#reverse baptism ritual
witch-of-ren · 2 years
Reverse Baptism Ritual
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The act of reversing a baptism or undoing a baptism should be a personal experience and one that is deeply connected to you. This allows for personalization and changes to make it your own. Breaking the ties and promises to the Abrahamic God may feel draining or tiring by the end. This is normal and recovery shouldn’t take too long. A good night of sleep should help.
As for materials you may need, I include the use of candles, herbs, and crystals. My instructions will list all but you can skip steps or ignore parts that you choose not to do or can’t do. Again, don’t be afraid to personalize this ritual. It should be tailored to each individual who chooses to do this.
If you don’t have or can’t get the physical herb or flower, an oil of it will work just fine as a substitute. I also have multiple options for the same uses and intentions.
Basil - Protection and Exorcism (Meant to help break the ties and remove residual energy)
Chamomile - Purification (Cleanse the body and spirit)
Cinnamon - Power (Give an extra kick to the other herbs)
Eucalyptus - Healing (Any trauma or harm the spirit/body is hanging onto will begin to heal)
Lotus - Protection, Lock-Opening (I mean that as in unlocking the oath to break it)
Peppermint - Purification and Healing 
Rosemary - Healing, Protection, Exorcism, and Purification (A good catch-all)
Turnip - Ending Relationships (Optional)
White - Cleansing and Drawing in Light (Bonus points if it’s a sage candle)
Black - Protection and Removing the Negative (Will also break a harmful relationship)
Blue - Healing (Emotional and physical)
Purple - Spiritual Amplifier
Red - Power (Ritual power amplifier - bonus points for dragon’s blood)
Obsidian - Letting Go, Process Emotions/Experiences
Jasper - Empower Spirit, Support through Stress
Moonstone - New Beginnings
Aquamarine - Healing, Moving On, Inner Strength
Clear Quartz - Healing, Cleansing
Smoky Quartz - Clarity, Emotional Balance
Preparation is probably one of the most important steps. It’ll make or break the difficulty you have during the actual ritual.
Where are you planning to do it? How long do you think you’ll need?
I recommend leaving at least 30-45 minutes to do the full ritual and let it sink in. I also recommend doing this in a bathtub, but other places where you can have a basin of water can work.
Are there clothes you’d like to wear? Any jewelry?
If you’re using herbs, you can either place them in a dish or pouch, or you can sprinkle them into the water. It’s up to you. You don’t have to use a lot for the effect it needs. The intention just needs to be there.
If you’re using candles, figure out where you want to place them and if you can place them surrounding your bathtub. When I use these specific candles, I usually put my Black one on the left side near my feet, my White on the left near my head, the Purple near my feet on the right side, and the Blue near my middle on the right side (or wherever it sits without fear of falling). The Red candle doesn’t need a specific location. Its presence will automatically do what it’s supposed to.
If there’s a god/goddess you would like to involve, light a candle for them and verbally invite them to assist and lend their energy if they choose. This isn’t necessary at all to do. 
Make sure all of your materials and items are ready. This would be all your herbs, candles, crystals, and any other items you wish to use. Bring them to your location.
If you choose to cleanse your space, this would be the time to do it. I don’t feel it’s necessary for this, but it’s a personal preference.
Run the water at your preferred temperature. Once the drain is closed and the water is partially filled, add your herbs. Sprinkling them in, setting the dish nearby, or putting the pouch in the water. Be sure you know how you’re going to clean up the herbs if you’re sprinkling them in. And make certain it isn’t going to irritate your skin.
Once the tub is filled, turn the water off and place the candles in their positions. Light the White candle first, followed by the Black one. The order of color after this doesn’t matter. Lighting the White candle first allows the cleansing of the space before placing the protective barrier of the Black candle. 
If there’s a deity of your choosing that you wish to invite to bear witness or partake, this would be the perfect moment to call upon them and light their candle.
If using crystals, this is also the time to place those in your desired positions. Be certain they aren’t water-soluble.
 Step into the bath and sit down. Take a series of deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. This is where the true ritual begins.
OPTIONAL: If you’d like to draw a sigil on your chest using the water, I’ve provided one below. (Intention/Meaning: My Bond is Broken)
Start at the bottom left, trace part of the rectangle, backtrack, then trace the slanted line.
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OPTIONAL: Recite the short incantation below to set your intention. (Two versions: One for those baptized when they couldn’t decide and one for those that chose to but now want to break that.)
An oath I was given without permission, a bond that will now break. God, Father of Heaven, what ties me to you shall be no more and the soul given to you is mine and mine alone. This is my will and I now let go. My bond is broken, and the tether has been released. 
An oath I took once in a time when I chose to follow you. God, Father of Heaven, my ties to you shall be no more and the soul I promised to you is now mine and mine alone. This is my will and I now let go. Our bond is broken, and the tether has been released.
Two Options for this next step:
Submerge yourself entirely beneath the water a total of NINE times. Angel numbers signify this as the number of releasing and breaking. A new chapter is made.
Submerge yourself entirely beneath the water a total of THREE times for NINE seconds each.
Once you’ve completed the Self-Baptism portion, take the time to relax and let the ritual sink in. You can sit until the water starts to become cold or you can get out when you feel you’re ready. I do recommend you sit for a few minutes at the very least.
