#regresses rain
littlerainyghoul · 7 months
So I did an oopsy and accidentally deleted the original post so this is a repost
Dewww, it's raining!
For @swissndewdrop
Thank you @jimothybarnes for being a wonderful Beta Reader as always
Summary: Rainy's whimsical dance in the rain and Dew's reluctant admiration in the Abbey - the perfect way to spend a rainy day.
Words: 800
Pairings: Regressed Rain and Caregiver Dewdrop
The Abbey hallway was alive with the unmistakable sound of raindrops playing a gentle melody against the windows. The air held the enchanting fragrance of wet soil and the refreshing petrichorical scent of rain, turning the atmosphere into a playground of nature's wonders. Outside, the world underwent a magical transformation as each raindrop descended, painting a shimmering canvas of liquid diamonds on every available surface.
"Dewww!! It's raining!" The words echoed joyously in the Abbey hallway, a delightful symphony of crackles and childlike exuberance. The voice, filled with the innocent enthusiasm of a playful spirit, bounced off the time-worn walls, stirring the echoes of history that slumbered within.
As the words hung in the air, a misty veil of anticipation seemed to materialize, wrapping the corridor in an invisible hug of excitement. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops outside added a rhythmic overture to the announcement, transforming each raindrop into a tiny percussionist contributing to the symphony of the approaching storm.
The fire ghoul, residing amidst the warmth of the Abbey, responded with a huff that sent whimsical curls of smoke spiraling from his nostrils. Not a trace of anger, but the day's temperature had dipped to a chilly level, not quite frosty enough for snow, yet cool enough to warrant the comfort of hoodies and sweaters. The inherent warmth of the fire ghoul became even more apparent as every breath Dew exhaled materialized into a playful vapor dance.
"Okay, let me bet, you want to jump in the puddles, Rainy!" Dew, displaying a keen understanding, knew that Rain's heart was set on leaping into puddles and dancing in the rain—it was their element, after all. A simple nod from the water ghoul was the confirmation Dew needed.
"Well, how about we put on your rain jacket and boots, and then you go outside?" Dewdrop inquired, emphasizing the "you" with a playful tone. It was evident that Dewdrop preferred to stay dry, letting Rainy revel in the watery wonders without a worry.
"Okie Dewdrop!" Rain squealed in delight, the excitement bubbling over. With careful assistance, Dewdrop helped Rain put on the vibrant yellow squeaky rain jacket and boots, each item a promise of the splashy adventure ahead. Rainy, with a gleeful look, wiggled in anticipation.
"Rainy's ready for a splashy adventure!" declared Rain, their words carrying the infectious joy of a child on the brink of a delightful escapade. He wiggled and pranced into the garden outside.
“Hold it there, kid” Dewdrop smiled "wait for me!"
The rain outside continued its rhythmic melody, extending an invitation to the duo to join the whimsical dance of droplets. With a mischievous grin, Rainy took the first step into the puddle-covered landscape, creating tiny splashes that mirrored their uncontainable joy. Each jump and prance transformed the once-muted puddles into lively bursts of liquid joy, as Rainy's laughter blended harmoniously with the melodic rain.
"Look, Dew! I'm a froggy!" Rainy exclaimed, fiddling next to a makeshift pond. Crouching down with boundless excitement, Rainy continued, "Ribbit! Ribbit!" in a croak that echoed the sheer delight of a child reveling in the whimsy of their imagination.
Dew couldn't help but feel a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watched the adventurous little devil-like creature transform into a spirited froggy. Each jump, with webbed hands splishing and splashing, painted the pond with the joyous chaos of Rainy's playful amphibian antics. The Abbey hallway, now filled with the laughter and antics of Rainy, embraced the timeless magic of a rainy-day adventure through the eyes of a child-like spirit.
"Dewwwww," Rain pouted, their voice carrying the innocence of a child seeking a companion. "Come join me!"
Dew hesitated, a flicker of anxiety crossing his fiery features. The dance of raindrops continued around them, but the prospect of joining Rain in the watery revelry seemed to kindle a different kind of heat within the fire ghoul. Fire and water, in their contrasting elements, held an unspoken tension for Dew.
