#replace cherries with apples and :0)
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manicpixiepisxes · 1 year
just spent over $150 on my ana grocery list and here’s what I got
skinny pop - 35/cup
heart of palm noodles - 60/bag
rice cakes, salted - 35 (50 for flavored)
healthy living English muffins - 100
lewis keto bread - 30/slice
walden farms mayo - 0
mashed potatoes - 110/half cup
tuna packets - 70-90/pack
oats - 150/serving
flaxseed - 40/tbsp
chia seeds - 60/tbsp
kidney beans - 120/half cup
lupin flour - 80/quarter cup
dates (so so so good for you but higher cal)
silken tofu - 30/serving
walden farms asian marinade - 0
organic protein shakes - 150-190
egg replacement - 25/serving (~1 egg)
greek yogurt (SUGAR FREE) - 90
coffee concentrate, starbucks - 20
almond milk - 60 (30 unsweetened)
squash/zucchini - 17/100g
brussel sprouts - 40/100g
carrots - 40/100g
salad kits - 500-600/bag (140-200 per serving, dressing amount up to you)
light sour cream - 20/tbsp
whipped cream cheese - 25/tbsp
whipped butter - 50/tbsp
ice cream - 270-300
frozen cherries - 90/cup
mashed cauliflower - 200/container
riced cauliflower blends - 110-150/bag
frozen shrimp - 80/serving
I know it’s a lot of money, so this is not meant to be a post that’s like “you NEED these things!” but these are a lot of groceries that keep my binges lower calorie when everything I buy I try to find low and/or filling that keep the cravings at bay. feel free to add some of your staples on!
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pythonway · 4 months
Iterations in Python
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In programming, iterations are fundamental for processing collections of data, repeating tasks, and implementing algorithms. Python provides several constructs for iterating, including the versatile for and while loops, as well as powerful tools like list comprehensions and generators. In this post, we'll explore these iteration techniques and how to leverage them effectively.
The for Loop The for loop in Python is used to iterate over sequences like lists, tuples, strings, or any other iterable object. It's concise and readable, making it a go-to choice for many iteration tasks.
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] for fruit in fruits: print(fruit) #Same indentation principle as for if, elif and else #discussed in previous post
This will print each item in the fruits list on a new line.
You can also iterate over other iterables like strings:
for char in "hello": print(char)
or even iterate over keys in a dictionary:
person = {"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "city": "New York"} for key in person: print(key, person[key])
The while Loop Unlike the for loop, which iterates over a sequence, the while loop continues executing a block of code as long as a given condition is True.
count = 0 while count < 5: print(count) count += 1
This will print the numbers from 0 to 4.
while loops are often used when you don't know the exact number of iterations needed, or when the condition for stopping depends on a dynamic value that changes within the loop.
Warning: Be careful when using while loops, as they can potentially lead to infinite loops if the stopping condition is never met. Always ensure that the condition will eventually become False to avoid an infinite loop that can cause your program to hang or crash.
Iterating with Indexes Sometimes, you may need to access both the element and its index while iterating over a sequence. Python's enumerate() function comes in handy for this:
colors = ["red", "green", "blue"] for idx, color in enumerate(colors): print(f"{idx}: {color}")
This will output: 0: red 1: green 2: blue
List Comprehensions List comprehensions are a concise and expressive way to create new lists by iterating over an existing sequence. They can often replace for loops and make your code more readable.
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squares = [x**2 for x in numbers] print(squares) # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] #You can also include conditional logic in list comprehensions: even_squares = [x**2 for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0] print(even_squares) # Output: [4, 16]
Generators and Iterators Generators are a special kind of iterator that can be used to produce a sequence of values, one at a time, instead of creating the entire sequence in memory. This can be more memory-efficient for large or infinite sequences. List comprehensions could be very easily turned to generators. Other ways to create generators will be discussed later
counter = (i**2 for i in [1,2,3,4] ) print(list(counter)) # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16]
After the first iteration over the generator, it is exhausted and attempting to iterate over it again will not produce any values. It will raise an error instead.
Python's iteration constructs like for and while loops, combined with powerful tools like list comprehensions and generators, provide a rich set of options for working with collections and sequences. Mastering these techniques will make your code more expressive, efficient, and Pythonic. So embrace the power of iterations and take your Python skills to new heights!
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My Recipes
Resharing my recipes to help out some people looking for foods to eat low-carb, low-cal options! <3 <3 <3 
My favourite foods for meals are hard boiled eggs (72 calories a piece - a dash of salt or pepper, as snacks or sandwich filler), tuna (120 calories a can), tilapia (80 calories a fillet), frozen salmon fillets (130/4 oz), romaine lettuce (5 calories for two LARGE leafs/10 for 4) for salads or in replacement of bread.
For tuna wraps (two cans of skipjack drained (240 calories), tbsp of full-fat mayo (80 calories), pepper medley, (you can add chives or celery), wrap in lettuce (head of lettuce - 5 calories for two LARGE leafs/10 for 4) -- makes multiple 'sandwiches'. (325 calories - 205 calories for 1 can) Sometimes I just drain a can of tuna, throw on some Clubhouse ‘La Grille’ Pepper Medley and eat it straight out of the can with a fork. (120 calories)
Egg salad wraps (two-three-four eggs, depends on how hungry you are), tbsp full-fat mayo (80 calories), yellow mustard to taste (0 cals) -- you can add a dash of salt or pepper, wrap lettuce (5-15) around it to make multiple 'sandwiches'. (229-301-373 calories - 2-3-4 large eggs)
I typically boil an entire carton of eggs in one sitting, remember that it takes more time to cook a whole carton. I also get cartons of egg whites (two containers/250g a container/a cup a container), I use a whole carton, microwave for 2 minutes 45 seconds, and then mix in a big tablespoon of peanut butter. It's surprisingly delicious! And low-carb. (206-286 calories if you use 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter respectively) Veggies with dinner or any meal: Simply Steam Green Giant items (like cauliflower rice and broccoli with cheese sauce, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce, and brussel sprouts in butter sauce). All of them are low-cal and delicious. I avoid corn. I'm more a veggie girl than a fruit girl (I've never really been a fan. I don't know why). (40-50-80 calories for half a package - 80-100-160 calories for a full package) You can even make an egg white omelette with one of those 250g cartons and Simply Steam veggies! Just add one cup/250g of egg whites into a frying pan (115 calories), I typically use the broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce package and it comes to 215 calories.
Snacks: Large hardboiled eggs (dash of salt or pepper) - (72 calories a piece), cherry tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, celery, (all great for salads as well), peanut butter, greek yogurt (don't get sweetened ones, they have a LOT of sugar in them). Sometimes, I just slice up a whole tomato (Beefsteak - 33 calories), and put some salt on it, and eat just that as a snack.
Get full fat dressing of your choice to dip or use as dressing. Smoked oysters (good healthy fat) with Clubhouse “La Grille pepper medley”. (130 calories) However, I get light peanut butter.
You can put peanut butter on your celery. Also, 15 almonds is about 100 calories – if you put them in water and in the fridge, they'll double to triple in size, much more filling that way!
Carbs: Whole grain brown rice (usually Uncle Ben's Express roasted chicken, vegetable medley, or mushroom), ready in 90 seconds! I typically only eat half a bag because the carb count can add up, for the second use -- you add a cup of water in the microwave, and heat up for 45-60 seconds. (130-140-150 calories) / (260-280-300 calories for a full bag)
Feel like pasta? They have low calorie options by Slendier – "Calorie Clever", which is gluten free, low carb, and a source of fiber. An entire package is 25 calories.
Feel like pizza? Get the whole wheat 7" tortilla wraps (the smaller size), a dash of tomato sauce spread around with the bottom of a spoon, mozza fat-free cheese slices (X2), top with low-cal toppings, spinach, chicken – 7 minutes in the oven at 400F. (235 calories)
Dessert or sweet tooth? A big spoonful of peanut butter (80-190 calories), or you can make a packet of maple oatmeal (Quaker), and a cup of cottage cheese, is REALLY good as a dessert. Mix it together, it's creamy-deliciousness! Great as breakfast/lunch/dessert, whenever. (271 calories)
Also, ICE CREAM. Plain. Chocolate. Vanilla. Nothing EXTRA in it, is what I mean. Chapman’s even makes a sugar-free, lactose-free kind. Chocolate and vanilla. And yes, Chapman's makes sugar-free chocolate and vanilla, and even ice cream sandwiches – so those are keto friendly! lol
I'm lactose-intolerant so I tend to avoid dairy products. I -love- ice cream, but ice cream does NOT love me. Chapman's makes sugar-free, lactose-free Chocolate, Vanilla, Maple Walnut, Butterscotch Ripple, and Black Cherry Ice Cream! And they taste AMAZING.
Not only that, I find I urinate most of it out, so it doesn’t add to the scale the following day for me.
