#remadora fluff
Day 07 of @remadoramicrofics - 100 Words
Edward “Teddy” Remus Lupin was born at 10:07pm and Remus had spent every second since staring at him. Currently, he was asleep on his mother’s chest. The nurse had said something about skin-to-skin contact and bonding, but Remus had been so preoccupied by the wailing boy, he had forgotten to pay attention. 
Dora slid over, beckoning him onto the bed. “Your turn,” she said as she lifted little Teddy and handed him to Remus. He was surprised at how warm he was as he held him. “He’s perfect,” she whispered as she leaned on his shoulder. And he was.
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sweetmaggie · 1 year
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More Remadora cuteness for u🥰
"You are a good dancer, Remus. A really good one~"
"Are you flirting with me, Miss Nymphadora?"
"For Merlin's sake, we're a bloody married couple!"
"Oh, yes, it was certainly a flirt!"
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wolfstarficrec · 2 months
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Wolfstar Fic Rec - 5th August 2024
mod speaks: so fun fact this fic was my first ever ao3 bookmark!! it's so cute and short and lovely !! it's just cuteness overload but tbh you will be left wishing it was longer
➭ 3k • completed 1/1 • remus raising Teddy! au
➭ SUMMARY: Sirius Black doesn't like flying or other people's kids, but on an 8 hour flight, he manages to make a new friend.
as always, share around to spread this account and give your mutuals some amazing recs! wanna feature your fic? use the official tag :D see you tomorrow!
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Written for @remadoramicrofics day 6: sticky. G, 450 words. Read below or on Ao3.
Tonks sat on the back of her heels, wiping her son’s small hands with a wet cloth. Unbeknownst to Teddy, Remus had come home early and was planning on surprising the boy when Tonks finished cleaning him.
“Teddy,” she asked, “why are you always so sticky?”
Tonks raised a brow. “Did you eat your dad’s chocolate?”
A quick glance at Remus, who stood in the background, showed him rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
“Then where did you get it, sweetheart?”
Teddy’s turquoise hair turned bright pink. “Gran.”
“Your gran gave you chocolate?”
“Uh huh.”
“ . . . yesterday.”
“And you waited until today to eat it?”
“Yeah.” Teddy’s reddening hair and cheeks gave him away. Tonks saw Remus doubled over with silent laughter.
“You know,” Tonks said slowly. “Your dad had chocolate for me. It would make him sad if it was all gone.”
Teddy’s eyes went wide as saucers. “Daddy will be sad?”
“So sad, baby.”
“Mummy,” Teddy whispered, looking cautiously from side to side, “Gran took daddy’s chocolate and gave it to me.”
“Really?” Tonks feigned surprise and clutched her chest. “Gran needs a time out! Should I owl her to let her know?”
Teddy shook his head violently.
“No? Then what should we do with a naughty gran?”
The four year old wrung his little hands, looking just like his father when he was guilty.
“Teddy, is there something you want to share?” Tonks pressed gently. “Are you sure it was Gran who took Daddy’s chocolate?”
“No,” he replied, in a low voice. “I did.”
“Ahh . . . so. What should we do? Maybe apologize?”
“Okay.” Teddy’s voice had gone to a barely-there whisper.
“You’ll have to apologize to your dad first for stealing, and what else do we say sorry for?”
Teddy’s hair was white as snow. “I don’t know.” 
“How about for lying to mummy?”
“Sorry, mummy.” Teddy hung his head sadly. Remus, his face looking like it would burst with joy, gesticulated wildly at Tonks.
“Oh look! Daddy’s here! He’s home early!” Tonks announced. 
Teddy spun around, and when his eyes landed on his father, he burst into tears.
“S-s-sorry d-d-d-daddy!” he blubbered. “D-d-don’t b-be s-s-sad! I ate y-y-your ch-ch-chocolate!”
Remus scooped Teddy up and kissed the top of his head, shushing him reassuringly.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Remus hushed. “It's just chocolate.”
Tonks stood and joined them, running her fingers through her son’s natural, sandy brown hair. It took a few sniffle-filled minutes, but Teddy’s crying subsided.
“How about we go to the park, Teddy? I think mummy’s questioning was punishment enough, no?”
Tonks groaned inwardly. Remus was no disciplinarian, but Teddy’s shy, eager smile softened her.
They could always get more chocolate. 
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rawr-gorg-smash · 11 months
Me, to wife: What do you want to do for your birthday?
Wife: Don’t buy me anything.
Me: <Suspicion>
Wife: There’s something else you can do for me.
Me: <Suspicion intensifies>
Wife: Read my WIP?
Me: Sure?
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@celestemagnoliathewriter We are totally winning this marriage thing.
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black-occamy · 1 year
Remadora Microfics, Day 6: Sticky
Written for @remadoramicrofics October prompts, 883 words
Written as part of my Occamy-verse AU, so: everybody lives, everybody lives HAPPILY, there will be insane amount of fluff and cuteness, there will be mentions of polyamory. Disclaimer: I have no idea how children behave, wtf am I even writing…
“Let’s see,” Remus pulled the list and a set of reading glasses from his pocket. “We have books, a cauldron and a set of ingredients…”
“Wand,” Teddy added helpfully, whirling it between his fingers in a trick move that Sirius has been teaching him for the last three weeks.
“Yes, please don’t stab your sister in the eye…”
“I can’t believe the letter still mentions quills and parchments,” Tonks scoffed, looking over his shoulder.
“Changes take time, my love.”
“Can we go eat ice cream now?” Lenore was holding the edge of Dora’s robe, her golden eyes staring at her parents pleadingly. Tonks crouched down next to her, messing the girl’s hair.
“In a little while, my darling Bug. There’s still some shopping we need to do for your big brother.”
Read further under cut or on AO3 🖤
“We’re almost done,” Remus put the list back in his pocket and straightened up looking around for the sign of Madame Malkin’s clothes’ shop. “Robes are the last one on the list and we only need to get the winter coat.”
“In this case, I think ice cream should come first, Rem,” Dora picked her daughter up in her arms. “Unless we want to get the new clothes sticky, right, golden Bug?”
