#reminder to be kind to myself
koddlet · 10 months
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personal rules for winter ❄
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hinamie · 7 days
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10 years later
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positivelyadhd · 11 months
reminder that making time for your friends, even when you're tried and socialising feels overwhelming is important to do every so often. it's especially important to do this actually.
time alone can be good, for a time, but humans are social creatures and we need to talk to people, there's nothing wrong with that!!
sometimes the more time you spend alone the more your brain will tell you to stay alone. that's not true, you're allowed to (and should!!) see people that are important to you. sometimes that alone can be surprisingly healing.
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voltamagica · 3 months
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Vampire Kbms for your vampire kbms needs
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genericpuff · 2 months
There's a user going around currently reblogging/commenting on antiLO content with the intent of "digging up dirt" on people who simply read and enjoy the comic. Basically demanding the OP's of such posts to inform them of any 'stans' so they can add them to a 'list' that they absolutely do not have any good intentions to do with, along with making some very unsavory and completely unwarranted comments about the fans in general (and I don't mean the usual "lmao LO fans are weird/dumb/etc." stuff, I mean genuinely cruel wishes to have the fans of the comic doxxed/harmed/etc.) I have blocked this user for obvious reasons, and if you get a similar reblog or DM like I did from this person, I hope you'll do the same.
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Please do not play into this. As much as I and many others talk shit about this dumpster fire of a comic and its questionable if not outright controversial writing and messaging, none of us have any right to go after any of the fans or stans directly. At best that would just be proving to the fans who already hate this part of the fandom that we're boogeymen out to get people, at worst it would be a betrayal to our own integrity as human beings who should be capable of discussing media without turning it into a harassment campaign. Making shitposts about the media and the fandom is fine, discussing the media itself and the creator who made it within our own little spaces of the Internet is ultimately harmless so long as it's managed within reason, but deliberately going out of your way to dig up personal information on innocent people within the fandom for the purpose of ruining their life is not okay and if you ever get to that point where you're trying to rationalize going after people directly, you need to log off.
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frommydiary · 2 months
"So, start by fixing your manners (akhlaaq) for that is the beginning of the path."
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Thank you all for voting in the poll to decide who was going to be the leader of the band! It turned out to be such a close race!
#poorly drawn mdzs#better drawn mdzs#mdzs#madam lan#A-qing#Band AU#(Reminder that Madam Lan's design inspiration goes to Qourmet!)#Madam Lan may have been the winner per vote count but there were so many strong advocates for A-Qing!#I played around with a few versions of what the 'poll winner' art was going to be and ultimately decided I wanted them both.#As any good theater love knows though - The battle for leadership was a ruse. They *all* get a chance to be featured.#Cooperation was the real end goal! However I do think these two have the best frontman energy of the group.#Or at least 'crowd favourite' energy. I also really loved hearing what people thought their vocal styles would be like!#This was probably one of my favourite polls to do and I love drawing these characters a lot B*)#I'd love to spend a bit more time in this AU so count on me bringing it back.#One thing I keep feeling like I need to redeem myself on is Madam Lan's Translucent skirt. I have *not* done the concept justice yet.#It is such a crack-platonic ship but I want to think Madam Lan and A-Qing would enjoy each other's company.#Possibly also with JYL as well. They can be like mutually beneficial therapy dogs to each other.#Madam Lan never got to see her kids grow up into teenagers after all. She only had sons. Never daughters.#Even if she saw her kids once a month we do know she treated them with so much love and kindness.#She would bite the shit out of YZY for yelling at JYL. What a sight to see. A-Qing would also start biting (for fun).
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stuckinapril · 1 year
Reminder to myself that it’s pointless to compare myself bc no one else has my exact story. The general outline can be the same, and still there will be details that are entirely different. There are different obstacles to overcome. There is different progress to be made. Just bc it took me longer to reach a point someone else already achieved doesn’t automatically mean I am incompetent or that they are inherently better than me. It just means we were dealt different cards in life and that is okay. I will not be allowing myself to slack where I shouldn’t, but I’m also not gonna beat myself up for going through different story beats than somebody else. We all go at our own pace. No two people are exactly the same. And in that irrevocable truth comparison becomes a moot point.
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lost-in-fandoms · 12 days
cw: mentions of blood and animal death (of the hunting variety)
Daniel raises his knife, muscles tense as he listens to the rustling between the trees growing louder.
He's not far from home, he was just checking on his traps, but he's not going back until he knows what's moving in the woods.
He takes half a step back towards a tree, to cover his back, eyes flicking towards the sky as some spooked birds take flight. He can hear someone screaming further away.
