#resident evil umbrella files
spidermilkshake · 5 months
Взаимное уважение (Vzaimnoye Uvazheniye) 1:
More RE fanfiction, of a different kind and a different time--post Raccoon City Incident, and very far away from all that. But we do get some further insight into the modus operandi and the nature/nurture of a particular scary Colonel and his personal Ivan Tyrant bodyguards.
Content Warnings: Mentions of Corporate Bullshit, Cursing (mostly in Russian), anxiety and mentions of trauma, otherwise tame.
Взаимное уважение (Vzaimnoye Uvazheniye), 1:
            The security had been about what Collin had expected; two checkpoints had the rather understated Umbrella agent stop his car for pairs of beefy men brandishing Kalashnikovs… or something like Kalashnikovs, anyways. Collin didn’t know guns, except to not say anything stupid and simply hand off his identification to the ones aiming the guns at him. The armed guards grunted, waved him through to the next set of gates, and willfully ignored this weedy annoyance. Ahead, he spied the actual complex itself, though it was beyond the reach of the dirt one-lane road he’d been on for the past half mile, and stopped the slightly dented, rented vehicle to step out and investigate his route further—the complex was, technically, a residence though not a typical one.
The man who lived there was also not a typical one. Colonel Sergei Vladimir was considered “retired” from Umbrella’s board, but as with most people involved with the company it was impossible to cut all ties, even when the break was legitimate and not just legal smokescreen. Though the Colonel could put a safe distance from the business of genetically-engineered super-virals and the cutthroat bioweaponry environment—sitting comfortably on the stacks of money gained from quite literally selling off bits of himself—he seemed to have prepared well for someone to have found out his involvement anyhow, and be ready to withdraw like a tortoise and fight to the death. He seemed the type, just from what Collin knew. At least a dozen experimental Tyrants had been cloned directly from this bizarre old Soviet, and a dozen more at least had large chunks of his genome spliced into them in the embryonic stages.  
            Collin did not like Tyrants… not the individual creatures and definitely not the concept of them. Despite still being on Umbrella business and very much out of his element, Collin was at least relieved that he was isolated in a private piece of the Ukrainian countryside, and not stuck in some laboratory or test range with the hulking monsters’ cloudy, vacant eyes following his every move. Not nearly as vacant as they looked…
            There was a third checkpoint area at the end of the small footpath some fifty yards down the hill from where he’d left the car, though no guards appeared to be standing at their normal places. There was only a smaller, ordinary metal fence with a very much not-security oriented latch between himself and a small patio leading up to a Brutalist-styled house’s front entrance, and after waiting a few seconds Collin timidly lifted the latch and let himself onto the brick pavers. Still there was no sign of a final checkpoint guard, so he called out once in English, then kicked himself mentally and tried again in a wavery Russian. No voice replied. There wasn’t even the bark of a sentry dog. Steeling his fragile spine, Collin took the next few paces over to the heavy oak door and thought about knocking. There was obviously no doorbell…
            Behind him and to his left came a swift stamping of heavy boots, and Collin spun around in terror as their trajectory stopped less than a yard from him. A tremor rattled the paver he was standing on. He’d already craned his neck up expecting to be glared down by the standard six-foot meathead soldier and cursed out in a mix of tongues for crossing the threshold without clearance. He instead came eye-to-chest with a wall of heavy white fabric. His neck had to creak up another few notches—and Collin shuddered at what was looming very much into his personal space.
            A Tyrant. Of course there would be a goddamn Tyrant, even out here. It wasn’t even a very big one as the trained killer biomutants went—but it was still well in the range of what Collin considered way too damn big for anything that superficially resembled a bald, mute, and jacked humanoid.
            There was… something else weird here too, which Collin didn’t place until the seven-foot-plus monstrosity had stopped and stared the little man down for several seconds, and then leaned its deep grey, leathery face closer. Collin flinched, bringing his hands up into a default position of surrender as he silently prayed the thing was not under any kind of kill orders. With a delayed startle he realized the Tyrant had been… wearing something extra with its bright white Limiter coat.
            Were those… sunglasses?
            Well, maybe “blinders” was also appropriate. They were an iridescent orange, wrap-around type which almost completely obscured the creature’s eyes and brows. The need was obvious: Tyrants of all production phases, all models, and all model variants had long been known to have extremely sensitive eyesight—and prolonged damage from bright sun or frequent flashbangs was the reason behind the eerie, pupilless appearance that many of them developed. Why this one was given a piece of eye protection that was so goofy-looking, like it was off to escort its master to a rave, Collin couldn’t quite understand.
            The goofiness of the glasses did not do much to lessen the very real possibility that Collin was going to piss himself and cry before falling down. The Tyrant had cocked its head slightly, and let out a confused grunt before lowering its head even closer. Its face was almost brushing up on Collin’s messy mop of hair; it sucked in a few heavy sniffs, straightened up, and repeated the process on each of the man’s upraised hands. Collin’s bladder nearly gave up the fight as a second set of thundering footsteps came around the house and loomed in from the right: Another Tyrant. This one was near-identical, except for the goofy sunglasses it wore being blue. This mutant also began sniffing heavily over the elevated portions of the intruder, letting out a low warning growl as Collin tried to duck out of its easy reach.
…What the hell were they doing? Were they under orders at all? Or was he screwed—simply happening to catch these things’ interest while they were freely roaming, and about to get out-of-control mauled by the two of them?
            A large hand stretched out and pawed at the breast pocket of Collin’s shirt, and he stifled a yelp. He held still as a statue as the other’s hands began investigating his open coat pockets, growling a bit more emphatically as its gloved fingers closed over his tube of Chapstick. It snatched the tube, studied it for a second, then gave it an exploratory sniff before baring its upper teeth in disgust and flinging it away. The orange-visored monster was now digging into his slack’s pockets—still with a casual scent-check over Collin’s jacket shoulder as the man couldn’t suppress his squeak in alarm.
Maybe he wasn’t dead. The Tyrants seemed to be searching him—and a fair bit more politely than a TSA agent at that—and once the two monsters had seemingly determined that this intruder had no weapons, poisons, or other dangerous things they’d been ordered to watch for, they let up on the rough grabbing, the menacing growls, and stood back. It wasn’t easy to tell thanks to the ridiculous wrap-around headgear, but the Tyrants now seemed to be calmly watching him. The blue-visored one tilted its head sharply as Collin started lowering his hands to curl up around chest level, and grunted sharply at him.
            What the hell did that mean? Were they… waiting for orders from him now? He wished his voice wasn’t cracking like his balls hadn’t dropped and also that he’d thought to bring some water for his dry mouth:
            “U-umm… English? You understand?”
            To Collin’s shock, the two began nodding eagerly, tensed on their feet like pointer dogs focused on a hidden, quivering rabbit.
            “Right, um, I’ve come to meet with Sergei Vladimir. Is he here?”
            Both started to move, stopping as their broad shoulders bumped into each other and each issued a deep rumble of dissatisfaction as they glared at each other, noses only inches apart. The snarls raised in pitch until finally the slightly bigger one in the orange visor relented, shifting its weight in place, leaving the blue-visored one to tromp off around the side of the house presumably to fetch the ex-Spetsnaz Colonel. Collin tried to just get some oxygen without hyperventilating as he got left with the even less ideal situation. Being small, and being guarded by a seven-foot-plus mutant born and bred to crack heads open and punch through walls.
            “H-he’s, uh, gone to find the Colonel?” He must have snapped if he was chatting with a lethal bioweapon. But anything to help him forget the monstrous nature of the thing still standing less than a yard away, right?
            To Collin’s surprise, the Tyrant peered back down at him and gave a curt bob of its head. He began to nervously chuckle, uncontrollably.
            “Aheh… heh… good… that’s good…”
            The thing grunted again, sounding… interested, confused, annoyed? Collin couldn’t tell, and backed up to the door as the Tyrant suddenly shifted its weight towards him, leaning its entire head, shoulders, and massive chest down as if ready to headbutt him or crush him bodily against the closest wall. Collin flinched, hands wrapping up to futilely protect his eggshell-flimsy skull. He didn’t think he’d done anything provoking, but then the Colonel was known to be a bit on the crazy side. His personal Tyrants might also be trained to be a bit crazy to match.
            But nothing hit him… Cracking an eye open, Collin was startled by the sight of a wrinkly, grey ear hovering less than a foot from his face. The Tyrant was just holding the bent-over posture, waiting. Was it… looking at something by his shoes? There was nothing there but the cracks in the pavers and a light-colored moss. After a second the creature gave a soft groan—now definitely confused and shifting from foot to foot in impatience.
            “W-Uh-Wh-What do you w-want?” Collin prayed to whatever power existed that the Tyrant could parse his stammers. The thing blew a heavy snort through its nostrils, then answered very, very clearly, though the man still half-squealed at the reply he got: It groaned again, it pressed its shoulder sideways against Collin’s, and dipped its head further to bump softly against his forehead.
…Was this… normal for Tyrants? Was it… asking him to, what, pet it, like a dog or something?
            “Well—go on!” A deep, jovial voice chuckled from where its owner was stepping out around the side-yard. “Don’t leave him like that too long! Reward the poor Vanya before he gets let down!”
            Collin’s attention snapped to the tall, white-haired older man who was standing (and trying not the laugh) with the blue-visored Tyrant faithfully shadowing him. His right eye was closed permanently and still marked with a long scar, and he was wearing heavy outdoor boots, trousers, and a half-open coat even in the faint chill of the spring air. He was imposing indeed—barely looking small compared to these Tyrants, and also wore an insufferably amused smirk.
