#remus (loops)
waxingrunes · 1 year
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First public spice piece for these two. Inspired by Boot Scootin’ Baby on Ao3, by cancerravenclaw. If you’ve not read it yet please take yourself into a quiet room and begin.
Tamer ones to come on my IG.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 month
you know a wolfstar fic is good when you need to pull up google translate in another tab
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ruined-sketchbook · 7 months
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It's been four whole years since I was last in the Sanders Sides fandom...
I come bearing Sides doodles and I loved getting to play with facial hair and piercings for this one. Favorite detail of the bunch is Virgil's lip piercings- I couldn't give him dangly spider earrings like I originally intended because I remembered spiders in ANY capacity freak Patton out soooo I gave Virge spider bites.
(I also forgot Remus' septum that I wanted to give him because of the Trying Too Hard video but let's just pretend it's there okay.)
EDIT: Finished the group!
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ghost-liiii · 6 days
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Different Characters When It Comes to DEATH
Chiemi Serizawa - The one wanting to die but of no avail
Remus Lupin - The one wanted to die but was left behind
Kokuto Neji - The one chasing death unbeknownst to himself (in common route)
Nymphadora Tonks - The one wanted to live but was destined to die young after all
Korosensei - The one wanted to live but marched towards death
Kisa Tachibana - The one to whom life or death doesn’t matter (in Neji route)
[Redacted] - The one had to watch others die, again and again
Haruaki Fusaishi - The one experienced too much deaths
Mocangli - The one took advantage of even his own death
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saturday snippet! 🌙
ty for the tag @fruityindividual can’t wait to see those two yearning for each other again <3
“First impressions, Mr Lupin?”
Remus takes a moment to think about it, “I still don’t know how to use the tube,” He admits, and then, he scrunches his nose, “And everything smells funny,”
The old man laughs, big and rich.
“Oh, Mr Lupin, please never change, I find you so refreshing,” The skin around his eyes crinkle when he smiles at Remus, “I apologise for not being specific, what I meant is, what are your first impressions about the school?”
“Oh,” Remus’ cheeks feel very warm all of the sudden. “It’s, eh, big, long wide halls, very useful and seems quite old, actually I think I saw mol—” His eyes widen when he looks at the Professor who seems to be having a grand time waiting to see where Remus’ rambling is going to take him, “—but it’s very nice, so many details, can’t wait to work here!”
Yeah, nice save Remus, he will totally keep you now that you insulted his school.
no pressure tags: @static-radio-ao3 @frank-lilac @velanavis @ecstarry @residentrookie @inevitablestars @whorerific dunno if you’re working on anything rn but if you want to share :•>
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How long would it take the marauders to notice they’re in a time loop
Peter: the first to notice, it took him two days, has good observational skills, didn’t tell anyone because he was curious to see what would happen
James: only became aware of it on the fourth day because the quidditch match never happened, got really sad because he wanted to play in the game, soon joined Peter in observing the other two
Remus: surprisingly the longest with a month, he has too much other stuff to worry abt, only notices when he misses the full moon
Sirius: is the reason they are in a time loop, will take him upwards of a week to notice tho
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safeplacesnupin · 1 year
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I made a cute lil kissy gif of the favorite boys <3 I don't draw gifs often cuz they're pretty tough but I like how this came out <3
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avnasace · 5 months
the new remuria world quest is really cool but my adhd brain cannot keep up with all the names and titles ajfjdjfj
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hello! I just went through the entirety of your coops fics because I was in a very major coops mood. The most recent one is also absolute gold, I loved it so much! If inspiration ever strikes you, might I request some more of ✨sexually charged✨ (if that is the word) pre-coops? I'm in love with the way you write the tension between them! (And they certainly don't always have innocent thoughts about one another pre-dating, jeez Remus "maybe I'd like him to push me up against the stalls when he's energized" Lupin) I hope you have a great day, no matter what you do with this ask obviously and thank you for all your amazing writing!!:) Also, apologies for my English!
Fic O'Ween Day 2: Moonlight! This is more cute and sweet, but there are certainly some moments where they need to go to horny jail. Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for momentary impure thoughts (gasp!)
You Have One (1) New Message From: Sirius Black
Remus nearly choked on half a sandwich as he snatched his phone off the desk with a glance to make sure the door was closed. Despite his best efforts, it was scientifically impossible for him to keep down a blush when Sirius was involved. The last thing he needed was someone wandering in while he was at his most embarrassing.
