#regardless please ask questions if u want to poke at this
reborrowing · 1 year
Kíkítok Pronunciation/Spelling
Kíkítok Main Post (messy)
This is the kinda boring bit where I explain how to read and make noises.
I don’t actually love this orthography as an in-universe spelling. I think realistically, it would be less standardized and potentially not even in Latin characters. So this would be more of an academic romanization that’s mostly phonetic which makes it easy to read.
So, let’s look at this alphabet. All vowels have two pronunciations, tense and lax, and it’s fairly predictable. In general, I’m going to use IPA notation for explaining pronunciation, but comparisons are made to “standard” American English here for you to refer back to if you’d like.
Also, there are so many good resources for learning IPA sounds, if you can't figure out what I'm talking about for a given sound.
a -
tense - /a/, similar to in cat
lax - /ɛ/, as in pet
b - /b/ as in boy
c - /c/, not used in English. Similar to a t, but produced by placing the body of your tongue on slightly further back on the palate / roof of your mouth
d - /ɟ/, not used in English. Similar to a d, but produced with the body of your tongue on your palate
tense - /e/, similar to the sound in late
lax - /ɪ/, as in sit
f - /f/, as in fire
variably produced as /ɸ/, an f without your lips touching your teeth
g - /g/, as in garden
h - /x/, not in English. It's the same sound as in (Mexican) Spanish j
tense - /i/ as in eat
lax - /ɪ/ as in sit
j - /dʒ/ as in judge
k - /k/ as in break*
m - /m/ as in mom
n - /n/ as in no
tense - /ɔ/ like in caught**
lax - /ʊ/ as in put
p - /p/ as in soap*
q - /ʔ/, as in the sound between syllables in uh-oh
r - /r/, not in English, “rolled r”
 when it comes after another consonant, [ɹ] as in bride
s - /s/, as in sew
t - /t/, as in white*
tense - /u/, as in goose
lax - /ʊ/, as in put
v - /v/ as in van
w - /w/ as in wine.
y - /j/, as in yam
z - /z/, as in zebra
ts - /t͡s/ potentially as in tsunami. A lot of English speakers don’t pronounce the t, in which case, as in the Japanese pronunciation of tsunami.
ch - /t͡ʃ/, as in church
sh - /ʃ/, as in shy
ai - /aɪ/, as in fly
oi - /ɔɪ/, as in boy
ou - /oʊ/, as in go
*/p, t, k/ in Gáshutok are unaspirated, which makes them different than the /p, t, k/ English speakers produce at the beginning of a word.
**/ɔ/ is not in all English accents. If you pronounce caught identically to cot, you don't have /ɔ/ as a part of your English (and if you're american, you're prooooobably from the west coast). I don't have it.
The first accent mark in a word marks stress. This is often the first syllable in the word. The exception to this is when a diphthong (two vowels next to each other) occurs before an accent mark, in which case stress falls on the diphthong.
Stress is enunciated similarly to in English, where we say the syllable with more force and slightly louder. However, the pitch of the stressed syllable also jumps up, like what you would expect to hear in Norwegian. (ie, go look over there for an example if you need one.)
Additional accent marks in a word do not mark stress and only indicate that the vowel is spoken with a tensed pronunciation. Barring additional accent marks, assume vowels alternate between tense and lax. Tensed vowels which are unstressed do slightly pitch upwards.
Examples, where stress is underlined, tense is bold:
Ímamo kai pá? (How are you?, lit. you eat well?)
Tí chú bó kyú? (What's your name?, lit. this person is who?)
Bébteme Kíkítok yá? (Do you speak Kíkítok?)
Some vowels are variable. In function words (prepositions, particles) without an accent mark, the vowel is unstressed and continues the tense-lax-tense pattern from the previous word.
Chíkosot ka up. (I can't hear you.)
Chíkosot up. (I don't hear you.)
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hihi! A little borb told me you were open for requests :D Can I request headcannons of Iida and Kirishima with an s/o with huge antlers and their everyday stuggles like ducking so their horns wont hit the doorframe, trying to clean places they can't reach and randomly puts stuff on their horns that shouldn't be there-
Also P.S. i'm one of ur older followers :))))) I still remember u and your iida works baby gorl-
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[ Hello, Hello! Thank you for being a follower! I appreciate the support! Ironically this request makes me think of Beastars. The manga was pretty good, but the ending to it sucked. Anywho, this request sounds adorable. I actually got sidetracked with Eijirou gifs when I was making his banner, he's just too damn cute! ]
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Life was difficult for you because of your huge antlers. Frankly, you never thought anyone would want to befriend you, let alone be romantically involved with you. Tenya, however, saw your antlers as unique and whenever you found yourself in trouble because of them, he was always there to help.
"Um, sorry I didn't, hold on!" you groaned in embarrassment when one of your antlers became entangled in a string of garland outside Class A's door. "Please allow me to assist!" Tenya pleaded, naturally he treated you with more protection than others.
When Tenya found you stuck beneath the desk in his room, he said, "May I inquire as to what happened?" You groaned out of embarrassment. "I was just trying to clean your room for you!" He smiled and kneeled in front of you. "You do not have to do such things to show your appreciation. I admire and adore you regardless," he said before helping you get unstuck.
"May I ask what is on your antlers?" You knit your eyebrows, "Huh?" As you reached up, you felt one of the many plastic circles hanging from your antler spikes. "Oh, Bakugou likes throwing things at my antlers occasionally," you replied shrugging, but Tenya crossed his arms clearly annoyed. "I believe I will have to speak to him. This is not amusing nor appropriate behavior to engage in during class." Of course, he wouldn't stand for anyone bullying the one he loved.
"There we are," he stated, having finished wrapping medical tape around your head. He knew your antlers shed every year, and that it was a bloody scene when they did. Naturally, he provided you with minor first-aid assistance. "Are you well?" he asked with loving concern. You frowned in response and carefully rested your head on his shoulder. It was uncomfortable not to have your antlers and during the months it took for them to grow back, you sought physical comfort from Tenya which he welcomed.
"Perhaps we should try an alternative method," Tenya stated when he noticed you struggling to lie down on the grass like your classmates. "Lie on your back and place your head on my lap," he instructed, and though you were a little embarrassed since he had rules about public affection you did as he said and gasped when you could finally see the sky and the clouds that passed by. Tenya smiled, enjoying the sight of your happiness and childlike wonder.
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You'd always remember the question, "How on earth did you two get stuck like that?" when you met Eijirou for the first time during a training exercise. Due to his skin-hardening quirk, your antlers got caught, so you were stuck together, but you also remember how he made you laugh to ease your embarrassment.
"Uh, babe what do you have on your-" he paused when he realized bright festive string lights were wrapped around your antlers. "Is it a holiday?" Kaminari asked in confusion, and you shrugged. "No, I just wanted to do something different," you replied, walking past him and Eijirou to your seat. "What does that mean?" Kaminari asked, turning to the redhead who shrugged. "That's just my adorable antler babe for you!" He replied with a toothy grin.
"See now you have your own horns, just like me!" he announced, poking one of the hair spikes on his head. Your antlers had just shed as they do every year, and as usual, you were miserable until they regrew a few months later. Eijirou would always comfort you during this time. Although your hair was sticky from all the gel, you couldn't help but appreciate his efforts.
"Yeah, we did it, babe!" Eijirou screamed, standing among the debris of the wall you had just busted through. While he used his quirk, you used your antlers. He turned, ready to give you a high five when he gasped, noticing one of your antler points had broken in half. Naturally, he tried to help and ripped off a piece of his costume to wrap around the broken part of your antler. "There you go! You're still beautiful babe!"
"Whoa, watch out!" he said, placing his hand on the back of your head to guide you to duck when you entered the room. "Oh um...thanks?" you said, assuming it was the hero in him trying to help. "Well, it wouldn't be very manly if I wasn't looking out for my number one babe!" he replied, but you knew he tended to worry whenever he saw you hit something with your antlers even more so when they happened to get stuck on something.
If there was one thing, he loved doing it was kissing you. This was especially true when the two of you were in his room and he was lying on the bed with you sitting next to him. "Hey babe," he said, catching you off guard when you turned, which gave him the chance to pull you down by your antlers and into a much-needed kiss.
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
absolutely obsessed with the idea of an all powerful god-like creature keeping their darling in little a pocket dimension. ur taken care of, u have everything u could possibly want, but the place is maybe just a little too perfect and homey and no matter how far u run into the surrounding forest u always end up back at the the quaint little cottage
tw - imprisonment, altered reality, manipulation, slight dehumanization, generalized eldritch-fucking.
It'd be fun if the mysterious, eldritch, omnipotent creature keeping you locked away from the world you belong to never thought to actually sit down and explain the kind of situation you're in, either, the kind of dimension they pulled and shaped into something resembling a proper home. Why would they? Humans are so simple, so quaint, made so happy by pretty things and pleasing sensations, easy to keep content with soft beds and good food and a shelter that keeps you at a comfortable distance from the climate and conditions you haven't yet learned to overcome. They can provide all of that for you, craft a world where you'll never know hunger, where you'll always have somewhere warm and safe to hide yourself away, where there's just enough hardship to keep you occupied while they're away, tending to things you couldn't possibly understand. You have everything you need to keep you happy, to keep you healthy. They're willing to give you everything you could ever want, and in return, all they ask is that you stay put and try to enjoy it.
And you're such a sweet little thing, too confused and too timid to ask any questions when you wake up in your new bed, to do anything but cuddle into their chest and let them hold you for another few minutes, another few hours, until they've had their fill. Even when you find your voice, you speak quietly, never yelling or cursing them out as you ask where you are, who they are, when you'll be allowed to go home. They do their best to answer you, to hold you on their lap even as you squirm and shift, to be patient, and gentle, and everything they have to be while attempting to calm the emotions of a being so prone to extremes. Like any good caretaker, they nurse you through your shock, your stupor, letting you poke and prod at your new surroundings, shy away from their touch, steal and hide anything you might be able to use as a weapon, as if anything in this realm could possibly escape their notice, as if anything in this realm could possibly hurt them. You're skittish, unsure, but they try to be gentle with you, regardless. It's only a matter of time until you realize that you're safe, here. That you don't have anything to worry about.
They let you slip away, when you gather up the confidence to tear yourself out of their arms, scramble through the unlocked door, and escape into the forest they've used to decorate your little world. They let you run until you realize that no one's following you, until you realize that there's nothing but the forest, no running water, no singing birds, no cars or voices or footsteps, other than your own, of course. You don't turn back, of course, don't call out for them, but you don't have to, not when they were so careful, not when every direction only leads back to your home, to your cottage, to them. You can spend as much time as you want plotting out the land, looking for something else, and you should, it's better that you get it out of your system now than try to contain your curiosity and suffer for it, later on. It's only a matter of time until you get tired, until you get cold, until you come home and let them show how generous they can be, how loving they can be. It's only a matter of time until your nature gets the better of you and you retreat to what you recognize, to what makes sense.
It's only a matter of time until you realize that, to put it bluntly, you really don't have any other choice.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hello, I don’t know how many asks I’ve sent you so if it’s a lot I’m sorry I just love your content 😭
Could we may haps have the riddlers with a reader who has a fair amount of tattoos, and what they think of them? Also their reaction to seeing a little “?” Tattoo somewhere on them? If it’s too much I totally understand. 👍🏼
Riddler Headcanons: Tattooed Reader
Riddlers x GN!Tattooed!Reader absolutely omg i keep threatening to get a question mark tramp stamp and i can't tell if my husband is on board but i know eddie would be u-u and PLEASE that's not too much at all, never too much, bless you for sending me things 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: bodies and sex and kinks etc.
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he's kind of put off at first, because he's an idiot. he's got himself confused about the worth of someone in direct correlation to how spoiled they might be, so piercings and tattoos aren't things he thought he was interested in. but watching you work and seeing the ink twist and change shape as your arms move really does it for him. wait until he sees how the ones on your back move too... if he spotted a little question mark tattoo on you, it would definitely seal his attraction. it's a mark of faith in his ability to truly embody the riddler.
he's into it, like hardcore. he has a definite marking kink, and tattoos and piercings kind of do it for him in that sense. a permanent sign on your skin? great. you'd be totally up for biting each other and getting the tooth marks tattooed? look pop off bestie, i love that for you both. seeing your body covered in tattoos, bite marks, hickeys and his finger imprints would drive him wild you better believe this lil baddy is getting matching tattoos of his little logo with you. his is going on his bicep so he looks tough when he flexes, yours is going on your lower back or neck so he can always see it from his favourite position
oh you have tattoos? he has one, bet it's cooler *proceeds to lift up his little sweatshirt to show you the worst stick and poke question mark you've ever seen* but when you reveal your copious artworks, he's too busy trying to keep his mouth from dropping open to even be jealous. so pretty, so artistic, so hot? even if you got the question mark before you knew him for entirely unrelated reasons, he is 100% convincing himself that it's a sign of your unwavering adoration of him, that you worship him, pain in the ass
ok so his thing? tank tops. arms out, muscles greasy and sweaty. add to that the idea of the arms being covered in tattoos? hng. you'd really have him acting up. he's never got one himself, worried about the pain oddly enough. needles stress him out (thanks jon) and so he's avoided them. but getting to look at them on someone else? perfection a little question mark tattoo in honour of him? the ego boost he didn't need. get ready to have him force you to display it to everyone and anyone, regardless of the placement
tattoos are very meh. and you'd be wise to remember that too much of a good thing can be bad, or at least look bad. and no he's not still staring, it's just distracting is all, and not in a good way. no. no. as though he wasn't already unavoidably aware of your daddy issues, you're going to reveal that you're covered in ink. and how many colours has your hair been? ok that one, the little question mark? you got it for him? oh you really shouldn't have. but don't worry, he's always wanted to experiment with lasers
young justice
it's debatable that a super cool hottie with tattoos would ever talk to him, but if you did he'd be so flustered, stammering and sweating omg. get ready for a million questions too! did it hurt? what does this one mean? where else do you have them? how many do you have? do you think i'm cool enough to get one? god his little face would light up if you got a little question mark tattoo for him! blushing, speechless, unable to get out much more than a squeaky "that's cool"
he knew you had a thing for pain, and now he's questioning if you were turned on the whole time you were getting the tattoos done. would you get a tattoo of him on you? he'd like that, it would be hot. wait you should get some of those hot pin up ones too so he has something to look at while he's banging you! no WAIT you should get... that question mark tattoo is something he has specifically requested and the first time he sees it completely healed he is licking it, kissing it, biting it, sucking it. so you better have picked a good place
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gaiuswrites · 3 years
Original Sin | Darksaber!Din
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Pairing: Dark!Din x fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ older for the love of all things holy)
Word count: 3.4k~
Summary: Things change after Grogu leaves. People change. No one is exempt.
Warnings/tags: DUB CON?¿, masturbation (m and f), inappopriate use of darksaber, sex toy (...), Dark!Din, Dom!Din, sacrilegious references, really dark shit, i am so sorry
Update: This should go without saying, but as it turns out, it’s in need of being said: every word written in this fic is my own; any likeness to any other work is coincidence, regardless of how bizarre. I don’t mean to offend anyone or raise suspicion, as I am certainly not a plagiarist (literally couldn’t be even if I tried: I am equal parts too incompetent, too busy, and too lazy to steal from someone else. Fellow writers can attest, I’m an absolute garbage reader and fall behind on almost everyone’s work. There’s an embarrassing amount I haven’t read.) Please reach out to me personally if you have any concerns. I respect everyone here like you wouldn’t believe. Sending love to you all. Be well. ✨
Notes: When I go to hell (it really is only a matter of timing, and not so much a question of if anymore), this fic will rank number one on the list of reasons why I’m sent to my eternal timeout. This... I'm twisted. I have issues. God help us. Seriously, this is basically a horror show. I bow down to the Darksaber!Din content creators who came before me, and the original artwork that inspired me to write this— thank you for lighting this (descending, dirty) path. I HAVE TAGGED A FEW PEOPLE HERE WHO MAY OR MAY NOT BE INTERESTED but really— REALLY— there’s absolutely no pressure. Cheers friends x ( gif credit: @skyshipper )
Masterlist | Read it on Ao3!
The days stretch long like morning yawns—hours passing on creaky bones, slow and congealed inside the metal womb of the Crest.
It wasn’t always this way.
They used to be filled with pitter pattering— with wily antics and vanishing acts that could baffle even the most veteran of illusionists— with prying frogs from tiny, green hands and giggling as blocks and baubles floated through the hull. Laughter. There used to be laughter here.
But that was then. The child is gone now. The Razor Crest is quiet.
Time fills itself like this; there’s little for you to do now but wait. Wait for the dusk to blur into the dawn. Wait for your food to cook. Wait for the shower to warm. Wait for the parts you ordered to arrive at the port. Wait for Din to come back—to come home.
Home. You used to be so certain—you’d bite the head off anyone who questioned otherwise— but you’re not so sure this is home anymore. Its not that anything has changed. No, the galley, the carbonite pods, the cockpit, the deck—it’s all still here. The scuffed walls, the durasteel, the littered crates and packed arsenal. But—
It’s different. It feels different. Something is...
You can’t quite put your finger on it. Its intangible, but it’s everywhere—like gas. Invisible to the naked eye, but encircling you all the same. Choking you.
Killing you.
There’s no good explanation for it. You feel eyes on you when there are none. You find yourself glancing over your shoulder, knowing full well you are alone. Something keeps snagging you, pulling at an unseen thread. The corners of your peripherals tugging at you. Beckoning.
Was that a shadow? No.
Is someone there? It’s just you.
There is a tickle at your ear - a constant - dancing along the shell of it. Wherever you go, it follows.
Home home home. It only feels like home when Din is there, safe and sound at your side. But even then, even Din—in all of his plated exterior—even Din has succumbed. Even Din has
The truth is, Grogu left and a part of Din left with him. There’s less of him now— more, too: there’s less where it matters, and there’s more where there shouldn’t be.
You don’t remember when it started—when he first disappeared. When the spark in him died, and he was reignited anew.
When this Other became.
On multiple occasions you’ve caught him murmuring into the bellied dark of the Crest with a bent spine, hunched over himself as if he’s shrinking—enveloping in in in as far as the beskar along his chest will allow him to cave. You can never pick up what he mutters, but you catch the sounds of his teeth and lips brushing together, hissing. It’s not Basic; you’d recognize it if it were. You don’t think its Mando’a either. It’s too sharp— too vile. There’s none of his language’s elegance in it.
“Did you say something?” You asked once, poking your head around the doorway, eyes resting on the shine of his helmet.
A beat—and slowly, he unfurled, rearing to his full height and like a sentinel he swiveled, pivoting to face you.
Your throat bobbed. “Oh, I-I thought I heard-”
“Come here, mesh’la.”
And you did. You always do.
The darksaber appeared on his belt one day, shortly after the child went away. It came, only once, and there it stays. Indistinguishable - inseparable - there is no dismembering the two. It accompanies him in all things; when he pilots, when he hunts, when he eats. It sleeps by him.
By you, too.
Din has always been stoic—of scant words and physical timing—but now he is a golem. A silent, shrouded figure. His Creed is broken, and you wonder maybe - briefly - if Din is broken as well. He is never unkind to you. He is never threatening. But he is never him. His eyes— the oaky comfort you once found in them— have blackened. He is a pit.
Din Djarin is a pit of a man.
And within that pit he has born rage. Immaculately, it has sprung from him as woman did by Adam’s rib. Like mold growing upon stale fruit does he have this—this wrath. It crept through him. It stalked along his soft flesh— his tawny hide—and it waited; patient, there in the shadows, it waited for him. Waited for him to turn his back, to close his eyes and drop his guard— leeway, an entrance— as to slip in undetected.
To inhabit.
The virtue and love that once thrummed within the heart of him has burned away. Charred. Only this of him remains; this insatiable lust— for blood sport, for the promise of split knuckles and fractured bone, for you.
For all of you.
Now, Din goes out on bounties like he needs it—like it’s oxygen. He lives off it. He’s sustained by the rush, by the adrenaline laced chemicals pumping through his arteries. He’s gone for days and weeks on end and when he returns, he fucks you like he’s been starved. Out in the wilderness without a morsel to eat, he devours you. He’s ravenous as he tears his way across your body—all too pliant for him, all too willing—letting him feast on the nectar dripping from your heat.
You can feel it in his foot steps as he storms the ship, the bassy echo of it. You can see it in the pitch of his visor. You can feel it in his cock as he slams into you, night after night after night—ceaselessly. Tirelessly. Unnaturally. The number of orgasms he wrings out of you is countless—his need so incurable, you have to fight to stay above it all; you have to war against your urge to slip away completely.
Din is one grey choice - one hair trigger - from coming undone.
And you should be scared. You should be terrified—he should terrify you. Like scalding water, you should flinch away at the mere sight of him—at the warning steam that rises from his pauldrons. This predator, unhinged and off his leash—a great, crushing beast at which you are at the mercy of.
But— you aren’t.
You couldn’t place it at first: the gnawing. The gnawing at your insides like maggots festering upon a grizzled carcass hanging limp at a wet market. You couldn’t name the tremor in your gut. You gave it epithets as best you could, you gave it placeholders - fear, worry, intrigue - all until one day it spilled. One day it seeped past the tremble of your stomach and sank lower, lower,
It settled in your cunt—the gnawing. And you named it Want.
You want him. You want this—you’re addicted to it. This sin like led-lined velvet, you want to roll in it until it poisons you, until you’re smothered with it, just like it’s smothering you now— blanketing you as you mewl naked in your bed, knees knocked together. Your eyes roll back into your skull as you frantically work circles into your clit with the all consuming thought of him: his teeth at your shoulders, his hand around your windpipe.
You’re nearing your finish, the promise of that tight coil unraveling there - there - right before you. You’re so enrapt in it—in this dizzying, wanton act—you don’t register the ramp lowering. You don’t hear the carbonite chamber whir, his quarry freezing over, or his foot falls sounding their way to your bunk.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
You gasp, frightened eyelids wrenching open as his baritone timbre crackles through the hull. The Mandalorian stands there, backlit by the glow from the galley and he looms—expressionless. Haunting. You blink at him rapidly, batting away the desire that’s glazed over your eyes.
“Y-You’re back,” you stutter lamely. You try to smile. You try to distract him. “I uhm, I didn’t hear you come in. I thought you wouldn’t be back until, u-until..."
Your excuses fade, mouth parched dry. The film of his visor gives you nothing. He is unknowable, but you feel it - sense it - that energy—unbridled and rippling off of him in sick, suffocating waves.
