#reservation closed in general coach
midnightarsenal · 8 months
Summary: A match with Brighton is interrupted by a pitch invader.
Pairing: Arsenal Women x Arsenal!Reader
Warning: Assault | Avoidance | Anxiety | Some Angst
Word Count: 4.6k
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Meadow Park, Borehamwood
"Y/L/N!" Katie yells from across the pitch and you waste little time in punting the ball over the heads of half a dozen players to her, leading to certified banger of a goal in the seconds that follow and making the score 2-0 in the 61st minute after Caitlin's screamer near the end of the first half. You sprint over to the Irishwoman and launch yourself onto her back, cheering ecstatically as the pair of you are swarmed by the rest of your team.
You had been with the club for over a year now, one of several promising names signed to the Gunners in the summer of 2022, and while you hadn't yet been with the team long enough to cement your place in it as one of its icons, you hadn't needed a lot of time to make plenty of friends among its roster.
Prior to joining Arsenal, you had been Everton's star girl, having played with the Liverpudlian side for over four years before moving to North London in a change that had caused almost as much upset among the Blues fans as it had excitement in the Gooners. It had been a tough decision, but both you and your manager had known that you needed more room to develop your talent and that such room could only be found at a team that regularly fought at the top of the league.
Besides, it had been a far better choice than the alternative of moving to Liverpool. (You still couldn't believe they had been bold enough to even offer.)
Initially, you'd been worried by the prospect of moving both city and club, leaving behind the team you'd grown so close to and entering a new, unknown environment filled with some pretty impressive (and subsequently intimidating) talents. Generally, you were a very confident person and not someone who tended to doubt yourself, but even then, the idea of playing alongside the likes of Miedema and Williamson with reputations known far and wide was a little daunting for a player with a relatively lowkey profile.
But, despite that you had more than proven yourself in your first full season with the club, serving as a reliable forward and netting yourself a handful of goals in the process, even if you weren't a regular in the starting eleven. (You tried not to take it personally given that it was your first season, though your competitive streak made the task a little difficult at times.)
The girls had accepted you with open arms as one of their own, and any reservations you'd had about switching to Arsenal had all but vanished by the time international break had started and you'd gone off the World Cup down under. The teammates on either side of you today were more than just co-workers, they were your friends, and sometimes they even felt like family.
"Alright, you've all done a very good job this half." Jonas starts approvingly as you and the rest of the girls gather round for a brief strategy talk, with Cloé sitting on the pitch not too far away being looked over by the medics. There (probably) isn't anything wrong with her, but it's a good excuse to get a quick chat with the coach in before the game continues. It's the 75th minute and Brighton has been putting on the pressure, propelled forward by an influx of their benched players and possibly some added desperation after Katie's goal.
"Jen, Kyra, Kat, we cannot get complacent now, we need to reassert control over the midfield and lessen the pressure on our defence. Remember, their number 10 loves to make those late runs, so mark her tightly." Your coach continues, his attention turned to the midfielders as he makes quick work of the review while Cloé gets back up to some applause from the crowd and limps towards you and the others, heading for the nearby bench with the team physio and a pair of medics by her side. Already, Lina is taking her jacket off to sub in just behind you.
The chat concludes and the game continues, having only been paused for around a minute and a half as you share a glance with some of the other girls while you all run back onto the pitch with haste. You aren't normally the type to feel as if the result has been decided before the final whistle blows, but you feel confident that you'll be walking away with a win tonight, content with another strong performance.
If only.
It's the 83rd minute when it happens, 8 minutes after your group chat and 7 until the match's conclusion. You're not doing anything when the first signs of a problem arise in the form of distant gasps and disapproving yells from the crowd, you're just standing there with your hands idly on your hips, walking slowly along the pitch and keeping track of the ball as it's passed around in the midfield, a sizable distance from where you are.
You aren't paying attention to what's behind you.
"Y/L/N!" You hear Katie yell again from some ways away, but this time there's something different in her tone that alerts you, there's an urgency in it that's uncharacteristic, one that makes you think something's wrong, and it doesn't take you long to find out what it is.
"Stupid cow!" Is what you hear slurred from behind you before a searing pain suddenly springs forth from the side of your head, the impact of something hard sending you stumbling to the side before you quickly lose your footing and tumble to the ground, the left half of your face hitting the grass with such momentum that it briefly bounces back up before dropping down again.
Your vision blurs for a second or two as you instinctively reach for the sides of your head to cradle it protectively, your legs lifting up until you're just short of a fetal position. You quickly understand that you've been hit by someone and brace for a second attack, one that fortunately doesn't come as you hear sounds of a scuffle nearby.
Your right temple pulses with hurt and you can't help but scrunch your face up, closing and opening your eyes in a rabid blink to try and adjust your sight and shake off the disorientation that has you locked in its grip. For a few moments you lose track of time, wrapped up in your own world of pain before you see someone kneel down in front of you and feel their hands cup over your cheeks, turning your head up to face them.
It's Beth.
"Jesus Christ, you alright?" She asks intensely, her face shaped by a mix of exasperation and concern as you feel someone else's hands slot under your armpits and sit you up, you feel a minor sense of relief at the fact you don't immediately become nauseous at the movement, and the world starts to filter back to high resolution as your disorientation dissipates.
"Yeah.. yeah, I'm alright." You finally find the strength to speak, frowning as you continue to rub at your right temple and look around, trying to get a grip on your surroundings. Your head still hurt, but not quite as bad now and you're sitting up, surrounded on all sides by a wall of red and white football kits, all belonging to women who's gazes were entirely focused on you and who all looked either worried sick, pissed off or both.
Behind them, you could only just see another gathering of bodies that was leaving the pitch. A sea of high-vis jackets, some emblazoned on their backs with 'Security' and others 'Police'.
"Fucking maniac." You hear one of the girls around you say, "How'd they let that happen?" Someone else asks to no one in particular, "Stupid dickhead, should throw him in the sea." A third voice suggests angrily and the accent leaves little room for candidates who's surname isn't McCabe.
You feel some of the girls pat you on the shoulder or rub your back, and Beth takes one of your hands in her own, hands disappearing from your face so they can help you stand up before the wall of Arsenal red parts to let in the team physio and doctor who quickly disapprove of the idea and sit you back down before you've even had the chance to get your bum off the grass.
A light is flashed in each of your eyes, causing you to wince, and you're bombarded with a series of questions that lead you to assume the pair are checking for a concussion. But- after what feels like forever, with the hairs on your skin standing up as you become increasingly aware of what a cold night it is now that the warmth from your exertion during the game has worn off- the two medical professionals get up from their crouched position and carefully help you stand up too.
The crowd cheers for the development and you let out a breath, shaking your head with a small, cynical smile as you were met with looks of sympathy from your teammates. The side of your head still hurt, but it had diminished to the point that you could probably ignore it, though it was still far from comfortable.
"Had to happen to me, eh?" You say to Beth, who can't help but let out a short breathy laugh.
"Maybe he's an Everton fan." Jen proposes and you laugh with a nod. "Left it a bit long, didn't he?" Steph replies with a feigned confusion.
You walk to the bench with the physio, doctor and Beth, with the rest of the team giving you a few more supportive words and pats on the back before heading back to their places on the pitch. It wasn't as if they were going to cancel the game over one rowdy wanker, after all, besides there was less than ten minutes left.
"Are you okay?" Jonas asks as you approach the Arsenal bench and you nod, being brought in for a quick hug before he adds, "That was totally unacceptable. We'll need to address it with the club. Get more security." He sounds angry, and not just with your assailant. You hadn't really had the time to process what had happened given how fast it had all been, but as you sit down at the team bench, receiving another warm reception from the girls there, the ones who'd been playing in the first half, you begin to get where he's coming from. How could that be allowed to happen? What if the guy had a weapon? What if-
"My girl." Your thoughts on what could have happened are interrupted by an unmistakable voice, Leah. Putting that Southern pronunciation on the word 'girl' that you loved so much, but sounding just as worried as everyone else who'd spoken to you did. The blonde wastes little time in leaning down to envelop you in a hug from where you sit, and you return it with a smile, letting out a breath you hadn't known you'd been holding in, and it coming out shaky much to your confusion. You felt fine.
"Good thing you weren't on the pitch, otherwise that prick probably wouldn't have left it." You joke with a small smile as the two of you pull apart and Amanda to your left budges up so Leah can sit down next to you, her brows furrowed in that steep arching frown she liked to do. The match in front of you continues as it had before. Alessia sits on your right, trying to be considerate by not unnecessarily intruding but occasionally giving you a side glance with a smile.
"Honestly, if they hadn't gotten to him first. Fucking wanker." Her blue eyes dart to the side, momentarily looking out to the pitch before returning to you. She reaches out an arm and wraps it over your shoulder, pulling you close, you have no objection, and you can't resist the amused huff of air you let out at the thought of what Leah might have done if she had been there and had two properly working legs.
A small comfortable silence settles between you both until the defender asks, "You alright?" and you nod almost on instinct, giving her a smile. "Yeah. Head hurts a little, but I did just get punched." You joke, but Leah doesn't laugh, or even smile, instead penetrating you with those deep blue eyes. "I know that, dummy, they wouldn't sit you on the bench if you were hurt like that. I meant the other kind of alright."
You shrug and for the first time since you'd seen her, your eyes drift off to the pitch and you shift in your seat. Yeah, you were fine. But, the idea that you might not be didn't sit right with you, or rather, the idea that Leah and by extension the rest of the team might not think you are.
"You mean if I'm all... shaken up? Quaking in my boots?" You retort with some dry wit and a slight smirk, putting some faux dramatism on your words as you glance back to Leah for a moment before returning your eyes to the game. You felt fine, but the question seemed to stir something in you, applying a light pressure to your chest that wasn't there before. You didn't like it.
Leah didn't seem amused and you feel her stare boring into the side of your face, inspecting you almost. "Yeah." Is her short reply, as if she isn't looking to entertain your attempts at humour. As if she takes the incident more seriously than you do.
You shrug again and look over to the blonde with an expression that borders between nonchalance and indifference. "Then yeah, I'm all good in that department too. If fucking Jack Grealish can handle a punch then I think I'll be fine." That one seems to have some effect on Leah's stern, concerned demeanour and she gives a small smile, shaking her head slightly as if reprimanding herself for not knowing better to expect any other kind of answer from you.
But she tightens her arm around you just a bit regardless, pulling you in just a little more than you already were, even as she turns away to face the pitch as the game approaches the final whistle, her eyes lingering on you a little longer. "Alright.. but if that changes, you know I'm here, right?" She asks with a sincerity that makes you a little uncomfortable, partly because you'd always been a little awkward around more heartfelt exchanges of emotions, and partly because.. well you couldn't really figure out that other feeling, but it adds to that small pressure on your chest.
"Yeah, I know." You get out with a firmness, more to reassure the defender that you'd be willing to open up in that sense than anything else. You weren't sure if you ever would, even if your feelings did change. But, you were.. confident that they wouldn't. You felt fine, after all.
The final whistle blows not long after.