“Ice cream!”
“Sounds like a plan to me!”
Remus exchanged glances with Teddy. It was his day, after all. The boy made a thoughtful face, considering the choices with a solemnity of an eleven-year-old.
“Mum makes a good point,” he finally decided. “I don’t know any cleaning spells yet, and I don’t want a sticky coat.”
“And what about the pet? We won’t have time to go and pick one, Dora.”
All three of them gave him surprised looks. Apparently there has been some discussion happening earlier that he missed.
“I’m taking Pestie to Hogwarts,” Teddy explained. “Auntie and Uncle said it’s okay if I take her with me.”
“Well, if that one is settled too..”
“Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!” Lenore chanted, tapping an excited rhythm on Dora’s shoulder. Remus gave up with a sigh.
They navigated slowly through the crowd of excited students and slightly less excited parents. Diagon Alley was packed at this time of the year, caught in the annual pre-school-year frenzy. It was fortunate they managed to get around their shopping during the new moon - otherwise the noises and other stimuli of the crowd would have been too much for him.
“Rem, you and the kids find a table and I’ll get the desserts,” Tonks declared, passing Lenore to him. “It’s lemon sherbet for you, chocolate for the Bug and salted caramel for Teddy, right?”
He sat down at the furthest table he could find, one that was nestled cosily under a huge straw umbrella. The shade offered a welcome respite. Lenore huddled against his chest, staring at her brother pointedly. She seemed to be thinking something over.
“Teddy, will you be gone for long?” she asked finally.
“Just a bit, Nora. And I’ll write you letters!”
“Da, can I go with Teddy?” she turned her golden eyes at him. Remus smiled, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head.
“You will go soon, little Bug.”
“Soon means when?”
“In a couple more years.”
Lenore scoffed, “That’s not soon at all!”
“You won’t even notice, with everything that will happen in pre-school,” Teddy offered and for some reason that logic seemed enough for her. “Dad, were you nervous before your first year at Hogwarts?”
Remus fell silent for a moment. Somewhere buried deep in his memories was the day he received his letter and the look on his parents’ faces - fear mixed with that terrible suspicion that it must have been a mistake. He shrugged that image away.
“Extremely so. Are you nervous, Ted?”
The boy regarded him thoughtfully for a moment.
“I don’t know which house I want to be sorted to,” he admitted after a while. “I don’t know if I’m as brave as you or Uncle Sirius. I’m not as caring as Mum or as strong as Auntie Gem. Maybe I could be a Ravenclaw? Am I smart enough to be a Ravenclaw, Dad?”
“You are everything you need to be, I promise you,” Remus reached out, pulling the boy closer in a hug. Lenore squealed, joining in.
“Teddy, you are the best!”
“See, your sister is very right about that. It doesn’t matter which house you’re sorted to. You will make us all proud either way.”
For a few blissful moments he held both of his children, a small part of him trying to figure out how in the world he could be so lucky to have them. He spotted Dora coming in with a handful of ice cones. Her pink hair, long and wavy today, danced around her head like a candy-coloured halo. Remus felt a surge of warmth in his chest, a joy that filled him, head to toes. If he could, he would float in the air.
That is, until Dora happened to trip at this exact moment.
In a split second, the smile froze on her face, her eyes widening. Ice cream soared in the air. Remus stared at it, flying towards him and unsuspecting children, rotating in slow motion.
It was probably a good thing they planned robe shopping after the dessert.
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nerdyduckrants · 2 years
working on Flufftober! Yes, of course, I've returned to Remadora!
"Why? Because you're too old? Because you're too poor? Because you're a werewolf?" She threw his usual excuses back at hime. "It's always the same excuses! That's all they are and I've told you, I don't care!" "You should care." He answered, wearily. "You should care that you'll be condemned to the fringes of society, shunned at the Ministry, unable to keep your job because of me." "None of that matters!" "You say that now. It won't be so easy in six months, a year. Dora," he hesitated over using her pet name. "Dora, I wish it didn't matter but it does and it will. Choosing to stay together will mean great sacrifices, mostly on your part. I've grown used to how society treats me and I don't want to see you brought down."
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bikelock28 · 2 years
"Why d'you always do that?"
"Talk about Sirius. You're enough without him, you know,"
Also on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13061457/93/Pluto
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remadorafest · 8 months
Remadora Fest 2024 Roundup
Before author reveals take place on Monday, here is a full listing of all 11 fics we got for the fest! Take the weekend to read through them, leave comments, kudos, bookmarks, and all your unhinged love for the amazing authors who contributed to the fest.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, G, 2727 words
Duelling Club, M, 3839 words
Yours, M, 3959 words
"Remus, I'm Fine", G, 1039 words
Fifty-five, T, 2748 words
At the Close of Day, M, 3172 words
The Way a Glass Asks to be Broken, E, 2912 words
“What a fool you must be," said my head to my heart, M, 1333 words
Like a Vice, G, 7550 words
Moments of Longing and Jealousy, G, 1824 words
Metanoia, T, 13,665 words
We've got h from fluff, to sex, to tragedy up above! Dig in over the weekend and PLEASE be sure to let all our authors know how much you loved their stories!!