Then suddenly the sound of frantic running becomes clearer, sticks breaking and undergrowth snapping, and a second later someone is tumbling into the small clearing, tripping over the bag Daniel had left a few steps away and tumbling to the ground.
Daniel doesn't know what he was expecting, but for sure not this.
It's a boy.
It's hard to figure out his age, both because of how dirty he is and because of how he's still scrambling to get back up, struggling to find his legs, but he must be younger than Daniel for sure.
Daniel lowers his knife and takes a step forward, wanting to give him a hand, but the boy lets out a small growl, stopping his apparently fruitless attempts of standing back up and crouching instead, one leg awkwardly bent, clearly hurt.
"Hey, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you," Daniel says, using the same tone of voice he uses for his horse and scared animals. He doesn't want to put away his knife, doesn't know if this guy will be dangerous after all, but he tries to at least appear less threatening, making himself smaller.
It seems to work, because the boy shifts again, now kneeling instead of crouching, hazy blue eyes gazing up pleadingly. He looks like a supplicant at church, and Daniel isn't surprised when he starts begging.
"Please," he says, voice scratchy and weirdly accented, exhaustion clear in every syllable, "they will...please."
Daniel doesn't know what is going on, but he can still hear screaming somewhere in the woods, can see the boy flinching with it, and he understands enough.
"They're looking for you?" he asks, eyes going from the boy to the woods and back again.
The boy nods, mouthing please once again, no sound to accompany the way he shivers.
Daniel doesn't know if he'll come to regret this decision, but he's not going to leave someone scared and exhausted in the woods, not when he can help. And if the guy decides to attack him, Daniel is pretty sure he'll be able to fend him off. He looks skin and bones.
"My house is straight down that way, the door is open. Go in and close it behind you."
For a second the boy doesn't move, looking at him like he doesn't understand, and Daniel just has the time to start wondering if maybe he really doesn't, maybe doesn't speak this language, before he's clumsily pushing to his feet and running away.
The sounds of the pursuers are growing closer, so Daniel doesn't waste any time, dragging his boot across leaves and mud to hide any traces of the boy falling there and then running away.
He grabs his bag again, then moves away from the clearing, towards the people he can hear approaching.
He's glad he didn't hesitate more, because he's just a few steps away when a group of men bursts through the trees, carrying swords, bows and a lit torch.
They all stop when they see Daniel, but they don't raise their arms. Daniel recognises one of them from a nearby village he sometimes goes to when he needs to buy something.
"You're scaring my food, gentlemen," he says, hoping he sounds as normal as possible. He doubts any of them knows how he normally sounds anyway.
"We're looking for someone," one of the men rushes on, fully ignoring what Daniel said. Rude.
"About this height, looks a bit like a feral animal," adds another, the one with the torch. Danie doesn't like the free fire in his part of the forest and the boy did not look like a feral animal, just like a scared kid, so he doesn't feel particularly moved into helping.
"The only feral animals I've seen are the ones in my bag," Daniel replies, plucking a dead rabbit out of his bag by the ears.
The men look at each other, clearly not believing him, but also eager to just keep going, with or without his help.
"He's dangerous," the one with the sword finally says, "cursed."
Daniel doesn't know if as a warning or if to encourage him to rat the boy out. Daniel refuses to react.
"Well, good luck with your search, then! Thank you for keeping the people safe, and all that."
The man with the torch glares at him, clearly not amused by Daniel's levity, but Daniel just smiles. He doesn't move from his spot as the men grumbles among themselves about which direction to take, but waves when they start running again, slightly more east than Daniel's house.
He waits until he can't hear them anymore, then heads home.
When he is in front of his door he pauses. He doesn't want to get inside with his knife out, and the kid looked more scared than dangerous, but he can still hear the man's voice when he had said cursed, like he truly believed it. And it's not a guarantee, people will believe in anyway, he would know, but usually underneath those stories there are slivers of truth.
He still puts the knife away.
When he gets inside everything looks unchanged, enough for him to wonder if the boy just ran off.
"Hey, it's just me," he calls out, just in case. If the boy isn't there nobody will hear him embarrass himself anyway.
For a second nothing changes, but then a shadow near the fireplace moves, and the boy uncurls from his hiding place next to the firewood.
Now that they're no longer among the trees, he looks even worse. There's mud and leaves in his hair and on his clothes, a dark smudge next to his nose. There are several red scratches on his face, and his clothes don't seem to be in a much better condition. He's still holding his leg weirdly.
"Are they gone?" he asks, voice even raspier than earlier. Daniel can see how dry and cracked his lips are, and resolves to get him some water as soon as he's sure he's not going to get killed.
"Seemed to be going towards the river," he nods, pointing east. Then, cutting to the chase, "they said something about you."
