#regina writes
Red Queen Fan Fiction - A Promise Under Flowers
May 13th - Happy Birthday, Diana Farley
A/N 1: Here’s also a new story for her! Featuring Jealous Shade included for @elliemarchetti who’s been asking for this for years. Taking place during Glass Sword chapter 19.
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A Promise Under Flowers
Lightning surged from Mare’s hand through the sky and when it hit their silver hunters and their transports, it exploded with Cal’s fire setting them alight. Curses burned Farley’s tongue. Combined, Mare’s and Cal’s powers covered a distance that secured their escape, yet the necessity of escape meant another failure to save newbloods and their families, a loss against Maven.
Farley had stayed a little apart, up on the lookout for more enemies, gun ready. Now she joined the running team, still peeking over her shoulder as Cal and Mare reached her.
Both were out of breath yet appeared awed by their own co-work, Cal nicely rumpled and Mare frizzy with electricity, a shine in her eyes that could turn into a happy smile, if they didn’t face defeat.
Cal approached Farley, touching her arm. “It’s a trap, a tactic I recognize. We have to retreat.” Quickly, he shared rough instructions to proceed, keeping to glance at Mare. Casting aside thoughts of the newbloods they’d at best leave behind to fend for themselves, to maybe be killed or taken hostage, Cal was all professional, knowing what to say, if not for the touch of her arm. Strange he touched her, not Mare, when their longing was palpable. Yet so were the sparks around Mare. Not the time to set her on fire.
“Okay, get the Blackrun ready,” Farley concluded.
“Shouldn’t Shade be back yet?” Mare interjected.
Farley froze. She’d relaxed about him, trusting in his self-preserving ability but if the silvers set a trap, they could’ve caught him with the newbloods.
“… I should’ve gone with him,” she muttered.
Mare gestured. “We get to him now.”
She nodded even though Cal looked dubious. He shook it off; they couldn’t leave Shade behind. Farley handed him a radio. “You know our codes, message us if necessary.” He understood, adding further directions on how to move through the town.
Hopefully, Farrah and Harrick could hide the plane long enough. Hopefully, Shade was alive.
Dashing through the unknown streets was difficult enough, having to rely on the prince’s military teachings. What if Maven’s people varied the scheme? But Farley trusted Cal’s instincts, having learned his and hers worked the same way. She ran with Mare to the newbloods’ home, recalling their data. A man, 58, a woman, 29. A house on heather street. They twisted around corners and climbed fences, hoping to evade any sentinel pursuers. Fighting back would just draw more foes.
Yet as they arrived at the place, they found only two corpses, an elderly couple.
Farley cursed. She was already on the stairs when Mare called her – to the outside. She rushed away – finding Shade bloody and unconscious on a street two houses away.
“Check him!” Mare demanded in a whisper-snarl. She didn’t dare approach, again loaded with sparks. She’d planted herself on the earth to ground herself and charge off. Mare was seducingly powerful yet every day Farley witnessed how it isolated her.
Farley was already next to Shade before she realized how she’d moved there, her hand on his neck. “You promised me forever, you liar,” she hissed.
Nervously, Mare glanced around as Farley was desperate to find his pulse. “We need to get away, we should carry –”
“Before we know how injured he is?” Farley retorted. She could call Cal back, with a few others, though how long would that take? But Shade was breathing, his heartbeat singing to her. She noticed no strongly bleeding wounds yet when he finally reacted, looking into her eyes, it almost melted her heart.
“Silvers …” he groaned. “Attacked … took them out.”
Mare had finished charging herself off and risked a dash around to recon. “Two dead,” she confirmed, and joined them, gripping Shade’s hand. Her gentleness hit Farley.
“Dee,” he urged, slightly recovered. Almost more than me. Farley had to wash it off for good, he was alive.
“Yes,” she agreed, “Get us gone.” Despite their fears, he appeared relieved.
Back on the Blackrun, they could only conclude Shade fainted because of an ability, not a hit or concussion. He would not be able to teleport with such an injury, he said. But he was covered in bruises and his still healing ankle again so twisted he’d need get his crutches back. Farley was thorough with her ministrations and could hardly bring an end to them, even after checking their comrades, to Shade’s irritation.
“Don’t look at me like I might drop dead,” he chided.
Could she be sure he wouldn’t? He’d been hit by a strongarm before he jumped away to kill them and their companion.
They shouldn’t have sent him alone to gather the newbloods but their forces – if they could call them such – were spread thin with several defeats in a row, resulting in injuries, now including Shade. Farley was embarrassed his near loss affected her so, after so much death. When she tried to remember their marks that day, she couldn’t imagine the corpse seen in a hurry was the young woman on their list. Where was she, had she hidden in the town, left behind by Mare and their team, barely escaping Maven?
They didn’t have time to wonder. Mare was as protective as Farley when she pressed for another mission the next day – and leaving Shade behind. Only to arrive to dead bodies again. The day after, they were trapped by their own Whistle associate and found a whole murdered family. Mare freaked out over the dead baby so Farley could barely process it herself. Instead the memory settled in her bones and when she felt sick, it began to taste differently.
She knew she couldn’t afford to chew – or choke – on that. Even if … no matter.
Shade held her at night, aware of her own dead, and shared the weight of his. His pride gambled with his ability, letting him miss how strong he was. How fatal, like the day of his newest injury. He despised using it to kill, and did it anyway.
She could tell him there might be more than duty between them. How she wished for it. Still she let that option wither like she was afraid to answer herself.
Mare had another newblood on their list, reminding them of urgency, the chance to be quicker than Maven.
“Only after confirming his movements,” either Cal or Farley would insist each time, soon flowing back into their routines, Cal with the research, Farley maintaining the notch.
Going through the base’s corridors, she followed Nanny bringing out provisions to the rooms until she closed up to the old woman and stopped dead. “Not need to exaggerate my diligence, Nanny,” Farley called out with a chuckle when she faced her.
Wearing Farley’s features.
Nanny raised her hands, empty now. “Well, I’m done anyway.”
Farley shook her head. “Your ideas for mischief know no bounds.”
“My deceit, my dear,” Nanny countered, lifting one finger to chastise. “I am a weapon with many skills.”
“Absolutely.” Farley bit back a laugh and tucked Nanny by the sleeve. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
Nanny’s brows rose in expectation and Farley supressed her irritation about the topic, as well as facing herself. Her own surprised face was an unusual sight indeed.
Just get it done and say it.
“Your family didn’t appear on our list,” she began, “and as no newbloods, the Guard evacuated them.”
Nanny’s face clamed, waiting.
“So you never … none of them, your children, or grandchildren, showed any abilities?”
Crossing her arms, Nanny stared. “If they weren’t on your list?”
I’m not cowed by my own glare. Farley shrugged. “It was the first time anyone looked for newblood markers. They might be more to it we don’t know yet.”
“No sign ever, Nanny?”
A shift moved through Nanny, having nothing to do with changing shape. Her gaze went over Farley, toe to head and when their eyes met, Farley didn’t see herself, but the old lady, giving her, undeniably, what had to be called a mom’s stare.
“Why would you, of all people, be so curious about this, Captain?”
She met her own face, so similar to her dead mother, when no had looked at her like that, with this mix of caring and teasing, for several years. Startled, Farley stepped back, barely managing to catch herself. Not fast enough. “I have to plan ahead, take responsibility,” she offered, poorly.
Now Nanny grabbed her by the arm. Her voice was quiet. “And are you doing that …?”
She only felt blood rushing to her head. She needed space to breathe, to think. Even though she knew. Looking down, she said. “I have to be sure.” In truth, she had preferred ignorance, not having to choose. Not worrying over nothing or a misassumption, or rashly reject when she craved to embrace. Not getting attached to what might get lost before it thrived.
This period of waiting should’ve ended with the dead baby yesterday.
Farley straightened, returning to business. “No need to hurry about this topic, Nanny. But if you remember anything –”
“I have no issues with my memories, ma’am.”
It pulled a chuckle from her throat. “Of course not,” she said, and turned around – to run into Shade.
Nanny laughed out loud and Farley, her hand grabbing Shade’s jacket to keep each other from stumbling, glanced back to find Nanny finally returned to her own form. “I’ve been waiting just for this,” Nanny said.
With a pat on her shoulder, Nanny made to leave. “See true love recognize the right bride,” she whispered, as if she was narrating a fucking fairy tale.
“I’m not –”, Farley snapped but Nanny was already gone and Shade, right in front of her, blinked as he stabilized his footing, even as he had let go of one crutch.
“What was that?” he asked.
“She –” Farley gathered her bearing, helping him put weight off his weak side. She shook her head, taking Shade’s free hand. “She was delighted to test if you could tell us apart.”
“Hm.” He freed his hand and raised it, his fingers gliding, awfully slow, to her jaw, cupping it as if to inspect her to be sure. An excited shiver ran through her. “The face is flawless, now that you say…” He smirked and one long finger lifted her by the chin so her mind went through the times those fingers made her body sing. His face inched forward, neither closing the distance to a kiss, nor finishing his sentence.
She fixed his eyes in return and that was all they did for then, a pull that froze time.
She swallowed eventually and felt his fingers twitch in reply, his thumb stroking her jawline. She indulged to stay in the frozen moment, to sink into his amber eyes and drink the longing shining in them. “You can have me in whichever way you want,” she said.
His fingers twitched and he blinked. He didn’t retreat but time went on again.
She frowned, stepping back and glancing away, reaching for the dropped crutch. “Did you walk here?” she asked as she handed it to him.
“No, I …” Awkwardness had fallen between them and Farley regretted her advance. It had felt so true to her. In that moment, it was the one right thing she wanted to say. Was it wrong?
Shade pulled himself together, fixing his hold on the crutches. “I teleported. So I cheated, I guess, Jumped straight to you, rather than Nanny.”
