saturniade · 8 months
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found in a random artfile in a layer named "jumpscare]"
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clove-pinks · 7 months
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Once again I am asking you to read fashion historian Cassidy Percoco's Twitter thread about changes in men's fashion in the 18th and 19th centuries.
It's a quick read and informative! In brief:
Men's fashion became more subdued over the course of the 18th century
Beau Brummell had nothing to do with the move away from earlier styles
I quote: "Brummell made his name by wearing the hell out of what already was considered fashionable - working within the parameters of normal dress"
Colourful men's fashion was a thing for most of the 19th century!!!! It didn't go away in the Regency period!!!!
Stop with the long-debunked "Beau Brummell ruined men's fashion" canard, I'm begging you.
I looked up this "Great Male Renunciation" concept, since I have never heard of such a thing even in books dedicated to the history of men's fashion, and surprise! It was coined by a psychologist in 1930!
One of the sources cited by Wikipedia is Nicholas Storey's book History of Men's Fashion: What the Well-dressed Man is Wearing, which I own, and it's so dull and lazy and awful that I still haven't moved it to my new apartment. The author is literally a British barrister with no academic background in dress history, who openly admits to not owning more than two fashion history books in a 2013 interview, and that checks out with what I remember about his book: his opinionated blather on what he thinks is a good man's suit, as a rich lawyer guy.
I'm not saying that you couldn't find more respectable sources to support the "Great Male Renunciation" idea, but I don't think it's very supported by the historical record. You can say a lot about changing fashions and ideas about masculinity without setting up an over-hyped and dramatic break from past styles.
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drewlover · 8 months
annabeth is first introduced to eve at school. her teacher—ms. honey—had given her a bible. no one had told her it was for religious purposes, or that someday the idea of it would be so ridiculous to her, so she just treated it like any other story, another poem-of-sorts to be read and analyzed.
she barely makes it past genesis—there was only so much a six-year-old's attention span could take, no matter how smart the said six-year-old was. perhaps it had felt wrong, too, older forces making the wind cooler and the book harder to read, century-old jealousy rearing its head.
but annabeth was annabeth, and she took on challenges better than most. she finished genesis and gave it back to her teacher.
"eve is like me," is all she says when she gives it back to ms. honey.
ms. honey nods and smiles. "yes, darling. she is a woman, and as brave and beautiful as you will be."
annabeth nods. she doesn't tell ms. honey that the only similarity she's noticed between herself and eve was that eve did not have a mother, either.
her father is a good parent. the thing is, annabeth doesn't really know what a good parent is, but her father is kind. he doesn't raise his voice at her, and he smiles absently and nods when she says something. he never forgets to put a side a smaller serving on a smaller plate whenever he eats, even though he barely remembers to.
she tells him about eve, and tells him that she is like her. she doesn't notice the way his hands grip his pen tighter when she says the word 'mother'.
she doesn't understand why her father won't bring her to church, either.
annabeth is seven when her mother first speaks to her. she's been on the streets for so long, and she's tired. the spiders keep following. the monsters keep following. she's alone, and so, so hungry.
the voice is stern—there is no warmth in them. sterile. cool. precise. annabeth looks up.
somehow, she knows. "mother."
her mother looks her up and down, but makes no move to go closer. a cap appears in front of annabeth—old and worn, yet heavy, still. a gift from her mother. she takes it, and her hands tremble.
athena notices. her mouth forms a sneer, but no insult comes out of her mouth. "do me proud," she says instead, like a seven-year-old will understand, like a child will understand.
yet athena still flows through annabeth's veins, and she nods. athena disappears, and there is nothing left—just the slightest ripple of a breeze. the monsters come, still, and the spiders soon follow. athena doesn't come back.
annabeth wonders if her mother gifts her invisibility so that she will never have to see annabeth again.
the invisibility cap hasn't worked in over a year. the first time it doesn't work she's caught of guard, and the scorpion hits her on the shoulder, already weakened from the time during the battle of manhattan. it takes the combined force of her, chiron, and will to stop percy from storming olympus and destroying her mother's temple.
"why would she give something just to take it away?" percy asked her, eyebrows furrowed with anger. he's a hurricane in her arm, fingers trembling and veins thrumming.
annabeth doesn't answer, but she knows. this is her mother, telling her that annabeth needs to be seen.
annabeth is nineteen years old when she renounces her mother, and the pain is bone deep.
she does it in rome, where her mother had sent her in a fit of anger, sending her daughter to execute her revenge. take back the mark of athena. make your mother proud.
athena had sent her there, a pig raised for slaughter.
she had braved tartarus. the gods, no matter their cruelty, held no power over her now.
her mother had always been one of the crueler ones.