“I’ll ask you again,” Din starts.
“What-" he steps towards you, darksaber hanging heavy at his hip, “do you think-" you shimmy up your cot, shoulder blades digging into the steel sidings, “you’re doing?”
Your heart thunders against your chest, beating until you’re sure it’ll burst.
I’m sorry you almost say, and you have to force yourself to gulp down the apology. You know he doesn’t want it, and he knows you wouldn’t mean it even if you offered it to him.
Your brow wavers. “I-"
He rips away the sheet you had drawn up over you and reflexively you jerk back, revealing the gloss on your fingers and the patch of hair above your mound, shimmering shamefully—exposing you, mocking you under the dim lights.
“What’s this?” he asks, and fuck he’s patronizing you. He’s smirking—you don’t have to see it, you can hear it in the curving lilt of his voice as he drinks in the sight of your very obvious indiscretion, laid bare before him. You can’t bring yourself to answer him—you can hardly look at him—and you bristle, hair on your arm prickling up.
“You fuck yourself speechless, little one?”
Your cunt throbs, burning and contracting around the orgasm that was snatched away from you and fuck, you’re drowning in him. Din is tar—he’s an oil slick, and you’re plummeting through it—gasping for air, for the surface, for sunlight. He’s everywhere—his broad frame, his voice, his scent like copper and smoke. You can barely breathe through the thick of him.
“Answer me,” he growls, leather croaking at the clench of his fist.
“Yes—yes,” you utter, proceeding with honesty, no matter how pathetic. “I missed you,” you squeak out.
Din cocks his head, a smug look scowled onto his visor. “You missed me?” he purrs through a sneer and you nod, precious and small, worrying the inside of your lip.
He sinks one leg and then the other onto your bedroll, just between your parted feet, kneeling before you. The flimsy spring mattress squeals under his weight—all of that armor, all of that boiling soot trapped within him.
“How much?”
For a moment, you must look confused. Puzzled. Your eyebrows furrow as Din unclips the saber from his belt, rolling it over in his hand. You rake your gaze up from it, dilated pupils landing on the unforgiving black panel there.
“You claim you missed me. Prove it.”
Your cunt bottoms out.
He crouches over you, tracing along your inner thighs with it's steel shaft and you bury your fists into the cot. You don't know which to look at: Din or the rod in his hand. “Tell me you want this. Tell me you trust me.”
Fuck, it feels like you’re going to rattle apart. There isn’t an inch of you that isn’t humming—isn’t seizing up wild. “I-I trust you,” you mouth softly. And you do, whether you should or not—you trust him with your life, to make or ruin.
“Fuck, you’re wet mesh'la,” he appraises darkly, leaning in to run a leathered digit through your seam, parting your curls. Your legs twitch, heels of your feet digging into the bed. “So ready for me. So eager."
Your eyes dance frenetically down to the handle and back up to him as he aligns the saber with your pussy. The blunt end of it touches your lips and you shudder, instinctually fidgeting away from it. Din splays his hand on your knee, anchoring you in place. “Shh,” he coos, rubbing a thumb soothingly into your skin. It doesn’t feel sweet. It feels sickly, cloying— like arsenic.
You don’t dare breathe as he prods the shaft into you, inch by terrible inch. It doesn’t matter how slicked and wet you are from touching yourself, your walls strangle the foreign intrusion. Your body resists.
“Fuck,” you sob. Your throat, your pussy, all of it— it’s all compacted. It feels so fucking tight, both words and air fighting to get out and in all at once—everything inside you constricting.
“Show me,” he grits through clenched teeth. “Show me how much you missed me.” He drags his gloved digit over your clit, pressing down onto it until you see stars, fizzing in front of your vision. “I know you can take it, sweet girl. Be good and show me.”
Be good. Be good for him. Be his only vice.
He continues to swirl at your bundle of nerves and you’re nearly thrashing with it— with all of this— hair fanned and mussed against the pillow as you writhe, swallowing his saber to the hilt. Fuck, you’re so full. Maker, you’re stuffed with it; with the cold, uneven edges, the ridges woven into the grip of it— and he slowly - tortuously - delves the handle in and out of you, hitting against your cervix with every thrust.
You can only mumble. Your lips have gone slack, your mind is cavernous. All you can do is quiver and beg— beg for release. Beg for it to end.
Beg for more.
“Oh gods, oh g- Maker, please—”
Your bleary eyes shoot open as you’re silenced by the grip of his gloved hand.
“No.” Din pinches your jaw in the web of his palm, fingertips dimpling your cheeks. “No, your God isn’t here,” he seethes, low and deadly, graphite venom dripping from his lips. “Pray to me.”
Trembling, your lips pucker ugly and sloppy as you babble uselessly in his stony grasp, chin crinkling with a whimper. “D-Din.”
He inhales sharply, mouth snaking into a wicked grin behind his helm. “That’s it. That’s my good girl.”
He’s deboning you as he would a fish. Practiced, he plucks you into messy pieces—gutting you through your open maw. His ministrations are crawled. They’re slothed and carnal with arrogance and pride and it’s not enough—its all together too much, but still—it’s not enough. You’re hungry. You paw at him, scraping over his breastplate.
“Din, please—more," you gasp feverishly, eyes blown wide.
A blip of static huffs through his modulator. “You want more, you filthy little thing?” He gives you another squeeze, indenting scorch marks into your face.
You nod—you try to, his grasp is too firm, rooting your neck to still. “Yes.”
Din groans, all but obliging you as he begins to fuck you harder, pistoning through you as he thumbs your nub with his rough pad.
You’re whining now, tinny and depraved. It’s wrong. Every part, every second of this, is wrong. Immoral. But you can’t stop the way your body convulses at his every touch—you can’t stop the heat roiling in your core.
“Din, Din baby- fuck fuck fuck-”
It’s like he’s trying to split you in two—all of you. Your pussy, your mind, your soul—he’s bisecting you. Divvying you up to bits of nothing. It’s only then that horrid realization occurs to you, winding through your addled haze as he fucks you deep and splintering: you’ll never be whole again.
And scarier still—you don’t think you want to be.
No, you want to be these loathsome shards. You want to be broken glass. You want to draw blood.
You want to be possessed by him.
“Fuck yourself,” he pants, his cock straining violently against his trousers, begging for relief. “Be good and fuck yourself. Let me watch.”
Be good be good be good
He leaves your clit and you whimper at the loss. Your face is stained with tears. The salty trails cascade down to mingle into your hair, into the sheets. You’re vibrating, but you do as he says and you reach down, recoiling when you touch the chilled metal tip. Tentatively, you pad along it, settling on the end that’s peeking out from you.
A pained sound rumbles through Din as you wrap your fist around the saber, and your eyes flit up to meet his, hidden somewhere behind his helm. Hurriedly he unbuttons his pants in a flourish and removes himself from his constraints. He’s pulsing and proud, flexing up against his stomach, the veins choked to bulge along the angry, silken shaft of him.
Finally, you begin to move the hilt—finding an aching, undulating rhythm and he can’t fucking take it. He rips his helmet off, letting it clatter to the floor.
“Din,” your pray, “Din, I think I’m going to-”
You’re wrecked – fried like a livewire– as you look for him, as you search and search—for that warmth, for a trace of him left there. The Din you knew, the Din you agreed to fly with all those months ago, the Din you love. You think you see it sometimes—in the slant of his mouth, the bridge of his nose— but here, now, he is gone.
He is a pit.
Din Djarin is a pit of a man, and you want nothing more than to fall. Standing on the ledge of him, staring down into the abyss—you want this. You want to fall. You want to jump.
“Tell me you’re mine. Tell me, sweet girl— tell me.” He’s fucking his fist raw, humping into his palm as desperate as an animal.
“I’m yours,” you mewl. Furiously rubbing your clit with one hand and spearing yourself on the rod of his saber with the other, your hips buck and spasm. You snap. A blinding light sears through you, ricocheting off every scrap of muscle and tendon sewed up in your body. “Just for you,” you cry, “I’m yours I’m yours I’m yours—”
Your ragged sobs mix with the lewd slaps of skin as Din pumps himself, hot ropes of his release spitting onto you— painting your pussy, the divot of your navel, coating along the slope of your tummy.
“Look at you—fucking, look at you,” he moans throatily, easing through his rough strokes as he softens.
Your chest is heaving and you feel dumb, empty—like a puppet, arms and legs moving on phantom strings. Din removes the handle from you with a wet squelch; a viscous strand of your juices clings on, obscenely connecting your pussy to the base of it, and you rasp—the wind punched out of you with its gaping absence. You gush. It dribbles out the slit of you, leaking past your abused hole and soaking into the bedroll.
When he unsheathed the saber from your scabbard, he took a part of you with it. You’re so fucked out—you’re practically a parsec away— it went unnoticed.
It brushed past you. You didn’t feel it—you didn’t recognize the whisper that has slithered in in it’s place, nestling within your swollen folds.
Breeding there.
“Beautiful,” Din murmurs, placing it on the mattress beside your head, the chrome of it gleaming with your slick. He bows his head to lick a path up your cunt, laving you clean as he climbs higher and higher, tonguing off his seed from your stippled skin. “Fucking beautiful, mesh’la,” he growls. “Mine—all fucking mine.”
You’ve gone heavy. You’re too heavy to keep your eyes open—you’ve been hollowed out and you’ve got nothing keeping you tethered here. You start slipping under in slow motion—intervals between languid blinks lasting longer and longer. You’re spooled in a knot of tangled limbs with Din’s mouth, fervent and needy, flaying you open as he sees fit— with his hot mouth and teeth, suckling your breasts, biting at your nipples and bruising your pretty neck.
It’s not long before you hear it again, as you have before— as you always do: the faint caressing of speech, of lips forming language you cannot understand—made indecipherable in your strung out high.
“D’you say something?” you mumble, half conscious—half dreaming.
Din laps a long stripe up your throat, his stubble sanding your skin. “No.”
You sigh, breathy and girlish, as his fingers find your mound, dipping into you once again. He makes you cum twice more that evening. You barely have the strength to watch him do it.
Finally, when he’s satisfied—when he’s spent with driving you mad, making you rile— he grants you respite. He permits it – generous, charitable - and you sleep like the dead, soundly through the night until—
until you don’t.
Eyes. You feel them somewhere— there are eyes on you. You stir, stuttering in your sleep to squirm in the dark. You don’t know what you’re listening to at first. It’s a sound of some kind, a noise. There is a hiss—
A frigid hand seizes around the bloody organ pulsing in your ribcage.
No, not a hiss—it’s a voice. It’s— no-
You pat around for Din beside you but he’s gone—he’s long gone and his vacant spot has grown cold without him—and your nails dig into the sheets, desperately clawing into the fabric.
Inside you.
The voice, the sharp hush of it—it’s inside you. It speaks from inside your own mind, its forked tongue fluttering against your ear.
‘Wake up, sweet girl.’
Tags (IM SO SORRY): @djarinsbeskar @pedros-mustache @krissology @keeper0fthestars @read-and-rec
602 notes · View notes
redheadedpineapple · 3 years
Haikyuu bois with a s/o suffering on their period
Haikyuu bois with a menstruating s/o in pains ): Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Tendou Satori, Miya Atsumu fluff, slight mentions of blood / vomit, reader has a menstrual cycle GN!R
──────〔Bokuto Koutarou〕──────
ok this poor man is so concerned
he knows about periods and stuff right
but you keel over out of nowhere with your arms wrapped round your stomach
HE PANICS SM get this man a paper bag
rushes to your side and spitfires a hundred questions
you can’t help but smile at his energetic way of trying to help before grimacing again because PAIN
he’ll ask what he can do to help and does exactly as you say (and more)
picks you up to lie you down on the couch with a blanket, water, and a wastebin
goes to a local drug store and picks up some painkillers, a heat wrap, and extra menstrual hygiene products for you
sees the candy at the checkout area and has the brilliant idea of getting your favourite fast food/takeout for you along with your favourite candies (:
when he gets home with everything, you smile so widely
“Okay! It’s cuddle central now!” 
Bokuto will bring you onto his lap and cuddle you so close, making sure not to hold you too tightly. When he sees you having bad spikes of pain, he’ll pull you just a bit closer and kiss you and tell you that he loves you in a million different ways to try and distract you from the pain. 
He’s probably put on your favourite show or movies so you can watch together, and he’ll put his chin on your shoulder to snuggle you better. When you lean back onto him and let your head roll back against his shoulder, he’ll rub your tummy and soothe you. 
The first few times, he’s a bit clumsy, but he gets the hang of it to help you get through the week.
──────〔Akaashi Keiji〕──────  
he knows how to take care of you
everyone has to learn somehow anyway
it’s just that he learned through vast research and reading online forums from the very first day he met you
so when you’re finally comfortable enough with him and your relationship to let him be around you while you’re on your period, he already knows what to do
he’s prepared a bunch of your favourite foods and candies
stocked up on products of all sizes and forms in his apartment
when you come over, he’s made a blanket fort for you two and will give you all the love and attention you crave
makes sure you know he’s not annoyed with you
he’ll moderate your binge eating cravings for your own health, but as long as you’re healthy, he complies with nearly every wish of yours
if you’re vomiting and in complete misery, he holds your hair back if he needs to and will rub your back
doesn’t care about the mess, just makes sure you’re feeling nice n clean n comfy
“Kaashi,” you murmur, yawning. “‘Vrything hurts.” 
“I know, darling. C’mere.” He pats his lap, and you barely manage to crawl to him.
You push your face into the crook of his neck and wrap your legs around his waist. He’s got a heating pad between the two of you, and you purr at the warmth. He brushes through your hair, still damp from the shower, and softly hums. As you drift to sleep in his arms (his nice, nice arms), he keeps his lips against the top of your head and fingers sifting through your hair. 
You’ll wake up in the same position---he won’t move from that spot even if it kills him---all warm and comfy. When you’re reluctant to get up, he’ll carry you to the restroom so you can do your business. 
When you’re menstruating, you go from a monarch to a deity, and Akaashi Keiji will treat you as such.
──────〔Tendou Satori〕──────
laughs at you for a good half hour at first
you whine at him to shush 
he won’t
not until the particularly bad cramps start
that’s when you’re clutching your stomach and can’t move, and that’s when tendou gets mega confused and concerned
at first, he thinks it’s something unrelated
then he realises 
“ah fuck.”
he’ll furrow his eyebrows and try to figure out how to help
when you start barking demands at him, he complies with a smile
he’ll tease you here and there
“oh, pwoor baby needs their snackies”
but he’ll still get you them (and some for himself) regardless
will cuddle you if you wanna
you two will lounge around watching random, poorly rated netflix movies and making fun of them
even while you’re throwing up or in real bad pain, he makes you laugh
“Sto-o-op!” you whine, stuck between gut splitting pain and laughter. 
He goes on and on, exaggerating both his words and hand movements, and you can’t stop laughing. 
“I’m gonna die! Satori,” you draw out his name, a plea for mercy. He pokes your shoulder and giggles at you and pauses for a moment. You think you’re safe for a moment. 
“Hi gonna die, I’m dad.”
“You suck! I can literally feel blood gushing out and squelching, please.”
He just laughs at you as you smack him, scolding his dumb comedy. Being on your period with Tendou Satori means giggles all day long and also just. Pain.
──────〔Miya Atsumu〕──────
this man thinks he’s so smooth and knows everything
he prepares the heating pad and the treats and the food
he does not prepare for the absolute hell it really is
you’re on your knees in front of the toilet
he’s so confused, like doesn’t it just make you moody or whatever?
he carefully kneels next to you and rubs your back and asks if you’re okay
he panics and tries to figure out how to help
if he asks, he probably won’t get much more than 
“i’d like my body to be restructured thanks”
when you’re feeling well enough to get away from the toilet, he’ll treat you so well
will binge random youtube series with you and joke about it
when you’re laughing really hard and it starts hurting, he’ll make sure to not giggle at you (even though he really wants to) and hold you close n make it all ok
You’re groaning into his chest and he’s coddling you, mumbling for you to remember to breathe and that he loves you and that it’ll be over soon and he’ll take you to your favourite restaurant or park or anything you’d like.
As you’re regaining your composure (and will to live), you smile at Atsumu and thank him. He’s stuck between a mix of cockiness (of course, he’s the best boyfriend) and confusion (but isn’t that the minimum he could possibly do? He wants to do everything and a half he can for you, but he’s lost as to what else he can do).
Miya Atsumu tries his best and will comfort you so much. The days after are pure bliss, finally feeling better and up for activities with him. 
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sly-merlin · 4 years
killing me- 9
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : smut, drinking ,mention of weapons
words :: 7k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                    “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​​ @suhweo​​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo​ @leesalts​  @mal-nakamoto23​ @ro2424​
@kafenetwork​​​​ @neowritingsnet​​​​
K.M masterlist
K.M 8  next
note:: unedited! i’m a bit busy so i’ll try to edit it before sleep!
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“bake up.”
Yuta groaned at the foreign force shaking him repeatedly. He moved, crashing his face further into the sheets, swatting the alien hands away from himself.
“wake up you horse!” this time yuta heard the gurgling voice a bit more clearly. Someone was trying to disturb his sleep. Staying on his stomach and titling his half body to face the uninvited guest, he made out a face that matched johnnys. His face fell flat on the mattress again until he realised what or whom he has seen! He jolted upright, squatting, to face johnny.
“what are you doing here.” He mumbled with eyes still closed, stretching his arms on the sheets.
“it’s 1p.m!why you still sleeping dude?” johnny’s exasperated voice sounded too loud to yuta’s morning self. Or afternoon!
“It’s m-” a long yawn stretched his mouth into an oval shape, that he didn’t mind covering “its my house. I’ll do whatever I want but what are you even doing here?” he completed quietly.
“why are you still sleeping. You weren’t even drunk. Get up and tell me where is y/n!”
“so you are not here for me!” yuta pouted at johnny before throwing himself on the bed again, covering himself with sheets.
“what the fuck yuta! You are not a baby and tell me where is she? Did you even drive her back?” johnny asked sternly, removing his layer of protection.
“the only thing I can assure is that I wanna sleep more. And about your big fat crush! She certainly came back with me but she was crying so I won’t be surprised if she left already.” As soon as yuta’s almost inaudible words reached johnny’s ears, he jogged outside the room, checking the lock of your room. He sighed in relief at the secured lock. You didn’t leave and he was glad.
Johnny noticed your movements when you signed those papers. He was cursing at himself for not interfering but not like it’d have made any difference! The best he could do was to make sure you were fine at the end. Regardless of the fact that your phone was switched off, he was trying it continuously since yesterday night. Countless phone calls and messages but all were futile. His anger on taeyong was just fuelling by your ignorance.
Annoyingly, he fisted his hair before going for yuta’s room again.
“is she in university right now?” he asked yuta, who was looking like a dead body with an open mouth.
“bloody hell nakamoto! Wake up!” he shouted at him, this time the sheets were tossed on the floor.
“johnny babes, just track her. Don’t shout at me. I didn’t do anything this time.”
“you seriously ate your ethics yuta. I’m not needed there so I’m staying until she’s back.” Johnny declared, making his way outside on the couches.
“not needed my ass john suh. Ate my ethics! Says the one who’s seducing his own sister-in-law.” He only muttered before drifting back into paradise.
johnny just sat there in front of the t.v, mindlessly waiting for you, unknown guilt corroding his mind and heart.
Doyeon and mingi’s whispering felt like a hammer to your head. The incessant pounding was the result of some expensive alcohol and the stupid tears. If exams were not approaching in two weeks, you’d have stayed longer to sulk but their future was as important as yours and only one more week was left so you just sucked it up. Now you were eating the lunch brought by mingi while testing them for exam.
“civil laws suck.” Mingi exclaimed, hitting doyeon on the arm.
“no! your brain sucks.” Doyeon reiterated, poking his head with her pencil.
“wtf doyie! My brain is totally packed up to the brim. if you love it so much, then tell me the answer of question 6!” a smug smile made its way to mingi’s lips.
“what’s wrong with no.6 mingi?” you questioned, perplexed as there was no difficulty in the paper yet he was still looking here and there.
“umm. Non bis in idem! It’s not given anywhere. Right?” he hesitantly asked for he knew he was wrong, somewhere.
“what was the paper you wrote last time?” you tried not to unleash your anger on them, so you kept your voice as low as possible.
“double jeopardy!”
“what the heck mingi! Didn’t you mention the legal maxim of dj?”
“maybe not!”
“what kind of law student forgets about legal maxims duffus! Non bis in idem means double jeopardy.” You reprimanded him tiredly, not in the mood to put up much fight with him.
“sorry” he said, head hung low.
“don’t be mingi. I won’t gain anything from this. you need to study for yourself. now complete this before I give you a subjective test. Double prep is always good. Hurry up!”
A collective musical groan leaves them both, as they tend to their paper again, you drowning yourself in your own books.
Johnny and yuta were engrossed in a football match when you entered the hallway. Upon noticing you, johnny sighed in disbelief, before making his way to you.
“why is your phone switched off?” he fumed at you, hands on his waist as you poured water for yourself.
“It wasn’t charged so I left it here.” he knew he wasn’t doing his utmost in containing his irritation and your casual tone just took him off guard.
“you jus- you should have charged it dammit. I was fucking worried that something happened to you and what kind of girl travels without a phone these days!” his hand ruined his already messy hair as he ranted, the reason of which was beyond your understanding.
“it’s not that big of an issue besides I’m not clearly out of reach right!” you scoffed at him, pointing to your arm where the bracelet was hidden, under the sleeves. You didn’t mean to sound rude at his concern but his position was no better .You had every right to be querulous!
“i-you don’t understand. i just wanted a reply from you. it’s the least I deserve! Or don’t i?” his voice went down as his face lost the previous stern expression.
“I saw my phone only this morning and I was getting late so didn’t bother!” you shrugged your shoulders at him, making your way for the room.
“where are you going?” his voice rose a bit as he held onto your arm.
“in my room!” you replied, matter of factly.
“yeah! I thought you were going to greet your dear husband!” he joked, tilting his head towards the couches where yuta sat previously but he was not there anymore.
“I don’t wanna talk johnny!” you said curtly, jerking your hand away. But he was quicker as he pulled you into him, backing you into a counter.
“just leav-
“no tell me what’s the matter with you. what have I even done?” his voice was barely above a whisper, meant only to be heard by you. the rise and fall in his speech was already shaking your resolution.
