#regeneration flags not death flags
industrialorganiser · 2 years
Is anyone else terrified that Ruby is going to fall through the world and become a new person???
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adickaboutspoons · 2 years
Ship-shaped: Part - It's just a TARDIS ya'll
So I've talked many times about the interior of the Revenge.
Today let's judge a ship by her cover.
And by cover, I mean chameleon circuit.
(Special thanks to @nicnacsnonsense who sleuthed this through with me)
I've noted before how there are more windows in Stede's quarters when viewed from the inside (7) than from the outside (5):
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But that's not the only weird thing going on.
Take a look at the yellow stripe that runs around the exterior of the hull. Sometimes it's 7 boards wide, sometimes only 5:
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And then there's the much-debated question of the location of the bathroom. That little port hole over Lucius' head when he's dangling over the side of the ship isn't anywhere near big enough to be the same window next to the tub (and also, it would be basically on the floor of the bathroom if you line it up with the big bay windows that make up Stede's bed nook).
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But there's another window we can look through to give us some answers.
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The window under the stairs! I think we can all agree that the stairs abut the hull (outermost wall of the ship), right? and that the window under the stairs is less than a foot from where the wall on which it's mounted intersects with the hull wall.
So that would mean that this door opens right out onto the water:
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The ship is just a TARDIS. She's bigger on the inside. Her doors lead wherever you need them to lead. Sometimes she forgets how many stripes she has or how big they are.
And don't worry, she'll figure out a way to save her Timelord. The Boy.
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iguanodont · 7 months
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The Flag Chase
Shown here is a late summer ritual carried out by the Ruruumi bachelor group: garbed in little more than a decorative collar, a young gifter climbs onto the back of a wild Ahoũitre, the Resplendent Flagdeer, to remove its brilliantly colored display feathers as a trophy to present during the nuptial gifting ceremonies in the fall. Using an obsidian knife, the cut must be clean enough to shed no more than a few drops of blood, without damaging the feathers, and performed without being hurled to the ground by the bucking animal. It is a sport requiring an impressive display of courage, agility, and control over one’s own trunkhorse, and for many kakroum bachelors, this and related high risk sports are a rite of status in their tightly knit brotherhoods. Many bachelor groups will specialize in ‘capturing’ a specific animal, though flagdeer are exceptionally prized for their feathers, which adorn the regalia of many clan residents. It is a feat that frequently ends in serious injury or death, but something that only a frivolous gifter can afford to perform, free from the responsibility of maintaining a village. In the process, he proves in himself the sort of strength and cleverness that any would-be mother would wish to see in her own daughters.
As for the flagdeer, it will be released after having been separated from its feathers. Though its wounds are relatively minor, it will have no hope of impressing its own kind in the coming mating season. Flag removal is a strategy employed by sparring male flagdeer as well, which will attempt to mangle or nip off the other’s display feathers to oust the competition. If the damage is minor, the flags will regrow the following year, but the cut made a birg’s knife frequently takes the entire “hand” of the appendage, preventing a complete regeneration.
Milder imitations of this sport are practiced by both children and adults. One common variant involves two teams, each defending am urwuzhu (mid-sized livestock) with a ribbon or flag tied to some part of its body. The opposing teams attempt to remove the flag from each other’s animal and carry it back to their section of the village. Such games can become immensely rowdy and still result in a lot of bruises, scrapes, and animal bites. Twowi children play a similar game, but wanting for a farm animal will chase after a fellow birg’s tail tassels instead.
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Alternate Doctor Who Companion Endings
The Hartnell Years
Barbara: becomes an Aztec queen
Ian: Stabbed by a TARDIS-possessed Susan running with scissors
Susan: Eaten by a normal-sized Earth woodlouse while shrunk
Vicky: Conscripted into a civil war between large-sized non-Earth moths and ants
Steven: arrested for mugging a man for his Rolex in 1066
Katerina: journeys with the Doctor for eight multi-part serials before falling in love with a Samurai and staying in Edo period Japan
Sara Kingdom: becomes a Golden Era Hollywood stunt actor
The Troughton Years
Polly: Becomes a fish person
Ben: Conscripted into being a Highlander
Jamie: New face new man
Victoria: Killed by a Cybermat
Zoe: vanishes in Foam
The Pertwee Years
Liz Shaw: falls in love with a Silurian
Jo: accidentally drops the Doctor's tupperware box of anti-matter
The Baker Years v1
Sarah-Jane: stays on Peladon to pioneer feminism
Harry Sullivan: accidentally replaced by a Zygon
Leela: steamed
Romana 1: a Mishap with a giant squid on a methane refinery. Regenerates.
Romana 2: becomes a vampire
The Davison Years
Nyssa: stays on Earth to become a paleontologist
Tegan: goes home with the wrong Doctor (it was a choice of 5, whoops)
Adric: gets lost in an Escher building. Left behind.
Turlough: succeeds in killing the Doctor. Sent home by the Black Guardian with an extremely silly hat
The Baker Years v2
Peri: turned into a bird by a slug
The McCoy Years
Mel: stays and joins a rebel punk roller derby team and takes on alien!Thatcherite non-Britain
Ace: becomes a Time Lord (with a baseball bat)
The McGann Years
Grace: stays dead
Chang Lee: stays dead
The Eccleston Years
Adam: promoted and eaten by a gelatinous ceiling
Captain Jack: is so successful on Trinny and Suzannah that he gets and stars in his own future!TV show, How to Look Good Naked. Becomes a celebrity. Stays.
The Tennant Years
Rose: possessed by Cassandra
Martha: blows up Earth with the Oster Haagen key
Donna: refinds her real life husband from Silence in the Library after being downloaded
Mickey: becomes parts in a clockwork spaceship
The Smith Years
Amy: becomes an Angel
Rory: finds out his fiance sexually assaulted another man the night before their wedding and leaves to build a better life
The Capaldi Years
Clara: genuinely leaves and never comes back after that moon bullshit because she's fed up with his abuse
Bill: stays on the Cyber-infested spaceship to lead the colonists as they start a new society
Nardole: Cyber-converted, but is the quirky comic relief robot. The Doctor leaves him with Bill, in case he's useful.