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saintsenara · 1 year
rare pair tag game
thanks for the tag, @said-snape-softly :)
i'm pretty sure everyone has done this by now, but if you'd like to, please consider this a blanket tag.
apart from all the tomarry and the odd dabble in remadora, i am a rare-pair enthusiast, so i am delighted to spread some propaganda here... the criterion i've used for a rare-pair is less than 2500 works on ao3.
pairs, little metas, fic recommendations, and some suggestions for authors to follow under the cut.
sirius black/severus snape
why i ship it:
this one can just about claim to be a rare-pair.
sirius and severus are narrative mirrors, whose complicated relationship to themselves and to each other is crucial for driving several of the most important arcs in the series.
in particular, sirius - constantly haunted by guilt and grief over his role in the death of the man he loved [you can decide if his love for james is platonic or not, but i definitely think the text thinks it isn't...], trapped in his childhood home, unable to have his real loyalties acknowledged before his death by the fact he's on the run - leads harry through his journey in hero-worshipping, then being disappointed in, then forgiving james. and then promptly dies.
this is one of harry's most significant areas of personal growth - it begins to chip away at his rather black-and-white morality, which is finally destroyed by his ability to confront the complexity of dumbledore in deathly hallows - but it is also key narratively: harry coming to understand james starts to hint to the reader that it is lily - otherwise absent from her son's conception of himself - who is the key to the mystery...
which brings us to severus - constantly haunted by guilt and grief over his role in the death of the woman he loved, trapped in his childhood home, unable to have his real loyalties acknowledged before his death by the fact he's a spy - who gives harry, and us, the final piece of the puzzle. and then promptly dies.
put them together, though? well, you get the delicious tension of two fundamentally broken people - who cannot comprehend the possibility of their own redemption - bound to each other. can they forgive each other and themselves? is it a disaster? the story can go either way.
and even in fluff there is so much potential for d r a m a between sirius' recklessness and severus' cunning, sirius' emotional control and severus' temper, the fact that sirius is canonically hot and severus is canonically not, how they react to harry and draco [i don't usually accept the fanon that severus is his godfather, except when it means snack can be fighting about it], and so on.
and i'm a sucker for two bitter old men getting a happy ending. sue me.
want to give it a read?
if you trust nothing else i say in my life [and why should you] you can trust this - second life by nwhiker and cassandra7 is one of the greatest pieces of writing i have ever seen, not only in this pairing but in this fandom full stop. it's a profound and solemn meditation on loving and grieving, choice and chance, and the great pain caused by the divide between the magical and the muggle worlds.
then, for gorgeous angst with a happy ending - two boys kissing by @writcraft and the merit in trying by brightened
albus dumbledore/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
the facetious answer is because they wouldn't be so obsessed with each other if there wasn't some sexual tension underneath it.
the facetious and nsfw answer is because it appeals to the part of me whose favourite book aged 11 was lolita
the serious answer is that they should be horrifying together: they're both liars; both incredibly self-righteous; both living behind masks which conceal their true emotions and motivations; dumbledore took one look at tom as an eleven-year-old, said "he reminds me of gellert", and then did nothing about it; tom thinks dumbledore's a hypocrite and is right, although not for the reasons he thinks; there is a colossal age gap; there is virtually no scenario in any timeline where they could be openly in a relationship unless one of them is concealing his identity; and - really, this seems quite minor in the grand scheme of things - they are constantly trying to destroy each other.
intellectually, they are the only two characters in the series who could be the other's equal - i'm sure that violent arguments about the twelve uses of dragon's blood trigger the majority of their sexual encounters, and a man who's passionate about your research is hot.
if either of them ever fancy being honest - so, no - there is a shared cavernous [although, in tom's case, unacknowledged] grief in their lives which has shaped their not-as-divergent-as-the-text-thinks-they-are views on death, love, duty and so on. their active refusal to understand each other [i.e. dumbledore entirely misreading voldemort's motivations in the job interview scene] and commitment to constantly underestimating each other [i.e. voldemort bouncing around like an idiot in the chamber of secrets instead of using his brain and remembering what a phoenix is] could, in time, lead to something almost resembling acceptance. i mean, just imagine the hurt/comfort sex which happens when voldemort finds out about grindledore.
the way dumbledore describes the young riddle - "self-sufficient, secretive, and, apparently, friendless" - is also an exact description of him. that each sees himself in the other canonically drives their hatred of each other, but it could also appeal to two very vain men in a much racier way. after all, who doesn't want to bang their narrative mirror?
and being an orphan probably doesn't seem so bad when you realise your boyfriend's family is aberforth.
want to give it a read?
i can't recommend concordance by @laeveteinn enough, particularly for one of the best-written dumbledores i've ever seen. i find dumbledore is often written either as far more whimsical than i'd like, or far more fiery and radical [when one of his most interesting personality traits in canon is his tendency towards inaction], but this dumbledore is the perfect balance of contradictions, while tom is his canonical feral self, longing to perceived, rather than the emotionless sociopath of so many other stories.
i also recommend as an entire ocean in a drop by eldritcher, which really leans into just how similar these two are underneath all the artifice.
albus dumbledore/severus snape
why i ship it:
well, we've had dumbledore with one lost boy, let's have him with another [i haven't been brave enough to venture into dumbledore/harry yet, but i'll take recommendations...]
as with riddledore, we have the potential for horror here: a vast power imbalance; enormous age gap; the fact dumbledore sends snape out to potentially die every time he goes off to voldemort; and - this is the crucial one - the fact that dumbledore's recognition of himself in snape is pure self-loathing ["you disgust me"] manifested in punishment [allowing snape to be humiliated in front of fudge, not stopping the presumed-to-be-real moody searching his office, making him give harry occlumency lessons, not letting him teach defence against the dark arts].
but then this stops, when snape does the tremendously brave thing of agreeing to kill dumbledore, and their dynamic equalises, as dumbledore recognises that snape is courageous, steadfast, and redeemed. i'm always struck in half-blood prince by the fact that dumbledore has it with harry's sniping about snape and straight-up tells him to shut up, as well as by the fact that he very nearly gives the game away and confesses why snape switched sides [the thing he promised not to do] when harry finds out it was snape who gave voldemort the prophecy.
and within this equalised dynamic - so this hot geriatric sex is happening in the afterlife, i guess - we have two men who are intellectual close-to-equals, who understand grief and guilt, whose aesthetic senses are charmingly mismatched, who are rarely honest but might be for each other, and who have lots of profound similarities which might lead somewhere...
want to give it a read?
cheerfully disregarding everything i've just said about how snumbledore could work, i highly recommend in infinite remorse of soul by @perverse-idyll, which is a chilling look at how dumbledore uses the power imbalance between the two to assuage his own guilt through snape's humiliation.
for something much more wholesome, i'm a big fan of byzantium by eldritcher
petunia dursley/severus snape
why i ship it:
because vernon is a dick.
