#retain some information bitch
neonsbian · 2 years
rowoons character in tomorrow is so annoying god
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sorry for diary posting so much on main but this is the last one today prommy
#it's in the tags anyway so#SO#i didn't go get my masters. or rlly try for a phd because i felt like i was bad at school right#(because i failed two classes in freshman year and i'd never ever done that before)#(and i failed those because. my meds made it very difficult for me to retain any information/make memories or whatever)#and it was just so WEIRD and i felt so dumb because never in my life had i been bad at school before like that#so that kind of killed my general confidence in academia#so even tho i got into a decent program i just decided to go work instead#(and yes a big part of it is that my current job is awesome and i didn't know if i'd get this kind of opportunity again)#and i kind of just realized#the last year and a half have LITERALLY JUST BEEN SCHOOL#OR WHAT A MASTERS PROGRAM WOULD BE LIKE#sort of. like an engineering masters.#except technically i have come up with new stuff too it's just operational and not research#but i spent the last year and a half learning something completely new that i knew nothing about at all.#and i've been teaching classes while i was learning and taking exams#and my exams went WELL#the last oral exam i had my evaluator told me it was the best one he'd seen#i went to talk to one of my senior instructors recently about the last big class i taught to become certified#to fucking important ass terrifyingly smart people#and he told me i was a model for all new people and i did super well#and then he told me not to tell anyone he said that because he didn't want people to think he was a softie#(he's a gigantic softie. i can't believe people are scared of him)#when he gets mad he expresses it and honestly he's valid for it sometimes people are dumb bitches and need to hear it. but apparently some#oh that's a tangent. anyways. if i can do this i can probably go back to academia right...#and jesus fuck girl it doesn't have to be mit. it can be a normal school#i can Lower my Standards because they aren't about to lower theirs. haha but what if.... anyways im gonna stick with the same major as my#bachelors cause i did actually enjoy it. and aerospace is boring in comparison. and i wanna figure out how to keep people alive both in#space AND under the ocean. at pressures we were never meant to survive at! Now THAT' would be fun.
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uzurimisery · 6 days
the space between two bodies. / satosugu x reader / part 1
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Warnings: happy ending, angst, cheating (not really this is explained in part 2), unhealthy relationships/coping mechanisms, suicidal ideation, depression, smut, no sorcery au
A/N: I started thinking about Gojo with anxiety and nihilist Geto and then what that looks like in a poly relationship with someone as flawed as they are
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“We’re sorry but we’ve decided to go with another candidate now. We will retain your information on file should a more suitable role open up.” 
The email stared back at you, the words on your phone screen blurring as droplets of rain hit it as you read it over for the hundredth time. Today was just another shitty fucked up day in the endless string of shitty fucked up days that had become your life. The third consecutive month of unemployment in a row. At least previously you could get temp jobs but now each day that passed just ate away at you with how useless you felt. 
Pocketing your phone, you pull out a 100 yen coin and put it in the vending machine.
You didn’t even like your old job but Jesus it was like no one was actually hiring. And when you did get an interview, you’d get ghosted afterward. On the rare occasion they didn’t ghost you, you’d receive a rejection letter like this one. It was preferable, you supposed, that your existence and effort were at least acknowledged, no matter how much it stung. Still hurt like a bitch to be told you weren’t good enough. 
Anything would be better than this, fuck you’d take being overworked and underpaid if it felt like you were doing something. This endless cycle of gnawing uncertainty and applications, interviews, followed by rejections. Worse than that you were out of deodorant and trying to find some in Japan was a Herculean effort. 
Yeah, it’s been a shit go and you’re fucking exhausted.
Maybe you’d go be an English teacher like everyone else who moves to Japan. You wouldn’t need a co-teacher so the pay would be better if you were just starting out. Not that you wanted to teach again dear god that was less than ideal. Thank god you had settled status. The thought of having to deal with visa issues at the same time made you feel sick. 
Maybe you could work at a host club. You turned, staring at your reflection in the glass. Your boobs weren’t half bad as you pushed them up from the underside like a push-up bra would. Or sell feet pictures. The market was probably oversaturated at this point but maybe there would be some interest.
Wait Jesus had your hair looked like that all day? Fuck. No wonder that girl kept staring at you on the train she thought you were a lunatic.
Sighing you press the button for 4H. It wasn’t like you’d always been this way, sort of drifting in a sea of uncertainty abroad your boat of doubt with no wind to guide your sails. There was a period of time, maybe a five-year stretch after you had graduated from university where your life was on track. An entry-level job in your degree field, a long-term boyfriend turned fiance, wedding planning, and a great group of friends. Shit, you had it all. 
The fiance was the first to go. 
As it turns out, finding your fiance in bed with the girl he swore you didn’t have to worry about, his tongue halfway down her throat like he’s trying to do an endoscopy, is a terrible way to find out you’re being cheated on. When he noticed you standing in the doorway he had the gall to sputter some bullshit about how it was your fault it happened. You were too focused on your work, you didn’t give him attention, blah, blah, blah. It was you who broke the relationship up by working so much and being married to your job. And as he paid for the overpriced four-bedroom apartment in an area of Tokyo that you didn’t even like, you lost the apartment in the breakup. 
You couldn’t slum dog millionaire your life away on Shoko and Utahime’s couch forever eating tubs of ice cream and binging TV after that, so everyone told you, or rather forced you, to move in with Suguru and Satoru. Bouncing around from couple to couple. It did give you some stability and just as things go up so must they come down. 
The company you were working for was liquidated after an investigation by the federal government found years of tax fraud. Luckily they got bought out, and you thought maybe if you put in work you could still climb the ladder. But all those late nights in the office, conbini dinners, and unpaid overtime, you were just another name on a severance list.
It felt like waves were crashing over you, each one larger than the rest. Almost like you were tied to a dock during a hurricane, a tsunami, or some fucking natural disaster that threatened to drown you if you didn’t hold onto something but there wasn’t much to hold on to. You could hold onto the minuscule amount of friendships that you had at least. It was far too awkward and messy to keep up with anyone else other than your main four since the rest were so tied to your ex-fiance and his life. Stupid fucking lawyer. 
The four of you were close-ish. Less close since Shoko had gone on rotation at a university on the other side of Tokyo. It meant she and Utahime had moved nearer to it since Utahime was willing to commute. But Suguru and Satoru were still close with you and still dating.  Biting as that felt at times. 
You met Geto first in a shared philosophy lecture. One of those run-of-the-mill ones, but the content that really got the two of you talking was nihilism. It was the seminar groups after class you shared where he really saw you. Stripped away of pretenses and your nerves laid bare. Not just another face in a lecture hall but something more, something human. The deep indents of nails in your palms and the rubbing of your hands together under the table. He had seen right through you, recognized the darker parts of himself in you- it made you feel understood.
The machine made a mechanical noise and the lights flickered. Sighing you kick the machine lightly to see if anything happens, if life could give you this one thing today that you so desperately needed. Just like everything else, nothing goes your way and your stupid drink stays logged on the shelf. So like every reasonable person you kick the machine again. 
“Stupid fucking piece of shit machine,” you murmur a growing string of profanities under your breath as you repeatedly kick the machine
All you wanted was one of those ¥100 coffee drinks that were loaded with caffeine to keep going through your slog of a day was that so hard? Maybe it would be best if you just packed it up and called it quits. Move back home with your parents and be berated daily. Why aren’t you married? Why did you and Kosuke break up? When are they going to get some grandchildren? They aren’t getting any younger you know. Face the cutting shame of fucking up another opportunity, another chance. 
What was the point in trying anymore when you couldn’t even get a stupid drink that you don't honestly even want at this point out of a vending machine so you can go home and masturbate to audio porn before you cry yourself to fucking sleep? 
Suguru’s voice cut through the spiral of thoughts, your name on his lips. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you had an interview and you’d be home late?” 
Of course, he’d catch you like this. 
“Hey Sugs,” it came out as a groan as you kicked the machine again, a loud clang following as your drink hit the bottom of the dispenser. Bending down, you grab the can before turning and facing him. “I did.” 
“How’d it go?”
“Like shit.” Maybe you should work on your delivery. This flat effect is really making you should like a bitch. Are you a bitch? 
Geto’s eyes raked over you, infuriatingly calm and measured. He was always so carefully disheveled, the type of person to look effortlessly put together no matter the occasion. Stupid name-brand black sweater over a white button-down half tucked into chinos with a chain on the belt. His hair, shiny and perfect, was neatly tucked into his signature half-up-hald-down look to keep the strand out of his eyes, minus the one for style. Notably, he was wearing his glasses for once, sleek frames perks on a tall nose. Oh, he smelt nice too, his sandalwood and bergamot cologne hitting you as he stepped closer, extending his umbrella to cover the two of you. Fuck he was so handsome it wasn’t fair.
“I'm sorry to hear that,” Geto replied softly.
You shrugged, trying to brush it off. “ It is what it is.”
But the reality of it clung to you and drug you down, down, down into the depths of your psyche. That small, scared feeling you tried so hard to suppress started bubbling up again, twisting your insides into knots. It made you feel sick, so much like a lost little child in a world that had grown far too big and complex. Here it was, rearing its ugly head, in front of one of the top ten people you never wanted to see in such a shit state.
But that's all Gojo and Geto do at this point. They pick up the broken, crumbling pieces of yourself that slip between your fingers. You feel like a cracked vase leaking water all over the place no matter how desperately they try and patch up the ceramic. Each day the gap between you and them grows more apparent. They were both soaring and you were falling to the ground and rolling around in the mud. 
Geto had just done a four-page spread in Architects Digest, even though he was a pretentious motherfucker who hated the magazine. And Gojo… God, he’d just opened for Prada at Paris Fashion Week. They went viral on every social media platform a while back for how hot and gay they were. You’d been caught in the crossfire of your accounts being tagged and gained a social media boost, but that also meant a bunch of people DMing you telling you to take pictures of them. 
The most fucked up thing about it all was the gnawing feeling that chewing on your bones that you were being dragged around like an accessory to remind them how good they had it. A permanent third wheel they’ve been stuck with since university. Two talented lovers on the brink of permanent importance and their weird little friend who follows them along like a lost puppy. It wasn’t even true and that's why it hurt so much. You knew they believed in you, thought that you could be a successful artist, and supported you in it even, but the jealousy rotted inside you like a festering wound. You weren’t even jealous of their success, only just partial, but it was like you weren’t good enough to be around them. 
Maybe you were better off as wall decor in the life they were building together. Something quiet and serene that didn’t demand anything from them. Better that than the bitter, jealous mess you were every time you saw them succeed.
He starts, the same spiel he goes to when you get like this. “You can always-”
“No.” your voice comes out sharper than you intended, but you don’t care. 
“I don’t know why you act like it’s such a bad off,” Suguru presses, his calm demeanor only pissing you off more.  
“I don’t want to work for you.” 
“Why not.” 
You snap. “Because I don’t want to, Suguru! Is that so hard to understand?”
Fuck, you wanted to storm off, go back to the house, and slam the door behind you as you went. But it didn’t matter if you stormed off, you lived in one of his guest bedrooms. Both of you were just headed to the same place. Sad little rescue that you were.
