#relieved because that means no one will point and go “you're just taking ideas from [person]!”
lizardlicks · 9 months
A little annoyed, amused, and relieved every time I see someone else's take on Avatar Sokka and it doesn't match mine.
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pearlessance · 2 months
Watch Duty - Idle Threats [i]
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Series Summary — Joel has watch duty with Jackson’s twenty-year old, smart-mouthed brat and gets more than he bargained for.
Pairing — Joel Miller/Reader
Warnings — Explicit sexual content MDNI, brat taming, age gap, mean!Joel
[cross posted to AO3]
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There are certain, non-negotiable ways of post-apocalyptic life. For instance, food must be rationed, and in most cases water, too. Energy is to be conserved for necessary things. Looting is for food, water, medicine, and weapons first—then for things that improve the way of life. Everyone must be willing and able to shoot to kill. And in a commune like Jackson, someone must always be on watch.
Joel Miller knows these things. He’s been living in the end of the world for years now, has grown accustomed to this cutthroat way of life. Sometimes he even convinces himself he was meant to live in a world just like this one.
When he settled in at Jackson a few short weeks ago with Ellie and was assigned his job, he was grateful to be a watcher in the homemade tree blinds. Simple, easy, to the point. And, most importantly—quiet. 
There’s always two people on the south side of the commune and two people on the north side. Joel is thrilled to learn he’s been paired with Mike, a middle-aged man with a penchant for crossbows. Mike is a man of few words, which just so happens to be Joel’s favorite thing about him. 
Every night, they’d relieve the daytime watchers, nod to each other once, and start their shift. Mike brings a large thermos filled with hot water, and Joel smuggles in a plastic bag of instant coffee in his pocket. A rare commodity these days—but he’s willing to share it with Mike in appreciation of his silence.
Joel enjoys his nights of quiet. Especially after he and Mike make an agreement to allow one another to sleep in rotating shifts. It’s a blessed routine. Simple, easy, to the point. 
So, when Tommy lets him know that Mike will be going out on a run for a few weeks, Joel isn’t exactly happy to hear it. He tries to convince his brother to let him be on watch alone—but Maria puts a stop to that before Joel even finishes getting the words out. 
It’s too dangerous. What happens if you're ambushed? 
Joel is capable of handling himself. They know it, he knows it, but Tommy agrees with his wife. And once the two of them decided on something, there was no use arguing. 
His dread escalates when Tommy tells him you will be taking Mike’s place. Joel’s hardly ever spoken to you—has gone out of his way to avoid you, in fact—and anxiety spikes in his chest at the idea of being in that tree blind, stuck with you, completely alone. 
The third day he spends in Jackson is the first time he sees you. He and Ellie are sitting at a table in the dining hall, eating a peaceful breakfast, and you waltz right up to the table where Tommy and Maria sit. Flakes of snow cling to the ends of your hair and your long lashes, making you look a little ethereal, like some vengeful snow goddess. You’re wearing tight jeans that leave little to the imagination and a white, low-cut, long-sleeve shirt that’s drenched and left completely transparent.
Joel has to force his eyes away from the sight of the black lace you wear beneath because the feelings it evokes are so wrong.
There’s something clutched tightly in your hand. Joel can’t see what it is, even as you slam it on the table in front of Maria. You lower your head to look her right in the eye, hands braced on the wood between the two of you. “The next time you have a craving for bullshit, go and get it your goddamn self. I’m not your fucking errand boy.” 
Tommy raises a hand. “Hey, now,” he reasons. “Everyone’s got a job to do—”
“I almost died! I almost died for this!” If your near nakedness didn’t command the attention in the room, your shouting certainly does.
Joel tries to ignore the fury lashing at him from the inside. You’re just a girl—a young girl, and you might as well be naked for all that wet shirt covers. Was everyone in this town so fucking nosy? They should be turning away from you, not toward you.
Never mind the fact that Joel, it seems, is incapable of doing just that. 
You pick up the item and throw it at Tommy’s chest. It’s only as his brother catches it and sets it back on the table that Joel recognizes the foil package of barbecue flavored chips. 
“You’re a runner,” Tommy tries to reason. “That’s what you’re supposed to do; go on runs.”
But you don’t hear him and his calm logic. You point a finger at Maria, whose face has gone crimson in embarrassment, and bare those pretty white teeth in a snarl. “Go fuck yourself, Maria.”
She opens her mouth to respond, to offer an excuse. Only she never gets the chance before you turn away and storm back through the dining hall, slamming the door behind you so hard it rattles the windows. 
When Joel asks his brother about it later that night, Tommy explains that that’s just how you are. Explosive, defiant, easily provoked. But you’re the best runner Jackson has, which was why you specifically were assigned to Maria’s task for her pregnancy craving. 
But the run had gone south, and you’d narrowly escaped an encounter with a small group of men who’d happened across you on the way back to Jackson. Tommy doesn’t explain what exactly happened, but he mentions the jacket you returned wearing that was so soaked in blood you had to burn it. 
The next time he sees you, Joel and Ellie are walking through the streets of Jackson. Ellie is poking fun at him, cracking some joke about Joel being old, when you come barreling out of one of the buildings in the middle of town.
Mike’s wife owns a bakery, Joel knows. And it looks like you’ve just done something that’s made her real mad—because she’s standing at the threshold, shaking her fist and yelling your name. 
You’re running fast, sweet sounding laughter falling from your lips. You nearly run right into Ellie, but stop yourself a moment before you crash into her. “Hey, kid,” you say, a grin stretching wide across your pretty face. “You ever had a strawberry scone before?”
Joel snorts when her mouth hangs open as she shakes her head, eyes starry as she stares up at you. “Uh…no—no. Never.”
You pull a plastic-wrapped scone out of your pocket and peel off the cellophane packaging. 
Joel watches eagerly as you carefully split the pastry in half. Your hands are small and smooth. They look soft, so soft , and he wonders what they’d feel like against his back, his hips, between his legs. 
Ellie takes the halved scone with a smile, and it’s reflected back on your face as you watch her tear into it with her teeth. Her eyes widen as the sugar reaches her tongue.
You and Joel both laugh at her reaction, but all amusement leaves him as you take a bite of your half and let out the prettiest sounding moan he’s ever heard. 
No, Joel suddenly doesn’t think anything is funny anymore. He clenches his jaw and says, “I hope you paid for that.”
When you roll your eyes, Joel resists the urge to take your face in his hands and squeeze. “Oh, please,” you say, voice filled with sarcasm. “I’ve brought that woman so much sugarcane this last week, there wouldn’t be a bakery without me. I think I’m owed a little scone now and again.”
Joel is inclined to agree, but the blatant arrogance in your tone stops him. Don't you have any civility? Any manners?
You turn back to Ellie and say, “If you want another one, go on and give Stella some puppy dog eyes. She’s a real sucker for the kids.” 
“No, Ellie,” Joel says, fixing a scowl on his face. “If you want another scone, we’ll pay for it. We don’t steal from our own people.”
You roll your eyes again and start to walk away. Joel wants to watch you, wants to turn one hundred and eighty degrees to get a full glimpse of the back of those jeans. But he knows he shouldn’t. 
Ellie distracts him, an awestruck look on her face as she chews another bite of pastry. She looks up at Joel and says, “I think I just fell in love.” And then she’s clutching at her jacket like she’s having a heart attack. “Oh god—is that what this feels like? Holy shit.”
Joel just grunts in annoyance at her dramatics, but he ends up thinking about you for the remainder of the day. 
It’s wrong, he knows, to find you so appealing. You’re half his age, so full of life you’re bursting at the seams with it. And Joel is nothing but a grumpy, old man. Your polar opposite, really. 
He has to refrain from asking Tommy about you during dinner that night. But there’s so much he doesn’t know, so much he wants to unearth. How did you end up in Jackson? Why are you the only runner they allow out alone? What happened to you?
There’s something that happens to everyone these days. Joel’s is Sarah—and then Ellie. He wants to know what your something is. He wants to know why you’re so explosive, defiant, so easily provoked.
When he crawls into bed that night, he tells himself he’ll stop thinking of you tomorrow. He’ll put his curiosity to bed and allow you to continue wreaking havoc in the commune without any interference from him.
Except Joel dreams of you. He dreams about that white shirt, about those skin tight jeans. He dreams about the black lace. He dreams about what’s beneath even that. About your softness, about that gritty fight he sees in you. Joel dreams about taking you over his knee and showing you what discipline feels like, and he wakes up the next morning with sticky sheets like he’s some pillow-rutting teenage boy.
It’s embarrassing. Even though no one else knows, even though he’ll never, ever tell another soul, Joel feels shame at the realization that a mouthy, twenty year old girl is what does it for him.
Joel pushes his dreams and filthy thoughts far, far away as he makes his way to the tree blind that night. He’s running a little behind, and he can’t deny that the sole reason for his tardiness is you. 
You make him nervous. Uneasy, on edge. He never knows what to expect from you, and it drives Joel just a little bit insane. 
He expects you to arrive before him. But when he sees that both Bonnie and Greg remain and you’re nowhere to be found his jaw ticks. “She didn’t show up?”
When Bonnie shakes her head, Greg says with a shrug, “We thought she’d show up with you.”
The answer leaves Joel’s blood boiling. How could you be so inconsiderate? The two of them have been on watch for hours—likely counting down the minutes until they could be home with their families. It’s rude, Joel thinks. And he has a few choice words to say to you. He holds up a hand and says, “Give me five minutes.”
Jackson is small, and Joel is…observant. He knows you live at that little white house down on the corner. And he takes the steps of the porch two at a time, banging a fist on the door. You don’t answer, and so he’s hitting it harder, well and truly furious now. 
“What the fuck?” You rip the door open, brows pinched together. You’re wearing nothing but a pair of flannel pajama shorts and a sweater that’s two sizes too big, and Joel’s hands shake at the sight of you.
“What are you doing?”
There’s a light in your eyes, he notices—excitement maybe, or mischief. Either way, it sends off warning bells in his head, loud and demanding. “I was trying to sleep, asshole.”
The curse word on your lips sends him into a blind rage. Joel grabs you around your bicep, hard enough to bruise. “You have a job to do. We all do. Your little attitude doesn’t make you exempt.”
You snort incredulously. “You’re talking about my watch duty,” you infer, seething. “That’s such bullshit. It’s just Maria’s way of trying to get back at me for that day in the dining hall. I’m not doing that shit.”
“Yes, you are,” Joel states. He’s not sure why, exactly, it’s so important to him all of a sudden. Hadn’t he nearly begged Tommy yesterday to let him be on watch alone? “Even if I have to drag you down there myself.”
With a hand on your hip you say, “Then drag away, because I’m not mov—jesus christ!” 
Joel’s got his hand tangled in your hair, pulling you out of the house and onto the porch. It feels like silk between his fingers, and he wants to wrap it around his fist. But, more than that, Joel wants you to take this seriously, to take him seriously. He pushes you towards the steps just enough that you stumble. When you look up at him, there’s surprise, anger, and something a little more heated in your eyes. “Go,” he orders, leaving no room for negotiation. 
Much to his delight, you actually listen. You turn away from him and lead the way through Jackson, toward the edge of the commune. Joel realizes you don’t have shoes on, either, and the smallest bit of guilt weeds itself into his chest as he watches snow melt beneath your fuzzy pink socks. 
When you dismiss Bonnie, she offers you her coat. But you mutter under your breath, “No, thanks.” And the words themselves aren’t rude, but the tone you use is, and Joel wonders where the fuck your parents are. You’re not old enough for them to be gone, but even if they are, they’ve done a real shit job at teaching you to be respectful.
As Bonnie and Greg walk away with apologetic looks on their faces for Joel and what he’ll have to endure for the remainder of the night, he holds the rope ladder to the tree blind steady. “Ladies first,” he says. 
A wicked smirk tugs at your full lips. You take a step back and sweep an arm out in front of you. “By all means, ma’am.”
Joel doesn’t laugh, but it looks like you might. And your childish stab only serves to rub him raw. “You’ve got about five more seconds before I force you up there myself. And, believe me, little girl, I don’t make idle threats.”
You raise your brows in astonishment. “Fuck you, dude. Seriously.”
“Four,” he says sternly, eyes fixed on yours. He enjoys the way your mouth parts just slightly. “Three.” And the way your sweet, pink tongue darts out to wet your lips. 
“You think that’s gonna make a difference? You’re not—!”
“Okay! Jesus,” you huff, shoving him out of the way hard and starting up the ladder.
Joel holds it steady for you, ensuring you make it up nice and safe. And, yeah, maybe he does it for his own benefit, allowing himself to marvel at your thighs, at the swell of your ass poking out of the bottom of your shorts, the sight of all that bare skin.
He climbs up after you, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. The tree blind isn’t spacious, and Joel finds himself wishing that it had a little more room because you and your sweet-smelling skin take up too much of it. You’re sitting in one of the wooden chairs, arms crossed firmly over your chest and a glower on your face.
Instead of taking the seat beside you, Joel walks the perimeter slowly, trying to find any disturbance outside. It looks quiet tonight, though, the only movement born from the two patrolmen walking the outer walls and the song provided by the wind in the trees.
Twenty minutes in, you let out a frustrated sigh that’s a little too loud for his liking. “How many times are you going to check before you realize that nothing is happening out there?”
It’s true, but he can’t bring himself to sit that close to you. “I’m just being cautious,” he says. He’s worried about wandering thoughts, about wandering hands. Joel’s sure you hate him, and if you didn’t before tonight you most certainly do now. But that look you’d given him after he’d pulled you by your hair is what keeps him standing. Because Joel Miller has morals, but at the end of the day he’s still a man. And he’s self aware enough to know that all it would take is one look—one fucking look that gives the smallest bit of permission and he’ll be throwing caution to the wind.
“Cautious,” you mock. “Of what, the wind?” His brows pinch together, a little unnerved at how parallel your words are to his inner thoughts. “Better be careful. The universe might huff and puff and blow this blind right down, huh? Fuckin’ stupid.”
“You watch your mouth,” he snaps. He’s tired of the disrespect, of the attitude. You’re a goddamn brat, Joel thinks.
You turn in your chair, facing him with your shoulders squared in challenge. “Fuck-ing,” you repeat, annunciating every letter. “Stu-pid.”
Joel can’t help himself, morality be damned. He crosses the small space in one step and wraps a calloused hand around your neck. You try to pull him away, clawing at his wrist, hissing in pain at the force. But Joel holds firm, leaning over to look you in the eye. “Let’s get one thing straight,” he says lowly. “You might be able to pull this shit with Tommy and Maria, but it’s not gonna work on me. It’s in your best interest if you just keep silent. You understand?”
There’s something on your face that gives him pause; something more than amusement, more than gratification. It’s hot and heavy and needy. And as you stare up at him through those long lashes, your grip on his wrist loosens in submission. 
He leans down, lips inches from your ear. Joel feels you shiver in his hands as he repeats, “Do you…understand?”
Your breath gets caught in your throat. He can hear it stutter, can hear you swallow nervously. Good, Joel thinks. He likes that he makes you nervous, edgy, restless. He feels you lean slightly to the side, pressing your cheek against his greying stubble. “Yes,” you whisper, and the submission is so sweet sounding in his ears that he feels himself growing hard.
It’s that particular realization that has him pulling away from you, nearly outed by his own body. Joel finally takes the seat next to you and stares pointedly forward, out at the far end of the perimeter. He’s thankful when you slowly turn back around and remain quiet.
This he can handle, Joel thinks. As long as he doesn’t look at you, as long as you’re not spouting off at the mouth…he’ll be just fine. He’ll remain a man with his morals intact.
You pull your legs up to your chest, holding them against your body. Even though the tree blind provides a fair bit of shelter, it’s still the middle of winter in Wyoming. And Joel suddenly feels guilty about dragging you out here like this with nothing but shorts and fuzzy socks on. 
He shrugs off his coat and lays it across your legs without a word. 
But you have something to say about it, of course, suddenly forgetting your agreement of silence. “You’re real chivalrous for a brooding asshole.”
“What did I just say about that goddamn mouth of yours?”
Your eyes round and your mouth hangs open in hilarity. “Do you hear yourself? I mean, really, Joel. Seriously?”
It’s the first time you’ve ever said his name, and it sends a shock of delight down his spine. Even if you do say it in annoyance, it’s still his name in your mouth, and fuck, his resistance falters. “C’mere.”
“You can’t just tell me what to do,” you say, defiant. But you stand to your feet and set his coat on your chair. “I’m not just some little girl you can boss around.”
Joel spreads his legs wide, allowing you to stand between them. Even though he’s sitting and you’re standing over him, you look so small. Joel smirks up at you and asks, “Liked that, did you?”
“No,” you answer, too quickly for it to be true. “I didn’t like it. Not…not even a little. I don’t know how you got it in your head that you’re the boss of me but…but you’re not.”
He doesn’t speak. Instead, Joel takes a selfish minute. He lets himself drink you in real slow, raking his eyes over your face, down the smooth curve of your shoulder. Your sweater is too big, but Joel can tell you’re not wearing a bra beneath, can see the hardened peaks of your nipples through the material. Your hands hang loosely at your sides, but they tremble just a little. Joel thinks it’s real cute, how you’re pretending not to be afraid. Your legs are smooth, thighs thick and delicious.
Joel raises his hand, letting his fingertips ghost across the soft skin. He waits a couple of seconds, staring up at you, giving you the opportunity to run far, far away from him. 
But you don’t. Of course you don’t. You stay firmly planted between his legs, chest heaving with each ragged breath.
He searches your face for any apprehension as his hand begins to move, knuckles running along the top of your thigh. He finds nothing but heat in your eyes, and Joel ventures a little further. When he presses his hand between your legs, he watches as your eyes flutter closed and you take your bottom lip between your teeth. 
Your skin is searing, so hot he wonders how plumes of smoke don’t emit from you in the cold night air. He squeezes your flesh, delighting in the peaceful little sigh you give in response. He does it again, a little higher this time. And then the side of his index finger is pressing hard against the seam of your shorts, and you raise a hand to cover your mouth. 
“Joel,” you breathe. “Joel, you—”
He stops, hand freezing between your legs. He expects you to shake your head, to take that opportunity of fleeing once and for all. He’d allow it. Encourage it, even. He was no good, proved even further by the fact that he’d touched you even knowing he shouldn’t.
But you do none of these things. You only press your fingers against your mouth and squeeze your eyes closed real tight. 
“Use your words, sweetheart.”
Defiant as ever, you keep your mouth sealed firmly shut for once. Instead, you use your free hand and reach for his wrist, turning it so his hand is cupping the warmth between your thighs. Your hips shift forward slowly, experimentally. 
It’s the hottest thing Joel Miller has ever fucking seen. You’re so needy, so desperate that this little bit of friction has you moaning.
The sound is so much sweeter when it’s him making you feel good instead of some pastry, Joel thinks. 
And as much as he wants to let you use him for your own benefit, as much as he wants to see you fall apart just like this, rutting against his hand, right here, right now—Joel wants to teach you even more.
He pulls his hand away, grabbing your hips and pulling you close. You stumble towards him with a gasp, eyes snapping open. You put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself as Joel pulls you down, forcing you to straddle his thigh. He places one hand on the small of your back and tangles the other in the hair at the base of your skull, gripping just tight enough that it hurts. 
“Gonna listen real good now, aren’t you, little girl? Hm?”
You’re nodding frantically, and Joel can feel how wet you are even through his jeans. When you start to move your hips, grinding against his thigh, Joel pulls your hair hard. 
“Did I say you could move?” 
You stop moving, even though you spit through gritted teeth, “I didn’t ask.” 
That fucking mouth on you. He has half a mind to fill it up to quiet you once and for all. But Joel’s a patient man, and he wants to see you squirm, wants to hear you beg. He tilts his head menacingly and orders, “Apologize.”
“You heard me,” he answers. “You said you’d be good. Now, go on.”
The glare you give him in response brings a depraved smile to his lips. But then you lean forward, pressing a kiss to his neck. The touch sends a shiver down Joel’s spine, and his cock throbs in his jeans, begging to feel your wet mouth. You kiss him again, just below his ear, and then run your tongue along his pulse. “I’m sorry, Joel,” you whisper.
And then the hand on the small of your back is pushing you forward, forcing you to grind against his thigh again. You let out a moan at the friction, nails digging into his shoulders through his flannel. He’s weak, so fucking weak. Completely at your goddamn mercy, desperate to hear the sounds you make. 
He lets you move a little faster, lets you grind yourself against his leg at whatever pace feels best. A dark spot forms on the denim spread over his thigh, and it’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. 
You nestle your head against the crook of his neck, your breath warm and wet against his collarbone.
“That’s it, baby,” he says. “See how good it feels when you behave? See that?” You’re so soft, so pliable in his hands. It’s such a stark contrast to the unruly girl you were just moments ago. Joel could tell, even before he ever set his hands on you, that you were capable of being good. It just took a little discipline, that’s all.
The hand he has on your back drifts down, over the curve of your ass, even lower. When he snakes his hand below you and you drag your hips backward, his fingertips brush up against your entrance. “Oh, god,” you whimper, grinding against him even faster now, more desperate. “I’m close, please don’t stop.”
He almost listens. You sound so fucking pretty when you beg, and Joel thinks he’d be perfectly content to listen to you for the rest of his life. 
But no. No. You could apologize and beg all you wanted. That doesn’t mean the lesson is learned. Joel pulls his hand away and forces you off him, back onto stumbling feet. 
“What the fuck, Joel?!” Your hands are clenched into fists at your side, but your fury only proves his point. 
“What did I say about that mouth? Hm?”
Your lips part, and Joel has no doubt there’s another insult on the tip of your tongue. But the threat in his eyes must be enough to dissuade you because you’re rendered silent, deciding to close your sweet mouth and clench your teeth instead. 
“Not so hard, was it?” Joel shifts in his seat, settling lower, very much enjoying the glower on your face. “Don’t worry, little girl. You won’t forget your manners anymore when I’m done with you. Take off your shorts.”
The muscle in your jaw feathers, but you do as told. And Joel is proud of you, really. So, so proud of you. He watches as you hook your thumbs into the waistband of your shorts and pull them down, kicking them away with your feet.
