#revolut card
katherine-thenomad · 1 year
Voluntariados sin visa, mientras vives experiencias transformadoras
|| Quédate hasta el final para desbloquear tu código espacial de descuento 🌎🤑||
Cada vez más personas sienten la necesidad de realizar voluntariados en distintas partes del mundo. Además, al involucrarse en proyectos solidarios, se tiene la oportunidad de generar un impacto positivo en la sociedad y contribuir al bienestar de las comunidades locales. Sin olvidar la experiencia de viaje y de intercambio cultural que esto implica.
Y si buscas experiencias para darle un giro a tu vida, si consideras tomarte un "gap year", o "año sabático", si piensas en tomarte unas vacaciones diferentes con la opción de ahorrar en alojamiento y comida, o si simplemente llegaste hasta aquí... pues por algo será. Sigue leyendo.
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Estas experiencias puede ser muy enriquecedoras, favorecen el crecimiento personal y la adquisición de habilidades útiles. Sin duda, realizar voluntariado es una experiencia que debes probar al menos una vez en la vida y gracias a este post verás lo sencillo que puede ser.
¿Qué pensarías si te digo que puedes intercambiar tus habilidades a cambio de recibir alojamiento gratis, beneficios únicos, experimentar inmersión cultural, generar un impacto positivo y conectar con otros viajeros como tú con una visión amplia del mundo y sed de aventura? Te digo que es real y muchos viajeros llevan años viviendo estas experiencias.
Si estás dispuesto a ayudar a un anfitrión por un par de horas a la semana y cambio recibir alojamiento gratis y otros beneficios como: comida, actividades locales, ayuda con el transporte y descuentos en tours e incluso tours gratuitos; sigue leyendo este post porque estás a un paso de cambiar tu vida y tu visión de los viajes.
¿Cómo y dónde puedo empezar?
Worldpackers.com es un sitio web fantástico que te brinda la oportunidad de viajar por el mundo mientras realizas trabajo voluntario. Al ofrecer tus habilidades y servicios, puedes recibir alojamiento y, a menudo, hasta tres comidas al día. Es una forma genial de explorar nuevos lugares, conocer personas interesantes y hacer una diferencia en el mundo al mismo tiempo.
Aquí no importa tu edad, nacionalidad, género o condición socio-económica. Y así viajes durante tus vacaciones, durante un período sabático o porque simplemente viajar te apasiona y te gustaría vivir de ello, viajar como voluntario Worldpacker es siempre posible y factible. Especialmente porque tendrás tiempo para conocer un nuevo destino, encontrar tu propósito y conocer otras maneras de vivir. Ya que después de colaborar en ONGs, Ecovillas, hosteles, comunidades o en la experiencia que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades y deseos, puedo asegurarte que tu vida dará un cambio positivo.
Además, ¡puedes optar entre más de 140 países! mientras te sumerges en la cultura local, aprendes o prácticas otros idiomas y conectas.
En www.worldpackers.com encontrarás una gran variedad de oportunidades de voluntariado, desde ser promotor de fiestas, ayudar con las redes sociales y páginas web, crear contenido digital, trabajar en granjas en el campo, realizar proyectos de permacultura, promover el turismo, -desconectar para conectar- en un centro holístico, ayudar con proyectos de pintura y decoración, hasta enseñar idiomas. El lugar lo eliges tú, tanto si prefieres la playa, las montañas o las grandes ciudades. Las opciones son muy diversas y están en la palma de tu mano.
Con Worldpackers, puedes diseñar tu viaje de la manera que quieras, y además, contribuir a una causa valiosa. ¡No pierdas la oportunidad de ser parte de esta emocionante comunidad!
Conviertiéndote en miembro de la comunidad Worldpackers, puedes escoger entre viajar solo o en pareja. Si viajas solo, el costo de la membresía básica es de 49 $, y con mi código de descuento tan solo 39 $. Viajar en dupla (con tu pareja o amigos) cada uno paga apenas 29 $. ¡Y la membresía es válida por un año!