i'm fond of petunia, who i think is one of the most interesting characters in the series because of how full of contradictions she is, and who i think is also a victim in fandom spaces of how the adult cast was aged up for the films [in canon, she's only in her early twenties when lily dies, and the implication is that vernon is a good deal older than her)] which makes her inadequacies, such as her inability to truly care for either child in the household, seem much more nuanced than they do if she's pictured as a middle-aged woman with considerable life experience.
like snape, she teeters on a knife edge between various chasms: she is a working-class girl from the midlands made good in middle-class surrey, he is a working-class half-blood boy who spends most of his life in pureblood circles; she ends up with her whole life wrapped up in a square little house when she's barely out of her teens, he ends up with his whole life wrapped up in spying at the same age; she hates the wizarding world and yet covets it, he hates the muggle world and yet cannot escape it; she loves lily and she hates her and she loathes her for dying, he... well, you know the rest.
want to give it a read?
i was first convinced by this pairing by the lovely regretfully yours by @maria-de-salinas, which takes both snape and petunia's awkwardness and bitterness and moulds it into something really tender.
i also highly recommend barking at the moon by rinsbane, the summary of which speaks for itself.
merope gaunt/tom riddle sr.
why i ship it:
our first canon pairing, and probably the most problematic of the canon relationships, since the series never acknowledges that tom sr. is a rape victim.
but i have found myself recently in my merope era and, in particular, in an attempt to give her more nuance than she gets in canon. as i've said to anyone who'll listen in the three broomsticks discord server, i loathe the implication in canon that merope dies because she just cba to live [since it directly justifies voldemort's belief that her death was shameful] and prefer to see her as someone who was desperate to escape a truly horrifying life [the fact she's going to be forced into an incestuous relationship with morfin is right there in canon...] and so did something she didn't have the capacity to understand the implications of [this is not a woman who's ever heard of consent] because she thought it would give her the first chance to be happy in her life, watched it all crash and burn around her, and would have very much liked to have lived to raise her son.
i doubt there was anything real or tender in her relationship with tom sr., of course, and his escape - while merely a brief stay of execution from his son's perspective - is tremendously brave. it's impossible to write tom/merope fluff [although i respect you if you're inclined to try] but fanfiction gives a space to explore the intricacies of their relationship which canon doesn't allow, and i'm obsessed.
want to give it a read?
i'm recommending myself here, and assuring you that you will enjoy: enchanter's nightshade, which explores how merope's attempts to keep her husband enslaved fail; the snow child, which treats the relationship as folk-horror; and the shack at the end of the lane, in which there is redemption, in the end.
the best exploration of tom sr. dealing with the fallout of the relationship is @phantomato's exquisite ganymede, which feels so truly embodied that you can't pull yourself away from the page.
bellatrix lestrange/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
our second canon pairing, i am obsessed with these two and the tragedy and - to some extent - tenderness bound up in their relationship [which can be proven to be there because noted softy @whinlatter loves them].
i've written before about my conviction - in contrast to a lot of bellatrix fans - that her relationship with rodolphus is utterly miserable, and that voldemort is the only man in her life who can understand her desire to make a life for herself which is not constrained by the gendered expectations of her social class.
obviously, lord voldemort is not a shining paragon of a boyfriend [and he is an awful choice as a baby daddy, bella, get it together], but i think the enormous power imbalance is perhaps slightly less enormous than is sometimes assumed - certainly, she tells him to his face in half-blood prince that he's wrong to trust snape [she's a clever woman], voldemort never physically punishes her for anything [rip to lucius malfoy, who seems to get picked for this in her stead], and voldemort tolerates a surprising amount of nonsense from her which shatters his mystique.
all of which is to say... the scream when she dies isn't just because he's losing the war.
want to give it a read?
tee hee, i'm recommending myself again, and encouraging you to take a look at: atramentum, bellamort's last afternoon together before voldemort goes to the potters; nor all that glisters gold, bellatrix's life - including her relationship with voldemort - through sirius' eyes; and death (eaters) in paradise, because murderous psychopaths deserve crack fics too.
draco malfoy/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
because the ship name is taco.
these two are a pairing which i enjoy with my tongue firmly in my cheek [and tom's tongue firmly in draco's], as i do with most other things in which draco is a main character [do i want to read drarry angst? no! do i want to chuckle? absolutely!], although this should not be taken as saying that many of taco's fabulous authors don't manage to make the pairing entirely plausible.
in fact, consensual taco [non-con is, of course, its own beast] often has some of the best characterisation of both tom [fretful, mercurial, stubborn, and nowhere near as charming as he thinks he is] and draco [prissy, a very good judge of character, someone who likes being taken care of, and much braver than he appears if he absolutely has to be] i've seen in the fandom, largely because - unlike other voldemort-centric ships [especially tomarry, but also voldemort + any of the adult death eaters] - there's no sense of inevitability there. these two aren't connected by a shared bit of soul, or a prophecy, or having gone to school together, or having been hooked in by voldemort in the first war when he was unassailable.
they have to choose each other. or, more accurately, draco has to choose tom, and tom has to get chosen.
and the results have me entertained.
want to give it a read?
then you will want to have a look at the travelling cabinet by @the-paper-monkey [and its sequel, bluebeard], truly the gold standard of taco content with an absolutely brilliant draco, whose sheer capacity to cling on and make himself an irremovable part of tom's life may just end up changing the course of history.
narcissa malfoy/severus snape
why i ship it:
because i am in deep with the conspiracy theory that it's canon. i am absolutely certain that narcissa is the person that voldemort is referring to at the end of deathly hallows - "he desired her, that was all, but when she had gone, he agreed that there were other women, and of purer blood, worthier of him". it seems highly unlikely to me that the canonical voldemort would give a shit about snape fancying any random pureblood [although the snapemort version is, naturally, hugely jealous], but snape having had some sort of liaison with narcissa, and the ability knowing this gives voldemort to humiliate snape, narcissa, the memory of lily, bellatrix, lucius, and draco is definitely information he would go out of his way to remember...