Before fully getting out, thank the candles and blow them out. Clean any loose herbs out of the water before pulling the drain. Dry yourself off and clean up the rest of your items.
I hope this helps at least one person in their journey.
~ Witch of Ren
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cryptotheism · 1 year
Hey so me and my siblings just realized that we were baptized as kids and we aren’t religious anymore so is there a way to undo that (after a quick google search it says it can’t be undone but I wanted to check) I’ll trade you my Bigfoot sticker for your knowledge
THE LAW OF REVERSAL: That which is done by magic may be undone by magic.
Let's be real here, you can just renounce your baptism. That should be fine, and I'm sure god would understand. But baptism is a whole ritual, and you might want a counter-ritual for it to feel complete.
I'll ping @queersatanic I'm sure they can rustle up someone who can whip you up a Renunciation of Baptism type deal.
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The Evil Eye in Irish Folklore
In pre-modern Ireland, like in many other cultures, the power of the gaze held immense significance. Practices and customs associated with the evil eye were passed down through generations, and many were collected in The School's Collection in the 1930s.
The School's Collection has proven to be an indispensable asset in my exploration of Irish paganism. However, it can be quite a task to read, classify, and integrate all the materials on any given topic. The following are my notes from what I've encountered searching the records, but I hope they'll prove useful to others.
What is the evil eye in the Irish folk tradition?
In Irish folk traditions, the evil eye was believed to possess an otherworldly power, capable of causing illness, misfortune, and even death.
It was believed that those who possessed the evil eye could knowingly or unknowingly project this baneful magic onto others simply through their gaze. The evil eye could affect many aspects of life including people, livestock, and crops.
This ability is often referred to as "overlooking" or "blinking" in the Duchas records and the terms can be used interchangeably.
In this locality, long ago, it was a common belief, that if people met with any reverses, or suffered any loss of property, the misfortune was due to "the evil-eye," meaning that some person supposed to have an evil eye "overlooked" their property, and that was considered the reason for the particular piece of ill-luck. If a person with an "evil-eye" took particular notice of any animal, for example, the animal would either do himself an injury or pine away gradually. Usually, the possessors of the "evil eye" were not aware that they had such a particular kind of eye, or were connected with other people's misfortunes. Duchas.ie
What causes the evil eye?
There are numerous things that could cause someone to be born with the evil eye (people are generally considered to be born with it rather than acquiring it later in life). Some of the reasons recorded are:
Having the surname Marrinan 1, 2, 3 or Kingfisher 4.
Being born on Whit Sunday (the seventh Sunday after Easter) 5, 6 or on June 29th 7
Babies returning to breastfeeding after being weaned 8, 9
Babies seeing their baptismal towel before it was washed 10
Your Godparents omitting a word during your baptism 11
Prevention of the evil eye
To protect themselves from the ill effects of being overlooked, people developed customs and rituals, the most popular of which included:
Waiting to light their fires on May Day so that the evil eye did not take their luck and profit for the coming year 12
Placing St. Brigid's crosses around the home (and outhouses) 13, 14
Nailing a donkey's shoe to the threshold of the home (this also helped to guard against the Good Neighbors) 15
For animals, placing a Gauldoron Garragh knot on their back would provide protection 16
Using red items (usually cloth) to distract the evil eye 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Asking God to bless the person or thing being talked about after you suspect an overlooker (a common term for those who possess the evil eye) has spoken about them 22, 23, 24, 25
Jumping through the flames at midsummer 5
Cures for the evil eye
If all your preventative measures failed, there were several cures that could be tried.
For a baby born on Whit Sunday or another unlucky day, the cure was to place green sod over them three times 4, 6, 8
A cure commonly used with animals thought to have been overlooked was to write the overlooker's name (if known) or the entire alphabet (if the overlooker's name is unknown) onto a piece of paper or other burnable material and burn it under the animal's nose so that it inhales the smoke 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
A piece of thatch from the overlooker's house, or even a piece of their clothing can also be burned under an animal or person's nose (or burned and then the ashes put into a drink) to cure the evil eye 27, 28, 29
Water from a place where three townslands meet can cure when sprinkled on the overlooked animal or person, but the person who gets the water must not speak to anyone on their way there and back 30
Forge water can also be used in the same way 31
While the belief in the evil eye has faded over time, the echoes of these traditions can still be felt in Irish culture today. These records serve as a reminder of the deep-rooted folklore and superstitions that once shaped the lives of the Irish people and can help inform our Irish pagan practices today.
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conjuremanj · 7 months
Spiritual Waters.
On this post I wanted to speak on spiritual waters and colognes these products that I've listed are and have use in different spiritual circles. I think some of this products were added later because of the low cost and having a alcohol base, because alcohol in the south has a lot of uses and could cure most is what my grandparents said🤔😄 But enjoy this post.
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Holy Water. Can't get must more powerful thin this as a reverend my self I can tell you it works. This water that has been blessed by an Ordained Priest or a member of the clergy or spirituality ordained person. Used for baptism, spiritual cleansing, to bless individuals, places and objects. To bless or dispell it has many uses.