“nothing! just turned a normal student into a deadly underground member. But it’s nothing big so yeah!” you replied, mock evident in your words. As you tried to leave again, his hands caught your waist as he picked you up, stationing you on the counter. He secured you against his body, restricting your movements. His hard orbs found yours as he hands tightened around your waist, making you gulp in the process. You stared back with same intensity, as if reading his next step. He lowered his front, demanding eyes never leaving yours,
“this is the first and last time I’ll be explaining myself. I don’t know a shit about why he did that. But those papers won’t be used against you. I won’t let that happen. Ever. I promise that with my life. Just have some faith in me” He whispered. Besides it being the precise validation you sought, suspicion couldn’t be helped!
“and why would you do that. Do you also have some hidden agen-
his lips felt soft as they collided with yours with urgent need to shut you up. You froze, so did he. The only movement in your control was of your hands that were tightly gripped to the counter. The silence in the air being tense, his lips stayed still and contrary to yours, his eyes were completely shut. Johnny’s light breaths fanned your upper lip as his chest heaved up and down. Neither of you made any effort to further it nor any to pull apart. Few more seconds passed and he finally detached himself, the bodies still connected. Your lashes fluttered as he palmed your left cheek, speaking in a low husky whisper.
“I promise. Just believe me and when I say taeyong won’t hurt you, I mean it. With all my heart. Can you trust me on this please?”
He was insisting yet pleading and you merely nodded, lowering your head. His delicate fingers brushed the line formed between your brows, smiling softly.
“you have nothing to worry about. with unparalleled record that we have! You ain’t getting rid of me anytime soon. Yeah?”
His breathy laugh tingled your insides and something like awe transformed his face as he felt the warmness of your cheeks under his hand.
“by any chance, are you flustered?” your face went blank at his shameless comment when he was the very reason for your current state.
“n-no!” you pushed him hard while standing straight. He staggered a bit, giggling uncontrollably at you.
“lying suits you y/n. just like your soulmate jaehyun.” You scrunched your nose at the mention.
“don’t talk about him! He’s so annoying, i’m gonna hang him upside down someday o-or turn him into a stew!”
“and feed him to yuta!” he completed. You gawked at him for a moment before joining him in his laughing session.
“there is food?” yuta entered the kitchen, dimming the commotion.
“not for you!” you snarked.
“we have food y/n?” it was johnny this time. you had almost forgot about the sandwiches that were now probably rotting in your bag. As realisation dawned, you hurriedly retrieved your bag from counter, opening the plastics from the sandwiches with a last hope to save them.
“do you know that you don’t have to be ramsey to stuff cucumber and tomatoes in a bread?” johnny shifted, taking the packages to heat them up.
“I was out of bread. So I just took the easy route.”
“lame excuse! Work better!”
“not everyone got time john!”
You strolled for your room, passing yuta in the way, totally missing the frown and cute smile on yuta and johnny respectively. Though yuta’s internals were screaming at him to open his shitty mouth, his main focus was on his empty stomach that was growling like never before.
“pass me one john!” he whisper yelled to johnny, purposely stretching the last word to satisfy himself.
“no! it’s her lunch or snack or whatever it is.” He warned, hiding the oven with his front.
“oh so you have turned a part time servant for her!” he spewed, crossing his arms against his chest.
“no dude. She’s actual-
he was about to tell yuta but he halted his train of words for he was not in the place to tell any of your secrets to anyone , especially yuta.
“she’s what? Your girlfriend?”
“I swear I’m gonna fry you someday!”
“whatever. Now give me a sandwich before she comes out. Hurry up!” yuta looked over johnny’s shoulders to count the stacked portion in the device.
“one, two-
“three. They are just three yuta! Fuck off.” Johnny knew throwing abuses wouldn’t work but hitting him with his shoulder wasn’t either! He glanced at yuta and he seriously looked miserable. Hungry miserable!
“come on-
“are you done john?” your voice echoed from the hall as you approached wearing your famous tank top and cotton shorts. Yuta cursed under his breath, opening the fridge to get himself something.
“here” johnny handed you the plate. He hit yuta’s arm to grab his attention who was practically trying to sit in the fridge.
“renjun and jaemin are cooking their special ramyeon. We’ll eat there, come on!”
“huh!” he excitedly passed johnny to pick his things up.
With yuta out of sight, his focus shifted again on you. “don’t you get sick after eating takeouts?”
“yup I do! My gut is not the healthiest one in the world. But I’ve fewer options and I do check their health certificates so no need to worry.” Your humorous reply didn’t get more than a shit face from him. He leaned again causing you to take a step backwards.
“your hair!” He pointed and you rolled your eyes like you’d see what was happening up there.
“what my hair?”
“umm. Nothing kiddo!” he said before ruffling your hair.
“aah. I’m not a kid johnny!” you shouted at him though he was just standing by your shoulder.
“oh yes you are!” he pouted dramatically and ran but not forgetting to throw a flying kiss your way. “charge your phone, I’ll call again.”
“eww!” you snapped your head to catch yuta standing behind, making faces at johnny who was standing at the front of hallway.
“oh come on you shit.”
At johnny’s comment , yuta just followed and you totally missed the way he scoffed at both of you.
You were truly jumbled by johnny’s actions, innocent yet calculated. You had maintained your calm but he was aware that you were not blind towards his growing attraction. why didn’t you push him away! What was he aiming at? Questions, questions! From the very first day, all you have are questions with no concrete answers.
But Johnny was not the sole occupier of your worries, taeyong held a significant part of it. If what johnny said was true, if his intentions were not so malafide then he’d easily have skipped it. Despite johnny’s assurance, you couldn’t afford trusting him anymore. Not like you could protect yourself from losing anything but your walls would always be enclosed for him.
Your wandering mind was pulled back into reality by a message from your classmate. The date of thesis topic submission was moved to an earlier one, a week earlier to be specific. In reality, you were all starting it a few months earlier just so the pressure could be minimised but it instead felt like a strategy for your doom. You all were supposed to submit the topic and a little introduction even before the qualification exam! And obviously you were behind the so called ahead-of-time schedule. You could have wrote a ph.d worthy book on mafia and their ploys but sadly criminal law was not the option available for it. So that’s how you ended up in the small balcony, sitting on the cold floor, enjoying the evening cool breeze. Search results on both naver and google had varied from “50 best topics of dissertation in international law” to “how to know what is my area of interest?” but every try had gone to a blank page.
By late evening, you got bored of sitting in the balcony and room, so you decided to study with a change of setting and the only place available apart from your room was the hall. After computing various possibilities, you dragged the single seater towards the hall windows and angling the book on the window still, a much comfy makeshift study space was ready. With the newfound determination to complete the task at hand, your eyes browsed every means of information to stumble upon anything you missed earlier, ignoring the blue skies switching to the darker ones.
Yuta noticed the way he was experiencing more fatigue as the days passed by. He never trained this much until he was suspended. He looked forward for it to end so he could feel the same thrill again but two weeks wouldn’t just pass in a blink! He claimed the basement as his new home trying to ignore the activities transpiring upstairs. The desire to stay with his dear roommate jungwoo was irrepressible but his ego didn’t allow him to give in so easily. He wanted to show his anger to taeyong and that was the only reason he found himself coming back to the new home more often.
He languidly passed the kitchen to use the washroom. Only when he was about to enter his room, he noticed the lightening in the kitchen and living room. He groaned at the thought of your imprudent habit of multiplying the electricity bill which eventually he had to pay! Or maybe you were just trying to instigate him! When he was about to put out the lights, he spotted the sofa and a pair of legs perched on the widow still. He took light steps to reach your sleeping figure and suddenly he felt his annoyance melting into astonishment. Your face was covered with the open, visibly heavy hardcover book whilst your half body was on the seat and half in the air with feet placed on the window still for balance that was clearly very very comfortable place for napping at midnight. unconsciously, his hand extended for the book and as he picked it up, you stirred. Panic took over him as he lost the hold leading the book to fell on your face instead. He ducked, cupping his mouth with both hands to stifle the laugh that was about to escape. Luckily you were dead to the world. Hearing no movement, he crawled for the room , getting up only when he was at a safe distance. Without wasting another moment, he did what he was there for in the first place and went to sleep, with a thumping heart that was probably due to the initial dread he felt or that’s what he thought!
The bus stop being far away, you began the long trudge for neos’ house. Taeil had requested your presence two days ago , but being too busy with studying on the first few days of the week ,it was delayed. You’d have never accepted the offer if it was taeyong but taeil suggested you to take your time even though what he wanted to ask or said was important. His readiness to prioritise your convenience warmed you and it were the emotions of the moment that you agreed to him. And now the heat was burning your exposed legs and you were cursing his sweet tongue.
You knocked on the opened door to announce your arrival despite the fact that the main door had automatically detected you to lead you in. you stood there like a statue, moving your neck like an owl, waiting for an invitation but nothing. you banged it again only to hear someone’s cursing from inside.
“who the fuck knocks when it’s op-
A screeched scream met your ears as a man came into your sight. He abruptly started bowing, apologising profusely.
“I’m so sorry noona. I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry. This won’t happen again. I-
“hey, it’s totally fine. I didn’t even hear you in the first place.” You lied, saving him the mortification.
“can I come in?”
“this is your own place. You don’t need to ask or knock noona!” you entered as he gestured you to sit.
“can you call tae-
But before you could say it, he ran inside. You didn’t know or remembered his name but his face looked familiar. Maybe he was sicheng or hyuck or someone else cause you were sure you had met hyuck before!
“I was making coffee for taeil hyung. But he’s late so it’s yours now!” he exclaimed with his eye smile. it was cute and friendly.
“what was your name again?” you asked smiling back at him, noticing the little red on his neck.
“jeno.” He immediately settled on a seat, his focus fixed on you. “I’m making snacks. Do you wanna join?”
You chuckled at his innocent suggestion, “If you meant joining for eating, then I’m all in but if you want my help in actual process, then you’d die hungry today!”
“I’m aware of that but you are never late to learn anything right!”
“wow. Your enthusiasm is admirable but I don’t wanna burn your kitchen.” Your eyes were blessed with another series of his eye smile. it was contagious.
“you are here!” you saw taeil sprinting towards you.
“I’m sorry. I got caught up in the office.” His words came out breathy as he was still panting from the jog.
“no worries but I don’t have much time. I have to study for exams.”
“yes, studying is important.” He nodded before requesting jeno to get him the coffee and water, to which the boy grumpily complied.
“why the fuck is air con off! I’m gonna roast!” He whined and got up again to close the front door.
“now. I’ve two things to tell you or rather order you. you wanna eat first orr-
“no I’m fine really. Just tell me what taeyong ordered this time!” you had no doubt that it was taeyong’s doing.
“forget about that shit. Here, veto power is mine. JENO, STOP MELTING THE ICE AND GIVE ME SOME WATER!” he screamed at jeno who came out hurriedly with both water and coffee.
Jeno took a seat beside taeil but his one glare made him go back. Sighing in relief after quenching his thirst, he continued in a polite voice. “yuta told me about the card. Why didn’t you take it?”
“because I don’t want his money. I’m good with what I have. Besides every transaction related to him would lead me in trouble so why take the risk!” you sounded harsher than you intended but it wasn’t in your control anymore. Mention yuta and you’ll obviously bite!
“the account is already open. Yuta’s gonna transfer same amount of money every month so why don’t spend his money or better, give him a heart attack by paying everything with the card. He’s gonna pay and I promise, he has no say in this so he won’t even scold you!” he sounded quite cheerful which clearly indicated that none of them understood your language.
“no thanks taeil. staying away from his shadow is much safer.”
“shadow runs with the man y/n.”
“the man himself avoids me like a plague so it’s a win win here.”
“what you see is present. Nobody can ever escape a tomorrow! You are evading it today, but one day you’ll eventually face it.”
“I don’t speak quotes!”
“simple! You both collide only to cause harm to each other. For how long do you think this can work. You’ll get tired and I suppose he’d too. when you’ll stop to rest, you’d find him there but at that time you won’t have enough energy to fight off anymore. Placebo is deadly y/n!”
You absorbed his vague statement full of philosophy but your mind couldn’t harmonise with what he meant!
“honestly, I stopped hearing the moment you mentioned yuta so can we continue!”
“yeah sure. Take the card, keep it for emergencies and I’m not taking no anymore. You aren’t hearing me so I’m doing the same. and secondly, can you defend yourself?”
“defend from who exactly?”
“drunken bastards, thieves, goons or whoever comes at you with a knife!” you were puzzled at the sudden mention.
“my personality repels violence and I’ve two strong best friends.” You declared the obvious. The only drunkards you met were outside the clubs and you never went alone so the thought never crossed your mind.
“first is a lie and second is insignificant here. I need you to learn some basics so you won’t need anyone else or just to hold until help comes.”
“what the! Are you actually recruiting me or something? I don’t wanna be a party in your gang wars.” you announced, now clearly understanding what he meant in the first place.
“I’m not telling you to fight with us. You don’t have an ounce of brain do you? it’s for your own safety.”
“safety from what? I live in a rich and peaceful neighbourhood, my dear husband is a corporate of first class, I myself never even go for a simple stroll in a park then who would I even fight?”
“here ,we all are used to the danger that we face everyday. Each and every man you see here is able to dodge anything that comes their way but you.are.not. Just because they are acting like school kids with no care in life doesn’t mean they are any safer. Jeno was making coffee a few minutes ago but after dinner, he’d be going for protection fee collection with others. If shit goes down, you might not even see him again but we won’t let that happen in the first place. It’s not same with you though. god forbid if you attract the attention of wrong people for all the reasons you stated, then how are we going to help you. even if you press the bracelet , it’d take us some time to get there. till then what would you do? You can’t even probably run for more than a mile! can you?”
You just shook your head at him, too baffled to form any words.
“do you devote any time to exercise?”
“I walk enough I guess and some planks when my stomach is out too much.”
“you are no better than these boys seriously.” She rolled his eyes at your statement.
“but despite the exercise or whatever, my strength is nothing against jeno or johhny. I’ll never b-
“if you fail in strength , atleast you can be swift. Or better you can learn to handle a gun or a knife. When do you get free?”
So, that’s why he called you!
“I don’t have a minute to spare for the next 15 days. Prep and exams are more important for me.”
“no worries. We can start after that. But don’t remove the bracelet band under any condition. Some rival mafia has hired a contract killer for you. so run fast if you notice someone following you, press it and we’ll be there. till then just hang on.” Nervousness got hold of your senses as you heard his warning.
“you are fucking kidding right! was I being followe-
“yes, I’m kidding.” he chuckled dryly. “You should see your face. If it was outside the parameters of the room, you’d have passed out already. Panic only leads to death and I don’t want you to die. so do it just for my peace of mind.” You released the breath you were holding till now, feeling relaxed again.
You just nodded at his words. He sounded like some motivational speaker luring you into his lifetime guarantee program but you knew he was right somewhere. you couldn’t depend on the boys to save you from creeps for whole life.
he was good at reading minds, you thought but despite that you wanted to pour the coffee on his head for the heart attack he’d gave you a minute ago.
“it’s risk free and beneficial. What you say?”
“ok. but I don’t wanna spar with the 6 feet ones. I’ll rather learn from you.” it was your turn to cackle!
“we’ll see about that.” He rolled his eyes to the back at your obvious attempt of poking fun at his short stature
Meeting with taeil had benefitted you in every way. The most useful presently was the topic of the thesis he randomly suggested you. “ effect and consequences of veto power in relation to international peace and human rights”.  even mr. kwang, your thesis mentor liked it as it was almost near original. Now you were just left with exams that were just a week away. Fortune was playing in your favour as yuta had been missing from past few days that saved you some extra energy and headaches that you got with his repulsive energy towards you. then there was your newfound love for the sofa that you had permanently dragged by the windows. It helped a lot in relaxing and studying and you ended up sleeping on it, nearly getting used to the cramped neck.
Unbeknownst to you, he did come back, daily. But you were just so occupied that you never noticed the slight shuffling in the midnight. it went on for days until you woke up with a blanket covering your bare legs, evidently not yours!
How to start the finals? By getting wasted? No. certainly not. But birthdays are important, sometimes more than those stupid grades!
The venue for yeong’s b’day celebration was a night club, as expected from yugyeom! He need no reason to get drunk and when his s/o was herself cutting the chains, then it’s the finest deal one could get!
Loaded with university students, the party at the first floor was thundering. The hoots and roars of slightly drunk adults became deafening as soon as the cake was consumed.
“why your classmates are so fucking loud” you screamed in yeong’s ear. You both were seated at the corner on leather seats, drinking away the reality.
“with your dolphin voice, you are in no place to judge them bitch!”
“lets blame this on your drunkard mumbo jumbo!” she jumped in joy at your lame attempt, alcohol speaking out for you.
“btw where’s your boyfriend?” she questioned leaning into your ear.
“who?” you wondered who she was referring to.
“wonwoo! Who else dumbo. His whole army was invited by gyeom but I haven’t seen him yet!”
You just shrugged in response, not wanting to face him. The farther, the better. His possessiveness only elevated your fears. Now that you were bound on taeyong’s mercy, wonwoo would be calling for a danger by being with you, especially when you were incapable of returning his love.
But fate had some cruel plans stored for you. when you were ordering another drink, strong hands gripped your waist. Though beyond tipsy, the moment you touched the protective hold, you knew it was wonwoo. It was always him afterall.
“you could burn me while wearing white and I’d say thank you baby” He whispered, nibbling on your ear, shivers running down to your bare thighs at the sudden action. everyone knew how much you loved white and that’s why yeong had designed this short white satin dress which just screamed “you” and barely left anything to the imagination of the viewer. “and nothing turns me on more than your covered arms.” He continued as his fingers slowly traced the collarbones down to the cleavage, your drunken self melting into his chest. His hands worked swiftly and he guided you into a secluded part to drown the excessive noise. Your back hit a wall as his nose brushed against yours, his slender fingers siding your sling bag to hook at your hips. He bent into your lips, love filled kisses slowly smoothening into hungry ones. The taste he left on yours was of the infamous vodka that he sure had consumed in plenty of amount ,leading him to you. the pledge to keep yourself away from him broke down in figures as he rolled his hips into yours, lips syncing with the movements. His grip bruised your body, hunger lowering from lips to the bare neck. Throwing your head back, savouring his touch, you clutched his shoulders for some control. Scheduled moans became more filthy as his one hand gripped your thigh in a try to hike up your dress. He didn’t do much work as it was already climbing up your hips. A Single move and his fingers graced against your core, tingling sensation burning your whole body. The open mouthed kisses left marks on your cleavage and neck as he fingers fucked you mercilessly.
“I missed you so much baby.”  His wavering yet soft tone met your ears but everything seemed hazy as he drove in and out of you. you felt euphoria in your stomach hitting you once again as he rambled on. “ don’t ever leave me again. you are my only lu-luxury. Don’t you ever dare snatch away the only hope I have! I love you. i fucking love you!” his sped up his actions under the dress but before he could provide you the final pleasure, you came back to the reality he  had divorced you from. you didn’t love him and never would. To his disbelief, you separated yourself from his body, him staggering back with the push.
“I don’t love you woo. This-
Your hands filled the space between you two.
“this was never about love. We need to stop. I don’t love you woo. And don’t expect anything better from me. We are over. This is over.”
Your drunken slurs made evident that though you were loaded, the senses were still intact somehow.
“no y/n. don’t do this to me. I’ll wait more if you want. A lifetime if you say. But don’t say you are done with us. I’d die without you.” his words rang like a bell as you attempted to corrected the panties and dress, waving slightly.
You jumped away from him as his words got registered in your head. Ignoring him completely, you turned to enter the blast again but his strong hold on your arm stopped you. you squirmed under him, requesting him to let you go but his confession never halted.
“let go of her wonwoo!” you circled to see jungkook standing there , anger clear in his eyes. “I am not gonna repeat.” Jungkook was indeed dangerous when he was boiling.
“why was he enough and NOT ME!” you shuddered at the raise in his voice as he jerked you away. Timely, jungkook caught you and instructed you to go inside to wait for him. And you complied but not completely.
you were hot, bothered, angry and helpless at the same time so you did what you felt like. It felt like eternity when jungkook found you gulping some shorts in the bar. His brain went haywire for he realised you would’ve reached your peak by now. He cautiously approached you, checking the level of warmness on your cheeks. You were gone and so was he.
“what did you do with woo?” you asked him in the delightfully lovable voice that he found nothing but scary. You acting cute meant it was end of the life for anyone who would witness it. He had tried to record you a few times before in the said condition but it never ended up well with the screen of his phone meeting your wrath everytime. He helplessly dragged you from the bar towards the parking area, ignoring your initial question and the urge to scold you for the whole ruckus with wonwoo.
“I’ll drop you home cutie” he exclaimed, checking the level.
“I’m no cutie! And what about minjunie. And I don’t wanna go with you. I wanna be alone.” He giggled as you pouted at him, a rare sight to behold.
“yeah yeah I know you wanna be alone and blah blah but its past 11 already -
“soooooo. The protocol shall be followed despite the severi-
“shut up! You are not in a class dude. N hurry up, I’ve to pick minjun’s drunk ass as well!”
The discontent in his tone was apparent while he showed you the way forward. continuously wrestling against his strong hands, he finally gave up when you almost tripped over nothing.  
“stop annoying me y/n!”
“am i?” you pouted at him. “I don’t wanna go with you. don’t you understand!” he rubbed his temples in desperation.
“fine I’ll call someone else. But you can’t go alone.” But as he was fishing out his phone, you were gone.
After five minutes he spotted you outside, waving for a taxi.
“why are you so difficult?” his words fell to deaf ears. Watching you continue your frolics, he thought about giving up as a scheme formed in his head. Stopping a taxi , he ushered you in the back seat, moving to talk to the driver instead.
“no you aren’t coming!” you cried, showing your head out of the window. He grabbed his hair in annoyance, narrowing his eyes at you, “I’m not coming with you my mother! Let me give the address to the driver or else you’ll end up nowhere.” He pleaded, clasping his hands, bowing at you.
You giggled pleasantly at his gesture, hands flailing at him. “I don’t live in campus. I’ll give you the address. Wait!” after searching for your phone, you showed him the address saved in the notes app. That indeed surprised him for he wasn’t aware that you changed but decided against asking you. if it was not your new address, it could be trusted enough to be safer as it was saved under “my home”. Commanding the driver with an extreme firmness, he went away. Even in the drunk state, you were sure to some extent that maybe car was not moving.
“let’s go uncle!”
“your friend told me to wait.” you threw your head back realising that kook was upto something. A loud horn heightened your senses as the car moved.
