#responsive web design cost
craft-motors-zambia · 2 months
The ROI of Great Web Design: How a Smart Website Boosts Your Business
There's a secret weapon for boosting your online success... and it's not what you think! Discover the power of exceptional web design in our new eBook.
In today’s digital age, your website is your storefront to the world. But is it a thriving marketplace or a dusty forgotten corner? This ebook, written by Mwenya Chongo, CEO of Mukwood Digital Web Design Studio (registered in Zambia), dives deep into the power of well-crafted web design and how it directly impacts your business’s bottom line. Uncover the hidden potential of your website and…
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intorque · 18 days
10 Reasons Your Business Needs a Top Website Design Agency
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In the digital age, having a professional website is crucial for any business. It serves as your online storefront, providing potential customers with a first impression of your brand. The role of a website design agency is to craft a visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly website that meets your business needs. This article delves into ten compelling reasons why partnering with a top website design agency can significantly benefit your business.
Reason 1: Enhanced User Experience
User experience (UX) is a critical factor in the success of a website. A well-designed website ensures that visitors can easily navigate, find information, and complete desired actions, leading to higher satisfaction and conversion rates. Website design agencies specialize in creating intuitive interfaces and seamless user journeys. For instance, a case study of a retail website showed a 30% increase in sales after a professional UX overhaul.
Reason 2: Professional and Custom Design
A unique, professional web design sets your business apart from competitors. While templates can be a quick fix, they often lack the customization needed to reflect your brand’s identity. A website design agency provides bespoke solutions tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring a distinctive online presence. Examples of custom-designed websites demonstrate enhanced brand recognition and customer engagement.
Reason 3: SEO Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is integral to driving organic traffic to your website. Design agencies incorporate SEO best practices from the ground up, including proper site structure, meta tags, and keyword optimization. An SEO-optimized website ranks higher on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find your business. Studies show that businesses with SEO-focused websites see significant growth in traffic and leads.
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Reason 4: Mobile Responsiveness
With the surge in mobile internet usage, having a mobile-responsive website is no longer optional. A responsive design ensures that your website functions seamlessly across all devices, enhancing user experience and retention. Design agencies employ responsive design techniques to cater to mobile users, as evidenced by case studies where mobile-responsive websites saw a 50% increase in mobile traffic.
Reason 5: Faster Load Times
Website load time is a critical factor in user retention. Slow-loading websites can lead to high bounce rates and lost revenue. Website design agencies utilize various techniques, such as image optimization and efficient coding, to enhance load speeds. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can demonstrate the improvements made, with case studies showing reduced load times and increased user engagement.
Reason 6: Integration of the Latest Technologies
Staying abreast of the latest web design trends and technologies is vital for maintaining a competitive edge. Design agencies are adept at integrating advanced tools and features, such as chatbots, AI, and VR, to enhance functionality and user experience. Innovative websites employing these technologies often see increased interactivity and customer satisfaction.
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Reason 7: Security Enhancements
Website security is paramount in protecting sensitive information and maintaining customer trust. Design agencies implement robust security measures, including SSL certificates, regular updates, and secure coding practices. Case studies highlight how enhanced security measures have protected businesses from cyber threats and boosted their credibility.
Reason 8: Continuous Support and Maintenance
A website requires ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance and security. Design agencies offer continuous support services, including updates, backups, and troubleshooting. This ongoing maintenance prevents issues before they arise, ensuring a smooth user experience. Businesses that utilize these services benefit from reduced downtime and consistent website performance.
Reason 9: Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run
While the initial investment in professional web design may seem high, it proves cost-effective in the long run. Professional design minimizes the need for frequent redesigns and fixes, saving time and resources. The ROI of a professionally designed website is evident in increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and overall business growth.
Reason 10: Focus on Core Business Activities
By delegating web design to professionals, businesses can focus on their core activities without the distraction of managing a website. This delegation allows for better allocation of resources and improved business efficiency. Examples of businesses that have benefited from this approach show significant improvements in productivity and growth.
Partnering with a top website design agency offers numerous advantages, from enhanced user experience to long-term cost savings. These agencies provide the expertise and resources needed to create a high-performing, secure, and visually appealing website. Investing in professional web design allows businesses to focus on what they do best while reaping the benefits of a strong online presence. For businesses looking to thrive in the digital landscape, engaging a reputable website design agency is a strategic move.
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christyrdiaz · 1 year
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Website Redesign Cost
A redesign website cost will also vary depending on various factors. However, the most important is the development team you collaborate with because it demands technical expertise and sufficient experience.
Read Originally Published Blog: https://evincedev.com/blog/website-redesign-cost-factors-influence-price/
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Apple's business model made Chinese oppression inevitable
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A month ago, a wave of rare political protests swept China, centered on Beijing, where Premier Xi Jinping was consolidating his already-substantial power by claiming an unprecedented third term:
Protest organizers in China struggle with the serious legal and extrajudicial penalties for anti-government activities, backed by a sophisticated digital surveillance grid that monitors and blocks online communications that might challenge government authority.
Though this digital surveillance network is now primarily supplied and serviced by Chinese tech companies, it can't be separated from western tech companies. The first version of the Chinese digital surveillance grid was built by Cisco:
Tech companies like Yahoo went into China knowing that they'd have to censor the internet, and ultimately turned over their users' data to Chinese authorities, who subsequently arrested and tortured some of those users:
Google pulled out of China in 2010, after the Chinese government hacked and arrested Gmail users. But eight years later, Google was secretly working on Project Dragonfly, a censoring, surveilling search product designed for the Chinese market:
Apple plays a key ongoing role in Chinese state surveillance and oppression. Like most tech giants, Apple depends on access to low-waged Chinese factory workers with weak labor protections to hold down the wage bill for its manufacturing.
Apple also relies on selling phones and computers and services to the titanic Chinese middle class, a category that's loose enough that estimates of its size range from 350m to 700m - but even the lower figure is larger than the entire US population.
Apple's dual reliance on poor Chinese workers and rich Chinese consumers gives the Chinese state enormous leverage over the company. The Chinese government can order Apple to participate in its digital surveillance and dissent-suppression efforts and threaten the company with the loss of revenues and manufacturing if it balks.
But that's true of any western company that seeks to hold down costs and generate revenues through Chinese manufacturing and Chinese sales. What makes Apple uniquely vulnerable to Chinese state pressure is its business-model choices - choices that, ironically, are touted as a way to keep its users safe.
Apple's Ios platform is "curated." Ipads and Iphones ship locked to Apple's App Stores. Users aren't supposed to be able to install software unless it is delivered via the App Store. Apple describes this as a safety measure, a bulwark against the tricks that hackers and identity thieves use to lure users into installing malicious software.
But Apple also makes billions of dollars through this arrangement. The App Store is a chokepoint, and any software author who wants to sell an app to an Iphone owner can only do so if Apple approves of the transaction.
Apple can arbitrarily withhold this permission, if, say, it has a competing product and doesn't want to have to win out over a new market entrant in a fair fight.
Apple can also burden its competitors: if you want to sell media that competes with Apple Books, Apple Music or Apple Video, the company will charge you 15-30% on each sale, while its own offerings escape this charge.
That means that media stores that competes with Apple's own retail storefronts have to either charge more than Apple, or make less money, or not sell media via an app at all - instead, they have to implement a clunky two-step whereby customers buy their media on the web and they flip back to an app to download it.
Even when an app maker doesn't compete with Apple, Apple can turn it to its advantage: the company simply appropriates 15-30% of ever dollar that changes hands when Iphone owners buy software and media from app makers.
This is "feudal security." In a lawless realm of roving bandits, Apple offers us a high-walled fortress bristling with fierce infosec mercenaries who promise to defend us from the threats outside the walls. In return, Apple uses its control over the gateway to the outside world to extract a tax from everyone who brings us the things we need.
Apple has every incentive to make this fortress as impregnable as possible. From the lowest levels of its chip designs to its lobbying blitzes to criminalize jailbreaking devices, the company is fully committed to ensuring that Ios device owners can't make choices Apple disapproves of.
This is the source of China's extraordinary leverage over Apple. Apple can't afford to leave China, because that would mean losing manufacturing and customers. Because of this, the Chinese state can order Apple to take any measure that Apple is technically capable of delivering.
Because of its business-model choices, Apple has the technical capability to introduce defects in the apps on its customers' devices. It can order every software vendor in the App Store to break their privacy tools so that the Chinese government can spy on those customers.
If companies don't comply, Apple can simply block them from delivering software to Chinese users altogether. An absolutely foreseeable consequence of this product design is that the Chinese state will order Apple to neuter all the privacy tools available to Chinese Ios users, which is exactly what happened:
Apple offers cloud storage to its Ios users. Because Apple can't afford to anger the Chinese state, the Chinese state can order Apple to introduce defects into the encryption on its cloud servers so that Apple customers can be spied on by the Chinese government. That's also exactly what happened:
Apple's business-model decisions reduce the consequences for betraying its customers. If defects in Apple's cloud product come to light, it can simply order all the other cloud services in the App Store to introduce similar defects, on pain of being kicked out of the store.