He watches the boy flinch, back going rigid, hands splaying on the floor as if he's readying himself to push to his feet and run.
"Are you going to kill me?" Daniel doesn't care about curses, not at the moment at least, but he does care about his life. Mostly.
The boy looks surprised by the question, but shakes his head.
"Have you killed someone?" Daniel asks again, just to make sure.
There is something there, a shift in the guy's expression, but he still shakes his head. Good enough.
Daniel walk towards the table, dropping his bag and his knife, before going to wash his hands. He can feel the boy's eyes on him the whole time, so he's not surprised to find him staring at him when he turns back towards him.
"Is your leg hurt?"
The boy hesitates, probably considering if it is worth to give Daniel a point of weakness just to get some help, but then he nods. He rolls up his pants to show deep puncture wounds, still bleeding.
Daniel hisses, not knowing how the boy was able to not only stand, but run on that. That looks nasty. It looks like a...
"Wolf trap?"
The boy flinches again, and Daniel can see his hands shake. Must be a yes.
"Okay, I'm gonna help you with that, and then we're going to eat, and then you can decide if you want to stay in my amazing company, or if you want to leave. That good for you?"
There is another long pause. The boy seems to have some difficulty processing all those words, even if Daniel doesn't know if there is a language barrier or if it's just the blood loss, but finally he nods, dragging himself slightly further away from his hiding corner.
He extends a hand, looking almost shy, but Daniel has no problem filling the distance separating them and helping him up, watching as his face contorts in pain but no sound escapes his lips.
"I'm Daniel," he says as he helps him towards one of the chairs.
The boy waits until he's taken a couple full breaths after seating before answering.
"Well, Max, I'm gonna fix you up, and then I'm gonna change our plans and offer you a bath instead," Daniel says, looking up from where he is grabbing some supplies to grin at Max. "You stink."
For a moment, it looks like Max won't react, the joke falling flat, but then the corner of his lip turns up, his eyes growing slightly less glassy.
"You too," he replies.
It's not much of a joke, but Daniel rewards him with a laugh anyway. Max's small, pleased smile, feels more like a blessing than a curse.
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cypher05 · 5 months
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so about that eclipse. huh.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Every time you think, "Oh, I don't have [x condition], I'm basically cured!" that is the devil talking. You aren't cured, you are likely going through periods of your symptoms waning. Don't cease whatever you're doing to help yourself, like medication, for instance, because it's likely you still have the conditions or symptoms, even if you aren't noticing them as frequently or severely.
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sometimes I think so much of "queer" discourse surrounds semantics and identity labels because people engaging in these spaces legitimately do not live life outside of the internet. I don't just mean they don't go outside or talk to real people, but the way they interact with real people is never truly free from the internet. I think this is just sort of how gen z are now unfortunately, so much of our lives are consumed by handheld devices and social media platforms, but I find it way more prevalent in artsy, liberal, tra-positive communities. (the amount of times I just hear people straight up quote popular tumblr posts or tiktok trends...)
and surrounding yourself in real life with people who frequent the same internet circles as you and thus hold the same beliefs is a great way to not end up experiencing anything actually real, and thus you never really learn anything from your life experiences or from other perspectives, much less experiences of relationships or sex or romance. leading to people caring way too much about words and perception with things like pronouns or microlabels or "validity." everything is about optics and holding the "correct" opinions because that's the state of the internet these days! of course they'd ignore the actual material aspects of oppression, what is the internet if not a breeding ground for consumerist distraction from dealing with the various staggering issues in society?
"touch grass" isn't even a good enough solution anymore. can you partake in any hobby without thinking of how other people would percieve it? can you have a conversation without parroting the words of a tiktok post? can you seek love and relationships without obscuring it in layers of branding? can you understand yourself, truly understand who you are, without obsessing over how it looks on a screen?
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fluo-skeletons · 7 months
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In order: Undertale Papyrus, Gravel (from @maxladcomics's au), Sharp (gemknight fell papyrus)
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 month
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Everybody has voting power! I have my own preference, but I'm really curious what would you chose! Let me know in the poll and don't forget to share so we reach 40 bundles sales! We are not that far!! If anything is unclear just let me know <3 Also, I imagine the button pin would do great on a grocery bag, I think it would associate for me with the calendar bundle, and therefore remind me to take the grocery list (written on the Klance seasonal to-do lists XD) mmezzy.bigcartel.com
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frommydiary · 1 month
"My prophet (ﷺ) taught me that suffering does not harden the heart, but softens it."
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blitzwhore · 5 months
It's always fun experiencing severe mental illness symptoms because of fiction, eh?
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