The hum of fluorescent lights fill Meadow Park's comparatively humble locker room as the team trickles in, sweaty and exhausted from a relatively hard fought win. There's the usual post-match banter, the teasing, the recounting of the odd tackle and the two winning goals. But there's also a.. tension in the air, an undercurrent of concern and empathy directed toward one player in particular and unfortunately you're all too aware of it.
You take your usual spot by your locker, trying to blend in with the post-game routine as seamlessly as you can. You begin to unlace your boots, your fingers working with a rehearsed, mechanical precision. You didn't like it when people fussed over you, and you always tended to think that their attention was better spent or even better deserved elsewhere. You didn't really like being the centre of attention either, positive or negative. So, sitting here, and knowing that every now and then a different set of eyes would glance over at you, or that every second conversation featured you in some capacity, it wasn't a fun feeling, even if all of it derived from the most kind intentions.
You slip your cleats off and lean back against your locker as you sit in your cubby, looking up at the ceiling and releasing your second shaky breath of the night against your will. That pressure on your chest hasn't gone away and it's beginning to annoy you as you close your eyes and try to relax yourself, feeling oddly tense.
Between the chaos of the initial aftermath, your conversation with Leah and some of the banter you'd tried to get yourself involved with during the short walk to the locker room after their celebration, you hadn't really had the time (or the desire) to really think back to the incident or process it. It'd happened what? Thirty minutes ago? Yet, it already felt significantly longer.
Your hand reaches up absentmindedly to rub at your right temple as images flash one after the other of the experience. You on the ground, Beth kneeling in front of you and those two words that you hadn't even recalled until now. "Stupid cow." You scratch at your temple for a moment and open your eyes, shaking your head for a second or two as if to ward off the memory.
You let out another breath, and while this one isn't quite shaky, your breathing has gotten a little heavier.
Your hands clasp together and your fingers interlock as you idly rub your thumbs up and down the hand opposite to the one they each belong to. That pressure on your chest makes itself known a bit more and you swallow, your eyes surveying the locker room, not quite knowing what you're searching for but compelled to do it all the same. Why would someone do that? Why would a person just run out onto the pitch and hit a player? Hit you?
"Relax." You tell yourself.
It doesn't do much, and you have to put a hand down onto your knee to stop one of your legs from tapping itself up and down. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" You internally ask yourself. You felt fine. You had felt fine five minutes ago. You had felt fine after being punched in the side of the head. Why are you feeling like this now?
You shift in your cubby and take a deep breath (another shaky one, much to your frustration), trying to regain control of yourself. That fucking weight on your chest is still there.
"Y/N." You hear someone- Katie- say nearby, and you curse to yourself. "Yeah?" You ask with a slightly raised brow, trying to remain lowkey as you look to your left to see the forward standing not too far away next to her own cubby, shoving her boots into a large black duffel bag as she stares at you, most of the other girls are still in their own conversations. Thank God.
"You good?" She asks the question that you've become almost annoyingly familiar with in the past half hour and like before you nod impulsively. Though unlike then you're no longer quite so confident in the honesty of that natural response. "Yeah, all good. Why? Am I getting a bruise?" You say in an attempt to be light hearted, giving the brunette a small smile, but she only frowns back, causing you to swallow.
"Nah, just seemed like you were.. thinking 'bout something."
You break your stare and go back to what you're supposed to be doing, getting changed, leaving Katie unsatisfied as you find your own duffel bag next to you and begin putting your cleats into it. You begin to feel a slight burning at the bottom of your throat but try to ignore it, feeling the corners of your lips reactively curl downward even as you busy yourself with getting changed.
"Fucking idiot." You angrily say to yourself on the inside. "Stop being such a baby." You take off your Arsenal shirt and shove it into the bag with an unusual amount of force. That pressure on your chest grows heavier and your breathes with it. You aren't sure why you feel this way and you hate it. You've never felt like this before and you hate it. Why is this happening? You were fine before.
"Y/N." Your name is called again, only this time it's Leah, and she's standing right behind you, causing you to jump just slightly. Your heart beating a little quicker as you'd been facing your locker, back turned to the rest of the team. Katie must have gotten her.
You take your third shaky breath of the evening before responding with a falsely inquisitive, "Yeah?" as if you hadn't a clue what she'd want to talk to you about. You continue to face your locker, opening it up to take out your casualwear to give yourself a valid reason not to turn around.
"You wanna come with me? Need to talk." She says with a nonchalance that is deceptive. Ordinarily, if Leah needed to talk with someone, she wouldn't hesitate in using her regular old sternness to get the importance across. But, right now? Her tone was light and casual and you weren't an idiot. You know that she was treating this like some kind of sensitive situation when it wasn't. You'd gotten punched by some dickhead and that was it, end of story. It probably happened to a thousand people every day in Britain and you were no different.
"Yeah.. just lemme get dressed first." You reply, sliding on your trousers and feigning your own coolness and composure, though not nearly to the same effectiveness as Leah. Your breathing's still heavy and with each passing moment you begin to feel a growing sense of claustrophobia when you'd never suffered from that in the past. You want air. Maybe you need it. But, you can't let that show.
"Mind turning round, Y/N? It's bad manners not to look at someone when they're talking to you."
You won't let it show.
"Look, Leah. If this is about that dickhead again, I told you I'm all good." You retort dismissively, wanting to put the questioning to bed.
That pressure grows heavier.
"Well, I don't think you are."
Your heart beats faster.
"Oh, and what? You're in my head now are you?" Your frustration peaks through the façade.
Why are they still asking you about it?
"No. I just know when my friends aren't okay." Leah's concerned tone fades and she takes on a sterner one, a tough love one.
Why aren't you fine?
"Well you might want to get your radar checked because I'm fucking fine, Leah." Your brows furrow and you almost grit your teeth as that burning sensation creeps further up your throat. You shouldn't have sworn.
The rest of the locker room is becoming quieter.
"Then why won't you look at me?"
Everyone's looking at you.
"Because you're fucking bothering me!" You yell angrily. And if there had been any conversations left in the room, they cease instantly, cloaking the team in a deafening silence.
You swallow and it almost hurts your throat. You blink and your eyes have a wetness in them that wasn't there ten seconds ago. Your chest lifts and falls dramatically and your hands have a light tremor in them.
But, you were fine ten minutes ago.
You feel a pair of hands take you gently by your waist and you presume them to be Leah's, having that presumption confirmed quickly as the defender turns you around slowly to face her. You don't resist, but you feel almost ashamed as you're rotated to face the rest her and the rest of the girls. You can't even look any of them in the eye, with your eyes dropping to the ground and becoming fixated on your feet because it's easier than looking at anything else.
"You're okay, my girl. You're safe." Leah says, her sternness morphing seamlessly into an almost painfully sincere softness and care as you're pulled in slowly for another hug, though your arms hang almost limply by your sides. You don't know what to do, or what to say, but you feel a stinging in your eyes and a pain in your throat that's becoming more pronounced by the second.
You bury your head into Leah's shoulder because you know you're about to cry, and you feel a surge of intense shame at the realization. Your arms reach up and finally wrap themselves around Leah. You know the rest of the girls are watching you, and it's embarrassing, but you don't know what else to do. You don't feel safe.
"I don't know what the fuck's wrong with me." You finally let out into the blonde's shoulder, feeling the first tears roll down your cheeks. "I was okay and then.. this shit just came out of nowhere. I'm sorry."
Leah pulls away from you, but only slightly, one of her hands lifting your chin to level with her as she looks you dead in the eye, while her other hand reaches up to stroke your cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry about, understand? Nothing. No one thinks any less of you for this, Y/N."
You aren't entirely sure if that's true or not, but Leah, being the natural leader that she is, had a way of making people believe things or feel them even if they otherwise wouldn't. And you're not immune to that effect, nodding somewhat hesitantly in agreement, but nodding regardless as you feel that pressure on your chest lighten ever so slightly.
"The pitch should be a safe place for us and that dickhead tried to take it away." You hear Beth speak up, both to you but also to the rest of the room, with nods and murmurs of concurrence following throughout. Concern and heartbreak can easily turn to anger and a need for justice, and even in your frustratingly vulnerable state, you can see that change begin to take place in the confines of the locker room as the scene between you and Leah made it perfectly clear to everyone that you had been effected by that attack on more than just a physical level.
"Everyone's here for you, alright? Nothing like that is ever gonna happen again. Not to you, or anyone else in this game." Leah says, that steeply arched frown returning to her expression as a hint of determination reaches through her words.
She wipes away some of the tears that hadn't quite made their way down your cheeks and pulls you back into the hug, running her hand in circles along your back. "We're gonna make sure he regrets ever coming to this game." The Vice-Captain whispers into your ear with an intensity that almost makes you shiver, and in that moment, you find a piece of your confidence back.
You were confident that the girls had your back. You were confident that Leah would do whatever it took to get justice, and you were confident that one day that wanker would indeed regret ever even coming near you. But, most importantly, you were confident that you wouldn't allow him damage you, that you wouldn't allow him to have anymore significance in your life than a fucking footnote. Regardless of whatever happened next, revenge or not, justice or not. You were simply more valuable than that, and the girls would always help to remind you of that, even if sometimes it was hard to see.
Sometimes, your team felt like more than just a team, and tonight was one of those times.
End Notes: Hey, everyone! So this has been my first ever woso fic. I'm still trying to get to grips with pacing and getting some proper good angst, but I hope this is an enjoyable read and a good start!
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mavrintarou · 9 months
[4:38 PM] Oikawa Toru [5]
I know, you all have been patient with me on this series. Really want to finish WYE with an explosion lol so please continue to bear with me on that one.
Warning: none, just two humans trying to be better...
Fourth part Sixth part
Y/n waited patiently outside their units by the elevator for Toru and Mateo.
At last, their door cracked open and Toru stepped out with Mateo strapped to his chest in a baby carrier facing outward. “Oh!” Toru’s eyes widen, “how long have you been waiting for? You should have come over.”
Y/n smiled, shaking her head. “I wasn’t waiting long, I figured you guys would come out eventually.” She stepped forward and held her hands, “give me the diaper bag, I’ll carry that.”
Toru was reluctant to but gave in. “Thank you.” He turned so Mateo could see her, “say hi, Teo.”
“Hi, Mateo!” Y/n cooed, rubbing his cheek. He smiled bashfully and Y/n spotted a tiny white tooth appearing. “Is that a tooth?”
“Yep, he’s teething and drooling everywhere,” Toru answered, indicating the bib around his neck, was already damp with drool.
She had gone a few days without seeing them but they had made plans to go out to the new restaurant that opened down the street.
Y/n slipped the backpack pack and pressed the button for the elevator, “shall we head down?” Mateo answered excitedly kicking and flapping his arms.
Toru reserved a private room that was closed off from the public area. Although he played professional volleyball for another country, Toru held a large enough fan base in his home country. He was often recognized out in public and bombarded with questions and requests for autographs.
Mateo sat in the high chair patiently waiting to be fed by his dad.
Toru’s phone buzzed for the second time after he silenced the first call. He sighed, “do you mind if I take this call?”
Y/n nodded, setting her chopsticks down so she could take Mateo’s feeding spoon and his baby food. “Not at all, go for it.”
Toru gave her an apologetic expression and exited the room before answering the call.