Farley nodded, already moving away, back to her lists, preparations and schedules. And yet. “You couldn’t tell us apart by sight?”
He only smiled. It was a promise.
One duty pursued the next. When Farley wasn’t checking the notch and its inhabitants, she organized their training, looked for news on Maven’s movements and assaults, relocated people and ordered their resources. Another assignment loomed for the evening, Mare insisted on it. No one could talk her out of any of them, and what could Farley say? Gathering intel before striking was the only reasonable argument. She already had a hard time moving on from the people they failed to save. She understood Mare’s rush, knew how it was to prefer the fire of action over freezing hesitation – until it burned you.
The demand of their work began to sizzle, she realized even as she went through several lists at the same time just checking their food supplies before the operation. She needed the mundane distraction of it. The sight of that dead baby … it had hit Mare more than anything else in the last weeks. When they’ found it. Afterwards, Mare had returned to steel. That shocked Farley. That moment, Farley’s battle mind was still on as she urged Mare to escape. Only later, the memory made her sick as it ate through her, mixing with her own worries. To witness Mare do the opposite was unsettling.
Farley could be distantly pragmatic in the heat of adrenaline and necessity, and she’d repeated the drill countless times in the last 5 years – ignoring her heart. And her heart, horrifyingly, wondered what would be if she saw her own family slaughtered again. Her own child, that might not exist. She couldn’t even start to imagine. Wouldn’t she be better off without? Yet she found no relief in discovering to be mistaken, only plummeting loneliness.
Meanwhile, Mare moved on, striding into mission after mission like it was the sole thing to do. Maybe it was. Didn’t Farley do the same, filling every minute with work –
“I can take it from here.”
Farley’s head spun to Ada, joining her in the food stash. “I have my system.”
Ada chuckled, taking her by the shoulders. “Yes, I’ve figured it out.”
“You … of course you did.” Farley shook her head. Ada resembled Shade, in the way she glided through their unjust world proudly, with a powerful secret. And Ada was smarter than everyone else, too. She had these perfect manners that flustered Mare, Shade and Kilorn sometimes, but not Farley. Ada’s formality paired with her skills made her the queenliest person Farley could imagine.
She sighed, putting down her pen and papers. “You don’t need to double check.”
Ada merely smiled. “No need to double check,” she agreed, brushing Farley’s arm. “But about the Blackrun …”
“Yes, the Blackrun.” Farley rolled her eyes. “Good I didn’t plan for a break.”
“Glad to share work with you, Captain,” Ada said in goodbye.
A queen indeed, commanding and delegating.
Since the operation was already scheduled, Mare didn’t hound her to argue for it. It was a poor relief, aware that Mare had her expectations anyway. Maybe she was training instead, improving what she and Cal and the other newbloods developed as combo attacks, a thrilling advantage against silvers. Meanwhile, Farley was backup, in this case inspecting the Blackrun for water, armour, weapons, clothes, first-aid-kits, maps, cleaning – with the plane newly daily in use, someone had to take care of this. Just get this done and she could have an early meal and catch a nap. Securing the last first-aid-kit, she stepped on the ramp when a gush tickled her neck.
She spun to find Shade, reclined on a seat, legs stretched out.
He looked up to her, both wired and exhausted. “You have a moment?”
She breathed out. “For you, of course.”
He pointed to his injured leg. “I tried to convince Mare to take me along tonight but she refused.”
“And I should check if you’re healed enough to prove her wrong?”
He shrugged. “Please.”
With a tsk, she retrieved the first-aid-kit and crouched in front of him. The thing was so necessary it was already back in use. “I’m not sure who’s more protective of the other,” she muttered as she delicately undressed his foot, bending it slightly in all directions.
“And where do you fit in?” he asked. His fingers tapped on his knee.
“Being objective, I hope. So Mare believes me and you listen.”
“Oh no, you never tease me at all, don’t you?” he taunted.
Her head jerked up from removing his bandages. “What?” Of course she did, joking with him, but obviously so. She was as honest as she could … dare.
“You totally flustered me before, you know, don’t you?” Shade said.
She swallowed. “I …”
“Saying things like that ... what was that supposed to mean? What do you expect me to do?” He was genuinely upset and yet – it felt like rejection. She had meant it, baring her heart. But what each of them understood was another matter.
She continued her examination, testing his bare ankle now. He winced. “I’m … sor – sad to have confused you.” She held on to his ankle, drawing circles on his skin. She had spoken true, and now had to search for other words. She wasn’t sorry, didn’t want to apologize.
She looked up. “I don’t expect anything of you, that’s what I meant. I’d be … glad to hear your wishes. Try them out.” Back to bandaging, she gathered the supports he needed and started rewrapping.
He grunted. “That’s not what I got. I thought, ‘what could she want, this gorgeous older woman? What could she know that I have no idea of? Have I not been enough?’”
“Shade.” Even as she raised her head, she was flushing hot. Could he really have understood the opposite?
His fingers stopped their drumming, reaching for her hand on his leg. “You must have an idea of how impressive you are. Tall, beautiful, strong, a soldier brave and cunning.” He grimaced. “Scary. And experienced.” Meeting her eyes, he froze – and swallowed. “I mean, I didn’t know if you’d even notice me … as a flirt. And you didn’t, for long. I thought you must have lovers in the Scarlet Guard, most of all –”, he took a breath. “You’re so… stunning. How would I compare?”
Listening with growing surprise, she squeezed his hand to end his ramblings. “But I’m not. Experienced. Not in that way.” His eyes widened and she leaned back, crossing her arms. “Yet, aren’t you? From what Mare and Kilorn say?”
“Are they wrong?” She pinned him with a glare. It was uncomfortable and they had to get through this. Be honest, righting misassumptions.
Finally, he breathed out. “I’ve flirted. Kissing. Hookups. Pining. A boyfriend when I was 16. But nothing … out of the ordinary.” His face burned as much as hers. “And you … you were a long chase.” He smiled.
Softened, she inclined her head. “Because I need to. To be … chased.” She let the word hang on her tongue, testing it.
It was accurate enough.
“I’ve admired my girlfriend Giselle for 4 years before I realized I was in love with her. Even longer before we became a couple. After we broke up …” Death. Homelessness. Loss. The Cause. “I focused on the Guard for 4 years. I didn’t want anyone, even when I had sex two times.”
She’d engaged when her comrades celebrated, reciprocated flirting, even kisses at times, and when her arousal aligned with the occasion, she had taken to bed a woman, a man. And yet, despite those seconds of pleasure, she’d registered no desire for her partner, no lasting wish to be with any person, to do it again. She came to conclude her arousal showed as a physical need, a bodily function in line with her cycle she would better take care of herself, like hunger or thirst.
Only Shade had left her divided, confusing her heart so she assumed it a liar. She used to know the truth: Live for the fight.
“In several years,” Farley said, “I’ve only desired to be with you, to touch you, stay with you, wishing for more. You were a risk I had to figure out. And you waited for me as I took time, didn’t let go when I needed a tether. You took me as a I am and yet you changed me, so I wanted to gamble. You challenge me, all the time, and I want you to keep doing it. In every way.” Their eyes fixed on each other, piercing so hard Shade blushed deeply with the insinuation.
He bent forward and touched her shoulder. “But if you don’t like it?”
She snorted, relaxing her posture. “I suppose scary me will say no then. Or if you’re not good at it,” she added quietly.
That took him aback. “And that’s what I meant! Would I meet your expectations? Get close to you when you’re already close with so many others? Was I to your taste? I noticed you liked me, but in what way? Was I a fool to you? You were so easy with Tristan, so naturally physical I thought you must have been a couple forever. How could I ever be what he already was to you? I wondered how I compared to him every time he talked to me. I didn’t have his muscles, am smaller, thinner, can’t carry you or lift you against a wall – why are you looking like that?!”
She had failed to avoid an aghast expression, causing Shade’s suspicion. With a sigh, she reached for his hand yet needed to gather herself before meeting his eyes, “We’re being true today, aren’t we?” she said. “I’ve been with someone else once, but … also with Tristan.”
Shade looked like he’d been stabbed, to her embarrassment. He’d been right with his worries but also … not. “Like, for an hour, and didn’t care to repeat it, ever again.”
It hardly helped, his shock was too great. He must not have expected to have been right. “You and him …” Shade shook his head. “You were so easy-going, trusting, touching all the time …”
Farley sat up, cupping his cheek. “Because there was no desire between us. We … tried, and didn’t want that. We moved beyond it. If we could do that, part ways and still work together …”
“Do that …” Shade repeated and she didn’t like to think about the pictures in his head now. Her hand brushed his skin, and she added her other to play with his soft, ever-growing hair.
“Have you not listened?” she whispered, and pulled more sweet nothings from thin air. "You're so handsome, your sight gets me through the day, until I can't bear any minute I'm not touching you ..." Her words, her touch, sharing breaths, she put all in to dissemble his jealousy until he recovered, clasping her wrists and finally realizing how near she was, close enough to kiss. He almost did, leaning back at the last moment. “I get it,” he whipered.
Their foreheads touched, even as a shiver ran through him and he cleared his throat. “All this about a dead man,” he muttered.
That erased the foolishness of the moment. Farley held on to him tighter, grounded again on the Blackrun’s floor, waiting for a mission to start, with him, injured.
“Can’t have you end like that as well,” she murmured.
“So you finally promise to not get me killed?” he replied, breaking away to find her gaze.
Her cheek twitched. “Well, in this case, I can’t let you join today,” she said. “You still wince from your aches with every move and your ankle should rest another day or three.”
He groaned, his posture slumping. “If you, Mare and the rest look after yourselves.”
She shifted, fingers combing through his hair to cup the back of his head. Now he glanced up to her. “You don’t look enough after yourself. Almost like I can’t leave you alone.”