Rainy, oblivious to Dew's internal struggle, extended an inviting hand. "It's so much fun! The rain's like nature's playground, and we could dance together!"
A shadow of conflict danced in Dew's eyes as he considered Rain's plea. The chill in the air seemed to intensify for him, a reminder of the discomfort that water brought to his fiery essence. Despite the allure of Rain's joyous world, anxiety flickered like distant embers in Dew's gaze.
"Rainy, you go ahead. I'll watch from here," Dew finally responded, managing a small smile that attempted to conceal the underlying tension. The fire ghoul, though desiring to share in Rain's delight, couldn't shake the anxiety that submerged him in the face of water.
"Aww! Okay then" Rain finally relented. He continued to dance in the pitter-patter of the rain, until he finally lied down, his hair wet with the muddy rain drops.
”You need a shower, kiddo“ Dewdrop laughed "to get you clean this time"
Rain, sprawled on the ground, grinned mischievously. "Maybe I like the muddy rain, Dew!"
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
It's spring!!
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roseseatea · 1 month
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littleprincerianne · 1 month
Rainy bedtime/ grunge baby mood board?
Thought it would be a cool idea 🦇
saw the words rainy and bedtime and ran with it i'm so so sorry (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) tried my best to use darker colours to kinda take into account the grunge part of the request... hope you likey (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
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ittybittyteddie · 3 months
🌤🌷☔️ Small Spring Things! ☔️🌷🌤
🍼 Having a yummy picnic in the park
🧸 Cuddling with stuffies during rainy days
🩷 Soft and soothing colors
🌱 Watching new plants and buds grow
🌧 Playing outside in the rain
🐦 Listening to birdies in the morning and evening
🐇 Baby animals
🌈 Spotting rainbows in the sky after rain
☀️ Enjoying the warmer weather and sunshine
🪁 Flying a kite on windy days
🎨 Doing fun spring crafts (often found on Pintrest)
⚽️ Getting to play fun outside games
🛝 Playing at the playground
🐛 Cool buggies
🌷 Really pretty flowers that smell really nice
🍓 Yummy fruits and berries
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agere-pngs · 12 days
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Jellycat Ricky Rain Frog + Rubber Ring & Headphones Versions
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cynoisms · 7 months
regressed ghouls but they actually turn back into kits is my favorite thing to ponder about.
like tell me you wouldnt want to see 5-6 year old rain running around with his toys
and phantom in his terrible tots following rain around like a little puppy (aka the copy cat sibling) ???
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chapel-of-rizztual · 10 months
hi please feel free to ignore this but ive been having a rough time and would adore some regressor phantom hurt/comfort. maybe little guy bends too far on stage and hurts himself or something, idk just so long as their comfort ❤️
He was so desperate to impress Dew that when Dew has pointed the floor, expecting him to drop to his knees before him, he had done, no questions asked. The problem was it was outdoor venue. And it was raining. Just as he was bending backwards to get his head to hit the floor behind him, his knee slipped, causing his back to jolt. 
 Immediately he felt pain spark all the way up his spine and down to the bottom of his back. He let out a whine, hoping Dew didn’t hear him, and he gently bent himself back up into a upright position. More pain bloomed under his skin as he did, he felt it wrap around his spine and constrict. 
He played as usual, not wanting anyone to guess something was wrong. The pain was bad, each step he took make it worse. By the end of the show he’s limping, his head is spinning with the fuzzy feeling he gets when he feels small. During final bows he’s next to Rain, and he squeezes the water ghouls hand tightly, feeling like he’ll topple over if he doesn’t. Rain gives him a look, even under his mask Phantom can feel it, it’s like Rain knows. 
He lets Rain pull him off stage, whimpering as soon as they’re hidden backstage, feeling tears fall down his cheek behind his mask. 
“H-hurts, Rainy. Hurts.”
Rain pulls him into his dressing room, shutting the door behind him. 
“I know, baby. I saw what happened.” 
He undoes Phantom’s helmet, pulling off his head, cooing as he does. 
“Oh, there’s no need to tears, babyboy.”
Phantom sniffles, a new batch of tears flowing down his cheeks. 
“Hurts so badly, Rainy. I don’t-I can’t-“ 
He’s cut off by a sob wracking thought him. 