¿Quisieras ganarte un billete de avión de hasta 500 $?
Convierte en miembro antes del 31/07/2023 y ten la oportunidad de ser premiado 🎉✈️
También podrás contactar con miles de anfitriones y obtener diferentes beneficios como:
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¿Qué esperas para darle una chequeada a todas las oportunidades disponibles?
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Además, lo que estarás realizando es una experiencia de viaje y no un trabajo propiamente, pues no hay salario de por medio. Tampoco realizarás un voluntariado oficial, pues no firmarás por ninguna ONG (en la mayoría de los casos, si es que no son todos). Entonces, lo que muchos viajeros de la comunidad hacemos es simplemente viajar con la Visa de Turista, respetamos los 90 días en zona Schenguen, por ejemplo, y luego partimos a otros destinos fuera de esta área.
Revisa el límite de días y las condiciones de entrada según las normas de tu país. Te recomiendo que leas este post, y sepas de las experiencias de otros viajeros worldpackers respecto a visados y permisos de viaje.
Si deseas realizar diferentes voluntriados worldpackers por más de 90 días, puedes leer este post en el que te explico los trucos para entrar y salir de zona Schenguen. Todo de forma legal.
Si estás listo para aventurarte a tu primera experiencias worldpackers ¡Te regalo un descuento especial de bienvenida!
Ingresa aquí, o ingresa mi CÓDIGO ESPECIAL DE DESCUENTO: KATHERINEREGALADOC y estarás un paso cerca de experimentar una profunda experiencia cultural y empezar una vida de aventura digna de un nómade.
También, no dudes en dejarnos un mensaje si tienes alguna duda, deseas contarnos tus experiencias o si quieres saber cómo convertirte en un socio afiliado worldpackers.
| Para enviar, ahorrar y gastar de forma más inteligente en cada destino, te liberes de las altas comisiones, viajes seguro y disfrutes de descuentos exclusivos |
Esto y más, en: 🌎https://www.yosoynomade.com
Sígueme en Instagram: @katherine_regaladoc
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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Full Snow Moon in Virgo ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
The last Full Moon of the astrological year was on 24 Feb🌝Before we delve into the exciting new astrological year, the Snow Moon in Virgo invites us to take stock of how we feel about areas of Life ruled by the 6th House of health and routine; House of public service and how we fare at the workplace🧘🏻‍♀️
There’s a need to change up some aspects of our routines so that our physical health can be in balance with our mental health. When the body is healthy (and pretty✨) the mind is at ease. All tasks become easier to navigate and thus we produce higher-quality work. Before the new astrological year begins, let’s get shinin’, from the inside and outside✨✨
Earlier this year, Pluto moved to Aquarius (finally!), signalling the start of an era that will be super exciting for the next 20 years. The year 2024 is a truly significant one for all people resonating with being a Lightworker, Starseed, and even Mystic. It’s also the year many real Twin Flames and Starseeds are going to awaken to the Truth of their reason for being born. Older Twin Flames are even going to begin moving into Union starting this year. Honestly, the year 2024 is going to be a fun ride for many that are more spiritually-based—those of you who know from deep within yourself that you’re meant to be of service to the world🌷
Virgo is the sister sign of Pisces. Virgo represents self-undoing and Pisces represents self-sacrifice—or maybe it’s the other way around LMAO Ultimately, this axis is all about sacrificing oneself for the service of another and it is essentially such a beautiful concept because it is fundamentally, Love. However, to express this aenergy properly, your body needs to be strong and healthy so your mental faculty functions sanely and reasonably. Virgo is the Body that performs service; Pisces is the Soul that fuels service.
Virgo is quite notorious for its preoccupation with perfection, so we will need to learn to be gentler with ourselves and to be more free in our pursuit of high quality. In many ways, this Full Snow Moon in Virgo could also be significant for those of you who have Chiron or Saturn in Virgo/6th House, as well as Chiron or Saturn conjunct Venus, for these placements could make a person super critical of certain aspects of their physical appearance.