With a self-deprecating smile, he closed his eyes. “But you can’t say I’m a terrible soldier in every way.” His eyes opening, he added, “I’d ask for something to look forward to, but this wrecked” – he grimaced – “I’m not sure what I can offer.”
She sucked in a breath at his tease. “Your mouth will do,” and while she blushed, he giggled at the – unintended – double-meaning.
Fingers traced her face again. “In every way, you said,” he said, considering. “I’ll tell you an idea, for the time being.” Gliding off the seat, he sank to his knees and embraced her waist.
“In May, on your birthday, when lilac and wisteria bloom, I will find you, lured by the violets in your eyes, into a porch under the flowers whose shadows throw intricate patterns on your skin, tangled with your curls. I’ll kiss you, on the cheek, and trace the blossoms’ shadows down your neck, your breasts, your legs, your belly and – enveloped in their scent – I will taste what’s sweeter: the bloom or the flowers between your thighs.
“Do you like that?”
She’d forgotten everything but his voice and the images he created, despite the stress she’d felt this day, no, the last weeks. When she regained words, she answered, “It’s enough for now.” What a dream that was, to think of seven months from now. That was as good as forever but time and space left as they kissed. She wished he’d always chase her like this.
A/N 2: I’ve wanted to explore Farley being demi for a while since I do think it fitting her yet I was also irked that the label would mark her as a widowed mother who should stay chaste, faithful and single forevermore. I’ve written other stories where she doesn’t do that so it appears balanced to me telling it this way, just adding another angle to her. Writing this for her birthday, I’ve listened about 800 times to my number one Fade song, Lacey Sturm’s “Faith”, for inspiration, and heavily referenced it in the story. It still hits me. I love these two so much.
@nortaeventcouncil @lilyharvord @mareshmallow @lucy-the-cat @justagirlwholovesstories @averyboterham @imsorryistilllovemaven @groysinjapan @eliimaii @readytolearnmore @maudthebookeater @petergrantkavinsky @freaky-freiday
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lizthewriter · 5 months
messy / regina george
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PAIRING  regina george x fem!reader
SUMMARY  you and regina have been secretly hooking up for months, but she breaks up with you when you ask for more. after she gets hit by a bus, you fear for her life and whatever relationship you have left.
TAGS  regina george x fem!reader, hurt/comfort, angst, happy ending, queer!, reneé rapp is so fine 😫😫, internalized homophobia, use of d-slur (lesbian slur)
QUOTE  "half of all my exes regret me, / but none of them will ever forget me, / loving me gets really messy," - messy by reneé rapp
WRITTEN  1.13.2024
A/N everytime reneé showed up on screen, i literally started banging my fists against my seat because she SERVED CUNT!!!! SHE WAS SO FINE!!!! literally after the movie, my best friend said to me: "i think you're just gay. i think you're a woman kisser. you might just have a little fruit in your cup."
slammed up against the wall, you felt regina's teeth clash furiously against yours. it was all hot passion - how your lips ran feverishly against hers as though you'd never get to feel her touch again, the way her hands ran up and down the sides of your body as though she needed to memorize the shape of you. days the two of you had gone without a moment to yourselves. days you had spent fantasizing about her pressing you up against the wall. it wasn't that you didn't want a normal relationship. it wasn't that you didn't want to kiss and hold hands and go on cute dates, but . . . that wasn't regina's style. she was closeted. heavily. actually, you weren't sure that she even understood that making out with girls was perhaps the most gay thing she could do, but you were willing to take what you were given. it was regina george, after all.
she pulled away from you by biting gently down on your lip, letting go when she could no longer stretch it any longer. "god, you're so hot," she whispered with a smirk, unbuttoned the first two buttons of your shirt. she reclaimed the control she had over your body, pressing her lips to your collarbone. your hands somehow found their way to her beautiful blond locks, scraping her scalp with the sharp edge of your nails. fantasy was nothing like reality. you had forgotten how good it felt, but how terrible it was all at once. as her warm breath tickled your skin, doubts that had been haunting you the past few days filled your mind slowly. was this healthy? didn't you deserve a healthy queer relationship, one that would be open and free and full of love, real love?
you wanted it all. you wanted the life you saw other queer girls have all around the world. going on cute picnic dates with homeade muffins and favorite books, sitting in the lap of your partner and doing their makeup, snuggling on the couch while watching a movie. holding hands while strolling the town center. it was hard to keep these thoughts back any longer. they overflowed.
you felt regina freeze as you gently pushed her away from where she had latched onto your upper chest. "can we, um, talk?" you ask. she could hear the tone in your voice. you knew she could. the way her eyes met yours made your stomach twist with discomfort.
"talk?" she asked in an incredulous tone, pulling away.
"it's just that, well, hear me out first. i like you. i really like you, a lot! that's why i really want us to be more than . . . making out in the custodian's closet after school and sneaking into your room while your mom's asleep," you explained nervously, stumbling over your words. finally able to meet her eyes, all hope was shattered as you felt her icy stare fixed upon your flushed face.
"i thought we made a deal when we started this. nothing more than this." she barked out a bitter laugh and fluffed out her hair. "what, did you think i was some kind of dyke or something? this was supposed to be fun. nice job stamping out that fire." she opened the door to the closet and waltzed out like nothing had happened. as if you didn't spend the entire last three months building a bond. heart: broken.
fear couldn't describe the emotion you felt driving to the hospital. it was gut-wrenching, blood-curdling, heart-tearingly excruciating. the rumors swirling around made your sick with worry. could she really be dead?
you weren't there when it happened. you had been driving home and then doing homework, hiding your phone away in a drawer somewhere to keep you distracted. it wasn't until hours later that you checked your notifications to realize she had been admitted to the er.
you rushed into the hospital, demanding to hear about her condition.
"are you immediate family?" the nurse at the desk asked. of course you lied. of course you said yes. she gave you the room number and told you that you could wait in the hall - the doctors were talking with her mother and you would need to wait until she woke up herself.
when you arrived at the door to her room, you were afraid to look inside. you weren't sure why. she was alive, yes. maybe you were afraid she was still upset with you. or worse, she had amnesia and forgot about you completely. dejected, you collapsed into the very comfortable plastic chair next to her room.
a few minutes later, the door opened and the doctors and mrs. george exited the room. you stood up suddenly, expectant in your expression.
"she's fine. she's going to heal 100%, she just needs to wear a corrective neck bracelet for several weeks," the doctors assured you. you could relax, just a little. they walked down the hall, chatting softly. mrs. george grinned at you - you had met before, of course, being introduced as one of regina'a friends.
"well, look who we have here! did you hear the news? they said my name on the evening," she told you excitedly, as though her daughter weren't stuck in the hospital from injuries resulting for being hit. by a bus. "head on in darling, those cute boys said she'd be awake soon." her eyes trailed down the hall to the two doctors that had revived regina. with a mini-wave and a "toodle-doo!" she was down the hall and full on flirting with men much younger than herself.
the doorknob to regina's room stared back at you with intimidation so strong you almost turned around and drove home. you reached out a closed your hand around the cool metal, slowly turning it until you were passing through the doorway and standing feet away from her bed. it didn't feel as scary as you thought, entering her room, staring over at her bed. she looked more at peace then you had ever seen her, she looked prettier than you had ever seen her. without her mean-girl face, she seemed a lot more genuine. a lot more like the regina that opened up to you that one chilly night in december.
you silently pulled a chair next to her bed and sat there, waiting for her to wake up. you didn't mind the wait, in a way. because she was sitting there next to you, and she was going to be okay.
when regina awoke, she seemed more confused than anything. her brows furrowed as she looked around the room, her eyes finally landing on you.
"hey," you said all of a sudden, sitting up straight. "you're okay, you're fine. you're . . . in the hospital."
"what are you doing here?" not snappy or bitter or angry. genuine.
"i heard you got hit by a bus," you said, biting your bottom lip anxiously. would she yell at you? tell you she never wanted to see you again? "i heard . . . i you died. i just had to see for myself, to make sure you were okay. i'm sorry, if you don't want me here, i'll -"
"don't leave!" she shouted, grabbing your hand. you stared down at the place where her skin met your hand. this wasn't happening. this couldn't be happening. her fingers intertwined with yours and you find her eyes to be pleading you. "please, just don't leave."
"regina -"
"just shut up and listen, okay?" she told you, sounding upset, but it didn't seem to be an emotion she was directing towards you. you sat back down and scooted your chair closer to her. "i want us to be something more too . . . okay? i like you, loser."
you narrowed your eyes at her. "is this regina george trying to be nice?" you asked dubiously.
"don't ruin the moment or i'm taking everything i said back."
"no," you said quickly, shaking your head with a smile. you placed your other hand on the one clasped in hers. "it's a good look on you. really."
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earthly-ali3n · 7 months
every year or so tik tok starts debating who the “real mean girl” was in mean girls and i’m just so baffled by the lack of media comprehension. the point is that they are ALL MEAN GIRLS. Yes! Janis was a mean girl. But so was Regina. All of the girls were mean girls!!! That’s what the gym scene is about, every girl gong up on stage and admitting something horrible they’ve done to another person.
It’s why Cady’s character had to be home schooled and not just transferring from a different school. It had to show you that everyone is capable of being a “mean girl” because high school is kill or be killed. It’s so easy to hurt others in the name of protecting yourself. Even girls who were kind and wanted to be kind succumbed to being a “mean girl” in order to make it through the day.
Mean Girls isn’t about right vs wrong. It’s about hierarchies in high school, it’s about the performance of femininity, it’s about toxic femininity, it’s about expectations and the desire to be accepted.