“Please help me. Make the hurt stop.” His bottom lip wobbles. 
Rain brushes the tears on his cheeks away with his thumb, rubbing gentle circles on his cheek. 
“I’ve got you, baby. Gunna look after you, make you feel better.” 
Rain very carefully peels Phantom’s shirt off. Phantom whimpers the whole time, his eyes screwing shut as he sobs out again. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, darling. But we have to get it off to help you.” 
Phantom whimpers again, his eyes still screwed shut, shaking his head. 
Rain coos at him again, finally pulling shirt off him, 
“Being so good for me, baby. So brave for me.” 
Phantom perks up a little at the praise, letting out a little chirp at the praise. 
Before any of them can say anything, the dressing room door opens and Dew walks in. He’s changed from his stage uniform, wearing black sweatpants and no shirt, his hair down from its braid, the black stage makeup still smudged around his eyes and mouth. 
“How bad is it? I saw his leg slip, it can’t be good, right?” 
“I don’t think it’s that bad.” Rain rubs at Phantom’s belly in a confronting way. “I think he’s just pulled a muscle, I don’t think there’s any bruising or swelling.” 
Dew checks over Phantom’s back, humming in agreement with Rain. 
“No swelling or bruising.” He presses carefully at a couple of different spots on Phantom’s back, making him hiss out at one particular spot at the bottom of his spine. “Hurts there, little one?” 
Phantom nods, pouting at Dew with wet eyes. 
“Hurts, Dewy.” 
Dew pouts back at him. 
“I bet, sweetheart.” He ruffles Phantom’s hair. “Do you want me and Rainy to make it better?” Phantom nods, still pouting, but the tears have slowed. Dew presses a little kiss to the bottom of his back. “Come lie down on the sofa with us, baby.”  Rain manoeuvres Phantom so he's led in between Himself and Dew, his back to Dew. Phantom buries his face in Rains neck, still whimpering slightly. Phantom let’s out a small gasp feeling Dew get increasingly more warm behind him, making both ghouls giggle at him. “You like that, little one?” Dew noses at his shoulders, his hand wiggling between Phantom and Rains belly’s to rub at Phantom's. 
Phantom gives a little wiggle and a chirp. 
“Feels nice. Warm.” 
Rain presses a kiss to the top of his head, intwining his hand with Dew’s other hand, taking one of Phantom's in his other. 
“Dewy making you feel better?” 
Phantom hums, snuggling him deeper into both of them. 
“We’ve got some time before we have to be on the bus, why don’t have a nap, baby? We’ll wake you up when it’s time to go.” Dew presses a kiss to the back of his head. 
Phantom fidgets a little, letting out another little whine. 
Rain huff a laugh, bringing the spade of his tail up to Phantom’s lips. Phantom parts his lips, accepting Rain’s in his mouth, sucking gently at the spade. 
Dew let’s out a little giggle at him. 
“That better?”
Phantom nods, his eyes finally slipping closed. 
Somehow the other two end up falling asleep, the rhythmic breathing of Phantom slowly pulling them onto a peaceful sleep. 
That’s how Copia finds them, tangled up on the dressing sofa, fast asleep. They’d been waiting on the bus for them for an hour before he set off looking for them, hoping and praying that they hadn’t left the venue on their own. 
He runs a hand through Phantom’s hair, watching as the small ghoul twitches in his sleep, his eyes slowly fluttering open. 
“Hi there, little one.” Phantom blinks bleary eyed at him, sucking on the tail that’s still in his mouth. 
Copia runs a finger down his cheek.
“What’ve you got there?” 
Phantom's eyes flicker to Rain. 
“Oh, you’ve got Rainy’s tail?” 
Phantom gives a small squeak and nod, sucking a little harder on the tail. Copia smiles sweetly down at him. 
“Yeah? That’s nice of him, hmm?” 
Phantom nods again, feeling a little more awake now. 
“Do you think you three could continue your cuddle pile on the bus? We’ve been looking for you all.” 
He tickles under Phantom's chin, making the small ghoul squeal and squirm. 
The other two wake up at the noise and motion and grin sheepishly up at Copia, hoping the man won’t be too mad at them for making them a little behind schedule. He’s not, he would never be, especially the sight of them all cuddled up is so cute. 