Asshole, you muttered, grasping that he was clearly following you.
“bop bop!” an eternity has passed for you in a futile try of remembering the password. The digits were changing their positions, as you regarded them.
“bop bop!” you tried again, mumbling to yourself, not knowing that you were not even banging the door in the first place. Standing still in your intoxicated state, arms crossed, the daggers you were throwing at the door would give any passer by a food to laugh but unluckily, there was noone there.
Bobbing your head from side to side, you started walking down the corridor, coming back at the your own door every few minutes. Curiously you pressed random button near the keypad. It was a bell, that you didn’t noticed earlier.
“wh- noona! You are here!” it was jaemin. He hugged you tightly before letting you in.
“duh! I’m waiting from last ten years but you won’t open.” Another giggle let jaemin known that you were in inebriated state.
“you are drunk.” He whispered.
“shhhh” you said , throwing your heels.
With jelly legs, you wobbled to the kitchen, catching attention of each and every presence in the living room and there were many of them.
“oh hiya! Home tweet home.” You chanted, hands waving like the wipers of a car. Hyuck and mark greeted you while jaehyun just sat down again, shaking his head in disbelief. However yuta was stunned and hooked to his place. He saw you navigating to the fridge, dropping the bottle, picking it up again, gulping it down, jaemin snatching it from you, apparently for you own benefit.
Jaemin guided you for your room before you got distracted by yuta’s figure staring you down.
“moshi moshi. Don’t you have any Japanese to throw at me today.” Yuta heard jaemin and others snickering as you slurred, walking unsteadily to him. He simply rolled his eyes, waiting for you to complete your attack.
“oh hi hyuck. I heard you don’t change your underwear for years. Go and take a bath right now. Asap” the liquid jaehyun was drinking, came out as a spray from his nose at the insult. Everyone was laughing at your antics except yuta. He scanned you up and down, eyes fixating on the fresh hickies on your visible neck.
“and you moshi moshi. You a-act like an angry young man all the damn ti-time,” hiccups started in between, “ but answer me with your half braincell- what kind of criminal you are! Atleast hid your face while shooting people dude.”
Yuta’s jaw cletched at your use of words, tension rising in the room. His neutral face changed into an angry one as you went on and on, all while poking his chest with your forefinger. “and that knife of yours! What are you? a street goon who hires little kids to scan cctvs for the-
And your body lunged forward, head resting where your finger was, passed out. Yuta’s red eyes didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. Anger radiated his body as he removed hands from his pockets to push you off but mark scooped your sleeping figure in his arms, signalling jaemin to open the door. After finding the key in your purse, mark laid you on the bed, rolling you to the side as jaemin placed a pillow behind to save you from falling.
They arrived in the hall only to find yuta already waiting for them.
“what was the need to baby her? She’s an adult and got drunk at her own expense. Didn’-
“so what hyung? Why are you making it a big deal!” mark replied.
“she is the one who makes everything a big deal. Didn’t you just hear how she was just trash talking about you all! She never fucking leaves a chance to spit at my face that I am a criminal –
“that’s what we are! We are damn criminals and she doesn’t know anything about us”
“but she says it like we are not even humans-
“I don’t understand why are you always throwing her under the bus hyung! Drunk people speak shit and she was totally hammered. Just let it go! Your punishment is over after two days, don’t spoil your mood over something so silly.”
“you can’t ord-
“yes I can and will order you because I agree with her. You do own just a half braincell that is not letting you think properly. Now don’t you dare mention all this to her in the morning.” Several pairs of eyes wandered between yuta and mark as the air became more pressured.
“so you do admit she is in wrong here hmm”
“she was just acting with her pure conscious. She saw a man dying and went to police. Tae hyung just made sure that she isn’t leaving anytime soon. She is trapped with criminals. What else do you expect from her? I know exactly what you want.” Suddenly mark’s eyes softened as he went on.  “You are craving empathy hyung. This is what I have seen in your eyes from the first day. You want everyone to realise that you are also wounded. You don’t despise her in actual but just the sympathy that wasn’t given to you in the first place. Stop acting like a stone. While blaming her you shouldn’t be forgetting that it was supposed to be me. You filled my spot as the killer. It started with me-
“no ma-
“it all started coz I was dammit feeling too sleepy to finish that contract killer. It was supposed to be a sniper attack but you had to go instead-
“I forgot my cover mark. How are you the cause when the problem was my own stupidity in the first place!” yuta shouted, tense silence following. Mark smiled a bit at him before continuing.
“then why do you hate her so much. shouldn’t you be hating me for sending you there or yourself for being careless. We should be compromising, not her. Just stop fighting with running water.”
He quietly said before picking up his jacket, going out. Everyone took that as a cue for leaving as well. Nobody uttered anything. The house was empty but mark’s words echoed in the space for entirety of the night, squeezing yuta into the reality he wasn’t ready to face.
Your head felt like it was carrying all the weight of the world. Light harmed your vision, footsteps made you dizzy as you treaded for the door. Kitchen was suddenly too far away, everything looking too large for the squinted eyes. Water and sugar! two things circled in your head like a mantra, only until you felt a sharp pain in your waist. You slightly cursed the counter for bumping into you and stepped further to get water. the water soothed only your throat, stomach still craved sugar so you placed the large bottle on the counter, returning to open the fridge.
Some shuffling around the corner woke up yuta, who was resting on the couch. It hasn’t been more than few hours that he finally let himself immersed into the dreamland. His night and half of the day was spent in unearthing the deep hole that mark had thrown him into. He got annoyed at himself for failing in reaching a conclusion that would led to mark being wrong and it was the result of this constant thought provoking activity that he was having a persistent headache. He grumbled at the stiff neck as he got up. 13:03. Another sound came from somewhere, stimulating his body to check. With droopy eyes, he noticed you. actually half of you as the other half was searching for gold in the fridge. The hiked up dress was enough to give a free show of your bare legs without any strain. The thought of you eating his food wiped up all the drowsiness, making him go to kitchen.
“its not your bedroom. Close it.” He criticised, yawns escaping simultaneously. You didn’t move for his voice didn’t reach you in the first place. He tsked at your lack of senses as he neared you. but as soon as your figure got larger, his body met the floor brutally, several groans of pain leaving him. You turned around at the noise to see yuta struggling as his knee hit the polished hardwood. His other hand went to the counter for some support but it slipped causing his elbow to hit the cabinet handle more violently. His shout of anguish striked through your sensitive ears, making you swear in irritation.
Your eyes slowly traced the liquid under his body to the top of the counter. the water bottle. It was tilted and empty by the time you noticed and the water was what made yuta slipped in first place.
“fuck it!” he growled, discomfort contorting his features.
Slowly he moved himself to the other side, bruised elbow secured in his hand, grunts exiting him. You knew you were fucked up as soon as his cold eyes fell upon you.
“I guess it’s my time to call taeyong.”
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hi friend, I hope you’re okay now and feeling better! Din blurb? Din blurb. Enjoy! Thank you @rosetophighlander for providing some much needed inspo!
Mandalorian Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
When it came to your least favorite time of the month, you were normally able to handle it...for the most part. It’d been a routine that you’d been going through for what seemed like eons, but some months were worse than others. This was one of those times; not just one of those times, but also the first time you’d had this much pain around your Mandalorian companion.
The morning had gone fairly well, you’d made sure to stay hydrated and eaten a decent breakfast, along with your small green friend, but why the time the afternoon started, your insides were in utter turmoil. You thought you were doing a fairly good job of keeping a neutral face and hiding it. Until...
“What’s wrong?” Din’s gaze was trained on as you sat in the co-pilot’s seat, hand on your stomach and a contorted look on your face. So much for handling it well...but it was hard when it felt like your innards were being eaten.
“N-nothing,” you lied, biting the inside of your cheek as another wave of cramps rolled over you. You should have known better than to lie to him. He was a trained bounty hunter, years of practice had made it easy for him to read just about anyone.
“Why are you lying?” he asked and you just sigh and let your head flop to the side, letting out an exasperation groan.
“Period,” you finally said through gritted teeth as you pointedly avoided looking at him, “I’m on my period.”
“Oh,” he sounded almost nervous but just awkwardly cleared his throat. He wasn’t inept when it came to a woman’s body, but it had been some time since he’d experienced being with a woman during her time of the month. You just nodded and a waved a hand in his general direction, “is there...”
“No,” you said quietly, hoping that if you remained seated and still that the pain would dull and pass quickly. Din stood up after a few more moments of watching you silently struggled with the waves of pain, disappearing without a word. Maybe you’d scared him off?
But no - he was back within a few minutes, handing you a big glass of water, followed by a few pills that you didn’t recognize. You didn’t even bother to ask what they were, or what their origins were, but you quickly swallowed them and down the glass of water.
“That should help,” he said softly and you nodded, giving him a thankful smile, “maybe you should...take a nap.”
“I’m not tired though,” you insisted, knowing the tiredness that always accompanied this time of month could come later in the afternoon. It always did, like clockwork.
“You’ll...just trust me,” he insisted, nudging his head in the direction of the your shared sleeping space, “you’ll want to sleep. It might be...just take a nap.”
“Oh...kay,” you shrugged and decided to oblige him, slowly clambering out of spot and heading for your cot. You might have been going crazy...but did you already feel better? Din wasn’t normally so cryptic or weird, but you weren’t to question him. Besides, maybe a nap would be nice...
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Once you’d slipped into your cot, it took only a few minutes until you gave into the soft pull of sleep. If you’d been awake, it would have surprised you, but instead you were quickly snoring...and loudly.
But then...almost as quickly as you feel asleep, you were wide awake again. Your eyes snapped open as you felt a rush of energy running through your veins...you felt more awake than you possibly ever had. But your pain was gone, instead you felt nothing but pure adrenaline pumping through your body.
“Din,” you almost shouted, as you jumped up and ran to find him. When you didn’t spot him anywhere on your floor, you climbed up the cockpit and found him there, playing with the Child, “Din!”
A small, quiet oh no spilled from his lips as you almost barreled him over in your attempt to sit down in your normal spot. He had hoped this wouldn’t happen, it was a risk he was taking...but alas. Your eyes were wide as you sat down and stared at him, speaking so fast that he wasn’t able to catch more than a word here and there. Part of him wondered if you were even speaking Basic anymore.
“andidon’tevenknowwhatyougavemebutifeelsoalive,” you jumped up again, peeking outside, studying the dying light of day. Maybe you could go out and explore for a awhile. Just as you started walking off again, Din grabbed your arm and keep you from walking away, “what?”
“I think you need to stay inside and sit with me,” he felt bad that you’d had such a reaction to the pills he gave you, but couldn’t deny that he was little amuse, “it’ll pass soon, but I need to keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted, bouncing on your heels as he kept you restrained, “I just want to go and explore!”
“Cyare...no, just say with me please,” he insisted softly, “but are you...feeling better?”
“There’s no pain,” you promised, “I just feel so...alive! Have you ever heard colors before? I’m pretty sure I’m can hear them!”
“Kriff,” he sighed lightly to himself.
“What even was that stuff?!” you asked as you pulled free from his hold on you and started to dance around the open space, “I love it! I feel so alive!”
“Painkillers,” he admitted honestly, letting the Child down to try and get you in his arms again so you wouldn’t hurt anyone...namely yourself, “apparently much more potent for someone of your size.”
“We should get more of that stuff! We should go to the market and buy some,” you grabbed his hand and started to dance with him, finding it hard to get the large man to move along with you, “you should take some too! Maker, can you imagine how much we could if we don’t have to sleep and we just play?!”
“You can’t buy this stuff at the market,” in order to give you some reprieve, he gave in and danced with you, letting you guide him around the open space.
“Where then!? We have to go!”
“It’s not exactly...legal,” he confessed the last part quietly, but you were so hyper-aware of everything that you picked up on it. You shrugged it off regardless, “I probably shouldn’t have given it you. I should have known better...”
“No, this is great,” you insisted, stopping and put your hands on his shoulders, “I’ve never felt so...amazing! I feel like I can do anything!”
“Yeah...that’s one of the effects,” he cursed himself silently. He’d just wanted help you and alleviate your pain, instead he’d created a whole different type of problem, “cyare, why don’t you come with me and we can go lie down.”
“But I don’t wanna,” you pouted at him, but he just hung his head, “I just wanna go outside and be with you!”
The last part tugged on his heartstrings a little bit, and while he was glad you weren’t in pain, he didn’t mean to induce all of this either. At least this way you were enjoying yourself; the grin on your face hadn’t faltered once. He weighed his options for a moment before nodding lightly, “alright. We’ll go outside and explore for a little bit, but if and when you start to feel sleepy or anything else, you let me know, yes?”
“Duh,” you promised him, your eyes glowing with excitement as you leaned up and pressed a kiss to his helmet, where his cheek would be, “we’re gonna have so much fun!”
You leaned down and picked up the Child, carefully as you could in your current state, and Din stopped breathing for a moment. He knew you’d never do anything to hurt him, but in your haze, he was mildly concerned. But you were still so gentle with him, making sure he held tightly against your chest before descending the latter to go downstairs.
“Come on, slow poke!” you called to him as he listened to your footsteps running out of the ship. He sighed lightly, almost in amusement as he quickly followed after you.
He had a feeling you weren’t going to be the only exhausted by the time you were coming down from your high. At least he knew better for next time: half dose...or perhaps something more legal...either way, he vowed to make sure to take care of you.
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snapitseventeen · 4 years
horanghae | ksy | fluff, crack
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anon: ok since u asked for it... kd but a vlive scenario where fans started asking about soonyoung's relationship with u like how you guys started, facts and all that then you'd just get in the shot just to argue your side of the story and all... sorry if it's confusing 👉👈 it's alright if you think it's too much just wanted to see more of your works 💟
ofc baby 😙 and you weren’t confusing at all hehe, i love kwon soonyoung ugh making this made me smile big u-fucking-wus
summary: you see a notification in your phone pop up that your boyfriend was hosting a vlive, of course like the supportive partner you are, you decided to click and watch it.
side note, idols dating is ~normal~ in this oneshot because I said so
genre: fluff, crack
word count: 1.9k _______________________________________________________
Your POV
You yawned, mindlessly paying attention to the cup of coffee that you were currently brewing in the kitchen. A ping from your phone caught your attention, a notification on V-Live that your boyfriend was streaming. Immediately, you clicked on the app, letting the live load and play in the background while you did your morning routine and got ready.
“Hello Carats~”
You smiled as your boyfriend’s glowing face showed up on screen. With the way his hair was hidden by his hat, you could tell that the boys just finished practice for their recent comeback. You were actually on your way to go see him, after you woke up a little bit more of course.
Although you had to admit, it was hard productively getting ready when you kept watching your boyfriend on screen and listen to him chat. Somehow—after 30 minutes—you were in your car and driving to your boyfriend’s company building. __________
“Any funny episodes during filming?” Soonyoung read aloud one of the comments. He hummed, thinking to himself, “Filming Coups hyung’s car scene was really funny for some reason, I don’t know. It’s one of those, you had to have been there moments. His acting was just...wow, you all thought so too, right?”
Soonyoung scrolled through more comments and chattered off, eyes darting to the time and back to the camera every once in a while. He was debating whether he should text you to see if you’ve woken up, you were like a rock when it came to sleep.
How’s y/n, Hoshi oppa?
The boy smiled at the mention of you in one of the comments, “y/n’s doing good, we’re supposed to go on a date later, but I don’t know if they’re awake yet,”
As if a switch went off, the comments went crazy asking about you and about your relationship. Soonyoung beamed, his mouth running like a motor as he chattered about you. “How long have me and y/n been dating? About a year now if I remember correctly-hey of course I know our anniversary, c’mon Carats, what do you take me for?”
Soonyoung whined as an influx of comments started clowning him, “When was our first kiss, hmm what are you guys thinking? It was after our first win for Fear, we invited y/n over for our dinner celebration and I was so hyped up on adrenaline, I just grabbed y/n’s face and kissed em. They had the cutest look of surprise, I’ll never forget it. I’m so manly right?”
“y/n was literally so red, what are you talking about hyung?” Mingyu scoffed from the side, but off camera. He and Wonwoo were on the other side of the room working on lyrics for a new song, when Soonyoung came in and started his live. “You embarrassed the life out of ‘em.”
“That’s why it was unforgettable,” Soonyoung winked waving off to the two rappers who were snickering. “How did you and y/n meet? Ah! I actually met y/n through Seungkwan, it’s a bit crazy—eh not that crazy,”  he laughed, “y/n’s one of Seungkwan’s friends from Jeju and they came to one of our concerts during the Diamond Edge tour. Seungkwan-ie introduced us to y/n afterwards and what can I say? it was love at first sight.”
“Eyy don’t lie,” Wonwoo said. The dancer gave him a slight grimace, “we all know y/n was totally crushing on Jun when we first met-”
“Hey! This is my v-live!” Soonyoung whined as Wonwoo approached his set-up. He put his arm around Soonyoung’s shoulders as he waved to the camera, “We tease Hoshi and y/n about it all the time, Hoshi was so obvious about his interest in y/n though, he somehow convinced ‘em to fall for him”
“What do you mean convinced?” Soonyoung said shocked hitting his friend’s arm, “y/n was totally into me too! They were the first one to confess—stop interrupting my live, go back to writing!”
Wonwoo laughed as he went back to his work, leaving Soonyoung alone in the frame. The boy went back to talking with the fans and answering questions, “How did the members react when we first started dating? The guys were clapping when I told them-”
“It’s because they were literally pining over each other for a year!”
“We were really busy! I didn’t know if I had time to commit to a relationship. But you know, I’m glad I took the risk. And after y/n confessed, I just knew I had to cuff,” He smiled, “and it honestly isn’t that bad, we see each other pretty often, especially during breaks. The hardest part is when we go on tours, I miss y/n basically as soon as we leave and we’re apart for at least months.”
You walked into the room mere moments later, a frown on your face as you approached your boyfriend, “Hey! Stop telling the fans that I confessed to you first, you liar!”
The three boys emerged in laughter at your comment as Soonyoung pulled a chair over and grabbed your hand, motioning for you to take a seat. You pointed a finger to the camera, “Don’t listen to Hoshi, everyone. He’s the one that confessed to me first, he was crying too-”
“I was not crying! I was sweating because of practice,” The boy said defensively as he put his arm around your chair, “Okay fine, I confessed to y/n first. Did I ever tell you what pushed me into confessing?”
You shook your head, turning to face him. He let out a small smile at the memory, “Jihoon-ah Woozi-was the one that sort of made me realize that I should tell you. I was in a bit of a slump at the time, with choreographing and everything. My mind was just a mess and I had a bad day in the recording studio. He literally starting yelling at me and saying, just man up and tell y/n that you like them! He also said a bunch of other stuff but I’m censoring it,” He teased, “We talked about it for two hours.”
“I should thank Jihoon-ie then,” You chuckled squeezing his cheeks together with one of your hands. “You were pretty stressed at that time, Soon.”
“Yeah, but after we got together, all my inspiration came back.” He grinned quickly pecking your cheek. You smiled, your cheeks heating up at his words. 
“Ah you guys are so cute, it’s gross.” Wonwoo called from the side making you both laugh. Soonyoung started reading through the comments again, chatting easily with the fans. “Mm babe, there’s a question for you—what’s it like dating Hoshi oppa?”
You hummed, crossing your arms together as if in deep thought, “Dating Hoshi oppa? It’s never boring, especially with all his members around. Soonyoung’s a great boyfriend, he always knows how to make me smile, even if I’ve had a rough day. He never lets me go to sleep without telling me that he’s thinking of me. Yeah...he’s sweet, I wouldn’t ask for anyone else—even if he’s annoying sometimes.”
The boy scrunched his face at your ending, poking your side in retaliation, making you jolt in surprise. You hit his chest playfully, whining that you were ticklish. Soonyoung grinned, saying a quick apology, before putting his arm around you again. “Alright answer one more question and then we’re going to say goodbye so we can eat some food.”
You nodded, your eyes trained on the flood of comments passing through the screen. “y/n, what’s your favorite thing about Hoshi oppa?”
“Hey, I didn’t see that one-”
“It was there babe, trust me.” He said cheekily as he squeezed your waist. You gave your boyfriend a look of disbelief, but answered regardless, “Hm, there’s a lot, but my favorite thing would have to be his eyes. When you look into Soonyoung’s eyes, you can see everything. His passion, energy, mischief, love, everything. It’s easy to get lost in.”
“It’s that tiger gaze,” He said proudly, making you scoff. “Soon, you ruined the mood!”
“Babe, did I lie?” Soonyoung asked making you roll your eyes. He smiled sweetly pulling you in for a hug, “Say it once y/n, please?”
“No,” you said, immediately knowing what he was asking you to do. He whined, shaking your body childishly, “C’mon, the fans want to hear it, do it for Carats if not for me.”
You grimaced at him, rubbing your temples as you sighed, “horanghae.”
Your boyfriend smiled in victory, cooing his catchphrase before you both said your goodbyes and ended the live. Soonyoung grinned, giving you a proper kiss hello. “I missed you,”
“I missed you too,” You said softly, leaning into his embrace. He hummed, nuzzling his face into your hair, finding comfort in your scent. “You guys saw each other two days ago.”
“Being a bitter single is an ugly color, Wonwoo.” You quipped jokingly as you both stood and approached the two rappers to give them greeting hugs. The four of you exchanged some light conversation before you and Soonyoung bid your goodbyes, “Where do you want to go eat, Soon? Japanese?”
“You know me so well, babe.” He said fondly, kissing the back of your hand. “Let me take a shower first? I’m still gross from practice.”
You nodded as you started your car, already driving in the direction of your apartment. The ride back was content, both of you loudly singing along to whatever was playing on the radio. You complained at Soonyoung every now and then, his hand that was on your thigh moving too much that you were afraid he would accidentally hit the wheel and cause your car to swerve. He only smiled, daringly leaning over to press a kiss on your cheek whenever you scolded him. “Hm, you’re in a good mood baby, practice went well?”
He nodded excitedly, “Our last run throughs went perfectly, I can’t wait for you and the fans to see it on stage, well...on the television.”
You chuckled and brought his hand up to your lips, smooching the back of it cutely, “I’m sure it’s going to be great as always, you work so hard all the time Soon-ie, I’m proud of you.”
Your boyfriend smiled squeezing your hand, the rest of the ride to your apartment in good spirits. You waited patiently as Soonyoung went to take a shower, scrolling through your social media feed as you sat comfortably on your couch. Too caught up in watching a funny tik tok, you barely registered Soonyoung taking a seat next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he buried his face in your neck.