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yelenabemylova · 2 months
say no more, my queen - regina george x reader
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summary: regina taking care of her girlfriend on her period
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“What are you doing here, baby?” Regina sat down at her vanity table to take off her rings after she noticed you curled up in her bed after school. She received no response, so she decided to gently pull back the thick duvet covering you.
Snatching it back quickly, you huffed and scowled at her, “leave me alone.” Regina scoffed, “you're in my bed.” You only buried yourself deeper into her sheets, not caring about how your girlfriend could potentially be mad at you for ignoring her.
Regina began to frantically wrack her brain for what could make you feel and act in such a way. She didn't recall you feeling ill recently nor did she think she'd done anything to upset you.
Her mother came upstairs and saw Regina leaning over your figure in bed, quietly leaving a tray of snacks for the both of you. She had let you in before your girlfriend had gotten home and told you to make yourself comfortable upstairs.
The assortment of food that June had left was entirely different to what Regina had been eating before she met you. Ever since you had started to get closer to her, slowly her incessant thoughts about being conscious of her body were replaced by your consistent compliments about how perfect she looked.
Carefully, she rustled a bag of crisps, hoping it would get you to emerge from your cocoon of safety. Wordlessly, your arm reached out from under the blanket, your hand open. Regina placed the bag in your hand and you were quick to begin eating it under the blankets.
Suddenly, it clicked for Regina. She remembered you complaining about PMS a few days prior and how terrible it was making you feel.
Going into full protective girlfriend mode, she quickly ordered pizza and took off her makeup before getting into some comfy pyjamas. She went downstairs to collect the food and a hot water bottle with painkillers, bringing them up to you in a hurry.
She knew that you were always especially hungry when you were on your period but your cramps made it too hard to move to get anything to eat. As she climbed into bed, she set up her laptop with a new reality show playing quietly in the background.
“Baby, food’s here!” she gently shook your arm, which got you to uncover yourself. A small smile was evident on your features as you saw the box of pizza on Regina's bed. “All for you, sweetie,” she opened the box and fed you a slice.
As she continued to feed you, you became more like your normal self, chatting away to your girlfriend as she held the hot water bottle to your lower stomach. After you had eaten, she handed you some ibuprofen and a glass of water, encouraging you to take it so you could nap in peace.
“Is there anything else I can get for you, m’lady?” Regina teased. “You know those chocolate strawberries we made last night?” you sheepishly grinned. “Say no more, my queen,” Regina bowed, making you giggle.
She ran downstairs and retrieved them quickly, “nothing but the best for my perfect, beautiful girl.” You blushed, “thank you Gigi.”
Regina put her arm around you as she got comfortable with you tucked into her side, “so, are you gonna share those?” The expression on your face was priceless, “I am bleeding out of my uterus Regina George and you have the audacity to ask me-”
She chucked quietly as she silently regretted even asking as she listened to your rant.
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superhaught · 2 months
Sweetest Girl
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warning(s): slight reference to bad home life for reader?
Word Count: 1700, Part 1/?
Anonymous Asked: hello! I was wondering if I could request a regina x fem!reader fic where the the reader is known as the sweetest girl in school that everyone loves and regina is like “what’s so great about her” and just ends up falling in love with her
Enjoy! I intend to keep this one going :D
Regina knew that she wasn’t excelling in her chemistry course this year but she certainly didn’t think she was failing. But the teacher asked her to stay behind after class and gave her a solemn look as she explained that with Regina’s most recent test score (which was, admittedly, abysmal), her overall grade in the class would drop from barely passing to failing. 
“Well, what am I supposed to do? I’m a senior, it’s not like I can retake this class!” Regina griped, beginning to feel her stomach turn over in panic.
“Calm down, Miss George. You still have time to improve your grade. I’d recommend that you start working with a tutor. One of your classmates is available for such an arrangement as it turns out. She’s a very gifted student who is doing quite well in this class. She will likely tutor you not expecting anything at all in return. Are you willing to reach out to her?”
Regina crossed her arms in front of her chest, “I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Regina’s teacher formed a thin-lipped smile, “No, Miss George. You don’t.”
Regina took the slip of paper with the tutor’s contact info scribbled on it from the teacher and left the classroom for her locker in a huff. 
Gretchen and Karen were waiting for her and immediately, Gretchen was hounding the blonde in concern, “is everything okay, Regina? What did the teacher want?”
Regina sighed, “I’m failing. I need a tutor, I guess.”
“Oh no!!!” Gretchen exclaimed. 
Karen tapped into the conversation in a brief moment of focus and said, “don’t worry, Regina. I failed chemistry last year and had to be tutored, too.”
Regina rolled her eyes, “yes Karen, and you fucked your chemistry tutor instead of studying.”
Karen smiled, “oh yeah!”
Gretchen chimed in, “well, it’s going to be okay Regina. I bet you’ll do really well if someone can take their time to explain the concepts to you. Do you know who will tutor you?”
Regina nodded, “yeah, the teacher gave me this name. Someone in my class.” Regina passed the slip of paper to Gretchen. 
When the small brunette read the name she made an excited sound, “oh! I know her, she’s the sweetest ever! You’ll like her Regina. She’s like, the nicest girl in the school.”
Regina narrowed her eyes and snatched the paper back, “why would I like the nicest girl in school? She sounds like a try-hard… What makes her so great?”
You were enjoying your lunch outside in the courtyard because it was a sunny day out. You scrolled through your phone and an email notification caught your eye so you opened it right away. The email read: Hey, I need a chemistry tutor. Teacher gave me your name. Can you? -Regina George
Oh, wow. You thought. Regina George wants me to tutor her?
You typed your response back and sent it off with a whoosh: Hi Regina, I’m happy to help! Do you want to meet to go over logistics today after school? I’ll be in the library if you want to swing by :) you can also feel free to text me if that’s easier
You sent Regina your phone number at the end of the email and in a few minutes, you got a text from, presumably, Regina. She said, “okay whatever” then another few seconds passed and she sent another text, “this is Regina, obviously.”
You responded, “haha yes, I figured!”
The little bubble that indicated she was typing popped up for a long moment and then disappeared. Then it popped back up and turned into a simple text, “k.”
Later that same day, you were sitting in the library doing your homework in the welcome peace and quiet. As you were working, you saw the blonde out of the corner of your eye. 
Regina walked down the half staircase into the library and flipped her hair over her shoulder, her tote bag hung from the crook of her elbow, and her other hand held an iced latte notably not from the student-run cafe but instead from the Starbucks down the road from the school. 
Regina approached your table and plopped her bag down on the floor and pulled out the chair across from you, “went to get a coffee before meeting you, hope you don’t mind. You didn’t want anything did you?”
You smiled and shook your head, “I don’t mind, and no thank you, I’m okay. I don’t drink coffee.”
Regina raised an eyebrow as she sat down, “you don’t drink coffee? How do you survive?”
You laugh lightly, “I guess I’ve never really needed it, and I prefer tea anyway.”
“Huh…” Regina didn’t seem satisfied with your answer but she dropped it, “so, do you just stay here to do homework after school?”
“Usually, yeah! I like to get as much done as I can before the library closes.”
“Why would you want to spend more time in this godforsaken school?”
You swallowed hard, “Oh, um… just ‘cause.”
“So, do you want to talk about tutoring for chemistry?”
“Okay great, do you know how often you want to meet or how many hours you want to do per week?”
“Christ, I don’t know.”
“It’s okay!” You assured her, “let’s just start with two hours a week for now. We can meet twice a week for one hour each and see if that feels good or if we need to work more or drop down to just an hour.” 
“Does this time work for you?”
“And what about another day in the week?” You asked.
Regina shrugged, “Thursdays?”
“Perfect!” You jotted down a note of the schedule in your planner.
“Do you tutor a lot?” Regina asked, then sipped her coffee.
“Not super often. When I do, it’s usually because a teacher recommended me.”
“Are you like a teachers pet or something?” 
“I don’t know, I just like helping.” 
Regina was silent for a moment. She was considering you. Examining you. 
“So for chemis-“ you began.
“You know, it’s like weird how nice you are. Like, it’s off putting.” 
“Oh… off putting?”
“Yeah, ya know. Like you don’t have to be nice all the time, or for free. Not everyone deserves kindness.” 
“I mean, I disagree, but-“ 
“I can pay you, you know. For tutoring me, I mean.” 
“You don’t have to, though. I don’t need you to.” 
Regina scoffed, “you’re just gonna give me your time and energy for nothing?” 
“Yes. I just want to help. It’s not transactional.” 
“Oh, you sweet thing. Everything is transactional. Maybe you don’t want my money but you expect to get something out of this, don’t you? Otherwise, you wouldn’t.” 
You were frustrated, “how do you know that? You don’t know me or what I’d do!” 
“No one does anything for free. No one performs a service for free. No one is that nice.” Regina took another drink of her coffee. 
“Are you trying to ruin this?” 
Regina raised an eyebrow again but was quick to respond, “am I making you mad?” 
“You’re frustrating me. I’m just trying to do a nice thing.” 
“So you don’t want me to question your motives?” 
“No! I mean…” you huffed angrily, you felt your cheeks grow increasingly red and hot, “there is no motive.” 
“I don’t believe that.” 
“Look, do you want my help or not?” 
“I want to be tutored. What I don’t want is to owe you anything.” 
“You don’t owe me anything!” 
Regina’s expression turned into the slightest smirk as she stood up from the table and grabbed her tote bag off the floor, “I’ll meet you again on Thursday to review this week’s course materials. When I see you again, I expect an answer about what exactly it is you hope to get out of doing this for me.” 
With that, Regina turned and left the library, her hair swishing behind her. 
You hadn’t noticed until then, but you had crumpled up a piece of paper in your hand during that conversation. 
Thursday came around too soon for your liking. You had no answer for Regina’s demand, other than the truth, which you didn’t want to tell her. 