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Florida Water. Actually made in New York it was and still is a male cologne. It was used for a scalp cleaner, a foot cleanser. It has multiple uses it was dubbed paranormal. Now used mostly for spiritual properties, like cleansing, or adding to a wash. It's used to feed your gris gris bag (mojo bag) to keep it going, used to feed the spirit because of the alcohol and is oftentimes used in fire rituals (to stat not to burn), in ceremonies and offerings, venerating our ancestors and the dead. It's a good ingredient used in a African spirituality religion like Vodou or Hoodoo.
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Peruvian Florida Water. This cologne is widely used by healers for purification, cleansing, healing, and protection. The Peruvian Florida Water has a sweet, and spicy scent. Different from traditional Florida Water. Because of its sweet scent if a good offering to Erzulie Freda.
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Rose Cologne is used for peace and love It can be good to use when working or doing any love and attraction work or used as a offering to a spirit or deity of love. It can be sprinkle around the home or add to your mop with water for attraction.
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Kolonia 1800 Natural Water. This is a nice alternative to Florida Water. It has a more manly scent to it and a different vibration. Used the same way to get rid of any spell and curses on your love life, sex life, or your luck etc. This Kolonia colone also come in different scents like 1800 Tobacco if one likes to work with native american spirits or ancestral spirits because probably 60 to 70% of people or spiritual practices deal with tobacco in some way. It's good for one self.
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Kananga Water Cologne. A African word that it comes from Jamaica. Kananga water is mainly used for purification and for departed ancestors. Also dispel dark energy from a room, purification of one's spirit, energy, and ancestral communication.
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Orange Blossom Cologne is good to use when you have a business to help draw customers. Sprinkle outside the front door, before opening.
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The Siete Macho. Is used for spiritual and emotional guidance. It is also used to block or to send back and reverse negative energy, evil eye, hexes and curses. It has multiple uses.
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Reve d'Or Lotion. Used to put an end to adverse conditions and open the way for luck, love, money, and happiness. This perfume scent is good for Erzulie Dantor.
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Pompeia. Used in many spiritual baths and rituals, sometimes used in Vodou for love A good scent for Erzulie Freda.
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Hoyt's Cologne. This is another good cologne. Is said that it's traditionally used in conjure and hoodoo. I can't really say of that true traditionally what ever was available alcohol wise was used.
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LOTION FEUILLES D'HAITI (SIMBI COLOGNE) if you been reading my blog you know Water is part of the life source, and energies. Water is one of the four elements that Vodou initiates are taught to respect as natural spiritual forces; it covered the earth at the beginning of time, and separates the living from the world of the ancestors.
So I wasted to add this spiritual cologne to the list an original formula, created in Haiti by Monsieur Trouillot. It’s made with Saut d'Eau Water is French for "Waterfall" it stand approximately 100 feet high and is the tallest in Haiti.
It also has natural, select Haitian herbs. "Lotion Feuilles" cologne gets its name from "feuilles" which is French for leaves. These potent leaves are used by Vodouisants for their medicinal & therapeutic benefits.
It can also be added to Good Luck, Prosperity & Blessing Baths - there are so many ways to use this and it smells good.
Now there are a lot of simbi products but to get the waters from that fall make it that much more special.
Sandalwood Water. Is one of these items that was give to Christ. It's good if you do a lot of prayer work. Prayer circles, seances, spiritual baths even for ones self. I like the spiritual washes that has sandalwood, or frankincense and myrrh.
7 African Powers Cologne is a popular one.
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jaydeiswriting · 9 months
WIP Intro: What The Water Makes of Us
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As long as your heart is worthy, drowning is reversible.
Status: ~6K into the first draft
Genre: adult literary fiction
Setting: small town Ontario, on the lake
Overspecific target audience(s)*: sapphics with complicated relationships with religion, folks who are obsessed with bodies of water and the moon, intellectual agnostics, ruth-and-naomi-as-lovers truthers, unbelongers and misfits & anyone fundamentally changed by the scene in Saved! (2004) where Hilary Faye drives directly into the Jesus figure
Synopsis: A worthy heart always rises.
Despite her marriage to the leader, Vinette never really believed in Lambsong's mantra; it was clearly only an endorsement of the baptism ritual approximating the death and resurrection of Christ. As their son's baptism approaches, Vinette swallows her fear and teaches him how to cheat. After all, ritual drowning can't always end with revival, and she only has one son.
Then, she loses him anyway.
With only a dysfunctional family left outside of Lambsong, Vinette must restrain her grief so as not to shake members' faith and earn herself a shunning. But a sympathetic overture by Nora, the precocious daughter of the newest member, unsettles her careful facade. For a single moment, Vinette doesn't feel as if suspended under the cold weight of the entire lake that drowned her son. 
But it can't last. Vinette's clearly not the only one with doubts. Cary doesn't want her daughter close to the tragedy or Lambsong practices at all.
Vinette must contend with a suspicious death case for her son, while heralding night meetings to settle fearful members and a growing allegiance to Cary and Nora that spikes her anxiety as Nora nears readiness for baptism and Vinette husband's intentions for Cary become clear. If she's going to protect them, Vinette'll have to betray her husband and maybe even herself.