Now refreshed, he smelled of citrus and flowers, the scent pleasantly filling your nose. You grinned and cuddled into him, sharing the view of your phone so that you two watched the tik toks together. “Are you hungry Soon-ie? We can still make it to the Japanese place for the lunch special.”
He nodded, kissing the side of your neck, “In a minute, let me hold you for a little longer.”
“Hey,” You said after a beat of silence. You poked his side, laughing as he jolted up in surprise, “don’t you lie to your fans about our relationship again, huh? it was a two way street!”
“I know,” He giggled, pecking your cheek, “You’re just so cute when you’re worked up.”
“Mean, you confessed to me first! I’m going to talk shit about you with Jihoon if you do it again,” You threatened lightly, the boy only hugging you tighter. “He’ll gladly talk shit with you anyway, but yes babe. I confessed to you first, I was way in love with you first, hm you happy?”
“Well...” You said quietly, “I’m equally in love with you now.”
“I know,” Soonyoung hummed, “I love you too y/n. Let’s eat?”
You nodded with a smile, getting up and reaching your hand out to pull him off the couch, “Let’s eat.” ______________________________________
a/n I’m sorry this was so late bb! I flew home from Florida and I literally just kept pushing this off but I hope you like this little oneshot w our fav furry uwu <3
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butterbeeryuta · 4 years
gong cha order no. 11: honey grapefruit juice + aloe + 70% sweetness + less ice + large size
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Jaemin is the type to show his affection and love as much as possible. He is also the type that needs a break, and needs to be alone to think and recharge. From his past dating experiences, not many was able to understand his need to be alone. They eventually break up with him because he was ‘too distant’ or some shit like that, even if he gives the world’s warmest hugs and smiles. He did get sad about that; he doubted himself, he was disappointed in himself for making people run away from him because of his ways to deal with shit. And yes, he did think that he was going to be alone— until he met you, regardless of how cheesy this sounds.
You two met under... unusual circumstances. Your two met at a clinic for a yearly medical checkup which was required by the university. And well... you were terrified of needles. Very terrified. So you bet your ass that when the nurses were about to check your blood, you were screaming your diaphragm out.
‘OKAY, OKAY, WAIT WAIT WAIT! Do we have to do this? How about you just wait until I accidentally cut myself from shaving, then I’ll store the blood in a container and give it to you? Or maybe when I pop my pimple and blood starts to come out, that should be fine right?’ You said with pleading eyes. The nurse in front of you sighed for the nth time, explaining to you for who knows how long why she needed to extract blood from your veins. After about 3 minutes, you sighed again, and closed your eyes shut, waiting for the incoming sharp pain. But that didn’t happen.
‘Excuse me but I have a class in 30 minutes, and I really need to get my blood test done so I can go’ a deep voice said behind you, and you mentally thanked this man for interrupting, because you were not at all ready yet.
‘Sir, please stay outside and wait until I’m done. It will take no longer than 10 minutes—‘
‘Ma’am it has already been 35 minutes, this should have ended a long time ago’ he interrupted the nurse. Due to your curiousity, you turned your head back, only to see a pink-haired guy in round glasses— and he was very, very pretty. Just as you were about to admire his face a little longer, he opened his mouth— and it ruined everything.
‘Hey, can you quicken up a bit? I have media studies in about 30 minutes, and I don’t want to miss it because Professor Han is hot as fuck. So, would you please?’ Rude motherfucking rat—
‘Excuse me but if your brain could comprehend shit, you would have realise I’m scared of thin, sharp metals poking through my skin just for my blood to be sucked out like a vampire. No idea who Professor Han is, but you can tell him or her that a pretty patient has been taking time in the clinic, and you will have to be excused from class—‘
‘You don’t know who she is? Bruh, she’s like... the best professor ever, how do you not know her?’ He asks in disbelief.
‘I take biochemistry, why will I know who the media studies professor is?’ You question, furrowing your eyebrows at him. He only scoffed at you, continuing to talk about how wonderful of a professor this Professor Han is.
‘Okay, but you don’t know Professor Matsushiro in organic chemistry. Not only is he a living anime, he’s bilingual and fluent in both lanauges, and that’s one sexy trait— OW, THE FUCK!’ The nurse rolled her eyes, but also felt slightly relieved that she managed to take your blood while you were bickering with the pretty boy in front you. You immediately stopped talking, and whinced in pain instead— which is something the boy noticed quickly. He suddenly felt bad for making you hurry up for his selfish need to see his favourite professor. While you were on your way to leave the room, the pink haired guy told you to wait for him by the receptionist— and you listened to him for some reason, even if you just wanted to go home and watch a drama.
Turned out, the guy's name was Jaemin, and he was a first year student like you. You two exchanged contacts then, and well, got together 3 years later. During that time, Jaemin was in his last year, while you had one more year to go since you took a medical course. From fighting over professors, you two became really good friends, then well, he fell in love with you. You were the first person to respect his private space, and told him something which he will always remember: it’s okay to be alone and have that space to yourself, but it’s important to let others know you’re not trying to push them out of your life. Funnily enough, that was also the time you fell for him. You never cared for someone this much. Or you never wanted to at least because you were scared to have your heart broken, so you never gave it to anyone. Which led you to your first argument.
If you could remember clearly, it was the third time in a row when you declined Jaemin for a date you realised that your ‘friendship’ was a bit more. You told him you had a Biology test the next day, so you couldn’t go— so Jaemin decided to visit your apartment with takeout Chinese food. Yeah, you were in your pyjamas watching Shrek. Definitely not related to Biology. Thank you to your roommate, Ryujin, for opening the door.
‘____________, don’t you have a Bio test tomorrow?’ It hit him that everytime you declined, it was a lie. He thought that he did it again: he pushed you away. He felt bad, but he was also angry considering you were the one that told him that he should remember to not push others away even if he wanted alone time. You didn’t see a point in lying to him anymore, because he probably already realised. So you told him; you were scared. You didn’t even realise you were a crying mess.
‘I’m scared Jaemin! I’ve seen friends whose hearts were broken, and I didn’t want to go through that. That’s why I never dated. And knowing t-that I like you a lot too scares m-me because w-what if I also hurt you? I could n-never forgive myself for damaging someone as sweet and k-kind as you. You d-deserve someone who isn’t as selfish as me J-Jaemin.’ Your eyes were tired from the amount of tears that rolled down your face. You were expecting him to leave. You didn’t think anyone would want to stay with a person like you, a person who can’t trust anyone.
‘I am 0.71 seconds away from marrying you ____________’ Jaemin says. And before you could even ask what he meant, Jaemin closed the gap between the two of you, his chapped lips meeting yours as a sense of warmth spread across your fragile body. His soft hands reached out to cup your face, wiping away the hot tears. You didn’t know what to do or say afterwards, but you liked the intimacy. You liked having him around. You love Jaemin, and he loves you too. He rested his forehead against yours the moment he pulled away. Your eye met his warm brown orbs, and you noticed something: his eyes were filled with love.
‘_________ you’re one of the most precious and loving person I’ve ever met. I don’t care how long it will take you to allow me in your heart. Bet it a month, a year, a whole ass decade? I want you in my life forever, so please don’t push me away’ he says as he smiles at you. You hugged him tightly, whispering a ‘thank you,’ and well, it’s a memory engraved in both of your minds forever.
‘Jaemin get the door!’
‘DON’T FUCKING CURSE IN FRONT OF MINSEOK!’ You screamed as you ran downstairs to open the door. You fixed hair and straightened your clothes to look somewhat presentable before you opened the door, only to see your son’s favourite uncle, Donghyuck.
‘________! How is my favourite married couple doing?’ He asks as he brings in an obnoxiously large present behind you. Was it Jaemin’s birthday today? Was it your son’s birthday today? GOD I’M A TERRIBLE PARENT.
‘I’m good— I mean we’re good.’
‘Still not used to the married life huh? No worries, it’s not that different. Jeno and I still do act the same, except it’s legal.’ Hyuck says, which only made you smile at his words. When you were brought in Jaemin’s life, he immediately introduced you to his friend circle. Of course, the other 6 boys were all lovely and kind, but you became the closest to Hyuck because well... you were the one that made him realise that he had a thing for Jeno. You nodded at Hyuck’s words, until you noticed the large purple packet behind him.
‘Umm Hyuck... what’s that behind you?’ You asked biting your lip, not ready for what he’ll say because you think it’s going to be bad either way. What’s funny was... he hesitated to speak the moment he opened his mouth. Is he hiding something?
‘A-actually, t-this is for u-um—‘
‘IT’S NOTHING! IT’S NOTHING! LEAVE HYUCK, BYE BYE!’ Your husband screams as he rushed down the stairs with Minseok in his arms. You grabbed the packet behind Donghyuck, opening it before either men could scream at you and—
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steve-hairingtons · 5 years
hi could u do a fic where u and steve have been dating for a couple of days when you get trapped on the bus with him from season 2 with the kids and you go out instead of him to fight the demogorgons and you have your first kiss before you go outside despite his objections? thx
word count: 1.7k
WARNINGS: violence, worried!steve
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You walked with Steve to a rusty car, hiding Dustin and Lucas as they shook hands. Steve banged a chair against the car, scaring the kids.
“Hey! Dickheads! How come the only one helping me out is this random girl?” He pointed to Max. “We lose light in forty minutes. Let’s go. Let’s go, I said.”
“All right, asshole! God!” Dustin said.
“Okay! Stupid,” Lucas mumbled under his breath.
“Be nice,” you whispered to Steve. “They’re just kids.”
“I know, I know. I’m just frustrated,” he said, throwing his arm around you.
“I know. But Max isn’t the only one helping. That’s the whole reason I’m here, you know.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
A little while had passed and it was dark outside. The windows on the bus were covered, guarding you, Steve, and the kids from danger. Lucas sat on top of the bus with his binoculars, keeping watch.
You sat next to Steve, who was flicking open and closed a Zippo lighter. It was starting to get on your nerves, but Max cut him off with a question.
“So you really fought one of these things before?” He nodded slowly and kept flicking it. “And you’re, like, totally, a hundred percent sure it wasn’t a bear?”
“Shit. Don’t be an idiot, okay? It wasn’t a bear,” Dustin said. You looked at him and furrowed your brows.
You’d known Dustin for a few years. He always came into the arcade you worked at and was always super nice, which is why it shocked you to hear him being rude.
Steve had given him the advice to play ‘hard to get’ towards Max, who Dustin and Lucas had a crush on. But ‘hard to get’ and being an asshole were two different things.
You all recoiled a bit at his comment.
“Why are you even here if you don’t believe us?” he continued. “Just go home.”
“Dustin,” you said harshly. “Be nice.”
“Geesh,” Max mumbled. “Someone’s cranky. Past your bedtime?” she asked as she climbed the ladder to join Lucas on the top of the bus.
“That’s good. Just show her you don’t care,” Steve said. You slapped him on the arm and he looked at you.
“I don’t,” Dustin said quietly. Steve winked at him. “Why are you winking, Steve? Stop.”
“Just so you know, if you had treated me like that, I would’ve slapped you in the face and not the arm,” you said to Steve. You looked back at Dustin. “Don’t be a little asshole towards her, regardless of if you like her. It makes you look like an idiot,” you said bluntly. Dustin didn’t respond. “You’re awful at advice,” you finished.
“Why the hell are you so cranky? Is it past your bedtime?” Steve said, still flicking the Zippo.
You grabbed it out of his hand and stuffed it in your pocket. “I was supposed to go to dinner with my parents tonight, and they probably have a search party out for me at this point. I didn’t expect to join a monster-hunting team at four p.m. out of the blue.”
“We need all the help we can get,” Dustin said.
“Yeah, well, you were a dick to Max, who’s trying to do just that, so…”
“I don’t want her here.”
“And she clearly doesn’t want to be here. She’s going through a tough time right now, so just leave her alone.”
“How do you know what she’s going through?”
“Because she’s my friend, Dustin. When she comes to the arcade we talk. She just wants friends, and you’re not doing jack shit except making her hate her life even more than she does now. I mean, shit, she’s got Billy as a stepbrother. She misses California. She had to pack up her whole life and move here. So just leave her alone, for God’s sake.”
“That’s not my problem,” Dustin said.
“Dustin, I swear to God if you keep this shit up, I’ll slap you myself. Drop it. I get that you’re trying to prove something, but it’s annoying. Not just to her. It’s annoying to me. Zip it.”
He just stared at you, and you felt Steve’s eyes on you. You crossed your arms and sighed. You could hear Lucas and Max giggling.
“Looks like she’s made a friend,” Steve said, nudging you.
“Not now, Steve.”
It was then you heard a loud, high-pitched roar. You looked at the window and then at Steve. You all turned and looked through the window behind you.
“You see him?” Dustin asked.
“No,” Steve replied.
“Lucas? What’s going on?”
“Hold on,” he replied. “I’ve got eyes! Ten o’clock. Ten-Ten o’clock!”
“What’s he doing?” Dustin asked.
“I don’t know,” Steve replied. “He’s not taking the bait. Why’s he not taking the bait?”
“Maybe he’s not hungry.”
“Maybe he’s sick of cow,” you replied. You backed up and Steve looked at you. You walked through the bus before Steve called out your name.
“Y/N? Y/N, what are you doing?”
You sighed and pulled the Zippo out of your pocket. You held it up and looked at him. “Just get ready,” you said as you tossed it to him.
“No. Mm-mm. You’re not going out there, are you crazy?”
“What other ideas do you have?” you asked as you grabbed the baseball bat with nails stuck through it every which way.
“I don’t know. But you’re not going out there.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Please. I can do this. You can trust me.”
“It’s not you that I don’t trust. Do not go out there.”
You sighed before stepping over to him, pulling his face down to kiss you. You kissed him for a few seconds before pulling back. He blinked before gripping your hand.
“You can trust me.”
He didn’t answer. He just kissed you again and gripped your hand. “Be careful,” he said.
“I promise.”
You opened the door to the bus and slowly stepped out, gripping the bat tightly. Steve closed the door as you walked out into the fog. You walked a few feet before you heard growling.
You whistled for a few seconds. “Come on, buddy,” you said with a shaky voice and whistled again. “Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. Come on. Dinner time.”
“Y/N!” you heard from the bus, recognizing it at Steve’s voice.
“Shut up, Steve,” you said loudly enough for him to hear. “Human tastes better than cat, I promise,” you said to the Demogorgon again. You heard another growl.
That was when you saw a dog-sized creature standing there, looking at you. You froze for a few seconds before gulping. Its face opened a bit as you stood there with the bat pointing towards it.
“Y/N, watch out!” Lucas shouted.
“I’m a little busy here!”
“Three o’clock! Three o’clock!”
You turned to see two others circling around you, and that’s when you realized you were in over your head. You knew Steve was probably having a heart attack seeing you surrounded by three Demogorgons, but it was too late to back down now.
It was then that the bus door slammed open. “Y/N! Abort! Abort!” Dustin screamed.
You looked back at the bus but whipped your head back around when it growled. One of them charged you, but you jumped onto the hood of a car, rolled off the side, and landed on your feet as it jumped through the windshield.
As soon as you were on your feet, you swatted at one of them that jumped toward you. It went flying, and you started running toward the bus. The kids and Steve screamed for you to run.
You jumped in and Steve slammed the door shut as soon as the creatures jumped into it.
“Are they rabid or something?” Max asked, still clueless as to what they were.
“They can’t get in. They can’t!” Lucas yelled.
You grabbed a metal board and shoved it in front of the door as you and Steve held it closed with your feet. It was then that one of them poked their foot through. You grabbed the bat and hit it a few times as the kids ran to the back of the bus.
Dustin picked up his walkie talkie and screamed into it, “Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God? Anyone! We’re at the old junkyard, and we’re going to die!”
“Dustin, shut up!” you yelled. “We’re not gonna die!”
It went silent as loud footsteps rang out on top of you, walking toward the opening in the ceiling where Max was standing. She screamed before Steve grabbed the bat from you and ran over.
“Out of the way! Out of the way! You want some? Come get this!” he said, looking up at it.
Its face opened up and you stood between him and the kids, pushing them back. Not even a second later, it looked up, roared, and jumped off the roof.
Everyone went silent as roaring filled the air. You looked down to see Max and Lucas’ hands intertwined before they pulled them apart. You stood there for a moment in silence before Steve turned to you, cupping your face.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m okay.”
“You’re such an idiot,” he said. “Why did you go out there?”
“I’m fine, Steve. Nothing happened. Let’s just figure out where they went.”
He opened the bus door slowly with the bat in his hand. The door popped and made you jump.
“What… happened?” Lucas asked.
“I don’t know,” Max said.
“Y/N scared ‘em off?” Dustin said.
“No,” you replied. “No way. They’re going somewhere.”
When Steve pulled up to your house, he put his car in park and looked at you.
“I thought you were gonna die,” he said. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I’m fine, Steve.”
“You could’ve not been fine.”
“But I am.”
“That’s not the point.” This was the most serious he’d ever been toward you. “You put yourself at risk tonight.”
“And if you had gone out there, you would’ve done the same.” He sighed. “One of us had to go out there. If one of us died, one of us still would’ve died. But I didn’t. I’m fine.”
“Again, that’s not the point. I could’ve lost you.” His voice cracked at that. “If I lost you-”
“Steve.” You shifted in your seat and reached over and grabbed his hand. “Hey, look at me.” He looked over and you saw tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m here. I’m sitting next to you. I’m holding your hand. I didn’t die. I’m okay.”
He sighed again. “Promise me you won’t put yourself in that position again.” You took a deep breath. “Promise me.”
You gave a small smile. “I promise.”
He leaned over and kissed you. It was different than a few hours ago. It wasn’t in the heat of the moment. It was genuine and full of emotion.
“Do you wanna come in?” you asked. He nodded.
That night, he held you close. Closer than normal. You knew you scared him when you ran out of the bus. But you decided to let him be upset that night. You were just glad you were both alive.
send me prompts!
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peachestinks · 5 years
chapter one - heat (damian wayne x reader)
a/n: loosely based around bh6 (no need for prior knowledge though! but u should check it out, it’s very sweet) in the terms of relationship with aunt and older brother, does not go farther than that! Just a small introduction chapter, next ones will be longer. please tell me what you think and be on the lookout for chapter two coming out soon (:
warnings: aftermath of panic (result from dream), rude damian, and established character death. 
Kicking off the blanket had been a much harder task than it should have, although, who could blame you? Your sweaty palms had made everything harder to grip. Sadly, “Sweaty palms” did not describe the rest of your body. Your timid fingers went to wipe the sweat above your lips, the saltiness finally reaching your mouth. 
You wavered back and forth, your mind trying to piece apart reality and the past. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Your chest hurt so goddamn much that it felt as if someone was stacking books on it, a library that never ended.
And God, did the smell and taste of sweat make you feel worse.
Disgusting. That taste and your dream. Disgusting. 
Moving back to rest yourself on your backboard, you suddenly realized how damp your shirt was. Way too early for this.
You quickly glanced at your bedside clock, it checked 4:39 A.M. It was most definitely too early for this shit. 
Trying to go back to sleep after that dream was out of the question. Why would you try something that you couldn’t achieve? And you knew better than to go back to sleep after attacks like this.
You knew better.
Always had and always would. 
Getting up, you peeled off your socks, letting your sweaty feet meet the cold floor. Not wanting to disturb your aunt, you threaded down the stairs carefully, soft pats following your movement down to the bakery.
As you made it to the bottom floor, your aunt seemed to have heard you and waited until you arrived. 
“Rough night, huh?”, she started. “Y’know, he would have wanted you to get help. Especially now, like, talking to someone, kid.” She gave you a lopsided smile to which you didn't respond to. Instead, you lead yourself to one of the stools on the other side. 
“How’re those danishes so far, Aunt Taz?” She shook her head at your response, but then looked up at you with a smile. 
“Oh, you know, waiting for that little sleepless girl to come back and bake ‘em.” You snorted and threw a rag at her, smiling widely. 
“Maybe she’ll help for a bit.” And as your Aunt went to open her mouth, you interrupted her, “Hey! Stop planning! I said ‘maybe’, you maniac.” She laughed as she ruffled your hair, ushering you to get up. 
Why not make the most of the morning? Baking with your Aunt and getting ready to open was always a bit fun.
Walking to get your apron from behind the counter, you caught a glance at a raggedy photo held by faded washi-tape. 
It was of you and him. 
He looked so happy, so full of life and it hurt to see photos like that everywhere around the brownstone. It hurt now, regardless of being joyous a second ago. 
That day had been great; not only had you gotten into your school of choice with a scholarship, but he had gotten into a college in Central City alongside an internship at S.T.A.R laboratories. Aunt Taz had ordered Thai takeout and bought the Goofy Movie (which at the time had been your favourite movie to watch) for the night. The picture showed the two of you with noodles hanging out of your mouths, laughing crazily.
And although you thought you had gotten better since it happened, you felt tired staring at that photo. As if it had drained you in the seconds of just glancing at it. As if it was an open wound that had been open for so long, it infected and now stung. 
You broke out of your mental cycle after hearing metal bowls in the kitchen drop to the tiled flooring. You poked your head into the side of the doorframe, smiling at your Aunt. “I can’t even leave you alone for a second, huh?”
Instead of her fighting back, you received a moist rag to your face.
Perfect, just perfect.
As fast as it became 5, it soon was six; and officially the shop was open to its usuals and city natives. Your aunt would work cashier and you would take care of the few tables you had sprawled around, so the day began.
Just as it had the day before and the day before, and the day before. Until he entered. 
He sat at the corner, not bothering to wait to be seated, a scowl present on his face. 
He looked familiar, but why focus on him? He did come in unprompted and seated himself; there were those reasons. But, he looked like someone, someone you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
Turning to face your aunt, you leaned on the counter, getting her attention. “We have a new person, he’s clearly never heard of being seated, or probably manners.” 
Your aunt laughed, shaking her head, “Well, go ahead and take his order, boogerface.” 
Groaning, you threw your head back, “Nooo! I took the last douche’s order, Rock Paper Scissors me for whoever takes his order! Please!” And as you put your puppy eyes, she rolled her eyes, getting ready for the match.
“You asked for it, kid.” So with two rounds of ties, your aunt had crumbled your scissors with a rock, tossing the notepad in your face, a proud smirk present on hers.
As you turned with an eye roll, your aunt began to continue packing the baked goods of another order, “Go on, walk the path of shame.” 
“It’s your restaurant!”
“That you work at?”