Mateo immediately blabbered, eyeing his food in her hand. “Okay, okay,” Y/n giggled quickly feeding him. “Yummy, right?” He smiled, showing his gummy smile. “Goodness, you’re so cute, Mateo!”
Y/n couldn’t deny that he held a special spot in her heart. She has always been softhearted for babies in general but something about Mateo, he had her wrapped around his chubby tiny fingers.
She wiped his mouth and continued to feed him when Toru reentered the room, she could immediately sense the irritation in him even if he quickly tried to mask it with a smile. “Is everything okay?”
He hesitated but sighed, he took a seat again and wiped Mateo’s mouth. “It was the head coach for Japan’s volleyball team. He’s trying to recruit me to play for them now that I’m back in Japan.”
“You… don’t want to play anymore?” Y/n grabbed Mateo’s cup, giving him some water.
He remained silent for a few seconds before uttering a quiet, “no.” He inhaled sharply, looking at her before continuing, “with the piano, do you ever have moments where you question your passion? Like you’ve plateaued and don’t know where you’re going with it anymore? That’s where I’m at. I don’t know if I just don’t care for it anymore or I’ve done all that I can and I’m ready to start something new now.” Toru lets out a chuckle, “I never thought there would be a day I would say that,” he looked over at Mateo, reaching over to brush his hair, “until this little guy came along. I want to spend as much time as possible with him because I know how hectic it’ll be if I continue to play professionally.”
Y/n nodded, understanding him. “I feel the same way too.”
Toru’s eyes locked with hers, “about your career?” She nodded to his question.
“For a few months now, I’ve been stuck in limbo contemplating what I want to do with my career now. I was blessed to play alongside some of the greatest and most amazing musicians and traveled for my career,” her voice paused as if she was reminiscing on old memories. “I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
Toru nodded, “that’s exactly what I feel too, got to play for an international team and traveled, played professionally… what more do I want or can I do now?”
“Do you feel like… you just need a break? A breather?”
“Yes,” Toru answered with a smile, understanding exactly what she meant. “To be clear, I’m not saying I’m done with volleyball, I think I just need a break like you said. A long break.”
Y/n looked over at Mateo who was blowing bubbles, she smiled lovingly at him before looking at Toru. “Well, if you’re looking for a sign to take one, I’ll be the sign. I give you permission to take a long break, Oikawa Toru.”
Toru’s eyes water as he looks down, chuckling. “Why are you always making me cry, Y/n?”
Y/n’s eyes widen, “don’t cry! I’m not making fun of you, I promise!”
He shook his head, looking up and wiping his tears away. “No, I know you’re not making fun of me, it’s just… you’ve been saying everything that I just need to hear and it’s so relieving. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me permission to take a break.”
. .
Toru came out of the men’s bathroom shortly after he entered and looked at Y/n with a face she couldn’t quite decipher.
“That was… a fast diaper change,” Y/n’s tone was filled with half sarcasm and amusement.
Toru made a face, “I’m really sorry to ask this but the men’s bathroom doesn’t have a changing table…”
“Ah,” Y/n reached for the diaper bag and took Mateo, “come on, Teo – let’s go change your poopy diaper.”
“Thank… you…” he watched the two of them march and disappear into the women’s bathroom happily.
His heart raced with a mixture of emotions. Gratitude welled up within him, an unspoken appreciation for Y/n’s boundless kindness and loving heart. Each passing day seemed to deepen his feelings for her, as he found himself falling for her even more.
Toru knows he shouldn’t, but he can’t resist letting the scenarios in his mind play out temporarily. Observing how wonderfully Y/n interacts with Mateo, he couldn’t help but envision the possibility of them forming a small, loving family.
He doesn’t have the heart to admit how he has been longing to complete his little family and he knows Y/n means no harm by it but he couldn’t help but just wonder… how does she feel?
Will she be willing?
Can she see a future with him and Mateo?
He knows he’s getting ahead of himself and he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t have such expectations. He should just be thankful that Y/n wants to associate herself with them.
“What?...” Toru mumbled when he felt the ground beneath his feet began to tremble. His balance wavered as he swiftly realized that an earthquake was occurring at the very moment.  
Screams and shouts echoed around him as he scanned his surroundings. Cars had come to a halt, and buildings were shaking violently. The tremors beneath his feet intensified, causing windows to shatter and fall from various directions.
“Y/n!” Toru shouted, deftly avoiding falling debris and frantic people in his rush to reach the women’s bathroom. “Y/n!” he cried out, as a group of women inadvertently surged past him in their haste to exit the restroom. Amid the chaos, he was jostled and pushed back from the women’s bathroom, but he stood firm and pressed onward, still shouting, “Y/n!”
“Toru!” He heard Y/n’s scream, “Toru, we’re still inside!”
With no time to spare, he rushed into the bathroom, pushing aside any concern. He advanced further until he turned the corner, where he discovered Y/n hurriedly trying to get Mateo off the small changing table. He swiftly collected Mateo’s belongings and stuffed them into the backpack. “We have to leave quickly,” he urged.
“I think it’s safest to remain here, the walls are cemented and there’s no windows.” She pressed Mateo close to her chest, a protective hand over his head. She looked down at the changing table, “this table is large enough to cover us, we should get under it.”
Toru nodded and followed Y/n who scrambled underneath the table, securing Mateo tightly in her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay baby. It’s okay,” she whispered soothingly as he started to cry. She pulled him tighter in her embrace, murmuring soothing words to calm him.
Toru’s arms enveloped them protectively, drawing them close as the ground shook even more violently than before. Dust and other debris began falling from the ceiling. The lights in the bathroom flickered and then, with a final quiver, lost their connection.
It was the longest few minutes of their lives holding their breath and praying for the earthquake to pass.
The ground had finally grown still, no longer quaking.
“Is it over?” Y/n whispered, her breath unsteady. She looked down at Mateo who calmed down and suckled his pacifier, staring back at her with wide eyes.
A light illuminated the closed-in bathroom as Toru turned on his flashlight on his phone. He looked at Y/n and Mateo before letting out a sigh of relief. “I think so.” He held his phone up, “I don’t have any signal.”
“Cellular towers must be down too,” Y/n shifted Mateo in her arms and gazed at the baby, “are you okay?” Having no clue what he had just gone through, he spat out his pacifier before smiling brightly at Y/n’s words, his dimples appearing on his chubby cheeks. Her heart melted and leaned to kiss his cheek. Her eyes widened for a split second, realizing what she had just done in front of Toru, and blushed, thankful they were still surrounded by the darkness. “We should… probably wait until they give us the green light to leave, we might be best staying here for now.”
Toru sighed and rolled his neck. “Yeah, I agree.” He reached over and let Mateo wrap his chubby fingers around his, “you are a trooper, not even realizing you just experienced your first earthquake.”
“It’s a story we’ll need to tell him later,” Y/n remarked.
Hearing her say ‘we’ll need to tell him later’ caused Toru’s heart to swell to the point of almost bursting. Those were simple words, but they filled him with hope that maybe she would continue to be part of their lives. He smiled as he watched his son burst into laughter while Y/n made funny noises and tickled him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat before uttering the words he’d been dying to say. “I love your interactions with my son.”
Y/n turned her head, eyes wide before she smiled at him, “it’s hard to not adore him, Toru. I enjoy spending time with you two but I hope you don’t think I’m trying to evade your privacy or boundaries. I do – don’t want you to think I’m trying… to be his mother…”
“Can I be completely honest with you?” Toru murmured, gently tucking her bangs behind her ear. When Y/n nodded her head, he smiled warmly. “You are the most incredible female figure Mateo has ever had, and you’ve never crossed any boundaries or invaded our privacy. In fact, I’m sure Mateo agrees with me that we both would love for you to spend more time with us.” He swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat. “I just want you to know… and I hope what I’m about to say won’t scare you away because I don’t know what Mateo and I would do if you no longer want anything to do with us anymore but I can’t keep it to myself any longer, but God, Y/n, you have no idea how much I wish you were his mother.”
Mateo squealed loudly as if he understood and agreed with his father.
Y/n adverted her gaze momentarily, clearing her throat. “I once heard a quote: ‘Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child,’” she began. Then, she turned her gaze back to Toru. “I won’t deny that what you just said caught me off guard, but it certainly didn’t frighten me.” Her eyes met his, silently conveying that she shared his sentiments. “To be completely honest also, I’ve been longing for a child for a few years now,” she admitted. She shifted her focus to Mateo and playfully wiggled his arms. “That’s partly why I lost my passion for the piano. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to make it happen, but…” she chuckled, feeling a rush of embarrassment. “Let’s just say I’ve been on the baby-fever bandwagon for quite some time, and meeting Mateo… it truly was a blessing.”
Toru shifted, sitting with his back against the wall and staring off into the darkness. “It goes both ways, Y/n. You are a blessing to Mateo and me.” He reaches towards Mateo, who instantly grabs a hold of one of his fingers. “I – I was wondering… are you… seeing someone?”
It took Y/n a few seconds before she answered, “no, I’m not. That man you saw the other day was Woojin. He’s also a musician, and that’s how we became acquainted. But that was the last time I’ll be seeing him, we decided to go our ways.”
A small smile appeared on Toru’s lips, his heart was going through all sorts of emotions but at this moment, it was warm hearing Y/n confirm she was not seeing anyone.
“What about you, Toru?” Y/n inquired, “are you seeing someone?”
“No,” he shook his head, “I am not seeing anyone.” His breath trembled and his heart raced as his mind screamed at him, here’s your chance. “Although… I do want to get to know someone.” He glanced at Y/n to see her reaction before continuing, “if I should be so bold as to ask, are you open to seeing someone, Y/n?”
Y/n’s breath quickened, and her heart raced as her mind grappled with how to respond to him. She couldn’t deny that over the past few weeks since she’d met Toru and Mateo, she imagined and daydreamed about what life with them could be like. She also couldn’t deny that after she heard about Lucia, she had secretly wished she could have been the one to carry and give birth to Mateo, the sweet boy in her arms. The idea of considering a man who already had a child with a previous partner had never crossed her mind before, but in this situation, with Toru and Mateo, she realized she wouldn’t mind at all.
She cast him a shy glance, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. “If I’m allowed to be as bold as you,” she replied with a hesitant smile, “and if it’s you, then yes, I’d be open to seeing you.” She is immediately hit with the idea that she might have misunderstood his question and she quickly adds rashly, “oh my goodness, I just totally assumed you were referring to… you and I… I’m so emba – “
Her sentence was abruptly interrupted as Toru gently pressed his lips against hers, hushing her words. He gave her lips two tender pecks before pulling back, his gaze fixed on her rosy lips before meeting her eyes. “I’m referring to you and me,” he whispered.
“Toru,” Y/n whispered.
“Kiss me again.”
His lips curved into a boyish grin before he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers softly. His hand comes to cup her face, taking it slow…
Toru’s breath hitched with Y/n’s mouth shifted and her tongue teased at his lower lip before he smirked and met her eagerness. He did not peg Y/n as one to take the lead in a kiss but he wasn’t going to complain if she preferred it. Cool chills ran down his spine as Y/n let out a soft moan against his mouth and all he could think about was how he wanted to hear more of it.
