thingstrumperssay · 2 years
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Fleas are known to be one of, if not the strongest leapers in the world. Fleas can jump 220 times their own body length and 150 times their own body height. Despite this, the flea can’t come even close to leaping as much as republicans leaps to the most ridiculous conclusions.
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lazaruspiss · 7 months
right wing group is sending out texts begging for money to sue biden and the radical left. beg harder.
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mossmx · 4 months
l'ironia di scoprire che il patrono di SanRemo è San Romolo
(non è ovviamente lo stesso Romolo, ma fa molto ridere)
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blogparanormal · 7 months
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giffypudding · 2 years
That number seems high
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catominor · 7 months
anyway more republican art posting but. the characterization of republican art and the notions of personal appearance in that period make it so interesting to me. i think pliny said this when i was reading him talking about the ancestral imagines but he basically characterizes a 'decline' of art from the republican era to his time, essentially with art becoming less about showing the individual characteristics and personality of a person and more iconographic/about projecting things like wealth or power rather than capturing individual features. essentially he says portraits became more of a 'stereotype' which signalled what kind of person you were, rather than a portrait of your particular face. which i think, although i don't really know how right pliny was about his own time obviously, is definitely something which characterizes republican art in the cursory glance at roman art history i've taken; ie the focus on capturing idiosyncratic and individual portraits of people (even to the point of possibly exaggerating them, almost like a caricature) in order to capture almost something about their soul. i think this is why i find that era of portrait busts so alluring, and though there are also definitely imperial era ones which have the same idea of capturing an individual, the republican ones hit different imo
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worldlibertytv · 1 year
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See NY City Council Speaker Adrienne E. Adams Presents Dominican Republicans Independence Celebration at Council Chambers, City Hall 2023 in World Liberty TV, Political Channel @   https://www.worldlibertytv.org/ny-city-council-speaker-adrienne-e-adams-presents-dominican-republicans-independence-celebration-at-council-chambers-city-hall-2023/
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angelx1992 · 2 years
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soberscientistlife · 6 months
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Repulicans cannot stand it that Biden got the economy going in the right direction.
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st-just · 2 years
“Quebec MNAs vote to abolish oath to King as assembly wraps up for holidays”
I’m confused. Why do they have some oath to another country’s king…? What path do they even have? I thought they had a prime minister and are their own country not under British rule (unlike places like Scotland, which are their own country but under England’s rule)? I’m genuinely confused.
So Quebec isn't it's own country, it's part of Canada (I only mention this because, like, it's been a matter of some controversy in the past/there IS an active nationalist movement, though more regionalist/soverigntist than actually fighting for full independence, these days)
Anyway, Canada never actually declared full independence from the British Empire - legally speaking it's a Crown Dominion, a colony that just kind of got granted more and more autonomy over time. Constitution got formalized as, like, a Canadian constitution and not a British act of parliament/treaty in the '80s, but the British monarch is still nominally the monarch of Canada as well, represented by the Governor General in Ottawa and the Lieutenants Governor in the provincial capitals as ceremonial heads of state (none of whom are actually appointed by the king, or anything. It's almost entirely a polite fiction and an array of extremely expensive houses the royal family can stay in on the off chance they ever bother visiting).
This is why, for example, becoming a Canadian citizen technically requires swearing loyalty to the crown, but also there have been (IIRC) court cases clarifying that the second it's over with and you're a citizen you can go outside and scream FUCK THE QUEEN at the top of your lungs and dedicate the rest of your life to the cause of repulicanism.
Anyways, it's all an incredibly embarrassing anachronism but also amending the constitution to actually become a republic is pretty vanishingly unlikely (the idea of trying to open up the constitution again still gives half the political class panic attacks, I'm pretty sure), so good on Quebec for getting rid of the especially egregious 'oath of fealty' thing.
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mylionheart2 · 1 year
Amnesty International, The United Nation, The International Criminal Court and most countries including underdeveloped nations describe forced birth as a crime against humanity. Maternal mortality rates are higher in the U.S. than anywhere else in the developed world. Women and girls in the United States are now second class citizens and are in danger every day and dying every day in America.
On this 4th of July I join the thousands of women in the United Sates who are protesting the hostile takeover of America by the Republican Party. They have committed crimes against girls, women and humanity.
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I live in the United States and am a democrat. Though not a ride or die dem.
My family are mostly dem or progressive in some way. I have friends who vote in just about every party.
I do know some repulicans who are die hard.
Here is the thing...
I own a gun, most of my family either own or have taken the gun safety classes(as have i)
I notice the difference between the people I know on the left compared to the right..
The right yells loudly about their guns..how many they have, what kind..where they keep them..etc. They go on loudly about how no one will take their guns.
The people I know on the left, never discuss their guns publicly, how many or where they keep them.
Does the right not understand that if someone does come for our firearms...they will take the ones that are advertised the most.
The right often holds conflicting and counterintuitive view points as a result of rejection of logic and reason and uses inflammatory language to fear monger to those who actively choose not to question established institutions. The "silent majority" as they like to say don't understand they create targets on their own backs when they scream utter nonsense to the gods. I'm under the belief no regular civilian needs a gun whether on the right or left, and furthermore the constitution saying the right to bear arms is a complete load of bullshit, but they really don't do themselves any favors by turning a blind eye to common sense. Republican, democrat, all arbitrary titles, just don't be fucking stupid yall
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wetheoriginals · 2 years
Me as an outsider from southeast asia: so basically all repulicans/conservatives are evil degenerate scums of the earth and meanwhile you democrats/liberals are on the 'good' side this seems like the only prevailing view on stan twitter / tumblr
"so basically all repulicans/conservatives are evil degenerate scums of the earth" correct.
"meanwhile you democrats/liberals are on the 'good' side" not so correct, not all democrats are created equal. liberals and moderates are bad, progressives and leftists are good.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
going to say this: i don't think miles teller is a repulican, i think his wife is. why? because the woman follows a twitter account called "trumps plane" which is a twitter account dedicated to updates on donald trumps plane. she also follows the entire republican party.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
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existence-is-useless · 3 months
I got a hypothetical question for the liberal democrats here on tumblr
Supposing you heard about a rally.
A Republican rally.
A Republic protest rally.
A Republican rally protesting Biden.
A Republican rally protesting Biden because he continues to support a genocide.
Suppose this Republican rally is lead by a Republican politician.
A Republican politican who is demanding that Biden publically denounces the genocide in Palestine, who is demanding that Biden stops funding the genocide and instead focus entirely on humanitarian aid for the survivors.
Suppose this rally is nearby.
Tell me, liberal democrats.
Would you support this Repulican?
Or would you say: 'Ew, a Republican. Can't trust a Republican. They're evil.'
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