She continued to laugh as you prepared yourself for his order and attitude; it honestly never got easier no matter how many people were rude to the person serving their food.
As you walked up to his table, you flashed a small smile, waiting for him to look up after you let out an, ‘Excuse me, sir.’ And as he looked up and rolled his eyes, you dropped your smile and opened the notepad.
“Are you ready to order? We have specials on the pastries at the counter.” You finished your regular line, he just scoffed and shook his head. Without a reply you leaned into your left foot, awaiting his response.
Why does it even take that long? And with seating himself down, he couldn’t decide what he wanted to eat in that time? Incredibly annoying. That’s what he was.
 Glancing at his computer, you quickly realized why he had been ignoring you, his order, and everything else around him.
He had been coding. And he had been doing it wrong.
Looking over at his screen, you quickly pointed at the screen where the error remained; making his face turn to yours sharply. Immediately pulling your finger back, you cursed in your head. What were you thinking? This was a customer, a customer who already seemed agitated.
“What are you doing?” Had been the only thing to come out of his mouth before you went into a crazed ramble.
“I’m sorry! I just noticed you were doing it wrong- not that it was all wrong, you just had ended it incorrectly, and I just- I just thought that it would’ve been kind to help.” He narrowed his eyes, your hands immediately going to rub your arms in anxiousness. 
“Do not think of what I need. Think about your own life and serving food.” With a slam of his laptop he walked outside with his belongings, shoving your shoulder as he passed you. 
Your aunt had jogged up to you, checking to make sure if you were alright. She had a scowl on her face, her hand going to run through her hair. “I swear he looks familiar, once I find out where his face is from were banning the bastard.” You continued to stay silent to your aunt’s rant as you followed his trip across the street.
“Like who does he think he is? Going into people’s businesses and expecting people to give him five star quality when he can’t do the bare minimum to order. Please! And another thing-”
Aunt Taz soon noticed you were paying her no mind as you continued to look out the window.
Your eyes trailed his form to a long black car, an old man opening the door for him, a signature logo on the car door. 
Ah, how fast your aunt and your eyes widened, that’s who he is.
A Wayne. You had just disrespected a Wayne. How much worse could this day go, honestly?
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pandawritespoorly · 4 years
With Time: Deleted Scenes - End of 27/Beginning of 28
Author’s Note: I was really cruel with how I was going to end the chapter originally. Chloe saved you guys.
Chapter Summary: I forgot Chloe still attended Dupont when I first wrote this. Oops.
Adrien is exiting the classroom last. He can’t remember what’s next on his schedule, but regardless of what it is it loses priority the moment he feels it.
Marinette is in trouble.
She’s not as stressed as she has been before, but that doesn’t comfort him because he can tell she’s nearing hibernation.
He needs to find her.
Where is she?
What’s happening?
She should be home by now. What could possibly-
His heart sinks as he exits the school. Alix and Kim are hurling insults and snowballs towards the bakery.
Towards Marinette, who is swaying where she stands.
Alya seems to be joining.
“Stop!” he needs to get to her, he needs to get to her, heneedstogettoher-
Alya and Nino hold him back, “Hey, man, it’s fine. You don’t hafta’ keep up the act anymore-” “Please-”
“Jeez, she’s really got you all wrapped up? Don’t worry Adrien, Marinette can’t hurt you anymore. We won’t let her.” Alya attempts to comfort him.
“What?” “This is a great solution actually. This way it looks like you’re on her side, but you don’t actually have to help that brat.” Alya continues, “Keep pretending that you’re trying to help, and she can’t get mad at you.”
“No no no-” She’s hibernating right there. She’s fallen over and is lying in the snow and they’re still throwing snowballs at her no nonononono-
“Dude, calm down. It’s okay. Just breathe.” Nino frowns at Adrien’s clear panic, and the two lead him inside worriedly, away from Marinette.
Aurore passes him on the stairs, noticing the scene before her and hurrying to the bottom.
He can’t see right, It’s been snowing all day, and the temperature is far lower than it normally is in February. She’s right there.
“Hey Sunshine, you’re looking a little pale.” Alya frowns.
“I- I- I need to use the bathroom.” for once he’s grateful how easy it is for him to play the part of ‘perfectly fine’. Though it’s not exactly convincing at the moment.
“Alright, but I’ll wait outside.” Nino looks concerned.
Alya waves goodbye, off to take Lila her homework for the day. She was absent today for whatever reason, but Adrien really doesn’t care why.
He shuts himself in a stall, shaking. Nino is outside so he can’t transform or even talk to Plagg.
Marinette is outside and she’s hibernating and she’s still in the snowandhecan’tgettoherand-
Plagg interrupts his thoughts by handing him his phone silently. Adrien stares at it blankly.
This can’t get him to Marinette.
This won’t wake her up.
How long has she been asleep now? It’s-
Plagg pokes him, unlocking the phone and opening his messages, looking at Adrien meaningfully.
He doesn’t understand, only staring blankly while his brain tries to catch up. Finally he connects the dots.
  Hug This Boy: guys
Hug This Boy: plese
Hug This Boy: shes otside
Hug This Boy: i cant get to her
  Kid Mime: slow down
Kid Mime: whats happening
  Hug This Boy: they wont let me
Hug This Boy: i need to
  Melodie: Adrien, what’s wrong?
  Hug This Boy: i cant
Hug This Boy: shes fell ovr
Hug This Boy: shes rite there
  The Mom Friend: r u ok?
The Mom Friend: breath
  Hug This Boy: they were throwi snwobals and she fell is ben swing alday
  Felix: Adrien, you need to breathe. What is happening?
  Kid Mime: did something happen to mari?
Kid Mime: were all on our way wats going on
  Hug This Boy: ses hiberning an she sill ousdie a tey won let me
Hug This Boy: help her lila isn even here
  Melodie: Marinette is sleeping outside because someone threw snowballs at her and your classmates won’t let you help her?
Hug This Boy: ye
Hug This Boy: s
  Kid Mime: well be their soon u need 2 breath itll be ok
  Adrien doesn’t respond, he’s shaking too much and they know now so there’s no reason. It’s honestly a miracle that they were able to decipher anything intelligible from that mess. He can’t focus well because the longer he’s separated, the harder it is for him to keep himself from transforming - Nino or no Nino - so that he can just get to her.
She shouldn’t be outside this long in the snow.
She’s been hibernating too long.
Too long and too far from him.
It’s one thing when she was at Fu’s place, where the Guardian can keep her from going too far, but alone? She needs to be near other miraculouses to keep from slipping too far, but she needs to be near him to wake up.
It’s been too long.
What if she doesn’t wake up?
  -chapter break-
  This isn’t how they planned on spending their day. They’d all just seen Marinette, and now the four of them are hurrying to the bakery.
“Why aren’t her parents doing something?” Allegra asks.
“Maybe they are? Adrien didn’t seem like he was in any condition to elaborate.”
“He didn’t respond. Do you think he’s okay? How long has Marinette been outside? Do you think she-” Allan isn’t handling this much better.
“I am sure that things will turn out fine.” Felix assures.
It doesn’t take much longer for them to arrive. They don’t see her immediately.
Instead, they see a black haired boy in red and a blonde girl in blue crouched near the bakery’s side door.
Crouched above Marinette, seemingly trying to help her up - either to be standing or awake, they aren’t picky.
At Allegra’s call, the two strangers look up.
“You’re all here for Mari?” The blonde questions.
“Yes.” Allan says, approaching his friend.
“I hope one of you has a key, her parents are out today and she must have dropped hers. It’s locked. We would have taken her inside the school but…” She trails off, looking at them meaningfully.
The group nods, and Claude produces a key. Allan and Allegra move her inside, and Felix and Claude remain outside to talk to the pair.
“Will you b-be able to handle this?” the boy lacks the self-assured tone of the girl.
Felix nods, and the two strangers part ways.
Felix starts to go upstairs, but pauses when Claude remains in the doorway.
“Is everything alright, Claude?”
“Yeah. Go on up, give me a minute.”
Felix nods, and goes to join the others upstairs.
Claude steps outside and shuts the door carefully behind them.
He crosses the street purposefully, entering the school before he realizes he doesn’t know where he’s going. 
That is easily solved by asking someone - not one of them of course - for directions. He’s guessing at best, but at the worst he’ll just have to try another place.
He knows he’s in the right area when he sees a boy standing against a wall, scrolling through his phone.
Red cap, check. Headphones, check.
It’s Nino.
Claude doesn’t bother to say anything as he enters the bathroom.
“Adrien? Are you here?” They speak quietly, not wanting to startle him.
There’s a pause, then, “C-Claude?”
Adrien pushes a door open, looking pale and shaky. They really can’t blame him, considering all that has transpired.
“Marinette is inside.” The relief is clear on his face. Not that he’s no longer worried, but Adrien is comforted some by that statement.
“O-okay. You could have texted me.”
Claude shakes his head, “I’m here to bring you to the bakery. I don’t know how long you can stay, but with how you were panicking earlier, you really need to see Mari.”
“I have to see her. She needs me.”
Clause gets the feeling there’s more meaning behind that than they know, but doesn’t press. He gently helps Adrien to a standing position and leads him outside.
Nino doesn't even notice.
Once they’re outside, the two don’t slow in the slightest. Adrien is faster than he looks, and is clearly trying to keep from leaving Claude behind while simultaneously trying to get to his friend as quickly as possible.
The living room is empty, so they hurry up the stairs to Marinette’s room. Felix, Allegra, Allan, and Marinette have somehow all managed to fit onto Marinette’s bed, where the girl in question has blankets piled on top of her.
Allan looks a little shaky, and Claude rests their hand on his shoulder when they have climbed up.
As soon as Adrien has seated himself next to Marinette he breathes an audible sigh of relief. 
Allegra gives him a hug, “Marinette isn’t the only one who needs comfort.”
He doesn’t respond, still working on steadying his breathing. She’ll be fine now that he’s here, but it isn’t ideal. He isn’t sure if she will leave hibernation, let alone wake up without contact.
He can’t exactly take her out from the blankets to cuddle her without the others saying something.
Still, he’s here now. He’s here, and she’s here and they’re back together. Everything will be fine. 
They stay as long as they can, but there’s no escaping the fact that they have to go home eventually. They tell her parents what had happened, and Adrien puts warm things on Marinette’s head when no one is looking so that when they do try to feel for a temperature, that’s what they’ll think it is.
Just a fever.
He can’t have them take her to the hospital. She’d never wake up then, and the chaos that would result from that…
It wouldn’t be pretty.
He hates that she’s been hibernating this long. At least he’s been close for most of that time. Not close enough to bring her out entirely, but he’s fairly certain she’s a little better.
He hopes.
Now he’s got to leave. He can feel the stress return the moment he turns his back on her.
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ecl1pse · 4 years
Hi! I saw ur post on how it’s hard to stan gidle bc of the questionable stuff they do and since I don’t know much about it can u please explain to me anything problematic they’ve done? Not that I doubt u I just wanna know about it
ooh, girl! lemme tell ya. this is gonna be a long one, and i will preface this saying i absolutely do not have all the facts and details, but this is what i’ve gathered in my time being a mostly soft neverland.
when (g)i-dle debuted they released this v beautiful mv along with their debut song latata. in the mv the girls had henna in their hands, which, ok. nothing too bad, right. but that was just the beginning of a very weird history of cultural appropriation.
then they released another banger: hann (alone). amazing vocals. amazing sound. cool choreo. but the mv was littered with all these…hm. middle eastern references. which. ok, latata also had some of that. it’s…ok. maybe they’re just going for A Thing. it’s ok. this is just their first comeback, their second single overall, and their first digital single release ever. BUT during one of end of year shows, the girls found themselves in hot water bc they had a stage where they had freaking synagogue as their backdrop. not even like a cool 3d stage, it was printed synagogue on freaking sheet. we all collectively had a very oof moment. (also, shuhua had like, no lines in this song. a crime on itself.)
after that came senorita. which should have been called señorita. it was catchy, it was replayble, it was spicy. it was also also kind of weird how they had a guy just singing “señorita” in the background, and no other lyrics in spanish, other than soojin saying “señor” by the end…hm. also the beat is just very generic “latin-inspired” song. in one of their live stages they had a fake-ass mariachi band as their….back up dancers. or whatever. they were just in the background pretending to play the trumpets. which personally i found more funny than offensive. but also i’m mexican and when momoland dressed up in ponchos, sombreros and fake mustaches, me and my sister just laughed and went “haha we do look like that!” i can take a joke. like, very easily. (also, if you want a more tactful latin-inspired k-pop song, listen to vav’s senorita & give me more. absolute bops imo.)
after that came uh-oh, which is a very clearly an old-hip hop inspired comeback, even down to the mv. it’s proooobably my favorite song of theirs ngl. this comeback wasn’t…too bad or shrouded in controversy, ‘cause tbh the mv director did a pretty good job at paying homage to late 90s/early 2000s music videos. but still, some people were skeptical considering the rep they had been building up. and at this time it was becoming very clear that soyeon is calling the shots, or at least has the most say out of all the girls both in songwriting and art directing when it comes to their concepts/mvs.
during the summer/fall of 2019 gidle participated in the competition show queendom. in the show, during the planning of the stage performance for their cover of 2ne1′s fire, soyeon asked yuqi to make “tribal sounds” for the opening of the song and sing it like she’s “an african chief” and said this was how they could keep their sound, which she describes as “ethnic hip.” it was. gross. and the rest of the girls just laughed it off. queendom pretty much ended up confirming everyone suspicions that soyeon is the one coming up with these ideas and the rest of the girls are just there to do what she says. you can look up the behind the scenes and planning of the stages on m-net’s youtube channel. soojin doesn’t even get a word out when they were planning the fire stage. it’s…weird ngl. you can’t even accuse m-net of evil editing this one bc she just says that! like, wtf. anyways [here is an excerpt of the video]. she says it with such a straight face, too. ew.
people demanded an apology from gidle, soyeon more specifically. it never came. so people boycotted their next release: lion. honestly i don’t know if any transgressions happened during this time cuz i was just so put off by what was mentioned above that to this day i can’t really even vibe to lion. it just brings a guttural disgust to my whole being.
i’m little iffy on the timeline here – bc like i mentioned, i was keeping as far away as possible from gidle at the time cuz of soyeon’s comments – but i do remember that some time after yuqi found herself in hot water for a comment she made about shuhua during a livestream that went like she “needed darker skin to be a police because her white skin wouldn’t let her to catch criminals at night.” or at least that’s how a fanclub made it sound like. it sounded v suspish, but a lot of fans came to her defense saying the joke was poking fun at how fair shuhua is and how she wasn’t actually making fun of darker skin. the fanclub that made the translation actually came out with a letter of apology saying they had rushed the translation and the joke was actually little more nuanced than what they made it out to be. regardless, yuqi actually apologized on a fancafe letter. which was actually really nice of her, since the mistake wasn’t so much on her part, and if anything this is a way lighter offense than anything soyeon has ever done or said, and yet….
[here is a koreaboo article that includes screenshots of the fancafe letter and a translation]
it’s been awhile since gidle/soyeon have said or done anything since – well, it’s been a while since they have released anything, and they’ve been under a microscope since the queendom incident. also, i haven’t payed attention at all to what they have been doing, if they have been doing anything, lol.
their latest transgression has been the very blatant, very suspicious uplifting of imagery from fka twig’s cellophane mv onto their mv for their newest single, oh my god. @anna-something made a [post] which very clearly lays it all out, screenshots and everything. considering all the evidence above i have to say this one also falls on soyeon’s shoulders yet again. also, as i was making this post someone commented on an yt comment i made on a mv reaction of the mv (since i’m not gonna give them views, lol) saying “maybe they have the same mv director.” i looked it up, they don’t. cellophane was directed by andew thomas huang, while oh my god was directed by yoon rima.
in conclusion, it is very exhausting to try to stan (g)i-dle. wouldn’t recommend it. mostly because soyeon does not seem like the greatest person ever. now, i will say i am all for cultural appreciation! in fact, i tried to believe that’s what they were going for during senorita. but… it’s become very clear that soyeon doesn’t understand there IS a line between appreciation and blatant appropriation, so she tends to fall on the latter. if she just apologized, strived to be better, and actually took the criticism and applied it towards becoming a better person – and therefore a better artist – than i could get behind her 100%. but as it stands right now, i don’t like her. i don’t like her at all. i have given her chances, but she does not seem to want to accept her missteps. she doesn’t even addresses them at all. and i’m tired. if yuqi could, why can’t she? i doubt cube, as shady as they are, is keeping her from releasing some sort of statement. 
if she intends to make it big over here in the west she needs to grow up, she needs to apologize. until she does that she will continue to jeopardize not only her own career, but also yuqi’s, miyeon’s, soojin’s, shuhua’s, and minnie’s careers, and they really don’t deserve that. she might be the biggest voice in the group, but she’s also the one dragging them down. APOLOGIZE, SOYEON, GODDAMMIT!
if anyone wants to add anything else that missed, please feel free to do so.
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ackervida · 4 years
Flames of Nirvana, ch 2
TW: This story will contain strong language, canon-typical violence, implied/mentions of rape, mentions of suicide, abuse, suicide attempts and explicit sexual content. It is manga compliant up until chapter 128, so there will be spoilers!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23990044/chapters/57707902
Summary: In the heat of a never ending war, Levi finds himself recruiting a compromised spy. But the war outside is nothing compared to their own inner battles, and hand in hand, they find the strength to conquer them one by one. And the world follows.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Chapter 1: https://ackervida.tumblr.com/post/617128447226101760/flames-of-nirvana-ch-1
Chapter 2
“Miss F/N.”
She mumbled something unintelligible, turning on her other side. Thankfully, her ribs had healed enough to prevent her from wheezing in pain with the movement – the lack of bandages around her face also made sleeping so much more comfortable, when F/N finally ended up succumbing to it. She hated it with every fiber of her being, yet there wasn’t much else for her to do during the past month other than sleep.
“Miss F/N, you have to wake up.”
F/N sighed, opening an eye to look at Falco’s cute little face. He and the other kiddo around, Gabi, had been taking turns bringing her meals and various other things in the past weeks. Apparently, they wanted to be helpful to the older soldiers, since they still had a year left before they could properly enroll in the military. F/N was saddened when they’d revealed this ambition to her, but in a way she could understand – once you’ve been on the frontlines, it was very difficult to sit idly, regardless of your age.
She had to admit, waking up to two adorable kids was much more pleasant than having the doctor come in – she hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, but F/N couldn’t quite stomach him. He had a bad habit of making her feel like she was exaggerating the pain she was in, his ‘routine’ examinations involved a suspicious amount of roaming hands and he’d kept her bedridden all this time – she knew from Falco and Gabi that the other three survivors had already been cleared, recovering in their new home, the Marleyan barracks. She had yet to even be allowed to walk, which was already becoming increasingly preposterous – she’d tried it unsupervised at night, and she was just fine. Also, a part of her was intrigued by the prospect of meeting her fellow renegades. In the chaos of the sewers, F/N hadn’t even managed to get a glimpse of their faces, and they hadn’t set foot inside her assigned room, not even after being discharged. She sometimes wondered if they held resentment for her for some reason, but then she remembered that only the higher ranking soldiers had introduced themselves: Hange, Magath and, implicitly, Levi.
F/N had been surprised when Levi finally made the proposition for her to join their forces. She had expected to put the information she possessed to good use, yes, but she was still nothing more than a compromised spy. She was useless in the field, since her identity was known. And yet, Levi had insisted – she didn’t have to be a spy, she could be a soldier.
All of her subsequent doubts had been promptly put down.
Her knowledge of weaponry was limited? She could learn.
Never used mobility gear in her life? There was a first for anything.
Her hand-to-hand combat skills were mediocre? He would teach her himself.
F/N couldn’t figure out why he was so adamant, but she’d agreed. Of course she had. She’d thought there was no purpose left for her, no reason for her to still be alive, nothing of use she could still provide. If even one person thought otherwise, though, then she would try her very best to prove them right.
If only she could get the fuck out of that bed.
“Hey, Falco,” she greeted through a yawn, stretching her nearly atrophied limbs. “How are you today?”
“Good,” he smiled, setting a tray on her nightstand. “It’s my birthday, actually,” he added shyly.
F/N gasped loudly, patting him on the head. She tried not to let her lack of nails bother her too much – it was strange, but not permanent. “Happy birthday! What are you doing here, then? Why aren’t you celebrating?”
“Well, I want to. But I’m waiting for everyone to come back to base. I thought I’d make cake for everybody.”
F/N hummed – indeed, she had received no visits from anyone other than Falco, Gabi and her insufferable doctor during the past couple of days. Not even from Levi, who visited her almost every day. They must have left for an assignment.
“You know how to bake a cake?” she asked with a small smile, gratefully accepting the bowl of soup. Cauliflower soup again, F/N couldn’t help but notice, chuckling quietly to herself. One of these days, she’d have to finally admit to Levi that she hated it with a passion, and her order at the teashop had been predetermined. She was, however, too hungry to be fussy – her appetite had finally returned.
Falco blushed at the question. “Um, I’ve never done it before...”
“Hmm,” F/N pondered for a moment, an idea slowly forming in her head. “Have you asked Gabi for help?”
Bless his little heart. One had to have lived in a cave to fail to notice the sweet, budding romance between those two, for the boy turned crimson at her question.
“S-She’s in town too. U-Um, don’t tell her I know, but I think she’s buying me a present.”
F/N very nearly cooed. These two were a big part of the reason why she managed to pull herself together in the past weeks – after all, who could mope around a couple of sweethearts?
She grinned, her eyes holding a mischievous glimmer. “So, there is no one around here for now?”
“The soldiers assigned for guard duty are here, and Mister Adam, Mister Joey and Miss Anya-“
“Mhmm. Well, in that case, I have a deal for you.”
Falco cocked his head in confusion. “A deal?”
F/N motioned for him to come closer, so she could whisper in his ear. “If you get me out of the infirmary, I’ll help you bake that cake.”
The boy gasped, his eyes turning wide. “But you’re not allowed to-“
“-Get out of bed, I know. But that’s ridiculous at this point. I can move just fine, but no one here wants to believe me,” she explained, employing a strategic little pout. Falco obviously felt for her, but he was still reluctant, she could tell.
“I don’t know… I don’t want to upset Captain Levi… He’s scary.”
F/N raised a brow at that. “Is he now? I think he’s actually quite nice.”
The poor boy was momentarily too stumped to offer a reply to that, so F/N shook her head and gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I’m a big girl, if anyone gets upset then I will be the one dealing with them, not you. Plus, I can make a mean chocolate cake.”