On the bus, Phantom forgets all about his back, especially when he’s pulled into the middle of a cuddle pile including everyone. He happily laps up all the attention and cuddles, a goofy smile of his face and a loud purr rumbling though his chest. 
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sodoshame · 9 months
Hi I’ve been seeing your regressed ghouls for a while and wanted to make a request! Could you maybe do regressed ghoul!reader and Mountain. Mountain calls reader bug! 🫶🏽
Hi anon! Absolutely! I hope this is what you’re after! I wrote this super fast on my phone so I apologise in advance lol
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Regressed Ghoul!Reader + Caregiver!Mountain
Notes: Completely SFW of course, Gender neutral reader.
You woke up feeling different this morning. You couldn’t put your finger on what it was exactly, you just knew that your head felt fuzzy. Swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, you frowned. Something didn’t feel right; your head felt fuzzy and your body felt too big and clumsy. Carefully, you stand up on wobbly legs and make your way out of your room and to the common room as you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
Looking around the common room, you could see Rain, Dew and Swiss cuddled up on the couch. You suddenly jump, feeling a hand on your shoulder; looking up, you see Mountain smiling down at you.
“Hey, Y/N. You okay?” He asks, his voice gentle.
You think for a minute, but you’re struggling to form words and the tears in your eyes spill over. Mountain’s smile falters and he’s immediately wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back.
“What’s wrong, honey?” He asks, his voice laced with concern.
“F-feel.. wrong. Fuzzy. B-bad.” You manage to stutter out. Your voice doesn’t come out like you want it to; you stumble over the simple words, struggling to pronounce them.
Mountain seems to catch on immediately, just from the tone of your voice. He puts his hands under your arms and lifts you up with ease, resting you on his hip as he puts one arm under you to support you.
“Oh, bug. You feelin’ small?” He asks, moving to the armchair and sitting down with you on his lap.
You bury your face into his shoulder and start sobbing, your entire body trembling.
“D-don’t like it, Mounty. F-feels weird.” You stutter in between sobs. Mountain sighs and wraps his arms around you tightly, bringing his hand up to gently stroke through your hair.
“Shh, shh, shh. You’re okay, baby bug. Can you take some deep breaths for me?” He shushes softly, continuing to hold you.
You try your best to do as he says, taking in deep breaths and then slowly exhaling. After a while, you feel yourself start to calm down and you snuggle up more into Mountain’s embrace, nuzzling your face to his neck.
“That’s it, bug. You’re doing so well.” He praises, kissing your forehead softly.
“Don’t feel right, Mounty…” You mumble against his neck.
“I know, baby bug. Your head feels fuzzy? It’s okay, bug. You feel little, huh?” He says, his voice sweet and caring.
“Mhm… feel… little. Head not working right.” You mumble, still struggling with your pronunciation. You bring your tail up to your face, putting the spade into mouth. It feels… soothing, almost.
“Well, that’s okay, bug. It happens sometimes. Nothing to be scared of, okay? You’ve seen it happen to Dew before, haven’t you? And Rain?” Mountain reassures, still running his fingers through your hair.
“Mhm… Dewy and Rainy go little? They feel like this too?” You question, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“They certainly do, baby bug. It’s nothing unusual or scary, sweetheart. It just means you need a little extra help right now, okay?” He smiles, looking down at you with a kind smile as he strokes your hair away from your face.
You nod, suckling on the spade of your tail as you look up at him with glassy eyes.
“You’re okay, bug. I’ve got you. Maybe Rain or Dew will let you play with some of their toys, huh? How does that sound?” He coos, softly stroking your cheek.
“Maybe… Not now. Want you now, Mounty.” You mumble, your tail muffling your voice.
“Got it, play later. For now, I’ll just hold you, hm?” He smiles sweetly down at you.
You nod, letting out a little happy chirp as you nuzzle your face back to his neck. Mountain chuckles and wraps his arms firmly around you, cradling you against his large frame.
“Such a sweet little thing, aren’t you, bug?” He coos, stroking your hair softly.
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bedtimestims · 28 days
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ᯓ★ } Ricky Rain Frog (Jellycat) Stimboard ! ╰─➤ with rain + frog stims !
x - x - x || x - x - x || x - x - x
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
Bluey in the rain!!