The moment was interrupted by their phones dinging with a notification informing them of the status of the aftermath. Seconds later, the lights in the bathroom flickered on.
Y/n was the first to pull away and Toru chuckled at the annoyed and slightly disappointed expression that briefly crossed her face. She then quickly averted her gaze, her cheeks flushed with a blush.
Mateo cooed, reminding the two adults that he was still present. He suckled his fingers, drooling everywhere.
Toru playfully poked his son’s cheek, “sorry son, didn’t mean to make you the third wheel.”
Upon their return home, they found the apartment building’s management making announcements. They explained that the external structure of the building had not suffered any damage, but this assessment did not extend to the interior structure. Each unit would undergo inspection to ensure it met safety requirements.
As soon as the three stepped out of the elevator, Mateo was sound asleep in Toru’s arm.
“That was quite a day,” Y/n remarked, shifting her weight onto her heels. “Get some rest, and I’ll catch up with you…”
“On a date. I’m going to take you on a date, is that all right?” Toru finished her sentence for her.
Y/n nodded her head, a bright smile on her face. “I’d love that.”
“You go in first.” He jutted his chin towards her door, “have a good night.”
Y/n walked backward, maintaining eye contact with him until she gently bumped into the door. “Good night,” she whispered before disappearing into her unit.
She dreaded the idea of finding her place in disarray after the earthquake but to her surprise, when she reached the living room, only a few items lay scattered on the ground. Her piano was not a concern; she had it secure in place specifically for situations like earthquakes, and there was nothing near it that could have caused damage.
She tossed her purse on the couch and turned her heels to head for the kitchen when she froze and turned her heels 180 degrees.
Her hand covered her mouth as she muttered, “oh my gosh…”
A big portion of the thin wall that separated her unit from Toru had completely collapsed, and as Y/n stood there in shock, she met Toru’s mirrored expression of surprise.
. . .
E/n: Will be back to edit.
@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy @rukia-uchia-98 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @anejuuuuoy @tooruchiiscribs @mommyourcall420 @haikyuubiggestsimp @lilguycoded @random-734 @ghostlyneckoaftoad @abcde12345 @shotenvinsoot @princess-sunshyn @anonymoussimper @junglewoos
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lexygabe · 8 months
tora aikawa / twisting tiger headcanons/rewriting/etc.
pisces sun | virgo moon | aquarius rising
INFP - 9w8 - sx/so - 974 - ESI - RLUAI - EFVL - Melancholic-Phlegmatic
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general headcanons:
• trans masc, he/him, gayace,
• nobody cares but his sexuality headcanons were made by me when i was mad at wattpad bitches infantalizing him and making him their uwu japanese anime boyfriend,
• also he is little gremlin man before anybody start treating him as omg so cute trans boy hahaha gay baby. nah, he will kick you directly in the balls (even if you don't have them) and he will do this with pleasure,
• as a kid he was creepypasta enjoyer (he tortured miko with them when he was trying to sleep),
• philosophy nerd, not only into "asian philosophy", but philosophy in general. marxism, stoicism, nihilism, epicureanism, etc. everything,
• he reads this big fucking books weighing tons and they are always the craziest shit ever like "the idiot" by fyodor dostoevsky,
• i think he is russian literature fan in general,
• i think he had something that we could describe as depressive episodes, but he was never diagnosed with it til adulthood. and to be honesg tiger himself thought that everyone have felt something like that from time to time,
• probably has light ptsd,
• his friendships with nakama players (besides his and miko bond) aren't that strong like they used to. this is "when both of you start to distancing from each other and you become strangers to each other" situation, (he misses them)
• he self expressing himself very often in form of his new tricks, but also in his writing (he has a lot of notebooks with multiple essays),
• loves cartoons,
• <energy drinks3,
• he has keyhole top surgery type of scars,
• he become strika member after his whole transition journey,
• when doc got his medical results he was a little bit confused bcs birth certificate said that tiger is afab, so he informed coach about it,
• some day after training coach took tiger aside and told him that if anybody's gonna have problem with his identity, he will talk to them and he also asked tiger if he was capable of informing him or doc about his problems/health,
• rasta was first to know, bcs he and tiger went out for a beer together once and tiger started pointing out on his chest and telling a whole story totally drunk. the next day rasta walked up to him and asked in friendly-jokingly way is it safe for him to remove his muscle breasts, to which tiger replied with laugh,
• besides rasta, coach and doc. shakes, klaus and probably whole reserve players bench know about him,
• y'all will eat me (for speaking the truth) but matador, joe and north don't know about the fact that he is trans. bcs north definitely says f/aggot at least once a day, el is this cis lgb+ stereotype in tigers eyes (even tho matador doesn't care about gender identity, if you are hot, then you are hot and you will have to deal with his interest in you) and joe may perceive tiger differently when he would come out (again, this is how tiger feels about him),
• he is very critical of the sigma male trend and whole "sigma" idea in general, he even done a research and watched and read american psycho and fight club (yeah ik this is so random),
• idealist. he is close with his feelings and morality, so he assumes very often that everyone controls their own emotions like him,
• he is both idealist and skeptic,
• texts >>>>>>> voice messages/video calls,
• had religion crisis,
• he develops his trust to people very slowly,
• has mulitple accounts on twitter and makes the best trolling posts out there,
• he has decent knowledge about politics,
• watches kdramas when bored,
• he was wearing brackets in the past,
• has a lot of collections (like gadgets from chips' wrappers, TALISMANS, jewelry, figurines), but he is not obsessed about them,
• has tattoos like this:
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throught the series (og tv show, rewriting):
• [—] is waiting to be completed.
relationship with:
• miko: ik a lot of you ships them, but they are platonic to me.
they are like brothers. sometimes they fight for dear life and the other time they send each other funny memes at 3 am. in my head, both of them didn't have a great family dynamic, so they stayed together late at night.
miko was more easy going, so he was always worried about tiger when something happened to him. they aren't ashamed to show their love to each other.
• inyo: when they were kiddos she truly loved him in the most sisterly way you can think of. both of them are very careful when it comes to developing relations so they become very important to each other. it hurt when they had no contact with each other for years and then they become super league enemies (they never even have a talk after this).
• rasta: tiger is welcomed in rasta's house and tiger is always open to do something for rasta in return. buddies.
• cool joe: its complicated. on the one hand they are good friends and joe considers tiger as one of the most normal mates in their team, but they still have that unresolved tension that prevents them from deepening their relationship further.
• others: ?
fashion headcanons:
• smokey eye makeup supremacy,
• TW SCARYASS PRINTED SHIRT. he wears t-shirts with the most obscure shit on them
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• his style is something between grunge, gothic and alt,
• he wears platform shoes to look taller than he actually is,
• some examples of his fits:
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music headcanons:
• soft rock!! (car seat headrest is his beloved), j-pop, mcr & bôa.
• had a tdick at the time when he was playing for nakama,
• is into t4t relationships, bcs every cis gay guy he had thing for were super weird about him and either have had internalized transphobia or specific fantasies that crossed his boundaries of comfort,
• tldr give this man a trans bf so he could have the most non sexual intercourse.
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oldguardleatherdog · 7 months
Next chance for my 9/11 RP coaching is just 10 months away! Call now to reserve your spot!
Got a message today:
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Never one to pass up a chance to build a Wall O'Text, I replied:
No one took me up on my offer this year, but I can assure you that my offer was and is legit.
I've been a professional performance artist and composer for 33 years, currently in collaboration with a Berlin-based collective that's spending the next 12 months researching and studying my life and work, and developing a performance and film project about my long post-9/11 journey back to life and art (the first phase, "Finding Animal", just got underway https://oncewewereislands.com/Finding-Animal).
I'm a classically trained repertory actor and am the second- earliest Pup in the history of modern-day Pup Play (hence my blog name).
When I started typing out my addition to that post, I honestly had no idea where it was going to end up. When I finished the tags, I sat back, looked at it, shook my head, and said to myself what the fuck and hit the arrow.
I had NO idea that it would take off the way it did - the post already had more than 10,000 notes, and the last time I looked at it it was close to 110,000, and ain't it a wonder? 😎
September 11th is part of my foundation now, it's entwined in my DNA, and of course it's never more than a breath away from my thoughts - but after two decades and more, the shadow of that day no longer blocks the light from my sight.
Now, a full generation has passed, and many people have no memory of the event or were born years afterward. That's why some of us keep talking about it, and sometimes joke about it - let's face it, we're the only ones who can make 9/11 jokes and not go straight to Hell! - because we owe it to you, to the future, to history, to our friends and neighbors and colleagues and loved ones who died that day, to that place where life abounded, to ourselves.
At a very low point in 2003, one of my lowest, I sat on an exam table in my doctor's office in New York, homeless and destitute and beat up and sick, and I said, "I want to kill myself." Without even turning around, the young medical assistant who was across the room said, "Oh, please don't do that, Mr Smith. We need your testimony." ..and with those words, she saved my life.
My offer still stands, and 9/11/24 is just 10 months away!
Didn't mean to write a skyscraper of text, so thanks for your message and for letting me share these thoughts with you.
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agena87 · 2 months
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Dandre and Trey King for @havenroyals' Season 3 of "Too Hot Too Handle".
Twins Dandre and Trey couldn't be more different personality-wise. Dandre is joyful, sport-addicted, and a pathological flirt with a heart of gold. Despite his flirting tendencies, he wants to find love and build a family with a loving woman. More reserved, Trey prefers to keep to himself and his small circle of friends. Workaholic at the core and snobbish, he cares more about money than love, though he sometimes imagines sharing his life with someone who would respect his way of life. Their relationship, once very close, is now quite difficult and competitive.
Some facts about the twins:
Age: 24 Sexuality: Dandre -> straight; Trey -> bi Occupation: Dandre -> fitness coach; Trey -> accountant for Landgraab Industries Traits: Dandre -> active, nosy, romantic; Trey -> snob, materialistic, proper WW traits: Dandre -> nudity enthusiast, insatiably lustful; Trey -> shy, generous lover, casual romantic Aspiration: Dandre -> Bodybuilder; Trey -> Fabulously Wealthy Skills:
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thxrnking · 5 months
I don't know who patrick and neil are?? question . . . who are they??
Pat and Nell are my OCs for my current hyperfixation of Just Dance. I recently posted personality/character profiles here for Pat, and here for Nell
Pat actually isn't short for Patrick, he's just Pat. I'm currently not decided if he was born Pat, or if he chose to change his name but in either case he is Pat and I'm using him to offer a different perspective on this dark AU I've developed with the main characters of Just Dance known as the Night Children AU in which the main protagonists of the game have been corrupted and are under control of the villain Night Swan.
Pat came first, semi-operating as the protagonist to the antagonists that the main cast have become in this AU, though he's kind of morphed into a way for me to explore the impacts of what is essentially a Universe-wide war on the average person. Not one of the many side characters who are implied to have the means to fight back, but an average person who has been displaced from his home following an attack that killed/captured a lot of his neighbours and which he barely escaped himself.
I have a tendency to write quite negatively/overwhemingly depressed characters in general so I challenged myself to write Pat as a person who is determined to hold onto his hope, his positivity, and his values. Someone who can't quite comprehend the true scope of this massive war and instead focuses on what he can comprehend which is the impact on individuals.
