine biology to do youtube) on his arms the few times they'd accidentally been pulled off some how, be it bumps/scrapes or eventually Logan getting fed up w/ the illogicalness of it all and 'removing' the rest on his arms so that he could finally wear short sleeves and not raise more questions about his health.
The scales around the gills on his neck are more tragic, as they do regrow still, to keep his gills safe. He plucks them as close to the gills as possible, before wearing masking makeup & a high collar with a tie to ensure his gills never peak out from his shirt.
It limits his normal comfortable way of breathing, but hes been doing it so long that he doesnt remember what it feels like, and thus isn't bothered by it anymore, as his gills dont open up fully anymore unless submerged under water for a long period of time.
Why is he so insistant about thomas drinking the healthy recommended amount of water? Because if Logan didn’t, he'd suffer migraines and get sick from being dehydrated in easily less than half the time it'd take for Thomas or any of the others to reach
Why doesnt he ever go swimming with the others? Because if he did, there's no gaurantee his body would let him leave the water after refusing to so much as even soak in a bathtub for years at this point
Hell, his body might even go into shock at that point.
No idea how his reveal would go, but the idea of the others spraying him with water spray bottles when he is over-dry and resultingly irritable has been brought up as an additional idea by @this-is-ske(my lovely frien who lets me info dumb abt all my aus so we can shout abt them together) and my only thought is that Logan is spiteful and petty enough to snatch a spray bottle and spray them right back.
He often needs to spray himself with water, even if he’d had a shower not two hours ago, because his scales dry out very quickly and its sensory hell in combination with even the softest of dress pants.
But the years of neglect slowly turned his shimmery sapphire blue scales into dulled greyblue, as a result from being dried out and flakey and unhealthy for so long.
He tries not to think about it too hard when he's forced to look at them.
Remus wouldn’t hesitate to toss post-reveal(and post-recovery)! Logan full out into a fucking pool, or just hop into one and drag him in with. "Dry Fishies are irritated fishies, be like me! Get wet and feel better!" *Cue Remus eye brow waggle that reflects to the rest of his tentacle arms*
No but srsly remus and janus finding iut and going "oh HELL no" bc janus knows what its like to not take care of your scales properly and Remus knows what its like to dry out.
Imagine the additional angst when Janus finds out not only about the scales but the gills on his ribs and neck too, and feels SUPREMELY guilty bc of the crook yank he did
"Its fine, its not like I could breath out of them anymore, they just bruised a bit longer" *even more concerned and upset Janus noises*
"What do you mean you cant breath out of them anymore!"
" ..One day they just wouldn't open? Sort of like the equivalent of a stuffed nose, except that they never reopened because they'd fully dried out, I think."
"I swear to god Logan I wish I could strangle you," *cue Janus wapping Logan w/ a rolled up paper, Edna Mode style, lecturing* "One day! You'll understand! Self care! Is good! For you!"
Cue them finally bullying Logan into taking care of them but no longer hiding the scales as the ones on his arms start coming back, but still greyblue, bc at this point Logan doesnt even want to deal with the immediate headache of them learning right off the bat that they Shouldnt Look Like That. He doesnt even really believe that they'll ever change back to their once brilliant blue, thinking it just a fluke with their age or something.
It takes months.
And then one day he wakes up, having been sleeping in the imagination with Remus, having indulged in underwater sleeping as a healing therapy, made better only by the fact that Remus is a rly good cuddler, and his tentacles keep them both locked together in the water, *and* one anchors them so they don't drift away in their sleep.
Remus is staring at him, his chest to be exact, where new patches of scales had been growing to meet in the middle around the gills on his ribs. He looks down and notices theres an uneven patch of brilliant blue peaking out from the sea of comparably grey scales. Then he notes that multiple patches of scales are slowly regaining their hue. It doesn't take long for the others to put two and two together about sick fish with dull scales. It confirms Logan had been sick for Years, and was only Just healing to a beginning state of equilibrium.
