birdybliss · 1 year
The Battle of Colleen: A Server's Tale
It was midday and I noticed that we were out of decaf. Why anyone would ever want coffee with their fried fish is beyond me. I pretended to look busy to avoid the fact that I’ve only made coffee once in my life, and even then, you would have to smoke two packs a day to enjoy the flavor that came out of it. As the smell of malt vinegar and mysterious white fish assaulted my nose, I weaved my way around the dining room unnecessarily topping off barely sipped sweet teas hoping that I’d avoid coming across the woman who recently trained me. “CeeCee” is what they called her, though the name sounds nearly too joyous for someone so insufferable. She was a southerner, yet no belle, and as sweet as pure cranberry juice. The new hostess, who started the same day as I did, just double-sat her section. Damn it, Mallory. Why’d you have to do that?
“WHO used the last of the decaf and didn’t start a new pot?” I hear screeching from the kitchen. Her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard, and when she’s angry, you can see her veins protruding next to the aged Celtic knot tattoo on her neck. My wishful thinking tells me that the only thing we have in common is our Scotch-Irish heritage.
“I did”, says another server unknowingly falling on my sword. CeeCee scoffs for a minute, then starts the new pot on her own.
The owners are never here, and I’m almost glad because I’ve already forgotten their names and it feels too late to ask. It’s almost as if they don’t want to witness the downfall of their investments. To my knowledge, there’s never been an official placement of a manager, at least not on paper. CeeCee is the one you go to if there are any problems you can’t figure out yourself, but you better make sure you do all you can before interrupting her. While I was still training, I would typically run and grab an extra layer of thick skin before asking her a question.
What’s never made sense to me is that you only get breaks if you smoke cigarettes. I had picked up my first one at thirteen, but I could still wear a white dress since I never inhaled. The second-hand smoke I’d been around my whole life didn’t count either. Working this job made me curious about the relief they seemed to bring CeeCee. She wasn’t the only one stressed around here, after all. I was too young to buy them, but as long as a certain man was working at the gas station up the street I could go and purchase them. I brought a pack of cowboy killers to work with me and coughed my ass off next to the dumpsters. CeeCee walks outside for fresh air and asks, “Can I bum one?” since she dropped her last one on the wet floor next to the dish pit. I hand one over, light her up, and we stand in awkward silence for a moment. Surprisingly, it was the first time I ever felt decently comfortable around her.
Not knowing whether to speak or not, I ask her “So how long have you worked here?” immediately noticing her annoyance with the disruption of silence. She answers, “Twenty-two fucking years. And I’ve never been worked this hard until recently.” Now that she had mentioned it, she did work three doubles back-to-back this week. It made me start to wonder why I got hired on the spot. She throws the butt on the ground and twists it with her nonslip shoe, reminding me that I still need to get a pair of those. She says, “Thanks for the cig. See you inside” and if I were a fool, I’d believe she even cracked a smile at me before she headed back in.
As the days continue on, I become a part of this oiled machine. To call it well would be an exaggeration. I started to pull my own weight, and even had an extra hand available. However, one day an annoyingly ostentatious couple creeps through our doors and seats themselves in my section. While I’m busy with another table, they snap their fingers as if I am their misbehaving schnauzer. Their disrespectful tone and dislike of our water options became unbearable. I made the mistake of bringing out tartar sauce instead of cocktail. My final straw was hearing “Are you incompetent?” flow from the she-devil’s mouth. I immediately walk back into the kitchen, my face as red as the cheap lobster in the food window, and CeeCee stares at me before saying “They giving you a hard time, huh?” I take a big sigh and say, “Yep, they also called me incompetent."
I didn’t expect to see a fire lit underneath CeeCee so quickly. She says, “You stay right here." I watch through the small window as she marches over towards them, stomping louder than the sound of fifteen soldiers, and slams her hands onto their wobbly table. The sound of “WHO do you think you are? You can kiss my…” echoes through the walls. The couple gets up and leaves, never experiencing consequences so high before. CeeCee walks back into the kitchen, hands me the cigarette behind her ear, and says “Get you some fresh air. I owe you one of these anyway.”