Broth – I also like chicken bone broth with turmeric and black pepper. Easy to find on Amazon. I add a little bit of chicken bouillon and it tastes like a mug of spicy chicken soup. (75 calories)
I keep vitamins on hand: Essential Electrolytes, K2, Liquid Vitamin D (the pills don't absorb properly), B6, B12, biotin, and I have Apple Cider Vinegar pills (with 'mother') and Turmeric pills on hand. Keep in mind that for some people ACV helps acid reflux, for others it doesn't.
Turmeric is NOT a supplement. Do NOT take it on an empty stomach. I took two pills, then drank coffee. It was like I ate a ghost pepper, I could feel the heat in my mouth for the rest of the day and my stomach hurt. Only take Turmeric BEFORE you eat a meal. I also only take ACV before a meal. Never on an empty stomach.
Remember that the low-fat options typically have a LOT more sodium/sugar in them!
Drink LOTS of water, and don't count coffee or other liquids as your water intake. If you want to determine the exact amount you should drink according to your body weight, you can follow these steps: Take your weight and divide it in half and translate the lbs to ounces. Done.
Avoid sugar-free gum unless you're going to chew the same piece for 60 minutes + because that's how long it takes to burn off the calories in it by chewing it. If you’re going to exercise -- than sugar-free gum won’t matter, but it slows down your weight loss because it causes an insulin spike. You won’t stay in ketosis because of it. This is the same thing with sugar-free energy drinks unfortunately. I find changing your eating window around helps, because it confuses your metabolism. All of these things are easy to make, because I'm lazy. LOL
P.S. I'm a 'dirty faster', and put sweetener in my coffee, albeit I'm learning not to put sweetener in. And lime in my water (you can use lime or lemon), which is scientifically proven to kick your metabolism in the butt. Cool/cold showers instead of hot ones actually burns calories, and clears up skin from acne as well.
P.P.S. I've actually been clean fasting since early February. So now, black coffee, green tea, and water, are the only thing I intake while I'm fasting.
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l1sa-s1mps0n · 4 years
So I’m just sitting here thinking that there’s literally no point to my meal replacement drinks. Like my cereal or smoothie or even a sandwich could have way less kcal and it’d actually fill me up BECAUSE IT REAL FOOD. This whole time I really thought I beat the system when really I was a fool. Like I can have an egg, 2 rice cakes , half an avocado , a handful of cherry tomatoes- let’s say about 7, some lettuce, an apple and black coffee for literally the EXACT SAME CALORIES!!! And what am I eating? Fizzy mango juice that doesn’t even give me any energy ;-;
Wait a damn minute... did I just make a recipe?
I mean tbf when I first got the meal replacement technique, I was lazy (still am), with 0 cooking skills (semi-still am), severely depressed (still am lol) and had a big fear of real physical food in me. Like my dumbass would go and have one cup of bubble tea and a redbull as the only thing other than water in my body even though that much calories could have given me a good diner. Speaking of which, I dunno how much those tapioca balls are as kcal but they really fill u up and like whenever I have bubble tea, I always feel like throwing up by the end of it cos of all the tapioca and chewing it makes it feel like I’m eating a banquet. Might buy that on its own and have it with hemp milk and maybe a little honey cos hemp milk is nasty or maybe just have hazelnut milk cos that’s pretty sweet and ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD!!
Anyways, now I know what I’m eating once I’m bothered to go grocery shopping (minus the eggs cos I’m sorry but 🤮)
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whimsicalfairy · 6 years
Meal Ideas
1. Oatmeal Bowl - 230 kcals / 255 kcals
Quaker Quick Cook Oats - 1/2 cup, 150 kcals
Apple - 1 , 80 kcals
OR  Frozen banana - 1, 105 kcals 
2. Veggie omelette - 68 kcals
Egg whites - 3, 51 kcals
Lettuce, 1 cup, 8 kcals 
Cucumber - 0.2 cup, 4 kcals  
Cherry Tomatoes - 2 , 5 kcals
Lunch / Dinner
1. Tuna salad - 318 kcals
Canned Tuna -1/2 can, 126 kcals
Lettuce, 1 cup, 8 kcals 
Cucumber - 0.2 cup, 4 kcals  
Cherry Tomatoes - 2 , 5 kcals
White rice - 3/4 cup, 175 kcals 
2. Chicken bowl - 391 kcals
Grilled chicken breast - 100g, 165 kcals
White rice - 3/4 cup, 175 kcals
Lettuce, 1 cup, 8 kcals 
Cucumber - 0.2 cup, 4 kcals  
Cherry Tomatoes - 2 , 5 kcals
Egg whites - 2, 34 kcals
3. Chicken Wrap - 360 kcals
Grilled chicken breast - 100g, 165 kcals
Lettuce, 1 cup, 8 kcals 
Cucumber - 0.2 cup, 4 kcals  
Cherry Tomatoes - 2 , 5 kcals
Gardenia Original Wrap - 1 piece, 178 kcals
Fruits - generally low cal but try to stay away from bananas due to high sugar content
Nuts - eat in moderation as it can be quite high cal
Dark chocolate - lower in cal compared to milk chocolate
General Tips
Drink water before meals and in between meals. Try using a tumblr with a straw as it usually helps you drink more water. Try fruit infused water for a twist, here’s some ideas.  
Try to eat more vegetables as its generally low cal but more filling.
Diet soda has 0 kcals and tastes similar to normal soda, eg. Coke Zero
Green tea + organic honey + ice can help boost metabolism while replacing sweet drinks
Use smaller cutlery like smaller plates and smaller utensils as it can trick the mind to feel fuller. Blue plates and bowls supposedly also decrease appetite. 
Artificial sweeteners like Stevia are 0 cal but tastes like real sugar. Agave honey/ pure honey is healthier than sugar
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Day after the Working Test
Our first working test of the season for the girls took place yesterday in the lovely grounds of Sandringham by kind permission of HM the Queen.  It is always a treat to be there and yesterday was no exception with a lovely spring day - cold sharp wind following a very potent frost but beautiful sunshine for most of the afternoon.  The Norfolk Gundog Club put on an excellent day - long because of so many entries and when we finally got home at 7.15 we were exhausted.  Mavis and Bertha had mixed fortunes.  On balance I was happy with both of them but Mavis has now got very slow and clearly much prefers proper picking up, and conversely Bertha is much too quick and keen! They both provided amusement at Test No 2 which involved jumping over a fence to retrieve a dummy, and then jumping back with it on the return.  Mavis popped over and found the target but refused to jump back preferring to “case the joint” for an easier option!  Which she found and therefore squeeeeezed her rather fat little body through a hole.  This regrettably although seems to show intelligence results in 0 points.  Bertha meantime had been kept out of sight of her mother’s efforts and came up for her turn.  She decided not to jump at all and then quite calmly moved 6m to her right and found Mavis’ hole!  The judge was flabbergasted and said that in all the 50 odd dogs that had gone before, none of them had found that hole - 0 points for both - no sense of humour clearly!
Anyhow we enjoyed ourselves even if the progress round the course was glacial due to so many competitors and we now have some lovely training days to look forward to with Bertha who is absolutely right for advancement and betterment.  I have a good mentor who is actually going to have her in for a few days - 5 - to just iron out a couple of “habits” which I am finding difficult to shift.
Our first swallow - the male - arrived on the last day of the beautiful weather we had at the end of March - it was a joy to watch him floating on the breeze chippering away. The very next day only hours before the weather so violently changed, two more showed up - the three of them sat on the electricity wires chatting and then the next morning when we woke up to snow and cruel east winds of course they vanished.  The male thank goodness is back but no sign of the others - they may not have been “ours” or even could have been two of last years young.  I am hopeful our lady will soon appear as the male as happily ensconced in the garage now.
I saw the kingfisher down at the ford the other evening which is a treat - a flash of halcyon blue and that high pitched whistle.  Evening walks are lovely at the moment if you don’t mind seeing herds of roe deer!  There really are far too many but of course they are lovely to watch - the bucks now in velvet and the yearlings probably about to be pushed out of their groups.  Plenty of muntjac too so one is watching the garden closely.
Progress in the garden is quite slow because of the low nightime temperatures. Even things in the greenhouse are germinating very erratically. We planted out the broad beans two weeks ago which are happy - didnt like the wind, but have now straightened up again.  The sweet peas can go out on Wednesday when help comes.  Beetroot, chard and spinach are through in the greenhouse and the first lettuce have germinated - Lobjoits Cos and Amaze.  Chillies are through, tomatoes sown.  We shall all have to grow as many tomatoes, chillies, peppers and aubergines as we possibly can as they are going to be expensive and in short supply.  In fact we should be trying to use every piece of possible ground to grow vegetables at the moment.