plus, how do you know where he lives, babe? v suspicious.
want to give it a read?
if you want some fluff, you will very much enjoy the incredibly sweet the reformed man by gingertart50, which features narcissa nursing snape back to health post-nagini and is a favourite re-read for me when i'm drunk and it's christmas.
if you want some very-much-not-fluff, other women and of purer blood by yours truly will scratch the itch...
minerva mcgonagall/severus snape
why i ship it:
because i'm an equal-opportunity age-gap fan, and there is far too little older woman/younger man in the fandom.
and look, i'll admit it, i'm a fan of the fanon that snape and mcgonagall are friends prior to dumbledore's death - i'm not sure it's canonically plausible, but this sign can't stop me because i can't read - and i like the idea of that blossoming into something more, especially in fics where snape survives the second war. after all, he is a man who definitely needs to be treated quite strictly [and i don't just mean in the staff room], there is a shared loneliness and grief to them both, they're intellectual equals despite the age gap, and bickering about quidditch is absolutely fine as a method of foreplay.
plus, you can't tell me dumbledore's portrait doesn't ship it.
want to give it a read?
for a fic which shows minerva at her acerbic - and yet still sensual - best, always but not necessarily forever by gingertart50 is an old, fluffy, and very funny, favourite.
for something much more bittersweet, that good night by kelly_chambliss has my heart.
severus snape/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
because voldemort is canonically down bad for it - there is no need to believe snape's ridiculous cover story for not attending his resurrection, to try and spare lily as a treat for his man, and to give him a nice, painful death which allows the narrative to move on and harry to defeat him if the dark lord isn't firmly in his simp era.
more seriously, they obviously have an enormous amount in common, particularly in terms of their backgrounds [harry draws a connection between all three of them, but actually the fact that harry is rich in the wizarding world, not a slytherin, and with a muggle mother, therefore giving him a pureblood name, means he can't relate to the post-childhood experience of both halves of snapemort].
as a result, i think snape is the death eater who comes the closest to understanding voldemort's motivations - above all, the fact that he's not seeking an oligarchy, which the malfoys etc. obviously believe - while voldemort is someone snape feels understands his intellectual interests and his creativity.
want to give it a read?
boy, are you in luck, because i myself have a snapemort wip - scylla and charybdis. it is not wholesome.
tom riddle/myrtle warren
why i ship it:
because it started as crack and now i love them.
in particular, i just have so much respect for being incredibly annoying as a method of seduction, and i think myrtle's commitment to just following tom around chattering at him - and, therefore, without her realising it, preventing him from committing all sorts of crimes - is iconic.
want to give it a read?
then my unhinged rom-com - bookbinding - shall provide.
tom riddle | voldemort/ginny weasley
why i ship it:
because i enjoy seeing my dear friends who ship hinny shake and cry.
but also because ginny and tom have an enormous number of similarities, right down to the fact that they both have yew wands [if you're sick of people saying harry has an oedipus complex, you'll be delighted to be confronted with the mountain of evidence ginny reminds him of the villain who keeps trying to kill him instead].
they are both very good liars, quick thinking, remarkably resistant to shame, possessed of nerves of steel, predisposed to violence, brown-eyed, so hot they have harry gagged, and the profound enemy of someone whose surname is smith.
despite what he claims, tom was absolutely not just sat politely in that diary gritting his teeth while ginny complained about having second hand robes and idiot brothers. as he says, he opted "to start feeding [her] a few of my secrets", and i think it's justifiable from canon that they were at the very least half-truths [for example, i would not be shocked to discover he tells her he's a half-blood orphan brought up against his will in the muggle world - there's no other reason, i think, for him to successfully make her tell him these things about harry without it], which means that ginny has lots of lovely emotional leverage over him.
plus, as with tomarry, you have the element of "this is kind of inevitable" in the relationship, and the mysteries of fate are always sexy.
want to give it a read?
this is a tommary/hinny/tominny triad, but it has had me in a chokehold since the first time i read it - shameful company by merrivale, which, truly iconically, manages to be epilogue compliant.
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annabtg · 7 months
AnnaBtG - my Ao3
Select works:
@jilyawards favourites
Mistletoe Mishaps (1.3k). Jily, canon, fluff. Winner of Favourite Canon 2023. Completed, rated G.
Lily Evans doesn't know why James Potter keeps on pointing out the mistletoe above her every single time. Well, she does, but she likes to pretend she doesn't.
Nom De Plume (46.5k). Jily, no Voldemort AU. Finalist for Favourite Magic AU and Favourite Fluff 2023. Completed, rated E.
James Potter, renowned potioneer, has a secret side career as an erotica writer under the pen name of Scarlett Goldwing. When his latest book starts to take off, and Scarlett is asked to promote it at a public event, he has no other option but to recruit his colleague Lily Evans to pretend to be Scarlett. The only problem is, Lily Evans hates his guts… or does she?
The Great James Potter (8.7k). Jily, canon, pre-relationship. Finalist for Favourite Canon Oneshot 2022. Completed, rated G.
Lily Evans has never held any appreciation for James Potter, even though he has always been a favourite among girls at Hogwarts. That is, until she starts paying closer attention to him...
Readers' favourites (below the cut)
Priorities (1.1k). Sirius & Lily friendship, background Jily, canon. Completed, rated G. Rec'd by @casquecest and @furiousgardenhologram.
When Lily receives some life-altering news, she turns to Sirius for comfort.
Scandalous (4.9k). Sirius/Lily fake dating, Jily, prophecy AU. Completed, rated M. Rec'd by @casquecest and @furiousgardenhologram.
Sirius Black attends Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black's wedding, with a controversial choice of a plus-one and the explicit intention of stirring up drama.
Are You Experienced? (12.7k). Jily, canon, fluff. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @abihastastybeans.
James Potter decides to ask Lily Evans to a Muggle live music show. This noble mission, however, requires a series of steps he is entirely clueless about: from procuring the tickets to finding the correct outfit, and most importantly, to spending an evening with Lily Evans without making an absolute fool of himself.