Suguru assessed, his eyes softened, breaking you down. He picked out every one of your insecurities as he stared at you. Microscopic inspection, each of your cells was being assessed for your state of being. Have you eaten? Was it enough? Had you slept? Are you even capable of taking care of yourself in this state? 
The weight of his gaze made your chest tighten, and before you could control it, try and reel it back in, tears welled up in your eyes. Blinking them back, you swallowed hard, the lump in your throat bobbing as you did. You hated this. Hated the way his care, his pity, felt like a knife twisting in the last remaining shred of pride you clung to. 
Pity was the killy of pride and you should accept that your pride was already decomposing in the septic tank in the backyard. 
Fuck up, fuck up, fuck up. All you ever were, all you’d ever be. Every loose thread of your shirt feels like it's cutting against your skin. The hem of your trousers drowns your feet like you're wearing your parents' clothes. Shabby. Uncouth. Inept. 
Wordlessly, you turned on your heel and fled, rushing out of the side street as the tears spilled past your lash line. You couldn’t do this anymore--no more questions, no more pity. No matter how hard you tried, how hard you struggled, clawed your way through the fucking dirt, you could never be like them. Never be good like theme, never right like them, never fit like them. They had these perfect little lives that they could boast to everyone about. When they spoke, people listened. People cared what they had to say. The world parted for them, it was the Red Sea and they were Moses, making space. There’d always be room for them to shine. 
But you were screaming into a void, your throat raw, bloody, and you were aching from the endless effort to be seen, to be heard. You wanted to be looked at like your own person, your own successes. Hard to be noticed for something that rarely happened. No matter how loud you screamed, how much you begged, your voice was just lost in the noise. 
You knew Suguru would follow. He always did. Even if you didn’t live in the same house, he’d have followed you. His voice was muffled by the pressure in your ears but you could hear him trying to talk to you. He let you get all the way home and inside the gate of the house before he grabbed your wrist and yanked you backward. 
Trying to pull away, your shoulder wrenched painfully as you trashed in his grip. 
“Calm down,” Suguru spoke firmly, pulling you into his chest. His sweater was soft, and your face smushed against the fabric as sobs wrecked your body, trembling like the earth in an earthquake.
It was hard to speak through the tears, so all you could do was try and slip out of his hold as you sobbed. You didn’t want this comfort. You wanted to run from your failure. From how suffocating life felt and that no matter what you'd never be enough. Worse than that, the sweet sickly feeling that trickled down your throat that when he held your life this, it made the world feel just a little bit more bearable. As if somewhere you could survive another day if he kept touching you. It wasn’t yours to feel and he wasn’t yours to hold. 
Suguru lets you wiggle around. You hit his torso a few times, your strength fading as you cry. When your sobs turned to hiccups and gasps for breaths, he gently cupped your face, thumbs brushing away the tears that still spilled from your eyes. 
“Talk to me,” he said softly, barely above a whisper. The songs of a city nearly eclipsing it. 
What could you say? How could you explain this feeling? This horrible guilt, pain, and jealousy ate away at you every single day. The tears came harder now, speeding up as if to help drown you in your misery and take you out of it for good. Hiccuping you drew breath, sharp and quick, hoping to speak but nothing comes out. Words claw at your throat, digging it with sharpened points. It hurts the way they hang onto you.
“Is it all too much again?” His voice is so soft, warm like fleece pajamas fresh out of the dryer as he holds you so delicately.
This wasn’t the first time that one of the three of you had been so consumed by dread, suffocated by the weight of life itself. Suguru knew it all too well himself, from high school to know he held it tightly in his hands. It never went away from him, he just learned to live with it, let it fade into the background, and let a constant hum of despair serve as the baseline for the day-to-day. 
His thumbs brush over the apex of your cheekbones again and the tenderness shatters you, another wave of sobs tearing through you. They pull you under, out into the open ocean, and through their rip current.
“I just..” you start, it scratches your throat, thick with phlegm. “ I can’t do this anymore.” 
His voice remained steady. “Do what?” 
“Any of it. I can’t do it.” 
“You’re capable of it. You can do it.” 
Jarring, rough, whipping across your skin as the rubber band pulls too tight and snaps. You lash out, and it stings where it hits. The anger cuts through your skin like your fingernails leave crescent moons in your palms. 
“No, I fucking can’t!” It's ripped out of you as you stalk away like a wounded animal. “I can’t okay. I can’t do shit. I can’t keep a relationship without being cheated on. I can’t manage to get my own place. I can’t get a fucking job. I can’t sit here and pretend like I’m not fucking wasting away in my own misery watching you and Gojo and Shoko all succeed and be the only one of us still shooting for the stars and coming crashing down to earth every single fucking time. You and Gojo with your perfect little lives look at me like a charity case to be fixed.”
“We have never looked at you like a charity case.” His tone was firm.
“Really? Then what the fuck do you look at me like, huh?” You press the question circling back around. “Is it pity? Did the two of you see some poor stray that you wanted to take in and keep like a pet when we met at university? Is that it?” 
His eyes were hard, unreadable.
“It is that. You pity me.”
“Jesus, no! We don’t pity you- I don’t pity you! Is it so hard to believe that I care about you?”
“Yes, it is! There’s no reason for you to care,” 
“What the hell wouldn’t I care?” Suguru’s voice raised to a shout, frustration cracking his facade. 
“Because I’m just like everyone you hate!” Your chest heaves as you let out a flood of emotions. “ No ambitions, contributing nothing to society, just leeching off others.” 
“You’re not like them.” 
“I am. On paper, I’m exactly like them. The only reason that you’d keep me around is because it makes you feel good to watch me suffer or you pity me.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t pity you?” His voice cracked with emotion, but you didn’t stop.
“Then tell me why you care!” It comes out so desperately. You're begging him for understanding, to know why he stays. To know why he lets you in.
For once he looked uncertain. His mask slipped, revealing the cracks in his facade. It’s been so long since you’ve seen underneath it you’d almost forgotten how he looked when he wasn’t pretending to be happy. 
“Or is it that you don’t care?” 
Something flashed in his eyes, flickerings of things you only saw when he looked at Gojo. He opens his mouth to speak and then closes it. There's a fear in his eyes, like if he acts in this moment something may crack and crumble like the foundation of a house that leaves him crumpled in a pile of wood. He doesn’t, or won’t, give you an answer. 
So you turn on your heel, the conversation over in your mind, and head to the front door. You’ll go up and pack a bag before heading across town and crashing on Shoko and Utahime’s couch before calling your parents and groveling to them. 
But as you reach the door, Suguru reaches you. His arm wraps around your waist and he spins you around and pushes your back against it. He’s got you pinned. 
“It’s because I love you.” It’s the faintest breeze that passes from his lips, like a car driving past on a hot day, sweat making your shirt stick to you. “I care because I love you.”
Everything is frozen in a still frame. Neither one of you moves, neither one of you breathes. A still moment that holds you tight, threatens to squeeze you so tightly your heart bursts. 
“What do you mean by that?” You swallow as you speak, like pebbles in your throat. 
Suguru blinks back tears, looking up and then back at you. “That I love you. Fuck! I’m in love with you.” 
Disbelief makes your voice shake. “No, you’re not not. You’re with Satoru.” 
“And? I can’t love both of you?” 
“No, you can’t,” Hypocrisy tastes acrid on your tongue. You know damn well you could never pick between the two of them, that this blighted jealousy you feel towards them is more the fact they have the other rather than their success. It’s something you don’t admit but it’s there. “Besides, you’re lying to me.”
“No.” His response was firm and immediate. The whole time you’d known them, their worlds had revolved around each other. They’d been the only thing for each other for so long. It was an unspoken truth that they were made for each other in a way that could only be sewn by the fabric of the universe itself. Something so profoundly and divinely created it had been written in the fabric of life at the moment of the Big Bang. 
“I’ve seen you watching.” Suguru’s tone is low, cutting, it vibrates through you as he has you pinned. 
A sick, icy dread wraps around your spine. It starts in your toes and crawls up your body. Your muscles lock in place as it climbs up until it's all the way in your head. Paralyzing fear grips you.
“I don't…” The lie is transparent before it comes to fruition. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It’s brittle, cracking on your teeth as it passes through them.
“Don’t play innocent.” Suguru’s voice was sharp, cutting through the air like a blade. The tension between you tightens and winds up to pitch, but there's a current that punctuates it. One that feels heady and warm. One that excites you in the same way it embarrasses you. “I’ve seen you watching. I’ve seen you for years. The first time, maybe it was a mistake. But last week? Three weeks before that?”
Your mouth went dry, choking on the excuse that tried to bubble up. Like finely ground chalk powder coasted every surface of it. “I—”
He cuts you off before you can even try to defend yourself. “I know you get off on it too. Leave your curtains open while you touch yourself. Saying his name, my name.”
Horror twists inside you like a knife, your heart dropping to the pit of your stomach. You’d always been so careful, never acting when you thought they were home. Never want to risk exactly this happening. Your face burned like you drank half a liter of vodka in a go. Maybe you’d wake up and realize this was a nightmare. The humiliation was unbearable. 
“Imagine my surprise,” Suguru continues in a low chuckle, left hand slotting perfectly against your waist, “when I came home early one day and saw that.” 
The tears that had stopped in your flash of anger spill hot and fast down your cheeks. The raw, hot shame and embarrassment muddle you. It makes you want a sinkhole to open up beneath you and swallow you whole. You can’t meet his gaze, your vision blurry. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll move out.” you stammer out, the words falling in a chopping spiccato, desperate to create space between the two of you. You’d never be able to face him again. 
“Who said anything about moving out?” Suguru comes, pulling you closer to him till you're flush against his chest. He bends down, breath tickling your ear. You feel the sharp pressure of his teeth grazing the shell of it, a jolt going through your body. “You don’t get to leave now.” Pulling back, he meets your eyes in a half-lidded gaze. 
Both of you are playing the game again. Looking for something unspoken, some cryptic clue you need to decipher. He was searching for discomfort, disgust, anything to make him draw back and stop. You searched for understanding, dissecting how it got to this point. Every moment, every glance, every touch from him that you had ever overlooked. 
He always held a soft glint in his eyes when he looked at you. Something subtle, normally reserved for Satoru. It warmed the edge of his voice when he spoke and crinkled the corners of his eyes when he smiled. There was that softness for Shoko, but it was different. The one he had for you was a more reserved, pulled-back, and dialled-down version of what gripped him when he looked at Satoru. He had always viewed you this way.
The times you sat sandwiched between him and Gojo, your legs brushing against him, his arm slung around your shoulders to reach Satoru. Pulling you against him on the train, in clubs, at parties, the bump of your hips against his own. Compliments when you wore flattering, his pushing Satoru to dress you up. He liked it best when you were in shorter dresses and skirts with tights. 
Suguru had always wanted you, but you had failed to notice. 
Instinct took over before reason could temper it. You pushed off the door, your hands flying to the loose part of his hair at the nape of his neck. The strands feelt just as silky an shiny as they look between your fingers. Without hesitation, the space between you two diminishes. You aren’t sure who closes the distance first, but your lips lock hungry. Teeth knocking against each other as you both desperately cling to the other. It's rough and aggressive, both of you starved animals feasting on flesh. The taste of copper spreading in your mouth as he bit down on your lip making you whine. His breathing becomes your own, heady mix of desire and dark, primal urge..