Last month's Chinese protests were coordinated in part thanks to a novel technological tactic, one that made use of one of Apple's most innovative technologies: Airdrop. Airdrop is an ad hoc, peer-to-peer file transfer protocol that lets two nearby Ios users exchange files with one another without identifying themselves.
Anti-Xi organizers used Airdrop to exchange forbidden protest literature. Because these files travel directly between Ios devices, they weren't visible to the censors and spies who monitor other digital communications tools in China.
This use of Airdrop is a canonical example of the ways that digital technologies can be part of human rights struggles, giving people new tools that give them leverage over powerful state actors.
Right on schedule, the Chinese government has ordered Apple to break Airdrop so that it can't be used to organize protests, requiring users to opt into receiving files from strangers every ten minutes, rather than letting them set their devices to publicly visible until they are ready to turn it off:
Apple called this a "security update." It updates the security of the Chinese state from democratic accountability.
There's a strain of technology criticism that sees incidents like this as proof that digital tools have no place in human rights struggles, because they will always be turned against their users.
But no one forced Apple to launch its "curated computing" service, nor to design it so that its customers can't override it. Apple built a walled fortress in full knowledge that it might be called upon someday to turn that fortress into a prison.
The feigned outrage of tech companies when the weakenesses in their business-models are exploited by third parties is an obvious and shabby trick to deflect blame. Apple put the gun on the mantelpiece in Act I. It can't expect us to forgive it when Xi Jinping fires the gun in Act III.
Of course, this sin isn't unique to Apple. Google has designed a location-harvesting system that is impossible to opt out of, so that it can accumulate and sell access to a database of every movement of every person.
Having assembled this database, Google doesn't get to act surprised when cops show up with "geofenced reverse warrants" that demand the identity of every participant in a Black Lives Matter protest (or the January 6 riot):
Or take the scandal of Adobe customers' files being wrecked by the company's dispute with proprietary color system vendor Pantone. Pantone cancelled Adobe's license to use its technology and wants Adobe customers to spend $21/month to keep Pantone colors.
But this doesn't just affect files created after the Adobe/Pantone split. Due to Adobe's subscription-based business model, which requires customers to pay monthly for software as a service (SaaS), Pantone can demand that Adobe break all the existing files its customers have created.
If you created a Photoshop file with some Pantone colors 20 years ago, they are broken now, and forever, unless you start paying Pantone $21/month, because Adobe has altered its cloud software so that all Pantone-colored pixels are rendered in black.
I've been corresponding with an Adobe PR flack doing damage control after the Pantone scandal broke, and as far as I can tell, she wants me to "correct" my article to blame Pantone for this mess, because it has Adobe over a barrel.
But Adobe built that barrel. This hostage situation was a completely forseeable consequence of redesigning its products to treat its users like hostages. Pantone are greedy scum, but so are Adobe - and it was Adobe's greed that exposed its customers to Pantone's greed.
The point isn't that having your Photoshop files corrupted is the same as being kidnapped and tortured by Chinese police. But both Adobe and Apple - and every other tech giant - has decided that the rise of networked computing is an opportunity to exercise ongoing control over their customers. All of these companies knew that this ongoing control could be hijacked by hostile governments or corporations at any time, and they did it anyway.
They have no business acting surprised now. Apple isn't responsible for Chinese state oppression, but it is knowingly, explicitly complicit in it.
[Image ID: A Chinese revolutionary poster depicting a marching army of peasant soldiers. It has been altered so that a man at the front of the column is carrying an Ipad. The image is surmounted by Apple's 'Think Different' wordmark.]
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addicted-to-dc · 2 years
Jason Todd/Arkham Knight X AFAB!Reader - Ghosts (Final)
Warnings: Smut (18+), angst, swearing. Wrap it before you tap it, friends.
Word Count: 2.8k
Entangling yourself in the rafters of a warehouse, you watch from a distance as militiamen haul equipment from underground tunnels. You have to give it to the Knight, he has his ass covered when it comes to staying under the Bat’s radar.
You did as he requested, covering up every single loose end that would catch Batman’s eye. It scares you how quickly you changed over the course of six months, but you can’t blame yourself. The Arkham Knight left you alone after setting fire to your world. Unfortunate witnesses were disposed of without hesitation, your body was pushed beyond its limits, and your tech was further developed to ensure you would never lose your edge again. The Knight may have caught you in his web, but you will make sure that you survive.
His presence could be felt everywhere. The Knight left, but you know he has eyes and ears on you. It’s a risky choice to bring an unknown factor into his fragile plan. You’ve guarded his secrets, going so far as to manipulate Batman into avoiding any loose ends that could risk exposure. You’re sure that came at a cost, your anonymity crumbling as you put your ghostly status on the line for the sake of the Knight’s plan.
Huffing, you maneuver yourself towards the exit, sick of watching the militia filtering in like ants. Slipping out of the building, you move to the roof of the building and sigh. It’s a cold night. One that’s just the right temperature to sink its freezing claws right through your armor. An upgrade for some type of heater would be nice, but it would defeat the purpose of being uncomfortable in this uniform.
The design is similar to your previous ones, but it’s significantly more offensive. You can’t even remember how you survived like that, a nobody that relied on being unseen. That night 6 months ago scared the shit out of you, but you guess death staring you in the face shifted your priorities. You were just as unaware as Gotham is right now, oblivious to the bigger threat until it sideswipes you and everything you built yourself to be.
Your head twitches as you hear a quiet thud as someone lands behind you. You’re thankful that you gave yourself a 360 degree feed of your surroundings, or else you’d whip around cluelessly to see who it is. No, it’s not Batman, but it’s another presence that you’ve been dreading. You turn around.
He hasn’t changed one bit. Your heartbeat quickens as soon as you see him with your own eyes, his hulking figure growing closer and closer. It’s like a game of cat and mouse, and you’re sure he’s stalking towards you like you’re his prey. He closes the distance between you, the glowing eyes from his helmet burning into yours.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be here,” you say, glad that your helmet disguised the shakiness of your voice.
You lean back against the railing, holding eye contact as he leans forward. His armor clinks against yours. The biting cold disappears as his body heat spreads over you. A shiver threatens to crawl up your spine, but you manage to keep it at bay. Gods, he’s been gone for 6 months and you can’t even keep it together the second he’s back.
“I wanted to talk,” he states, his eyes moving out to look at the city. “There’s been a change in plans.”
You push yourself away from the railing, unsure how this conversation will continue, “Don’t tell me you’re cutting me out. I’ve done everything that you’ve asked without question.”
“And you will be rewarded for that,” he replies, turning to look at you, “but Batman is mine alone to face. I need you to do something else when everything goes down, something crucial.”
You fold your arms, the cold sinking its claws into you once again, “What’s so crucial to remove me from the fight? What has changed?”
“You,” he responds.
You tilt your head, unsure what response will follow.
“You sacrificed a lot to protect this,” he says, gesturing to the building below. “Batman is catching onto you, and I can’t risk connecting you to us. This fight is not worth your secrecy.”
“This fight,” you spit, “has become everything to me. You can’t-”
“I can't do what?” the Knight asks, stepping into your space once again.
You glare at him, “Batman is going to die, why are you so set on preventing something that won’t even matter? Getting cold feet?”
His hand immediately wraps around your throat, lifting you from the ground as he pulls you closer to his face. Your helmets knock together from the impact. Your arms move to push yourself away, free yourself from his grasp, but he doesn’t budge.
“Struck a nerve?” you choke out, “Good, we’re both feeling like shit.”
You struggle against his grip once again, your legs flailing to ruin his balance.  He slightly struggles to keep you close, allowing you to stand. His hands remain fastened to your neck, yet his grip loosens. The cold weather is long forgotten as your heart beats too damn fast. You can’t help but chuckle, your feelings mixed as he ignites something in you. It’s the spark that he stole from you six months ago.
The endless void that consumed you all these months is finally satiated as soon as he presses the release on his helmet, the mask lifting up to reveal that face that’s taunted you in your dreams. Your helm is next, the cold air burning against your heated face.
You finally allow yourself to see him as Jason, not the Arkham Knight. His sunken, but fiery eyes take you in. His spare hand slowly travels down your back, pushing you against him. A slight gasp escapes your mouth, your eyes wandering all over his face for some type of hint at what he’s planning to do with you. He angles your head, almost as if he’s considering snapping your neck, but he leans in and forcefully molds his lips to yours.
Your eyes flutter as the months of tension finally melt away, your hands grasping the edges of his armor plating as if it’s your lifeline. The hand around your neck slips away, moving to stabilize your back. Jason pulls you even closer, nearly crushing whatever air supply you have left.
You’re the one to pull away, staring into his eyes as your hand moves to grasp his chin, “What do you want, Jason?”
“You,” he responds, your helmets knocking together as he tries to kiss you again. “It’s always been you.”
Leaning forward, you scrape your helm against his, “You’re going to have to try and get me first.”