If you have any of these placements/aspects, there’s a need to learn to understand where these preoccupations stem from and to transmute any senses of a body image issue back into compassionate acceptance of the normalcy of your body🧜🏻‍♀️This FM is prime time for releasing thoughts of what’s wrong with your perfectly functioning body. If you’re gonna work on yourself, work with Love with what you already have and improve healthily with Love and respect towards that body that’s working hard to hold your Soul together🤪
Healthy improvements come from full acceptance and that probably requires a great deal of self-awareness—awareness of what’s reasonable and what’s not😊This FM until the upcoming Spring Equinox, learn to be of genuine service to yourself by loving every aspect of your body and current state of being, wherever you may be in the world and whatever stage of Life you’re at, at the moment. You’ll feel like a brand-new person with a renewed sense of confidence by the time the Sun moves into Aries🐏
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Pile 1 – Let the Stream Take You Where You’re Meant to Be
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h a b i t – 7 of Wands Rx
It seems to me you’ve come from quite a harsh background when it comes to human interactions/relations. But you’re such a gentle soul and this makes you rather prone to solitude and avoiding conflicts. Basically, you can’t stand bearing witness to people being ugly to each other. To some extent, you can be quite terrified of scolding, even constructive criticism, because it triggers so much trauma response in you, or at a minimum, it’s giving war flashbacks.
In that sense, you’re quite the pacifist at the workplace or in your friend groups. The right people appreciate that you’re calm and collected and cooperative, but the wrong ones tend to take advantage of your penchant for harmony. In some sense, some really evil souls could even be triggered by your sheer presence because they can smell your ‘weakness’.
These evil ones notice that you��re inauthentic—because you’re anxious all the time—and can’t stand your ground, so this becomes an ‘invitation’ for them to be a menace to you.
r o u t i n e – 5 of Pentacles
The way I see it, you’re only gonna fight back when you’re already cornered to the max. Like that proverb that says something along the lines of ‘even a mouse that’s cornered will try to kill the cat’ or something. But it didn’t sit right with you whenever that happened in the past, right? Or at least, just the idea of it is not very pleasant. Being too patient with others doesn’t serve you well if you’re inauthentic and can’t state your case.
This FM in Virgo is inviting you to release any desperate need to be liked and perceived as a people-pleasing entity. You have such a strong mind and you have it in you to become a leader. So, if you can, and if it matters, use this period, this aenergy to assist you in healing parts of your personality that you’ve perceived as lacking or bad or terrible or plain wrong.
Taking from your aenergy, I don’t think that’s true at all. I think you were gaslit into believing that your strength of character and your assertive voice are too much.
r i t u a l – Ace of Wands Rx
Ace of Wands is a highly charged aenergy. It’s full of motivation and inspiration. In reverse, this is saying you first need to calm your nerves down before you get on with your day. It would be a good idea to practice breathing meditation first thing in the morning, perhaps just 2-3 mins, before you start the day. And if it’s your style, you could try hyping yourself up in the mirror LMAO ‘You’re a bad bitch and there’s nothing you can’t achieve. You’ve got this, bitch.’
This FM in Virgo, try not to run away from conflicts anymore if you know you’re not in the wrong. Stand your ground. Stop letting people walk all over you. Speak clearly and authoritatively. And get grinding at the things that truly matter to you. And if you need a change of environment for the sake of your development, do it. This is the time for that—Spring Equinox is just around the corner!
Ugly people stressing you out are only making your skin look bad, hon~ You deserve a prettier environment, ugh.
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – You Belong Where It’s Easy for You to Love
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h a b i t – VI The Lovers Rx
You’ve been disappointed in people more than anybody else you could think of. The heaviness in your heart is not easy to verbalise and others can’t even begin to imagine. The scars of past terrible relations—whether professional or romantic or whatever—take a lot longer to heal than most others not because you’re lame or weak. You get hurt more by this sort of thing because your heart is pure—when you trust, you trust with ALL of your heart and soul.