His tongue pushes against yours, taking advantage of your now open mouth, wet and warm brushing against the back of your teeth, laying claim to your mouth. Geto was dominating in all aspects of his life so it was unsurprising that he set the pace and led you to where he wanted to be. He moved your legs up, patting your ass to jump, to then wrap around his waist as he pressed you against the door. You grind your hips against his growing erection as he holds you there, and you can feel the heat of him even through his pants.
Suguru pulls away panting. His eyes are half closed, lips blushed a beautiful red and damp with saliva. He moves in again, this time to your neck, where he bites down hard. You squirm as he sucks a dark and angry mark, his mark, on your skin. The bite of his teeth against your skin feels right. It eats away at the jealous monster inside you every second he’s latched onto you.
Fed up with the door, Suguru opens it and carries you through the threshold. He moves the two of you through the genkan, toeing off his shoes while you kick your own off, and into the living room where he drops you on the couch. There’s an air about him, so intense it’s nearly oppressive, as his fingers inch up underneath your sweater, sliding it off of you. It’s a predator circling their prey, the success of a hunt now that he’s got you on your back against the soft fabric of the couch. He’d been waiting for this far longer than you thought and it spurs you on.
Suguru moves in tandem with you, tugging off his sweater and button-up shirt, exposing his happy trail. The dark dusting of hair makes your mouth water. Once his shirt is off, his hands cover your chest through your bra, palming your tits like stress balls. It's unpadded and lacey, and it lets him feel as if your nipples get hard. He pushes the cups down, leaving them to rest under your breasts, and pushes them up slightly, accentuated by your being on your back.
His fingertips close around your nipples as he pinches and pulls at them. You knew how much of a sadist he could be. One night you watched him edge Satoru for an hour straight. Seen how hot he looked with Gojo in his mouth as he writhed around. A sweet moan escaped you as he played with your nipples and rolled his hips against yours. It makes your head feel fuzzy, thoughts focusing purely on him. His weight presses down on you, so heavy and right it makes you ache.
You lunge forward, propping yourself up on your elbows to kiss him again. It’s just as messy and hungry as before, years of built-up desire between the two of you saturating your every pore. It settles in your bones that pulses in time with your heart. 
Suguru doesn’t separate from you, but he slides your trousers and underwear off in one go as you kick your socks off. He tugs his own off hastily, boxer briefs following in turn. His public hair is trimmed, a close crop like you’ve seen it before. Like every other aspect of him, it’s neatly maintained, put into its place, and kept there. 
His fingers dig into the flesh of your hips as he pulls your hips up by his head. Your back is half off the sofa as he places your legs over his shoulders and parts your core with his fingers. He blows cold air onto your clit that makes you squirm before he licks your clit. Moaning, you try to grind yourself against his face but his hands tighten on your hips, holding them firm. You’d get what he wanted to give you. Fight against it and get nothing, or accept it. 
He was slow to start. His tongue lazily explores you, getting familiar with your taste. It pushed against your clit, wide and flat, before swirling his tongue around it. The ball of his tongue piercing rubbed against the most sensitive part of you. Your hips jerk forward and he looks up, a warning in his eyes, but he doesn’t stop. Suguru curls his tongue again, this time moving it side to side, letting his piercing catch on your clit purposefully.  Every action he takes is measured as he picks up speed while latching his lips around it to add delicious suction. Two of his finger slide inside you, reaching far deeper than your own ever could. HE pumps them in and out of you, driving you closer to the edge.
You felt your pussy drooling, liquid gushing out and covering his chin. The muscles in your abdomen tightened with each passing second until you swore they'd cramp. It was all too much as you came, jerking and contracting in on yourself. Black spots dot your vision as your world shakes on this axis. 
Sugru watched as you came, pulling back from your pussy to stare at your face. His eyes never left yours as he rubbed soothing circles into your skin with his thumbs. He could cover nearly all of you with how big his hands were, warm and calloused. Minus a cold spot on his left hand. 
His engagement ring. 
The silver felt like it burned your skin as he smiled at you and planted a kiss on your inner thigh. It glimmers in the low light, bouncing light off like a homing beacon. Bubbling sickness, bile rising in your throat, disgust palming at your skin. What had you just done? You’ve just violated a boundary so gigantic with Suguru. Let your own selfish need for intimacy lead you to this. He was engaged to your best friend. They were getting married next year.
You rushed to grab your clothes, panic surging through you. The world spins around you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“We shouldn’t have done that,” you buttoned up your trousers, throwing your sweater on. Your hair is a mess and your skin feels clammy and flushed. The need to vomit is overwhelming. “This was a mistake.”
Suguru’s rising from the couch, trying to grab you, stopping you from moving but you dodge his hand. “A mistake?” 
Your left hand meets your mouth as you bite the nail of your thumb. It clicks against your front teeth. 
“Satoru won’t mind-” 
“A mistake Suguru,” You shake your head, bending down and grabbing the rest of your stuff. “Please. Just forget this.” Without waiting for his reply, you run up the stairs and slam the door behind you. 
You really are a bitch.
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©️ uzuzrimisery
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man3at3r-mp4 · 8 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖒𝖇 - 𝖍𝖍 𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 - 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 Ⅰ : 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝒂𝒔 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆
Prologue Chapter 3.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Lamb (noun) - a young sheep.
In biblical scriptures, the lamb is supposed to represent Christ as suffering and triumph. Lambs are also commonly referred to as sacrificial animals. But can also symbolize innocence, purity, and forgiveness.
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The wind whirled gently, as the sun began to awaken. Signifying a new day, as all of the residents of heaven were already going on about their day. One without any hardships or disappointment, as bad days don't exist in heaven and there never will be. All the angels were up.
Except one.
Soft snores could be heard echoing throughout the luxurious bedroom, the white and light blue colored walls, with accented golden windows, you'd think it'd be a bit bright to sleep in this room. Well, not if you're as tired as Y/n.
Which you were, since you are him.
You nuzzled into the soft velvety pillow, as you continued to sleep. A small a bit of drool running down the corner of your mouth.
Ah, you lucky bitch, you know the sleep is good if you're drooling.
Skelly laid at the end of your bed, curled up against the head, as he also snored softly. A small snot bubble rising from his nose everytime he exhaled.
Sucks, you can't sleep forever.
Your lamb ears flicked a bit, at the sound of your name being called but you simply shuffled your position on your bed, and resumed your sleep. 
"Y/n..."  you heard a familiar voice call.
"Nooo~ Alucard you can't put your hand there...hehehee." You chuckled almost drunkenly, in your sleep.
"Y/n, it's 8:30...we're already an hour behind schedule"
At this, you managed to crack one eye open. "Huh..?" You croaked out, tiredly. As you began to go over the information that had just been fed to you in your head.
'8:30....hour behind schedule'
Your eyes suddenly shot open, as you jolted up into a sitting position. Scaring the shit out of Skelly, as he fell to the ground at your fast movements.
  "8:30?!?!?" You screamed, leaping out of bed. "IMLATEIMLATEIMLATE-" you immediately, rushed to the bathroom to try and ready yourself.
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"It's fucking 6:30...." you deadpanned, as you sat in front of your vanity, as multiple sets of hands began to do your make up and tame your wild hair.
"Blame it on yourself, for why we had to wake you up so early. Everytime we wake you up at 7 you somehow always manage to be late..also cursing? Prince Y/n, you know that's a sin right? Your sisters would go crazy" a feminine and graceful  voice said teasingly, it belong to your make up artist, named Miko. She was pastel purple and white Angel, she resembled a secretary bird. You remembered seeing one once, on your secret expeditions to earth. They were goregous, and so was Miko. Her attire was extravagant, it matched the heavenly color scheme of white, blue and gold, but added in some new colors. Which, you appreciated. Honestly you were getting sick, of all the white.
"Hmph, well so is lying.." you muttered, sarcastically.
"He got you there Miko.." a masculine voice chuckled. That voice belonged to your hair stylist, Elijah. He was an Angel that resembled his human self in his past life. Except his skin was now tinted a purple undertone, his pinkish hair was styled in twists, and his gold colored freckles littered his face. He still retained his New York styles street wear fashion, in heaven.  You would have thought he was human if he didn't have. heart shaped antennas sticking out of his head, as well as a halo and a pair of wings.
Miko rolled her eyes, "shut up, you wanna talk about sinning? How about your outfit? Girl, those colors are clashing with your eyes.." 
Elijah gasped dramatically, as he placed a hand on his chest. "Oh, you don't even wanna go there. Ms. Trashy blend" he snaps back.
"Excuse me? That blend was beautiful!"
"Girl please, all you ended up doing is making yourself look like a shitty Christmas tree"
" all because I used green and red?"
"You used the brightest red possible, I thought your ass was about to glow in the dark"
"Oh you-"
"Ladies, ladies" you finally butted in. "You're both ugly, let's quiet down"
They both went silent, glancing at each other before speaking up.
"Course you'd know about ugly y/n"
"Hey!" You huffed.
"Remember last year when he decided to get bangs?" Elijah snickered.
"Remember?! I cant forget it!" Miko replied, laughing. You crossed your arms, as you pouted.
"They weren't THAT bad"
"Honey, you looked like Will Byers from stranger things with that fuck ass little Bob of yours"
Miko bursted out laughing, holding her stomach as she stumbled back a bit. Elijah laughed along with her, as he leaned against her.  While you sat their, cheeks flushed in embarrassment with a pout on your face. Though you struggled to keep your pout, since that was pretty funny.
"Ugh whatever, whatever" you rolled your eyes playfully. "Just finish getting me ready, before I have you all sent into the firey pits of hell" you scoffed, pointing your nose up snobbishly. Exaggerating your voice in a British accent.
"Oh yes sir!"
"Of course, your majesty!"  They both played along, acting meek as they copied a British accent.
"Just don't hurt me your highness! I need my 15 shillings to feed my family!" Elijah cried, dramatically.
"Then work faster peasants, chop chop!" You huffed, clapping your hands to insinuate how 'serious' you were.
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Soon enough, you were ready for the day, your hair styled, your makeup done, and Elijah was currently done firring your clothes.
"Does his majesty, find his wardrobe to his liking?" Miko asked, in her fake British accent.
"It is adequate ." You replied, before you dropped the act smiling sincerely. "I look great, thank you both." You reply.  "You both are like the greatest make up and hair stylist in heaven"
Miko rolls her eyes playfully, " We know, babe" she teased.
You sighed as you stood up, "Y'know you two don't have to go all out on me all the time. I barely leave the castle"
"And who's fault is that?" Elijah asked, giving you a knowing look. "If you weren't always trying to sneak down to hell, maybe Sera would actually let you out more". You frowned, groaning.
"Ugh! I know! But still, that doesn't give her the right to keep me couped up in here! What am I? Rapunzel?" You replied, sarcastically.
"I mean you got the naivety, ditziness, and stubborn attitude all you need to do is grow your hair out and run around barefoot." Miko says, as she began to pack away her make up kit.