Sweeping underneath his legs, Jason falls to the ground as you run for the railing. You flip over it, closing your faceplate as you fall. Aiming your grappling hook, you gracefully use your momentum to launch yourself towards your nearest safe house. You run across the side of the building as you aim once again, flipping onto the nearest rooftop.
Maybe it was a little childish to run away like that, but the look on his face made it worth it. Jason will catch you, you’ll make sure of it, but you want to make him work for it. Laughing, you take the most complicated route you can muster, taking so many twists and turns it nearly confuses you. Your display warns you he’s close, following close behind. He’s almost as terrifying as the night that you first encountered him, but this isn’t the Arkham Knight chasing you. Jason Todd is many things, but he’s not a patient man.
You silently sprint over Gotham citizens that have no clue what’s about to happen, just going about their daily lives as more weapons and men are brought in by the day.
Once you’ve finally reached your destination, you input a command. Your window slides open, allowing you to slip right in without breaking the damned thing. Out of breath, you keep the lights off and wait for him to enter the room. He’s only a few seconds behind you and nearly breaks the window to get in. Without hesitation he tears his helmet off and tosses it onto a nearby chair.
You do the same as he stalks towards you, knocking it out of your hand as he forces you into the wall behind you. He traps you, pushing his hips forward to press you further into the wall. You curse your armor for its padding, barely feeling a thing as one of his knees slips between your legs. Both of your armor plating scrapes against the other as he finally yanks you in for a kiss. You’re both hungry for each other, finally giving in to the feelings that were buried for half a goddamned year.
“Ja-ay,” you stutter out, gasping as he pins your arms to the wall with one hand.
He glances at the gauntlets on your forearms, allowing one of your arms to escape from his grasp.
“Take it off,” he commands.
His voice makes you shiver, the vibrations running straight to your core. Your fingers reach over to the gauntlet still entrapped in his grasp. You shakily input the code, sighing in relief as your suit unlocks itself. Jason releases your arm.
Your suit loosens around you, your gauntlets and boots whirring open as they unclamp themselves from you. Removing your gloves, you finally place your unclothed hands onto his face. Your fingernails scrape against his face until they’re embedded into his hair. He grunts as he tosses away any stubborn hardware that refuses to fall to the floor. Jason pushes your hands away from him, finally allowing your bodysuit to fall from your frame.
Jason steps back and takes you in, his eyes nearly black as they devour the image of you. You’re left with your binder and underwear, your body exposed to him. He takes a few steps back and sits on your lounge chair.
“Come here,” Jason growls, leaning back into the chair.
You kick off your boots and step out of your suit, slowly stepping towards him. He removes his gloves and tosses them to the side, finally revealing those damn hands that he can’t keep off of you. The veins are visible even from a few feet away, driving you insane. Jason then removes his upper armor, finally letting you see him.
Once you finally get close enough, he pulls you onto his thigh. His thigh holsters drag deliciously across your clit, forcing a gasp out of you. Jason’s fingers dig into your hips, keeping you still. Huffing, you lean forward and dig your hands into his black hair. You let your hands roam as you explore his mouth, breathing heavily as he finally breaks.
Jason grabs your leg and pulls you closer, rutting into you as your teeth clink together. His hands roam your body, tracing each visible scar you’ve accumulated as the Ghost of Gotham. You’re stuck in the light from the window while Jason remains in the shadows, his figure hidden from you.
“You’re pretty bold for someone who’s benching me,” you bite out, moaning as his attention moves to your throat.
He scrapes his teeth against your pulse point, holding you still as his tongue explores your skin, “You’re talkative for a dead woman.”
A laugh escapes your throat, but it soon morphs into a gasp as he finally allows you to grind down on him.
“You need me,” you whisper, your voice wavering as he guides your hips across his bulge. “You’re just too afraid to let me slip between your fingers.”
“Why would I allow that?” Jason asks, pushing himself from the chair and taking you with him. “When I could keep you all to myself? Bedroom?”
“Door to the right,” you respond, wrapping yourself around him tightly as he maneuvers through your safehouse.
He kicks the door open, most likely splintering the wood, but you can’t even give a damn. You’re shoved against the bed, each kiss growing messier and messier until he rips your binder off of you. Your underwear is next as he cuts the fabric with his knife.
You shiver at the cold metal touching your heated skin. Jason drags the blade up, moving from your hips all the way up to your throat. You quiver as the knife stops at your throat, as if he’s considering embedding the metal into your flesh.
“I should kill you for what you said,” he whispers, slamming the knife in the nightstand beside the bed.
“You won’t,” you retort, gasping as his fingers slide into you without warning. “Fuck, you n-need me.”
You stubbornly hold back any noises that threaten to escape your throat. His fingers drag deliciously across your walls, forcing your hand to shoot out and grip his shoulder.
“Tell me you’re going to listen,” he orders, leaning forward to bite the column of your throat. “That you’ll leave Batman to me.”
“Fuck, why would you want to face him without me?” you ask, your voice wavering as he marks your neck.
“That’s not what I asked you to answer,” Jason says darkly, pulling his fingers away from you.
“Tell me why and I’ll consider it,” you snark back, your stubbornness wavering as he unbuckles his belt.
Jason doesn’t answer, only pushing down his tactical pants and boxers before kicking them aside as an answer. He leans forward, stealing another kiss from you before pushing you back into the bed. Without warning, he rolls you over so he’s beneath you. You stabilize yourself and look down on him, his intentions unclear.
“After everything I’ve done for you,” Jason tuts, lifting you hips up before sinking you down on his cock. “I’d expect you to be thankful.”
“What have you done for m-”
He pulls your hips down, forcing you to take him in one thrust. Your mind goes fuzzy, unable to compute anything as a loud moan finally escapes from you. He stays there, watching your resolve fall apart with a smirk. “There’s my thank you,” he chuckles, waiting for you to recollect your thoughts.
His fingers circle around your clit, making your recovery much more difficult. Your body betrays you as your hips start to move, grinding down on him as you finally adjust to his size.
You look down at him, watching every little change his face makes whenever you moved. He’s doing the same, his grip tightening on your hips. You’re sure that there will be bruises all over you by the time the two of you are done. Knowing that it’ll only get you in more trouble to be a brat to him, you lean down and adjust your hand placement.
Jason’s hands abandon your hips to spread your legs even further apart, forcing you to start bouncing on his cock. His hands are back onto your hips, reinforcing each thrust with his own. The two of you set a brutal pace, taking whatever you could from the other until you couldn’t stand it. You’re sure that you’ll have divots where his hands grip onto you.
“Tell me you’re going to obey your orders,” Jason says, abandoning his grip on your waist.
His hands slide up, weaving around your back to pull you closer. He controls the pace from there, dragging it out torturously until you break.
“I’ll obey,” you relent, your climax growing closer and closer as he takes in your answer. “Just- please!”
You melt in his arms as he takes control, thrusting into you like it’s his fucking job. One hand slips up and guides your face to look at him. He watches as you fall apart because of him, how quick your breathing becomes, and how many walls you let fall for the sake of him.
Every little sound and movement you make spurs him on even more, slamming into you at a bruising rate until you finally came. Jason fucks you through it, keeping your shaking form as still as he can until he freezes. He ruts into you as his heavy breathing melds with yours.
He lets you go slack against him and rests his arms over your back. You sigh, closing your eyes. Jason begins ghosting his fingers over your skin, slowly tracing each of your scars. He stops when he traces over a ‘J’ in the upper center of your back. He immediately tenses.
“He got to you, too?” Jason whispers, his grip around you tightens.
You move your hand to his, moving his fingers away from the scar, “Not now, Jason, just… just stay like this for awhile.”
His hands move away, and he sighs, “Okay.”
You relax against him, exhaustion taking over as he continues to trace over the rest of your scars. The knife on the bedstand is all you can focus on, falling asleep to the metal decorated with your blood.
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Browsing the World Wide Web
Browsing the World Wide Web
One of my favorite passions is creating/finding ways to navigate the web that are healthy, authentic, and fun! Here are some resources I use to guide my internet usage. Some language has been slightly adapted for tone and accessibility. For more in-depth reading, follow the links! (taken with permission from https://yair.garden/browsing). Shared Ideals
MelonKing has an excellent list of shared ideals which I try to keep in mind as I browse the web. It's a great starting point!
Creativity is First: We see the ability to design, decorate, and graffiti digital spaces as essential and powerful.
The Internet is Fun: We want the Web to be a playground that's free to explore and enjoy.
Corporations are Boring: We are tired of the monetization, data abuse, and endless breaches of trust in corporate culture.
The Web is Friendly: We believe the Web should be friendly and supportive; caring is a radical act.
Right to Repair: We value the freedom to make, break, and repair our stuff - tinkering is a form of debate and protest.
One World Wide Web: We want free open knowledge and global connectivity, without paywalls, bubbles, or borders.
Chaotic Effort: We believe that value comes from the time and effort put into projects they love for no reason other than love.
No to Web3: In many (but not all) situations, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, unfairly trained AIs, and buzzword tech are unwelcome and uncool.
Manifesto for a New Web
The YesterWeb is an organization seeking to progressively transform internet culture and beyond. After two years, they created three core commitments and three social behavior guidelines to benefit everyone.