My Best Friend's Girl (12.4k). Sirius/Lily to Jily, canon. Completed, rated M. Rec'd by @casquecest.
Sirius Black and Lily Evans start dating during their sixth year at Hogwarts and their relationship is nothing short of perfect, to James Potter's silent suffering. However, things begin going downhill when next year, she is appointed Head Girl...
The Chaperone (7.5k). Jily, Petunia Evans, Sirius Black, canon. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @casquecest.
When Lily's father won't let her go out alone on a date with James, she has to resort to desperate measures: make it a double date with Petunia and Sirius.
Fixed Luck (1.3k). Established Jily, angst, no happy ending. Mind the tags! Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @kay-elle-cee.
The books warn: excessive intake can cause giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence. But good luck is addictive.
Over Spilt Coffee (1k). Remadora, angst, canon. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @nena-96.
Tonks's musings on the night she picked up smoking... the night Remus Lupin broke her heart.
Afterlife (microfic series, 1.1k total). Gen, James and Lily-centric. Rec'd by @nena-96.
James ships Harry/Ginny | Brother | Enemy | Unforgiven
AO3 Is Down (1.4k). Jily, Muggle AU, humour/fluff. Completed, rated T. Rec'd by @tinyluminaryzombie.
AO3 Status: Delayed emails have been sent out and the Archive is back! Thank you so much to our sysadmin james_ for interrupting his sleep to work on and monitor the situation. Inspired by this very real Tweet, an alternate universe where the sysadmin is James Potter, and Lily Evans is his supervisor who had to drag him out of bed so he could resolve the problem.
If you read my works, please feel free to send me asks or messages to add or update your recs!
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Day 11 of @remadoramicrofics - That's Disgusting
Remus watched lovingly as Tonks prompted Teddy through the platform. He smiled as Teddy braced himself and set off for the wall before disappearing. Remus glanced around one last time before slipping through after them. As soon as he passed through, he was assaulted by a barrage of noise. Parents stood with their children – some fighting to get away and some clinging to their legs.
Teddy turned to him. “Do you take the train, Da?”
“No, I have to be there early – someone has to welcome you!” When Teddy had turned six, Minerva had arrived at the Lupins’ doorstep with a job offer, noting that Remus would no longer need to be a stay-at-home father.
Remus had politely refused, hoping to spare her the criticism Dumbledore had received following his hire. Minerva was insistent, though, and had roped Dora in on it. Eventually, he had agreed to return to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts on the condition that he could commute from Hogsmeade.
Teddy looked at his mother with wide eyes. “Do you think if I change my hair, the hat will let me pick my house?”
“Which house do you want?”
Teddy froze and Remus watched his hair dull from a vibrant teal to an icy blue. “I don’t know, which one do you think I should pick?”
“It doesn’t matter what house you’re in, Teddy,” Remus assured him with a hand on his shoulder. 
“You and Harry were in Gryffindor,” he pointed out.
Remus shrugged. “Yes, but your mother was a Hufflepuff and your Nan a Slytherin. Luna and Penelope were both Ravenclaws.”
“There’s no bad house,” Dora stressed.
Teddy nodded resolutely. “Alright.”
Tonks grinned. “Want us to walk you on the train?”
“No,” he said quickly and set off a few paces ahead of them, muttering, “how embarrassing.”
“Can you believe that our baby’s all grown up? I suppose that makes you a bit of an old man,” Dora teased.
Remus rolled his eyes. “He’s hardly all grown up.” He smiled at her. “Thinking of trading me in for a younger model?”
“Oh, you know I would never,” she smacked him playfully as they followed Teddy. It was getting a bit harder to keep up with him; he had pulled a hat over his head. As of late, his hair had been cycling through house colors while his eyes remained a steely gray. Dora had told Remus that the same happened to her the night before she left – she had been so overwhelmed she could control her morphs.
“Harry!” Remus said as he embraced his son’s Godfather. “Glad you could make it.”
“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss seeing my Godson off to Hogwarts.” Harry looked Teddy over. “A bit nervous, are we?”
Teddy shrugged. “Maybe.”
“He’s worried about the sorting,” Dora whispered.
“Oh, nothing to worry about there,” Harry said, “It doesn’t hurt a bit.”
Remus found himself chuckling at the joke. Harry had always looked like James, but lately Remus noticed he had begun to act a bit more like him, too. Sometimes, it was painfully hard to watch – especially the older Harry got, knowing his father had never reached that milestone.
He had felt that way the night he had come home from the battle – he was married, with a son he would raise, but he had spent the whole night wondering if he had deserved it. James and Sirius had never had such opportunities and they were far more deserving, could have been far better at it. When he had confessed these feelings to Nymphadora on a particularly sleepless night, he thought, for just a moment, that she was going to literally knock some sense into him.
She had simply pulled him close and insisted that everyone deserved to be happy and loved – it wasn’t something he had to earn – and that, really, his friends would only want the best for him. More surprisingly, though, she told him that she understood. That the ministry used to harp about survivor’s guilt after missions but that she had never really felt it until that night.
Remus was brought back to the conversation by Dora’s gentle hand on his arm. Teddy was rolling his eyes at something Harry had said and Harry was grinning at them. Remus, despite his usual hesitance at public displays of affection, pulled Dora into a quick kiss. “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you more,” she said as she pulled him into another.
They broke apart at Teddy’s indignant protests. “Mum, Da, stop! That’s disgusting!”
Remus chuckled and ducked his head to hide his blush but Dora just laughed. “Oh, just you wait, your Nan used to give me a big kiss on the cheek right before she’d put me on the train.” 
She lunged for him, but Harry grabbed her. “Run, Teddy, I’ll hold her off!”
Teddy looked like he was considering it, but Remus caught a hold of his arm, “There will be no more embarrassing Teddy,” he declared, calling a truce between the three of them. “But you are required to give your mother and I a hug before you board.”
“A side hug,” he bartered.
“A real hug,” he insisted, “or I’ll let her kiss both your cheeks and sneak her into the sorting.”