The last bits of planting for the new scheme replacing the box hedging by the terrace are in - some Geranium Orkney Cherry running through the whole thing under the step over apple trees.  The pear blossom is almost out and the potager area with the little meadow strips is beginning to look lovely.  One or two of the new snakeshead fritillaries have flowered but an awful lot either havent come or need another year.  Also through and looking impressive are the Fritillaria persica that Toby gave me because it is drier here than in Devon.  They were meant to be alba, but Avon bulbs put their hands up the other day and said there had been a mistake so I think they will just be deep purple - but rather impressive nonetheless.
Now is a good time to just make sure that plant supports are in situ and ready and things like Clematis viticella have plenty to climb up.  Dont forget to water any new roses - it has been a dry spring in the main so they just might benefit from a good drink despite a bit of rain last night.  Check for scale insect on Trachelospermums - here it is a pest, so I spray with soft soap which helps a lot.  The same also works for capsid bug on all the sage family and therefore salvias.  Try not to mow everywhere now - leave some patches to go wild or at least longer and allow the odd wildflower to be in the “lawn”.  It can all be strimmed back late August and then mowed again till mid autumn but it saves fuel in these difficult times and provides benefit to pollinators and all insects and bugs.  Be selective about strimming too and ask if you really need to do it - yes if you want to keep nettles away apart from odd ones for butterflies, but no if you are doing it just because longer grass might seem “untidy” - there is no such word as untidy in nature!
Soon be time to sow all the beans and courgettes, squashes etc so make sure you have plenty of peat free compost and add vermiculite if you find it quite dense on its own.  Take cuttings of scented geraniums before putting the parent plants out in the garden in May.  Water geraniums overwintering in either greenhouse of coldframe and give a liquid feed to get them ready to star in the summer containers.  Order a few plugs if you havent sown Nicotianas, Cosmos or Euphorbia Diamond Frost (lovely in containers). They are not that expensive and you dont have to end up having far too many.  I find sowing Nicotianas easy but you end up with about 1000 and then I feel bad chucking 965 on the compost heap.
Happy spring time
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apkfulldownload · 3 years
Samsung Smart Switch Mobile APKPURE NEW 2021
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Samsung Smart Switch Mobile APKPURE NEW 2021• if you are not able to down load via the google play shop, please follow the commands below. - please reboot a telephone and visit settings → apps → google play shop → clean cache and statistics → then, try to download once more. ▣ clever transfer offers you the freedom to transport your contacts, track, images, calendar, textual content messages, tool settings and extra in your new galaxy device. Plus, clever transfer™ facilitates you locate your favorite apps or recommend similar ones on google play™. ▣ who can switch? • android™ proprietors - wireless switch: android 4. 0 or better - wireless transfers from a well matched android device to galaxy device: android 4. 0 or higher (note that non-samsung devices with android versions lower than 6. 0 can simplest connect to galaxy devices that guide a cellular ap.) - stressed out switch: android four. 3 or higher, charger cable, and a usb connector • ios™ proprietors - use the choice that’s best for you: - wired transfer from your ios tool for your galaxy: ios five. 0 or above, ios tool cable (lightning or 30 pin), and a usb connector - import from icloud™: ios 4. 2. 1 or better and apple id - computer/mac transfer the usage of itunes™: smart transfer pc/mac software – get commenced http://www. Samsung. Com/smartswitch • windows™ cell owners - wireless transfers: home windows os 10 * note: for greater facts and step-with the aid of-step instructions, go to http://www. Samsung. Com/smartswitch ▣ what may be transferred? - contacts, calendar(device content handiest), messages, pics, tune (drm free content simplest, now not supported for icloud), films (drm loose content material best), name logs, memos, alarms, wireless, wallpapers, documents, app facts (galaxy devices simplest), domestic layouts (galaxy devices best) - you may ship app facts and domestic layouts by using upgrading your galaxy tool to m os (galaxy s6 or higher). ▣ which gadgets are supported? • galaxy: recent galaxy mobile devices and pills (from galaxy s2) * word: for galaxy s2, vintage os (gb/ics) model can motive incompatibility. If your s2 does not paintings nicely, please attempt after firmware replace. • other android gadgets: - htc, lg, sony, huawei, lenovo, motorola, pantech, panasonic, kyocera, nec, sharp, fujitsu, xiaomi, vivo, oppo, coolpad(dazenf2), rim(priv), yotaphone, zte(nubia z9), gionee, lava, myphone(my28s), cherry cellular, google(pixel/pixel2) * observe: for reasons inclusive of compatibility among gadgets, it may no longer be possible to install and use smart switch on certain gadgets. 1.Samsung Smart Switch Mobile Apk 2. In case you are the usage of a stressed connection, your device have to assist a shifting media files (mtp) usb choice to allow content material to be transferred. three. If you have a non-samsung tool that continuously disconnects from the wi-fi network, visit superior wireless to your tool, flip off the “wireless initialize” and “disconnect low wi-fi sign” alternatives, and attempt again. (the alternatives described above won't be to be had, relying to your tool manufacturer and os model.) ※ software permissions the subsequent permissions are required for the app carrier. . Smartphone: used to verify your telephone wide variety . Name logs: used to transfer name log records . Contacts: used to transfer contacts statistics . Calendar: used to transfer calendar facts . Sms: used to transfer sms information . Storage: used to save the documents necessary for data switch . Microphone: used for high-frequency audio when attempting to find galaxy devices. . Bluetooth: used to look for close by galaxy gadgets the use of bluetooth. . Location: used to connect with devices the usage of wireless direct, which makes your region available to close by gadgets if your machine software program version is decrease than android 6. 0, please update the software to configure app permissions. formerly allowed permissions can be reset on apps menu in tool settings after software program update. Read the full article
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Plant a Victory Garden!
By Cynthia Brian
"In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time." Robert Collier, Writer and Publisher
In March 2017, a month before the United States entered World War I, Americans across our lands were asked to plant produce to help feed the Allies fighting in Europe. It wasn’t only farmers who were solicited to start planting. President Woodrow Wilson declared that “food will win the war,” as he encouraged city folks to plant in vacant lots, fields, parks, and pots. So began the “war garden” to sow seeds of victory.
During World War II, food shortages prevailed once again. Victory Gardens sprouted throughout America, Europe, Canada, and Australia supplying over thirty-three percent of the necessary food for our country. Eleanor Roosevelt even dug up part of the White House lawn to plant a vegetable garden. Turnips, tomatoes, lettuce, peas, beets, beans, cabbages, carrots, squash, onions, potatoes, and many other vegetables were easy to grow and preserve by canning for the winter months. By 1943 there were approximately eighteen million Victory gardens throughout the United States, twelve million of them in cities, and six million in rural areas.
Today we face major adversities from different kinds of conflicts. The Covid-19 pandemic combined with racial civil unrest throughout our cities, our country, and our world have the potential to increase food scarcity and shortages. We have already witnessed throngs of people emptying grocery store shelves of staples and canned goods. It is easier than ever to grow our own food no matter what our space limitations. If you have a yard, you can choose a small area to plant the vegetables, fruits, and herbs that you love. If you only have a porch or balcony, use pots to grow tomatoes, lettuces, basil, parsley, and peppers. According to the U.S.D.A., 15% of the world’s food supply is now grown in cities.
Ready to get started?
FIRST Only five things are needed to grow your Victory Garden 3.0: 1. A patch of land, raised bed, or pots that are two gallons or larger 2. Bags of high-quality garden soil 3. Healthy plants 4. Mulch 5. Water
SECOND 1. Find an area that will get at least six hours of sunlight per day. 2. If you are working a patch or raised bed, pull out any weeds and prepare the ground by adding new garden soil. If using pots, wash the pots, make certain there is a drainage hole at the bottom, add a few pebbles, or cracked pottery to help with drainage and fill the pots with your purchased soil. Vegetables need organic matter including compost or manure to thrive because the organic matter decomposes the essential nutrients of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium to enrich the roots. 3. Buy healthy plants from your local nursery or garden center. Check for vibrant green leaves. Look for any insect or snail infestation. Plant according to instructions. 4. Top with peat moss or other mulch. Peat moss adds aeration, retains moisture, and reduce the leaching of the nutrients. It is a great mulch and can also increase the efficiency in a compost pile. 5. Water thoroughly and maintain moisture while growing.
Before planting your Victory Garden 3.0, research the maturity date for the crops you wish to grow as harvest dates vary greatly. If you plant from seeds, you’ll have lettuce and radishes within two weeks. If you are planting zucchini or corn, the time frame is longer, perhaps 100 days. Don’t overlook a nutritious staple that is super easy to grow…potatoes. Spuds are ready for eating in 70-100 days. Try cutting egg-sized pieces of a potato with two or three eyes. Plant in a two to five-gallon pot, bucket, or in a raised bed. Mound the dirt into little hills as the spuds grow on stems. Pile mulch or straw on top as the tubers grow to keep the stems in total darkness. Don’t eat green potatoes as they can be poisonous. Citrus, apples, and peaches can be planted in large containers.