"Har har har.." you scoffed, "I am not running around with my hooves out"
"What Miko is trying to say" Elijah butted in. "Is that we want to go all out on you, your our friend boo. You deserve it"
Miko hums, "Yeah, plus why does it matter? Ugh, don't tell me you're worried Adam is gonna call you gay again just cause you wear make up..."
You puffed out her cheeks, as your form stiffened. "No! Of course not! I don't care what Adam thinks! He's just some guy who didn't age out of his  frat boy jock stage. Which is weird...since he wasn't even alive when frats or jocks were a thing...but you get the point."
"Anyways we're heading out.." Elijah says, as he wraps an arm around Milo's neck. "We're meeting up with Molly for smoothies later.."
Your smile dropped, "smoothies? Ugh! Lucky! I wish I could go...but I have to do stupid royal stuff.." your crossed your arms. "Wait? Smoothies now? Isn't it a bit too early?"
Miko shrugged, "we're in heaven baby, it's never to late for smoothies". You rose a brow, narrowing your eyes.
"Elijah doesn't even have any sugar till past 12-" your eyes widened in realization. "Oh you assholes, you two are ditching me before Lia-!"
Just like that, your bedroom door, slammed open. Scaring Skelly, who was fast asleep on your window sill, causing him to fall once more. There stood another Angel, he had one giant golden eye, no mouth, and whispy purplish blue flame hair. He wore a fancy suit with a sweater vest, all in blue white and gold.
"Prince Y/n! You're late! Late late!" He called out, rushing over to you. Unfortunately for you, he was an inch or two taller than you.
"Good morning, Liam.." you spoke, flashing a nervous smile before glancing past him over towards Elijah and Miko. Your smile dropping, as you narrowed your eyes at them. As they both blew you kisses and waves before they rushed out the door.
You sighed, before turning to look back at the rambling Angel in front of you. "You have so many things to get done today, are you ready Prince Y/n?" he summoned a scroll into his hand.  Your shoulders dropped, you were truly getting tired of this routine. But you put on a brave face, as you nodded.
"Ready as I'll ever be ."
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.- .-.. .-.. / .. -. .... .- -... .. - .- -. - ... / --- ..-. / - .... . / . .- .-. - .... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .-- --- .-. ... .... .. .--. / - .... . / -... . .- ... - / .- .-.. .-.. / .-- .... --- ... . / -. .- -- . ... / .... .- ...- . / -. --- - / -... . . -. / .-- .-. .. - - . -. / .. -. / - .... . / .-.. .- -- -... .----. ... / -... --- --- -.- / --- ..-. / .-.. .. ..-. . --..-- / - .... . / .-.. .- -- -... / .-- .... --- / .-- .- ... / ... .-.. .- .. -. / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / -.-. .-. . .- - .. --- -. / --- ..-. / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. .-.-.- .-. . ...- . .-.. .- - .. --- -. / .---- ...-- ---... ---.
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Little authors note here, y'all are free to interpret Y/ns lamb design in anyway you want. He can be a full on furry/ anthro creature  like Husk or Angel Dust. Or he could be like alastor and Charlie and just have animal characteristics like ears/hooves/ horns etc. but they maintain a relatively human appearance. It's up to y'all <33 it doesn't affect the story in anyway. I just mention Y/n has hooves cause he canonically does.
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unknownperson246 · 29 days
u should do a profeasor Rockstar fic with Nikki Sixx where student catches him with another teacher and she gets jealous or whatever and pushes the other girl away.
Make it as smutty as possible
hiii I’m so so sorry it’s late but here it is ❤️.
Teachers Pet:
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Words: 697
warnings: *smut* *reader is in highschool* *nikki is a highschool teacher* *jealousy* *p in v* *daddy kink* *slight breeding kink* *dirty talking* *spanking kink* *pet names* *fingering*
✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙
You were 18 years old in 12th grade. You were about to graduate in May. You didn't even want to come today but your favorite teacher Mr.Sixx was always there cheering you up whenever he taught his class. You could listen to him speak all day. You watched as his hands moved and made gestures while he was talking. You had fantasies of his long fingers moving inside of you. You wanted him to masturbate you and to finger you. Whenever he asked the class a question you would answer it correctly every time. You always studied well for his class. You were Nikki's teacher's pet. It was a surprise to you that you even retained any information he taught you even though you were distracted by his dick. One day you were walking down the hallway and heard Nikki with some other teacher. He was fucking her. You could hear muffled moans and groans coming from the teacher's lounge. You opened the door. It is ironic because the teacher you liked the most was fucking the teacher you hated the most. You could just laugh but instead, your face turns red and you get very pissed. 
Nikki saw you while he was fucking her.
“Y/N what are you doing in here? You should be in class” He sounds as if he is about to scold you.
You watch his hard cock slip out of the bitch you hated. You wanted to break down but instead, you punched the female teacher you despised.
“Get off of my Daddy,” You say angrily.
Nikki was stunned but he already forgot the teacher he was stuffed inside of. All of his attention was on you. His breaths were getting heavier. His cock hardened seeing you push the teacher out of the way. 
“Good girl. But you're getting punished for skipping class you naughty girl” He whispered in your ear while stroking your hair gently. You felt yourself getting wet with him breathing heavily in your ear. You took your skirt off and went wild. 
You felt his hand on your ass. His hand was spanking you over and over again. You felt his hand slip underneath your panties. You ripped your skirt off and he took your panties off. He picked you up and your legs and arms wrapped around him. 
“After we fuck get to class.” He commanded you.
“Yes Daddy” You moan as soon as you started riding his cock. You wanted him stuffed so deep inside of you that he would crush your pussy with his balls.
“Baby girl”  He groaned as he leaned on the lounge countertop. 
“Fuck me like the bad girl you know I am Daddy,” You say taking hard and deep breaths as he continues to thrust inside of you.
“Almost there baby girl” He moaned heavily. 
You were so close to your long-awaited orgasm. You wanted to get go of him but you know you needed to keep a strong grip on his body so his huge dick wouldn't fall out of you. You pushed yourself into him at the same time Nikki kept going faster. You felt the friction and the friction was what you wanted. He walked while carrying you over to the fridge. The back of his head leaned onto the fridge behind the two of you. He came inside of you. “That was something Mr.Sixx” You smirk catching your breath. You bent down grabbing your skirt. You put it on.
“Now get to class before I tell the principal on you.” He teased you while stroking your clit on the silk of your panties. His hand went down to your lower belly.
“Make sure not to get pregnant” He smirked and walked out the door of the lounge. He walked down the hallway with you while he fixed his shirt on the way. You did the same while fixing your hair. He walked you to class.
He opened the door to your teacher.
“We have a little escapee.” He said smirking while petting your hair. He let you go into your teacher's class and went on his way to teach another one of his classes.
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ddollfface · 4 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲
𝙆𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 (𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 2.)
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Warnings; yandere behavior, bad writing, stalking, creepy letters, misogyny, pushy behavior, me rambling, groping, touchy behavior, reader is a girl, not proofread, Tumblr's a bitch btw :/ If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ I'm fully aware that nobody wanted this (I see all of you in my inbox, I'm getting to you, trust), but this little rat has been stuck in my mind. Ngl I have a love-hate relationship with Kiyosumi, but it's whatever. Enjoy :)
Okay, I don't like Kiyosumi. He's mean, brash, loud, arrogant, and doesn't think before he acts, overall there are no redeeming qualities to his personality. And I don't think he'd ever change for someone else, whether it be his master, Doppo, a lover, or a friend. He's stuck in his ways and doesn't want to see the world in any other way. And I just know that if I were to ever meet Kiyosumi (if he were real), we would absolutely loathe each other.
Everything about him genuinely pisses me off, and I can't imagine how anyone could enjoy his presence, so this is why I think Kiyosumi would be an absolute freak to have on your ass. There's no way any sane wo/man would ever consider being in a relationship with him unless they were being held hostage.
I believe that Kiyosumi would be a stalker, through and through. He doesn't have the charisma that Jun or Katsumi (though it's clumsy) have. He's rude and annoying, which is clear throughout the series, but this doesn't mean he doesn't have experience with women. He does, but he doesn't retain any of the information, his head is too stuck up his ass to recognize what works and what doesn't.
He doesn't know how to get a woman into his bed without paying her; he doesn't know how to get a girl to laugh, nor does he know how to get someone to like him. Even though he's an attractive man, he can't seem to get anyone to stay.
Kiyosumi is the butt of the joke, no matter who he's talking to. Everyone makes fun of him and sees him as a weak martial artist, leading him to use extreme measures to appease his own ego, seeing as no one else will. This is why he uses underhanded tactics while fighting, and I think this applies to his dating life. Now, this leads me to the type of girls Kiyosumi would pine after.
The first type is sweet, caring, and sensitive. She can't stand up for herself and flinches at the slight raise in tone. Overall, this type of girl is very insecure and usually sticks to herself or her very, very close circle (who she's likely known since she was a little girl).
If this matches you, then well aren't you lucky. Now you have Kiyosumi tracking your ass. He won't leave you alone, no matter how many times you whisper for him to back off, albeit politely. He takes every stutter, breaking off eye contact, and flushed cheeks as a sign that you're interested in him, not able to get it through his thick skull that you're uncomfortable.
With this type of reader, I see Kiyosumi being an abusive, manipulator who's taking advantage of someone who's smaller than him, both physically and mentally. Kiyosumi enjoys the control you give him, seeing as you don't demean him like everyone else. You're nice to him, though you shouldn't be. You're unnaturally giving, and at first, it makes him conscious, believing that you've got some trick up your sleeve.
Kiyosumi has genuinely never felt such kindness that he's developed major trust issues, which have formed into anger issues. He belives that he's being underappreciated in the martial arts, but you give him the recognition he's looking for. You don't say anything mean to him, if anything you're complimenting him (you're not)!
I feel horrible for this type of reader, far too much of a nervous wreck to say shit to Kiyosumi, letting his hands wander where they shouldn't be. You feel as if you're not in a place of power, in a high enough authority to say anything. Maybe if you just keep your mouth shut he'll leave you alone, right?
It's better to just ignore how his hand slowly creeps down, down, down, settling on your ass, cupping the fat, and squeezing; to ignore how his eyes linger on your cleavage, which you've covered as much as possible, not wanting any attention from Kiyosumi. Or how he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pressing his chest to your back, forcing you to feel ever muscle, the raw power they hold.
Though Kiyosumi is weak in the grand scheme of things; you don't know that, so he uses that to his advantage, forcing you into compromising situations. You're clearly not comfortable with his advantages, tugging on his hand when he caresses your waist, his sweaty hands practically leaving stains on your light sundress.
He chooses to ignore when you actively lean away from him, not wanting to catch a whiff of his alcohol-drenched breath, no gum can fix his rank breath. The grease colllecting in his onyx hair, made the gel shine a little too much.
Kiyosumi is just gross, and clearly not a ladies' man. Hell! You doubt that Kiyosumi has even interacted with a woman who isn't his mom! But you'd never tell him that, you don't think you'd survive the stare he'd give you seconds after. Living for others' approval has been your goal since you were a little girl, and seeing such a disapproving stare would break you.