“You wouldn’t,” Harry cried as Dora pulled out of his grip.
“Don’t test me,” he warned playfully.
“Fine,” Teddy reluctantly agreed, though he hugged his father tight.
“We’re so proud of you,” Remus whispered as he squeezed his son back, “And we always will be.”
Dora sniffled as she held him tight. “You better write to me or I’ll send a howler of me singing,” she threatened.
“I promise,” Teddy said.
“Want help with your things?” Harry asked.
“Sure,” Teddy said as he bounded for the train.
Dora turned to him, slack-jawed. “Can you believe him?”
Remus grinned at her. “Can you blame him; we’re old and embarrassing.”
“Speak for yourself,” she said as she pulled him into another kiss.
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broomsticks · 1 year
posted a two-part pride rec list over at dreamwidth (follow the links for full reccer’s notes). various queer themes including identity exploration, coming out, and related social/societal issues. there’s light to heavy angst in most of these, but all have a happy/hopeful ending. 🌈
Modern Muggle AUs
Time and Love by justtoarguewithyou // Hermione/Oliver // 6.8k, G. College/University AU, Self-Discovery, Getting Together
Love & Blowjobs & Other Sacred Things by BrujaBanter // Wolfstar & Jily // 77k, E. Preacher Remus, Priest Sirius, Former LDS/Mormon James, Hijabi Lily, Explicit Sexual Content, Priest Kink, Catholicism Is Inherently Kinky Fight Me
Discards by @picascribit // Wolfstar & Jily // 76k, M. Librarian AU, Trans Sirius Black, Latino!Remus, Japanese-American!Sirius, Black!James, Jewish!Lily, Homelessness, HIV/AIDS, Drug Use, Sex Work
Dragons Don't Know Paradise by @teacup-tai // Drarry & Wolfstar // 51k, E. Falling In Love, they meet online, Wolfstar raising Harry, HIV+ Remus, Angst and Hurt/Comfort.
Have Time To Grow by Queer_and_trashy // Wolfstar // 31k, E. Professor Remus, Poet Sirius, Trans Sirius, Dom Remus/Sub Sirius, deeply deeply queer, because fuck jkr
Midday Train to London by xinasvoice // Wolfstar, Prongsfoot, Jily // 24k, E. Muggle AU, introduction to the BDSM/kink community, introduction to polyamory
Magical Queerness
Play Me Like A Love Song by @writcraft // Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall // 68k, E. Queer Awakening, Stone Butch, Coming Out, Families of Choice, Drag King, Self-Discovery
Rosmerta's Special Brew by @lumosatnight // Rosmerta/Andromeda // 6k, T. Queer Themes, Queer Characters (so many), 5+1 Things, Coming Out, Fluff
burning brightly by malapropism // Rolfluna // 15k, NR. Parent-Child Relationship, Family Dynamics, Character Study, Aromantic Luna Lovegood
Knotweed by @turanga4 // Poppy/Pomona // 2.3k, T. Canon compliant, missing moment, older lesbians, past relationship
Dating the System Isn't Very Punk Rock by flibbertygigget // Kingsley/Snape // 7k, M. post-DH canon divergence, Community Organizing, Anarchism, Punk, Transfem Snape, Genderfluid Kingsley
Smoke and Mirrors by RuinsPlume // Remadora, endgame Tonks/Ginny // 38k, E. Butch Tonks, nonbinary Tonks, bisexual Remus, polyamory negotiations, Remadora raising Teddy, queer het
The Bent by @ebparentheses // Wolfstar & F/F Jily // 40k, E. No-Voldemort canon divergence, Friends to Lovers, Queer History, Queer Art, obscenity laws, queer solidarity
The Mirror Lied by tryslora // F/F Draco/Hermione // 1.8k, M. Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Transfem Draco Malfoy, Gender Exploration
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Written for @remadoramicrofics day 4: 'don't look now.' G, 726 words. Read below or on Ao3.
The blindfold she placed over his eyes was too tight. Remus held back a grimace and remembered his birthday surprise was more for her benefit than his. How he celebrated another year closer to the grave hadn’t mattered to him in almost two decades. Tonks was too full of life to know this, or too self-involved to care for his discomfort.
Nevertheless, he didn’t want to see her childish pout because he wouldn’t go along with one of her mad ideas. 
(It had nothing to do with not wanting to disappoint her, or the perplexing desire to give into her every whim, as long as it made her smile at him.)
“Okay, Remus,” said Tonks, the grin evident in her tone, “I’m going to lead you to your surprise. Hold onto my hands.” 
He felt her slip her small hands into his. They were cool to the touch, but soft, and her thumbs stroked his knuckles. He wondered if the tightness of the blindfold was cutting off his circulation, as he felt dizzier with each step he took, guided by her playful voice and hands.
“Almost there . . . remember, no peeking. Don’t look yet.” 
“I can’t see anything,” Remus said truthfully.
“Brilliant,” she returned, shuffling him downstairs. “Not yet . . . not yet . . . almost there . . .”
Tonks stopped suddenly. Remus nearly bumped into her, but when she let go of his hands, she pressed them gently to his chest. 
“Keep your eyes closed. I’m going to take the blindfold off.” 
Remus felt Tonks undo the knot of the blindfold. He dutifully kept his eyes shut, preparing himself for a loud onslaught of “SURPRISE!” from whatever Order members she’d cobbled together for his 36th. 
“Don’t look,” she murmured. “Just a minute . . . don’t look . . . don’t look . . . NOW!” 
Remus blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the light of the space, confused when no one was in the room. In fact, the library was empty.
“I reckon you were expecting a surprise party,” Tonks said, a curiously shy look in her dark eyes. “I’ve got to admit, I almost threw you a big bash, but then I thought, ‘Tonks, he hates those things. Get him something he’ll like,’ and voila! Here’s your birthday surprise!” 
She gestured at the coffee table sitting between two matching, faded velvet loveseats. Remus gaped at the variety of goods she’d arranged for him. 