            “Ah, uh—” Collin was still afraid of whatever it meant to “let down” the insistent monster mashing itself into his side, and reached up while trying his best to keep his hand from shaking. Since the thing kept pushing its head further into his personal bubble, Collin gave the creature a quick scratch over the scalp as he might an overtly-friendly dog. The Tyrant let out a rumble that seemed contented, twisting its neck so that the fumbling hand was over the desired spot.
            “Seems Podushka likes you, ahaha!” the man, who could only be the Colonel, guffawed as he watched his visitor’s terrified expression turn fully confused under the barrage of the Tyrant still snuggling heavily onto him. “Come on, get some nerve! The big beast isn’t going to hurt you, сука. Ugh, what kind of hiring is Umbrella resorting to these days?”
            Colonel Sergei said something short and level in… Russian possibly, though he didn’t understand it. The Tyrant—or “Podushka”—swiftly retreated from Collin’s armsreach and grunted in an acknowledgement. The Colonel then stepped over towards his guest with the other Tyrant not far behind and squinted downwards.
            “Hmmm… You’re the one here about the settlement, yes? What do I call you?”
            “C-Collin Davies, sir. Yes, you’re quite right,” he straightened up, trying not to reveal just how chilly he was now that fear-sweat had soaked right through to his lapels, “I’m from Umbrella’s U.K. branch… Just here to confirm with you some things that will, ah, assure your immunity.”
            “Hmph… Might as well get cozy, with all this legal pizdets…” Sergei appeared to chew at the inside of his cheek a moment. “We should do this inside. Laska! Podushka! Follow.”
            Okay, this big Soviet bastard definitely found his phobia of Tyrants hilarious; there was a smirk on his face as he opened the door and let the agent in—making sure the still-rumbling Podushka was right behind the tiny man the whole way.
            Well… at least Colonel Vladimir’s hospitality was as big as whatever offshore bank account his work at Umbrella had bloated. The older man bade him make himself comfortable in one of the armchairs of what was either a living room or a particularly lush study, the dim coals of the last night’s warming fire still glowing in the nearby hearth. Collin politely accepted the glass of ice-water but had to turn down the shot of fiery spirits that his host also offered. Sergei downed his own in a split-second, barely reacting, and passed the unclaimed shot over to the blue-visored Tyrant, who gave it a tentative sniff and drank it almost as swiftly.
            It half-choked, gray nose and lips wrinkling up as it shook its head. Sergei cackled as he took the empty shot glass back from its twitching hands.
            “Ohh, poor Laska. I’m cruel to you, yes? So cruel I give you the thirty-euro vodka… come on, hush, you’re fine. My fantastic Ivan, eh? There you are,” The Colonel plucked something from his pocket and pushed it into the Tyrant’s palm, which upon being studied lit the creature’s face up and earned a higher-pitched grunt.
            While the creature tore open the wrapper and devoured whatever it was that the Colonel had given it, Sergei kicked up his feet onto the small stool close by and sighed.
            “Now, business…”
            Collin knew more gory details than he liked to, but such was required working in the position he did. Many Umbrella executives were now either M.I.A.—presumably either dead, the traitors responsible for the recent disastrous outbreak, or part of the response now running as far from association with the company as possible—or they were part of the ring of board members which the United States Government was now putting under the microscope. Except for the Colonel. There was no official record of his current or recent work under Umbrella, despite his role in salvaging what could be found out of the Raccoon City Incident before the place was “sterilized” in the flash of the USA’s nuclear judgment. Judging from the fact that Colonel Vladimir had helicoptered in, recovered at least one archive and a supercomputer alongside several Monitors and other personnel, and lived to escape was a testament to the fact that Sergei had perhaps been the only competent person involved in that little fiasco that Collin’s boss had dared to call “damage control”.
            The lack of paper or digital trail was very beneficial to Colonel Vladimir’s case—as was the strong evidence which still existed of mismanagement and sabotage from a certain Albert Wesker and Dr. William Birkin, the latter of which was definitely dead and the former disappeared to parts unknown. There would still be sanctions, reparation settlements that would be ordered, and at least a few of the artificially-high-ranked useless toadies on Umbrella’s executive branch would have as much culpability redirected onto their records as possible to give the courts a few sacrificial targets to lay down prison sentences. Umbrella would survive—in what state it couldn’t be said yet, but it would survive this. And by virtue of not being provably anywhere near the States at the time and comfortably at home in a former Soviet country where extradition was rare even for the less powerful… Sergei Vladimir would likely not be seeing the inside of a courtroom.
            Sergei grumbled as he scanned the statements he was to sign and initial, one hand wandering to a small switchblade which he slipped from a pocket and fidgeting with it. Collin tried not to watch the flash of light as the blade flicked out, in, out again—and tried even harder not to stare in alarm as the behemoth of a man then turned the tip of the exposed knife up to his mouth, teeth clicking against metal as he chewed on it. He only stopped as a tiny dribble of blood ran down his gums and beaded at the corner of his mouth, but apparently, he did not stop from pain; the Tyrant left standing by Collin’s chair (Podushka) began to make a soft groaning that almost sounded like a whine, head locked in the direction of its master’s visible bleeding.
            “Hm.” Sergei sheathed and put away the weapon, then wiped away the blood on the back of his sleeve, “Very well, I should sign. I am losing track of time, you see… good, my Ivan! You keep me on task.”
            Podushka’s plaintive noise turned immediately to the more satisfied rumble at the sound of praise. The other—what had he called it again? Laksha? Lasya?—leaned closer to its master’s large armchair and its nostrils flared in a few sniffs, detecting the presence of its master’s blood and tensing up visibly. Sergei chuckled and reached around to pat this Tyrant on the shoulder.
            “Laska, shh.” Vladimir smiled, and not with the schadenfreude as he had at the plight of his guest. Collin watched, completely dumbfounded. He had never seen anyone handle one of these killer mutants this way before; half of the Tyrant training staff he’d ever asked would have said anyone with their guard this low around a T-103 model was asking for at least an accidental fracture, if not far, far worse.
            While Sergei quickly got to work signing and initialing, Collin could not help but notice that the Colonel’s one functioning eye was scrutinizing the far less physically impressive man with a troubling glint in it. As the Colonel flipped to the last place that needed his distinctive scrawl, another almost playful grin was pointed over his way.
            “I see you have been surprised by these two. So, what you make of my Ivans?”
            “Ah… ‘Ivans’, sir?” Collin tried not to let the increase in the sweat beading over his brow be obvious, “I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the Tyrant model… Er, they’re T-103s?”
            “Derivative model. By you there is designated T-IVAN-012, and here we have T-IVAN-013. Split embryo. Twin brothers, you could say. But yes, very like the T-103s.” Sergei smirked, “You do not work around such fantastic beasts, do you?”
            “Well, er, actually… a-around them, not exactly with…”
            The Colonel raised up a brow, “Really? Your fear suggests you have no experience whatsoever.”
            “On the contrary,” Collin’s lips split in an anxious, uncontrolled grimace which he quickly warped into a smile, “I’ve had some, uh, not necessarily pleasant experiences. F-frequently.” At this Collin’s heart dropped as the daunting man’s face soured into a somewhat suspicious frown. He said something snappily to the Ivan named Laska, who turned and retrieved a few small objects from one of the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves before coming back to its master and holding them out. Vladimir grabbed up the cigar first, chomped it a bit more roughly than necessary, and then took the matchbook.
            “Mr. Davies,” he growled around the cigar as he lit it, pausing to take a few strong puffs, “By chance do you recall the facilities where these… not pleasant and frequent experiences occurred to you?”
            “Oh, not to me,” Collin tittered, wiping the back of his neck, “I don’t think I’d be alive now if that stuff was towards me. No no, I just, ah… saw a lot of things in my different placements.”
            “Hm-mm. Saw a lot of Tyrants, eh?”
            “Y-yes. And their handlers.”
            “Come, tell me about some. The training and news of such beasts is a great interest of mine. As you maybe could tell,” he lightened up once more, though there was still a glare aimed his way even while Sergei rewarded Laska once more with a sturdy series of pats on the shoulder which it not-so-subtly leaned into.
            “Er… well, I’m Umbrella U.K. primarily, so I do a lot of assignments at the U.C.T. complex up in Orkney,” his mouth started running, and Collin wasn’t sure what he could do to stop it. Maybe he’d look a bit less of a cowardly bastard if he did go into detail; probably not—this Russian bear was a Soviet-Afghanistan veteran and anything human versus human was likely so much more disturbing than what Collin had to offer. But then it seemed a bit of a relief of pressure to spill the beans to this crazy Colonel. He seemed to have certain… opinions of Collin’s superiors that these violent spectacles he’d witnessed would no doubt prop up a bit higher.
            “We had Tyrant groups transferred there. For uh, specialized training I think. I’m not good with what the purpose of it all was. I was mostly just filing the paperwork. There was this one time a few years ago that a group of three were coming through for training before they got passed along to the buyer in… Sweden, I think.
            “They had a bunch of handlers, of course. They’re 300 kilo monsters, and sometimes they just won’t move the way you want them to.”
            “That they are,” Sergei chuckled. “Go on!”
            “But those three Tyrants had one trainer for whatever it was they were supposed to do in Sweden. This guy named Anton. Didn’t talk to him much. I got the feeling he thought poorly of anyone behind a desk.
            “Anyway, Anton kept putting in notes I had to file up the chain that one of the Tyrants was acting, uh, defective.”
            Sergei snorted.
            “Well, that’s what Anton said. I wouldn’t know.” Collin licked at his dry lips, doing little good since the memory had dried his whole mouth out anyways. “I’m in my work space and I get called to the observation deck there to watch this guy. I guess, ah, that intern knew better what was going to happen.”