For some comfort w/ all this angst, when Logan does see his blue scales for the first time? He smiles, he smiles so wide at Remus. Remus probably falls in love with the way Logan's gills flare out prettily in time with Logan's smile. Logans finally convinced to take care of himself, and the first glimpse of progress has him Beaming for Days.
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 7
The Darkling x Reader
Much to your dismay, Aleksander got dragged away during dinner to tend to emergency war business with the King. You understood though, it was all part of his job, it’ll be yours soon too. You needed to get him alone to speak about your position in the Palace and Second-Army.
You itched to get back to your old post but from what you've heard through the years, Aleksander has never given the title to anybody since your 'death'. Perhaps he won't give it to you now even though you're more than willing to reprise it. He's very capable to do it all himself and has proven so before.
As you were approaching your room, you had passed Alina and a red-haired girl....wearing a white kefta? You had never seen one like that. And you made sure to ask somebody next time. You were curious. You laughed to yourself. Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Perhaps a white kefta for myself would give me satisfaction.
You woke early the next day and trained with Botkin. He was surprised at your level of understanding of Shu and was then even more shocked at your combat skills. You two talked about your adventures in Shu Han and he seemed to enjoy it from what you could gather, he wasn’t too expressive.
He had trouble keeping up with your fighting too and your ego grew bigger. You could seriously pack a good punch or two. You had left in a hurry just before some other Grisha got there, to which Botkin said
'Leader never trains with subjects. Go.'
The rest of the day was spent training on your own in your chambers. Practicing control and patience. Your powers seemed to dwindle when you came back to the Little Palace, perhaps it was to protect you in a way. You didn't understand. But sure enough, you were back to normal now. And you had to keep it that way.
You had dinner alone in your room, too busy to go eat with everyone else. This, however, didn't stop you from putting on one of your new keftas. Red was the colour today. It was a little showy for a quick walk around the palace, but who cared. Definitely not you.
You wanted to closely inspect the Palace. Visit the rooms you hadn't gotten a chance to see yet. You walked by the Corporalki rooms as well as the Materialki workshops, checking in with random Grisha that skipped dinner just like you did. You even visited the children, young Grisha with much potential. It would do them well to meet their future leader.
You walked down to your room but a nagging feeling made you stop. You had been thinking of Baghra ever since you saw Alina leave her hut. Without much of a second thought, you strode back down the stairs and outside into the freezing, cold night. The oprichniki refused to leave your side, at the Darkling’s orders you assumed, but it didn’t bother you too much.
You were shivering as you quickly walked in the direction of the dingy hut, knowing you would be melting by the time you stepped in. You didn't knock, you didn't have much care for manners when it came to Baghra.
The heat hit you like a pillow in the face and your eyes watered for a brief second. Saints, how can she live like this. You rubbed your eyes and squinted to look for small woman.
'Baghra, woohoo, Guess who's back' You said obnoxiously.
'Shut the door you fool.' What else had you expected?
'Are you not surprised to see me?'
You spotted her sitting in front of her fire, poking at it aimlessly in her faded black clothing.
'As much as I'd hoped you dead and 10 feet below ground, nothing ever seems to go my way'
'Ouch. Why the sour mood?' You walked over to where she was but the wretched woman held out the glowing poker to stop you.
'Don't get any closer to me you dirty little witch' she barked.
'Baghra I really don't care what you think so you can stop insulting me' You laughed and crossed your arms.
'I don't care for you....and your showy dresses either. Are you the Queen? cause last time I heard you were Grisha, not royalty. Get over yourself'
I hate her.
'You assume I can't be both.'
She scoffed. You couldn't hold back your anger at her. It came out of nowhere.
'You should be glad I haven't thrown you in that fire yet'
'You never belonged here Y/N. Aleksander is enough. We can't have two of your kind running the place or we'll all end up dead.'
'You would have me die and your son suffer?'
'He'd get over it. He did get over it. Eventually. Moved onto the next girl.'
That stung but you bit your tongue and moved on.
'You never made sure I was dead, so seems it wasn't your priority.'