As I took a few drags outside, it clicked that this insufferable woman had a heart underneath her apron. She will never let it show on her sleeve, but she can’t help that it pokes out when someone is treated unfairly. I felt knots in my stomach, as it was the first time a stranger had spoken to me so horribly. CeeCee handled their disrespect so well, as if she had done it every day of her life. Truthfully makes me think that she has, and she knows that I hadn’t.
I hear the door open and look up to see the face of the fifteen soldiers. She plops herself onto the curb next to me, asking to use my lighter. She says, “Chin up, buttercup. You’ll get used to it.” As I exhale, I wonder how CeeCee got used to it so easily.
The more I progressed with this job, the more I dealt with people like that she-devil customer. Each time it would happen, I’d give a look to CeeCee and she would tell me the best way to handle it. Well, more like the way that she would handle it. Afterwards, we would take a smoke break and talk about something else to get our minds off of being angry, and as many times as this happened, we ended up learning a lot about each other. It almost got to the point where I wished a customer would berate me so that I would get to hear a new story from her. Now don’t get me wrong, the woman was still tougher than nails majority of the time, but the moments that you got to see the empathy and humanity in her were something else. As for wondering how CeeCee got used to this way of life so easily, that was something I learned from about eighty-nine more cigarettes.
Colleen “CeeCee” Byrne was really a warrior disguised as a waitress. Emancipated at sixteen, fought numerous men in her life, and never took shit from anybody. Her grandparents fled Ireland in hopes for better circumstances in America, packing up their own generational curse of drunken rage before leaving. This suitcase was handed to CeeCee’s father, which he later bestowed upon her until she put down the bottle seven years ago. Men in her life always came and went, especially when realizing that they weren’t needed. She has a son, who she also had to become a father to. She has always had a never-ending to-do list, which explains why her bedside manners have been pushed to the bottom. If it were me, I doubt I would have them at all. On top of all of this, she was worked like a dog at this establishment, though putting decades of hard work into something would make me hesitant to stray away from it also. She was stuck in a cycle of unsettling comfort. Her soul desperately called out for peace, but her body was too adjusted to the chaos. No wonder she was angry.
Over the next few months, I learned more from CeeCee than life had taught me. I am grateful for that. As she screeched from the dining room to the kitchen, it eventually became the white noise that kept the whole place sane. She still barked at me multiple times, and I know it bothered her when I smiled in response. She once mentioned, “I know you were really the one who didn’t make a new pot of decaf that day” surprising me that she could remember something so seemingly insignificant. Without me saying anything, she took my hand, guided me to the coffee maker, and silently showed me how to make it properly. Since that day, I’ve become somewhat of a barista myself.
I hear that the new owners renamed the restaurant and hired a whole new staff, forcing CeeCee into a well-deserved retirement. Wherever she is, I know she’s giving them hell. As I should’ve known by the Celtic symbol, we were never much different, our knots were just tied differently. The stress of her surroundings was slowly killing her. I take a drag of my cigarette to honor her work.
- B. Duff
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restaurantify · 1 year
Showcasing Your Restaurant’s Story and Brand on Your Website
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A restaurant is more than just a place to eat; it’s an opportunity to create memorable dining experiences and convey your vision and values. By showcasing your restaurant’s story and brand on your website, you can establish a personal connection with customers and cultivate their loyalty. This blog will explore how to craft a unique and captivating narrative that attracts and retains customers.
What is Restaurant Storytelling?
Restaurant storytelling involves sharing brand stories to convey a consistent and powerful message that creates exceptional customer experiences. This can be achieved through captivating images, stunning videos, powerful words, and enticing visuals.
Where to Begin?
Before sharing your story with the audience, it’s important to understand the purpose behind your restaurant’s existence. Clarify your mission, passion, purpose, the value you create, the problems you solve, and the impact you make in the industry. By answering these questions, you can establish the core of your brand identity and lay the foundation for your storytelling, guiding your decisions, actions, and marketing communications.