You’re intense like that and yeah, this could be to your detriment or whatever, but because I’m a selfish bitch, lemme tell you that being intense like that isn’t a downfall of yours; if anything, it’s a superpower to feel so much. It’s your environment that’s not deserving of all your affection. So it’s a good idea to learn from the past and exercise discernment—discrimination, even.
Know that you belong in a beautiful pond of consciousness with other flowers who are just as soft and kind as yourself and not in a battlefield sprinkled with hard eggshells around which you tippy-toe like a stupid bitch😏
r o u t i n e – 6 of Cups
For quite a while now, you’ve been yearning to be in a more beautiful spectrum of Reality. There’s this feeling of always wanting to run away from ugly, conflicty situations and you’re right to feel so. These nudges are coming from your Higher Self, telling you it’s time to move realities. Like birds migrating to a warmer, more abundant place when it’s time to do so. Your Higher Self has been reminding you of your innate power to shift realities.
I sense many of you who have chosen this Pile resonate with being a witch? Or at least you’re big on spiritual technologies like tarot, astrology, subliminals, reiki, frequency healing, reality-shifting potions and some such? This Snow Moon is inviting you to invite a more positively loving Reality for yourself through the conscious choice of calling that Reality to be yours.
It has to be conscious followed by practical actions, no matter how small, because your Higher Self is training you to become a Wizard! One day you will be helping those you love to manifest the way you do~ WOW, who are you, bro? ksksksksk
r i t u a l – 2 of Cups
Hmm…you’re such a magical being, am I sure I’m tapping into a Human consciousness here? LOL You have a very high-level Soulmate guiding you from the aethers in terms of your navigating physical Reality. I feel like, around and during the time of the Snow Moon on 24 Feb you were probably feeling some sort of a calling for something higher, more pure, more spiritual, you’re meant to pursue in this lifetime. I do sense there’s a feeling like you need to move locations as well (for some) or perhaps simply change up some aspects of your home environment.
Perhaps, some of you felt the need to change up something about your diet and exercise routines. Well, that’s most in alignment with the intro of this PAC so this is your confirmation that you’re on track already. What else can I give you? hahah You’re well on your way to balancing every aspect of your beingness—mind body and soul as ONE—and this is literally the foundation of high-quality positive manifestations.
You’re so loved and protected, and your Spirit Guides are tremendously proud of how far you’ve made it~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – You’ve Got Impactful Stories You Haven’t Even Begun to Whisper to Anybody~
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h a b i t – Ace of Cups Rx
Are you happy with the version of yourself you’re showing to the world? Do you love that persona yourself? Is this an ideal portrayal of who you truly are?
I don’t think you’re a sneaky bitch trying to accomplish something sinister in the world—because if that were the case I’d love this aenergy so much LMAO Rather, you’re simply hiding a lot of true colours—your real thoughts and emotions that are actually quite substantial—because you’re afraid of getting rejected. You don’t so much fear getting mocked or teased; you fear that internalised feeling of being denied your true personality.
Doing this to yourself hurts more than others rejecting you, if you really think about it, because you’re the one person who’s rejecting yourself before anybody else even gets the chance to do that. You’re already telling yourself that your ideas and everything important you have to say to contribute to a cause or a discussion wouldn’t be accepted, wouldn’t matter…
r o u t i n e – Page of Wands
This FM in Virgo is inviting you to take a real deep look into these psychological imbalances, so you can unravel the threads of fear… aaand… self-gossip… sooo you can transform yourself for the next couple of decades that are promised to be incredibly exciting!
Sometimes, people who are only learning to voice their thoughts/opinions/ideas convincingly can come across as rude. Presumptuous, at the minimum. You know how children are with their bold honesty hahah But don’t be afraid of making these ‘mistakes’ no matter your age; you are finally in the learning phase of your Life to know how to take up space in the world. You’ll mellow out when you’re older LOL The most important thing is that you make the effort to learn to tell your stories.