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ghostieagere · 7 months
this is partially inspired by @tinymoon-beam's regressed french rain ficlet (as well as all her other french rain fics !!!) so please go check those out, she's a really incredible writer <3
also just a general disclaimer that french is not my first language, i am very much still learning !!! some of the weird grammar/spelling things are to mirror the way i write the english-speaking regressed ghouls, but if you spot any other mistakes then i welcome gentle corrections <3
cw: regressed rain, regressed aeon, caregiver dewdrop, french rain, language confusion, rain not understanding english, aeon not understanding french, multilingual dew, a few tears of frustration but it's all okay in the end
“Arrête!” (Stop!) Rain’s raised voice catches Dew’s attention. He looks up from his book to see Aeon giggling as they nudge their finger against Rain’s tower of blocks. The tower wobbles as Aeon nudges it again, threatening to fall.
“Arrête, arrête!” (Stop, stop!) Rain cries again, trying to push Aeon away and save his tower.
Dew puts his book down. “Aeon, bubs?” The little quintessence ghoul looks up at the sound of their name. “I don’t think Rainy likes you messing with his tower, okay? He’s telling you to stop.”
Aeon pouts. “If I don’ un’ers’and him, how ‘m I supposed to know?” Their question prompts the both of them to look over at the little water ghoul, his gaze shifting between them, his brow furrowed in confusion.
“Je compren’ pas, Papa,” (I don't understand, papa) he says, voice small as tears well in his eyes.
Dew stands from the couch and makes his way over to the two little ghouls on the floor. He crouches in front of Rain and holds his hands out near his face, letting Rain lean into his touch on his own time. When he does, Dew smooths his thumbs over Rain’s cheeks, wiping away the single tear that fell in his confusion. “Ça va, mon cœur?” (Are you alright, my heart?)
Rain nods. “Ouais, ça va.” (Yeah, i'm okay) He sniffles as he speaks, but with Dew’s warm hands on his face wicking away the sadness, he seems to be feeling a lot better.
Across the other side of the block tower, Aeon whines. “I don’ un’ers’and, Dada.” Dew has to bite back a smile at how similar Rain and Aeon are, even if neither of them are quite aware of it at the moment.
He walks around to the other side of the tower and sits next to Aeon, holding out his hand for the little quintessence ghoul to take a hold of if they want. “You don’t have to understand, little star,” he reminds them. “You just have to–”
“I jus’ have to be kiiiiiiind,” they finish for him, drawing out the ‘i’ in ‘kind’ as they struggle to pronounce it.
Dew smiles widely. “That’s exactly right, Ae! Such a good memory you’ve got there, bub. Well done.”
Aeon grins back up at Dew, beginning to rock side to side in happiness from the praise as they turn their attention away from Dew and Rain and back to their own pile of blocks in front of them.
Once Dew is sure Aeon is completely absorbed in their play, he turns back to Rain, finding the water ghoul looking completely lost by the lack of French all over again. “Rain, t’as compris?” (Rain, did you understand?)
Rain looks over at Dew and shakes his head. “Non, j’ai pas compris. Desolé…” (No, I didn't understand. Sorry...) He looks back down at the ground, embarrassed.
“Non, non, mon cœur,” (No, no, my heart) Dew consoles him, holding his arms out in an offer for Rain to crawl over to him and be held. “C’est pas grave.” (It's not serious) They both hum happily as Rain settles himself in Dew’s lap, rubbing his cheek against the fire ghoul’s shirt and purring contentedly at the warmth of Dew’s body heat. “J’ai dit à Aeon qu’iel devait être gentil avec tu et ton tour,” (I told Aeon that they needed to be kind with you and your tower) he explains, smiling when he feels Rain smile against him as he understands the words Dew is saying. Dew continues to explain what he said to Aeon about understanding and being kind, and when he asks the same question of Rain, he gets a very enthusiastic “Je dois être gentiiiiiiil” (I need to be kiiiiiiiind) in response, the little water ghoul dragging out the ‘i’ in the exact same way as Aeon did.