'I thought you would wither away on your own- ' I almost did '-get a grave if you were lucky .'
'Well too bad, I'm here now and I'm stronger than ever. Perhaps I should thank you?'
'Don't bring me into this.'
'Too late.'
She laughed.
'Of course you went running to him and tattled. You could never do anything without him could you, stupid girl, why don't I teach you how to wisen up a bit.'
At this point, you had had enough. You listened to her heart, her breath, and slowly brought your hands together behind your back.
She slumped in her chair, clutching her chest.
'Y/N' She was wheezing for air. 'stop. please.'
You let go.
'Baghra, Please don't underestimate me. It's not fun being on my bad side. You should know' With that you left.
Part 8
*I KNOW you all wanted smut, but there's still so much to uncover about y/n's return. I'M SORRY DONT HATE ME. btw if you're enjoying this so far, plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!!
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
i really love your writing sm. could I maybe request something with Loki and reader being slow to realize that the feeling is mutual? if you dont mind <3
A/N: Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy my writing, that makes me very happy to hear. I tried my best with this, I wasn’t really sure how to go about it, but I think I did a fun little twist to it. The italics are flashbacks. ALSO, you don’t need to know the song “Stuck In The Middle” to read this, but it will make this fic a little bit cuter if you do, so go stream it! It’s by Tai Verdes (actually just go listen to his whole album TV). I hope you enjoy this, nonnie.
Stuck In The Middle
Loki x reader
Word count: 2255
Warnings: fluff, maybe swearing I don't remember lol
Tony decided to throw another one of his giant parties, but no one is really sure why. There’s no holiday, no accomplishment to celebrate. All you know is that the tower is filled to the brim with high named people and well rounded faces. Music is blaring as people lounge around drinking or casually dancing. The Avengers are all around, scattered among the faces.
You on the other hand are leaning against a wall drinking some pop and trying to ignore the creepy men that hit on you. Parties are fine, you don’t mind them, but you don't go around gloating about your business or accomplishments. You watch Tony walk around getting praised by millionaires and celebrities with a smirk on your face. Shaking your head, you look down and give your glass of water more attention than the people.
“You really should get out there.”
Steve stands next to you with his little suit on that makes you laugh. You’re not used to seeing him all dressed up.
“I’m not a boaster. I’ll dance here and there, but conversation isn’t my forte.”
“You're having a conversation with me, so what does that say?” He laughs.
“I don’t need your technicalities, Cap,” you laugh as well.
“You don’t even have to talk to people you don’t know. We’re all here.”
“Fair enough.”
“Do you want me to stay here with you?”
“No, Steve. Go have fun.”
He smiles at you before returning to his seat at the bar by Bucky and Sam. You smile at the three of them. You do truly love your friends, even if they bother you during alone time.
“Why would you enjoy them if they bother you?”
“Loki, stop reading my mind.”
“I can’t. You’re quite loud,” he jokes.
You roll your eyes as you take another sip of your water.
“Do you not like these grand parties?” He asks.
“Eh, I don’t mind them. Just not a bragger.”
“Ah, yes. One night dedicated to gloating about your own accomplishments while putting down others.”
“No, that’s the Oscars,” you joke.
“Who is Oscar?”
“Never mind. Why you go out and dance? I bet you have some moves.”
“Not without a partner. I’m more of a partner dancer.”
“Well, there’s plenty of pretty girls around you to ask to dance.”
“Why dance with a pretty girl when I have the most beautiful one right here leaning against a wall and ignoring everyone? That’s more my style.”
“Loki, I’m flatter,” you laugh, “is this your way of asking me to dance?”
“Possibly. Thor has been bugging me to ‘get out there’ and I don’t like anyone here beside you.”
“Such a gentleman.”
Loki rolls his eyes as he takes your hand in his and leads you to the dance floor. The song changes into a fun chill song you recognize as “Stuck In The Middle”. You and Loki dance together as the two of you laugh. At some point, he pulls you into him, holding him at your chest.