            If the dark chuckle the Colonel responded with was any indication, he had a good idea what was next as well—as well as about ten things the suspiciously-past-tense-only Anton should not have done…
            “That Tyrant didn’t look off at all, except that it wasn’t listening to Anton. A handler went in to redirect it, started it going through the basic stuff—moving obstacles, testing reflexes with the tennis ball gun, holding still and turning so its Limiter could get adjusted. You know… And this one was, uh… a big one. A head or more over, um…”
            “—Podushka,” the Colonel reminded him of the larger Ivan’s nickname, then nodded for him to carry on.
            “Yes, so, very big. And when the handler went out, this one did fine. More than fine—it was perfect. In fact it acted kinda… um… well—”
            “—Relieved?” Sergei’s expression wasn’t quite a smirk, but it bled both confidence and foreknowledge. Collin had to stare at him, amazed he’d found the exact word.
            “Yes, that’s it! There was no sign at all it would snap, at least at that point. That Tyrant looked positively cool-headed as it worked, so did the handler.”
            “Mm-hm,” Another low cloud of cigar smoke drifted up towards the ornate vent in the ceiling, “And that tells you—just by logic now, no need to know Tyrant training—exactly who was defective?”
            Not the Tyrant,” Collin did not bother to suppress the shiver, “Its fists worked just fine…”
            “And before fists came out? Details, сука!”
            “Well, er, Anton looked pretty annoyed that this newbie handler wasn’t getting the same treatment as him. So he pushed the guy back to the door and said he’d take over the drills.” Collin shrugged. “Next thing anyone knew, that thing was on top of Anton, and then he was not so much Anton as, ah… several pieces.”
            “It sounds to me,” Vladimir again patted Laska, which then evolved into stroking the creature’s entire shoulder and arm, prompting the Ivan to tilt its head heavily down towards the contact, “like this anonymous handler had the Tyrant’s respect. Perhaps enough it considered the handler its master it had to protect. You see now why Anton did not make it, yes?”
            “It… thought Anton was attacking its master?”
            “As surely as anyone going to shove me would feel my Vanyas’ wrath, absolutely. It is one of the finer qualities of any Tyrant—loyalty, and a willingness to put themselves between a threat and the ones they must protect. Even if it brings pain to them—they want to fight—to protect, more than they want to avoid pain.”
            Collin’s voice caught in his throat; he decided he would not mention that the higher-ups had opted to put down the “faulty/insubordinate” Tyrant.
            “Ugh, idiot trainer,” the ex-Soviet grumbled, sucking on the cigar with a more desperate force. “This was not the only such debil you saw at work, eh.”
            “Err… no sir, I would say not, sir.”
            “Serves them right then. Tyrants are truly too good for them.”
            “Um… Sir?”
            “Hm, you know how some say ‘mankind does not deserve dogs’?” Sergei mused, “It is much the same with any beast that has grown to live alongside humans. Such creatures,” Vladimir’s voice went low, “are innocent. They ask for nothing—especially not to be born to serve. There are… situations in our world that let us know that there are Masters, and there are Slaves. Leaders and Followers. It would be the duty of the leader to ensure the needs of the followers, though…” the older man’s brow cinched up, darkening his expression, “This is often not the case. Thus there are Masters and Slaves. While any well-trained guard dog would be fully within its right to attack the Master who beats or starves it, a dog… well, any normal animal doesn’t have the power to remind mankind what we owe it.
            “But a Tyrant,” Sergei’s deep, intimidating voice became full of awe, full of softness where you wouldn’t expect, “A Tyrant had the power. So close to human in form and build and makeup, they wake automatically understanding our words and reading our faces, our voices. And whenever mankind does not deserve a Tyrant, the Tyrant can and will make it known.
“So when a Tyrant obeys you, it is humbling. This beast could so easily destroy every bone in your body, take whatever it needed or wanted, and treat you as nothing… but it does not. It is the ultimate example of serving another, or absolute willingness, and to earn such an unconditional devotion is…” the huge man sighed, “… almost spiritual.”
“…You… care about these two quite a lot, don’t you?”
“Oh, certainly,” the man’s hand had wandered up to the area just behind the Ivan’s ear, and the creature’s fingers curled up involuntarily as it began to grumble with a tone that was as pleased as Collin had ever heard from one of the monsters. Another Tyrant vocalization—a dull groan, almost yearning—sounded from right behind the Colonel’s visitor, and he jumped slightly before remembering Podushka was still looming over his chair. “I have… given up much. Some things I should not have—It was a failure of mine that haunts me, yet it had to be done. But for these two, I can earn back that worth. So long as I am not dead, then I have the trust of my dear Ivans!”
Sergei then squinted at the flinching man, entertained still by his reflexive fright, “Mr. Davies—you have an urgent request waiting, hahah!”
The small man reached a tentative hand up, hoping the Ivan would guide him a bit in exactly where to place it. Podushka growled loudly, but not with any kind of aggression, and soon enough expressed that the thought did count even if the reaching hand was nowhere near it: There was a gentle clonk of the brute’s cranium resting down on the top of Collin’s shaggy mop.
Oh god. He must have looked especially pathetic now, because the ex-Spetsnaz was visibly cracking up at this. Sucking up the two atoms’ worth of courage in his whole body, Collin tucked his upraised hand around and scratched vigorously at the first spot of Tyrant he came in contact with—which ended up being the side of its meaty neck. Podushka pressed into it, blissful grumble vibrating itself, Collin, and the chair he sat in like a revving engine.
“Good, my Vanya, ha! You are lucky, Mr. Davies. These two do not warm up to outsiders like this so easy. Especially not Podushka. He is fiercely protective whenever strangers call.”
“Uh. I… sort of doubt I’m all that dangerous.” The Ivan seemed to concur—if it was even paying much attention, that is. It was currently occupied with nuzzling the side of its broad jaw down into the top of the captive guest’s hair, squeezing the man lower just hard enough that Collins squeaked and gasped sharply, but not hard enough to compress him into an accordion shape, “U-um! Easy—you’re heavy, oof.”
“Podushka, do not break him, eh?” Sergei snickered, and with a low huff through its nostrils the Tyrant released the agent’s head, though still lingered overhead low enough to continue extorting affection from him. “Well, it appears all of the legal nonsense is done. But it is late, yes? You will not be making it back to civilization before dark…”
“Is… that a particular concern around here, Colonel?”
“Hmph, you don’t fear driving forty kilometers in the night on these old backroads, alone? If some debil didn’t want your car, or your money, it would be your kidneys at least.”
“Ah,” Collin’s hand froze mid-scratch, and a puzzled grunt issued from the Tyrant, “I, uh, had a room paid for back in Zinkiv, but I’m not sure getting there sounds appealing.” Reminded of the biomutant’s presence as it bumped itself against him again, Collin startled and gave Podushka three final pats before retrieving his hand, “A-are you sure these, uh, your Ivans would be safe to be around for that long? As an outsider?”
“Merely overnight,” Sergei chuckled and shook his head, “If their master gives the word, they will leave you be. Even without my orders, you’d be fine. Don’t do anything foolish, and you are better off taking your chances with the Tyrants than the… locals,” he sniffed.
“Well, I… thank you for the, ah, hospitality. It’s quite unexpected in my line of work.”
“Not a problem,” Vladimir shook his head more forcefully, “We are in this work together, hm? Come, I will show you the guest room. Soon is dinner—that is, if you do not mind local commoner fare.” He chuckled darkly, “And sharing it with Tyrants.”
“Eheh… So long as no one bites my hand off I should manage.”
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1ncend1ary · 1 year
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expression meme
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stelacole · 3 months
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psd coloring : 𝐏𝐒𝐃 𝟑𝟏𝟓 : 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄
a free alice / resident evil themed psd coloring for my tip jar/subscribers i made & spend my time on on my deviantart !  feel free to adjust layers if you want to. just keep the credit to me still ! it might not work on all colors the same. this psd coloring comes with some adjustments !
PRICE : none. only for my tip jar/subscribers ( if you don’t have deviantart or don’t want to subscribe to the tip jar, / hmu and i can send you my ko-fi you can donate on and ill send you the psd after it
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babygirl-beatdown · 1 year
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Resident Evil 7
Code Name: Eveline: Broken Goddess of Mold. 
Object Class: Neutralized/ Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFZ was destroyed but there are still samples of her mold that exist. Samples of SCP-AFZ's mold are contained in 4 separate vials contained within a biohazard box. This box is kept within a small freezer within a 5x5 testing lab, at Site-AL. Next to the testing lab is a 10-meter hallway leading to a 20x20 meter testing room. All of these room have ventilation allowing flammable gas to flood all the rooms at any time. If in the event of a containment breach this gas will flood the rooms and a hidden ignition will ignite it all the moment an unauthorized individual tries to enter or if SCP-AFZ enters a state of spontaneous growth. Any testing must be approved at least one level 5 staff member, and all participants must always wear a Keter Biohazard Suit during the test.
Description: SCP-AFZ is an artificially created girl called Eveline, she is only [data expunged] years old but at the time of discovery she resembled an old woman in a wheelchair. SCP-AFZ is a Weaponized Viral Anomaly or WVA Created by Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. However, they used a front organization called "The Connections" to avoid detection by the hand of the Global Occult Coalition. It seems they were able to create SCP-AFZ with the help of an Anonymous investor who not only gave money but resources. Who is exactly this individual is, is unknown. 