“Très bien, Rainy,” (Very good, Rainy) Dew encourages. “C’était parfait!’ (That was perfect!)
Rain giggles softly and claps his hands as well as he can while he’s squished up against Dew’s chest.
“Est-ce que tu veux jouer avec Aeon maintenant? Ou tu veux rester là pour le moment?” (Do you want to play with Aeon now? Or do you want to stay here for the moment?)
Rain hums while he thinks through his choices. Dew can practically guess what the little water ghoul is thinking. If he plays with Aeon, they can make more block towers together and it’ll be tricky to understand each other, but it will still be so much fun. Or if he stays with Dew, he’ll be comfy and cosy with his Papa, but he won’t get to play with his friend. After a long while, Rain buries his face further into Dew’s shirt. “Là,” (Here) he says, voice muffled in the fabric.
“Tu restes là?” (You want to stay here?)
Rain nods.
“D’accord, bon choix, mon petit chou.” (Okay, good choice, my little darling) Dew rubs Rain’s back comfortingly as he speaks, watching Aeon over the little water ghoul’s head. They seem more than happy playing with their block and chatting away to themselves for the moment, but regardless, Dew’s glad Rain’s made the choice to stay with him because it means he’ll be able to interact with Aeon much more easily if they come to ask him something.
“Et– Et– Et après,” (And– And– And after) Rain starts, looking up at Dew with big, hopeful eyes. “Après, p– peut-être que je peux jouer avec Aeon?” (After, m– maybe I can play with Aeon?)
Dew nods down at them enthusiastically and feels his smile widen at the idea of his two little ones playing together without conflict. “Ouais, bien sûr, Rain.” (Yeah, of course, Rain)
The little water ghoul wriggles happily in his lap, letting out a very, very quiet “Youpi!” (Yippee!)
At the quiet celebration, Aeon looks up from their stack of blocks. “Wha’s happening, Dada? Why Rainy so happy?” They ask earnestly.
Dew redirects his attention to Aeon and quickly gives them a recap of the conversation in English. “Rain is going to stay here in my lap for a bit, and afterwards, he thinks he might come and play with you and the blocks again, okay?”
Aeon gasps, mouth wide open and eyes practically shining in excitement when they hear their playmate might be joining them again soon. “Rainy gonna come an’ pray again?”
“Yeah, bubba!” Dew responds, grinning. “Rainy might come and play with you soon!”
“Yippee!” Aeon shouts, giggling and smiling widely. “I like prayin’ wif Rainy.”
Dew watches them play for a few more moments before turning back down to the little water ghoul in his lap. “Tu as entendu ça, Rainy?” (Did you hear that, Rainy?) Dew asks, leaning down to talk directly into Rain’s ear. “Iel aime bien jouer avec toi.” (They really like playing with you)
It takes a while for Rain to reply, which makes Dew think he might be close to falling asleep if he hasn’t already, but eventually, Rain responds very quietly, his sleep-laced words muffled against Dew’s shirt. “J'aime bien jouer avec toi aussi, Aeon…” (I really like playing with you too, Aeon...)
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littleprincerianne · 5 months
Rainy Moodboard!☔🌧️ kinda random but i really really really love it when it rains! cuz i run around and step on puddles and it's chilly and fun cuz of the drippy sounds! i kinda miss playing in the rain regardless of getting scolded for it >:))
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littlegemstone · 1 year
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A night sky/dark blue gender neutral rainy day moodboard I made on the train to work.
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mother-athena · 8 months
Imagine, it's a cold and rainy day and you've decided to stay indoors to catch up on your growing list of holiday movies. While you're on the couch, sipping on a warm coffee, your little one toddles into the living room with their blanket dragging behind them. They rub their eyes and crawl into your arms, seeking your comfort and warmth. As you sip your drink, they watch curiously, inevitably asking to have some too. "Want, mama." But you softly shake your head and smile. "This is a grown up drink, baby. You're too little to have some right now... but, mama can warm up some milk in your bottle. Would you like that?" You ask and your little one happily nods as they wait patiently for your return. ☕
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piinktearxs · 8 months
why does the rain make me babie like it’s either “YAY RAIN PUDDLES JUMP” or a pouty “why rain why go out is cold why why i wanna go to bed an cuddle daddy”
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