But that's what Kiyosumi likes about you. You're just so soft, so nice, and sweet. You'd never undervalue him like all the other women do, like Doppo does. No, you wouldn't do that to him, you're far too kind for that (he acts like he knows you better than you know yourself).
Kiyosumi will try to pressure you into advancing your "relationship" at a rapid pace. At one moment, he's following you around work, trying to get your number and the next he's sleeping in your bed, hogging the blanket like an ass.
It makes your head spin and knees quake. Your life has spun upside down, no longer looking the same as just a few months ago. Kiyosumi has weaseled his way into your life, securing himself in your home like a leech.
Now he can make sure that no other man is getting even close to you. No, no, no you cannot even speak to other men. Kiyosumi wants your eyes on him, and only him. He's not letting you go, not after he's found the jackpot, you. You're the only person who's "appreciated" him on this level; you're like his sweet, little honeypot, that only he has. He doesn't want to share his new toy with the other boys, not when you're so damn cute.
UGH! He's literally the definition of an ICK. I hate him so much because, c'mon angel face, don't you know we're in this together? All you have to do is trust me, and let me take the reins, yeah? Just let me be the man. Now, just sit your cute ass down, and shut your mouth.
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onlyseokmins · 1 year
"teach 'em"
Titling, tagging, and adding to my masterlist bc I don't think it deserves to get lost in my thot tags only... But it's informal af hehe
was thinking about loser!chan (again) who's like a 2.5 on the virgin (1) to whore (10) scale.
your new boyfriend is a sweetheart. he has the prettiest eye smile and he's uber talented. you love to see the passion when he's dancing and the strong bond between his older friends that are like brothers to him. that very same energy carries over to how he takes care of you. he's always fussing over your well-being and checking in on you in a non-intrusive way. you adore him.
bonus points for the foreplay before sex being hot and heavy. he's a fabulous kisser and he even has a great dick that feels equally as great when he's inside of you.
so why is he still a loser?
because his stroke game is sloppy at best and unfulfilling at worst, the latter happening much too often than you even want to admit to yourself - let alone him. which is shocking considering the way you've seen him hip thrust on stage.
it's just that you feel so freaking good squeezing around him and - oh fuck, oh no! - he's cumming way too soon again. you know this by how often he tells you, letting out a heavenly sob of "thank you for having the best pussy pussy in the world," and "thank you for letting me stick my dumb dick inside."
honestly, you're awfully flattered he has trouble retaining any control over himself. there's something quite intimate about the ropes of his release warming up your womb, still full of his softening cock as he grunts and babbles grateful praises in your ear.
but that doesn't eliminate the fact that you've only memorably cum once after the multiple rounds of sex you two have shared. and the reason you even did in the first place was by wrapping your legs around his hyper-thrusting hips, trying to keep him aligned to continuously hit that one spot with the enlarged head of his cock that had your toes curling.
and just as you're about to hit that peak climax - chan cums first - of course. but it's alright, you're almost there. gummy inner walls spasming around his pulsating cock while he whines at the sensitivity. what finally tips you over that much-needed edge is the warm dampness pooling in your clavicle - your sweet channie so pussy-drunk he's drooling on and over you. only a fool wouldn't forgive him for any of his blunders. though it is your first achieved orgasm with him, you're elated that he possesses some capability of making you cum.
but that was a good month (or more) ago and it's high time that you have that deep conversation with your loving boyfriend. and he's as remorseful as expected. in fact, you think he's near tears at the fear of you breaking up with him over this.
you aren't - obviously. he's perfect in every way, he just needs to learn how to use his dick better to please someone. and it certainly piques your interest when he cusses a certain someone out under his breath while running a distressed hand through his hair.
"what did you just say?"
"um... that it's all cheol's fault."
oh. so your boyfriend's technique actually sucks only because he had a bad teacher. not because he's inherently bad at sex. it doesn't quite add up though, because seungcheol is allegedly the famed fuckboi of the century and self-rated an 11 on the virgin to whore scale...
"call him."
"i need to conduct some research."
so chan does as he's told, dialing the bane of your existence because you've never truly gotten along with that competitive, cocky son of a bitch from your graduating class.
"what would you do to make me cum?"
your boyfriend looks so mortified you're pleasantly surprised he hasn't passed out or hung up already. and seungcheol is either too stunned to speak or silently gloating before he finally replies, "darling i think you called the wrong number... with the phone of the one you're supposed to be talking to about this. are you drunk? where's that little boyfriend of yours?"
"i'm not drunk," you roll your eyes hard enough so he can hear it in the tone you always use with him. "and he's not little."
"could've fooled me."
"i'm sure you would know how big he is since you supposedly were the one who taught him all he knows."
seungcheol snorts. "guessing he's not able to satisfy you with that so-called big dick of his."
"i dunno, i think it's 'cause he had a shit-ass teacher. tell me, have you ever made someone orgasm before? like for real?"
"not anyone with the kind of attitude you have." there's some shuffling in the background. "brats like you... well, they - you - don't deserve it."
"gosh, you're so irritating." you spit out before smiling kindly at chan, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "hey, cheol... i think you're avoiding my question so you should come and show us how good your methods really are. and maybe you can make me cum along the way with such stellar teachings."
and then you hang up.
"i-i - " chan stutters, "if he's gonna come down... i m-mean... i'll study harder for you, baby - "
"relax," you press a finger to his lips and then smirk when there are two sharp bangs resonating outside your shared apartment, "looks like our sulky upstairs resident decided to grow a pair."
your boyfriend sighs. "couldn't resist, could he?"
sure enough, when you open the door - there stands your nemesis - choi seungcheol.
he glares, daring to try and look at you with a hint of disdain as if he isn't the one who has a light sheen of sweat on his forehead after running down the steps rather than wait for the elevator. impatient as always, along with a growing bulge in his sweatpants.
"wow... you came so fast!" you fake-clap to mock him further. "i always knew you and channie wanted to share me... trying to ruin my precious boyfriend's dick game 'cause you were jealous he got inside my tight, wet cunt that you always wanted first."
chan's mouth nervously opens and closes behind you and he gulps when the eldest of his friends gives him that look. "i-it wasn't my fault!"
you cling to his arm with a pout, eating up the way you can play off this game with the other man who's nothing but a menace.
"don't be mean to the love of my life, cheollie."
if the look shared between them hadn't already dampened your panties, they soaken even further when seungcheol's dark gaze lands back on you.
feral. hungry. wanting.
got him.
you've always had him wrapped around your little finger anyways and he hated... loved... every moment of it.
"on the bed. naked. both of you. chan on top," he commands - no, demands - and you slide excited fingers down your boyfriend's forearm and take him by the hand, skipping to the bedroom.
while getting into said position, you both start giggling at the realization while whispering words of love to each other that has seungcheol rolling his eyes because it feels like he's already forgotten.
he flops dramatically on the ottoman by the bed and loudly says, "alright young 'un. go ahead and start su - "
"i want you to fuck me, channie. please put your huge dick in my needy pussy... i'm dripping..." and then you whisper in his ear, "all for you, promise."
"shit," your boyfriend - ever the good listener - rubs his tip along your entrance in awe before sliding in with a whine, "you're ruining the bedsheets already..."
"ah please, ruin me."
"fuck, baby you're gonna ruin me."
seungcheol's eyebrow twitches. so does his cock. "hold on a sec, you're going too fast - "
"faster! destroy my cunt with your large cock! i love your fat cock in me so much."
you cling to chan's shoulder blades as he gets lost once more in the rhythmic pulses of your walls perfectly massaging his leaking dick. the extra presence in the room no longer even a thought with his erratic, achingly desperate thrusts. though you're trying to coach and egg him on as usual, he doesn't even need to be hitting your g-spot at this moment because you stare over his shoulder at a different set of brown eyes that shoot heat undeniably right to the center of your core.
seungcheol's jaw is clenched, a hand over his own hard-on. either to hide the pre-cum starting to stain his sweats and/or reluctantly giving in that he's enjoying this more than anyone could even think.
unfortunately, you're moaning so loudly over and over again about the thick, wonderful, ginormous cock (so true) of your beloved boyfriend that he's getting irked again and hates how it's kind of killing his mood.
"that's just 'cause you haven't seen mine yet," he grumbles.
scratching at chan's back, you sneer at the bitter observer. "fine, by the bed. naked." you mimic his tone, if not some of his words, from before. "let me see that prized fuckboi cock you're so proud of."
and soon enough you have one impressively large cock in one hand and your boyfriend about ready to coat your pussy with his cum.
and even sooner, you have two men on their backs for you - one weeping (and his poor dick too) from the overstimulation and the other nearly tearing your ruined bedsheets because you are so insistent on (meanly) edging him with your cruel grip on his large cock.
"fuck you," seungcheol huffs.
"you wish," you bite back and seat yourself back on chan hearing his telltale whimper. making sure to catch the final weak spurts of his cum in your greedy cunt.
let's just say with seungcheol's lack of assistance but much needed presence, you work on effectively teaching not only your darling boyfriend how to please his partner but also the fake fuckboi that might just join your sexy sessions from now on.
if not to learn from the real pro, then definitely in the hopes that one day he might get to touch, taste, or fuck even the tip of his cock in your pussy he's been fantasizing about for years.
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unicyclingskinwalker · 7 months
Ganyu with a S/O who’s the embodiment of Sin of Wrath
Okay so this has been in my brain for DAYS! How I got this idea? Well my fellow XX and XY chromosomes (please don’t come at me if I didn’t include your gender okay ily) my friend asked me to so yeah. This is my first time writing so please tell if I got anything wrong.
Warning's: Ganyu being teased by Ninggaung, Gn!Reader, violence (kinda), Beidou on her shit again, SFW, fluff.
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• ARRGGGG THIS DYNAMIC IS SO CUTE. Since S/O is you know, the embodiment of Sin of Wrath, you can already assume they are a hot headed fellow.
•Just Ganyu being the absolute sweetheart she is, meanwhile S/O just blew up a whole hilichurl camp because one of them looked at them wrong.
• I’d like to imagine S/O is just very blunt with their words towards everyone else, except for Ganyu. Someone could say “Hey, am I ugly?” And S/O will just say without skipping a beat “Yes.”
• But Ganyu is a different case, because my girl has body image issues, she can ask S/O “Do you just pity me?” When she feels down, and S/O just looks at her like “bitch tf?”
• Then proceed to go on a 3 hour rant on how she is perfect.
• Now let’s talk about how Ganyu views S/O. At first encounter she was more or less fucking terrified of them. She was worried S/O would destroy Liyue, but as time went on, feelings developed and then BOOM
• She loves S/O with all her heart, but has to calm them down whenever something ticks them off. Some random citizen looked at Ganyu weird? Well now S/O is about to tackle the dude.
• Venting to S/O about someone was a bit snarky to her? S/O is now asking about any information they have on this person.
• My girl over works herself to exhaustion, S/O would swoop in and take her on a date as a fucking break.
• S/O would bring in small treats for her like strawberries. Also anytime you two go out on a date at a restaurant, you would be the one to say they got he order wrong.