Nora never wanted to leave the rundown city apartment she shared with her mother. Cary's phone number might change every few months, but their apartment number stays the same. Her father would remember it if he ever came back for her. But how would he ever know to look in some middle-of-nowhere beach house?
Lambsong doesn't even offer the quiet better life Cary had promised her daughter anyway. The first ritual Nora witnesses ends in the death of a boy only a few years older than her. But as Nora grows closer to both Vinette and Ezra, the boy who lived on the day that darkened everything, Nora's wariness grows cloudier. Ezra, and the practices and rituals he engages in, pull Nora into the Lambsong orbit, rapidly pulling through the ranks in a devotion she doesn't know whether belongs to the boy or the commune or some belief she can overcome her own depth of guilt and find forgiveness for the mistakes that haunt her. 
But to integrate fully into Lambsong and be washed clean of her sins, Nora needs to expose the non-believers and their attempt at escape, no matter who it hurts.
*inspired by @/kjscottwrites' post here
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
In the light of cultural anthropology, it appears to be no accident that those churches which have a sacramental priesthood resist most strongly the ordination of women to the priesthood. The Christian sacraments are all rites which convey life. Baptism is a rebirth to a new everlasting life, the eucharist is the "bread of life," catechesis and proclamation are compared to "mothermilk and solid food." The sacrament of reconciliation restores life to its fullness. The sacrament of marriage protects and sanctifies the source of natural life. The sacraments, as rituals of birthing and nurturing, appear to imitate the female power of giving birth and of nurturing the growth of life. One would think that, therefore, women would be the ideal administrators of the sacrament. Yet there appears to exist a deep fear in men that women's powers would become so overwhelming if they were admitted to the priesthood and the sacramental ritual, that men would be relegated to insignificance. The demand of women to be admitted to the sacramental priesthood is, therefore, often not perceived as a genuine desire of women to live their Christian vocation and to serve the people of God, but as an attempt completely to "overtake" the church. What men are often afraid of is that the change in role and position will not mean a mere shift in the relationship between men and women but a complete destruction of any relationship or a fatal reversal of the patriarchal relationship.
-Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Feminist Spirituality, Christian Identity, and Catholic Vision
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electronicbags · 21 days
un (april 23, 2024)
composed somewhere in taft swallowing syllables mouthing vowels unsaying said
a reversal from  this drought we bled 
too much love too much joy  to even hove through life
we’d dry in dirt if not for the mirage of skin on skin
sweat on sweat kiss after kiss
may we intake  all our love  misplaced
inject them back replenishing anemic veins
an inwards Promethean ritual a bloody baptism
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
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Hi @icannotgetoverbirds thank you for your question, I'll try to answer it to the best of my abilities.
Prior to this post that you commented on, I actually did not have a lot of knowledge on reversing a baptism but after doing some research I've got some ideas. Now it is important to note that according to the catholic theology, baptism cannot be undone. They believe that even if you drop their faith and pick up a different belief system or religion, that your baptism will always remain. However, depending on who it is you speak to, there are ways around this. I know you have written here that you are an ex-mormon so this may not apply to you but I figured I would include that anyways.
Writing over the baptism- even if you do not believe that the baptism can be reversed, you can always re-baptize yourself in accordance with your new belief system. I would go about this in a similar fashion to a traditional catholic baptism but instead of reading from the bible and using holy water, I would use moon water and read something important to me (your witch's code of ethics, a passage that's important to your deity, etc.)
Chord-cutting ritual- you can do a chord cutting ritual where you sever your ties to Christianity (in your case it would be mormonism). This energetically severs your connection to the faith and should be enough to reverse a baptism.
Honestly though, doing what you are doing (by removing your records) is probably enough. I know you've said that you want to do something more ceremonial but I think it would be enough for you to burn any records you have from your baptism (of course after you are finished with them) therefore releasing you from their influence. I know I mentioned this in the previous post but I think the influence that a baptism has on us is entirely dependent on how much legitimacy we give it. If we believe it to have influence on us and our practice, it will. That's just my take but I hope that this was able to help you!
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dndllgrc · 8 months
Reposting Samuel David from the Temple of Inanna
The topic of “reversing” a Christian baptism as a formal way to step away from church has been a hot topic in various threads on social media.
Weeks ago, a sudden stream of words that came to mind while I was reading posts about the topic:
“I have turned my eyes from Zion and set my gaze upon Uruk…”
I wrote a Mesopotamian-oriented ritual text that one may use to formally declare their separation without performing an act of apostasy or desecrating religious items (e.g., a Bible, a rosary, etc.).
“I have turned my eyes away from the congregation of the holy (denomination) church;
I renounce the holy rite of baptism of the infant and the doctrine of the holy (denomination) church;
I have turned my heart away from the congregation of the holy (denomination) church;
I renounce the doctrine of the holy (denomination) church;
I have turned my feet away from the congregation of the holy (denomination) church;
I renounce the dogma of the holy (denomination) church.
I have turned my eyes away from the holy appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ;
I renounce the holy rite of baptism of the child and the dogma of the holy (denomination) church;
I have turned my heart away from the holy appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ;
I renounce the rites of the holy (denomination) church;
I have turned my feet away from the holy appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ;
I renounce the covenant of believers of the holy (denomination) church.