No more biting your tongue when it matters. Let’s say you’ll be in this awkward teenage phase when it comes to speaking up and mingling. You’re learning what being part of a society is all about, carrying yourself out at public functions with weird fervour AHAHAH Let’s not be afraid of making a fool out of yourself because after all, you’re incredibly intelligent. You’ll get the hang of it in no time at all~
r i t u a l – 8 of Swords
Ultimately, every silly scenario you’ve been afraid of, all of this impostor syndrome, is all a prison of your own mind. Maybe you can’t see it now but one day when you’ve calmed down and can see things for what they truly are, you’ll see just how much people do actually like you :D
You’re like the only person who’s keenly observant of all your failings and imperfections, again, actually because you’re intelligent. But you’re just being too harsh on yourself. So much so that often you’re quite numb to the presence of admirers. I do sense this self-image issue may have stemmed from a childhood in which adults were punishingly critical of your smallest mistakes. They didn’t know how to value you, so now you don’t know how to value you.
This calm and serene Snow Moon in Virgo is inviting you to release all of these false narratives that weren’t even created by you. Forgive yourself and promise yourself you’re gonna do great in the future in a manner that’s faithful to your true personal values. Your daydreams matter and they can manifest if you give yourself a chance to try. Focus instead on the praises you receive from those who do truly see your good because those views are a lot closer to the truth of your loveliness~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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ic-napology · 21 days
I finally published my Napoleonic Tarot deck and it's finally online to purchase!✨️
I first designed and drew this deck at Illustration school. I also discovered the Tarot cards' meaning in general just then. If you apply any theme to it, the Major Arcana may build a full tale about it. An eventful life such as Napoleon's can't not be quite fitting!
Hope you enjoy it!✨️
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dark-falz · 1 year
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
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Pennant of Revolution
"If another card(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can add 1 'Liberty at Last!' from your Deck or GY to your hand. At the start of the Damage Step, if a Synchro Monster battles a monster: You can destroy your opponent's battling monster. If this card in the Spell & Trap Zone would be destroyed by a card effect, you can destroy 1 monster you control instead. You can only use each effect of 'Pennant of Revolution' once per turn."
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jettvector · 10 months
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scorching moon
my take on the song and title card for "scorching moon" by shawn the horny master (from ddr extreme for ps2 + ddr supernova)
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18th-century-bitch · 5 months
I want to see the founding fathers play cards against humanity
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運命だってさー unmei datte sa—/because it’s DESTINED for you, bitch!
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Moon Day 11 & 12 in Taurus→Gemini/Waxing Gibbous
M o o n N a v i ♥︎ XVII The Star
WTF! A Major Arcana on this day I felt like channelling about your Destiny?! It’s meant to be, baby~ On this Waxing Gibbous moon day, get clear about your higher destination—your Destiny—and gather the courage to believe that you’re worthy of ALL you dream to see manifest in your Reality! Too many people are prevented from their Destiny by society. This needs to STOP! OK?
Destiny is a thing that often feels big and this could make people question themselves. But if your Destiny doesn’t scare you, is it even worth fighting for?! That’s the thing with achieving greatness, right? Any time you feel like the path you feel a calling to is a lonely one, that it seems impossible, remember that you totally ain’t alone in this!
Bitch, you do remember you’ve got your ancestors and Spirit Guides working hard behind the scenes because they want to see you succeed, right? Never fear mistakes or even failures when you’re welcoming the invitation of your Destiny. You’re never braving this world alone; not really, no. So go be a Fool and start directing your own Movie.
You see, the true value of success can only be measured by how satisfied you are with your own choices. Now go write your own Story, Y/N!📝
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Priestess of Intuition ♡ Affirmations
‘Exactly three keywords are associated with the Priestess of Intuition: VISIONARY, INSPIRED, DREAMS COME TRUE. You have the power to rattle the stars! You can demand authoritatively that you’re offered a job that showcases your true spiritual talents. You can demand with healthy confidence payment that suits your spiritual contribution to the world. You have the power to rattle the stars, so start acting like the magical main character of your own Story!’