We are living through a frightening, complicated international crisis. If we have learned any lesson from history, it is that we can win the victory when we work together with empathy, caring, and intelligence. Growing even a portion of our own food will help us be healthier while creating a more sustainable lifestyle. We’ll get exercise, sunshine, fresh air, and have fun growing with our families. Plus, butterflies, bees, and birds will pollinate and entertain as our garden reduces stress and offers soul fulfillment. Don’t forget to plant some “pretties” like Asiatic lilies, gazanias, trumpet vine, and hydrangeas. Annual and perennial flowers add fragrance, structure, and beauty to our lives.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Plant your Victory Garden 3.0 today!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for June
PLANT tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, eggplants, arugula, cucumbers, beans, corn, and pumpkins. Herbs to plant now for summer harvesting are basil, parsley, and cilantro. STAKE or provide a wire cage to support tomatoes so the fruit won’t touch the soil and rot. APPLY snail bait to newly planted seedlings and wherever you witness slugs or snails. FERTILIZE trees, shrubs, and ground covers before the summer heat. SPRAY crape myrtles to prevent powdery mildew with a natural fungicide such as neem oil extract, jojoba oil, or potassium bicarbonate. CHECK irrigation systems and readjust sprinkler heads as needed. TACKLE aphids with ladybugs or for a small infestation, spray with a mixture of water and dish detergent. CUT dead canes of hydrangeas to the ground (anything without a green bud on it). Don’t prune hydrangeas in spring or fall or the flowering buds will be cut off. BUY a shorter variety or move a too tall hydrangea as they cannot be pruned to reduce height. Hydrangeas always replace their height. If a hydrangea is drooping on a hot day, it doesn’t need water. It will rebound as the evening cools. Hydrangeas grow great in containers. ADD Sulphur or aluminum sulfate to acidic soil to get blue hydrangeas. Rusty nails or copper do not work. TREAT both upper and lower leaves of roses with organic Sulphur for fungus problems including black spot, rust, and powdery mildew. PRUNE azaleas immediately after spring flowering. DEEP SOAK trees with a soaker wand when you see the leaves wilting. PULL out the dried fronds of spring bulbs. If a bulb comes out with the leaves, cut off the dried foliage and either replant the bulb in a new place immediately or put in a dark, cool space to replant in the fall. CELEBRATE your gardening dad on Father’s Day by buying a copy of Growing with the Goddess Gardener or Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store. CARE for your lawn by raking leaves, twigs, and dead grass. Pull the weeds including dandelions, chickweed, bittercress, and henbit. Aerate and leave the plugs on the grass. Cover bare patches by over-seeding with Pearl’s Premium grass seed. Visit www.Pearlspremium.com. Water early in the morning and fertilize once more before the heat of summer. When mowing, never cut off more than 1/3 and leave grass clippings on the lawn at least every two times you mow. HARVEST cherries, lemons, tangelos, loquats, and tangerines. FEED your family and friends in body, mind, and spirit by planting a Victory Garden 3.0
  Happy Gardening. Happy Growing. Happy Father’s Day.
Read more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1408/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Victory-Gardens-30.html
  PRESS PASS:https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2020/06/10/plant-a-victory-garden-3-0/
  Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach, as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com
. Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Cynthia is available for virtual writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]
  #victorygardens,#protests,#crisis,#covid-19,#vegetables,#fruits,#planting,#gardening, #cynthiabrian, #starstyle, #goddessGardener, #growingwiththegoddessgardener, #lamorindaweekly
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goddessgardener · 4 years
Plant a Victory Garden!
By Cynthia Brian
"In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time." Robert Collier, Writer and Publisher
In March 2017, a month before the United States entered World War I, Americans across our lands were asked to plant produce to help feed the Allies fighting in Europe. It wasn’t only farmers who were solicited to start planting. President Woodrow Wilson declared that “food will win the war,” as he encouraged city folks to plant in vacant lots, fields, parks, and pots. So began the “war garden” to sow seeds of victory.
During World War II, food shortages prevailed once again. Victory Gardens sprouted throughout America, Europe, Canada, and Australia supplying over thirty-three percent of the necessary food for our country. Eleanor Roosevelt even dug up part of the White House lawn to plant a vegetable garden. Turnips, tomatoes, lettuce, peas, beets, beans, cabbages, carrots, squash, onions, potatoes, and many other vegetables were easy to grow and preserve by canning for the winter months. By 1943 there were approximately eighteen million Victory gardens throughout the United States, twelve million of them in cities, and six million in rural areas.
Today we face major adversities from different kinds of conflicts. The Covid-19 pandemic combined with racial civil unrest throughout our cities, our country, and our world have the potential to increase food scarcity and shortages. We have already witnessed throngs of people emptying grocery store shelves of staples and canned goods. It is easier than ever to grow our own food no matter what our space limitations. If you have a yard, you can choose a small area to plant the vegetables, fruits, and herbs that you love. If you only have a porch or balcony, use pots to grow tomatoes, lettuces, basil, parsley, and peppers. According to the U.S.D.A., 15% of the world’s food supply is now grown in cities.
Ready to get started?
FIRST Only five things are needed to grow your Victory Garden 3.0: 1. A patch of land, raised bed, or pots that are two gallons or larger 2. Bags of high-quality garden soil 3. Healthy plants 4. Mulch 5. Water
SECOND 1. Find an area that will get at least six hours of sunlight per day. 2. If you are working a patch or raised bed, pull out any weeds and prepare the ground by adding new garden soil. If using pots, wash the pots, make certain there is a drainage hole at the bottom, add a few pebbles, or cracked pottery to help with drainage and fill the pots with your purchased soil. Vegetables need organic matter including compost or manure to thrive because the organic matter decomposes the essential nutrients of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium to enrich the roots. 3. Buy healthy plants from your local nursery or garden center. Check for vibrant green leaves. Look for any insect or snail infestation. Plant according to instructions. 4. Top with peat moss or other mulch. Peat moss adds aeration, retains moisture, and reduce the leaching of the nutrients. It is a great mulch and can also increase the efficiency in a compost pile. 5. Water thoroughly and maintain moisture while growing.
Before planting your Victory Garden 3.0, research the maturity date for the crops you wish to grow as harvest dates vary greatly. If you plant from seeds, you’ll have lettuce and radishes within two weeks. If you are planting zucchini or corn, the time frame is longer, perhaps 100 days. Don’t overlook a nutritious staple that is super easy to grow…potatoes. Spuds are ready for eating in 70-100 days. Try cutting egg-sized pieces of a potato with two or three eyes. Plant in a two to five-gallon pot, bucket, or in a raised bed. Mound the dirt into little hills as the spuds grow on stems. Pile mulch or straw on top as the tubers grow to keep the stems in total darkness. Don’t eat green potatoes as they can be poisonous. Citrus, apples, and peaches can be planted in large containers.
We are living through a frightening, complicated international crisis. If we have learned any lesson from history, it is that we can win the victory when we work together with empathy, caring, and intelligence. Growing even a portion of our own food will help us be healthier while creating a more sustainable lifestyle. We’ll get exercise, sunshine, fresh air, and have fun growing with our families. Plus, butterflies, bees, and birds will pollinate and entertain as our garden reduces stress and offers soul fulfillment. Don’t forget to plant some “pretties” like Asiatic lilies, gazanias, trumpet vine, and hydrangeas. Annual and perennial flowers add fragrance, structure, and beauty to our lives.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Plant your Victory Garden 3.0 today!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for June
PLANT tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, eggplants, arugula, cucumbers, beans, corn, and pumpkins. Herbs to plant now for summer harvesting are basil, parsley, and cilantro. STAKE or provide a wire cage to support tomatoes so the fruit won’t touch the soil and rot. APPLY snail bait to newly planted seedlings and wherever you witness slugs or snails. FERTILIZE trees, shrubs, and ground covers before the summer heat. SPRAY crape myrtles to prevent powdery mildew with a natural fungicide such as neem oil extract, jojoba oil, or potassium bicarbonate. CHECK irrigation systems and readjust sprinkler heads as needed. TACKLE aphids with ladybugs or for a small infestation, spray with a mixture of water and dish detergent. CUT dead canes of hydrangeas to the ground (anything without a green bud on it). Don’t prune hydrangeas in spring or fall or the flowering buds will be cut off. BUY a shorter variety or move a too tall hydrangea as they cannot be pruned to reduce height. Hydrangeas always replace their height. If a hydrangea is drooping on a hot day, it doesn’t need water. It will rebound as the evening cools. Hydrangeas grow great in containers. ADD Sulphur or aluminum sulfate to acidic soil to get blue hydrangeas. Rusty nails or copper do not work. TREAT both upper and lower leaves of roses with organic Sulphur for fungus problems including black spot, rust, and powdery mildew. PRUNE azaleas immediately after spring flowering. DEEP SOAK trees with a soaker wand when you see the leaves wilting. PULL out the dried fronds of spring bulbs. If a bulb comes out with the leaves, cut off the dried foliage and either replant the bulb in a new place immediately or put in a dark, cool space to replant in the fall. CELEBRATE your gardening dad on Father’s Day by buying a copy of Growing with the Goddess Gardener or Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store. CARE for your lawn by raking leaves, twigs, and dead grass. Pull the weeds including dandelions, chickweed, bittercress, and henbit. Aerate and leave the plugs on the grass. Cover bare patches by over-seeding with Pearl’s Premium grass seed. Visit www.Pearlspremium.com. Water early in the morning and fertilize once more before the heat of summer. When mowing, never cut off more than 1/3 and leave grass clippings on the lawn at least every two times you mow. HARVEST cherries, lemons, tangelos, loquats, and tangerines. FEED your family and friends in body, mind, and spirit by planting a Victory Garden 3.0
  Happy Gardening. Happy Growing. Happy Father’s Day.