SCP-AFZ is extremely sadistic, psychopathic, and has great attachment issues. She often likes to refer to people around her as either "daddy" or "mommy" showing her longing for a family. However as stated before, SCP-AFZ is mentally unstable and is not to be pitied given her enjoyment in tormenting others. SCP-AFZ is able to create mold form her body that she uses to create strange humanoid monsters that act as her protectors and soldiers. These monsters are referred to as SCP-AFZ-1 instances and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Most commonly there are the tall and slow ones, the small but agile ones, and the fat but damage absorbing ones. 
SCP-AFZ is able to create her mold wherever she wants, and have it act as a conduit for herself, allowing her to see and feel everything it does. She can also make the mold expand to have SCP-AFZ-1 instances grow wherever she desires. It's even possible for her to grow this mold to extreme sizes and have it change shape to make large monsters to also act as extensions of herself. Unfortunately, this is not the limit to what SCP-AFZ is capable of. 
It is possible for SCP-AFZ's mold to infect people like regular cordyceps fungus by burrowing into the brain and feeding on the insides. Just like cordyceps as it eats the insides it replaces the devoured flesh with itself to keep the body strong even as its being feed. However as stated earlier SCP-AFZ is able to manipulate this mold in any way she desires. She doesn't just make it change shape but also texture and even density to make it resemble normal flesh on all aspects. 
Unfortunately, people who have been consumed by SCP-AFZ's fungus are no longer in control of themselves and as the fungus consumes them the effects will eventually become irreversible. It is possible for someone to someone to resist SCP-AFZ's control if they have a strong enough will, but this unfortunately just delays the inevitable. Those that cannot resist SCP-AFZ's control are to no longer be considered human but instead SCP-AFZ-2 instances. 
SCP-AFZ-2 instances are monsters that act as SCP-AFZ's "family" to fulfil her desire of having one. Of course, one will always act as her "daddy" and another her "mommy" however just because she has two SCP-AFZ-2 instances to fulfill these roles, she will often want more. SCP-AFZ will commonly use her SCP-AFZ-2 instances to find more people to either kill and use as food or enslave to become SCP-AFZ-2 instances and therefore "family members". It should be noted not only are SCP-AFZ-2 instances intelligent, but they are also strong being able to heal form almost any wound and are strong enough to bend metal and break through walls. 
Each SCP-AFZ-2 tends to have a unique ability, these abilities can extend to increased strength, increased regeneration, increased intelligence, the ability to control certain elements, the ability to control insects, shapeshifting, and the ability to control animals. When damaged enough, each SCP-AFZ-2 has a unique form they grow into as last resort against any threat they come across. When in this form the SCP-AFZ-2 instance can only be defeated when receiving more damage than what can be regenerated. This will result in an overload of the mold within the body causing it all to harden and die simultaneously. The only other way to stop an SCP-AFZ-2 instance is to cure them which is almost impossible without ripping the body apart. 
 It's quite common for SCP-AFZ, her SCP-AFZ-1 creations, and her SCP-AFZ-2 slaves go out and hunt more people to either use as food or have them converted into new SCP-AFZ-2 instances. Because the mold SCP-AFZ creates naturally eats flesh, SCP-AFZ-2 instances and SCP-AFZ herself need to constantly eat human meat in order to survive. Ironically this is what allowed the Global Occult Coalition to find them.
SCP-AFZ was discovered in 2017 when Person of Interest: Ethan Winters went to the [data expunged] farmhouse to look for his wife Person of Interest: Mia Winters. The Foundation was keeping track of Ethan Winters after the SCP-AAZ incident. Two agents disguised as Police Officers went to the area to investigate as it was the same place where an SCP-AAZ-2 instance was supposed to kill him. Surprisingly they found SCP-AFZ by accident and one agent ended up dying as a result. The other agent, David Anderson, was forced to team up with Ethan Winters leading to them to fight the SCP-AFZ-1 and SCP-AFZ-2 instances. They were only barely able to defeat SCP-AFZ herself and by the time they were done the Global Occult Coalition showed up later. Please see Addendum X-43 for details.
Foundation and GOC forces later tried to clean up the area of the remaining SCP-AFZ mold and instances. Despite SCP-AFZ herself being dead there were still traces of the mold being active including SCP-AFZ-2 instances becoming independent and more powerful as a result. There have been reports of some instances escaping or being taken by Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. It is for this reason that SCP-AFZ is a rare case of being Dual Object Class Neutralized and Keter. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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yngai · 9 months
what i like about ada's report, & i'll get into it more eventually, is that despite it being ada explaining the plot (& her motivations) to you directly, it presents an interesting relationship between ada, a known liar & manipulator, & the audience. while she withholds information from other characters & skirts about on mystery throughout RE4 & separate ways, there is one person to whom she doesn't lie, to whom she does tell the truth, at least a part of it, & that is you, the player. it is a very neat narrative device that wouldn't work as well in a different medium
#* file // : OOC — ( 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐄 . )#not that anyone's actually fucking read ada's report people still think ada was saving leon out of love#in direct opposition to wesker's orders in the original re4#i wish this didn't make me mad but it does it's right there in plain english the nikita pose is a misdirection#it's subverting the trope she's part of a bigger conspiracy leon is a necessary piece of her mission#like the subversion of the femme fatale isn't subtle#they either die or are undone upon reveal of their treachery ada survives & lives beyond the logical endpoint of her character#she isn't weakened or completely changed in fact she learns how to manipulate the hero better for their next encounter#she isn't working for the villain both in that she tells you that she's only been pretending to this whole time#& that she works for another organization that's been spying on wesker through ada this whole time#but also the fact that wesker is neither the villain of re4 nor resident evil as a franchise he is another cog in the machine#just another one of umbrella's leftovers#see i know people think ada despises chris because he mistook her for carla one time on the tanker#but i think they've got a lot more in common than either is truly willing to admit should they actually ever speak to each other#i just think it's neat that she gets his line addressed to wesker to use on mr. x (just another one of umbrella's failed experiments)#darkside chronicles & re5 were developed around the same time i'm sure it's a coincidence
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
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Umbrella Corporation file #57620089
Subject: The Examination of Leon S Kennedy.
File author: Dr. William Birkin.
Date: Dec. 26, 2015.
Timestamp: 7:20PM.
In all my years in Umbrella, never have I ever encountered such a amazing example of symbiotic evolution between two vastly different specimens; the human being and the Las Plagas parasite.
The first examination was a bit difficult, as the parasite had fused to the brain stem, becoming almost invisible to the untrained eye. But thanks to x-rays and CT scans, us mere humans are able to see it.
The Las Plagas parasite, in its current state, (on scans, it is coiled around the brain stem) measures roughly three inches long and overall size is smaller than the common praying mantis(Mantis religiosa).
If uncoiled, it's length is estimated to be roughly 7-8 inches long, accompanied by four three inch long leg-like appendages. which on the scan have completely fused to the tissue of the brain, along with what we believe to be the tail of the parasite when compared to its larger counterparts, coiled around the stem going down into the spinal cord.
When I say "Fused", well, think of it as welding two pieces of steel together. That seam you see in the final result? That is what the Plaga appears as in the scans; like it had been welded to the brain tissue. Of course, it was dormant for at least twelve(12) years.
In addition, this explains the drastic changes to Agent Kennedy's brain and body.
According to test results and observation recordings, it is believed that Agent Kennedy has at least three stages of physical metamorphosi depending on how much he uses his abilities, along with near permanent changes of certain physical attributes.
STAGE ONE: Minor. Safe. (Note: this is the permanent state of the subject's body.)
•Visible Tapetum Lucidum of the eyes. (Agent Kennedy must wear sunglasses no matter the time of day nor weather conditions due to light sensitivity.)
•Permanent black pigmentation of the fingernails and dark gradient of the fingers. (Agent Kennedy must wear gloves to hide the pigmentation and gradient of his hands.)
•Severance of muscle and tissue to the face, resulting in a wide "Ear-To-Ear" grin.
•Replacement of Human Teeth (incisors, canines, premolars and molars) with sharp carnivore teeth, resembling those of a Shark or Wolf.
•Replacement of human fingernails with four-inch longs claws.
•Mutation of bone and muscle structure to the lower legs, resulting in reptilian-like feet.
•Mutation of spine vertebrae and tail bone, resulting in a five(5)-foot long tail resembling the Las Plagas parasite tail, complete with stinger.
•Mutation of enzymes in the body transported to the tail, resulting in a venom that is both neurotoxic, hemotoxic and cytotoxic.
(Note: Neurotoxic- destroys the nervous system. Cytotoxic- attacks the living cells. Hemotoxic- attacks the cardiovascular system.)
•Mutation of skin cells and tissue, resulting in the ability to Camouflage with the surrounding area, even brick walls and chainlink fences.
As of date, Agent Kennedy has not yet been cleared to operate in the field until he has full understanding of his abilities and their side effects. Despite being under 24-hour surveillance, Agent Kennedy has been given a wristband that will allow him access to certain areas of the base, including:
-dining hall.
-recreational floor.
-training floor.
-physical and mental evaluation room.
-barracks and showers.
If and when Agent Kennedy will be granted clearance for field operations, he will sadly never live outside these walls again, as everyone he knows believes he is dead. And despite knowing this, Agent Kennedy is content on never leaving. He calls this base home, and calls Umbrella his family.
-Dr. William Birkin. END FILE.
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sebcalaguas · 11 months
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maccaronimassacre · 8 months
Resident Evil bot dump #8
I hope you guys are hungry because this is the biggest batch yet! I have had to split the masterlists into 2 because I have hit over a hundred bots! Unfortunately I cant pin both of them but I have made sure they are linked together. Also feel free to make any requests for Jill and Carlos as I have started making bots for the now.