A commitment to social responsibility and partisanship.
A commitment to collective well-being and personal growth.
A commitment to rehumanizing social relations and reversing social alienation.
50 additional manifestos can be found here Social Etiquette
Engage in good faith.
Engage in constructive conflict.
Be mindful of participating in a shared, public space.
Why say no to Web 3.0?
One of the shared ideas of our community of web surfers is to push back against "Web 3.0". Here's why:
It's driven by predatory marketing tactics.
It requires complex technological and financial knowledge to fully understand.
It is actively harming the environment.
It caters to early adopters and whales.
It profits off artificial scarcity.
Investors are banking on Web3, and they really don't want to be wrong.
Personalized Web Surfing Guide
Make your web surfing personal and adventurous, away from corporate influences. Here's a simple guide for a unique browsing experience.
Configure your browser
Remove Ads and Clean up Privacy:
Ublock Origin for removing ads
ClearURLs for removing tracking elements from URLs
SponsorBlock for skipping sponsorships on YouTube
Make it a Safer Space:
ShinigamiEyes for highlighting transphobic/anti-LGBTQ sites
TriggerRemover for removing trigger-inducing content from pages
Clean up UI for Beauty and Minimalism:
CleanerReads for a muted Goodreads experience
Minimal; for a minimal and less attention-grabbing internet
Bonuses for a Cool Experience:
Library Extension: Check book availability at local libraries
Translate Web Pages: Translate pages in real-time
Return YouTube Dislike: Bring back the YouTube dislike feature
How to Browse and Surf the Web
Explore Beyond Corporate Sites: While the internet is vast, the majority of users only see a small fraction dominated by large corporate sites. These sites often prioritize shock value and extreme content, overshadowing the richness of the wider web. Explore alternative avenues to discover the internet's diversity.
Search Engines: Avoid corporate search engines like Google. Instead, consider using alternatives like Kagi, which focuses on privacy and doesn't sell your data. While it costs around $10/month, Kagi offers a diverse mix of web content, making it a worthwhile investment for varied search results. Other niche or non-commercial search engines can also provide unique content. While they may not be sustainable for daily use, they're great for discovering new sites. Find them here.
Webrings: Webrings are collections of websites united by a common theme or topic. They offer a unique way to explore sites created by real people, spanning a wide range of interests. Here are some of my favorite webrings:
Hotline Webring
Retro Webring
Low Tech Webring
Geek Webring
Soft Heart Clinic Mental Health Circle ...and here are some list of webring databases to explore!
Curated List of 64 Webrings
Neocities Webrings
Curated List of Active Webrings
Comprehensive List of 210 Webrings
Cliques/Fanlistings Web Cliques/Cliques are groups which you can join usually if you fulfill a certain task such as choosing an animal or listing your astrological sign. Fanlistings do the same for fans of various topics! You can then be linked on the clique's/fan group's site for further website discovery! Here are some web clique directories:
Project Clique
Fanlistings Network
5. Link Directories
Many sites have smaller link directories of buttons where you can find sites that they are "mutuals" (both creators follow each other) and "friends/neighbors" — sites they follow. It's a great way to build community. There are also larger link directories of sites which someone finds cool, and it's a great way to intentionally explore the web. Here are some of my favorites:
SadGrl Links
Melonland Surf Club
Neocities Sites
Though there are many more! 6. Random Site Generators
Finally, there are random site generators which allow you to randomly stumble upon websites. While not very practical, they are a lot of fun and offer a unique way to discover new corners of the web.
A list can be found here
What now?
The next question you have is probably how can you become an active member/contribute in this world of the underground web? I unfortunately don't have the energy to write a guide right now but it will come soon! In broad strokes, consider making a site on Neocities. If you do make a site, remember to include a robots.txt file to get AI and bots out of there and don't forget to rate your site so we can know who it's for. If you'd like to transition off social media I recommend an RSS Reader such as the one at 32bit.cafe or on Fraidycat (guide on this to come soon as well!). For your twitter-fix you can always post a status at Status Cafe and your mood at imood. There is a whole world out there full of passionate and friendly people who are ready to reclaim the web. Excited to see you there!
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apptechbuilders · 11 months
Affordable Web Application Development Company: Turning Ideas into Digital Solutions
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In today's digital era, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. A well-designed and functional website or web application can significantly enhance a company's brand image, improve customer engagement, and drive business growth. However, the cost of web development can be a major concern for many organizations, especially startups and small businesses.
Fortunately, there are affordable web application development companies that specialize in providing cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. These companies understand the unique challenges faced by budget-conscious clients and strive to deliver tailored web applications that meet their specific needs while keeping the costs in check.
The Benefits of Choosing an Affordable Web Application Development Company
1. Cost-Effective Solutions: The primary advantage of partnering with an affordable web application development company is the significant cost savings. These companies often have streamlined processes, efficient development methodologies, and experienced teams that can deliver high-quality solutions at a fraction of the cost compared to larger agencies.
2. Customized Approach: Despite offering affordable services, these companies focus on providing customized solutions. They take the time to understand their clients' unique requirements, business goals, and target audience. By tailoring the web application to specific needs, they ensure that every feature and functionality is purpose-built, leading to improved user experiences and higher customer satisfaction.
3. Expertise and Experience: Although affordable web development companies may have smaller teams, they are typically composed of skilled professionals with extensive experience in web application development. These experts possess a deep understanding of the latest technologies, frameworks, and trends, allowing them to build robust and scalable solutions that align with industry standards.
4. Timely Delivery: Meeting deadlines is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment. Affordable web application development companies understand the importance of timely project delivery. They employ efficient project management techniques, maintain open lines of communication with clients, and work diligently to ensure that projects are completed within the agreed-upon timeframe.
Choosing the Right Affordable Web Application Development Company
When selecting an affordable web application development company, it's important to consider a few key factors:
1. Portfolio and Expertise: Evaluate the company's portfolio to gauge their proficiency and versatility. Look for projects similar to your requirements and assess the quality of their work. Additionally, consider the technologies and frameworks they specialize in to ensure they align with your project needs.
2. Client Reviews and Testimonials: Read client reviews and testimonials to gain insights into their past experiences. Pay attention to the company's ability to communicate, handle challenges, and deliver on promises. Positive feedback and testimonials are indications of a reliable and trustworthy partner.
3. Communication and Support: Clear and effective communication is vital for successful collaboration. Ensure that the company has a responsive communication channel and is readily available to address your queries and concerns. A dedicated project manager or point of contact can significantly streamline the development process.
4. Scalability and Future Growth: Consider the long-term potential of the web application development company. Assess their scalability, ability to handle increasing demands, and provide ongoing support and maintenance. A reliable partner should be able to grow with your business and accommodate future enhancements and updates.
An affordable web application development company can be the ideal partner for businesses seeking cost-effective yet high-quality web solutions. By leveraging their expertise, customization capabilities, and efficient processes, these companies help transform ideas into functional and engaging web applications. However, it is essential to carefully evaluate potential partners based on their portfolio, expertise, client reviews, communication channels, and scalability to ensure a successful and fruitful collaboration. With the right partner by your side, you can unlock the potential of the digital landscape and drive your business forward.
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loneberry · 1 year
Interview on AI / Tech / Poetry / Labor
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My writer friend Christopher Soto is interviewing me for a piece on poetry, AI, creative writing, and labor. Most of this is going to be cut, so why not post the first draft here?
CS: Recently we went on a hike and were talking about the intersection of literary production and artificial intelligence. You described us as part of “the last generation to experience raw human emotion,” can you elaborate on this idea?
JW: Let me clarify that remark. We’ve been cyborgs and pharmacological hybrids for a long time. I don’t think there’s something like an ideal state of authentic humanness, nor do I think that humanness is better than non-humanness. What I’m referring to is the saturation of distractions, which for me reached a crisis point during the pandemic, when my existence was almost entirely mediated by the internet. Just before the pandemic I had ditched my smartphone for almost a year, but got back on it during quarantine since I was always connected anyway. I became palpably aware of how the very rhythm of my being is regulated by technology designed—using behavioral science research—to be addictive by high-jacking the dopamine reward system. I think people dramatically overstate their “will” and “agency” in relation to technology. 
Being hyper-connected made me feel my emotional life was becoming increasingly shallow, that I was just being numbly-entertained-toward-death, and pharmacologically adjusted to serenely endure this horrific existential condition while the world literally burns. As a poet, I find it very disturbing. For me, being a poet is not necessarily about the production of poetry, but about the training of a certain kind of consciousness: the dilation of perception and emotional states, the sensitization of one’s antennae, the tuning of one’s soul for a greater awareness of the mystery of existence, its splendors and absurdities. 
CS: We have talked about literary production becoming a collaboration with artificial intelligence, so that the writers of tomorrow will essentially be prompt makers and editors, which input prompts into AI and then edit creative works based on the responses provided. What do you think this would mean for the future of literary culture and cultural production? 