Read more: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1408/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Victory-Gardens-30.html
  PRESS PASS:https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2020/06/10/plant-a-victory-garden-3-0/
  Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach, as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com
. Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store.
Cynthia is available for virtual writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]
  #victorygardens,#protests,#crisis,#covid-19,#vegetables,#fruits,#planting,#gardening, #cynthiabrian, #starstyle, #goddessGardener, #growingwiththegoddessgardener, #lamorindaweekly
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Gardens & Arboreta
Rake leaves, fallen fruit and pull weeds. Add weed and pest free materials to your compost pile.
Switch to a “fall fertilizer”, which is lower in nitrogen (N) and higher in phosphorus (P). Using high-nitrogen fertilizers now can lead to a flush of new, tender growth that is susceptible to frost damage.
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There’s still time to renovate your lawn, weather permitting. The UC Guide to Healthy Lawns is an excellent place to start. So is the UC “Lawn Watering Guide for California”. If you miss Fall’s mild weather window, wait until spring to do any major renovation or installation.
Compost is the secret to building good garden soil, no matter what you’re starting out with (sand, clay, etc.). Compost can be added now as a top dressing around established plants. In new landscapes or wherever you plant a new plant (excepting larger landscape trees, which need to be planted in unamended native soil), mix compost with the existing soil by digging or tilling. Regular addition of compost is necessary in our area because organic matter breaks down quickly. Those bags of compost you added a couple years ago are probably gone, gone, gone. Go easy on the tilling, though. Over-tilling can destroy soil structure and over time can create a “plow pan” layer that inhibits water infiltration and can bring dormant weed seeds to the soil surface.
Time for 1st dormant spraying to control pests and diseases later this month. The easy-to-remember spray schedule is “Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day,” but your best bet is to learn why you’re spraying and how weather plays a role.
Clean up fallen fruit to avoid overwintering pests and diseases.
The University of California Backyard Orchard care sheets will keep you on track and on your way to a tasty harvest:
Filbert (Hazelnut)
Grape (table)
Plum & Prune
CITRUS CARE RECOMMENDED FERTILIZER APPLICATION RATES: NITROGEN (N): regular application required 1 to 2 year old tree: 2 tablespoons nitrogen fertilizer 3 to 4 times per year or 1/10 lb. nitrogen fertilizer per year 3-year-old tree: ¼ lb. nitrogen applied to dripline before watering 4+ year old tree: 1 lb. actual nitrogen per tree per year. So, if your nitrogen fertilizer contains 33% actual nitrogen (33-0-0), you will need to apply 3 lbs. Some references recommend dividing applications into thirds, totaling 3 applications per year (early spring, summer and fall). If you follow that recommendation, make sure you avoid feeding oranges and grapefruit during summer to avoid thick rinds, lower juice content and re-greening of Valencia oranges. PHOSPHORUS (P): 1 lb. phosphate per tree every 3 to 4 years per mature tree POTASSIUM (K): as needed (deficiency: general leaf pattern begins as a yellowing of the tips and margins, which then gets broader. Necrotic areas and spotting can develop on the leaves) 2.5 to 5 lbs. potassium per mature tree per year for 2 years if deficiency is noted. MAGNESIUM (Mg): as needed (deficiency noted by yellowing between veins of older leaves followed by dropping.) ZINC: as needed (deficiency symptom is “mottle-leaf”, exhibited by “small terminal leaves with mottling between large leaf veins”. Apply late-winter or early spring foliar spray (carefully follow label directions) IRON: as needed (deficiency symptom is yellowing between large leaf veins… i.e. interveinal chlorosis) foliar spray (follow label directions) MANGANESE (Mn): as needed (deficiency: young leaves turn light green between veins, often more noticeable on tree’s north side). Combination “micronutrient sprays” are available at your local nursery if you suspect multiple deficiencies. A specialized citrus fertilizer or “citrus food” likely contains all necessary macro- and micro-nutrients.
References: California Master Gardener Handbook and the following books:
Fall rains are here. Turn off sprinklers during rainy periods and on again when we have a dry stretch. The goal is to water as deeply and infrequently as possible. Shallow, frequent watering (i.e. 10 min/day, 7 days/wk) is a no-no because you’ll end up with shallow root systems requiring frequent watering and conditions that encourage disease. Also, early morning is the best watering time if you want to discourage heat-loving, water-transported plant pathogens. Download the free UC publication “Lawn Watering Guide for California”. This excellent guide solves the mystery of when to water and how much to apply.
Replace warm-season annuals with cool-season color. Avoid purchasing summer annuals (petunias, marigolds, etc.). You may still see them for sale in nurseries, but don’t buy ‘em! Leftover warm-season annuals will wither in our winter weather…
Continue deadheading spent flowers. Cut back perennials lightly after they finish blooming. Wait until late frost danger has passed before removing overwintering stems. Leaving some foliage over winter is a good idea because it helps insulate the plants crown and roots.
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choclette8 · 5 years
Make the most of autumn’s bounty and tuck into this plum upside-down cake as soon as you can. It makes an impressive dessert with its beautiful purple colour. The cake is at its best served warm, but is almost as delicious eaten cold for elevenses or afternoon tea. Cream or custard are optional.
CT has brought home two large bags of plums recently. The first thing I did was to make some gorgeous plum and lime jam with some of them. I really ought to post the recipe. It’s a corker and ever so easy too. We’ve been devouring quite a few of the plums raw and with the remainder, I’ve baked three of these plum upside-down cakes.
Plum Upside-Down Cake
This plum upside-down cake is good on so many levels. Apart from stoning the plums, it’s easy to make, its deep colour gives it a sumptuous air and it’s downright delicious. I’ve made it five times already this season. The first two cakes I made with large plums which I bought and the last three with CT’s windfall.
We’ve had various friends and family staying over the last few weeks. This cake is such a lovely bake to welcome them. I’ve tried to time it so that they arrive soon after it comes out of the oven. The house smells delightfully fragrant, the cake looks enticing and they get to try a slice whilst it’s still warm. I also made one for cake club last week. I don’t manage to get to this event very often, but it’s always fun when I do.
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Plums awaiting cake batter to be spooned on top.
Plum cake before being turned upside-down.
So, this plum cake is made in two stages. The first is the upside-down bit, where you place the plums at the bottom of the pan. Along with these go some melted butter, sugar and rose syrup. Then you get on with the normal cake method of creaming the butter and sugar together and so on. The cake rises really well, so do ensure you use a deep sided tin for baking it in. It also sinks quite a bit when you take it out of the oven. Don’t worry, this is absolutely fine. The sugar from the upside-down bit bubbles a lot in the cooking, but calms down as it cools.
So far, my plum upside-down cake has been really popular with everyone that’s tried it. Hoorah! The upside-down bit gives the cake a wonderful sticky quality. I’ve made a slightly smaller size than the one given in the recipe. I also made one without the almonds. All of them were irresistible, especially when eaten warm from the oven. But I think the ground almonds give it a slightly intriguing full-bodied, nutty texture.
Hints, Tips & Alternatives
If you don’t fancy rose as a flavouring, orange works very well. Just add the finely grated zest to the cake batter and the juice to the upside-down bit. Rose syrup is very easy to make and it really does enhance the flavour of the plums.
Worried about nut allergies? Just leave the almonds out. It will give a slightly different texture, but will still be delicious. There’s no need to replace them with flour. I’ve made it both ways.
Looking for a smaller cake? I’ve made the cake in two sizes. Both work equally well. For the smaller version, use 75g butter and sugar for the cake mix with 2 medium sized eggs, 150g flour, 100 ml kefir or buttermilk and the same amount of ground almonds. You could use less of the upside-down ingredients and bake it in a 20 cm (8″) cake tin, but I used the same amount as in the recipe below for this bit. Although I did use the smaller cake tin.
Other Recipes for Upside-Down Cakes You Might Like
Chilli cardamom cranberry upside down cake
Chocolate ground cherry upside down cake
Chocolate pear cardamom upside-down cake
Gooseberry upside-down cake
Pineapple upside down cake
Upside-down apple cake
Upside-down white chocolate banoffee shortcake
Show Me
Thanks for visiting Tin and Thyme. If you make this sticky plum upside-down cake, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below or via social media. Do share photos on social media too and use the hashtag #tinandthyme, so I can spot them. For more delicious and nutritious recipes, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.