I have turned my eyes away from Zion and the promise of Christian salvation;
I renounce the holy rite of baptism of the adult and the rites of the holy (denomination) church;
I have turned my heart away from Zion and the promise of Christian salvation;
I renounce the counsel of the clergy of the holy (denomination) church;
I have turned my feet away from Zion and the promise of Christian salvation;
I renounce the creed of the holy (denomination) church.
I have turned my eyes to the distant east;
I have embraced the holy rite of the washing of the mouth of the infant;
I have turned my heart to the distant east;
I have embraced the devotion of the supplicant in the holy court;
I have turned my feet to the distant east;
I have embraced the myths of the holy gods of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.
I have turned my eyes to the cities of the gods which rise anew upon the Earth;
I have embraced the holy rite of the washing of the mouth of the child;
I have turned my heart to the cities of the gods which rise anew upon the Earth;
I have embraced the devotion of the servant in the holy temple;
I have turned my feet to the cities of the gods which rise anew upon the Earth;
I have embraced the liturgy of the holy gods of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.
I have turned my eyes to the land of the Tigris and the land of the Euphrates.
I have embraced the holy rite of the washing of the mouth of the adult;
I have turned my heart to the land of the Idigna(1) and the land of the Buranuna(2).
I have embraced the devotion of the steward in the holy shrine;
I have turned my feet to the land of the Idiqlat(3) and the land of the Purattu(4);
I have embraced the full presence of the holy gods of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld.
(Deity name), zami(5)!
Great is your name in Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld!” (Repeat for each god one is devoted to.)
1. Sumerian for Tigris
2. Sumerian for Euphrates
3. Akkadian for Tigris
4. Akkadian for Euphrates
5. Praise
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The Idaho chapter of The Satanic Temple (TST) withdrew from a Pride Month event for families and children after other sponsors dropped out following local news reports on the temple's intention to offer renunciations of Christian baptisms.
"We are so excited to announce that we will have a booth and be participating Coeur D'Alene's ‘Pride in the Park’ event next Saturday, June 11th from 10am-3pm!," Idaho TST wrote in now-deleted Facebook post reported on by NBC affiliate KOBI. "We will have merchandise for sale, be offering support to our community and performing unbaptisms for those interested! Just know, Satan loves you for you! Hail Satan!"
The "family-friendly" celebration, called "Pride in the Park," was hosted by the North Idaho Pride Alliance (NIPA) in Coeur d'Alene on Saturday. Dozens of masked men, suspected of being tied to a White nationalist group, were arrested near the event after they were found packed in the back of a U-Haul truck.
The Satanic Temple Idaho initially joined the ACLU of Idaho, Everytown for Gun Safety, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Ecumenical Catholic Communion Church, Idaho State Police District 1 and a local public library in sponsoring the event.
A spokesperson for NIPA told Fox News Digital that the Idaho Satanic Temple "dropped out of the event on their own accord and will not be present at Pride in the Park."
NIPA did not immediately respond to a follow-up query asking if their organization received backlash for TST's involvement in their event.
TST spokesperson Lucien Greaves told Fox News that TST's Idaho congregation pulled out of the event after receiving "a high volume of threats and harassing messages regarding their involvement," but said he heard they ultimately decided to withdraw in response to other sponsors pulling out in protest against TST being a part of it.
"Apparently these sponsors are not willing to support the LGBTQ community if The Satanic Temple supports them too," said Greaves. "Having sought to assist with Pride, rather than cause conflict within it, our congregation opted to pull out so as not force organizers to accept that their real dedication to inclusion would deprive them of sponsorship from spineless, opportunistic corporations that seek to purchase an unjustified image of inclusivity, so long as it appears relatively uncontroversial to the mainstream consumer."
One of the events at "Pride in the Park" specifically promoted by TST included an offering of "unbaptisms." According to an explanation from TST of Austin, the ritual of unbaptism aligns with the Third Tenet of The Satanic Temple, which says: "One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone."
Unbaptism is "an opportunity for those in the community who feel they were baptized without their consent to revoke their baptisms," according to TST Austin. "This ritual is intended to provide bodily liberation and catharsis to those who have been subjected to unwanted religious indoctrination."
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says baptism "is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments."
Baptism for a Christian symbolizes "burial into Christ's death, from which he rises up by resurrection with him, as ‘a new creature,’" according to the catechism, which says Christians through baptism "are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission."
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automatismoateo · 10 months
Received the confirmation of my apostasy from the diocese. I am so happy. via /r/atheism
Received the confirmation of my apostasy from the diocese. I am so happy.
A couple of you have done it before probably. But, you can ask the church to remove your name from the registry of baptisms. I did it in March, and I have received the confirmation. I never was a catholic in practice, but now I can say that I am no longer part of what the number of the Church. I can no longer marry in accordance with their ritual, I can no longer be buried in accordance with the rituals, I can no longer be a godfather. I finally feel free. Being on that list felt like being a member of a political party I disapprove. For baptizing me, and for refusing to admit how they breached my right to religious determination, I t must be known that I will not forgive my parents.
I want to add that nothing could make me more happy than my apostasy except by irrevocable excommunication. According to the church, my apostasy is reversible, and I would be welcomed if I regained my faith. I would have whished for an irreversible excommunication, but sadly the church does not grant those on requests.