• Also naps with her are the BEST! Pls let her rest her head on your shoulders, she needs it.
• Now her co workers.
• Ningguang would be concerned for well, the entirety of Liyue. The physical embodiment of the Sin of Wrath here? Yep, they are going into a watch list.
• Ningguang would be very on edge anytime they were near S/O but would cover it up. After a while, she be okay with S/O, since they’ve proven they’re not a threat to Liyue.
• When Ganyu and S/O start dating and news of it gets out, ohhh boy, Ganyu is in a world of teasing from Ningguang. Ning would walk up to Ganyu and start to ask her “Is your partner treating you fair? I hope he is.” Or something like that.
• Keqing would be the same case, but on edge for wayyy longer. Like even after when S/O started to date Ganyu. Idk, this girl gives off the vibes she does personal investigation on S/O for WEEKS.
•But at some point she’ll warm up to S/O, a tiny bit. Not a whole bunch but it’s progress. She will definitely be very happy that Ganyu found some joy in her life.
• Now Beidou. She honestly wouldn’t mind S/O that much but jokingly say to them, “I could use you for my crew!” While taking sip of her drink.
• One time, Beidou managed to convince S/O to help her get rid of some hilichurl camps. Well that ended with the hilichurl population at basically zero and the landscape unrecognizable.
• Yeah, S/O and Beidou got in trouble.
• Now Ganyu’s family, Zhongli, Xiao, Shenhe, and Cloud Retainer (Xianyun). (Yes I see them as a family. Yes it’s my own head cannon, idc, bite me.)
• I imagine Ganyu wanted to introduce S/O to them after they started dating.
• Zhongli would be questioning S/O. Since now he can actually see them in person we would ask so many questions about them. Bro would ask them what their most traumatic memory they have.
• Then ask if they like dogs…
• After like a whole court trial’s worth of questions, he would give the green light that he’s good.
• Cloud retainer/ Xianyun. She’s doing full on stalking. Not in a bad way, she just wants to make sure S/O is a good fit for Ganyu.
• At first she would HATE S/O because one, they are the physical embodiment of wrath, and two wrath = extreme violence, and violence is a red flag. She can’t have any harm done to Ganyu, who is practically her child.
• Now after Ganyu had to do some convincing and S/O being told to be on their best behavior, they got the green light! YAYAYA
•Xiao. First encounter and he would immediately pick up on the negative energy S/O has around them, and basically try to kill them, and Ganyu would have to stop it.
•After she explained to Xiao, he would look Ganyu, confused, look at S/O, look up and down, turn back to Ganyu and say “Really?”
• He’s gonna be so snarky towards S/O. Both of you guys would feel uneasy around each other after that incident.
• But you guys will be forced to apologize to each other at some point, likely by Ganyu. You two would still side eye each other but it’s fine.
• Xiao won’t verbally say it, but he will accept you at some point. So YAHOO
• I won’t have much for Shenhe since I don’t know much about her and I don’t want to mess her up so yeah.
• She stare down S/O for god knows how long. Just her mind thinking wether or not if S/O is a good fit.
• Shenhe would also ask some questions such as “What are you intentions with Ganyu? Will you harm her? Are you dangerous?” Answer wrong and you’re going to hear boss battle music.
• Then after some time she’s going to be all like “Okay, they’re fine.”
Alright that’s it for now! This was my first ever post and I hope I got things right enough! Okay ily, drink some water, have a snack or go to FUCKING SLEEP.
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prince-liest · 6 months
love the way you explore Alastor's friendships but especially with his gal pals, which I feel like might get overlooked by a lot of people! thank you so much for the radiodiva fic. it hit me in all of my aroace feels and of course it's great to read more of Mimzy. you even threw in some Niffty (and a Rosie shoutout) that was sooo cute. truly the Al GalPal fic.
it's also super fun to compare Al's behavior with his female friends (and how much of that is informed by time period and those ideals) and how he behaves when boundaries are crossed with Vox in the 666 series. how much would you say is due to differences in power (overlord vs normal sinner) and gender perceptions? or was that something you were taking into consideration when writing?
Thank you so much! It's a really fun topic for me to explore because, as you said, those are definitely all things that I think about when I write about how Alastor relates to other people, especially people with the potential to become friends! I think it's power and gender.
This turned into a pretty long post, so: the rest is under the cut!
We definitely see in canon that Alastor has a different relationship with his female friends than he does with pretty much any male character, period. I think that his behavior in that sense is very much informed by the time period that he's from. Obviously he hasn't strictly retained '20s sensibilities (except maybe with regards to radio, haha), but I think he clearly puts some effort into presenting himself as a gentleman when women are involved in a way that he simply doesn't bother with when men are. He offers a certain amount of leeway and respect to characters like Niffty, Mimzy, Rosie, and even Charlie, who I personally think that he would claim as a friend but doesn't realize he may or may not be beginning to genuinely see as one. Honestly, the female character to get the least amount of leeway from him is Vaggie, and she's outright hostile to him on many occasions.
But... even with Vaggie, he's much nicer to her outright antagonism than he is to, say, Husk. He's still unkind when he prods her about Charlie's expectations in episode one, and I think he knows he has to maintain a veneer of decency with her that he doesn't with Husk, but I think from the way he expresses himself it's still telling that he seems more amused than irritated with her even when he's being a petty bitch about it.
He does have female friends across different power levels, and I think in each case there's a clear consideration to that aspect of the dynamic as well. He most likely owns Niffty's soul, and he gives Niffty an incredibly amount of leeway with his person and outright says that he admires her in a way. Mimzy is a sinner who runs to him for help, and he enables her behavior and attitude with fondness and, I think we can extrapolate, consistently comes through for her requests - he's also incredibly polite to her when he asks her not to, y'know, destroy the project he's currently investing so much time into. Rosie, on the other hand, is an overlord - and he still shows her a great deal of fondness, but I think it's also telling that their dialogue seems to imply that their relationship is very well-balanced by mutual favors.
And on that note, it's also not a coincidence that I tend to reach for Angel Dust, a very genderqueer character who does not personally perform traditional masculinity (and in fact puts quite a bit of effort into his feminine persona) as a member of the hotel crew that Alastor would be the most able to become friends of sorts with. Angel is, of course, also a sinner of a pretty low power level, and I think that underneath the external wildly different presentations, he and Alastor have a lot in common (namely on the topic of masking), but he's not the only character who masks around Alastor and compared to Vox or Lucifer, who are both powerful people and not particularly feminine, he's a lot higher on the "ease of friend potential" meter for Alastor.
The friendliest we see Alastor being with a male character in canon is with Zestial, whose general persona is very gentlemanly... but even then, I would call their attitude toward each other one of friendly posturing as coworkers who have an eye on each other, rather than genuinely friendly.
When I write Alastor dealing with Vox in 666: Live on Air! it's definitely with consideration to "How the hell would Alastor be more genuine, non-performative friends with an actual guy?" because, like... Vox isn't wrong when he says that he's the first dude that's earned the sheer amount of leeway that Alastor offers him, both physically and emotionally.
(Disclaimer I feel compelled to make: No, it's not because Vox is trans. Alastor straight up does not initially realize that, and even despite knowing it at the current point of the story, nothing about Vox's presentation actually reads as feminine to Alastor in any way. He's a softer touch with Angel Dust than Vox for a reason!)
What ends up happening is that Alastor... wants, even if it's largely subconscious, to behave with Vox as comfortably as he does with Rosie, Mimzy, and Niffty. But unfortunately, he runs into the issue of 1) his paranoid hindbrain is still regularly registering Vox as a power-hungry threat, at least in part due to Vox's actual previous behavior, and 2) he is honestly closer to Vox in some aspects than he is to his other friends because of the sheer amount of weird self-discovery they've gotten up to, which means that opening up the same way would be showing more vulnerability, and to a person that, frankly, Alastor doesn't feel like he has a veneer of gender role-dictated propriety to protect himself with. Especially since Vox is an overlord, and especially since a lot of the actual kinky shit that they get up to is predicated on Vox having abilities that the average sinner doesn't.
So when Mimzy crosses a boundary, Alastor accomodates her in whatever way is genuinely important to her, then gently corrects her and sets her on her way. This is just how Mimzy is, this is how their dynamic has been for a long time, and he does not register her as a threat. When Vox crosses a boundary... it's an attack, and if it's a serious enough one, then Alastor subscribes to the school of responses of nuclear proportions to dissuade any motherfucker from ever even thinking about trying again. See: the trail of dead overlord bodies left in his wake after his original descent into hell.
The turning point that leads him to make a deal to his slight but very actual disadvantage in Network 0666: No Signal is that Vox shows him some genuine upset and vulnerability. Vox has been vulnerable before this point, but he's generally been loud, obnoxious, pathetic, and over-the-top about it, and honestly often also just absolutely turned it into a sex thing. This is the first time that Vox managed, though entirely unintentionally, to find one of the heartstrings that is so much more accessible to characters like Mimzy, and accidentally tug on it. Alastor finds safety in the vulnerability of his friends, but he also likes being the powerful figure that provides those friends with help and protection, even in ways that might look like they're to his own detriment.
(Until, of course, they end up actually being to his detriment - see: Adam - at which point he loses his shit about it. But, uh, his ego makes it hard for him to see when that might actually happen!)
Anyway, this ended up a long post that could probably have been less rambling, but I hope it answered your question!
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hamlet but i haven't seen it (yet)
there's this guy named hamlet who's the prince of denmark
somethings foul in the state of denmark or something
hamlet's dad, the king, got killed before the play and hamlet suspects his uncle claudius (is that his name?)
claudius marries hamlet's mother and is now king (bit weird but okay)
hamlet doesnt like that
the ghost of hamlet's father appears to hamlet and tells him to kill his uncle in revenge
hamlet the master of indecisiveness™
to be or not to be
thats like about whether to act or not i think
hamlet is a college student so actually quite young (i think boy started to go to college at age 14 and hamlets probably around 16 but nobody's sure)
a phrase stuck in my brain is "hamlet the frat boy" but im pretty sure he's more of a theater kid
instead of killing his uncle hamlet stages a play similar to what he thinks transpired to watch how his uncle reacts to it
the lady doth protest too much, methinks
shakepeare does love to make his protagonists spiral into insanity
i heard hamlet is a story about grief and i also heard that it's like a mirror, what you see about hamlet says more about you that hamlet himself (but dont ask me to elaborate i am realising my brain retains information i have no clue how i got)
in the end almost everyone dies because of hamlet
hamlet stabs someone through the curtain i think its the father of ophelia (polonius or smth i dunno) cause he thinks is his uncle
im not sure why his uncle should be behind a curtain tho
hamlet randomly gets kidnapped by pirates but we never see it because shakespeare already new how expensive special effects are
i bet the pirates let hamlet go because he's a little bitch
hamlet is A LITTLE BITCH
i think in one scene he just tries to fluster ophelia (his not-quite-girlfriend) by turning everything she says into sexual innuendo (may i lay my head in your lap so on so on)
there's one scene with a grave digger whom hamlet asks for whom the grave is the man is digging and the man responds it is his own to which hamlet answers something along the lines of
one would thinks so for thou dost lie in it
great pun
ophelia actually manages to drown in a brook which is characterised by it's shallowness
its unclear whether she did it intentionally
there are some guys named rosencrantz und guildenstern (probably didnt spell that right) and i know nothing about them except that they die because of hamlet and for some reason they always get mentioned together which makes me think they are an item
many people die because of hamlet
also there's a skull
is that yorrick?