Seeing you bare before him is magnificent, so beautiful it hurts him. Your face turns a sweet shade of pink as he takes you in; memorizing the way your pussy looks. Joel adjusts himself through his jeans, cock aching painfully. You don’t deserve an ounce of praise, not right now. Not after all the attitude you’ve given him. But the words escape him anyway. “You’re so pretty, baby,” he says. “The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” 
Joel leans forward, presses his mouth to your belly. And again, lower this time. His kisses are slow and soft, his stubble tickling your skin. Your fingers thread themselves through his peppery curls, tugging softly, and Joel can’t hold back his moan at the sensation.
You feel so good, and Joel knows you’ll taste even better. He convinces himself that it’s for him, not for you, as he runs his tongue along the seam of your pussy. He does it again, licking desperately, wondering if he’ll ever get his fill of you. It’s just for him, he reminds himself. 
You’re so wet that every soft stroke of his tongue makes an obscene sound, but it’s the sounds you’re making that keep his mouth between your legs.
“God, Joel, yes—mmm. That feels so good,” you moan, pressing his face against you harder. You start to tilt your hips against his face, spreading your legs wider. Joel glances up to see your head thrown back, goosebumps rising over your throat. He can’t tell if it’s the cold or him that creates them, but he selfishly hopes for the latter. 
He sucks your clit into his mouth, circling it with the tip of his tongue, and he feels your legs begin to shake, hears your breathing slow. And then he pulls away, and the sight of your eyes as they turn glassy in desperation makes every bit of his own suffering worth it. 
You know well enough by now not to scream in protest like last time, but he can see that you want to. You’re learning. Good, Joel thinks.
“Turn around,” he says. And you do, but he can feel the rage radiating off your skin. He pulls you back into his lap, laying your legs over his, spreading you real wide. 
When you finally realize his intention, your whole body melts against his chest. And it’s trust he senses then, a warm feeling that cuts through him like a razor. You’re trusting him to make you feel good, Joel knows—and he has every intention of doing just that. 
His hands are cold as they drift up the inside of your thighs. He drags them back down, and then back up even slower this time. He does this again and again, feeling you, tracing patterns into your skin, savoring the feel of you in his hands. By the time his fingertips ghost across your pussy, you’re trembling in anticipation. “Please,” you beg.
Joel presses one hand to your belly, just below your navel, and uses the other to slide his middle and index fingers through your wetness. He moves easily, gliding them over your clit, down to your entrance, circling it with the pads of his fingers but never sinking in. You tilt your hips towards them, desperate to feel them inside of you. 
You’re so beautiful like this, Joel thinks. All needy whimpers and frantic movements. He swipes his fingers over your clit, back and forth, picking up speed as your moans grow louder. 
“This all for me, little girl? You’re so wet. Look at you, makin’ a big mess in my lap.” He presses a kiss to the side of your neck.
Your knuckles turn white as you grip the arms of his chair. “Joel,” you cry out. “Joel, please, I’m gonna—!”
He stops, pulling his hand away completely. He winds it around your trembling thigh instead, spreading you so wide your muscles burn. He clicks his tongue right next to your ear, and you can feel him smiling into your hair. “ Nuh uh, baby,” he says. “Not yet. Not until I say so.”
You raise your hands to the back of his head, pulling on his hair, writhing in his lap like a woman possessed, grinding against nothing. Your slick drips down your legs, and even though you’re near to tears, Joel knows you’re enjoying this. Knows you need this. “Please,” you beg. “Please, please, just—!”
“Shh, s’alright,” he says. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’m gonna take real good care of ya as long as you behave.” His words seem to relax you a little. Joel works the tension from your muscles, massaging slowly. He doesn’t touch you again until your breathing evens out.
Joel slips his hand beneath your sweater, palming your breast, squeezing the supple flesh between his rough hands. His thumb smooths across your nipple, hardens it into a perfect little point. 
It feels so good that you close your eyes and lean your head back against him, so focused on the feeling of his calloused hands that it takes you by surprise when his fingers find your pussy again. 
This time, he circles your clit once, twice, and then he’s pushing two fingers inside of you. He slides in easily, your body so worked up and desperate for him that it pulls him in. His fingers are thick, stretching you, pressing in deep. He hooks them upwards, searching, searching— there. “Ohh, yes —yes, please, Joel, fuck.”
He begins to slide his fingers out of you, but you grasp his wrist and push them right back in.
“Wait, no! No, no, please, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it, god, just touch me, please, please, please, ” you rush out, all in a single breath. 
Joel thinks you look like damnation as you fuck yourself with his hand, moving it of your own accord, whining when you can’t get enough pressure. “Oh, baby,” he says, wiping away the tear that’s spilling down your cheek. “That’s alright, hm? I know you don’t mean it. I can see what a good girl you are. S’okay.” He presses his thumb against your clit and begins moving his hand again, thrusting his fingers inside you, caressing that sweet spot you can never reach on your own. 
Silently, Joel begins to panic. Because you’re so tight, so wet, so perfect. His perfect little girl. And he knows this is wrong, knows that while, yeah, technically, you’re an adult, Joel fucking knows better than to touch someone like you. He knows what other people will think of him, what they’ll say behind his back, what they’ll whisper about in the dining hall. He should stop it right here, right now, while there’s still a sliver of redemption to be had for him. 
But he can’t. He can’t. Not now, and he worries he’ll never be able to. Because no one, fucking no one has ever felt like this.
He picks up his pace, trying to push the thoughts from his mind. He feels you clamp down around his fingers, feels your walls tighten so much it makes a deep groan rumble through his chest. You’re close, he knows. He can see it, can feel it. 
“ Joel,” you plead when he pulls his fingers out of you. Your tears are falling freely now. Big, fat, alligator tears on your flushed cheeks. You let out a ragged moan as he pinches your nipple beneath your sweater and for a split second, he thinks he’s fucked up. Thinks he’s strung you so tight that the little bit of pain and pleasure has you tumbling over the edge.
Thankfully, though, you’re only shaking in blissful agony.
“Oh my god,” you cry, hands trembling as you scratch at his arms. Every small movement of your hips has your ass rubbing against his erection, and it’s almost enough. Watching you shake, hearing you beg for him. It’s almost enough to do him in entirely. Almost.  “Please, Joel, I’ll be good, I’ll be so good, I promise.”
He presses a kiss to your jaw, licking the salt from your sweat-slick skin. “I know you will be, baby,” he says gently. “I told you, didn’t I? Told you you’d remember your manners by the time I was done. And I haven’t even fucked you yet.”
You’re whimpering, so desperate for his hands, his mouth, for anything, that you don’t even notice what he’s doing as he reaches beneath you. No, you’re too busy grinding against his hand to notice as Joel unzips his jeans and pulls his cock out until he’s holding it against you. 
He’s got his cock between your pussy and the palm of his hand, pushing it against you hard. You feel so good against him, so warm and wet, and Joel’s moaning right along with you. Your clit is so swollen he can feel it as you grind it against the head of his cock, delicate fingers wrapped around his bicep. “Ohh, yeah. Feels real good, don’t it, pretty girl? Jus’ like that.”
“I want it, Joel,” you say, voice sweet and whiny and angelic. “Put it in, please, please.”
“Gotta get you right on the edge first,” he says, palming your breast. “Gotta make it hurt. Haven’t you learned by now, little girl?”
“But it does! It hurts, Joel, please!”
Joel leans his head back and chuckles lowly. “I know it does, I know, baby. You can take a little more though, hm? Just a little more so you remember this lesson.” So you remember me.
The thought comes wicked and unwanted. But it’s there, it’s there, embedded in his brain. Joel swallows, can feel your exhaustion as the tremble in your legs returns. And then he stops. He pulls his cock away from your warm heat and taps it against your clit as you cry out for him.
“Shh, I know, sweetheart,” he coos in your ear. He wants to wait until your body calms back down, until you’re loose and pliable again. But he can’t wait another minute, not one more goddamn second. “Don’t worry, I’ve got ya,” he says. Joel lines himself up against your entrance, so wet it’s already dripping down over him.
You’re panting as he pushes in slow, stretching you wide. You’re so tight that Joel’s not sure it’ll fit despite how soaked you are. But he works himself in inch by inch, and once he’s fully seated inside you he’s met with a wave of pride so intense he wraps his arms around your middle and rests his head against your shoulder. “Yes,” you cry, breathing a sigh of relief. “It’s so big, Joel. God.”
“You take me s’good, baby.” He presses a kiss to your shoulder, your cheek, your temple. “Gonna fuck you now, hm? Gonna fuck this little pussy real good, promise.” Joel pulls out almost completely and thrusts himself back in, slamming his hips up against yours. You let out a whine so loud he chuckles and uses a hand to cover your mouth. “Shh, quiet now,” he tells you. “Don’t want anyone getting any ideas about what we’re doing up here.”
When you stick out your tongue and suck his middle finger into your mouth, Joel’s cock twitches inside of you. Your mouth is so soft, so fucking soft he thinks he might die. Might have a heart attack right here, still inside you. You meet each of his thrusts by grinding down against him, moaning around his fingers, the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. 
Joel reaches his free hand down and rubs your clit, and two seconds later your pussy grips him like a vice. “Hold it,” he orders.
With a shake of your head, you bounce in his lap harder. “I can’t, I can’t, I—!”
“Yes you can. You can. Not till I say so, little girl. Hold it,” he says. And just because he’s decided he likes you, Joel grants you a little relief and lessens the pressure on your clit. Your walls flutter around him, and it nearly does him in. He wants to hear you, wants to fucking see you. 
He straightens in his seat, allowing for a better view. He leans over your shoulder and watches where he disappears inside you, fucks into you a little harder. 
With one last kiss against your forehead, Joel says, “Go ahead, baby. Come for me.” 
That’s all it takes. You go silent for a moment, breath held in your lungs, And then you’re shaking in his hands, a whimpering mess, flooding his lap. You say his name over and over, a prayer, or perhaps a curse. 
“That’s it, little girl. Ohh, it’s so good, hm? Feel so good when you earn it. Good girl, baby. Good fuckin’ girl. My good little girl. Yeah, there you go.” He’s talking you through it, watching it all unfold, watching you tighten around him so hard you’re nearly pushing his cock out. But Joel keeps it buried inside you, forcing it right up against that sweet spot.
It’s right then that he knows. 
Joel will never, ever be free of you. Not now. Not knowing how it feels to be inside you, knowing how it feels when you lose yourself because of him. Whatever redemption there was for him is gone now, evaporated into thin air, never to be found again.
He pulls out with just enough time to spill his come onto your thighs, fisting his cock in his hand. It’s almost a painful end, not being able to finish inside of you. 
But then you reach between your legs and run your hand through the stickiness. You bring it to your mouth and suck your fingers clean. 
Joel watches every movement, hard again at the sight.
As you stare up at him, he knows you feel it, too. That energy shift, intense and wicked and damning.
Wisps of your hair stick to your forehead, the back of your neck. You pull your fingers out of your mouth, and your swollen lips curve into a grin. You look so beautiful that it pains him. You stand back up on wobbly legs, using his thigh as support while you pull your shorts back on. 
Joel thinks you look even better as you slip your arms through his coat. It swallows you up, but it’s his and it’s on you and the sight feels like a kick to the gut. He stuffs himself back into his jeans before he can ravage you again, before he makes the situation even worse. 
You pick up his rifle from the floor and settle back into his lap. Joel has half a mind to push you away, to get some much-needed distance, to give you your last chance at freedom. 
But he’s a selfish man. So he doesn’t. He lets you lean back against him, even wraps his arms around your waist. You lay the weapon across your legs carefully. “If watch duty is always this good, tell Maria to sign me up.”
[part two]
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nu1lst4rs · 3 months
doodled human designs for a few neutral aus! (pt.1)
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can you tell i lost motivation... thank you to chandr for doing the last 3's lineart for me. legit couldn't get freshs colours to fit with the rest. eugh. its the best you're going to get out of us for these guys.
Nightmares gang, star sanses, neu au pt.2, extras
COLOUR, CLASSIC, PAPYRUS, EPIC and ANY REQUESTS will be in the next neu au post 3_^ so please please request me to draw neutral peoples... gonna open general requests in a separate post.
some hcs under the cut!
warning for alot... i mean.. alot of text..
> Ccino (he/they)
indian... ccino... mbghbgb. MAINLY BECAUSE I WAS EATING GULAB JAMUNS AND I WAS LIKE "huh this reminds me of ccino."
trans masc! you should be more surprised if someone wasn't trans at this point
just for individuality, i feel like he'd have cat features. toe beans, tail, but no ears. personal preference.
hopeless romantic. wants to fall in love so bad, like so bad. but doesn't have anyone to fall in love with.
his AU is a neutral where the player killed all bosses. because of this, ink had offered them a pocket AU with just their cafè. ccino still visits their old au from time to time, but otherwise lives in the cafè.
one of the youngest AU's/sanses, only a few hundred years old
> error (he/they/xe)
spanish + colombian
as a divergence from classic, he maintains a similar body shape. also the fact he eats nothing but chocolate.
^ similarly, his eye is covered by a star glitch. xe never equates this to the fact they were geno, and just see it as some weird cool glitch.
rocks an alliance with both NM and dream, so wears both the stars pin and gangs patch. he always choses the side of who benefits him the most in that moment. neither of the groups are happy about it, but see error as too valuable to deny.
has arthritis and bad joints. his strings usually dig into his fingers, causing scaring and pain. (bsp related: he gets taught how to relieve these pains by nms gang because they all have chronic pains of some kind)
taking strings from his eyes is PAINFUL. its basically his unraveled code and magic combined, glitching and stuttering.
illiterate. he cannot read anything but code.
brother of ink. annoying brothers that HATE eachother. but love eachother at the same time.
> cross (they/he)
spanish. it fits him. and its relatively canon.
cross is indecisive. they've jumped between nightmares gang and the stars several times, easily being swayed. as of my AU right now, they're with the stars.
they're colourblind! their AU was monochrome, and thats how they see everything. everything is just a shade of purple. he's never told people about it, but most people catch onto ir.
autism. cross has horrible sensory issues, and gets overwhelmed easily. also bad at social queues.
THIS MAN IS THE DEFINITION OF DOG POETRY. they would go on pinterest daily and cry about it.
is a great artist. ink taught him the basics when they were stuck in the void, so they built on it. they're really self conscious about it, and keep their sketchbook locked away tightly. (in their bedside drawer)
> reaper (he/him)
egytpian. i feel like he'd embody their idea of dying.
bird claws. bird wings. everything bird.
seen as a parental figure to dream and nightmare because of his extensive knowledge of the universe and balance n all that.
(THE GAY FLAG WAS A MISTAKE) he's bi. and loves his wife. (life)
aroace spec! completely ace, and demiromantic.
sorry guys i dont have the best hcs for him 💔
> geno (he/they)
spanish + colombian
needs a portable oxygen tube to breath. he can live without it, but its really painful to not have it.
some parts of his body are decomposed, while others are held together through determination. practically constant agony.
same reasoning as error for body shape.
> fresh (they/it)
parasite. its ass doesn't have a race nor nationality.
not the hotest with a few sanses. dream and nightmare don't like someone demeanour not being affected in the slightest by the amount of pain and agony they're in. error hates how the code overlaps and glitches. and overall they're just a bit crazy.
wears either heelies or rollerskates. refuses to EVER walk anywhere, and always rolls.
i don't got much for him.
eugh. i am so sorry if the hcs are lazy, i am not good hcing with aus im not familiar with. if anyone wants to input please do! i'd love to learn about them. <3 anyways i am sleeping because i need to stop staying up till 4am..
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buntobeans · 3 months
delirious venture after tooth surgery
warnings: blood, venture is like HIGH from anesthetic nothing much else
idk if anyone has written this but it's so cute seeing all those videos with people after surgeries being absolutely ZOOTED and having no idea what planet they're on
also i am NOOTTTT a dentist by any means im just going off of my fanfic delirium.... it's 4am this is a pretty bad work but i GAWT TO BE ON MY VENTURE GRINDSET
sooo we all know how sloan has a chipped tooth, right? not entirely sure what it's from, their chipper highlight intro or them eating a rock- either one is funny as hell
to say you freaked out was an absolute understatement, there was blood everywhere and sloan was just looking at you like:
"amor, look what i found!" they hold up the rock in their hands so proudly like a cat that's brought back a dead mouse
you force them to drop the rock/artifact or leave it with the wayfinders, ensuing in a very pouty sloan
one trip to the emergency room later sloan is ZOOTED
literally space ranger the way they are NOT on earth
you go to pick them up, they're in the waiting room
you're relieved by the fact that they're okay but you're absolutely not prepared for what comes next
the medical staff informs you that they're very out of it, slyly adding along that you must be "the partner with (e/c) eyes that sparkle in the sunlight"
the what
you enter the room to see them having an extremely animated conversation to anyone that will listen, whether it's the doctors or the potted plant on the table next to their seat
as soon as they namedrop you you feel extremely embarrassed
they're describing your exact appearance (like if you have brown hair, none of that brunette shit, they're saying "they have #5C4033 hair")
they describe your first meeting and first date in way too specific detail and the middle-aged lady next to them in the waiting room is just like "uh huh yeah if this mf dont stop talking they're gonna be in the emergency room AAGGAAAIN"
your partner takes a GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOU
like 30 seconds of just gaping, you really can see their chipped tooth in its full glory
"sloan, we're going home"
they gulp and stare up at you like their big wet eyes
"i can't go home with you"
"why not"
"my partner will get jealous"
"by the way, my partner has the prettiest smile. i miss them" they're looking so sad as they said that, like you fucking died
"whoa.. how'd you know my name?"
"i AM your partner"
they blink
it's like they're seeing you for the first time again
their eyes are sparkling and they look like they're falling in love all over again
they give you a crooked smile, kind of slumping back in their seat cause you took their breath away, cheeks hotter than before
"hey there!"
you're exhausted from worrying over them and their tooth but they're looking at you like you're the most radiant being in the world- no- the universe
"oh dios mio.. see i was tryna be loyal but you came in looking really pretty and i thought (for only a second i promise, like, one second!) about cheating.. thank goodness we're together tho"
your heart does a few flips in your chest
suddenly you're kinda pissed that they had to get injured in their mouth because you want to sloppily make out with this rock munching idiot
the car ride home is almost abysmal
they're belting out stupid songs, randomly screaming deez nuts jokes even when you don't fall for them then cackling at themselves because it's funny to THEM, mumbling things in spanish you don't understand (you swear you hear a "te amo" in there)
it's stressful as HELL for you because you have to constantly check that their seatbelt is still on because they're excitedly looking out the window like a dog with its tongue out
they're also randomly shouting and pointing out shit outside like they're playing road trip bingo
you're thankful when they quiet down eventually until you hear
"Can we get married? I proooomise I'll take care of you.." They sniffle. "I've got the moneeeyy.. 'n I really think you were made f'me.. I jus' wan' t'be t'gether forever... I loooove youuuu..."
you nearly crash the car
you tend to them at home and it seems like all their object permanence has vanished
gone from this world
because whenever you leave the room to get them water that THEY REQUESTED, they start crying
they regain their senses the next day and you realize
it's not REALLY that different
they're still a goober
though with less (full) teeth than before
but they're your goober :)
still, using that little marriage speech against them has them flustered because they've really been thinking about it, it wasn't just a whim from their anesthetic-fueled delirium
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lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me · 4 months
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as y/n walked to the hybe cafe, she immediately spotted riki, a head above the rest. so tall she could point him out in a crowd anywhere. she took a deep breath and took a moment to compose herself before eventually walking over to him. she tapped him on his shoulder as he was facing away from her. "oh! hey!" there it is that smile. to say she loved his smile would be an understatement. she thought it was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen and she nearly felt as if she was going to die at the sight of it. she couldn't help but smile back at him. "hey! how are you?" what he wanted to say was "so much better now that i'm with you", but what came out instead was "good. yeah, i'm good, what about you?" his eyebrow raised, it was single handedly the cutest thing y/n had ever seen. "i'm pretty good. doing a lot of schedules for debut, you know, usual stuff" could she be anymore awkward? clearly yes. first "thanks you too" and now "usual stuff" she felt like she wanted to disappear right then and there, but riki absolutely loved it. this whole time he thought she was so cool and calm, but really she's cute and awkward, which he secretly liked more than if she would have been chill. he finds himself staring at her for a moment before quickly catching himself "oh um- did you want food? I didn't get any cause i wasn't sure if you'd want anything." she smiled at his thoughtfulness and said "no thanks, i'm not super hungry right now. thank you though." he thought back to their conversation yesterday, the whole reason why they're here now. "so, you wanted some tips about mcing?" he asked. "oh! yeah. im kind of nervous, i have no idea what i'm doing and you've ben an mc before, so i was hoping you could give me some advice?" she was hoping this didn't come off as pathetic or anything. i mean, who needs advice on how to talk into a mic? y/n apparently. "well," he starts "for me, i find its best to interact with the fans while waiting for our speaking parts. it calms my nerves before speaking because i'm talking to people that support me. often times it's mostly your own fans watching you in person. that’s at least what sunghoon told me. and if you're worried about messing up lines or something, I'll be there to cover for you, reading from a prompter is hard, so if you mess up its okay. don't worry too much about it." she nodded along to his words, taking mental notes on his advice. "thank you, i really appreciate it. i don't know why im so nervous. its just talking into a mic to a camera." she sighs. "I mean, I understand. it's nerve wracking when it's your first time. I felt like that too when I mc'ed for MAMA one year. it can be scary talking in front of a bunch of people and trying not to mess up. that's why you have a co-host, me! if you do mess up, I can cover you so it doesn't look too much like an accident." her heart fluttered at that. over something so small? she knew it was corny, but she couldn't help it. she felt so strongly for him. she always thought that if she actually talked to him, this whole little crush would go away. but to her surprise, it only got stronger. "you know, since we're going to be working together, we should get each others numbers." her heart stopped, and so did his. hers in shock, and his in fear. what if she said no? what if she thought he was weird? did he really just ask her for her number? there's no way. she froze for a moment, but realized she really should probably respond to him "yeah! yeah of course!" riki was never more relieved in his life. he handed her his phone "here, put your number in." she took it from him and put in her number, texting herself. "there. i can send you a picture for my contact photo later" his heart raced, he had just gotten his crushes number, and she's going to send him a picture of herself later. could his life get any better then this? "okay, sure, yeah, that sounds good" he stammers. is he really flustered right now? oh my god she thought. as the two talked and laughed together, they figured out they're more similar then they thought they were.
the pair quickly growing closer in just mere hours, both feeing significantly strong for each other than when they first said hello earlier. as the time drew later, the two decided to end their night, quickly realizing the ghost town that the hype cafe had become. "oh- well, its late, and my members are blowing up my phone asking where I am" she laughed as she scrolled through the countless messages left by yunjin and hanni. 'yeah, I should probably go too. I told jay I'd help make dinner tonight" he sighed, wishing he didn't promise jay anything and he could hang out with y/n for longer. she laughed lightly "ill let you go then. text me though, okay?" what had come over her? did she really just say that? (y/ns version of flirting was a bit different then others, that being because she didn't know how to flirt) riki nodded and smiled "yeah, I'll text you. see you later!" he waved to her and started to walk away. she waved back and watched him go. she sat back down and sighed once he was out of her sight. she was so fucked. she was completely and utterly melted by him, and they had only just official met yesterday. maybe there was something wrong with her. but frankly, she didn't care. maybe she was being delusional like usual, but she was pretty sure she could see something there with riki.