Submitted July 22, 2023 at 05:42AM by Practical_Title_8340 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/ujSrPoW)
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witch-of-ren · 2 years
Question: would anyone here be interested in my reverse baptism ritual?
It’s basically just breaking a Christian baptism and cleansing the body/spirit. I wrote it for a couple online friends who were interested in doing it and I’ve been meaning to do one for myself.
I’ll gladly post it here if anyone wants me to :)
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tragedynatural · 3 years
upset and angry that i did not get a crumb of how azazel taught jake his jedi mind tricks. was it blood? was there some sort of reverse baptism in hellfire ritual? could i please even get one scrap one snippet one teeny morsel of demon worldbuilding please please please
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grinoir · 3 years
The waiver of Christianity and Self-initiation
Premise: a lot of what you’re about to read will involve the “Devil”. As many historians have already proved, in the Britannic area, the Devil was another name for the King of Elphame; in the continental area, the Devil represented an umbrella-term for every sort of Deific Familiar, particularly female. That’s how every reference to the Devil is supposed to be taken, this post isn’t about Satanism.
Isobel Gowdie’s initiation (1662, Scotland) involved the repudiation of her baptism and donating herself to the Devil, while holding one hand on her head and the other on her foot. She recounts that a certain Margaret Brodie brought her to the Devil to be baptized by him; he marked her on the shoulder, sucked the blood out of that mark, and let if flow into his hand, then he let it drop on her head and baptized her in his name.
The practice of holding a hand on the head and the other on the food while recanting the baptism and donating what lies between the hands to the Devil is a practice often reported during the trials (Marie Lamont) and in folklore (R. Kirk recounts the scottish visionaries that used this rite to allow some people to see the Fairies: the person had to put their foot onto the visionary’s foot, while he put his hand on the head of the person, now the person could see whatever the visionary normally sees by watching over his right shoulder).
In the Continent, the most popular gesture of repudiation of Christianity was the desecration of the wafer by putting it under the tongue during the Holy Communion, or to step on the cross abjurating their faith in God.
The Self-initiation in the folklore of the North American colonizers was usually executed by:
Renounce to Christianity, often by repeating the Paternoster in reverse
Donating themselves to an entity of the Other Side, like the Devil or the Boogeyman, in exchange for magical powers
Exposing themselves, as in being nude or in a sexual union of some sort, even if in some cases it’s not necessary
A sign of the acceptance of the candidate as a Witch
A ceremonial sign of the passing down of magical knowledge and/or the introduction of a Familiar.
Some of these rituals also require the candidate to go up a hill or mountain bringing a spinning wheel and to express their intent to give themselves to the Devil until the wheel starts spinning on their own. Other rituals require to wash an object in a stream for days, comparing its purity and cleanliness with the freedom from the christian god.
In other recounts, there isn’t a formal initiation ritual; Alison Pearson (1588) reports simply saying “yes” to an alliance proposal from a Spirit that appeared to her.
According to many scholars, the true initiation is the Witch’s first travel to the Other World; most Witches don’t become such, but suddenly receive a vision from their Animal Familiar or Deific, or they start traveling out of their body and flying to the Ludus at a certain age.
It’s also possible that these two types of initiation (formal and informal) could happen during the first experience of spiritual flight to the Ludus; where the person receives the proof of admittance to the oniric ceremony by stepping on the cross, desecrating the wafer and being baptized from their Deific Familiar.
It could be a good practice to self-initiate once you’ve chosen your own Deific Familiar and have a stable relationship with them. In this case, the self-initiation has two purposes, to remove the christian fears and the dedication to your chosen Deific Familiar.
[TN: the original author of this article suggested a ritual of initiation that I believe to be excessive and disrespectful to other religions, one can waiver Christianity and embrace another god without going to church to get a wafer, smashing crosses and screaming into the night. I believe that, for what concerns most contemporary witches that are solitary practitioners, the initiation is the first out of body travel to the Ludus.]
[Translated and adapted from https://tradizioneitaliana.wordpress.com/2018/04/04/introduzione-alla-stregoneria-tradizionale-iv-rinuncia-alla-cristianita-e-autoiniziazione/]
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Pick a Card Reading: What's Coming in the Month Ahead?
*Disclaimer- Pick a card readings are general as they are intended for multiple people. If a message resonates with you and what's going on in your life then it is for you and if it doesn't then it's probably for someone else and you can ignore it.
If you feel drawn to more than one pile then feel free to have a look at any of them as there may be information for you in more than one. I'd be grateful for your feedback on if you enjoyed this kind of reading and if you found it helpful as this is the first pick a card I've done. I hope you enjoy and that this may be useful to you in some way! 💜
Close your eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on the cool sensation of the air entering your lungs and warm sensation as it leaves your nose. Pay attention to sounds around you, from the loudest to the quietest... Let your awareness expand. Then, ask the question, 'what is coming in the month ahead?'. Open your eyes and they will be drawn to the pile or stone that is meant for you.