Including the age-old art of storytelling in your marketing strategy can significantly enhance your restaurant’s promotion and customer loyalty.
The Role of Storytelling in Restaurant Marketing
Storytelling goes beyond a unique menu; it enhances your marketing efforts, leaves a lasting impression, conveys your brand message, brings unique value to customers, establishes an emotional connection, and builds customer loyalty. By sharing the story behind your restaurant, menu, and atmosphere, you can create a more memorable and personal dining experience. Allowing customers to share your story from your website to social media platforms can attract greater attention and foster customer engagement.
How Does Storytelling Help in Beating Competition?
Storytelling is not only a customer engagement tool but also a powerful way to stand out amidst fierce competition. By sharing the history of your restaurant, the challenges you faced in starting and building it, your unique menu offerings, and special features, you create a compelling narrative that persuades customers to choose your restaurant over others. This differentiation sets you apart and creates a meaningful connection with your target audience.
Different Stories to Narrate:
Unveiling the Restaurant’s History: Many restaurants boast a rich history and heritage that they can proudly share with their online visitors. Showcasing this can be accomplished through various means such as food, decor, or the overall atmosphere. For instance, if your restaurant has been around for several decades, prominently display old photographs of the establishment on your website. This helps visitors understand your origins and how you have evolved over the years. Additionally, feature dishes on your online menu that have been passed down through generations of your family.
Spotlight on the Restaurant Owner/Chef: Another engaging story to tell is that of the restaurant owner, chefs, and kitchen staff. You can bring this narrative to life through food and personal touches, such as including photos of the owner or chef on the homepage of your restaurant website. Your online menu can also highlight items that are the chef’s signature dishes, culinary inventions, or the owner’s personal favorites.
Embracing the Local Community: Some restaurants pride themselves on sourcing ingredients from local farmers or supporting indigenous local businesses. By showcasing these efforts on your website, you can highlight your connection with the local community. Incorporate elements unique to the local artwork in your website design and emphasize traditional dishes from the area on your online menu.
Promoting Sustainable/Ethical Food Practices: Emphasizing sustainable and ethical food practices is considered a hallmark of business professionalism. If your restaurant follows such practices, such as sourcing ingredients from sustainable farms, employing environmentally friendly cooking methods, or donating surplus food to those in need, make sure to highlight them prominently on your website. Customers will view your restaurant as a modern and responsible brand that upholds ethical business values.
Celebrating Creative Cuisine: Storytelling can also revolve around creative cuisine. Showcase experimental dishes that push boundaries on your website, with visually appealing presentations that are perfect for Instagram. Additionally, offer unique interpretations of classic dishes and feature them on your website.
By narrating these stories on your restaurant website, you can captivate your audience and forge a deeper connection with customers who resonate with your brand values and culinary experiences.
Crafting the Brand Story: Tips and Strategies
Creating a compelling and authentic brand story that resonates with customers requires careful consideration and a genuine approach. Follow these guidelines to craft an impactful brand story for your restaurant:
Uncover Unique Aspects: Start by identifying the distinctive elements of your business, such as your history, menu offerings, and atmosphere. These aspects form the foundation of your brand story.
Reflect Values and Personality: Infuse your brand story with your restaurant’s values and personality. It is crucial to maintain authenticity throughout the narrative, avoiding any fabrication or false claims.
Consistency and Integration: Integrate your brand mission into various aspects of your business, including menu design, atmosphere, and staff interactions. This consistency creates a cohesive customer experience and reinforces your brand story. Utilize social media campaigns and traditional promotional materials to share your brand identity.
Embrace Authenticity: Authenticity is a critical component of storytelling, helping you differentiate your restaurant from competitors. Use real experiences, values, and beliefs to achieve authenticity and success in your storytelling efforts.
Uncover the Unique Story: Every business and owner have a unique history to tell. Identify the human connection within your content and create an authentic voice in your storytelling process. Consider elements of your business, such as menu items, materials used, and features that resonate with customers.