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tekabecca114 · 8 months
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*gets ass kicked by a boss in PSOep3*
[peter griffin voice] I have to draw you
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usamingif · 8 months
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"しゅがーはぁと☆レボリューション" + "秘密のトワレ" honey magia of the endless night, airi totoki
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natimiles · 3 months
Jonah Card: Let Me Kiss You
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When I started playing ikerev again, I got this card. Now, every time I open the game, I stare at this beauty and listen to his lovely voice (he kills me slowly when he whispers).
So, lemme share it with you guys. Have a video with his lines under the cut, hehe!
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
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Full Beaver Moon in Gemini ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
(I’m ultra-sorry for this PAC being ultra-late!! I’ve been in deep, intense spiritual rehab🙏🏻Also, y’all have NO idea how much psychotic psychic ‘opposition’ I was fighting to get through with this PAC! It was plain insanity at this point. If you’ve found this PAC and you resonate, please, PLEASE, take care of your spiritual wellbeing and amp up your psychic protection for next year!)
Collectively speaking, the whole of Mankind is being prepared for a massive transformation that, hopefully, will lead to real, lasting harmony and prosperity. It is high time Mankind grew up and learnt to be responsible for the choices it makes in regards to co-Creation with the Universe. Where attention goes, aenergy goes, right?
Every man’s priority and perspective hold the power to shape—and reshape—Reality. For realz. For we are all part of that same fabric of Reality, we are constantly, with each other, co-Creating various spectrum of experiences that affect each other’s wellbeing. It’s inevitable. Your attention is what gives power to the Matrix. If you want to beat the System, you need to learn its mechanism and ultimately, stop giving your attention to Reality creation that doesn’t serve the highest good of all of Mankind.
Full Beaver Moon was on November 27. Its effects can still be felt by most peeps until at least April Fool’s next year (funny). This full moon is second to last before this year’s final Full Cold Moon on December 26, which will be in Cancer; and so the meaning of this Beaver Moon is for us to gather as much resource as possible before the cold winter.
For this Beaver Moon is in Gemini—the sign of thinking and learning—this implies gathering info, perspective, knowledge, intel as much as possible for us to study and digest all throughout winter. Sounds funny but trust me this will be SO relevant by spring next year. The aenergy I’m tapping into is super intense as the whole of Mankind is being ushered into a phase of rapid growing pains that will affect societies on a global scale.
Death of an old paradigm. Death of the 3D Self. It’s all happening. If you identify as a Lightworker or a Starseed, the message you find here could potentially be more relevant to you than most other peeps you know in your circle. You’re in gestation mode. Get ready because spring might be…weird?
It’s high time Mankind learnt to be responsible for its real power of co-Creation. Those who are more spiritually attuned have always had a craving for a freer, more authentic existence. Use this time to rest your heart, your mind, your soul, and let your Higher Self show you the way towards new avenues and grounds for things and pursuits you’ve always felt a calling to.
Even your weirdest hobbies and interests are no coincidence, hon. 2024 will probably not allow anyone to have a stagnant time—for better or worse… But you? You’re going to have a blast! I just know it🥂
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Pile 1 – Spread Your Wings and Fly Away
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resource – 3 of Pentacles
I hope you acknowledge just how resourceful you are as a person. On top of that, you’re naturally courageous. If you feel like you’re not that brave, it must’ve been your environment and the people you’ve met that have dimmed that fire in you. It is now time to reclaim your authentic voice. And you need to begin with acknowledging just how much your environment is stifling your creativity and/or originality. It is only by understanding the patterns that have shaped the way you view yourself can you then unravel that false perception that, you could say, was imposed on you.
Don’t kill your inner child to please the adults around you—no matter who these adults may be (they could be your peers if you’re already an adult yourself). When you were born into this world you carried seeds of courage, creativity and invention. All of these are such precious gifts for Mankind. You were supposed to develop yourself as one of the new builders of New Earth. You may have forgotten the minute details of your blueprint, but I know that you know it in your heart of hearts that this is the truth of your reason for being born :D
recollection – XVII The Star
You’re literally the only Pile that’s gotten a Major Arcana. Surely you know you’re a Starseed? :D If you don’t, you soon will. Perhaps your parents know something about the ‘waves of volunteers’ that was quite a topic back in the 60s or 70s? (I’m not duper sure about the timeline lol) At any rate, you have a great destiny ahead of you and it is imperative that you acknowledge this of yourself first before you’re launched into initiation*. What’s that about, you ask?