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luckys note!: guys i’m so good at writing😎😎
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
(🩷) MIDNIGHT FICTION TAGLIST! @nctislifue @akuspic @pkjay @siya-bean @eun-chaez @wavetosunoo @gweoriz @luminouskalopsia @soobiary @ivyannemarie @rikikiynikilcykiki @emma2black @enh4ht @wooziswife @jjunie-0 @yumilovesloona @wth121 @riksaes @isaxshin @allforhee @rikisgeef @sunghoonsarmpit @autumn583 @tzuyusluv @lukesboo @anormieee @rockyhedgehog @thomawifey @lovrqis @akashisthighs @just-a-girl-with-hyper-fixations
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
so excited for next raider joel i am literally foaming at the mouth
2.2k / dark raider!joel x dark!f!reader x ofc
raider master
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gif by @serenaxpedro
“I’ll do it,” you say, unsure what that even means. Joel looks surprised and impressed.  “You’ll do it, then,” he repeats quietly.
Skip ahead to Raider: Close if you're not into the warnings.
WARNINGS: Striking through extra detailed spoilery warnings but wanna be thorough. These don't all happen to reader. Angst, jealousy, dark reader!, FFM threesome kind of, oral m & f receiving, spanking/pussy slapping, noncon gunplay/penetration, unsafe P in V sex (not btwn Joel and OFC), dubcon via captivity, degradation, cum eating, threat of/allusions to cheating kind of. joel makes reader noncon ofc, f on f oral  PLUS stuff already in play like being chained up.
A/N: Ask 1, Ask 2. TBH I had trouble getting on board with the idea of adding another girl, but eventually a twisted version i could live with came together in my head. Still, I bet some people will not like it. Please don't read if you could be triggered or upset. 🧡 I did not describe the OFC, so please HC her however makes you happy.
When Joel gets back, his arms are the first thing you notice.  He’s wearing a body holster with a pistol over his mesh tank top.  The body holster makes his shoulder muscles look even more imposing.  The second thing you notice is that he’s not alone.  He’s dragging another girl by her elbow.  She looks like she’s been crying, but she’s not now.  She’s angry.  Joel doesn’t look at you when he comes in.  He slams the door behind him and hangs up his gun.  He throws her down on the other bed, then cages her with his body.   He holds her chin and and says, “Don’t fuckin’ move.”  She spits in his face.  
He takes a deep breath and cracks his neck without his hands.  ”Been nothin’ but nice to ya,” he says.  “That ends now.”  
Shamefully, your first thought is, what does he mean by ‘nice to her’? Was he the same as he is with you? Did he save her from a worse fate? Did he stroke her cheek and tell her it was going to be alright? Did tell her he was going to take her with him, protect her from far worse men?  How many times has he done this? You hate to think you might not be special.  
Joel unbuttons his pants and looks at the girl menacingly. “Coulda made this enjoyable for ya,” he says regretfully.  “Too bad.”
Your stomach turns and your heart pounds.  Is this all because you kissed him? Is he punishing you for your affection? It’s not fair.  He’s the one who kissed you first in the middle of the night.  Your eyes sting with tears.  You can’t sit here and let this happen.
“What are you doing?” you cry. 
“What am I doing?” he laughs.  He pauses without unzipping his pants.  Finally, he looks at you as he palms himself.  Your eyes follow his hand and you’re relieved to see he’s not fully hard yet. 
“Don’t,” you plead.  “I’ll do whatever you want.”
He unzips his tight jeans and takes his semi-hard cock out.  He asks you, “Where should I put it?” with his pelvis still pointed toward the other bed. 
“Do you have to put it anywhere?” you whimper.  The girl looks at you hopefully like you really have a say.  Like you might be trying to help her. 
“Do I have to,” he grumbles.  You run through the options in your head.  He could put it in her mouth, that’s not too bad. A mouth is just a mouth, right? There’s no way she would do a good job on purpose. But hopefully she wouldn’t bite him, either. 
Joel approaches you and spits in his hand.  As he begins to stroke himself with the spit, you say, “Let me.” He holds his cock for you and you try to suck him as good as you can, but he just wants the saliva.  He won’t let you make him come.  Your eyes well up.  
“Shhhh,” he says and cups your cheek as he takes his cock away.  He sighs, then nods back toward the rest of the stash house. “You think they want just any girl? They want what’s mine.” He glances over at the girl then back at you.  He lowers his voice. “She could save your life.” As sweet as that is, it doesn’t make you feel much better about him putting his cock in another woman.  
“Do you really have to?” you plead. 
“Where do you want me to put it?” he asks again.
“In me,” you beg.  He studies your face. 
He looks up at the ceiling contemplatively.  “Well either I’m doin’ it, or you’re doin’ it,” he offers. 
“I’ll do it,” you say, unsure what that even means.  You just know it has to be better than watching or hearing him fuck another girl.  If you have to finger her or even give her head, so be it.
Joel looks surprised and impressed.  “You’ll do it, then,” he repeats quietly.  He unchains you from the radiator and takes the pistol out of his body holster.  He holds it by the barrel and hands it to you.  
Your face goes cold. 
“No,” the girl whimpers, sitting in the corner of the cot with her knees hugged into her chest. 
“You heard her,” Joel says.  “She’s doin’ it. Right, sweet pea?”  
Your hand shakes as you grip the gun.   Joel motions for you to go to the other bed.  
“You’re sick,” the girl whimpers at Joel. “Shoot him!” she demands of you.  “What are you waiting for?? SHOOT HIM!” 
Instead, you stand at the end of the cot.  “Get back here,” you say weakly, gun still shaking in your hand.  “And turn over.” 
She shakes her head.  You cock the gun. 
“Damn,” Joel whispers. She still doesn’t move. She cries. 
Joel loses patience and grabs her by the thighs, jerking her to the end of the bed.  He pulls her dress up over her ass, clenches his jaw, and spanks her.  Then he stands between you and the bed.  He spits on his fingers and turns to face you.  He keeps his knuckles facing you as he reaches back and slaps her pussy without looking at her. She yelps. He keeps his hand there and rubs her clit while he stares at you with his hard dick in his other hand. 
“Go on,” he tells you.  “You can do it, sweet pea.” 
“You’re both sick,” she whimpers. 
You steady the gun in both hands, avoiding the trigger, and bring the muzzle to her wet cunt.  She shrieks at the cold ring of metal.  Then you grab her hip for leverage and use your dominant hand to carefully push the barrel into her, gently maneuvering it so it doesn’t catch.  She groans “No.”  
Joel strokes your cheek and looks at you affectionately.  Then he gets behind you, with both of you facing the bed.  He puts his hands on your hips and presses his hard-on into your dress. 
“Go on,” Joel urges and his cock hardens as he pushes it against you.  
You begin to slide the gun in and out of her. 
Joel brings his mouth to your head.  “Good girl,” he whispers and puts his large hands on your hips.  He raises your dress, exposing your ass.  He pulls down your panties, then puts a hand on the small of your back.  You spread your feet more, so relieved and grateful he’s not fucking the other girl.  He flattens his fingers and rubs your clit until you’re wet enough.  It doesn’t take long. 
You’ve slowed down with the pistol, focusing more on the feeling of his hand between your legs.  Joel pauses.  “Don’t stop,” Joel cautions.  “Or I’ll do it myself, and not with the gun.”  You start again.  He notches the head of his cock at your entrance and waits. You begin railing her steadily with the barrel of the gun.  “Good, sweet pea,” he murmurs.  
He pushes his tip inside you and you gasp at the stretch, temporarily pausing the rhythm of the gun.  Then he puts one hand on your pelvis for leverage and holds a breast with the other.  He slams his cock into you, jolting you up and forward, with the momentum slamming the gun harshly into her cunt.  She whimpers.  
“Sorry,” you whisper to her and try to steady your hand as Joel fucks you. But the last thing you would do is ask him to stop or ease up. 
Joel drives his length into you steadily.  Your face tenses and your temples feel weak.  You’re still jealous and your mind drifts to whether he’s looking at you or the other girl.  Or is he just watching you fuck her with his gun.  You know he’s an awful man.  Face it, it turns him on. 
You put it out of your mind and focus on the feeling of being filled by him.  His fingers pressing into your skin as his cock impales you, strong but gentle, like him.  You can’t help but moan as he fills you up with his flesh. His cock completes you just right.  You need him to be all yours. 
He switches hands, using his other hand for leverage as he cups your opposite breast.  He buries his mouth in your neck and that makes you feel better, your brow softens.  He bites you and it feels close enough to a kiss that your heart swells.  He sucks your skin, and he moans at the feeling of your nipple hardening into the palm of his hand.  He massages your breast and you begin to twitch around his cock.  He moans into your neck.
“Sweet pea,” he murmurs. “You feel so good.”  Your heart flutters at his words and your lower abdomen buzzes with warmth.  “Whore like that could never. No one else could.” With that validation, you fuck her harder with the gun. “That’s it, baby,” Joel whispers, slamming his cruel cock into you.  “Just like that.”  Your arm gets tired and you switch hands.  It’s so tempting to put down the gun, but you don’t want to find out whether he’d really fuck her.  You don’t want to disappoint him either, and you don’t want him to stop fucking you.
Joel’s hands slither around your body, and his cock pounds into you harder.  “You’re doin’ great, pretty girl.” You feel yourself on the edge of climax.  He slams into you with a grunt. “This pussy’s all mine,” he pants.  “gonna stay that way.”  You lean back into his chest and enjoy the feeling of his body wrapped around yours while you’re wrapped around his cock.  He begins to stroke your clit and you moan.  He breathes heavier and grunts with each thrust. 
He pulls out before either of you come.  You sigh at the loss but his fingers gather slick from your dripping cunt then return to your clit and he outdoes himself.  He puts his mouth to your ear.  “Go ‘head, baby,” and his low whisper makes you see stars.  
You moan and tremble and fall into her, plunging the gun deeper. 
“Pretty when ya come,”  he murmurs and rubs your back while you finish.  Then he grabs your ass affectionately and steps to your side;  You flinch, your ass is even more sore today. 
He slowly pumps his cock and kneels onto the cot with one knee.  He takes your hand and makes you take the gun out. She collapses onto the dirty mattress.  
“What’d I do wrong?” you ask him.  
“You did great, sweet pea. You did perfect,” he says as he gets up on the cot and it creaks under his full weight.  
She tries to squirm away and he stops her with a hand on her ass. He’s facing her side and looking at you as he pumps himself.  He straddles one of her legs and you whimper.  He points his cock at her pussy, then he looks at you again as he strokes himself and comes on her ass.  It trickles down her crack to her cunt. You don’t want his cum between her legs, it tugs at your tear ducts, but you’re comforted by his eye contact with you when he came. 
He gets off the cot, tucks his dick away, then comfortingly squeezes your shoulder and watches you watch his cum trickle down.  “You want it so bad, take it,”  he says.  He crosses his arms and nods toward her.  
It feels like a command.  You reach out your hand. 
“Nuh-uh.  With your mouth, sweet pea.” 
You obediently bend at the hips and lean over the cot.  Joel pries her legs open for you.  You plant your mouth between her legs and lick from her cunt, while trying to strain your eyes to meet Joel’s for approval.  “Yeah, get it all, baby.”  You drag your tongue up her crack. 
You swallow it and he holds out his arms for you.  He helps you down from the cot and takes you back over to yours.  “You’re gonna stay here for a li’l bit, sweet pea.  Keep her company.”  
You sniffle. “Do I have to?”
“Yeah, baby. I’ll come back for you later.”  He kisses you on the head and makes sure you’re comfortable before he chains you back.  
After Joel leaves, you and the other girl are both silent for a while.  Then she tries to get through to you, tries to convince you that the two of you can outsmart him together.  When pleading doesn’t work, she tries tough love.  “I get it,” she says. “You think he cares about you. But he doesn’t.  You think he’s faithful to you, just because he owns you.”
“He does care.” 
“Well I don’t see your name on his chest.  And his dick sure didn’t taste faithful today.” 
Any sympathy you had for her evaporates with those words. Even if she’s lying, even if she’s trying to play you.  
“Pathetic,” she scoffs.  “You don’t even want to be free, do you?” 
You’re silent for a minute, then get an idea.  “You’re right, I don’t.  But if you really want to, I can tell you how.”   
You know the guard won’t stay at the door all night.  You know the best time and route to get out of the house. If she gets away, good for her.  If she gets caught by one of Joel’s men, oh well. 
Thank you so, so much for reading and engaging! Love you guys. You will have your man to yourself next time.
if i've left you off please DM me. You can also follow @toxicfics and turn on notifications and you can follow @toxicrecs for my fic recs
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Headcanons for the Sparda lads and V getting massages from their s/o? Assuming they'd want one/would be comfortable with it, I mean.
Absolutely, here you go! 💜
Sparda boys + V x Reader massage headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Is very, very stiff after years of fighting demons, doing crazy aerial acrobatics, getting stabbed in the chest, and falling asleep almost every night in his wooden office chair.
-Was a little shocked when you offered to give him a massage because no one had ever suggested something like that. Ever.
-His muscles were kinda sore though, so he agreed and hopped onto his bed, stomach down.
-The moment you started kneading his back, he heard so many cracks. It was like years of stress, trauma, both physical and mental, tension and pain was being popped and squeezed right out of him. It was such a good, relieving sensation.
-He soon melted into it, enjoying every second of your masterful mashing of his muscles with delighted little "Oh"s and "Ah"s.
-When you were finished, he found himself to be twice as flexible as before; the discomfort of a million battles finally gone. He'll definitely be coming back for a round two in the near future.
■ Vergil ■
-Does not like being touched by most people for whatever reason. He is constantly paranoid and afraid that he will be attacked if he lets someone touch him.
-However, you're a different story. He knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him and that he could trust you, so he agrees to your offer of a massage, with some half-hearted grumbling.
-He wasn't sure what to expect from this "massage", but it certainly wasn't what he got. The moment you set to work on his taut, tense, rock-hard muscles, he felt himself instantly relax. He even let out a soft little moan.
-Vergil enjoyed the massage a lot more than he ever expected to. The sensation of having someone press down on your tense areas without murderous intentions was pure bliss.
-When you announced that you were finished with the massage, he whined. Yes, he genuinely, actually, unmistakbly whined. You thought he would request a continuation, but no. He simply stood up, stretched, and slipped his jacket back on.
-Massages are now a nightly tradition between the two of you. He even goes out and gets different lotions and oils for you to experiment with.
□ Nero □
-Nero has never had a massage in his life, nor has he ever wanted one. He didn't dislike the notion of you giving him a massage, nor did he like it. He simply accepted it to make you happy.
-Turns out massages are way better than he could have ever imagined! He just can't get over how it seems to make all his stiffness melt away.
-Now he wants you to massage his legs, arms, shoulders, and neck too--oh, and also the rest of his body.
-At one point he fell asleep while you were massaging him, proving one of two things: Either A, he's very, very, tired, or B, he's just that relaxed.
-Getting massages from you is now the number one thing Nero looks forward to when he comes home from missions.
-Sometimes he has Nico put together a new, vibrating attachment for his arm--which he will then give to you so you can have a helping hand.
● V ●
-V has never heard of a massage and therefore has no idea what it is.
-After Googling it, he deduces that such an activity would benefit him, and that he would be wise to take up your offer.
-And so he does; while the sensations are an entirely new experience for him, he finds them very enjoyable. In fact, they're so helpful in mitigating his stress, he should write a poem about them.
-V loves to have you massage his legs because they're so weary from traveling and supporting his lanky frame all day long.
-Also, he can read while you massage his legs, which makes it all the more comforting.
-Massages are now one of his top stress-relievers, other than cuddling with Shadow, that is.
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imagobin · 2 months
Headcanon: lost zoldyck sibling reader who for some reason was taken from kukuroo Mt at a young age returns and meets their sibling for the first time and is unsure how to react.
Omg this is a really good concept. I'll see what I can do lol, hope you enjoy! HCs take place before the HxH storyline begins, so Killua's still home, and Alluka's locked up. Since it took me a while, and this requests kinda fits for it, I chose to also add smaller sections Silva, Kikyo and Zeno to the mix! But I'll go with the siblings first.
🔯The Lost Zoldyck HCs🔯
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Of all your siblings, Illumi's the only one you have any memory of, even though they're faint and blurry, you remember his almond-shaped eyes, and his cheery yet monotone voice.
He was overwhelming to be around, not because he was annoying or anything, but because of his aura. He always wanted to keep an eye on you.
It wouldn't be rare for you to spot him looking at you from a distance, studying you and making sure you didn't get yourself into trouble, as you were much weaker than them, since you'd never been trained for their... odd assassination business.
Illumi didn't show much emotion at all, but he couldn't deny that he was incredibly relieved that you were home again, and he was even happier when you were unfazed upon learning that they did for a living. "Are you really not scared...? Despite growing up away from all of this? It must be your Zoldyck blood. I'm glad, this means we can all be happy."
The first few weeks around him were really weird, as whenever he had the time to talk to you, he'd always get such a fond expression on his face as he asked you questions of how your life had been up to that point. He wanted to learn everything.
You eventually came to find that endearing. He was a little weird, but genuinely seemed to care about you in his own way.
Even if you grew up away from the mountain, he's fully accepted you back as a member of the family, and he shows that by bringing you souvenirs from his missions, just like he does with everyone else.
Milluki initially did not care about meeting you. What's that about a long lost sibling? Certainly not something he'd waste his time on.
He doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, it's not like you're super strong or anything, you're basically just a regular human compared to them, and you're taking away even the last smidge of attention reserved to him!
Milluki was born a couple years after you, so likewise, you have no idea who he is or what he enjoys. You just know that he seems to really dislike you and generally keep to himself, locked in his room.
Since you had a normal life, you're aware that such a behavior isn't healthy, but his refusal to build any kind of connection with you makes getting through to him really difficult.
That is until he finally decides to show up for a dinner with the rest of the family, looking slightly disheveled and wearing a Dragon Ball T-Shirt, which you easily recognize.
The moment you point it out, Milluki FINALLY speaks to you for the first time in weeks! "Y-yeah... it's an Android 18 shirt. Why? You... like anime or something?"
He's a little taken aback when you admit that yes, you do enjoy anime and the like. You can see him ease up a little, and dinner quickly transforms in him rambling to you about his favorites.
Nobody has the courage to stop him, and you keep actively listening, just glad you found a common interest with him. After that dinner, Milluki is much more open towards you. He hasn't fully accepted you, but considers you a pretty good company, at least you understand what he's talking about!
Out of everyone, Killua is the most curious about you. He didn't know he had a secret sibling, but that's such cool news!
Sure, you can't do all the tricks he can do, but the fact that you have a completely different view from the rest of the family is thrilling to him, which makes your lack of strength worth it.
Killua's excitement about your mere existence and the new atmosphere you brought to the manor is a little odd at first, but having normal interactions with someone is nice. He doesn't stalk you around, or act as if you didn't exist, he just hangs around you like a normal kid would.
You also earn extra points because your ability to go out of the manor whenever (albeit accompanied by a butler). Makes it so you can go to the store and get him his favorite snacks. You're the coolest for that.
You can tell that Killua is different from the others, he's actually interested in what's out there, away from the world of assassins. "Illumi always said making friends wasn't necessary... but you always seem happy talking about yours... so which is it? Do you think I could make friends? Even... if I'm supposed to be the heir?"
To you, it's quite obvious that Killua, being a pre-teen, is starting to wish for self-discovery, and despite having a feeling that most of his family doesn't want that for him, you can't help but encourage him to follow that wish.
You might be one of the reasons why he ran away later on, though he's kept it a secret, not wanting you to get in trouble just because you were supportive of him.
You almost never met Alluka. The family wanted to keep her a secret from you. Understandably, they knew you'd probably disagree with them keeping a human being locked up like that.
One day however, while hanging out with Milluki, he accidentally turned on the monitor to her room, and you saw her. Milluki tried to convince you she was just another doll, but you're not a fool, you could see that was a little girl, being kept in a room with no windows.
Since now the secret was out, the family allowed you to speak to her, but warned you not to reveal your name to her, as it could be very dangerous.
They didn't explain her powers to you, just told you that she was extremely dangerous, but when you walked through the security door, she still looked and acted like a normal girl, though the aura around her was a little odd.
When Alluka first saw you, she believed you to be another butler, but when Silva clarified through the speakers that you were her lost sibling, the little girl seemed ecstatic. "Lost... sibling? That's so cool! Wait so- you come from outside? Woooow! Hey hey, can you teach me some games others play??"
The speed at which she accepts you is a little jarring, but maybe it's because you behave normally around her, you're right there in front of her, in the flesh, instead of talking to her through a speaker like everyone else in the family does.
Until the day in which Killua manages to free her, you take it upon yourself to descend to her room and play with her or just keep her company. The family's always watching you, of course, but it's still better than leaving her on her own.
At first, you didn't know what kind of boy Kalluto was. He almost seemed more of an accessory to Kikyo than an actual child. He was obedient to a fault, and never did anything outside of what his parents told him to do.
He saw the way Kikyo treated you, and he did the same, giving you a warm welcome in the family.
You wondered if he truly meant it though, because aside from being nice to you whenever his mother was in the room, he mostly just ignored you. He wasn't rude to you, but also didn't make an effort to get to know you more.