Incorporate Human Experiences: Weave human experiences into each element of your brand story. This can involve incorporating personal values, narrating stories related to menu items, sharing your connections with local farmers, explaining your sustainability efforts, and highlighting philanthropic activities.
Establish Brand Consistency: Share your restaurant stories across various platforms, including social media pages, your website, blogs, and even local community publications. Ensure that all stories align with and stay true to your brand. Consistency is key in conveying a universal message about why your restaurant is unique.
Adapt to Different Formats: Storytelling is an evolving art, and it can be leveraged in various formats. Your stories can range from showcasing the exceptional qualities of your staff to revealing the inspiration behind a new menu item. Short and concise stories can also be effective on social media platforms.
By effectively harnessing the power of storytelling in your marketing efforts, you can engage potential guests and compel them to visit your restaurant. If you need assistance in crafting a captivating brand story, feel free to get in touch.
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gamerologizm · 1 year
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#Restaurant #RestaurantStory #TeamLava #Storm8 #DeviceGaming #CasualGaming #MobileGaming #Gamerologizm.com previously #SupremeDynasty #Gamerologizm http://stm.gamerologizm.com/s8/restaurant . Update predictions https://stm.gamerologizm.com/s8/restaurant_updates_future https://www.facebook.com/gamerologizm / https://www.facebook.com/groups/gamerologizm https://www.instagram.com/p/CqeiQQoLmDv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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serversrevenge · 1 year
Nothing too crazy, but this instance really made me want to whip out my bachelor’s degree in environmental science. 
I was told a party of six was on the patio, so I of course bring out six waters. Only one person was at the table, and he says, “you need to leave my water and take the others back, it’s hot out.” I put the waters back on the tray, which is when he decides to give me a lesson in elementary science. He used a tone you would use when speaking to an eight-year-old. “When water is left out in the heat with ice on it, the glasses get wet. It’s called condensation,” he told me.
“Wow, that’s so crazy, I never knew that. I’ll sure remember that next time,” I responded, and he failed to pick up on any degree of sarcasm.
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Wow, that’s so crazy, it’s like servers know things about science. What a wild thought LOL.
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shakespearenews · 5 months
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tahitianstarseed · 1 year
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jumpingbeanslounge · 5 years
Our #winter menu is our most extensive yet👌 Tag a mate you're bringing to #brunch this #week ☕ This #video features our Cut Mirchi Rice Bowl - delicious stir fried rice served with our signature cut mirchi 🌶 gravy. Watch the video to see some of our other favorites; Pan Grilled Chicken, #Noodle #Chicken Balls, Mirchi Bajji 😋 Come let's try our #new winter specials available only in-store! at Jumping Beans 🔴 Road No 7, Bharathi Nagar, Vijayawada. Free Wifi 📶 . Dedicated 🚬 Zone . Parking 🅿️ . Sports Lounge ️🏏 📱Call Now To Order: 9614177779 🏘 Areas served: Bharathi Nagar, Srinivasa Nagar Bank Colony, Gurunanak Colony #jb #jumpingbeans #Cafe #Vijayawada #vijayawadafoodies #foodposts #instagood #foodiesinvijayawada #foodies #instafood #restaurantstory #amaravati #fooddeliveryservice #fooddate #NewYear #Tasty #coffeeshops #Coffee #chillout #chinesefood #friedrice #Dragon #video (at Jumping Beans) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tK2WrHTXN/?igshid=1jpmskx1mut5e
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If you want to enjoy an outstanding dining experience to celebrate your special occasions then Restaurants In Karachi Pakistan is the right one choice for you. At Andaaz Restaurant, you can also book our one of the beautiful rooftop location with a timeless setting & good atmosphere.