The Whittaker Years
Yaz: joins Zheng Yi Sao, is now starring in Our Flag Means Death s3
Graham: stays in the frog universe with his dead frog wife
Ryan: seduced by King James VI and I, becomes prince consort
Dan: goes to space with his grumpy dog friend on new adventures
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one-divides-into-two · 4 months
"I should like to deal with the question: what is the Bolsheviks’ New Economic Policy—evolution or tactics? This question has been raised by the Smena Vekh people, who, as you know, are a trend which has arisen among Russian émigrés; it is a socio-political trend led by some of the most prominent Constitutional-Democrats, several Ministers of the former Kolchak government, people who have come to the conclusion that the Soviet government is building up the Russian state and therefore should be supported. They argue as follows: “What sort of state is the Soviet government building? The Communists say they are building a communist state and assure us that the new policy is a matter of tactics: the Bolsheviks are making use of the private capitalists in a difficult situation, but later they will get the upper hand. The Bolsheviks can say what they like; as a matter of fact it is not tactics but evolution, internal regeneration; they will arrive at the ordinary bourgeois state, and we must support them. History proceeds in devious ways.”
Some of them pretend to be Communists; but there are others who are more straightforward, one of these is Ustryalov. I think he was a Minister in Kolchak’s government. He does not agree with his colleagues and says: “You can think what you like about communism, but I maintain that it is not a matter of tactics, but of evolution.” I think that by being straightforward like this, Ustryalov is rendering us a great service. We, and I particularly, because of my position, hear a lot of sentimental communist lies; “communist fibbing”, every day, and sometimes we get sick to death of them. But now instead of these “communist fibs” I get a copy of Smena Vekh, which says quite plainly: “Things are by no means what you imagine them to be. As a matter of fact, you are slipping into the ordinary bourgeois morass with communist flags inscribed with catchwords stuck all over the place.” This is very useful. It is not a repetition of what we are constantly hearing around us, but the plain class truth uttered by the class enemy. It is very useful to read this sort of thing; and it was written not because the communist state allows you to write some things and not others, but because it really is the class truth, bluntly and frankly uttered by the class enemy. “I am in favour of supporting the Soviet government,” says Ustryalov, although he was a Constitutional-Democrat, a bourgeois, and supported intervention. “I am in favour of supporting Soviet power because it has taken the road that will lead it to the ordinary bourgeois state.”
This is very useful, and I think that we must keep it in mind. It is much better for us if the Smena Vekh people write in that strain than if some of them pretend to be almost Communists, so that from a distance one cannot tell whether they believe in God or in the communist revolution. We must say frankiy that such candid enemies are useful. We must say frankly that the things Ustryalov speaks about are possible. History knows all sorts of metamorphoses. Relying on firmness of convictions, loyalty, and other splendid moral qualities is anything but a serious attitude in politics. A few people may be endowed with splendid moral qualities, but historical issues are decided by vast masses, which, if the few do not suit them, may at times treat them none too politely.
There have been many cases of this kind; that is why we must welcome this frank utterance of the Smena Vekh people. The enemy is speaking the class truth and is pointing to the danger that confronts us, and which the enemy is striving to make inevitable. Smena Vekh adherents express the sentiments of thousands and tens of thousands of bourgeois, or of Soviet employees whose function it is to operate our New Economic Policy. This is the real and main danger. And that is why attention must be concentrated mainly on the question: “Who will win?” I have spoken about competition. No direct onslaught is being made on us now; nobody is clutching us by the throat. True, we have yet to see what will bappen tomorrow; but today we are not being subjected to armed attack. Nevertheless, the fight against capitalist society has become a hundred times more fierce and perilous, because we are not always able to tell enemies from friends."
from Lenin's remarks in the Political Report Of The Central Committee Of The R.C.P. (B.) during its 11th Congress (March, 1922)
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I think Akutagawa will probably die, but he will transfer Rashomon to Atsushi. That way Dazai’s plan for combining their abilities still comes to fruition.
Sorry for reuploading again, I had to edit any panels containing blood out so tumblr won't flag this for violence again
I really think Akutagawa is going to die in this arc, Asagiri introducing his lung disease on top of saying that he was already dead before he got converted into a vampire feels like a message that this death is supposed to be final.  However, I don’t think Akutagawa is done yet in the story, I’m sure he will have at least one last great moment with Atsushi before the end and I think it will tie together a lot of current plot threads.
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Why Akutagawa will probably die: A lot of effort was clearly put, into making Akutagawas death seem permanent; He was confirmed dead twice, his lung condition was revealed which means even if he became un-vamped he would still not have long to live, this could be another fake-out death, but at this point I would be madder if it was, because even though I love Akutagawa, any more fake deaths would really lower the tension of the series
  A lot of emphasis has also been put on Akutagawa looking for a meaning to his life, and slowly realising that maybe Atsushi is important to what Dazai is trying to show him.
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I think that Akutagawa will probably temporarily regain control of his body, him keeping his promise is already proof he is still in there somewhere, Atsushi might reference Dazai and it might shake him out of the vampire's control, calling back to this panel.
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But I don’t think he will be fully cured, so he will ask Atsushi for that duel he promised him. It would even parallel Atsushi “killing” Shibusawa in TDA, since both were technically already dead to begin with.
Atsushi taught Akutagawa how to value lives, and the patience to consider his actions. Akutagawa will teach Atsushi the conviction to take them and how to overcome the guilt he feels within himself. each one going from black and white, to grey.
My only hang up for this idea was that it wouldn’t make sense for Asagriri to waste all the build up for Atsushi and Akutagawas abilities being perfect complements to each other, but then I had a brain wave for how both things could still happen.
The strength of Shin Soukoku: Atsushi and Akutagawa have the perfect abilities to compliment each other; Akutagawa’s ability has range, defence, versatility, and the power to cut all physical matter, its main weakness is Akutagawa’s weak constitution.
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Atsushi’s ability gives him high speed regeneration, insane speed, enhanced senses, basically indestructible fur and claws that can rend the very fabric of an ability.
And when combined, the ‘Black Tigers Supreme Claws’ are said to be able to even kill God if you can land a hit.
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The ultimate spear against the monsters trying to destroy Yokohama.
Together they are the ultimate counter to almost any enemy, Dazai has pointed this out before. So, the best way I can think of to keep that perfect combination if Akutagawa dies is…
Atsushi inherits Rashomon: We know that abilities can be transferred from one person to another, Kyouka (a character with a close connection to both Akutagawa and Atsushi) got her ability from her mother. We also know that whenever Atsushi and Akutagawa fight a major villain they grow more in sink and coordinate and merge their skills more and more. This is what Dazai planned when he joined them together.
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We also know that Akutagawa only sees his value in his strength, which for him is almost entirely in his ability. Rashomon is what protected him when he was on the streets, and it is what made Dazai take an interest in him. Strengthening his ability was the only thing he thought about for a very long time… Until Atsushi showed him how to see past his own skill and power.   
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Atsushi was the one who made him realise that he needed to prioritise some things over his own pride, and in the end, he even sacrificed himself to save Atsushi, proving that lesson had stuck. Him transferring Rashomon to Atsushi would be the ultimate show of humility, him finally letting go of trying to prove his own strength, and instead helping the person he once hated most in the world, he finally learned to temper his sword, just like Dazai wanted him too.