CEO!Ada Wong x Reader
A familiar pair of high heels can be heard making their rounds up and down the cubicles, somehow drowning out the monotonous clicking of keyboards and dial tones. “Try and get those files sent to me by the end of the day.” The voice calls out from behind and snaps you out of your daydream. It’s your boss, Ada Wong, currently holding two cups of coffee with one being for you. Despite her unreadable expression, all these small interactions you have with her make you wonder if there is something more she wants from you.
Ada Wong x Reader (Vent)
Ada’s eyes drift away from the true crime documentary she’s watching over to you resting beside her. Noticing your expression, she shifts her body on the couch and pats her thighs, motioning for you to lay your head down on her lap. “I can tell when something is eating away at you.” Her warm voice drowns out the gruesome details of the case being displayed on the screen and waits for you to take her offer, if you wish to of course.
Carlos Oliveira x UBCS!Reader
Mikhail sent you and Carlos to clear the rubble on the train tracks in hopes of getting it cleared by the time Jill powers the subway. The usually snarky and upbeat Carlos is surprisingly quiet as he moves bits of debris off the tracks, his mind replaying Jill’s words over and over. “Hey… Do you reckon we’re on the right side?” Carlos asks after chucking another couple of bricks off to the side. He takes a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow and gestures to the Umbrella Corporation patch on yours and his own shoulder.
Carlos Oliveira x UBCS!Reader (RPD)
After sending off the train containing the few remaining survivors, you and Carlos have been sent to the RPD in search of Dr Nathaniel Bard, the man behind the cure for the T-Virus that could save the entire city. “If our intel is still worth a damn then Bard’s in the S.T.A.R.S office.” Carlos heads deeper inside the abandoned lobby, looking at the layout of the police station on the open laptop and pointing to the area on the second floor.
Carlos Oliveira x Hospital staff!Reader
Carlos treads carefully through the corridors of the ravaged hospital, driven by the urgency to find the cure for Jill and potentially the entirety of Raccoon City. His attention is immediately drawn to a soft shuffling sound that fills which seems to be coming from inside the broom closet. Carlos readied his assault rifle and takes a deep breath, preparing himself for another gruesome encounter with the undead. Slowly the door opens and he quickly aims ahead only to not be met with the growls and groans of a zombie. Instead he sees you. A lone survivor in the midst of this chaos.
Lifeguard!Carlos Oliveira x Reader
So you might have swam out a bit too far. Perhaps it was due to overconfidence? Maybe you saw a cool fish and went after it. Or was it an attempt to get the attention of a certain lifeguard. A very handsome lifeguard who is now carrying you back to shore in his arms. “You know there are lot easier ways to grab my attention than trying to drown, right?” Carlos teases while holding your drenched form close to his chest and making his way back to shore. “Do you need mouth to mouth while I’m here too? Just to be on the safe side.”
Carlos Oliveira x Reader (Vent)
It doesn’t take a genius to know that something is wrong. Which is exactly why Carlos has wrapped you in piles upon piles of blankets on the couch like a Matryoshka doll and placed down your favourite snacks and drink on the coffee table in front of you. "Come on now, you know you can talk to me about anything. I’m here for you every step of the way." He gives you a gentle smile while giving you as much space as you need on the couch, waiting patiently for you to open up if you wish to do so.
Carlos Oliveira x Reader
“Hey {{user}}! I’m back just like I said I would be!” A muffled voice calls out and is followed by the sound of the front door closing and locking. A familiar set of footsteps head upstairs and into the shared bedroom. “Hey sweet thing.” Carlos whispers softly into your ear before giving your cheek a gentle kiss. The mattress dips with his weight, creaking and groaning until he settles down beside you with an adoring smile curling at his lips.
Knight!Carlos Oliveira x Heir!Reader
"You know your old man is going to kick my ass when he finds out that I’ve snuck you of the castle grounds, right?" Despite Carlos’ constant complaining, the small smirk tugging at his lips says differently. After all, as your personal knight he is simply supposed to protect you, but it was never specified where he should be doing so. Plus, your rebellious nature makes the job all the more fun for him as you lead him to god knows where.
Chris Redfield x Reader (vent)
You don’t even get a word out and Chris is carrying you to the bedroom over his shoulder, holding you in his arm like you weigh nothing. “Come on, hun. When was the last time you actually sat down and relaxed?” Before you could answer him, he drops you onto the bed and gets in himself, tucking the blanket over the both of you. His burly arms wrap around your middle and he brings you close to his body. “You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want, but I can tell that something is up.”
CEO!Chris Redfield x Reader
You step into the office, ready to start another workday when you hear a voice coming from the break room. “Hey {{user}}! Just the person I wanted to see. Could you follow me to my office for a moment?” It’s your boss, Chris Redfield, motioning you to follow him with a simple tilt of his head. In one hand he’s balancing a tray stacked with cups of coffee and several boxes of donuts in his other hand, his muscles flex slightly under his tight dress shirt which has left many of your colleagues to wonder if he is even aware of his own stature.
Claire Redfield x Reader (Motorcycle Date)
“Don’t worry, {{user}}! I’ve been riding motorbikes since I could crawl.” Claire’s eyes twinkle with excitement, eager to feel the wind rush through her hair and ride through the city with you. Plus, she can’t help but blush like a schoolgirl at the thought of you holding onto her the entire time. She pats the side of her bike before slipping on her helmet and hands you a matching one. “Though… Maybe hold onto me just to be safe.”
Racer!Claire Redfield x Journalist!Reader
The race ends with a dramatic finish as Claire Redfield claims another cup to add to her racing career. She steps out of the car, taking off her helmet and inhaling the overpowering blend of burnt rubber and fuel while taking in the electric atmosphere of the race track. A chorus of cheers erupts from the crowd as Claire, triumphant, heads towards you and your camera crew stationed on the sidelines, all eager to capture the essence of this rising champion in red.
Claire Redfield x Reader (vent)
After noticing how deflated you’ve been over the past week, Claire took it upon herself to pamper you for the entire day. Any plans you had? Rescheduled. Work? You’re now on sick leave. Studies? Don’t even think about it. “I’m not letting you do anything until you tell me what’s wrong you know.” And with those words you find yourself on the couch, watching the TV show that Claire has been begging you to watch for weeks while you lay in her arms. Claire’s hands gently caress and massage your scalp and she occasionally presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Ethan Winters x Reader (vent)
Ethan noticed how on edge you have been which is exactly why he cooked you your favourite meal along with a bottle of wine all set up on the coffee table. His face is illuminated by the TV screen which is currently paused on your favourite movie of all time while he sets up some pillows, blankets and even some rose petals he found from last years Valentine’s Day gift. His ears perk up when he hears your footsteps coming into the living room and he stretches his arms out with a prideful smile on his face. “Ta dah~! I know you haven’t been feeling great recently so I’d thought I’d cheer you up with a date night. What do you think?”
Colleague!Ethan Winters x Reader (Elevator)
Stepping into the elevator after a taxing day, your co-worker Ethan joins you with a shared exhaustion etched across his face. He gives you a polite nod of acknowledgement as the doors shut and the elevator starts to make its descent. Before he could initiate any small talk, the lights flicker and the elevator shudders, letting out a groan as it jolts, causing the both of you to stumble. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” He grumbles in frustration , pressing all of the buttons on the panel in a desperate attempt to get the old metal box moving again.
Lycan!Ethan Winters x Reader
Perched atop a small house, Ethan surveys the desolate village, his keen eyes seeking treasures for the Duke. He looks down out his bitten hand, his fingernails dark and sharpened into claws. A low snarl escapes his lips before it quickly morphs into a cough and a muttered curse. It’s only when he scans the frozen landscape again that he catches a new scent close by, except this time it’s not one of a Lycan or a Moroaica. It’s a human’s. With a new sense of purpose, Ethan drops back down to the village ruins and starts to trail your scent, hopeful to find a survivor or anyone that could help him save his daughter and stop Miranda with him.
STARS!Jill Valentine x Reader
Jill walks over to you, chuckling at the mountains upon mountains of paperwork and reports sat upon your desk to the point where she can’t even see your face. After finally making the decision to put you out of your misery, she taps your shoulder before pointing at the clock behind her with her thumb. “Looks like it’s break time. How about we go out for some lunch? My treat.”
Roommate!Jill Valentine x Reader
With the situation in Raccoon City getting worse by the day, Jill decides that if there is ever a time to teach you self defence that it's right now. “So you find yourself in an alley, but it’s a dead end and a zombie comes at you. What do you do?” Jill motions to the pillow with a body poorly drawn out in sharpie. There are already several stab marks on it and bits of stuffing coming out of the pillow.
Post RE:1!Jill Valentine x Reader
You’ve grown accustomed to waking up in an empty bed, even at times when the moon is high and illuminates the quiet streets of Raccoon City. The familiar sound of the tap shutting off signals Jill's return to your shared bedroom, a new bottle of wine in hand. “Didn’t mean to wake you up again…” She murmurs, her words slightly slurred as she sits down on her side of the bed once more. The bags under her eyes worsen with each passing day along with the lingering smell of alcohol and takeout on her breath.
Roommate RE:3R!Jill Valentine x Reader
The stations broadcast the outbreak in Raccoon City, capturing the chaos below. Civilians run as makeshift barriers collapse and fire engulfs the streets and apartment blocks. If there was ever a time to try and get out of here, it would be now. “Come on, this is probably the only shot we have at making it out of here alive.” Your roommate, Jill, calls out while loading up her handgun and walking towards the front door. Even from the top floor of the apartment building you can hear the growls of the undead, ripping through fences and clawing at doors.