At 4:05 pm sharp, Regina waltzed down the stairs into the library once again, tote bag in hand, removing her sunglasses in an elegant motion, a drink carrier from Starbucks with two drinks in her other hand. 
You watched as Regina gracefully spit her chewing gum into a trash can on her way while walking up to your table.
She took one of the cups out of the drink carrier and set it down in front of you, “chai latte. Is that okay?” 
Your jaw dropped open a bit as you stared stupidly at the drink and then back up at her, “y-yeah… that’s really nice, thank you.” 
Regina didn’t sit down, “do you have an answer for me?” 
You sighed, “you really won’t accept that I just want to help you out?” 
Regina wordlessly shook her head. 
You looked down at your hands and saw that they were shaking slightly, so you hid them under the table in your lap and kept your eyes averted from Regina as you whispered, “I do what I can to avoid spending time at home.” 
Regina remained silent. 
You looked back up at her. Her jaw was set and she had a severe expression. You watched her exhale a heavy breath through her nose, nostrils flaring, then she sat down across from you and dropped her bag onto the floor. 
“Okay,” she said simply. “Let’s get started then.” 
You spent the next hour reviewing that week's chemistry lessons with Regina. 
When you decided to stop for that evening, Regina reached across the table and wrote something into your notebook. 
“There, that’s my address. You don’t have to check in with me, or anything, you can just come over whenever you want to.”
“Regina, are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. My mom loves having company to entertain, and there’s plenty of space in my room for you to be comfortable and do work.”
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“How about, ‘thank you?’”
You laughed and nodded, “thank you, Regina. Really.”
The blonde stood up and returned her notes to her bag, “‘course. See ya tomorrow in class.”
“See you then…”
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toodrunktofindaurl · 1 year
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patreon poll winners: emma x regina
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I couldn’t stop thinking about it so I’m finally making a fic out of a shitpost I wrote four years ago, I am that dedicated
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agaypanic · 2 months
everyone shut up, i’m thinking about regina george and good luck, babe! by chappell roan
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pyro-les · 3 months
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Regina George X Reader
Warnings: none
"You, yeah you, come over here" Regina called from across the hall. Cady looking around unsure before slowly walking towards her. "Why don't I know you?".
"I'm new, I just moved here from Kenya" cady responds happily.
"Shut up, shut up" Regina replies
"I didn't say anything" Cady says with a confused smile causing Regina to giggle before slowly looking off somewhere behind Cady. "You're really pretty"
Surprised Cady happily responds "thanks".
"So you agree, you think you're really pretty?" Regina says turning her attention back towards Regina.
Gretchen joins in saying "You're an international student,that is so fetch!".
"What is fetch?" Regina says slowly turning to gretchen with a slightly judgemental look on her face.
Gretchen hurriedly justifies "it's like slang from an old movie. Juno I think".
Karen joins the conversation saying "Have you ever touched a tiger?".
"No,those aren't indigenous to Kenya" cady replies seemingly happy to be talking about Kenya.
"Cause that's one of my life goals. To not touch a tiger" Karen slowly responds.
"Hey new girl!" Jason cuts In "wanna see a trick? I can guess any girls bra size, just jump one time".
They all turn to him with varies looks of surprise and disgust except for Karen who happily says "ooo do me do me!" While Gretchen calls out "ew Jason!".
Before he can respond Regina cuts in harshly "Oh my god Jason, you do not come to my party with gretchen then skeeze on the new girl right in front of me. Do you wanna have sex with him?"
"Oh, no thank you." Cady says after a small moment, taken aback by Regina's blunt response.
Regina gives her a small smile before turning back to Jason with a harsher gaze "Then it's settled, no body thinks you're funny and that thing you do where you lower your voice is making people really sad." She then turns out to the rest of the hall which had seemingly been watching the whole interaction. "Excuse me anyone who wants Jason Weems to go back to his normal voice raise your hand"
Suddenly everyone in the hall puts up their hand, some nonchalant and some excited to be included in something related to the infamous plastics.
"Wow, you're really going to get noticed around here. We should help you" Regina says with a small smile. "Can you give us some privacy for a second?" she asks.
Cady turns around towards Janis and Damien who are mouthing to her "we have your food" her attention is drawn back to the plastics as she hears some of their whispers.
"Shes nice, I'm sure she wouldn't tell anyone"
"People won't question it as much"
"Just ask her"
Cady doesn't know what they mean but she doesn't want to intrude so she returns her attention back up to the rest of the room. She sees a girl quickly looking up in her direction before returning to her phone typing something. Cady then hears Regina say "Okay so we don't normally do this but,you're invited to sit with us for the rest of the week".
"Oh no I'm fine,it's ok" she starts to say, wanting to go back to Janis and Damien.
"On Wednesdays we wear pink!" Karen happily says leaving no room for her to disagree.
"Yeah he's almost too gay to function" Cady says giggling slightly before realising saying that might not have been the best idea. Before she can take it back Gretchen says "sounds like someone else we know". Karen laughs as Regina giggles with a light blush on her face.
After a short while Cady asks "do you write about everyone in here?".
"Not everyone. Just people who get on our nerves, it's a good way to get out feelings without anyone being hurt" Regina explains.
"And we would never write about friends in it! Because friends are completely deserving of our respect and confidentiality. I mean you would never tell anyone anything we told you, would you?" Gretchen adds on.
Cady nods "of course, you can tell me anything!".
"Good because some secrets are secrets for a reason, otherwise someone could get hurt." Regina states a sudden seriousness to her tone.
After looking up confused for awhile Karen suddenly turns to Gretchen and says "we have secrets?".
Shaking her head Gretchen reasons "of course! You know the fact that Regina-"
"It doesn't matter she'll find out soon enough anyway. For now why don't you give Cady the shoes." Regina cuts her off, turning the conversation into something else.
"The shoes? Oh yeah! Come on Cady." Gretchen says before leading Cady Into the closet.
Karen and Regina start to talk for awhile until the doorbell rings and Regina excitedly runs to get it.
"Hi baby" Regina says as she pulls Y/N Immediately into a hug who mumbles a small "I missed you" Into Regina's chest.
"I missed you too" she responds as she pulls back placing a small kiss on the top of Y/N's head before grabbing her hand and leading her upstairs to see the others.
"Y/N hi!" Karen exclaims seemingly shocked to see her as the couple enter Regina's room.
"Hiya" Y/N responds as she sits at the top of the bed right next to Regina. "Where's Gretchen?" She asks realising the girl was no where to be seen and neither was the new girl.
"I'm here! I was just giving Cady some shoes and having a bit of a chat with her" Gretchen responds as she walks out of the closet with Cady trailing slightly behind her looking a bit awkward.
"Oh I didn't know you had another friend. Im Cady, nice to meet you." Cady said thinking back to Damien and Janis' run down of the plastics and not remembering them saying anything else about a fourth plastic.
"I've heard quite a bit about you, I'm Y/N" the girl says with a smile.
"My girlfriend" Regina adds on as she puts a possessive arm around Y/Ns shoulders who happily leans into her touch.
Cady looks a but shocked before smiling and saying "Oh I didn't know you were dating anyone. Why weren't you at lunch?"
"People in northshore aren't exactly the most accepting with, well anything really. Especially when it comes to the most beautiful popular girl in school dating a loner theatre kid." Y/N says a bit sadly.
"But that's ridiculous, what does that matter to other people" Cady says quite annoyed. She doesn't understand why people can't just mind their own business.
"Everything here is perfectly set out, there's a clear hierarchy and rules on who can do what and if you make one wrong move you immediately fall down. You're lucky Cady, you're new so no one knows who you are, you could be anything, you could be at the top or bottom of the hierarchy. Luckily you have us to help you get to the top"
After a moment of contemplation Cady decides to ask "why did you decide to let me sit with you? I mean I don't exactly scream popular, I didn't even know schools had this kind of hierarchy.".
"Well exactly that, you seemed lost and we wanted to help. Besides it'll help with our plan" Regina responds like it's nothing.
"You're plan?" Cady asks confused.
"To help Y/N sit with us of course!" Gretchen answers "if we were to bring a loser into our group now everyone would question it but if we wait awhile then it won't be too weird because we already would've invited you.".
"Do not call my girlfriend a loser!" Regina yells.
Pulling Regina back towards her Y/N speaks softly to her "Hey hey baby she didn't mean it like that. She's just trying to say that that's what people think and I'm fine with that." Regina grumbles a small sorry to Gretchen before leaning back into the embrace of her girlfriend.
Watching the sweet interactions between the two Cady couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of the two,she wished Aaron would look at her the way Regina looked at Y/N. But it also made her question, what would she tell Janis? She had promised her new friend she would tell her everything the plastics had said but she had also sworn confidentiality to Regina, what would she do?
I finally finished writing the first part of this fic, it's nor the longest chapter but there should be more:)
I hope everyone enjoyed it. This is my first time writing a fanfic so if it's not the best I apologise.
Thank you so much for reading!💜
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cosmicanemoia · 7 months
There aren't enough jealousy fics in any platform known to mankind.
I'm a sucker for jealousy fics, and I can't be the only one. Right?
Like, where are the rests of fanfic where (romanoff/maximoff/weems/mills/schemmenti/etc...) going feral because they think someone wants to steal their lady (reader)???
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elane-in-the-shadows · 4 months
Hahaha so I waxed poetic about how much I LOVED writing last year and then never posted again - it was because of a technical problem that axed my opportunities and inspiration and then my Ghost obsession replaced and swallowed half my mind okay it was fun - anyway the problem is solved (hopefully staying that way) and the Fade love resurfaced like a season and something's coming tomorrow
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lizthewriter · 9 days
red wine supernova / regina george
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SUMMARY  regina george has made you the new victim of her attention. it's a different kind of attention than you expected from her.