Pile 1: Amethyst
Pile 2: Selenite
Pile 3: Rose Quartz
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Pile 1:
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For everyone who chose pile one, this will be a month where the focus is entirely on your personal growth and development. This is a month in which you fulfilling your dreams and goals needs to be at the forefront. The archetype card that represents you this month is The Exorcist and this is really representative of you exorcising your own demons; the little voices in your head that tell you you can't do it, that you're not good enough or that lead you towards toxic habits or people. This month, your attention needs to be on letting everything which no longer serves you go in order to focus wholeheartedly on your dream (I love how the Focus card here has purple crystals which match the amethyst... some lovely confirmation!).
The tarot shows that you have The Star, The Empress in reverse, the Wheel of Fortune in reverse, and the 10 of Pentacles. This is telling me that you have the immense potential to make your dreams a reality and that fulfilling this dream will lead to a comfortable, secure lifestyle for you and your family materially. You are like the Empress waiting for her throne to come to her, but you're the one who needs to make it happen. You need to believe in yourself. As soon as you start working on developing yourself, you'll see the wheel begin to turn in your favour. It will take hard work to kick bad habits and have the discipline and focus to develop your skills and work towards your dream, but it will be worth it.
I hope this isn't too disappointing to some of you, but for most of you I don't think the True Love card is referring to your relationship with another person, but rather it's about how you see yourself. You're going to be learning that True Love actually comes from within. Love is a quality, a state, which is born within you and which you can share with others. You never need to look further than your own heart for love. There's a need to shift your perspective on love, on the way you view it and where and how you're looking for it. You need to begin seeing yourself differently, believing in your own talent and potential and having confidence that you will succeed.
It might sound strange, but I need all you pile ones to go listen to The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston, you could even watch the music video, and make sure to pay attention to the lyrics! I started singing it to myself while doing this reading so I think it contains an important theme in this month for you and could be great inspiration.
Speaking of which, The Bard card tells me that music, songs, stories and art in general will be hugely inspirational to you this month. It could be a song you listen to, a book you read, a movie you watch... Something will motivate and inspire you and it's important that you take advantage of that inspiration. I think quite a few of you may also be aspiring 'bards' ; artists who want to share their music, art and stories with the world. I'm telling you that The Star is shining on your dreams so believe in yourself, work hard and you will have your wish! Good luck in the month ahead! 💜
Pile 2:
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, for those of you who chose pile 2 and Selenite (a stone associated with the moon) this pile seems to be very much about you getting in touch with the watery energy of your spirituality and emotions. The archetype card representing you over the next month is the Monk / Nun. Someone who has devoted them self to a spiritual life. Monks and Nuns also take vows of chastity and what I'm seeing for any of you that are interested in romance is that there is quite a bit of spiritual work you need to do on your own first before you're truly ready to open your heart to love.
The tarot cards you got, the 2 of Air (swords), the 2 of cups, the King of cups reversed and the nine of wands, are telling me that you have some underlying issues when it comes to relationships (I think mostly romantic but it could also include other kinds of relationships so take it how it resonates). I feel like there's a sense of hesitating to trust others or believe you could be in a great relationship... You have some hidden emotional blockages that you need to work through before you can be a well adjusted King of Cups with his amazing emotional intelligence, confidence and open heart. The nine of wands in this tarot deck (Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights) is actually very different from the usual imagery of the nine of wands which shows the battered warrior having won one battle yet knowing the war isn't over. This nine of wands on the other hands shows what seems to be a couple meeting each other in a quiet place for a romantic rendezvous... I take it in this case as a couple reuniting after being separated by difficult circumstances and overcoming them on their own... Now finally they can be together. That's the message for you pile 2, you have the potential to have beautiful relationships but first you need to work on the blockages that are holding you back from being able to love with all your heart.
You got the Lotus card representing 'Unfoldment'. I want you all to look up the symbol of the Lotus in Buddhist tradition, but essentially consider that the beautiful Lotus flower rises to the light of the sun out of the darkness and filth at the bottom of the pond. You may have gone through dark times in your life, but don't see yourself as tainted by them forever. You can and will overcome your past and rise, pure, clean and beautiful into the light. You can see with the Water Cleansing card just how much clear water elemental energy is present in this reading. I think doing some cleansing rituals involving water would be extremely beneficial for many of you. If you live near the sea, or a clean river, stream, spring or lake where it is safe to swim and wash yourself in the water, do go out and do so at a peaceful time of day, visualising the water washing away any past wounds and leaving you fresh again. If there's no natural body of water near you, then make up a cleansing bath (or shower) at home and do just the same, imagine the water washing away the pain and fear that no longer serve you. Almost like a baptism where the past is washed away and it's like you are born again, I see that symbolic cleansing with water will help you feel pure and clean in your body, mind and spirit and allow you to begin anew.
Rounding out the water imagery, we have the Water Faery card representing you in the month ahead and emphasising that this month is all about emotional healing and spirituality. Together with the Druid Card and It's Safe to Love card, I'm getting the message that having this period of soul searching and spiritual growth is key to healing the emotional wounds left by your past. I want to recommend all of you to do some Sacral Chakra and Heart Chakra healing meditations as I think that would be a good place to start for a lot of you. You can find guided meditations on YouTube for these. Right now I'm really getting the impression that you're experiencing blockages in these areas due to some events in your past that you've really held onto and it's stopping your loving and creative energies from flowing as they should. Once you give yourself permission to heal and let go of the pain you're holding onto, you're going to be elevating yourself and opening up to the love and connections you really deserve. Sometimes it's hard to face and reconcile with the most shadowy parts of yourself, sometimes it's actually scary to step out from the shadow because you don't know who you are without it, but I promise you all that having the bravery to start this healing process will be worth it every step of the way. Let yourself be washed clean and start afresh now.✨
Pile 3:
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OK pile 3... This is a rough time for a lot of you I can see. Right now some truths seem to have come to light in your life and you've been left feeling betrayed, deceived, lied to... It doesn't feel good, but let this reading give you hope and confirmation in the fact that you are blessed and protected.