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As for Atsushi; he has spent the entire series wracked by indecision, self-loathing and fear. All of which tend to leave him when he is near Akuatagawa. At first because he sees him as an enemy who he can be 100% sure needs to be defeated, so no doubt or fear clouds his mind.
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Then as a rival who he can’t afford to let be better than him, someone who gives him confidence just by being everything Atsushi doesn’t want to be.
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Finally, as an ally, someone who he can fight alongside and who stops that terrifying fear of being alone that Atsushi has been fighting his whole life. Akutagawa has truly become Atsushi’s source of resolve,
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and we see that in how Atsushi perceives him in his vision. 
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So, if the transfer happens, it could symbolise Atsushi gaining that strength and conviction from Akutagawa once and for all. Completing their respective character arcs of Atsushi teaching Akutagawa to be selfless Akutagawa teaching Atsushi to be brave.
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Dazai: Dazai is the ultimate connection for Atsushi and Akutagawa,
he is what binds them together and what drives them apart, he orchestrated their relationship and turned them into his trump card. But something that seems strange is that we never see Dazai’s reaction to Akutagawa’s death. Atsushi meets up with Ango after he escapes the ship, so there’s no way Dazai doesn’t know exactly what happened, the battle on the ship took place days before the Meursault prison break, so Dazai should have been able to receive one of Ango’s messages, so why don’t we see anything from him? not even disappointment.
We know Dazai has been planning sskk since he first met Atsushi,
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and it seems crazy that he wouldn’t know about Akutagawa’s lung condition all the way back in the port mafia. So, I think it's possible Dazai always planned to have Akutagawa die to both motivate and strengthen Atsushi, since we’ve seen that he is, or rather was, not above sacrificing people for the greater good of his plans. It would also explain why he stayed so distant from Akutagawa, never really trying to make up for the things he did despite his promise to Oda, if he knew Akutagawa was going to die, then he wouldn’t want to get too attached to him.
I honestly think that if Dazai might regret his plan now, Atsushi has helped Dazai grow so much so fast since they met, his current arc with Sigma is proof enough of that. But it's far too late to back out of it now, and he probably justifies it with ‘He’s doomed to die anyway.’
The final battle: Every arc final battle in bsd involves Atsushi and Akutagawa fighting, whether against each other, or side by side. And through each of those fights, the two of them grow closer and closer, understanding each other a little more.
I think the impact of their defeat on the ship would be undercut if Akutagawa is just healed and they fight Fukuchi again just like before, there would need to be some major difference this time, and something to give Atsushi an edge over Fukuchi. And what better way to do that, then to use the form that already defeated him once (before he cut the past)
The Black Tiger’s Supreme Claws can cut through space, so can get close to Fukuchi despite his martial arts and insane ability. And If the time sword is cut by the tiger’s claws its ability will stop working, so it might be the only way to kill Fukuchi permanently. 
The main weakness of BTSC was Akutagawa, since he was defenceless while it was used,
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so if Atsushi could use it on his own, he would probably be a proper match for Fukuchi in a fight. (Also just imagine Atsushi showing up to face Fukuchi in Akutagawas coat, which he still has since he escaped wearing it and which was originally Dazai’s which fits so well, and facing Fukuchi to avenge Akutagawa, who he now thinks of as a friend.)
And for anyone who thinks that this would make Atsushi to OP, remember that BSD is not a show about who can beat who in a fight, its a show of strategy and hax, there are still plenty of ability users who could counter someone like Atshushi, this would just bring him to the same table as the other heavy hitters. Also keep in mind that the next arc will probably be when we see the skill users from Europe, who are meant to be the most powerful in the world, like the transcendents. 
The event and aftermath: I think the actual transfer would happen after they finally have their duel and Akutagawa if dying, he would transfer Rashomon to Atsushi and ask him to continue Dazai-sans mission and he would acknowledge Atsushi as a more worthy subordinate then he ever was. He might even ask Atsushi to apologise to Kyouka for him, since he seems to genuinely care for her somewhat, it would be a really powerful moment for both of them.
And Afterward I hope Atsushi Finally snaps at Dazai, and actually calls him out for how he treated Akutagawa, which would be great for both Dazai and Atsushi’s character growth and maybe help Dazai realise that he feels genuinely remorseful for what he did, and that might help him understand how Oda felt after he gave up killing.
Overall this theory just ties together so many plot threads, character storylines and bits of foreshadowing, that I really think it might come true, but of course one of BSD’s best qualities is how unpredictable it is, so who knows what will ultimately happen.
I had to remove a lot of the panel evidence, here are all the panels I took out: link
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sanjiaftersex · 2 months
Pre-timeskip thoughts :
I just finished pre-timeskip and before i get into fishmen arc here are some thoughts
Favorite Strawhat : Sanji, Luffy
Favorite non-Strawhat : nefertari vivi, Bonclay
Other characters I liked : Dr Kureha (girlboss), the baratie workers, portgas d Ace (*sobs uncontrollably*), Hachi the octopus, Vivi's duck karoo, boa hancock, Rayleigh, ivankov HEEHAW,
Favourite friendships : zoro-luffy, zoro-chopper, sanji-ace (sobs uncontrollably), nami-usopp, Luffy-vivi, Luffy-bon chan
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Favorite island : Little Garden, Water 7
Favorite Villains :
Captain Kuro and the kuro neko pirates were good and i liked the unique fighting style they had (siam and buchi, then jango was hilarious as hell etc)
Don krieg was the scum of earth but he made the story progress into something more serious and thrilling.
Sawtooth Arlong, the fishmen were all intimidating as hell and the whole arc was filled to the brim with excitement
The Baroque works concept was very cool with all the code names and i felt eager to find out the powers of the duos being revealed slowly. I liked Ms. Goldenweek and Ms doublefinger and would love to see more of them in the future. Finally Crocodile served well as a villain and later as an ally.
Skypiea Eneru (enel?idk) was so formidable and his power was so very unique from all the villains up till that arc, so it was very refreshing to watch. Plus the priests and their fighting style was a good introduction to haki (called as mantra) and its influence in a fight. (Strawhats' fight with satori was fun HOH HO HO).