QUOTE  "she was a playboy, bridgette bardot, / she showed me things i didn't know, / she did it right there, out on the deck, / put her canine teeth in the side of my neck," - red wine supernova by chappell roan
WRITTEN  6.3.2024
you've always been introverted and shy - some people were loud, rambunctious, easily likeable. easily sociable. it had never been that easy for you - anxiety rumbling at the bottom of your stomach every time you spoke to someone new, hands trembling and voice stuttering as you spoke in front of the class. it didn't help when others began to tease you for it - it only made you more reclusive.
but then, she noticed you. everyone knew who she was. regina george. queen bee of the mean girls, the plastics, the fake and bake's, whatever people liked to call them these days. and believe me, no one wanted to be noticed by regina george, not the way she noticed you.
it started out as small, targeted comments in the lunch line. on your clothes, on the foos you ate, on the way you did your hair. cute, girly tips hidden behind the pretentiousness of a pig with lip glass. okay, perhaps that was taking things way too far. she was gorgeous and she wasn't completely terrible. you just couldn't figure out why you were so special to be one of the few victims of her attention and insults.
but now she was making it obvious to everyone that she had taken some odd liking to you. swinging her arm around your shoulder and calling you pet, playing with your hair and giving you beauty tips with thinly veiled conceit, things like that.
you tried to stay away from her as much as possible, but unfortunately that was impossible. world history and of course, for your final project, you abaolutely had to be thrown with her.
regina plopped down in the seat next to you as people scattered across the room to find their project partner. aaron was sitting practically next to her, but she wasn't even watching him. she seemed to give all her attention to you lately. "hey babes, looks like we're stuck together."
you laughed nervously. "yeah, looks that way," you responded in a small tone, staring down at your notes. "so i was thinking, i'm very educated in world war two discourse, i was hoping we could do our project on -"
"you know, you should totally come over my house this weekend." most of your classmates around you froze and glanced towards regina. she never invited anyone but the plastics at her house. "i can show you how to do makeup - i'll even let you borrow my lip gloss."
"you never let me borrow your lip -"
"oh my god, will you stop taking things so personally gretchen?" regina responded, not even turning around in her chair to face gretchen, who was sitting behind her. regina gestured to gretchen and rolled her eyes, finally returning all her attention to you. she grabbed your hand and started to trial her fingernail around your hand in circles. "what do you say, pet?"
"umm, i'll bring my notebook so we can work too," you responded in an uncertain tone.
"and don't worry girls, if you want to have a party, i still have all of my old nas cd's downstairs!" regina'a mother exclaimed as she left the room. you and regina were situated on her bed, sitting rather close to one another. as you reached to pull your notebook out of your bag, regina pushed your hand back down so that your notebook was firmly back in it's place.
"don't be a bore, let's have some fun first," regina responded with a roll of her eyes, popping her lollipop back in her mouth. she grabbed you by the arm and hauled you all the way over to her vanity, turning on the lighting and grabbing all the possible makeup in sight. "we are giving you a makeover."
she grinned at you, and in that moment you couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. you decided to go along, for the sake of it - why upset her now? she could have her fun with you and then you could go back to working on your project. "all right, i guess."
she started to pull out all sorts of makeup application devices you either recognized and didn't use or had never seen at all. she tapped her phone and punk rock music began to blare through the speakers in her room - you found yourself suprised at her music taste but said nothing, only tapping your feet along to the beat.
she began by brushing your hair and pulling it back with a headband, giving her free reign to do whatever she wanted to your face. she started out with skincare, washing your face and applying a face mask.
"so, what do you like to do in your free time, or whatever?" regina asked you in a bored tone, though her eyes seemed rather interested as she looked down at you. enamored, almost, but that must have been a trick of the light.
you started to name a few hobbies but before you knew it, the two of you were deep into conversation about various different things and surprisingly, as she did your makeup, you found yourself opening up to her, becoming louder and louder, while she somehow became more dormant - less mean and commanding and more, understanding and listening.
"okay, take a look!"
you turned around and faced yourself in the mirror. you smiled widely as you felt rather pretty, wearing the makeup regina had put on you, sparkly yellow eyeshadow and pink mascara. you saw regina biting her bottom lip as she looked at you in the mirror - suddenly you felt shy again and felt a blush fall over your cheeks.
"how do you like it?" regina asked as she turned you to face her.
"i feel really pretty . . . thanks," you mumbled shyly, staring down at your feet
"you are really pretty," she told you in a low tone, placing her finger under your chin and raising your head so you met her eyes. "you're so fucking dumb, how long will it take you to realize i like you, pet?"
she laughed at your confounded expression. you felt your face turn a tomato red and you buried your face in your hands, feeling embarrassed. "i thought you were making fun of me!" you exclaimed between your fingers.
"i was endearingly teasing you, or whatever," regina said in a defensive tone, though she was still falling over laughing at your expression.
"this isn't a prank, right?"
"of course not! now let's finish this dumb project so i can take you out on a date, hoe."
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pezberrywhoreee · 2 months
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pairing: dom!regina george x sub!cady heron
words: 2,361
content warning: mommydom!regina, puppysub!cady, bdsm, d/s dynamic, mommy kink, use of "puppy", wet dream, somnophilia, cnc, brief cunt inspection, strap, breathplay, spit play, light mocking, rough sex, praise, orgasm denial
summary: whatever mommy wants, she gets...no matter what
Regina groaned as she stirred from her sleep when she heard quiet whimpering beside her.
Her eyes started to flutter open and adjusted to the darkness of the room as the whimpers turned into broken breaths, slight shuffles bringing her attention towards her girl.
The blonde turned her body to fully face the writhing girl, a tired smirk turning up her lips when she saw the barley noticeable movement of hips rhythmically pushing up into the air.
Regina watched for a moment to see if Cady would wake from the obvious sexually charged dream, testing how her body reacted to a soft touch spanning the length of her arm.
With a fleeting touch to her hip, the blonde quietly got off the bed, grabbing her phone and made her way to the bathroom to wash away the residual sleep from her face.
She took a moment to admire her reflection, her gaze moving from her half lidded eyes accompanied by the slight smirk that adorned her fresh face. She took in how her sleep shirt fell to expose her midriff and the waistband of her boxers flatteringly. Regina momentarily scrunched her nose in satisfaction.
She confidently snuck back into the dark room to retrieve a black leather harness, as well as a ribbed attachable appendage. Regina made her way back to the bathroom, shuffling out of her boxers and stepping into the legs of the leather.
Expertly, she secured the buckles on her hips, making sure that fit was snug so that the leather would rub against her in addition.
A low groan left her at the secure feeling against her body, aiding in the intensifying of the dominance that she has grown to love.
The girl turned to check out how the straps framed her ass. She grabbed her phone and quickly took a few pictures in her current position, looking at the camera over her shoulder, her ass pushed out and her lips between her teeth.
She attached the toy into the rings before giving herself one last look and slinking back into the bed. A new wave of desire landed in her core at the now whinier sounds that were building in Cady's chest and intensified by desperate rolls of her hips.
Carefully, Regina moved the sleeping girl's hands out of the way, making her all that more vulnerable and open to her ministrations. She peeled back the blanket that was draped over Cady's lower body, humming lowly as her eyes raked down the length of her bare body.
She tried to suppress a chuckle at the shiver and following buck of her hips that possessed the sleeping girl. Regina loved how responsive the girl was. Especially when she was unconscious.
The blonde softly draped a leg over the one closest to her and brought her hands up Cady's jaw. Dull nails skirted around the soft skin, fingers tracing the definition of bone as she carefully listened to breathing that was growing more intense.
A low purr left Regina as she brought up her thumb to toy with the girls damp lips. Running her finger along the pliant flesh, she studied the pattern of breaths that came with each unsatisfying push of hips, more frustrated whines leaving her in turn.
That hand traveled down Cady's body, bluntly scratching at her neck and navel before landing between spread thighs.
Regina situated herself between the girls legs, laying on her stomach comfortably to get a better angle for her plan.
She meticulously spread Cady's legs further to get better access to slick cunt. The backlit sheen coming from the bathroom light allowed the blonde to get a glimpse of the growing arousal accumulating between the girls legs.
Regina brought her thumbs up to spread her open, a wave of air brushing against the warmth of her cunt which elicited a stronger roll of her hips, still desperately searching for contact.
The blonde chuckled quietly at the action as a thumb slid down through the mess and over her steadily leaking hole.
"Mmm~ so pretty", she whispered as her arousal caught the dull light.
Teasingly, Regina circled her thumb around her hole, shallowly dipping in to encourage more arousal to drool out of her. There still was no sign of the girl waking besides certain whimpers that were clearer.
With a smirk, she slid her thumb up through her weeping slit and pressed into the aching nerve that had been begging for attention.
Cady's mouth dropped open and her eyes slightly fluttered at the pressure against her. She began to sleepily rub herself up against the force, mindlessly bringing her legs up to bend at the knees, framing the blonde below her.
The blonde pressed a few wet kisses to both thighs as she kept her thumb still, letting the girl inconsistently push up into her touch.
She attentively watched each change of the girls expression, the heaving of her chest, the eager to relaxed thrusts into her hand. The way that she would submit without question even from an unconscious fantasy.
Regina felt a shiver run through her from the increasing control settling in her body and mind. Her growing arousal due to the pliability of the girl in this moment probably attributed to that too.
Once she felt that she had brought a satisfactory amount of teasing upon the sleeping girl, she pushed herself up and began peppering kisses up her body. Starting at her stomach and up to her chest where she left a few nips, all the way up to her neck and the underside of her jaw.
Regina made sure to pull back as to not startle the girl. "Can you turn around for mommy?" she purred as grabbed her waist and softly encouraged her to roll towards the middle of the bed.