JW: I think we could soon reach a point where certain types of writing (screenwriting, journalism, newsletters, web content production) and certain para-literary activities (editing, proofreading, researching) could be fully or partially automated. Some say that the new job that will be created as a result of generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT will be “prompt writer.” There may come a day when plot-driven commercial fiction is written by AI with the help of prompt writers. 
A lot of writers economically support their literary practice through various forms of commercial writing and editing—some of those jobs might disappear. In recent decades, it’s already gotten so difficult to survive economically as a writer. At the same time, it’s gotten hard to survive in general, given how obscenely high rent is these days. You can’t just scrape by on almost nothing and hope it works out at the end of the month by frantically combing your couch cushions and the pockets of dirty jeans for loose change and cash. You need good credit to even rent a place! On a societal level, art suffers when subsistence costs are high—it becomes more commercially driven, and artists become more “professionalized.”  
CS: Do you think that AI will just stay as a mechanism that will help facilitate human writing of poetry but never become “the artist”? I anticipate there will be a shrinking in the distinctions between “the artist” and “the editor.”
JW: I’ve already heard of writers and students using AI to help edit and develop their work, or generate ideas. But I don’t really trust the aesthetic judgment of ChatGPT, ha! 
CS: I’m excited to see the mechanics of literary production transform. You are a bit more hesitant, why so? Are there any AI attempts at literature, which you’ve seen already, that feel particularly noteworthy?
JW: Maybe on some deep level I’m a basic bitch who has a sentimental attachment to the way “writing” has been done for nearly 5,500 years. From cuneiform clay tablets to computer keyboards, the writing process has actually changed very little for thousands of years. It was probably ripe for disruption. But I’m ultimately disturbed by the collective effect it will have on language use—the move toward a statistical norm and the treatment of language as purely informational. I had already started to fret about this when Gmail started autocompleting my emails. (ChatGPT is basically a sophisticated auto-complete that convincingly mimics understanding. This is why it “hallucinates” made-up citations and rattles off fake facts.)
Will the weird, jagged, irregular effusions of language gradually be purged as we drift toward the statistical average? I don’t know, maybe I think of it as something akin to language eugenics. Perhaps I’m hopelessly modernist in my view that language is not about transmitting information or even advancing a plot, but the wayward movement of a thought: the sentence as a technology of consciousness, with its serpentine twists and turns, perverse digressions, and rhythmic pulsations.
I’ve seen AI being used in the conceptual writing and art world for a while now. Some of it is cool and novel in a “party trick” kind of way (like the Twitter poetry bots I followed when I used to use Twitter), but I’ve yet to encounter AI work that I’ve been enamored with. I don’t doubt that AI will (very) soon be able to produce really impressive work,  and that’s partly because it’s parasitic on past human creativity insofar as it’s trained on vast reams of linguistic data generated by humans. 
CS: Can emotion or spontaneity ever be captured by an algorithm? Is there any way in which AI is like the subconscious (making connections between unrelated concepts, juxtaposing words in a way that pleases the ear and mind, using knowledge in unforeseen ways)?
JW: The AI can convincingly mimic emotion. Tell ChatGPT about your problems and you will feel like it really cares, like it’s really listening to you, just like you might feel when you are personally addressed—are interpolated—by the language of advertising written in a voice of concern or understanding.
For nearly a century, artists have used aleatory methods to make connections and generate juxtapositions that get us beyond the limits of human consciousness, whether it’s the surrealist exquisite corpse practice, William S. Burroughs’s cut-up method, or John Cage’s use of the I Ching and other chance methods in his music compositions. AI could certainly be deployed to such ends. Yet LLMs like ChatGPT are designed to be “predictable” in the same way that autocomplete uses probabilities to predict the next word. I think unlocking a weirder side of AI might involve finding ways to break or fuck with it so it doesn’t just generate the mediocrity of the average.
CS: Do you think collaborations between literary artists with artificial intelligence will create a new economy of poetry in the English speaking United States or will it fall into and transform one of the currently existing poetry economies (academia, spoken word, insta poetry)?
JW: How many poets do you know who can support themselves on their poetry alone? I think I know zero. (Maybe Lisa Robertson could count?) Mostly, I know poets who teach in the academy, poets who do astrology, poets who work as editors at publishing houses, poets who have office day jobs, etc. I don’t think AI will change that. Maybe generative AI will create a glut of language that will make poets even more superfluous, ha!
CS: At large, poetry isn’t very lucrative but this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t impact people’s livelihoods still. Why do you think it is important to think specifically about the intersection of poetry and AI?
JW: The thing I love about poetry is its uselessness, the way it is, with a few exceptions, superfluous to capital, difficult to commodify, gratuitous in its insistence on avowing that which has been marked valueless by our hyper-commercial culture. When I think of Sapphic lyrics or Homeric epics, I am reminded that poets once occupied a quite prominent social position, as keepers of history or ceremonial performers. In a culture oriented almost exclusively around lucre, there’s not really a place for poetry. At a dinner party recently I tried to explain “what I do” to entrepreneurs and realized I came across as “quaint,” that what I do will always register as doing nothing to those who use money as a metric to measure the value of a particular activity. Yet at the same time, the intense pressure to perform in our brutally competitive society has generated a hunger for poetry—poetry as a space to preserve the incalculable and restore the part of us that has been destroyed by the soul-crushing dictates of capital. 
On a conceptual level, it’s interesting that the things that make poetry so “difficult” and inaccessible to some people—it’s ambiguity, lack of clearness of meaning, context dependency, and attention to the non-semantic register of signification—is also what has made language such a tricky problem for AI developers. Language isn’t simply a system of rules, which is why the statistical approach beat the linguistic rules-based approach in the natural language processing wars.
CS: What would you consider the start of collaborations between artificial intelligence and poets? I’m thinking about Rupi Kaurs using instapoetry as a closed form that is responsive to algorithmic metrics. By responding to the algorithms that make her poetry go viral, she is in effect collaborating with AI, right? I’m also thinking of Kien Liam’s book “Extinction Theory” that was written with the help of search engine responses. Maybe this depends on our definition of artificial intelligence?
JW: I suppose we’re always collaborating with technology. Since I’ve written most of my works longhand (my first draft of Carceral Capitalism was written on index cards), I often think about how the technology of the computer actually changes the texture of my thinking. Technology can also shape the “form” of writing—think of the way that the character limit of Twitter encodes a particular form. We’ve certainly reached a point where writers are not simply “responding” to AI, but AI is directly shaping the written work.
CS: Do you think AI will influence some literary genres more than others and why? I’m thinking commercial genres like popular non-fiction might be the first to change.
JW: I think writing that is informational (popular non-fiction) or plot-driven is ripe for automation. I don’t know why, but whenever I ask ChatGPT to write poetry or imitate the style of a writer with an idiosyncratic style (Virginia Woolf, W. G. Sebald), the results are atrocious. I’m sure it will improve quickly, though. 
CS: The Writers Guild of America is currently about to strike, in part over how to renegotiate the use of AI in Hollywood. As a scholar of carceral studies, what do you think is an ethical approach to understanding intellectual property and the likeness of an artist, in the era of AI?
JW: Since I’m fundamentally against private property, I’m against intellectual property as well. Yet AI developers use the “fair use” paradigm to claim they are justified in training their systems on copyrighted works. In my ideal world, we would not need to commodify our works in order to eat, but since we live in a market society, we must pay attention to the question of how writers are going to be able to put food on the table. The fact that generative AI is parasitic on the entire archive of human creativity is fundamentally a labor problem. Should AI be allowed to imitate living writers and artists, and will the imitations be commercialized at the expense of living creators? The legal architecture undergirding generative AI hasn’t been worked out yet, but I’m ultimately in favor of enshrining strong labor protections for living creators.
CS: How is AI going to redefine certain concepts, like originality and plagiarism? I think we have already seen some examples of this in the music industry, such as the AI generated songs using the voice of musicians like Drake. In poetry might it look like someone asking AI to create poems in Shakespearean sonnets but with the vernacular of lets say, Maya Angelou?
JW: The voice imitation software trips me out. I started doing research on voice surveillance in early 2019 and tested out some voice mimicking technology then. It was terrible. Now, it can replicate someone’s voice with uncanny accuracy. The technology is evolving so rapidly. 
I don’t feel particularly attached to an idea of originality. Mixing, collaging, generating new things by constellating old things—it’s all part of the creative churn. I love it when art circulates and mixes in a way that is wild and free. But the question of how artists will support themselves when technology enables endless, free replicability is a question that needs to be addressed. 
CS: This opens up the conversation of racial appropriation (and digital Black face) via AI. The literary world has a history of racial imposters. What might this look like when intersecting with AI?
JW: Since AI is ultimately a mimicry-machine, I think this is certainly a risk. I can imagine an author asking ChatGPT to rewrite a chunk of dialogue in, say, Black Vernacular English. (Although as someone who is opposed to the ownership model of culture and in favor of hybridity, I have complicated views on the idea of cultural appropriation in general.)
CS: How do you think the literary community, specifically the awards part of the community, might react if they discover that a writer has been generating their books in collaboration with AI?
JW: I think if it’s done covertly they will treat it as plagiarism rather than collaboration. Done overtly, it becomes a way to market a book. (Though I think the “AI book” is old-hat at this point.)