CP9 were all parts of ruthless and annoying about their government assigned crimes but i like that Chapapa guy the most, he's cute asf and Rob Lucci turning into a tiger gave me a shock lmao. But damn rob lucci as a shipwright was some hot shit
Aokiji gave me blood pressure from how angry he makes me but him letting go off robin in water 7 and all that time ago in ohara, he has left an impression and I'm looking forward to find out more about him
Bartholomew Kuma gave me the HOLY FUCK OH SHIT OH GOD FUCK HE IS HERE AGAIN jolts but then turned out to be a nice person with mysterious lore that im eager to find out so he deserves a place here. Plus his paw paw power is cute
Perona's negative hollow power was hilarious and she's a nice cutie girl who considers zoro a boytoy like me and Luffy so that's a plus
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Favourite devil fruit power so far : tori tori no mi : model phoenix (marco) i like the flight and his regeneration power
Favourite moments : Enies Lobby Sogeking shooting down the govt flag as the strawhats announce war against them, sabaody archipelago Luffy punching a celestial dragon (GOAT Luffy), marineford Luffy punching Garp (GOAT LUFFY), Luffy crying after Ace's death, Luffy punching bellamy
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Favourite fights : Luffy vs kuro pirates, Luffy vs Crocodile final battle in alabasta, Sanji on the train fighting that ramen guy, zoro vs hachi, little garden final battle
a few tears may or may not have been shed : Chopper's backstory, going merry funeral, little Luffy being kidnapped :(, marineford ace-Luffy
Best arc : Arlong, Little garden, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark (i love spooky things and tb was hilarious)
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Thoughts on the Strawhats :
Luffy : I've grown to love him a lot. His innocence, childlike excitement and badbitchery have rizzed me up, your honor. Also he is a musical genius, minami no shimawa has been SOTY for decades. Plus I really love Luffy's eating moments. He looks so cute and stupid and it melts my heart so much i know a Luffy mukbang show would go SO HARD
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Zoro : His backstory felt a bit lukewarm but he later made up for everything. He turned out to be so thoughtful, brave and selfless, especially, zoro's character got new dimension during water 7 saga and ofc thriller bark zoro is one for the history books.
Nami : at first she irked me a bit, but after knowing her backstory, I started loving her. She's strong, resourceful, selfless and smart.
Usopp : his quirks, especially during the G-8 filler arc after skypiea, Usopp's CONDORRRIANO still cracks me up like no other. And him getting all the protective religious gears and garlic necklace when he saw Brook, was hilarious.
Chopper : little baby, soft fuzzy and dumb as fuck but has been so so traumatized. Also Tony Tony chopper has to be the cutest name anyone has ever been given, little baby is always too hard on himself (typical capricorn) and needs to chill.
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Franky : I love his dance routines, and his franky family was cool as well. I once even followed one of his routines he does after he landed in the karakuri island (it was a good hip movement after binging one piece for HOURS). Also i miss mozu and kiwi dance icons
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Robin : She filled me with rage during water 7, but after her backstory, I understood her more. She's cute and her nihilistic outlook on life is hilarious
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Sanji : PERFECTION. He took my heart even before baratie (I saw a person doing leg karate in one of the openings and couldn't wait to meet him). His initial backstory (the starvation and zeff) moved me,and based on that i can see how thoughtful and kind he is. I can't wait to discover more about this wonderful character in depth. His badbitchery with fullbody, His kindness with Gin and don Krieg, the unique way he fights - he had me from the very first appearance. And I can't believe he has more depth to his already beautiful complex character. look at my pretty boy
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Brook : i love how polite but chaotic he is and how easily he blends in with the strawhats. And i absolutely love how open minded Luffy was with Brook, and their interactions crack me UP.
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General thoughts about op :
- op keeps me on my toes with the constant new islands, the new characters, both allies and villains, being gradually introduced feels very refreshing and thrilling
- Even the Strawhats slowly joined with a fun (sometimes sad) story. The introduction with a fresh face and the development of a new friendship felt good and didn't jumble my brain with too much information at the same time
- I love the dynamics of the strawhats and how wholesome all of them are in their own ways
- The summit war wasn't as exciting as i was expecting, it felt too drawn out and the constant switch between different fight scenes and fighting parties made things feel unfinished. On that note, whitebeard and his pirates were disappointing asf
- Excited to see more of Bartholomew Kuma, shanks, crocodile, mihawk, ivankov, perona, captain kidd, Law
- Bon chan is GOAT and i better be seeing him soon
Looking forward to see what the series has in store for me <3
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feralportalmaster · 3 months
I present: a word-barf of notes I took while watching The Legend of Ruby Sunday.
Not sure that’s how the tardis works but whatever
Hey the whole gang is here
Oh FINALLY we’re talking about the old woman
SUSAN??? AS IN SUSAN FOREMAN??? Did not see that one coming
Oh cmon not the evil tech giant trope that’s like the most overdone trope in the book
Sharpen the image?? Bruh
Mel is a slay honestly
“Hiding myself away” goddamnit
Oh yeah wait does that mean River is Susan’s grandma? Or would it be someone else?
“A Phoenix is just a bird until it burns” goes way harder than it should
Isn’t that just the Animus from Assassin’s Creed?
I just realised that Ruby would’ve been born a week before 10 went back in time to see Rose before he regenerated
Don’t remind me of the goblins
Jeez the waterworks feel excessive
He’s gonna die
Actually forget what I said about the waterworks Ruby needs a hug
Big ol’ cloud of death my old friend
Alexa, play Curses by The Crane Wives
Doctor he was waving so many death flags he may as well have been communicating in semaphore, you have far worse to punch a hole in a wall for
“Doctor who?” UGHHHH
So she’s astral projecting???
Hehe the tardis farted
*scanning sounds* says here you’re gay
Hell yeah Susan says eat the rich
glitching text what is this a late 2010s indy game?
…should I know who Sutekh is?? Is he from Stargate??
AWOOP jumpscare
Vecna looking ass
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exuberantocean · 9 months
You know, I was pondering this for the past couple weeks and I haven't seen it discussed. And as I was circling around another meta (for Our Flag Means Death and Around the World in 80 Days) and looking at trauma and The Body Keeps Score, it really solidified this idea for me in Doctor Who.
Because the Doctor used to be the Timeless Child. A foundling child found on an alien planet whose adoptive mother strapped them in a lab and experimented on them for years. And we know they that regenerated many times during this, likely because she was killing him to see how the regeneration happens. I don't think I'm stretching anything by saying he was tortured tortured through his first childhood.
And then they worked for Division and that too likely involves some "persuasion" given that they apparently ran away from them and Tecteun complained that their morality always got in the way.
And then they were forced to regenerate back to a child and wiped their mind.
And they don't remember any of it.
But the body keeps score.
To clarify, the book The Body Keeps Score posits that exposure the abuse and violence fosters the development of a hyperactive alarm system and molds a body that gets stuck in fight, flight, and freeze. Trauma interferes with the brain circuits that involve focusing, flexibility, and being able to stay in emotional control.