“Remember when we first met?” He asks.
“Yeah, I do. You were arguing with Tony and Thor.”
“I want to return to Asgard and I will no matter what you say.”
“You’re a war criminal serving time here for your attacks. If you even attempted to go back, the American army would shoot you down.”
“And good luck to them.”
“My brother is a god, Man of Iron, do not forget.”
“Shut it, point break. You can try to leave if you want to die.”
Loki scoffs at Tony’s threat. As he goes to open his mouth, he sees a girl wander into the living area and scour the kitchen. The three watch her in silent and she opens every cabinet. Loki is curious by the girl with her long black hair and sweats on, clearing not caring about the argument happening. She finally turns around with her mouth filled with pretzels from shoving them in. She looks at the two gods and Tony with a wide eyed look, clearly asking “what” in her face and shrugging.
“Am I interrupting something?” She asks after swallowing.
Tony laughs and shakes his head, walking over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re fine, sweetheart. We’re just having a disagreement. Go enjoy your pretzels,” Tony chuckles.
Loki watches the way she submits to Tony and follows his lead, wondering who she is and why she listens to Tony without hesitation.
“I was so intrigued by you, this small little thing who looked so full of life. What happened to her?”
You laugh hard, “You got to know me, that’s what.”
Loki hadn’t seen the innocent girl in two weeks, wondering if she was even real. There had been some kind of glow to her so had he known better, he’d say she’s an angel.
Loki decided to coop himself up in the library while he was stuck on Midgard. Since he was stuck here, he thought he’d at least spend time doing something enjoyable. He’d spend hours in there until he had read every book and started to reread them. Then, as if the universe had heard him, the innocent girl had returned, putting a book away and getting a new one. She immediately walked out of the room and down to the tower’s elevator. Without hesitation, Loki got up and followed her at a quick pace, wanting to get in the elevator at the same time. As he walked in, they stood in silence next to each other and Loki realized he had no plan.
“I’m Loki. I don’t think we properly met.”
Loki feels his heart pound as she speaks to him with her heavenly tone. She sounds exactly like he thought she’d sound. It fits her so perfectly and he wants nothing more than to listen to her talk all day.
“I apologize for anything you heard the other day. Stark and I don’t see eye to eye.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she laughs, “He can strike a nerve sometimes.”
“That is an understatement,” Loki says, losing himself in his anger towards the billionaire.
You laugh at his comment which eases his anger. Loki is filled with joy knowing you find humor in his words, learning you’re not as stuck up as the other Midgardians.
“You read?”
“Yes, I love to.”
“What’s your favorite book?”
“Sense and Sensibility.”
“I don’t think I know that one.”
“It’s a Midgardian classic,” you say with some snark.
“I’ll have to read it. May I ask what you are doing for the rest of the day?”
The elevator opens and the two of you walk off, Loki still following you with awe.
“I’m going to spar with Steve for a little bit. You can join if you want.”
“I will not participate, but will not refuse to be of company.”
You smile at him as you walk towards the training room. Steve stands there getting ready and is surprised to see the stoic god behind you.
“Is he joining?”
“Just to watch.”
Loki sits down on the bench and leaves you to get changed and stretch. He can’t comprehend how something as sweet as you can be so willing to fight one of the super soldiers. He can’t even lie that he’s scared for you, but he’s soon proven wrong in seconds as you knock Steve down to the ground in a sweet kick. You and the super soldier go at it and you prove to be a worthy match for Steve. Loki is shocked by your swiftness and strength, clearly underestimating you.
“Well, I’m impressed.”
“I didn’t expect you to be as tough as you are.” “Wow, you underestimated me. I’m hurt, Loki,” you tease.
“I’ve learned to expect the unexpected with you.”
“How so?”
“I think we all remember your silly holiday ‘April fools’.”
April fools is one of your favorite holidays and now that the trickster god is living with you, all of the avengers are on high alert all day. No one realized he didn’t know about the special day, so Loki wondered why everyone seemed to ignore him more than usual. He walked into the living space to see you sitting on the couch with another book.
