#restaurant rant
coallise · 2 months
Hate to complain like this but...
This is the blandest fucking Mexican restaurant I ever been to.
Like, mild salsa shouldn't taste like chunky tomato juice, the tacos taste like they were seasoned with dreams. At least they had good chips and queso
This is also coming from the whitest of white chicks so you know my tolerance is bad but I should at least need a glass of milk.
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so was that legitimately fake outrage at Watcher being "greedy capitalists" that people are now gonna go watch the try guys who are doing the exact same thing?? where's the outrage at their wealth and how they spend their money? why does Keith get people just watching him eat at expensive restaurants, but it's terrible seeing Steven go to expensive restaurants to eat food? it's got nothing to do with "the try guys did it better!!!" it's the fact that you got so outraged because of how much the economy is in shambles and people can barely afford food, let alone another streaming service, and now suddenly it's a great thing seeing the try guys be able to improve their situation with one!! I thought the whole point was that we didn't need another one!! what is it???
it's just obvious that they've both done similar things, but people are taking more issue with the creators of colour for daring to grow and move forward. EVEN AFTER THEY ALTERED THINGS AND GENUINELY APOLOGISED even whilst being fucking eviscerated online. and instead of being helped and understood by their white friends, they get fucking shaded by their friends with a sofa joke and "not to name names" bullshit
what is it with people of colour being left in the dirt by their white friends and/or costars???
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rayssion · 7 months
Percy: how's the food?
Annabeth: it's great! Send compliments to the chef!
Percy: okay.
Percy: goes to the kitchen.
Percy: you have beautiful eyes.
Nico, blushing: thanks.
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liverbiver9 · 1 year
i find it funny but also kind of annoying when writers clearly don’t know how cooking works or haven’t bothered to look up the recipe of whatever food they’re referencing. so many times i’ve read a fic where jiang yanli makes a “vegetarian version” of the lotus and pork rib soup for lan wangji or makes the soup within a few hours (sometimes even only an hour!) which are all pretty much impossible feats.
the soup is made by boiling the pork ribs for LITERAL HOURS (i’m not joking. the soup is best when it’s been simmering for 12 hours at least) alongside the lotus root, aromatics, goji berries, ginger, etc. the reason the soup has any flavor at all is the pork ribs; without those, it would just be water with stuff floating in it. now, if the vegetarian version is just the soup without the pork then that’s one thing, but then does that count as vegetarian since the broth is meat based? i’m not sure what constitutes as vegetarian for the Lans; do bone broths count as eating meat? if they do, no wonder all the food in Cloud Recesses sucks so hard.
anyways, fic writers: before making offhand comments about food, look up the recipe and see how it’s made. food is deeply cultural and significant, both the product and the act of making it. jiang yanli’s soup is so important because it is a labor of love that takes time and effort to make, especially if she is making it from scratch by herself as we are led to assume. by reducing it to something that can be accommodated for other characters or something easier than it really is, you are inadvertently diminishing yanli’s act of love.
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skajlaw · 2 years
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“You know what’s funny?” “I don’t.”
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i-am-just-a-girli · 4 months
Hey soo today was my 1st board exam and well it went really well so I decided to order some pizza to yk celebrate my happiness (tho it was English but still). Now I also ordered pepsi along with my pizza and I only got the pizza. There was no pepsi. So I thought of complaining (in the app as I noticed after the delivery guy was gone) but then I realised I'll have to talk and explain and just urgh. So I just decided to give it 1 star. And now I feel pretty stupid.
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boasamishipper · 1 year
so is the whole 'sam is a leader on this team and the new highly sought after star footballer of afc richmond' storyline ever going to get brought up again, or are the writers done caring about sam now that he isn't rebecca's love interest anymore
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drawthething · 1 year
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I, um, totally did not just rewatch a Zeke compilation youtube vid
I feel like Zeke's the kind of kid that hypes others up all the time but rarely receives words of encouragement himself. I'm not sure but i get the vibe that most adults doesn't expect much from him :/
It'll be pretty neat if he turns out to be the most successful one of the group :D. Not like he has to cure cancer or anything, just something he can be happy and proud of himself for. Like he's gonna be bad at tons of stuff but he'd pull through anyway. My boy deserves a good happy adulthood 🙌
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Aaalsoo, Jimmy Jr & Zeke! Eh? Eh?
That's it. That's all i have left to say
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juneviews · 3 months
off literally went to eat at my fave korean restaurant in paris, like... we're connected lmao 😆
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Every time I look at Jack Staubers Opal I’m blown away by the symbolism. For context; Jack Stauber made a short film in connection to Adult Swim. The story itself follows Claire navigating her household, where we are introduced to her neglectful family. It’s a really good short!! I recommend you watch it before reading this.
Tw: Child neglect, drug abuse, Nicotine abuse, lots of fantastical elements in connection with coping
I’m not gonna beat around the bush, this short is disturbing. Amazing, but disturbing.