And while there's little we know of One's childhood, its clear that the Doctor was a fearful child, intelligent but too distractible and unfocused to succeed in school. All that trauma in one little boy who can't remember any of it and yet it still affects him in every moment of every day. The Doctor's body has been molded by the trauma they experienced, a legacy that passed through One's childhood and each regeneration after. The Doctor has always run from one emergency to another, but really, that just matching their external reality to the internal reality of their mind, their body.
And the truth is, even when the mind hides (and it often does! Amnesia of traumatic events is common in real life) the body keeps score. We are meant to survive. We are built to survive, and we adapt around trauma, like a tree around a rock. Survival at all costs... And so has the Doctor for all these years.
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As someone with c-ptsd, this is why Fourteen stopping is so powerful to me. To stop and take time to tend to your body - to ease it off from that state of fight, flight, or freeze bit by bit. To find that ease, that calm. To tend and mend.
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serpercival · 1 year
Having Big Realizations today that are literally changing the way I look at media and it's because of this post:
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I've been looking at Doctor Who wrong, I think. I grew up on it. It's been in my life with alarming consistency since I was 2, because that's when Rose was on for the first time, so I have this picture of what Doctor Who is "supposed" to be that's intrinsically tied to the Eccleston/Tennant era of the show.
I've been watching Classic Who, of course. I started on the Pertwee era and have been working through, and it's fun! I can look at it and see the connections between it and Modern Who, even if there are differences. But I wasn't just raised on TV that was on, I watched a lot of Farscape and Mystery Science Theater and TOS/TNG, which means I'm used to the style.
Then there are the Whittaker seasons, and I feel totally disconnected from them. Everything is sweeping and cinematic and doesn't really feel like the shows of the past.
But it feels like other shows that are on today.
I grew up on a standard of TV that was "things that feel like Warehouse 13, Eureka, and Lost". Things that feel like the Eccleston/Tennant era. And I'm familiar with and like other shows from the 3-7 era, MASH and TNG and probably other things, where the camera angles and story structure are Like That.
Doctor Who today has definitely suffered some Disneyfication, but that's because everything has suffered Disneyfication. Marvel movies and media have influenced everything to an astounding degree, but that's no different from things that have happened in the past!
1-2 are Twilight Zone and Hitchcock Presents
3-4 are TOS and Bond and MASH
5-7 are Quantum Leap and Red Dwarf
9-10 are Lost and Warehouse 13 and Eureka
11-12 are early Marvel and The Good Place and Black Mirror
and 13-15 are what's popular now, Our Flag Means Death and Good Omens and Stranger Things and everything else that has been thoroughly influenced by Disney and Marvel's deathgrip on media.
That's not a bad thing, and it took until now for me to realize that.
Doctor Who would not still be on if it didn't adapt and change. It has to adapt, has to regenerate, has to change the way it's presented. And fuck it, I'm going to dig in and enjoy it by the standards of media today, not by the standards of my nostalgia.
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the1entirecircus · 5 months
Task Force X Suicide Squad Pokemon Teams
Here is my picks for the pokemon the members of the Suicide Squad would choose.
Amanda Waller
Malamar- An obvious pick because of her manipulative and malicious nature.
Mandibuzz- A pokemon associated with similar death and malice that Amanda is known for.
Rick Flag
Watchog- Rick often overwatches the missions of Task Force X
Harley Quinn
Mightyena- Harley owns a Hyena called Bud
Mightyena- Lou is the other Hyena that Harley owns
Gliscor- Since she's a part of the Batfamily now, her gliscor reflects that part of her. Her Gliscor would also have the hidden ability poison heal which reflects her history with Joker.
Roserade- A nod to her relationship with Ivy that also involves part of Harley's color scheme
Tinkaton- Harley's best known weapon is her giant mallet.
Mega Lopunny- This Lopunny has been through everything with Harley, including the Acid bath that bleach Harley's skin. This turned Harley's Lopunny into a meta pokemon that can mega evolve.
Captain Boomerang
Marowak- Boomerangs
Manetric- Electric Boomerang
Perrserker- Bladed Boomerang
Excaldrill- Razor Boomerang
Galarian Rapidash- the toy unicorn he has in the movie
Killer Croc
Mabosstiff- Killer Croc is a crime lord in Gotham City
Feraligatr- Killer Croc is based on the alligator of the sewer myth.
Krookodile- Crocodile (well, Gharial, but similar enough to a crocodile) thats also a crook.
Druddigon- Croc's skin condition gives him a rough exterior
King Shark
Quagsire- Many often see King Shark as dopey thanks to The Suicide Squad movie.
Cetitan- Another creature that once dwelled in the sea but can walk on land.
Mega Sharpedo- Great White Shark (Well, not really, but its shaped similarly)
Tapu Fini- He is a hawaiian demigod.
Braviary- Its Eagly
Seismitoad- Activate Sonic Boom
Chandelure- A nod to how he can see the ghosts of people he's killed.
Scolipied- Scabbies for all (its a stretch i know)
Haxorus- Doesn't he use an ax in the movie?
Incineroar- Peacemaker is sort of a heel in terms of wrestling. He also doesn't care but secretly does like Incineroar.
Peacemaker's team consists of pokemon that come from Unova and Alola given that Peacemaker is a Captain America parody.
Intelleon- Deadshot is known for his espionage skills so handing him an Intelleon was an obvious choice.
Luxray- A perfect pokemon for Lawton's job, its x-ray eyes can see through anything
Sandaconda- Another type of gun-related pokemon.
Ceruledge- This is Katana. She's got my back. I would advice not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims.
Mega Lucario- A nod to her spiritual ties
Mismagius- She's a witch!
Spiritomb- An ancient artifact containing an evil spirit or just evil spirits.
Cofagrigus- Another archeological pokemon
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Orthworm- Daniel gained his abilities in a train accident.
Elektross- Daniel's Elektross is a meta pokemon. Its able to manipulate metal due to the accident which gave it a connection to the Speed Force.
El Diablo (Chato Santana)
Skeledirge- Spanish in origin
Salandit- A male salandit which ties into his criminal history and partly to how he killed his wife and children. Again, partly.
Intelleon- He's a bounty hunter, so Intelleon was a good choice for him.
Talonflame- A nod to his connections with Robin/Nightwing
Hydrapple- A nod to the film title of Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons as well as his ability to regenerate as his Hydrapple has that ability
Olympian Aegislash- Deathstroke has been known to hold the Godkiller Sword, a weapon that is able to kill gods.
Gardevoir- This is taking a darker turn as this is in reference to Deathstroke's manipulative nature as he manipulated this Gardevoir to be loyal to him.
Kingambit- Deathstroke is not only an assassin like many samurai but he is also a leader.
I wanted to give Slade a very good team, and while I'm not an expert on pokemon teams, I think this is the best I could offer. Like Batman, Slade has other pokemon at his disposal that are also in nod to his other skills.