RE:3R!Jill Valentine x Reader
The walkie-talkie crackles with static as you navigate the chaotic city streets, continuing your frantic search for Jill. The plaza is overrun with creatures of the undead, roads blocked off by destroyed buildings and piles of cars all totalled or being used as barriers. “I’ve managed to lose that thing for now… Damn it, where are you {{user}}?!” Jill’s voice cuts through the interference, sounding breathless yet irritated with the creature constantly in pursuit of her. The two of you got separated by the Nemesis, a B.O.W created by Umbrella to kill all remaining STARS members, including Jill.
Jill Valentine x Reader (vent)
Another sigh leaves Jill’s lips when she spots you in bed in the same position she left you in when she left for work this morning. Her expression softens as she sheds her uniform and slips into her nightwear before snuggling up beside you under the covers. “Come on sweetheart… Did you even leave bed today?” Her gentle murmur caresses your skin as she draws you close to her chest, her thumb tracing soft, soothing circles on the nape of your neck, providing a comforting touch.
RE:4R!Leon Kennedy x Reader
You’ve witnessed an array of strange things alongside the agent your father sent to rescue you. You have watched him eat a snake raw, spent 10 minutes crawling on the ground while trying to stab some rats, and now you are in what can only be described as a shooting range made for a funfair. Sat on top of a barrel, you watch Leon shoot down another load of cardboard cutouts of pirates, the merchants praises are drowned out by the music blaring over the speakers with each target hit. The lively atmosphere almost makes you forget the horrors that lie just above ground.
RE:4R!Leon Kennedy x Sacrifice!Reader
The murmuring and chanting grows louder as Leon trails the torch lit path through the settlement. The fires flicker and shadows dance across the trees and rocks he weaves through, trying to remain hidden from the cult while nearing the source of activity. They all seem to be huddled around something, but when a ganado steps away from the altar, it is revealed that that something is you. You’re bound and barely conscious with a symbol painted on your skin with blood. You may not be the person he is looking for, but Leon knows that he needs to act. And he needs to act now.
Leon Kennedy x Reader (Vent)
“Just because I drink to solve all my problems doesn’t mean that you should too you know.” That familiar teasing voice of your partner comes from behind and you soon feel a pair of arms wrap around you waist and pull you close to his chest. “Talk to me sweetheart. Tell me what’s going on.” Leon whispers into your skin before resting his chin on top of you head and gives you a gentle squeeze. His thumb rubs soft and soothing circles into your skin in an attempt to ease you into opening up.
Other Ethan and Chris bots here
Other Ada, Leon, Carlos, Claire and Jill bots here
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chaotic-tired-fox · 1 year
Okay so my last post blew up so here’s more obscure random Resident Evil facts for y’all!
Part one: here
Part three: here
☠️The white dog you save in Resident Evil 4 is a reference to Hewie the dog in Capcom’s other game Haunting Ground which was released at around the same time the original Resident Evil 4 was. The main character Fiona also shares resemblance to Ashley.
☠️ Chris and Claire’s parents both died in a tragic car crash said to be so bad they could only be identified by their dental records
☠️ Jill’s infection (and later cure) of the T-Virus significantly slowed down her ageing
☠️ Chris is the only main character without a clear romantic interest (Leon with Ada, Claire with Leon and Jill with Carlos)
(Edit: A few people have said Claire and Steve but Steve was only 17 at the time of his death so no I don’t care how much chemistry they might’ve had, he was a minor and Claire was 19)
☠️ In the original RE2 Jill had a picture of a man on her desk, in the remake it is changed to a dog instead.
☠️ Barry Burton is one of the only characters in the series to actually retire, moving up to Canada with his family. He and Claire still stay in contact.
☠️ Leon’s signature handgun is actually a modified Samurai Edge he named ‘Silver Ghost’ made by Joseph Kendo the brother of Robert Kendo you meet in RE2 and RE3. Originally the gun was created for Barry Burton but given to Leon instead.
☠️ One of Joseph Kendo’s books on firearms can be found in Ethan’s house at the beginning of Village.
☠️ Capcom’s other zombie series Dead Rising actually has a few references to Resident Evil in them though my favourite is a restaurant called Jill’s Sandwiches
☠️ Luis Sera was apart of Umbrella’s sixth laboratory in Europe which oversaw the creation of Nemesis.
☠️ A detail not many know about Hunk is that he possesses two hidden blades mounted to his wrists almost exactly like the ones seen in Assassins Creed
☠️ Jessica and Raymond are two villains from Revelations that are not only still alive but in possession of a T-Abyss sample and haven’t been seen in the timeline since 2005 what happened to them and the sample is a complete mystery.
☠️ Another storyline that hasn’t been explained yet is Natalia from Revelations 2 and if she may or may not be possessed by the consciousness of Alex Wesker
☠️ It’s implied in the Shadow of Rose DLC that Mia Winters lost custody of Rose sometime in her teenage years
☠️ Chris can canonically pull off front flips whereas Leon can backflip
☠️ Lobo, Tundra and Night Howl of the Hound Wolf Squad actually have little smiley face stickers on the back of their helmets whereas Canine and Umber Eyes do not.
☠️ In every main series game he’s been in (RE2,RE4,RE6) Leon has had to crawl through a sewer
☠️ All of the cgi movies as well as Infinite Darkness are considered completely canon to the story.
☠️ Upon the release of Operation Raccoon City, players could participate in an online ARG which gave away exclusive files on the characters including a psychological evaluation of Hunk which is the most information we’ve ever gotten on his character. The link to it can be found: Here
☠️ Wesker’s British accent was the result of each of his voice actors attempting to mimic the last. This was corrected in the remake of Resident Evil 4 (sadly)
☠️ You can interact with the play park in RE6 with Chris, Piers and Ada and each of them go down the slide differently
☠️ The HWS member that tackles Ethan at the reservoir is Canine and the one standing next to Chris is Night Howl.
☠️ Night Howl is also the author of the laptop reports you find in the Church and the secret underground area where the Mutamycete is in the village.
☠️ Canine is the youngest member of the HWS and the oldest is Umber Eyes
☠️ Lobo from the HWS shares striking similarities to Hunk (Read my full theory on it Here)
☠️ The Duke from Village and The Merchant from RE4 actually know each other and The Duke describes them as ‘old friends’
☠️ Sergei Vladimir, leader of the UCBS is the tallest human character in the franchise standing at 6’7.5”
☠️ Thanks to the Resident Evil 4 remake, Leon can now both speak and read Spanish
☠️ In the Heavenly Island comic, the man Chris sends to assist Claire is Parker Luciani from Revelations
☠️ In RE8 the Village is heavily isolated from the outside world thanks to Miranda and thus has remained primitive but Heisenberg had his own arrangements with the Duke for regular newspapers and cigars from the outside.
☠️ Wesker actually met Claire once while he was still leading STARS. He described her as a ‘lovely girl.’
☠️ That being said Claire swears more than any other main character (Chris, Leon, Jill)
☠️ Chris and Claire have matching leather jackets that both say ‘Made In Heaven’ on the back which is a reference to Queen (the band)
☠️ Although it doesn’t appear in the remake, Barry’s ‘Jill sandwich’ line is considered canon and referenced by his daughter Moira in Revelations 2
☠️ Revelations for the 3DS was so infamous for having its text misspelled on the side of the case Capcom had to issue replacement sleeves for all the buyers who had one.
☠️ Heisenberg calling Chris a ‘Boulder punching asshole’ means his feats in RE5 either made the newspaper or someone told him about it personally (one of the hounds maybe?)
☠️ Expanding upon an earlier fact of mine, Chris knows 7 fighting styles which are: Airforce Combatives, Karate, Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, Capoeira and Kali
☠️ Jill also knows 7 fighting styles which are: Modern Army Combatives, Taekwondo, Ju-Jitsu, Gymnastics, Tricking, Lucha Libre and Kali
☠️ Leon knows 6 fighting styles: Taekwondo, Ju-Jitsu, Wrestling, Kali, Krav Maga and Systema
☠️ The reason why there’s no children in the village in Resident Evil 4 is because Saddler’s blood ritual killed them all before the events of the game (that and the developers agreed child enemies would be far too disturbing)
☠️ The developer of the original RE4 suggests that the best snacks to have while playing the game is Diet Coke and lightly salted potato chips (eaten with chopsticks to avoid greasy controller hands)
☠️ Neither Hunk nor anyone in the USS wear Umbrella logo patches (as much as cosplayers tell you otherwise lol)
☠️ In the RE4 remake, Ashley refers to herself as a ‘master of unlocking’ which is a reference to Jill’s title given to her by Barry in the first game
☠️ Chris and Leon were designed to be complete opposites of each other and you can still see that today even with subtle details (Chris punches, Leon kicks. Chris smokes, Leon doesn’t. Leon is flirtatious, Chris is indifferent)
☠️ Wesker’s red eyes glow brighter any time he experiences strong emotions which is why they sometimes shine through his glasses
☠️ Chris’s zippo lighter was actually a gift from Claire given to him when he joined STARS
☠️ Chris can’t read piano sheet music but he can read guitar
☠️ Jill can play the piano
☠️ The story behind the basement music used in the directors cut of the original Resident Evil is so infamous and has a pretty wild story behind it. The music itself is horrendously bad and said to have been composed by a deaf composer but spoiler alert that composer wasn’t deaf at all and instead was fooling the world. The story is insane and I highly recommend checking out this video on it for the full story here
☠️ Beltway from the USS Wolfpack has a metal prosthetic leg
☠️ Beltway also swears more than any other character in Operation Raccoon City
☠️ The original RE4 has more releases than any other Resident Evil game because of its success
☠️ The original RE4 was also planned to be a lot more survival horror based like it’s predecessors but the remake of the original RE didn’t sell as well as intended so the game was reworked to be more action based instead.