CS: In closing, are there any parallels that you see between what is happening now and the industrial revolution? I am thinking about the automation of labor and whether AI can help lead us to universal basic income, a post-work economy, or at least a reduced work week?
JW: There are definitely parallels with the industrial revolution, which put our species on this path of ever-accelerating accumulation (well, some say it all began with the Agricultural Revolution, though David Wengrow and David Graeber critique the agricultural theory of social inequality in The Dawn of Everything). Without a doubt, LLMs and generative AI will profoundly reshape the economy, leading some industries to collapse completely (the education technology company Chegg was the first to crash) while others are transformed—that tendency toward creative destruction is an inherent feature of capitalism. Generative AI will make humans more “efficient” and “productive.” But what is all this efficiency for? Technology has been evolving at breakneck speed since the industrial revolution and we are still working just as long and hard. Efficiency has become our bondage. Once the logic of accumulation enters the bloodstream, it seems hard to stop, partly because accumulation is bottomless (until we hit a hard ecological limit) and feeds on itself. As the Austrian writer Robert Musil wrote in The Man Without Qualities, “We have gained reality and lost dream. No more lounging under a tree and peering at the sky between one’s big and second toes; there’s work to be done. To be efficient, one cannot be hungry and dreamy but must eat steak and keep moving. It is exactly as though the old, inefficient breed of humanity had fallen asleep on an anthill and found, when the new breed awoke, that the ants had crept into its bloodstream, making it move frantically ever since, unable to shake off that rotten feeling of antlike industry.” 
I wish writers could just sit around and be dreamy instead of having to eat steak and keep moving. I do hope we one day arrive at a post-work society. It makes me sad to think that we’ve tacitly accepted a system where we spend our lives toiling for the profit generation of the ownership class, squandering our short, precious life on this planet. 
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marketingmaihul · 2 months
What is SEO ?
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a set of practices and strategies aimed at improving a website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The primary goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website by optimizing various elements, making it more relevant to search engine algorithms and user queries.
Key Components of SEO:
Keywords: Keyword Research: Identify and target relevant keywords that potential users are likely to search for. Understanding user intent is crucial for selecting the right keywords.
On-Page Optimization: Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Craft compelling and relevant title tags and meta descriptions for each page to encourage clicks from search engine results pages (SERPs). Header Tags (H1, H2, etc.): Structure content using header tags to make it more readable for both users and search engines. Keyword Placement: Place keywords strategically within content, headers, and meta tags for better relevance.
Content Quality:High- Quality Content: Create informative, valuable, and engaging content that addresses user queries. Search engines prioritize content that provides value to users. Fresh and Updated Content: Regularly update and add new content to keep the website relevant and appealing to both users and search engines.
Backlinks: Link Building: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites. Backlinks are a key factor in search engine algorithms and contribute to a website's authority.
Technical SEO: Site Structure: Ensure a well-organized and easily navigable site structure. Use clean URLs, and implement breadcrumbs for better user experience and search engine crawling. Site Speed: Optimize website loading speed for better user experience and improved search engine rankings. Compress images, leverage browser caching, and minimize server response time. Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure that the website is mobile-friendly, as Google considers mobile compatibility in its ranking algorithm.
User Experience (UX):User-Friendly Design: Create a user-friendly website design that encourages easy navigation and a positive overall experience. Page Responsiveness: Ensure that web pages adapt to various screen sizes and devices for a seamless user experience.
Local SEO: Google My Business (GMB): Optimize your Google My Business listing for local searches. Provide accurate business information, including name, address, phone number, and business hours.
Analytics and Reporting: Monitoring and Analysis: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track website performance, user behavior, and key metrics. Regular monitoring allows for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.
Why SEO is Important:
Increased Visibility: SEO enhances a website's visibility in search engine results, increasing the likelihood of attracting organic traffic.
Credibility and Trust: Websites that appear higher in search results are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Organic traffic generated through SEO is essentially free, providing a cost-effective alternative to paid advertising.
User-Centric Approach: SEO focuses on providing a positive user experience, aligning with search engines' efforts to deliver relevant and valuable results to users.
Competitive Advantage: A well-optimized website gains a competitive edge, outranking competitors in search engine results and attracting more users.
Adaptability to Algorithm Changes: SEO professionals adapt to changes in search engine algorithms, ensuring that the website remains in compliance and maintains its ranking.
In summary, SEO is a multifaceted strategy that involves optimizing various aspects of a website to improve its visibility, relevance, and user experience on search engines. It is a fundamental component of digital marketing, contributing to a website's overall success in attracting and retaining online audiences.
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tamapalace · 10 months
Tamagotchi Uni Uses AWS, Amazon Web Services
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The Tamagotchi Uni is the first Tamagotchi to ever connect to Wi-Fi, which enables it to receive over the area updates, programing changes, and more. How exactly is this all being done by Bandai Japan? Well Bandai has built the Tamagotchi Uni on the Amazon Web Services platform (AWS).
The details of this are actually outlined on a recent article on the Amazon Web Services blog. The blog post provided a detailed view on how Tamagotchi Uni use AWS to achieve secure and reliable connectivity and quickly deliver new content updates without leaving customers waiting.It details that Bandai Co., Ltd., the company responsible for product development and sales, adopted AWS IoT to realize the concept of globally interconnected Tamagotchi, enabling users to interact with each other.
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Bandai partnered with their cloud development partner, Phoenisys, Inc., to connect and manage million of Tamagotchi devices. One of the critical features was the over the air software updates which uses the jobs feature of AWS IoT Device Management to distribute the latest firmware across all Tamagotchi devices without causing any delays to customers.
To make Tamagotchi Uni IoT-enabled, Bandai establish the three key goals, which was implementing secure connections, scaling the load-balancing resources to accommodate over 1 million connections worldwide, and optimizing operational costs. The article even features the AWS architecture for the Tamagotchi Uni, which is interesting.
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AWS IoT Core is used to manage the state of each Tamagotchi Uni device, which helps retrieve distributed items and content. AWS IoT Device Management is used to index the extensive Tamagotchi Uni fleet and create dynamic groups on the state of each device, facilitating efficient over-the-air (OTA) updates. FreeRTOS is used to minimize the amount of resources and code required to implement device-to-cloud communication for efficient system development. AWS Lambda is used to process tasks, delivering new announcements, and registering assets. Amazon DynamoDB is used as a fully managed, sever less, key-value noSQL database that runs high-performance applications at any scale. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is used for object storage service, each of these data stores are used to manage the various resources within Tamagotchi Uni. Lastly, Amazon Timestream is used to accumulate historical data of user’s actions like downloading items and additional content.
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The article also details how Bandai is handling large scale firmware updates to Tamagotchi Uni devices which are executed at a rate of 1,000 units per hour which would have resulted in a delay for some devices. The team actually designed job delivery as a continuous job which automatically updates the devices under certain conditions. This is using fleet indexing that runs a query to see which devices meet the criteria for the update to be pushed out to it.
Lastly the article details how Bandai conducted system performance testing at a large-scale to emulate what it would be like after the device was released. They verified the smooth operation and performance of updates through their testing.
Be sure to check out the full article here on the Amazon AWS blog.
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kushitworld · 7 months
Tresses And Traffic: SEO Benefits For Your Hair Salon Business
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In the competitive world of the beauty industry, a strong online presence is essential for attracting and retaining clients. If you own a hair salon, you’re likely aware of the importance of offering excellent services and creating a welcoming atmosphere, but to reach a wider audience and boost your salon’s success, it’s crucial to invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This article will explore the significance of SEO for your hair salon business and provide you with valuable insights on how to leverage its benefits to increase web traffic and grow your clientele.
The Power of SEO for Hair Salons
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in search engine results pages, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. A well-executed SEO strategy can benefit your hair salon in numerous ways:
Increased Visibility: Higher search engine rankings lead to increased online visibility. When potential clients search for hair salons or related services, having your salon listed on the first page of search results dramatically improves the chances of being found.
Targeted Traffic: SEO enables you to target specific keywords and phrases relevant to your business. This means that the users who discover your website are more likely to be interested in your services, which increases the conversion rate.
Credibility and Trust: Websites that appear at the top of search results are often perceived as more trustworthy and reputable. By optimizing your website, you can build trust with potential clients.
Cost-Effective Marketing: SEO can be a cost-effective marketing strategy in the long run. While it may require an initial investment, the results can be long-lasting, and you won’t have to pay for clicks or impressions like with paid advertising.
Local SEO: For hair salons, local SEO is especially critical. It can help you target clients in your area and boost your chances of being chosen for hair services in your locality.
Now, let’s delve into practical tips on how to harness the SEO benefits for your hair salon business:
1. Keyword Research
Start your SEO journey by conducting thorough keyword research. Identify the keywords and phrases potential clients use to search for hair salon services. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you discover high-traffic and relevant keywords. Once you have your list, naturally incorporate these keywords into your website content, including your service pages and blog posts.