Sticky Plum Upside-Down Cake. PIN IT.
Plum Upside-Down Cake – The Recipe
Plum Upside-Down Cake
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Apart from stoning the plums, it’s easy to make, its deep colour gives it a sumptuous air and it’s downright delicious. Perfect for wowing your dinner-party guests or for a family afternoon tea.
Upside-Down bit
40 g unsalted butter
75 g golden granulated sugar
2 tbsp rose syrup
400 g dark red plums – halved and stones removed ((21 small plums or 8 large ones))
Cake Batter
100 g unsalted butter – softened
100 g golden caster sugar
2 large eggs
25 g ground almonds ((I ground my own whole almonds))
200 g wholemeal spelt flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of bicarbonate of soda
125 ml kefir, buttermilk or sour milk
Melt the butter in a small pan over low heat.
Pour into a 23cm (9") round silicone mould or non-stick cake tin – make sure it’s not one with a loose bottom.
Scatter in the sugar over then drizzle the rose syrup over the top so that it’s evenly distributed.
Lay the plums on top skin-side-down to cover the bottom of the tin.
Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
Beat in the eggs, one by one, followed by the ground almonds.
Sieve in the flour, baking powder and bicarb, then stir until just combined.
Finally stir in the kefir, buttermilk or sour milk.
Spoon the batter over the top of the plums. Level the top with the back of a spoon and bake in the middle of the oven for about 40 minutes. The top should be well risen, firm and golden, but try not to over bake.
Allow to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then carefully turn out onto a plate.
Delicious eaten warm with custard, but almost as good cold. Will keep for a couple of days in sealed container.
I’m sharing this recipe for plum upside-down cake with Apply to Face Blog for #BakingCrumbs and Apply to Face Blog again for #CookBlogShare.
Plum Upside-Down Cake Flavoured with Rose Make the most of autumn's bounty and tuck into this plum upside-down cake as soon as you can.
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travelwithannmoses · 4 years
Customer Service | 10 Best Companies You Should Learn From
The Customer Service Target Market Support Assistance Concept
Ann Moses
It doesn’t matter how deep your customer’s pockets are, it only matters how well you treat them. Imagine how different the movie would be if it was made now. What are the chances of Vivian tweeting out her anger and hurt, her tweets going viral with tons of people chipping in their own frustration, the movement gaining momentum and leading the store to a digital suicide?
In a service business, nothing is more important than having people on your team who’ll do more than represent your current culture-you must have people who push the culture you have forward, not the other way around.
More often in customer experience, you could get away with doing the bare minimum. That is mostly enough. But enough is far from memorable. It is when you go out of your way that you make people’s day!
We’ve cherry-picked 10 brands that have an unbeatable track when it comes to cultivating their customers’ happiness.
Did you know that up to 42% of consumers expect a response with 60 minutes? Apparently, a prompt response is the norm, not exception anymore.
If there is a gold standard in customer service, it has got to be Zappos. Their support success stories are the stuff of urban legends. One such instance, they won a customer for life by overnighting a pair of shoes, free of cost, to the best man in need.
On social media, Zappos doesn’t hold back from having a little fun with emojis and GIFs, but they always adhere to their golden rule of putting their customers first. And it pays off, each time!
Delta Hotels
Mike McCready, your average Jo, was attending the #PSEWEB conference in Vancouver when he stayed at Delta hotel. While he liked his room at the Delta, the view was rather ugly and he tweeted that with his followers. He didn’t tag the hotel, merely commenting on it, as he didn’t think anything would come out of the tweet.
He was in for a pleasant surprise when Delta responded within an hour- offering another room with a better view! And he had a dish of sweets and a handwritten card from the staff awaiting his arrival in his room. Mike was so profoundly impressed that he wrote an entire post about it, the very same day.
If happy customers are what you have in mind, then an exuberant customer service team is what you should already have. Let your customer service team have fun. Amazon has an exciting story to tell of what can happen when companies give their teams more freedom in their client communications.
One such instance, when a witty customer service person engaged in a Thor and Odin roleplay with an equally witty customer, to the delight of everyone. ( https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/1133174/now-thats-customer-service-amazon-worker-engages-in-hilarious-thor-roleplay-to-help-replace-customers-lost-book/ This Thor and Odin exchange was legendary. The hilarious communication between an Amazon employee and a customer couldn’t go better even if it was scripted!
Now, can you imagine how dry things would have been if the Customer Service was asked to reply only with strictly professional (read stuffy), straightforward answers? More people than you’d think would appreciate humor. Just don’t crack jokes at the expense of a pissed off customer.
There is nothing more cheerier than surprise gifts (as Westjet proved)! In December 2013, the Canadian airline staged what would become the most stunning example of ‘giftvertising’ yet.
When Santa Claus greeted each of the passengers boarding the two Westjet flights with “What would you like for Christmas?”, they thought it was a just an interesting Xmas celebration. From a warm scarf and clean underwear to holiday tickets and a big tv, their answers ranged from whatever first came to their mind.
In the following year, the number of visits to their websites doubled, with bookings increasing by 77% compared to the same month in 2012 and revenue rising by a whopping 86%!
Customer Service 10 Best Companies You Should Learn From
Putting out figurative fires is what a customer service company does all day. But doing it gracefully is indeed an art! Sometimes it’s when things aren’t going perfectly that a company’s true colors come out.
As is the case of Slack when they dealt with their app-wide outage like a pro in late November, 2015. For a new company on the block, they have more than their share of passionate customers for whom Slack has become an indispensable part of many teams’ work day! That’s why when Slack went down ten months ago, users blew up Twitter.
They responded to every complaint on social with speed and humility, and diligently shared regular updates until the issue was resolved, and the app was up and running again!
Transparency can leave a huge impact on the ones who are on the receiving end of it. Salesforce has an excellent customer service, that plays a vital role in making it the customer’s favorite.
As they put it, “Success is built on trust. Trust starts with transparency.”
Salesforce is so utterly customer focused and upholds transparency so much so that the company publicly disclose in real time when its cloud services are unavailable or face some reliance issues. Now that takes some nerve!
The one brand that has inspired the type of customer loyalty which sometimes borders on the maniacal, Apple earned its loyalty through their exemplary customer experience. “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology.” Steve Jobs – Co-founder of Apple
While the Apple products are the very definition of innovation and ease, the real soul of the company is its employees. Apple mitigates the need for reactive customer service with a focus on building intuitive products and providing quality training for users. Apple staff are highly knowledgeable and committed to passing on that knowledge in an empathetic way. They demonstrate enthusiastic, empathetic, and knowledgeable customer service. The sheer quality of training the staff undergoes make the entire customer experience seamless, and most of all, effortless.
At a Nordstrom store, a woman lost her diamond from her wedding ring while trying on clothes. She was crawling on the floor under the racks when a store worker noticed her. He asked what was going on, then joined the search.
When they came up empty, he sought two building-services workers to join the search. To everyone’s relief, the finally found the shiny diamond on one of the bags of the store’s vacuum cleaners.
Customer Service 10 Best Companies You Should Learn From
The video clips that captured this incident was shared proudly with the stakeholders in a meeting when the President of Stores Erik Nordstrom said, introducing his three employees who went out of their way to help the customer. “I’ve never been through a vacuum-cleaner bag. It’s kind of disgusting, this raises the bar,” he said!
Southwest Air
Southwest is not among the most well-known airlines in the U.S. for nothing. They have the most amazing personality as is evident from what they have to say about themselves on their website.
“We like to think of ourselves as a Customer Service company that happens to fly airplanes (on schedule, with personality and perks along the way).”
One of their memorable support stories is as follows: when a woman athlete landed at the airport but her running gear didn’t show up, she was understandably distressed about the relay race that was soon to happen. She resolved to go to Walmart to buy herself a replacement before a Southwest team member drove 3 hours to deliver the bag to her so that she could continue with her team and go on with the race.
As is evident here, their dedication to customer service is simply a class apart!
Who, but JetBlue has an exclusive Customer Bill of Rights?
“JetBlue Airways is dedicated to bringing humanity back to air travel. We strive to make every part of your experience as simple and as pleasant as possible.” They ensure that their service is thoroughly human, especially on social, responding within minutes, guiding customers throughout, and responding with emojis and GIFs to any questions customers might have.
They have no qualms whatsoever when it comes to delivering personal service. One time, when the customer’s flight was delayed and it seemed like she was going to miss her second flight too, the manager booked her another flight home that took off from another airport and made the effort to drive her to another airport so she would make her flight on time.
It only takes a handful of disastrous customer experiences to shatter the credibility that took your brand decades to built. It pays to be long-term greedy and leave no stones unturned to ensure a supreme customer service.
Want to find your company on this list? There are no shortcuts save putting your customers in the center of everything you do. You need to know what they desire to offer them exactly that. And how do you do that?