That is until he's the one seeking you out. He's seen you hanging out with Killua a lot, how even if you're older and leagues weaker, he seems to have fun with you. "Big brother Killua never wants to play with me like that... why are you so... popular with him? I don't understand..."
You can tell he's jealous, although, it wasn't your intention to make him feel excluded, so you do the only thing you can do, and reassure him that whenever you're spending time with Killua, you'll also make sure to include him.
He's taken aback, probably doesn't even believe you, but you keep to your promise, you make sure the two brothers get the chance to play together.
Killua is a bit awkward the first few times, but eventually, he warms up to Kalluto. He doesn't show it but... he's really happy about it. Maybe outsiders aren't so bad after all.
Meeting Kikyo was perhaps the most overwhelming, but at the same time cathartic experience. Just like with Illumi, you had very faint memories of her.
She was overjoyed to have finally found you again, she never stopped looking for you all these years, and shed a few... actually a lot of tears when she could finally hug you again.
Kikyo can be quite overbearing as you soon find out, which reminds you of Illumi, though in her case it's even more so, as she's trying to make up for all the time together you've lost.
Sometimes, she keeps you around her for hours, just to chat and teach you all sorts of weird assassination techniques, until Silva tells her to let you go for a while.
Silva was a lot more stoic than your mother when you first met him. He welcomed you back home, but you could feel he wasn't as excited about your return as Kikyo.
The reason was that, of course, you hadn't received proper training, so aside from the natural Zoldyck strength, you didn't have much else going on for you.
At the same time, he's perhaps the one who's looking out for you the most. He's very aware of the danger that comes with being a Zoldyck, even more-so an untrained Zoldyck.
He allows you freedom to go in and out of the manor, but you're always accompanied by his most trusted butlers.
You notice Silva expresses his care in indirect ways, but that doesn't mean he cares any less about you than the other members.
Zeno, much like Silva, was a bit difficult to read at first. He's definitely a bit more mellow than his son, but he's still the big boss around there.
This old man is like an enigma, it's rather obvious he's not really interested in making you an assassin, considering you're past the point where you can develop all the skills the others have, he kind of ignores you.
At the same time, having led a fairly normal life compared to theirs, you've brought a certain vibe in the house that he hadn't felt in years.
He asks you to join him for tea sometimes, and basically interrogates you on your life, for seemingly no other purpose outside of gathering information.
He has a tendency to be a bit of a chatter box, going on tangents whenever you mention something he's familiar with. He's a weird old man, in an endearing sort of way.
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a-aexotic · 1 year
i’m so glad u do jj imagines he has my heart😻
anyways so
jj x reader where she’s like really close to all the pogues, and they’re all protective of her, maybe she could be like the youngest one or something, and rafe hits on her at a party and jj comes to the rescue and it ends w them telling their feelings to eachother
i love all your work so much btw!!
pairing. jj x fem!reader
warnings. alcohol consumption, rafe being rafe, mention of hangovers
summary. when rafe bothers reader ar a party, jj comes to the rescue.
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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It was all a haze. The drinking, the loud music, the dancing. It felt like a big fever dream. You don't even remember where you are. All you remember is coming in with Pogues and now, you have no idea where you are.
This might've been your 3rd drink. Or wait, was it 5? You can't remember. You were laying on the couch trying to recenter yourself when you feel the couch next to you dip. You turn your head to meet Rafe Cameron's gaze.
You never liked him. He was always mean to the Pogues, including you for a while but he hasn't bothered you since you had started dating JJ. You were the youngest one of the group, just by a few months but the youngest nonetheless so the Pogues were very protective of as well and after a few fights with Kie and John B, Rafe had finally backed off.
Rafe knew better than to mess with JJ's girlfriend and the Pogues beloved baby Pogue. Or so they thought.
"Hey Y/N." He spoke, a smile playing on his lips.
You were confused on why he was even acknowledging you, he usually just ignored your existence. "Hey."
"How are you enjoying the party, is JJ here?"
You paused for a second, why did he care if JJ was here or not? "Uh, yeah. He's somewhere."
You were to drunk to realize that Rafe was very much flirting with you. He talked your ear off about golf and you were getting overwhelmed. Rafe had gotten closer to you, the music was too loud and you were nauseous from the drinks.
"Hey!" You heard someone shout. You turned around to see JJ walking towards you, a scowl on his face. You were instantly relieved because golf wasn't that interesting to you and you were getting tired; you just wanted to go home and sleep.
"JJ." Rafe sighed, as if even seeing him was an inconvenience.
"The fuck you talking Y/N for, huh?" JJ had grabbed your arm and pulled you up, putting an arm around your waist. His touch had help your sense calm down a bit.
Rafe rolled his eyes, getting up. "Calm your tits, man. I was just having friendly-"
"Friendly, my ass. You talk to her, again, I'll kill you." JJ had let go of you to get in Rafe's face to make his point. Rafe had let out a small laugh before raising his hands up in defense, walking away.
JJ turned to you, a sigh escaping his chapped lips. "You okay?"
"Yep, I feel a bit..." You paused, feeling your stomach grumble in pain. "Nauseaus."
JJ laughed and went over to you, putting an arm over your shoulder to help you walk. "How many drinks have you had?"
"I don't know like, five?"
"Five? You're a lightweight."
"Shut up." You grumbled unhappily. "Or I'll throw up all over you."
"Okay, okay. But Kie isn't going to be happy with you drinking that much because she had to take care of you last time."
You groaned at the mention of that night. And then you remembered that tomorrow, your hangover was probably going to be worse. JJ softened his gaze as he looked over at you.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you this time."
"Thanks, J." You smiled painfully before JJ bent his head towards you so he could plant a kiss on your lips. You melted into the kiss, your stomach pain gradually going away the more passionate the kiss became.
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 93- Our First Time
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Summary: Jennie celebrates her birthday in Japan and Jungkook makes it a memorable one.
Genre: Jungkook fluff! And smut! (A for effort on the smut! I'm sorry if you're a bit disappointed with the smut writing but I'll continue to get better. Practice makes perfect!)
Words: 15,000+ 
Author's Note: It's been a while! I missed writing this story, I'm happy to be back at it. I missed you all dearly! I have been overthinking the HECK out of this chapter. Like ideas kept coming but then I was worried cause it was like ah...is this too much or not that realistic? I had a vision but I kept going back and forth regarding realism and contemplated deleting stuff but then I wanted to keep it. So, I hope you enjoy this and it was worth the wait. I wanted to make it romantic, fluffy, intimate, and a bit vulnerable in a way. I mean this is a critical point in their relationship and I didn't want to screw it up.
I just feel like these two will be comfortable with each other and certain about their love. Everyone especially black women should be loved on and cherished by their significant other and I thought a lot about how Jungkook would feel in this moment with Jennie in the story after pinning for her for so long. 
I'd say Summer Walker's Nobody Else and Best Part by Daniel Caesar & H.E.R is super relatable to JenKook. Loveeee these song so much. Both are so beautiful and always get me in my feelings.
Also: context on Booker T and his Spinaroonie which will be mentioned in the story. Black wrestlers mean a lot to me and he has been a huge part of my childhood.
Soon after chilling for a bit, and celebrating my birthday on May 10th, I will be working on my wrestling story next to update that and then I will be back writing the next chapters for Bangtan Gal. There will be two chapters updated for this one, the Muster chapter which will have Jin and Jennie's wrestling match, and then the next story chapter :)
So, bear with me for the slow updates. It may take a bit but I will try my best to not take forever. Again, thanks for sticking with me and I hope this was ok. Lemme know what you think! Until next time!!
Currently me after uploading:
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A loud sigh escaped Jennie's lips as she sat down in the middle of a wrestling ring. Here she was alone at Big Hit, in one of their rooms which had a standard sized wrestling ring for her and Jin to practice for their next match. Lately, it had been used as a private room for Bangtan's Oldest and Youngest members and held a lot of gym equipment as well. 
For a while now, Big Hit proposed for Jennie and Jin to get professional wrestling lessons. Jin stuck with learning the basics but Jennie wanted to learn more and asked for extra lessons as wrestling had started to become a new hobby for her. Despite the soreness and occasional bruising she'd endure while training, wrestling was fun and stress relieving. Their professional lessons were a few days a week as they learned the basics and prepared for their choreographed match to make sure things went well. Juggling dance practice, recording music, events, and wrestling lessons took a while to adjust but the two members remained dedicated and wanted to put on a great video for ARMY when it was time to record their match.
Big Hit wanted to ensure their safety as well and thought professional wrestling lessons would help. Because at the end of the day, Jin and Jennie were still idols and the last thing the company needed was two of their artists injured off of wrestling. And Jennie knows from watching WWE that those wrestling injuries are no joke. She was grateful every day for not suffering a serious injury and hoped to keep it that way. 
Since her hair was dyed red, Jennie wanted to portray WWE's Lita for their next match while Jin was still researching which wrestler to portray. Since the matches are predetermined, Big Hit wanted Jin to win which made sense to Jennie and she was all for it. For the past week, Jin and Jennie would go over what they wanted to do for the match and their trainers were extremely helpful in making their vision come to life while assisting in producing the match.
With it being evening time and everyone had left for the day, Jennie stayed behind to practice while wearing some shorts, knee pads, and a tank top. She wanted to get a few moves down and hoped to perform them better as she kept jumping off the top rope safely onto a padded mat to pretend it was her opponent.
After drinking water, she stood on her feet and stretched.
"There you are!" Jungkook's bright voice filled her ears as she turned around and smiled.
"Hey! Sorry, Jungkook, I should have texted you. I wasn't ready to go, yet. I wanted to train a little bit more,"
"It's all good, honey. What are you working on?" he strolled over to the ring and went in, wearing a hoodie with the hood over his head and sweatpants.
"My moonsault. You know the move where you backflip off the top rope and onto your opponent lying on the mat?"
"Yeah! I know the move," he reached out for her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'm sweaty," she giggled and tried to pull away but he wouldn't budge.
"I don't care," 
He smiled and leaned down to give her multiple kisses on her lips which she immediately returned, smiling into the kisses. 
"Show me what you got with the moonsault. I can help you," he said while she looked at him in surprise as they pulled away.
Jungkook even learned a bit of wrestling just in case he wanted to participate in future matches. He was still trying to convince the rest of the members to join but so far no luck. But hopefully one day.
"A-are you sure? I should practice more on the big mat first," she said with a hint of nervousness.
"I'm the Golden Maknae, I got this," he flashed a big grin. "Where do you want me, Jagi?"
"O-okay. Um, let me move the mat and you can take its place," she pulled the mat to the other side of the ring while Jungkook got on his back.
"All set! Let me know when you're ready, Jennie,"
Nervousness continued to overwhelm her as she replied, "Kookie, are you sure this is a good idea? I don't think I'm ready to perform it on someone just yet,"
"You never know unless you try! Come at me. Let me see what you got,"
"Fine, fine. Stay still," she got up the top rope, trying to remember everything she could for the move. "Three...two...one...go!"
She backflipped off the top rope gracefully and landed right on him. However, a loud groan escaped his lips as her knees landed on his stomach instead of her torso, which made her freak out.
"Ah! Oh my God! Are you okay!? Why am I such a klutz!?" she got off of him to see him clenching his stomach with his face twisted in discomfort. 
Oh, this was so bad. She knew she shouldn't have decided to practice on him. All that training went out the window as she saw her man in pain. 
She cupped his face while he continued to clench his stomach. "Kookie, I'm sorry! Are you okay!?"
"Yeah..." he grunted, '"We'll work on it,"
"I am SO sorry!" she exclaimed after releasing him. "I did so much better, earlier! I promise, I did! I just miscalculated! I can do it, better! But I'm not quite ready to do the move on someone! Ah...why did I agree to this!? My knees were on your stomach! God, I know that had to hurt. And I got my knee pads on, too? Sheesh!"
As he watched her ramble, Jungkook couldn't help but laugh and stopped clenching his stomach, sitting up.
"You're cute when you freak out like this," he giggled.
"You're not hurt!?" she exclaimed.
"I am a little. My stomach hurts but I was exaggerating the pain. It doesn't hurt that bad," 
"I-you idiot! Don't do that!" she smacked his arm, making him laugh again. "You had me thinking I injured you! I was about to freak out and cry to Bang PD!"
"Wow, you were going to do that? I should have kept up the act,"
"Shut up!" she giggled as they both stood up. "You're a piece of work, you know that?"
"So, I've been told," he smiled and placed a warm hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb against it. "You did good, babe. You just gotta work more on the delivery of your moonsault. I say Jin stands no chance against you in the high flying department,"
"Thank you. I'll keep practicing on the mat, for now," she kissed his cheek and placed the mat where it was before.
"How are you and hyung coming along with the match?" he asked as he stood across in a corner, leaning against the top turnbuckle with his arms crossed.
"It's going so well! Jin still gotta figure out who he wants to be. I gave him some suggestions, so he's researching to get one of their personas down. And once he does choose the wrestler, then the trainers can try to teach him some of their moves to add to the match. I lowkey want him to be Booker T from WWE. I told him earlier as a suggestion and he said he'll think about it. But yo, if he chooses him that would make my day. To watch Jin do the spin-a-roonie though...that will have me crying," she laughed at the idea with Jungkook.
"Can you dig it, SUCKA~!" Jungkook said Booker T's wrestling catchphrase in English with Jennie as the two laughed again.
"Yeah, hyung would be so extra with his persona. I can't wait to see who he decides to be. And I'm looking forward to being front row to watch it this time instead of on video,"
"Haha, you're in for a treat. Man, all this makes me want to go to a WWE event one of these days. If we're back in America and they're doing a show close to where we are, I want to go!"
"I hope so too, so you can go. I'll come with you,"
"It's a date!"
"Speaking of dates, we still need to go to a rock concert together like you wanted,"
"Yeah! I gotta research that too whenever we are free. I have no idea who will be on tour but no matter what we have to do GA! And we must crowd surf! It's gonna be fun, I promise!"
The lovers could see the date now. She was on top of his shoulders, singing the lyrics to whatever song was playing from one of her favorite bands while he vibed and smiled at her having the time of her life. It needed to happen soon. 
As she continued to practice her wrestling, Jungkook's eyes began to roam down her body, as he pondered about his self control. Her dark skin glistened in the lighting of the room from the sweat of her workout and her hair was in a messy bun. Every day the want for her increased and her birthday couldn't come fast enough with the way his body reacted to her. He wondered if she felt the same.
As her birthday drew near, Jungkook's anticipation and nervousness kicked in tenfold. It was a huge step and he hoped everything would go well and he could make her feel how wanted and loved she is. 
"Did you hear me?"
"Do what?" Jungkook snapped out of his trance and looked into her eyes.
"I asked, since you're here do you want to train with me, too?" she repeated.
"Yeah, why not. I could use a workout before we go back," he took off his hoodie to show his tank top, revealing his muscular arms as her eyes eagerly checked them out.
Now this was a little dangerous. Jennie was already trying to keep herself in check to not let her dirty thoughts get to her. Shaking the thoughts away, the two trained back and forth, practicing moves. She was grateful for it and it was nice to have a partner to assist. But as time went on, she began losing focus because, in the back of her mind, her desire to be intimate with her man had gotten stronger, these days. But maybe...just maybe...
Jungkook currently had his arms around her from behind in a waist lock while she struggled to get out of it. With him breathing down her neck and his firm arms holding her, she seemed to have completely lost focus. 
Abruptly, she pushed back against him to grind, making him sharply inhale.
"You know that should be a disqualification," he said in her ear as his hands began to roam down her body.
"Hm, well, there is no referee in sight. So, what now?" she turned in his arms. 
Before he could reply, she pulled him by his shirt to smooch him as he groaned softly against her mouth. Their kissing became needy and his hands traveled down to her ass, squeezing it. She gasped at the sudden action which led him to slide his tongue into her mouth and lift her up as she wrapped her legs around him. As he proceeded to walk forward to press her up against a corner, Jennie cupped his face and held onto him.
She wanted him so badly. She was ready and felt herself getting aroused that she didn't even care where it was as long as it was with him. With Jungkook, as much as he wanted to touch her and lose control, he didn't want it to be abrupt like this. With every last restraint, he set her down and reluctantly pulled away, running a hand through his messy hair.
"Did I do something wrong?" she asked, catching her breath from their passionate kissing.
"No, of course not. I want this and I want you. Believe me when I say I've been wanting to touch you and make you feel amazing for a long time, now. But you deserve a bed, Jennie,"
Her heart fluttered at how serious he sounded about that.
He stepped forward and placed his hands on the top rope, connected to the top turnbuckle, trapping her in the corner. "And I want to take my time and kiss every inch of you...and I want to hear you say my name again when I make you feel things no one else can because you're mine...but not now. Not here. It'll be on a bed. And soon. I promise,"
"You say that and expect me not to pounce on you? You're giving me images that I want to become a reality, now,"
"You do the same to me,"
"And I was only going to ask for you to come to my studio. I mean...there is a couch,"
He chuckled at the suggestive thought. "And a bed for your first is even more inviting,"
"Wait a little longer for it, okay?"
She smiled and nodded. "Okay. I know it'll be worth the wait,"
He returned her smile and leaned back in to kiss her passionately, not ready to let her go just yet. However, their making out was cut short when they failed to realize the door opening. A loud clearing of someone's throat was heard, making the couple quickly back away and turn to who was there.
Of all people...it was Bang PD. 
'This would be my luck...' Jennie thought to herself as she bowed with Jungkook apologetically. 
She was mortified while Jungkook blushed out of embarrassment. 
Jennie thought everyone left but then she realized she had forgotten Bang PD had told her he would also stay late to finish up some work. He must have come by to say goodbye to her since he was done.
"Jennie..." Bang PD let out a sigh, shaking his head as he looked at the couple.
These kids...boy was he amused at the scene. 
"Y-yes, sir?" she answered, flustered.
"When you told me you would be staying late to practice, I didn't mean making out in the ring with Jungkook. You two should be working," he replied with his arms crossed.
He scolded them for not focusing on training and then laughed about it in the end, wishing them a good night and to next time focus on work. After he left, Jennie and Jungkook glanced at each other and ended up laughing at the embarrassment.
"Oh my God...I can't believe that just happened," she got out of the ring with him. "We are NEVER telling the boys about this. This is going to the grave,"
"I second that. Do you think he's going to mention this to anyone?" he feared.
"Oh, fuck outta here, I hope not!"
"I cannot believe this..." Jennie grumbled with her arms crossed as she sat in the van with the members, on their way to the airport.
She had her fair share of goofy moments but this right here was currently number one. The boys were struggling not to laugh as they snuck glances at her wearing a large Pikachu Onesie. The reason? Losing a bet with Jungkook on who could beat who in Smash Bros, last night. She tried her hardest but he prevailed in a best out of 5.
"You look adorable," Jungkook giggled.
"Be quiet," she snapped at him in a playful tone, earning another giggle from him. "I can't believe I have to walk out in public with this on. Why? You know Dispatch is going to be there taking photos."
"You did bring it on yourself. You should have beat him in the game," Yoongi chuckled.
"Wow." she shook her head. "I am loving the support, right now,"
Bangtan had some fan events in Japan just before their 3rd Muster in Seoul and were headed to the airport to get on their flight. Once they arrived at the airport, fans and reporters were already there to take videos and photos. Jennie watched as the members and staff made their way out of the vehicle as she tried to mentally prepare herself to be seen with the onesie.
About to get out of the car, Jin turned back to her and chuckled. "Are you coming?"
Seated next to him by the window, she groaned. "Yes..."
With a smile, Jin helped her out of the car and surprised sounds from the crowd were heard when they saw her in the onesie, along with giggling and various comments on how cute she looked. Being a good sport, Jennie grinned and waved at the cameras, walking inside the airport with everyone else.
She laughed, forgetting about the embarrassment, and began to pose, with the members. Miss Bangtan even started playing the part of Pikachu, while reporters ate it up. After photos, the group started going to the destination of where their flight was as the large group of fans and reporters followed them.
"Jennie-ah, why are you wearing a Pikachu onesie?" she heard a fan ask who was recording her with their phone.
"I lost a video game bet against Jungkook," she grinned sheepishly, earning giggles in response.
Safe to say, her look went viral and became an instant classic BTS moment for ARMY as they tweeted their thoughts:
'Look at Jen-kachu!'
'The fact that she agreed to this lmfaooo.'
'Jungkook was the cause of this!? LOL the Golden Duo never has a dull moment!'
'Wait I thought this was photoshopped! WHAT!?'
'Jennie blessing us with her cuteness!'
'I deadass thought it was a joke but Jennie is actually at the airport as Pikachu!'
'Hahahaha not Jennie getting caught in the mix of losing bets!'
'I LOVE cute Jennie! This made my day!'
Because of her birthday, the staff treated Jennie to have her own suite in the hotel BTS stayed while the rest of the members roomed with each other. The room was huge as it even held a kitchen, which Jungkook was currently using to his advantage while Jennie was out eating with the Hyung Line for her birthday. Jungkook's birthday plans for Jennie were in motion as he and the rest of the Maknae Line decorated her suite with balloons and other birthday accessories. 
"She is going to freak!" Jimin beamed.
"Yeah, this looks like it's going to be her best birthday, yet! You gotta tell us her reaction when she sees the room," Taehyung added.
Jungkook grinned as he decorated. "I will! You two okay continuing to decorate? I want to start the cake,"
"Yeah, go ahead! I still can't believe you're going to bake for her. This is adorable," Jimin giggled.
Jungkook wanted to go all out for her birthday and thought of baking for her. She always baked for him and the rest of the boys. It would be sweet to have her receive a cake that was made from the heart. The Golden Maknae researched some good birthday cake recipes and chose to bake a small red velvet cake for her. 
He whipped out all the ingredients he purchased the night before and placed them all on the counter to begin while the oven was preheating. Getting right to work, Jungkook was diligent in making sure he followed the directions and mixed the ingredients while checking to see if the measurements were fine.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Taehyung teased while walking over to him, trying to throw him off as he mixed everything in the bowl.
"Go away!" Jungkook playfully shouted at him, turning away.
"You sure you don't need help?" Jimin added to the teasing.