Many of your latent talents that may still be offline right now will gradually be uncovered for you. Throughout 2024, I’m sure you will experience many awakenings of sort that will propel you into remembering bits and pieces of talents you had acquired in other lifetimes. All of these gifts, are your gifts to Humanity. There is a divine reason why you’ve had to work so hard for your own personal transformation before you could assist others in helping themselves transform their paradigm. OK?
respite – 10 of Cups Rx
It is rather common for Starseeds to feel like the family they were born into, isn’t the family they belong to. Many Starseeds even find themselves look quite visibly physically different from the rest of their family. There’s just something there that seems to act as a bridge between your entire existence and theirs. You don’t think the same way; your moralities totally clash; the essences of your values are worlds apart; and so on. You’re right, these people aren’t the people you’re meant to call ‘family’. Their only purpose is to show you how ‘crazy’ develops in people, all for you to learn to navigate it and put an end to generational curses on Planet Earth. And thus it begins at ‘home’.
I have a feeling that for many of you reading this, there is an elder in your family—a much older elder—whom you could actually talk to, who would be able to share information about circumstances surrounding your birth or the bloodline you are born into. In another scenario, this person may not be older but simply possesses immense knowledge pertaining to your raison d’etre or even Life Purpose. In yet another scenario, it may not necessarily be a family member but rather, a teacher, a divine someone you meet serendipitously, or some random-ass wise Boomer you watch on YouTube who holds ideas and perspectives that make you feel seen and validated.
The period from this Full Beaver Moon until at least April next year may involve a lot of healthy grieving. Let yourself feel those emotions and feel Human. You deserve a safe space to be yourself and see all your dreams manifest. You’ve got this, OK? One day you will be serving the Light by sharing your stories😊
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
*I’ve included further technical interpretations of what this ‘initiation’ means for Lightworkers and Starseeds in the bonus content🐛
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Pile 2 – Where Have You Come From and Where Are You Going, Dear Traveller?
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resource – 7 of Cups Rx
In your childhood, I feel like you were forced to grow up faster than your peers. Your environment was not exactly friendly to the dreams and imaginations of a child. So you grew up to become practical, pragmatic and responsible rather quickly. But it was really hard to grow up like that because you, the real you, are a visionary. A visionary is someone who has many dreams and wild ideas, and in the right environment, a quality like that would’ve been much, much more celebrated! In the wrong environment, a dreaminess such as that is stifled.
This FM in Gemini invites you to revisit this dreaminess of yours because in your imaginations and daydreams lies the map of your Soul. Where have you come from and where are you going, dear visionary? Understanding your place in the world helps you gain insight about your Life Purpose, so to speak. What gifts have you brought into this world to share with Humanity? What challenges have you come face to face that have shaped your unique skills and perceptions?
recollection – 6 of Cups
Your home environment, your family and society have shaped the person that you are. It is important to understand your ‘roots’, kinda, so you know your strengths and weaknesses when standing in the midst of society. The rich kid from the upper echelons of society will possess skills and knowledge the poor kid from the hood wasn’t fed with. But likewise, the poor kid from the hood will possess perspectives and street smarts that are very unique in comparison to the shielded experiences of most privileged kids. Something like that.
One is not necessarily superior to the other. It’s mostly about understanding where you’ve come from and where these experiences, skills and perspectives could get you. Know your own uniqueness and use that to serve Humanity as you use that to take care of yourself and those you care about. A true sense of success can only come from being useful to other people, for the most part…unless you’re a psychopath XD
respite – King of Pentacles
You have so many natural talents that could make you money, that much I’d like to reaffirm. But more importantly than money, it’s that you have such a strong penchant for true leadership. If you work with your Throat chakra, you could become a very appealing public speaker. You could convince people to join your causes. But to become a true leader of the new world, you must possess good morality, so don’t forget to take care of your Solar Plexus and Heart chakras, so you don’t fall into the trapping of manipulation through speech.