Kryptonian Minior- A reference to him shooting Superman with a kryptonite bullet.
Klinklang- Bloodsport's armor in the movie The Suicide Squad is made up of nano-technology. To reflect this, his Klinklang is a meta pokemon made by Lex Luthor.
Shiftry- This is a stretch, but this is a reference to his time in Vietnam in the comics, as that was a part of his original origin.
A lot of these guys don't have full pokemon teams because A) I don't know enough about them and B) some don't seem like they would have full teams.
Up next:
Batman Rogues Gallery
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crrvs · 1 year
so we know from the 1.2 stream that Elio promised Blade death, and while he obviously does have a lot of death flags it doesn't mean he will 100% die. yes, Elio can see the future, but keep in mind his ability isn't the same as Aponia's. according to Kafka, he sees the opportunities that the future offers, not something that will inevitably happen.
while Aponia's predictions are bound to happen, Elio needs to indirectly influence the future to reach the desired outcome. so, in order to keep his end of the deal and grant Kafka and Blade their wishes, he will probably need to trigger a series of events that will lead to the outcome they want.
I am not saying Blade won't die. but Elio won't grant him or Kafka their wishes until their mission is over, and from what we know their mission is to help the trailblazer defeat Nanook. Blade posses incredible regeneration abilities to the point he can literally resurrect himself, and while he's no match for an aeon, he definitely qualifies as "all the help the trailblazer can get".
so, unless Elio's plan goes wrong, Blade and Kafka will most likely both stay alive up until the final act.
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bmblboop · 11 months
RWBY X Justice League... TWO!
Gonna do another liveblog while killing some time. Here goes!
-cut for length-
UHD is 480p? This movie has been out for two weeks and it's not 1080? I thought the first one was only that way bc I got it day-of!
Ugh, I wont get mad over it. The YT edition gave me trouble the last time too - let's just see how it goes.
Recap! Took me a minute to realize this is the Weiss vs Bruce music from the first movie - which is definitely the closest we've gotten to classic RWBY music.
"'Grimm' as in, "The Brothers"?" For half a second I thought she was referring to the Gods of Light and Dark but no as in the authors 'Brothers Grimm' because the DC universe is supposed to be Earth and fairytales are just fairytales here. Are they gonna lean more into the allusion aspect of RWBY et. al now that we have a world where Red Riding Hood and the others are just stories?
Jurassic Park moment with the Pterrorsaur. Except this time they can literally smell fear.
Epic Ruby moment vs the Taijitu (first time in Maya), love how creative the fights are.
Grimm on Earth turn to gunk? Hopefully it's just goo and not regeneration-goo (like the Wyvern 'Blood' in v3).
Ooh, when the Kilg%re/Goliath gets punched the cracks are yellow. Color scheme: red, white, black, yellow.
When I saw the flash of purple tailing Batman I thought TYRIAN!? Nope, it's just a Scorpion with a modified tail... suspiciously like Tyrian's. Guess Watts is involved after all.
Saw this preview clip, but ow. Weiss is still hurting from losing Atlas, and I honestly don't blame her. That was her home, and it's straight up gone. Glad to see this carry through from v9, as well as Ruby's post-renewal mindset.
Voice changer to keep the mystery voice a mystery.
Mmm Flash angst. Reminds me of v9 Jaune. Blond boys get no sleep.
Had to pause on Weiss' contacts screen and I love that shes got all her teammates, all her family, and Maria just, lurking. Lol
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Clearly Maria has her own scroll but I do have to wonder how good she is at tech things given she has such a close-cropped image. Or maybe she doesn't give a shit XD.
Love love love that conversation with Klein, I love that this is the direction of Weiss' character arc and I love that daddy issues whammy of 'He abandoned Atlas long before it fell.' 'Do you mean Atlas, or your family?'
Time dilation double pun. The 'when you are needed most' line at the end of v9 and Weiss being the one saying 'we have experience with that' considering one of her glyphs is Time Dilation.
Blake breaking down the door feat. Yang's flirty wink.
XD Ruby entering the portal in style
We finally got a 'not in Kansas anymore' referenceeeee.
Oh, split up along Weiss/Blake and Yang/Ruby this time, glad to see it! Time for sisterly conflict.
Heh. Joker and Harley watching the city burn.
Oh now I see why Blake went to Gotham. Cat. Bat. "This is where he's from. I get it now."
The way Ruby just knew that she'd still be able to move like she did on Remnant. My girl. (Was worried for a sec she was gonna try to Silver Eyes it and that would fail)
"You learn not to question Flash's villain roster." That got a laugh out of me and I don't even know about Flash's lore.
Something about Weiss mentioning "Mr Freeze" while dressed as an Ice Princess is funny to me.
The particles on Blake and Jessica's fist bump :D
Aw man, it IS regeneration goop!
I guess 'consciousness is stored' is how we can get Watts in a post-v9 crossover. Technomagic stuff.
Weiss proving she's the queen.
Hope Cyborg isn't corrupted.
Love this Cobra/Dragonfly grimm. Clip it's wings!
'We need more firepower.' Enter Yang with an epic save.
Hold on, are Yang's flame punches the color of the lesbian flag?
Are we gonna a get a 'speedsters need to slow down' moral here? With Flash also rushing into danger and nearly getting killed?
Anyway, planning session time.
The truth revealed.
Honestly, 'no body no death' kinda applies here like we KNOW that Watts died either burning to death via Cinder's wish or when Atlas fell but he was surrounded by computers at the time as well. It could have literally been the last thing he ever did. (Or he did it during v7 since he already wormed his way into the Atlas network via Jacques).
Via Jacques. Man. Watts really is Weiss's personal villain.
The whole 'transferring consciousness' thing also reeks of the Aura Transfer machines used on the Maidens, but I always assumed that was Pietro's invention so he could give life to Penny. Maybe Watts stole or twisted the concept for his own use.
Yang seeing the Ruby in Flash mmmmm. The way he looks at her arm and asks 'what happened?' and Yang explains how she felt ooooooooo. Flash explaining that Kilgore is no longer in his brain but he hears and sees him all the time.
Blonde PTSD buddies WOOOO-
Meanwhile Ruby and Clark orphan bonding. Not entirely sure how Ruby will take the 'I make my parents proud for fighting for the things they died for'
Also given that some of Summer's first "lines" in the show was Red Like Roses Part 2 "baby please don't do what I did/I don't want you to waste your life in vain"
And on that somber note -break time!
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swaps55 · 2 years
Fugue - 14 - Remember We Flew
Pairing: mShenko
Rating: M
Tags: Angst, Grief, Major (Canonical) Character Death
Summary: Alchera, and the two-year gap.  