Given Pat is based on a background character in a dancemap (Just Dance 2023) he doesn't have a glove which is almost exclusively reserved for the lead dancer/coach of each map (a purposeful design choice meant to mimic gameplayers and their controller). Recently I've used this to expand on the worldbuilding within the AU as well as create a greater disparity between Pat and the majority of the rest of the characters.
Essentially those with a Glove (the majority of other characters within this AU) have made a personal connection with the Flow (the canonical Spiritual force of the Danceverses). Pat doesn't have this, putting him at a severe disadvantage but doesn't leave him not wanting to help.
Nell (short for Penelope) is his younger sister, though they are both adults. She was inspired by a coach in a music video who just gave me major little sister vibes.
Mostly I wanted Pat to have some family to better root him and make him seem less of an unconnected potential accidental messiah character. A younger sister gives a chance for sibling dynamic, both for the better and the worse, but with the added bonus that Nell has a Glove, and therefore the "Spiritual connection" that Pat doesn't.
Nell is meant to be somewhat of a mirror reflection of Pat. She has a Glove while he doesn't. She lives in a more affluent area while he lives in the rougher area. She is more outgoing and involved with closeknit group of friends, while Pat knows everyone but has very few if any close friends. They're both impulsive, though Nell tends to think through consequences more, having grown up watching her older brother do nearly everything that passes through his mind. And while they do bicker, they are very protective of each other.
Pat is determined to keep the war away from Nell as much as he can.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask
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100 (103) reasons why Daichi is the best 
1. his face 
2. them thighs 
3. most reliable captain 10/10 has never  met a ball he can’t save 
4. the chip on his shoulder
5. he's not just an underdog, he's the captain of underdogs, the biggest underdog of all.
6. kinda insane sometimes. Total volleyball freak. (My adored <3333)
7. you will never meet a more reliable man
8. deserves all the admiration in the world for handling a team as insane and wild as Karasuno
9. knows his team like the back of his hand
10. y'all remember that time he saved kagehina's failed freak quick because he knew that they'd go for it and also knew they'd mess it up?
11. there was a solid period of time where he was both coach and captain and handled the jobs marvelously
12. never falls to pressure,
13. treats his team to after-practice meat buns
14. ridiculously observant
15. seriously, this man immediately figured out that hinata had his eyes closed during the first freak quick.
16. terrifying enough to scare Noya who canonically has not felt fear since he was a child
17. can silence people with a look.
18. surprisingly snarky
19. officially acknowledged by kuroo as a crafty son of a bitch and kuroo would know
20. fr though, Karasuno would never have been the team it was without him, he's such a great goddamn leader and a brilliant captain
21. every single person on his team listens to this man
22. and he's always great at knowing how to deal with the different members on his team whether its goading Tsukishima at exactly the right time or knowing when to cheer Asahi up.
23. relentless, driven and never gives up.
24. the honest country boy vibes
25. has the obliviousness of an anime protagonist when it comes to romance.
26. can site facts about sea creatures off the top of his head and does it often enough that Asahi can provide context for what he's talking about
27.the ✨ soulful eyes ✨
28. we all know that under that cute face is a terrifying demon but man, what a face 
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29. is a brave warrior willing to sacrifice (lose a tooth) for his people
30. basically got kagehina together
31. well-rounded player
32. got SO hot post time skip
33. not afraid to look like a lunatic in public when he's yelling at his teammates
34. short king
35. his flawless jump float receives 
36. that one time he yelled at Noya and co for coming to school on New Years like Daichi what were YOU doing at school during New Years? 👀👀
37. wore the vice principle's wig twice and did so flawlessly
38. the fancy foot moves on court
39. best pep talks
40. also great motivational speeches. Ikejeri literally remembered one of them for like 5 years
41. this man was Karasuno's ONLY floor defense for a hot minute there and still won against Seijoh. Seijoh.
42. that being said, he's not part of the defensive line, he's a spiker who also does defense and don't you dare forget it
43. the breadth of his gorgeous, gorgeous back
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44. Was willing to kick out Kageyama and Hinata if they didn’t learn to get along. It’s not like Karasuno has a deep reserve of players, they certainly needed every player they can get and yet, he held firm. 
45. when he saves almost all of inarizaki’s crazy serves like it’s nothing 
46. also wrecked Oikawa's shit with that one save
47. literally died for his team
48. first year daichi w/  🤝 middle school hinata and kageyama; being people who care more about vb than the rest of their team and doing their best to get better on their own 
49. it takes a certain type of man to let Hinata on court despite his utter lack of basic skills
50. his bashful grin that's probably got people swooning left and right
51. just generally serving looks 
52. his arms
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53. “We’re gonna eat them alive” 
54. that one time he mentally dragged Ukai to filth 
55. quick on-court reflexes 
56. the patience of a saint to deal with kuroo and bokuto’s antics 
57. refuses to get intimidated, even by Ushijima 
58. let ennoshita lead the team even though he could’ve gotten back on court 
59. this moment right here
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60. when he was ready to retire because he thought it’d be better for the team 
61. “especially people who have to bike up a mountain” 
62. that time he scored off of kita’s recieve 
63. the entirety of ep 3x06. 
64. tired dad in a teenage body 
65. because his old teammate told him he “got bigger 😏” and daichi thought they were calling him fat 
66. being the epitome of benevolence a la forgiving Tanaka for killing him 
67. “talking too much is a sign of nervousness, ku-roo san” 
68. all the daichi-kuroo handshakes and how he magically starts acting like the competitive teenager he is when he spots kuroo’s rooster hair
69. i take back what i said about being able to scare people with a look, he can do it with just his aura
70. delivers an immaculate immitation of Kageyama 
71. so concerned and sweet to his underclassman
72. tried so hard to help Hinata's nerves.
73. *solemnly* “i was going to keep it quiet but....we’ll have bbq after the practice is over” 
74. cheerfully leads his squad through dozens of penalties during camp 
75. at times, very dignified
76. takes to acting like Tsukki's annoying uncle
77. when he went back to the gym and we saw his mosaic of memories and it made us all tear up 
78. Always imparting words of wisdom ie “SHUT UP” and “you’re a wimp”. 
79. he literally has nightmares about the principal’s wig 😭
80. Didn’t brutally decimate Kageyama for the “i can spike, serve, etc all by myself” line because if some snotty brat said that to me, i'd
81. He’s so intuitive in general. He’s seen Kageyama for maybe a couple minutes and then a half hour match and already knows exactly how to hit him where it hurts like when he threatened to take the setter position away if Kageyama and Hinata couldn’t win a match together. 
82. His saves are a work of art sometimes
83. So beautiful 
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84. always willing to collaborate with and concede to his teammates whether it’s asking Kageyama’s opinion on how to handle Seijoh or letting Tsukki handle the timing of the blocks or staying back so Ennoshita can lead, 
86. Like despite hq having tons of characters + themes about pride and ego, Daichi has almost none at all. He’s secure in himself and his skill level and doesn’t get insecure about his teammates/friends being more skilled or better than him. 
87. never lets failures bring him down 
88. on a similar note, he, like hinata, is always willing to try, always ready to keep going no matter what happens or what obstacles lie ahead 
89. he’s the one that gave Noya the nickname of “Guardian Deity” 
90. the first one to always acknowledge and appreciate everything Takeda’s done for the team
91. Despite the generally optimistic attitude, he’s still realistic. 
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92. Hilarious when he’s being blunt 
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93. Surprisingly ok with fudging the truth. Like when he tells Asahi that he’s the only one that hasn’t gotten over the Date Tech match which is blatantly untrue. ‘
94. got so worried about his dream that he physically came to the gym to make sure it wasn’t taken over by the basketball team 😭
95. Simps over Shimizu like she deserves 
96. For someone who claims to be terrified all the time, he’s damn good at keeping it together
97. his little rooftop freak out before the Inarizaki match 
98. gorgeous eyes 
99. the haircut that just adds to the unassuming look hes got
100. Doing hundreds of penalties only made him incorporate penalties into Karasuno's normal training routine. Such a masochist.
101. Has the sweetest friendship with Suga and Asahi
102. might not be a monster but has his moments of monster-esque insanity nonetheless. Tell me this doesn't sound like something Hinata or Kageyama would say
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103. noya compared his defense skills to yaku who's possibly the best libero in the entire damn series (!!!)
Basically he's just the best and I love him so much that I started with goal of writing 20 and ended up with 103
*edit: initially had 102 but number 103 i came across and couldn't not include it
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Characters Confirmed in the Showdown
(Pretty much finalized at this point)
1.) Submissions are still open if you want to submit propaganda or a character.
2.) If you submitted a character and they are not here or on the rejected character list then it was probably an issue on our end, feel free to send us an ask about it.
3.) If you’re like, hey these are technically the same character, why are they in twice, it’s because we think it’s funny.
4.) Submissions for our sanity will probably close in like a week, we’ll see what the vibe is in a bit.
5.) There are some characters that we are still looking for propaganda for, they will be at the very bottom of the list under the cut. Additionally, we reserve the right to not use some propaganda submitted.
6.) Currently, 78/181 image descriptions are written. What this means for when the showdown will actually start? I don’t know, it’s just gonna be a while.
Sun Spider / Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Webber - Spider-Man Media
Larry Trainor - Doom Patrol
Crazy Jane / Kay Challis - Doom Patrol
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes - Marvel
Joseph Wilson / Jericho - DC
Hartley Rathaway / Pied Piper - DC
Wade Wilson / Deadpool - Deadpool
Charles Xavier / Professor X - X-Men
Matt Murdock / Daredevil - Marvel Comics
Star Wars/Trek:
Julian Bashir - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Luke Skywalker - Star Wars
Geordi La Forge - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Elim Garak - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Schnn T’gai Spock - Star Trek
Seven of Nine - Star Trek Discovery
T’Pol - Star Trek Enterpise
Keyla Detmer - Star Trek Discovery
Chirrut Îmwe - Rogue One
Darth Maul - Star Wars
Kurogane - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Homura Akemi - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Tougou Mimori - Yuuki Yunna is a Hero
Suletta Mercury - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Qifrey - Witch Hat Atelier
Johnny Joestar - Steel Ball Run (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Hitori Gotoh - Bocchi the Rock!