"No!" Jungkook exclaimed. "You two just continue decorating and stop messing with me,"
However, Jimin and Taehyung decided to continue messing with him by playfully hitting him and throwing some decorations his way, which resulted in Jungkook setting the nicely mixed bowl down and running around the suite to chase them. It didn't take too long for him to beat them up before going back to working on the cake. Once in the oven, Jungkook put a timer on his phone and continued to decorate with the guys.
"What do you plan to do with Ennie when she returns?" Taehyung asked.
The question caused Jungkook to smile to himself as his heart leaped. To spend the day with the girl he had fallen for and was proud to call his girlfriend was something he'll cherish forever. He wanted everything to be perfect because she deserved the world. For her birthday, Jungkook convinced his hyungs to let him and Jennie have the entire day together. He was happy they all agreed and that he'd have some sweet alone time with her. He thought long and hard about how he wanted to spend the day and hoped she loved what he had planned.
"I have it all planned out but don't want to jinx myself and give it away. I just hope to make it as special as possible," Jungkook answered with joy. 
"No matter what you do, she'll love it. I mean it's Ennie. She appreciates everything we do for her,"
"And we're happy to see you be the best boyfriend for her. Our ship is still sailing strong, isn't it Tae?" Jimin praised.
"Indeed!" Taehyung high fived him with enthusiasm.
Jungkook chuckled and blushed at the kind words. "I sometimes still can't believe she's mine. I'm really happy I told her my feelings, that day,"
"Us too, Jungkookie," Jimin patted his back. 
After Jimin and Taehyung left, Jungkook went to where the bedroom was to start decorating it. She had told him she was ready and he hoped that tonight would be special for the both of them for that first time. To take that next step in the relationship. 
Later, his phone began to buzz and he took it out of his pocket to see a text from Jin.
Jin: We're back at the hotel! Meet us in the lobby.
JK: On my way!
To Jennie, she was with the rest of Bangtan and patiently waited for Jungkook. Her tummy was full from the delicious breakfast and she had a big smile on her face. Her birthday had been filled with great vibes so far and she couldn't wait to see what else was planned today. 
"Jennie~!" Jimin ran up to her with Taehyung to embrace her. "Happy birthday!"
She giggled and returned the hug enthusiastically. "Thank you~! I feel so loved! First, it was the breakfast, and now the hugs from you and Taehyung!"
"I'm glad you're enjoying your day so far. It's only going to get better,"
"Ooh? More surprises? I wonder what's next. That breakfast hit the spot. Japan has some amazing food,"
As they all chatted, Jungkook finally came down on the elevator to see Jennie chatting with the guys. Sensing his presence, she turned and grinned. 
"Kookie!" she waved as he strolled over to her.
"Happy birthday!" he grinned and embraced her tightly, spinning her around as he lifted her in his arms.
"Thank you!"
"We'll leave you two, to it," Namjoon smiled and began walking to the elevator.
"Yes and please just stay safe. And no, I will not blow up your phones to get updates. I promise," Jin chuckled and waved, following Namjoon.
"Have fun, today! We'll see you, eventually," Jimin giggled and left with the rest of the members.
"Oh? They're all leaving? Even Jin? What a surprise," she said in wonder. "So, it's just us?"
"Yeah, you're with me for the rest of the day," Jungkook proudly said.
"What?! Oh, that's perfect! How'd you get them to agree? Especially Jin?"
"I am the Golden Maknae," he grinned.
"You always say that shit, give me the details! I want a proper answer," she playfully hit him.
"Haha, I told them I'd treat them to Korean beef when we return to Seoul. So, they were fine with that. They eagerly agreed once I mentioned food,"
"I like that. So, where to?"
"You'll see. Let's go,"
As they were en route to their destination, Jennie continued to scroll on Twitter to see the sweet messages from fans for her birthday. And then she smiled when ARMY began to notice that Nike and a Nike PR followed her Instagram. She was excited to announce her being sponsored by Nike and was just waiting for the OK.
As soon as they made it to the destination, Jennie looked around in awe.
They were at Universal!
"Universal Japan!? Oh, hell yes! We about to have a TIME, today!" she cheered and put a black mask on with him as Jungkook laughed at her enthusiasm, agreeing.
After they checked in, they walked inside the park while Jennie looked around, amazed. She always wanted to check out amusement parks in other countries. She can check this off her bucket list.
"Follow me," he said as she walked closely with him.
"Oh, wait! I wanna take a photo with Hello Kitty!" she pointed out the mascot taking photos with the children.
Jen waited patiently for her turn, smiling under her mask at the adorable kids. Then, she kept her mask on and posed with the peace sign while Jungkook snapped the photo. She'll be sure to tweet it on Twitter, later.
Walking inside one of the stores, the large variety of headbands caught her attention.
"Soooo many options! Look at all these headbands," she looked through them.
After looking around, the two decided to get matching headbands. Once they put them on, they took cute selfies together and even some silly ones. As they walked further into the park at Universal Japan, Jennie began to hear the Harry Potter theme song, taking her by surprise.
"Wait a damn minute...are we-are we going to Harry Potter World!?" she exclaimed. Once she turned to Jungkook and saw him nod happily, she jumped and squealed excitedly. "What!? Oh my gosh! Wait, you took the test!?"
"I did. I'm a Ravenclaw,"
"Ahhhh! It suits you! So much to do! Okay! We gotta get wands! We gotta do the whole thing. We gotta go on the rides, we gotta get butterbeer, get the outfits, everything! You ready?" she giggled excitedly as he smiled, thinking it was the cutest thing.
"Lead the way,"
"That's what I'm talking about!" she grabbed his hand as they wandered around.
Jungkook had brought a camera with him and had been filming her since their arrival. Smiling as he filmed, he observed as she looked around the area, geeking out. This was so going towards a future GCF for their relationship reveal.
"Ah~! It's just like the movies! I feel like I'm actually in the movies!" she beamed.
After picking up their wands and robes, they check out Three Broomsticks to eat lunch.
"Here we go! Butterbeer! Let's see..." Jennie checked out the options they had.
"Should we get cold or hot butterbeer?" Jungkook pondered.
"Let's get both and try it together,"
After ordering food and two cold and two hot butterbeer beverages, the couple sat together and ate while discussing how much fun they were having so far.
"Okay, the moment of truth. You filming?" she grinned as she watched him with his camera.
"Yes, milady," 
"Okay! Let's see if butterbeer tastes as good as everyone says! I'm going to try the cold one first," she presented the cup and began to take a big sip.
"And the results are...?" he asked with anticipation.
"This SLAPS!" she praised and took another sip, enjoying the delicious taste and cream on top.
After watching her praising the cold drink, Jungkook filmed himself trying the drink and nodded in approval, enjoying it as well. Turning the camera back to her to film, she presented the hot butterbeer next. 
"Okay! Now for the hot one!" she announced and began to take a careful sip. "Oh, I like this, too. Very rich taste. And I feel all warm and cozy. It's warming me up nicely,"
Jungkook filmed himself trying the hot one and enjoyed the taste as well but not as much as the cold one.
"It's good. But I like the cold one, more," he said, still enjoying the hot drink as he took more sips.
"It's hard to choose. I like the hot version just a little bit more. Both are amazing. Well, butterbeer is worth the hype. I'm glad we finally tried it!"
The rest of the day was spent all over Harry Potter world, enjoying the rides and shopping in the stores. They even got to check out some other areas of Universal while taking lots of photos. After a fun filled day, the couple began to leave the park and Jungkook gave her his jacket to wear so she wouldn't be too cold.
"Enjoyed yourself?" He asked.
Enjoying the warmth of his jacket while holding his hand, she said, "One of the best birthdays ever! We gotta go back again, soon. Thanks for today. I had an amazing time,"
"I'm glad you did. Now, onto your next surprise," 
"Wait, there's more?"
Making it back to the hotel, Jungkook guided Jennie back to her room, having her close her eyes as she walked in.
"And...open," he smiled after closing the door behind him.
Once she opened her eyes, she looked around in shock.
"No way!" she grinned and walked around. 
A large happy birthday banner was on display, tons of gifts were placed in the living room area and even cute balloons and decorations were scattered all around the room.
"Jungkook...this is incredible!"
"You deserve it," he grinned. "Jimin and Taehyung helped out,"
"They're the best. You're the best. Everyone is the best. This is too sweet, what?" 
"I'm glad you like everything. And...these are for you," he presented her with a vase full of a dozen red roses and she placed a hand over her chest, appreciative of the gesture.
"Aw...thank you!" she gave him a big kiss and set the vase down on the dining room table. "Wow...these are gorgeous! And they smell great!"
"Nike sent you something as well," he pointed to the living room couch as he made his way over.
"What!? A whole custom birthday box from Nike? What!? Oh, I am about to lose my mind!" she shouted happily and ran over to the large Orange box, sitting on the couch with him.
It held a card wishing her a happy birthday and that they were excited about her working with them. When she opened the box, there were tons of Nike goods in her size and custom made items just for her which made her heart soar.
"Wow...I sound like a broken record but...I...I feel so loved. And I'm so grateful to have you and everyone else in my life. Like really...thank you for always showing me how special I am," she said and kissed him again.
"Always. You mean a lot to me and you deserve all of this and more,"
"Kook...you mean a lot to me, too," 
After the two checked out everything from the Nike box, Jungkook spoke, "I made something for you,"
"Oh? What is it?" she looked on in anticipation.
"Close your eyes, first,"
"Okay," she closed her eyes with a smile, awaiting the surprise.
Getting up from the couch, Jungkook made his way to the fridge to grab the small red velvet cake that he had made for her. Despite the constant teasing from Jimin and Taehyung on whether he knew what he was doing, the cake turned out quite well and was decorated nicely with the icing. After grabbing a few paper plates, plastic forks, and a plastic knife, Jungkook set everything down on the coffee table in front of the couch as Jennie continued to wait patiently.
He placed a 1 candle and a 9 candle on the cutely decorated cake and presented it to her with a smile.
"Open," he softly said.
Opening her eyes, she looked at the cake in surprise, covering her mouth. She glanced up at him, back at the cake, and then back at him, uncovering her mouth to reveal a grin.
"What? You baked for me?"
"You bake for everyone. I wanted this birthday to be memorable so I decided to try to make you something,"
"Jungkook, today has been way more than memorable. This is so sweet, thank you. It smells so good. And it looks good, too,"
"I hope you like it. But before digging in..." he lit the candles and then began to sing Happy Birthday angelically which made her heart leap.
"Make a wish," he happily said. 
After a moment of thinking of a wish, she blew out the candles and they both cheered.
"Let's try the cake together," she requested.
Once Jungkook cut a big slice and put it on a paper plate to share, he placed it on the table. The two picked up a forkful and decided to feed each other. Jennie expected Jungkook's cake to taste delicious and she was correct, enjoying every bite as they continued to feed each other.
"How do you like it? I think it's pretty good," he said.
"You've outdone yourself, this tastes great!" she complimented.
"Better than you?" he teased in a hopeful voice.
"Alright now," she deadpanned before breaking out into giggles with him. 
After finishing the slice, Jungkook put the rest of the cake in the fridge.
"Ah, I'm so spoiled. Today has been magical! Like, look at this! I don't even know where to continue for the gifts," she said, looking at all the gifts scattered around from friends and family.
"Do you want to open your gifts now or see your last gift of the evening?"
"Last gift?" she looked at him curiously.
He smiled softly and nodded. 
The curiosity took over her. "Show me the last gift,"
"Follow me," he grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom door.
Once he opened it, they walked in and saw that the room was decorated romantically. Cute electric candles lit up the dark room along with rose petals scattered around the floor and bed.
She gasped lightly as her heart fluttered. "Jungkook..."
After closing the door, he watched as she stood in front of him, looking around in awe. Slowly walking over to her from behind, he saw her turn around. No words needed to be said at the moment as they smiled at each other. They both knew they wanted this and felt secure in their feelings.
He gazed at her lovingly as he reached out to pull her into his arms, leaning down to capture her lips tenderly. She held onto him as they kissed and their stomachs leaped with joy and anticipation of what was about to happen. Pulling away she smiled and grabbed his hands, walking back until she was closer to the bed. Turning him around, she made him sit on the edge of the bed as the butterflies increased in her stomach. Straddling him, she wrapped her arms around his neck while feeling his hands rest on her hips.
'Wow...we're really about to do this,' she thought as she held his gaze.
"Nervous?" he asked softly.
"A little," she admitted.
"I'm nervous too but whatever we do it'll feel right," he responded while she ran a hand through his soft hair and cupped his cheek. "We have all night and I plan to take advantage of it. We'll go slow, okay?" 
"Okay," she smiled and explored his mouth again, tasting the red velvet cake from his lips.
Once she pulled away, he guided her soft hands to his firm chest and she slowly began to undo the buttons of his dress shirt. Unbuttoning the last button, she took it off him eagerly and got a good look at his toned torso, admiring the view which did not go unnoticed by him. She kissed him again, having her hands all over his body as the warmth of his skin radiated onto her. Jungkook smiled into the kiss, loving how her hands roamed, making him feel satisfied with his body. He had been getting slightly bigger in muscle and had been working out even more these days. 
She didn't know how much time had passed as she kept touching and kissing him but she loved how patient he was. He didn't rush her. He let her set the pace and let her do whatever she wanted.
As her soft, full lips trailed down to his chin and his neck, she began to slowly grind into him, making him groan softly which caused her stomach to leap at the pleasant sound. The grip on her hips tightened as he moved with her to create more friction. He sighed out her name when she nipped softly on his neck. Trailing kisses up his neck and capturing his lips again, she could feel him through his jeans as he pushed his hips into hers again, making her moan softly.
She felt his warm hands on her waist as he met her eyes, asking if it was OK to continue. Once she nodded, she felt her sweatshirt ride up and helped him take it off, tossing it on the floor. Jungkook swallowed hard, looking at her chest with desire as it was covered in a red bra.
"You can touch me, you know," she reminded with a smile and grabbed his hands, guiding them to her chest.
"I-I know...just...wow..." he said breathlessly.
He was in a trance and felt himself getting harder, enjoying the view up close like this. She sighed into his touch when he squeezed lightly and had his lips travel around her neck.
"You are so beautiful..." he murmured against her skin while his hands caressed her, making her squirm and whimper softly.
He was pleased to hear the sounds coming from her as she moved her neck to give him better access, feeling his sweet kisses all over. Suddenly, he easily stood up with her legs wrapped around his waist. Spinning around a little, she giggled, making him smile and capture her lips as she cupped his cheeks. Not breaking the kiss, he gently laid her down on the bed, crawling on top of her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Everything he was doing to her so far made her body feel warm all over as her heart pounded. The way he kissed her and continued to caress her body had her intoxicated by his touch. As they both sat up a little, Jungkook glanced at her to see if she was ready to continue and she nodded. Reaching out to the back of her bra, he attempted to unclasp it but began to struggle. The sight made Jen look amused as she thought it was cute how concentrated yet confused he was at trying to do such a simple task.
"Need help?" she teased.
"I got this," he said but continued to struggle.
As she watched him fumble with the bra, a giggle escaped her lips, making his ears twitch and glance back up at her.
"Are you laughing at me?" he chuckled.
"A little~. Here, let me help," she helped him unclasp it and take it off as she tossed it somewhere on the floor.
"Wow..." he breathed, drinking her in.
He gently laid her down and grabbed her right breast in his palm. Feeling him place kisses over her chest, she let out soft moans and writhed under his touch while he gave her left breast attention. While he sucked and swirled his tongue around her hard left nipple, her back arched as a wave of heat surged down between her legs. This felt too good as she continued to let out sounds of pleasure, enjoying what his mouth was doing. As he brushed her right nipple with his thumb, he continued to suck and nip on her left one, before moving over to give her right breast the same attention.
"Can I?" he breathed as his hands moved down to the button of her jeans.
"Yes," she breathed with want.
Unbuttoning her jeans and zipping down the fly, he helped her out of them, along with her red underwear, and tossed them off the bed. Moving back up, he kissed her again passionately. She then began to whimper against his mouth and squirmed when she felt one of his hands traveling down to her thigh. 
"Still sensitive here, I see," he murmured, pleased to have remembered one of her sensitive spots.
He kissed her hungrily as his hand traveled down to rub against her core, causing her to moan loudly into his mouth and hold onto him. 
"Jungkook..." she gasped.
Proud to feel her getting so wet for him and being so responsive to his touch, he kissed up her neck and whispered in her ear, "I'm right here,"
They've been here before. They have done this a handful of times since Prom Weekend and each time felt amazing as he knew how to make her feel good with his hands and tongue. 
As he kissed every inch of her body, being vocal about how beautiful she was and how beautiful her black skin was which continued to make her dizzy, Jungkook began to kiss down her body. While he kissed down her stomach, she let out a gasp and began breathing heavily once his lips kissed around her hips and inner thighs. Finally, he was face to face with her entrance. He was pleased to see how wet she had become and it was all for him as she was anticipating what he would do next.
His mouth got to work, kissing her thighs and landing right to her core as her heavy pants were heard throughout the bedroom, which was music to his ears. Jungkook felt her grip fistfuls of his silky hair as he swirled his tongue around her folds, starting at a slow pace since he wanted to take his time to enjoy her. His tongue felt warm and soft against her as he licked his way up to her clit.
"Ah, Jungkook!" she cried out as her hips jolted at the sudden sensation.
As he continued, picking up the pace to lick and suck her clit, he felt her remove her hands from his hair and try to move away because the pleasure was beginning to make her feel like she wouldn't be able to handle it. However, Jungkook was having none of it and pulled her back to his mouth and kept her firmly in place, digging right back in.
"I-I can't—fuck!" she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut as she threw her head back into the soft mattress. 
She wasn't going to be able to take much more of this as she felt vibrations against her from his chuckle, sending shivers up her spine. Meanwhile, Jungkook looked up with lustful eyes, enjoying the view of her looking disheveled with her mouth open.
"Yes, you can," he encouraged. "You're taking it so well like you always do,"
He felt a sense of pride. No one else was able to make her feel the way he made her feel. And he enjoyed the fact that he caused this reaction from her and only him. He continued to devour her, paying attention to her cries of pleasure. Instantly after that, her entire body tensed up as she shuddered and cried out his name. Smiling to himself, he kept his head buried between her thighs as his mouth was slick with saliva and her juices. Pulling away, with his mouth glistening, he licked his lips.
"You all right?" he asked with a soft smirk, feeling a bit smug that he left her in shambles.
As she steadied her breathing, she finally was able to speak, "Hm-hm...it's like...every time you do this you get better,"
He smiled at her praise. "The motivation is you,"
She smiled at his reply. They truly loved each other. And now they were expressing it on a whole new level. She felt so safe with him and felt amazing so far. Deep in her thoughts, her eyes began to roam down to his physique, admiring the view. Those arms...those thighs...everything. He looked beautiful and she felt so lucky to call him hers. 
"Normally, I'm the one caught in a trance. Like what you see?" he raised a brow in a teasing manner, making her look back up at his doe eyes.
She giggled. "Caught red-handed,"
Reaching out for him, she pulled him to hover over her as she crashed her lips against his.
"Are you okay to continue or do you need a break?" he murmured against her lips.
"I can continue," she replied, helping him take his jeans off.
As he tossed the jeans off the bed, Jennie noticed the bulge in his underwear and reached out, wanting to pleasure him but he gently stopped her. 
"I want to focus on you, tonight," he said softly. "Another time, okay? Let me take care of you. I've been dreaming about this moment for a long time...tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I'll give you anything and everything, Jennie..."
Her heart pounded at his words as she cupped his left cheek, thumb caressing the little scar on his cheek. 
"Jungkook, please...I need you," she begged, making his dick throb while he sweetly kissed her body again. 
It took every ounce of strength from him to not let her wish be granted just yet. He still wanted to make sure she was well prepared for him.
"I know...I know...just a little longer," he murmured against her skin. "I love you like this...I love your beautiful skin...your lips...your shoulders...your arms...your hands..." 
As he called out each body part, he moved to kiss them as he continued to take his time with the foreplay which began to drive her crazy with her need for him increasing tenfold. He kissed every inch of her body once again and made mental notes of all her sweet spots. Even though he also had lube to assist, he meant what he said when he wanted to take his time and make her feel beautiful as he whispered sweet nothings to her.
When he finally felt like she was ready, he slipped out of his boxers and she finally got a look at all of him as she laid on her back. From his broad shoulders, strong arms, and thick thighs, to his hard length slick from anticipation, she loved everything about him as she bit her bottom lip softly, enjoying the view. He was so captivatingly handsome and no longer the little boy she met at Big Hit when they were younger. He was a man whom she fell in love with and is proud to call hers. A man who has made her feel desired and gorgeous all night. A man who she's giving herself to.
A man she loves deeply.
Watching him put a condom on along with putting a generous amount of lube, her stomach flipped with anticipation. Lining himself up at her entrance, he met her gaze and they both smiled.
"You ready?" he breathed.
"Yes. I love you," 
"I love you, too," he immediately replied.
He hovered over her and gave her a deep, passionate kiss as he pushed his tip in slowly and entered her. As she felt him push all the way in, she moaned into his mouth and held onto him tightly. The stretch felt good and it didn't hurt as much as she anticipated. Honestly, the way he prepared her was a great thing as she felt more pleasure all around.
"Fuck...you feel amazing," he groaned.
He felt like he was in heaven at how good she felt around him while his head was on the crook of her neck. He kept himself still for a moment to allow them both to adjust to this new feeling as he breathed heavily with her. It felt like a big stretch and she felt full. But damn did he feel good and he didn't even move yet.
"Are you ok?" he whispered.
"Hm hm," she breathed.
"Let me know when to move. I'll try not to cum too quick...you feel so good," he sounded a bit strained as he tried to control himself. 
They remained still for a while and Jungkook lifted his head to take a good look at her with love in his eyes. This was another sight he'd never get tired of and wanted to experience over and over again with her under him like this. 
She reached out and cupped his cheek. "You can move,"
"Okay. I'll go slow,"
Their bodies pressed together heatedly with Jungkook slowly thrusting into her with ease as he grunted along with her gasps and whimpers. It felt so good. Better than she ever imagined. 
So this was how it felt to be intimate with someone you love. She felt euphoric.
He kept the pace slow, careful not to hurt her, and found a sensual rhythm after a few thrusts. Picking up his head, he watched her with adoration while maintaining eye contact with her.
"I love you so much...you feel so good. Better than I ever imagined..." he moaned.