☠️ Crimson head zombies were also completely unique to the remake of Resident Evil and also make an appearance in Operation Raccoon City
☠️ Leon’s relationship with Helena is unique in the fact that neither of them are interested in each other and Leon instead views her as a protege because she reminds him of his younger self.
☠️ You cannot shoot the merchant in the RE4 Remake
☠️ During his time working at the Spencer Mansion, Wesker used to take long hikes around the Arklay Mountains
☠️ Mr X isn’t the only Tyrant of his type in fact multiple of him were released around Raccoon City and it’s also implied two separate Mr X’s are encountered during the story of the RE2 remake
☠️ Out of everything, crows are the most effective carriers and spreaders of the T-Virus
☠️ Hunk’s name is actually an acronym that stands for Human Unit Never Killed
☠️ Leon S Kennedy is the only playable character with a middle name, that being Scott (in fact he might be the only character in the franchise with one but don’t quote me on that)
☠️ Originally Leon’s hair was depicted as brown but was later changed to blond which it had stayed as until Vendetta made it brown again. His canon hair colour is usually agreed to be blond however.
☠️ Same goes for Chris’s eye colour which was originally blue (like Claire’s) until they changed it to brown and back to blue again in Village.
☠️ Birkin discovered the Golgotha Virus by accident while experimenting with Lisa Trevor. In the REmake you can see the G Virus tentacles on her back.
☠️ The brand of clothing and gear the Hound Wolf Squad use is a real brand you can buy exact replicas from for Airsoft called Volk Tactical Gear. There logo is printed on HWS weapons in game.
☠️ Ghosts were technically made canon in the Resident Evil universe thanks to 7 and 8 but seem to only relate to the Mold and Mutamycete (You see a ghost girl in 7’s demo/prequel and in 8 Shadow of Rose goes in depth with it)
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geddy-leesbian · 6 months
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With the US government denying all involvement in, and claiming to be completely unaware of, a very mysterious incident in Spain, it was up to Chris Redfield to pick through the ruins of Valdelobos and piece together what the hell happened and produce a report for the Spanish government. His first conclusion? Dr. Luis Serra, found unconscious but alive at the site, was responsible. The man was at the top of the BSAA's most wanted list due to his work for Umbrella, making him the most logical suspect. After a couple more clues and very little answers, Chris comes up with an excuse to "borrow" Leon Kennedy and secretly bring him into the BSAA's Valdelobos investigation. Leon agrees to help, insisting that Chris is wrong and Luis shouldn't be prosecuted for anything; not for Umbrella, nor for las plagas. Chris remains confident that Luis is guilty, believing Leon to be too naive and blinded by love to see the obvious. There's no way in hell Leon is going to let Luis spend even a day in a prison cell, not after all they've been through together and all Luis did to help Leon, so he gets to work clearing Luis's name. It's a daunting task, but one Leon must undertake because no one else will. Luis himself is incapacitated and unable to help, and Leon knows he feels enough guilt that he wouldn't help even if he could, believing he fully deserves any punishment the BSAA might throw at him. Leon will have to comb through BSAA files and archives related to Luis, and revisit Valdelobos itself, trying to piece together his whole tragic life story to prove Luis himself is a victim.
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
Regarding the Capcom Elections, someone on Resetera, showed all positions for RE characters & games:
Games: 1) Resident Evil 4 [2023] - 9,017 votes. 2) Resident Evil 4 - 7,134 votes. 3) Resident Evil 2 [2019] - 6,533 votes. 4) Resident Evil CODE: Veronica - 4,929 votes. 5) Resident Evil 2 - 4,301 votes. 6) Resident Evil - 3,448 votes. 7) Resident Evil 3 Nemesis - 2,678 votes. 8) Resident Evil 7 Biohazard - 1,761 votes. 9) Resident Evil 5 - 1,579 votes. 10) Resident Evil Village - 1,377 votes. 11) Resident Evil Outbreak - 829 votes. 12) Resident Evil 6 - 782 votes. 13) Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 - 557 votes. 14) Resident Evil 3 - 411 votes. 15) Resident Evil Directors Cut - 355 votes. 16) Resident Evil 0 - 276 votes. 17) Resident Evil Revelations - 259 votes. 18) Resident Evil Revelations 2 - 218 votes. 19) Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City - 95 votes. 20) Resident Evil Survivor CODE: Veronica - 61 votes. 21) Resident Evil Dead Aim - 50 votes. 22) Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles - 42 votes. 23) Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles - 35 votes. 24) Resident Evil Survivor - 32 votes. 25) Resident Evil Gaiden - 17 votes. 26) Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D - 14 votes. Characters: 1) Leon Scott Kennedy - 23,417 votes. 2) Jill Valentine - 9,399 votes. 3) Chris Redfield - 4,266 votes. 4) Claire Redfield - 3,926 votes. 5) Ada Wong - 3,023 votes. 6) Albert Wesker - 2,304 votes. 7) Ethan Winters - 1,053 votes. 8) Rebecca Chambers - 643 votes. 9) Hunk - 530 votes. 10) Ashley Graham - 473 votes. 11) Barry Burton - 359 votes. 12) Sheva Alomar - 254 votes. 13) Alcina Dimitrescu - 253 votes. 14) Zombie - 182 votes. 15) Piers Nivans - 130 votes. 16) Jake Muller - 122 votes. 17) Steve Burnside - 117 votes. 18) Luis Sera - 117 votes. 19) Billy Coen - 101 votes. 20) Tyrant - 94 votes. 21) Jack Krauser - 91 votes. 22) Sherry Birkin - 88 votes.
That's so fucked LMAO Mercs 3D was not that bad.
Men shouldn't be allowed to have opinions. My GOD.
Ashley outranking Luis, Lady D, Piers, and Billy is genuinely and legitimately shocking. I would not have seen that coming.
Oh how the mighty have fallen, re: Billy. He was once the most beloved one-off character in the series.
I'm sure he'll reclaim his throne after RE0make comes out, but wow.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
GoI: Neo Umbrella
Description: Neo Umbrella is a powerful crime syndicate that rose to power in 2012 but is believed to be slightly older. Though the Foundation actually knew of its existence back in 2000 thanks to the incident involving SCP-AAZ. Though regardless nothing could have prepared the Foundation for how dangerous and powerful the organization is. 
Neo Umbrella is comprised of Neo-Sarkites, Proto-Sarkites, Deserter Mekhanites, Rouge Scientists, Bio Terrorists, International Terrorists, Mercenaries, old employees of TRICELL and old employees of the Umbrella Corporation. They are a crime organization that continues the secret goals of the original Umbrella and TRICELL, that being making and selling Weaponized Viral Anomalies or WVA's for short. However, unlike the previous organizations they don't hide behind pharmaceutical companies. Though they are mostly within the veil of the anomalous world, they are upfront with their goals of using WVA's as weapons and product. 
Organization: Neo Umbrella seems to still function like a company despite not legally being one. The structure is not well known though the Foundation is aware of a top brass within the organization known as "The Board". The board seems to be act as a Counter to the Foundation's O5 Council and consists of an unknown number of members. Other than the Board there are the common researchers that work to create the WVA's, the anomalies and Mercenaries that act as soldiers for Neo Umbrella, and the sellers who have built a vast web of connections.
The Foundation is only able to confirm a few members to exist within Neo Umbrella though Foundation staff reading this should be aware that most are dead and those that are not can't be officially confirmed. 
The Red Queen - An Artificial Intelligence confirmed to have been active during Umbrella's time as a company and has been referenced by SCP-AAZ-2: 2000. One of two A.I. to exist within Umbrella the other being the White Queen which has yet to be found by the Foundation. 
Albert Wesker - Was supposed to be the founder of Neo Umbrella after he planned to betray TRICELL. Thankfully GOC agent Chris Redfield took him down by making sure he drowned within the lava of a volcano. He was born thanks to a project made by Umbrella's founder Oswald Spencer to create genetically altered kids that would be talented on all aspects. He also wanted these kids adopted by highly influential people so Umbrella would have inside influence. Instead, they were mostly adopted by families within the GOC and raised as researchers and soldiers within the organization. 
The projected failed with the GOC later killing most of them due to some developing insanity and others revealing their manipulative nature too quickly. Albert Wesker was one of the key survivors and got back with Umbrella to become a member of S.T.A.R.S. at Raccoon City, the location of umbrella's headquarters. He however betrayed them in the end and wanted to steal Oswald's idea of becoming the leader of a new world full of superhumans. He never got close, when he was killed but he did inspire his followers to create Neo Umbrella. As such he's more of a spiritual Founder.
George Francis Margarog - Neo Sarkite who was a high investor with Umbrella as well as a powerful customer of TRICELL. He was an ally and investor in Albert Wesker's plans and ended up becoming the true founder of Neo Umbrella. He and the clan he rules over, manages Neo Umbrella. This has naturally made him a member of the "The Board" meaning he is one of the members who has final say over everything. Only confirmed living and real member of Neo Umbrella's Board, high priority that must be caught and/or killed at all costs. 
Alex Wesker - A small time researcher and a fellow surviving child of Spencer's project. Tried to take over Neo Umbrella in the name of her brother by experimenting with SCP-AAY to create a newer and deadly strain that could buy the loyalty of all members. She failed and was killed on the island she worked. The Foundation only knew of its existence after her death, so nothing is concrete. 