Are Pots’ pads in the storage closet?
And then, two seconds later:
Good morning : )
Remus ran a hand through his hair, exhaling slowly. He received a dozen similar messages from the team every day, but there was something about Sirius that made his heart skip a beat after even the simplest question. Maybe it was because he could hear Sirius’ voice even through the screen, his accent curling around each word. Maybe it was because he could see that shy smile in the emojis that always, always accompanied a text from the captain. Maybe it was because Sirius was the one person he wanted to kiss until they were both blue in the face.
New Message To: Sirius Black
No, Pots’ pads are drying in the ice room.
And then, after two seconds of thought:
Morning : )
“Pull it together,” Remus muttered to himself as his stomach flipflopped. He checked the time, cursed, and set his phone facedown on the desk. Less than ten minutes of his lunch break remained—he would be lucky to get five with the team’s track record of terrible timing.
Sirius was laughably out of his league, famous, and straight. Remus’ poor, romantic little heart didn’t seem to get that memo. It was kind of mortifying, actually—he was afraid he’d start doodling their initials in tiny hearts on the corner of his notes like a fucking middle schooler soon.
Remus groaned under his breath at the thought and let his forehead thud against the top of his desk. Feelings were a nightmare. Curling up under his desk like an elderly fox dying in the woods was sounding better with every passing moment.
“Fuck.” He checked the clock again—six minutes until the end of his lunch, eleven until Kasey’s appointment. He cast one more baleful glance to his sandwich before sliding it back into his lunch bag and dragging himself upright.
“I almost have it, stop twitching!”
“Well, maybe if you moved your ass—”
“Hey, guys, I—oh.”
Sirius froze and felt James do the same.
“Should I…” Remus trailed off, tilting his head slightly to the side. “Should I come back, or…?”
“No, no, you’re good,” James assured him. His weight rocked back and Sirius gritted his teeth as a heel dug into his shoulder. Of all the humiliating positions to be found in, Remus had to walk in when he was playing the illustrious role of human stepstool. Fantastic.
He tried to fight his blush when Remus looked down at him, a laugh ticking at the corner of his mouth. “I thought you were looking for pads?”
“We are.” Sirius bit back a groan when James’ foot found a bruise from the last game. “Couldn’t find them.”
“Yeah, no, I got your text. But why are you looking up there?”
“We checked everywhere else.”
“Why would I put your pads in a place I can’t reach?”
A beat of silence passed. “I guess we didn’t think of that,” James mused before stepping back onto the floor with one last dig of his bony heel into the small of Sirius’ back.
“Don’t be a baby.”
Sirius got to his feet with as much dignity as he could muster and dusted himself off, offering a strained smile to Remus. He was in his usual (adorable) uniform of khakis and a polo—blue today, softening the pale gold of his skin—and waited patiently for them to finish in the doorway to the ice baths. “We checked in the storage closet,” Sirius explained. “For the pads. They weren’t there.”
Obviously, or else he wouldn’t have found you two doing a Dumb and Dumber skit. Remus, to his credit, seemed rather unfazed as he turned to James. “Did you check the towel drying racks?”
“The what?”
“How are you alive?”
“Stubbornness and healthy living,” James said brightly.
Remus just shook his head with a grin, his soft curls falling over his forehead. Sirius wanted to squeeze him. “I don’t get paid enough for this. C’mon.”
Sirius trailed after him without hesitation, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Remus’ left ear. Not his (strong, lean) shoulders or his (perfect for holding) waist or his (god bless the inventor of khakis) rear end. Left ear. The left ear was safe, bland, and—and—
And there was a small freckle near the tip that Sirius wanted to kiss. And the short-cropped sides of Remus’ hair just brushed it like a halo. And, and, and, because Remus Lupin could never be just one thing. There was too much good about him. Sirius had known it from the moment he realized he’d do anything for a single smile from those lips.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?”
He startled, glancing down at James. “Why?”
James shrugged. “I dunno, you seem distracted.”
“Maybe you should be more entertaining.”
That got him a grin and an elbow to the ribs; Sirius smiled, ducking his head with it. James was like that, too—so much good condensed into a best-friend-sized package. God, he could hear the ‘package’ jokes James would make if he ever said that aloud. From anyone else, it would have been irritating.
Remus paused by the door with a flourish of his hand. “Ta-da! Pads drying on a drying rack. Who would have thought?”