Chapter Summary: A familiar enemy reappears. Hackett uncovers a mystery. Kaidan does some reflection.
Thanks to @shadesofmauve for betaing!
Chapter 14: Remember We Flew | Read on Ao3
14 July 2184, Pylos Nebula, Nariph System, Jonus Orbit, SSV Ain Jalut
Finding Aslany in the medbay once he gets through decontamination doesn’t do much to improve Kaidan’s mood. His hands still tremble and he has to force his jaw to relax and his teeth to unclench as he walks in. His heart still beats in his ears. 
She sits on a biobed impatiently kicking her feet while the doctor, an older gentleman who’d served in the Blitz, runs a dermal regenerator over a bullet wound in her left arm.
“What happened?” Kaidan demands.
“Fucker knew the ship layout better than I did and doubled back on me,” she says with an uninterested shrug of her good shoulder. “Tagged me good, but I’ve had worse. And he got his.”
Kaidan scowls, trying to replay where and when it could have happened in those adrenaline-fueled minutes. “I never got a flag on your hardsuit.”
“Shut off the emergency feed.”
A fresh stab of anger runs him through. “That’s against protocol, Corporal.”
“You had your hands full,” she says, unfazed. “Just triage. Bullet wound wasn’t going to matter much if we all exploded.”
And they almost had. He shudders, shaking off the memory of the rush of dark energy across his nerves when the Normandy’s drive core had gone up.
But the Broken Arrow is still intact. So are they. 
He unclenches his jaw again.
The doctor eyes them both with the expression of someone who is used to overhearing sensitive conversations and has a lot of practice keeping his opinions to himself.
We have to work on our fucking communication, Kaidan thinks. Kara Pendergrass is his first project on that front, but not until he calms down enough to deal with her in a way that might actually be helpful for either of them. He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. Work the problem right in front of you. Do your job. 
“All right. We’ll come back to that one later. What do we know about our captive?”
“He’s not Rumoi, and he’s not Eclipse,” Aslany replies. “He ain’t saying much. And he was wearing an insignia I didn’t recognize.”
“What was the logo?”
Aslany reaches for a datapad lying at the head of the bed, trying not to earn the doctor’s ire. Kaidan makes an exasperated sound and grabs it for her. She taps a few keys and hands it to him, a narrow white hexagon framed in orange bars displayed on the screen. He blinks at it, forcing the gears to turn until the answer clicks.
“Cerberus,” he murmurs.  
Read from the beginning | Read the rest on Ao3 | The Fugue Playlist
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forcebookish · 1 year
hi! i’m the one who sent in about sandray’s death flags breakdown, with the joker and batman one. the post i saw it from didn’t really specify so i’m not too sure about that tbh but that was just stated in there. again, i’m not too certain about sand dying but there would come a time when ray may really have to let sand go, just like how sand mentioned in EP8. 
but with that said, i have a full breakdown about what the show is doing with top mew in my mind. i’m so sorry for the long post😅
I discovered an interesting part of the opening sequence that I think a lot of people overlooked. It’s the part right after Jennie with the guy and Title. With each couple, the screen pans to something that is heavily linked to them. SandRay - plum wine jars (income disparity), BostonNick - Boston’s photos (voyuerism), TopMew - some sort of deer antlers? I looked it up and it symbolises a lot of things associated with TopMew: power, dominance, authority, sacredness, self-awareness. The thing about deer antlers is that they regrow after they fall off - regrowth and regeneration. This confirms for me that the show is driving some sort of growth and regeneration for TopMew and their relationship, especially for Top. 
I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the lack of connection (chemistry?) between TopMew, but I truly think they were deliberately set up to do so. I feel that TopMew’s main dates - laser tag, silent disco, blind dinner heavily emphasise that disconnection (and its buildup). I personally am frustrated that a lot of people failed to realise that. Two people coming together defies the rules of laser tag. Technically one person is trying to get away from the other, one person has to keep chasing the other. The concept of silent disco is that you don’t have to listen to the same song as the other person and you can’t really hear the other person properly. For the blind dinner, you can’t see the other person and it’s difficult to be on the same page. not to mention the topmew scenes in the first half had a lot of eerie or unease bgm.
Overall, this disconnection is really from the insecurities, mistrust and miscommunication that was built up and not from the fact that they don’t love each other. they just didn’t fully confront these issues before the meltdown in EP6. If they didn’t love each other, they wouldn’t have been that hurt in the last scene of EP6. They wouldn’t have looked that vulnerable in the hostel kitchen in EP8. I want to pull at my hair every time someone says TopMew don’t love each other 🤯. But I’m glad they’re going to take steps to better communication and trust and be more open about their emotions, especially in the rage room (which I’m excited about😄!!). we’ll see how their connection builds from there. is their path of change/recovery smooth all the time? no, they’re morally grey people at the end of the day. but what makes topmew stand out and be able to work towards having a stable relationship is that they have individual responsibility, accountability and self-awareness to a certain extent. i can’t say the same for the others…
tysm for reading again! i just love forcebook in these roles and their story doesn’t seem like much at face value (cuz of the archetypes). but their story as a whole is so complex and interesting🥰. thank you for letting me share my thoughts.
wow!! this is really interesting, anon! i do, uhhhh, kind of disagree with everything........ and i will talk about it. at length... i promise i will try to do it in a not mean way lol but be warned you did trigger a lot of my spicier opinions. some of this reads like you might have taken a few too many sips of the kool-aid, my dear.
the antlers: are we sure it's that deep? obviously, it could be but it's an editing choice not a writing choice and half the time the gmmtv editors can't be trusted. plus, it's nickboston who have made out under antlers... just don't want us to get too into the weeds there. i definitely think that what you said about what it symbolizes for topmew IS true, but whether that was intended or not i'm a little skeptical of. cool trivia though!
lack of connection/chemistry: oh, anon... you poor thing, you're clearly new here... you don't know about me... this is straight up a winter soldier activation code for me at this point.
i wholly disagree that it was "set up" that way, because i literally do not see it. it's not the first time i've seen this interpretation, and it seems more like something that topmew/forcebook-haters incepted into your brain and you tried to explain it away... but it's simply not true. while i agree that these dates have similar purposes to what you've mentioned, the idea that they're not connecting is a conclusion that rejects everything that is actually happening on screen.
i will give you only the laser tag date, because it's when mew literally dumps top lol
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but clearly there is still chemistry. this date demonstrates that they are playful, flirtatious, and competitive as well as there being a give and take to their relationship where top is pursuing mew (something completely neutral, btw).
also are we just going to ignore the bookstore date where they spent the whole time flirting and getting to know each other?? because it's actually the date that sets the tone for all of them: this is when it is established that
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mew is largely unwilling to try new things and sticks to books, while top challenges that mindset and
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mew's sense is (maybe) always right.
the dates you mentioned are about those two details: new experiences, top gets him out of his shell and introduces him to numerous firsts, and senses, when you take away one sense, all your other senses become stronger.
on the silent disco date, they purposefully switch to the same song and dance together, in sync (which is also how they kiss, btw - something that is meant to show that they're connecting and want the same thing out of the relationship. the only time they didn't kiss in sync is their love scene in episode six... for obvious reasons. again, no chemistry, my ass🙄).