2. Optimize Your Website
Your website is the digital face of your hair salon and needs to be SEO-friendly. Ensure your website is mobile-responsive, loads quickly, and has an intuitive design. Structure your website logically with clear navigation to make it easy for visitors to find the information they need.
3. Content Creation
High-quality, informative content is vital for SEO success. Regularly publish blog posts that offer valuable information related to hair care, styling, and trends. Content can include styling tips, hair care routines, product recommendations, and more. Engaging content not only attracts visitors but also keeps them on your website longer, which positively impacts your search rankings.
4. Local SEO
Given the local nature of your hair salon business, local SEO should be a top priority. Ensure your website is listed in local directories, and create a Google My Business profile. This will help your salon appear in local map results, which are often displayed prominently in search results for location-specific queries.
5. Backlinks and Online Reviews
Build a network of high-quality backlinks to your website by partnering with other local businesses or seeking guest posting opportunities. Encourage satisfied clients to leave online reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Positive reviews can improve your online reputation and positively affect your SEO.
6. Monitor and Analyze
Regularly monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics. Analyze your website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. This data can help you refine your SEO strategy and make informed decisions on how to improve your online presence.
In conclusion, harnessing the SEO benefits for your hair salon business can significantly impact your success in the digital age. By focusing on keyword research, website optimization, content creation, local SEO, backlinks, and regular analysis, you can attract more clients and solidify your salon’s reputation as a trusted name in the industry. SEO is a long-term investment that, when executed correctly, can bring sustained growth to your hair salon and establish your brand as a top choice for beauty and hair care services.
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annacpadilla · 1 year
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For those who don’t know me, my name is Anna Padilla and I am an illustrator! I specialize in character design and mimicking cartoon styles. If you cannot afford a commission right now, I would appreciate it if you could reblog this post!
Artist perks and agreements are below the cut. Thank you!
I am very OC friendly!!
You will be given a full time-lapse of your piece at no extra cost.
You will have full permission to post the finished product wherever you desire, as long as you follow the agreements.
There are no additional fees when determining your illustration. Meaning you may request anything between a portrait, bust or full body!
There are no additional fees if you would like to use the piece as an icon, wallpaper or background of any kind. Just let me know asap so I can size it correctly for you!
Payment is upfront AFTER I send you the initial sketch.
I will send you an invoice via paypal. Once I receive payment I will begin the process. DO NOT SEND ME MONEY AS A DONATION. Please respect my payment process.
Tips are not necessary but they are appreciated. You will have that opportunity once I send the invoice.
Depending on the work, the piece could take anywhere between 1 week and 3 months.
I reserve the rights to post (sfw) WIPs on my platforms and stream my progress on my twitch channel/private discords.
DO NOT harass me publicly or in our communications while I work on your piece. You may POLITELY INQUIRE about progress at any point, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you do not receive the finished work in less than 4 months from the initial agreement, a full refund shall be issued on demand.
The finished work will have a watermark/signature.
DO NOT crop out the watermark/signature.
Once I have completed the image, if they DO NOT have an original character, I still reserve rights to upload the image and use for my portfolio and/or promotional purposes.
If you decide to post the final web image you are responsible to give me visible credit wherever/whenever you post it. (I.E. a visible link back to my instagram, tumblr, twitch or twitter pages)
DO NOT redistribute the image for marketing/sale purposes unless we have reached an agreement.
If you have a time constraint let me know so that I may apply any additional rates.
My LIVE progress sheet is available here!!
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0011001111 · 11 days
Jump start Your Online Success: Build Your Website for Just RS: 5500 with Wisbato!
In today's digital world, having a professional website is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity. But for many businesses, the question of cost can be a barrier. Here at Wisbato, the best web development company in Calicut, we believe everyone deserves a chance to shine online. That's why we offer a starting price of just ₹5500 for our Startup Business Dynamic Website package!
Why Choose Wisbato, the Leading Web Design Company in Calicut?
With Wisbato, you're not just getting a website – you're getting a partner in your online success. Our team of skilled web designers and developers in Calicut are passionate about creating impactful websites that are:
Affordable: Our Startup Business Dynamic Website package is a cost-effective way to establish a strong online presence.
Responsive Design: Your website will look great and function flawlessly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
SEO Optimized: We'll take steps to improve your website's search engine ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.
Easy to Manage: You'll have access to basic content management tools, allowing you to easily update your website with fresh content.
This Starter Package is Perfect For:
New Businesses: Just starting out? This package is a great way to establish a professional online presence without breaking the bank.
Freelancers & Solopreneurs: Showcase your skills and attract new clients with a clean and informative website.
Local Businesses: Connect with customers in your Calicut community and promote your offerings online.
Looking for More Features? We've Got You Covered!
Wisbato offers a variety of website design packages to suit your specific needs and budget. As your business grows, you can easily upgrade to a more comprehensive package that includes features like:
Advanced Content Management Systems: For easier and more powerful content updates.
E-commerce Functionality: Start selling your products online and reach a wider audience.
Custom Graphics & Animations: Make your website stand out with unique visual elements.
Don't Wait, Get Started Today!
Ready to take your business online but worried about the cost? With Wisbato, making your website starting at just ₹5500 is easier and more affordable than ever. Contact Wisbato, the best web design company in Calicut, today! Let's discuss your goals and craft a website that propels your business forward in the digital world.
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monisha1199 · 8 months
The AWS Advantage: Exploring the Key Reasons Behind Its Dominance
In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing and web services, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as a true juggernaut. Its dominance transcends industries, making it the preferred choice for businesses, startups, and individuals alike. AWS's meteoric rise can be attributed to a potent combination of factors that have revolutionized the way organizations approach IT infrastructure and software development. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the multifaceted reasons behind AWS's widespread popularity. We'll dissect how scalability, reliability, cost-effectiveness, a vast service portfolio, unwavering security, global reach, relentless innovation, and hybrid/multi-cloud capabilities have all played crucial roles in cementing AWS's position at the forefront of cloud computing.
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The AWS Revolution: Unpacking the Reasons Behind Its Popularity:
1. Scalability: Fueling Growth and Flexibility AWS's unparalleled scalability is one of its defining features. This capability allows businesses to start with minimal resources and effortlessly scale their infrastructure up or down based on demand. Whether you're a startup experiencing rapid growth or an enterprise dealing with fluctuating workloads, AWS offers the flexibility to align resources with your evolving requirements. This "pay-as-you-go" model ensures that you only pay for what you use, eliminating the need for costly upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure.
2. Reliability: The Backbone of Mission-Critical Operations AWS's reputation for reliability is second to none. With a highly resilient infrastructure and a robust global network, AWS delivers on its promise of high availability. It offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that guarantees impressive uptime percentages, making it an ideal choice for mission-critical applications. Businesses can rely on AWS to keep their services up and running, even in the face of unexpected challenges.
3. Cost-Effectiveness: A Game-Changer for Businesses of All Sizes The cost-effectiveness of AWS is a game-changer. Its pay-as-you-go pricing model enables organizations to avoid hefty upfront capital expenditures. Startups can launch their ventures with minimal financial barriers, while enterprises can optimize costs by only paying for the resources they consume. This cost flexibility is a driving force behind AWS's widespread adoption across diverse industries.
4. Wide Range of Services: A One-Stop Cloud Ecosystem AWS offers a vast ecosystem of services that cover virtually every aspect of cloud computing. From computing and storage to databases, machine learning, analytics, and more, AWS provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources. This breadth of services allows businesses to address various IT needs within a single platform, simplifying management and reducing the complexity of multi-cloud environments.
5. Security: Fortifying the Cloud Environment Security is a paramount concern in the digital age, and AWS takes it seriously. The platform offers a myriad of security tools and features designed to protect data and applications. AWS complies with various industry standards and certifications, providing a secure environment for sensitive workloads. This commitment to security has earned AWS the trust of organizations handling critical data and applications.
6. Global Reach: Bringing Services Closer to Users With data centers strategically located in multiple regions worldwide, AWS enables businesses to deploy applications and services closer to their end-users. This reduces latency and enhances the overall user experience, a crucial advantage in today's global marketplace. AWS's global presence ensures that your services can reach users wherever they are, ensuring optimal performance and responsiveness.
7. Innovation: Staying Ahead of the Curve AWS's culture of innovation keeps businesses at the forefront of technology. The platform continually introduces new services and features, allowing organizations to leverage the latest advancements without the need for significant internal development efforts. This innovation-driven approach empowers businesses to remain agile and competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
8. Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Capabilities: Embracing Diverse IT Environments AWS recognizes that not all organizations operate solely in the cloud. Many have on-premises infrastructure and may choose to adopt a multi-cloud strategy. AWS provides solutions for hybrid and multi-cloud environments, enabling businesses to seamlessly integrate their existing infrastructure with the cloud or even leverage multiple cloud providers. This flexibility ensures that AWS can adapt to the unique requirements of each organization.
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Amazon Web Services has risen to unprecedented popularity by offering unmatched scalability, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and a comprehensive service portfolio. Its commitment to security, global reach, relentless innovation, and support for hybrid/multi-cloud environments make it the preferred choice for businesses worldwide. ACTE Technologies plays a crucial role in ensuring that professionals can harness the full potential of AWS through its comprehensive training programs. As AWS continues to shape the future of cloud computing, those equipped with the knowledge and skills provided by ACTE Technologies are poised to excel in this ever-evolving landscape.