Yuko ‘Isako’ Amasawa - Dennou Coil
Nodoka Hanadera / Cure Grace - Healin’ Good Precure
Crona - Soul Eater
Katsuki Yuuri - Yuri!!! On Ice
Yukari Kotozume / Cure Macaron - Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Yoite - Nabari no Ou
Tokito Minoru - Wild Adapter
Non-English Language Media:
Rose Lavillant - Miraculous Ladybug
Heart - Moonlight Chicken
Leonardo - The Way He Looks
Xiao Xingchen - The Untamed
Wen Kexing - Faraway Wanderers
Zhou Zishu - Word of Honor
Zhou Zishu - Faraway Wanderers
Lan Wangji - The Untamed
Even - SKAM
Wei Wuxian - The Untamed
Chu Sangwoo - Semantic Error
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
Hua Cheng - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Eliott Demaury - SKAM France
Cui Buqu - Peerless / Wushuang
Fu Shen - Golden Terrace / Huang Jin Tai
Yan Xiaohan - Golden Terrace / Huang Jin Tai
Xue Xian - Copper Coins / Tong Qian Kan Shi
Animated/TV Shows:
General Amaya - The Dragon Prince
Ballister Boldheart - Nimona
Yang Xiao Long - RWBY
Eda Clawthorne - The Owl House
Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Quinni Gallagher-Jones - Heartbreak High
Korra - Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe
Norma Khan - Dead End: Paranormal Park
Ian Gallagher - Shameless
Entrapta - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Viktor - Arcane
Runaan - The Dragon Prince
Hiccup Haddock - How To Train Your Dragon
Robin Buckley - Stranger Things
Takashi ‘Shiro’ Shirogane - Voltron: Legendary Defender
Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Alex Manes - Roswell, New Mexico
Hunter - The Owl House
Felix - Heartstopper
Coach Ben Scott - Yellowjackets
Red Action - OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes
Lucius Spriggs - Our Flag Means Death
Prince Wilhelm - Young Royals
Lilith Clawthorne - The Owl House
Sameen Shaw - Person of Interest
Gobber - How To Train Your Dragon
Frankie Stein - Monster High
Lord Boxman - OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes
Wylan Van Eck - Six of Crows
Kessa - Rooks and Ruin
Kaz Brekker - Six of Crows
Renarin Kholin - The Stormlight Archive
Asta Headstrom - The Reckless Kind
Alexander Claremont-Diaz - Red, White & Royal Blue
Zofia Boguska - The Gilded Wolves
Tiberius ‘Ty’ Blackthorn - The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Anna Tromedlov - Hench by Natalie Zina
Havelock Vetinari - Discworld
Harrowhawk Nonagesimus - The Locked Tomb Series
Ling Chan - The Diviners Series
Shallan Davar - The Stormlight Archive
Niclays Roos - Priory of the Orange Tree (Roots of Chaos)
Wayne Terrisborn - Mistborn
Wu Zetian - Iron Widow
Spira - Tess of the Road
Artemisia of Naimes - Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Tunuva Melim - A Day of Fallen Night (Roots of Chaos)
Sabran IX Berethnet - Priory of the Orange Tree
Simon Snow - Carry On
Neil Josten - All for the Game
Baru Cormorant - The Masquerade Series
Percy Newton - The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Adam Parrish - The Raven Cycle
Queen Shulamit - The Second Mango by Shiro Glassman
Amara - Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis
Ianthe Tridentarius - The Locked Tomb Series
Mille Roper - The Arcadia Project Series
Nico di Angelo - Percy Jackson
Jem Carstairs / Ke Jian Ming - The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Frodo Baggins - Lord of the Rings
Jesper Fahey - Six of Crows
Val Palafox - Venom and Vow
Joly - Les Misérables
Baz Pitch - Carry On
Hearthstone - Magnus Chase
Jack Zimmerman - Check Please!
Dezi - The Sunbearer Trials
Nova Huang - Mooncakes
Jack Wolcott - Wayward Children
Charlie Spring - Heartstopper
Ambrosius Goldenloin - Nimona
Andrew Minyard - All for the Game
Eduoar Corabelli II (Ed) - The Reader Trilogy / Sea of Ink and Gold
Jimmy Kaga-Ricci - I Was Born for This
Kate Rose - Cosmoknights
Erik - The Tea Dragon Society
Elphaba Tropp - Wicked
Ballister Blackheart - Nimona
Video Games:
Floofty Fizzlebean - Bugsnax
Snorpy Fizzlebean - Bugsnax
Olivia - Fear and Hunger 2: Termina
Saki Tenma - Project Sekai
Daan - Fear and Hunger
Scavenger - Arknights
Snake - Zero Escape
Patchouli Knowledge - Touhou Project
Riku - Kingdom Hearts
Link - Legend of Zelda
Kuruto Ryuki - AI: The Somnium Files
Loam Arnault - Entropic Float
Ignis Scientia - Final Fantasy XV
Billie Lurk - Dishonered
Shane - Stardew Valley
Chicory - Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Gaige - Borderlands
Eichi Tenshouin - Ensemble Stars!!
Patricia Tannis - Borderlands Series
Alistair Hammerlock - Borderlands
Kin Kitsuragi - Disco Elysium
Harry du Bois - Disco Elysium
Blade - Honkai Star Rail
Other Media:
Lenore Vandernacht - Nevermore on Webtoon
Ashton Greymoore - Critical Role
Kale Romarin - Leif & Thorn
Melanie King - The Magnus Archives
Tedd Verres - El Goonish Shive
Valerie Day - Paranatural
Ayda Aguefort - Dimension 20
Jace Beleren - Magic: The Gathering
Will Kenrith - Magic: The Gathering
Arthur Lester - Malevolent
Hebe Harrison - Doctor Who
Hermann Gottlieb - Pacific Rim
Isabella Peretti - ValorPUNK
Sydney October Sargent - Camp Here and There
Zolf Smith - Rusty Quill podcast
Rudyard Funn - Wooden Overcoats
Merle Highchurch - The Adventure Zone: Balance
Jedidiah A.A. Martin - Camp Here and There
Jonathan Sims - The Magnus Archives
Juno Steel - The Penumbra Podcast
Buddy Aurinko - The Penumbra Podcast
Vespa Ilkay - The Penumbra Podcast
Princess Sapphia of Mytilene - High Class Homos
Ricky Potts - Ride the Cyclone
Characters we’d really like propaganda for:
Zuko - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Prince Wilhelm - Young Royals
Ambrosius Goldenloin - Nimona (book not movie)
Hermann Gottlieb - Pacific Rim
Andrew Minyard - All for the Game
Katsuki Yuuri - Yuri!!! On Ice
Jimmy Kaga-Ricci - I Was Born for This
Ballister Blackheart - Nimona (book not movie)
Vash the Stampede - Trigun (We’ve seen decent evidence for this character qualifying but without a submission we won’t include him)
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What do you think about the fact that Jamie didn't go back to his old locker now that that ZAVA 4 lockers monstrosity was redivided among the players? Seems like O'Biren took one of the places in the corner instead and Jamie kept his new place closer to the rest of the team
Hiya, nonny!
Full disclaimer: I know zero things about locker distribution in professional sports and Google has not been my friend, so I’m just going to roll with the assumption that players are normally assigned a locker but when one becomes free because someone leaves or whatever you might ask to switch. There are probably lockers that are considered better than others (either in general – it’s cool to be in the middle of the room, or something like that – or specific to each locker room, like ‘that one’s best, it has a nice little draft from the ventilation’) and the better the player, the better chance do they have of trading up when the opportunity arises, because that’s how these things tend to work in other settings. Possibly a lesser player might get asked to switch lockers when a new star arrives? I really don’t know, but maybe? And then we have superstars like Zava who can demand 4 locker monstrosities in the Ted Lasso-verse, though at least one podcast I listened to mentioned that this is unlikely to happen in the real world.
In season 1, Jamie has a locker in the middle of the right side. If there are good lockers, this is a good locker, because otherwise Jamie wouldn’t have it. When he returns in season 2 he is assigned – I assume – a corner locker instead. At this time, he shares it with 1 O’Brien, a 22 and a 25 (probably De Maat and Bekoe respectively, though I only see the numbers in 2x03 – you can see the names in 3x02 and 3x03). I am thinking that these are probably not the best lockers in the room? Partly because none of our other main players have a locker there, and partly because it makes sense to put Jamie somewhere not great at this point, kind of like Ted intially putting him among the reserves in training. Even if I’m completely wrong about there being higher status and lower status lockers, it’s probably a good idea not to dump Jamie right in the middle of a room that’s teeming with resentment towards him, but just keep him a little to the side.
Maybe it was just the one free locker, nothing more to it. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and all that jazz. I’m just kind of digging Jamie intentionally and literally being put in the corner while working his way into the team’s good graces. Possibly not pushing for a switch even after he was in a position to do so, either because he got used to the spot or as a continued demonstration of humility.
Now, in the beginning of season 3, the corner is shared by Jamie, 18 Babatunde, 25 Bekoe and 22 De Maat. Our friend O’Brien is seemingly occupied elsewhere. Once Zava leaves and the lockers are redistributed, O’Brien is back in the corner, again with 22 De Maat, 25 Bekoe and probably 18 Babatunde (can only make out the ‘e’ at the end of the name and the vague tail end of an 8 in 3x07). Jamie sticks around where he was put during the Zava takeover.
All this rambling just to lay out what we know and the many assumptions that lead me to believe that once Zava is gone Jamie is in a position to choose if he goes back to the corner or stays with his new locker. He has that kind of clout, he is the star of the team and the coaches owes him a little bit for the whole Zava thing. (You might well have taken this for granted, nonny, but I did not – hence everything that went before in this post.)
So, Jamie chooses to stay where he is – closer to the rest of the team, as you say. And that’s the rub, isn’t it? I think Jamie probably does care at a little about having a higher status locker (if such a thing even exist) because he’s still Jamie fucking Tartt, but he cares a whole lot more about being close to the team. After all, Jamie likes being at the center of things. He is social and he is physically affectionate: he is not someone who thrives on having a little quiet corner to the side. No, Jamie wants to be in the thick of it, part of what goes on, making his voice heard and chatting with his team mates and joking and voicing his opinions left and right. Touching everyone all the fucking time. Being touched. (Sorry, I just have an extreme amount of feelings on the subject of Jamie being tactile.)
Admittedly, he did not seem keen on moving lockers when Zava arrived but that’s arguably due to him not being a fan of getting shoved to the side for the other player’s ego. Once he found himself in his new spot, he probably remembered how much he preferred that position to the more obscure one, and he likely feels like he has less to prove now: he can afford not going back to the corner.
Besides, I think the whole Zava ordeal left him feeling excluded and alienated from all the others and therefore particularly keen to be closer to them. Reforge those bonds. Hang over people’s shoulders. Fistbumps. Hear the chatter properly and take part in it, rather than to watch it from the sidelines. Jamie has fought harder than anyone else for this team in season 3 – of course it’s really important for him that he gets to feel a proper part of it.
(And even if it’s not Jamie’s choice and it’s the coaches’ call who goes back, I think they too realize it’s high time for Jamie to take his place at the center of the team, metaphorically speaking, both because he’s earned his spot there, and because he’ll thrive there, and because they do get that this Zava shit was detrimental to his integration in the team.)