Sirius’ cheeks heated as James let out a bark of laughter. Embarrassment never seemed to affect James, unless it came from Lily. He watched as James slung an arm around Remus and planted a wet kiss to his cheek, and tried not to acknowledge the hot spark of want in his belly. Remus was nice. Remus wouldn’t think anything of it if Sirius did the same. The problem was, Sirius wasn’t sure if he could stop himself once he folded.
“Next time, check your phone instead of playing ladder for Thing One, eh?” Remus teased, twisting a dry towel in his hand before patting Sirius on the chest.
Sirius choked a noise back at the last possible second.
Remus blinked. His butterscotch lashes fluttered once before his eyes settled on Sirius’, curious and deer-soft and full of the intensity, the pure focus, that Sirius admired above most other things. He had been studied his whole life and never once been seen quite like that.
Remus’ hand was still on his chest. His brow furrowed. Sirius was acutely aware that he was still holding his breath; his mouth watered at the thought of pressing a light kiss to that worried crease, the scrunch of his pointed nose, the slight downturn of his lips. The uninvited image of where else that furrow-scrunch combination might appear (on his mattress, healing hands curled in the sheets, bright in the moonlight like Remus deserved and stop it stop it stop it) sprang to mind before Sirius could divert his attention. He was morbidly grateful for his loose basketball shorts.
A light jab to the chest shocked him from his daydream. “That hurts?”
Remus poked him again, dead center over his right pec. “You made a noise. What’s wrong?”
“I—um, I was—” Words. He needed words. What’s a word? “I was on bench rotation. Tired. Tired muscles. Non, nothing wrong.”
Remus snorted. “Being a baby, then, got it.”
The far door flew open and Sirius flinched, but Remus’ attention was already gone and James was shaking his skates at him like a dog’s leash. “Yo, it’s showtime, stop hogging my Loops.”
“Captain privilege, I get first dibs,” Sirius countered with a wry smile, even as something in him twitched at my Loops. Maybe it was his imagination, but Remus looked rather pleased.
“You have to stop using that excuse to get whatever you want.”
“Someday you’ll understand.”
“Hey.” Remus touched his elbow and Sirius stopped on a dime. He wound the towel around his hand once more, offering a smile that was half-concern, half-assurance. “Tell me if that muscle keeps acting up, okay? Powering through won’t help if you pulled something.”
As if Sirius would ever pass up an opportunity to talk with him. Was it unethical to fake an injury? “I will,” he promised.
“Solid.” They bumped fists and Sirius gave a dramatic shake of his hand, just to watch Remus roll his eyes. “I’ll see you at four. Remember to—”
“—ice 30 minutes before and bring Tylenol for after,” he finished, nodding along. “I got you, Loops.”
Remus’ next breath was a bit sharper than usual, smoothing on the exhale with a smile. “Yeah, I know.”
“Captain!” James hollered.
Sirius smiled through the urge to lock his best friend in a storage closet. “Four o’clock.”
“See you there.”
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burningaurora · 7 months
[Podfic - TTS] Closet Case by @fruitcoops
One-Shot | Length: 18:05 | Rating: E
Cap and Loops in a PT room… Featuring skinny jeans
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
In honor of our favorite werewolf's birthday have a gift of weekend smut. Mr. Lupin deserves nothing but the best, which means getting railed by Mr. Sirius Black 😏Check back tomorrow for a second fic to celebrate Remus' birthday
Special thanks to @itsaash for picking out the fic for me and @fruitcoops for allowing me to give it voice.
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steelycunt · 2 years
regulus fans getting sooo bugged out over that quote in the books about how he was less handsome than sirius n trying to deny it…why girls embrace your fav being nothing special embrace them being a little wonky looking. my best little baby princess looks like a parsnip and i go awooga awooga over him every single day i am having the time of my life. i am free
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moonyhigh · 6 days
sempre que come abacaxi sirius olha para remus com um sorriso travesso que o deixa totalmente vermelho
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alittlebrownbat · 10 months
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It's October 31st, 1981 and Remus Lupin's past and future crumble around him. And then it keeps happening. 
Chapter 2 is up! You can read the new chapter here, or start from the beginning here. I hope you enjoy it. Always love hearing your thoughts xx
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tortoisebore · 1 year
writing sirius pov is my favorite he’s so silly and goofy and funny and insane and so obsessed w his mans it’s almost concerning 🥰💗🤩✨🫶💞💫💕
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I'm cackling, who would've thought Remus was this funny? not me for sure
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