"Very good~". The blonde whispered as she heard a a groan accompanying the excessive amount of movement for the sleeping girl.
Cady safely rolled onto her stomach with minimal whining at which the blonde was very impressed with, considering her insistent claim that the girl was the most responsive person she'd ever met.
Regina swiftly grabbed a thick pillow at the same time as she pulled the girls right arm from under her chest that had gotten trapped during the shift in position, ensuring that she wouldn't wake up from the sudden discomfort.
Just as quickly she pulled Cady's hips up and wedged the pillow beneath her pelvis, lifting her for better access and the benefit of the angle.
Regina let out a tired breath as she pulled back for a minute so that the girl could fall back into sleep after so much movement.
This gave time for the blonde to collect herself before reaching for some lube in the drawer and applying a considerable amount to the toy, as well as Cady.
She watched her breathing even out once more, shaking her head in disbelief when the girl now started pushing her hips down into the pillow, instantly transporting back into the dream.
Regina embellished the girls back with hungry kisses, letting her teeth drag across the supple skin to illicit those little gasps that she loved. She braced her forearms on either side of Cady's head before reaching down and expertly guiding the strap into the girls entrance.
The blonde slowly pushed into the girl, her mouth gaping when she bottomed out and the flat of the leather firmly pushed against her own aching cunt. She stayed in that position to see how the sleeping girl would react but all she got was a hitch of her breath.
Just as slowly the blonde pulled back out, one of her hands went down to grip the bend of the girls torso that transitioned into her pelvis. She let out a shaky breath when she pushed back into her.
The adrenaline of using the malleable girl caught up to her as she started to get into an agonisingly slow rhythm, feeling her own clit throb against the snug material.
Shallow breaths knocked out of her lungs at each deep thrust that she pushed into Cady, humming as little whimpers start flowing out of her.
Regina carefully watched as the girl moved her arms under her head to rest on them, louder mewls leaving her. The blonde gave a soft laugh as Cady finally pushed her ass back into her touch.
On a specifically deep push of the toy Cady let out a heavy gasp, as if she hadn't been breathing all night. Regina had been waiting for a similar reaction as soon as the girl started shifting, which is why she reacted with an expected chuckle.
"Mommy?" the girl slurred, the word sounding more like a hum than anything. Her cunt clamped down on the strap as soon as she had the energy to, small whines leaving her.
Regina kept pushing now that she knew the girl was gaining consciousness. "Sorry puppy, you looked so pretty and open and I couldn't help— myself. Go back to sleep, baby" she purred against the side of her head.
"Mmmhave you been— fucking me this whole—time?" Cady groaned as feeling in her body started to be clearer, feeling each breath and brush and fuck against her.
Regina chuckled at the girls phrasing as well as her bluntness. "Maybe—why? you want me to stop?" the blonde asked as she slowly encouraged the girl to push up on to her knees as she pulled at her hips.
Cady whined as she was once again moved to satisfy Regina's needs. "Mmmno" the girl hummed as she continued to push back against the moving toy.
"That's what I thought~" Regina purred as she grabbed the girls hips, her thumbs almost touching eachother against the girls lower back before putting her weight into her hands, forcing Cady into the mattress and driving into her.
Cady felt herself sink into submission at the way the blonde physically put her down, the grip on her body intense and desperate and inconsiderate. A gutteral moan escaped her as she was consistently pushed deeper into headspace.
"Fuck— hands above your head" Regina commanded, a certain needy push of Cady's hips directly grinding against her clit.
Cady released an exhausted breath as she reached to straighten out her arms in front of her. Her eyes fluttered when she heard the satisfied laugh behind her. "Good listening, pup~" hummed the blonde.
Her hummed 'thank you' got muffled by the pillow at her head but Regina managed to catch it along with the whimper that came with it.
"Were you dream—dreaming about mommy?" the blonde pushed as she continued fucking into the smaller girl, mesmerised at how her ass met with her hips. Her hand found it's way underneath the girl and between her legs, lightly toying with her swollen clit.
Cady hummed affirmatively, now trying to get into a rhythm of grinding against the blondes fingers as well as back against her strap, whiney moans flowing out of her.
She knew that Regina was waiting for her to continue. "You were—using my mmmouth and you made me suck your strap—and I was in chastity" the smaller girl cried as the blonde drove into her with more vigour.
Regina didn't really care, she just wanted to hear the girl struggle to get words out. The blonde found pride in fucking the intelligence out of the girl. "Is that so?" she feigned interest.
Cady responded with a shaky hum before she felt her head being forced backwards.
"Open your mouth~" Regina purred as she brought Cady's torso off the bed, pulling her hair to bend her neck as far as possible.
Regina grinned when she saw her girl with her tongue out, little mewls leaving her as the toy was buried deep inside her at the change in position.
Cady watched with half lidded eyes as the blonde collected saliva in her mouth before leaning over and positioning her mouth over the desperate one. She allowed a thick string of spit to fall into the girls mouth, pushing in the bit that escaped with her thumb.
A hand on Cady's back pushed her into her previous position before she could even swallow the blondes essence. That moment settled directly in her core, whimpering desperately as soon as she was able to fuck back against the blonde.
Regina picked up that the girls sounds were getting more frequent and higher, a smug smirk pulling at her lips as she moved a hand to cover Cady's mouth and continue to pull her back by the hips.
The small girl felt her eyes roll at the move. She felt completely controlled and useless under Regina's touch, like a puppet or a toy being used to appease only the player.
"Shhh~ go back to sleep, baby. I'll try to keep it down" the blonde pushed her feigned care further as she fucked into her relentlessly.
Cady whined at the sub-textual simple disregard of her efforts as Regina ground against her ass, the moans from her lips starting to sound familiar in their high-pitched nature.
"You're making mommy feel so good~". The blonde whimpered as each thrust rubbed against her in the perfect way.
Throaty groans were forced out of Cady as she felt the build up of a climax making itself known, intensified by the harsh grip on her jaw.
"Take it, baby" the blonde attempted to growl but it came out as more of a breath, taken aback by the short cries that got caught in the back of Cady's throat, almost resembling puppy cries without the whine.
These cries that increased in pitch paired with the constant pressure against the blondes clit pushed her over the edge, pushing into the girl one last time with a low moan.
She could feel Cady physically vibrating below her, presumably desperate to have her own climax, however Regina just leaned over her back pushing the exhausted girl down into the bed.
"Sorry did I wake you up? My bad, puppy" the blonde teased before pressing a soft kiss to the girls cheek and drifting back into sleep.
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superhaught · 3 months
Incurable Cravings (Chapter Three)
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Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: this chapter has it all, fluff, angst, and explicit smut (18+ MDNI)
Word Count: 2700, Part 3/?
Part 1 / Part 2
Regina and Reader continue their evening after school and get to enjoy some quality time together again after three years of complicated feelings.
Explicit Content Below!
You and Regina ate dinner with Gina’s mom. Regina did her best at eating a standard portion of food and you squeezed her hand reassuringly under the table, hoping to show her that you were proud. 
Ms. George asked you some more questions about school and your activities and it felt good to update her after going so long without being around the George house. 
Regina got up to clear her plate and asked her mom, “hey, can we have a sleepover? If that’s okay with you, obviously,” Regina added, directed at you. 
“Oh, of course honey! Whatever you want, as long as you can get up in time for school tomorrow. Actually, what am I saying? You’re seniors, I don't care if you go to school or not.”
You laughed and said, “I won’t let Gina ditch.”
Regina smiled at you, “so you’ll stay?”
You nod your head, “I just gotta let my mom know.”
You gave your mom a quick phone call on your way back up to Regina’s room and she was fine with you spending the night and grateful that you would have a ride to school in the morning, but was slightly judgemental that you were hanging out with Regina again. 
She just said, “be careful.” And you responded, “I know, I’ve got it.”
When you hung up your phone, Regina grabbed your arms and pushed you backwards toward her bed. The backs of your legs hit the edge of the mattress and you fell back into her cushy comforter. She followed your body as you scooched back into the middle of the bed and then crawled on top of you, straddling your stomach. 
“Well, hi…” you said, stupidly.
“You’re such a dork… I’m glad you’re staying over tonight. It’ll be just like old times. I’ll do your makeup, dress you up in my clothes, cuddle you while we watch a movie… except now it will be even better.”
“Better, how?”
“Because now I can do this,” Regina leaned down and kissed you passionately, putting her hands on your collarbones and sliding her tongue into your mouth. 
You moaned and kissed her back just as needily. You felt Regina begin to grind back and forth on your abdomen and you felt your head spin as you grabbed onto her hips and encouraged her. She continued to build up that heat and then she pulled away from your lips and you opened your eyes. You watched her flips all of her hair over to one side of her face and then she leaned down and kissed along your jawline and neck. 
You sighed and writhed underneath her. She whispered into your ear, “you’re mine, now… right, baby?”
You gasped at her words, “fuck… yes, Gina… I’m yours…”
“Just mine?” She kept kissing your neck, dragging her tongue along your skin and making you squirm with need.
“Only yours…”
“Good. You’re my perfect darling… and I’m your princess, just like you’ve always wanted, right?”
“Oh my god…” you breathed, “yes… Regina…”
She grazed her teeth along your pulse point and nipped at you lightly and your body jolted in response. 
“God, you’re so needy for me… You’re going to be a good little toy for me, aren’t you? Will you let me mark you up and claim you as my own, baby?”
You couldn’t speak. She knew all the right buttons with you. She knew exactly how to turn the tables and make you into a needy mess for her. You just moaned affirmatively and nodded your head.
“That’s good, baby… if you keep being good, I promise I’ll reward you, okay?” Regina started to bite and suck on your neck now, leaving a trail of red marks and then bruises as she traveled toward your shirt collar. She started to slide your shirt up your body and met your eyes, “can I take this off of you, my sweet baby?”