He noticed she was trying not to be loud and was keeping a lot of sounds to herself. But he wanted to encourage her to break out of that and it was all for his ears only. He kissed her sloppily and pressed his body against hers again with his head on the crook of her neck.
Grunting in her ear, he spoke, "It's okay, Jennie. Let it out. It's just us. I want to hear you,"
He began to pick up the pace a little, causing her to cry out and lightly scratch his back. She held onto him tight as her panting and moans increased in volume. When he heard her beginning to moan out his name, he smiled to himself.
"That's it...good girl," he praised with a huff. 
She involuntarily clenched around him, causing him to moan. That nickname was going to be dangerous in the future she could already tell from the way she reacted positively every time he called her that. Because of her sudden reaction to it, his confidence continued to boost.
Grabbing her hands, he pinned them to the bed on each side of her head and intertwined his fingers with hers as he continued to thrust into her.
Feeling her release, Jennie cried out his name with her body stuttering. As she rode out her high, Jungkook soon followed as he groaned out her name. His body shook violently as he filled up the condom and collapsed on top of her, panting heavily.
He rolled off of her, removed the condom, and placed it in the wastebasket next to the bed. Immediately he pulled her into his arms and held her as they came down from their high.
"Wow..." he sighed deeply with a big smile.
She giggled and looked up at him.
"Wow..." she replied breathlessly.
Wow...they just took the next step in their relationship and it was something they were always going to remember. Jennie had a dull ache between her thighs but she felt amazing. She felt treasured and she felt important. He took his time with her and made her feel beautiful. They both were sweaty from their physical activities and tangled in the sheets as they smooched again, soaking in the euphoria. 
"Are you all right?" Jungkook asked in a gentle voice with a smile as she looked at him.
He admired the afterglow on her face as he thought she was the most beautiful person he ever laid eyes on.
She cupped the side of his face and beamed. "I feel amazing. Thank you."
"I'm glad you do. Did I do ok?" he hoped as she moved strands of hair sticking on his forehead.
"Of course. It was everything I wanted and more,"
"Good. I'm glad. Does anything hurt?"
"Not really. You prepared me, well. And the lube was a bonus, too. A few friends of mine told me how it hurt them for their first time so I was trying to mentally prepare for the pain but...with you, I was in bliss,"
He smiled at that as his heart pounded. "I was in bliss with you, too,"
Jennie truly was in a state of utter bliss, right now. She felt so good and relaxed. Jungkook had been so loving and attentive for their first time.
"Honestly, I love it when you praise me, in bed. And I really love the things you do to me...how you make me feel. Physically and emotionally,"
She could sense his confidence boosting even more from her compliment as a big grin came across his face. 
"That makes me very happy. So, I can keep calling you my good girl in bed?"
She giggled. "Yes. It makes me feel good and makes me feel like I'm doing a good job,"
"You're always doing a good job. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to us. I like it when you're vocal and the way you hold onto me. Don't be timid about it, okay?"
"Okay, I'll do my best,"
"We need to work on you not running from me when I'm trying to give you head," he teased.
"I...listen...it's..." she couldn't find the right words as he laughed, making her chuckle. "You do it so right, I can get overwhelmed with the pleasure. I didn't think I was going to be able to handle it,"
"You handled yourself, well. And you'll continue to. Also, I think you scratched my back a little,"
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I hope it's not too bad,"
"I liked the feeling, it's okay. It did have me thinking about the future. If I'm able to get this reaction out of you now then...what about the other things I want to try with you because there are a lot of things I want to try...a lot,"
She felt her stomach flip at the way his gaze intensified when he said that. "Me too. I kind of...want to see how it is in front of a mirror, one day,"
"Thinking ahead, too, huh?" he smirked softly at the thought. "I'm curious, as well,"
She decided to lay on her back, looking at the ceiling while he chose to lay on his side and propped his head in his hand as he watched her.
"Wow...I remember when I first saw you..." she said with a smile as he listened attentively. "I walked past you a few times when I was still training. You didn't notice me but I'd see you from time to time at Big Hit. You were so focused on your training. And it was always a treat to catch a glimpse of your smile. I always loved seeing you smile. I was closer with Tae at the time since he was the only BTS member I knew but he'd talk about you and the rest of the members and I was just praying...just hoping that I'd get chosen as Miss Bangtan when I auditioned,"
"And here we are," he spoke up.
Turning her head to him, she chuckled. "And here we are. Over the years...being your best friend and learning and growing up with you have been some of the best moments of my life. And being here in this moment with you...being your girlfriend...is when I'm the happiest,"
Jungkook's eyes softened as he listened to her. "And I'm the happiest with you. Always. You taught me a lot of things and you're still teaching me. You taught me how to love. And how to express myself,"
She smiled at that. "I'm glad. Thank you. I'm happy you made me wait. This was perfect. Wow..."
Jungkook watched her with heart eyes as she rambled. He couldn't help himself and blurted his thoughts out loud, "You're so beautiful,"
Hearing him say that caused her to stop talking, feeling flushed at the sudden compliment. She giggled as he looked at her lovingly. Hiding her face in his chest made him chuckle as his heart leaped.
"I'm serious, Jennie. I'm happy. I'm happy to be here with you in this moment,"
Looking up at him, she responded, "Keep it up and you're gonna make me fall in love with you harder,"
He grinned and leaned down to kiss her, wrapping an arm around her. Jennie was already down bad. She couldn't get enough of him and didn't want this to end. She wanted to stay here forever if she could.
As they cuddled and rested in bed in a comfortable silence, Jennie spoke, "What are you thinking about, Jungkook?"
"What you said earlier. I remember my first thoughts when I first laid eyes on you at Big Hit," he brought up as his fingers began to trace over her curves. "I caught a few glimpses of you during the trainee days. Before we officially met when you were declared Miss Bangtan. I always thought you were so pretty. Me and my shyness prevented me from trying to approach you to say hi but whenever I saw you train, I'd stop for a moment to watch you work. You worked so hard and there was a unique fire in you that made you stand out from the other girls. And I had hoped you'd be the one to become Miss Bangtan,"
"And here we are,"
He chuckled at her response since he had said that earlier. "Here we are. I was so happy. And then I got to know you and asked you to be my Golden Best Friend. We confirmed it with friendship rings and did everything together. And I couldn't help but start to fall in love with you and that scared me because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But as we got older and I finally had that confidence to tell you how I felt...it became one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I'm really happy that you're mine,"
"Jungkook..." she cupped his face and smiled. "I'm really happy that you're mine, too. We'll be together for a year in a few months. Time flew, huh?"
"Yeah, it did. Wow...a year already?"
"Seems like just yesterday I told you I loved you, too in your room. And since then, every day has been an adventure,"
"A fun one at that. I just want to be the best boyfriend, ever. Your first and last,"
"You will be my first, last, and always," she said as he played with her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.
"Are you ready for our reveal?" he asked, since later this year they'll be revealing their relationship to the public.
"Yeah. I am. I'm going to miss this. Miss the privacy and everyone not knowing anything but I know Dispatch knows we're dating. But at least we can beat them to it and say our truth. I'm mentally prepared for it. I know you'll be by my side through it all. I have nothing to worry about when I'm with you,"
"I'm happy you know that. We'll be fine. Just like what I told you when I confessed. I meant every word. No one is going to take you away from me so easily. I'll stand next to you through it all,"
Time passed as they continued to be in each other's arms to talk. Angelina was right, pillow talk was definitely the best.
While Jungkook listened to her talk, he thought about how connected he felt with her after everything. He was never going to let her go. Not after all this. Jennie noticed his expression change which caused her to stop talking. The way he stared deeply into her eyes with deep longing made her stomach flip.
"A-are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah...I just can't get enough of you," he leaned down to start kissing her lips again, slowly turning them over as he hovered over her.
She gasped and held onto him when she felt him grind into her.
"A-again?" she asked keenly, melting into his touch as his hands roamed over her body.
"Again. I'm not done," he responded as she giggled. 
Jennie was happy that they were on the same page with this. She wanted to ask to go again and wondered how to bring it up. His dick felt nice and introduced her to a whole world of pleasure and she couldn't wait to try different positions. Also, who knows when they will have alone time like this, again? Especially for the whole day. So they should take advantage of this moment.
Jungkook wasn't expecting himself to be hard again so suddenly but this was Jennie who he had in his arms. Who he kissed over and over again and made love to. Who he had longed for since he could remember. He wanted to do everything with her and his desires began to take over.
"Are you still flexible?" he suddenly asked.
Flexible? Just what did he have in mind? The question weighed in her mind as she thought of how she should answer.
Feeling playful, she replied in a teasing manner, as her hand went down to his hard length, "Hm...why don't you find out?" 
Groaning from her touch, Jungkook's ears perked up when she asked that enticing question.
Was that...a challenge?
"Challenge accepted," he said huskily in her ear, making her shiver.
It didn't take long for them both to be ready for the next round as he went to grab another condom to put on. On his knees, he heard her let out a surprised yelp when he quickly grabbed her ankles and swiftly pulled her to him as his pupils dilated.
"I always wanted to do this to you," he grabbed her legs and placed them over his shoulders.
He kissed her right ankle softly and looked down at her while placing a warm and firm grip on her hips. She felt even more vulnerable and excited to be in this new position as she tried to prepare for what was about to happen.
"Just tell me if it's too much or if this hurts, okay? I'll go slow, first," he reassured.
Once she confirmed that she would do as she was told, Jennie cried out when he pushed in and began to move at a slow pace to get her used to the new position. Now this position felt even deeper and had her louder as she gripped the sheets and let out a series of curses from how good it felt. Pants left Jungkook's lips as he kept his eyes locked on her while Jennie's eyes were closed, overwhelmed with pleasure.
"Look at me," he demanded.
Managing to open them to meet his ardent gaze, short, ragged gasps left her.
"W-wait—Oh my God!" she cried when he began to pick up the pace, leaning forward, bringing her knees to her chest as he placed his palms on the mattress, on either side of her head.
She tried to grab onto anything she could. The sheets, his torso, his hair, anything as she kept her eyes on him, watching his face contort in pleasure. His eyes were as dangerous as that sultry stare he kept on her and he was using all of it to his advantage to make her tremble underneath him. When she told him to find out if she was still flexible, she wasn't expecting him to bend her this early on as his hips snapped faster.
Her release hit her in waves as she screamed with her body shaking. With one last powerful thrust, his body twitched and he released into the condom. Both were shaking and breathing heavily as they stayed in the position with him looking down, enthralled by her.
"Shit...Where did you learn that!?" she exclaimed, catching her breath, feeling the after effects of her high.
He chuckled and leaned down to lock lips with hers as his tongue brushed against hers. Pulling away, he smiled. "Ah...I hope you won't get mad but I've been asking Namjoon Hyung for some advice,"
"Me? Mad? After what you just did to me, are you crazy? I need to thank him,"
He laughed as she giggled.
Jungkook felt like Namjoon was the best to have serious discussions on topics regarding taking that next step in the relationship. He loved all his hyungs and trusted them. And with Namjoon, he felt like he could confide in him the best about being an attentive boyfriend in the bedroom. And overall, the best to go to for any advice. He was a great leader and a great friend.
"I am not complaining whatsoever...oh my God..." she sighed deeply. "That was amazing,"
As they continued to catch their breath, Jungkook hadn't pulled out yet.
"Just let me...let me stay inside you just a little longer. You feel too good," he told her as she enjoyed the sensation.
He relished the feeling of being inside her. The warmth of her around him. He was happy to be vulnerable with her and be able to express himself like this. After a while, he slowly pulled out of her to remove the condom and throw it in the trash.
"Stay right there, I'll be back," he said and got out of bed.
Turning on her side to watch him, she spoke, "Nice butt,"
He chuckled and raised an eyebrow suggestively at her before leaving the room. Moments later, he came back with two bottles of water and a wet washcloth. Handing her a bottle while setting the other on the nightstand, he got back in bed.
"Thank you," she smiled and opened it to gulp some water. 
The cool drink quenched her dry throat and she was grateful. Especially due to the amount of yelling and screaming she had been doing because of him.
"Let me clean you up a bit," he said and used the washcloth to gently wipe her down. 
They both were sweaty and spent from their activities as sleep was heavy on their minds. After he wiped her down nicely, he turned off all the electric candles in the room and got under the covers with her. Pulling her into his arms, she laid on his chest with her chest flushed against his as he put the covers over them. 
"You all right?" he asked, sleepily.
"Hm-hm...I love you..." she murmured sleepily as she snuggled into his chest.
"I love you, too," he kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes.
In the morning, the bedroom was brightened with the sun peeking out. Still under the sheets and lying on her own side of the comfortable bed instead of on top of Jungkook, Jennie began to stir in her slumber.
Opening her eyes, she stretched and laid on her back. Her body felt a little sore from last night's physical activities and her face flushed, remembering what had happened. A smile tugged on her mouth as she thought about how good Jungkook made her feel. Was this what it was like to be with someone you truly love? She felt like she was on a high. Warm and fuzzy feelings filled her heart as she was elated.
Turning around, she was greeted by the beautiful view of a naked Jungkook still sleeping. His hair was messy and the bed sheet was covering his lower body, showing off his toned chest and abs. His face exuded calmness as she watched him with a smile and looked at him with a deeper love. After last night, their love for each other amplified and they were even more affirmed in their feelings.
She kissed his nose and turned her back to him to grab her phone off the nightstand. She focused on answering birthday messages from yesterday and thanked friends, family, and fans for all the love. 
Feeling the bed move, she set her phone down on the mattress and felt Jungkook wrap an arm around her, pulling her to his firm chest.
"Mm...good morning," he greeted in her ear, making her shiver.
Oh...his morning voice was a whole new level of sexy. His voice was rough and deeper and she even heard a bit of his Busan Satoori accent. 
Before she could speak, he gently moved her onto her stomach and began to place soft, sensual kisses on her shoulder and down her back, making her breath hitch. His lips traveled down her spine as she trembled and he found himself going lower.
"Ah! Stop!" she laughed and squirmed when he went to gently bite her left ass cheek, feeling playful this morning.
She felt him chuckle against her body as he kissed back up her spine with his length hardened. Pulling her back against his chest, as they began to lay on their sides, she looked back and crashed her lips against his deeply.
The both of them were all over each other, unable to get enough as they kissed and touched each other like they did the night before. Both ready for round 3, Jungkook slipped on another condom as they laid on their sides, spooning. Sliding in smoothly, she gasped as he held her close, with her leg over his, thrusting in and out at a luscious pace while she pushed back with each thrust. 
They can get used to this. Being able to love each other this much without any interruptions. Their moans and heavy breathing filled the room as they made love once again. After they came down from their sweet release, with Jungkook pulling out and throwing the condom away, Jennie snuggled into his arms.
"Good morning. Can't keep your hands off me, huh?" she giggled after kissing him tenderly.
"Not after last night. And I just wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming that last night happened. I'm happy this is real. How are you feeling?"
"Me too. I feel good. Just a little sore but I'm fine,"
"Did I do too much?"
"No, you're fine, Kook. You made me feel special," she answered while he kissed her temple.
They stayed in bed for another hour, enjoying each other's company, and proceeded to get ready for the day. Jennie put her hair in a high bun and planned her outfit for the day, setting it out on the dresser of the bedroom. Putting on her shower playlist to play on a small speaker in the bathroom, the two began to shower together. This was a whole new level of intimacy as they smiled at each other and reminisced on last night.
They showered but before they could turn off the water, the two found themselves all over each other once again. This time it was Jennie who had initiated it, pulling him to her wet body as the warm water rushed down Jungkook's back. Her heavy breathing and moans mixed with the running water as she writhed under his touch.
"You want to do this in the shower?" he grunted against her ear as her hands released his length.
"Wait...condoms. We don't have any," 
"We do. I put one condom and a specific type of lube that'll work in the shower for it. Right here," he pointed to one of the shelves of the shower.
As he said, there was a packaged condom and lube to assist with the shower. She was surprised. He really thought of everything.
"Wow, you really had this all planned out for me, huh?" 
"Just in case," he grinned sheepishly. "There are a lot of places I imagined us in...this is one of them. So, we could try it here. See if we like it, if you're up for it. I don't want to overdo it or anything if you're tired,"
"Overdo it? Nah, come here. I'm never going to get enough of you. I can handle another round," she pulled him back, backing up against the cold tile which made her shiver slightly.
He smirked. "Your wish is my command. I'm never going to get enough of you, either,"
As they kissed repeatedly, the shower water ran down his back while they were all over each other. They didn't know how much time had passed as they explored their bodies in this new environment for lovemaking but all that was on their minds was each other. After grabbing the condom to put it on himself, he used a generous amount of lube.
"Hold onto me," he instructed after lifting her to hold her securely in his arms while she was pressed against the shower wall.
He slid right in, slow and sensual as they both gasped at the feeling. The two became lost in each other once again as Jungkook began to move at an agonizingly slow pace, to try to tease her. It began to work as she whined and held onto him tighter.
"Faster..." she murmured in his ear while his face was buried in the crook of her neck.
He heard her and chuckled as she felt the vibration against her wet body. He knew what she wanted but wanted to hear her say it louder.
"Speak up, Jennie. What do you want?"
Oh, this little shit...How could he have the strength to tease her like this? This wasn't fair.
Unable to handle the slow pace, she finally relented as she let out another curse and spoke up as requested as she begged, "Please...go faster!"
Giving her what she wanted, he immediately picked up the pace, making her cry out and hold onto him tighter. Moving his head he smooched her sloppily as she moaned and whimpered against his mouth. There was no way she was going to be able to survive this with the way he snapped his hips against hers. God...her head was spinning with the way he had her yelling out for him. She knew for a fact her legs were going to feel like jelly after this with the way he was making her feel. He felt so good and felt better every time they were intimate. 
She moaned his name loudly and clenched around him as she had her release. His hips snapped into her faster with his movements getting sloppier, groaning out her name as he followed her, both riding out their high together.
Still catching their breaths, they looked at each other with satisfied smiles and kissed again as he remained inside her, enjoying the feeling. After their shower, Jennie's legs felt weak and she almost fell until he caught her.
"Easy," he soothed. "You all right?"
"I am but my legs feel like jelly," she admitted.
"Yeah...I overdid it," he chuckled.
"And it was so worth it," she responded tiredly with a chuckle.
Turning off the shower, and grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around her body and carried her bridal style out of the shower. Gently laying her on her bed, he went back to the bathroom to dry off and wrap a towel around himself, walking back in the bedroom.
"I'll take care of you. Relax. I'm going to lotion you up and help put on your outfit. Then you'll rest up, all right?"
"Mm-hm," she responded tiredly again.
Her body was spent.
To pamper her like this even though her birthday was over was sweet. He lotioned her body and even massaged her while he did it to help with the soreness. Especially for her legs. He then helped her put on her sports bra, sweatpants, and a hoodie. After she was squared away, she immediately fell asleep as he chuckled at the cute sight. Readjusting her on the bed, he gently placed a pillow under her and placed the covers over her.
Kissing her cheek, he watched her sleep, feeling satisfied. He made love to her how many times, now? Made her say his name with ecstasy in her voice, how many times? She was his and he was hers. They were 100% locked in.
After she was taken care of, he grabbed his bag to put on his new outfit for the day, consisting of a similar outfit of a hoodie and sweatpants. He then gathered their scattered clothes from last night and straightened up the bedroom.
Gently closing the bedroom door, he let her sleep. While he waited for her to wake up, he brought his Wii U and played it in the living room. After an hour passed his phone buzzed on the coffee table and he saw Namjoon calling.
"Morning, hyung," Jungkook greeted happily.
"Good morning. Are you two getting ready for breakfast?" he asked.
Breakfast?? Jungkook had forgotten that the group planned to go out to eat for breakfast. But he planned to make Jennie breakfast.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck as he got up to check on Jennie still sleeping and went back to the couch. "You mind if we both do a rain check? We'll be ready for dinner, later. She's still sleeping and I plan to make her breakfast in her room,"
Namjoon laughed at his response, having an understanding of what was up while Jungkook began to blush.
"Ah...Hyung, can you keep this between us?"
"Of course. I'm happy you two are happy and affirming your love for each other,"
"Thank you,"
"Is that Jungkook? Are they getting ready?" Jin asked in the background.
"It's him. They're going to eat breakfast together. They won't be joining us," Namjoon informed.
"What!? I wanted to see Jennie and spend more time with her after he hogged her all day,"
"We ate breakfast with her yesterday,"
"And I'd like to spend more time with my daughter, thank you,"
"Our daughter,"
Jungkook laughed at their banter and ignored Jin's complaining as he hung up the phone. He proceeded to make Jennie a Japanese breakfast. He planned out making her breakfast a few days before her birthday and went grocery shopping in advance. Once he finished making everything for them both, he set the dishes up on the coffee table while the TV was showing the news and how the weather was going to be today. 
Heading into her room to see her awake and scrolling her phone, he smiled. 
"Hey," he greeted softly.
Her face lit up when she turned to see him. "Hi...something smells good," 
She sat up and stretched, feeling refreshed as the soreness had felt more dull now and her legs didn't feel as weak as before. 
"Call it brunch. It's waiting for us," he proudly announced. 
"Brunch with you? How cute. What time is it?"
"It's past 1 now,"
"There is no way," she looked at the clock on her phone.
She was so fixated on continuing to reply to birthday messages and seeing the nice tweets from ARMY that she failed to acknowledge the time. It was truly past 1 pm.
"Jungkook!? Why didn't you wake me earlier? We were going to hang with Jimin and Tae, I just remembered,"
"Trust me, you needed the rest after what I did to you these past 24 hours," he reminded, causing her face to flush. "And it's a good thing we don't have a schedule today and you get to rest. So, it all worked out," 
"Okay, you got me there," she chuckled with him.
Reaching out to gently grab her, he easily lifted her in his arms to carry her to the living room and sat her down on the couch where their food was waiting for them.
"I already let them know we'll hang out with them, later. They're still here at the hotel. We'll meet them when ready," 
"Okay, cool. Wow, this looks delicious. Spoiling me, still?"
"Always. Let's eat,"
She took a bite of her steamed rice and praised him for his cooking as he felt great about himself. He loved hearing her praise him and thank him for the little things. Jennie was always vocal about the things he did for her and he appreciated that. 