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The first fish fry of 2020. After 6months - I finally tried a fish fry. Heartening to see that restaurants are going the extra mile to ensure COVID19 safety. Not just for in-house dining but also for delivery. This fish fry from Saptapadi came with a little sachet of hand sanitizer alongwith the regular kasundi. Needless to say the fish fry was excellent Follow @nath_pratiti for more such food and travel insights #foodbusiness #foodbuzz #restaurantstory #restaurant #fishfry #fishandchips #bengalifood #foodpreneur #bengalisnacks #bengalicuisine #britishlineage #foodhistory #colonialinfluence #britishculinaryinfluence #eatwithagantuk #kolkatafood #kolkatafoodscene #kolkatarestaurants #kolkatasutrafood #kolkatabuzz #handsanitizing #foodsafety #fooddelivery #foodbloggersindia #foodblogger #foodblog #foodstagrammer #foodstagram #kolkatafoodblogger #foodphotography (at Kolkata) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgKnjMgyiM/?igshid=zxht5r4hitca
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homegirllondon · 5 years
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qooqer · 7 years
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QOOQER en Lieja 💛 #ellossonqooqer #Repost @moment.liege ・・・ #teamcrazy ⭐ • #foodie #restaurantlife #instafood #restaurantdesign #restaurantweek #restaurante #restaurants #restaurantreview #delicious #interiordesign #restaurantdecor #chef #yummy #foodlover #dinner #gourmet #design #restaurantstory #foodgasm #foodstagram #restauranteweek #momentforlife #liege #belgium #belgique #restaurantbelge #plaisirgourmet #freshfood
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gamerologizm · 1 year
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#Restaurant #RestaurantStory #TeamLava #Storm8 #DeviceGaming #CasualGaming #MobileGaming #Gamerologizm.com previously #SupremeDynasty #Gamerologizm http://stm.gamerologizm.com/s8/restaurant https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZjmRoOo6S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fevis · 5 years
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Χτες βράδυ, κουρασμένη, ελαφρώς αναμαλλιασμένη, αλλά πανευτυχής. Το @cash_athens είναι απο τα πιο αγαπημένα μου μαγαζιά στην πόλη - και ένα απο τα οποία θα σας στείλω με τον διαγωνισμό Blond dinning out που ξεκινάει τον Δεκέμβριο- και φυσικά δεν αντιστάθηκα στον πειρασμό να ποζάρω δίπλα στους Καρυοθραύστες της εισόδου. Όπου Χριστούγεννα η Ευούλα από κοντά... :P :P :P Υ.Γ. O Βούδας δεν είναι ντεκόρ, είναι γλυκό και μάλιστα πεντανόστιμο. Να πάτε, θα σας αρέσει, και κάθε Πέμπτη και Παρασκευή έχει και live μουσική. Είπαμε, το Cash είναι -in a way- το δικό μας Park Chinois... <3 @panos_deligiannis είσαι ο καλύτερος φωτογράφος μου... <3 . . Dining at the @cash_athens one of my favourite restaurants in Athens and posing next to the Nutcrackers, in a very festive mood. HoHoHo . .#restaurantlife #restaurant #restaurantstory #restaurantdecor #christmasdecor #christmas #christmasdecorations #christmasmood #happymoments #happiness #happyme #love #mylife #mylifestyle #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #blondconfusion #evoula (at Cash Restaurant-Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5KOx7Gl6va/?igshid=wftx6mr25dlf
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maryurilopez · 5 years
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When food is the perfect accent colour and texture for your moodboard inspiration. #restaurantstory #oscietracaviar #love #beautiful #food #presentation #weekend #london #londonfood #finedining #gastronomy #cuisine #caviar #michelinstar #designer #photography #instafood https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBIgk0BYOt/?igshid=1c5gvii4enqj
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patricia-kali45 · 5 years
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#restaurantstory https://www.instagram.com/kali_jordan_benoit/p/BwFWGE2B-_g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pl7d61jf3pyp
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sdynasty · 7 years
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Didn't see anything new today. #Restaurant #RestaurantStory #Bakery #BakeryStory Head over to @Gamerologizm because #Gamerologizm.com is the new @SSDynasty #SupremeDynasty you'll find the new #TeamLava #Storm8 content and other #gaming #gamer fun there!
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