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yuseonghqs · 2 months
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born and raised in seattle, washington, noah is one of two children. if you were to ask noah about his early life, his childhood, he would describe it as eerily average. noah, born quickly after his sister, making them irish twins, felt undoubtably close to her and though the two fought, as siblings usually do, they were generally well to get along.
his mother started her education in nursing and went on to become a nurse practitioner and work in a family clinic; his father working mostly highly laborious jobs in construction, becoming a site overseer in a lot of large scale projects in the city. with both working very demanding jobs, they didn't spend much time raising their children, nor did they put much effort into their already crumbling marriage.
in middle school, noah becomes known as sort of a "basketball prodigy" and once in high school, it becomes his defining feature when the games become all that more high stake. he is the team's ace and is well known both in his own high school and others in the area. it earns him a glowing reputation, which is something he hates, because well, being shy and also popular, don't really mix well together. and while he has friends he enjoys being around, he also has a reputation for being quiet and somewhat brooding.
the discontent began to set into the house when nina and noah entered high school. fights were common, he and his sister would sit on the carpeted stairs and listen to the explosive arguments that would rattle the house. both of them knew eventually, their parents would get a divorce, sometimes welcomed it even. that is, until they didn't quite choose the same parent to live with upon the separation.
noah had always felt closest to his mother and the option between staying at his school in a city where he had lived most of his life, rather than going to a new country, speaking a new language, and experiencing major culture shock, felt like the safest choice. nina, however, chose to move to south korea with her father, who would be moving to live closer to his parents.
the choice to separate from is sister was almost worse than the hurt of the divorce between his parents; the fact that they would no longer be a whole family, now broken and continents away from each other, would leave noah feeling betrayed in a way. for the one who had always looked out for him, would be thousands of miles away. the sadness he felt and the shame in his codependence would cause him to close himself off from everyone and leave him lingering in his last high school days as a wallflower, even more reserved, anxious, and quiet.
since sports had always been his favorite outlet, besides playing guitar, he decided to entertain a scholarship to UW. with basketball dominating his life, he found it hard to really find much direction in life, because while he doesn't really want to play professionally, he also doesn't really know what he wants out of university either. he would find himself on the track to graduate with a degree in biochemistry, having a just mild interest in science courses.
not really knowing what to do with his life, noah decides to follow his sister to seoul with a exchange program for the summer. with both living near his sister again and enjoying the change of setting and life away from sports, he in passing, tells his coach and a few teammates that he wants to stay in korea and continue his education there. they do not support this idea, while it would mean losing their star player. through enough guilt, noah reluctantly agrees to come back.
tw self-harm / this would change with a "freak injury" during one of his morning runs by the han river. noah would be told by doctors in seoul that he would not be allowed to play basketball until he had significant physical therapy, or in all likelihood, ever again. this would also mean, losing his sports scholarship.
such a drastic change to noah's life, left him with even less of an answer of where to go or what to do. his parents didn't have much money, let alone to pay for his schooling, nor did he even want to go back home and confront his former teammates and coach. so in an act of desperation, he fled to yuseong bay, to live with his father and grandparents on their family farm.
currently, noah feels like a fish out of water, but ultimately he feels as though yuseong is actually helping him learn to live with that uncomfortableness. he finds comfort in blending in with simplicity, not having to make largely life changing decisions, and ultimately, just feeling calm by the quietness of the town.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
What careers do you think the three Potter kids would take? Might as well the two Granger-Weasleys?
I've already talked about what careers the Potter kids would take here where you can also find a bunch of other headcanons about them so you have the context of their personalities.
But they were:
James -> professional quidditch player (chaser) and then coach in the league
Albus -> political journalist
Lily -> Auror, eventually Head Auror
+Teddy (he's pretty much a Potter for me) -> pediatric healer specialized in young werewolves
Now, something that I did on purpose is giving them all careers linked to their parents but also successful careers. This is because I imagine the Potters to be a quite close-knit family. Not only Harry and Ginny are very loving and family oriented but they are the Potters, they are very observed as a family and I think this generated a need for privacy that also made them spend a lot of time between themselves. For the successful part, Harry and Ginny both have experienced for one reason or another a lack of freedom in what they were allowed to explore when it came to their interests. Harry grew up with the Dursleys, and Ginny... let's just say that it's not very normal that a child needs to train herself in secret for years in a sport she loves. All the love to the Weasleys but I'd be a bit ashamed if I were them. So I imagine Harry and Ginny being very encouraging with their children in exploring all their interests and being constantly very supportive. I've talked before about how Ginny having a daughter who is the youngest sibling is conclusive of one of her narrative arcs (here).
I don't have headcanons for Rose and Hugo. Ron and Hermione never particularly stimulated my imagination. I guess there's also the fact that I don't enjoy much thinking about them after the war because I have some... reservations about Hermione's career. I respect what's canon and that's exactly why I can't just change her career and go from there with my headcanons.
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ramblier · 2 months
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name:   roy kent. also known as:   roy-o, kent, coach, “the best midfielder in the history of the premier league” if you’re feeling especially lovely.  date of birth:    15th february, 1982. zodiac:   aquarius sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising, capricorn venus. an unwillingness to follow the beaten track; the ability to see what isn't apparent to the rest of the world which can be intimidating or wildly attractive; modesty veiled beneath standoffishness; a fine line between love and hate. gender & pronouns:    cis male, he/him. romantic & sexual orientation:   biromantic, bisexual. closeted. current residence(s):    house in kensington, house in cobham.
faceclaim:     brett goldstein. hair:     dark brown, (usually) trimmed curls, has grown them out in accordance with his willingness to see the barber. it usually isn’t styled much, holds its shape out of the shower with a bit of mousse if necessary, sometimes it’s just brushed out. his beard grows thick and full if he lets it but it’s usually trimmed back enough to be reasonable. the rest of him is covered in it too. eye colour & sight:    a warm brown. his vision is alright. he’s far too stubborn to go for glasses but he could probably do with them for reading. physique:     5’10 and pretty lean. carries himself like he’s double that.  scars/marks:     a couple of vague numbers from injuries through his youth — nothing severe. his knee looks fine but continues to plague him with frequent pain, worsened by excessive use. style: black, or shades of. crewnecks, skinny jeans, leather jacket, boots or trainers. very simple, he honestly doesn’t want to think about it. he's got some fun socks though.
nationality:     british ethnicity:    jewish ailments:     the knee. lactose intolerance. allergy to metals. occupation:     retired professional footballer. former pundit. former assistant coach of afc richmond. manager of afc richmond. career:     left london after being scouted by sunderland at nine years old. after sunderland were relegated in 2003, he transferred to chelsea. then to richmond in 2019, knowing his career would soon end.  family (tw, death of a grandparent):     roy’s family were, unfortunately, never a huge part of his life growing up. his parents worked to keep them afloat and roy was a boy with little regard for anything bar football. he was close to his granddad, who watched roy and his sister most of his youth, but he suddenly died the first year roy was gone for sunderland. he was a lonely child who coped the only way he knew how — through the game. it was fortunate that he came out on the other side successful, and though his relationship with his parents never exactly blossomed, following the dissolution of her marriage, roy and his sister grew exceptionally close. he gives up as much of his time as possible to look after his niece, phoebe, and would do absolutely anything to give her a good childhood.
mbti:    istp. relatively chill; unempathetic and generally unwilling to converge unless he wants to; concrete thinking; follows his own track.  outlook:    pessimistic. positive traits:    a leader, driven, loyal, passionate, observant, independent, logical, patient. negative traits:    stubborn, hot-tempered, blunt, vulgar, overly-detached, emotionally reserved. (he's a real grumpy pants but he's soft under there.) hobbies:    football — (often not excitedly) working out. yoga (every monday and thursday with his ladies), cooking, reading.
pre-canon:   yeah, he was a prick, but he was that prick. pounding over every blade of grass (as often as he wasn’t sent off), a powerhouse on the pitch. it’s hard to call him a primadonna when he’s that fucking good.  season one:    captain of “notoriously mediocre” team, richmond afc. generally unhappy with his performance, generally unhappy. after a final match against man city, roy injuries his knee and limps off the pitch to the sounds of his chant: he’s here, he’s there, he’s every-fucking-where, roy kent! it’s his last game. retirement:   roy coaches his niece’s girls-under-9 football team for awhile. then reluctantly agrees to take a job as a pundit and, despite his vulgarity, is met with positive acclaim. eventually, he returns to richmond as a coach. post canon:    with lasso returning to america, kent takes the position as richmond’s manager.  unless otherwise plotted, roy kent is a public figure and a celebrity in all of these verses (though at the peak of said fame during his run at chelsea). it's likely that your muse will know of him. fantasy: to be added.
roy is open to shipping. unless otherwise plotted, in his post canon verse, i will default roy's relationship status to very much in love with jamie tartt & keeley jones. so, "in a relationship", no further questions.
threads. thoughts. faces.
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pridewon · 2 years
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anon asked:  No problem, I checked out the list and was wondering if I could get #1,3,4,5,9,10,11,13, 20, and 21 on the random character description list for Leon? 🤭 (characterisation prompts)
how’s the sound of their laugh? (if they laugh, that is!)
leon does laugh, and regularly surprises people who are not very familiar with him with how hearty and wholesome his laugh sounds. schoolmates he doesn’t see often, or club members who are not on the starting roster are more enclined to picture him as a kind, but firm and serious guy; his closest friends and teammates are the ones around whom he allows himself to relax. post-timeskip, two things never fail to have him in stitches: his daughter and her shenanigans, and wakatoshi interacting with children/featuring in any tv ad ever. leon’s laugh is one of those communicative laughs, that seem to make any situation light up a little bit; and it is never, ever mean or mocking. 
how do they act around children?
an absolute champion around children. he has always gotten along pretty well with them, having often babysat his younger brother (and his neighbours’ children on occasions), and he seems to have quite a natural talent with them, commanding natural respect and awe in younger generations. he grows from ‘cool big brother’ to ‘cool dad’ and ‘cool uncle’ - probably because he tends to treat children on what they may perceive as equal foot. he takes them seriously, and they take him seriously in return - treat kids with respect, and they’ll respect you in return, is his philosophy... and so far? he hasn’t been proven wrong. it probably helps that he doesn’t shy away from playing and games, and has a good sense of patience, too. 
do they make eye contact with others look at their feet/somewhere else?
leon makes eye contact in whatever measure is deemed acceptable and respectable. he doesn’t tend to stare intently, and he doesn’t look away when spoken to - although he does look down to a point in the ground when spoken to harshly or scolded by someone he did not intend to disappoint (*cough* coach washijo *cough*). 
how do they act when they cry? (if they ever do it)
like this >:)  leon doesn’t cry often, and tends to be on the more reserved side of things, but he is far from being as undecipherable or barricaded as, say, ushijima. he doesn’t mind his emotions getting the better of him, nor does he mind tear rolling down his face, but... he doesn’t like it happening in public. as much as leon doesn’t mind vulnerability when it comes from others and will always be the first to comfort a distraught teammate or friend, he doesn’t like letting his own shine through. at various stages of his life, leon has been someone others could and would rely on: he is comfortable in the role of the guy who holds it together, and remains steadfast so that other may take a breather or even crumble safely. should leon break and cry in front of others, like after a tough loss... tears will show and roll, but he’ll fight to hold them back and no sob or sound will pass his lips; and they’ll be contained in a matter of seconds.  do they smile with their teeth?
not typically - although there are different flavours to leon’s smiles, as his teammates and friends progressively find out the more they spend time with him. all his smiles look similar: close-lipped, quiet, relaxed, with a hint of contentment... but there is always a subtle something hinting at whatever it is he means to communicate at any given moment, including but not limited to “just happy to be here”, “i have the patience of a saint but i’m still going to call you out on your bullshit”, and the most powerful of all, “i clearly know and think more than i let on but good luck prying it out of me”. friends and teammates quickly learn to decipher the nuances and make the difference between all of them - a useful survival skill, when leon is your vice-captain.