As they ate, Jennie found a channel that showed a familiar anime that she remembered Taehyung mentioning. The two chatted about what they planned to do for the rest of the day and as they ate with Jungkook focused on the TV, she observed him in contentment.
So valued...so secure...she wanted this relationship to last forever. She truly believed she found the one. A walking green flag, he is. Someone so open and patient in loving her. Someone who truly sees her and is not afraid to love her, even in public. 
"What?" he grinned, sensing her looking at his face as he got lost in her eyes. 
"I love you, Jungkook," she said with a smile.
His bunny smile got wider as he leaned over to kiss her deeply. "I love you, too,"
After eating breakfast together, Jennie continued to open up her gifts and made sure to send texts and tweets to shout out everyone who had gifted her something. The two lovers continued to get ready for the day and made sure to cover up any marks from their physical activities since last night with concealer. 
Making sure she had everything, she left her room with Jungkook and placed a white cap on her head. "Okay! Let's meet up with Jimin and Taehyung,"
"Onward!" Jungkook smacked her butt and walked beside her as she giggled.
The couple met up with the other half of the Maknae line so they could do some sightseeing for the day. Meeting them outside, the four of them began walking. Jimin and Taehyung began to notice Jennie and Jungkook acting closer than before and peeped at how Jungkook seemed to act clingier in a way. And there was a sudden glow about Jennie that could not be ignored as she smiled happily. Curiosity popped up between the two as they wondered what happened.
"Ennie! So, how was your birthday? It's been all day and now we see you? Are you all right?" Taehyung asked with a grin.
"Yeah! It was so much fun! We went to Universal and we got to see Harry Potter World! Butterbeer is SO good! And yeah, I'm fine. I was catching up on sleep. I was up all night," 
A low chuckle escaped Jungkook's lips as he thought about the context of her statement and smirked to himself. All the memories of her under him came back as he thought about how crazy they were about each other. Catching the reaction, Jennie locked eyes with her lover and felt her face warm up as she chuckled softly. 
Jimin and Taehyung glanced at each other as they watched closely at the couple's body language and reactions to her statement.
"Jeon Jungkook...Jennifer Walker." Jimin called them out.
"Yeah? What is it?" she asked, reluctantly turning away from Jungkook to look at him.
"What, hyung?" Jungkook asked as his lingering gaze on her stayed. After a moment, he finally turned to Jimin to see what he wanted.
Jimin narrowed his eyes, observing them suspiciously while the couple raised an eyebrow.
"Mm-hm." Jimin nodded to himself and glanced at Taehyung.
"Mm-hm?" Taehyung glanced back and Jimin nodded in response. 
"Mm-hm..." they both said and gave each other knowing looks, chuckling to themselves.
"So, Jennie, was Jungkook golden in lovemaking, too?" Jimin teased with a grin.
Jungkook let out a cough, looking shooked while Jennie widened her eyes and turned away.
"He was! Oh my God! You two finally did it!? It took you both long enough! And why didn't you tell us this, earlier!? Our ship has sailed to NEW heights!" Taehyung cheered.
"Why would we do that!?" Jungkook exclaimed.
Jennie groaned. "This isn't something the whole world should know."
"But we're the Maknae Line! We tell each other everything!" Jimin whined.
"Oh my God..." Jennie sighed.
"Oh my gosh, do your sisters know that their baby sister is-"
"NO!" she cut Jimin off.
"Does Jin know!? His reaction will be priceless!" Taehyung laughed.
"NO! And we'd like to keep it that way!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"So, this is why she was walking a little funny," Jimin laughed loudly while Taehyung giggled.
Jennie pushed her cap down to hide her embarrassment as she looked down. Her face was on fire from their constant teasing while Jungkook went to hit them both.
"Hyung!" Jungkook shouted, face getting pink.
"What? We think it's adorable! If you need any alone time, we can help!"
"Yeah! It's nice to see our Golden Couple so close as of late," Taehyung added with a boxy smile.
"So, Jennie, was Jungkookie manly?" Jimin teased, raising his eyebrows.
"Chill!" Jennie whined, covering her face.
"Let's go!" Jungkook grabbed her hand and walked away while the 95 Liners continued to laugh out loud and ran after them.
Later in the evening, all of Bangtan went out to eat in a private area for dinner to catch up. Jennie sat in between Jungkook and Hobi as they all ate their food happily. Jen settled for ramen and devoured the noodles with delight.
"Well, it's finally good to see you, Jennie. Where have you been all day? We tried to get a hold of you for breakfast but Jungkook said you were still sleeping," Jin brought up. 
"We ate breakfast together," she answered with a smile.
"He hogged you all day yesterday and even all morning. It's good to see you, now," Yoongi added.
"Haha, it's good to see you guys, too! I just had a long night and slept in. But my birthday was fun!" she replied, smiling brightly.
"What did you do? I saw your tweets at Universal! I want to go next time,"
"We all gotta make a trip there, it was a blast! The rides were lit," she enthused as she recapped her time with Jungkook at Universal.
"Butterbeer, huh? I'm curious," Hobi added.
Dinner was filled with good vibes and silliness like always as everyone laughed at whatever jokes were said or silly acts were performed. Amused at Hobi and Taehyung's silliness, Jennie and Jungkook began clapping their hands while laughing, throwing their heads back.
Jimin and Taehyung glanced at each other and grinned. Now they were doing the same mannerisms as each other? This was too cute.
"You two laugh the same!" Taehyung giggled.
"Yeah! And you moved the same!" Jin pointed out.
"Lately it's like you two are starting to act the same, sometimes," Hobi added.
"We are?" the couple asked in unison which caused the guys to chuckle at their point being made.
"Usually Jungkook claps and laughs. Jen, it seems like you picked up on his habit. It's cute," Yoongi observed.
"Really? I didn't even notice," she giggled, glancing at Jungkook with a smile.
After eating, Jennie decided to do some last minute grocery shopping because she wanted to try to make a Japanese cake after coming across so many bakeries in Japan. She wanted to learn more about baking different types of sweets and decided to try to make herself a Japanese Strawberry Shortcake. She had tried one before and loved it and wanted to create her own version.
Wanting to keep her company, the Hyung Line decided to join her while the Maknae Line went to hang out somewhere else. Finding a grocery store that didn't have that many people, they began to shop while wearing their masks.
"What do you plan to make?" Jin asked while Hobi pushed Jen's shopping cart for her.
"Oh, so you know the Japanese strawberry shortcake? I've been researching how people make it and their techniques. I want to try to create my own," she answered happily.
"You sharing?" Namjoon immediately asked.
"I want a slice," Yoongi spoke up.
"Me too~!" Hobi cheered.
"If there is anyone who deserves a slice, it's me! You are sharing, right, Jennie?" Jin asked, hopeful. 
She giggled at their enthusiasm. "Yes, I'm sharing. I'll let you guys know when I finish making it,"
The boys cheered at that, yelling happily as she laughed.
"Do you have the list of ingredients?" Yoongi asked.
"Mm hm. I have it on my phone," she answered while checking out the fruit section.
While they shopped, Yoongi began to research the Japanese Strawberry Shortcake on his phone and wandered off to grab recommended ingredients. Finding his group after a few minutes, he placed the ingredients in the cart.
"What's this?" she asked him.
"I read that these specific brands are the best for making the cake. Try it out, see if it'll enhance it," 
"Aw, thanks, Yoongi! I'll try it out,"
Yoongi smiled under his mask, happy that she accepted his suggestion. 
As they were finishing up their shopping with the boys carrying the bags for her, they began walking back to their hotel. But then, Jen's phone crashed onto the ground, being protected by her phone case after it slipped out her hands.
"Ahhhhhh~! Her phone dropped!" Hobi yelled while the guys began freaking out with him which startled her.
"Miss Bangtan dropped her phone! Holy shit!" Yoongi dramatically yelled.
"She dropped her phone! Her phone is down!" Jin cried.
"Her phone is on the ground!" Namjoon shouted as he and the rest of the boys gathered around the phone, looking down at it.
Jennie watched in amusement as they pretended to be a referee for a boxing match and began counting like it was a knockout.
"You guys are so dramatic! What the hell?" she laughed as she bent down to pick up the phone while they laughed with her. 
Once making it back to the hotel, she stayed in her room alone to work on her cake while Jungkook was still out. Looking back at the recipe and videos to make sure she followed the directions, she felt confident in having the cake turn out well. She worked hard as she followed every tip and direction, making the cake with love and putting her spin on it.
After a while, she heard a series of knocks on her door and Jen washed her hands and opened it to let Jungkook in.
"Hey! Welcome back," she gave him a sweet kiss after shutting the door.
"Hey, I missed you. How was shopping?"
"It was fun. I just finished the cake. You want to be my taste tester?"
"Hell yeah! How did it go baking it?" he asked as they walked over to the kitchen to see the delicious shortcake. 
It looked mouthwatering. The soft, fluffy sponge cake sat on a platter, decorated nicely with strawberries and whipped cream.
"I think it went all right. I didn't have any trouble when making it. I had some good references. I want to start trying new recipes to expand my baking skills,"
"So, I get to be your taste tester before you give it to the guys?" he asked happily.
She giggled. "Yes. They're eager to try it but I wanted you to try it first. I like hearing your opinions. Your feedback means a lot to me as well as your suggestions with everything,"
Jungkook smiled at that and kissed her temple. "How lucky am I? I'm glad to hear that,"
"Moment of truth. Let me know what you think," she cut a slice and placed it on a paper plate along with a plastic fork for him.
His doe eyes looked at the slice with delight as he picked up the fork to take a big bite. His expectations for her baking were always reasonably high because he was confident in how talented she was with her baking. No matter what she does, it always turns out well.
The Golden Maknae's eyebrows furrowed immediately as he continued to eat it. The cake was moist and light as the strawberries tasted sweet. Jungkook felt like he just bit into a cloud and whatever she had done for the whipped cream enhanced the cake even more. Meanwhile, Jennie watched him chew as nervousness was at the pit of her stomach. She was her worst critic when it came to baking new recipes and hoped she did it justice. 
As she observed him he looked...angry? Did it taste nasty?
'Damn, this is good. How did I get so lucky to have a girlfriend who bakes this well?' he happily thought.
Jungkook immediately ate another forkful, chewing it vigorously as he enjoyed every bite. He kept chewing while Jennie assumed it was a negative reaction and he just wanted to keep eating to not hurt her feelings.
"U-um...Kook? You good?" she asked with some nervousness in her voice.
Swallowing the sweet bite, he looked up at her as if nothing was wrong. "Yeah, why?"
"Why? You tearing that shit up but you look mad," she giggled. "Is it good or bad? You're making me a little nervous,"
He laughed at her concerns and reassured her, "It's amazing! And this is your first time making this, too? You did a great job. The right amount of sweetness and the cream is the best part. I want another slice!"
Relief washed over her as she smiled widely and kissed his cheek. So, if something tastes really good, Jungkook looks angry when eating it. Jennie made a mental note to remember that. 
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 9 days
One more idea cause the Bang-Able couple inspires me greatly. What about the first time she gets her period after she gets him. Maybe he's very concerned for her getting cramps and bleeding and he goes to buy her all kinds of craving foods and heating pads and medicines. You could have him go buy pads or tampons and he has no clue what to get so he buys a bunch of different things. You could even end the drabble in a kinky way and have him give her an orgasm to help relieve her cramps.
You know what fucking sucks? (tmi) I just started my period tonight 😭
So I guess this is a little selfishly written drabble to make myself feel better 😭
This is written in Jungkook's p.o.v
"So what exactly might she need?" I turn to Ava who's kicking back and enjoying my struggle.
"You're the robot sir I thought you would know everything. Plus you live with her? Haven't you seen her period products in the bathroom?" she asks, watching me as I pace up and down the aisle trying to figure out what she might use.
"I think she keeps them hidden or something because I've never seen them" I say and reach tentatively for a couple of products. "Do you at least know if she uses tampons or pads? Or does she use one of those diva cup things?" I ask, trying to squeeze some sort of information out of her.
"Y/n is honestly pretty private about her period. That's probably why you haven't seen anything" she says and I nod my head, everything making sense now.
"We could always call her?" Ava says but I panic and stop her. "No no no, she was sleeping when you picked me up and I know she needs a lot of rest so let's just leave her be" I say and grab three different kinds of pads and tampons and Ava scoffs at the sight.
"Aye you're not helping so I figured third times a charm no?" I say but I'm only graced with a shrug in response and when I toss the items in the basket she whips it around and goes back into the main aisle.
"So what next?" Ava asks and as I look to the left I see exactly what I was searching for next. "Ice cream" I say and walk over to the freezers, not bothering to pay attention if Ava is still following me but after dodging a few rouge carts she pulls up to me.
"Oh no that's fine Jungkook you go ahead, I'll just catch up" she mutters and I turn and look at her apologetically. "Sorry I'm jus-" "Just focused on y/n I get it, it's what you were programed to do. Do you at least know what kind of ice cream she likes?" she asks and as I look up and down the various selections I find it.
"This one! I'm sure of it!" I say and she chuckles. "You really love to please her don't you?" she says and turns the basket towards the snack aisle as our last stop.
"Well like you said, it's what I was programed for, plus you were the one who programed me so you should know better than anyone else" I argue and she sighs in defeat.
"You got me there I guess. What I don't remember though is giving you such golden retriever energy when you're eagerly getting simple items together for your master like tampons and ice cream" she teases and I roll my eyes, a habit I've developed from seeing her do it whenever y/n and I are doing anything remotely touchy feely.
"She's my girlfriend remember?" I correct her and she rolls her eyes proving my point perfectly. "Sorry, this concept is still new to all of us so it's gonna take some getting used to" she sighs but I take no offense to it.
I mean I literally can't because I'm just programed to have these reactions superficially but it's nice to see that she has manners to a certain extent.
"Are we good?" she asks, making sure I've got everything and I nod in confirmation and soon we're back at the house.
"Thank you for your help" I say while unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out to grab everything from the back. She would offer to help but I literally could carry a car if need be which is honestly a cool yet completely pointless feature if you ask me.
"Yeah no worries. I usually go on these snack runs on my own when she's like this so it's nice to have someone to come with" she says once I've come back around to the passenger side again.
"You heading home?" I ask, seeing that she's not making a move to get out. "Yeah I figured she probably wouldn't be in the mood for any company but have her call me when she's feeling better" she says with a pained expression, knowing how painful your periods are.
"I will" I say simply and wave before walking into the house to take care of my very sleepy girl.
"Baby" I whisper to her, caressing her face softly and she hums in response. "I got you the pain meds you asked for...and a lot of other stuff too" I say sheepishly, not having told her I was planning to go a little (a lot) over the original amount she had expected me to spend.
She breathes out a quiet thank you, her eyes still closed as she hasn't made any sort of effort to get up. "You want some help?" I ask, my thumb brushing up against her cheekbone and she nods slightly.
"Alright come on" I say softly, not wanting to startle her awake or anything. I brace her and sit her up against the headboard before giving her a glass of water to drink first which she downs half of.
"Good, now here can you eat a couple of these? I don't want you to be taking these pills on an empty stomach" I say, giving her an open sleeve of plain crackers so as to not upset her stomach and she does as she's told again.
It's good to see that she's obedient even in this state so this although painful situation for her can go as smoothly as possible. After she's eaten about seven to ten of these little crackers I give her to two little pills and hand her the glass of water again and she take it without a second thought.
"That's my girl" I say and caress her face which she leans into, making me smile at her clear want to be close to me. "Can you come lay with me?" she asks and I nod my head and go around to my side of the bed.
"Lay on your back" I say when she tries to cuddle in close and she looks at me suspiciously. "Don't look at me like that just trust me" I say and she sighs and does as she's told.
I settle in next to her, cuddling up close and slip my hand under her shirt and rest it against her bare stomach but before she can even ask me what I'm doing she practically moans in content.
"You mean to tell me I can use your hands as heating pads?" she asks with her eyes wide and looking down at where it's resting. "I thought you might like that" I chuckle and she places her hand on top of mine to apply some more pressure and place it exactly where she needs it.
"If I wasn't on my period I would jump your bones for doing something like this for me" she says and I laugh, "We'll I don't have bones but I can definetly help you out with that right now if you want? Studies show that orgasms can help relieve period pain" I say, trailing my hand down under her waistband but she stops me before I can get much further.
"Maybe later, I just wanna stay like this for a while" she says and I apply some more pressure since she seems to enjoy that, turning the heat up a couple of notches but not enough to hurt her.
"Get some sleep love" I whisper and kiss her temple. "I'll be right here when you wake up"
Decided to go the fluffy route because that's exactly the kind of attention I would love to have from him right now 😭
I know I'm delulu but you are too 😭
But anyways I hope you liked it 💜
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dotster001 · 1 year
Le Chasseur d'Amour Chapter Three
Summary: Rook x gn!reader. Rook and Vil discuss how they are getting closer to you. Your therapist makes a suggestion.
Chapters: One Two Four Five
"This is what Y/N was always trying to come back to?" Vil said disdainfully, covering his mouth and nose daintily with his hand, while Rook sat in the grass, recovering his energy before continuing to follow the trail.
"The air is so thick. And tastes nasty," he said bitterly.
"That's the pollution. It's probably so bad because we are in a big city," Rook said, not bothering to open his eyes.
"And Y/N wanted to find a way back to this?" Vil asked horrified.
"Y/N doesn't live in this city."
Vil choked on his own breath. "Sorry? Then where do they live?"
Rook tilted his head, his pen glowing as he briefly initiated his signature spell.
"Not too far."
Vil stared.
"How far is, not too far?"
Rook shrugged. Vil glared. 
"You can always go home, if you wish, Roi du poison. Or you can transmute some more gold while I rest."
Vil huffed. "Fine."
He grabbed some materials from his bag, and started to alchemically make some more gold. Luckily, gold seemed to be pretty universal. Though he'd been told by the nice bus driver that got them this far, it would be safer to trade it in for cash as soon as possible.
And Vil still had no idea where they were. Based on the way they'd been traveling, you were at least on this land mass. But the way Rook was talking, you could be miles away, or in the next neighborhood. There was just no way for Vil to know.
"Are you at least positive you know where they are?"
"Is it far enough that we should get a hotel for the night?"
Rook opened his mouth, but Vil quickly interrupted.
"You need proper rest, Rook. Just resting your eyes for an hour will do nothing. What happens if you overblot in a world where no one can defend themselves?"
Rook opened his eyes, and took his turn to scowl.
"We'll need a hotel for tonight. But not after that."
Vil nodded. "Good. I'm sure Y/N will appreciate you at least pretending to look healthy."
This made Rook smile as he closed his eyes again.
"See?" You pointed to the broken mirror. Your therapist, upon getting your call, had insisted on seeing it for themselves. As your mind had cleared in the hour that had passed, you realized it was less about seeing the mirror, and more about making sure you hadn't accidentally hurt yourself in the midst of your attack. 
Cause that's what this was, right? They were bound to happen from time to time, especially to someone in your situation.
"Hmm, let me see your hands."
You held them out, and she examined them, looking for scratches.
"And you're certain nothing else was in here that you could have used to break it yourself?"
You shook your head.
Your therapist sighed. "I don't mean this in a bad way, but I really wish your situation could be easy just once. If just one piece could fall into place…"
She trailed off, probably after seeing your distress plain on your face.
"It's just that you've suffered enough. If that final puzzle piece came into place, this could be over and you could move on with your life."
Your thoughts flashed to Rook, and his emerald green eyes that you had definitely seen in the mirror. But you kept your mouth shut. You weren't ready to lose him. Not yet.
Your therapist sighed. 
"I don't have an answer Y/N. You didn't break it with your bare hands but there's nothing else in here you could have broken it with. I think it might just be a relapse. Your brain trying to take you back to that world for a moment, and your body fighting it."
That made sense, you guess. But for a moment there, you truly believed the mirror was burning on the edges. You saw his eyes! A part of you had felt relieved seeing them, even if your logical mind knew that he might have been your kidnapper. Maybe he wasn't though? Maybe he was kidnapped with you, and you had bonded. You low-key were hoping for that option.
"So what should I do then?" You asked.
"Get some rest. Take a couple days off. Maybe take a trip to the beach or the countryside? Get some fresh air." She said, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, before saying goodbye, talking to your family, then leaving.
It was three days later. Or nights, really. You had been deep in a dream, your cheek being softly caressed as Rook sang to you a song in a language you didn't understand, but sounded vaguely like French.
You were startled awake in your cabin bed by a voice invading your dreams.
"Again, I must protest breaking into Y/N's home in the middle of the night."
You knew that voice…who was that? Why did you know that voice?
You blinked your eyes, clearing the dream out, and the voice.
Or not.
"Roi du Poison, if you think I can wait until morning, then-"
"Sevens, just shut up."
You froze, eyes flicking around your room looking for a place to hide. Under the bed was a no go, the frame went to the floor, probably to keep vacationers from losing their things. There wasn't a closet, only a dresser. You could hide behind the curtains, but that would be the first place they looked. 
Maybe your sleepy brain wasn't in peak condition. Maybe later, you would look back and see how dumb you were. But…if you pretended to be asleep…would they steal what they wanted, and get out quietly?
You tried to slow your breathing, and closed your eyes, turning on your side. You held your phone in your hand, ready to call for help in seconds if you had to.
The door slowly creaked open, and one of the voices gasped in, if you had to guess, delight. This was quickly followed by what sounded like someone being punched.
"I know what you're thinking. Don't you dare."
You heard a small growl, followed by a soft, "fine."
Soft footsteps made their way to your bedside. The side of the bed sank, as someone sat down next to you. Your breath hitched as a hand cupped your cheek.
"Mon lapin. Réveillez-vous."
"Rook, I don't think-"
You sat bolt upright on hearing his name. There he was, staring at you with an ecstatic grin. Over his shoulder was someone you vaguely recognized. You remembered he was a model of some sort, in your delusion.
His violet eyes widened as you made eye contact.