By asking them, of course. Customer feedback surveys and market research surveys will give you precious insights into what your customers are expecting of you. Craft highly engaging that your customers would enjoy filling up.
Understanding some of the insights from these best company’s customer service departments will give you better ideas as to how you can improve your service.
Click here for more information.
source http://travelwithannmoses.info/service/
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ommil · 4 years
Psychology of Food, Sugar Cravings and Emotional Eating
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Fruit contains sugar so that is satisfying the sugar craving. However, the amount of fiber one gets from the fruit is key here. Fiber slows down the speed at which the sugar is processed. Fruit also contains phytonutrients, micronutrients, and digestive enzymes. Benefits of fiber is slowing down uptake and satiating, a different type of sugar stored differently (fructose v sucrose), fructose doesn't provoke an insulin response, fruit is less sugar dense than processed foods, also vitamins, minerals... all beneficial. I've found that if I've been eating mostly protein and fats, the sugar cravings reduce drastically. If my diet is primarily carbs, the craving keeps coming in waves. So, cut out sugars altogether, foods will taste sweeter and you won’t need sugar substitutes.
Would eating low-fiber fruits be counter-productive?
It could be that you are on an energy rollercoaster all day by pushing with coffee, sugar/carbs, snacks and other food all day. Generally, an unstable routine makes you crave it. Fruit of any kind, preferably organic is going to be helpful and leagues better than processed alternatives. Squeeze half a lemon and half a lime into a water bottle. Add a pinch of salt and fill it up with coconut water. For flavor you can add the zest of the citruses and/or a teaspoon of rose water. You can even mash up a few berries and toss them in there. Cucumber slices serve as a hydrator boost, feel free to experiment with the citrus combination. Lemon and grapefruit go especially well together! Berries are always your best choice because of how low their sugar content is combined with their high content of antioxidants. If I'm looking to keep my sugar amount minimal, I do things like make flavored water. A squeeze of lemon or a crushed strawberry here and there makes water much more palatable, and hits some of the sweet notes.
Ask yourself why you are craving food?
Are you Bored? Go for a walk, yoga, read a book, video game, or some other hobby instead of eating/drinking. Are you thirsty? Have a flavored seltzer water, herbal tea, or lemon + water instead of soda or Gatorade. Are you hungry? Eat a snack with fiber, protein, fat, and healthy carb instead. Maybe natural peanut butter and whole grain toast. Or half a avocado on toast. Hummus and veggies. Apple and natural peanut butter to name a few of my favorites. Or if you really crave sugar have a small reasonable portion instead of a whole row of oreos and stick to it. Are you depressed? To stop cravings before they start: set up your day with a balance of stimulating activities. Chores, Hobbies, Work or whatever. Just  find something you like and balance it. If you like drinking sweet and carbonated products, find zero sugar alternatives or substitutes. I really just drink water but do enjoy a Gatorade zero every now and then after a tough workout.
Sugar is very addictive
studies have proven it’s as addictive as cocaine if not worse. The only way to escape cravings really is not only to cut it but to dismiss it altogether. You will feel withdrawal symptoms but not for long. Your body will adapt and cravings get lesser and lesser. Try to avoid processed foods as almost all of them contain large amounts of hidden sugars and eat whole foods instead. Later, when you have overcome the problem you can try plant-based sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit. Replace processed sugars with healthier snacks like apple slices, baby carrots, or cherry tomatoes. Like any addictive substance quitting cold turkey rarely works. Ween yourself off it slowly. If you’re eating sweets everyday throughout the day, start by cutting down to sweets once a day, then once every other day, then once a week, until desserts feel like a treat just for special occasions.
Stop having sweet drinks - they provide zero nutrients
Now if I’m desperate for sweets, I have, a well-hidden box of small chocolates, I’ll have one and the craving will go away. Or you could have a piece of sweet fruit, like a banana. I noticed that after dropping all the unnecessary carbs and sugar for about 7-10 days the cravings also go away. After the first week or so it’s very easy to avoid the sugar and not crave it. But the best you could do is stop having sweet drinks, they provide zero nutrients. Also, when you give up on sugar, you start tasting things the way they should taste! Like tea and coffee.
Foods and emotions
Sugar is addicting so the more you have it the more you want. Avoiding it is your best option. Keep to non-starch veggies, proteins, and water. The first week is hell. You will feel cranky as hell, fog brained, tired. If you are being strict, by day 6 you should start feeling a bit better. Your apatite will subside. Your cravings(physically) should reduce. there is no “little cheat” because once you do... the body craves it all over again. Cutting out sugar is easier said than done, it is SO addictive. But it takes first identifying when it’s there. If there’s a food label, read it. Water is great. Water with a lemon slice is good too. The lemon slice has sugar in it but very minimal and you aren’t eating the lemon, just infusing the water. By not eating added sugars, especially if it is in the form of a drink. Over time you won’t “need” the sugar anymore. In the meantime, you can have a bit of something sweet and that will calm your cravings, but there’s no need to have a ton of sugar for it to go away.
The more sugar you have in your diet, the more you crave it
The first way to diagnose the issue, however, is to see how much sugar really is in everything: drinks, breakfast foods, snacks, condiments, bread, anything else packaged or bottled. Cut literally all of that out^ because if you’re going to have your daily limit of sugar take it something essential for nutrition balance. If you were to go a few days with nearly 0 grams of added sugar, you would quickly see how much you only crave it after you eat it. For me, it helps to eat starchy vegetables when I’m craving something sweet. A sweet potato, a regular potato, some oatmeal helps. These are whole foods and, combined with a healthy fat, are highly satiating. When I crave sugar I usually prepare something fast with fruit, or I eat the whole fruit, like yogurt and some seeds to make it crunchier, or oats, porridge, fresh cheese. If you add for example dates to the mix it becomes a lot sweeter and it's still no added sugar so it's healthy.
Look into glycemic index OF FOOD
Look into glycemic index info for each food you like to eat. The lower the glycemic index the slower you use the sugar in the food. I’ve been using plain oats in my shakes (GI 55) instead of adding straight sugar. Also, most fruits have a fairly low GI aside from watermelon (however watermelon is low in sugar per oz). Also, try dark chocolate! Chocolate itself had a GI of 43 (good!) while dark chocolate is only 23. Perfect way to satisfy a sweet tooth without spiking blood sugar. Read the full article
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17 Guilt-Free Dessert Recipes
Dessert—quite possibly the eighth wonder of the world—sometimes gets a bad rap for packing on the calories. But here at Nutrisystem, we believe that dessert doesn’t have to demolish your healthy diet. In fact, we know there are plenty of ways to indulge without maxing out on calories or feeling the guilt that normally goes hand-in-hand with decadent treats. Take our 20 Most Popular Nutrisystem Sweet Treats here >, for instance. They’re packed with flavor, but go quite light on the guilt… and kitchen mess!
Here, we’ve put together a list of some of our most crave-worthy, guilt-free recipes sure to quell those sweet treat hankerings while still remaining healthy. Give these delicious dessert recipes a shot next time your sweet tooth calls out to you!
1. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Mug Cake >
As any skilled chocoholic knows, combining peanut butter and chocolate is the ultimate dessert flavor combination. Simply mix a handful of healthy ingredients and top with chocolate chips for a dessert that doesn’t force you to eliminate your favorite dessert flavors. And don’t forget to check out our decadent mug cake collection in this article: 4 Mouthwatering Mug Cakes You Need in Your Life >
2. Decadent Grasshopper Mint Brownie >
This recipe is an extra sweet twist on a favorite Nutrisystem treat..
3. 3-Ingredient Diet Oatmeal Raisin Cookies >
Three healthy ingredients to satiate the cookie monster in us all while still losing weight!
4. Super Skinny Cannoli Dip >
Creamy, dreamy cannoli dip we can actually enjoy while losing weight? Seriously… somebody pinch us.
5. Make-Your-Own Freezer Fudge >
Replacing unhealthy ingredients with healthy diet friendly alternatives never tasted so good as they do in this heavenly sinful take on fudge.
6. Air Fryer Baked Apple >
If you have an air fryer, you definitely need to try this recipe. Featuring a warmed apple filled with our favorite spices, like cinnamon and nutmeg, plus chopped walnuts and raisins, it’s a dessert so delicious, you won’t believe it’s guilt-free!
7. Snickerdoodle Energy Balls >
For those seeking something sweet without dunking into the decadence of chocolate, these energy balls are for you! What a fun and healthy way to enjoy the taste of homemade Snickerdoodle cookies! These delicious energy balls are loaded with oats, cashews, dates, vanilla and cinnamon to keep you enjoying the taste of homemade sweets, while treating your body right. What a classic, with a twist… well, technically a roll. Love the idea of energy balls? Check out our round-up of 4 Lip-Smacking Energy Balls for a Tastier Snack Time >
8. Strawberry Chocolate Protein Popcorn >
Dig into a bowl of Strawberry Chocolate Covered Protein Popcorn for the healthiest chocolate sweet you might ever eat.