do they stand up with their back straight or slouched?
back straight, even if his posture appears fairly relaxed - deceivingly so. leon radiates a martial and commanding aura (he is benkei, after all) despite his approachability; and it is in part due to his posture. he stands and sits up straight, because it’s better for his back, because he doesn’t like to slouch, because it’s better manners and because it’s what he naturally does.
what do they do when they start getting impatient?
as previously mentioned, leon is not someone who easily lets moments of vulnerability shine through and slip past - including impatience and frazzled moments. he is conscious of other people’s eyes on him, and doesn’t easily let his guard down; most importantly, he likes to remain in control of himself and his emotions. impatience means loss of control - in other words, not acceptable. should impatience creep up on him (during games or in any situation), leon catches himself before he says or does something he might regret and forces himself to take a step back, probably more harshly than necessary. in arguments, this has sometimes led to him walking away from the discussion to regroup and collect himself - with the accidental side effect of giving the impression that he cares less than he actually does, or that he is more unfeeling than he is. it is something he is aware of, and something that he knows has played a part in his separation from his ex-girlfriend. he tries to do better for his daughter; to be more open and to allow himself to be more honest about how he feels, even when things are going awry. are they chatty or reserved?
leon stands in the middle on this spectrum.while not particularly chatty or talkative, he communicates well and has no trouble holding a conversation with pretty much anyone. he easily adjusts to other people’s levels and demands and has a talent for putting people at a relative ease when talking to/with them. he never overshares, is always happy to listen, and while some people end up noticing that leon doesn’t say that much... it never feels like he is actually reserved or quiet. 
what do they do with their hands during a conversation? cross their arms? fidget with something?
true to his benkei nickname and martial posture, leon doesn’t fidget, leon doesn’t move around, and leon always looks poised and relaxed and confident. during conversations, he’ll more often than not keep his hands in the pockets of his jacket, or keep them behind his back with his shoulders open and straight. he sometimes crosses his arms over his chest, but more rarely; his posture is usually more open than closed off. 
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wilderrobles02 · 12 days
It’s About the Artificial Intelligence, Silly!
When you're taking on-line coaching, you could experience problems with the computer, unintentionally exit out of the program or want to go back to a selected part of your coaching for review. If an internet training program is hacked, third parties get unlawful access to username and passwords, test results and every other confidential information. Many on-line training assessments don't allow customers to cease and start the take a look at over once more. It is significantly essential to know what to do in case of problems in the course of the testing phase of your on-line coaching. You probably have any doubts, ask the training supervisor earlier than your on-line testing section of the training begins.
While the instruction part of your training ought to cover these basic points, generally they're ignored. If coaching is offered on public Internet connections, steps need to be taken to safeguard personal information. The device can't peer via your skin and instantly assess every tissue, organ and system, but it surely uses five completely different sensors to measure a variety of biosignals and then interprets all of that uncooked information into useful insights about your overall well being. https://electiontracker.net into computer systems and networks for a large variety of causes, together with knowledge theft. Utilizing an uninterruptible energy supply, or UPS, prevents losing knowledge throughout short-term energy outages.
In an try and avoid a expensive format struggle, the Blu-ray Disc Association and DVD Discussion board tried to negotiate a compromise in early 2005. One of the problems was that Blu-ray Disc corporations wished to make use of a Java-based mostly platform for interactivity (BD-J primarily based on Sun Microsystems' Java Television standards), while HD DVD corporations wanted to use Microsoft's "iHD" (which turned HDi). To keep away from hacking, many firms provide coaching on closed methods. It's best in these situations to contact the one that supervises the net coaching for help. The UPS keeps the machine working for as lengthy as the battery reserve lasts, retaining the training or testing session from being interrupted.
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malonegissel75 · 2 months
Oil And Gas Software Firm Oil And Gas Production Software
Moreover, information visualization can help in identifying operational inefficiencies in the upstream and downstream markets. By visualizing production data, corporations can establish bottlenecks of their operations and take corrective measures to enhance effectivity and reduce costs. For instance, seismic analysis, a key component of oil and gas exploration, includes the collection and interpretation of large amounts of knowledge. Data visualization tools can help geologists and engineers to visualize this information in a significant method, enabling them to identify potential oil and gas reserves more precisely. powerbi for oil and gas certification and automation of crops offer producers within the international oil and gas sector the chance to extend their effectivity and productiveness by gathering performance knowledge from all of their crops. To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we additionally supply individualized “One to One” coaching support for two hours submit training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen space of interest, based on your studying wants and obtainable hours. This is a superb alternative to improve your functionality and confidence in a specific space of experience. It will be delivered over a safe video conference name by considered one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made teaching program that will allow you to achieve your goals sooner. The consultants demonstrated extensive knowledge of the legacy and new cloud-based system. In addition, they built an efficient interface to our ERP system, which streamlines our month-to-month shut course of. Furthermore, Capitalize continues to supply ad-hoc assist on an ongoing foundation, which is extraordinarily useful. Capitalize Consulting combines deep information of the vitality business with specialized experience in Midstream and Upstream Accounting, General Financials, Division Order, AFE, Tax & Regulatory, GIS, and Land Management. Our team of dedicated professionals are industry veterans in income accounting, plant allocation, geospatial, and land administration. We develop close partnerships and long-term commitments with shoppers to create immediate and persevering with influence. Business Intelligence tools first aggregate varied forms of information from a host of sources. Business Intelligence (BI) is basically a technology-driven innovation that helps consider your small business information and ship workable insights. The main function of this expedient functionality is to empower corporates throughout all sizes to attain their goals strategically through the power of automation. Monitoring critical parameters like manufacturing figures, downtime, and costs amidst this complexity proves arduous. Reach out to one of our twelve places of work around the globe to access instant help, to get information, or to speak with our worldwide helpdesk. The art lies within the building of specific and integrated buyer offerings that are tailor-made to individual needs. BI automates many of the guide tasks, and decision-making processes, which were earlier based on intestine feeling, so the group can utilize its time and sources more efficiently. The tools collect knowledge across all the departments, analyze it thoroughly, and at last ship results which would possibly be simple to comprehend and execute, in the form of visible stories, charts, dashboards, etc. Overall, a recent IEA report indicated that approximately 30% of energy consumed in a net-zero system is projected from low-emissions fuels and technologies that might benefit from the talents and resources of the oil and gas industry. There is a USD 350–500 billion annual funding opportunity in clean power applied sciences in 2030 that are suited to the abilities and experience of the oil and gas industry[26]. Accessible wherever, anytime, the SaaS-based Peloton Platform permits oil and gas operators to view and manage vital operational information throughout three resolution areas integrated into one absolutely hosted platform. With greater than one hundred years of expertise in oil and gas operations, we convey the domain expertise that you have to unleash the true power of your information, at each stage of project development. powerbi for oil and gas course has been pushed by federal and provincial authorities insurance policies developed and carried out over the previous eight years and by investments made by the sector to enhance emissions performance. A plan that utilizes an array of effective incentives, laws, investments and packages. A plan that collaborates and engages with provinces and territories, business, Indigenous Peoples, worldwide partners, and others. The Whiptail oil and gas development is the sixth growth throughout the Stabroek block, 200 km offshore Guyana. ExxonMobil is the operator and holds a 45% curiosity within the Stabroek block, Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds a 30% curiosity and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited, holds a 25% interest.
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willadsenpaaske52 · 3 months
It is no mystery story wherefore baseball has retentive been such a dearest interest for so many. However, at that place are about aspirant players WHO genuinely could do with a turn of counselling when it comes to performing the secret plan fountainhead. The pick to a lower place is intended to assist just that purpose and make believe meliorate players of from each one reviewer.
If you are a baseball handler and it's roughneck to grow your players to check centralised during practice, you may privation to switch things up. Ennui wish mark in if you never vary the everyday of the drills. Exchange up things and tack activities betwixt practices. Run stunned a few at-bat weights to get hold the ane that's rightfulness for you. If a at-bat is heavy, you'll dense toss off your swing, simply put on approximately big businessman. Excessively slow, though, and you Crataegus oxycantha ne'er take in up with the pitches. You've got to light upon the correct balance, specially if you've got a flame throwster on the pile. Practise your Department of Defense. Certainly lurch and batten catch completely of the glory, just organism a eager justificatory player is worth just as much to your squad. The power to bring through a streak is simply as valuable as the ability to produce a test. Both are required to gain ballock games. If you are a catcher, be surely you are in the proper posture when no unrivalled is on foot. This way acquiring into a moo crouch and balancing your weight down on your feet's balls. Bugger off as close-fitting to the underside of the cream as possible, just be sure you wish not catch score. Spell in a comfortable batting position, go on your blazonry forth from your dead body. Your elbows should be up and away, practically duplicate to the run aground. Defy the squash racket at shoulder joint unwavering and shuffle certain you don't bead your tail cubital joint. Apply diamondexch 99 in front end of a gravid mirror to insure that your elbows are decently positioned. Be mindful of the position of to each one baseball thespian. If you cognise where everyone is, it is easier to debar collisions. Concussions are sponsor in collisions. Send for the orb to Lashkar-e-Tayyiba everyone love that you are headed in the charge of the Lucille Ball. Con around pace when it comes to baseball game. If you at-bat correct handed, you can ski lift your remaining branch up when expecting the gear. Left-handed common people should do the polar. Thrust your feet ahead a animal foot or so to increment your impulse as the glob is advent toward you. Ane tread for you English hawthorn really be a small less or a brief More than unmatchable hoof. As a baseball coach, you wish be expected to hand an suitable post-halt utter. Whether your team wins or loses, you should give or so memorable remarks prepared. Your blab out should be positive, and you should pride your players on a gamy comfortably played. Peculiarly hit Federal Reserve note of examples of in effect sportsmanship. Don't occupy as well often nigh the mark. Sustain it positive, close it with your squad jolly up and go your brisk ways smile. Exercise throwing the baseball game every twenty-four hour period. It Crataegus oxycantha look obvious, merely close to brush aside throwing for the shout of the batter's cage in. They retrieve baseball is whole roughly the large murder. It's well-nigh a lot more, and a hard limb put up bastardly a muckle of runs protected all over the row of a season. To sustenance your fingers from acquiring scathe piece bunting, score for sure to support them on your position of the thrash. If you envelop them approximately the bat, the pitching toilet stumble them. You end up with a abominable bunt, with no master concluded where the orb goes, instead of a dandy sacrifice. Take in sure as shooting that you utilize suited batten range in a gamey of baseball. The batten enjoin could be what wins your team the gamy. Generally, you need to avert putt imperfect hitters in the lead of your secure hitters. You postulate to properly program where to set your stronger and weaker hitters so that you don't pack all of your "ammunition" in unmatchable point. The tempt of baseball genuinely is the poppycock of legend. Kids and grown-ups likewise deliver farsighted apprehended the skill and fervour corporate by this grand rollick. Those concerned in erudition Thomas More nigh the gritty and refining their possess skills wish hopefully encounter the advice establish higher up to be a utilitarian consultation going ahead.
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