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mew listens to top and sees that he's cute.
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(gifs from this post btw)
we're also ignoring the temple date? (x)
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the cafe date? (x)
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the dates where they just chat comfortably, are casually affectionate, and flirt sweetly are conveniently left out because they don't fit the false narrative that there's a disconnect between them? to fit the false narrative that chemistry is just about sex and not being easy with each other? ok........
the blind dinner is explicitly about seeing with your heart.
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the point is that they're on the same page: that's why they clink their glasses in perfect sync and top feeds mew and wipes his mouth more effectively.
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that whole day is about mew seeing top for who he really is.
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and as much as the fandom loooooooooves to talk about the lasik "revealing" who top really is, it's not. it's about revealing who his "friends," boston and ray, really are. mew starts out the relationship assuming that top is the person who he then thinks he is after he learns about the betrayal: but the person he's come to know, who he's seen with his heart is the true top. it's proven over and over and over again that top is a caring, friendly person (who defends himself when challenged) who loves mew (and doesn't want to fuck boston lol) - just how mew came to see him and is going to see him as again.
and while i agree that topmew have a fair amount of insecurities, mistrust, and miscommunication, i don't think it's indicative of a disconnect and these are mostly resolved through communication. and even when they aren't, what does that have to do with chemistry? why do they have to tick all these Perfect Relationship boxes? why are they held at a higher standard than all the other couples, who like you said don't have individual responsibility, accountability, or self-awareness? just because they're boyfriends? or because they were already on defense in a fandom that was determined to hate them from the jump? ...or because they're forcebook?🙃 i've never seen another couple in anything have their relationship so picked apart and scrutinized in bad faith. let them breathe!
eerie or uneasy background music: this makes me insane omg i've said this before but jangly guitar and soft piano are suddenly not romantic!?!?????!? are there scenes with uneasy background music? sure, but i think saying there are "a lot" of them is too broad and decontextualizes the scenes that they were used in.
they're morally gray people: they're just people. for the love of god. i'm so tired of this phrase. this should be used for jedis and superheroes, not 21-year-old college students trying to date each other omg morally gray implies that there is some war of balance between good and evil when really, they're just boys who fuck up sometimes. and i'm not saying that there aren't bad people (ray - who repeatedly hurts everyone around him, shouted at mew for not having sex with him, and rarely ever apologizes his worst offenses - and boston - who assaulted and coerced top and only reluctantly apologized to mew after ray asked him if he was going to lol) in this drama, but making it out like topmew are toeing the line when they're perfectly normal and make a few bad decisions (and often apologize for them) is excessive.
soooo sorry for all of that, anon. i know you meant well😅 this is typically the kind of discourse i just ignore when it shows up on my dash precisely because this is the result😅
if you're still reading😅: i'm also really excited about the rage room! i know a lot of my buddies on here want topmew to sit down and talk about their feelings, which is all fine and good for a couple irl, but this is a drama! i wanna see something happen! and i think this is the perfect visual tool to do that. i do think that their relationship is only going to get stronger after this, and i really hope that mew can get to a point (soon) where he's more secure. because even after exchanging i love yous he was still holding himself back and doubting the relationship. hopefully after seeing how top has handled the breakup and how clear it is that he never lied about loving mew, mew can be more confident about who he really is to top.
thanks for stopping by, anon!💗 sorry again for getting into it like that😅
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kudzuoath · 11 months
6, 8, 15, and 25 for Temperance pleasee?
I cannot convey to you how excited I get when people ask me about her! Thank you so much for sending this in!
(Questions are from here)
What companion are you platonically close with?
Temperance honestly loves all of them dearly. Wyll and Karlach are almost always in her party, though. It's really a matter of (very small) degrees by the end of the game. She's ride are die for all of her companions. Astarion and Shadowheart are both being pulled along back to Waterdeep if they let her though.
I'd say out of everyone she connects with Lae'zel, Halsin, and Minsc the least. Which isn't to say she doesn't like or care about them, just that they didn't end up clicking as much as she did with the others.
Who are they suspicious of?
Suspicious isn't quite the word, but keeping in the spirit of it, she was extremely Wary around Wyll -- to the point where he's not recruited until he comes after Karlach. Why? Because she is a wanted woman, and out of everyone she meets he's most likely to recognize her. And he does -- even if he doesn't realize it's from a wanted posted.
Actually suspicious and not just wary -- Shadowheart, and Astarion. For obvious reasons. They're both just very suspicious people. That said even suspicious of Shadowheart she's still friendly to her from the start because she sort of senses a kindred exhaustion in her. Astarion just is shaped like a red flag and she doesn't start to 'trust' him until after the vampire reveal.
What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
Temperance immediately takes a liking to Lia, Cal, and Rolan (in that order)-- admittedly the latter because his ego and grandiosity amuses her. She also likes all of the tiefling refugees and stays in contact with all of the ones who survived even after the game, including Rolan and his family. She also really liked Aylin and Isobel.
On the other hand, Temperance can't stand Valeria, is unimpressed with Councillor Florrick, and wants to bite Wyll's father, Ulder Ravengard. She's also not particularly fond of Volo. She doesn't hate him or anything, and she's polite, but he makes her eye and her tail twitch. She also didn't much like Voss, or any of the Zhents she encountered sans Olly (and in his case it was less she liked him and more that she didn't hate him).
Lorroakan opened his mouth and she wanted to feed him his teeth. Hell, the moment she spotted Rolan's face at the front desk that wizard was marked for death.
Obviously the antagonists are on her shitlist. And Mystra, Cazador, Shar, Mizora, Zariel and Vlaakith. But so is the Emperor. I cannot convey to you how much simmering loathing that being managed to evoke in her. She would kill the emperor a second time given the chance. With her teeth.
What arcana major best represents your Tav?
Funnily enough, none of the major arcana speak to me for Temperance as a whole -- though a combination of several could fit. A lot of it depends on where she is in her journey.
On the other hand, the Ten of Swords in the minor aracna suits her entire life very well.
UPRIGHT: Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis
REVERSED: Recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end
The reversed card in particularly speaks to her present, while the upright version speaks to her past. I think by the end of her arc the card that best suits her is -- ironically -- Temperance.
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