Honestly, I think you are such a good person in spite of all the mental/psychological hardships you’ve had to grow up with. Calm your nerves down and enjoy slow moments with, idk, camomile tea or lavender bath, every now and then? Relaxation practices like breathing meditation, or even just fixing your sleeping pattern/schedule, could help you get in touch with your inner child again and I feel that this is something that will be important for you throughout this winter☃️Everything about your Life will become a lot clearer by spring, trust that😉
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Let the Past Die and Live on For Your Soul Tribes
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resource – 3 of Cups
Honey, it’s time for you to rejoice. You’ve been through so much disappointment, so much heartbreak, and people have betrayed and abandoned you, and you’ve come through nevertheless. Surely that deserves some kind of karmic reward? Your Spirit Guides, your Soul Family, are applauding you for all you’ve been through. I think you’ve worked hard on yourself. Releasing yourself from past pains, distancing yourself—to the best of your ability—from toxic people and environments, and you’re about ready to serve your Dharmic Purpose.
I know many of you reading this will resonate with having worked on transmuting a lot of generational karma, but plenty of you tapping into this reading have even worked on transmuting geological karma and curses. The geographical location you were born into or the race you were born into, collectively speaking these kinds of things also carry generational curses based on terrible things that have happened on that location. I’d like you to know that you’ve done so much just by existing! You are the magic, the miracle that you’ve been hoping to see in the world🐣
recollection – Page of Pentacles
You’re an individual of many talents, but I’m sure there’s like 2 or 3 things you’re INSANELY good at. Do you know what they are? If you focus all of your aenergy on just these few main talents, you will literally shift your whole Reality to a much higher bandwidth! Try it. By focusing on just these few main pursuits, I sense you will be attracting your Soul Tribes at a much faster rate. I’m seeing these pulsating energetic vortexes that represent you and your Soul Tribes currently incarnate on Earth. These vortexes are spinning and expanding so rapidly that you and your Soul Tribes are magnetising each other into your morphogenetic fields—essentially, your Realities.
You and your Soul Tribes literally have unique missions on Earth and when you meet and collab, everything is going to make sense for you. These seemingly different groups of people are doing things (or exist in industries) that are similar to your own interests and visions for the world. I sense you may have felt a calling to be part of a certain industry and you’ve been studying and preparing yourself for that. ATTENTION! THIS. IS. NOT. RANDOM. You are being manifested by that industry if anything LMAO You have a place there so keep going!🌾
respite – 2 of Cups Rx
With all of that said, let this reading be your confirmation that you can make the choice to die to everyone and everything that doesn’t align with this vision in your mind that you know comes from your Soul. Be a ghost. Hustle in quiet. Don’t spill the beans until they are ready for planting. And when you plant, plant with your Soul Family and not those who are only pretending to be there for you so they can take advantage of you later!
Connections with your real Soul Tribes are going to feel effortlessly uplifting on top of being respectful of boundaries. Interactions and exchanges with your real Soul Tribes are never going to make you feel icky. Trust your gut instinct when you feel that someone you’ve come to trust is probably manipulating you with kind or sweet words imbued with some dishonourable intent. You’re probably right but let’s not take chances; you’ve had enough, so keep your brains about you, too. Best to use this time to build—or rebuild—your world of everything that makes Life worth living🎂
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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dark-falz · 1 year
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which member runs this blog?
Oh no, I'm not actually on the committee? Technically. See, things were shuffled around in the central government and I'm now more-or-less a go-between for the committee and, well... everyone else.
They can access the page itself, though, although I wonder when they'd have the time for it, with all the work piling up. Just something to keep in mind, especially because I really, really don't want to have to explain to Hérault de Séchelles what a "Tumblr Sexyman" is.
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clownkiwi · 2 months
im in the "thinking of playing the original deus ex" era rn. that'll probably last a day or two
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 4 months
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⭐ Luka Clemence - I Love You ⭐
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