"you renounce me? you dare?"
annabeth could feel her blood thrumming in her veins, threatening to burst out. athena was barely keeping her essence in—annabeth could see her skin burning gold, on the precipice of shifting to her godly form. everything was blurring around the edges—athena was barely holding on to her disguise. despite everything, she refuses to incinerate annabeth. a small act of mercy.
"yes mother. i dare." she could feel the blood soaking her teeth, could taste it's metallic tang on her tongue. the air grew hotter.
"you would not have me on your side. you will never gain back my alliance, annabeth. do you dare?"
annabeth laughed, and somewhere she knew dionsyus was chuckling in delight at the traces of insanity in it. blood trickled down her chin and onto the ground, but it did not sizzle. the blood wasn't an offering to athena. it was an act of defiance.
athena's most successful warrior—whose blood no longer belonged to her.
"very well," athena said eyes flashing gold. "you are no longer my daughter. greek land will reject your blood. no longer will you be accepted into our world, and no longer will you be mine."
annabeth felt the bones in both her legs crack, but she refused to let out the scream of anguish struggling to be let out of her throat. refused to give athena the satisfaction of knowing that this hurt her as much as it hurt the goddess.
all at once the goddess disappeared, and annabeth was left alone in the middle of rome.
she looked up. it was a church, and it was beautiful.
eve looked down at her, with her frightened eyes and trembling hands wrapped around the apple.
the apple that had gifted her knowledge. the apple that had taken away everything from eve. the apple that had gifted humanity freedom.
annabeth had never been more like her.
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evilgodfuckers · 1 year
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Desecrate the Holy Book, Renounce the Christian God. Deny and Blaspheme the Holy Fucking Spirit. Renounce your Christianity and Accept SATAN as your GOD and SAVOIR. HAIL SATAN!!! FUCK Jesus!!!
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rowanthestrange · 3 months
From the themes, I think when we next see Gallifrey, they’re going to know the Doctor is not ‘one of them’ and they’re going to tell him that due to his undisclosed origin species he is not a Time Lord and can no longer refer to himself as such.
Due to this they won’t allow him to interfere in a thing that ultimately gets a lot of them killed.
But eventually at the end some magnanimous survivors will agree they should restore him of his title.
And he’s going to have a difficult choice to make.
[Lies; like all difficult choices the Doctor will in fact run away from making it.]
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do you ever just sit there thinking about your favorite ocs while violently shaking. god. clenches fist. They're So.
#every time a song from their Joint Playlist comes on i go fucking feral#the betrayal the refusal to Let Go the haunting the persisting love the renunciation the resentment the abandonment the resignation#the overwhelming desire to do good vs the fear of admitting you were wrong vs the two people you love most tearing each other apart#AGHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK IM SUDDENLY DEEP IN THE ORIGINAL SAUCE#five seconds i was Normal. scribbling welcome home#then One Of The Songs Came On and now im losing my fucking marbles#perceived betrayals leading to real betrayals....#going too far and now its too late you're Committed you cant go back#he came to you thinking he could make you understand and you could work together to make things Better#and instead you ripped his heart out and left it bleeding on the floor for everyone to see#THEY MAKE ME MORE INSANE THAN LITERALLY ANYTHING#absolutely unprompted#the oc Unwellness comes and goes in waves but its the only true constant obsession with my life#god those three... my dearest darling Trio.... how old are they turning this year?#is it year eight of having them? year nine?#one of the two is for sure how long ive had My Specialest Boy Light Of My Life The Reason I Am Still Alive#the other two came after... maybe only mere months after but he was the first and he is just. i love him so fucking much#he is so so personal to me. he has a permanent place carved out in my chest#he sleeps on my ribs <3#the other day i was reminiscing about his development over the years. his changes his different Versions#and fuck... he's really changed with me huh??#his past selves are echoes of my own self over the years#like he is Very different from me but at the same time. i created him with little pieces of myself sewn in#we hold the same views the same beliefs. im not him and hes not me but we're Kindred yk yk#i think i need to go listen to his playlist.... how long is it now... let me check... 15 hours 13 mins... 228 songs...#my gay 5'2 powerhouse of a guy. him <3#maybe 'them' too he's played fast and loose with gender over the years. holy shit wait#his development echoes mine... i characterized him as 'fucks with gender norms' long before i realized my own gender fuckery#god damn. i love him even more now. i didnt think that was possible. im going to cry. hes so important to me#he has been with me through my worst years... and will be with me through all the hard times to come <3
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nicklloydnow · 2 months
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“We recall the inadequacy of "facts" at Jim's trial as well as Conrad's characterization of a man like Chester, who, with no blue guitar, sees things as they are. And elsewhere in Lord Jim Marlow, as storyteller, argues for the higher value of "the truth disclosed in a moment of illusion" as opposed to mere factual truth. Marlow's lie is the ultimate act of renunciation on the part of an ascetic who scorns the created world, and it is the ultimate service to the higher truth beyond creation. The ultimate truth is served by the penultimate lie. An appreciation of this point depends on remembering that the god of light is, to the gnostic view, entirely "other," an alien to the laws governing creation. The gnostics, in fact, inherited the Buddhist notion that creation should be viewed as a dream from which one seeks release. In this spirit Marlow dismisses the "truth" about Kurtz, thus protecting the light of innocence that radiates from his Intended—and thus fulfilling his mission as saviour figure, truly becoming the "kind stranger" of gnostic myth.” - Bruce Henricksen, ‘Heart of Darkness and the Gnostic Myth’
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todaysjewishholiday · 2 months
21 Tammuz 5784 (26-27 July 2024)
Shabbat shalom! Sabado bueno! Gut shabbes!