Falco finally agreed, and she thanked him by excitedly ruffling his hair. For the first time in… longer than she could remember, she actually felt giddy for something.
And, true to her word, F/N easily stood on her own feet and began rummaging around the room to find a decent set of clothing – the short, transparent white robes she was constantly given to wear were another reason she couldn’t stand the doctor’s guts. In fact, Falco turned around so quickly he nearly popped a vein in his neck – he was used to seeing her lying in bed, covered by the sheets. He hadn’t expected… this.
“Could you keep watch outside, please? We don’t want to get caught before the fun even begins,” F/N said tactfully. As expected, the boy barely uttered an affirmative response before practically bolting outside.
She giggled to herself, then exhaled a breath of relief upon opening the small closet next to the window. Thank goodness. F/N quickly grabbed some fresh underwear, black leggings and a light blue, button-up shirt and walked into the attached bathroom. She was incredibly thankful for her little deal with Gabi – after a particularly unpleasant incident with her doctor, F/N had made a secret arrangement with the girl. F/N started bathing by herself, while Gabi claimed she had taken onto those duties for her – the young woman hadn’t divulged the real reason behind it, opting to just tell her that she wanted to at least do something by herself, but it was a welcome change regardless.
After a quick cleanup and a check on her remaining bandages, F/N spared one look in the mirror. She wasn’t a doctor, but this looked like a nice recovery to her. Admittedly, there were still a few injuries that needed further healing and she was still a little bit underweight, but those problems could be solved outside of this hellhole of a room. Maybe it was because her mental state was finally showing improvement, but F/N had had enough at this point.
“All clear?” she asked, poking her head outside the room. It was as if even the air itself was different, fresher.
“Let’s go,” said Falco, taking the lead and quietly, but quickly leading her somewhere. She made a point of remembering the various turns, gazing at the corridors and attached doors with interest. The infirmary seemed to be attached to the barracks, which was a bit strange to her – there were special areas destined for everything in Starke – but somehow, although bare, this place felt much more welcoming.
They ended up in a spacious area, filled with tables and chairs, and F/N realized it must be a sort of common room. Modest, but charming. She instantly loved it.
“The kitchen is here,” Falco said quietly, taking this sneaking-around business very seriously and opening another door. F/N chuckled, but raised her brows in appreciation upon stepping inside. It was quite large, and there were numerous labeled boxes neatly stocked in easily accessible places. All the pots, pans and kitchen utensils had a designated place, and there wasn’t a single dirty spoon in the entire kitchen.
“Wow, it’s so tidy,” she couldn’t help but say in awe. After all, unlike Starke, where they had people specially assigned for cleaning duties, Marley covered that by soldier rotation as far as she knew. They must be a very neat bunch, and in her experience, soldiers were anything but.
Falco turned to her, wearing a very serious expression. “Captain Levi always wants everything to be perfectly clean. It’s how it’s been ever since he moved here.”
“Oh?” F/N tilted her head, admittedly amused by this revelation. She couldn’t help but wonder where that particular quirk of his stemmed from.
“We’re going to have to clean everything before he gets here, and clean it right.”
She couldn’t help but burst into giggles. Why was the poor boy so scared of Levi? Yes, the way he said things could be coarse, but F/N hadn’t once heard a malicious word come out of the man’s mouth since she’d met him.
“Miss F/N! I’m serious!”
“Okay, okay,” she raised her hands defensively, containing her mirth for his sake. “We’ll clean everything, three times. Now let’s see, there’s flour, eggs, cocoa…”
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“Wow,” Falco gaped for the umpteenth time, staring at the tall, delicious looking cake. F/N, who was having much more fun than she felt comfortable admitting, had decided to go all out and form cute little patterns in the chocolate buttercream.
“It looks so good!”
The entire place admittedly smelled amazing, and F/N smiled. The scent brought back happy memories, a welcome change from what she’d lived in recent times. She applied the last detail and sent Falco a knowing look. “Do you want to lick the spoon?”
“Can I??”
“Well, I’ll be,” an unfamiliar voice made them both jolt and turn around, only to meet three different pairs of eyes.
“Whoa, that is massive!” a blue eyed, young man whistled, jogging ahead of the other two individuals to get a better look. He was tall, skinny and had a pale complexion, with a tuft of curly brown hair. “This is the surprise you were talking about, Falco?”
“It’s better!” the boy laughed, his eyes closing in bliss as he licked the gooey wooden spoon clean. “Miss F/N, this is delicious!”
Her name seemed to spark recognition in all of them, which led to a rather uncomfortable moment of them staring at her, while she understood who exactly they were.
“It’s good to finally meet you,” F/N eventually said, testing the waters more than anything. “You all seem to have recovered nicely.”
“Wait – you were discharged?” the same young man exclaimed, as if in disbelief. Upon giving him a better look, there were no traces of physical wounds that she could see, and F/N realized he must have been the one who’d been lucky enough not to get whipped before the Starkans fled.  “They said your doctor wanted to keep you in bed for another two months.”
F/N simply shrugged. “Well, I disagreed with that.”
“I-I’m Joey,” he extended his hand, as if just remembering that they had yet to properly acquaint themselves, although they knew of each other. “Joey Fawkes.”
She smiled politely, accepting the handshake. The other, older man then approached her and F/N could immediately tell that, whatever was weighing down on his soul, he wasn’t coping well. The frown etched on his features wasn’t one of ill will, she could see that in his expressive brown eyes – he was just incredibly sad.
The man, whom she identified to be Adam, didn’t introduce himself or offer a handshake. Instead, after paying her one look, he reached out and scooped some buttercream off the cake with his finger.
Deep down, that gesture irked F/N, but she didn’t let it show.
“Not too sweet,” he commented with a surprisingly smooth voice. She offered a smile.
“It’s good,” Adam said, after which he walked straight to the gas stove and set a kettle on the flame, probably in order to make coffee or tea.
“Don’t mind him,” Anya whispered in her ear, laying a strong arm on her shoulder and speaking their mother tongue. “He still hasn’t gotten used to being here… and it’s not a happy story.”
F/N hummed in understanding, watching him with a sympathetic look.
“So why the hell haven’t you been discharged yet, sugar? You’re stick thin, but other than that you seem fine,” the woman said louder, in a rough Marleyan, grabbing her by the shoulders and staring at her up and down. Anya seemed to have a long scar through her lips and down her chin, but it had healed quite nicely from the looks of it.
F/N shrugged, not really eager to get into the topic concerning her doctor, especially around Falco.
“Ah, I’m not really sure. I guess doctor Meyer wants to clear me when I’m fully healed.”
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say, for Anya’s face instantly darkened – it was quite a scary sight. Next to her, Joey drew in a nervous breath.
“Meyer? Isn’t that the one you socked in the family jewels?” he asked Anya innocently. The brunette harrumphed.
“Stuck up piece of shit who can’t keep his hands to himself? You’ve been assigned to him? And you haven’t kicked him in the dick?”
“Err,” F/N didn’t quite know how to respond, the whole subject making her extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. She was not exactly used to having the liberty to issue complaints regarding other people’s treatment of her body. That seemed to become apparent, for Anya and Joey both regarded her with sudden understanding.
“Look, doll, I know you were in the espionage unit and I know what that means. But that’s over and done with now. Someone acts in a way you don’t like, you should say something. Or sucker punch them,” Anya said, adding the last part as an afterthought, as if she were talking about daisies. “Actually, Joey here trained to be a field medic and he’s pretty damn good. You can take a look at her, yeah?”
“Sure,” he grinned, white teeth showing. “If you’re okay with that, F/N. We should all have each other’s backs, after all.”
“Thanks,” F/N replied, a little bit too quickly. She recognized that they were trying to be helpful, but unfortunately the little pep talk only made her feel like a deer in headlights – it wasn’t a matter she was in any way happy to discuss, and she felt exposed. “I appreciate it, but I’m fine, really. I really should, ah, get started on cleaning this place though, huh Falco? I made a huge mess,” F/N forced herself to laugh, escaping the conversation altogether. Thankfully, Falco pretended to have not heard the exchange and nodded vigorously. He intended to get started on the dishes in the sink, yet F/N playfully pushed him away with her hip.
“Birthday boys don’t have to do cleanup,” she chided. “Also, shouldn’t your friends be back by now?”
“No!” surprisingly, all three of her compatriots yelled vehemently. F/N cocked her head to the side in befuddlement, but caught Adam, who was sipping his black coffee, subtly gesturing towards the door and then making a flashing motion with his hand.
Ahh, okay. She got it.
“How about we all clean together?” Joey proposed excitedly, not giving Falco enough time to properly question the outburst. “We’ll get it done faster and there’s less of a chance Captain Levi will have your heads!”
“What the hell is up with that?” F/N mumbled quietly to herself, but shook her head and joined the enthusiastic agreement. She grabbed a broom and got to work.
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They were almost done, when Joey began a series of intense (and quite hilarious) gestures behind Falco’s back. F/N had to cover her smile with her hand.
“Why don’t you all take a break and hang out in the mess hall? I’ll finish in here,” she offered.
“Are you sure, Miss F/N?”
“Yes, yes, go on ahead,” the young woman waved him off, already taking her strategic position behind the cake. It was a good thing she’d had the inspiration to place it on a wheeled cart in the first place – there was no way she could carry something so heavy with her injuries.
“Alright, then,” Falco agreed with a wide smile. “Thank you again, Miss F/N!”
Anya inconspicuously passed her an object as she left, and F/N couldn’t help the happy giggle that escaped her mouth upon hearing the loud cheer that echoed as soon as they made their entrance into the mess hall. Falco was a great kid, he deserved it.
She quickly took the twelve candles out of the bag Anya had dropped into her hand and began placing them neatly on the cake. She lit them all with matchsticks and then, grimacing in pain from the effort, she pushed the cart into the mess hall.
Completely aware that her presence would be met with shock, F/N instantly began singing a birthday song, which they all had no choice but to join. She could still feel that she was being stared at, but this was Falco’s moment – and, anyway, she forgot all about it when she saw him being squished by Gabi in a tight hug. It was too cute.
“Make a wish and blow the candles!”
He did just that, and then he accepted his birthday wishes with a beaming face. “Can we all have cake now, Miss F/N?”
Gabi stared with wide eyes. “It looks so good!”
“You have no idea!”
“The hell are you doing here?” F/N faced the inevitable, turning towards Levi halfway even as she began serving slices. She decided to take her chances and be a bit cheeky, offering him a plate.
“I made birthday cake.”
Predictably, he did not find her dry humor tasteful, but Hange stepped in before the Captain could respond.
“Anya told me you’ve been having the same trouble as her with Dr. Meyer?”
F/N exhaled through her nose. She’d wished to be able to weasel herself out of the situation without having to talk about it, she really had.
“It’s nothing serious. I feel fine and I wanted to get out of bed. Obviously that wasn’t such a horrible idea, since I haven’t dropped dead yet.”
Unlike Anya, Hange immediately tuned in to her reluctance to speak of it and F/N was grateful that she dropped it. “I’ll go ahead and make the arrangements for you to be cleared then.”
“Thank you.”
The bespectacled scientist gave her a warm smile and, true to her word, walked out. Levi clicked his tongue.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Oh, hi!” F/N cheerfully greeted Levi’s former squad as they all came over to get their slices. “This is your team, right?” she addressed Levi, purposely ignoring his question. He grumbled something about it not being so officially anymore, obviously annoyed that she’d deflected him.
“How do you know?” Armin asked, raising a brow. “I mean, we weren’t allowed to visit you per doctor’s orders.”
“He talks about you guys a lot,” F/N grinned, eyeing each one of them for a moment. “Let’s see… Armin, Jean, Mikasa and Connie?”
“…Right,” said Connie, on behalf of all of them. “I didn’t know you liked us enough to talk about us, Captain.”
“Piss off, brats.”
F/N tried to contain her laughter when they did exactly as he said, but apparently she failed.
“Something funny?”
“No. It’s just,” she relented, not wanting to get on his nerves for evading two questions in a row. “Everyone seems to be so scared of you.”
“Poor Falco was manic about cleaning the kitchen.”
Levi deadpanned, walking past her. F/N blinked for a moment, after which she had to hold her aching sides from the force of her laughter, following him back into the kitchen. She couldn’t believe it – he’d actually walked there to check if it was clean?
“At least it’s not despicable,” was the verdict.
She leaned against a sparkling clean counter, mirth dancing in her eyes. “Oh?”
“The wooden spoons are in the wrong place, there are condensation marks on the oven door and you missed a few crumbs on the floor.”
F/N watched as he moved around, fixing the errors he spoke of.
“Hmm. So what would happen if everything weren’t spotlessly clean?”
Levi cocked his head at her, momentarily halting his actions. He didn’t speak right away. “Why wouldn’t it be, if it can be? We’re not pigs, so why live like them.”
“Have you lived like a pig before?” she prodded him further, observing the way he methodically wiped the oven door. It definitely didn’t look like something compulsive since he didn’t seem to think twice about getting dirty when the situation required it - it was probably a control issue.
The Captain sent her a look. “Are you trying to pick my brain again?”
F/N lifted her hands in surrender. She couldn’t help it sometimes – it was her natural charisma, coupled with her compassionate demeanor which made her easy to open up to that had gotten her recruited in the first place, and now that she possessed an entire arsenal of techniques, it was difficult not to employ them without thinking.
“You’re awfully curious about others for someone who barely talks about herself.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to prod.”
“That wasn’t my point,” Levi countered. However, he seemed to decide that pushing her was just as futile as her pushing him, so the Captain changed his approach. “Are you getting along well with the others?”
F/N tilted her head, offering a small shrug. “They’ve been kind to me so far.”
“Tch. I’d be surprised if they weren’t – they wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”
F/N gazed at him with a small, genuine smile. From day one, he’d found ways to pepper in comments that would help build her up. So small that you could blink and miss them, and yet meaningful all the same. He didn’t have to, just like he didn’t have to save her from the sewers, and yet he did. Maybe it was hard to see for others, but she hadn’t specialized in reading people for nothing; in his own way, he was one of the kindest people she’d ever met.
“That wasn’t what I meant though,” Levi continued, unaware of the gentle expression in her eyes as she regarded him. “Could you see yourself working with them?”
That took her slightly off-guard. Crossing her arms over her chest, F/N walked over until she was at eye level with him and she lifted both eyebrows inquisitively. “What could you possibly have in mind that includes a special ops soldier, an engineer, a medic and a spy?”
Levi met her stare directly, and F/N instantly realized that there wasn’t a shroud of doubt in his mind regarding his idea. “A squad.”
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“You still feel guilty about her, don’t you?” Hange’s quiet voice snapped Levi out of his haze. Uncharacteristically, he’d allowed his mind to wander, and it appeared that his gaze had decided to remain on F/N. She was seated alongside her compatriots, listening to Joey and Anya’s animated talk patiently and occasionally pitching in to say something or to try to include Adam in the conversation.
Levi had allowed Hange to drag him to breakfast that morning, even though it wasn’t his favorite activity after his routinely sleepless nights, and as the scientist placed a number of files on the table, he began to understand why.
He sighed in reply to her question, reading some lines from the files fugitively – he’d already done it a hundred and three times. “I wouldn’t call it guilt.”
“Hmm. Then what is it?”
The Captain clicked his tongue, his features showing his internal struggle to put his thoughts into words. “We’ve dealt with spies before, but she’s different. It’s like she can snap her fingers and get inside my head – she got me thinking about why I’m so adamant about cleaning, for fuck’s sake.”
Hange couldn’t help but chuckle, despite the off-put glare she received for it. “Oh? And why are you so adamant about cleaning?”
“I don’t fucking know. I didn’t let her get that far. Maybe it would have made me turn upside down and start living like a slob instead, how should I know,” he said dryly, a shiver going down his spine even as the words came out of his mouth. He’d never given it a second thought until F/N had implied it may have something to do with his upbringing – now he couldn’t stop thinking about it. A part of him wanted to know, a part of him was terrified of it. It was infuriating.
“Well, for one, the spies we’ve dealt with before were kids who simply infiltrated our ranks. She has a different kind of training. Are you concerned she has ulterior motives?”
“She’s given me no reason to think that.”
“Ah. So that’s what it is then. You’re scared she might, but she’s too good for you to realize it,” Hange deduced. Levi didn’t give her verbal confirmation, but it wasn’t like she needed any. “You’re not used to anyone being able to figure you out – not in such a short amount of time, at least – and you’re also not used to actually being interested in what someone has to say. I’m not saying we won’t continue to monitor all of them carefully, but maybe you should give her a bit more credit?”
Levi took some time to mull over his friend’s words, and ultimately he grunted in reluctant agreement. After all, since it had been decided that all four of the Starkan renegades would come to form a cohesive unit under his command, he would have plenty of time to make sure they were all loyal to their new allegiance. He just couldn’t help but feel a nagging discomfort – unlike the others, who were fairly easy for him to understand, talking with F/N sometimes felt like he was talking to a brick wall. She was cooperative, yet she was probably more adept than even Erwin at weaseling her way out of subjects she didn’t want to discuss. The fact that she could read him so easily while it was so hard for him to understand her also didn’t help.
“Well, since all of them have been discharged now, I think it’s time to get down to business, don’t you?” Hange brought him back to the present again, munching on a slice of buttered toast. Levi hadn’t commented on it, but deep down he found it endearing that Hange had discovered a passionate infatuation with all things dairy since they’d relocated to Marley. After all, animal products had been considered a luxury for the better part of their lives.
“Right,” he agreed. They’d convened that the interrogation process could wait until the newest additions to their forces were at least mostly recovered, their files now containing only the background the four of them had provided during the past month. Levi’s eyes annoyingly rested on F/N’s file first, where it was written that the twenty-four year old had grown up in a very high-profile family of politicians and her recruitment had occurred on the same day that Victor Baal came to power. That had interrupted her superior studies, which revolved around history and politics – fitting, Levi had to admit. The details pertaining to her family and her experience in the Starkan espionage unit were still blank, while the reason for her treason was decidedly obvious.
Next, he glanced at Joey’s file. He was the oldest of five, and at twenty years of age he’d decided to use his natural caregiving skills in order to join the army and get a better salary to support the rest of his orphaned siblings. Five years later, despite a lack of superior medical education, he was deemed proficient enough to be sent on the frontlines – at the same time, however, Baal’s rise to power had prompted him to quickly make arrangements to leave the military. That proved impossible, and all he managed to do was get his family out of the country and into Marley before being caught and facing trial.
In fact, that had been the soldiers’ assignment the previous day – they’d verified the address that Joey had given them, indeed meeting four kids ranging from ten to twenty years of age living in a cramped little space. Reiner had taken it upon himself to find a better living arrangement for them, and although Joey hadn’t been allowed to visit them himself, they were toying with the idea to allow it in the foreseeable future.
Adam seemed to only open up to Hange for some reason, and he hadn’t offered much other than his initial explanation – he didn’t like talking about it, and he hated being so far away from the possibility of finding his daughters even more. He was the one Levi was most concerned about – the Captain knew he would place his own interests over theirs in a heartbeat, and that was something he needed to control carefully.
Lastly, Anya was the most straightforward story. She disagreed with everything regarding Baal’s regime, she had no immediate family to worry about and she had none of Joey’s prudent nature or F/N’s finesse. The forty year old had snapped one day, killing her teammates as well as her squad leader in plain view. Apparently – and she was quite proud of this – eight soldiers had been required to finally detain her. She’d been in the special ops, so Levi was quite glad that at least one of them possessed fighting skills of high caliber.
“Do you want to do it the same way as last time? I talk with the men and leave the ladies to you?”
“No,” Levi replied after giving it some thought. “I think we should all do it, including the brats. They’re suspicious and they’re avoiding them.”
Levi couldn’t blame them – whether from the Paradise or Marleyan side, all younger soldiers were quietly distrustful of the four Starkans. They’d all experienced betrayal, so it was only natural. The only reason they hadn’t spoken of it was their respect for their Captain and Commander, and Magath respectively. Levi knew them well enough, however (his brats, at least), and their compassion always warmed them up. They’d lost so much, but they hadn’t lost that part of themselves yet.
“Alright, then. We’ll start after breakfast.”
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Magath opened the door and F/N offered Joey a warm smile as he walked out. The young man was quite obviously worn out from the experience, but his blue eyes stubbornly remained bright. He returned the gesture, patting her on the shoulder as he walked past.
“You’ll feel better at the end,” he tried to encourage her. F/N didn’t quite believe it would be so, but she appreciated his words regardless.
She was the last to walk into the spacious office, and by this time it was already late afternoon. Embarrassingly, her stomach had begun singing with hunger – it was ridiculous, how her appetite had soared in the past days. She hoped her guts wouldn’t holler during the following ordeal, but then again F/N guessed she had bigger things to worry about.
She couldn’t hide or escape anymore – she’d have to talk. And no matter how much time she spent steeling herself outside that door, she knew how badly her vulnerability was going to affect her.
Although she knew better than to think it would be of any help, F/N straightened her shoulders and held her head up high as she took her seat, gazing at the faces surrounding her. They ranged from conflicted to disheartened to downright bored, if the blonde girl sitting cross legged on the windowsill was any indication.
F/N opened her mouth to say something that, for her own sake, would lighten the atmosphere and alleviate those heavy stares, but her stomach beat her to it by releasing the loudest growl she had ever heard coming out of her own damn self. She turned crimson.
Connie was the first to burst into laughter, followed by Jean, Hange, Reiner, and soon enough most inhabitants of the room were at the very least turning away to hide a smile, like Levi was.
“Me too,” said Annie, and even though she was dead serious, her inference only amplified the general hilarity. Connie sent her a sly look.
“What’s that, Annie? You want some pie?”
“Sorry, Annie,” added Reiner, despite the murderously sour expression on her face. “I seem to remember you’ve already eaten all the pie on the continent.”
“…Do we have pie or not?” F/N found it an appropriate time to pitch in, causing them to burst into laughter all over again because she wasn’t even aware of the inside joke.
“Alright, alright,” Magath waved his hands. “We’ll resume this after dinner.”
Walking into the mess hall, F/N was a bit disappointed that her compatriots weren’t there. She could understand they may all need time to themselves right then, but she wasn’t momentarily sure where to take a seat after getting her potato stew and leftover slice of cake from the day before. Her eyes searched for Levi, but found Jean’s waving hand instead.