hamlet talks to it
david tennant got the role of hamlet because he randomly picked up a real human skull
hamlet dies (big surprise!)
there's a duel? and one of the sword's is poisoned and hamlet picks up the wrong one? is that with laertes? i know he dies, too
also there's horatio, everybody seems to like him so i tried to not mention him for as long as possible to annoy them (not really i just dont know much about him)
people think hes gay for hamlet
hes not nobility but wellspoken
something something sweet prince?
horatio does not die
he lives to tell the tale
which is somehow worse
while i know (claudius?) hamlet's uncle dies and thats kinda the point of hamlet's whole actions i do not actually know when or how he dies (but i know about the curtain stabbing, the brook and the duel, weird)
or is he the one in the duel?
i bet hamlet's mother dies too
i also dont know how hamlet dies, something with the duel and the poisoned sword i guess, i know he picked up the wrong sword but im not sure if the wrong one was that with poison or not
i am very confused about how much there is in my brain about the guy
i do think there must be more to horatio except 'gay for hamlet' but i dont know anything
rosencrantz und guildenstern sound like a comic relief duo who dont know what they're doing
something about mother and knowing about playing with her drapes... (is that from hamlet?)
im sure this is enough for now
please do tell me how wrong i am
also tell me if you know why i seem to know so much about this (even if it's not true)
yes, this was inspired by @weirdly-specific-but-ok 's good omens post and @hello-ello-ello 's post about macbeth
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eviltransswag · 1 year
Ashiok Information Post
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Nightmare Gender (they/them) and uses their nightmare powers for Evil, such as making most of a plane fall into a slumber, making a god for funsies to scare the other gods, and sending a seriously homoerotic letter to a repressed knight lesbian (Elspeth Tirel)
Non-binary nightmare artist who travels the multiverse causing the most fucked up trauma they can to whoever would be most entertaining. They once created a new god from zero just to spread bad vibes and make everyone in that world who lived in cities to suffer mad anxiety and dread about living somewhere a bunch of other people also live.
Nightmare creature with the coolest outfits
Ashiok does nightmares to people for fun.
Ashiok is a nonbinary planeswalker and powerful magic user who travels the multiverse giving people nightmares and creating monsters from those nightmares. Their head lacks the top half of their face and they have gnarly horns and constant billowing smoke in its place. Ashiok is genderless and mysterious. They revel in being unknowable and incomprehensible to those around them. They dress in flowing silks with all kinds of leather belts and golden ornamentation, and they have six inch claws. Ashiok has so far only been a side villain, but they've accomplished some nasty things in their career. We first met them on Theros, the greek mythology inspired plane. Ashiok manipulated some of the plane's cultures into a small war, made a deal with the god of deception, caused the birth of a new, nightmare-fueled god, Cacophony (didn't last, but pretty impressive), and plotted to curse the entire plane into eternal sleep before being foiled. After all that, Ashiok found the planeswalker Elspeth Tirel in the underworld, and learned about New Phyrexia from her nightmares. (For those not familiar with Magic, Phyrexia is kind of like the Borg, but with necromancy and body horror and religion. They're the game's ultimate antagonists.) As a reward, they gave her nightmares of the divine spear that killed her, which eventually allowed her to fight her way out of the underworld and back to life. So Ashiok goes to New Phyrexia, because giving nightmares to the undreaming, unstoppable machine that the rest of the multiverse has nightmares about sounds like the greatest challenge they'll ever have. They start interfering with the mind of Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, figurehead and ruler of New Phyrexia, and end up not only forcing her to dream, but to have nightmares about Elspeth Tirel, telling Elesh Norn that this one planeswalker is the only feasible threat to Phyrexia's might. Elesh Norn ends up so obsessed that just the possibility of Elspeth's presence at the final battle throws off her entire war strategy and leads to her downfall while Ashiok cackles from behind the scenes. Now, Ashiok is one of the few planeswalkers who's retained the ability to planeswalk, and the next upcoming set is rumored to feature them as the primary antagonist for the first time.
They travel into other people's dreams in order to observe or give their targets nightmares, including inducing horrifying visions to Elesh Norn, an overarching villain and who is a terrifying entity in her own right. They do this mostly because they can. They are a nonbinary body horror cenobitic....entity. AND they're hot.
Pulling a Bush in 2000 on this bitch
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bizlybebo · 4 months
Do you have any OCs? :0
not entirely sure whether you meant for jrwi or like. in general but i can do a short explanation of some ocs i have from both categoriea ^__^ !!!!
bad photo + not super proud of the drawing but here’s an oc i made for apotheosis back in february ish ^__^ i settled on Raph (just pronounced raff) for a name i think. if i remember right i was theorizing a lot about the gods of that world and made this Lil Guy as some weird griffon-inspired angel or Something that was cast down + had his heart torn out in the process. he’s like old and shit cause he’s. an angel. but mentally he’s around 13-14. still haven’t finished apotheosis so the information i’ve retained from that campaign is horribly incorrect and not a lot but yeah ^__^
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don’t have a great proper drawing for my next one (at least not w/o digging through my sketchbook) but here’s a little doodle of one i made for prime defenders!!! Axel my beloved,, some mutuals may recognize her. i made him after the whole expansion on depowering in season 2, and basically made this Fucked Up Guy who was able to steal said depowered powers. dont ask too much its very handwavey bullshit science stuff. it’s a very painful + slow process, though, and she can only steal one power set at a time. not pictured but xe has a really sick robot arm, which is the only reason why xe can do this— otherwise, xy’re just powerless. ^__^ he’s also got a lot of imagery relating to king midas since her powers lead to a similar effect/pitfall. very cool xy’re my toxic yuri oc
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okkk and then heres a doodle of robin, my most recent DnD oc i made for a campaign im in. typical bastard character with a dead sister, whos apparitions haunt her. she refuses to believe she’s dead, though, insisting that she’s only missing, and is currently set out on a mission to find her. she’s a very performative person,, talks big and loud and distracts people while she steals their stuff. really smooth talker but genuinely dumb as rocks i love her a lot<3
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other honorary mentions of ttrpg characters ive played in the past who i miss dearly: reese, mica, rosalie, and margaret.
and then as an original fiction writer i have. A Lot of ocs so im not gonna show them all off but. shoutout to aphid and flick, the two ive been rotating the most in my head lately. theyre from this super cool but very fucked up steampunk/futuristic world. most codependent bitches on the planet. all the drawings i have of them are also in my sketchbook which im too lazy to dig through but heres a rough doodle of what they look loke:
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^ flick is on the left, aphid the right. my lil guys <33
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greenconverses · 11 months
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Recently read: Once again stuck in an airport, so clearly it's time to do a reading recap and waste some time before boarding.
My poor Libby app is probably like, "Can this woman check out audiobooks about something other than dead bodies, please?" And to that, I say NO! Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach was a bit dated, but still had some interesting stories and information. I don't know how much of the information I actually retained since I listened to it before going to bed, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. (★★★)
I was intending to do some liveblogging about Chalice of the Gods but I had to, like, renovate my kitchen and shit so reading got put on the back burner for a bit. Anyway, I liked Chalice better than The Sun and The Star, probably because the Percy narration feels so familiar and RR has got the tone on lock. But there was just something about this book that was... unsettling? Lacking? compared to the original series. There was charm, but it didn't feel right.
Beyond all of the issues I've complained about before (lack of continuity, keeping everyone stagnant, compressing the timeline), I think my main issue with how RR writes now is that he's so fucking self-aware and referential of everything. Instead of writing something timeless, he's focusing on references and language that date his books within a year of release. The original books had their references, yes, but it was significantly limited compared to his most recent output and leaning so heavily on them just... flattens everything out, I think. Also, go figure he's gonna milk this plot for another two books. God. (★★★.5)
The Courtesan Duchess by Joanna Shupe featured some messy bitches being dramatic and stupid everywhere, and I loved it. If you're not a fan of your historical romance heroes being an absolute slut and kinda shitty, this book is not for you. But I had fun with it! (★★★.75)
The second book in the series, The Harlot Countess, also prominently featured Mess as a main plot device (with a series called Wicked Depictions, how could it not?) but the hero was less of a jerk in this one. Shupe's books are hot and fun. I'm looking forward to exploring more of the back catalogue. (★★★)
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
im here to be a menace to society (= a menace to myself actually) n request some (very basic but very needed) rivals to ? not rlly lovers more like fwb + juyeon for the 1k event thing . ofc smut 👹👹👹 -🦦
Whores for Juyeon rise up😩😩😩😩
Rivals to FWB’s with Juyeon:
cw - smut, a whole bit abt big cawk Juyeon just because, Reader has a coochie, infuriating Juyeon, squirting
You and Juyeon’s are each other’s rivals
And you’re petty
So petty that you don’t even know why you’re fighting over a stupid chair in the common room
Just that you are
“I sit here every day!”
“I came here first!
“I need it more!”
“It’s my spot!”
The student body there has given up all hopes of telling you to be quiet
And all of the staff refuses to step in the mess and tell you both to leave
However, all of them have their fingers crossed for you to get over it quickly
Yk. As toddlers do.
You grab Juyeon’s collar and yank him up as hard as you can
“You can’t pretend that your empty brain is retaining any information whatsoever. Move!”
“You should do more comprehension activities because I said I wasn’t moving,”
“Stop wasting my time,”
“Stop fucking my vibe,”
“Some of us need to study!”
“Then find some place else!”
“Selfish prick!”
“Desperate bitch,”
That shuts both of you up
The head person looks at you both sternly before threatening you of suspension if you both don’t stop using such preposterous language and showing this childish behaviour
You two retract to your respective dorms after that
Unfortunately, the staircase is the same for both of your dorm rooms
And you always need to have the final say
“Do you get paid for being a pain in my ass? Genuine question,”
“If you got laid more often you wouldn’t let your sexual frustrations out like this,” he rolls his eyes
“How dare you assume stuff about me!”
He presses you against the railing in an instant
“It’s hardly assuming stuff considering your voice is constantly behind me giving a headache. So unless you’re fucking someone invisible next to me, it’s pretty obvious that your cunt hasn’t gotten any action since the start of our degree, if ever,”
“You’re so shameless!”
“I’m shameless enough to strip you down and fuck you in this stairwell if you don’t shut the fuck up,”
Someone actually passes by but neither of you see it bc you’re too busy sending daggers to each other with your eyes
“Bite me, you irresponsible manwhore,”
“I’m the whore? Really? As if you don’t wet your panties thinking about getting a train ran on you by the entire football team,”
At that he grinds his crotch into yours
“But I’m in the football team too? Guess that’s why I can never seem to hide from you,”
“Are you insinuating I want to fuck you?”
“Im insinuating that my cock is your only cure to actually shutting the fuck up for once,”
“You couldn’t even if you begged all the gods in the universe,”
“So full of yourself,”
He’d grab your face and squeeze your cheeks together
“If i fail, you can have the stupid spot in the common room forever,”
“And if I fail?”