“I got you takeaway from that place on Penton you said you loved. I couldn’t remember what you liked so I got curry and kebabs—I hope that’s all right—and I almost got baklava but the bakery a few doors down had this teeny chocolate cake that looked to die for and I just had to get it, and before you ask, I had everyone chip in a pound or two to help pay for it.”
She shifted from one foot to the other. “The firewhisky and books are from Sirius and Kingsley. Molly would’ve made you a cake, but I thought you’d be bothered with more attention,” she said, her excitement faltering. “Do you like it? I can get rid of it . . . or go? I thought I’d join you but if you prefer being alone, I get it.”
Remus was rendered speechless at the spread before him. Far from the raucous party he expected, he saw a cozy evening in. 
(Besides, as his mind caught up to his hammering heart, he’d have Tonks all to himself, not that it should matter.)
“Should I go?” Tonks asked, hurt, turning towards the double doors.
“Don’t go.” Remus reached out and grabbed her by the wrist. Her eyes grew wide and her pink hair got pinker. “You put so much work into this. Stay, so you can enjoy it too.”
A victorious smile split her face. It was the kind of grin Remus felt himself returning against his will, even as he realized he still had a hold on her delicate wrist. 
“Happy birthday, Remus,” she said, folding him into a hug. Her head fit perfectly underneath his chin and her arms wrapped tightly around his torso; she nuzzled her face into his jumper, sighing happily. He had to immediately squash the irresistible, burning need to drop a kiss on her pink, messy hair. 
Instead, Remus reminded himself to be grateful for what he had. Tonks was a friend, and a friend she would always remain. 
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bronzeagepizzeria · 9 months
Happy holidays! @nena-96
As part of the potterverse exchange
Some remadora fluff 🫠❤️
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stonecoldhedwig · 2 years
Fic List
I have not done an updated fic list in a while, so here it is! I want to finish up my WIP this year, and then in the works I have a Dating App AU Jily fic (Remus is a dairy farmer?); another Oxford Chronicles installment; a massive Jily Hogwarts era thing; a Lily Luna/OC Quidditch AU; and about 19 other ideas.
A Great Many Things (M, eventual E; Alicia Spinnet/Oliver Wood; canon compliant; probably my favourite OC ever)
Celandine (E; Wolfstar, Jily, Blackinnon, literally every ship ever; open relationships; magical AU)
Coming, Evans? (M, but eventually E; magical AU inspired by Around the World in 80 Days; Jily and Wolfstar)
Highgate Mews (M; established Wolfstar, Jily & Dorlene; Muggle AU; part of the Marauders Map series)
Honeybee Mine (M; Muggle AU; Jily and Blackinnon; James Potter keeps bees)
The Shoelaces Case; or, the many ways to spend your 37th birthday (M; Blackinnon; magical AU; time travel)
Use Your Best Colours (T; canon from Hedwig's perspective; it's so stupid)
Multi-Chapter fics (completed)
In Love and Death We Don't Decide (M; eventual Blackinnon and Jily; Hogwarts era fic)
Miracles series (James Potter as the Boy Who Lived):
A Bitter Little Eucharist (T; established Wolfstar and Jily)
The Marauders' Map series:
Hepburn Avenue (M; text fic; utter chaos as the Marauders meet the girls at uni)
Canterbury Lane (T; Wolfstar; Remus checks Sirius out in a car)
Costa del Sol (T; text fic; established Jily and Wolfstar; the gang go on holiday; currently unfinished for a really petty reason and tbh, probably staying like that)
Caraway Street (E; established Jily and Wolfstar; the post-uni years)
Peverell Hall (G; fluff; James Potter's idyllic childhood)
The Oxford Chronicles series:
The Paintbox (M; Blackinnon, background Jily and Remadora; Muggle AU)
Jily One-Shots
A Little Bloom of Hope (T; Muggle AU; flower shop)
Better Ways (G; pre-relationship)
James Potter and the Case of the Lacy Black Bra (E; everyone lives)
Last Rites (E; canon compliant; emotional smut)
My Heart is Overcome (Gen; canon compliant; fluff and angst)
The Parting Glass (T; fluff)
The Way the Light Looks (T; fluff, but in an angsty setting)
Blackinnon One-Shots
Confession (M; love confessions)
Oceans and Glaciers (E; ok, it's actually a 2 shot, but hey ho; very explicit)
Wolfstar One-Shots
Mosaic (E; 8 one-shots with a lot of different kinks, I guess)
Snowed In (T; first kiss; Hanukkah; Jewish!Remus)
Until It Shines (G; mild angst but also very fluff; canon divergence)
Hinny One-Shots
A Lesson Overheard (E; first time[ish]; canon compliant)
A Place for Hidden Things (T; canon compliant; post-canon; sad but with a happy ending)
Opaline (E; post-war; angry sex and unhealthy coping mechanisms)
Three Gnomes in a Knitted Trench Coat (G; technically canon compliant; a bit of a crack fic tho)
Misc. One-Shots
Afternoon Delight (E; Colin Creevey/Draco Malfoy; yeah, I hate myself too)
Enough Pizza to Feed a Horse (G; canon compliant[ish]; the OotP girls hang out)
Giving Us Doomsday (T; angst; original OotP celebrating New Year)
God Bless the Shed, and All Who Sail in Her (G; fluff and humour; the Potters being Potters)
hoax (G; Marlene/Gideon; angst; implied cheating)
Remember that You are Dust (M; 2nd person POV; the universe addresses the Marauders at the time of their deaths)
The Theory of Relativity (T; established Jily and Wolfstar, previous Remadora and Blackinnon, but not in a misogynist way; Lily is enby)
Rabastan Lestrange/Narcissa Malfoy fics
coney island (M; angst; sex; adultery)
The Burning Edge of Dawn (M; angst; who is Draco's dad?)
All's Well That Ends Well (even if it takes four years) with a lot of people (E; Wolfstar; angst then fluff)
WIP: The Secret "Oral" History with @jennandblitz (E; 1980s university; lots of drugs; we affectionately call this Coke Fic)
WIP: We Were Electrified with @siriusly-sapphic (M; how the Lestrange twins became the worst people ever)
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