Accepting the invitation with a small smile, she sat next to him and facing Mikasa. Out of all of them, she was the least talkative, and F/N couldn’t pretend that she didn’t know why. She had yet to reveal it, but she’d been obliged to study information pertaining to all of them.
“Thanks for the cue back there, we were all starving,” was Jean’s opening line, to which F/N released a soft snort.
“I can’t take credit. I’ve been hungry nonstop recently,” she admitted in Eldian, momentarily shocking them. They shared a few glances and visibly, albeit unconsciously relaxed, making F/N smile to herself – people always underestimated the power of language and how speaking one’s mother tongue could make them feel at home.
“I used to know someone like that,” Connie chuckled lightly, though the mirth didn’t reach his eyes. Instead, he gazed at the food wistfully. “Potato stew and chocolate cake… Sasha would have loved this.”
Their eyes all drooped with heartache and yet they smiled, as if they didn’t know which emotion was stronger – their grief or their affection for whomever they were remembering. Mikasa hummed, bringing a spoonful of cake to her lips.
“Sasha would have needed to be tied up over this.”
Her comment prompted a series of mild, approbatory chuckles to commence around the table, after which Armin leaned back and sighed.
“It’s so strange, isn’t it? Not long ago, all the people in this hall were on opposite sides of the battlefield, killing each other and those dear to them. Now we’re laughing together and eating the same food. I’m… still not used to it, if I’m honest.”
No one had a reply at the ready for him, so F/N sighed. “I know it probably won’t help, but it’s better food than anything in Starke.”
Her change of subject seemed to be a welcome one, for their eyes rested on her with interest.
“Oh, really? Somehow I expected everything to be better there,” Jean stated, not without bitterness in his tone.
F/N hummed negatively. “No. Not anymore, at least. Food isn’t viewed as something to be enjoyed or something to bond over. You have a strict plan made according to your body and what it is expected to achieve, and if that plan entails eating a piece of beef with porridge, then you’re eating a piece of beef with porridge.”
“Not anymore?” Armin questioned, always perceptive. “You mean since Victor Baal came to power?”
“Right. Things used to be very different, as I’m sure you’ve been told.”
They had been, and still there was curiosity lingering in their eyes. Connie opened his mouth to ask a question, however he was cut short by Levi appearing beside them.
“Come on, brats. We don’t have all day.”
F/N raised a brow at him. “Am I a brat, too?” she asked, just for the sake of it, because she was about to experience an unpleasant range of emotions soon enough and at least right then she still retained her sense of humor.
“You’re a pain in my ass,” was his deadpan, obviously sarcastic answer. She couldn’t help but grin, despite the looks she received for it – his sense of humor was crude, dry, but somehow it got the job done.
That small instance of relief was, however, short lived. Soon enough, she was back in the chair and there was no delaying it anymore.
The first question reached her ears, and she had no choice but to speak.
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arysafics · 5 years
if u do take requests please: a fic where clarke and bellamy are in a stable relationship but someone makes a comment about her body figure, and she starts to feel unconfortable and make diets, not feeling good on being naked in front of him and he notices
loose lips sink ships all the damn time
Summary: Clarke has always known Bellamy is too good for her, but it still hurts when strangers on the internet think that too.
Rated T, ~4000 words
Clarke has always known that Bellamy would make it bigsomeday. They’ve been together since he was in drama school and he starred in ashort film she wrote. It’s still the best thing she’s ever made, and it’s notbecause it’s her best writing (far from it), it’s because he made it amazing.
Since then, Clarke has given up writing scripts, findingshe’s better suited to novels, and Bellamy has had a lot of small roles in TVshows. There were a couple of recurring characters, and once, the villain in asci-fi show that ended up being cancelled after a season. But finally, his fucking agent did somethinggood for once, and got him an audition for a big action trilogy, which of course he got the lead for, starringopposite the mega-famous supermodel/actress, Echo Whiting.
The premiere was last night, and people are already goingcrazy for it. Bellamy has never been the type to keep up with social media, orread reviews about his work, but Clarke loves it. She gets a thrill every timeshe sees his name pop up on her Twitter or Facebook feed, whether it’s a reviewof his brilliant performance or just a fan screaming about how much they lovehim. Sure, it gets weird sometimes, especially because a lot of his fans arethirsting after him, but she hardly ever reads anything negative about him.
He’s still asleep, and Clarke elects not to wake him up. Hefinally has some time off after weeks of interviews and appearances, and Clarkeisn’t about to ruin his first day to sleep in.
She opens Twitter on her phone, and searches Bellamy’s name.The latest tweet is a link to an article of the best and worst dressed from thepremiere last night, and Clarke clicks on it, already knowing Bellamy will bein the best category. She finds himat number two, after Echo, and she stares at his picture, smiling to herself.She loves him because he’s kind and selfless and funny and talented. But he’salso really hot as well.
The caption reads: BellamyBlake can do no wrong when it comes to fashion. We don’t care what he wears, aslong as he keeps showing up to give us that dreamy smile.
Clarke continues scrolling, until she reaches the worstdressed. Okay, if it were up to her, these lists wouldn’t even exist. But also,secretly she kind of likes judging other people’s clothes. She has to agreethat number one on the list is kind of awful. There are just too many colourson Ontari’s dress, and all of them clash. The second one Clarke doesn’t thinkis so bad, but then, she’s no fashion expert.
She continues scrolling, and her stomach drops when she seesnone other than herself at number three. She hadn’t even realised anyone waspaying attention to her. She’s not even in the movie. She’s not a famous actor.She’s just Bellamy Blake’s girlfriend.
She doesn’t even think she looks that bad in the dress shewore last night. She felt sexy at the time, in skin tight red, and if the wayBellamy pulled her out of it after they got home last night was any indication,he thought she looked sexy too.
Her eyes scan the caption, wondering why she’s made theworst dressed list.
Look guys, we havenothing wrong with the dress itself. But Clarke, honey, it’s not for you. Sheneeds a stylist that can dress her for her body type, and hide all theunflattering bits. Oh, and by the way, this is a red carpet, not the red lightdistrict. Put those things away!
Clarke feels sick to her stomach. She looks at the pictureagain, and suddenly she can see what they’re talking about. The dress stretchesover her stomach and thighs, making her look bigger than she is. Or maybe shereally is that big. And the dress probably is too low cut for someone withbreasts like Clarke’s. Echo would probably look really good in the dress.
“Hey,” Bellamy says sleepily, cuddling up to her. Clarkeexits the article quickly, blinking back tears.
“Sorry,” Clarke says. “Did I wake you?”
“Hmm, I don’t think so. What were you reading?”
“Just a stupid article,” Clarke says.
“You’re not googling me again, are you?” Bellamy grins.Clarke smiles back at him. She has to remind herself that it doesn’t matterwhat one dumb article says about her. Bellamy’s opinion is the one thatmatters, and he loves her and thinks she’s beautiful.
“Someone has to do it,” Clarke says.
“Well, thank you for being my biggest fan,” Bellamy says,leaning over her to kiss her. He takes her phone from her hands, placing itaside, continuing to kiss her, letting his hands roam over her body. She tenseswhen he grips her thigh, and he stops. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Clarke says quickly. God, she’s so stupid. She can’tlet the words of some bitch pretending to be a journalist get to her. They’rejust jealous that Clarke is with Bellamy. And who could blame them?
Even knowing this, she pushes him off her and scoots out ofbed.
“I just really need to pee,” she says, shooting him a smileto show him she’s okay.
Bellamy raises an eyebrow at her, but he doesn’t push it.“Okay,” he says. “We should probably get up anyway. I still have to pack.”
“We have time,” Clarke says. “Go back to sleep.” He givesher that dreamy smile everyone is so in love with, then falls back against thepillows. Clarke heads to the bathroom, wondering if she should have told himabout the article. Except she already knows what he’d say. He’d tell her thearticle is wrong, and that they’re just trying to get attention, and that sheneeds to stop reading that shit. And he’d be right, obviously. Which is why shedoesn’t tell him.
  Clarke decides she’s going to go social media free for acouple of weeks, while she and Bellamy are in Fiji. He has some time off, andwhile he loves his job and his fans, Clarke knows he tires of being the centreof attention. It will be good for the two of them to disappear, even if justfor a little while.
“No Twitter, no Facebook, no Instagram. I’m not even goingto use Google,” Clarke tells Bellamy, putting her phone on the charger. They’restaying in a tiny little private villa, close to the beach, and Bellamy isalready dressed in his swim shorts. It’s a distracting sight.
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but I also know youvery well. If you last the day I’ll be surprised,” he grins.
“That sounds a lot like you don’t believe me,” Clarke pouts.
Bellamy laughs. “I believe you want to try.”
“I’ll show you,” Clarke says, poking her tongue out. “I’mnot even going to take my phone with me to the beach.”
“That sounds like a brag, but I don’t get why you would evenneed a phone at the beach.”
“Photos,” Clarke says. She picks up her phone and snaps oneof him to prove her point. “That’s going to be my new lock screen.”
Bellamy shakes his head, amused. “Come on,” he says, holdingout his hand. “The ocean is calling to me.”
Clarke takes his hand, grabbing her towel from the bed onthe way. They make the five minute walk to the beach hand in hand. It’s perfectbeach weather, warm and not too windy, and yet there is hardly anyone else onthe beach. They lay their towels down, and Bellamy waits for Clarke to take herdress off so they can get in the water. She hesitates, just for a moment. Thewords from the article run through her mind, reminding her about all her unflattering bits. She’s just wearing abikini underneath the dress, and it doesn’t cover all that much. She hadn’tlooked in the mirror when she put it on, and she’s suddenly worried about whatshe looks like in it.
Steeling herself, Clarke hurriedly pulls the dress over herhead and puts it down on her towel, trying to keep her stomach covered with herarms as long as possible. When she looks up, Bellamy is staring at her.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. He smirks. “Just wish we wereback at the villa instead of on this very public beach.”
“You wanted to come to the beach.”
“Yeah, but that was before I saw you in that bikini.”
“Stop it,” she says, giving him a playful shove. She stillloves it when he gets all flirty with her, looks at her like he wants to devourher. Yet part of her wonders if he’s just putting it on. Acting like he wantsher more than he really does. He grabs her arm and tugs her close, kissing her.“We shouldn’t do this here,” Clarke murmurs between kisses.
“Why?” Bellamy whispers back.
“You’re famous. People might recognise you and takepictures.”
“I don’t care.”
Clarke breaks away from his lips, trailing her fingers downhis arm and taking his hand. “We’re going swimming first,” she says, pullinghim towards the ocean. “And then when we get back to the villa you can dowhatever you like to me.”
“Okay,” Bellamy agrees, and he lets Clarke lead him into theshallows. He grabs her around the waist, and she shrieks, laughing as he kissesher, then pulls her down into the water. He loves her, Clarke reminds herself.He loves her and he wants her, regardless of what anyone else says. She has toremember that.
  Out of stubbornness and nothing else, Clarke makes it thewhole two weeks without social media. She does feel proud of herself, but thetrue prize is Bellamy admitting he was wrong for doubting her.
Of course, the first thing she does when they get home isopen Twitter, while Bellamy does the responsible thing and starts unpacking hissuitcase.
She goes through her notifications, liking questions fromfans about her next book so she can answer them later. She reads every tweetshe’s mentioned in, which usually isn’t that many, seeing as it’s been a whilesince her last book came out, and though she’s on Twitter a lot, she doesn’tactually tweet that much. Occasionally she’ll get people asking her aboutBellamy, but she never replies to those ones.
There is a tweet from what looks like a Bellamy Blake fanaccount, judging from the username.
Give Bellamy Blake anOscar @bblakefan291
@clarkegriffinwritesdid you see this? people are so mean
Clarke clicks on the tweet, wondering what mean thingspeople could possibly be saying about Bellamy. She doesn’t want to get into aTwitter war over it, and she probably won’t tell him if it’s too harsh, but shefeels like she needs to know anyway.
She finds the tweet is a reply to a picture, a photo takenof her and Bellamy while they were at the beach. Her first thought is that theyboth look really happy. They’re standing in the shallows and he’s got his armaround her and she has the biggest smile on her face. Then she reads thecomment that goes with it.
Kelly @bechorise
No offence but he cando so much better lol. What is he even doing with her?
Clarke rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the sinking feelingin her stomach. It doesn’t matter to her what some random on the internet hasto say about her relationship with Bellamy.
She knows she should just exit the app and forget about it,but she sees the tweet has three hundred likes already, and fifteen replies,and she can’t resist scrolling down to see what other people are saying.Perhaps some part of her hopes there are people defending her.
Bellamy and Echo @bellamyandecho
He should be withsomeone actually hot. Like Echo!!!!!
Georgia @georgiagg55
She actually has apretty face but she really needs to lose a few pounds
hell is empty @ladygagaisshakespeare
lmao someone finallysaid it
Bellamy Blake’s Wife @wifeofbellamyblake
I’m hotter than she ishe should be with me!!!
becho are secretlydating @bechoes
don’t worry, this isjust a cover, he’s actually with Echo. It would literally make no sense for himto be dating this nobody lol that’s all the proof you need
frankie @franksfornothing
you can tell she’s waymore into him than he is into her. He’s going to break up with her soon I canfeel it. Then we celebrate ladies!
There are a couple of tweets defending her, but the repliesto those tweets are just other people telling them to shut up. The worst one iswhere someone has reposted the picture, but they’ve circled and labelled allher flaws. Her cellulite, her stretch marks, the rolls of fat around herstomach.
Her chest is tight and her eyes well with tears. It’sstupid, she knows it’s stupid. They’re just strangers on the internet whoseopinions shouldn’t matter. But the thing is, she’s always kind of suspectedshe’s not good enough for him. When he first asked her out, she had troublebelieving it wasn’t some kind of dumb prank. Guys that look like that don’tdate girls that look like Clarke. They date girls that look like Echo Whiting.
And it’s not that Clarke thinks Bellamy is cheating on her,or wants to cheat on her, or is secretly planning to break up with her when thetime is right. But she can see what everyone else sees. That he’s better thanher. He’s more talented, he’s more charismatic, he’s more attractive. Clarkedoesn’t deserve him, and she’s always kind of known it. Deep down, there’s thisfear that one day he’s going to wake up and realise he can do better, and thenhe’ll leave her. To have other people validate that fear, to have strangers onthe internet voice her worst and darkest thoughts about herself and herrelationship—it just makes it seem more real.
The thought of losing Bellamy makes her ache. What if hesees this picture, sees how out of her league he is, starts seeing her the wayshe really is? How long would it take him to stop touching her, because hethinks she’s too fat? Stops taking her as his date to awards shows andpremieres because he realises she makes him look bad?
“Okay, I’m done unpacking,” Bellamy says, strolling out fromthe bedroom. Clarke quickly brushes the tears from her eyes, swallowing. Shecan’t tell him about this. He’ll think she’s stupid, or he’ll think she’sright, and either way she doesn’t want to deal with it. He stops, frowning, hisface etched with concern. “You okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” Clarke says. Evidently, she hasn’t hidden her tearsas well as she would have liked. “Just watched a dog video.”
Bellamy smiles. “Cute. You want to get pizza for dinner? I’mnot really in the mood for cooking.”
Clarke hesitates. Pizza does sound good. But perhaps sheshouldn’t be eating pizza, if she actually wants to keep her boyfriend. “Youcan get pizza if you want. I’m not that hungry.”
“I can just order you some garlic bread if you want.”
Clarke huffs. “No, Bellamy. I don’t want garlic bread.”
“But you love garlic bread. And you might be hungry later.You can heat it up—”
“I said I don’t want it,” Clarke snaps. Bellamy snaps hismouth closed, frowning. Clarke takes a deep breath. “Sorry,” she mutters. “Ithink I’m just tired from the flight. I’m going to take a shower and go tobed.”
“Okay,” Bellamy says. Clarke doesn’t look at him as sheheads to the bathroom, but she knows he’s watching her, confused as to why shesnapped at him. Clarke doesn’t even really know herself, except that he’sencouraging her to eat things that will make her fat, and that annoys her.
While she’s in the shower, she decides she’s going to starta diet in the morning. Cut out carbs completely maybe. Only eat things that aregreen.
She towels herself off and puts her pyjamas on and gets intobed. She can smell Bellamy’s pizza when it arrives. Her stomach grumbles. Whenhe comes into the bedroom to offer her some, she pretends to be asleep.
  Clarke starts her diet the next morning. While Bellamy isstill asleep, she plans out what she’s allowed to eat for the for the week andsticks the chart on the fridge with a magnet. She’s already hungry just lookingat it. But she’s sure she’ll get over that.
Breakfast today is just half a grilled tomato. Bellamywanders into the kitchen as she plates it up.
“What’s that?” he asks.
“A tomato.”
“What’s it for?”
The look Bellamy gives her is sceptical. “That’s notbreakfast, Clarke. At least have some toast with it.”
“Can you stop telling me what to eat?”
Bellamy actually flinches. Clarke stabs her tomato with herfork, feeling guilty. “Sorry.”
“Clarke,” Bellamy says. “Is everything okay?”
“Uh huh,” she says. She doesn’t look up from her plate. “Ijust really have a craving for grilled tomato,” she says. She keeps talkingbefore Bellamy can say anything else. “Anyway, I need to get some writing donethis morning, so I’m going to be in my office for a few hours,” she saysquickly, picking up her plate and hurrying to her office.
She hardly gets any writing done. She’s hungry and she can’tthink straight and she feels guilty for snapping at Bellamy for no reason. She’swritten two sentences in two hours by the time she hears Bellamy get back fromhis run. She sighs to herself, leaving her work and finding him in the bedroom,stripping off his sweat soaked shirt.
“Hey,” she says, poking her head into the room. Bellamylooks up, throwing his shirt into the laundry basket. “Sorry about before.”
“It’s fine, Clarke,” he says. He folds his arms over hischest, his biceps bulging. Clarke quickly meets his eyes. This is a seriousconversation. “Are you going to tell me what’s really going on though?”
Clarke shrugs. “Must be getting my period.” All manner ofweird behaviour can be excused that way, right?
“That’s it?”
Clarke nods. Bellamy sags. “Fuck, Clarke,” he says. “You hadme really worried.”
“You were worried? About what?”  
“Yeah,” he says softly, walking over to her. He takes herhands in his. “I thought—I don’t know. It doesn’t matter.” He kisses her softly,then a little harder. He presses her against the doorframe, crushing heragainst his sweaty chest. Clarke’s heart races as she kisses him back, her needfor him growing.
“Bellamy,” she whispers, her voice husky. He presses a kissto each of her cheeks.
“I need you.”
“Come and shower with me,” Bellamy says, his lips againsthers again, his hands still holding hers. He tugs her towards the bathroom, andClarke lets him pull her with him. He doesn’t even bother shutting the bathroomdoor before he’s kissing her again. His hands slide under her shirt, and she tensesup instinctively, thinking about the circles that person drew on her picture,pointing out her chubby stomach. Bellamy stops instantly, pulling back.
“It’s okay,” she says, even though it’s not. She wants him,she really wants him. But the thought of him seeing her like the rest of theworld sees her makes her sick. She looks okay in her baggy shirt and jeans, butshe doesn’t want him to see her naked. Not until she’s lost some weight, andshe can look like a girlfriend he can actually be proud of. “I just—um,” shesteps back, away from him, eyes on the floor. “I changed my mind. I—” she feelsher throat closing up. She tries to swallow, so she won’t cry.
“Clarke, baby,” Bellamy says softly. “What’s going on? Tellme.”
She looks up at him, just as a tear rolls down her cheek.She shakes her head. “I don’t want you to think I’m ugly,” she says, and itsounds so stupid she could laugh, if her chest didn’t ache so much.
“Ugly?” Bellamy shakes his head. “Why would I ever think you’reugly?”
Clarke sobs, though she tries to hold it back. The truthspills out of her. “Everybody thinks I’m not good enough for you. And they’reright. Why are you even with me, when you could have anybody you want? Someonewho’s actually in your league?”
“Clarke—” Bellamy says, searching her eyes, confused andconcerned. “I don’t understand. Who thinks you’re not good enough for me?”
Clarke pulls her phone from her back pocket and opensTwitter. It only takes her a moment to find the tweet.
“I don’t get it,” Bellamy says. “This is a good picture.”
“Read the comments, Bellamy.”
Bellamy looks back to the phone, his eyes scanning thescreen as he scrolls. His expression gets darker and darker as he reads. Helooks up, his eyes hot with rage.
“Clarke,” he says. “This is a load of bullshit. I love you and I want to be with you. Just the thought of you thinkingyou’re not good enough for me—” he cuts himself off with a huff. “Fuck anyone whomakes you think that,” he growls.
Clarke shrugs. “But look at me,” she says. “And look at you.”
“Clarke,” Bellamy says, his anger turning to anguish. “Don’tsay that. You’re beautiful. What can I do to make you believe me?”
“Nothing, Bellamy,” Clarke huffs. “It’s not your fault. I believeyou believe that. But one day you’re going to wake up and realise you should bewith someone who makes you look good. Someone like Echo.”
“I’ll quit the movie,” Bellamy says. “I’ll quit actingentirely. None of it means anything if I don’t have you.”
Clarke shakes her head, tears falling again. “Don’t give upyour dream because of me.”
“Don’t leave me,” Bellamy says, his voice trembling. “I loveyou. I love you.”
Clarke’s heart misses a beat. “I’m not leaving you,” she says.“God, Bellamy. This isn’t a break up.”
Bellamy exhales, his relief evident. He takes her face inhis hands. “Clarke. You have to know, I think you’re gorgeous. I don’t want youto ever doubt that. But I don’t love you because of the way you look. I loveyou because of you. All of you. Ilove you exactly as you are, and I will love you if you change entirely, and Iwill love you if you stay the same.”
Clarke’s heart thrums in her chest. She puts her hand overhis. With his words, the fierce sincerity in his eyes, her doubts vanish. He’snever once made her feel like she’s not worthy of him, and the fact that shelet some childish internet trolls make her believe any different fills her withshame.
“Bellamy, I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I should never evenhave read those comments. I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you, or thatI think you’re shallow—”
“Hey, hey,” he says. “You don’t have to be sorry. You feelhow you feel. But I want to know how you feel too, okay?”
Clarke nods. Bellamy drops his hands from her face. “Wouldyou really quit acting for me?”
“I would do anything for you.”
“You know I would never ask you to do that, right?”
“I know,” Bellamy says. “And that’s why I would.”
Clarke shakes her head, smiling. “I’m the last person whowould want you to give up acting. You know I’m your biggest fan, right?”
Bellamy smiles. “And I’m yours.”
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