“Did I do something?” He asks.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m aware I’m not well liked, but it seems that I haven’t seen anyone all day except for you right now.”
“It’s because its’ April fools and they’re scared of you.”
A little ping of pride hits Loki.
“They’re scared of me? And what is April fools?”
“It’s a dumb holiday here where you prank people and they’re worried you’re going to pull something. After all, you are you.”
“You have a whole day dedicated to messing with people?”
“Yeah, usually it’s something simple like telling people you’re pregnant when you’re not or tying the spray nozzle on the sink together so everyone gets wet when they use it. Other people go big which is what they expected from you.”
“That doesn’t shock me,” he laughs.
“Yeah, I wanted to prank them, but I think they’ve left the building entirely.”
“You say we have the tower to the two of us?” Loki can think of a couple ways he’d spend alone time with you, but the idea of messing with the Avengers with your help is too tempting. He’ll have to put his other ideas to the side for the moment. “We can still do something.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure, but you could think of something, I’m sure.”
“We could glue everything down so you can use anything?”
“Like stick the together?”
“Exactly, but we could use your magic so we could reverse it later.”
“I like how you think.”
About two hours later, the Avengers return from wherever they had been throughout the day and run to their rooms to avoid Loki. As soon as they noticed the two of you relaxing on the couch, they tensed up and sprinted. You pretended to not have told Loki about anything and watched them get nervous, trying to hide your amusement.
It’s only minutes later when they all run back in yelling at you about how they can’t pick anything up or open drawers. Loki looks over to you among the chaos and smiles, seeing the wide proud smile across your face.
“That was a lot of fun. You surprised me in the past though, too.”
“Whatever do you mean?” He laughs.
You had gotten hurt on a mission and found yourself with a broken arm. Every day activities became 10x harder because you have to do it with your non-dominant hand and it’s started to get annoying. You’ve been attempting to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for about 25 minutes now. Loki walked in to see you struggling with peanut butter all over your hand and a glob on the bread. There’s a giant tear in the middle of the piece you’re spreading it on and a frown on your face.
“You look like you’re struggling.”
“Thank you, captain obvious!” You exclaim in an angry tone, glaring daggers at the god.
“Do you need some help?”
“I would love some because clearly, I’m having some difficulty.”
Loki comes over and helps you finish making your sandwich. You sit down to eat but because of your bad mood, you don’t even want it now. Loki notices your distress and shakes it head, waving his hand by.
“You’re healed, now eat your sandwich.”
You look at him in confusion until you realize your arm doesn’t hurt as much when you move it. You rip off your cast and feel around to feel how your arm is completely healed.
“Thank you!”
“You can be very sweet sometimes.”
“Don’t let Stark hear that, he’ll think I have mind controlled you.”
The Avengers all sit around the bar and watch you and Loki dance. They have a big smile on their face as they see you two have fun, laughing and talking. Thor has never seen his brother look so relaxed and joyful before, it’s refreshing to see him happy. Steve and Tony don’t miss the way you look at Loki, it’s filled with more love than any friends would look at each with.
“You think there’s more there?” Thor asks.
Steve and Tony turn to look at him with confused yet amused faces. “Thor, you really are an idiot,” Tony laughs.
The song comes up to the last chorus and you and Loki have stopped talking. He swings you around and holds his body next to yours. The music get’s both of your attention.
Cause we’re stuck in the middle of lover and friends
And we’re losing every part of the benefits
You’ve hurt me more than I ever knew
But it’s shitty because I’m doing the same to you
As the lyrics set in, you remember all the things Loki has done for you. Making your PB&J, recommending books, keeping you company when the Avengers are away, dancing with you at New Years parties, giving you a hug when you return from missions, and not leaving your side when you’re hurt. Loki thinks of all the things that made you bearable. Your sense of humor, the smile on your face when you see him, the way you’ll reread books you love, the way you make fun of others with him, and how you defend him when they make fun of him.
“I think I like you,” you both say.
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