It is once again the most significant holiday in the Jewish calendar. Shabbat begins eighteen minutes before sunset on the twentieth of Tammuz and continues until full nightfall on the twenty second. May it be a day of rest and peace for all of us.
The parashat hashavua is Pinchas in Bamidbar, which contains the second census of the Israelites. It also contains the story of The daughters of Zelophechad, who petition for an adjustment of the laws of inheritance to account for families with no sons. The parsha shows HaShem adjusting the law in accordance with their request. Next, Yehoshua is chosen as Moshe’s successor and presented to the people. The parsha ends with instructions regarding korbanot to be offered on the major holidays, including the high holy days, which are described as being in the seventh month rather than the new year because the calendar is still counting from Nisan.
The twenty-first of Tammuz is also the yahrzeit of the Spanish martyr Don Lope de Vera y Alarcon, known at the end of his life by the self-chosen name Judah the Believer, who died at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition after six years of imprisonment and torture.
The mission of the church and crown to remove all Jews from the Iberian peninsula was doomed from the start for a number of reasons, chief among them that no matter how many Jews the Inquisitors hounded from Spanish and Portuguese shores, the very book on which they based their religion, the Christian Bible, was full of them. This is the flaw at the heart of all Christian antisemitism, for without us, their religion could never have come into being, and anybody who is exposed to Christianity through the Bible is also thereby exposed to the holiest texts of Judaism as well. And though Christian denominations have their own official interpretations of these texts, the words can speak for themselves to readers who decide to look for an understanding of their own.
This is what happened with Lope de Vera. Born into a Spanish noble family, he belonged to the class the Inquisition saw as the truest of all Spaniards. An academic prodigy, he entered the University of Salamanca at the age of fourteen, and due to a great aptitude with languages was soon fluent in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew as well as Spanish. His study of the Tanakh in its original Hebrew led Lope, who had in all likelihood never met a living Jew, to privately reject Catholic teaching and identify with the faith and ritual practices described by the Torah. Lope made the mistake of describing his newfound convictions to his elder brother, who reported him to the Inquisition in a misguided effort to save his soul. For the next six years the young scholar was imprisoned, interrogated, and routinely tortured in an attempt to force him to recant. All these efforts only made him more certain of his decision to adopt the Jewish religion. He had no access to a Jewish community or any rabbi, and certainly was never able to complete halakhic conversion overseen by a beit din. But for simply professing his affection for the Jewish people and conviction that the messiah had not yet come and that the commandments of the Torah remained in effect, he was considered a profound threat to the very basis of Spanish Catholic society which had spent over a century convincing itself that there were no more Jews in Spain.
In prison, Lope performed a bris on himself, and refused all meat since it was not slaughtered in accordance with kosher laws. He took the name Judah the Believer in place of the name of his birth. After six years, his jailers despaired of all hope of persuading Lope to return to Catholic orthodoxy, and because freedom of conscience and religious association was anathema to the mission of the inquisitors, Lope de Vera y Alarcon was burned at the stake on the 21st of Tammuz 5404.
Before his death, Lope had prepared a written explanation of his journey from Catholicism to identification with the Jews of the Tanakh, as part of the meticulous records kept by the Inquisition of the “confessions” of its victims. This document was smuggled out of the Inquisition’s headquarters by a sympathizer with Lope’s persistence, and donated to a synagogue in Livorno. The Inquisition was unable to silence him, even in death.