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apptechbuilders · 11 months
Responsive Web Design and Development: Creating a Seamless User Experience
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In today's digital age, where mobile devices dominate the online landscape, responsive web design and development have become paramount for businesses and organizations. With a plethora of different screen sizes and resolutions, it's crucial to ensure that your website provides a seamless user experience across all devices. In this article, we will explore the concept of responsive web design and development and its importance in creating a successful online presence.
Understanding Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design is an approach to web development that focuses on building websites that adapt and respond to various screen sizes, orientations, and platforms. The goal is to create a fluid and flexible layout that adjusts seamlessly to provide optimal user experience, regardless of whether the site is accessed on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Traditional web design techniques often involved creating separate versions of a website for different devices, leading to higher development and maintenance costs. Responsive design eliminates the need for multiple versions by utilizing a single codebase that intelligently rearranges and resizes content based on the user's device.
The Key Elements of Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design relies on a few key elements to ensure that websites look and function flawlessly across devices:
Flexible Grids and Layouts:
Responsive websites use flexible grids that adapt to different screen sizes. By employing relative units like percentages or ems instead of fixed pixels, elements on the page can resize and reposition fluidly. This allows content to adapt and fit into the available space, providing an optimal viewing experience.
Media Queries:
Media queries are CSS rules that apply different styles based on the characteristics of the user's device, such as screen size, resolution, and orientation. By using media queries, developers can create specific layouts and styles for each device type, ensuring that the website adapts accordingly.
Flexible Images and Media:
Images and media elements, such as videos and audio players, need to be flexible as well. Responsive web design utilizes techniques like CSS max-width property and fluid images to ensure that media content scales proportionally to fit the screen without distorting or overflowing.
Mobile-First Approach:
With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, adopting a mobile-first approach has become a best practice in responsive web design. Starting with the mobile layout and progressively enhancing it for larger screens ensures that the core content and functionality are prioritized for smaller devices, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly experience.
The Benefits of Responsive Web Design
Implementing responsive web design and development strategies can offer numerous advantages:
Enhanced User Experience:
A responsive website adjusts seamlessly to different devices, providing an optimal browsing experience for users. Content is easy to read, navigation is intuitive, and interactions are smooth, regardless of the screen size or platform used.
Improved SEO Performance:
Search engines like Google highly value responsive design, as it eliminates the need for separate URLs or duplicate content. A single, responsive website consolidates all your site's traffic onto one URL, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages, leading to better search rankings.
Cost and Time Efficiency:
By adopting a responsive approach, you only need to develop and maintain a single website, reducing costs and saving time compared to creating multiple versions for different devices. Changes and updates can be applied universally, simplifying the maintenance process.
Future-Proofing Your Website:
Responsive design ensures that your website is ready for the future, as new devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions continue to emerge. By building a flexible and adaptable website, you can easily accommodate new technologies and ensure your online presence remains relevant and accessible.
Responsive web design and development is no longer optional but essential for creating a successful online presence. By adopting this approach, businesses and organizations can provide a seamless user experience across devices, enhance their SEO performance, and save time and resources. As technology continues to evolve, responsive design ensures that your website remains user-friendly and adaptable, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing digital landscape.
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codewithishraq · 2 years
Null Stack to Full Stack
Full stack technology refers to the entire depth of a computer system application, and full stack developers straddle two separate web development domains: the front end and the back end.
The front end includes everything that a client, or site viewer, can see and interact with. By contrast, the back end refers to all the servers, databases, and other internal architecture that drives the application; usually, the end-user never interacts with this realm directly. 
The easiest way to put the full stack into perspective is to imagine a restaurant. The front end encompasses the well-decorated, comfortable seating areas where visitors enjoy their food. The kitchen and pantry make up the “back end” and are typically hidden away from the customer’s view. Chefs (developers) gather permanently stored materials from the pantry (the database) and perform operations on it in the kitchen (the server), and then serve up fully-prepared meals (information) to the user. 
You can master all the techniques involved in a development project
You can make a prototype very rapidly
You can provide help to all the team members
You can reduce the cost of the project
You can reduce the time used for team communication
You can switch between front and back end development based on requirements
You can better understand all aspects of new and upcoming technologies
In this case, you might find various things in the internet. They all might vary. But I am keeping things simple. Among the things I am going to share, you need to focus on one stack instead of all of them. So, here are some of the skills needed to be a fullstack developer.
Front-end programming technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, Tailwind etc.
Back-end programming technologies:Python, NodeJS, Django, Express etc.
Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, etc. 
Version Control System: git, GitHub, GitLab, etc
Now, it iis important to understand that, the basics are same for all stacks but then the technologies vary. For example the frontend can be built with either React, Angular or Vue or any other framework/library. On the other hand, the backend can be built with either of Node.js, Django (Python) or Spring Boot (Java) or any other framework. I will go to that in the coming lines.
About this, there might be multiple other roadmaps that you can follow on your path to become a fullstack developer. I came up with the idea that this path, that I am about to share, can be a planned start to your journey with all the content structured at the right time. So, let's see the plan for the first six months.
🔵 Month 1: HTML, CSS, Javascript
The basic skills required to create a website in HTML and CSS. Javascript adds functionalities to a website and makes the project responsive. HTML is for structure and CSS for Styling. DOM Manipulation and Responsive Web Design are important to practice. Learn about these from W3Schools.
🔵 Month 2: Web Design and Frameworks, Git, HTTPs
Work on Open Source Projects. Once you have good practice with HTML and CSS you can use frameworks like Bootstrap or Material CSS which makes it easy to create websites. Alongside that, it is very important to learn about version control systems (preferrably git) so that you can save and manage your code at GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or any other similar tool. Also, it is important to learn about HTTPS and REQUEST METHODS (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS).
🔵 Month 3: Javascript Programming Language
The most important skill and most asked in Interviews and Job portals for Web Development are Javascript. You can expect a lot of interview questions from Javascript, So it's important to learn how javascript works, data structures, and asynchronous javascript.
🔵 Month 4 & 5: Frontend and Backend
Once you are thorough with the above concepts then you can take your skills to the next level by learning Javascript frameworks/libraries like React and Node JS. Point to be noted, I am a big fan of MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack, so I am always talking about React and Node. But there are other options as well.
Other options:
Frontend: Angular, Vue or any other frontend technology
Backend: Django, Flask, Spring Boot, ASP.Net or any other backend technology
Please do some research in google about the 'FULLSTACK TECH STACKS' and choose the one that you are the most comfortable with. Just a reminder, if you want to be a Java Fullstack Developer, then you need to have Java knowledge before stepping on to learning Fullstack development. Same case goes for Python, C# or any other technologies.
Most importantly, when you start learning a new technology, please start by learning from the official documentation of each individual technology. Then maybe go for other resources from the internet.
🔵 Month 6: Database and Projects
In the final month, create a portfolio and create projects using frontend and backend technologies you’ve learnt. Also, an important skill to have is knowledge of Database Management Systems like PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB. Also, you need to understand how to connect the Database to Server using the backend Framework.
In the internet today, you can find various courses and tutorials on Fullstack development. But I know for sure that Freecodecamp website as well as YouTube channel covers all stack, so you can easily learn from them. On the other hand, there is The Odin Project. You can learn about JavaScript Fullstack Developer or Ruby on Rails Fullstack Developer. Here are the links to them.
Freecodecamp Website
Freecodecamp YouTube Channel
The Odin Project
Of course, as I said, you can look for courses in other websites as well. Here are some of the best platforms to look for courses.
Here are some projects that you can try when you are learning or after you have gone through all the things needed.
E-commerce website
Food delivery app
Social media app
Chat messaging app
Content management system
Project management app
Gym Tracking System
Real-time Chat App
Bug Report App
Hotel Booking App
Staff Management System
Online Store
Remember that a fullstack developer job is a vast space and thus there are many things that you need to keep focus on to ace the interviews. Here are some points where you need to take special care of for the interviews.
Javascript Programming Language and Data Structures
CSS Concepts like Flexbox, Grid, Inheritance, Specificity, etc.
React JS and new features e.g: Context API and Hooks
HTTPS, Requests, Response, Servers.
Of course there are more things to focus as well, so research about the most important topics from the internet and then take special care in preparing for those questions.
Here are a few links to resources which will help you preparing for the interviews.
Coding Interview University
Interview Cake
Interview Bit
Tech Interview Handbook
Fullstack Cafe
Word of advice for newbies
Please don’t wait for people to spoon-feed you with every single resource and teachings because you’re on your own in your learning path. So be wise and learn yourself.
About Me
I am Ishraq Haider Chowdhury from Bangladesh, currently living in Bamberg, Germany. I am a fullstack developer mainly focusing on MERN Stack applications with JavaScript and TypeScript. I have been in this industry for about 9 years and still counting. If you want to find me, here are some of my social links....
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