9. 3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cups >
You’ll notice we swapped the order of the chocolate and peanut butter in these tasty Peanut Butter Cups but trust us, they taste ridiculously good either way!
10. Strawberry Pineapple Low Fat Popsicles >
Cool off from the summer heat with these frozen fruit-sicles that are compatible with any diet. Any fruit pairing will do!
11. Chocolate Coconut Smoothie >
For anyone craving a milkshake, try this low fat take on the malt shop classic to get your fix while staying true to the Nutrisystem program.
12. 2-Ingredient Diet Pineapple Whip >
A staple treat at theme parks, traditional Pineapple is packed with calories and fat. But not this one! We can’t get enough of the fruity flavor and creamy texture… or the fact that we can eat it without packing on the pounds.
13. Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies >
These Cherry Double Chocolate Cookies are a dieter’s dream! Featuring the delicious flavor combo of chocolate and cherry, they’re brimming with sweetness… but go easy on your waistline. If you’re a cookie monster, you’ll definitely want to check out this awesome round-up of 5 Cookie Recipes That Won’t Wreck Your Diet.
14. Almond Butter and Sea Salt Freezer Fudge >
Savory, sweet, and ooey gooey simplicity — what more could you ask for in health food!
15. No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Weight Loss Bars >
These granola bars have all the qualities we love in a dessert: They’re sweet, they’re rich and they’re totally guilt-free!
16. Peanut Butter Banana Popsicles >
With just three ingredients, these peanut butter and banana pops are an absolute dream!
17. Low Fat Iced Coffee Popsicles >
Jonesing for java? Try these refreshing low fat popsicles for a jolt of energy and flavor!
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Dear Mark: Collagen vs Whey Follow-Up
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering questions from last week’s Collagen vs Whey post. You guys had a lot of questions, mostly about collagen, and I’m here to answer them. Can collagen help with plantar fasciitis? Should you take collagen and whey together in the same smoothie, or do they cancel each other out? If a person can’t have whey, is there an equivalent protein powder source? Is glycine a good replacement for collagen? What about liquid whey from raw milk—how does it compare to powdered whey? If I wanted to get my glycine from foods, what would I need to eat and how much of it?
Let’s find out:
Is there any evidence that collagen supplements can help with plantar fasciitis? Suffering from this recently and the stretching from MDA has helped but looking to get that last 10% of healing so there is no pain.
Fascia is basically pure collagen. If collagen supplementation has been shown to improve pain in other parts of the body made of collagen, like the knees or tendons, and improve collagen synthesis in collagenous tissues like skin and joints, I see no reason it shouldn’t also improve the fascia. Boosting collagen synthesis is boosting collagen synthesis, and supplemental collagen does it.
A good thing to try is eat 20-30 grams of collagen with 200 mg of vitamin C 30 minutes before a workout that you know targets your plantar fascia.
Hey Mark,
Is there any benefit to having them at the same time? Or do they cancel each other out? I’m a big fan of stirring collagen into any foods I make that have sauce. What about a 50/50 smoothie of whey and collagen? Thanks for any insight!
I’m unaware of any unique benefit.
When you think about how collagen appears in the natural world, it’s usually alongside muscle meat.
Entire culinary traditions revolve around the consumption of collagen and muscle meat together. Think Vietnamese pho (bone broth and meat). Think French (reduced broth-based sauce poured over meat). Think Mexican (bone broth-infused rice served with meat). Hell, go all the way back to the Pleistocene and humans were boiling smashed bone fragments in stomach casings.
No reason to separate them.
It is possible for a person to be allergic to casein and I don’t think it’s possible to have fully casein free whey protein except maybe the isolate. However, if the person is allergic it wouldn’t be safe. What’s the next best complete protein if a person can’t use whey, and wants the convenience of a powder? I’ve seen beef protein before, but have no idea of the quality.
I’d say go for egg white protein. Extremely complete, tasteless, and blends seamlessly into anything.
Is it true that collagen doesn’t work/assimilate without vitamin C? I try to take mine with some cherries or lemons.
It seems to work better. The recent study that found pre-workout collagen improved tendons also included vitamin C.
I sometimes buy raw A2 milk from Jersey cows, and make my own whey. Wondering how that compares to powdered whey?
That’s awesome. The liquid whey will have a broader range of nutrients, but the powdered whey will be more concentrated and far higher in protein. Remember that whey protein is basically dehydrated liquid whey and you’ll get a picture of how much liquid whey goes into whey powder.
My interest in this has led me to start studying biology because I would like to know more about nutrition and digestion. Because the way that my nails changed seems incredible to me and it really makes me wonder what else collagen is doing.
You make a good point. I often use improvements in one area of health as assurance that other areas of health are also improving. I’m sure that’s not always true, but I think that’s a pretty safe assumption most of the time.
My question to you Mark would be to echo the same question others have posed, ie are there any downsides to me taking whey, collagen and glycine simultaneously in my pre-workout shake? Otherwise I have a real dilemma, as it appears that there is very good science to support having both collagen/ glycine as well as rapidly digested essential aminos (from whey) in your system before undertaking a ‘fasted’ workout.. A tough question I know but any insight you have would be much appreciated!
There’s no reason to avoid it. Do it. Should be good for both your connective tissue and your gains.
Would glycine supplements have a similar effect as collagen? Glycine supplementation would be way less expensive than collagen: • 30 grams of collagen (=~10 grams glycine) from Great Lakes = 5 tablespoons, costs =~$1.13 if you buy the 8 pound bag. • 10 grams of glycine from Bulk Supplements =~$0.18 if you buy the 5 kilogram bag.
Pure glycine is great for things like balancing your intake of methionine. As I wrote in the original post, muscle meat is high in an amino acid called methionine. Methionine metabolism depletes glycine, so the more meat you eat, the more glycine-rich connective tissue, bone broth, and collagen supplements you should be eating to balance out the amino acids. This is the basic foundation for eating all that collagen I recommend.
But balancing methionine for longevity and health isn’t the only reason we’re eating collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, providing tensile strength to our bones, teeth, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. It’s an important structural component of the skin, lungs, intestines, and heart. And as far as the evidence so far available suggests, eating the amino acids that make up collagen separately doesn’t have the same effect on those collagenous tissues as eating them together in a collagenous matrix.
In one study, rats with osteoporosis ate collagen hydrolysate that scientists had marked with a radioactive signature to allow them to track its course through the body. It survived the digestive tract intact, made it into the blood, and accumulated in the kidneys. By day 14, the rats’ thigh bones had gotten stronger and denser with more organic matter and less water content.
Another study found similar results, this time for cartilage of the knee. Mice who ate radioactive collagen hydrolysate showed increased radioactivity in the knee joint.
When you feed people collagen derived from pork skin, chicken feet, and cartilage, many different collagenous peptides appear in the blood. You don’t get any of those from isolated glycine.
All that said, pure glycine can be a helpful supplement. As mentioned, it’s great for balancing out methionine intake from muscle meat consumption. It’s also been used in several studies to improve multiple markers of sleep quality. And glycine is probably the most important component, if you had to choose just one, of collagen.
Collagen is ideal, but glycine isn’t a bad option. In fact, I’d argue that perhaps collagen plus supplementary glycine could offer the best bang for your buck.
Mark, can you please do a post examining the different amounts of glycine in actual foods, i.e. pork rinds, chicken skin, connective tissue rich cuts of meats, etc? I’d really like to get my collagen and glycine from food sources and know how much of the foods I would have to eat in order to get the 10g you mention.
I’ll do a quick answer.
An ounce of pork rinds gives you 3.38 grams of glycine.
An ounce of roasted chicken skin gives you 1 gram of glycine.
A pork tail of about 4 ounces will give you almost 3 grams of glycine. Oxtail should be about the same.
So getting your glycine from food alone is entirely doable, but you’ll probably have an easier time if you like chicharrones/pork rinds and animal tails. There are some higher quality pork rinds out there these days, like the Epic brand ones.
Hi Mark – thank you for all of your great information!!! I make homemade Greek yogurt at home – I strain it in a fine mesh strainer and get an incredible about if whey as a result. I generally mix about 1/4 cup back into the yogurt to get the right consistency. I throw the rest out. Is this consumable as whey for the diet?
It is consumable. But keep in mind that liquid whey isn’t as protein-dense as whey powder. It’s still good to eat and a great source of probiotics.
Thanks for your questions, everyone. Take care!
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Figueres juher T, Basés pérez E. [An overview of the beneficial effects of hydrolysed collagen intake on joint and bone health and on skin ageing]. Nutr Hosp. 2015;32 Suppl 1:62-6.
Shaw G, Lee-barthel A, Ross ML, Wang B, Baar K. Vitamin C-enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017;105(1):136-143.
The post Dear Mark: Collagen vs Whey Follow-Up appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Collagen vs Whey Follow-Up published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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