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sketching-shark · 2 years
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“‘To tell you the truth, Master,’ said Pilgrim, ‘when I, old Monkey, was king on the Flower-Fruit Mountain five hundred years ago, I killed I don’t know how many people. I would not have been a Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, if I had lived by what you are saying.’”
-Journey to the West, trans. Anthony C. Yu
TBH to this day one of the points I find most interesting about Xiyoji is its presentation of & the questions it implicitly raises about what kind of violence is acceptable and what kind is unacceptable, such as with Sun Wukong being berated by Tang Sanzang for having murdered so many individuals he lost count vs. the monk’s intense admiration for the Tang emperor despite this man also being described as an someone who had “countless people” killed, including, or so the text heavily implies, his own brothers. It could just be an example of that old trend where if you win your wars you’re considered a great and benevolent ruler but if you lose you’re remembered as a bloodthirsty demon.
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geryone · 1 year
hiiii im also doing the sealey challenge & as you are thee poetry blog of all time + your taste is always on par, i wanted to ask if you had any all time fav lifechanging collections to recommend so i can fill the last few spots on my reading plan for the month :-) ty love u
God that’s such a high compliment! Thank you!! ❤️
Oh yes I have some recommendations!!!
1. Come the Slumberless To the Land of Nod by Traci Brimhall - this has been my favorite collection since I first read it in 2020 & I have reread it countless times & will continue to be absolutely floored by it
2. Averno by Louise Glück- I love Glück’s poetry & Averno is one of the first collections that latched it’s teeth into me
3. Calling a Wolf a Wolf by Kaveh Akbar - Another collection I return to often!! Will read literally anything Kaveh Akbar writes
4. Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz - a tender & deeply touching collection. I am obsessed with the way that Diaz talks about love.
5. Past Lives, Future Bodies by Kristen Chang - small collection of absolutely striking work!!
6. Headless John the Baptist Hitchhiking by C. T. Salazar - obsessed with this collection & return to it often
7. Kingdom Animalia by Aracelis Girmay - this collection took me out the first time I read it & it took some time for me to recover
8. I Will Tell this Story to the Sun Until You Remember that You are the Sun by Erin Slaughter - another collection I had to literally put down multiple times while I was reading it & calm myself down before I could return back to it. I love Erin Slaughter’s work!!
9. Smoking the Bible by Chris Abani - have bought & devoured all of Abani’s published poetry in the last year. Started with this collection & it got me hooked.
10. Deluge by Leila Chatti - Obsessed with her work!! Could not recommend it more
This is a lot & honestly there are many more I could recommend but I’ll stop myself here
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philosophybits · 2 years
Words can be hard to utter: those, for example, with which one renounces something, or confesses a weakness. (Words are also deeds.)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
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hesgomorrah · 3 months
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researching historical menswear mood
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clove-pinks · 3 months
girl help, I had a fashion history shitpost escape containment on the Beau Brummell Forbade Men From Wearing Colours website
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mountain-sage · 5 months
Q: I have a good mind to resign from service and remain constantly with Sri Bhagavan.
Sri Ramana Maharshi :
Bhagavan is always with you, in you, and you are yourself Bhagavan.
To realize this it is neither necessary to resign your job nor run away from home.
Renunciation does not imply apparent divesting of costumes, family ties, home, etc., but renunciation of desires, affection and attachment.
There is no need to resign your job, only resign yourself to God, the bearer of the burden of all.
One who renounces desires actually merges in the world and expands his love to the whole universe.
Expansion of love and affection would be a far better term for a true devotee of God than renunciation, for one who renounces the immediate ties actually extends the bonds of affection and love to a wider world beyond the borders of caste, creed and race.
A sannyasi who apparently casts away his clothes and leaves his home does not do so out of aversion to his immediate relations but because of the expansion of his love to others around him.
When this expansion comes,
one does not feel that one is running away from home, instead one drops from it like a ripe fruit from a tree.
Till then it would be folly to leave one's home or job.
~ From ‘Be as you are’
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leaslichoma · 10 months
The Great Male Renunciation (French: Grande Renonciation masculine) is the historical phenomenon at the end of the 18th century in which wealthy Western men stopped using bright colours, elaborate shapes and variety in their dress, which were left to women’s clothing. Instead, men concentrated on minute differences of cut, and the quality of the plain cloth.
this sucks.
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The power of refuge is one of the most important practices through which we connect with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The best way to connect with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is to generate Bodhicitta.
As your wisdom grows, your faith will grow too. With better faith, your connection with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will become stronger. Thus, your power of refuge and your ability to deal with afflictions will strengthen.
From《The Mirror of Causality 19》
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