“I get to fuck you whenever I want,”
Overconfident, you don’t even give it a moment to decide
You two barely make it up the stairs without sustaining any injuries
Juyeon did stumble a couple of times but at this point the adrenaline would keep him alive for an orgasm or so even if he broke his neck
Clothes? Off
Pussy? Drenched
Juyeon? Stiff and erect
“Are you a fucking horse?”
This is the first time you hear him laugh so genuinely at something you said
“Why would you say that?”
You look at him incredulously
“Because that thing looks like a fucking dragon!?”
“It’s not that big,”
He’d brush you off
“Of all the things in your life, THIS is the one you decide to be humble about??”
Juyeon would just roll his eyes and catwalk towards you
Hips swaying and all
“Nah you’re not getting that deep water whale inside of me, buddy,”
And you’d scoot back on the bed
(It’s really not that big okay)
Juyeon would grab your ankles and drag you back
“What? Thought you said no challenge is too scary,” he raises a brow, “you scared, dove?”
“It’s called being practical,” you’d retort, “That’s actually not going to fit inside me Juyeon,”
“I’ll make it fit, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,”
And make it fit he did
Your ass is hanging in the air off the edge of the bed, legs hooked on his shoulders
Juyeon’s huge palms fixed on either side of your waist
He’s bringing you down on his cock brutally
Not caring that you’re trying to close your legs
Because it’s too much stimulation too soon
But he doesn’t care
At all
His head hangs back as he pounds into you fervently
Pretty mouth open
“Fucckkk… guess your heavenly pussy compensates for your annoying mouth,”
You don’t even have it in you to retort
You can see your belly inhumanly shaking every time his cock jams into your cervix
Your lower half has completely gone numb
Because not only is Juyeon fucking huge
But because he hasn’t stopped fucking you for over three hours
Your thighs cramped and uncramped somewhere in between the fucking
All you could recognise now was his cock ramming inside you to the hilt
And his pelvis slamming against your clit
You lost count of your orgasms long ago
He tells you he can feel his cock shape your slick insides
And honestly
You feel it too
So you let him say all the filth he wants to say to ride out his own climax
You’ve been bent and curved in a million different positions before getting put in the one you started with
And one last vicious hit of his cock straight at your g-spot makes you blow up
You squirt so hard that it pushes his cock out from you
All the creampies he gave you drip down in an unruly stream with your own squirt
Some of it even got to his face and his hair
But it doesn’t matter
He only swipes a sweaty hand over his face once to clearly see the aftermath below him
You twitch uncontrollably with your lower half still suspended in the air, now supported by his toned arms
He unceremoniously pulls you up and drops you off on the other side of the bed
“You with me?”
He would tap your face to make sure you’re still alive
When you groan and curl into yourself, bones aching like you ran a marathon, he tells you the information you already knew but were dreading nonetheless
“You lost, sweatheart. Good luck being my pocket pussy from now on,”
He’d smile sweetly before leaving your disappointed figure to clean himself up.
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michellemisfit · 1 year
I appreciate there is a lot going on in 02x02 Summer Loving.
Ian is worrying that his lack of geometry skill will mean he won’t get into West Point
Frank shares his wisdom that it’s not worth trying to better yourself, instead you should just move on and focus on something you’re good at.
Mickey is criticising Ian for the lack of leadership skill demonstrated in failing to get Frank to pay for his purchases.
Fandom is - understandably - preoccupied with Liking what I like don’t make me a bitch.
But just for a moment… can we focus on Ian’s complete and utter failure to retain information for longer than 45 seconds?
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Linda asks for a cheese sandwich, cheddar without mustard.
Lip interrupts and asks for Ian and Mickey’s help loading some cases of pop.
When Ian returns to the front desk this is what he brings with him…
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This complete and utter lack of attention to detail may be more of a problem in the army… 😆
Okay, editing this to give Ian a break, because it seems that Linda asks for ‘cheddar with hot mustard’, so good on him for getting that right. However my way is funnier! haha
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highlifeboat · 1 year
You know how sometimes you think about something sweet and your mind goes "but what if we made it darker?".
So what if Max's mom was revived somehow?
Like we talked about it happening with Marguerite in the past, and the way it fucked with Mia, but what about in this case? How much would it fuck with Max?
Would he be happy, cause she's back? Sad, because it's not his entire family? Traumatized, cause "oh god he saw her broken body, bleeding on the ground and *he ran*, he ran away and he couldn't save them, couldn't save his siblings, her other children, she must hate him, want him gone, he is a monster and undeserving..."?
How would she react to him? (I like to think she would forgive him, would hold and love him. Maybe be a bit overprotective about Dani and the others, because she knows their rep, and he is her "last child left".)
How would she respond to having a son now, rather than the daughter she thought she had? (I hope she would love him all the same, he deserves that much. (Darker thought that it's more because of her not wanting to lose another kid than overall acceptance/understanding, but ehhhh, that might *too* dark. Though I could at least see the confusion still))
How did she get back? My bet's on Miranda - looking for new ways to revive some of her fallen followers, to bolster her ranks once more, and started with his family because, even if they were ripped apart by Lycans, that's easier to repair than those burnt alive. And Alcina won't let her close enough to her property to use the scarecrows or zombie maidens anymore. Plus "(he)'s always whining about the loss, anyhow. (He) should be grateful I'm so generous." (As if she would ever do anything for reasons other than her own gain, and maybe to try to get on Mia's good side more by appealing to one of her "friends").
What if she came back wrong?
Anyway, long post is long. Sorry for the rambling lol (Yes I put some of Miranda's speech in parenthesis cause I refuse to misgender Max, even to quote that bitch)
When I tell you I went fucking FERAL FOR THIS–
I strongly believe pulling bodies from the rubble of the slaughter and deciding to play God is something Miranda would do. However, I find it far more likely that she would pull Max’s mom by pure chance more than anything. Perhaps she was simply scouring the aftermath and his mom’s corpse was one of the less-mangled/easier to repair bodies she came across. Took any valuables off, stripped the body, and went to work mending the flesh and repairing what she could manually before starting on Cadou injections. And because Miranda had more than one corpse that she pulled, Max’s Mom wasn’t the first to be experimented on, so she wasn’t revived until recently.
Now, having memories in tact when revived was slowly becoming a trend, so she wasn’t surprised when the woman woke up, looked directly to her, and let out a raspy “Mo–ther Mir…a-nda…?” Recognizing something as significant as herself was obvious. But she seemed to retain… more than the basics. When she started coming around, getting more aware, she started to panic. Rambling on about the Lycans, standing from the operating table and calling for various names. None of which Miranda knew except for “Maxima”–(Which, let's be real she only knows his (dead)name because he’s such a disrespectful shit towards her)
So, in typical “Let’s see how far this goes” Miranda fashion, she points his mom in the right direction to find Max. (AKA the giant castle that is commonly known as a human death trap. So his mom is freaking out a little at that information) Then just kind of… sends her off with nothing else.
Okay, so, once his mom finds him in the castle and they’re technically reunited, Max is just…. So many things at once. Emotions are so high, for both of them.
On Max’s side, he’s… He’s happy, but also incredibly confused, and terrified, and just…. Every emotion imaginable feels like it’s weighing on him. His mom is here, alive, but there’s scars and stitches and her skin tone is a sickly pale that almost rivals Alcina. All the evidence of what happened on display, it reminds him of what he’s tried so hard to forget but… But she’s here. For real. He can touch her, say everything he didn’t get to, he can hug her, but he doesn’t know if he should. So much about it hurts, but not all of it is in a bad way.
And that doesn’t even cover the guilt and trauma that seeing her brings. That’s a whole other beast. When his mother asks him what happened to his other siblings, he can’t even begin to try and tell her. How can he? How is he supposed to explain what he allowed to happen, all because he was too much a fucking coward. That all he did was run. That even the one he managed to get to a safe location died anyway. That the only child she has left is the only one that deserves to be dead.
He hasn’t felt the weight of emotions like this since that day, and that’s evident when he starts having a full breakdown over it all. He can’t stop himself from shaking and when the tears come he can’t hide it. When she pulls him into a hug in a hope to comfort him, he clings onto her as if it’s life or death. Because to him it may as well be.
And from her side…. She doesn’t even know what to think. He looks so incredibly different from what she remembers. She almost didn’t realize who he was, but that face and those eyes are unmistakable to her. He looks older than he should, she thinks, and tired. As if he hasn’t slept in years. And the scars. Not to mention… everything else about his appearance. She has so many questions for him, but she asks about her other children first.
The look he gives her is answer enough, but the sobbing that quickly follows it is all the confirmation she needs. Her heart twists like a knot, knowing her children suffered the same fate as her, the pain and fear they all must have felt. That Max has suffered all this time, a lone survivor. When she pulls him into a hug, he squeezes her tight, and for a while they just… sit, on the floor. She rocks him a little, strokes his hair, anything to try and calm him. Between his heavy sobs are raspy apologies. He’s so sorry, he tells her, he should have done more. He couldn’t save them. He was so scared and the Lycans came so fast. And she tells him to hush. She’s not upset with him, it wasn’t his fault, she loves and forgives him. Whatever he needs to hear in order to compose himself a little.
In terms of Max’s transitioning, it definitely takes her by surprise. She isn’t necessarily upset about it in any way, he’s still her baby, and she’ll love him no matter what identity he chooses to go by. But she also doesn’t fully understand it. And he doesn’t expect her to, as long as she’s supportive. She might slip up and misgender him by accident on occasion, but it’s not malicious, and she does correct herself/make an effort to get it right. It might’ve caught her off guard at first, but her love is unconditional. (Also her saying “You’ve grown into a handsome young man.” to him would make him burst into tears again. Like that’s something he would fantasize about.)
I do think the only thing that gets her is the fact… Max is basically integrated into the Dimitrescu family at this point. Like, when Max tells her “You should meet my girlfriend.” She didn’t expect to meet with one of the Dimitrescu Daughters (though Daniela does try to be very polite), nevermind wind up meeting all of them, and Lady Dimitrescu herself.
It does put her into a bit of a protective stance, though. Despite Max insisting things are perfectly fine and the Dimitrescus really aren’t as evil as the stories say, she can’t quite help but be… nervous. They don’t really blame her. (Perhaps she’s a little… too protective. But Max doesn’t seem to mind it.)
Now, the idea that she comes back wrong is even more interesting, because I like to imagine a scenario in which both these worlds exist.
Max gets his mom back, happy family, all is good. For a while, anyway. And then things… change.
Maybe his mom starts becoming a little hostile. More aggressive towards everybody. It starts off little at first, and Max tries to chalk it up to simple stress from trying to adjust to everything. His mom isn’t an angry person, after all. But it slowly starts getting more out of hand, to a point it feels like she’s trying to be territorial.
Of him.
And it’s not something she’s particularly thrilled over. It’s a very “I can’t control myself” scenario. Kind of like a parasite slowly eating at her mind and turning her into a host.
And I just think it would be really fun if it culminated in some physical fight between her and Daniela, and Max having to step in and break it apart.
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