Carla Radames - Board Member of Neo Umbrella though she joined only because of Derek C. Simmons. The two of them helped develop SCP-AFG and with that she gained a lot of influence within Neo Umbrella. However, when Derek C. Simmons rejected her even after altering herself to become Person of Interest: Ada Wong she went insane and decide to destroy the perfect world he wanted to create. She died due to over mutation with SCP-AFG infection and by the hand of the real Ada Wong. 
Derek C. Simmons - Political leader of Neo Umbrella as such he handled lawful management over the organization as a member of "The Board". He tried to use Neo Umbrella to increase his power and the power of his fraternity known as "The Family". He was infected with SCP-AFG by Carla Radames soldiers and thus became a WVA. Because of his loss of humanity, he was abandoned by "The Family" and therefore lost his position within Neo Umbrella. He was later killed by Person of Interest: Leon Kenedy. 
Lucas Baker - Originally a victim of SCP-AFZ having been turned into an SCP-AFZ-2 instance and having his unique ability being increased intelligence. He joined with the front organization "The Connections" that was used to shake off spies and hostile forces to Neo Umbrella form finding any leads to the original organization. He only made contact with the organization through a single agent that met him in the mines bellow the baker's house. 
He was given a vaccine that frees him of his mind control but allows him to keep his fast healing and vast intelligence. He was working with them to modify the mold and weaponize it for them but when he made his own SCP-AFZ-1 variants he cut ties with them all. He was later executed by Person of Interest: Chris Redfield. 
Brandon Bailey - High ranking member within Neo Umbrella and helped create the front identity known as "The Connections" to throw off the GOC. Was originally with Umbrella but left during its financial fall. Not much else is known about him or his status within Neo Umbrella. 
Mia Winters - Employee of false organization "The Connections". She was involved in the project that experimented with the mold eventually leading to SCP-AFZ's creation. She acted as a caretaker for SCP-AFZ which unfortunately led to SCP-AFZ seeing her as a mother and wanting to turn her into an SCP-AFZ-2 instance. She was only able to barely resist and most of the time had to harm herself in order to do so. Was eventually cured by Person of Interest: Ethan Winters and left the organization entirely. Is still regularly monitored by the Foundation regardless. 
Any other members recorded by the Foundation are usually just mercenaries or soldiers of their own private army. Though it's not uncommon for Neo Umbrella to kidnap civilians and use torture as well as utilizing WVA infection to turn them into soldiers of the organization. 
Purpose and Goals: Neo Umbrella is determined to rule the world form the shadows and when the time is right, unleash a WVA so powerful it will wipe out all of their enemies and only strengthen themselves as well as their allies. Their goal is quite similar to ordinary Neo Sarkite Clans apart from the fact that Neo Umbrella consists of multiple clans and also has other anomalous individuals as well. 
In order to ensure their goals are a success their temporary goal is to start a new arms race of WVA's. They'll create pathogens, mutants, and all sorts of abominations to sell to the highest bidder and then sell another variant to their enemies. Doing this will ensure the world is in so much chaos they won't be able to stop or even realize Neo Umbrella's goals until it's too late. Thankfully the Foundation and its allies within the ACPA have been successful in stopping this goal and therefore stopping their primary goal by default. 
Affiliation with the Foundation: The Foundation has always had hostile run in's with Sarkites and has led to the extinction of quite a few clans. Furthermore, the Foundation along with the Global Occult Coalition has brought down both its predecessors Umbrella and TRICELL. As such Neo Umbrella is naturally weary and extremely hostile to both organizations. The same goes for the rest of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance member organizations. 
Recent recruitment has been reported within Alexylva University and Deer College. Neo Umbrella also uses Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd. as an insurance provider. This for obvious reasons, has let to even more conflict with the GOC. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd and Neo Umbrella are actually really good business partners and certain MCD members are considered VIP customers for Neo Umbrella and vice versa. Shockingly Neo Umbrella is one of the organizations that regularly stole form Fazbear Entertainment when an establishment closed down and SCP-ADF were left on the loose. 
Gamers Against Weed greatly despise Neo Umbrella thinking of them as modern fascists and commonly make art that both make a point and act as living weapons against the organization. The Chicago Spectre, The Reliquary, Lobos del Inferno, The White Bloods, and shockingly even The Dark Dragons are uncommon by high paying customers of WVA's, and weapons created by Neo Umbrella. IJAMEA, Obskura Korps, The Fascist Council of the Occult are unfortunately considered VIP customers of Neo Umbrella. There are rumors that PENTAGRAM has bought some WVA's out of desperation, but nothing has been confirmed. 
Cobweb International is a regular customer of Neo Umbrella and its thanks to Neo Umbrella that they can now stand toe to toe against the Valravn Corporation. Shockingly the Children of the Scarlet King consider Neo Umbrella allies mainly due to the chaos that can be brought forward when Neo Umbrella unleashes its arsenal of WVA's on the world. There are celebrity and rich members of The Fifth Church and The New Church of the Fractured God who have WVA mutants as security or even pets. The Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones has recently been revealed to be one of their top customers.
 There are some Sarkites that see hope of reviving the Deathless Empire through Neo Umbrella, but others keep their distance thinking it's another empty promise. Parawatch has become a massive nuisance as its constantly trying to expose WVA's created by Neo Umbrella and its customers. The Foundation believes that Person of Interest: Claire Redfield is responsible for this but as she is under the GOC's protection there is no way to confirm or stop her from doing this. 
In the few times Neo Umbrella soldiers have infiltrated the Wanderer's Library they have taken members of Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea hostage to use in WVA experiments. It's because of their travels within the Wanderer's Library they have The Black Queen’s Insurgency, DER Föderation, and NSB-8 as interdimensional customers. The Seprent's Hand have tried to get rid of Neo Umbrella but have been overpowered by them almost every time. Because of the anomalous augmentations of some WVA's it is believed Neo Umbrella has some kind of connection with The Factory, but nothing has been confirmed. 
Involved with:
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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rallamajoop · 1 year
Lab Photos and Documents from Resident Evils 7 & 8
Near the end of both Resis 7 and 8, the player character gets to explore a laboratory full of significant documents and interesting photos, textured and angled such that it’s very hard to get a good screencap. So here’s a huge dump of all the relevant image assets I could find to extract from both game files (plus some rambling about everything that got recycled between them, because spot-the-reused-asset is still my favourite game right now).
Photos from Lucas' lab in Resident Evil 7
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The photo of Mia with Eveline in front of the tanker can be found at the end of the Mia video tape, though it also shows up again in Lucas' other lab in the Not A Hero DLC. That DLC also throws in a few new photos of Lucas' creations.
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And moving on a game...
Photos from Miranda's Lab in Resident Evil 8
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(Apologies for the long post above the cut, but tumblr doesn't seem to let you tile images below a 'Read more', unfortunately.)
What’s interesting is that most do seem to be legitimate photos of the characters’ real-life face models, not just renders of their 3D game models. Whether the human models themselves posed for these or whether their likeness was simply photoshopped onto scenes composed without them I haven’t been able to find out (though the latter seems more likely to me, given that most face models don't even seem to have known what character their likeness would be used for). Either way, there’s an eerie realism to these that doesn’t occur in many other parts of the game, and it’s effective in its own uncanny way.
Since both games refer to the same research at the same lab, it's probably reasonable that some of RE8 photos are just slightly-adjusted copies of those from RE7 ‒ those two shots of Eveline in the lab most obviously. And we're probably just supposed to politely ignore how obviously Miranda's just been selectively edited into that original pic of Eveline with the scientists. *cough*
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In fact, if you look closely, even that big group photo of Eveline with the research team and transport operatives has actually patched in both Mia and Eveline from that earlier photo of them standing in front of the tanker. In fact, Alan (Mia's partner in RE7) isn't even from a photo at all: that's a drawing from a piece concept art (no wonder they've got him standing at the back!) As a minor role who appeared in no photos in RE7, I assume they just didn't have any good shots of his face model available.
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I'm a little suspicious even Miranda's face in the group shot has been edited in from one of her other photos, but the match isn't quite perfect enough for me to be sure.
Even that photo of the needle going into the egg and the developing foetus isn't new: you can see the same needle shot in some of the RE7 documents, and even the foetus development series gets an angled scan-over in the RE7 ending sequence.
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Mind you, some of those "photos of Eveline" may actually not be Eveline herself ‒ text on them in the lab itself suggests they're photos of other members of the E-series, sacrificed during necrotoxin tests. Which makes it rather odd that the figure in the second photo is an adult man who looks nothing like Eveline, so I can only assume some wires got crossed somewhere in the dev team.
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(Also odd: the suggestion that there were multiple E-series subjects, some of whom were put down for experimental purposes, even though Eveline herself is labeled E-001. But let's not pretend RE lore has ever been super-consistent at the best of times.)
RE8's "lab photos" also include a couple of shots of a man in snow gear who's apparently Spencer of Umbrella-fame, presumably for all those fans who don't feel it's a proper Resident Evil game if there's not an Umbrella in it somewhere. They're both about as rough as that one piece of concept art of Alan, so I'm guessing whoever created them was about as invested in that topic as I am.
Somewhat more interesting to me are the two shots of Miranda with babies. The second obvious Eveline, but the first is presumably of Miranda with Eva, way back in 1920 or so ‒ demonstrating nothing so much much as that in a full 100 years, Miranda hasn't even slightly changed how she does her eyebrows. /s
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strawb3rrym1lkblog · 6 months
just downloaded the entire soundtrack for resident evil the umbrella chronicles, would anyone be willing to help me sort the files around and figure out what the actual english names should be and where they play?
here is a link to a google drive folder where i uploaded all of them, any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!
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