Claire does not lead a comfortable life. When I’m comparison to everyone else, Claire is very obviously malnourished. In the Opal house, she has a burger in front of her. You expect her to eat the burger… but she dances with it. She has no idea what you even DO with a burger, she’s never eaten one. On top of this, when Claire comes back from looking at the sign, the grandpa say she SMELLS different, implying that she stinks. The house is littered with trash and papers. Grandpa and Moms living habits exasperate the situation, we see bloodied tissues and pill bottles everywhere
On top of this, we notice Claire isn’t even a person to her family, more of a tool. During the sequence where we see Claire’s face being molded, we see how she relates to the family. She’s the Grandpas eyes. She’s the fathers face. The moms pill.
The grandpa is blind and addicted to nicotine. He often wonders why it sounds so easy to breathe??? Much like Opal, he’s trying to cope through living in a fantasy. He imagines the people on the tv love him. The tv after all, is the only thing that stays with him. It gladly enables his behavior. Claire tries not to enable him, but unltimately she is the only one taking care of him. She hands him his cigarettes, even though she tries to hide them. She’s terrified of him, but she’s the only responsible one taking care of him
The father is coping through his narcissism. He has mirrors around him constantly because he needs to be SEEN. There are a couple lines hinting that his relationship with his wife is not great. He is just a small adult that’s trying to grow. He NEEDS to be perfect. He copes by looking at his mirrors and constantly grooming himself. Whenever we think he’s reaching out for Claire, he’s actually reaching for a mirror. Claire puts up with his behavior in the hope that one day he might reach for her instead. He is the safest adult in her life, and she isn’t even truly acknowledged by him unless it’s to boost himself
The mother is an addict and drug abuser. She is extremely aware of their living situation, and she thinks of herself as a martyr. Instead of trying to fix their situation, she has succumbed to her vices. She needs Claire to be her daughter, so she can feel some control in her life. Claire is the only innocent one out of all of them, and she NEEDS Claire to be her savior. She grasps at Claire because that’s the only reason for existing. Because after all, they don’t live. They survive.
In her real house, they only see Claire for what they need. They only use Opal as a way to boost themselves up. In the other family, Opal is SEEN by the other family. They love her. Her troubles are miles away.
The family that doesn’t exist loves and sees her more then her real one.
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trashqueen3 · 11 months
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Had a shitty week, made a shitty comic.
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stardustvanfleet · 7 months
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accidentally stayed up waaaaay too damn late thanks to this twindown i’m having…… oops 🥰 goodnight gresties i love y’all so much !!! ❤️
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kiradical · 4 months
I think Popeyes needs to be held accountable for every other place adding pickles to chicken sandwiches. As a pickle lover and chicken sandwich lover (Wendy's spicy chicken my beloved) that is one place pickles DONT BELONG!
Idek if officially Popeyes is to blame but it wasn't a thing until that sandwich came out and everyone was going nuts over it in like 2020. Then suddenly everywhere was adding pickles.
Stop it.
And now on the chicken wraps too? NO. THOSE TEXTURES DONT GO TOGETHER STOPPPPPP
Anyway, I'm begging places to please stop putting pickles on chicken sandwiches and wraps. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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statuesdown · 2 months
Forgive me for wanting things to go back to the way they were before. I just don't know how to live in the present.
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strawbynrobyn · 9 months
I feel incredibly betrayed by my picky eater tendencies sometimes.
I want to be able to order something at a restaurant without having to ask them to keep off green onions or mustard or whatever else my brain doesn't want to handle that day.
I want to enjoy food how the chef designed it!
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variksel · 6 days
nah its weird being in your early 20s, being surrounded by friends going thru some sort of early adulthood crises and "holy fuck im never gonna amount to anything im already 21, im never gonna be making money im never gonna be famous" -thoughts when like. all of the media you consume is by people who are well into their 30s and often, 40s
like i feel like im so chill about this partly because i feel like if this random mid class guy who got famous for the first time off of a podcast he started at 35 after working restaurant and retail jobs ........ anythin can happen u can do new shit after 27 girl
#idk#rant#tw existential crisis#tw existential dread#tw existentialism#of COURSE not to say retail or restaurant jobs arent important#in anticipation of the comments im prolly gonna get cause this is tumblr#but like i know those are the jobs 95% of people HAVE to work and dont like and ppl get worried theyll get stuck-#-in jobs they dont like#idk man.#so many of my favourite artists have only started to BEGUN pursuing their art after theyve turned like. 31#a bit chunk of the critical role cast was like. almost 40 when they STARTED!! the show!!!#not that they are now but that they started#granted all of them were sorta famous already ig but thats not the point bcs cr is what theyre known for and they started it later#justin mcelroy was a married 30-something at the beginning of mbmbam#like. idk its weird i sometimes wanna just like take my friends by the shoulders and go Hey.#u were a teenager Yesterday. give yourself some slack and enjoy your life#no matter what it looks like#and not to say that having crises and shit isnt valid god it is i do it all the time#but its good to keep urself grounded yk. remember that everything Will be okay even if youre not a lawyer by 23#or if you dont know where youre going at age 23#i just think its given me so much perspective and chillness to this whole. life is long thing. to have these “”“role models”“”“-#that are older than me#idk reminds me that literally Nobody. literally nobody achieves that influencer lifestyle at 19 life#its nice. anyway#rant over#vent
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