First of all, the archetype representing you this month is the angel card. Not only is this telling me that you are a good, kind person who is not in the wrong in the situation you are in, its also a confirmation that you are surrounded by angels who are protecting and guiding you. This reading is full of angels. I counted 5 angels in all so perhaps 5 is a lucky or significant number this month (it is also the 5th month of the year!).
All the tarot cards - 7 of Air (swords), 3 of swords, and Judgement twice! - are giving me the simple message that you were being deceived or misled, but the truth has been brought to light and this left you feeling heartbroken or disappointed. But try not to give in to this feeling. Everything happens for a reason and those who did wrong will be brought to justice and those who did the right thing will receive their just rewards. Honestly, I get the feeling that you were actually protected from a worse outcome. You feel the truth coming to light ruined something for you but actually it spared you from a greater suffering and has now opened the doors to you stepping into the opportunities you really deserve. In a sense, this really is actually something to celebrate, even though it may not seem so right now.
With the Distant Thunder and Oracle cards, I'm getting the message that right now isn't the time to make any hasty decisions or take any rash action. It's important right now to watch and listen carefully to what's going on and make sure you have all the information you need before you make your next move. Don't worry, you're going to be guided to take action when the time is right and all the necessary information will be provided to you. Just keep your eyes and ears open and watch for the signs.
With this Partnership card I'm getting that this particular group has people dealing with a few different kinds of situations... For some of you this is to do with a romantic relationship, for others it's with friends or family and for others it's to do with business or education... Regardless of the specifics, I want to assure you all that you have been blessed and protected by the guides watching over you and that is something to celebrate and grateful for. Although you're disappointed now, try to have faith that what is coming to you is greater than what you had imagined previously. There are better things in store and this setback is just paving the way for you. Have a little patience and keep watch because great new opportunities are in your future!😇
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serpentstole · 3 years
Were you/is anyone able to successfully renounce their confirmation, and what are the possible consequences of such an act? Ive seen many people who have renounced their baptism since it was an oath made before they could even speak, but since confirmation is generally done by an older person (I was 12), would breaking that oath every more difficult and pose more problems after the fact, or would it be relatively similar to renouncing a baptism? Thank you!
It’s interesting that I was sent this, since it was something I was mulling over earlier this morning. I am also someone who had to go through confirmation (and at an age a little older than you, if memory serves) because my parents insisted and I wasn’t in a place where I could refuse, despite me knowing even then that I had no strong interest or feeling towards my church.
While I would argue the act of breaking the oath itself won’t be particularly difficult (as I find in life it’s far easier to break promises than to keep them) I truly cannot speak to your consequences. If you’re interested in renouncing a baptism and confirmation rather than simply converting to a new religion I imagine you’re interested in pursuing a relationship with some version of the Devil or similar entity, and those are notoriously personal and complex. Even if I had gone through it successfully at this point (which I’ve not yet done, as I’d like to get my hands on my baptism and confirmation candles for part of the ritual I have planned) what works for me might not work for you. However, confirmation has existed in the church since at least the middle ages, so I think that it’s safe to assume that any of the folkloric or historical witches we draw inspiration from when performing acts of renunciation and apostasy for the sake of a new relationship with the Devil or a similar figure did both.
I would caution you to be ready for some kind of fall out or consequences. You will be, essentially, picking a side. It’s something I was overly cautious about for a long time as I considered what I’d be willing to give up. Some people are shunned completely by saints and angels, some are not. Some people find themselves unable to use Solomonic pentacles and psalms in their magic, some do not. I believe in being braced for some level of sacrifice if you’re someone who tried to play the field magically speaking, as I did and still do to a degree. New doors will open, but other doors will likely close as you purposefully cut yourself off from God.
I will say that if you’re thinking long and hard about oaths and the consequences of breaking them, be mindful about how you choose to perform the renunciation of your baptism and confirmation. The act of simply reversing or renouncing it wipes the slate clean, so to speak, so you can be more open to future pacts and oaths. If you were to employ the historical method of putting a hand on your head, a hand beneath your feet, and swearing all between them to the Devil... that right there is a new oath, and one that will almost certainly hold consequences if you break it. While most stories I’ve had shared with me about a rejection of Christianity involve the loss of certain magic that involves those spirits and traditions, the cost of going back on your word with any figure who would wear the mantle of Devil tend to be a bit more vicious and why the topic of being an Oathbreaker is so in vogue right now. This isn’t to caution you away from it, mind you. It’s a path I look forward to walking. Just be choosy about your methods, and think about what you want to accomplish with them. Know your terms and conditions before you sign any new contracts, so to speak.
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