And in a moment of brilliance, you threw your phone at his face.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @stygianoir @urminebutidontwantyou @b10h4z4rd @mahi-does-some-art
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devastatinglygreen · 3 months
I really like hearing your opinion on the things the fandom is hung up on and I haven't seen you say anything yet so I wanted to know what you thought of Colin's entrapment comment?
ohhhh interesting (and thank you tho i am sure you will regret it). i am here to provide 24/7 personalized hot takes so don't worry i will bother everyone with my opinion.
why do i, personally, think he said it? aside from being hurt? i sort of have a very nebulous idea of it that i noticed on a rewatch (yes i will rewatch this season consistently, it's now my among my favorite comfort tv shows along with 2005's p&p (which is a movie i know), that one season of friends, that flea market show i hate (don't ask), and the entirety of bob's burgers) but colin has no idea penelope loves him until episode 6 so it's connected to that.
i am very sorry you were brave enough to ask me a question and now have to read all the nonsense below. god speed.
like, he's flying blind and after the carriage (insert pitbull music...and fingers here) he's pretty insecure that's he's moving a lot faster than she is. it's unsettling to be head over ass in love and feel like you're not worthy of it and then not even be sure where the other person is. that penelope doesn't reciprocate when he first says it to her is noticeable but he moves on so quickly you can sort of assume he doesn't want to give her a chance to, like he's scared of the answer if he asks.
colin waxes poetic about love, about penelope, etc all through eps 5 and 6. he's consumed by it and to be fair, they were on different wavelengths in part 1. she was trying to let him go and move past him and he was stumbling and staring and wanting to die with wanting her while she was like, "hey this guy you hate for no reason likes me, isn't that cool?" and it's pretty fresh for him so i would think something like that lingers.
when she tells him she loves him in ep 6, he's happy. and relieved. i also think he's been expecting bad news (which, you know. it, uh, will be later) so it's a relief to hear that they're on the same page but, and this stuck out to me the first time i heard it, she says she loved him while pretending to be his friend. she corrects herself because of course she was actually his friend but she loved him underneath of it all as well but penelope isn't always the best with words when on the spot and it takes her a moment to calm down and gather her thoughts. the relief (and guilt of him not knowing/reciprocating) is very obvious in the moment and i think he was thrilled to hear that she loved him back.
which leads us to the LW fight. which makes him question if he ever knew her at all. he does, of course he does, but she's been this secret second person who has written about him, his family, her best friend, and her own family for years. penelope's intentions are never malicious when it comes to protecting the people she loves but the execution can leave a fair bit to be desired. she doesn't lie but she isn't always kind, either.
so you have this man beyond in love with a woman he doesn't think he can trust who just admitted she'd loved him for years. it's easy to live in that hurt and anger and assume the worst of someone when they've just betrayed your trust so deeply. it would probably be easy to feel manipulated. i don't think him questioning her motives is beyond the realm of possibility but i do think penelope is better than me because if i get accused of something i didn't do i would act up something fierce (see this is why my husband had to marry me, he had to keep me from terrorizing the rest of the population with my dramatics. a hero of our times, really).
anyways, what i mean is, i think it's easy to ignore the lead up to that betrayal as an audience since we know penelope's anguish and hurt over what she's done but colin has no idea and it's very fresh for him so it's easy to lash out and think everything had a motive. penelope as LW is very calculating and pointed. i think it's smart of her, actually, to continually tell him she loves him and not constantly poke at the argument. she's not giving him anything else to hold up and use against her after the fact. she's very frank and open even when they have their argument in the street.
this idea he has of LW is this hurtful, manipulative person playing with people's lives. like, LW would entrap him but penelope wouldn't so it's easy to hate one and love the other and i think his inability to bring them together as one person could play into that dynamic of feeling insecure of what her intentions were. you can sort of see each time he breaks because he knows penelope loves him but he steps back each time he's reminded of LW and how it comes between them.
something i also think plays out in his inability to communicate effectively and how deeply his self-loathing goes into his jealousy of her success and how he's incapable of being intimate with penelope until he's in a better headspace. he loves penelope. he wants to marry her and be with her and live a life with her but there's a 3rd person in his marriage in his mind and what does one do with all of that when you're so firmly penelope-sexual you're staring at the walls in a brothel when you're still single? idk man.
just remember if you're sorry for having read this, i am sorrier for having written it. except for the penelope-sexual part. that's still funny to me.
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artful-aries · 1 year
Hiii again :D how are you doing? ,-, i hope you're doing well!!!!
My school finally ended and im free- so i was wondering if i can request for some hcs if your okay with it :>
Ive been having this idea for awhile now so, how about Xiao, Zhongli and Cyno with a s/o who avoids conflict? Like, whenever a conversation is slowly heading towards an argument they'll try to end it quickly and whenever a fight is going on they suddenly go quiet due to past traumas
Its up to you whether you wanna write it or not, but make sure to not overwork yourself and thanks for your time :] <3
I’m glad you’re out on break!! I have unfortunately been working my ass off for a promotion that should be finalized in the oncoming weeks, so needless to say I’ve been busy. At any rate, I hope you enjoy! This could be read as platonic if you squint
How They Are With An Argument Avoidant S/O (Xiao, Zhongli, Cyno)
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If you end an argument before it starts, it will actually take Xiao a little while before he notices the behavior. He thinks that you just finally understand his point and agree with him, rather than just saying whatever will stop the argument from escalating
Socializing isn’t his forte, so picking up on human social cues is quite a task for him. He can tell you’re nervous, that much is obvious by the way your breathing picks up, the way your eyes can’t seem to stay on him for too long, and your heart will be beating slightly harder. He knows this, yet he’s not sure exactly why, and can’t connect the dots. You’ve been nervous around him before and told him it was just because of your attraction to him, so when he notices these things he thinks it’s the same as what you told him before
It’s not until the day you aren’t quick enough to end the argument, when his tone gets sharper with you and you go silent that he discovers the issue in the first place
Even though Xiao knows something is wrong, he has the misfortune of not knowing how to be tactful about it. He will likely just bluntly ask you why you’re quiet, his tone neither gentle or comforting
Obviously, this makes the situation worse, and he’s confused as to why you seem to clam up even more, or in the event that he actually makes you cry, he’s extremely shocked
He’ll stay still as a statue, staring you down like his life depended on it as he tries to think about what he knows of humans to explain why you’re suddenly behaving this way. The fact that he can’t figure it out stresses him, which inadvertently makes him glare at you
If you keep trying to brush this aside and act like everything is fine Xiao will get very irritated with you. Why are you lying to him, and to his face no less?
At the sight of your tears he will do one of two things; either he will leave immediately, or will straight up ask you if you’re afraid of him. Most of the time he will go with the first option, as he often sees himself as some tainted beast with his karmic debt, but under the right circumstances he will feel the compulsion to ask, even though he’s afraid of how you might answer
If you say that you’re scared of him it’ll break his heart, and he will remain stony faced as he simply nods and leaves. If you reassure him that you aren’t scared of him, he will be very relieved, but won’t show it other than a slight tension leaving his shoulders
Xiao isn’t going to dig in much further on your feelings unless you volunteer the information, but he will try to find a way to get you to relax, whether that’s awkwardly asking if you want to share almond tofu with him, or giving you a slightly hard pat to your head to give you comfort
He might not completely understand your reaction, but he does have enough sense to connect the dots and tries not to raise his voice or sound too mean during arguments. Xiao isn’t always successful, but the attempt is there
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After millennia of watching humans, the former Archon is pretty observant when it comes to reading subtle emotions and changes in demeanor of people, and you are certainly no exception
With the first few arguments that you go out of your way to deescalate, Zhongli will quietly let you do so, but don’t think for a second that he doesn’t know what you’re doing.
He wants to give you the chance to work your way out of this habit on your own. Humans are capable of so much growth and change in such a short amount of time, and he doesn’t want to feel like he is meddling with that. To him, it’s preferable that you come into your own and develop beyond this habit you have clung to for who knows how long
As long as the arguments aren’t serious, he will continue to let you fall back into your habit, waiting on you to feel comfortable enough to have a normal disagreement with him rather than backing down at the first sign of conflict. It’s only when he feels very strongly about the discussion that he’s trying to have with you that he will confront you on your behavior
Even when arguing he’s never been one to raise his voice or seem threatening, but when you once again try to take the easy way out he will fix you with a stern gaze and ask you why you always seem to shy away from tough discussions with him
If his intensity seems to intimidate you, he’ll softly sigh and ask you to join him for tea, but if it gets you to open up about why you don’t like arguing his expression will soften, and he will pull you into a hug if you’ll let him
Whichever route is taken, he is sure to reiterate that you are completely safe with him, and that no harm will come to you so long as he is alive. Zhongli isn’t naive enough to think that this will solve the problem, but he knows you need to hear it nonetheless
Be prepared to be sat down for a long, extensive talk with him. He’ll make sure it doesn’t sound like he is lecturing you, but it’s important to him that you feel comfortable in this relationship to argue with him. As he will so eloquently put it, “What is a canyon without the river to erode it?”
Zhongli desperately wants you to see arguments as something as inevitable yet mundane as a rolling thunderstorm, and not something cataclysmic like a typhoon. They are a natural part of interpersonal relationships, and he doesn’t want you to fear that form of intimacy with him
He will be one to effectively communicate and help you overcome your aversion to more tense discussions, gently getting you out of your comfort zone until one day you find yourself not feeling dizzy at the sight of his brows that are furrowed at you, you don’t feel ill when Zhongli frowns disapprovingly at what you said. Before you had even realized it, arguing with him just felt like arguing with an extension of yourself
He won’t say anything when he sees how much you’ve changed, but when he watches you argue with him there’s a light in his eyes that wasn’t there before. He’s proud of you.
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He’s one who is aware of how he could come across before he even knows of your aversion to arguments. Despite how serious he gets with work, he always does his best to not take that energy home with him, but some of that is bound to bleed over eventually
He might write off your dismissive, avoidant behavior the first time, but come the second time when you once again keep your head down and just mumble words of appeasement he will not have it
Cyno will cross his arms across his chest, and flatly ask why you seem to just be agreeing with whatever he says like he’s your boss. He loathes the thought of you behaving like everyone else in the Akademiya. He wants to just be Cyno to you, not the General Mahamatra
When his sternness seems to put you more on edge, he will attempt to make a pun about whatever it was that you were arguing about in an attempt to get you to at least relax a little. If it works, he will be relieved and ask you to not be afraid of sharing your thoughts even if they oppose his own
If making a joke seems like poor timing or if it doesn’t get a smile or laugh out of you, Cyno will frown a little and study you intently, trying to figure out how to approach this sensitive subject. In the end, he’ll settle on asking you if you want him to leave you alone for a while or if you want to have a discussion
Even if it hurts his feelings a little to leave you alone, he won’t show it as he’ll give a silent nod and stay out of your way for a couple of hours before checking back in on you. Though he would prefer to discuss things immediately, he loves you too much to push you
When it comes time to sit down and talk with you, only one question burns in his mind: Why did you seem to be scared of him? Regardless of what you tell him, he will listen without interjection, and will make sure to keep any emotions under control while you express your feelings
Whether it is his fault or not, Cyno can’t help but feel guilty. Perhaps if he didn’t come across so seriously most of the time, then maybe you wouldn’t have felt this way about arguing with him. He’s not one to dwell on his regrets, and will immediately ask what he can do to make things better for you
Your wish is his command, and whatever you suggest Cyno will make sure he fulfills it the next time you two have an argument. The last thing he wants is to instill fear into you, and will do absolutely anything to keep you from feeling uncomfortable or afraid
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There's Two (Leviathan X Reader)
Location: Leviathan's room
Summary: Levi is embarrassed to get sexually intimate with MC. How could they possibly love him after his peculiar secret?
Notes: I’ve been thinking about Levi and MC making out and fooling around in his bathtub for the first time and I couldn’t get it out of my head so this fan fiction was born
What to expect: NSFW, Smut, Fluff, comforting, 2 dicks, fishlike Levi, blow job, stroking cocks, established relationship. (posted to Wattpad and AO3) I'm currently only caught up to chapter 32.
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Things were getting pretty heated between you and Leviathan. It took him a bit to warm up to the idea that you wanted him. Why would someone want to date an icky shut-in like him? 
You, of course, knew why you wanted someone like Levi. He was kind to you, creative, artistic, and most of all he was so fun to share games with.
You sat in the bathtub playing your Switch, listening to Levi frantically click around to collect his daily rewards before midnight. It was cozy being in Levi’s room, anime music usually played softly in the background to cover up awkward silences and his typing was comforting; it reminded you that he was there. 
The clock hit midnight and you heard Levi’s hands smack the desk victoriously. Now that that was over, he came over to look at what you were playing.
“I’d recommend upgrading before continuing.”
You smile as you feel his breath tickle the back of your neck.
“Levi! I know how to play.” 
“If you say so. But I did see that you need 2,000 XP to be eligible for the boss fight and upgrading your sword would both be tactical for the final fight as well as give you the points that you need to enter the final battle. Especially since you made your last two upgrades, upgrades to your overall HP ones.”
You sigh and ignore his helpfully arrogant advice to inquire about his game. 
"So did you get all your dailies?" 
Levi's heart skipped a beat. He loved that you genuinely wanted to hear about his game.
"Yes! If you log in for 30 days in a row, you’ll get a special mystery skin for your character. Missing out on that would make me look like some casual normie."
You turned slightly to look at him and vented your mutual understanding. 
"I get it! I missed out on the holiday skins from last year, and it’s taunting to see other players posting about it.”
Levi nodded in agreement.
“So that means you’ll understand if I cancel/postpone any of our future plans this month it’s because I had crucial business to attend to?”
You playfully and sincerely place a small kiss on Levi’s lips, causing him to become flustered. 
"Hey! MC warn me, I have to be prepared for normie contact like that!"
You sat up a bit to lean over the tub and placed your face inches away from his. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. Levi, I'm going to kiss you, ok?"
Your breath was hot and teasing against his lips. He nodded in shock.
This time you didn't hold back. The kisses started out slow and deep but before you knew it, you were pulling Levi into the tub with you.
His hands caressed your back as you slipped your tongue between his teeth. He shuddered and melted into your kiss, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth. You purred as you felt his tongue brush against yours. Things began to heat up between your thighs and you let it build until…
…You couldn't take it anymore. Your arousal was hot between your legs and you just had to relieve it, it needed to be touched! You began to grind yourself against his massive bulge.
Sweet moans of pleasure were released from Levi's mouth and into yours. Fuck he's huge you thought as you attempted to grind from underneath his kiss. You moaned greedily at the feeling of him pressed up against your heat.  
Things were going well. That was until you began to reach down to touch him and Levi anxiously grabbed your wrist to pull you away. 
"Sorry MC, but can we just make out some more? I mean unless you're done with that…I don't blame you for not wanting to continue. Who would want…"
Your lips connected with his shutting him up. 
"Levi I want whatever you are comfortable with. Just know that I do want you."
You longingly shove your tongue back into his mouth, pulling him deeper into the kiss by his shirt. You began to lick and suck his neck helping him quickly fall back under your spell when you find the most sensitive parts of it and flick your tongue across it. 
Levi grinds against you, falling victim to his arousal at that moment. Fuck what he wouldn't do to have sex with you, but he couldn't. He couldn't let you know about his little…big problem, you'd think he's a freak. But, oooh, he wanted you.
Levi began to lose himself in thought. His breath began to quicken and his attention became less involved as he bullied himself in his head.
You noticed and stopped to check on him.
"Levi, are you ok? We don't have to do this, you know."
He turned beet red. Now I'm ruining everything, MC is going to stop! What do I tell them? 
You sit up and adjust yourself to look into his eyes. He refuses to make eye contact as his thoughts swallow him whole.
Your concern only makes him more anxious, he gulps in an attempt to ease the lump in his throat. 
His long pauses cause anxiety to well up in you as well, and it shows on your face. 
Look, now you’re ruining their good time. Just say it! Say it! With his thoughts now ringing louder than anything in the room, Levi manages to yell out only two words. 
He caught his breath after the words as if he just ran a marathon. You squint your eyes at him in confusion.
He places his hand on his heaving chest and then nods down to his crotch. 
"I-I h-have two penises." 
He manages to spit out the words between shaky breaths. You look at him, down at his bulge, and then back up at him.
"Can I see them?"
He blushes as he feels his cocks re-stiffen at your proposal.
"Like- them, them?"
He said in disbelief. 
"Yes, I want to see your two cocks."
His cocks twitched in his pants and he couldn't help but feel like a spectacle. 
"Levi…I won't make fun of you or think you're a freak." 
The look on your face was genuine and your words were sweet and comforting, how could he not comply? With a sigh, he looked away from you and pulled the front of his pants down. His two cocks sprung free, fully erect. You blushed and took a moment to process what you were seeing. Your long pause prompted Levi to begin to talk.  
"It's fine if you leave. Go ahead. I can tell on your face that your disg-"
You look down in awe and interrupt him.
"-Can I touch them?"
LEVI.EXE stopped responding. Touch them? MC wants to TOUCH THEM? What should I say? I mean I’ve thought about MC touching them, but to actually have them touch them. Levi was so paralyzed with the hundreds of sexy anxiety-ridden thoughts in his head that he almost didn’t correct his answer. 
His face glowed bright red. Levi isn’t used to being so honest. His eyes were glued to your hands as they both made their way to his cocks. You wrapped your hands tightly around both of them at the same time. 
Levi shook under the warmth of your touch, grabbing the edge of the bathtub to steady himself, it took everything he had not to cum right then and there. 
It would be so embarrassing if I came just from this. 
He thought, but that thought only made him harder. You began to slowly stroke his cocks in unison, watching yourself intently. You were mesmerized by such an interesting feature. 
Levi on the other hand was melting and squirming under each stroke. 
“O-oh. A-ah. MC.”
His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he collapsed into the tub when you spit on them to wet them. 
“I-I’ve got one other thing…”
He could barely get the words out of his mouth because you wouldn’t stop stroking him. You decided to have a little fun and placed your mouth over Levi’s cock and began to bob your head. That’s when. 
“U–h-h-h-h-h- MC.” 
Your eyes widen in shock as your mouth is filled with a peculiar feeling substance.
“My cum is also…”
Levi hands you his plastic take-out cup by the side of his bed and you spit.
“…fish eggs."
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icycoldninja · 1 month
Can you write Dante, Nero and Vergil with a reader who’s painfully aware of their painfully low life expectancy?
Like she’s aware that the boys may outlive her considering they are part devil and that fact has been gnawing at the back of her mind ever since to the point where some nights she had to cry in the bathroom to relieve some stress because of how much the thought had ceased her heart to beat everytime
“Oh my god…he’s going to outlive me, I want us to grow old together like those lovely old couples I saw on the street! Not this!”
“Will he remarry another woman if I die…I know this sounds extremely selfish but I can’t stand the thought of him being with another and that’s not me…Oh shit!”
“Can I extend my lifespan? Maybe I can make a contract with a devil that can grant me more years to live…if it means being with him forever till we’re out of grace”
Yes I can, please enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Reader with low life expectancy headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-You knew that Dante was going to outlive you since he was half demon and your life expectancy was...low.
-You tried hard to make sure he never knew, locking yourself in the bathroom to cry, and being sure to come up with some excuse whenever he saw you with puffy red eyes.
-You were saddened when you realized that you would never get to experience the joy of growing old together, because it was unlikely you'd live that long.
-There was the possibility that Dante would remarry after you did, and selfish though that may be, you couldn't stand the thought of another woman getting her hands on your man.
-You wanted to increase your lifespan, but how? Medications could only do so much, and you only had so much money. The idea of asking a demon for help came to mind, but you decided that would be a last resort.
-Dante eventually found out, either by eavesdropping on you whenever you disappeared into the bathroom or by other means, and was quick to reassure you he would find a way to increase your lifespan that didn't take away your soul, and if he couldn't, he would simply have to accept reality. But he would never forget you. You're his forever.
-"C'mon, cheer up. You got any idea how precious you are to me? You're my baby forever, even if you leave this world, I'm still gonna love you, and no one but you. Now shh, stop worrying. Want some ice cream? My treat."
■ Vergil ■
-Realizing that Vergil would outlive you was one of the most crushing discoveries of all time.
-You would never get to grow old together, unlike those happy looking couples you see on the street or in the park.
-There was also a chance that Vergil would move on when you died, and even though you were selfish for thinking this, you didn't want anyone else to have him.
-There weren't many ways to expand your lifespan, and most of them were out of your reach, so you fell into a deep depression because of this.
-It wasn't too hard for Vergil's watchful eyes to discern you were upset, so he quickly confronted you on the matter.
-Learning of what frightened and saddened you made him scoff. What a fool you were for thinking he could ever consider anyone to be more special than you. You were perfect, the love of his life and his eternal soulmate. Even in death, you were his; he would keep you in his heart until it stopped beating.
-"Hush now, there is no reason to cry. You will not be leaving me anytime soon, I won't let you. You cannot escape me, even in death."
□ Nero □
-You wanted to live your whole life with Nero, but apparently, that wouldn't be happening.
-You'd never know the peace of just growing old together, raising a family and maybe getting a pet along the way.
-And when you do depart from this world, there was a chance Nero would move on and marry another. Selfish as it was, you hated the thought of someone else getting your precious boy.
-You considered making a deal with the devil to increase your lifespan, but Nero thankfully caught on to your gloomy mood and asked you what was wrong befkre you could do anything you'd regret.
-He was heartbroken upon discovering how much your condition was bothering you, and was quick to scoop you into his arms and hold you for a full hour.
-While doing this, he assured you that the two of you would work to find something that could prolong your existence, and if you couldn't, Nero would find a friendly demon (preferably an old friend of Grandpa Sparda's) who could. Either way, he wasn't letting you go, and if death took you from him, he'd never love again.
-"Hey, hey, calm down, ok? I love ya. Always will. You're staying with me till we both kick the bucket, I promise, I'll find a way to make that happen. Don't cry anymore, come on, I hate seeing you like this."
● V ●
-The mere thought of outliving V made your stomach churn.
-Who would care for him after you're gone? What if he got older and more incapable to move around by himself, then what?
-What if he managed to find someone else? You knew you should be happy if he heals from your loss, but still! Some other woman with your V? Unacceptable!
-You cried about this all day and night for quite some time, until the affects of your affliction became engraved on your face. V saw this, and decided to question you.
-You tearfully poured out your heart and soul to him, sobbing about how you didn't have much time left on this earth as others did, and how you were scared of what would happen when you died.
-V reminded you that neither did he, and how both of you would have to work together to find something to expand your lifespan, and if you couldn't you would go out together.
-"My poor Wanderer, despair not. Either we leave this world side by side, or we continue onwards holding hands. No matter what, we will be together. Nothing will separate us."
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