“Mhmm…” you nodded.
She finished taking your shirt all the way off and took a moment to admire your physique in your white sports bra, “you always had such a nice body…” she leaned down and started making marks all over your collarbones and the exposed areas of your chest. All you could do was make pleased noises and run your fingers through her hair, willingly accepting her treatment of you. 
She lowered herself further and marked up even your ribs and your abdomen, sinking her teeth into your skin to leave a painting of bite marks and bruises. She was absolutely intent on claiming you. 
After a while, she sat up and spoke gently, “I think you’ve been very good, don’t you?”
You met her eyes and nodded slowly. 
“I think you can have a little reward…” 
You watched as Regina got off of you and stood at the foot of her bed, “how about you hold yourself up on your elbows for me, baby?”
You nodded and propped yourself up the way she requested. Regina smirked and then started to lift the hem of her shirt up. The blonde then took her time to slowly strip naked in front of you, removing her articles of clothing one by one in a tantalizing manner. Your jaw dropped at the sight and Regina basked in your obvious admiration of her. 
She reached around her back and unclasped her bra and let it fall off of her arms onto the floor at her feet. You gazed at her nude torso and sighed happily, saying, “my god… you are so stunning, Regina.”
“I know,” she smirked and hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her panties and slowly slid them down her thighs, her eyes following yours the entire time. 
Once she was stripped, she climbed back up onto the bed and straddled your thighs as she placed her fingertips against your sternum and slowly pushed you back down to lie flat.
Regina then moved forward until she was straddling your stomach one more and she slowly lowered her weight onto you until her sex landed right on your abdomen. 
“You feel that, baby? Feel how wet I am for you?”
You stared at her with wide eyes and then she started to move, rocking her hips and spreading her dripping arousal over your skin. You moaned and reached for her waist but she quickly batted your hands away with a smack to each one, “nuh uh, baby… I’m going to use you to take care of me… you just lie back and enjoy it for me, okay?”
You let your arms settle above your head and Regina leaned forward slightly, arching her back, to grab onto your wrists and hold your arms down, both to trap you and give herself something to hold onto as she began to ride your abs to her completion. 
You couldn’t believe what was happening but there she was, Regina Geroge, grinding her wet cunt against you like her life depended on it. She closed her eyes and threw her head back in pleasure as she increased her pace and gave herself exactly what she needed using your body. In nearly no time at all, Regina was a moaning, panting mess and beads of sweat were running down her forehead and temples from her effort, but she still firmly held you in place and didn’t let you take over for her. 
You watched in awe as her movements grew more and more erratic until her moans finally drew out into one long moan of pleasure and she came on your stomach with a shaking orgasm. She let your wrists go at that point, leaving behind bright red marks from where she was tightly gripping you, and then moved her hands to your chest to hold herself up while she rode her climax out until she was done.
Her thighs trembled on either side of you. You reached up and gently caressed the sides of her face with your thumbs and she smiled blissfully. Neither of you said anything as Regina slowly dismounted from you and shifted to lay on her side next to you, bringing an arm and leg over you and resting her head on your chest. 
You gently kissed the top of her head and wrapped your arms tightly around her and you whispered, “Holy shit, Regina…”
“Mmm… did I do a good job of rewarding you for being so good for me?”
“Yeah… yeah, you did Princess…”
She moaned, “oh that sounds so good coming out of your mouth…”
You smiled and kissed her again. You laid there in bliss together for a while until Regina suddenly sat up, apparently refreshed, and kissed your lips before getting out of the bed and walking over to her vanity to grab her makeup bag. 
She turned and playfully jostled the bag around with a giggle and you rolled your eyes, “Oh god…”
“I told you I was gonna make you over… just had to make you mine, first.”
Regina sat on top of you yet again and opened up her makeup bag on the bed. She started to dig through and began pulling things out that she wanted to use on you, getting adorably excited about certain products and saying things like, “ooh I haven’t even tried this one on myself, yet,” and “this is exactly your color oh my gosh it’s like I bought it for you.”
She applied god-knows-what to your face and occasionally tickled your nose with a makeup brush, making you giggle. You watched her get into hyper focus mode working on your face but you mistakenly tried to talk to her, “Wh-“ you began.
Regina grabbed your chin, cutting you off, “shh and stop moving!” 
You let her keep doing her work in silence.
“Close your eyes.”
You obliged her command and she started putting eyeliner on you carefully and gently. Regina brushed blush onto your cheeks, highlight onto your cheekbones, and mascara onto your eyelashes. She blew light breaths of air onto your face to disperse some loose powder or dry the setting spray and all of it felt intimate to you. It always had felt special when she had done this for you in the past but now she was literally naked, sitting on you, and putting lipgloss on you by transferring it from her lips to your own through a kiss. 
She got off of you and grabbed your hand, pulling you up and bringing you over to the mirror for you to see yourself, “what do you think?” 
The makeup was done with an expert hand and you did look very nice. But your smile was clearly forced. 
“You hate it…” 
“What? No I don’t, Regina. It’s really pretty.” 
She frowned and expected you to continue.
“Just… is this what you wish I looked like? Ya know, do you wish I was dolled up all the time like you?”
Regina grabbed your shoulders and turned you around to face her, “No! I think you’re absolutely perfect, I don’t want to change you. That’s not what this is about.”
“What is it about, then?” 
She thought for a moment, “lots of things. I enjoy doing it. Make up is one of my primary interests so I like sharing it with you. It’s an excuse to study your incredible face for a long time. And it’s a very sexy thing to do, especially when I’m naked.” She grinned at herself and you laughed. 
“I don’t want to change you, baby,” she continued, “it’s only meant to be fun and give you a chance to feel pretty, but if it doesn’t make you feel good then it’s not worth it.”
You looked back in the mirror at yourself, “I do feel pretty, Gina. Thank you. I especially like the eyeliner.” 
She bounced excitedly, “see how it makes your eyes so bright?” 
You smiled, “mmhmm.”
Regina stood behind you, wrapped her arms around you and planted kisses all over your cheeks and neck, leaving pink lipstick kiss marks all over your skin along with her array of hickeys from before. Your body was a map of where Regina had graced you with her lips, and you were overjoyed for it. 
“Now, go into my closet and give me a little fashion show, okay? I demand a three outfit minimum. If you do that, then you get your choice of my hoodies for bed tonight.” 
“Okay, Princess.” You agreed, “just, one thing first.”
You gently reached out and pointed to some of the scars on her body from the bus accident, “can I look at them?”
Regina sighed and frowned slightly, but she nodded her head. 
You carefully traced the scars with your fingertips. She turned slightly so that you could see the ones on her back closely. She pulled her hair over one shoulder and you traced the long surgical scar that went down her spine.
“I try to pretend that they’re not there… that  nothing has changed… but then I start to hurt everywhere or I pass out from being upright for too long… and I remember…”
“Gina…” you sighed. You didn’t know what you could say. You felt awful that she had to go through that, and that no one really knew the burden she was shouldering every day since the accident. You also felt an unshakeable guilt knowing that she went through her recovery all alone. You hadn’t been there for her. 
“I'm so fucking terrified of getting worse…” she whispered.
“You have to do what you can to take care of yourself, but I think you also have to recognize that some things are going to be out of your control… but being in pain, or being ill… it doesn’t make you any less… it doesn’t… I… I’m sorry, I don’t know what I’m saying…”
Regina had tears in her eyes, “no, what were you going to say?”
“I was going to say… it doesn’t make me love you any less, Gina…”
The blonde sniffled and wiped her nose on the back of her hand, tears fell down her cheeks at your confession. 
“You love me?” she asked. 
“I do… I love you…”
“You almost said it earlier, didn’t you?”
“Yes, almost…”
“Have you always loved me?”
You looked into her eyes and caressed her cheeks, wiping her tears away with your thumbs. You nodded, “always… I just didn’t know how to say it…”
Regina nodded and put her hand over yours, holding your palm against her cheek, “I didn’t know how to say it, either… and maybe I still don’t…”
“It’s okay,” you whispered.
“Am I… am I enough for you? Until I learn how to say it? And how to really show you? Can you feel it?”
You began to cry at that and you nodded emphatically, “you are saying it… and I can feel it…”
“You can feel that my heart is yours?”
You nod again, "I can, Gina..."
She buries her fingers into your hair and pulls your head to her shoulder then embraces you. You hold each other close for a while, both crying tears that had been trapped for a long time. 
Regina started to feel weak from standing and she tapped you, “I need to lie down.”
You nodded, “I’ve got you, Princess.”
You bent slightly at your knees and swiftly scooped Regina up into your arms. She gasped in surprise as you held her around her back and under her knees and bridal carried her over to her bed, then carefully laid her down and tucked her under the covers. 
She smiled at you, “forget the fashion show, just come here and cuddle me… take your clothes off, though. I want to feel your skin.”
You smiled and started to take your clothes off to the side of the bed in an incredibly over-acted, Magic Mike sort of way, which made Regina burst out laughing, then you got into bed and under the covers with her and spooned her. 
You kissed the back of her head and breathed in the smell of her hair. She squeezed your forearm and brought your hand to her lips, kissing your knuckles softly. 
“I know you’re scared, Regina… but if it helps at all, you have me now. I’ll always be here to take care of you from now on, because I love you.”
She smiled and kissed the back of your hand, “thank you, baby.”
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poisonappleeater · 2 months
currently filled with thoughts of regina from s2 and 3… she was everything
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 1 month
sorry, i’m imagining Short Masc Reader x Regina George, because i believe that they would purposely buy shirts/hoodies/jackets that are too big for them so Regina can feel tiny, cozy, and protected when she steals their clothes.
(i’m projecting me and my girlfriend onto regina x reader stuff sorry)
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